El :uncial Natoli in New York. Gold Clod at 1451/,(1 5N,. - - ,aeleicraph , to the Pittrbttrzh Gazette.l IsTEW , YORK. Augu.st 4 IWB, - 31ON AND . GOLD. • lie supply of money continues e.xces.. iivet if, and call loans .are easy at 364 per t•i r The Bank statement favorable, ,cing a continued contraction-on/loans. matetial- increase in . .,deposits and tenderig kens, 41279,11,654, decrease 03,5924 specie, $20,502,737, decrease ' f4Ol,- circulation t33,957,305;,decrea5e 16,068. • sits, $228,1.00,867, incrape 41.343,205; tenders,,sB3,63l3,o6l,fncrease $1,402,475: . ang dull at BXalO,. Gold active, ad,.. ug to 145 . @1453 ~and .firM 'rat. All °pied wria..pioinptly teke4. re is a large uncovered short. interest, xially among foreign. Exchange firm rather decreiased for cash supply., • I GOVERNMENTS. t/veramepts are quiet and Steady. The for converting 7-30. s !expired to-day. :,4here are probably five inillions out whick will be paid in currency Conponn of 1831, 11636@115X; do., '/ , ,i4q@u4;4E do. '64, 111©111%; do• '65 @ll2/; do: new, 108X®108. do. '67, 4 J 0 9%; 10-40 s, 10354(0108%;7-30s, 108 V, 3‘. The 'conversion of 7-30 s for the A'h are $15,585,650. I . • BORDER STATE BONDS. Eder State bonds firmer; Missouri ' s, SI; .iessees, 62X for' ew, 62g for old; new 5 h Carolina, 68y,.. STOCKS. • , mks firmer, with a general improve the leading: favorites being Erie, 'yayne and Rcek Wind. mums: Canton, 49; Oumberaitd; 84; Express, ''2634@26%; • American-Ex !, 45®453;;..; Adams; 'Express, 52%; . bants E_upress,,,24%,®243a 'diver, 21X15221, Mariposa prefexred,' CM° 101%@1014; , Western Telegrapb; 88%; I New .York Cen -9ax®lB23i;„ Erie .6868%; Erie - d, 74 ,pgizst' Hudson; 1374 138; Har i !; Reading, 943‘@94%; .01titi'dtMis ; , 39 1 4(30%;- Wabash,- - 519M5134; 7535©76; St. Paul preferred, 81 Michigan Central, 119©120r ;them,,ytigB6,o Illinois Central, Pittsburgh ; 881 , 6 , (4)89X• - Toledo, )23; Rook Island,11014©111; North , " 82 %®82+(a.iprefeired, 82M®82%; ,kne 110)4110%;- ,; Columbus, 88; . mia,loo; Hartford &Erie; 19m®1934. mtwiiird tug Shares are inactiVe. EXPORTS SARTMPORTS. srts specie, for week; 0777,2117. Ins ge0dni,42,185,819; general nier J 3 %1 3 ,1 3 471 • ' • • 509 .- " .; str 33- T/ 1 • ptEi at thelle.b:.Treagn7 for week, 1; 4 054; payments, $15,900i 1 425; balance, _ . V St. YOSit Mark' • i t • egraph to the littatrergh aftzette.l • • Ta4DIS, Ailg4-4WNIOLVIII4BIIIItIta' I • . 7cceeds the supply, and prices are fall. • .... 1 1•:i—nothing doing; gfaami. and lower; $1,.45 for- fair to prima and -1. • ~•!,60 for strictly prime to choice • Flout' dtal_, and weakertSales of - • at- 813,50a9,541 • Wheat—buyers stood , • 14 all grades belbw choice'declined Icy, red sold at -12,40, choice white 1 2 55 strictly' prime to choide red s2ls' l4me Nebraska apring sold at $1,65; !*,havy and easkir,.arliOai32e fOrmixed, pow, 87)09.44.'f0i White. Oita 1,- }and better - under the legal weight !ditch went into effect t6-day; priceS • '46aslc. Rye loWer at 1.1,10a1;12 - • . lee. - Provisions steady andiami; bat Pork -sold at- Uc.• Bulk -4 nominally unchanged, at 14a16X0 : loulders, rib, and clear sides. Rums h3ged. Cattle range at 2gia6m; grass : . Is4as -per bead, and good to , chblee. )11.2,50a4,00. -` I Toledo Market. c legrao‘to the &Do, August I.—Flour; receipts 1,000 ~,% ; o hdpments, 1.000 blds; market firmer Wheat receipts .9,838 ;hush; •.•hnts, .1,000 bush; maiket shade sales of new• amber at $2,10a2.10%;, • fhlte Michigan' at 22, 4 41 '3:l6w Zro• 2,10; No. 2 do at 62 qO, and amber for :If - August at 11,92:*. Corrif reeeitots shipmants 23,000 bask; salesold t . ! Ba99c, closing "at 98lic. Olds; re -4 bush; ihipmentB 70(Ebtudn sales : .1 at 80e; new do at 82c. Rye; re :bush; lllarke4ibettitnaalesoctiio.' • Lake ireighta - dull at .3c to Bpi o Oswego,- and - 434 c. ttOgderts- 111 BuriaKi `' ;nglh to the fittsbureh Gazette.), '.• August I.—Floutjx' tgOod , de •lir spring; sales were made at $9,60 Wheat drill at V; spring is held • ; sales 30,000. bush • pd 4,300 Wall . new amber rased at ;Corn quiet and steady; sales 60,000 iced western at fflal,o2. Oats firm sing 76a77c for small lots. • -b nominal.- Mess. perk asking ;30 • •rry. Lard,. • 16014:5c. Receipts-- 4,000, bash; corn, t 156,000 - do; oats, :•••" ilo; flour, 3,000 bbls. Shipments— : sh wheat, 165,000 do corn, 14 2 000 do i'reights unchanged. • , . * :1 New Orleans Market. • trash to the #ittsburtth uszette. . . l'! - • ~nttr.saris, August - I.—Cotton, there .., qs , doing; middlings!' nominal at beipts amount to 22- bales; exports :.• • Sterling at 6834a600. Sugar and [II dull and' nominally' unchanged, 4 I fairly active; 'superfine at 1.7,75 a& ftuiet at 9W,ca51,05. Oats dull at !‘:- lew; 68i3 for old. Hay is firm and :-.; i:44:id: , _Pork is firth; Mess atliaca3o,so. ,', firmer; shoulders at 133;c: clear r `.:'.. L734c. Lard; tierce, at 18y,,c; keg ` .o ket Philadelp ar . • mph t. the Ylttsbvgb Gazette./, IDELPHIA, Atiguit 1.- - Petroletn !need, with salespf Crwin in bulk Refined. 34,5(a340 Plonris bet ..,Sales were.made of •northwestern '`:lily at $9a11,25;' Ohio at $10a12,25: • 512,75a15. Wheat is leas active and, Rh sales of red at $2,3032,35, and „,.752,50. Corn; sales of 4,011 U bushels %$1,22, and , mixed wasteryrat $l,lB iota steady. Provisions are un- • Louisville Market. ash :W the Plttaouricb tJagette:' APgll. 