IRON WORKS. j .M . A 141 Y" 3l . Frei%••• w. PAlrossia•Hvgo,6 L , • pITTSRERGH FORGE AND IRON CO., KAAI3I.LCITIMItB Cir . Bar Iron; , , ?"`llroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Cie Ixles Rolled; Railroad Cal Axles Hannneradt 1 LocomotiveFratnes; Locomotive Prisnm Shapes; Side Bodsf Yokes.; Straps; - Piston HeadM Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; • _Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitinan Jaws, Collars, &e. • Office, N0.'177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, P' BYERS & CO., MAYIJFAOTUREII.B OF B r Hoop and Sheet lion, WROUGHT IRON, Trau Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. ALSO, OIL WELL• TUB BING:' Office, 98 Water and 182 First Street& PITTSBURGH, Pa. 228:e26 KENSLNGTON IRON WORKS. • LLOYD & BLACK,. IIiANTTFACTIIIIK.RB OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal JUNIATA. BLOOM IRQN. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND WARE IRON HOOP, BARD Tand__ElL N. BOILER PLATE mid SHEET N. . MOWER AND BEAFER BAB& CYLINDER and °UAW or FINGER IRON. SHALL T RAILS, 910 and 10 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT.CHAMS and SPIKES foreman. . ' . FLAT RAlLS,_Punchedond Countonatnk. COAL SCREEN • ,A NAILS AND SPIKES. . Warehouse anti OM ea at - the - Worts, ORKEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation .of First street, adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. • EVERSON, PRESTON Sr. CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 186 and 187 71118 T STREET opposite Monongahela House, ap24:d6 . • PITTSBURGU. STEEL WORKS: pITTSEIIITH STEEL:WORKS. CEST4LifiITE.D 1845.7 ANDERSON & WOODS, SUCCESSORS TO I ANDERSON COOK & CO. Mannfactorers of every description of - BEST REFINED rooz. STEEL ' Mill, Malay, Circular, Gan gland Cross Cut SAW .• Spring, Cast and German Plow ittid Blister Steel. Shoves, Hoe. Forkosake and Toe Calk Steel: Itatlroad Spring Steel and Frog Points, Cast Steel Finger Sara, sickle Steel, Suring Tyre, Plow Wings, etc.; 011 Drill steel: ,utuoe and Works —vdiner FIRST AND ROSS STS, Pittsburge, Pa - Jt29:d9 SHEFFIELD' STEEL 10: SINGER, yiroll-CO. Ifinnfactorers of every description , of CAST AND, CERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS,__.— • • •_ • Emarno AND PL ATFORM SPRINS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ac., 6e. Warehouse, 133 Water and 100 First splif:oele - • ' MI4E II I BARR &-PARQIIIT. iRENIZIAL ELWIN:RS:, •• WIC METO/11.7,1 METTIEN'AILLZiii ORO. W. BAlat. ' CHAS. PARKIN.• 'WILL PAsTaxix-B. MI CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, ~.I!MtlVdc 3P.S.IUUM, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PTI 1381111.0 H. fel4:d4B iAcK. DIAMONDB .sTEr t i, WORKS. • . PARK, • • BROTITEIL CO. . •• maloagOtarers of an desc:ripitolis of . 0 ,1 11:31r e ard Mriehonoei . aiscoisib. Hma)whaw 'N.EW HA RD W ARE DOUSE. . LUIDS%:SVOLET, Mangfactureii and*Orgers of * \AtUttitti, &C. 887` l IBERTY STREET,: bosinca. or w` , l . • ' •-• • • 1r,;41, ! neooll - '••• PITTSBURGH. alp , SH3=NCOEVANDIMMIZINGI. ITNY I TSA * *4' at! Cu„ "I` ANCOORVOTTI*MILLi f , •.. '.... 1 .:.....; .5 '4! • .:'.; 4.1' , ' , ?..••.;• ..:?'. ', ,, , i . 1 . - ;.•::1::)..:; T 1141100*.ii01.****74$044.1*Iittoi:i4iliii,. . •.,-, ~F AJlO3,lllllllt AWED Arai 51:014ffiWc4.41%. WITIIE.O. hr.[ jr .41 • • • ` c 16a i.P .4 4 1141,11ttl ./1 J-6 ROBINSOIVi REA & CO., • Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLZBS, WASHINGTON WORKS, . FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, • msntini.ittirert of Boat find Btationaz+ Steam En gines; Blast Engines, MIII Machinery, Gearing, Bhafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills; Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 111, cornet/Intend Smithfield Streets. Agents for GEFFARIPB PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. ON I I I BANC FOUNDRY. ButUrr Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling Hifi and Bridge Casiings, MACHINERY AND OASTINGS GENERALLY jEtr4u,Ne : F ! ouNDßie. • PRICE & SIMS . Office and Warehouse 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thir' nble,Sliein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON.BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, /nd Cantinis generally. ap2646 THOMAS • CAItLIN & CO.; • • Fourth Ward Fanadry and !Lachine Works , ..amiDirsKy ST siummicscrarry, PA. , manufactur e rs of ateaM lues, OB Presses, leEtsfainStdisittlsciEinGertzlatild Wora. Orate - Bars,k Boiling Wagon Boxes, de. Bold. to order and ,have on Una Engines of Mt sizes; , e my24:415 GB, PL. TAAL ,FOUNDRY • • O EN • AND ROLL WORKS: • .7 13/14:1 Penn Street. BOLLMAN,.. 13(11Y11:-& -BAGALKL bill Roil., Mill Casting ,11 11 Lathes` FULTON MACHINE WORK& EBTABLISLIKD IN Ink' all annlnct.ory of STEAM ENGIN of , sizes andel the most approved pattennuti: Mationary purposes • STEAMBOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. 74.maidely of 10. AM and lelione power 'EN6LNEI3, which will he sold at very re.dreed i1 . .61/ClSSE.Wellsville • 0. "fifty miles below' ittsbnigh.'on the Oblo Mvei, and line of C. & P. ,R. no,:h2 LtIMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER! ALEXANDER PLitrEIBEION, Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE: 800,0110 feetTiry Fine BoOrds; . •30,i00 kerb? WWI luld ltioh; 20,000 feet Dry Ash, 2 , 2.1 Ann 3 :nett: • • 201/.000 het, Hemloct• 1,000,000 No. 18.inch ' Sbingles, sawed:. 100.000 No. 110 loch Shingles, sawed; 100,000 No: 110-inch Shingles, a awed; • 2,000 Locust Posts, 7,, 8 and 12 feet; 300 Vedar Posts. - • - • Also. Fire 2r14, 'File.and Clay, la Iwo or small quantities. _ TAKDEI No. 86 •PREBLE STREET formerly Manche: ter, and 187.2E8 EMIL STREET. Gripe date We Gas Works, AlLegh. ny Cl y.. yy29:02 irr PUT LUMBER COMPANY • - Cevital; - ti $125000. 'PIiziIPRAFT-ED WARD , DiTHELDGZ. BacaTakair-T. A. WEIGHT. .Bonnuwarmit-ZIDVIJ. DArmoN. •- • lI,Dr Da DIIISCTORE: - viacqk DOA John'M ard ellon, K. D. Dlttuidee, ilex. W; Dlthrldge,_ ff M. L. Malone, . • :S. R. Johnston. . LUMBER. YARD—Oorner of BITTLISILARD . LEDIDENY STREETS. Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT PORT PITT °LABS WOBJLIA. Wash -1110,913 Street.. MIXON) , AND STEA-14, 17081 f 11. Imams: - :a08. 'KAYS.. MIIINZr NUL .joRN. II . COOPER & CO., BRASS , F01:73111ER13, • GAS AND STEAM. FITTERS limusersecerers of PRAM AND BRASS WORK o . :Orley eeserl_ptloat dealers Dr AU L nrquliiig ANA' , eir 'll►kin*: _ •,, 3 - Coiner - atrike and Walnut Streets, , .1 5 ITTSeURGET., •as••• iutivtAr; nit svillFdeirAmr, 124 . I,6l 4...atiiii* Pittab ROT Lou saw ut VOW= a.' nee, tsabeits,.ihinoannol4 , gtheit brat tit op Aga 0 11 atehgeop' iv Spilt% R. /. r 111 • za f. •c - § - 0/6.4..i.iiiiitami6iii*Vi agil y inufwes .- " • • _ .(r) r, q.l Si t. 1 L,l 70 ,, 1.5 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. ATPAEI WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, ISrx-rs33uxt,Gla. .„ THOMAS hi. 17LLElli, Preiident.. . . Theme Works are among . the largezt end blest complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared Lei:tarnish Enginee, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Tron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Jul Casting*. Engine Caetings. iltschine Csitinge. General Castings. • • rio9:n69 ORDERS SOLIDITET) NATIONAL FOUNDRY • . ' AND PIPE*ORKS. Corner Carroll and' StneiSawn Streets, . . (NINTH WABD,) ,PrrTi333lMGriir, PA... . , ' WilL SMITH .Stairufacrpirer Or • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE - 1 ____ ' . FOR GAS AND WATER :Wl:4mm . . ea Meirgr s e e gl ie e n sg h tn . vartsbli ei h t i Pit: im it i tlf : y a General Castings for Gas and Water Works. Li Iwo d also All the ittenilon of Snpe'rinteniients of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ' fel& 10 • L. 0. 110810N.W. 11. 107111..11. A. ROBINSON. JB. LIVINGSTON SG €0.9 IRON I ' ol:llirrlEßS, _ MANUFACTURERS OF' FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, Al c l ui deerip i lo p rur, jor Plumbers anda Ga s Fitters cbikille7Ob lVeOrk promptly attended to. ' I Moe and -Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE,. near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. (OPlNdte llnlonlroxL THIMBLE SKEINS'ANDPIPE BOXES, Orders promptly and carefully execrated Charges reasonable. EBBERT & MLOIMD. 0c15:123 LUMBER. IRON 10tORERS. 'ntON .WlDuk PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : 'IMISDA.Y, AUGUST 4, 1868. Emaiims;, Form PITT BUMk STILL AND TANK TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLT ED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILEI2i. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; 31(o STEAM P ES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDE c PRISON D BS AND COAL !MUTES Office and Warehouse, corner Second, - ' Short ` and Libertz Streets, 1 re te. BASICHILL.6CO., BOILER MAKER S AND . SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22. 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a largeyard and furnished it with the most apProved machinery, we Ake_prepared to manufacture every description of ROLLERS In the best manner, and iwerranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes , Locomotive Boners, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. - Repairing done on the shortest notice. ia6:c2i JAMES M. BITER, ifir Ordi promptly Nos,, &5 and 56 Water Street, '1 IRON OIL !SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, BOIetING MILL STACKS, JAM= M. DRITEM SDMITRD D. BRUSH. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, mexcvacrtrasize OP s. Steam Boilers,' iStins li Tanks. SUEET !nor; wanz. &a - • 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ASTETTLER SONS & • NANV7 OP . • Steam BOlers, Oii Stills, Tanks, And SHEET IRON WORk of ,n,ll kind.. Loctist Street, intsbjirgh. jy.l9: STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. e)OH STOVES. EITTSBI;TRGH B3AMMLL 70lt 'zi3ITUMINO77S COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any othe; Store is the Bailin. BIZEIL i ei GO., N 0.285 Liberty Street. • Also on hand and for sate.. - PARLOR STbVES,' • SEATING STOVES GRATZ FRONTS. • - . COOKING RANGES, CHEAPEST PLACE in the'city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. Jet P. O. prim _ OILS. WAKING AND. KING, Commission liere/uinte mid Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BDILIiII6, DUQUESSE WAY, "PWITSIIIIII - 011, PA. • PHILADELPHIA. ADDRESS, ITIABING, ( ECING & CO., • 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, , . COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, AND'DNALEREI IN • - • Petroleum and its Products. pittebtagh OfiIm—DALZELL , BUILDING, °Or. nor of Unquesne Wars Adi Irwin etreeta. , PhUadelplostkitleo4.97 WALNUT. BT. apl:w110 1g - ACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Ow ninission Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and BeLtned Alls. LbbriraUng, Tar, ' Benzine Ind Cooperage: (h►r long experience to the Petroleum M,de enables us to carer unusual racUltles and In dUcements to operators. Al beretotbre, we are de termined. to =she ltthe interest ot.bnynn and sel lers to give wa ealL - -Parties baying CDs for tale are eordially invited to bring their samples. lapi:nft 11 4; 21:2 1 .0111 , MANUPACITIMIES OF • PURE WHITE 11671644NC1 r rienrigß." to e% No. 2 thiiitiesne taii.Plttabarg h. ~ FURNITURE., . . 118..7....:!1_4 4 1 1 9AL 118: FURNITURE 'MANUFACTURERS, witorszthal env IMAM. _ LEMON'; WEISE, • . , NO • us •rotrivru lemma:ET: o .,Mn_Atf ceitOUSH snwoLvtirlistr, of PARLOR sod am - TuuNrriu e ther with • OMEN •pleto sucomnirat or common A - 01111m al reducedpries* Those in scant or anything in Mir line are namilatly . toLikstmat neLOro.l)ll,oB4ar'l wort inarnowisswv, .1t 'AKE SEPOWDIFC ° C I/713 . -1541 14090/ITUR IOII I 4 s • - ::1-PIPX"XiMegtftle ' • . - - - • - 4 • • . I . , , ,', ' IPAIL aKi":4ISI4 I 4A4t..4;Pgt ' - 1., ' ,1 • Itaulte te iejre'* db' eielt aiiAiieileytili:dl4:W Pre m ed Omeraui ,rtiikeer.tmiat ° I.. Watt ue buti r .` • t. Aiire rD, ad b= "4 4114ifillidde -,, • I ~, .4 , 74. , rgftrt:l- t 0,•,,,t. h kr..rkl 7 - 7 ~ 3; -% •7 -4., , AN I , •ail;' , td , ,v.arittl : s tuov2Wa ~ - Ini.:4-)g-'4 1 13 1011 ii Lt to:',.v. • - .tes.6%,ol•Le tan ' ... F 4l I. WORKS. CARROLL 'tk SHYD.F.R, PITTSBURGH, Pa. tnvitt(c., the / ehe" ed"mbnitinhe PITTSBURGH, PA., IiAITOTACTUBBB OP TANKS, Aiid WERT IRON WORK, • For Steamboat, CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, i FINANCIAL. FORT fin BANYING COYPU No. 169 W0.)41 Stre,et. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. • STOCKHOLDERS IND VIDUALLY - LIABLE. - GOVEWIENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS • l• Collections made on all aCceselble points in the United States and Canadas. DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Risher, Robt. H. %mg, Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. D. Hostetter Jame)) Gordon, D. Wellnee, E. Fawcett, Mc D. LEFT KEYSTONE RANK, No. 293 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBVILGH, PA. CLPITAL, (authorized ' ) : : : $200 % 000. DIRECTORS. . H. J. I.lnch, • Wm. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., Henry Bock.stoce; William Espy, Geo. T. Van Dcren. Samuel Barckley, • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Tp.ANSACTICD Collections snide on: all accessible points in -the United States and Canada: Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. 11.3:LYNCH,'Preildent. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. airSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. NATIONAL BANK OF 00111EBOBI Wood and Sixth Sta. 4. PATTERSOII.:.. JOB: H. Ewa. - . CAPITAL, : : $500,600. DIRECTORS: George W. Cass, James McCandless - . Wm. Douglas, Wie.. Reed.. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, • i Chas. Lockhart, • Allen Kirkpatrick, W.B. Haven, DISOCIIINTS mum HART, CAL,HEY & BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, prx-rsltritarn, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0..) DiALZRS LN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular latent-I:L i p:id to the purchase and 1 • COVERNMENt BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. r myusti No HOLMES & SONS, 3311.1ND1MM.1=4-Elp 57 Market Street, PITTT6BURI~I3, ~',~. Collections made on all the principal points oi_the United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bond.s aid other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 0011:NIMION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and 'sleet United States Securities. Mud - • WESTEEPI SAYINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTET.I.V.D 1866. InUmeet paid on Time Ilippoalte ANY SUM RHOEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DI/POUT/3 SUBJECT TO - CHEM WITHOUT 'INTEREST. Discounts Daily at le •,cicick. President—THOM:MN BEM Vlee President—A. MARSHALL. THOMPSON BELL,I A. AL MARSHALL. JOB. DILWORTH. JOB. ALBREE. J. J., OILLESP/E. StOckholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, Willis Delimit. • D._W. C. Bidwell, E. IC 'Fulton. DOLLAR SAIIN6}B RANK, No. 65 Fourth . Street. CHARTERED,. Iwm . . ... 19. ARSZTB Open daily B 9 to 9 o , cleekLaiso on Wleliltiltb. DAT and SATURDAY WINNINGS, front May Ist to November Ist, trout 7 to 9 o'clock,' and from No vember lit to May. Ist,' Dern 8 to B o'clock. Deposita rei3elvbd of all some of not less than ONB .Dolii,Ait, and a dividend of the 'pronto declared twine a year, in June' and December." Interest has • been declared semi-annually In Jane sad _Deoember since the Bank was organised. 40.4. be tate or. sir per omit. a year. interest, if not drawn's:at, is platetto the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same M umma num via Ist Iloys of Jena and Decanditir,oess.l pounding twice spar Without troubling the depus ttert to Calif 01 , even' prebeilt Ala vase- book. ' , AI' oft rate money will double la loss than twelve years. .ilocontainitigtheedtarter, By-Lows, Bidet and ins s farMeMd palm. on:application at the , -- --P -:---- : - eimittniiii-iaiolitue. •ALBAN& ' :0 • ~ , Viol giitainitimli . ' t ' ~, John tVlbicirefen, ,• , , :•Ai N. PolloCA. L DI, Beal, 1.. ranneetoolr i - .. , Robert Robb, . ,- t James Hardman. •,' . ' John IL' Shoenbeigiir, - ' 4 tunacKaAnkeyi I- --; . .. James shim s , , antes B. D. Heeds, Alexander Speer, 1 Saar it: Pennock, i. i • , Christian Yeager; -- .'pira. , -11 Anderson, , Robert 0. , Loomis. , Colvin Admas, -• ' -- Henna J. Lynch, • :.: r Fif 0. nbellor. ' l ,. • Peter A. Madeira, . rgs Black. Atha Marshisli, - ill Burgwln. ''' ,o * • Walter P. Marshall, • AlotuusAi Varner, .- . 1. -,: . Jobs B. Maradden, p ' Arles A. Colton. , OrmsbtetilUipt, - • . ' 0 itvand reiroth, ,i, , I,, Hollarf_LAlLOgariat i J. G ..,(. . Wet. 1.6. licbuterts, •• Bassi &Haves, E ‘E'' ' E'Alekarelter Ticdie, eter H. Hunker, _ Wellativirati.Kirg, - ••' ' .:-fiLlettarita3ls,_ . 1 . , - , UM* , ill'itittler„ r "VaD. eon ' 'Wm. P.' W_einsig„ g RIBAII ILIUI-4/HARLES A. (m)lirem, _ if, ', ',', _a_ BACA -. Aar-JAMBS B. D. MAZDA Nr: ME !J 7 lipi W o Ok it , • , . , ~, , Sne ...,...: • L. i. • , .. TI 0:1,404, - 1 -.7. et' LO • I rip A ; 1 411 .. ff.:1 7 1:72 1 : - t i .: 1 ::) .0.7 • . . -;i:&#i-7. OLtrp.ILAN, Pres't. ILSOR, Cashier, President. ...Cashier. T, AT U 4. N. _ sow= The local money market is moderately easy, and general business continues dull. Borrowers, ',mho can show good collator alsi find no difficulty in getting accommo dations;.. but parties who canno` do this, hare to pay a heavy share. In our load' stock market there is not much doing. There is some inquiry for dividend paying oil stocks, such as Colum bia, Triumph, 011 Basin, Western Petinsyl ivania and Allegheny & Pittsburgh, bat we do not hear of many sales, and there is no established prices. The high price of oil has infused considerable strength into some of the favorite oil Companiei; and many -holders who had long , since regard ed these stocks as worthless now entertain hopes of dividends. -. The following statement exhibits the business of the Pittsburgh Clearing House for the weekending Saturday, August Ist: 07474 Tr 3 ' --Clostrigviotati?rur received by James T. - Brady' ft • • • Gold, 1.4534; U. 1:•:1 1 s, 115 g; 6-201, 1882;114g; 6.20%4864, 110 g; 6.20'5,'-1885. 112%,; 10-40's, 108 g; 5-20'8, January and July, '65, Ips,N; 5-20'sh January and July, '67 10838; Juno 7-60%, 11,18%; ; Ju1v,.. 7-Wu. August 1183+ ; Sept, 118 Oct. 118;•- tTnion Pacific Railroad, 102xOentra110.3. _ _ There was again a very full supply of Cattle on sale to•day 'and the number . of . good retailing cattle was much larger than last week. The market howevdr, was an exceedingly hard one for drovers; the de mand not being as good-as it waslast week, there being , fewer eastern, buyers, end the butchers had but little coMpetition. Taking the quality of the stock into , consideration, prices ruled lower than last Week, and even,at the reductien, the market was tame and lifeless, and devoid of that buoyancy, and animation which prevalle i when buy ers and sellers aro about evenly matched. The bun:berg, especially those who are good pay, and are recognized as each by drovers, were very independent, feeling that Cattle were Plent , V, and that all they had to do was bide .their limo,. and buy cheap. They' knew as Well as the drovers how to take advantagiS of the tnarnet: - WliFta Cattle are plenty and dull they have no,hesitation in "skinning" arovers• while an the .otliet binksthen!Oaltli.:l44 scarce arid plenty of buyers, the drover has : no compuitetiens of oortselence in eitirinhig the butcher. snake reference: Joseph Dilworth. Rev. IDsviii Kerr, Henry Lambert, • A. s. Brown, Thionis EWIIIIC. As will-be soeriby referencia te"salfe;'l,he great proportion of the fat Cattle on „sale sold at"froin7,2s t0'7,60 to 7.76, one ' car load of extra tat St i eers w,ere,tukluz ,for ; mutton! shipment & So at ar as Weean learn, nen° of the butchers paid - above 7,75 4 and Ad , - very - fey of them boughtlit thaf:' Medium to good butchers titook ,tpold, at from 6 to 7 eta. Stock Cattle MaYi-tireinoted at 4 to 5,60, and bulls at 3to 3,506 Fresh rime dull at from ,430 tc POperiheadt• ' • .A • Kati sold " 2U fiead ben:kited Tileatt: rawas Co. stock, aka to 4,75, . Peter Hartman sold 30 head of Green Co„ • Now York Dry Goods market. cows; steers and heifers, at 4,60 to 6,35., • ter Telegroo io the Plitshuricti litizette:l '',lteefer sold 1,9 head et Washington Co, New 'Tong,' August 3.—Dry good's in iteers,llkw4 and at:111,50 to 5,50. moderate ,demand • and prices generally lE,ol t :Fau klieigler, , Bo • head Washin g ton • well maintained. Heavy browil sheetings, co. Mid holier/A; at. 6745 th 5,75. • - Such its Stark-A, 'Lawrence C. and Lyman She tanieintle:ACFliiiiier, sold 21 header E, bring 17a174e., while the Pada° and Alder Co.pOws and stectrit, at ;4 toll: ' Atlantic . A,, which. are . very scarce, are der Verner=reporte-7211ead of fdlasolirt tit: Worth 18:118 1 Ae. • Atlantic* L. - fine sheeting% tie. at 6 to "7,25. " gsfiniaand 151,e,e; Law refire H, 12e; Pepper- Kraus & Haas, 5Q heed, or ,telged Ohio ell R., fine, 1§1,4c; do. R, 15 2 e; 13m Mock at 5,60 to 7 ,50."' • Androscoggin bleached in nali ns, 18yr; Jas.., soB,lllater,- field .26-head of fShio CofattiNtinnel•il 3 m, Loved:au, 1814 c;, Prints tf •stook•fbr•Hclalihatl64ti7;•Jand ealieooB range some other parties. front 13,.e to 14lie for AftioNkeag,and Mar - 4) audadgi IsoitrwhotioritosoAtrAws :Flupick printing elothp InnetiVO and de gad 21 WA, ; prewed 'e6pulien - to , best , Myye kaadYr,aa ' id '' 4 1 ' heed'eleftl ',tads* stearttd *-• - SS - AS 01,. I da% A elph ta Mdritet: • - - ,-• .4.alewood & Blackstaift' iVflold'4llheigl• ar l'etetrein Aoliktetnitolia I t stash..' . Mi , 11 .. 0 14.1 421 1V14 4 1 tot t a t,.; • Pitlaekßsl:EglA. July 3.4- I Pornleum. •••11/r ll . l x' Oh* iltingerL ' rden r:" Ralf* • *via at 6to 7,25. - tboq bush red ! iik ifiy.:ls*A•l o , •‘• 17 ,8 Tt'AfKassilv_ 111110:lotrillattAillit yesteadv at $1,65 f0r(4.4 a l t.* sl,:atal,6o ta4ool-1••-• lawn w. Cara faindifialLitAtivlti Oran; sales MIMI . • ••: • • Alt i ,loo VO4oi: St:,BotdkjilliOair.l Jame 4 TiIZaIITU _ 4tl AltUa A %tit eutiio OZ.VAlrili.* 454170 hiltietictri 48 !DS !.:,A :CIL IL = . 4 - 1 ; 1 4 , -.XL•rf-MEIFAAlErrZs Corner of Wood and 'Fifth Streets.. DOVERNIEENT AND PACIFIC K. ILEODDS, ;• , . GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OP ,CREDIT and DRAFTS a &liable in any pan. of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or IN TER EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS, BRADYJas T. D & U 44 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., )lEri.lM 3RAS BUY AND SELL ALL HINDS i GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AYR CMPONS, owoaosr rAvonAmLn Trumm. 7-30's CONV E TE.E. .INTO THE • NEW 5-20 'COUPON BOND: rir Interest Allowed on Deposits» MONEY LOANED .ON GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other approved oollareAll, at lowest market rates., - Orders Viecuted for the Purchase" and Sale or STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. - JAMES T. BRADY 4 CO. it)Dl Gkfttt, FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, !- MONDAY. August 3, 1868. Gold is firm and still tending upward, being quoted at 145%. GoYernment bonds were a little off early in the day, but sub sequently rallied and blesed firm in the evening. The latest New York quotations as received by igr. Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: - Five Twenties, 1862, 114 X; do 1864, 110 M; 865, 01d,.112%; new, 1083 p Ten Forties, 108%; Coupons Sixes 1831 115%. Railroad Stoats—Cleveland & :Pittsburgh, 85,4; Chicago &Northwestern, 82K: Pittsburgh, & Fort Wayne, 110. biliaing Shares--Greg ary .470; Qurtz Hill, 110; Corydon, 25; Smith & Parmalel: , EXCHANGE BALATNeEs4 July 27 $165,935,77 - $100.731,68 ,? 28 325,388,28 48.653,53 " 29 454,087,41 129,635,63 ilf so 340,210,57 -.78,499,52 ' ;" . 31 321,988,82 - 67,156,23 Aug. 1 380? ' 391 69 69,780,63 ALLEGHENY camp. iipuLKET: opines op TEE trrigatinait GAZN7/13, MONDAY. An_gust 3, 1868. EfSZEDI coramission_eattle,...and 15 he oif their own alieeiniitat MO to 7. z. L - Rothehilda; - sold 38 bead of mized atodc al 5 to 8. • Hedges &Taylor, sold 37 head for Keenan at to 7; ll* tunlap at 6.t0 - 6,75; 20 for same at 5 5,75; and 8 for Timmons at Greenwald & Kahn, sold 50 head of Ohio cattle at 5,50 to 7,75; CallerrNibolesaled 15 bead of prime Indr ana steers, averaging 1,404 lbs,-to Martin at 8. J R'othchilds, sold 17 head of Butler Co. steers and heifers, for A; N. Wick, at 5 to 5,50. Stakely fi Bro, retailed 56 head of mixed stock, at 3,50 to 6. Nicholas Carr, sold 21 head of Ohio cattle for Malholm t Morgan, at 5 to 7,40.- Holmes, Lafferty dr. Glass, wholesaled 18 head to Evans at 8,25; 19 to same at 6,50; 37 head of pretty . good steers, averaning about 1,000 lbs, to. Martin at 7; and retailed about 40 head. The reported sales of Cattle, roach nearly nine hundred head in the aggregate ' and , we feel almot sure that at least one hun dred would be left over unsoldoo that the whole number of cattle would reach abbut one thousand head. SHEEP AND LAMBS. There was a very lair supply of Slieep arid Lambs on sale, and the market was not as brisk as it was ast week, and if any thing, prices ruled lower for all kinds, One bunch of prime fat Weathers brought sc, and this was the highest price we had reported.. We quote at 3 to 5 for common to extra Sheep and $1 to $3,50 per bead for Lambs, and these may be regarded as the extremes of the market. - Adam gekert sold 120 Lambs at $1,50 to $3,50, 96 Sheep for.Sargeant at $2,00 to s3g per head. Emmall, Fowler do Co. had in all 425 head of Sheep and Lambs; sold thd former at 81,50 to $4,00 and the latter at 75 to. $3,25. Flinner do Sheitementle, sold 170 head ; Sheep at $1,50 to $2,25; and Lambs at $2,50. Stakely. 4t,,8r0. sold 90 Lambs at $1 to $2.50, and 59 Sheep at $2,00 t 053,50. L. Linz, had 100 head; sold'Sheep - at $2.00 and Lambs at $1,50. C. Thompson, had 120 head; sold Sheep at $2,00 to 0400; and Lambs at $1,50 to $3,50. T. Robinson, sold 70 head; Sheep at $2,00. to $4.56,per head, . . A. N. Wick, sold 350 head at $1 to $2,50 fcir Sheep and $1,50 to $3,00 for Lambs. J. F. Neely, sold 100 head IlLarnbs at "$2,25 ; . .and4o head Sheep at, an average of $4,25: • kerr, sold 30 head ofibrime fat Allegheny county Weathers at sc. per pound; and 30 head of Lambs at $l,OO per ' ' HOCH& There_ is next ,to _nothing doing in the Slog market - ' though as the weather gets cooler the retail trade will .become more active. We conlinne to quote in a retail way at 9to 1034, gross, for light to prime heavy averages. • • PITTSBILTGII PATROLEIIIII MARKET. Ownaz cir THE PrmatrolE GAzErrE, •ESozaoAy, August 3.186& CRUDE—The Crude market was again very quiet' to-day, and while there is but little offering and holders are firm, the de mand at Present prices seems to be very light,-as-'we have no sales to record.' Spot oil is nominal at 14g to 14Mc, thofigh some holders refuse to sell at these figures ask ing, the ;even •15c. Thei. rise " in* the Little Kanawha River will doubtless let out a . considerable quantity of oil froth the Vir ginia wells, some of which will be sent to this market. A. _telegram from, Burning Springs to-day reports the departure of some . boats for Pittsburgh, drawing four and a' half feet water. It is. reported that -both the Virginia and Ohio wells are doing better, and that .11onsiderable oil' has accu mulated in Virginia. REPINED--The market- for Refined oil is also quiet, but a single sale reported, 500 barrels for the first half of August at 3434 c. Spot oil, is nominal at 34c; August at 34% to 3431 c.; September and October 350.; aid laellive months at 3434 c. It was supposed last week that the market would open up , pretty ,brisk to-day, as it was very stiffen - Saturday ;•but theso suppositions have not been realized, and the views of dealers in regard to. the next turn the market will make are very conflicting: ' --Since the above was nut in type we have the following•salea reported: • REFINED-500 bbls first half for August at 34%c;'1,500 bbls first half for August at 3%c; 2,500 !obis for August to December at %c. CRUDB-2,000 bb147..F. o.'B. - 01PCIty, :tellers option; 10 days notice at $6,50 per bbl; 1,000 bbls at sellers option for October bbls,,F. 0. R.' Sellers . option, at 10 days notice at $5,50 per bbl . at Oil City. - 2;000 bbls sellers option for the 20th of August to the 10tirof September at 143 Se. here. AItRTVAIS—The following are thi3 . ar rivals of oil to-day: Leech & Wood, 560 D. M. Edgertori, - 400 Fisfier de Bro . , 400 atizere Oil Co.,- 240 Nat. Ref. Co., 320 Briyun & Wagner, 560 f Total:. OIL SHIPPED PER A. V. R. R. ' Forsyth, Bro. dr, Co ' 2.57 do do to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. PoWeett, Logan dr Stockddle. 301) do,do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co.; LOU do do to F. A. Dil worth AiltGe.,, Philadelphia. - - Montzheitnii* lioehler & Co., 2,50 dodo. to Warlng,-Iting.ilteo.t PhihcdelDhia - MeCrecry & Beaumont, 150 do do to W. P. Logan iftr. Bro.. Philadelphia. Wqrmser, Myers, & Co., 77 do , benzole to Warden, Frew & " 25 refined " - E. Jagetain & Co. 7 .!1,511a0 do to Waking, & Co., Philadelphia. ' • Clark ' & Sumner, 112 do do to P. Wright & Sons, Philadelphia. ! Livingston . & Bro., 60 do benrole to War- Aen, Frew i tt Co., Philadelphia: swiPiekwra PROj .outtirmarra DEPOT.' : Union _lief. dr; St. Co.. 225 hbis do "ref. to W. P. Logan di Bro.. Philadelohhu ' Miller, 225 bbls-tio relined to W. P.' Lo - ckgan - ,Bro.,,Philadelphia. , 1 1 .1cIttintia'& 'Rogers; 1014)15 do'' B. 11 "Konnit Bpdg. era, 3.13b1s do erode, to- A. P - .Thillipit;Thilpdelphia. ' 'GI N. Woldship & C0.,:219hb1s do , ref. to !gating & King, Philadelphia. Fleminotic.s27lbititall , 0 ref. tdwaring Kr4 . e, ' • 'Hutchison„ A. V,. ,R. _Co., 381 to Warden, Frew'a Co, Philadelphia. - - Hutchison, A. V. IL Co., Bdo do to War dent Frei dr Co., Phillidiluhla. `hientzer, ,Helper & , do do to W.. P. Logaii 8r0.,' Philacrel ph ia. F'~ } '~~l~~ r 7~t~^illi;ilitf•lf lHM .~l~: f.; 115 AS 91ntn't CaStiW ,f , F% Z , ":''e." A ;Lk?! • :33:16 - 4 • • .p.. 4 .Pts !UZI ME!