8. , MT! AND , SUBURBAN. Thtfty, Prayer Meeting From 12, at.: to 12:30 o'clock at the MethOdist church, Fifth street, next door to GAiErrn office. There are but few l'ittsbuigh guests at Niagara Fails. .2 Much drunkenness was observable on' the streets yesterday, The lager beer venders on Troy. IEII did a large trade yesterday. The work of, laying the Nicolson pave ment on Wood street will be commenced to-day. • Buried.—Mr. Andrew Carter, a very worthy citizen of Mount Washington, was hurled yesterday afternoon. ' • Gen. Grant will probably stop in Pitts burgh on his way home from the west. He wily be sure to receive a generous . Welcome. Bank of Plttsburgh.—On the fifth page ofto-day's taper will be found the Monthly Statement of this time honored institution. . . Good Times.—Our merchants are rejoic ing in a season of large sales, and in every department of business trade may be said .:. to be brisk. z • The Latrobe Accommodation train on - the Pennsylvania Railroad now runs to, Derr", and will hereafter be ,called the "Derry accommodation." Why is it that the great alarm bell which should strike for all is nod struck when .fireS occur in the new districts or in Pipe town? Who will explain? The regular Sabbath services in the new Belletield church of Oakland commenced yesterday under the pastoral charge of Rev. D. T. Carnahan; an eloquent and zealott.s minister. Filth Ward Grant and Colfax .Club.— The Republicans of the Frith (old Third) ward, will meet at City Hall this evening for the purpose of organizing a Grant and Colfax Club. There will be a trot harness to day at, Oakland Park, best three heats in five, for one thousand . Aollais aide, be tween ,‘ Gold Duet?! ;;of`:Wheeling and "Kate Campbell" of; this.eity. Arrived Safely.—We; are- glad to learn that Ittepsrs, Samuel Afequrkan grid Rob ert Dickey of this city. arrived safely at their native home in Ireland. They will make - a tour ttugh England, France, Ire land and Scot d before returning. Division of Robinson Townsbip.—ln the Court of Common' Pleas, Saturday morn ing, John S. Lambie, Esq., Med a petition, signed by reSidents of Robinson township, asking for a division; - of the' township into two election precincts. The usual order was made. The Editorial Excursionists to the Rocky Mountains arrived in New York, on their return, on Friday last, and were there dis missed after Grainer had secured a large sized photograph of the group._ The Pitts burgh-, representatives returned home on Saturday mach pleased with the trip. Conferee Sleeting. — The Conferees ot the Twenty•third Congreksional District con vened ac.eocciing to adjournment Saturday :morning at freeport• at 9. o'clock. After e•alloting a number of times, without' nowt ntating a candidate, they adjourned to meet at the same' place August 10th at 9 o'clock -A. Severely Injured.-r While returning from ?the fire 'Friday night, Phief Engineer Crow; of the Allegheny Fir.e Department, was se verely injured by being tlirown from the "Friendship" hose 'carriage on which ho was seated. He sustained a severe sprain of the wrist and several painful bruisas in other parts of the body._ A Post , of the G. A. R. was organized' in Birmingham, at' Shaffer's Hall, on Friday evening last, the following officers being , installed : Post Commandant, -D. A, - Jones; Senior ;Vice, Thomae E. Keen;`Junior Vice, W. E. Weaver;_'Adjutant,. Philip ; Hoerr; Quartermastbr, George S. Wood; Officer of the Day, Henry Sipe; Officer of the Guard, Wm. E. Jones; Fell from's Boof.-- : Mr. Joseph Wagner, while - engaged in, repairing the roof of a hnuse on Avery street, 'Allegheny, om Fri di4y a ft ernoon, missed his 'footing and fell to`, the ground, dislocating one of his ankles and badly fracturing the bones, besides being otherwise seriously injured. He was , v4nveyed to 'ills residence on Robinson ..treat, and received medical attention from Di. N. W. White. , ^ Letter Carrier's Report...-The folloying is the letter carrier's report for the, month of July: Mail Letters delivered, 78,867; Drop Letters delivered, 12,423; Papers de livered, 31,743. 'Collections from Lamp Post Boxes: Mail Letters, 51,427;' Diop Let ters, 4,386; Papers, 1;928.. Throughout the business portion of the citrfive delivery and seven collectiOns are made daily. Col lection afterB , • . Dlisdmeauor_ln Office.—Tliti charge. 'has been made against Alderman W. O. Johns, - before Alderman. - Matasters, by William Peters, alleged toionsiiit,ln the accused re fusing to furnish — a transcript from - - his -docket of•a certain ease in which James - Lindsay 'NVIIS plaintiff and Mr. Peters de fendant, judgment being given for $l5 and execution issued. A :hearing has not yet been had in the case, - • Two. More Aivestede..Thb'Allegheny'pe. lice arrested two more of the parties im plicated in the attempted • rescue ot the persons engaged la the -disturbance in the Second ward,l Allegheny, an account of which we published on Saturday. Wm. Lemmon, one of them, was fined twenty dollars and costs which he paid and was discharged., Stewart, the bther man, gave 'bail for further Ifearing. The Case of Capt. Ponahisen.