4 O: I.—Tobacco. Arm; hds; Lugs, ,7.ha93ie; medium leaf, ur; superdite,l6,2sa6,6o. Wheat, Mr0;93:1950.' Oats; 600 for new. k, $28,5ua28,75.' • Laid; , 1131,ia18 3 ,5e. , boulders, 1334 e; =clear rib sides, -sr sides., 17 t y,e. Bulk Ildelits;,ehotd. • No, dear aides, 16at16/d., efee, 161.20; MI/Waukee Market. DP to the ilitsburgh.oazette.l ,UIEE, August ..I. ! —Floue. quiet and unchanged. < Virfifiat kneet ilr°°ollBl at '84 9 0 . for and 'b No 2. Oats &in at 74c for No 2. 7 500 bbba flour, 10,000 bus wheat, its, 1000 bus corn.;. `Shipment:it iur, 400 Lois. oats, 300 bus oorn. ‘lFrattelbea Market. be Pittsburgh Gazetted- - July 30.—Flour quiet at - 3t dull at,6l,tionl,B3:' Legal ME RIVER NEWS. —The W.F. Curtis has been chartered for $l.OOO per month, to run bet Ween Louis villa and, Cairo, in connection with 'the J. Kligok:r, 'which will run from Cairo to New Orleans. • —The office Of the steamer Rose Franks was entered, whilst she was lying at the cattle pen ' just below Slirelveport, Lind $2,400 stolen therefrom-41,60U in currency and a draft! for $BOO. Swipicion settled upon three of her crew , vire • The steward, barkeeper"! and pantryman. They were arrested and are now in durance. in,NSW. 'Orleans. • —The Orcicpu says the following are the freight rates from New Orleans to 'Red river, is agreed on by the captains of the - boats! now 'in port, To Shreveport, dry barrels $l, and other freight in proportion, and to Jefferson dotible card rates. -The ctiptidiris have taken this tep owing to the extreine low water and thhgreat difficulty of navigation. ' • I The iron City Regigter of fast Saturday says: The - steamer Deer Lodge, of the Northwest Transportation „Line, has completed her second trip to Ben- , ,ton this year.. Sh e came daft on Wednes 'day with a fair number of passengers and considerable treasure: She now lies at the on hery wharf in thiy, and will start third trip to thes cit Mountains' about theist of August. —The Cincinnati Enquirer says: The B. Webb came up here without her inspec tion papers, and her officers have been put -to trouble in, consequence. The penalty for running a boat without such papers is IWO. The boat was inspected by Super vising Inspector Gtithrie at New Albany a short time ago, and not having the proper blank forms at hand, that official gave the, boat a permit to make the trip to thispoit and return without them. -A St. Louis telegram, under date-' of - -Friday; says: The cases of Barr and Don -aldson, of the steamei..Oreat Republic, are • Continued to the next term, on account of the absenee of allthe important witnesses. . The'ah3entrtes are. negroes,:and they have forfeited their recognixances. Barr's law-, ,yers are., anions to havo f the witnesses re turn, as they feel coutident that'the testi mony will acquit their, Barr is on 20 ~000 ball, meantime, and Danaldson malnWin iail; - - —A St. Louis.. dispatch,- under date of Thursday, - says: ' , River. slowly declining here and aboVe. The Silver. Lake arrived from Benton in - -47 days:" round. trip; 30 days. The Shark and barges arrived from New Orleans.' The departures are, City of Alton. far Veinphis, and Rubicon , for Vicksb,' with . fair, trips. A. , !large amount grain' s cording oat of the MU:- scaui. The Marcella" yesterday. had - 3,549 1 . sacks of wheat and 215 sacks of , oats. .The boats due to-'fitty are the' Charmer, Pauline Carroll, Jacobs and'City of Cairo: - There are no beats lying here outside the regular packeta. ..Ilusinetta dull. Wheather hot. St. Louis pa per samri • The Restau rant system on Western , steamboats - is daily becoming more popular and- recog nized as,the true one. a:pa - kite:toe proves that it is liumense saving to boat owners in addition, .te giving ,better satisfaction; to travellers '_, 11 cheape.tiatharateof passage, Which in the main in the most. important point ,as it enables steamboats to 'compete with railroads with a certain degree 'of sun. case.; Thei.fare to Memphis is now 115 but under the Restaurant system .it could be reduced to $7, which would allow the pas -ienger 18 to feed himself, which he could do at one half that amount, while the boat would-be' largely the gainer. The system is - .botiridi sooner or later, to be generally adoptedrin all western steamboats and , the sooner the better. . • ; River and Weather. lantrisvira....V,, August I.—River rising; 41 inches in canal by' mark;' 83'inches over Portland liar. Weather warm, and rain ex pected-soon.- Sr. LOUIS, August I.—Weather cloudy ,and cooler-to-day, the mercury only rising to 85 dames. A slight shower 'fad about noon, , but not enough tu do any good. • • IMPoRTS! BY RAILROAD. • PisTagursim, FT. WAIN!. is CHICAGO RAILROAD. August 1.--4 boas extract beef, John ABenshaw; 25 tcs hams, J P Hanna ar,Co; 200 bbls flour. T C Jenkins; 5 cars wheat, 100 bbls flour, Dan • Wallace,'loo do S Lindsay; I car- zniddlingsrßricker Co; 2 ears crap iron, Tim Maloney; 5 pkgs flahOdimball & Megrast; 22: tslls'Vokes McWhlnney dr. Co; '9 .btlits tobwien, Little,, Baird & Pattiin, 25 do Alo,Atwell,,Lee & 00;12 bbls green apples, 4 kegs- bbfter, d: -CO; 11 , bbis scrap' livid, Brown' A. .Co 90, sks: oats; ;104 Brown it Williams; I * car lumber, J M ,Seiboktrt; 2Qlcs baits. ti - Parker; 3`hhcfs' W & D Rinehart; 5 . do do, J M IllurthLud; 175 bgs_ essr,corm Rea Jr; ear . PAT Adams Bro; Ido . do, W jElaatlngs; Icai' oil, bbls , Jageneln; !Its rags, Christy Beaman! 20 green hid.* 10 rolls leather, G Hoffetotl; 20 beixes . cheesei, M W Raukb4-25c do do,-Ar- - buckles it Co; 25' do do,: Kirkpatrick. Eianon: 30 do do, -Volgt Malicciii*Coi 10 dO do; - Woodworth & Davison 15 :do 'do Ewartit piri - 10. do ,do, Cooper & Co; , 80 bbli - Soar - MCClure, & Mass; 55 spokes, ;Hlre & Tiro; 4 bbls rye flour, H Riddle; 418 bgs oats, 2do potatoes, H Rea - Jr. 18 cars'atetal Bryan &Caughey. , Ciaonmsarri. AND rITTEIBETRUEI RAIL nom)," August'-1.- - 4' cars iron , ore, Mo 'Knight, Porter Cm• 2•do • do Hussey, Wells &Co; Ido do, Jones& iia t ,uirblin; 1 do stone, P Wolfe; 2 cars blooms, Park,Bro &Do; 2 cars pig iron, Zug it. Co; 1 do do,' Wm Smith; 67 cakes omper, Park. Mc- Curdy it Co; 125 bas starch, Arbucklea de 0o; 60 do do, B Heazletori% 40 do do, At well, Lee & Co; 7 casks "glass ware, R 0 Schmertz; 17 bbls scrap, John: Moorhead; 10 bbls plaster, B 1, Fsbnestock;:rs2 sks oats, sdo sacks,'.l W Simpson; la do oatk Scott' & algal; 10 bbls potatoes, Morrison & Co; 12 do do, Thos -McCoy; 1 bdl leather, 1 bbl tails - ' Wm Flacons & Son: 4 bbls ap plea, 4' Jo eggs, 1 keg butter, ll:Riddle; 7 bbls potatoes, Volgt, Mahood & Ca; I box soap, Vangorder & Shepard;,2o bbls apples. Fetzer & Armstrong; 5 tubs cheese. Graff &Reiter; ' IB sks oats, Mclien.ry, & Hood; 50 bbls oil, John Spear; 3 - kgs butter; : 1 bbl eggs, W Harrison. IPIITBIII7IIOH, CINCIMITATI•AND ST. LOUIS Raliatoen. August 1.-9 tons pig him, J W Porter. 1 car staves; W Hastingei; 2'bxs teols.,P Le Laufman; I do do. J Godfrey; 10 .hbla oil, Davis, Chambers & Co; 1.101 hh goods,' Mrs Starkey; 40 bdls _paper,' Pitts Paper Co; 49 aka oats , 0 If Love; ) 1 car stavesi Ralya& 'Robertson; 2 oars wfieat,.r. 8 Liggett; 15 bbls 'vinegar,. Davis, Chain bora &Co; 20 bbls marble thist,J C Butlb in; 90 bdis willows', I Dinkey.& .0a; 120 -Skis wheat, 11 •T Kennedy & Bra; 20 bbls bungi, A, B Mils; 8 .bales cotton, 4, H.Childs 4r.„ Co; 2 cars staves, J,Painter. Jr; Ron; 3-4040, & M B Adains" 8r0.., • , ' . ALLXOEIMcir-Ve.m.y R. ilt., , Auffust /.- 2 cars metal, CI Woydstdes; Lear lime, Jai, Keno; 8 kegs butter, licibt eggs, L E Owen; b pkgs,eggs, 140 ilo butter bps . rags, 1 firkin, lard, L J Blanchard ; l 2 1 pkg eggs, l'Head &Metzgar; pkg butter, J •A.tkinson; rear metal; McKnight Porter. & Co; 1 car clay r S Kier it .0441 9ivr , stone r Harrison it* Bro;,1 , d0 do, Forrester it Megraw. - " • - ALLMJELKNY STAT/05, /Lukas' I._ 1 car Wheat; W., McKee di Co;, 299 ska oats, A Miller &Son; .2 bbls beans, 1 do apples, J Herbert; 100 bbls . flotir," 21 skit oats, Stewart & s Langenhini;. , 12. isks oats, M Steel . & Son; 12 racks washisktl s , 8 Wagg; 4 do; Rio, A J Jacobs: 4 do do; A Ross; 2' bbls sizing., R. M & J Snodgrass; 4 boxes crackers, .7 ; Lockhart.; BAKERY FOR WITH OR' WITHOUT THE PROPERTY; Or would rest berm of roars. linpa r tre at $0 2 00117, TIM AM, et., Atioghwag Rebuilding a Stone CulVert, Over the four .11111 e inn. at the Swindler Sr, 23d Ward, it ill be reeelved the Oity Engin r , a ?dice now - POLICE N,OTICE. To the Owners , of Dop and Hogs.. The Owners of DOGIPare hereby notified that the ordinances 'prehlbiting their running at, large Int - inuuled=Will be 'strictly enforced , and that ail Dogs so suffered to ran will- , be' dealt with according to law. • _ •• Hoos . ruffered to run at large will be taken up: and disposed of according to the ordinances of the 3uLlp3S 131,64..1 1!10.11E, Major, OFFICE CITY FK 4 llllB.Eti .41.211) SUEVEYOE, • July *9. N oincE.- The Assessment lot* grading, partnornnd Curhing the East• ern !Portion or Second street, Is WEIN ready for exandnation, and can be 'seen at this oftice until 134TITR.DAY, AUGUST Bvl, 18(41. I When 10.wt11 be.returiled to the City Treaeureri °Moe foE collection. • n. J. MOORS. , City Engineer.. irpPtCE OF, CITY E.NGINIMB AND DURViTON. ; •t- ''Pltlabursh: Jtll7 X 9. 1808... • N OTlCE..—true Assessment , for trading, Paving & Curbing Mulberry Alley, . , From Olynter to Smith streel; Is now. ready tor ex amination, and can be seen at this °Moe until ,When It will be retu ned to the (City Treasurer's Office for collection. - IL Ji 1110Ort-E. FEILD COy , • PEA I; irati IN GLUE, CEIRL74D 'Tinnpre &imps, Oeroonli, Cattle' Talks BONES, NEAPS, FOOT OIL, &C.. • 3d W d ß u c tre gdm Wareho use, No. 338 LIBERTY n.; PiTIeSBUR6II. PA; ECEI ----- TORE WINDOW SIIADEM, of any color al•I rs:quirled, 'glib homier and a twain plain ar alto the plain Hine, foe *awe lati.r9oso, twin 7 font wide, Irintli WW320021111, 11:1, hi.. Clair street. ' 144 .t. h U. WARD'S, PITTSBURGH 'GAZETTE : MONDAY, AUGUST -3, 1868 PROPOSALS FOR PAPER. A SUPPLEMENT.to anitet requiring the Superin • tendeut of Public Printing to advertise for pro posals for supplying the State with printing and bill paper, approved April tenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. . SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common!realth of penn sylvan's, In General AsSemblytnet.eind it is hereby enacted bv the authority, of the 'same, That hereaf ter the person or persons bidding for 'the Contract for furntslting the State with paper, as provided in the act approved April tenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, be re quired to execute 11: - 'bond to the Commotiviealth,' with at leist two andlclent sureties; In ;the awn of . ten thousand .didlers, conditioned for the, faithful performance of the contract soillotted, *bleb said been shall be, approved by the . President Judge of the Court of Ceinmon• pleas of the district-or. die- . triode in whichiuch sureties may reside; or in case of, the absence or Other inability of such President Jidge, li , the Associate Judge of! the county in 'which such sureties allay reside; Provided. That the bonds, with the sureties of the several bidders, shill . be duly executed , sealed up and delivered with the, propoials for furnishing said paper, and in addition to the condition above required, shall be condition ed that In cisthe bidder. or bidders to whom the said contracthall be awarded shall neglect or re fuse to accept the same at his or their bid, the said bidder or bidders, with, his or their sureties afore said, shall be liable to the Commonwealth for the difference between the amount of the bid of the per to whom the said contract shall be awarded after such neglect or refusal; And proetdeefferther, That the Superintendent of Public Printing shall award kid contract upoin the same diythe bids are by hire opened.: - ELISRA DAMS, • * Speake.r of the Rouse of. Reptusentatives. • • JAMES L. GRAHAM; • " Speaker of-the Senate. Arrnovito--Tke tenth day of ApilL Ann.? Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.' JOHN • ,• • JOER W. GEARY: In pursuance pt the above act, the enperintend eat prPnblic Printing gives the following notice: TO PARER MANUFACTVRERS . , 'SEALED PROPOSALS will be receirge at .the office of the Superintendent of Public Priothig, for • , Supplying the State :with, Printing , Papet. , Said paper to be BOOR PAPER, measuring 25 by 40 inches, and to weigh respectively_ O and 50 pounds to the ream: Mae, DOUBLE- RiAT:Cl.tr., Measuring 1E by 28 inches, weighing 216 pounds to the ream: Bids will be received for each kind sets _irately. Said pros:lasi' lb be opened in presence of bidders, on,SATDRD4E, the Ist day or August, 1685, at the office ottheßatierintendeixt: Centract to ran from December; .1.1188, , to August{ , Thesuccessful bidders will be required rigidly to conform to Samples .which will liethaished upon 'application at the office of ibe'liapertnteddent. No propOsal willbe. considered unless %itaiOmpinied by : : a guarantee that the or bidden, provided his or their proposal shall be accented, will enter into' an obligation with good and sufficient security, - to furnish the articles proposed for; and each prebend must be acooturisnled by satisfactory evidence that the persons making said proposals are manuincitl rem of or dealers in the description ot paper which he or they propose to furnish. , , „ ZOlithr TrOtir/GBIABT,, Superintendent rublie Printing, jyl4:t9 =M=l_M PIT'rSBERGH PAPER 111A3917.. lACTOBING COMPANY, Miuralictima of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL-13TETTBZNVILLN. BBIONTO.N MILL-7.31W BIGGIITON, PA.' OFFICE AND WAELBOIBig. .. • ' • No. 82 Third Stmet, Pittsburgh, Pa. • ,• CIPT/CXREt - 4070tr L Mt ?A s ide . nt. IVINIg _STON , . T uret. • EI JNO. B. ANITZU EUDDI.I.. Setret r i e lz a l a r. • Duncrois—Augrit-BartJe, Job.n, Atwell . B. Hartman, John B. Livington. (kik paid for Paper jimi;ol6. MISCELLANEOUS.'' " - - • AMES 1- • TAXES 1 • The Tax Payers of the coneolldated Cly of Pitts. bergbi , are her.by notified that the Tax 000 ks are now in the bands ot,the City Treaserery ready. toy collection. • - Taxe and Water Rents mid - between the lst of :TUNEthe Ist of AEGUSTwiII be ft...m.11m0 at a DISCOUNT 01.1rIVE PERCENT.:. And between-AllittieT Ist, and the 1 8th of SEP TEMBER, eta t• • _ll • ' • . • • • mIiooIINT Or TWO PER CENT.. Wreak the lath of SEPTEMBER to the, 1211 of 00- TABEA.6II.4xes. will ke_poyableas assessed. After. meld of ocTOlSElhper betiGnill be addel ; l aud on the . /st of IioVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes ;will be_putinto the handset Colleetors WIPE TUE :yITIIT.IISII. ADDITION OF FIVE PEE ,CENT , making a different* of FIFTEEN PER • CENT: between thowtpaying July and, those poying - . • . 1 4'Y ✓ . STATE MERCANTILE LICENOES are pow due, and stiould be paid on or before the let of July, tO sate host and expense sult ielesre3 - • City, Treasurer. 1, WTI= Or CI TI;FN 0 I l i ft j vir; grtgaita l VOTICZ 1 1 0 STONE msspxs,,, '-`SEALED PR0P98.6.1 1 43 , FOR t SatUrdaY• August, etb., . pectlicatten • can be seen at this once H.' MOOttili dity Engineer 3Y311:01 mAiway tor s Atlilutrr BTH, 18€10,_ REM , . At the earliest Rossible day, will be done. Tho UNION PACIFIC BAILBOAD COMPANY receive: I.