II 1111 :, sue NOTICES—"?G ••Fior S¢iei» "Lost' "Found„.” !.Boarding," eta., not ex. *Ling, F:0 CR Ll N'ES sae7i wilt be inserted to these ..: . umnit once for TIVENTT-FIVE CENTS ; each 'utdffional tine FIVE CENTs. _ trV.A.NTED--SITIJATIONS. ,ANTED-gITUA.TION. s -- A ea young man YV ho has bail several year ~- -rlence In the dry goods avid grocery Vastness, •: like to obtain a situation as -salesman. Can ;ft good reference. .Address Post Office Box A, .4ee ,rt, Pa. - - • • AN T,E D young man who brut bad several years , ex. lence in tbe - dry koala business would like to oh t a situation where be can make lamest f useful , t eve, good reference.: • Address BOX. 1.10, GA - -ric OFFICZ. WANTED-HELP. ANTED-4 - INVASSEI I . - A a,an of good abilitlea will receire a liberal Enquire at THIS OT if AWL!' ED--BOY.-Anintelli • gent Boy. between-PI-and 11.61-IWW or atte, t. ss AteleTant and. Pupil. to a. Mechanical Bat ear, in an office where lid will learn Mechanical Premium 'required. Address P. BETE-, •r? Allegheny city. Pa. s. ITANTED—HONESTLY-To 3 , ten men at salary of €3.50 per Mon ,to the HOLLOW DASH- AlliCrorHEC gitN, and transact an agency buslners for mph, will employ no man unless he is willing to work days on :a commission, abilityotherwleeefur satisfactory evidence of and integrity. ploymentaready, J. C. TILTON, 10% . . ANTED—ABOY.--A young an • of steady habits.; to- learn the Grocer host s, to good store:, One that will board,With the ily, and Can give - the best of reference . ' ddress GCE% Allegheny City. • - • [TASTED-4 A. ,IL E S BIEN. tour y or five good Salesmen. Article sEI s everi- L- tre, In country and city Can wake g. • . wages. at 14368 T . CLAIR STREET. Room„4. • • . WANTED—PRINTER.—A . good and experienced Printer, who can work In elsh language; can hear of a permanent sitn;.. con by addressing CRANDALL % CO., Scranton, 'nna. , V. ANTED— A t—At Employ , . , , inent Ofttee, , No. 3 Sr.- Clair Street, BOYS, 3LS and MEN, for different kinds of emplcoy mt. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be opiled on short noilee. . _ • 'TANTED--S . so licit orders tors celebrated PICTURE, that ling rapidly. Midress B. R.,. Box 0, UdsolliCe, r reference and,saLary wanted. ; VANTEP-"BOARDWM. • ANTE D—BOABDERS.--A gen tleman and wife; or'two tangle gentlemen, accommodated .velth first class -.boardlotr at •:Ti r YtrtE STREET. Boom. is a fed=W oon Ilan, and opOns out on balcony. • INTED --.BOARDERIL-rGood board, fine front rooms. .wlth gas, can be at 55.00 per week. Day _boarding, 60. igle gentleman: ' • At 40 LIBERTY STREI3.ET. rAICTEII-11 - 0 A.RDEREL--Gen— tlemen boarders can be accomboodated with • board andilodgkng at No. FIIS FERRT WANTED-AGENTS. . ENTS--Who can 7Alvirlr ' n—A • c apital` $l3 to t2o , :wlto :•• want to . tz. ne —to sell by : saTle o the . ' bur/ DASH A.T.MOSPOS.IIII9 , ke It In use. a . • C• Tua.ul4 1"b.17 'l.ll ST: (ANTED—AGENT.—As rAIigELTEID— INGAGENT,,a man , won acquainted e a n d Glass business. ;None, • ': . ;. -li ei t n n e e ee ed Qu anpl u y swar . A dd ress P. oock Box 101.' • kalnanlcatlona confldential. - ' AGElifTor TIONAL"CAMPAIGN Stem' • ' ; . fra m e r s. ns On e RANT- and CFAX, with or with , •-• ' ' ' National Campaign Biographies of both. . .• its. Pins, Badger. Medals and Photos for llem, --Ms and Republicans. Agents make 100. per rt. mple packages sent post-paid for 11. Send at • and get the start. Address GOODS p E.ED 31 Park Row. N. Y:, or Chicago, . -dikp WANTS. - • ••• 'ANTED -TO PURCHASE—A F few ACRES pa -LAND, Improved or on. 'l4*itved, within seven miles : of the cltv ,; Frlco,. irt .110Frica, giving location. - B . , • .: ' .. SrANTED--110AIRDI-4 , Young. • ..' Lady. *hose Niotk 'war keep her about dar t; 1' :t tlt the day, deigns board with 'a respectable private ally,: (an old couplere e ) imhere. there are • ;meti. or , other boarT p ers, f ir possible. State tutus if address 6. C. B.: Pittsburgh Post Office.. • • 9rANT ED-0 F F IC,Erwanted • •• to rent, a f h small OFFICE, .1 on the first door, l& business or the city. - Address A. H •" ' - ETTA OFF ICE.' ' VANTJED—OW N : r V • hatring left work. .to be done at the ?mini 'e 'Repair 'Rooms of O. 'A. • TAYLOR, No. 13 ". • ..',llthileld street. since the 10th of April. are re .;.psted to call for thedasne, or it wm.be disposed of •••-• • _an Interpol in an esinblistied business on -. • ,ft,botreet. Terms-000 cskh. 000 in tour sad "--;- -4pm in six month!. •.Address.BOX H., this °Mee. REMOVALS. BM wAfFra.r.lr- sk co. have , moved Ao the house . formerly occupied by enter & Co., O. - 123 FEDEBAI,..STREZI . , a r Awn below th, Ifszket„ Allegheny. • MONEY. ••••••••• C tIL ONEY TO LOAN .-$ lOOlO OO to • • Loan, on Bond and • Mortgage.i Apply to or ress CRO,FT. & NO. 139 Youth FOR RENT. • -110 LET-=HOIME of .6 roOUIB 9 . on • - (a C Chatham street; by. S. ITTEIWEBT & •• • Smithaeld atree . , • • 00 LET- LAFAYETTE Will be to rent on9UNDAY9 afteiretddle of , , • O LET—ROOMS. , =- Iriwo com municatine ROOKS _No. , 4 Hancock street . tat No. I ST: CLAIR S TET T. - : ) °Wan ng t. rooms and cellar, on' Congress' street:' - nen derate: Apply to E.,NOLNIGHT, No. 513. Con sa street. a. SE • 0 LET—DWELLING - -Contain - . 4: ing hall and nine rooms. at lo7r , rent of 11030 •; , .m annum. Located on Second street, pear Grant. of A. C. PATTE,HSON, 18 Grant street. • ME '- '',•,‘ , r - f , :... . 4' i, 0 LET—SESIDENCE:—On t 1 le. „ ~,......„L. ommons, in the , cleanliest, healthiest and est deslrable part of Allegheny City, a ~ .three „.„•,;:,•,...:„ t tis y:ltrick House, `with; all modern • improve- In drat class order; large lot, with Stable . , .rear. A part or . the entire,' lundshment of .. , .p h r rie, which is new, will be sold if de.ired. ~. yd 8, with full name, 'LOCIE'BOX 388 'Pitt MN • 1 . ..f FOR- SALE .• , . 0— • • - !'''" 2 l OR SALE—GRIST MIL L.—A -. • ..: • •,.: • .first class Milt in- New Brighton; Brave . ; co., ,:" . ,:.•,..;,..4 1 Four story Stone 31111 ,. 11 e , 7 i i ;all v ;ar r t u (l i e ; ' r t hot r 7.li '..•:.....::‘ ' • 4 e yl i r d m w s. ate As P r o Artber particulars apply to °Aid. :.';•.•. ...-.ess CROFT A, PIILLLIPB, Beal Estate Agents, `• ', '---, 19 Fourth street ' ' pA .41 OR SALLE—RIARE.—One Barg . • ,'! . ..•, i :. BROWN MARE 1514 bands 'hlo_,t a g entle, -,.... .; • .^d can be drove by a caiild aby p1a,, , ...4. W rr anted ', ,-• • .' '. trot In 3:10 or less .-- To NI seen at.IB3"WYLIE XOR BALE—WAGOIIII3. O ne Ex . -- press Waggon ; ; one 2 horse, Peddler Wagon. rif edoei: !w I . barrel Apply to yeTh de andket Allegheny arenas, Allegheny : • • Ton • conveL; ident [MICK litfllKE 'of fu • liar and lot, on Peach stone price ey, n 4 ar. ride atr(vt. Ouse leanew - and : . 91ZISE on koibes : f "4 41 $ ! _ ila rip: A-150. corner of rh i no 'lr na d ar:irlyea a P tree lY•t° t. '7614. EDUCATIONAL. VENSSELAER POLYTEO II *O INSTITUTE, Ns -siz; Vetry thorough Instruntion , la_Civit. Mechanical • •3- mining , Engineering; Chinni and Natural —enee. Graduates obtain most desirable noel; Reopens gent.' Gtii,.. I Voir the nix Annual 2g i s i gv. giv i n g furl iinformatton. address Pref. SAELEii BRONtrNi6, planter, Troy Y. an3:ted - • *fIiNSYLVAN . f MILITARY ACADEMY . iOESTER, Delaware C 0.,• The 4eventh Annuid Session of - tilla Aeaddii ens THURSDA.Y, tempt. 3d.• . Thebuildings are new and complete in all their llpotatmenta. . .. - ' ...‘ r.articular attention given to the morals and per- Spat habits of cadets: ..., 1 t 11,LEini PAtil-Soli, , For circulars apply to. ii!.. • ag.., No. 73 Wood street. l'ittSbragh. or ro Col. .4ZO. HYATT, Cheater, ra, -• • - , auLtags . • NM NEW'ADVERTISEMENTS IrCII EAU - GUNS Irtotti TEX PEOPLE...• he ri REA 2' WESTERN GUI: WORKS here teen red to No. 1:9 S:4ITIIFIELD STREET, Wiens ill tweak be found the most complete aßgortment TOMMY, Pistols, Amu:n:tit ton and Sport - orr, Material, fit.,e., in tee city. All W M.:" of GUILB .4 pi r et.te carefully repaired. Caen. paid for ARMY RIFLES an REVOLVERS. Scipt etdMV ftiluetrated ' Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the United Stntea. Addreet, J.ll. JOll3l - 179 Smithfield Street. Pitteburah. c 4-- , .110111 N N. PITILVILIINCE . - • . ~ Register in Ban kruptcyfor 23d Du' tritt. °zee, I.I6I7EDERAL STREET, ALLE9IESNY. • Ali" Office hOura-0 A., Pr. to 5 P. N. READIIIi G.' , • - YOUNG KEN'S 'CHRISTIAN . ASSOCIATION. Rev. WILLIAM EVANS . Will give A Readlng of Selections from favorite au thors, at the • KeyOnfil Skating Rink, • Robinson Areet, near Federal, Allegheny,! Tuesday 'Evening - , Asigrusi 4 th; VMS. '• PROGBAMISIC. Seven Ages of Mau. Grave Digger. Sleeping Sentinel, Collier's home, or Lit . Sheridan's Ride, tie Jiin: Barbaric FrPchle, — .Daniel ye. Dishcloth, . !shamus O'Brien,. 3lustered Out Burial or Moses. . . Trial Scene by - Dickens wick. _ Tickets, 50 CENTS—to be bail at tbe Rooms of the Association, of the members, and att he doer. Doors open at 7, Reading at 7 y o'clock. ROA • • ' FOR SALE. GROCERY .STORE. , A Wholesale.and Retail Grocery Store, Doing &good buslne.ss, and situ ated in a good place - in Allegheny City. will beLsold at &reasonable price. The store house has a lease On it for five years,. and will be sold with &tore. .' - For terms and location addreeti • N. R., 130 x H. GiZETTP.OFFiCF. Giving :nil Iname and' where an intende' u 3: caitt93isi a FARIIEW-ANII 'MECHANICS' , BANK. - 01. BIRMINCHAM,' . . Open for Business TOLDAT, AUGUST . Bd, 186% f ihelr Etelir Mfnktrfi House,; CARSON. STREET, 'And in few days will be ready to BEcErvi DE POSITS and do a • ' • • . • . . GENERAL , BIiMaNEI BUSINESS. NOTICE. • ictotia. Is hereby given to the Stock.holders of the "Farmers' and Methanics , Bank of Si.ralughanin that the FIRST:INSTALLMENT of the subscribed stock is now due and .payable at their Bankin g House. Carson street, Birmingham. _3 TTERS at BUCIIANA, ,_xsir OF .i_j uncalled for Augnet 3d, 1868 A Mc red w n, Akins Alex ETIIIIB Louis EvonirJ B • 12=23 , Albegaat D Beekupd D - Burl NaryB Blake Nellie 1 Finch Iliarg't Forster Robert Fisher Maggie Field Richard (3astell L I Grait Mary E 11 Hanlon Ann Hoover C N Hamilton Jenei . Heaver Kittle Holden John Hickey Thos J I issittay Bath 0 IJenlyen bileh . Jenkins 'rhos - IC Harriet I JILCOb Moore' Wm Mercer M ViB MI ler Henry MtsteG John - - 'Morga J Fred Miller ERNEST. G. 1 Beebe A 9.. W . Bry J ant P Bareroft Wm' Brier Pi leholas Beatty Et Byrne Pat Crist Jane Cnningbam W : Carey JD Carnes/did' . 1 Cassiday Mary Chambers J D • Conch Henri Clark ,Rosanna Challiner David Cochran Jes C ' Dewinap Geo Y Dickson S 8 Donaldson dna Davis W L. E • , Edwards Badrak 0 1 ,M Llt.Boll EIptDRAVILIC , • , 'I . • COW - MILKER. WANTED—IMMIDIATELV—AII who are (look ing for busineita to call and examine the • Hydraulic Cow - Milker, "A rare cure for icheing hands and ticking cows." It milks the four teats of scow at once. •It imitates the calf - draw, and stops drawing to *wallow. It will milt any cOw perfectly. dry in three minutes. It is operated by hand. dog. horse or otber power. One man:can attend several machines. milking as many cows at once. It is simple, durable and.self adjasting; will tit any cow. Milks three-tested cows as well as any. Easily worked. not liable to, get oat of order. and has proven by practical use to be more agreeable to ,tbe cow .than band-taltalng. • A rare opportunity is now offered to' enterprising men either to travel or ;locate le city or country. Call and examine for youroelves. • I • EIDREMLIC now - MIL CO., . aufass No. 10 14. - CI,AIR STREET. • iprrssiu!sGsx NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS, ErkEE 'Sr, CO., MANUFACIIDELICRIS OF Keystone. Standard. Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. :.TAngsFaced Patent Door Locksand.Latehes. :PAINT AND COFFEE MILLS MALLEABLE IRON, &e. • • . . . Corner of Grant and First Streets, aut:t&l' NOTICE. --The undersigned will t 11E-OPEN Ifl DINING SALOON, No. 111 Wood'Street, TO THE PUBLIC• On MONDAY, Augast. 3d Having refitted and remodelled the entire building and attached , . • A. SET OF FANS TO, THE CEILING, Covering the'entire TI teem: aS6UT tt my stinterUUS patrons that nut many pleasanter places can be Nand In the city to pariah , of a goint meal than at my establishment.. Very . Very respectfully, • GEORGE REINEMAN sul:tB7 RE nnovAn. • The Piopies National Bank ofPittsbuigh Capital, :: : $1,000,000. RF.A. GEort F. Ift. GORDON The abovelnstitutton will oetupy thdr NEW BUILDING, 1i0..76 Wood Street, above Fourth Street, On 'MONDAY, August 3(1, where In future Welt. -business irlll be trautueted. aug:tW2 riTtE,BURGIT ‘ GAZETTE : 11101sIDAY, AUGU`ST 3, 1868. NEW ADVEATISEMENTS. per4ons indebted lV tour haring el&m. agAiost. toe ESTATE OF JACOB F. STRAUB, Dee 9 ll, late of No. ft , Chestnut street, ',,klicniteny City, will ,please call on la undermizned, and haYu them ad 'lusted. . MARpAII.LT STRAUB, Admlnistratrix. au3:tol BM A STATEMENT OF ME CONDITION OF THE BANK OP PITTSBURGH, Loans. Bills and Discounts $1136,113 44 TL S. 3:20 Bonds " 806,000110 Beal Estate - ' • 5L559 03 Stocks and Miscellanies 10,12 137 Due by other Banks" ' 99,717 89 Legal Tender Notes and Checks. . ... 18 9, 409 7 1 Specie ' 108, 40 253 75 , - Capital Stock Profits and Earnings Unpaid Dividends St Suspense Aet Due to other Rants Deposits The above statement is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. W3l. ROSEBURG, Cashier. Sworn and' subsdrthed this Ist da of August, 1868. before me, au3;t94 , S. SMITH; Notary Public._ Mrs: Barden vs. PlckJ STATEMENT PEOPIIES' RUNGS 'BANK OTIITTSBURGII, ON THF. 30T9 OF JULY, MS, published by or der of the . Board of Trustees, in accordance with Section 9 of Charter. . Cash on bands $ 38,812 27 Expenses and Mike Furniture.. • ~... 8,817 50 lilortgages and other good and valid Securities 277,978 17 $325,805 94 Deposit- Account • Capital Stack paid in in Cash Premiums and Interest • $3146.605 94 - S. F. VON BONNHORST, !Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed - before me. witness my band and Nativist Seal, this 30th day of July. A. D. 1869. GEO. W. EUURPGYour, . Notary Public. PEOPLES' SAVINCS BANK, CASH CAPITAL President .HENRY •LIMYD. Viee Presides4—WlLLlAllt BEA. • • TaIISTERS: Hentry Lloyd, `Hon. Thos. Mellon, rin . P. Jones, Th. Wightman ;Geo. W. Hallman, W. Rea, R. H. Hartley, lEdwd Gregg. }Dram Stowe.i See'y and Treas'r— • P• VON BONNHORST. SIX PEA CENT. INTEREST paid on time de posits. Deposits made on or before August Ist will bear interest from that date. interest computed on let November and ist May,__ jy3litfe IpIiCCOUNTABLE HOW I,OI.4.Ik:NCiLMTTM MAIMING POSTOFFIGE, Me Rellollough O'Brien Ravld O'Reilly John P Powell Sarah Prise Jae P Patterson John Phillips John Rees Obits Rees D D - Robson Touts Ringly` , W Shies. ll • Sand. ra Anna M Shock Ifivy• Sewart Amy Seymour P Smith Rachel Smith R C Tripp*: ' Thomas Ben) W - Watt John White Clara- A WllllamaJß:: P, M President Vice President Cashier berr . g. August 1. 1868 PATITUDAiIthIINUfG. August:l, 1868 MEANS 12,307.176 69 LIABILITIES. OF THE CONDITION,01" THE $196.585 02 ..... 100,000 00 29,020 02 OF. PITTSBURGH. No. 80 FOURTH STRRRT. Bay one: it will amuse you and set you thinking. A liberal discount to the 'redo. n A. EVAN/IV& CO.. 59 FIFTH STIMET. = COAL WANTED. • Corrnot.t.zn's OFFICE. 0777 OF ALLRGUINT, August /, 11388. • SEALED PROPOSALS 0111 be received at this .ogice until 3 o'clock r. ss.. =SATS:IEIIAT. August SUL, for supplying the Public Bulialngs with 4,800 linshelo of Bose , Quslit7 of Lump To weigh 78 pourels to the bushel. and to be weigh ed on the CRT Stales. (for which no charge will be made.. the Goal to be delivered at the following places, !Os: I - • %OW buspels In the basement of City fiall. 400 '• in the Hope Engine House. 400 " Friendship Engine House. 400 "arsut Engine House. ..poci " Columbia 'Engine House. 400 " • " Ellsworth Engine House. 9100 " at the second Ward Weigh Scales. _lOO •• at the Diamond Weigh Soaks. The right Is referred to reject toy and all bids. R. B. ~gSNCIBr stil:tB6 J. L. DILLfidIB 111111JAVOIR & STEVENSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. , For the sate orYLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE .generally. Also, LIQUORS; WINES, BRANDIES, &c No. 87 Second Street, Pitt 'burgh, Pa. air LIBERAL ADVANCES made on consign ments. jyal:t7B 1.a.11111111M .lON'. THE REPUBLICANS OF IRE ELEVENTH cold Seventh,) WAIU Are zeque4ed to,meet at their SCHOOL 110118 E, ' • Tuesday Evening, August 4th; Atli% o'clock. to organize GRANT :AND COLFAX CLUB. Let - there be a full atte'udanee of all the Union Itepublloi!osofthe Ward. so - Jyal 331 ARE CIII4IVCE.: i __ PlaMbing & Gas Fitting Establishment. A good stand and store. together with , fixtures, good will, ate:, of a PLUalitiNt4 and OAS TIM) litiTa BUSH it ENT, doing a good business, is offered for tale. The above Is sitnatod in a good place for businees. Having engaged in other busi ness. the proprietor offers this establishment at a bargain. i For partlettlara, &c., call at No. 165 Wood Street, • Pittsbuigh, Pa. antv.Bl OPTIC% OF % Tar s F.'s GI NEVI. burgh, Aug. NOTICE. "Nieolson Pavement" on Fifth St., THE. ASSESSRIENT TOR Tilt la now ready for examination, and can. be seen at this dace until y- • TUE3DA`f, A.II , CtU#M ltru, 10611, When it yell!' be returned to the City Treasurer's 441Hee for collection. ; auttiti • H. J. it - OURE. City Engineer. EXCHANGE. 8,000 Acres of Land, Iu .Wymning county,' West Virginia, being num bersills, 110, 117, 133, 134, 135. 136 and 154, all In ono •.trae,t, watered by branch . rd'of Twelve '(U) Pole Creek, and part of, an original tract of 321,000 aeres gravted to James Wilson, Chance Willing, Itainard and Michael Gritty, Levi Hollings worth and Dorsey Peacoat..Taxes paid up t 011167. 'Title perfect. Will he exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures or dry goods, at market prics. Address, ,• ,• EIXCHANGEi )31.9:374 . GaZt.T . ft; Or t. CONVENIENT AND COMFORT.. IL) two:•!dory Brick losc.ling Cluny° on Fed( re street- 'Pittsburgh: contains Will and 7 w etp-ronni. bath room, cemented room;, itr " f i r ' etsti m ed brick Trout, and elate roof, all fu complete order, for eale.l U t M C istwa oNs. r.:tattbfleld vatreet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wlll. SEMPLE'S, 180 &182 Fedual St.,-Allegheny. $1,161.400 00 229,574 , 00 • 0,687 07 6 273 18 900,k42 44 42,307,176 69 A VERY LARGE STOCK, Wholesale and Retail, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, stoo,ooo. 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. NOTICE OF REMOVAL ON THE IST DAY OF AUGUST, n Answer EsTioxs LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, Melo the No. 45 Wooti Street, ties over• • Directly Opposite St. Charles Rotel. ng do.not know. Also, entrance on THIRD ST„ Nos. 102 and 104 B. E. SELLERS & CO. MGREATEST MEDICAL DISGOVM I.Pj I:I Nir.ZPES BLOOD SEARCHER, City Controller. _,' • I AU Diseases Arising from an Int- ...A. lA:STAVANBO24 pure State of the .EtMocl, Such-7%e Together with all other disorders from an improper condition of the Circulatory System. ' As a general Tonle its Oft cts are most benignant. and Cannot fall to benefit, when used perseveringly and accord ing to directions. It is purely a vegetable prepara tion—not a single grain of Inincril poison enters into its composition, so that _while it Invariably af fords relief, and effects the most wonderful cured. no overdose could injure the most tender infant. R. E. SELLERS & CO., FOR SALE ET ALL DRUGGISTS A. RASECIIANCL 4 TO MAKE MONEY. WAYMAN'S HEMP DUSTER. PATENTED FEB. 8, 1888. a Elitist to tbetitatber Duster in every respect. and taranore: superior merits and o good Agents./ Ladles cheap t nesa-80 CENTS—will shortly make it an tildes - pen. sable article In evtary Oleo. store and tinnily. :Agents d to introd lm ucu it on ca:Windom or a liberal salary will 1w Wit and tientleincn wanted. No risk..inflatiaterit can be returned it,not sold. Any energetic person ran make Money. without expense or usoger of loss, by calling 00 - VIO1URI!,1 11 0CiD & CO„ 'Ss) FIFTH lITUEZT. BLEACHED MUSLIN,d UNBLEACIMD 11IISL N, li, P / ILLOW CASE MUS 4HIRTING CHECK, TICKING, PRINTS 23:11 DELAItES. ALPA SMNI! COTTON TABLE D !MEI LINELTADLE D TOWELS, TOWEL CASSIMERES, JEA HOITEY COMB 'QUILTS, BALMORAL ARD HOOP SKIRTS. WHITE AND COLORED CORSETS, GENT'S WHITE SHIRTS, HOSIERY, /IANDKERCHLEFS, BONNETS, SIINVOirNS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, AT LOW PRICES, WE SHALL REMOVE TO THE KNOWN TO MAN. IMPROVED FOE THE CUBIC 01' Scrofula, Dyspepsia, _Costiveness,' Jaundice, Cancerous Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, ' Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, - Mercurial Diseases, General Debility4Boils, Pimples on the Face, Liver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits. - Foul Stomach; Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Female Complaints, Sole 'Proprietors, PITTSBURGH,: PA AI SO, ?ROPEiIETOWit Olt Sellers' Con& Syrup; Platers' Liver Pills and Vermittige Johnson's Rheumatic Compound; And Roerhave's Holland •sitters. 3r20:t79 NOTICES. OFFICE 01' UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY (4111.. Eaf rn ' PLTILADELPIIIA. j 27111. tI,IE ILNTEAEST IN c.OLD, ON Til FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, EASTi.BN DIVISION, Dne August let, 1868, will be paid on preaentation of the Conpons therefor. at the Banking House of DAI3NEIa r , 31. 4 011G-A.N 48r. CO., 53:EXCTIANGE PLACE, NEW YORK, On and after that date. WM. J. PALMER, Treasurer. JrS:t7G-wrat IW"PITTSBI,JUGH & CONNELLS• VILLE R. R. CO. first Mortgage Turtle Creel: Division Bonds. Holders are hereby notified that the Interest Hon pons of the shove. Bonds, DUET AUGUST /ST, I€6B, Will be paid on and after that date, 'on, presenta tion and delivery at the FIBST NATIONAL BANK .OF JOHN H. PAQ'E, Jr., Treasurer. Offlee Pitts. k - Connellsc'e R. 4t. Co., / Pittsburgh. July 15th. 1868. f WM:O2 NOTICE. To John W. Riddell, J. J. Sh ttcrly, T. ILStewart, M. McCullough, Jr., T. R Sill, E. S. Henna, A. S. Purviance, W. W. You g. Wm. Reardon, I. C. Pershing. S. J. Wainwri nt, Jame& L'ilennett, J. B. Poor, D. Dempsey H. Sample. L. Teel ,baugh E. Coats, J. W. Barr, W. McConnell, John.,. Erection of and N. Reed, Incorporators for the Erection of a Bridge across the Allegheny Itiver„foot of Ewalt stre;t, Lawrenceville. A meeting of the abov Incerioarators will be held at the office of SILL SHUTTERLY, Law renceville, on FRIDAY, August Ith, at 3 P. Y., for organization. • jy27:166 . . BY OREIER OF COMMITTEE. IgrNOTICE.—The Annual Meet -11; of• the Stockholders. of THE ATLAS WORRSttill beheld at the office of the Company. On Monday, Augasod, at 2 P. H. By order of the Board. . • • JAB. MeQUISTON, Seeretary. • Pittsburgh, July 20, 1.8138. , Jy22:t49 DIVIDENDS. PITTSBURGH, Folly WAYNP. & CHICAGO RAIL.- WAY COMPANY, Onlce of the Secretary, PITTBDuaou. July 11, DIM WTHE BOARD OF • DIRECw TORS of ibis Company_ have declared :the regular quarterly dividend (Igo. 18) of 234 PER CENT, free of Government tax, on the capital stock and semi-annual dividend (No. 10) of 34 PER CENT,. less Government tax, on the Third Mort gage Bonds, payable on and after FRIDAY, 17th any of July proximo, at the office of Winslow, Lanier & Co., No. 27 Pine street. New York, to those reg istered at NewNork, and at the office of the Treas urer to thot,e registered at Pittsburgh. • The transfer books will close on. Tuesday, the 30Th inst., at 2 P. at., and reopen on Saturday, the F. M. BUTORINSON, Secretary. = itgr WESTERN SAVINGS' BANK. PITTSBURGH, June 30th, 1.1168. The Dlrebtora have thleday declared cJ DIV/DENP OF 4 PEE CENT, • Payable on and atter July Ist. JANE 31. BELL, Cashier. - AUCTION SALES. • BY A. LEGATE, 17 -- NE'LE R cwt.; AUC,AUCTION.-Th LAND A GLEN = will be 'sold witnont reserve. od tba pro:Eisen, on WEDNES DAY, August 12th, at 2 o'clock, two plots, nine and eight acres respectively, situated on Kt tract Ran. a mile from Glendale Station, 'on the Fort Wayne Rallrood. Pa ic EOGrt. L ulars from AA 113. Atictloneer, an 3 159 Federal street. Allegheny. ..._-- 1n 1 OUSE Al VD LOT, FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY!, AT AUCTION.— e property No. 311 Federal, near Jackson St., Allegheny, will be sold On WilinißSD&Y, August 12th, at 10 o'clock A tr. Owner moving west. The lot Is SO by 100. The house is brick, has 7 rooms, attic. Boston range, oven. bot and cold wa ter, gas, hydrant, coal house, stable, die. A very et mfortable. neat and desirable pplace of resiaence. Enquire of A.I.F.GOATE. Auct`r. au3 159 Federal street. Allegheny. ____ BY A. N'ILWLUIS AI s i)MIIIII9TRATOWS MACE OF STOOKS AND CHRIST'S CHURCH PEWS. DAY EVENING. Angina Ath. at 8 o'elmk. will be sold. on second Door of Commercial Sales "Rooms. 106 Smithfield street. • . 1a shares Monongahela Navigation Co. " i shares Pittsburgh dr, Erie Railroad. ' 70 shares Pittsburgh Grain Elevator Co. Pews in Christ's Methodist Episcopal Church, Penn street. being Nos. 29. and 32, - left side, near to frontt. Also, • • 35 shares Pittsburgh Savings Bank. 20 shares Citizens' insurance CO. • - 3.A0 shares 'Monongahela Insurance Co. an 4 A. IIeILW ADM, AuctLyneer. -- THE CHEAPEST LOT OF, ORGANS. EVER -OFFERED IN . THIS CITY • To close out.the following list of superior OH GA NS and MELODEONS, they will be disposed of at 25 per cent. 'discount from the regular priced: 1 Mason t Hamlin, 5 Octave, l.ouble Reed, 2 stops. 1 Mason a Hamlin, 5 Octave, Muffle geed; IMason L Hamlin, 5 Octave. Single Reed lioseld 1 Mason a Hamlin, it Octave, Double Reed Melodln 1 Taylor. ,t, parley, 5 Octave, Double Reed, 5 stops 1 Taylor a. Farley, 5 Octave, Double Reed, 5 stops 1 Taylor t Farley. 5 Octave, Double Heed. 4 stops 1 Taylor aFade y. 5 Octave, Single Re. d, Rosew'd 1 Taylor .t Farley, 5 Octave, Rosewood Melodeon 1 Taylor a Farley, 8 ()awe, Walnut Melodeon; ltichoup ler, 5 Octave. Rosewood Melodeon: 1 Estey t Co., 5 Octave, Double Read, 5 stops. Call soon .. Nor sale by CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET ZED DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER._ SHIP.—The partnership heretofore k alating between TRAUERMAN NARKS, In the LIVE STOCK business, was dlOblved by mutual consent, on the 14th day of July. Those having claims against Eftl , l Arm will present the same for settlement, and those indebted will please make Immediate payment. hither of the old part ners are authorized to settle up, according to the books, and use the name of the arm. SOLOMON TRACKMAN, SllttON MAKES. -. • CHARLES MARKS. • . . The undersigned will continue In the Live Stock business'on his 1);ffil account: and theta fol for the liberal patronnge that has heretofore been be stowed upon him. hopes, to strict attention to the wants of the trade, to merit a continuance of the same. !LW ASO \ SOLOMON TiLkOMMMAN. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER ALLSCIHENY CITY. Aug. 1 111811. OTICE IS MEREST .GIVEN .L.l to all parties inferested In the construction 01 laewere to the Middle and Western Districts that plans acid specifications fora Sower on Federal Street. anfl also for oue on Sedgwlnk street, have beeu prepared and will be open for inspection,at this wilco until TUESDAY, the 11th lust.-' aulitB3 CHM?... DAVIS; City Engineer. /400 D CANNED ; • — l•EAbliEt3, PLUMS AND*RALipBERRIE3, Belling at v e ry low prices. .$t GEORGE SEIAVENS. 11% Federal street, Alle . lienY punE. NATIVE WINES. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA , : Of cam own growing. Afco, the boxt brawls Or CH kMPAONIC-. MARKT, SUZUKI' and POUT "Vine Grovecre` Company or BRAN DY, pun flaski, just the thing ter traVel ere. .; , 6 A .—Vartieular attention Paid t° uPPT•in K • . MAMAUX, Jr2B:t67 No. 4- Virgin aileY. Tlttaburgit. TO:ITIE PUBLIC. Pleas takO notice that my' wife. BARBARY ZANG, bas left. my home and bed without any just canoe. and I hereby give ptabile 31011 Ce. not to trust itor on my account. as I will not. be responsible for shy of her aontrarts. GOTTIFIIIED ZANG; • D 33 V - 4= - -REPUBLICAN CITY CONS ELATION The Itepulnicans of the CUT of Pittsburp 'are hereby invited to attend Primary MevtAngs hi their respective Wards on - • SATURDAY, Augustliith, 1868, Between the hours of 3 and 7 p. at., and there vote far candidates to be placed lii nominatiOn for the several city offices, viz: - One person for, Mayor of said city. One person for Controller of said city. One person for Treasurer of said city. The voting at said meetings will he by printed or - written ballots, containing the names of the enndi- dates voted for, each office on a ticket by itself, and Hie:elections, as far as practicable. wilt be conduct ed in accordance with the laws and usages regula ting State, county and city elections, the officers hiking care to keep a correct list of all persons voting thereat. • ,Theelections will be conducted, wherever it can be done, by Hee Republican election officers chosen at the last cityeleAtion: and in w ards where no such officers were cliosen, the officers to conduct the elec tion have been designated, as hereinafter mention %d, by the City Committee. The Committee Ali:gest that the officers thus des ignated to hold this election shall voluntarily take toe usual affidavit administered to election officers under -the laws of the State, so as to stint out all canse.of complaint. ' The election in the First and Second. Wards will be held at the Public School Houses in said wards. - In the Third. Ward at the southeastern corner of Sixth and Smithfield streets. In the Fourth Ward ut the Public School House. In the Fifth Ward in the office of the Clerk of toe Orphans , Court, at the Court House, under the en- Perla:non of W. R. Neeper, George Glass and R. j. Smith, who are appointed the Board to hold skid election: In the Sixth Ward at the Ptiblic School House. In the Seventh Ward at the Public School House. In the Eighth Whrd at the house of Henry "Wilson. In the Ninth Ward at the Public School House. In the Tenth Ward at the house of Wm. Brown, at the corner of Penn and Mechanics streets. ' In the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Wards, at the usual • ' places of holding elections in said wards, In the Sixteenth Ward at Gan gwisch'i Hall. un der the supervision of Noah G. Craig, Roland Smith and John C. Stewart. In the. Elj hteenth Ward at the place of holding elections for what was heretofore enown as the 2d precinct of Collins township, under the supervision ' or David Jones, David Holmes and David Kira. In the Nineteenth Ward at Joseph Ganster's house on the Greensburg turnpike, under the su pervision of John N. Berlin, Wm. H. Morrison and James Joyce. . In the Twentieth Ward at Batter s School House, uzder the supervision of Wm. H. Hermiston. Geo. , F. Rahauser and John R. Baum. In the Twenty-first Ward at Ross' School House, • under the supervision of A. J. Woolslayer, S. B. Ross laud B.: W . gan. In Ihe Twenty-second Ward at Irwin's, School House, under the supervision of John R.-Murdock., William Irwin and Randal Morton. In the Twenty-third ward at the usual place for holding elestions in late Peebles township under the supervision of Joseph Boats. .Jamett-B. Palmer and James McKibben. Every supporter of GRANT and COLFAX and, the city nominees is earnestly invited to take part in said eiection,and none other; and the election officers are hereby respectfully urged to use all pos sible,dillgence to preserve the purity of the ballot box and secure a lair return of the votes east. The election officers, after the votes are counted. will make up duplicate returns thereof, one of which, with the list of voters, shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the other taken possession of by . the Return" Judge: and the Return Judges of the several war:lN - Shall present the same at a meeting of Return Judges. to be held at the Common Coun cil Chamber. on TUESDAY, August IPth, at 10 o'clock A. 3f., when they shall cause the same to be, added together. and declare the result, the person receiving the highest Tote for each office toe de clared the-nominee. The Return Judges, at their meeting, wilLappolnt the City Executive Committee to serve for the en suing yeah': - ' The Committee desires to call the attention of the Election Boards to the following resolution, which I was adopted at the lag h . meeting of the Committee: "Resolved, That we commend to the officers of rulesiary Election t e enforeeMent of all legal respecting the (vilification of voters at gen eral election in addition to the requirement that the voter :ha s, ll be a known member of-the Unbent Republican Party. • 'J. A. BUTLER. Chairman. A. L. PEARSON; Secretary. - au3290 GRANT CLUB.--.The.Repub.. Mean citizens of the Fifth Ward(zad3d,) Piltilbargb, are requested to meet at CITY 13.4.1 . .L, On Monday Evening, August 3d,11)038, At 731 o'clock, for the pu_rpose of organization, and to form a Gir.A.NT _AND-COLFAX 0L1313 for said ward. • . auattsa MANY REFIIBLICiNS. tgrGRANT AND COLFAX CUM, OF EiSOOND WARD, ALLEGHENY, Meets at BECOND-WARDOCIWOL HOUSE, every Tuesdity Evening, at S O'clock. W. P. PRICE, teiretarr iA3:t63 MITT : S.FiRST IWARV GRANT CLUB, Allegheny City, will meet at 7% o'clock. WEDNESDAY EVENING, sth lisst., at Washington MU, Rebecca street, for the tnsniac tiod otimportant business. A. full attendance to desired. au3:54 J. STlNG:President. MAYOR. Wren. MAYOR. XOSEPH A, BUTLER, Of the old firKTFI WARD, is a cssididate for Mayor subject to the decision of the voters at the Itepubli can I' Mary Ziection. jy=tso IM -FOR MAYOR. JARED M. BRUSH, Of the old 81%+H WARD. lie Candidate for. Mayor. stthiect to the decision of the voters at the Republi can Primary Election. - jythtsl FOR MAYOR. CHARLES inREBEY, Ofthe old 1X H WARD, is a candidatefor Mayor. subject to the decision of the voters at the Republi can rrimary Election. jr.U:t.St CITY TREASURER. ar'FOB. CITE TREASURER.. SAMUEL ALLINDER . , Is a candidate for City Treasurer, Bulls ct to the de cision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election. jy=tt..s7 FOR Fir! . TREASURER. WILLIAM LITTLE. Of the oIdTENTR WARD, la a candidate-for City Treasurer, subject to the decision of voters at the Republican Primary Election. 3y=:tso Iay"FOR CITY TREASURER. W.M. A. TOMLINSON, Of the FOURTH WARD. Is a candidate for city Treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters ' at tho Republican Primary Election. jy:r2:ts4 EV - FOR CITE TREASURER. rik. J. COCHRAN, Of the old NINTH WARD, Is a candidate for City Treasurer, stiblect to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election. jy22:t49 CITY CONTILOpLEIEL 11;'FOR CITY CONTROLLER. THOMAS STEEL, Of the SECOND WAND, Is a candidate for City Controller, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican Primary Election jr.ailsl Or - FOR CITY CONTROLLER. ROBERT 34 McGOWAN, Of the old FIFTH WARD; is, a candidate for City Controller, aubJeet to the decision of the voters at the Republican VriroarY the. Jr22:tsa TEACHERS WANTED. • The Board of School Directors for Tinlon Town ship will elect 111.k.F. ritl:SClPATtand BRE& AssisTANy -TEA it at Mt. Pisga hbehol. House. on = ' • - ' '' - Thursday, August 6th, tat 2 P. M., Where all applicants may auly. . jy3i,ts6 .. ... ITE. WOULD INVITE THE -- AT TENTIuIi 44. the Flour tcade .to the sow- II *for ty of Our SOUTHERN WHEAT FLOUR. Which Weimitinsuiltbetttring from the best select- ed Southern Illinois aud.Tennessee Wheat. Trims as /OW : 111$ any In the market. . , _ J. Li0431-E.wr &co., Mira Pittsburgh City TuAvkft—F*olll;the premises of theubicrther, adjoining the Central Stock arde, Fait a Liberty; • FRESII COW, With apiece broken off one horn: white color, with dark apote, and red care. , Anv iniortnation leading to her recovery will be ilb i r . a s ily .i reirT i lti tTy ' At the Central tock'Y'r.^.lgE. jyal.t73 AfOCKING BIRDS? 4 "" MOCKING- BIDS As I intend leasing the city at noon on tiaturnay, I will close oat my stock of MOCKING -BIRDS at' very low prices. Call Immediately. at 17 Dia mond streeti.,•• jy3l:t79 ' cnAHLES 74SPECH.
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