-z.The trial of William B. Donaldson, for murder, and- Samuel liarr,LJr., as accessory, came up in the'Crinainal Court - of St. X,ouls on Friday, ; , - and,was.continued for the . State on account of the Absence of Important witnesses. These witnesses are the two, negroea who testified' at first , to •have seeii the killing, but.who are now non est and this doubtful if they will lie 'forthcoming. ' •• •, • Firis of the Menth—We—ereohadekted to 8. T. Superintendent of the Pittsburgh Tire Alarm Telegraph, for the :following record of the fires during tho past month': There were ton alarms of fits ":during the-month, in giving which ninety three strokes were s4.uck upon the tower. bell. in striking the hotir 240 strokeaiyore' given upon the ;lts 'total loss OCCIM Monad bit ten''liras was WO, which ivas covered insurance - • . • The mew opera House undergoing a series of rePairs,tutdmiil be thrown optn in; dun:footed:condition about the end of thp,PriiatfUt month . .. It c o ntinue ander the old managementi who.we tope will give leisrpanse for coiriplaitit'in the forthcoming • season. They haVe learned from sad expe rience, and pectinhifrYloisiwellare say, that. the amusement -loving-community of Pitts burgh are not-to belop r trlfted with. Our. ple will liberally;` onize a : decently connoted femurs of he" drarn‘ but they. will not put tip ylttiany imposition pn their" -good -nature. If the Opera', Muse: Shall' spen-with. a first-Class stock company ' and • its management endeavor .to p le ase-the public with a liberality hitheltd - unknown . to them , we shall be among the first.to, re ydoice in the change. We shall see what We &.: 11 .40! see. „ -- ,7,.17: - ,_7,1-=: - .. '-, - -t:::: , =;; - ':, , ,: , ',: . . , ; - ,-:1- 2:-...- _Ti. , ..-•: , , - 7 ,- *.: , ... T-3 , : - 7.::;:!,: -. ..;ifT . :; ' , 7 5 . f./:t .. :k7 , ;:j . .,.- ' ,-,;::....i-,;.;..q.;,a;; r :i.Z . :%,;;;;'':..', - ,..,!:,T.,-, - 2.;1.7, 4 h.::-7.,:s . iz”; ' "e..i'..,.441.-I.PA' "..5.,.MR , tA 1 0,L.-,:ll.,;;1 , 2-AI .-: ,,- 47'W* -. .af...';; - c?..*Z::I r ... 1 . i.' ...:,,..4. : : - '''" ' ''''''-- N ' .. a :4 ;..'? , ',i.f. 1.:' , . , Po‘ f t ' 4;' , . 7 4V.? -4- i", '' ' iri,'W..''..14.Vt,4,,,Rg.!.:,!;::',...,.... '-. . . .. . . POLITICAL. Sixth Ward Grant and Colfax Club Or ganized—Constitution Adopted- Speech , es, ean. According to adjournment, a large num ber of the Republicans of the Sixth (old ... Eighth) ward assembled on Sat urday even „ ing, in the Ann Street School House, for the purpose of completing the organization • • Of a Grant and Colfax ChM. , The meeting was called to order by Jos. , Caskey, Chairman of the Committee on Organization, who reported that the Coin mittee had selected Captain Edward S. Wright as President of the Club. The re port was aocepted, and Mr. Wright unani mously elected. -I Capt. Wright took the chair ' !and a ft eie feW remarks the minutes of t he precious meeting were read by T. Henry Miller, Secretary. They were approvtd. The Chairman then read t e names of the permanent officers and members of the, different Committees, as chosen by the Committee on Permanent Orgaaization. . On motion of Mr. Mawhinney, the repo r was accepted and the Committee di : charged. Followin;.; is the report: • • 1 Committee on Military Organization— ' Richard Everson, John R. Wilson, Wm. Etrans, Daniel Linderman T. R. I. Nobl e ' ' Vigilance Committee-4. Wilmot, Chef - man ; Daniel Linderman, Richard Everso 1 Henry Kratz, John Wrigley, Henry_Tatnel , Daniel Evans', Thomas Jones, Enoch No - inicutt, John ID. Jones, J. W. Foable, . M. Everson, Isaac Jones, A. J , Moon, G . Beecher, Reese - Jones, George Lindermari„ Phillip Jamesl William Nevins, J. G. Back oven, C. H. King, Jacob Reebler, Mattheyi Kunkle, W. J. Flinn, John Timmony, D. J. Neil, John Hayden. G. W. Cotter, Thos. Neil, Henry Cook, David Hutchinson, J. M. Robitzer, Robert Fowler, E. S. Morrow, William Eowler ' I. A. Wills, George W. Dithridge, Janles Munn, W. J. Caskey, William Lloyd, R. J. Leonard, D- W. Lloyd, John MeMenn, William Dithridge, Robert Coward, Matthew Smith. George Wolf; John A. Schelman, John J. Zelhoner. President—Capt. E. S. Wright. Vice Presidents—Edward Dithridge, Lewis Kim, R. W. Roberts, Phillip James, J. C. Patter son. Henry E. White, Christian Kohne, J. J. Miller, D. W. Miller.. - Secietaries—J. Henry Miller, John A. Sergeant, F. P. Case. - Treasurer Joseph Caskey. Exedutive Committee--James Mawhin ney, John D. Evans, John Richardson, Robt. Houston, Henry Meyer, J. A.; Sar geant, H. J. Thomas. 1 Finance Committee—Edward Dithridge, John Wrigley, Samuel. Morrow. James • Mawhinney, H. Meyer, J. M:Robitzer, W. H. Everson, J. F. Hamilton, Thos. Neely, A. Stettler. • I Committee on .Stieakers and Printing 'J. Flinn, John Wrigley, John A: Sergeant, .'F. P. Case, W. E. Deßarenne. On'Music-J. H. Miller, J. H. Johnson, Robert Houston, Philip Kalkopff, J. W. Foal& Chief Marslal--Capt. Foster Alward. Tha Chairman stated that a Constitution hadd been prepared by Mr. Caskey for the acceptance of the Club, which he proceeded to read, as follows : . We, the undersigned citizens of the Sixth (late Eighth) ward of the city of Pitts burgh, deeming it our duty not only to ourselves, but also to our country, that the Republican party, which , has carried us safely through the rebellion, should be suc cessful in the coming election; therefore be it • - Resolved. That we . associate ourselves together for the purpose of organizing a Club, to be styled the, Sixth Ward Grant and Colfax Club. 1 -• Resolved, Thal, the men selected for ear standard bearers in this campaign are men who have been tried and found equal to every emergency. We therefore pledge ourselves, each and every one.of us, to use all honorable and lawful measures to secure their election. ~ Resolved, further, Thet ?believing in the old adage,: that in unity - there is strength; and seeing the necessity of presenting an unbroken front to the enemy, we pledge ourselves to the support of theltepublican nominees in the October election. ' Resolved, That the Sixth ward Grant and Colfax Club keep a minute book for the purpose of receiving the signatures of each and every member. and that the same -shall, by so signing, signify that he endorses the principle herein .contained, and will use all honorable means for their success. The declaration of principles was unani mously adopted, and the Secretary' was in-. structed to have it engrossed and prepared ready foe signatures. J.H. Kerr, Esq.,was introduced to the club by the President as the speaker of the even ing. Mr. Kerr addressed the club at some length,•eargestl,y and eloquently, and was listetied to with the greatest attention by all present. The speaker was among the first to enlist in the! Union army after the breaking out of the rebellion, and bad, be fore the war closed, - served under General Grant.77 - He aided,-`funder the leadership Of I ihat great soldier, to 'defeat rebols,'lnd he was now again% enlisted under the same leader for -the political . campaign against the same enemy end for the same princi ples.' ' e 1 ' Mr. Kerr was followed by John S. Lam bie, Chtdrinan of the' County Committee on • Speakers and' Meetings, who made a brief but able address.!.: .- • '; ” On motion of J 1 H. Miller, the thanks of the'meeting were,retarned to Messrs. }Din and Lairilaie for their able addresses. • Mr. Wilmot, Chairman of the Vigilance. 'Committee, announced that the CoMmittee would meet at the School SciuSe on Thurs day evening, at which time it is hoped all 'WM be:present. • • Notice was also, given that the Cemmittee r on Military Organization, will meet in the Ann street School House on Tuesday (to morrow) .evening, On motion of Mr. Caskey, 'seconded' by Mr. J. H. Miller, Friday evening of each week was fixed upon as the time for the ' meetings of the. Club, and that_ they be held' at the Ann street and the Sec ond street School Houses. - Next Friday ' evening the Club will meet at , the Second street School House. t The Iron City - Martial Band, William Robinson leader, was present and favored the Meeting with music. Select Read!Og Under the Auspices of the o4ng.illens , Christian Association. Rev. Virilliam ILvans, one of the- most gilled elocutionists of the, country, will give Wieleot reading from faverite authors at the Keystone Rink; Allegheny, to-znor , row evening. , The selections embrace son , ilutent, wit and humor,anil a rare intellec ' idol treat rntiv beOzTected by all who at terid.' Speaking of this great reader,. the. Oki4.4lcits" Journal; high authority. sayer “The readingsby the eminent elocutionist and artist, Mr. Evans, were well attended, andthe audience, who seemed to delight in the exhibition of • true artiste worth. and •meritikWere well repaid. Some of.the reel _tattotiA were of the most exalted character, . calling into requisition all the elocutionary powers, the tine display of inthoe, the ex cel lent modulation of the voice and well. timed'gesture, for which Mr. Evans hoe:al -ready achieved az, enviable reputation. There were passageeso faithfully rendered,. in their Appeal to. Wollner feelings of ;the iiidience, as to bring tears to the eye*. of many, and at-,the copciusion of the recite-. tions.a tact :storm of applaitie greeted .the Kilted . reader from all ;parts of • the house." Spatted Haf.—Wm. Coleman alleges that while he was standing in the • store of _Cheap John, Smithfield street,'Henzy Harry, employed asa salesman in the es tablishment, etrubit: him 'on the head with his hand, tearing the crown- out of- his _hat and•destroylng it. Alderman McMasters arrested tire accused,on a charge of assault and battery. The case -was finally settled by Harry replacing 'the hat and paying . Costa of suit. : . PITISBURGH dAZETTE • MONDAY , AVGUST 3 ,,.. 1868 . MNSECSATION. Interestl-g Ceremony Consecration of Very Rev. T. Mullen. of Allegheny City, as Catholic Bishop of the Erie DiOCESC. • To fill the vacancy occasioned by the death ,of the able and pious Bishop Young of Erie, Pa., the Pope of Rome several months ago appointed Very Rev. T. Mullen, of Allegheny City, over that diocese. This seleetion was heartily endorsed by both clergy and laity, as no Catholic priest in this section of country possesses higher order of learning or more liberal and gen erous nature. He was fairly idolized by This congregation, and in all elements of society, amongst Catholics and Protestants, he ha's been regarded as a man of great Pow er and sterling worth and integrity. That his consecration as Bishop in St. Paul's INCathedral yesterday should have attracted a very large audience was not strange, as aside from the pcimp and grandeur of the ceremony, there were hundreds present to pay personal tribute to the recipient of the high 'ecclesiastical honors of the Church. In order to avoid the confusion incident to such occasions, the managers of the pathe deal saw proper to charge an admittance fee of one dollar as a donation to the or phans, but even this precautionary measure did not prevent the spacious church from being uncomfortably well filled. incident ally we learned that over one thousand dol lars were received at the door—quite a handsome amount for a praiseworthy ob., jeot. The services commenced at half past ten o'clock, and continued until two. Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec officiated as Cbrisecrator, assisted by Rt. Rev. Biahop Wood, of Phil adelphia, and Rt.. Rev. Bishop Rappe, of Cleveland. .The Deacons of Honor on the occasion were Rev. E. F. Garkuld,. of this city, and Very Rev. Stickel - , of Allegheny. The Deacon of the Mass was Rev. M. F. Devlin, assisted by Rev. J. NOlan as Sub- Deacon. Rev. P. Ward.,was Master of Cer emonies,and Rev. T. O'Connol and M. B. Ferris ssistants. On the:left "of the altar, a temporary altar had been erected for. the candidate, and was suitably decorated. I The, services commenced with the _en trance of the Bishop and his assistants and the Bishop-elect, attended by numerous clergymen, many of them of high distinc tion, and all clad in fall vestments. While the procession was entering, the Papal March was played by the organist and band. •, After the Bishop elect had been presented 'to the Consecrator by the Assistant Bish ops, the Apostolic Commission presented, the oath taken, and the examinatien made, Solemn. Pontifical Mass was celebrated. The mulec was mainly from Haydn's Muss No. 2, but included, the Credo, from Mo 'zait's Twelfth Mails. The annointing of the head and hands of the candidate took place, accompanied by the most impressive ceremonies. At the conclusion of the con secration services, the Te Deum was sung, ,while the Bishop passed through the con gregation giving his blessing. • The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. S. Wall, President of St. Michael's Seminary. The discourse was a most able and eloquent one. The power and the holy character of the ,Church were dwelt upon, and the newly made Bishop was exhorted to fulfill all the duties incumbent on his new new position, and see to it that the Church should be the gainer and not the loser by him. Attending in the sanctuary, besides the clergymen already named, were Rt. Rev. 'Bishop Lids, of Fort Wayne; Rt. Rev. Bishop Shannaha, of Harrisburg; Rt. Rev. Boniface Wimmer,O. S. B. Mitred Abbott, of St. Vincent's Monastery, near Latrobe; Rev. Celestine, 0. S. B.; Key. Polar Mor gan, Rev F. Tracy, of , Alabama- ' Revs. Hickey, Burke, Devlin, Kerr, O'Shea, Gibbs, Phelan and Kearney, of the Pitts burgh Diocese; Rev. Mitchell, 'Hey. Burns, and Rev. T. Ryan, of Summit; Rev. Tobin, Curate'of St. Patrick's; Rev. Carroll, and Rev. Mullenberger, of Fort - Wayne; Rev. Croade, of Erie; Rev. Crody, of • Sifgar 'Creek; Rev. Twigg, of Altoona; Rev. Gal laher,'of Huntingdon. The Vesper service in the evening was largely attended, fully two thousand - per sons being present. The house was brill iantl,y lighted,'while the central altar was one blaze of burning lets. The newly con-. secreted Bishop, Rt. Rev. T. Mullen officia ted, , assisted by a number of clerical at tendants. The pulpit was occupied by Bishop Wood, of Philadelphia, who deliv ered a powerful and eloquent sermon based on the important and august ceremonies of consecration which had been witnessed in that Cathedral during the day. After the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament the Congregation dispersed. Rt. Rev. Bishrip Doinenec, and his assistant clergy, are en titled to the credit of the pomp and mag nificence of the solemn and impressive cer em.r,y, which was one of the grandest and maat august ever witnessed in the Cathe dral. CoWlagration in Alleghpy—Utility Works BUiped. ' Between nine and ten o'clock on Friday , night a fire broke out in the foundry de ., partment of the Utility Works, corner of Fulton and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Al legheny. 'The building was a two story &eine i and contained a large quantity of patterns, &c., which were packed on the second floor. The, flames reaching them spread, with great rapidity, and for a time, it seemed as if, the entire works, in con nection with the adjoining buildingsmould be destroyed. The fire department was ,on the ground in full force, and as the part in which the fire commenced was partially separatiid from the other portions of the works by , a roadway, they directed their efforts to confine the flames t 6 their origi nal place,' in which they partially sue- Ceeded. -The .works I were owned by Messrs. McLean and Slater, who were ex lensively engaged in the manufacture of small castings, such as bedstead. Castings, captors, &c., of which they have on hand . a large stook. The greater portion of the works, with the entire machinery, was destroyed, , which will throw• about forty petsons out of employthent. At present no correct estimate of the loss can be liadebut it will not fall far short of $25,- 000;on which thereis in New York compe nies an insurance of $15,000. The general imprmion regarding ,the origin of the fire is that it originated from some heated cast ings thrown near some patterns, but this. of course, is only supposition. Conjugal Fetidly. Quite an • amusing scene occurred in a Wylie street ice cream saloon, on Saturday night,yhich served to prove that matri mony is not always to be considered, the happiest'` lot of • man. Tho saloon was crowded with visitors, and at one :of tha, tables sakaiespectable looking gentleman who looked sufficiently strong to protect himself against all ordinary danger. As' he was gingerly spooning his ice cream, an, infuriated -woman came with rapid steps to hiaside, and exclaiming in a shrill, sharp voice, ,41 ;Now, you're a , pretty husband, are'nt youi Itergeating ice cream and, put tlxit on style, while I am` all alone • at, home," pro ceeded to cuff him about the head: With a parasol she ;carried in• her hands. Tkepoor fallow, as demure as a' kitten, followed her home,.and a shout of lautchtet followed :the Olmsted couple as they left' the saloon. Teinperantevilis -Republicans at Work.— On Friday eveningliast, at the, School House Temperancevillei the Republicans of that district , organbod-oGrant Club, with the following officers: President, John S., Holllngshead; Vice Presidents, C: Robin son, J. 13.• Hunter, J. W. BaUpntine, Jacob • Smith, Thomas Hesperger, EL French, F. C.'Dorrington; Secretary, p. • Taylor; Treasurer, John Bryant, Sr. The organize,- tion having been thus completed, it was resolved that the Club will meet every Fri day evening at 7,4 o'clock, . t i.-4 ` s"3t~. Mysterious Disappearance. , Saturday evening a well known resident ofAllegb env city mysteriously disappeared under circumstances which lead to the be lief that he has been foully dealt with. It appears that about nine o'clock •on the night mentioned, Mr. Williatn Plankerton, a butches doing - -business in the market, left his stall, market being over, and started to get his horse and wagon, which were at the stable connected with the Cali fornia Ho s e, on the south-east „corner of the Diamc nd. He seem to have gone ,di rectly to the stable,: as he was seen by the hostler, whom he ordered to feed the horse. He then sat down by the stable for a few minutes and acted as if sick. The hostler put several questions to him to which he gave no answer, which mused the man to go into the tavern and speak to the•proprietor, Mr. Ffsher, asking him to come out and see what was the matter with ti Plankerto . Mr. Fisher started out a - few t minutes fter, but met Plankerton, who came th ough the house and passed out from the bar-rolim going towards Ohio street, since which time nothing has been seen or heard of him. When he went away from the stall, his coat and vest were left hanging on one of the hooks as though he intended to return in a . few minutes. He had With him the proceeds of the even ing's salts, and it is supposed. some other money, the exact amount of which is not known. The journeyman whOm he left at the stall to await his arrival with the wagon, stayed there until about eleven o'clock, finally going over and getting it himself to haul the things home. The min ing part was a strictly sober dud indus trious man, and during the evening sta ted nothing unusual was noticed about his conduct to attract attention further than his interview with the hostler, which facts lead to the supposition that he had been foully dealt - with or put an end to hie existence during temporary aberra tion of mind. He was about forty-five years of age and leaves a wife and three children. The affair is shrouded iu mys tery, and seems when all the circumstances are known, a very remarkable occurrence. Diligent search has been made in all pro bable quarters, but this far nothing has been revealed to throw any light upon it. The Spruce Alley Vacation. .1:n the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Saturday," an opinion• was given in the case of the Commonwealth vs. William Smith, against whom an indictment was found for maintaining a nuisance in closing up Spruce alloy, Ninth ward. A special verdict was rendered_ in the case by the jury, and on the points of law reserved the following opinion was delivered by Judge Stowe: it were not tor the proviso in the act of Assembly under which the defendant claims Spruce alley to have been vacated, requiring the consent of the Councils of Pittsburgh to its vacation before it became absolute or effectual, this prosecution could net be sustained against defendant; but as the very terms of the act require the assent of the ''Councils to the vacation before the act took effect, and no such assent has been given as was contemplated by the Legisla, ture and is, required by the provisions of the law, the defendant stands, so, far as this case is concerned, in precisely the same position as though the -act had not been passed, and is tnerefore guilty of nuisance as indicted.% “As the Sole object of this proceeding is to test the legal rights of the city of Pitts burgh and the defendant in the premises, and it is clear the defendant acted in good faith under the opinion that the law gave him the • right he claims, the • sentence of the CoUrt is merely nominal as to line. “The judgment of the court, under the special verdict as found oy the jury, is, that William Smith is guilty of nuisance in obstructing Spruce alley in manner and form . as indicted, and that he pay a fine of one dollar and the costs of prosecut;on, and that the nuisance charged in the indictment be abated within sixty days.” . Serious Stabbing Array- in Allegheny— The Perpetrator at Large. Saturday afternoon a serious stabbing affray occurred in Allegheny which is likely to result fatally to the victim. It seems from what we could learn of the case that a colored man, (we did nit learn his name,) was driving along the Butcher's Run road, in the Seventh ward, when he wasapproach ecl by three men, one of whom asked him if his name was Williams. :Being an swered in the negative, the interro gator, it is said, 'without any provocation stabbed him in the bacx, inflicting a, very serious wound. The inAiretkruan was con veyed to his residence and medical aid' summoned. The perpetrator and his com panions in the meantime made good their escape, mid ;notwithstanding all the vigi lance of the police, nothing has been heard of the party since. The victim, it appears, • can give no particular description of his assailant, 'which fact renders iiis:arrest very difficult. Grave fears are entertained as to the final termination of the affair, the injury being of such a sertous character as to render the life of the injured man very precarious. . • Injunction Applied For. In the Court.of Comnion Pleas, on Satur day, a hill in equity was - filed on be half of James Andrews, in which the Court FS asked to issue an injunction re straining Thompson Bell and Robert Pol lock from interfering with a road leading to complainant'sproperty. The bill sets forth that the properttof complaimmt,•sit uated in the Third ward, Allegheny, was purchased from Thompson Bell, and that according to the terms of sale, a road was laid out leading to the same, and on which te right of way was granted. Since that time, under the direction, it is alleged; ; of Mr. ell, Robert Pollock has had:the fence erected along the line of the road as a pro tection torn, down,. and has altered the road bed. thus .dessroying complainant's means of access to his property', The ar gument on the motion for an injunction was postponed until Saturday next, i Insane from Sunstroke. Mr. Oyer; residing in Lower St. Clair township, oriThursday last had his atten tion attracted to a man standing in the road near his premises during a• heavy shower of rain. He questioned him but without learning anything satisfactory. Mr. Oyc:r , then Induced him to go into his bonen, and finally concluded that,hifr was laboring under aberration of 'mind. Mr. o.acept /aim 'at his house until Friday and caned in several Tysicians, who settled down to the conclusion that, his Condition was produced bysunstroke. From papers Lfound in his 'possession it ;appeared his name was ,John t3ohwendinger, and that he Sailed froin Bremen on the 27th-of June, ult. On Saturday he Wee' era in Charge to the authoritlee and will probably be sent to Diament for treatment. Le °nicer Attacked. Mayor Blickinore on Saturday held Frank Hastings-in the sufunf IWO fo,r his appearance at court, to =swim a charge of aggravated assault end battery . pr eferred againskhim by officer Wilmot. The officer alleges that a few - evi3ningef since, while he was •endeavoring to arrest a man;for disor derly conduct on.the streets,. some friends of • the - , prisoner assaulted him , with sticks and stones. He was struck= the shoulder with a biick and otherwise injur ed, although beheld on to the ;fellow and lodged him in jail. Hastings was arrested on Friday', evening, being as is alleged one of the parties to the rescue and , the one who threw the brick which amok the °dicer. Hastings procured. bail* as stated and, was released. - - • MEE . - ; .-- .;' . a , :; . '. , : . 'i'zii .-, •' , :.'.,:.1-.' .. .',#? . ..'-:::::;'',.,:',i;:j . 2:,..-'4.-11 . 1 :.:':; - '' . j- , :', Real Estate Traaafert. The following deeds were filed of record before H. Bravely, Esq., Recorder, August Ist, 1868. James Kelly to Joseph Slattentield, May 4, 1841, two lots In Wilkllisbarg, number V and 3i, In Kelly's plan, otiMain street. 134 by 264 ' faet $lOO John Thompson to Patrick L. Loaghrey and A. Doo gen, November 10. 1857; lot in the Eighth ward. Pittsburgh, on Forbes street. 20 by 131 feet.... eC,XIO• John Galdel to George thellhass. July_7, IsTel:/ot In the Third ward, AllashenVi No. 4 In William WCBrei plan, in - Perry stseet, 20 by 46 feet.... 53,260 Henry Ehlers to C. W. Eldors4duly 23..1868; lot la the Fourth' ward, Allegheny, on South. Canal street, 23 by 110 feet. being lot No. 173, in Warren. Painter and Enrenz'snlaii . • k-. ; , 00 Benjamin E. Miller to Thomas A. Mellon, July 31, 1868; lot In Collins township, now Twentieth ward,. Pittsburgh, containing nineteen acres and fifty eight perehes 1431.30 C. H; Love to Nicholas Sclalesiman, Angust 15; 1057: lots No 9; 183.180, 187 and 188. in the Lorenz farm, fronting on Quarry and Virginia avenues tINO Samuel 11. Cluley, Sheriff, to John Beirtdn, March 1808; Interest of Joseph Irwin In lot on Ohio street. Second ward, Allegheny, :10 b, 240 feet John Barton same propert y above describedto Sl Jo ooo - aeph H. and Guyau Sl. Irwin nominal Elizabeth Long to heir, of Samuel Hamilton, decd, June 20, 1860; Interest In a lot In Plum townshlp, containing one hundred and eighty acres and ' sixty-three perches *725 John lii, Best to Samuel Hamilton, July 27, I: 6 1: in terest In the above described tract ' 6740 W. M. Clancy to Thomas Jones, Jr., July 1168: I lot. in the Fourth ward. Allegheny, In Gdneral Robinson's plan $5,560 Hugh Claney to William M. Claney, July 21, 1568; the above described" property . $3,201 Stephen Brannon ,to Joseph Ingham. March 12th, 1868; interest in a lot In Studer township, contain ing one hundred arid thirty ae.res.more or less -WOO Thomas Kennedy to George Bender, Aprll2l. 1068: lot In East Blrmingliam;Lon Sarah street, VI by 1220 feet • 1111,*A - 03 Anton Weber to John Elseworth. July 14th. 1868: lot In East Birmingham, on.Edwsrd's alley, 30 by 60feet to Joseph' street ' 4625 Valentine Wenzel to John Baethiul. June is, ping ; lot In East' Birmingham, in Carey alley, 20 by 00 feet C. Hanson Love to James McCormick, July - 14, 1868; "-tract' of land In North Fivetta ' .41.575 Robert Robinson to John J. Shutterly, Jn,ne'''A, 1867: . six lots In Indiana .towusillp • - • t 2,880 - nerd of release of Henry W. Alexander James. Miller, April 12, 1366; several lots in Allegheny City ' ' Nominal. George Johnston to William Devine; July 13."1808• Tots No. land 3 in Gazzam's , plan 1n the Thirteenth Ward. on Braddock street, u, by 72 feet $l,lOO George Ledlie to David Luker. Slay 27, laff; lot In Allegheny City. on Carroll street, V by ltd feet, t 2.10 James Miller to Benjamin F. Luker, July 28, 1868; the above described lot ' 116,000 Oswald Warner, administrator to Catharine Snyder, March 21. 1868; four lots on Mount Washington, Nos.'s, 6. 7 and 8, In C. Shaler's plan, on Shale.. titled ti 160 by' 25 feet • .800 George Y. Warner to Robinson Hillis Mid W. Quigely, October 2, 1867; lot No . 'l3 In Warner's plan, In I.lberty township, 41 by 273 feet $1,71X. Josephine Schmidt; executors to Wm. Strain; March 31,1836; lot in Stewartatown, on . Locust street. 40 by 116 feet S4(X) John Schaeffer to George A. Schaller...ll:me V, ISⅈ two lots in Chartlem township, No. 145 and 146, in the pia , • of the Lorenz farm, on Unlint avenue, 50 by NO feet • $l,OlO MORTGAGES. Same day eight mortgages were filed of record U. S. Court---Judge M'Candless. Judgments were entered against John C. G. Black; bite postmaster ,of Greensboro, Greene ,county, and his i sureties, for the sum of 1)249 50. In the bankruptcy branch of the Court the following business was transacted : Andrew. J, Teeter, of Bradford county, Almon G. Stark, of Wyoming county, and Nathanielß. Stevens, of Bradford county,. were finally discharged. Petitions for final discharge:were tied by John Y. Smitten. Archibald *Smitten. David Knox, and Charles Lewis of Indiana county, and F. M. Scott, of Beaver county, and the usual orders were made. Levi and Benjamin Hauck, of Union County, again:4 whom a petition for adjudi cation in bankruptcy was filed on the fifth of June last, by S. A. Coyle & Co., of Phil, adelphia, were adjudged by the Court to ; be bankrupts, and the matter referred to J. M. Weistllng, Esq., Register of the Four teenth distrilt of Pennsylvania. , ' On application of James W. Murray, , assignee of the estate of George Mahaffey. & Co., the Court granted leave to said as signee to dispose of certain personal. prop erty at private sale. parglskry—Musical ThieTes." The well-known music store of Messrs. • r Barr, Knake & Buettler, No. 12 EL Clair street, was entered by one or more burglars on Saturday night or early on Sunday morning, and a large quantity of valuable goods taken. 'The entrance was effected through h rear window of the establish ment which was reached tiy , means of a ladder improvised for the occasion by nail ingtogether pieces of wood which had been left in the yard. The firm cannot exactly estimate their loss, tut it will probably ex ceed five hundred dollars. Chief of Police Green has the case, in hand, and unless we mistake his vigilance an arrest must follow. The thieves tampered with the safe, endeav• oring to blow the lock off with gunpowder; qnt their efforts in that direction were • Goad Bread. Any article that is not only good, but sn, perior, will rapidly win its way into public favor. No household word is now more familiar than that ,of Ward's bakery, where it i§ universally acknowledged can be pro cured as g(x)d,light; pure and' wholesome bread' as hi any other place in the State. The great secret of the success'of this well organized establishment lies in the fact that nothing but the choicest quality of floor is used, purely vegetable yeast employed and the utmost care and skill used in kneadirfg and baking. Persons who desire bread far superior to that horne-made will leave their orders at Ward's Bakery, No. 40 Palo Alto street, Allegheny. Annual Commencement. The annual 'commencement of the Wash-, ington and Jefferson College will take place on Thursday, the 6th Init. Rev. Jun. Hall, D.. D., of Neiv York, will address the Stu dents'.Chriitirm-Association on the evening of the 4th. and the adtiress to the Philo and Franklin Literary Societies will be deliv ered. on , the evening of the sth, by' Rev. 'Chas*. Elliott, D. D., of Chieago. The ad dresses by the graduating mass, the Mas: bars' oration and president Edwards' Bac calsureate will belintde on Thursday even ing, the. fith.lnst. The class of 1858 will have a rd-union during the present week. Academy of Music.—Under very favora ble auspices and before a very large audi ence, the brief season of seven nights of Gov. J. O. Foster's dramatic an d pantomimic company was commenced on Saturday night. The stock company Is very good, and while all are worthy special attention; we must select Hernandy and Frank Fos ter for special mention as graceful and ar tistic pantomimists. A decidedly good bill is offered to-night, when we expect to see anotherlarge audience in attendance. We. hope in the end that Gov. Foster will have no reason to t egret his advent into the city, in which 'he 'has whole brigades of friends and admirers. Alleged Felonious Assault.—Mary, Gal lagher made information before Alderman lifiliasters. on Saturday against . l'hilip Chinks Ibr felonious assault ,and battery. blary,idleges that she has been in the em ploy of Chinks, who is abont,'sixty years old, as - housekeeper, for about two - weeks, and she :says that ert Friday Chinks 'came to his domicil in Louse Row,' Fifth Ward, in a tate, of intoxication. For acme reason becoming angry he tore a silk dress belong% ing to her so badly as to ruin it, and enAed by chasing per out of the house with , a knife. ..Chinks was arrested and, held ; tq bail in theinam of poo. , Allegheny Mayor's inautp. tioli was.well patronised on Saturday eve: wing, and at the Mayor's levee 'yesterday morning eighteen, breakers - of the law, most of them drunks, filed out to receive their:reward.' The greater portion paid their flues, but some few being linable - to raise the wind wero sent over to the Bill for a season. i4 • - • • Five Dranke„snoozed away the efrects.of an overdose of the -bxhiliarating beverake in the look-u last evening. - • Hydraulle Cow Hillter.—See - advertise ment in another column. t3t- .': 1.,. A' .... : ;- i'i1 , : 7 ..:... - r.':,• ; 17_.;:' : : : ; ~ ~ t om.. ~..:`7 „, Hon. Simori Drum,.Msyor - of Alleghe has earned the grateful thankeof all het i keepers, house-owners,and. house-builds, by his invention of .convehient„. simple a l safe self-fastening, allju.stible (right left) and durable shutter hinges, much perior to any rival invention in the math 'This hinge is easily adjusted to the shut regniring but half the labor of other hint, and therefore justly in great favor . 1 carpenters. Mr. Drum is also the in' ss of Drum's Patent Sash Pulley. - _This: ley is without a flange, its bearing is, tirely on the casing, presents a unich nt finish, can be - fitted in half the time,'. will bear a Much heavier pressure that flanged; pulley, and for this reason is ferred by all house carpenters who I' seen it.' Every owner or occupant 11 1 house will appreciate the groat conveni , of these two simple and useful impz ments, and will be glad to know , their evident superiority to all ot: renders a large demand so certain - Livingston it Co., already known the perfection and smoothness of flu rious light castings manufactured at Foundry, on Washington avenue, new -Outer Depot, Allegheny, have secure( right to Manufacture the aforesaid in: articles under Mr. Drum's patent, an. the purpose of supplying the rapidly; creasing demand for.them, are'erectiii extensive addition to their foundry bi ings. We are glad to know that alread ders are coming in from nearly everY'V; ern State. We foresee alike popularity' demand from the l East, and a rapid disp, moat everywhereof the many worts 4. contrivances hitherto in. e. Such i nutty and enterprise are edful to u twin and advance the ren El of Pittsbi:. as the great emporium of manufactut . Let them be encouraged: At Wm. Semple's. ‘lBO and 185 Fed Street, Allegheny, Bleached Muslin, • Unbleached 'Muslin; Pillow Case Muslirz; Shirting Check, Ticking, Prints,' De!eines, Alpacas, , Cotton Table Diaper, Towels, Toweling, " Cassixneres. Jeans, ' Honey Comb Quilts, •- Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; White and Colored Corsets, Gents White Shirts', • Ilosiery4 Handkerchiefs { Bounets,Sundowns, Has, Ribbons, flowers, &c., &c., A very largc! stock, At low prices, • Wholesale and Retail, At Wm. Semple's; 180, and 182 Feder Allegheny. Notic e -A 1 I persons are hereby wf against purchasing the right to Patent Brick Kiln, in the counties o and Alleg,heny, Pa., front or thrbug Murray Moorhead, as his title to the, was obtained by false representatim without consideration. Moorhead : sents himself as agent of Shepherd,' proved' Brick Press, manufactured t Combination Brick Press Co. at New': One of these machines, just now, whicl been well tried, and has nevermade a bi and which was sold by the. said Moor; for $2,000 cash, can be. bought at liarnsport,. Pa., for about the pride o: iron. ' E. V. W1.1,10A.R.p. Sole owner of Rader's Patent The Purest and sweetest Cod Live' In' the World,.`manufactured from f healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is featly pure and sweet. Patients who once taken it can take none other. ' for "Hazard and Caswell's Cod LiVer manufactured by Caswell, Thvy_ard New York. Sold by all druggists. Good Chance for Inveatment.—We the attention of parties wishing to en in then wholesale and retail grocery busi to an advertisement on the fifth pag: to-day's paper. The store is doing a business and is offered for sale on ac( of the present owners ref ring frotif Pure Fruit Syrups, viz: Pine A Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry, B berry, Sarsaparilla, Lemon and. Ra.spl tinegar, at the lowest prices at 112 Fe= street, Allegheny.city. iy2s:lw • GEORGE BEAV4 Likeness .of Grant.—Full-sized portal: Grant, on colored card board, the bes:; cheapest likeness to be had, for twenty cents, at. No. 81 Fifth street. d;; -6CLEX. AIKEIVi UNbERTAW No. 166• FOURTH STREET, Pittsburg] i INS of all : kinds, CRAPES, GLOVES, a , ery description of FiinersJ Furnishing Goat niched.- Rooms open day, and night. Dearf Carriages furnished. -, i, -RETERENCES—Rev.David Kerr, D. 1)., R.']: W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., ji,•:.. 31111er, Eso. - QUARLES &PEEBLES, LINDS .TAKEIti3 AND LIVERY STABLES, 'col; S DUSKY STREET AND CHURCH AVE.; Allegheny. City. where their COI SIN ROOE, constantly supplred with real and imitation wood, Mahogany and Walnut Collins, at prim Tying from I to • 100. , Bodies ;prepared for ment. Hearses and. Carriages tarnished: al;' Linda of Mourning OoodS,Offic at all hours. dai mid Wats .4:IBERT RODN - tY, UNDii TAXER AND 'EMBALM 4, No. 45 ET, Alleaheny, and lip. SO DILI:: SQUAItE, (by JOhn Wilson & 'Bros.,l keeps on hands. the best Metal, lit.sfaivuod, intitatiom Rosewood Coffins. Walnut Coffital VIM upwards.' Rosewood' Coigns $2O upwar , other Ceffinsi' proportion.' Cairlages and 11,'‘.' furnished at low rates.Crape„Gloves, Enpaylng furnished gratis; Office open di . . ENGINE - - - SCOTCH P,',EBBLII SPECTACLES W.&IIBAN - TED •TO lICESOVE THE Ai • DUNSEATH , & HASLET N" 131titIN4 GtiOIDS Adapted to a JPIEST RCR IDTfflttE TRLDE, ANT -••- • • • HENRY' G. nJtax.q.- CornernandSt. 6drStt • sim.uss•94ilr. - -Ale‘cps T OP plat SUMMER : STOVE 'CLOTirr .92#8a PAsarmmt.,nl4,TA\ II ]lls Eitnishthg AT COST, to nazil('F . od m For FALL G 04:::.! H. SMITH; Merchant • - E • No. OSWYLIE ST., cor. Pei . FEE New IL d Useful. UNDERTAXERS. FOR £4.4.1,E BY 56 FIPTEL STREET. EMI JtrEIT _Ol ENIM, Eal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers