,- 1 15. V zat.-sa., P. POItTII6 tittP't• ITTSBIIRGII FORGE AND (RON C 0.., ar.k2rtrFe.. 3 Bar Iron; B""%brond Flub Bars ant Bons; Ballroadi Car nr.les Boiled; Bs Car Asleis ILammeredi ILocomotive Braises; Locomoti‘re Braise Shapes; Mitts Sods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shoals; Steamboat Cranks% Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaw's, Collins, ite." °aloe, No. 177 - 013.11 N STREET, ITrTArtrucks. F... in.RAFF, 81F.1113 f‘ 'CO., MANIIFACTITREBI3 OH L_ • 1 7's ' ijoarr Hoop 'end" Sheet WROOCHT • grail Welded Taboo for OBS, Steam, Water, &o. OIL WEIL TUBING. (lice, 98 Water and 188-First &reaps.. • PITTSBWILGH,- Pa. jaZitell • ' ;KENSINGTON ; ,IRON q LLOYD & KANIOVACTITREES 0)r ; kßest i. Commou , l teedicharoool fi - ias-D r ,TC, • ENIATA--gLQox IRON. MERCH B AB; ANT ilorrit s t a t tlayes . NOlLriFE.l?,,rilgtaullarlDET EKON.. .: • , it MOWER AND RE.A.P.E.E. NABS. _ . • CYLINDER and GUAND or Y1NGX11 , 16 0151 %. T RAILAP and.1611 3 1,t0 the 'Yazd. -WBIIALHODLGTIT CHAIN* and fIPM. •'=• for same. SLAT and Countersunk. SAILS AL SC AND Br REEN l EE :.• 31 P A , Warehouse and Office at tha Wares, GILZENI ‘.,'OUNII STEP-XT. is continuation or. First street., ~AdJoinlng the City Gas Wolin', Pittsburgh. ",47IVERSON PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works: -warehouse, Noe. 166 and 187 FIRST. STREE T, Z,ppositt s m uongshell /I ! uße 'prrirsistriters . , STEEL- wpigcs._ Okroasulas* iittAir, WORK& .. ~;.1 [ESTABLISHXD E11:15454 . . . Alirlitiliraro. lircitaiS' '- 1.3 u cassms To AanDEssm-coolt & co:;) ldinufacturers" of every descritlitati of :- FIE ;.... BEST " ' Cut • 31111, 'Malay, Circular, fa ng and Cross •- . . Ette.W - I"I4.SeTVAB- , .•' • , • .1 spring, Cant - and Herman Plow and .. Blistet •••• '•` 'novel, Hoe, York, sake and Toe Calk ' `• •r.ltailroad ticklepgtee and Frogroint.a;_paat ?left printer Bars, Steel. Spring Steel 1 :17.1 Fl O '1711%e ga.\Vlgkr-Z.logliinter AND 1303 Br 9:, • iTittabnrgn, Pa jro3nl2- PSICIMMELIP STEEL: VORILS. 'at co., iTrrsiut GB. PAL, Xanufaoterera of every draerlption of •. • . - !CAST AND CERMAI4,II,TEEL, . . •:. BAILWAY 5P131.1468:' - - ' r &Warn° AND P1‘&1 70333 f mars SPRINGS. :• , STP.S.L . T3PS., ‘-' .• alehouse, SS Water apk3l).o:o44.tHs• • • • a_aple:co37 ...„------------iiicsualkomEaus. - i ---= • . • • • - Giimii.........r , , s, J ~-, ww. NETcAmi, , i :BEITBUTI 1141-P__LEB. ~', ezo. w. BARB, I _CRAB. PABN.=, .. 4 , Bergaz Piorgas.-&:/ ,_ _ „ ); : '.: 7 CRIT.SCENT - STA EL y WORMS, .•;.: '•: ... , 4 '''birr.Alrivart, iagAitivis;2l264Picir! ..... : -;:.,..L., , ' • • ::;,,,,, •:: ; ••• i Office, No. 339 L.ibotty. St, 1 ' • 1 -. 0 )10.14:d48 PrrTtonnfort, P .A. LACK trwtosi) STEEL WOR3O:- ARK,- BROTIIEWit, Manktriscturens of desoTip4oni. .... 1:;:_4 iii "; l:i-i r : :::I i. .. ;- ! 7 % ,-.• -,:.-;,!'" ..,-;:- .. , ...,. , ... , . -0 toe and aretiousei..lsBo; 1991, isikezooNp 119 and 1 191 BIESr EITILICIF;I3, - • . . . , . . ... .r. • . i 1 . . ' . ' ' PfITSBIIIIAII.', . : . MEE ~j. _,.. MEN i:.4. - ... EW5 . 40. 0 " -- ' 64: " )V AR r LIN n----- .:•:::...,' D*, STERBIT 4EUM siik ldstudspirs sad Import4F, oi *IL AL IL 1 12,71 0i r A -0 . - )IE . ' ~' ~ ...„ Mil •i;il • t)1387 LlB.k.lft'T'iri STREET • ODENBS OF W aY NE , • ' • .v , One Square Detest eaten Depot, Arias for 111.113.01 SIESETBATTING. "OVIES, BELL 136,C0., ANCHOR COTTON MiLLB, . ' r 4.4.4 rrr,r(41:11:115111• ours of IIiCA VY. MEDIUM' bpd'.l.lo/IT '2* - • , j ANCIIOIII *A431011/, SEESTINGS AND SATTING: ar:41 . 14V4, 1 461.4r41;tei1f l itt • ' - : . -fl,WW04114104:11M-,t.:2 • . II _ y{~~ -'k? ATLAS WOIEr!ILS,. MORTON 'STREET, "Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. 'MILLER. President. . These ,Works F are areong.the largest and most completa establishments in the West, and are now prepared to tarnish • Itogineo; of every doserfifition• Bailers,' On Tanks. =I n09:n69 ILTATIONAL i • • 4' AND PIPE WORKS. .• Corner Carroll and Smallnlan Streets, (NINTH WARD,) • PITMs - Eitr llo-11, SMITH, - • 31-OnufactUrer of CAST TRON Eprvart, PIPE; FOB GAS AND W &TER WORSB• _ , lay Pints are all cast invariably In Pits, in dry sand. and 13 feet lengths:. Also, 101 l assortment of 4, . , . GeneTal Castings Int Gas and Water Waring" • . " • I /could also call the attention of SuperintendentS of Gas Works to my , make of RETORTS-. • felfktio. , , . ---. CUTLERY, &C larrssiM.GlL - I"nk'SSUIW iEf. Sheet Leon Work. BallroMl (*l:olzigs• Zoning 3101,43tistinaii; Engine Castings: !Lachine ' Ca General ORDERS SOLICITZD L. O. LJVINGEMON.W. BUWT.W. 1:ROBIR8017, JR. -111/NGSTON. SG.C O FOUNDERS, XEL - ON O -mbrall'AdrOurr.El. or FINE..LIGHT CASTINGS, All deaerlottons, Phrmbers and W oo lenrrgtnrallmplements;,oollon end 3lllilin, eldnery,Ao. . . All JobWorlr. premptlynttended to. , Odlee, and Wotiks--WASHINGToIi svENtra, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. Rf 6 is OISINSO REA , Cat, SnOceseors to Boluglos, MINIS &» - , , • WASHIN4BkgrON'WORKS FOUNDER'S AND MACHINISTS' , PITTSBURGH, N a n u f s ere7of Boat and Stationer! Steam En sintrEast Engines, Mm-. Machinery,. Gearing, She Castings of ail descriptions; Oil Tanks and, Stills, er and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. (TIFForn First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for k.ND'S PATENT INJECTOR fee feeding:Boilers. . _ jall:rs2 MONT 111.44irc rwminuf. `Butler Street , , Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) ,FITTSBVEGEL. Rolling•Blill. and Bridge Castingb, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, - itAolimiok Y AND CASTINGS GEN.EMXT: Orders Prumptly and catefally executed. Chasgesseiulonable. - ' ' ' IBBINB:r & EL D. 0e115 1 323 geLIN rouxipay. B & BIM. 0111 Ce and 39afthouses 29 *nod Street, - . ItainfictuTe sed ke e p conitirali on k,nnk Tilinible,dkiebi and pipe pones, vrectozi Imam pcKi. mom, 131311A8 .221:T=CS. HOLLOW WARE; .genetsll And.Ositin .FTIERNIL4:I3 C&111.11151& Cd• " - ' ' ' •.. x ... . ~ l'oratik,•Ward Found r y and Machine . Works, . saximn3ln 1 / 2 trt., 'AL - Lsommir edit, Pe,, ~ ' itarinNitrirersofiitearri itingliirgy.:9o Pressen; Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Haw intu Wore.„._Bolling ISMNed ac M hine (lasting', Grate Bars, Weightt4 Wagon Boxes, ndEnglnes a e l ic. , Build to order and have GA ,ha slam '1 - Asrtlexie :,rIIIIIAIII.4L IFOWNDIO; AND ROLL WORKS , • 680 Perin. street. BUNKO • 1101 D & BAG-an. mu Van Clatstingi4 Lathes; " ELTON MACHINE" WOBliNe • . .. .• -ESTABLISHED Illt -183 1 5. , ~ ! . , ntlietory °LI:STEAM ttINGLIJES. of ‘all slam a roved patterns- or t urp.iii"d h? EVAMTB and gek Y • ..0.-03. 'A. variety+ at 10, 12 an 10 horse power Exempts,. which t win be soko.st Teri ,fepucdd Prices-. -' P. F. Girassig.riVeiisstue, 0. _ Duty mEelielowiltteburgit. on t ; fieS)ldo riv_e_r z ,aild m e of Ca ga P, li_l,•'_L_L_.;..i.. UMBER. T lIMISOU LIIMBEIp LIOIIIBERI irzesto rALIKIODFIR PA YARDS No. Se Preble street tbrmerly 'Manchester and No. 1511eLbkorestiviersteporipss Works, DEALER. IN ALL -iELNDSteIf Bough dud .Planed Luttaber, . . Flooring, ...• ' ' ' • 'Doors.;. • ' 1 . - Weatherboarding, - Bash, • ' 1 Sa w lug 1 e 0, T.louldings, • .' • • Lathan Lumber, '. (Coda? and Lomat-Posta. Lath ad Paling_a, "._ Oak and Yellow Pine. AI:AO—FIRE BRUM. TILE and CLAY. allS:ola FORT PITT LIJIGIBESICOIII.PANT '.l Capita, ~ - $125,000. BacinEalrerrr—EDWAßD ,DI IGHT THEIDGE. arranx A. WR. Borsnovournarr—EDW. DAVIt ON. DlSLCl 'Oß Edward Davison, . Duncan. - John - Melton, _• E. D. Dlthrldge, Geo. W. Dithridae,_ Johnston. M. L. Malone. S. B. `J - • - * LUMBER YARD-Corner of BUTLER AND Ale • LS:GREET STREETS. Moth Ward. OFFICE AT voirg PITT 6L488 WIRRES, Wash. Ingtnn Street. • . . • • is2OdiS GAS AND STEAM FITTING, WWI X. COOMB;. ....JOB. KAT& . . . inuiss'auts. JOHN In. COOPER ts Co., . BRASS rolirmrais 1 GAS AND STEAM , :FITTERS , "l'ull'iftir.ttfi,Ml4lll Bells w"Pht ag l insi T fcc, t u Corner Of Pike and Walnut Streets, s aytkiao hown. a. yriciunawali, • lIELON BROKE, 1124 *list street, Pittsburgh, • - . . 2A4tearfte the sate of COrawal4 Dough's:sat% sepotrte, sabells, Puocannua, etaahßoe, Glendon. bra and .other.rais or -A-nuirocite. Youghiogheny Ooke sad p; ctuFt?ool- . . • ; vid redorts:... • • Calulins‘wiits'ai.l!lliribm rPg)twttally its3iktlkm!i. PITTSBURGH_ 6142117 ' E Ti!dONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1868 FOILT PITT BOILER, EEL OD Tina WOKS., CARROLL & SN*DER, TUBULAR. POIIBLE-FLITED TUBULAR , FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANES. CHIMNEYS; BREECHING AND ASH PANS` SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CDN DENSEBS; STEAD. PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; -PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES 01See and Warehouse, corner Seeond, Third. Short and 41berty Streets, • PITTSBURGH, PA. , • Ordcrs sent ' ie the above address will be mb7:189 promptly attended to. - --------- W3l. BARNHILL 84 C 9)., . 1 il V BOILER MAK E RS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, I, NOS, so, Sa I , s 4 AND 26 PENN ST. • Saving secured 'a large yard and Tarnished it wi th to I the most approveq machinery, we me pronred manufacture every description of BOILERS; in the best manner,. and i warranted equal to any Made In the country .; , Ottimueys, Breeehtr, Fire t Beds, Steam Pipes, locomotive Boilers, 'ondensers, Salt 'Pans, Tanks, Olt Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Baruhilt's Patent Boilers. • Repairing done, on the shortest notice. , 1a15:c21 JAMES i. BITEIL, # Nos. 55 and 66 Wiz Mr Street, . PITTSBURGH, PA., ; luartrrecrultra or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, yam K. murex EMICUND D. DRUM. J AILED SI. Itl#31.1:8 6 , _SON 11,NDFACTIMULD 8 Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. samff i IRON WORE. &0., 61 Penn StrPzi Pittsinir 6 / 4 _ _ STETTLER SONS & CO., A. • I a Alcvsacrurasaa cir Steant Ealers,,7, Qt; stigs, room, , $t its, . And SHEET mot; vroal.; of at kind'. • .., 'mead Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. ___ em:/ PITTSBURG.N 4 =I IzA.nr-.recrinLszts or, Bo',:lurtiG MILL STACS,B, r .t And MEET IRON WORE. : For St:eamboate. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C ‘NOO IL STOVES. C CET THE BEST. BISSELL CiILIS TRIUMPH, BITUkIXOI7S COAL. , Warranted to Cook, Bake or, Begat as well IS any other Stove in the union. BISSE r a Si M 0 No. 235 Liber"ltT Street. . Also on hand and Or Sala tOc.lrkiLNlrirtiMs. ,-vgirEA-PraT PLACE in the city TO B THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is st No. 140 GRANT MM?. rims " C'eua4llll°l/ Merinhansr4./Yoera.// Petroleum audits Products, DAI2ELL'S BUILDIN%OUQUiSNEWAY, .Prril3BlllitOno ,• FERELLDELPHIA, ADDRESS, ,- WASLING,:KITIO t CO, 91 0 ACIK. BitOTHEIRS, .COMMISSION MERCHBTS,. • ;AND DEALERS Petro'cult. and its Products. ritAstargh OfIice—DALZELL, BUILDI2i6, 'Cor ner 2tEoctquesne iiay and Irwin street:a. ralladelptilales—lin Wi1...141Y1' ST. VER, JACOB IPFEA Jr,166.00., J Oil. Cononission: Jotibers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and Banned Oils, Lubricating, Tar Benzine end Cooperage. . Our long experience In the Petroleum trade enables ne to offer unusual' facilities and in ducements to operators. Alf heretofore, we are de termined to mate It ad interest of buyers f or sel to give us a call. Parties having sills sale Are cordially invited to bring.theiraampies ,.. ard:n94 • !IL LONG ar. CO.; • i MAIITIM&CTIirIiPti OP PURE WHITE BU} RNING OIL, Brand...." L lICIFEB,r Office, N. 'A , I)aquesne 'Way, Plltsblust. FURNITT.TRE. • _, ~ 118,y;:r -,1117111A1L,7113. A „.. .1. - :, . li g . -:TURNITURE. MANUFACTURERS; [-. • • • • , . . ,••••, w iriarsALE ? kw). lurrAm. . LEMON- de *WEISE id, talk yorrwriir sm-Baavir. ' • -i3ocuitaiivi On' nand, every_ variety of ?mama and CitAMBE I' lIBNITURIS ,tugetner watt a com plete seaortgient of oomdan,rurnttgralet: Maimed torture. -........., ' • • Arboee sn Want of anything in our line are eardtallif Invited to can trefore•pUrebaelug. • : Work guaranteed. • font! mit .. .... LA " svr ieni.olvq4. , ;, , .-,,, . , ...,... .1 , . • • OBITS MILL . 11W SKELTIBOAWORa.: • • - . PriVSl3l:l3Katu... . .. . I ` . - PARK, . MetUlltri &CO • , mantacturers of sheathing," .BrUlers , and Bolt OuPPer, ?rested Copper • BotUums , Ward Sall eslo Borst toms, Bonitos Bolder. Also, Imp°, sod -,D In 'hints!, TM. Piste, linnet, Iron, , Wire an. , Con- , stantly on Wind Ttatterie ninbinea :A..d 'fools. Warehouse,: ',,i o. ill) ViltnT BTltestl and me dittX)Wil wr BEET. entepurgb.- lipootia orders at Coping out to . %Sli'S iiilsirs4 tins. ' $4012. • Mll4.ol4}4torT PITT - BNNig No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, $200,000. CKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOMNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. NTEDEST ALLOWED ON TIDE DENIMS Collections niade - On all.acoessibli Paints in the Cnited.Stiteg and Canada,. • DUCHDTOBS: D. Hostetter, - • . Jon. 0. Bishen, James Gordon, ; Debt. H. Kmg, D. WaUnee, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, JamesM. Halley. D. LEET WILSON. Cashier. YSTONE No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, CAPITAL, (autlthrized,) : • • : $2OO, • DIRECTORS. H. J. Lynch. I Wm. H. Hamilton, John Murdoch, Jr., Heurlßocastoce, I William Espy, Geo. T. Van Doren. Samuel Barekley, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all acoesailde points in United Mates and Canada. Interest AUo:llreli on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD 8. J: LYNCH, Presideart. NATIONAL OAI K OF COIIIIIIOE Cor. of Wood and Sixth St& A. PAT.TERSON citrir4t,p, : : stsoo,oom- JOS. H. HILL A. Patterson, Win. B. Brown, Chas. Lockhart. Allen litrkpatrlea._ -W. B..liacanti, DISCOOM HURT, CiVGBILET & CO.; Corner Third and Wood Streets, (S CESSOBS TO /UNICA., kiABT & CO:,) Dr-mama Exchange, Coin, OuPons, I• And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale el COVERNME,NT , BONOS. Sight DraftsloiL "liondontnyi:sB2 HOLIES & SON ..LN . . Collections made on an the principal points of the United States and Canada,. Stookti, Bonds and other Seetwittes P. O. DITYPY. 127 Weltitat Street. ugmow h WVKg COPPER FINANCIAL DEALERS IN SA3I9L. Pres9tl prrnsinton, PA. TRANtLiCTED GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier [QN:t:(OA 6:lUNfSglgAiAfla Arra 1E8: • " George 'W. Cass , Jaraes McCandless, Wm. Douglas,. utteq., DT= ZIZO2M_ BORERS AND BROKERS, PITTEaBITEIGULI, 3PA., 57 Market Street,' ,PrIPICTEEFEWITRarEir, PA. BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COIdidDISTOIF. Parttotaft . thtfention pole to the pirctuise linited. states Sedi.irities pacasi W EVINGS IRANKA' NO. 59 Fourth Street. 013ARTEllED 1866.. Intere;st paid on 'rime "pertivolts _ ANY t3I33I•RECEIViD 'FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD.;:., DEPOSITS 81113.1g,CT TO CHECK. WITOU T , 'INTEREST. 1 Dlseounts Daily at 121)5'olotk , President—THOMMN BELL. 'Vice Piesident..A. M. MARSHALL. rauscroßs: • ' THOMPBON BELL. • A. H. MARSHALL. JOB. DILWORTH. . JOB. A.LBRE.E. J. J. GILLESPIE,. BtOetholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. - Caldwell, Willis DaJaen, D.N) • C. Bidwell,' E. M. Fulton: MiECIL&NICS, SAVINGS-BANK, f N 0.14. SmltutioldiStreet. , - PI'ItTSBURGH. P#. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY BUD/ RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De posits received subject to check, without interest. . JAMES BLACKSioItE; President. GEO. D. TIN DLE Secretary and Treasurer. JAMES HOPKINS. Soßettor. • TRUSTEES: Jawed H. Ilopthlic u, • W. %V. Bradshaw, Robert Wray, • • • . J wAl a l :a we tx. e 4 : ::ime tt lu l nt ne )td,eli i:c u,ge o s.. re: j PIANOS. ORGANS. Ar.o t p ltrit. TIDE !LEST AND CDEAP EST PIANO Ail) OROAN. . - ScholoaeHkee , s Gold Medal ' Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN , The SCHOMACKER PIANO ,combines all the West. valuable improvements known in the con struction of a drat class instrument, and has alw&Ya been awarded the Idghent premlum -wherever ex. hibited. its tone is full, tat uoroutiand orteet4 7. The workmanshikfor durability, and' beauty, surpass all othhrs. tea from SAG to $ll5O, (according to Style and flute , ) cheaper than lait'other go-called drat castriatio. ' . —..- : • !, ...• .... • . : PATSY'S COTTAiIII iniiiii.fi p i Stands it the betel of in Teed inatrumentS. lb pate &lotus the roost perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument In thc-U ailed Slates. It is aim. pie and compact In conalraction, awl not liable I. get onto! order. CARPENTER'S PATENT '" VOE HUMANA TREMOLO,' la.only to be found In thie Organ. Price from eI(XP to Odd. All guaranteed for ts, ' ' 4 BABE, ENAEE a.BUETTLER, •'' . No. 111 tIT. ci.Alll. STREET. mf kEurglo natNia InlomoNs AND ORGANS, pprrestbrdor, [ma 1,45 to $l3O. ~L ~•1 Oil att,o7nr. RIATAIL 47 rittb et., ad doer abate Wood. PIEI. R.. 151:FactrNZ, B..kNKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets GOVERNMENT IND PACIFICR.R.BONDS,f GOLD SILVER AND COUPONS Bought oathe most favorable terms Soils LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAMa able in any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subjectto Chet , Or INTER :ST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. / AMES Ts 'BRA.DIT Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., B AL. rk7 32r..101 4 L , • BUY AND SELL ALL SODS Or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES? GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE Trnias 7-80's, CONVERTED I 1, ' INTO THE = 1 NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. 112 r Interest Allowed on Deposits. ,MONEY LOANED ON GOVEEN*ENT, BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates Orders exeented ?Or the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. Cljt littibutO 6aititt FINANCE;'; AND TRADE' • - - . .• _ , ANTICS. 07 THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ? . L i SATURDAY, August 1, 1868: - V The gold market was firmer to-day than Yesterday, although no higher quotations have been made, but when on a Saturday, where it cost 3 per cent. and upwards to carry- gold, the market is strong at the close of business, it, means higher quota tions for the coming week. Goverrunents:were verydull to-day, and declined /per cent. at the cleat)" of busi ness, yet a moderate demand for them is kept up by bona fide Investore. The 'de cline, under such circumstances, shows very plainly that the high premium is sustained only by speculators; some vio lent fluctuations ace effected during the next four weeks before cotton shipments can supply the demand for exchange in itead of gold shipments. I Stocks are very firm on account of the abundance of idle' Capital, seeking' em ployment, and the ,uricertainty of the future.price of governsiients, Nearly all the trunk routes areln better demand; and the purely speculative shares are all well ''sustained.'.Eftpress shares are in better demand, and a lively buiiness is doing in thorn. hiining shares are still dull. 1311SiIISSS is improving. —closing quotataons asreccived by Ph.B. Mertz, were as - follows: , Gold, • 145%; 1881 &Aids,llsg; 52ft, 1862, 114 V,,; 1864 do, 111; ‘ 565 do.l 112 g,;. new, 1865 and 1867, 108%i Teti Forties, 10834;Sever; Thirties, 108 g. i • -.• NOW York Central, '', 132 g; - Erie, , ,69; ' Michigan Southern, 813,f Clefeland & Pittsburgh, 89g; Northwestern, -common, 132 g; Preferred, 82 1 4; Chicago & liock Is land, (11098; Pittsburgh et Fort Wayne, 1103(; Ohio & Mississippi CertifiCates, 30g; Merchants ;Union Express, 24,4; Western Union Telegraph, 351:;.C0ryd0ri,25; Quick silver, 22g; QBIIIIZ 11111. 1.15. I ....Piesidfent r:2 prriryoußG,n nioliKETs. - OFFICE OF THE P,lrtairtippit SATURDAY: August' 1, - 1868: The general markets eitintinue dull, Mad unsatisfactory, but we look for an improve-. went jtust alfecion as values - becOme - more settled. Tile grain trade is themmit prom • . . ininit topic of discussion in commercial:air kles Just now, and the iiewS of dealers are rather conflicting. While it is generally -einceded that the yield of •Wheat will , be much larger,than' for several, year% there are those who contend that the crop hitt not or will not turn out as well as people generally were, led to anticipate and will -Flour ,off coarse, is goVernedby Wheat, low in whatever -course the former may take. In other, articles there are no new characteristics worthy of notice. BUTTER—Continues scarce, in geed de= mend, and firm but unchanged; we contin ue to quote at 30 to 33 for good top rint& • and 35 for choice: consid- EGGS—DuII with a good supply, erably in excess of the demand; sales at 18 to 20, the latter figures for fresh packed. CHEESE-1s steady but unchanged at 13 to 140 for Western Reserve, and Ham burg, 15 to 16 for Factory, and 18 to 21l for. Sweitzer. SEEDS—FIax seed can not be quoted above $2; at this figure the mills are will ing to contract for future delivery. ; HAY—Is coming in more freely from the country, but the receipts by rail continue light; we continue to quote at ;$2O to $25 for fair to good, and $2B to $3O for prime. GRAN—Wheat is coming L in pretty freely* * though the bulk of the arrivals are for the mills; in regard to prices, there is no change. Millers generally quote uew at.s2,,though we aro cognizant of some of them haying paid 52,10. Prime old is worth a fraction more. Rye is in rather better demand, and we had a sale of'.. - old reported to-day at $1,40. -New 'Rye is being contracted for in the country at about 81,25. Oats in better supply but snchanged; sales of old at 82 to 83c—in store at 84 to 85. We hear-of Mfers to buy and sell new Oats,' but thus fan-no settled price , has been made; buyd unchanged; quoted are offering fte be 55e. 'Core is quiet an(nominally attil,o3 G, $1,05 for mixed, and ;1,08 to $l,lO for p s irme Yellow. No arrivals of, new Barley, yet, and' we - hear -Po price' named. Buyers expect that it will rule lower than last year. GREEN APPLES—We can report a fair. demand, and regular sales at $1,50 to $5,50 per hbl, for fair.to prime. NONISIONS— Bee:in is in steady , de mend at 13y4 to 13%e for shoulder; 16 to 11314 e for Ribbed. Sides; 18 to 1104 for Clear Eldest fwd./lc:for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 18 1 ,40. Mess Pork, ;29. SALT—Is dull and noutintdly unobartged at $1,78 to 51,80 to the trade; and Vfor Small lotti in store. I LARD 01 unchanged. at $145 for No. 2, and $1,40 for No. 1: .• .." FLOHlL—The'Flour market is dull and so irre4ular that it is al mostlmpossible to give quotations. BeNitles, is We noted in our last report, there is so tnany different brands and makes that dealers are doing the best they can, independent; 'Of each other. make reference: ;Joseph Dilworth.. Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lenchert, A. AI. Brown, Melee. Kwine. EMII Co.; JAMES T.BRADY & CO. Detroit alarkint. ilt Ttilegraph t I taw , D ECTUOIT, : August • 1.:-Floc at 511,50 for . °holes superior. WhSat .in good dounind at ift.: 3 3o for ext‘u..viiiite; 41,24 fOr No. I do,. and 42,10 fur No, l; amber. • WM EMS PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET• OFFICE OF TEM PITTSBURon GA zET IS6B.TR, i . FRIDAY. August 1, CRUDE—The Crude market, although quiet, was very firm to-day, and while there was not a single sale effected, prices ruled a shade higher. Spot oil may be fairly quoted at 14;4; we heard of that figure ,having been offered while on the other hand, we were told, by two or three brokers that they were unable to get that . r figure laid, although at the same time, they had no positive orders to sell, oven if they had been successful getting the desired bid. We can report a sale of -1,000 bbls at 011 City at 55,50 per bbl, delivered. on cant -considered equivalent to 1430 here. The market has been remarkably' quiet all. week, the reported sales only aggregating 19,500 bbls, against 23,550 last week. The receipts of Crude since the first of January are several thousand barrels in excess of those for the corresponding period last. year.' REFINED—The Market for Refined oill was also considerably firmer to-day, al though there was, not a single sale re ported. Spot oil has still further advanced; being to-day at 34c; all August, 34;4 to 31%c; Septemher' 35c; September and Oc tober, 35c, and the lust five months at 34i4c. The exports of Refined for the week were 18,300 bbls; since January first, 347,031, against 330,665, for the correspond in; time last year—showing an increase of 16,366 bbls. The sales for the week aggro gated 16,500 bbls, ' against 29,000 bbls last. week. Thus, it will be seen; that the volume of business in both Crude and Re tined has been considerably less than last week, though, as we have already stated, the market closes firm, with an upward tendency. , ARRIVALS—The , following are the ar rivals of oil to-day: - .. : D. M.Edgerton. 480 P.Wels'b'r & Co. 48( Fisher & 8r0.... 480 Leech &. W00d... 160 John Spear Tol 650- Total reeeips for the week. 14,278- Total receipts last week ' 14,797 Total receipts-since Jan. 1 641,81 W, -017,,13111PraD -.EAST PER A. V. R. B. • CitiZens Oil eltef:Vol. 102 bbls refined fo- Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Nat.. Ref. Co., - 400 do do to F. A. Dil 'Worth '& Co., Philadelphia. Livinston dr, Bro., 50 do do to Warden, Frew SC - Co., Plilladelphia. - Fawcett, Leann& hitoekdale. 153 do do to- W. P. Logan & Bro.,.Philadelphia. • - . B. W, Morgan & Co., 150 do do - to ; War* den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. , Braun & Wagner; 400- do de 'tli Empire , Storing Co., Philadelphia. Waring, ' E. Jageman, 150 do, do to . N King it Co., Philadelphia. . , :..... _ P:"Weisenberger,.loo do do to "-Warden,: Frew & Co., Philadelphia._, : ... , - MoKelvy & Bre.; 112de bu , m_& to W. P. . Logan & - Bro., Philadelphia. Chas. Emily, 96 do tar' to Wallace_ '&" Curtis. Thiltielphia. ' • Clark & Sumner, 112 do benzole to 1,- man it Leoveringi-Philadelphia. - • I'. Weisenberger, 50 do tar to C. Hol brook, P,hiladeiphia. ' Mtn SHIPMENTS FROM DininaßßE. DEPOT- Jas. Miller, 56 bbls refined, to •W. P. Lo gan & Bro., Philadelphia., Mentzer, Hepler it Co., 56.bbis refined to- W. P. Logan & Co., PhiladelPhia. Kennedy & Lyon, 100 do do to W. P. Le?. gan & CO., Philadelphia. , de , Brooks. 13allentille & Co., 100 'do to Warden, FreW & Co., Philadelphia. L ' G. W.. Holdslaip, -88 do do 10 = Waring,- King & King Co., Philadelphia. . . Warden it Batchelder, 10 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. :. .-- •. " ' ' Hutchinson Oil Co., 224 de do to Warden's Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Union Ref. it St. Co., 137 do do toW. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. , ....._ Duncan & Williams;• 100 'do de to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia.. Duncan &Williains, 22 do benz,ole to W.. P. Logan ISGBro., Philadelphia. • - New York :Yroduce Market. • • '-. By Teiesrstai to the eittzbutgh Gazette.) . NEw .NORK, Aug. 1.--Cotton is a shade firmer: , 1,500 balesipart last evening ab3oa. ' ,--. _ 395ie for middling ,uplands, 'Flour saloe • : better: receipts 2,972; sales 9,500 i bbls at 57,77a8,75f0r superfine State 'and western; 58,50a9,25 for extra, 5tattr,19,69a10,90 for extra, western; $10,95a13;90.f0r white wheat extra; 18, - 90a18 for It, B. o.y. Vail ter .ezt- tra St. Louis; 111i14, for choice do; Callfor- nin arLski.,,firtrier; 800sks-st 110,60a12,50: ---- - Ivo Prixtrmer; 250 bbls at Iltki10,15; • Corn ; __L. ',, flied steadY;'7oo bbls at Ike° for State; _ $5,75 for. western; - -W1,30118`,84 for Brandy- , . - • wine. Whisky active and firmer; 1,000 bbls ),gbond,at 500. Wheat lii2o better and. .1 quietl`recelpts 38,4024-saletiB2,ooo bush , at.- ,-.. 11,90 for No. 2.spring; 1242,03 for Noo, do' : -,_ 1f2,25 for new amber Georgia; 2,37"Ra2,40 for bite Canada,Allefiy.tbelinsida.prnte;, ..-- .' _ 1240•' for white Michigan; : B Ry arley malt e . . is scarce. and quiet: -Barley mid - nominal. secelpts-of-.C0rn.../79,425.1ati5h;„, ._. Trims fever buyers; sales of 88,006,bushels.„ at 11,05®1',0 9 for unsound, and' 11;10 ®1:1S ' - for sound mixed western , afleatiand /I,IBIJ for kiln dried on receint. , Oats dia and lower; sales 0f'46,0 4 3 4 3 bushels at 810 for . -for western in-store; t end; ti2a -, do. - afloat. Bice dull. Coffee duli. . &mar steady, at . :. ' , 11% ®l2qo-' for Cuba. Molosses quiet. -Hops &al.-Petroleum quiet at • 17Xo, for crude, and 340 for frifiried bonded. Leather steady. , Coal quiet.. Wool quiet and ith out decided change; sales of 510.000 lbs.. at. 40@50c for domestic fieece ! and 3840142 c for • pulled. Pork firmer and in fair demand; • sales of 1,850 bbls. at $23,370'28,59 for new . mess, closing at , 128,50 for , regular. - . - 128,00@28,50 for old do., 122,50@23,- 25 for prime. and 124,00®25,25 for prime mess; ., stock on hand old and new 69,600 barrels; last month , 75,469 do:t last year • 86,886 do. Beef steady; soles 175 barrels at - 115,00a20,50 for new plain mess and 129,50 a 21,75. for never extra mess; stock i old and new 20,855 packages, last month 2.4,478 db., last.year 2, 42 tierces. Beef quiet. at 21a33 for prime mess and 30a36 for india. Mess. Beef Hams - dull at $26,00a32,50. Cut Meats, firm and active; sales .650 pack ages at 13a14. - Shoulders 16a19%. Hams, middle quiet; small lots ice cured' 7; Lard tto ki active and firmer; Bales 1,650 'roes at 17% alBg for steam and 18%a19 for ttle. ren dered. Butter steady at , 25E133 or Ohio. Cheese firm at 118.16. Freights to Liver-' - pool unchanged. D. . ire ;:-Flour, -the 'market 'closed ikt ; ... better on lower grades and with a demand. - Wheat. is very firm and quiet at '51,90 a 1,9 ~ for NO. 2; and 12412,04 for No. 1 spring. Rye closed very scarce and firm at 151,89: Oats' - dull .and; heavy at:1310 in store; 813082ci„ , . afloat. 'Corn' dull at 11,05 for unsound; and - 7 41,1641,11% for sound new mixed western afloat. Pork is nominal at 128,50 for mess, cash, And regular. Beef is quiet without . . . material change. CO meats are firin with a fair inquiry. Bacon is gniet and” steady. -. Lard is firm with fair demand at 18%a18%0 , -. for fair to primp steam.. Eggs . steady at - '7a2Bc. • I • New York Dry Good e Market. thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszette.l .;yoßyi t August 1:•-•The -trade is ti l little quiet, as towards the close of.the week, but prices are generally firm; the 'only reduction, noticeable to-day being 34e - : per yard in'Ttiernkyke bleached' mirslin% which sell at 14%; prbits of, the-bast mtikes in seasonable eolors.are firm at lifetime . ; delaines are , in good , request at 20e; heavy brown skeetings like Amoskeag A, Apple ton A, I.lympa are firm and in good nt uest at 171,443. qattlinere Market. ley reiegoipii to the iltimbtirtil uszette. RAtiristuitti. August I.—Flour, very firm and native: little or no stock; if there wits any- in ivarket it would probably bring higherrates. I Grain tiro) yalierclara quotatione.Y 'Fork firm; 'nem, APO. Sawn; rib 'advs.. M; clear side& 1714a1715c; ghoul dors, 141.‘41:4 1 4c; liana% 21a220; Lard quiet at 113a18),f,c.- z ~ . ~ ~~ fY 3 ..A V J ~ S r T~"l iq~ ?~ ~- _ ~ -f _ ......i: : :: ' ± ' :,..",..' ' ';l''''' , ';'1:::::.. - .:.,...?:;.'- , .. 1 ' ., ; :- ... 1, 4 :':;.V,_--..'lK''.':'.:-',.,'1i;.: El 13 II El ■
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