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way, and all necessary timbei and other materials . found along thi line of its operations. GOVERNMENT GRANT of /2,800 acres of rand to the mile, taken ln alternate sections on each aide of its road. Tis is an absolute do nation, and will be a sour 4e of large revenue In the future. - GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, inionntlog to from $1.6,000 to $48,000 per mile, according to the difficul ties to be surmounted on the, various sections to be built. The Government takes a second mort gage as security, and it le exPected that not only the interest. but the Principal amount may be naid in services rendered .by the Company in transportinetroops, malls, &c. The interast is now much more than paid in : this way, besides securing a great saving in time and money to the Governinent. IV. - A GOVERNMENT - GRANT of the right to issue its_ own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid in built/ins the road, to. the same amount as the U. S. Bonds, :lamed for the seine purpose, • and no more. 'The Government permits the. .Tnultees for the `First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Ronda to the Comnanv, only, as 'the road li cOmpleted,and after It has been examin ed by, United States Commissioner; and Pro ' 4 1kounced to be in all respects a first-claes Rail road, laid with a . heavy T rail, , and completely supplied With depots, stations, turnouts, car ; shops, locomotives, cars, &c. V.—A CAPITAL. STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from • the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT NH& LION DOLLAR have been paid In upon. the work already done, and which will 'be increased as the wants of the Company remilre. VI.—NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Realness, that already A/T - 1012111i to 'MORE THAN THE IN TEREST on the FlestMertilslire Bonds. These earnings are no indication of the vast through traffic that must folio* the opening of the line to the ; P~elitc, butthey certainly prove that • FOIST ,IMIORTCACE BONDS The Union Pacific Bands inn thirty. years, are for $l.OOO eseh, and have 'coupons attached. They bear annual' Interest,:payable on the first days of January and July, at the Company's °nice. In the City of New York, ..at the rate of sta per ,cent. In gold.. The Principal Is payable In gold at maturity. Theprice Is 10S, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal income on their cost. The Company believe that these . : Bonds, at the present rate, are thecheapest In the market, and reserve the right to advance-the .prlce at any tithe. Subscriptions will be received 14 Pittsburgh by JAMES T. HEAD* A Co., tOriter of Wood and Fourth Streets; * IlflitTi.CAllClll47t co:4 corner, or Mood. and Third S. SIoCLEAN 4.C0., TS Fourth Street; PH. R. MERTZ. , corner sth and 'Wood Sta.; ' 1 3 , 9131115i0i5e81L05.,18 Fourth street; At the,Coaapaur• 018010. No. SO Niosau Street, and b 7 ,; , . . , JOHN CISCO.it, oar, Seekers. No. 49 fittest,' lusd the Company , . advertiliiit *Verde IlkulmashmiLt the United Matti. , • • • • • Ranltianees should be made - In drafts or other lands par In New York, and the Bonds Will be sent free of chirge by' return expreas. Parties sub tertbinkthintiab local "'genie, 'Will look to them for Altair safe deliver/. A I i AMP,LE7r, ALA.P.,FOR 1 8.88 be, Inst. been pui ll lished by the_ CoMpany, gly,lnit faller in ibrmatiOn an advertisement, re_' spectlaititteprogress of the ;Work,' :the Iteioureed of the Coontiy traversed by, the Road. 40 „Means , ttir Constrtiatloit, ind the Value of pa Bonds, which will be sent . free on **Mattel:Cat the Odlees or to any ef theatlvertleed%agetteao t-,! JOHN J CIBCO, Treasurer *-7 NEW YOWL., , . E 5 BAKERIES. STEAM C RACKCILBAKEIIIt 9 Our. Crackers are, baked npon the OVEN BOT. TOM, and are superior to 'any baked try hot air or .f . - 7,7,i.al 7 i ..Ic. k . ". • - 1 - : . 1 :Fli4 ~ )%4:s7"s.:'e''fi '''' :3' ," •'.ye • .: t : '...,.: ,Z'. I'7' J ;?, 4 4 i , • vi• *: c, -.• . 9f4 . 4. ••• •,,•-• -,,, ''''-- k' , . • ,: ' ." . nr, ' •-•• •‘" . „ ~;;,,,,: ",, •, ..:: ..._•:',,, , .....N.. ) ..,,, C C K ARE SUPERIOR' TO ANY OTHERS OFFERED IN' THIS CITY. WTTIP' BOSTON, SODA, CREAM FRENCH, CRACK ERS: t a y nT l T a f d ß i a L iC y 2/ 3 RAnd SOI JA CRACK , For &le by Every Grocer in' the City. Bakery, Pio. 91 Libert , y , St. BILLIARD TABLES. STANDARD AMERICAN BILL!. RD;TABLES, Timm COMBIIiA 01781310fia I - Indisputably the beat ID tine. NEW IMPROVE- IifENTs, Patented Nov. 96tb, 1867. and April Slid, 1868- Everything relating to blidards ortbo beat quality and 'iowes( prires always on band. Our .NEW •UK TRIMMER, Patented may asp, leas, pricels2.so--a great aucceva . Illustrated prim lists sent on application. A adzes' PELEILAN & OCILLEINZIEIL 63. 65, 67 and 69' CROSBY 67.,, New York City. • . • 01$, Eniirieer LITHOGRAPHERS • HirLLA HIM SINGEHLY PHILIP CLEII3. 'S,ZINGERLY CLEIS, Succeasori to Wm. SCHUO/11c.41t k c 9.. .PRACTICAL LITII646IRAPIIERt‘ The only Steam Lithos : rept:do Establishment 'Weal of the Mountahur. 'Business (Judea- Letter Heidi; Bonds Lubele, Circulars, Show rds, DMomas. Portralte,' Views; ( )entangles of .D Ca eposlts: i clout Cards., 411.. and 91 Thlnt stnpxt Pfttablirith. • BARR ai, Houro; ArsociArlis.,ntaLiliNoN Al Laid 4 Ht. Clair. r.treut, Plstobartilt, Pa. liDeata.. tst.nCiun Klvto to Ylp-dnnl,nlux and bulldtilbe of nettißT liforaTNlP-15 sn.l PITHI.1(1 flVll.lllMilm 'UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. 700 MILES OF THE MN PACIFIC =ROAD Are now finished and In ;ration. 160 miles of track have been laid tills sp g, and the work along the whole line beween the Atlantic and Pacific if i States Is being pushed fore , rd more rapidly than ever before. More-than tw ty thousand 'men are' employed, and It Is not lin ssible that the entire track,,from Omaha to Sac inento, will be finished In 11369 instead of 1810 , he means provided are .atople,;and nil that energy, men and money can do to secure the cOmpletion of.this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, upon such,. property, costing nearly three times their amount, ARE:SZCURIC BEYOND ANY CONTINUICNOY. , • Alp IN NEW.TOILK 81.7 LibeiFty Street.' B':Q'AY-TA.if3i. ARCHITkICTS A li4! •1 ITFIC7rS, COMMSION MERCHANTS. J.E.: CANFIELD ' .... ....A. T. CANFIELD. S3sD. CANFIELD & SON, COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale ealers In tins en;, Factory , . Hamburg and W. IL Cheese. Butter, Lard, Pork. Bacon, Flour, Flab, Dried ,rain,Pg Lead, Pot, Pearl and S .da Ashes F r uit i Lim Linseed; Lard. Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Plltsborgh. WATT, LANG ,S - 19110LESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour. !Grain, Prodnee..Pre visions, Flab, Cheese, Carbon Oil, &e., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. • _______ . n08:n65-•-' M. smle i MSTEELE & SON J. A. Brass a. . CommiBsion Merchants, AND DEALERS IN Ea.dOtrils GrIZAiNT, FEED, eSZCI No. 96 OHIO ISTILEEi near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY; PA. Jd)IER B . uk.Alcou JOS. itagxxs. MEA.NOR $. HABPERf FLOUR, ORAIN AND PRODUCE COSIGN MERCHANTS 329 LIBERTY 'STREET, PITTSBURG R. Consignments solicited. ' • • BirsaitkisCaS—J.. 0. Martin; Cashier Meehan!Cs' National Bank; J. B. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken. nedy & Bro. 'ETER FOUL - ' JAB. P. alciasi, KEIL & RICHAUT, COMMISSION Nt'RCHANTS, AND DZA.LISDB IN FLOUR, GRAIN, /SEEDS, MILL. FRED, &c" 340 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my24:127 L. J. BLANCIEIARD, Wholesale and' Retail Groeers, aplB:xB9 No. 396 PENN STREET: ALIKE. WBARII J. B. ANJIJI MOLINE & ANJER, COMMISSION Axg.RcgANts, Dealers In FLOVR, GRAIN and PRoDITCR GEN EItiLLY, No. 11.4 a WATER' STRUT, S'above Bmf~bHel . Pfttsburgo. . . ;.led • ETZER & , ILRNISTRONGi : • : = - . .•• ronwmunire Ark, comyrssicar laracatens, For the sale of Flour, Bralti, Bacon, Lard, Butter; Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 NABIENT STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe2Z:uB JOUR I. 1101:311...,,.E.DW. UOUS&. 45T918EN HOUSE & 8808. , 5ue. , cessors to' JOHN L',HOUNE & CO. wholesale rimers 'sad. COMMIIIBIOI/ Merchants?, Gofter Smithfield and -Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. . RIDDLE, NO:183 LI B ERTY It 'STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Commission 3fer- Groceries Wholesale Dealer in bp:dry Produce, and Pittsburgh Mannfac ures. Cash ad vanced on Conalsrumentis; and paid tor Produce gen erally. aun BOOT. KNOX ANTHER KNOX. KNOX & SON, COMMISSION MIL .MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, "No. 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. jainnt . . , T A ITTLE BAIRD & pAgrgroiv, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and eiders and duce, Flour, Bacon, Cheats, Fish, Carbon Lard 011, Iron, Nails, 'Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburst_ldanufactrirea generally, 112 and 114 SECOND - STREET. - Pittsburgh. • . ____ JOHN SH(PTON , A WALLACE. HI P'rON&WALLACE J ,WHOLE.-. SALE G ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, SIXTII STREET. Pittsburgh. ' la 12:218 PROFESSIONAL. JOS. A. BUTLER, < ~. • • ALDERMAN AND POLIOB MAGISTRATE. • Ofilee, 128 WYLIE STREET, neu Waslilngton, PPITSBTRGH, PA: • . . Deeds; Bonds, Motigages, Aelenuriedginents, Depositions. Collections, and all other legitimate business executed prOmptly.- -••- mbMtni). s.artizim. Mc.NIASTERS, ALDERMAN, Ei-Ofitelodhsttee of the Peace and pollee .Magis trate. Ofce, GRANT STIMMT, opposite the .es • thedrat; PITTSBURGH, PA. , Deeds, Bonds.- Mortgages, • Ackdowledginents, Depositions. and all Legal Business executed :with . promptness and dispatch. zulde EIISTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN, • • -strwrlcE 0? TSE -ps,Aca Aldo . , •, •. • MAGISTHAZIC. OFFICE, N0.,73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA; Deeds, Don4s - Mort - gages - Acknowledkinentit, Depositionswild:all Logarßmilness, executed with promptness and dispatch. - myZI Justice 9fßus. Pow, CONVEYANCER; SEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AST. snuraiT, EAST midimaned. Collection otilents solicited andloomiittfettend ed to. , • .., :tayB:7eo • . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., • Office, CARSON STREET, , nearly tiiPtiatte the Railway Depot, 8017TH PITTSBURGH. Beninese entrusted to Ws care 'promptly attendw ed to., • 1 1; DANIEL MeINEAL, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND ItESIDENCE.. No. 59 Grani St , near "Ugh. avourn S. 'FERGUSON, ATTORIFF.Y7 . AT-LAIAT; • No. 87. Fifth Stzftlet; 111011. , SECOND FL. FRONT ROOl4. JOHN W. R I DDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, 116 biemettel Street, (Opposite the Court House,) feLS:t44 A. LEIWIS, ATTORNEY7At-14*, Zir o. 99 'Diamond Street; mh5:128 H C.ALILCHRELL, ATTORNEY. AND I COUNSELOR Af,o4, No. 89 Grant tgtreet. my , 24:lY . Anc lilBALD . BLAKELEY, Bre..a l s FIFTH STREET. _ • PITTiiIIOIIOH. PA. JOIIN S. 14114111 1 4.41)11RMAN 304 , 0111 1.1010,411e1T104 t/F, ThE -PEACK,AND PDLtgE MAGIt3TRAT,E.„; - - 6131ce..,.11.11 'Finn STRgk'l l ,'ipoelte th e Catlin.... with drat, .Plttabosgb -Pneds, kt Acknowledgments, i)epoidtlonS and allL ge w rg e st cos execnscrwuptness-and dlsnatkita:- JOHN c._mCconins, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, IV°. 87 Firth Street. eta One, Bounties and Arrears Far gromptly WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 11. LYON, Sealer of ,Weights and Measure% No. 5 MIIIITIi BTRZET, . I.Betwevn Liberty amid FAry Aftwis. 'Cklitn promptly stteotlod to. li —On PENN-amigo] SYLVANIA RAIL .-45n and after May 10th, 1868, the Pas &eager Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road Will "arrive at , and depart from ,the, Street Deloo rr Vlicglteny City, Si follows: EiMingd'e NO 1 8:35 a mMall Depart. Freeport a ril Freeport NO. 1' 8:15 a m Freeport No. I 910 a m . gExpress...—. . 10:15 a n 2 Shirplrg No:111 :80 ail Sharpb , wHoll, 1:25.p m EAr2gess 1:50 p M PreeDat Ho. FA 5 :/ O PM S die No 1- 3:5D prn Mail , , 550 p m reeport No. 2 13:05 put Spriagd's No 2. 8:10_p m Spring S 7:3ODM Aftye train& run daily except S u n day The chareliTrain leaves . Allegheny JUnet. every Sunday at 7 :90 a. ar. ,' reaching? Al1:1 1 2 eny City at 9:50 a. M. - Rettirning, leaves All eny, City at, 1:20 p. to. and arrive at Allegheny ' unet. at 9:45 ' COWIrDTAMOW TrOltirre--For sale In 'p • aekilies of Twenty between; Allegheny City, Chestnut s reet. - Berra, ett, Phis creek. Etna end Sharpsburg,, '. and good only bathe trains stoppin g at Stations spe- . ailed on tickets.:: The trains leaving Allegheny City at 5:15A. lei ..,._, _3l allii 1:50 P. - 3t. make direct connection ar Freeport . with Walker• line eatages far Butler and Hannah". town. Through tickets street , 'be ' purchased at_the , 7. Ofece, No. 3 st. Clair nezr thelfluspension .1 -. Bridge - Pittsbergh, and at the Depot,fAllegheny. • PM ferthsx information appl_y to __.—' • JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, . _. W estern , 3 . • - Federal - Street Depot. - The W Pennsylvania-Railroad: will not sui- sumo anyrrlsk forl3aggage, except for:wearing ap- • ' Patel. and Malt the!. responsibility to tine Hundred Dollars to, value. All baggage, exceeding this. , amount in value will be at the risk of the owner; MI leas taken 57 special contract.... 7. . • . . \ 3/ EDWARD H. WiLLIA.: ! . - . Ehm....al Superintendent, Altoona.- a• sIaW: OImI 4BAMPRE UMON PACIFIC, RAILWAY, _ap4:w7a • - _.• The SHORTEST AND .MOST RELIABLE BOlair. from the East to all 'mints In PITTSBtrEGH, PA. Or • egqii. Two Traina leave State Line and ,Leavessworth daily, (Sundays ekeepted, 1 on the arrival of ttains PUDIC Railroad from St. Loalk,' and 1 1 , ..nutbal 'and Bt.i. Jo Railroad from Quincy, conneetlnw at. Law rence, Topeka and Wamego with etc for all points in Hanna.. At end of track west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRETSVOY PANT'S DAILY 'LINE OF , OVERLAND NAIL AND EXPRESS 00ACRES FOR prrrestrutia, And all Poititiiii the Territottel • Ana with / 16 ..Nliftito6N , STRI-WERICLF LIME of COACHES for Fort Union „ Beat's Fort, Pass, Alin!. guesting, Banta Fe,.and aillpoints. , ,-in - Arizona and New Ai With the .reeel additioni of rolling- - athek ar.d equipment, and t e arrangements made with et,. eponalble overland Transportation - Lines from western tenainue, this road now tillers unequalled facilities for the Anummission of freight to the Fee l '. PrtriP4ll slaloms in U e Tickets for sale`th ail the United Mates fad Comities. Be cue and ask for 'tickets via TILE S.MORy HILL Bovr.cLinuorr —PACIFIC RAILWAY. LahTZBX , , FlTTSileigil, PA. TO. LIVERPOOL AND :g ag& • 11--.• • QUEENsT()WN.'•- Tap unman ruin. Numbering sixteen drat-dem m veweela, ew th,et the celebrated " CITY OF PARlB,__ . CITY OF ANTWF.YF, crTY OF IIoSTON, CIrY OF 13ALTIAll. CITY oF LONDON, reining EFEItY SATURDAY. from I'ler 45, Norlit Ri ve; p ew yerk. Fur 03.4,,,g,.• or furtbex leforre., Won apply to - • r1U.,.1131 BINGHAM, Jr., - 70 7IFTE STREET, (Chrontate im,13153 'IUM,ROADS. DITTSEURGErand CatiI k :ELLSVILLE E. R.lalta...aßAZl On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1.86 r - traLns will arrive at and depart from the DepOt, coz, ner of Grant and 'NV atvr streets, as follows: - Depart. Arrive. 'Mall to and from Unlont'n.: 7:00 4. It. 6:00 P. K. McKeesport Accommodt'n:ll:oo x. 2:05 P. Pt. E. to and from Untont'n: 3:00 p: le. 10:00 A. M . West Newton Acconxmod , n 4:301p. x. 8:35 Braddock's Apcommodat , n 6:15 P. x. 7:50 P. x. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. M. 8:4-0 X. Sunday Church Train to and from Rot tickets West apply Newton t 3 1:00 P. x.10:00 A. If W. B. STOUT, Superintend ent er . entß. KINGi, A Intes. ALLEGRENX VALLEY AIL-ROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONF, Runningehrough to Venango City without change of cara—Conneting with trains East and West of- - the ..Warre.. et Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic a Great Western ' Railways. Shortest and quickett( route to Oil City And Franklin, and all points In the Oil Regions. . , On and after April 26th, 1808, Passenger Traits ,will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, ' corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows: . • Depart. Arrive. Mail to and Pm Ven. City-- 7 :UO A. ii• 6 :12 P.M'. . Express 6 .. ,` 10:40 P. 5t.12:25 A. Is./ Brady's Bend Accomimapn 3:00 r. sr: 10:20 A. V. '' Soda Works Accom'n - 5:30 r. M. 7:55 A. sr. First Huston Accomod'n... 11:50 A. sr. 11:40 A. M. &COM! Halton Aecomod'on 12:00 ie. 3:55 P, g. Sunday Church Train leaves Soh Works at B:08 A. as., arriving in Pittsburgh ati9:so A. M. lit _ turnlpg, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M ., arriving at Soda Works at.2:55 r. M. H. BLA.CKSTONE, Stip% W. F. HOPE ; Ticket Agent. ap2s I TTEIBURGIU4I•I w3Zl,ll': CINCINNATLANDST. 1:1113 RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE Or TIME.—On and after SUNDAY, June altst, 1868, tralas will leave and arrivirat the Union Depot, u follows, Pittsburgh Dine: De_part.. Arrive. Fast L Mall E:xpreas." =2 11.5 a. to. 12:10 a. M. Fast Expr. ine. , - ... 9:40 a. m. 7:15 p.. ess 'm - 2 p. m. 13:20 a. m. Mixed Way • 0 :10 10 a. 1111. 17i65 p. m. MeDonald'a Aeen, No. 1.. /1:40 a. In. i 3:05 p. in. Steubenville Accommod , n. 3:55 p. In. 9:30 re. MeDonald'a dee , n, No. 2.. ' 5:25 p. la. ,13:2 a. m oa. .' _ . . Brxcrer.`Norrca.—fitinday,Expreati leaiza at 2:10 - morning. P.M. arraying in Cincinnati 84 6:00 a. - m. the next - The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, andmatees ,cloce comuectiona al liewark.for 'Zanesville 'and tioints on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark R. R. SIILL neral Ticket Agent, W. W. 0&11D. SUP't., Ste benrille. B a CH FORT .' IainR!MI E HIAGO W. AND CLEVELAND &P T I4 BBIUGIi C A . R. 3. From June 7th,111308, trains will leave thin and anive‘at the Union Depot, north sine, city time, as follcrws: memoa Lma Ex .. 2:03 a ca' Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 ami Erie ' 8 Ygn3l 9 l 7:28 aml Cl. & Wh2g3l'l 6:13 am : Chicago MAIL. 0:38 ant i Ohl . 9:43a MI Cl. & I:3p In, Chicago 11 4- 58 pm WI. &Erie Ex. 4:48 pm Depart fro= Allegheny. N. - Brtitt'neta. 8:58a m Leet!‘ale " 10:13am . 11:58 a m Rochester, " 2:23 put Wellsv'eAcc:. 3:43 pm Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 pm N. Brigt , n " . 5:33pm N. Brixt , n "t. 6:2Bpm Leetsdale " 10:43PM 8. 1:88 p. m. Chicago Air 11:23a. m. Chiral 10 Y. It. MYER: • •,Arriee. • ;Chicago Ex..., 208 ani IClevelarid Ex. '2:08 a in. Chi cagoE x.... 11:23 a m Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a at I'St. Louis Ex.. 3:63 pm CI. &Wh's Ex .4:313 p t Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13 pm. Chicago Ex.... 4:23 p in • Cl. & Wh'g Ex 7:08 pm Arrive Cn d iiegfiesey., • E. Erigt'n de. 7:0.3 ain In Wellsville r "V.8:28 & 8:53 a in New Castle " 10:13 s m-. Lee . tpdala " :9:13a m 1:08 p. 14. Erfot'n " 2:43prtt Leetniaie " ...= 14:53 p m :4:218 p m Emtpress leaves daily. o'Express arrives daily. . General Ticket Agent. EN N CENTRAL RAILROA • and" after 'June 7th. rive at and depart from till Washington andLibertyst Arrive. Nall Train.... •11,15 a m Fast Line .. ... 1:40 a Wall's No. 1.. • 6:20 a m Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m Cincinnati. 2.. 8:50 a m Ex. 9:10 am Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m Baltimore Er. 1:00p ra Plllll. Phila. Express 1:20 p m Wall's Wail's No. 3... 2.15 p m Wall's No. Braddock•No 1 5:50p m Fast Line Wall's No.- 4. 7:15 pm Latrobe Mnc.' . Altoona Acc`n• , - Swissvale Ac' n 110:. and Emigrant 7 - Train.: . - 9:30 pre ' -••• The Chitral Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 1111., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:0 x5 a. m. Returnirig, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and snit a* at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m.- , • CineltmatiExpress leaves daily. All other trains' daily except Sunday. • For Butner Information apgli to CKWITII Agent The, Pennsylvania RsJlroad Company will not es stime-any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel..and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. -All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at thella of the owner, un less taken byfiteelal contract. • . - . • EDWARD IL-WILLIA.M.t, . General Superintendent. Altoona, ra. PLC . Mlgam . lAD. t. 1.360, Trains will ar te Linton Depo4. corner Of streets. as follows: D e e s.. t. Day Expre 2:25 am Nalni No. 2.. 6:30 nl• Mall Train 7:50 a m . IntinnatiEx 11:40 abi Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Braddock:: Nol 4:00 pm . EAres. 4:50 pm Wall's N o. 3.. 5:10 pm, Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Arc.' n 8:5O ,pm Blrlasvale Ao'n 10:1110 p m, myll !astern Division. Colorado, Nevada, California, - Utah, Arizona, TVashingion, 3 .few . llllexico,''' Idaho, • DIEN arEati togyer T.• 4 12-F•4 A. 4..NDEMV3031 General SuperintendenG J. I L WPM-Tilt. General Freight, at‘d,TkAeritic t na. STEAMSHIPS, Nasty nrpoefte roe,. OSke. Plltstiirs6 Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers