The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 04, 1868, Image 8

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erri AND sußimil4A.
Daily 'Prayer. Meetlng--PrortL 12 M. to
12:30 o'cloeli at the Methodist Church, Fifth
'street, next door to G4ZEDrE office.
Petroleum ?lastly will leetttre in Pitts
burgh next season.
The liciteis are doing scarcely a paying
- bUsiness, there being but feiv strangers in
the city. , -
The Libraries and Reading Rooms about
- the city-are largely . attended, and all boast
of unprecedented ProsPqritY•
Edwin Bool_oL will probably , ?turn to
this city neft winter, but Forrest will stay
at "home—a wise determination on his part.
Peaches are becoming a little more plen
tiful in the' markets, but they are rather
too expensive to be purchased _ • very liber
. ,
Proposed New Bank.—There is some
talk Hof establishing a new . Bank in Bir
mingham. The project has assumed as yet
no definite shape.
Attention is directed to the advertisement
of partner wanted in a manufacturing busil,
ness in another column. This is a splendid_
chance for investment.
There has been no, apperance of the
cholera as yet this season in Pittsburgh:
Notwithstandingthe heat the public health'
continues remarkably ;ood.
lin9 of the ,Penn street ,houses have
their hall &bra the ini
tiated that their occupabits a 1 sojourning
at the fashionable summer resorts.
Meets To-Night —The Allegheny. Board
of School Controllers will hold a regular
monthly meeting in the Common Council
Chamber, City Building, this evening at
734 o'clock.
The soda water dealers of Chicago and
New York haire reduced their prices for
that delicious summer beverage. Why IS
not their good example followed in this
Slapped Her.—Sarah Madden alleges that
• Lottle Gorble, residing at No. 20Third
street, slapped her in the face and called
her bad names, lottie was arrested and
held for a hearink.
IFalse •Alarm.-:--The alarm -of fire given
from box 23, corner of Palo Alutstreet and
TaylOr avenue, Allpgheny, yesterday Morn
ing, was caused by" the testing of the box
by Chief Engineer Crow.
SeriousCharges.--Ellen Gregg, animate
of the County. Home, made information yes
terday before Alderman Strain, charging
Jas. M. McElroy with adultery, fornication
and oastardy. A warrant was issued.
. • t
Picnic of thc Turnverein.—The Pitts
lalrgh Tarnyereirt• ►eid a picnic at 'O'er
.tiardt'a Garden, on I Troy Hill, yesterday.
It Was largely attended, quite a number of
the Allegheny. Turners participating.
The Beccind Ward Grant Club, this first in 1
the field, will mee at headguartersto-night
Ibr the purpose of making arrangements
for the furnishing of their rooms and the
establishment Of a central reading room. ,
.:The 011 Excitement is again threatening
to break out: -Nearly all our merchants
are commencing to dabble "just a little" in
promising localities. The Pleasantville de
velopments, have caused a revival of the
fever. - •
Alleged Desertion.—Mrs. Ella 'McDonnell
made mformatioa yesterday, before Alder
man Mullen, against Iter husband, John
McDonnell, for clesertiku: John was ar
rested and committed fora farther hearing
in default of 5500-bail.
A knock-down occurred last night at the
corner of Fifth and Smithfield streets be
tween two prominent but antagonistic poli
ticians. No police interfered, and the
breach was subsequently made up .by the
usual shaking of hands.
The House of Refuge inmates are said
to be the best disciplined body of boys and •
girls the United StatOi. Eating, drink
ing, workhig, praying . , studying, recitation
and exercise are all done on a systematic
and universal plawanddikecclock work.
To-Might, at the Keystone Skating Ribk,
Allegheny City, Rev. Wm. Evans, one of
the most accomplished elocutionists of the
: country, gives a select reading, under the
auspices of the Young Men's Christian
Association. All are invited to be preSent.
Postponed.—On account of the small at
t,endance, influenced no doubt by the rain,
the organization of a Grant Club of the citi
zens of the Fifth, old Third ward, in this
city, did not take place last night. The'af
fair has been postponed until next Friday
. .
Alleged Larceny as Railee.--Alderman.
Strain yesterday busied a warrant for the
arrest of --- Gallinger, residing on the
corner of O'Hara and - I°enn streets, charged
on oath of Geo. Green with larceny , as
bailee of a watch chain, valved at twenty
five dollars.
Suburban.—ollier McClintock, EN., the
well-known Fifth street merchant, has al
most completed one of the handsomest sn
4..btirban residences in this vicinity. The
structure is located on McOlintock's Hill,
me the Perrysville plank road, just beyond
the Observatory. - -
It'ent Meeting/le.—We call the attention
'of the Republicans living in the Eleventh,
(old Seventh,) First ward 'arid Fifth.ward,
Allegheny, to notices for meetings to be
held this evening in their different wards.
All who are in favor of thet election of
Grant and Colfax should attend.
Another Bliss affair is' bruited about,
and.. some of our fast young men are se.
rionslyalarmed. The gamels about "play
ed out, " as the boys would say, and as such .
-cases rarely come to Court, we cut but sur
mise that - they are .put • ttplo,"levY 'black
mink= those.who - fear exposure.
Too Much So.=-A colored IndiVldual
named Benjamin Stewart felt a little too
much eknancipated in Allegheny Yester
day, and act. In: a free manner s not
strict compliance with law and order,.
which resulted in his being arrested and
conveyed to the lock-up for disorderly oon-,
- Deep In Law.—James Fluhertyynsterday
- lodged two infortnat,ions before 'Aldermen
13train against John and Rato - Donatiuer re-; ,
siding at No. 26 Dtiquesne way, one for.
disorderly conduct and the other for keep 4
ing disorderly house. The ttooused were
arrested and held . for"Cotul In the sum
of 1300.
This Evening, at half-st seven-eoloakv
• the Seventh and Eighth Wards Grant • and'
Colfax Club will hold a ineetiait• at the'
„Franklin street School House: - A large at-'
tendanoe Is deidrable, as the Constitution'
and By-laws of the Club, and other impor
tant Mildness,, bron4ht before, the
ii•iembers for action. , -
' School Teachers Elected.,-The School
Directors of Lower St. Clair Townshiihate
"elected the following, teachers fort e en ? ,
suingyear: Schools• Not: 1 and 2 ( snor .
street). Principal, John . A. Logan; Assist
ant,- Josephine 'Brennen. • Noe: 3 and 4
(Mount Oliver). Principal, J. S.'Bane; As
sistant, Mary Hunter. , No. 5 (Williams
burg), Hannah J. Lyon: N0..8 (Saw
Bun), Mary H.-Polon. Nois. 7 And 8 (Browni
ton), Principal, W. P. Montgomery; .
aistant; JetirileJ. Creighton. No. 9 (Allen
lawn) Lizzie Hettrich.
..V.W '~..R:.a.~, u~i.w •,,:X.-.L;:r ~,.a'~s~. +S: L.i s;,»G ~..1-
Disorderly...-Ofiker Shaffer ) of the All& - opesiiig ` di ,i; IWa l iatiteenit life*" Bank'
VmrlV-pcklina, arrelsteda- Wan named Jack . It.-./.....- ,1 - .....::: , -..r. - -.-, Hathusqr; -..
merman ibr being arm* and acting I(esterday, by a : grunt banquet dinner,
dis" milerly ozi Federal stteet yesterday af
themagnificent and palatial new building
ternoon. The fellow made a stout , resis
tanceo but Wasverpowered by the officer of the Peoples' National Hanka-as formally
who lodged him safely in the lock-up. He taken possession of by the bank, and a
will have a hearing to-day. • sumptuous dinner was afforded: its stock
holders and patrons. The building is one'
of the handsomest in the city, and in style
of finish and point of convenience cannot
be sespassed. The main building is, two
Stories in height, and has a front of twenty ,
feet on Wood street. Tha front elevataon
is compord entirely - of cut'stone, the ma
terial used being remarkably free from
'spots or discploratibn. The first story is
thirty feet high, and 1 forms a , large - atchi.
supported on either - side by ornamented
columns, with. capitals. The archivault
is set With “vottselors,” or raised stones
similar to a keystone, which present a very
`handsome i appearance. The triangular
fields on-each Side of the arch are orna
mentedswith medelions in the form of
shields, encircled by wreaths. 1 This arch is
divided into doorways and windows, the
separatin stone-work being tastefully de
signed. he second story of the building
contains hree clustered windows, arched
at the to , and on either side are Corinth
ian col Trine Supporting a medalian cor
nice.l I the pediment there is an allegori
cal repr entatien of Liberty, surrounded
by flags from beneath the folds of which
appear anehor and a cog or tooth-wheel,
typifyin manufacture and commerce. The
carvin , th inthis piece and , in the col
umns- fore referred to, is skilfully and
artisti y executed. An ornamental par
apet su ounts the pediment, and on either
side tw large 1 eagles, sculptured :from
stone, placed. ;
The tikirg room is on the first floor, on
a level ith Wood street, and is a model of
taste and elegance. It is twenty feet wide
by sixty in length. The ceiling is semi
cironlar in front, about thirty feet high , in
the center, and le handsomely ornamented
in stucco. The rear part of the room is fur
nished in a • style Imrmonizing with the
front of the building, and around the semi
circle 'are circular windows, filled with
stained,glais. The desks, counters, door
frames etc., are oiled walnut, and the floor
is laid n tesselated marble. In the rear of
the room is the vault which is constructed
in a manner which will defy_alike ;he ray
, ages of fire or the operations of burglars.
bathe rear of the main building is ran L
shaped.wing, which extends the full width
of two lots. In this wing, and on the same
level with the banking room, are elegantly
furnished apartments for the President and
Directors, besides lunch room wash room,
etc. These rooms are all fi nished in uni
form style, the wood work being of oiled
_walnut, and some light colored -wood, and
the - ceiling ornamented in stucco work.
The building throughout is most conve
niently arranged for the purposes of a
banking institution' and reflects credit
upon 'the city as well as upon the taste and
liberality of the bank.
The , People's Bank is now permanently
located in the new building, and with
Samuel 'Rea, as President, George Black,
Vice President, and F. M. Gordon, Cashier,
all of wham enjoy a wide reputation as ex
perienced business men, it promises not
only to'maintain its reputation-as a reliable
institution but to even increase its business
wosperity. .
Temperance Meeting =Rev. Paul Coombs,
the Secretary of the Pennsylvania State
Temperance Society, was to have addressed
the friends of the cause irr front - of
Allegheny.Postoffiee last - evening, but the
rain interfered with the arrangement. For
once too much cold water came in contact
with t h e T em perance reform.
Fortsnate.---Yesterday afternoon, while a
carpenter waS engaged in repairing . the
'cornice, of whonse on Ohio street, Alleghe
ny, he Missed his footing and fell to the
ground. He was fortunate enough to alight
on his feet and so was >saved from serious
injury, the only effect being a slight stun
ning from the for. e of the fall.
The contest for the Republican nomina
tion to the municipal offices at the forth
coining Primary:meetings Is growing warm
and exciting. ' There arela number of per
son.s willing to serve , their fellow-citizens
in the various offices. It is generally con
ceded that the Democrats will pat Mr. Jas.
Blackrnore in nomination for re-election to
the office of Mayor.
questions Answered.—Those large heaps
of earth scattered over the Allegheny Com
`mons, which have attracted so much atten
tion, and regarding which so many ques
tions have been aSkd, are compost heaps,
formed by a combination of lime with other
substances which afe to . be used in fertil
izing the soil around the trees when plant
ed in the proposed wk.
Almost Conipleted.—The Federal Street
and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway is
abiost completed,' and will be in running
order about the fifteenth of the present
month, if the work progresses according to
expectations. But a very smell portion of
the track remains to be laid, and it will be
completed as soon as the cars arrive, which
will about the time stated.
Progressing.—The hew building for the
use of the . First National Bank of Birming
ham is progressing rapidly. The !work
men are engaged on the last story of, brick
work, and have it almost ready for rooing.-
When once dosed up, a strong force of
workmen will be put on and every effort
made to complete it rapidly. It is epected
to be ready foroecupaucy by fall.
Boy Drowned.—Yesterday afternoon,
shortly after one o'clock, 'a boy residing on
McKee street, Birmingham, was drowned
in the Monongahela river, near Chambers'
Glass Works. Parties were engaged; in
searching for the body driting the after
noon and evening, but np to a late hour last
evening it had not beenfonnd. We failed
to learn the name of the deceased.
The Maw Organ of the Third Presby te
rian Church; one of Book's (Boston) best
make, with the vox humanastop, will arrive
in the city to-day, and will be immediately
erected in.the elegant new church on Biittli
street. This organ will be mach sweeter
in tone than the mammoth Jardine or gan
in the Cathedral, and we daresay will be a
superior instrument altogether, althmigh
not ilo large,
L emperance.—The Temperance men are
actorrAy at work canvassing for the; ad
vancement of their cause. They meet in
Convention Tuesday, - August 11, - to place
in nomination a candidate for . County Coin
missioner. As yet no particular man I has
been specially talked of for the position,
but from appearances at present the Com
ing man -is a well known advocate of ; the
cause in A ll egheny.• '
Alleged Assault on a Boy.—Bimon John
ston made information before Alderman
Taylor yesterday against Charles O'DOll
- for committing an assault and battery
upon the person of his stepson; Grafton
Burbridge. The alleged offense was com
mitted at the bead of Wylie street, and it
is stated, besides abusing the boy. that
O'Donnell threatened! to take the boy's life.
A warrant was issued.
its Malicious Trespatno.—Jaines R. 'Mellon
made information before Alderman Me-
Masters yesterday, 'against several boys
for tresp iassing on his- father's property on
the Bloomfield pike, l and carrying off frtdt,
besides breaking the trees and destroying
the shrubs on the gtounds. A warrant
was issued for the arrest of the bovs.whose
names are Geo. Rawhanser, Thos. Herron,
Geo. lank and Sno. Cannon.
Attive.—The Republicans of Allegheny
have become thoroughlY aroused and are
engaging actively in the campaign. A stand
to be navies their headquarters has just
been erected in the Third ward square - of
the Diainond, and from it during the com
ing struggle treason' and traitors will re
ceive many a scathing rebuke, and around
it many a hearty shout for theloyal candi
date% Grant-and Colfax, Will tna' ke the wel
kin ring. • -
Disorderly CondactiClizabeth rents
made information yesterday, before Alder
man Strain, against Sydney rents, for dis
orderly conduct 'and` surety of ;the pea Ce.
She alleges du* SydnetriS in: the habit of
throwing dead chickens and the contents
of skip pails around her house, and using
very violent language toward her. At the
lusating the case was finally comPromiged
by Sydney premising to desist, from these
practices in the future:
. , • . • . ;
Street Openlng.r-A petition:is in circuit':
tion, signed by a number of the property
holders in , the miainity, asking for the open.
in j g of Taylor avenue, in the Second ward
Allegheny, from its present terminus tit
Palo Alto street:to. Beaver street, a distance
of two squares. The. petition will-be pre;
'tented to Councils at their I next meeting,
and as the improvement is one which is
very much needed it will no doub 'receive
favorable consideration. .
_ . .
Serious Accident;;-Yesterday afternoon
about two okilock t German, while driving •
a two horse wagon loaded with coal along
Smithfield street, near •Fifth, was struck
by orte of the wheels and - knocked down.
The hind wheel of the wagon , passed over
his left leg, below the knee,. crushing It in
a horrible. manner. ~Be was conveyed to
his home in Birmingnam and medical aid
summoned, but it is tfeared that animate.;
tion wilt be neeesiary. We failed to as
certain his name. .• •
. .
We have received from Prof. Charles C.
--Mellor, No. 81 Wood street, the following,
- popular music: The Wandering Boy,
words by Henry Kirk White, dedicated to
posed by
„Alexander, Esq.,-musio
posed by James Giles;- Silver,.-Leaf Polka,
composed and dedicated to Miss Stella,
Jones, one of Pittshusgb's amateurs, by D.
C. HaughaWint; alio, Fading Lilly, in
memory othilss Francis Henlein, New
Castle, composed by. ,Edward -Ambahl.
These plebes of musicshould be' had'by all
oar readers wh yway fond of music.
ThAY.kre published by Mr. Mellor, and
,CS3l'llle.tad at his Store, 81 Wood street.
In our premenade- along liorth avenue,
Allegheny,on Sunday evening, we had the
,pleasure of meeting seven,, cows and
Pig ,Theee . Iswfry epeCiMerle 'of rofdPgY
are ,: ,perhaPe; allowed wander 'about - in
order to add natural be a nty and life to the
beautiful scenery Of liorth 000.11"14 but,
if we &fie make a suggestion, it would be
that these animals, charming stthey mdst
be to some byesi wouldUervastly better
in the city pound, if such a place now exists,.
and if ,the great pig, sty r itronei3ornefips
that" `po rtion of the Commons which - is en
cl as a lawn in front of the, Pennon
thkrY, : 11 0t a city pound, stigiff not poser
bly imagine why it csa be there.
, f .1'
-- \
FrITSBUitGIi GAZEM : TUESDAY; AtltitYBT 4, .1868:
Emancipation Day-LThe Celebration Yes
terday=-Row tt Passed off.
Tim colored population of this . yicinity
yesterday celebrated the Thirty-fourth An- 1
niversary of Emancipation.. Its observance
should properly have taken place on Sat.
urday, but owing to the latexiess of that
day in the week it was thought best to post
pone the affair until At an early
hour yesterdaY the excitement commenced,
and:from "early morn till dewy eye"' the
celebration was carried on with earnestness
and hearty abandon, which FBA%) good evi
dence of hoti well the occasion was appre
ciated. ,
The Pittsburgh population generally re
paired to the different Groves in the vicin
ity, and in "revelry and mirth" managed
to put in the time very agreeably. The
largest number thronged the shady re
treats and cool recesses of McFarland's
Grove, where aided bythe mash, the dance
and the promenade, the hours glided
swiftly , and delighfully by. Orators for the
day had been appointed, but for some rea
son they failed to', put in an appearance,
causing somewhat of a break in the' pro
gramme,s which seemed, 'however, to be
teadily filled with the - other exereises.
Linden Grove also attracted quite a fair
assemblage, all of whom appeared tobe en-
• joying,themselves as only snobs company,
an such an occasion could enjoy themselves.
In Allegheny the day was celebrated in a
somewhat shriimr manner. 'About eleven
'o'clock the Lincoln Guards, commanded by
Lieutenant Smallwood, turned out, and,
headed by a martial band, paraded through
some of the princi streets, after which
they marched to her's Grove, in the
rear of Observatory I, which was the
rendezvous for_ the "celebrators" in Alle
gheny. At this place large numbers of
' them gathered, and emancipated from the
cares and perplexities of life for one day at.
least, they entered .with zest into the enjoy
ment of the .occasion.and gave themselves
up to festivity and rejoicing.
Miring the afternoon Prof. L. A. Neal
mounted the stand and made an instructive
and practical address to the assemblage on
the duties of the colored Irace politically
and socially, which was received with evi
denees of great interest by all present, and
seemed very appropriate to the occasion.
, There.was nothing of special interest go.
ing on in the evening but as the different
picnics were broken up, the individuals
dispersed .homewards, perhaps to find a
more quiet and additional pleasure in talk
ing and musing over the days adventures
*and experiences,' each no doubt feeling
gratified at the manner In
_Which it had
been spent: and treasuriogap its recollec
tion as one of the bright spots in the mem
of the past. •
Edward Burnet • was • arrested yesterday
by officer Gumbert, of the Mayor's, pollee,
on an information for false pretence, made
against •him by Mr. • Edmund, Evans, , - of
End Liberty. It is alleged that the ac
cused, who is i the employ of Mr. Evans,
e to him about a week ago and request
edcam lo
the an of forty dollars, stating that tie
wanted the moneyto pay the funeral ex
penses of his wife, who had just expired.
mr. Evans, being a kind-hearted man, and
feeling a sympathy for the bereaved, loaned
biro the money. StMsequently, it is al
leged, he disouvered.that the whole affair
was a fraud, the woman not' ' being deed at
all.. The officer, proceeding with the war
rant to Arrest the accused, came Aped him
before he had risen yesterday morning at
his residence, finding also his faithful part
ner at his side, who seemed remarkahly
active for a dedeased woman. At.the hear
i heiraihiilffifithe` sum of, 5300' Jor„his
appearance at" Conrt.'_ It Is 'quite' likely,
however, that. the r ease will be compro
- The. Tombs. , '
- The Tombs last night) was : _respectably
well 8 1 1 ed,. r Cell N 0.1., costal ned all "Irish
er," who had bobibed tbo M uch, and
gutters' oonveta with cell IS, which
Was °coupled by a ,fema aof doubtful vir
tue. Their conversation was ahociting_ to
an extreme, lind compelled a pions leaking
individual' who had voluriMrily sought
ladOrigaln the delectabletombs to prsy
deliverance, preferring to; walk the ,streete
rather than listen to such awful language .
Several Dolores . persons ` who lia4ll36an Ob
serving the "glorious third'? in a "glorious
fdiitth" style were indarcerited; and will,
doubtless,. this Morning, be permitted to
depart tree, of cost by our' considerate
~._ z
'~{'_`, ~ ~.`~ir.~y :.T ~+. " ,I,~e;y;x +,._k4. '~'ei?a.S.~... a,..~'v J..' :}....°~ .~.i ,~.~, ~~:.
Net Dead, bntLleing.
italirakd 'al Mirialeid.
Coroner n held au inqueit yester
afternoon on the body of a man named
Barney Toner, who waB killed' at Mans
field. It appears that the deceased had been
'in the employ of Messrs. Negley & Co. as a
miner at the Grant coal works, Mansfield,
but had been oat of work for some time.
Yeaterday morning he started up to the
workato see,if he could get a situation, and
while standing bn the track near thecom
pany's tipple, the rnong expreas on the
Pittsburgh and Coln bus railroad, due,
there at 10:20, came alo g, and Toner in en
deavbring to-cross ' thetr ack to get out of
the way was struck by he locomotive and
knocked against a eight train which
had stopped on the other track. 1
The force of the Wow was such as
to crash in his left side, and otherwise
severely injured him. He was conveyed
to his boarding house in Mansfield, and Dr.
Dale 'summoned, but notwithstanding all
that medical skftl could do, he expired
• shortly after one o'clock in thei afternoon.
At the inquest a nuriier of witnesses were
examined, after whie the jury returned a
verdict- "'that the d ceased came to' his
death on the 3d of A gust, 1808, at Mans
field, from being st nok" by the express
train on the Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cin
cinnati •Railroad bung west. No blame can
be attached to the employes of the train,
but the jury are of the opinion that the
morning exprass tra n is run at too great a
speed through Mans 'old." The deceased
was a native of Ira nd, about forty-one
years of age, and ha I, been in the employ
of Messrs. Negley a .. ut two years. •
An °rig I Method.
James Campbell, f thiFirst ward,'Alle
gheny, was charged before Mayor, Drum
with threatening to kill a citizen on & r ant ,
day last. Officer.Kingan found the man at
Kennedy's Landing on the Ohio river, and
Was about to arrest him whenthe accused
jumped into a skiff and commenced, rowing
out into the river. The officer, not to be
outwitted, also procured a skiff and started
in pursuit. Finding himself foiled In this
attempt, Campbell came bilk to the shore,
landing on some rafts and starting' on a
run. Being almost overtaken he took to
the water again, this time; however.:-with
out a skiff. Unfortunately he had never
learned to' swim, and would have been
drowned had not the officer fished him
out just in time: He was taken to the
Mayor's office and fined five dollars and
costs, and then released aftergiving bonds
for his future good conduct. ,
A Diversion
Some time during Fridarnight, or early
Saturday morning, a pail of butter 'was
stolen:from the cellar connected with .the
_residence of Mr. Louis Zellar in East Bir
mingham. The owner of the stolen prop
erty informed Justice Ammon's police of
the occurrence. After a diligent search it
was discovered that the thief, evidently
fearing detection, had concealed the article
in the yard of AlcGonnigle's planing mill.
The employes of the mill finding it, and
thinking some ' , guardian angel" had sent
ast ,1 a slight testimonial, with much re
]olcitig and thanks they divided the spoil
equally amongst themselves, and when the
owner came along naught was left hint but,
the empty Pail. He was so well satisfied
with! securing even it, that he good na
turedly said nothing of the contents, and
alloWed the matter to drop. ' .
In a Smashing nuagr.
Frpk "Schwallan, Nicholas .Damarsh,
Hen , Shaffer and Thomas Murray were
r l ,
arra ted yesterday and brought before
Just, ce Ammon of ° East nirminghtun,
charged on oath of Louis Hauck with dis
orde ly conduct. It is alleged that the ,
parties attended a plc-nie given by the St.
Vincent's Literary Society, at Rap's Grove
on Saturday, at which they acted in a very
disorderly mariner. Coming home from
the pic-nic Hauck alleges that they entered
his saloon in Brownstown arid proceeded to
smash things, destroying everthing that
dime in their way. They wore held for a
further hearing. Theinformation charges
quite a number of others with thp same
offence, but none of them have yet baen ar
rested. ' _
Medicinal Ws4ers,
At the well managed 'and first class
drug and perfumery house of Messrs.
Burns ds CaugheY, corner of St. Clair and
Penn streets, - the lovers of pure and health
giving &tigress, Vichy, Saratoga, Kissin
gen and Seltzer waters will find them' on
draught from clean and ice-cold porcelain
fountains. Nowhere else in , the city' can
these medicinal waters be obtained in
more delicioua style and purity. The soda
water fountain with its fresh fruit syrups
are also attractions at this house. In con
nection with this notice, we would inform
the liclies that they ,will find also here a
magnificent new stock of toilet articles of
new importations and very , pretty designs
and styles. • - •
Abusing a Hone.
Mr. Miller, of the firm of Mi!lei& Brad
ley, livery stable keepers, on . Ohio street,
Allegheny, made information last evening
before Mayor Brun; against two colored
,men, named respectively Oscar Robinson •
and James Holley, for recklessly driving
and abusing a horse. It is alleged that the
accused hired a buggy of the prosecutor to
attend a pio.nic in Gallagher's Grove, just
outside the city. In the evening when they'
returned the animal it was completely ex
hausted, and died a short time after being
put in the stable. The accused were sr
- rested by officer Hingan and"brought tothe
lock-up. They
_will have a heating this
morning. , -
Fire In South Pittaburgh.
About half-past twelve o'clock lastnight
a flre broke out in a one-story frame. build
ing pear Abe, end of the . Monongahela
bridge, in South Pittsburgh, occupied as a.
wagon-making and blackstiaith shop by
Messrs. Rigdon , Ez Nelson. The banding,
together with its 'contents, was totally de
stroyed. contained but very little ma
terial aside from the tools and the loss,
which is trifling, is coveted by insuranceb
The origin of the tire is unknovrn. The
Neptune and Duquesne steamers went over
and rendered good service in Preventing
the, spread of the flames. 4 -- ,
Western. University.
The success of this excellent institution
renders it tuineermary for parents to send:
their eons from borne for a first-class corm.'
scientific" or classical education.
Every. advantage that can be had elsewhere
is afforded here, and we would do well to
appreciate the blessings we hair°, in Our
'midst. rather than seek thorn at greater
inconvenience., Kind and liberal friends,
together with: tin`,allle corps of instructors,
have built up an:institution which we are
proud to , honer-and we would" lidu see - its
bath , crowded, With eagek, seekers ` l after
knowledge. The .Sail-Serifopens Septem
ber first. - " -
A ll e!g e d Iraliel !i ete r°l I "
fore,Alderman :2110 2 &44v$11WPI:gerditY ,
against Jonathan ViCkera for false pre
tence. Thi.parties z reside Mansfield.
Aimsworth allegeil that Vickers obtained
boarding from him to them:mint Of thirty
onedollariby representing that he had I
large sum of money coming from qt, &
Gamble, which he would allow the
attar to.ollect in payment of the bill. In..
stead , of doing this„ Ahnsworth says that
Vickers am - Telly gave ',brother-in-law
an order for the money, which he - ettlleiited
and refused to,settle Ike, 4 14, warrant
was issued. •
. • . ' . , - - • ~..., __,•_, ~-.. ~,,,,-7„,..r.V.
*ft Benniath9fr Rebbery-41earin
` 7 ' Airtithiesdiir,;ZAdditfoiiid-Akiest:
The detectives engaged . in working np
the-Benninghoff robbery case, on Saturday
Made another arrest, the ',prisoner being
one of .the' hands engaged on the farm at
the time of the robbery. It is alleged that
the accused gave the necessary informa
tion which enabled the thieves to carryout
their plan so successfully. The parties now
in the Franklin jail, the particulars of
arrest we published some time since,
'will have a hearise on Wednesday, when
fullerpartioulars will be developed. Officer
Have, who is the chief deteve • in the
matter has not yet returned from' Canada
whither he ' went on business connected
I with the affair. The names of the arrested
parties are George Miller, Louis Walde and
John Shaffort.
Yesterday afternoon the body of a man,
in a state of decOmnosition, was found on
the wheel of the steamer Baltic, lying at
the foot of Penn street, in the Monongahela
River. The boat had steam up preparatory
to departing on a trip down th
fished u e river, and
it is supposed the body was pby
the wheel as it turned round slowly in the
water. The Coroner was notified of the
affair and sent down Alex. Aiken, under
taker, to bring the 'body to the Mayor's of
fice. When Mr. Aiken arrived at the boat.
he found that the body had floated off and'
was lost .It had been rather loosely se
cured to 'the wheel, and as the current at
that place is very strong, it is supposed that
the waves from passing boats had broken
it loose antrcarried it away in the current.
City Controller. I s - -
MESSRS. EDITORS:-The name of :Mr.
Robert J. McGowan is mentioned as an as
pirant for the office of City Controller, sub
ject to the decision of - the Union Republi
can party, on the 15th of August.
Mr. McGowan was born and raised in
this county; he is a hard working and in
dustrious man; an honest, upright and re
liable citizen, and is worthy and. deserving'
the hearty support of the people. He is an
estimable gentleman, possessed of a high
grade of moral character, good judgment
'and honesty of purpose. His faithful ser
vices on the Finance Committeirwhire a
member of the City Councils enables him
to fully understand the financial affairs of
the city and the workings of the Control
ler's office; his education, and thokongh
knOwledge of the science of book keeping'
qualities him for a first class Controller, and
will enable him to . discharge the 'duties of.
that office with ability, and to the advan
tage and satisfaction of the tax-payers.
However, should any: one entertain
doubta—through dishonorable and false
representations which have been made, by
parties deeply interested in his defeat—of
his knowledge, qualifications and ability to
perform the duties of City Controller, they
will receive satisfactory explanation by a
personal interview withMr.ldcGowan him
self. , SEEM WARD.
A First Class Drug and Perfumery Rouse.
Prominent amongst the well •conducte&
and first-class drug and perfumery estab
lishment of the city, stands the old estab
lished and favorably known house of
Simon R. Johnson, corner of. Fourth and
Smithfield streets. Mr. J., from unusual
facilities for purchasing, secured during a
recent visit to Europe, is .enabled to
keep this market supplied with' the
finest assortment and . quality of for
eign articles of drugs, perfumeries and
tenet articles, and at prices much
below those which prevail elsewhere.
Yesterday we had the pleasure of looking
through the really fine stook of perfumer
ies and toilet articles he has on hand, and
must award it the first place amongst those
held by cotemporary houses. R embraces
all the favorite, domestic and foraign arti
cles which, have forced their way , through
merit alone into public favor. Nowhere
else in the city can goods in this line be
purchased to better advantage, for while
the range ofseiection is broad and varied,
the prices are exceedingly just and rea
sonable. Of toilet articles, a leading spe
cialty of this, the reader can
have no just appreciation,unless paying a
visit and looking thr ough the stock.
Mr. Johnson keeps employed careful clerks,
thoroughly learned in the my steries of
pharmacy, who are constantly in attend
anee to fill prescriptions, and put up medi
cines. The highest compliment on their_
ability is the fact that not a single prescrip
tion has been wrongly interpreted or filled
since the establishment of the house. Fox
any and everything in the line of drugs,
Perfumeries, toilet articles, liquors, cigars,
dt., we commend the house of Mr.
Johnson to our readers, and trust that even
a still larger_ share of patronage than bile
hitherto been awarded it, may reward the
untiring efforts of the proprietor to meet
the wants and ;demands of the public in
this line of trade.
Weed Sewing Machines
Do not take -fits or spells when you
want thein to work. Use a straight, short,
needle, make the tighflock-stitch, have an
Inimitable, seladjnsting tension, and will
midi, hem, bind, braid, ruffle. guilt, stitch
gather and sew on at the same tune, tuck
without measuring and mark the other,
performing greater range and variety than
any other machine, and use less thread:
S. Gastale, Joseph and Madison streets.
A. Winters, Joseph and Madison streets.
J. Ulrich, Carson and Ormsby streets.
J. Hopperman, Carson !and Ormsby
W. F. Williams, Carson street.
W. F. Wakefield, Carson street.
J. R. Jaques, Carsonstriiet.
A. Weidman, Carson street.
M.• Fiddler,
_Cruson street-
Rev. H. J. Hartman, Carson street.
J. Schwarm, Carson street.- -. . -
A. Schwarm, Carson street: - . -- - - -------
M. Keogler, Carson street.'
J. A. Riages, Frederick street. -
D. Decken, Franklin street. ' )
M. Shaffer, Bedford street..
M. J. Palmer,•Sarah street.
R. Moore, Sarah street.'
N. Snyder, Sidney street. • .
M. Jackson, Liberty street. ,
' W. K. Hartzell, (GAZETTE office,) M'Kee
street: . •
J. Richards, Joseph. street.
- N. J. Heeler, Joseph and Sidney streets.
G. Slocum i Joseph and Sidney streets.
0. Keeler, Franklin street.
V. Trapp, Johnson and James streets.
B. Berton, '•Denman and , Washington
streets. • •
S. Swartz, Railroad street.
P. Yochum, Frederick and Denman ,
streets. - ' • • ' ' •:
S. Hollis, Sidney, street.
J. Deessell, Sidney street. ,
J. Holden, McClurg-street.
N. Paul, Wharton street. , „ •
R. Moore, Sarah street.
A. E. Kennedy, Binglitun street, Sopth
E. Barrett, Bingham street, South
ur Titts
b gh. •
— 3. Redman, Oliver -stria' i, San* pita'.
6t gh."'
r - _ ''• -
E. Brown, Carson' street;; South Pitts
'. C. Cowhal, end of bridge, south Pittir SELLING OFF AT . OAST 1 „ - t,s- 4
burgh. - ' '• ' ' ''. r I TES BALANCE OP OUR
G. W. Jope, Sligo. . • '.. ..•
T. - Carckni, Weit Pittsburgh. , ‘ B _.
(ICottili - '''
i i .:2,3:
D. Foster , > s[ane9eld
R. Woods, Esq.; lifanSfield.
D. Deaven, Tempe L
ranceville. ~., .
OPISPECRA 1 / I n*GRI Aril ! •i.-• s =`
, -,•... - i,
.Isof:ii...obroi• Ageni r
• • -
No. 112 Grarketreat. r .nuemen g en tl e m en's Goodt.
Asthma.—Thw _New York independent •e AT COST, tonake room tbr PALL GOOD "
published a letter, from R ev. : los. E. }Up - , , • 14 , • ~..„t ,
setts f orth theYNiondertal etietencar or •• -
,!... - H. gmmi, M erchant . r. ; .il .--i„, ? .
Jamul Whiteombhi Asthma Remedy. -- or. .„.Q
, . .... lisf- , . %, : •100. Wie.= fiT., .._.
ke l.
i Y F
i F
Found and Lost.
Grocem Sale,—We ,advertise !. to
lips paper,'on Mir iiiih — page; ag_ • - ,
for sale. This house is doing a good b•-‘ -
Hess; is well situated, and its trade is vow
ing rapidly. The party lion" owning tide-
Elvis to turn his entire attention to other
lansmess, and will sell this at a bargain.•
The house has a lease on it for a number of
years. We consider this one of the few
chances offered. See advertisement.
It Is a luxury and a comfort to 'bathe,
shaire, or have your hair cut or dressed at
the elegant establiihment of H. B. Williapa
son, •No. 190 Federal street, Alleghczy.
Try it.
- -
Likeneu of Grant.--Fulbelzed'portrait :of
Grant, on colored card board, the best' and
cheapest likeness to be had, for twenty-five
cents, at No. 84 Fifth street. daw
Iliydiaulle Cow Milker.—See advertise
ment in another column. -
HAWS—KIRKPATRICK.--On Thursday:even
ing, July 30th, at tlie residence of the bride's pa
rents, by the Rev. S. AMOS HAW.X. and
Miss' LOUISA KIRKPATRICK, all of thls
FLACCUS—On Sunday evening, Aulast
1868, 51.A.RY, dauhter of W and Catharine
Flames, In the 11th year of her age.
The . funeral will take place from the rest" cia.e of
" •
berparents, in Lavrrencevllle,' Tuts moirni." at
10 'o'clock. The friends of the faintly are re et
folly invited tciittend.. •
No. 166 FOURTH sTßEET,Pittsburglai ra.
INS of all kinds, CRAPES, SILOVES, and ev.
ery description of Funeral Furnishing tioods-fur-
Dished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse arid
Carriages tarnished. + •,..
Itar .
,_insazNoss—llev. David Kerr, D. D., Rev..m.
W. Jacolms, D. D,, Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H.
; killer, Esc
Allegheny City. vrbere their • DOS FIN ROOM -are
constantly supplied witk real and imitation Rose'
wood, Ma h og any and Walnut Conine , at prises cs,
tying from 114. to elOO. Bodies prepared for inter
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished: also all
rinds of Mourning lloodS, if reqnired. 02toe pPen
at all houns, day and night. • - •
ICE__,,T . Allegheny, and No. SO HUM ND
SQUARE, by John Wilson & 8r05.,) keeps syr
on hands the beat Waal, Resewood, Walnut d'
Lroitation Rosewood. Obains. Walnut Coffins re
as upwards.. Rosewood Cotans.sslo upwar sds
other Ccflins I propOrtlon. Carriages and H
furnished atlow rate& Crape, Gloves., Plate:int
Engraving tarnished, gratis. Oillee open day and
Zorner Smithfield and Fourth StreetE.
Small Profits cause Large & Quick Sales,
Which prevents an) seemulationnt old goods
Daily Purchases from Eastern Markets.
Better goodi sold at lower rates than at any aro.
ar establlthatent to the two cities, and
• I
• •
. _
Goods delivered free to Depiots, Cm, Boats, Re—;s
tele and Residences. Call st store for. descriptive 4
Catalogue and I.rice List. ' • . 1
-. .
114 SMITHFIELD ST., opp. Poet Ocoee. . :
wailiiNTED TO newn
_THE !awl
. -
ti t i pt i td to s z. I I TBST . CLASS XEI343 . HANr .. T4.I:
. 1.4 . 1r1I!
. _
JUST 0111711:DE AT •
HENRY,G; A T 3.1 1 13
Corner sotrenn and St.
. . .