E i Ctc ilittsturto etairttt, SCHOOLMASTER CUPID =3 To Jupiter was horn a sou Of - rareSt genius; such an one -In wit and beauty as, indeed, • - 1 • From such a, source might w 11 proceed. But moat his sire the son displayed '1 • In that, s courtier ready-made Be knew instinctive, all the arts That serve to gain and_govern hearts. But Jov weal: teach this favOrite son. Whate• r by study might be wen, And io obedient to his nod, 1 ' Around him came each lesser god, • And al k iwerebidden to impart er of Science or of Art " They new; , that so the boy might:lle • Well *creed in all that such as he, ' • • The Thunderers offspring, should acquire T 0 Mee, the...eon of such - • The summonedgods no sooner heard ' • Their sovereiztes scheme, than all concurred ll*PrOnitsintihe best they can To carry outso wise a.plan, Atars, , .."l•llleach him all . ..* l .Thareutts a soldier brave,and tail; And warlike arts. the lad shall knoir That he•martriumph o'er t he foe On battle-gelde, and win a name To swell the the loudest trump of Famel" • ' • And lir eel& PhcebuS, "belt mine to teach him eloquence divine, . And muslc,.sueb as ,ninved the trees' When Orpheus played his melodies " "And I,' said Vulcan; ••will impart My cunning idiot:chant° art, So that the; ad with matchless skill, May fasnion weapons at his will•••• - "dad 1;" said Bercules, "will show Horeonco slew, the Netuean foe, e And,teach the boy to gull • Tife Hydra.videe; and, compel The monster, Luxury, to by , Abashed gefore his gaming eye !" Cupid, speaking last of all As seemed beetling one so small. • .'" "All arts. are mine.-'and all 1 know Will I upon the lad bestow 1" "Well spoken Cupid,' ' answered then The stiThing.king of gods and men— Not Phcebus, Mars, or Hercules ...Can do the feats which thou, with ease Performest clally...Bc It thine . To. educate the son of mine; • For who of all the gods above 1 AA strength and wisdom equals Love ? I EPEENERIS. —Patti is supposed to, be, married by this —John Brougham is hard at work on his ne - w. novel. —The corn crop of Virginia waisaved by the_recent rains.. • —Kossuth is writing a twlve volume his tory of Hungary: --Naw wells are being constantly struck now at Pleasantville. -Air-bathing establishments exist among the 'Rhenish mountains. I —Mrs. lelverton basleft - Florida and is now reading in Georgia. —Robert Lincoln is said bear a stslk , ing resemblance to his father. —521,864 are raised yearly in the State of Vermont by the taxation, of dog& —Undine still goes on swinurtingly, at Crosby's Opera - House in Chicago. —Schneider .Was only moderately sue qesful as La Belle Helene in London. —The latest agony is to play croquet at night by the light of Chinese lanterns. • —Two thoueand of the six thousand visi tors now at.Lorik BranCh live in` cottages. —The assassinated Prince pf Sends left private propertY • worth ',eleven millions of dollar& , -S F. B..3forse hai given $lO,OOO to wards erecting a %new Divinity Hall at Yale bollege. • —Aridensonville, 't .'foreyer infamous, takes three Mindy- .. -• .; :tithe .1a Crosse _.Demoetat.: —Patent ...dies whose natl are for 'sale la .4.74tri 2 is to spend the fall and -•-• cut, some place east of :" - ..a.AiCo; • one' Aervlr in _ . , a 'cottage, when the cottage is . -. - 4ted at Newport, can be stylish and ex- Nv pensive, as ellisizornantic. , —,-There is an. overwhelming corner in Cantidian'petroleum ; all brought, about by one Judge .ITiggins of Chicago. —The grain business at Chicago is very dull . Thitty grain -Carrying vessels are ly • 'ing idle there. Micawberizing: Darcuny engines run by compresied air are taking the place or horses .on the 'atreet railways in New Orleans . . . 1 —Seven hundred emigrants arrived at York ,on the steamship Herrmann, from - Bremen, on Saturdayaftemoon. • —Since—the _Abyssinian expedition, w beef dressed with pepper and mustard has, become nfas-hionable.dish in England. I • —The elephant Romeo,,,who, for so long a time, has behaved decorously, has again forgotten Idmielf •and gone off one, tear. —The various Trades Unions of N ew , York City contemplate - erecting a grand iublic hall, in which to hold then various —Judge Chase and Mrs. Sprague were at _a very elegant "entertainment given in their honor the other night-On' Madison avenue. New — Tprk.- , ?; ' "' , —Hepworth Dixon acorns the idea of ing to Parliament. He prefers writinz bad books full of outrageous ' sunders concern.. iag A America. . : - • =There is an_ =ewd dearth of exciting events het now ail' over the country. Al rerady-Orant's prayer for peace seems to be having effect. —lt might , perhaps be' well for the people - to be a little particular about the beefthey buy filet nci. Trichinae isn't a, circuint , stance to alinderpeat. Philadelphia has the Nuli Crook again. This time it fiat Eooth's theatre—that - of "Walnut street,--and MOrlacchi, Diani and Leah are the.prertifetideinieufee,', —The recelpti4iorn customs from July 20 to July, 25 .inclusive were as , follows: BOs., j9 ll , $388,480; New Yorlit $2,298,856; Phtl adelphia, $247,846; . .Baltimore,,slBl,9l2.l , --Eeport, which so often tells" fibi,, says that Mrs. Lincoln is' not: So ill as has been asserted, and, that she will go to Europe in the Cunard vessel which leaves - New Yoth ...`i • —Ten young girls in Vienna plied to the Ocivernment for permission} to : change their religion; they wish to - embrace the 'Jewish faith in Miter to marry smite" 70ing _ • 1, 12 —Quite a number of housed in Philadel phia? *Licht:l:lre — been closed . forthe,SeaSe'n *till? their off,•sununerin g „ have been' burgladously entered and robbt4,-, in main s :2-tartfard hal-gait= out the hotted story of all; A - than he that elitirinyi fr d i4 land 01 - fiklYii * A l 4C.$4° got eo high that. fie blisteied his fingess when 4,emlited to Inefitl*the#tinseter.'', _Eyidentiy , *e !,sitnis ,tro u bled /04e ' ' Magi PrettYPlucht B- ` , Wegte§',Utifor ti IT ' , =a fr••=i , i MEM ..ylrf: - .*:) . 1” a!r,-it . . . . the Erie Dispatch says, "those cow feedin the park nights will find the very much improved-since the rain. —The reason that Miss Kellogg is not to marry Bierstadt Is that Bierstadt is dready married to a lady; very muchmole beautiful E than Miss Kellogg, and who used to be Mrs. -Fitz Hugh Ludlow. _ —Patti's star.paledbefore that ot Milkmen in London. .0n Patti nights the pinice of stalls at the opera was thirty-Sciven and a halt francs; on llillssen's iAghts the haus§ was, crowded at 45 francs. ! —A young devotee of base ball fell a vi tim to the vigorous batting of one of hi l a comrades the other dai on Staten Island,. This isthe second deatlktrom base ball tha l t we . have heard oT this season t . Orrthc Cent.N. Peel& Railroad there is a town consisting of several shops and houses, besides six hotels, --alLmounted ' on car trucks, so that the whole :!city" can be moved out to •the end of civilization each day. : 1 i --.Manylanirrs in, the neighborhood or MuScatine, lowa, have adopted th: plan of.working nights and resting during t 4 day. They assert that in the inteUsely warm weather it is ,better for horses as well as men. <, —Over one million dollars worth of paint!. lags and statuary are contained in the pal l ] . aces which line Filth. Avenue; or, to' he t more ex i act, those buildings contain pictures and statUes,for which over million doll lars hair° been paid' f —l.O one telegraph- office in N fifty sere are .een female operativs. Last Friday ten of these young ladies between eight o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the.evenivg, sent 4,135 dispatches with out making-a single mistake. —lig:- Illinois Pod, the German paper published in Springfield, 111inms,-has been removed to Chicago where it will continue' under the name of the Chicageer Abend Zei-, tung. It' haw always been , a staunch, well 'edited Republican newspaper:' —Florida must •be a . great fish country, if We can believe an Alabama paper, which says: , "There: are also numerous small lakes of pure water, filled with fish, some of which are only a fel rods. in extent, while ,others are from ...two, to ten miles in .length.“ 4 • —A. New Encland religious newspaper hasimearthed a horror of 'the deepest dye: All but ten of the students at Yale play cards' and eighteep are studying for, the ministry; hertee eight, at least, of the 'theo logical students must commit the crime of card playing, —The grossest piece of modern plavar ism has Just beet discovered in Vienna, where an Anshan has translated Bulwer's Devefe_ans, put his own name in the places of .Devereaux; and published it as a look of personal adventures, entitled 'With Maxi railitua in Mexico." , —Bismarck has been ordered by his phy siehm• to remain for"several honre in the day in the open air, inhaling the odoi of the pine trees; in his own woods in Bilesia, their resinous exhalations being - discovered to be , most valuable. This new: "cure" is be coming the fashion on the Continent —Hundreds of per.ons in New Albany, Indiana, have discontinued the tfse of milk in consequence of the diiease prevailin,g among the cows; at present there is no ne cessity for our people to follow this example, as the diseqse is - only us yet among the cat tle imported for slaughter and not among our neighbozing milch•kine. • =The cattle disease, according to an official note pubhshed in the Paris Moniteur, has completely .disappeared from Western ,Earope, and is dying out in the districts of, Central GermanY most litibli , to it The French Minister of Agreulture has' there fore re-established complete liberty for . the cattle trade on the frontiers and in all the —.Three ships, fourteen barks, !nineteen brigs ard two schooners are noveCbartered andloading with petroleum in the> port of Philadelphia. Last week one ship, one bark, two brigs 'and one steamercleared from that port carrying 748,167 gallons of petroleum to Antwerp, Leghorn, Stan, Rotterdamand Havana. !Ace January Ist, 1868; 28,300,717 gallons of petroleum have been exported from'that port. —The Far West has, been the most fash ionable of all summer resorts this 'year. If to see notible men fit the object of'the sum mer traveller, then this summer , the place to go has "certainly been the Plains which stretch across the Continent beyond OtiMha. Grant, Sherman and Sheridan, Lucy Stone, Rosiseau and Rosericranz, ThoMpson and Scott, of the - Pennsylvania Railroad, and Commodore :Vanderbilt 'all have been'ont where five years; go :Indians wins:the Ink and tins6alped white men the rare exception:: , NOTtIfrECITAiI Eili3ll,ANTO,.tO the 'number of four thousand, are about to settle in Vis • .consin. Thelands, in different sections of the State, have been selected for them, and an agent has gone to Norway' to.gather the families and _make . the ..necessary arrange ments for sending Ahem, to this, country. The partiee come from the northern part of Norway; are hardy, industrious.people, who will soon make for.; themselves homes, and. will be a most valuable acquisitiou to 'the population. Acco,rdhig to the census -of 11360, Wisconsin ' had - residing within Its limits 21,442 out of the 48,99,5 - Norwegians residing in ttie.,Vulted. States. There are one or more Papers. published In that lan guage In Wisconsin. and theie are also many churches of the Lutheran denomination where the services are conducted ;in•Nor wegian. , ird Lbit4i:3l LiVenOifi FOE MilSBl.6ll. • At the 'COnVention of Hebrew Coignaat, ere in New York, on Thursday, an oration was delivered.; by Mr. Greenebaum,•,whb declared that, the. purpose of the Order was m elevate theliebrew race; make them good citizens, and to.add their quotetoe•Gbdlike • ' humanity. The return of the levied:id dui advent efliesOltia 3t te;dir4aced,am nn long.lon g. ll!e teats, 0 I.tlaIML 11 03 . _,4ltit and. Principles ;:or e:tleiwraJnittipe arel cam- Prised in "the; vieg64 a r “ %ea, oh,7larael,fs :the Lim& our Gad , lat ettletLordi) and: thou • , shalt love the Lard) tilt God with till' . thy - fheart, mind, soul; 'atrengttr, ( tied thy neigh ' bob as thyself ;” and s`pottnakiiqierilliqqll ' , Would 'have other. 16 7t64 11 .0 . 11 4Ap. teL i art, Intr*ei l isf,*lo4 0004-.4er: s 1; • 1 - it 41") 11 0 e. • Clj !'{f..3/ i I ' 7 , MEM :: :I ' GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1868 s that grass ,DENTISTRY TEETH EXTRACTED AllriT7loll7l' : NO CHARGE BLADE WHEN ARTDPICIAL TEETH ARE'ORDERED. A PULL SET FOR $B, AT DR. SCOTT'S. PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EN. AMINE OPECLMENS OP OENITINN VULCAN. . GAS FIXTURES. „ -- - ; GAS 111XTITIMES 312 ari0.011.01!8, FOR GAS ANT OIL. Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened In this city. WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD 13TBEE I L COB. VIRGIN ALLEY. CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &c. H ULK CEMENT. ,10 STONE. °. riasTpt, miiitury TOP& I , . WATER. P. 11113. . BENET . H. COLLINS, 1016:070 '! HfDRAIILIC _CEMENT ;BAIN PIPE. w York Cheapest and best Pipe In the market. Also, NO BENI/ALE lI.YDRAIILIC CEMENT for sale. . B. B. dk. C. A. BROCKETT 4% CO. Office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny. Jler Orders by mall promptly attended TRIMMINGS .4t?iND NOTIONS. NE* Si, SEASO N ABLE . GOODS. —•-• PINK, *HITE AND BLIIE MOSQUITO BAR; LADIES' AND. GENT'S SUMMER UNDER WEAR; PALM FANS, LINEN FANS, 13/LB FANS; HEAD NETS; LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS, LACE' HANDKER CIPFS, EMBROIDREEb HAND- --, KERCHIEFS; COTTON HO SIERY; LADIES', GEN'F'S .AND CHILDREN'S ME- - RINO HOSE. SILK GLOVES, LACE COLLARS, • LINEN AND , PAPER COLLARS. , • • CORSETS, • - A splendid assortment, to‘r Ladies and Misses. BELLIGN FRINGES, SEWING SILK FRINGES. Also, a full line of BULLION, to Match. • We have now a full line of the new: DROP SKIRTS. ON HAND ( • 'JOCKEY COLLAR, DICKENS COLLAR, DERBY COLLAR, EXPOSITION COLLAR. " We would especially invite the attention of Job bers to our Wholesale Department, as we sell our goods at lowest eastern market prices. . • NACRUISI, OLYDE & CO., . ,111; and SO Market Street. Jrzs , pItICES DOWN! AT & N 0.19 Fifth Street. .ALL GOODS GREATLY , REDUCED ! ON AND MTh ,PILY IST.. 1100 P SEIRTS. (Ladles'.) for 50a CORSETS, (tOWlFreocb,) 1 SO LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for • 95 XID OLO VES. ,iworronted,) £OO PAPER' COLLiRS.. . . . 10 . 200 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, : (good) I . S _POCKET ROOKS, woith SOc pa MEN'S itnimmt UNbEESBIRTS bO,, JEAN DRAIVERS yi • All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT BARGAINS! . IN ALL KINDS Oar` GOODS. Dpeelal Dates to Derehtiots & Dealers. macainu 171:521 . • torn= eriniar. AT JOSEPH HORNE &COOS,' . , - DAILY, ARRIVAL ON NSW - .IStCOCkI:ISI EDGMC__AND rtormicures,. G INSERTINGs. PA t 8 .13WISS'EDGINGS AND INnERTINGS; ; ACIMArI i a,_OOIFFEURS AND PARASOL inca.y.ool,l:Alb3 ARD'OTIFFEI. • , .3A9l9Elrallei • • • ' BIIPERISTOIIT AND SUPER FINE COTTON AND MERINO 1-2 HOSE; LADIES , AND MISSES' HOSE, in Lace, Lisle, mak gf ; tton,.of best,Anglish and Ger ,2l.)thatTßuir a l T d dt a l , gri c. 12711. 4 3 : 116 3.,a • new line lest received. A fall itsailintent• of BULLION AND 'B.ILIC FRINGES; - TASSEL PRINGES,L . ' N • ~E AD ERINGES - AND TRIMMINGS; TRIMMINGEINGS; • . . • ' RIBBONS AND SATINS; • • PARASOLS AND BUN UMBRELLAS. , • EvrEje:w- Goiapts. ‘ 5 . 1 • New style HATS-Ladtes''snd Mine CRAPEVNALINEE6,,I I OTTED NETTS; RIBBON OWEsui • MILLINERY • • • ' 'BONNET SILIES,_FRAMES, • ...4UPpOWNS,ANP SHAKER /IgODS,. , •,•014 3 z e i tg e+ and 'l' mim=m Irkt;NlTATt s "Hsi P A it ,isrmx.R , No. 0/40 1841MILIN Alliejskessy; - "' ' ihstiletaPn.tao.tonsiTYPl7 Pillrovoto , skiefoo ?Too one assure say: ends sna the o i = i ireieTiSrt'e merits continuance, '". 9 g, s b e .. sime . and - stwaysiohe shop from v to 9 TA. Wand from 111 rt%ttc, 1 "4:i?..i11 . t . .11-,tit,% , :,.lf`s . 7::1: -....e, ti of;!1•0 , ' • 71;';;;-' 1 AT 'In:taGLILM IMEP.LE'S, ISO 8/..182 'Federal St., Allegheny 87. ItLini9llT STREET. g 7. 'GREAT- REDUCTION IN PRICES cr,os - E. ,wrocic DRESS GOODS. 87 MARKET &MEET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. .1.30; sTarwr....ter; 115 F. WOOD ST. 115. ARBUTKNOT, iiIIANNON & CO. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, _ hos, 168. '- NEW . GOODS. NEW ALPACOAS. MUCH MIAS. HOSIERY alad GLOVES: V...0401E.TCY, yr No. 168 Wylie Street...o 168. _ - 168. num, ccAarui.Ess if. co., (Late Wllaoa. Carr & C 0..) WHOLEBI2 DEALERS Itti• . Foleign and . Domestie Dry Gpods, • No. 94 WOOD STREET, T W I 4 d °° lllo °Te D;onozid alloy. 1 prrrsstritua, PA.; straimglEt l!oilvtpuiles,and SUMMER CAFSEJNICEIC SUITS, LIEN DUO IE $lllll3. • riAIrsEL SUITS, ALPAOCA JACKETS: In lively Style, of the Greatest Variety, SUITABLE FOE TEE ' PRESENT. SEASON. Gentlemen.will dad a dike asiortawat White and Brown Duck Suits, Alptoca and Flannel Coate, iteaugatr:gt bein g, lie-c*IY made ter I te h i the' Otrit PB.IC%!E I • . Are as Lowest/lied 'can lbe Field ANT firm Easter'Wesi. I" 4 •.•, •LOGAN is it , ' Jeatr.l 7 1 re•rn t,fll • liErixtv bitiolll4 240).1/1 likriwinTo'l3lMATATt . ?fast 11E 11 c.0;1; °44 44 07 . 01414Pui55fu110. 10 -MlestOtaL l lTHßo ,-, C10120111:12UK / ut;t , I ,' DRY GOODS. ,T WM. SERIPLE 9 S, .4•JL 180 & 182 Federal St, Allegheny, BLFAOHED MUSLIN, UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, PILLdw c SHIRTING TICKING; DELAINES COTTON T Llll. - KB' TAB SFELS, EMI CABBAIEHEB, JEANB„ HONET cpxu3kitriite, BALMO WHITE GENT' HOSIER' BON NE HATS, ERY LARGE STOCK, AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale. and Retail, N 0.115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., wilor...m.sATAn AT LOWEST - EASTERN, PRICES. Uf NEW MOHAIR. CaDllo:neg MERCHANT-TAILORS. ' OARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS J_ : , BEI NIANCFACTURERS HERE and .Europe .HATE` NOW . :yANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low emit CASH RATES of , the • past' season. llnjvini ma de all our contracts previous to any ad vance, and invariably for cash we -are-SPahled-to louver-than they c4abe pur chased this Fail. EMEEM DIAPER. McCALLUM BROS '3 51 FIFTH STREET. =3 CARP NOTWITHSTANDING THE kanufutnrers' recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stook of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carplts in the city, at the lowest prices reached -thissea , son. I Just received, a few pieces of 1 , & new ,and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminstei. OLIVER II'CLINTOCK & COO, J • • 'No. 2fi Filth litzeet, SHIRTS, CORSETS, IM IWERS, SUMMER. sTOCIi Op CARPETS ! . White, Bed, Checked, Sniped and Fancy 31 A 'l l al I IV 41:4 S, rff citmAT , VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &e. BOVARD, ROSE & CO„ 21 FLUTII STREET. Jelia:diwir A 7173 NEW CARPETS. McFARLAND 'd& COLLINS ENBLISH VELVET CARPET; Tapestry and Body , Brussels, The Lowe;i Prices '*eached Ibis Season. . . „ SUPERFINE Benin 010 #O4l. PEE TA D. McFMILUTD • Nos. 71 and 7 3 Fifth Street, ARPET,BEATING ESTABLISHMENT, Which TEN TEARsv TRIM:In.New Ttiri and otk; er Eastern, cities has proved :a.complete snc,cesa. 'Antsamier.si Ist—Fading and Shrinkage are completelY avail; ed. rippingspartniceisary. • - • ad—When freed rraan duet, moths orthelr larvae, the Carpet looks nearly as geed as new. We 'the , natural fading front wear. 4th—When perfectly Wean, a Carpet will weir as long again. a desirable matter as a .mere , point of economy ‘ to a n y nothing °nooks, ' ALL ORDERS LITT AT THE opnoz, No. 179 - Liberty 'Street' Or addreised Ler. sa.Eoi Op; will incel,Vepronipti • GEO.'L..)IIeGLINTOCIE, • mbio: . C,ONFECTICINEELIES.:, .11101101:111410RIPACHIU,I, , 7 Confect ary No. 200 smirrampp "i3etNrientevefith 4-OrTAAP/F B ' , 01 1 8 / 7 4g# 1 4414 Attioeit.. it .. .."••• l atNye›; • ' .4 (34(0.:.Baker14:011fecikiner • - • I • ; ourk *wow • FOREIGN a poicarriaaßurre a .ipme, , • • tao, corner animal and' =Union gluten'. Is . flonetneer,owbeind, , loWOßEAX — Or t l 74 l4 !cut it'; i , 411 z.,. _.••••ftl.:.,,r4Er:11:;!1111.1, CARPETS! CARPETS! EOM MS HAVE JUST RE6EIVEH THY lIM NEWk.ST BEST . S TT LIN OF WM SIX WASTERS WIDE; 'Final Ai!.z sattnia AT' CO___ SEc vt.436xt:. , BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE Or DISSOLUTION. Noelce is hereby given that the titre; of STRICKLER & MORLEDGE was dissolved by tnal consent wattle lafday . of July, A. D. 1868. Ali debtedue to 'Aldine will biliald to CHARLES Li; 3fORLEDO. by whom all debts due by the arm will he paid,. and he is authorized to sign the . firm name in liquldsUoa. * .T. E. STRICKLER, • 1 C. g. IfORLEDGE.. Having sold out my . Interest in the above estab lishment, I cheerfully recommend Mr. MOItLEDGE. to :all my friends as an honest, upright business man, and hope that they will Continue their kind favors acid patronage heretofore bestowed. • : E. S.CRICSLER. -,IRON ClTYl,.spipa MILL, • 0. li.IIIIORLEDGE, Proprietor, Fifth. Street _Extension, PITTEIBUBGE, PAL, Dealer in Unadulterated ROAST COT FEES, SPICES, and Concentrated PLA.VOItrICO mx.am.A.cre. . . DOL UTIOL—The Partner- sblp .lieretofore existing between the sub scribers, under the firm of ANDERSON, COOS & CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi ness of the lave firm will be settled by our succes sors, IIiesrs,'ANDERSON & WOODS, at the office: of the Pittsburgh Steel Works. - - lt. a...ANDERSON, • • J. IP. COOK. . . . The undersigned having disposed' of his Interest in the late firm or ANDERSON. COOK A CO., to Messrs. ANDERSON & WOODS. begs leave to rec ommend his successors tail's patronage of the ells tomers of the-former firm. J. W. COOla. Pittahurgh, July 25th, 1868. ' jy2a riI,SSOLUTION. CO-PART -4-F• raztaership heretofore ex isting tindei.the style of sawn 7L HASTINGS at. co., Is this day-Alssolved by - fantail consent, DAVID . EWlNOtrittntrawing from the Prat. The badness will be carried on as .utual.anderthe Qld name of 8, HASTINGS•d CO.. Carpenters and Builders, corner of West street and North Avenue. Thebusi nese of the old Arm wlli'be settled by . the' un'der. signed. i DASTINGB. DAVID IiASTINOI6- " Allegheny,,lnly 6th, 1868. NOTICE. • fr. The undeirsied has assoelitiedvrlth titm- in business, dating aom.April 11I6g, Mr.' AL "FRED B. WALL. bls son ASA S. GILLISPIE , and LOUIS ENGLERT."- The style of the Arm to be J. J. GILLESPIE & CO: - J. J. GILLESPIE. iiieiiniersigned take pleasnre In etating. tint they will continue the .1001111 G GLABfi. AND: PICTURE ,BUSINESS At 86 Wood: street, where they Intend to offer th at:iv:lt to ~ purchasers !second to no hot= hi the J. CIILLESMEI I DRUGS' ANN 113, CHEMICALS. &ECM Dl AU CORDIAL, An infallible remedy for Summer COMplalnt, Diar rhea, Dysentery, 'Vomiting, sour btoznach and. Cholera hiorboa. DR.RRIS' CRIMP CTRL, sped! for C9iolera, Crazing and Pain in ,tbe Stomach, Scrr sale by ' t FA PRT; ,Corner- et Liberty and Wayne Streets, .A.Gpawrs FOR - .1: - ,SCHOO & SON'S PURR " ITE LEAD; AND mccovs VEILDMM. GREEN, • The mdy green paint that will noi r deteriorate by erposnre. , It will look •better,' last longer and give more perfect : satisfaction than any paint in the market. HATS AND -CAPS: .CLOSIN9 OUT SALE I STRAW AT . RIZDIIOED MOS, AT 117COILD dr. CO.'S, L!ri WOOD STREET. , - DELIHR 111 - • CAP AND, PIMA, : Also. Mainacturer..Wholia!ile and p4;all.pesies TlittAICS. VAL.ISES. ..te; ' No. .1321 BMITEE.. FIELD STREET;Pittsbizigh,l'a.. - ;- • # , tintlfini primp tIY Tilled - and satisfaction spawanteed. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. _woos IsTrurzr A GLASS AND - - . 141;IEENSIWARE, E.; HILTED PLATED WARE, • P A# l 4* , '3I , , ATOETTESs • 18 B OMIAXATASS; 10 'Ana other STAPLE AND TkliTY • eoons, a great variety. 'ioo Woin) slszET: RICH - &1;D IL BREED ar CO. mho /00 WOOD STREET: ZIAOHINES HE ` Mfr."' 'IcAN ( *B I- TL. 'BUTTON-ROLE onimutirie kilf SEWING 111/LCHINE. t IT 11!Alt -TIO_Ed/trAL, BEING AESOLTMIELT% THEL•Mtit PAIL MACHINE IN THELW.ORLI.), AND .IN -.A TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. t ./WA/tents wanted to sell this MAthlae. • t • • • er4r-Xigl • • /11.i./B±.;;Mi r. ' • • • • entertlitaata. WI 1. 41 4 . al% STREETS nataubmllOil'lrJeireirT store; u: : 2 ' 'PTM S ANI) SOMMA'' °ALLA. rw .q 11 ' III ' 'L PYIRMi' DI 'SCOURER. 'l . ; ;Th :.trol;:ii. l 4 —1.., •,, - And A0i. . 186 aid 187 Third street, PITTEIB Fr PA " ' 11 11 /1 1 1001 : -, tr.:1, , ,,41i(4;*•..., ; n.! le 1. . „tz =MI 1111 '1 4,. .`"012 , .: , 1-1).; • • '‘,7:411.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers