The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 05, 1868, Image 1

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' rßy Tefgrault to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WARRINGTON, Augnst 4,1688.
The public debt statement will probably
be issued to-morrow.
The President has directed to be issued
to the °antral • Pacific iailrotkd bonds' and
Pgents for , the section of twenty miles'
ending at 178th, mile east of Sacramento,
the Commissioner 'representing said sec
- lion completed,,as a first class railroad...
Secretary McCullociirecelved a telegiSm
. this morning
„from ex-goyernor Cox, of
Ohl6,in - reipornie-tO one sent to'hlin yester
,, day, requesting, him to accept the appoint
., ment of Cotnnussioner of Internal Revenue,
;iii Which,fdr, Cox persists 'in declining on
• the - swim grounds as before, namely, that
' his private .butliness - engagements will. not
POmit hiFn to accept.:
.. A TREATY 'W/Trt INDIANS. '.:..
The iblkiwing has been received at the
- 'lndian Department:
ELLsWowrit, Kansas, August - e.—l h'ave
just arrived 'trogi Fort Larned. Saw - the
Arrapahoes,Apachea f ßiowas and Caman
: °hes and arranged everything sadallictisrY,
appreheudito trouble.
Tites.'AitrilPHlC, Superintendent.
Commissiouer _Rollins has, prepared a
list, 'ecintaining One hundred and fifty
names,-'of parties whoie appointment-: as
• Supervisors under the newlspuits 'aud2t6-
bacco tax law. he has recommended 'to the
Secretary of the TrifasbrY,land it is now on
„Slain the.. Appointment °Moe Department
awaiting consideratiou. - •, It is not probable
they Ncrill'beoctia Onlor'llaveral days.
TheCabinbtsUseeilig to-day was thinly
. -
attended, Messrs. Seward, \ Schofield, Ran
_ dall and Evarts being absent from the city.
' The meetif was- short. Secretary Scho
field is ex ctedt4t..raturn to Washington
from New orkft-morrow or next day.
International Commercial Convention
'LEY Telegraph torhe Pittsburgh Gazette.:`
PORTLAND, August 4.—The Internation
al Conn:genial Convontionlanet at-rortland
to-day. IDefegates -are `present 'fiom all
Parts of the United States • and Canadian
,Provinces.:Kr. 'John Neal was -chosen
temporary Chairman. The Committee on
Credentials reported:two hundred and live
delegates bad "alreadY arrived and many
more were expected. They recommended
Hon. Samuel fderrill„Governor of lowa,
for President; Witha , bikgelist-ofVilie Pres-,
dents, and Six Seprattules, from various,
parts of the - couniry. A :Committee was
appointed Ntaiki - Gov_ " 1116.11111,,Jvg0
'appeared and assumed the chair with
brief remarks. A - Committee of thirteen.
was appointed, on order, of business,- and
the - Convention. adjourned until three
o'clock P. M. .„ •
The -ConvAmtion reAssembled at ,
O'clock. The Committee on Orderof Busi
ness reported the following:
Istl - The =Bread: across the Continerii:
2d. Lake, river.aid canal navigation.
3d. International. commercial relations. -
Letters were read from' distinguished
gentlemen who were unable to. attend.
Hon. James Taylor, of St. Paul, address
ed the Convention on the railroad' and
ship canal-interests of the WeW , said
the best tbad to the sea With transhipment
is what the West wants, and when ship
canals shall ()peg the St. Lawrence to every the , 'waters 'then the
proud city of New Yolk will lie compelled
to afford the same privilege with her canal.
The railway-system is the kdy of the-canal
system.- In closing he 'referred" - to - the
great future Trans-Continental Railway
terminating at Pnget's Sound. ,
Committees were appointed to,preiare
resolutions upon - the - three subjects • ze
portal' by the Committee'on Order of Bitsi-.
The t Chairman of, thelnit'Oamrblttee - is
Hon: J. W. Corlett, Portland,. , -Oregon; on
the eeeond, J.'W. Taylor, §tt. Paul, Minn.i
on the third, W. Craig, of Detroit, Mich.
• The Conventioß.AdjoPTlled .1111...Wectnea,
day'liforning.. - •
' = i• - •••• ;
Success of the Revolutionists in Hayti—
Invasion bs tlfe Ron:Weans.
C.l3fTelegrapritalle Pittalniiiik &tette.)
,HAvezurA, Angiast 4.—The following
news has inaeareceivetfrom Hayti: - -
A battle took place near Jacmul on the
2lth:of July between the revolutionists and
the torceit `Bolnave,' *bleb - ended, in - a
vietdry for the former. The revolutionists+
have concentrated four thousand men, well
provided with prOviiiolis and amunition,
around the city of Port-au-Prince, and are
preseingosith , renewed
Gen. Lynch, one - -of -the revnlutionary
cointnanders,f haalsstied a manifesto pro
clalniing against the cession of Hayti to
the United States.
1 The Dominlelan troopithave• crossed the
frontiers and commenced the invasion of .
Gen: Royer Mullis• sons bad been
murdered, - Robberies mid debrediiimns
are reported in various parts of the country.
Adviceii friiinSt. Domingo represent that
therevolatipnary_movement against gm)*
is steadilyprtfiresiting under the leadership
of Gen. Suprona.A decisive victory over
the forces sebteigidisit him•liad 'been gained
by Ogando, one of his Generals. TheaPeOdy„.
or hist Govern-)
'dent is anticipattl.
Scull Race on the Madsen. ,
tai Teleirrat, totiul rine:Km:4 Gszatnl4
"Popurtnnatinz, August .4.—An exciting
boat race came off yesterday afternoon, at
Sing Sink; intwenii- 'Charles 'liVad,'"one of
the :Ward:bre:keit; and Jared Maywood...Of .
thin:dace.' The course was one mile and at
half-south .and ,, return for --dne-hundred
dollars a - slde: - iAtAha.siart,lktymoffti took
the lead and maintained it until after they
turned the stake boat, wketrbile of hiwoup
riggers broke. Ward then passed him and
. won the race. The Judges decided in
Ward's foxnr., ,_,Timanotsbfeip, ,gh e /Whir
caused mtlelieresitbrilent, - and'Sam-Collyer
offered to match Raymond again for any
amountnf_XnneY, Ng*Kas - rais9.
Abotairten itikmniand of 'Changed
hands on the result: Raymond was the
favorite at thg„4htpe , ?4,q o f two y
one. t ixe:le, t. 16; •
Seymour's itcseplpylott,,,Lette, r.
,By Telegrapti to tikeildsittwirffdaarte.)
, NEW Yoltir, Jingust 4.—The officialletter
eof acceptance Of ; t he Democratic nomination
for President by Horatio Seymour will be
_ made public to-morrow.
• ,
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Ni'w YORK August - -4.—" Thomas Fitz,
patril; aged ;even years, residing with his
paren sin Willoughby St., Brooklyn, who
was bitten by, a mad dog on Monday, was
attacked with hydrophobia yesterday in its
most Malignant form. - -' -
'sat evening Mr. J. Abraham, lawyer.
residing inCincinnati. Ohio, while riding
to*n in rine of the eighth avenue cars,
had his pocket picked of a pocket-book
containing over ;450 -in money, several
drafts and other valuable papers. The
case has been placed in charge of the de
tectives, who are actively engaged trying
to ferret out the gOilty party.
On the application of six excluded mem
bers of the new board of Conncilmen, yes
terday,. Judge Barnard issued a mandamus
- to compel the board to admit them as mem
bers, on the ground that the twelfth section
of the act of 1866 is unconstitutional and
William Mooney, aged -sixty-four years.
residing at No. 44 West Fortieth street, had
both legs broken by , falling under one of
the job cars of the Hudson River Railroad,
at thoi depot, foot of Thirtieth street.
The Chinese Embassy/eft the city -yester
day for a vlsitto Secretary Seward's home
in Auburn. • „ ,
The money for the Alaska purchase was
paid yesterday in gold certificates. Baron
Stoeckel wanted a drafton London, but as
he could - not get it be . took the .col n - lor.:ats
equiviale4 a' _-
A man named Wm Douglas was found
dead in his room at his house No. 67 Sands
street, Brooklyn, yesterday. Hehad,been
missing • since Tharaay'rrofght; and the
body was so dechrupoged - that on woving it
the headlelr oft . His mother and sister
had gone to the country some time ago,
and becoming alarmed at his continued si
lence, the'sister returned yesterday, tnd
on searching throughout the house, amid
an almost stench, she discov
ered the body. How he met his death is a
• Wm. Guile, a soldier at Fort Hamilton,
was, with others, sent to-bathe yesterday.
Guile for sonic offence hid a ball and chain
attached to him, and though a good swim
mer, he sank and was drowned.
Another murderous assault was made
last night on a policeman. It occurred
on 52d street, and the officer. whose name
in Bernholtz, was - severely injured, thodth
not dangerously. - The% crilnals were ar
Several deserting Spanish,sailors, before
Commissioner Colborne to-day, were remit
ted to the care of the Marshal to await the
requisition of vice-consul Heindrieh Shaef
The Gerinan murderer arrested at Patter
son' N. J., was before the. Commissioner on
the demand of thilCiinsul of Hesse Darm
stadt. His examination is set for the Ist of
September„ . •
Francis J. A. Bole, once Street Insaiector,
and a prominent politician, escaped from
Bloomingdale lunatic asylum 'last night,
but was found and returned there to-day• The colored people of New. York and_ vi
cinity held a grand Union piCnio in honor
of negro emancipation at Boulevard Grove,
rooklyn, - on Monday:f - 'Abont -Oxielthous
juid_persontWere preterit. • -
Gen. Schenck and the Hon. J. M. Ashley,
of Ohio, were at the Astor House yesterday.'
The former has gone to Newport, and the
latter left last - night Tor hielionle in Toledo,
Flight of Thieves. to 'Canada,-Effect oQ
. ' Moti - •
(By Telegraph to` the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Tonowro, August, 4.—ln consequence o f:
the summary manner in which Vigilance'
Committees have recently dealt' wit&sit-,
Effrobbers in' the :mestere States, there
rc s r ..:been numerous arrivals of well
known desperate characters, and the ex
prewcoinpanies have taken.the precaution
to place armed guards onthe express trains.
An unsuccessful attempt was made to
rob the express office at Sherbrook,
day night.
Morse it Co; bankers, of thli'eltY, were
robbed of two hundred dollars in open day
light. - _
• Henry Renaud, the New York, forger,
whose'extradition was recer tly applied fok,
was discharged from . custody to-day. The
case was compromised ty the prisoner
agreeing to, return to the Mines if the.ciiin- -
inal charge was abandoned.
Chinese Embassy at Auburn, N. Y. -
terreiegrazihtitsirittsbursh Gazette': -..
AUBURN, N. Y., August 4.—A large
crowd assembled at the depot this after r .
noon to witness the arflval of the Chinese
Embassy. , The. members -priacoeded,
ni'ediately in • Carriages to - the retidenee of
Mr. Seward. To-morrow morning the'Em
busy will. Visit the prison and In the after'-
noon they go to the firm of-A. S. Dunning:
to witness an exhibition of mowers and
reveal.- On Saturday they,ge
IttenlEttb pattakeJof the hospitalities of.
C. T. Martin. The distinguished visitors
will remain in town till Friday, and go
from here to Ntagaralrelbs. . • '
~.• , • • •
- Lesomotlye Explosion.
(BY Teleitrapp to the ri;tisburgb9azette.l
ALE-icA24neie.;"o.l,. August 4.—The loco-
motive Augusta, of Alexandria, Washing,
ton and Georgetown Railroad, exploded'
this evening at the depot, at fth Avenue and
Alekandria railroad; julit'previous to start
ing for Washington, knocking away poi-,
tions of two ~ hotteelll),`-iri: the :yicinity and
.the'fragnientein every direction.
One, colored man is believed to be fatally.
injured. The engineer and firernan Were
slightly hurt, a boy had,his hip broken, a
woman was seriously Mut and several
others injured. •
INalits to,Fight COburn;
[By Telegraph to the'Pfttaburgh Gazette.]
NEW Yong-, Aug. 4—McCool, in a letter tO
Mr. Queen, objects to having the stakes for
the late frustrated fight given up, 'and in
sists that . the fight musts take p lace: .-.He
considers that be, making ati appearance at
tbelate appointed tire e, Wori the meney,but
will waive that , for,another appointment.
Ile is'content lekte the money Ln Mr.
Queen's hands.
Drill for the Champlonshlp.
(By Telegraph to tic Plitaborgh Gazette.]
B°lsT °k;:;ing:L=Ciiptain Milan, of the
Moptgomcry 'Arent; ' , has 'challenged the
New York Webster Guard
,to a second drill
for-the champion fiii(t6take pities'within
three months at some intermediate point
between New Y ork idndBoston. )' •
(*ty Telegraph to the Plttebnrith Garette.) •
M ONgtlolll ggy; : dogtist'4.;=The Hattie to=
day was aataille4 on tti bill allowing ao
,cess to railroad rell'arutittedinbotiter. with
out regard to color. Mho bpl pas*ed. „The
Benatefdliktissed thttbill retnotfing
csrdisabillties, but:without decided action.
.1' Cotton Mill Burnetl.,
csiTc‘lims. olPto e,PI born eatettoq..,.
'PHILADELPHIA, August 4.—Thekeattiiii
Mill of Jno. Brown it Bons, in this city.
was totally destroyed by fire this morning,
with machinery, 4t.c. Loss, 111115,000; in
sured for wow. •
Fenian'Trialg—lrish Church Es
' tablishment—Gerinan Benioc
racy• of Austria—Festival at
Bonn,ftermany—Crolis in Brit
ish Isles.
rBY Telegraph tQ the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
I.o}mow; August 4.—Mr. Scullion, coun
sel for the prisoners Warren and Costello,
in a communication to the Lendon Times
repeats his declaration that his clients were
tried and Convicted on evidence procured
in the United States. The Times in answer
reiterates.immostpositive.terms its denial
of thetcorreetness of the' statement.
The Royal Commission on the • Irish
Church establishment have made a report.
They recommend the abolition of all Epis
copal Sees and,Cathedral establishments in
Ireland, except 'eighty, to be maintained
on reduced incomes; they also report in fa
vor of measures to encourage tenants undei
church leases to purchase property in per
pettittrantlntOenable :land holders, by pay
ment and rent charges, to eventu
ally redeem athrregain possession of their
lands. -
Lennox, Aug. f—The wheat harvest in
the British isles is nearly,over, and accord
ing to the estimates which can now be
formed the yield will be double that of
last year, and exceed by one-third the an
nual average. j
BONN, August 4.—A festival was held in
this city yesterday to commemorate the
semi -centennial anniversary of the foundi
top of the University of Bonn. There
was a great gathering of the students,
alumni and friends of the institution from
all parts:of:Germany . ' A banquet took
place at 'which - among the distinguished
guests were George Bancroft, American
Minister to the North German Conrad
BONN, • August 4.—The University of
Bonn has conferred the degree of Doctor of
Laws on His Royal Highness Crown
'Brine - 4'ot Prussia; Hon. George Bancroft,
Minister of the United States, and Prof.
Darwin and John Stuart Mill, of England.
VIENNA, Angust 4.—The German Demo
crats held a Meeting in this city last night,
at rliieh spem.hes were macle and resolu
tions adopted = deproring the practical ex
clusion of the German provinces of the
Austrian;Empire from: - their former rela
tions with the Fatherland, and protesting
againitt the settlement of the question of
Germinic• union through the prcicelis of
arbitrary annexation.. declaring that all
action to that.end should be based upon the
Will of• PeoPle•VP,B
LONDON, August 4.—:Eveuiv.—Consols
closei-at 033i0)94%; .Bontls, 71,g(713.;; Ill
inois; ' 93Y. Erie, 41; Bonds, Frankfort,
75 1 4 @MX. '
- .PARIS, August 4.-LBOurse dull; Rentes,
70 francs, 50 centimes.
LIVERPOOL, Auvist 4.—Cotton closed
fbxt4•liplands, OX; - ,Orlearia, 10Kolalite 8,000
bales. , Sugar is.quiet. Petroleum is (Inlet
and unehanged. Calcutta Linseed, 645. on
the spot, 640. 611. to arrive. ,
ArrrcrUnP; August 4—:Petr9leum iv buoy
ant; refinea, 53 francs.
Exposition of Woolen Manufactures of the
North-West--The Mysterious Cattle Dig.
ease—Vanic Among Dealers—Scientific
Congress. - •
03) , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) -
CnicAoo, August first exposition
.of woolen manufactures of the North-West
was opened to-day at the rooms of the As
sociation in this City. "The'President of the
AssociatiO'h made a few introductory re
marks, and was followed by Mayor Rice,
who a welcoming address. Speeches
were also made by lion. E.. 8. Ward, of
Detroit, Hon. J. R.Drin,nell, Biwa, Colonel
Horace Capron, Commissioner of Agricul
ture, Hon. N. B. Judd,' Chicago, -N. B.
Townsend, President Wool Growers' Asso
ciation o f Ohio, and others.
'Ssalple Of goodsati3reon exhibition frona
all the western' States and several of the
eastern States, numbering about fifteen
hundred lots and representing;
,eight hun
dred mills. •,.
•This afternoon the Assockition - visted the -
Union StookNards. •
At the Meeting this evening addresses
• were delivered birW. G. Cutter, Milwankee;
and Geo. B. Stebbins; Detroit.
At a businessineeting of the Manufac
turers Association this evening the ru es
as to baying wool, which have occasion
much discussion, were uncermoniously re
'scinded. •
• To-morrow - will' be mainit:occup .
led in
the exhibition and examinatibn of goods.
On Thursday the trade sale occurs.
There is considerable excitement among
the cattle sellers and buyers of the
city in- consequence of the ;mysterious
disease that has, recently broken out
among beef cattle in the central part
of the State. Out of several lots of
cattle received here by the Illinois Central
railroad, and purchased and shipped east
day before yesterday, ,seventy head have
died on the „cars between here and Pitts:
burgh. The dealers owning them have tel
egraphed to-the Unionatock yards here, re
questing their agents to buy no more cattle
here, and , s general pani c 4 has been occa:
sinned 'among the cattle men in conse
quence. , ' , '
The Scientific bypogress asseinbles in this
city tomorrow. , About three hundred
members are expected to by present
Este . sire Fire, at St. Louis.
CB" Telegru+ to thstrlttssarsir Gazette. r ,
Sr. Lom i ,-Au gust 4.-&-A Ms this Owning
in the Foci c mills, corner of Beyenth and
Walnut st r eets , o wned by ,Grcenwood
Miles, 14141 , eitenillbg M , the,: I 'kaki:try:of
Browd 1 / 4 /tt& - Company, factory of Ow
ens & Co., paper bag factory of Bixby,
Forbes & Co.,,destroyeo, /El_roper, ty- valued
at about 125,000; ° The pr i n c ipa l" losers-are
Greenwood & Miles, :whose, Mill was
Well destroyed. There InstirminWon
,the proper in the.WeaternAcoldentaland.
4tlanticof 13V-Lonts, s2,ooodacht - Congeal.
toc t. Mutual. 114,609/ Kansas CUT . Fire and
rine; $2,500; National anti New England,
Wm - 16,00(k /Etna, Hartford,' croon ;
nroberman's, Chicazo,,por ,Eltiarerlso,i ,
(~ ncliinittl,_ 82,500: City ire Hartford,
83,000; Yonkers, New York, $4,000. Other
estimates put the loss considerably higher
than the' above, but this is considered the
most reliable.
` 4 4.11,.f,
:I IN ' "s' ITEM.
--jebn Wilson, a w :Lf-known master
printer, died at Boston *n Monday.
—The PennsylVania 'tate Teachers' As
sociation is in session a , Allentown.
—Rev. B. J. Spauldin:, Roman Catholic
Priest, died at Loublvill Ky., yesterday.
—The anniversary of he. battle .of.Wil
sen's Creek will be cele *rated on thejOth
- - John Bauman - co .. .. ited suicide at Cin
eindati yesterday by shooting himself
through the head. - •' '
—Judge Wll2, Doak, I a proMmont and
much respected citizen .f Harrisburg, died
yeste 4 rday evening. - ' '
ethorpe's woolen mills, in Philadel
phia, were destroyed by fire on'Tuesday $50,000. -
--,BishOp ter has just lost by death his
seOnd daug er, Phebe, a very accomplish
ed and most beloved young lady.
• ' —Glen.. Howard, of the Freedmen's Bu
reau; on his way Sonth,!addresied a' meet
ing of negroesatltichmond, Va.',- last night.
—A son of ex-Judge William B. Reed, of
PhiladelPhia, undertook to commit suicide
last Thursday morning. at Sheifield,,War:
ren county.
. .
—Joseph "'Wilkinson, a well-known Citi
zen. killed a man named Kells, near Gran
via Settlement, slew miles from St. Louis,
on Saturday.
—A dispatch .from portsmouth, N. H.,
announces the death' of Chas. W. Brews
ter, ;editor and proprietor of
.:the New
Hampshire Journal. ,
-The Cowmen Council of New York
yesterday adoptectresolut ns of respect to
the memory of Gen. Halpi e, and to attend
his funeral in a body. .
—A base ball match betwe n -the . Cincin
nati Club and the. Capitol Cl b; at Colum
bus, Yesterday, resulted in avor of the .
former. Score forty-three to fil, .
-,lt has been generally agreed upon that
as soon as the no* tax bill has legitimate'
eftect on the liquor market, t. prices of
drinks to consumers r • • aced.
—Governor Fenton 4111 appo' • t an ultra
Republican to fill the vacant pl : ce of .Conn- •
ty Register of Nevi York. is rumored.
that.John.Yourig of t• e ' .bune . •will Ani
Smith, whose political letters
signed "Major Tack Downing" ,eaused
something of seniationthirtV years ago,
died on Wednesday in Patchogue, L. I.
aged 75 years. . -
—A dwelling house on Welland street,
atßochester, N. Y., owned and occupied
by Mr. Tobias Hammond, was destroyed
by fire, and a son of Mr. Hammond, aged
six years, perished. •
'—Means are being 'devised to carry into
effect the proviso of the act . of Congress
transferring the United States Arsenal
grounds to the city of St. Louis, which re
quires the erection of a monument to Gen.
Lyon. . •
—The fruit crop in New Hampshire has
been blighted by insects. '; All other kinds
of crops are very promisidg. The hay crop
has been unprecedentedly large, and the
weather has been unustudly favorable for
curing it speedily.
—The-Facia° coast press unanimously en
dorseitrefor the Chinamission as
posessing tunny qualiflcations - which would
assist him in rendering .yaluable• services
to the United States. Baron RiChtshefen
intends making geological researches in
- 7 Great anxiety, is felt at Philadelphia
:16r' the safety of ,the „steamer Britainia,
which sailed on the fourth of July for
Glasgow, and has not since been, heard
from. She should - have, arrived out about
the 26th ult. She took one hundred and
twenty passengers.
—The colored people of Bt. Louis on
Monday celebrated the anniversary of
'British . Emaneipation in the West Indies in
an Imposing manner. A long procession
paraded the streets and several thousand
people congregated at Concordia Park and
Jaeger's Garden', w,here speeches were
made and general festivities indulged in.
.—The Coroner's jury in the case of Gener
al Halpine rendered a virdiet that the de
ceased came to his death through an over
dose of chloroform administered during a
fit ..of nervous prostration_ resulting from
excitement. If the General had lived he
was to be sent to Congress in the fall from
the Ninth' District New York, in place of
Fernando Wood. ~
—Accounts by eye-witneses, belonging to
both parties, contradict the statetnent, as
telegraphed a few days ag:o, of the desper-
ate tight at the. Democratic meeting in Ba
ling County, Missouri. Tire man Howard,'
referred to, was drunk, and hurrahed foi;
Jim .Listie,•=4O.-arinoy CoI. Phillips, the
speaker, and when an attempt was made to
quiet HoWard, he shoteheathain. A panic
ensued, and,,a few pistAll s.hots were fired,
but only one man was killed and two ,or
three wounded. The difficulty did not
have its origin in polities.‘,"
Conventlsa of Border State Colored
Ety retegripb to the Plttat;nrgh Gazette.] _
BALTIMORE; August 4.—The Border State
Colored Convention organized to-day, with
William Nesbit as permanent President.
George A. Brown was appointed Chairman
of the Business Committee. A. crowded
meeting was held to-night at Douglas In
stitute and addressed by William Howard
Day, •of New York, 4ev. James Lynch, of
Mississippi, and others.
lluffnlo - Mtit ket
(By Telegraph to the Plttsbgnrh liatette.]
BUFFALO, August 4.—Flour, spring ,ad
vanced 25 to 50c and there is a fair demand.
Wheat is , quiet and scarce; sales 10,000 bus
No. Land 2at 81,00a2. Corn the market is
i3xcited and higher;, sales 800,000 bus at
151,04 for early; '51,05a1,06 later; and at noon
$1,07;001(1 $l,OB at the close. ats are nom
inal and Scarce. Rye and barley. are WM
inal. Pork and Lard are unchanged. Re
beipts of Corn amoutitto . l27,ooo bus; Flour,
5,900 !obis. Shipments, corn, kBl4OOO bus.
Freights are Michangeid.
New Orleans Market.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • ,• •
NEW.ORLICANS, Augrtst 4 - cotton 4011,
withi middlings at 28; receipts, 200 hales;
Sales, 30 bales.: Gold. 1,4,0 X. • Stmar and
Molasses •ntiminal. IFlour gnlet, with su
perior at. 58,45; other brands tinotlatiged.
Louhiyalo Market. •
to tee nttabarto e4tate:3'
Loony - it:lin, August of
.4Jist d$
of i fo'niioTfirm and lugoz}tp.,uteditun sold
714a15; Ansen Co.; inedinntithlppers, Wiw
Hail Co., do. rapping*, 87j.i..,teki
a 2. Flour, #6,25a0;50 for superf i ne.
Detroit Market
By Pltoftlutidi BYaltte;
I DETRorT, August arrivals Ara i
light with iipmand faleat'slloo*
Wheat :saperior. Wheat quie t' and prices
•`-' 'Memphis Miikeit'
ch. Telegraphs° the Pittabengh 6agette.l
Hilmar% August 4.- , ..Cotton quiet but
firui; receipts, 6 bales; exports, 8 bales.
Flour dull; superfine, 117a7,50. ,
- -
Death of Hundreds o* Cattle from the Hit
nets Pestilente--What we Eat—Whe is
Meat Inspector and What are His Duties!
Some days ago attention was called in
the editorial colums of the GAZETTE to the
prevalence of a fatal disease amongst the
cattle of Illinois, and_ the warning was
given that the pestilence must necessarily
spread by rail to our city. The anticipa
.tions of the editor have been more than ver
ified, for the awful pestilence has reached
our city and caused an alarm never before
felt in this locality by both the consumers
of meat and the' owners of stock. On
Friday last a drove of two hundred cattle
'were shipped to , this point by a prominent
Illinois stock dealer,. and of that number
thirty-nine died on their way - hither and
sixty-seven perished' in the East Liberty
stock yards. Nor is this all. Of a smaller
drove shipped to Pittsburgh, a number .died
on their way and ten fell victims to the fatal
disease at East Liberty on Saturday bit,
while, with not a single exception, the ani
mals embraced in the drove were more or
less diseased. Our reporter visited
the principal stock yards of Alleghe
ny and Pittsburgh yesterday, in or
der to arrive at some definite• knowl
edge of the extent of the pestilence; but
drovers and others were so very reticient
about the matter that he had to depend
much on the statements of outsiders for the
alarming facts just stated. It is not known
how many of these diseased animals have
been slaughtered and retailed by our
butchers to their patrons; but that there
I have been many customers so imposed
upon is amply evidenced in the fact
that hundreds of., families on last Sun
day sat down to the dinner table with
rank, foul-smelling and diseased meat be
fore them.. We are not alarmists, Mat are
anxious to let our readers know that a hor-
Inble and fatal cattle disease has been
brought to our city from the West, and
there is no knowing how disastrous may
be the consequences: It is hardly sate
during its prevalence to butte fresh beef,
and too much prudence cannot be exer
chied In the purchase of this almost neces
sary article 'of food. True, the city
has., a, Meat ,Inspector, but from in
yesterday we are led tti believe
that that officet' hasTalledlo properly dis
charge his duties; that the office seems to
.haye been regarded as a mere smeeure,.and
"that the. Interests of thepublic have been
'frightfully disregarded. 'ln Search of' him
yesterdayyolirrep,Or found/that he had
•no, ori headquarter!, and
that, at some 'stalls at least, in the market,
he was -
an almost unknown official.
fie ocial.
alarm was sounded by him, and 'were
it not for the industry ofthelocalreporters,
perhaps, the community would not to-day
have been advised of the terrible pestilence
paring amongst the cattle imported to our
city from the westerriStates. Councils cer
tainly did not create this office far the par
pospof paying a salary to any indivifflial
for duty half performed or . performed• not
, at all. .
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
with a `Prudence and foresight :worthy of
commendation, yesterday refused to trans
port to the Eastern cities any part of, the
-stocks afflicted with thecoritaglous disease.
This course is ernineutly proper, and.may
I possiblysaVe our friends east of the Alle
gheny mountains froth the infliction of a
eattlepestilence. which seems imminent in
this neighborhood. At the Allegheny
Cattle Yards we eotild learn nothing of the
presence of the disease, although we be
lieve that it must likewise prevail there.
The drovers naturally cloud the matter
over and conceal the truth, as they are
largely inteeested in the suppression of
facts, and seek to dispose of their stocks
before full knoWledge of the extent of the
disease is made known. •
Incidentally we learned last evening that
the City Meat . Inspector, aroused to his
duty by the general alarm felt and ex
pressed throughout the city on this sub
ject, visited the stock yards yesterday and
condemned some three hundred head of
cattle infected with the contagious disease.
How tree this rumor is we know not, but
feel convinced that such a proceeding -
would have been warranted .and proper.
We hope that measures will at once
be taken to dispose of all the cattle brought
to this market having the least sign of die:
ease, that an impending calamity may
be averted and the public health
not made subject to great peril. It is a
matter which willjustify an immediate
meeting of - the City Councils, to take some.
action looking to the suppression of the
evil and preventing its operating to the
detriment of the farmers owning stock
about us and the general public health.
The danger is present, and to avert it should
be a matter of concern to every reader.
Be careful from whom you-purchase meat,
in Order to be sure that it is not full of dis
ease. We , have soundetithe warning, and
lot the wise take heed.
Resoliltlons of Reipect.
A special meeting of the Pittsburgh Pe
oleum Atsociation, was held Angnst 4th,
at their rooms, IL M. Long, Esq./in the
' Chair, and A. T. Brooks acting- as Secreta
ry. The President, H. Long, stated
that the meeting was called for the pur
pose of passing some resolutions of respect
to, the memory of Robert Lafferty. He
remarked that Mr..Lafferty's ddath ,was
the first which had occurred in the mem
bership of the Association, and proceeded to
speak of the excellent character ofdeceased.
At the close of Mr. Long's remarks, the
following preamble and resolutions were ,
read, which, alter appropriate remarks by.
Messrs. , R. H. Waring 'and J. A. McKee
were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Almighty
in his, inserutible Providence to remove
from Mir midst our friend and,fellow mem
ber, Robert Lafferty, therefore, be it
'l?esolved, That with feelings of heartfelt.
sorrow we bow submissively to the Will of
Him who all things well.. • ;
Resolved., That welender'eur sympathies
to hie bereaved family in their irreparable
loss of w kind <husband and father.' •
:Resolved, That we bear testimony to the
uniform kindness, Urbanity and integrity
of deceased, and feel that his loss will be
deeply felt blr all.svhes knew-hitn. .
Resolved, That as a token ofi respect to
the memory of the dedeasect and of his
want Virt u es, We will attend his"funeral in
a _
Resolved. That these resolutions be pub
lished in the daily papers, spread upon the
minutes of the Association and a•copy , be
sent to the famil of deceased. • '
On wetion, adj ourned,
Lear night there Were not less than ~fifty
men and boys lounging on the broad steps
Of-the municipal imildings in Allegheny.•
These persons ate'there every night and are'
rievermarine in • their remarks on rimers
try., WO have seen shrinking weinengolo
the Nei() Eike to deposit a letthr. and became
thismass of men, an tbaystwmpu tni and
Slit two s quares and drop
one' of the Street boxes:, .44,tbia,,floOnitr,aiM
tion:•assembles ."not it doxpn.,,
...lards from the lifayor'soillee, and as
Dram has repeatedly asserted his de er
ruination to to
himtop to street loafing, we
recommend to this brilliant Ail easy
field of operations for IV- decisive August
Real. Estate Transfer,.
The following deeds were filed of record.
before R. Shively, RN., Recorder, August
3d, 1868. •
Win. Thomas, Jr.. and wife to Michael Burke, one
lot In Sixth ward. Allegheny, fronting LI) feet on
Beaver avenue. extending eastward to. Evans
alley. in Benjamin P. Bakewell's et. al. plan of
lots, with buildings $11,450
Samuel H. Bryan and wife to Joseph B. Bryant. one
lot in Chartlers township, being No. 14 ohJames
Wood's plan of lots ZS feet front on Charders
street, and 0:t feet back on Bryant street; with
baildings *175
Joseph Lamont, trustee, and wile to Owen Fitzsim
mons. lots No. 39 and 40, situated In Collins town
ship, each fronting 3514 feet on Liberty street. and
121 feet deep, and lot No. 41, . feet back. to Or
phans avenue, and IM feet along said avenue and
running triangutlarly ' 0730
Edward Bischoftberger and wife to W. D. Alexan
one lob in Liberty Township, DO feet front on
theth eensburg tryloo feet deep, with build
ings, tc L'3,o
August Haller and J. B. Beek to Michael Beck, two
ninths of a piece of land in Chartlers Township,
lying near the intersection of the Steubenville
turnpike and Carson street, quadrangnlarly, the
sides being respectively IGTeet, 136 feet, 6 Inches,
1411 feet 10 inches, and 102 feet $8,500
Fran. Ileilblug to Conrad Mohr. two lots of ground
ou.Sprlng Hill, In iteserve Township, extending
- t
feet front on Robinion road and 169 feet In
Saran and Robert Pringle to Steward . Pringle. a
tract of laud In Fawn Township. orb° acres, with
buildings r=o
C. 11.- Love and wife to David Moody. those lots
numbered: 220 and 221 of the Lorenz's Wulf in
• CbartieraTownshlp, 50 feet front by 10() feet dee"'
Thos. Mellon and George IT..Negley to Isaac J. Mc-
Kinks two lots In Liberty Township , each at feet
front iOO feet deep
oseph Watson' et. al. to' Christopher Alder,4)n, a
piece of land in Jefferson Township, containing 3
sons 1(30G
homes McClurg to James Brown one lot In Lower
St.-Clair Township, 2.2 feet fronton cntre avenue
b] 80 feet deep ' i5O
T. McMasters and wife to JamealtieMattock, a piece
- of ground in Patton - township, numbered 15 in
i. Thomas Mchfastees plan of lota, 104 feet front on
Greensburg and Pitts - burgh turnpike 5800
James Pierce to Joseph !Whitman, a lot fronting 18
feet buildings .street and extending back 40 et,
with , situated In Second Ward, Alle
gheny $1.200-
Moses fhHllps and wife et al. to the School District.
of Liberty township, one piece Of ground In the
Twentieth ward, city of Pittsburgh ; 83 feet front
on Eva street, depth 173 feet 81,900
J. M. Carpenter•and wife to, Hugh Hammond, one
lot In Plum township, in length 19 1-10
100 in depth $5OO
George W. Irwin and wife to Hobert Young, one
-lot in the borough of Lawrenceville, .= feet front -
on Spring street and extending back 100 fee t. 4880
John Helbley to Aug. Ammon and J. W. Jarrett,
one lot In East Birmingham. 40 feet front on Jo
seph street by GO feet on Edward's,2oo
2 The following deeds were ffied of record
before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, August
4th, 1868:,
Wm. H. McQuaid to "Armstrong' D. MCQuaid, An
gust la. 186'7; lot In Plum township, near the Alle
gheny river,_containing 5 :tries, with buildings,
c • 02,
Jacob Schniip to Carl Ho 010
ye, July :tit, 1866:t0t on Plum
Creek. Plum township, containing 31 acres and 74
Jane Bothwell to W. S. Colwell. July 31, 1867; lot on
the corner of Manhattan sad Sheffield streets.,
Manchester- by 48 feet *1,6.03
Jacob W. Paul et ox to Rev. Henry F. *Hartman,
July 1, 18I5; lot on the south side of Sidney street.
:East Birmingham, 22 by 128 feet *1,503
W. S. Taylor and C. Beringer to Samuel and A. B.
• Smith. January=,'lBro;loVon Buena Vista street;
near Jackson street, Second ward, Allegheny...l9
by 150 feet
John Ralston to Mark Watson. Manch 1.0. Marone
half in depth of lota Nos. 19 and 20 In Williams'
plan *acts, Chest - tun street,' Lawrenceville, 40 by
Gtfeet, with buildings - 14800
Rev, Alexander Calhounet ux - to John- Many. July
15, 1888; lots Nos. IC, 10. 64.65; 06 and 67 In Smithley.
t Haritptan of Lorenzburg. Chartiers township.
Also a lot in the borough qf. Temperanceville, 4,7
by. 15,3 feet.. • 05,030
Msenn to A. J. Woolslayer, August I, 1568; lot.
In Collins township with buildings . . ...
.A. J. Wooislayer, to C. Strahley, - Angust ' 4. -1868;
.lotallos..nand ta3 th • Woultdayer's Van; Collins
township t ' lAIO
C,Strahley ho•Suaan Woolapayer, August IEO7-
sa me lots
Whlgham Sylea to John°. lihahafee, September
• /897.130 t In Melia township; cogitnicang acres an
63 perches' - • • lr-slO
George C. Eels, et ux., to J, hu. W.' Hothse, January
I,- 167:4-lot •on 'Braddock street. near Shlngiss
street, Wllk ins township 20 by1005eet.:. . ..•...5400
John W. House et us-, to Jotcph P. McCune, De
cember I, 1664: same lot with buildings ed,Boo
C. H. Love to Hamilton Herr and IWm. 11. Herr,
July 33, 1869; lots Nos. 16. Mt, 270, 271,272. 01,274,
- 275, 276. 277, 278, 279, 280, :%1, a5,236*
258 , 6'X). and. Cii, In plan of Lorenzburg
Chart lers township, 375 by feet .3,6 W
Wm. G. - lora:11er, John Frazier and•lieorge U. Fra
- zler to John hchafer, Jnpe 1,.1803:- lot .on Allen
street; Lawrenceville, 24 by 100 feet, with build
ings • '
• ' 31016TGAGES. •
Same day eleven mmtgages were filed of record
Washington Topics and Gossip.
On Monday the Postoffice officiahr put
forth a partial contradiction of a statement
concerning the fiscal deficiency of that de
partment. The - ` Chronicle's speciel says
"there is the best possible authority for,
saying that -the main allegation in tliat
statement, which was - that the deficit in the
• -
Postotlice DepartmenttL for the '
fiScal year
ending June 30th would reach
r the unpre
cedented sum of eight million - 2 dollars, is
rather below than above the mark."
The civil powers of military-com
manders have ceased in South Carolina,
and the various officers: charged with the:
administration administration of civil affairs have beert- 7 1,
discontiqued and the employes and clerks '
discharged. The troops -will be colleen a few stations, as'has been done in
the third military district.
The. Secretary of the Republican State.
Central Committee of California writes to '
the Congressional Republican Executive
Committee that the Republicans of the Pa
cific Coast are making preparations for an
energetic canvass, and that they believe
Grant and Colfax will carry that State by
ten thousand majority.
Commissioner Rollins, -Secretary Welles
and other prominent officials have gone.
North to benefit their health.
It has been directed that, as Gen. Stead
man's resignation of the office of Collector_
of Internal Revenue at New Orleans was
accepted to take; effect when his successor
was appointed and, confirmed, and the:
Senate hexing failed to confirm the succos-,
sor, therefore Gen. Steadman has continued
to, be and is now Collector. Upon this de
cision Gen. Steadman returns to New_ Or.
leant' to resume cbntrol of his office. •
Judge Matthews and James P. Torrence.
of Cincinnati, are being ;urged for the place
of Commissioner of Internal Revenue k in
case Gov. Cox declines again. I Secretary
McColloch, Mr. Rollins; Mr, Cooke and
many others have joined in urging Goy. .
- COX to accept Mr. Rollins position on
ground of patriotic usefulness mainly, and
the President is anxiously awaiting Cox's
answer, to the requests of his friends. If
he still declines, the President will ask the ,
CoPinion of the Attorney General on his
right to take the resignation of Mr. Rol
lins as absolute and unconditional.
, ThO Secretary of War; a letter to the
'resident, assures him that enough troops„
will remain in the South to • suppress any
riotous demonstrations on the part of the
' whites or blacks; If they 'are - properly as
sisted by the local: 'authorities. They
will only be ued, however, upon proper
application tothe *Generals command
ing the districts and when their ser- .
vices are' absolutely necessary .1 •
Mr. Watts, the. Philadelphia Radical-
lawyer, has been officially notified of his ”
appointment and confirmation-as Minister
;Vito At!Xtr*'- ]Aer accepts. and leave for
enna early next month. , , •
Admiral SemmesValled upon the Pet;
, dent and *enured him' that the whiteil're
the South oPlxeskthe Gonffreaeionalreccin:.
*traction Vim, and *dial, 418,
co 11ew electoral,.
llesc bill ;i s r' pealed - he eipeete a lle
Geoeral Rousseau w.,„ 111 cnot ; ge to-Now•
limns until alter U3lirat frost,
Seillttat'.SUMiler; aiasAive •
't..."lsfruPl.:Tegnito*iiroes n bee ottll ß ev i e bli t g4t he ih r e wll " '" 1
iffla any necessity for a session of Congress .
next month. •
Another d l fr arg om e
t b h a e tch of clerks are to be
next :wee
T reasury DePartinent