;_...'il . f:'.4litt . gtritiri f :.,. : 6'...4 . tt.... The:Teeth. A writer in Harper says: Rousseau said. that no woman_ with 7 fine teeth could be . ugly. Any female mouth almost, 'with a good set of ivories, is kissable. The too early loss'of the first, teeth has an unfavor able induenee upon the beauty and dnration of the second. ; The youngest children • should accordingly be made to take care of therd.,7. All that is necessary "is to brush them several times a day with 41. little ordi nary soap or magnesia and water. Grown people should clean their teeth at least five _ times in the course of the twenty-four hours; ; on rising in the morning and going to bee at night, and , after each meal. A brush as bard as can be borne without pain should' be used, and the best of all applications is pure soap and water, always lukewarm. After eating, the particles of food should be carefully removed from -the teeth by means of a toothpick quill or wood, but - - never. of metal, .and by, a thread passed now -and again between = the teeth. Tooth powd ers of all kinds are injurious both to the • ' enamel - ; and the "giants; and if employed everypartiele of them should , be removed from the . , mouth by 4a/ireful, rinsing, The habit:which some women have.ef using a bit of lemon, though it may - whiten the• teeth and' giye temporary ; firmness and color 'to the gunta,. Is fatal to the enamel, as are: , acids." No one, young or old, should tinn_their jaws into nut-crackers. and it is _`'dangerous even for women to b ite off, as they often , do, the ends of the thread in 'sewing. It is not, site to bring very hot fond or drink, especially if immediately fol , lowed by , anything cold in contact with the teeth. i , ' Wholesome gums are more essential even than thelteeth to the beauty of the month. They, should .be of a firm texture and a lively red ;-color, and well spread over the base of eitelitooth, but they are often pale or livid,'-ihrunken; fleshless, and Sometimes , even ulcerated: The excessive use of sugar,' and'eandieb dOcizreat mischief. ,It is not only the,bneeffect of the acids produced by decomposition, but the grittiness of these substances which wears away the gum, lnireS4he roots of, the tooth, and spoils the :mouth.: Thislis the chief danger of the use of tooth powders. Livid gums will be bene -fitted by occasional; but not too frequent; hard rubbing, and pricking with a toothpick : ;jairitil they bleed slightly. Barbarons Operation. A Chinese shave and shatapoon is thus described by a correspondent of the Chicago Trtlune: "The operator took a razor, andstrapping it upon hisleg,:began to cut the beard from any face without having lathered it. , Upon my suggesting that a little lather! would 1 . prove beneficial, 11 replied that it - wits en tirely useless, and had a tendency to make thellair stiff and tough, and therefore wag never need by persons who had any knowledge of the human face divine and appendages. I,'pertorce, acquiesced in, the opinion expressed, but would rather be shaved twice with soap than once without. Afterthe beard had been taken off, and it was done inn very short time, the barber took a long, sharp, , needle-shaped spoon, and began to pierce my ears. He explored every avenue, and brought up, frum nu ' nierotui little crevices, bits of wax and dirt which had been accumulating theie since my childhood, for I • never submitted to each an operation before. , Having be.: -come satisfied with picking about my tars, the barber suddenly twisted my, neck to one "Odell,: Midi alnitfinet that it etsCked, as if the Vertibrie had' been dislocated. on!' I shaded,' alattned.for the safety -` of my neck._ 'MI-right', replied the tonsor, 'me no hurtyou,' and he continued to terk .and twist my neck until it was as limber as' an old woman's dish-rag... He "thenZfell to; beating my back, breast; arms and 'shies, with Ilst. and pummeled thb muscles un-. 7athey 'fairly glowed with the beating they had received. He pun dashed:a bucket of • water over me; and haying dried my skin with , towels," declaied„ that his_ work was done. I dressed myself, and having paid lay two cents, walked away, feeling like a new man. • The sensation of -- soeenesa• was gone, and - one of, elastiCity remained. retOly never felt'better in 'my life, and m ust say that hallin - hbar finder the hands of a Clines's barber would be far better than . a._' glass of, soda after a night's debauCh."' A' Hint to Cities. It is said that the grand metamOrphosis o the city of Paris, which has been going, n for a year peat under the directien of;llaron Hatumeman, has not increased the taxation of thateity. ' Whetf it Is reflected whet im - memie changes the'Biron has :wrought— how how he took. hold' of that, citt of narrow; •crooked streets, running la objectless dine floss, the whole city,, haying groWn up gradually through the cameo • with 'about as much general plea as emit old homestead to which each-;succeeding generation 'puts here an" additiOn, thewan out.hoose, ,finally, adds another story—when we reflect on this; and think what tlie Baron`has chine —how be ha.. remorselessly cut his streets • through all obstructions, built here a boule -*cod, there a bridge, left space there for a park, filled up this chasm, and cut doivn ---- that hill, and, in:fine, made Paris a city with a plan, and :withal=: the finest .city the world—we are amazed to hear that all. this has been done without increasing the taxation of thq ciiy. - _ • . • 'The Isecret of it is simply this.: The Baron, , for the Government, purchases "lied= lots" situated in narrow and-inconvenient localitief,;:turnathem into beautiful streets and sites and sells them at a great advance. • Thus we see that improvement,ev,eit in a _ - 4etyr - poorly Imilt 4ty, if Well_managed; will pay for itself. The realization this truth , Is destined to make gr eat ' and :heneficent &tinges in all our Ame rican ,; cities in iimea to come. Real improvements.-will -pay, at almost. - ' She of the stem 7 liowE large 'are ' the stars, and 'are. they alike, or do they differ in size?: .;It, used toi be conjectured that they are "somewhat simi lar magnitude, presumably- about as great as our sun, and that the differences, of ap,- varent size-are due to differences of distance; bat when astronomers came to dirictitei Mort some of the smaller; stars are,thilliarest our system, this Ides fell to the tietind: Verman computer hart now, hewer*, cal ,culated the ' actual dimepsions :of,Arro , par tici:lbw star, and,finds that its;mass Is rather, more than three times that fors,the- sun. • • ThestarlikquestOnis of less thairlhe fourth magnitude=a' &Mparativelr small one: What, then, must be the size °titre ' Sirius! And 4fddebarartclass? The v‘restbsi iielectleri;for:tirti ditaiiiibirrtion was that it is one of the issoponents of whst. Is ,aalled , ~ P I P ITeTI 4 9I I7I t- M nittacTeYo;iinii i ibont • , q,ch - othei like the sun ear plait - A -7;4/M 'the — . ottoned the ineinbers of suet:C. - it sisteut ,- aff=for the oppputatien.... The stain. di in us Li million and a -quarter , twes•ihat. of ilm.3_,eltrtigrom the , latil, so that light' takes twenty to travel- hither from it- -0 4 4 0a Trefk WHAT remain! pf.the bull of the' Mprn ing Btu Was raises on Wednesday by the 'wreckers: was in goOd condition except part'of the bow. Gen. ___ . ) Butler's Alleged “Extortlon.” ' ' gilt i' , " . tili . You allow me enough of your apace. to prese..nt tile' facts in the matter of 1 aetCflutler's "extortion" of money from Messers. Xlmberly Brothers ?.K. & Bros. were BaltituOre bUtchers and sutlers; who, up to the time .of Gen, Butler's' assuming command of the Departm6nt ''of Virginia and North Carolina, were in possession of 1 the most valuable location on Old' Point Comfort Without havirig,paid one penny of rent' to the:GoVernment, whose property it was and i.. Supplying the _garrison of Fort 'Monroe and the various ,bodies •of troops passing up the Peninsula with 'some , articles they , wanted, and a great many more they did not want and would have been 'vastly better without, the Kimberleys had'amassed a handsome fortune out of this important privilege. Gen. Butler at once determined, that -an arrangement so unjust to the. Govarinient should cease and to this end, appointed a Board of Survey, composed of officers and business men, to estimate the value of the franchise and assess accordingly. The bonus or rent decided upon was that which a ,number of merchants Stood ready to give the moment the Messrs. Kimberley should conclude to abandon. their enter , prise, but which these gentlemen •now claim was money "extorted." The other people doing business on the Point were assessed proportionately, but had not one 'word of complaint to make. It is only ne-' misery to. show the so'hole truth in this and the other charge.s and stories' With which rebel malice asperses its most. feared :and hated eneuiy, l to ;'demonstrate the' fact that. 1 the army had no coinmanderr who More jealonsly . giarded the interests of the Gov , ernmentJor who so economically adminis tered its.behests, as Gen. Butler. VE.EI ThB. Hew York, July 30, 1868. BOSTON, July 29, 1868. —To the Editor of the Boston Journal: , I see .in your tele graphic columns a notice that Chlirlea' W. Woolley and Kimberly Brothers brought snit against me in Baltimore; in Other and less accurate paper's that "I, was arrested." The first is true, the latter not. The pur pose of Woollefs suit is obvious. The tel adds that the Kimberly suit.'is "for money extorted from:them while I was in command at Fortress Monroe." Both suits were brought, by John . Surratt's attorney— the latter in o'rder toxive occasion 'for the telegram.' Kiinberly. Bretfiers' claim is for rent paid by them for occupation of gov ernment land.,4, Board of Survey reported that all the occupants of government land 'Tor Shopkeeping purposes, should pay rent, the am7nt of which the Board fixed. My ProVost Marshal collected of the Kimberlys (amenrothers,) and accounted for the rent for which lam sued, and it is telegraphed over the country "for extorting money." This is a specimen of rebel slanders against me, and rebel claims against the govern, merit. All respectable papers unwittingly' giving currency to Alms calumny will, I doubt not, give place to the refutation. , Respectfully, BENJ. F. BIITLER.. HMAIf CaLLame?, of McHenry Town ship, Luzerne County; 'Pa., was bitten by a rattlesnake under rather peculiar circuni stances. , He was wowing in a field when the snake came in contact with the scythe and was cut in two. They went on round the field until they came to the same point, when they went to move the snake out of the way. One of -the men attempted to lift it with.the point of the .scythe ' but failing to do so, Hiram took hold of the piece to which-the head Vrait attached, ,intending to .jerk it away; but as quick as lightning the head came back.and the fangs fastened in liis thumb so firmly that he could not pull it otY_except by bringing the piece with it. They then put a bandage around the thumb in order to prevent the flow of the poison to..the heart. 'Bat in a' short time the swell ing caused the band to bursL They then tied it around his arts and again it burst. As soon as , , it could be procured whiskey was administered, but it was thought 'he • would notlive. • TIM Lippitt Woolen Company, at Woon socket; has this season fitted up a luxurious bathing room 'tithe mill, where are all the conveniences of hot and cold water, and everything pertaining .to such • a desirable luxury.' It has also established the Lippitt Woolen. Company Relief Society, which Is designed for the benefit of any of the'; help arlty may be sick._ The , mills corporation pay weekly to its , fund, fifty cents, and the operatixes, inch as , may• choose to avail themielves of the benefitof the Association, pays froni two to ten cents per week, draw ing fiont,sl to. $5 per wcek in case of, die ablity to ;labor , according to the amount of weekly payments. A large portion of the operatives are members of the Society, and its practical and satisfactory worktng is be yond a doubt. - • A' mut in New Bedford is making three whet:lied wagons and carriages, which are much liked by those Who have tried them. They - ,are sad to _turn in less space and.,with less danger of Upsetting than four-wheeled vehicles. A minimum in-Springfield, Masa., who haa 4.bad habit of adding t`tle' to many. of his words, told; lain Sunday, of 'those who had been bronghtiip on: the_Ltird's side-ah.'? figirPHALOWS 4,6 PAPA[dar LOTION," • FOR ` 'BEAUTIFYING THE SKIN. AND Com. FinVel2l4ottfrgra:s... all , e7d. t . hfi lreti Pre d cki rs t e h e e Skin fatr and blooming. For Ladles la the Nureery t le.invaluable. For Gentlemen. after Altring,' it her no equal._ "PAPHIAN 'LOTION" lithe only reliable reme dy for diseases and bleat !alien of tli • e.skin. • -; • • , • PIEALOWS "PAPEIZAN SOAP" For the Toilet. Weiser) and Bath; will not chap the akin. yenta per. cake.' • • • • - , rip " YO," A new Perftnne for , lhe r- Rindkerciilef. Exquisite, dellegte, luting fragrance. hold by all Drugglsis. JeSt NIELOAYS ok sox, New York. • rh-iriri ' - • .- • . • IarnBATCHELOWS HA I YE. tbfa *O,Y the beat ^ in the world; the only rue and perfect , Dye: harmless, reliable, Instantanewts; disappbintment; no ridiculous; tints; remedies ;the 411 cleats Or bed' dram: blylito• rates and testes the Hair soft and cautlful. bkiol or brotofit. 'Bold by all Dm/stets and yerttuners; and patty ApultedAtt , /tatehelont Witoratitory t No. 041011 d Meet. new, cot. ^ andlip2ll arr6trion-71 , TW. Y.ciong maid. to. frinpr 4 Yre• oleo ' NPa,..._ilb E h rm'a e lr wt :i l a b erri . tarouthanolsauirxmoutio7l 4) moat In U se s tled letter Anvetopinkohne ofnbargn. , •A lti tinns HOWARD AS. : riOdi oz r. flglad Atm, Pa. InYIB:43 1 /T• _ . - 5LATE .,.....- t... , ~..1 ~.. ~ ,).,.., .r,: ': TWIN CITY SLATE CO., , manuip.cture s superior article of jEZO4COVID743I. E c• 04 43 -Seventh St., Pitistnugh, J. S. NE'WMEYER, Preet. mymutkeß • - t e P- 171 '001 411 4 11 ,; 64 4 1 :..1.P. 1 ;'. -1140 1CDAT;i AU GUST 3, 1868. Another Rebel Slander Ilefhted SPECIA.L NOTICES. ' (;:.' ~ k+~ lY a tl7uPl ii ~lt ~~ FOUND That alter repeated trials or other. remedied' •oo baeli's Stomach Bitters, Blood Purina and Apood Pills are the beat medicines extant 'to Mire the die eases - ter which they are ree,ommedded: Sold by 1111 Druggists Everywhere. MIEN , ,m „ There is no medicine in nee so ellicacons as Dr. Bobiek's 'Blood Purl/let and Blood rub for the permanent Core of. Blind or Bleeding riles; they . strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. TEMPERANCE. 'There is, perhaps, no onehig that has done so much to promote the cause' of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic, Ropack , s Stomach Bitters; theistrengthen and Invigorate without producing the illefects of alcoholic stimulinte. Bold,ly all;Draggists Everywhere. LIVER PILLS Are Pills that hive a direct and powerpti attion o Abe liver:4nd .relieve any Butettilty or congeate_ stater of that all hninFlant, .organ upon which de- Joedds tie whole process or digestion.. The import ance. then. or prucorltur a - Pill that:shall 'have inch direst action without effects mercury, is manifest, 16 every pate; ' t ench Pills are ItobacVs Blood pills; they are warranted purely vegetable, and can with 'certainty be relied 11 0Mittid - * . are saib at all times. - sold by all Druggists liverfurbere, INDIGESTION Is but anotbei name for Dyspepsia, arni the parent of many ilia. . Itobank's - Stomach Sitters taken" in wina 7 glase=fulldoses, iiiirectly.aftio each meal, will surely effect a perminent cure. Do not take our Wortlicifit, bat try them. , • • r 'Bold-by'.ill.Druggists Everyw ere. . . NIGHT MARE Is one of the triany illseases of which Dyspepsia, is the parent. To effect a cure persona should avoid hearty' toed at night. and take a Wine•elawwfull of /Whack's &mach Bitters on retiring to bed.. Sold ty all Druggists Everywhere. BIM — OVATE. During the Bprlng months ft Is one of the , regular household duties to renovate, and, ln thf. mnldpli city of other duties one's own self is. in a grist measure, overlooked; thousands of valuable lives Might be prologged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves by thoroughly renovating , the system with Dr. llobset's Blood Pills, Btoinsch Bitters and Bliod Purifier. . Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. MELANCHOLY la one of the many rt4.rrous system, arising froMa low state or the constletalonal health or severe prostration after 14am cout ['clued Maness. and requlnto Invigorating remedies', like Roback's Stomach Bitters to restore the nervea to their natu ral vitality. Sold Ojai Druggists-Everywhere. : 31*f:111v: r >keg *1 The Agents for the sale of ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS, STOMACH BITTERS and, BLOOD PUB - Tum are all Druggists exerywhere. U. S. PROPRIEURY ZEIDICINE CO , PROPitiETQR:4, CENCINZirA'r/i 0. Je1723697.1r MANHOOD: HOW LOST • HOW RESTORED . ' J. , ft publieued iaTactlel eneet oo-Dve Prior, come: - A 'LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT. and • !ladles' Cure et Sperntatorrhcon, or Seminal Weal:seas, bavolnittary E r ndialons, Sexual Debility sot( bilPodlotooto to Mar rings ,generally Norronsnya&, Consumption, Epl lzy and Fits: Mental and Physical Ineapaelty, se en ting Item Self Abuse, &e., by Robt. J. Culver -11. M. M.D. author of die ."Dreen Book," &c. "A' .BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent under seal; In a c plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on societyi of &ix couts,or two postage .tamps, to CHAS. J. . KLINE & Co., riri BOWEIW, NEW YORK - PCOSTOFFICE BOX 4856. Also Dr. Onlverwell 'a 'Marriage eivide 4 " pries, AS sent,. mid:l:4MT . . L.- MAN HOOD,, ,, —Another New memicAt.•PABITHLET,-trom the pen Of Die. tluggte. The Medical Time says of this works A•Thls Valuable treatise on the i Candet and cure of premature uiellsw, shows how health la Impaired through /caret ribueee of youth and manhood, and how easily regained. gives tt ch,ar synopst, of the Impediments to marriage, the :term and etleets cif-nervous debility, and the gemedley therefor." A Docket, edition of the above 'will he Imo arded on reoalpt 0123 cents, by addressing Doctor 1 - 1111- 114, dSNorth Charles direct, Baltimore, Md. pRIcES OF TH VARIOUS 'BINDS ; OF : GUNPOWDER, IipLXVIFACTITEIED sr . THB jr 2 rn POWDER CONPANT, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, Offiee,,Na. 289 Liberty Street, prriinureau, PA. c.JLIYIe3Tmit pownnzt, • Electric. Noe. 1, 2,3,• 4 and 3 graha, in square Canisters, 1 lb. alien, Antericad liportlng, in Oval Oanlatert of ' melthl_ • • aga 'cocotte& Noe. 1, 3,.3 and 4 'grain, in • 'Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Indian 1313_,e In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each... . Kentucky In Oval Canisters of lb. eac h EentuckiN tale In Oval Canister. of lb. each (25 entib: Oval Canisters Ina case.) . , hag lb., do.. do. doer "KEG POWDER. gootooky e s 777.0, 770, and "dealbObt. to kegs. Ulna iin ntuolig 11.ide. 773 ira, and "Sea Minot., - •1 lajnitngs, 1 Xenteceritide. '77*; end "Sea l Ise 70: rep. 1. Deer rowder_, in wags, sc lbe - . Ilinlet end bkl7Vne Powder, Mining 7.,g7. sr greiri, et easti,-in beg& 25 lbe sc ,Safety Fuse for Blasting gf superior Quality fn gyirkagee fits Test line over ... . . .p t••• 1••• , , ; ."'Dilliered - free — of expense on board of 'Boit' or ;-, >nystlMw ,ifer tis r ,ill;; • • , OP OR Stout,. PROM mu> We are now noel-dug etuiloe' lot 'of 'Boitthern Wheat front Tenney of :and: Alabama; from .which owe are now tnnnutactuelnlt a superior , quality of faintly Flour, equal Wake:beet brands In the United grates. to whleh we Invite the attention of deaden and Ooneutnere. Our meek. are sealed and branded '*Orop of 1868, Pout Ste= Mill, Allescheal,': with Jul! dale R. T. =NNW Y lino. 313013. JY:sat MEDICAL PILES.. POWDER FOR SA,LE--REAL ESTATE., FOR SALE. ~ , • • TWO licruskA AND 1,71 , on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property W it be Wishesw dispose party is abont leaving the city, and to of the proporty before removing. SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING clatrBES TWO TURNS, wlth_good FARM, and about sod acres timber Jand. This property will be sold low. Cash gss.Boo—halsnce on time to suit buyer. /ARM 01 190- O.RES, will be sold for twenty dollars per sere. provements comfortable frame house and good be •: 50 acres of the land clear. ir,siou or 180 'RES, near the line of railroad; very well located .r raising stock; improvements are good and subs • tial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPS'WiII sell a good brick house, containing Ave zoo .• a, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent fort to amount in six years. A LAugrro LOW F ,OROUND, having a river front, and very cons enient °faeces.% TANNER'S., cony nteut to theetty, and having a well established en torn or local trade connected therewith; a good d oiling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in .harpseurg, near the railroad: would make a Bgood .al yard. ' t HOTEL FOR. SA E.—That tine Hotel property, sitnated at the B trsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms d the necessary outbuildings, with three acres garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel ill be said low,- as the proprie tor wishes to ret • from business. R , REIST. One large House, for Boarding House. I One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick Hoare of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms, One Route of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. One House of 7 rooms and lot 150 by 180. Two new Brick Houses,ll rooms each. One new Frame House, .4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each.. One new Frame House in Wllklnsburg, having six rooms and terra lot, well suited for garden. 7 scree that can be divided into acre lots. ' Lots in Oakland. Power and a large Room and Yard for rent, ill s good location. Will be• rented for "short or long t !me. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward. thicWANTED -3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 inches k. TO LOAN--$50,000, • IN SUM OF $5,000 AND "UPWARD. APPLY AT .' Del HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE , 1 , 1 . p o is . , 91 Grant Sty Pittftiurs' 2,0009000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE • Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, it, $l,OO TO $4,00 PM ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEAR% For further particulars, map', &c., addrea JOHN P. DEVEREITX, Lind Commissioner, Topeka; Kansa& Or CHAti. B. lallißß,Brir, 9ec•y, t: ` . Bt. Louts. Missouri. BULLRING LOTS FOR SALE, IN ATALEGI-rElyir .CITY. "itie iNecOtors of the laic General Robinson will . dell Five Valuable linllan?. Lots, • • Situated on the North e.ltuy.,r.,. •seh lot !114 by 170 feet. These trr, • desirable fur private reside /re :n the city. Also. the YA i 11 . 1“1+61 , . :Lod pair of Ilne l HORSES. with I; te. A;9ly a .theottic,.." 'MN D. ROBINSON, jeKI:sWNo. 14 Fe deral Street. Allegheny. F OR SALE. . - A RETAIL DRUG STORE, 11 Ina thriving town in Washington county. Penns. Apply to HARRIS & EWING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne streets, 13"...q • )::3 Pittsburgh - filOR 'SALE & TO LET.--Houses and (.09 f.)r sale in all_ of the city and su burbs. Alen, everal FARMS in good locations. Also, a small 'WOOLEN FACTORI'r, with 20 acres of land, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let ou good streets. Privste Dwelling Rouses for rent hi both cities. For further partimilars inquire WILLIAM WARD, lan 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. MARSHAL'S SALES. 11. 8. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, • W. D. of Pennsylvania. Prrisnormil. July 25, 1808.1 MARSHAL'S SALE. • accordance with an order of D. R. Nevin, Esq.. U. S. Assessor of 93d District of Penna., I - , rame to Public Sale. at the Custom House, Pi 'tabu rdi, 1 a.. on IT Es may, the 4th darof an. ?List, DSOs, st. JO o•clock A. A., the .following de. b.d proper:lr, to wit: 5011111. q. CUT AND DRY 'TOBACCO, contain int ailout 3,700 lbs. sato Tobacco having been seized April oth, 1888. by 1.1. S. Inspector H. R. Irwin. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. • IVIARSHAL'S SALE. , • Ins accordance with an order of Henry A. Weave& lest:. U. 8. Assesser lot 99d District of Pennsylv lulu,' 1 will expose to Public hale, at the Custom House, Pittsburgh, Pa.. on WEDNES• DAT, the Bth lay of August, /888, at 10 o'clock A. AL. the following' described property, to wit: • 185 BEDS. CUT 'AND DRY TOBACCO, contain ing about 8,000 lbs. 18 BBLS,-FINt UUT AND DRY TOBACCO, - (stripped, containing about 780 ibis: Bald Tobacco having been seised April Bth, 1888, by U. h. Revenue Inspector, George Keyser: • , ' Taft A. Rowut, U. s.marshai. 11. S. Marshal's Office, Julr 28, 1868. iy2D: tdo FOR RENT FOR RENT—The leasehold for •a tenn of about nine years or a Two. Story neDwelling House, sit. eun ( fronting on Avenue and Wafer streets. Allesbeny. M ist Corn • mini/haying 7 rooms. 2 baits and •arge bsth room.- kixceilent range in kitchen: but and cold water up stair& 'and down; good cellar. Covered porch In front and at side of !binge. larape sibor. Lot 30 try _SO test. • Possession soon. If•desired. • For terms apply.to . 0. Id cL AIN 2 CO. jvi7 No. 50 Smithdeld Street. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 115. FOURTH ST!_. 115. • JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE.DROKERS. - AHD AUCTIONEERS,: • • .• • . Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, _BONDS, HOUSEHOLD of SECURITIES, BEAL ESTATE, FURNITURE, &a., either on the premises or et the Board of Trade Rooms. Perth:tiler attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate , at private sale. Sales of Real Estate In the countryattended. No. fib FOURTH STREET. lreitee $lOO . 00 . 0 1, Loses, ON BOND. AND MORTGAGE.. 6*ci." , g a d m i timi Agent." 60 thaltheeldtreet. nnu`aATioNa~; ~... i,.. - I ,IIIIIEGARAY 1111STIVIUTE - ' • ENGrAiir AND VASNoiI, • • Voit,, , YOUNG''.ll:gig; • • •'. • " ifaLtIDZGOD:tki! PM*: .lov and 1659 senuck.sThEirri'PhilvAelphia, Pa. will re.operin n MONlMY,liept4Slild. • french is t h e h i nirmigc s of the hamar - anil• is ccinstantly iPP/ 64 40: bbe AVA t in e tp, • jelanialorWn • • , o . • • ENTERS* BUILDERS; ' ILI4AII . Jr. Diva; • , CARPENTER AND,ST-T,ltntit i No. 3 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Apposite High street... Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, Co. 143 6r it t ici t u gtra tne twin' ueatnesa and dispatch. • All orders promPtir attended to, and satisfaction war ranted. . • BANKRUPT NOTICES:, • A" lIGNEE 9 S NOTICE OF AP POLST3IENT. In the District Court of the tinned States. for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of C. W. PORTERFIELD, Bankrupt.. IN BANKRUPTCY. N 0.931 To IT/lON .IT MAT 00.1C8RX The' undersigned hereby gives notice of his mi.: pointment as Assignee of C. W. PORTE.I2I/EI.D, of Tlarriscin' township, In the county ,of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, , who has been. adjudged a bankrupt upon hie own petition, by the District Court of said District: . Dated at Pltt6bargh, Pa., the I.Sth day of Jn2y.- A• D. 18138. _J. W, KHMER, Assignee, 7Z0:t40- .A ttorne =l!ls= WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN-. bYLVANIA, O. At Pittsburgh, July 18th, A. D. 1868. To-witon IT MAT CONCERN: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee or SAMUEL J. NANKIN,,, of the Borough of Sewickley, in the county, of Alle gheny anE State of Pennsylvania, within itid Dis trict, who has' been adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District JAMES W. MURRAY, Assignee, jpbt3s;iit Attorney -at -Law. IVESTERN:DISTRICT of PENN SILVIUA, SS. lePittsburg . the 22d day of June.,A. D. 11168. The undersi ed hereby gives notree of his ap pointment as Assignee of• JOSEPH it. .FRICKE, of Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has bean adjudged a bankrupt upon his - oWn petition by the District Court of said district. • JOHN 11. DAIDET, Assignee, j..:r941c .. Attorney-at-law. 89 - Grant street. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN-: SYLVANIA:, se. At Pittsburgh, July 16th, A. D. DAS. - To WIIOI.VIT MAY CONCieliN: - • - - . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as tAsaignee of IiODP.P.T C. SUTTON, of the city and county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged bankrupt uto t tt ri h c i t s . own . petition, by the District Court of said District. W. MUSICAY, Assignee, • jy2o:t37-s Attorney-at-Law, 110 Fifth street. PZSTERAT DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA; 88. • ittsburgh. the 18th daY of July. A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby glees notice of hia appoint inent as Assignee of 0.1.101 WE idausaw, of the city and' county of Allegheny, and-State of Pennsylvania, within Bald Distriet, -who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own 'petition by the District Court of Bald IlLstrict. , , JOHN H. BAILEY', Assignee. jy9rdlSod . Att , y-at-Law, 89 Grunt street WESTEAN DISTRICT of PENN; SYLVANIA, ea. At Plttsourgli. July ISth, A. D. ISBS. o mums IT MAY OCINCRILN: • • The undersigned hereby gives notice of his sp.. pointment as Assignee of SILAS - J. Iic6INNIS, of. the city and county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged bankrupt. upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. JAMES W. Si UREAT. Assignee, Jr2kt36 H Attorney-at-Law, 116 .Fifth street LEGAL. TN THE MATTER OF THE DI VISION OF SCOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ELECTION PRECINCTS. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Allegheny coui ty, No. 551, Seinen'. • Der Term, 1568. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July 25, 1858, a petition was presented praying the aivislon of sard Township into two Erection Precincts,— whereupon the Court ordered notice thereof to be given, and that the same would be finally acted upon by wild Court on SATURDAY, Angitst 22d, 1865, at which time all persons interested will be heard. MORE4AND. MOORE & KERR, Attorneys for Petitioners. NOTICE.—In Pursuance of an .s.rder of the District Court. or Allegheny county, made the 18th day of July. 1867. notice Is hereby given to the late , antlb•rities the several Districts or Pittsburgh. cons , lldated by Act of As sembly, approved April 6t.,•.A. IhB7. that the Report of Commis•ioners appointed by that Court to ascertain the indostedress, value the property. end the separate indebtedness of said districts, and fix a rate of apt clal tax for the payment thereof, in compliance with the provisions of the before men tioned act, will, on the 8 it DAY .IF AUEIUST, be conflimed absolutely. unless objection be made to the rate of special tax fixed by said commlssion, and a decree made accordingly. JACOB H. *ALTER, ; Prothonotary. jy23:t56 . kT OTlCE.—Letters Testamentary . `having been granted me on the Ber ATE OW MARY FAMiltErEit, deceased, all persona hav ing claims against her estate will pn,sent them to me, duly authenticated; and , all persons owing said estate will make payment to me or my attorney; JOHN W. TAYLOR ' No. 13 Grantstreet. Ciltil2TOP' trANOILEYER. ,Jtily 2d, 1565. yastl EXCURSIONS. SUMMIR EXCURSIONS. - ' • . ITRE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIDROAD COMPANY have on sale at their Office, trnlon Depot. littsburFrb, r ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAYS Enabling parties to vblit tikes° ponnlar bathing re sorts, and return borne at a moderate ooat. CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can purchase Ticltets to go and return by alt Railroad, or they can arrange' to take Steamer in either direction', between 'Phila delphia and Cape May. • - : EXCURSION TICKETS are also for sale at , the above Depot to NIAGARA. PALLS, THE OIL RE GIONS, GETTYSBURG, and numerous polnts , ln. Pennsylvania and New York. . AR- PAMPHLETS, containing Rill descriptions of the various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be had on application at the Ticket WIGS, gn the Enion Depot. • - . • W. H. BECKWITH, jvins2B TICIENT 4GENT. GROCERIES, (Late & Rielietson,) Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streetsj • j Offer to the trade at. Low FlgureM, . • • 150 pkgs. of NEW MACKEREL, in barrels, awes, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG UPSON, JAPAN I and IMPERIAL TEAS. • 50-sacks choice RANGOON RICE. RS bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. , • 75 bble. LONG tuL AND !SYRUP. -50 bble.'S RUP,_cholee brands. • 100 itha.'N."o. MOLAUSES.' • 50 tibia. RERMUVA MOLASSES. ' 200 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. , 75 Mids. PORTO RICO. CUBA and DEKA RARA.SUGARS. 900 bags RIO COFFEE. ' - P. , 50 bags JAYA and LAGUAY mi. COFFEES. 100 cued IMPORTED. CLARET. 250 cases MOET & CRANDON'S CHAM ' • .. PAGNE _ SCOTOK ALE and LONDON • POIgTEE con. stantly on hand. • UNDIRLES. 100 teaks Soda Ash 25. " Pearl Aeh• 5 " rot Aeh; • • 1,000 else Leadi , '1 -200 b h lL 7lit: ;Ve&meal; 500 "- Pot thcl Flre Olay; - 14 4 4 11 1, TF e1 , riet Hamtr:ri C t e ge s oU: sib " aoshea Cheese; In More Ind for sale by t JOHN 13: CANT4llitypint SOPt street:• rsf • q: 1 bui Yellow . Oor s. :Mkt 'do do' Bnelled due Prime 3 . 00 2 g.seap lnumlbs. DricdPe6 . • • . ..; . - • „ AS fiorgbam molasses.. , • • 10 bbls. Sweet Cider. ,`,.% • 00 doz. Corn Brooms, In store and or sale by ' 1 - - tric,TZER & ARDdB Jet . 10 Ifarket street.. earner 'First EFINEDVGARS, for Preserv, ing-7voi -home a' stock 'of Loverleg'ii latustied d Folvorlzed Loaf and soft - White 2011 Yellow NuFfir. for sale loobf. the bartel or. at re talt, at the iramllyGrotery Store of • • . ' 4. A, HAW 1720, neirnfir Llharer ..not RENS Riril44ll. KLA VORIN G TB ICTS.-Bur. nett% celebrated Flavoring Extracts; or Ice am, Mane hinge, Lo for nlc by the dozen or single bottle, -by JOHN A. ItENSHAW; jytil t Var. Liberty and Hand atteellk _ - - - I , BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY; Office In Franklin Sayings Bank Dillama; No. 43 Ohio St.. Allegheny. • • - • A Bo3lli COMPANy, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your. patronage. HENRY _GEO. D. RIDDLE. - DIRECTORS: I Henry Irwin, 'D. L. Pat:croon, Ali , r.ty Gerwlg, Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, ,Gottleib Fans, Simon Drum. .J. B. Smith, ,Javob Rush, W. X. Stewart, 'Ch. P. Whiston, Josnpb Craig, 1 Jos. Lautner, , I-I. J. Zinitang, 'Jeremiah liolzen.. arilo:o.ls STATEMENT OF THE,, Ben Franklin Insurance Company, For the year ending J•JiIE 30TH, Cati3ltal $lOO,OOO 00 I Privilege of increasing to 300,000 001 Premiums and Discount - 13,4721 37' Paid Return Premiums as so „Expense, includ'g Taxes & Commis's 3,481 71 Losses paid - 5,673 38 Amount of Outstanding Risks 757,908 33 10 Ftttn etmet. Dash. on band Prenilum Accounts—. Bonds atd 3fortgages Ellis Receivable stock Notes, payable on Demand Total Assets.-- • • I certify that the foregoing is correct jt - M:ta3 • GEO. D. RIDDLE, Sec's!. NATIONAL INWRANCE OF THE GETy.O2 ALLEGHENY. Office in ALLEGHENY TRIIBT conarA2nris 'BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. 'W. 'IV. MARTIN, President JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. • `DIRECTORS: A. H. English : 10.11.P.W1111ams duo. Thompson. Jno. A. nlyler, •Jas, Lockhart, Joe. Myers, Jae. L. Graham, !Rohl, Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, Jacob HOPP. IrSTERN INSURANCE CON. ANY OF PITTSBURGH., ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 92 Water street, Spent Co. is Ware house up stairs; 'Pittsburgh. - Will in:nre against all *kinds of Fire and /Paine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Director who are well known to the community; and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main. tam the character which the those assumed, as of fering the best protection towho desire tO be insured. DinazTOns: :Alexander Nimick, Jonn R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, " James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, ' " Joseph Kirkpatria, Andrew Acklea, . Phillip Renner, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, Ihtnsen. nog? pENNStLYANLIL • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURGH OFFICE, 2 , 7..167,4 WOOD! BritEkT, BANK OP COMMERCE BUILDIN,G.,. This Is a Rome Company.,`and insures against loss by-Fire excluslcelv. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICE, Treasurer. HAUB MeELHENY. Secretary. • . . Leonard Walter,`. C. C. Boyle, Robert 'Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King, Jas. H. Hopkins, , Henry Sproul, pDENNITY AGAINST LOSS BY YIRI. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE; 438 & 437 CHESTIsiIIT ST., NEAR. 5111 t DIRECTORS. Charles Jr. Rancher, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Feorge W. Richards'-. - , George Fates. CHARLES G. - RANCHER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretampro tem. J: GARDNER COFFIN, AGSMS. s North West corner Third and Wood Streets.' M1229:w1i0 „DM,A LLEGMENY INSURANCE CON• PANT OF _PITTSBURGH. OiPIC,E, No. 37 ELFTH STREET, BARN MAXI( Insures against all kinds of l? lie and Marine Blab. JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. 4 . JOHN D. IdcCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. • • . CAPT. WIC DEAN, General Agent. John Irwin, Js. 'John D. McCord, C. G. Hussey. Harvey Childs, T. J. Hosklnson, Charles Hays, PEOPLES! LISILTRA NCE COM.. PAN Y. 0277 CE, N. Z. CORNER WOOD 3 FIFTH SM A RonaVanipany, taking Fire and Marine Riaa, pricacroas: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Mazda, John Watt, Samuel P. Shriver, John E. Parks, ; Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Win. Van Kirk, Wm. F. Lan , James I). Verner Samuel Mcerickart WM. PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATT President. W. F. GAILDATEIi o Secretary. CAPT. JAS. OUR ON. General Aseat. WALL PAPER, AT REDUCED, PRICES: AF TER JTTLY 4sT, We Will offer oar present stock of Wall hVeTS at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortMent of SATIN PAPER.% for halls. rooms, ceiling/e,4c., at N 0.107 Mirket Street,near Fifth. SOS. R. HUGHES & BRO.i strnr HOUSE, . ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. WWls ti re class Hotel winUpen for the season ott Jtine• Terrailja so gm; 120 per week. Address E. sc. THoa,mins. Proprietor (Formerly of Congress Hsi!. Cape Island,- ande ,tro_ politan Betel, :Washington. 1). C.) N. B.—The music wilt toe under the direction oi • Mr: CARL BENTZ. • 'e22:rb7 A NEW SUMMER , RESORT. wog LASE . HOME; - Stanebora, Pa., (On the tine ot...lamestowit Franklin Railroad, one hour's ride fr om Franklin.) This house le J er re. new end commodious, well tarnished. hag D awd .[ rooms; ten-pin *alleys and covered prome nades. It la on the , banks of the moat retry Lake in America. abounding In gab, u - ieTat nimble for sailing purposes"; surrounded with Sul phur Serino, romantic seenernlte. It Is the best summer resort in the . State. Address: . . • NE: !pain. proprietor. EC4ITLA.ND P • s sal• . • • .. • . i t o m ittCrEk . j t: ~..._Ornamental Hair MIR WORIAst 'Aga, . 19 INgUlilift.lio. 1.118 street. , Dear gailtheeld. -Pittsburgh. iierevan h alidAseaeltat , estortmeut of Ladies' Ifkitia. uALEI;- Gentlemen's WIGS, _To. .1; tICIATik MAD mums, BRAcamme. &,,,,, - • A .geou.'Priee Sal . Cash 'WM be gist" fog #AW . . , _ • . ' Ladiest Ina ' tentleinell's liar - putting doriel thousgest Mauler. . ream, oourritaii,:ifE r TLouß, &L. WASHINGTON v v WASHINGTON OTREET, --- Near Pittsburgh Grain Elevator ; W. W.Aiirl33P.AlgoNs Nautafheturer of CORN NlCita 31 1 / 1 0 FLOUR at CHOPPED FEED. Orders de servile either ear free of charge. , Crain of ail kinds chopped, sad. Corn sheile ort short ttotioc. INSURANCE. OF ALLEORENY, PA. Presldent .Sceretarjr, ASSETS 3 3,976 715 00 631 . 14.634 861 4,935 00 80.000 00 411.04.281 48 DIBECTOus: . George Wilson, ' Geo. W. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Blether, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. Crpt. Wm: Dem " B. L. Fahnes W.'ll. Ryerson, Robert 11. I)arla, . Froneb. Capt. i. T. Stbekdale. WALL PAPER. NOTE S. Eg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers