The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 01, 1868, Image 8

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wrap itriimAN.
*sag IPrayif ;11'leetilig:-44otn 34 vr. to
_awe o7clocl,k at, the iCiethodiakChureb, Fifth iistreet, next . door GAZETTE 041.63.
'City c'ourielis.—Tfie proceedings of City
Councils *ill be found ohthe seventh page
cnof this morning's Giarrri. • .
• -Grant Glaii:—The , a. Republicans of the
Sixth ward will meet at theto Ann thegr
-School Ro Hone , this evening perfect
organization of the Grant, Club' in that
:-.-ward. -A fall attendaneels dealrea.-
. ,
Surety of the Peace.—blary T. 'Harding
'wand M. C. Harding Made information be
fore Alderman ' Irwin of . Lawrineerille,.
-71;ablitt Leopold Hart, for sulety'.of the
' imam s Sart was arrested and held for' a
t lo Choiceliet.—The'indefatigableVon
ferees,of the Twenty-third Congressional
-. District met again yesterday morning, at
Fre4Vort,.arultafter balloting.dfty-six.times
without coming to any de cision, adjourned
until to-day at 9a. m. •
New Gas Main.--Workmen are engag? •
, 12 18334 a ileW gas main along North sae.
` - nne, Allegheny, the old one, which is three
Inches in• diameter," , being, altogether too
small. The new mainwill be double the
capaoit of,the old one, temoved. - ,
f Dlsorderly.--John,Sullivan, it is alleged,
behaved himself in a very disorderly man
ner in Alderman Thomas' office yesterday,
in consequence of which he was fined, and
m default of payment committed .to jiol.
Ile was afterwards released on payment of
•the fine. . - •
Commltted.—Alderrnan - McMasters yes
terday, in default of bail, committed Wm.
timber, charged with false pretence on
oath of N. 11. Shaffer.
•-• Justice J. P. liteWeL of East Birmingham,
committed Jacob Beeler on an information
for surety of: the peace, preferred by GOd
treid Zang: ' •
sli h t
Fire;.-Between` eleven' and twelve
o'clook on 'Thursday evening a shed cover
ing a brick kiln. owned by. Xr. Cochian t in
the. Sixth Ward, Ailegheny, look fire and
was destroed: An alarm Was sounded
'from box No. 3, , corner. of Washington
street and-Beaver- 11,V0111r 'which b
thn."Fire .I;Department aOmptly
mid,'but no water was:thrown.
Assault = 'aria Batterv..=Jobri Sullivan.
made information before AldeniumThoniks
ItYsterdaY.i Phargi?2g4dargaret Barrett : ith
-11.sixiiilt and battery, • The paxties.xeside in
the Sixth ward, and it ,appears , that the
prosecutor Went - into yard occutiled by
She defendant to borrow a wheelbarrow,
',rhea he was commanded by her to leave
the premises, and on refusing to obey the
command was struck on the - bead with a
buck. The seeed vas arrested aniiheld
to bail for her appear
ine's at Court.
Outrsgeous.--James -McAnallan, an old
man, was attacked at the - Soho bridge, yes
terdaY. MPit s Leonard, who ;beat acid
ebttsed .I.ti an outrageous manner. -
Leonarsl, it appears, was drunkand had-no
°their `inducement , than the wicked and
malicious, promptigsrof a dePrayed heart
to treat Mr. Me7A.mdimi,
_who is a civil.; and
inoffensive man,.so ionghly. Inforhirition
lyps outdo before AldermanThomas;:oharg --
ipglqpnard. with assault and battery; and
a warrant was issued for his arrest.
linnaway Accident. , , •
Thursday evening about' twelve o'clock,'
wiiile'two young hien wlpre on their way to
the city, rettingot from a pleasure drive to
- East 'Liberty the one attached to .the
buggy in which ey • were - seated 4,06,k.
fright and ran a av, throwing them both
out of the vehicle.' Tney were found on
the , ,roadside yeSterday morning and
brought- 7•lsawrenceville by Mr. ;Jonas
Smith, Where they are now receiving med
ical treatment. One of them had his . left
leg broken and the other had one of his
he r-
• bones,Nlislocated, while both were ot
vibe severely bruised: Their injuries
thoug,k painful, are not considered danger
Robbery Of a iffordware Store. '
A.l an early lieut . ieitterciay, morning
soeae thieves entered the hardware store
of Mr:, Frank Strewn, en the corner of
Ohlq•etrPet and • the Diamond, Allegheny.
An ,
entrance into the establishment was
effected by. the removal of the grating over
one of the cellar windows on the side
' • **deg, the Diamond. Onto in the cellar,
the rest of the work was comparatively
easy.' Fleeing a-large box underneath the,
batchway they rallied it and thus gained
. edudwgon to the store room.< The operators
• apparently finding the safe invulnerable
turned their attention to other things; and
carried off a considerable amount of booty.
No clue to the perpetrators has baen etf
McClure Township; Grant Club'. •
The 'Republicam of McClure : township
met at Liwlsey'S Tintel, (Wood's
R un) on
'Thursday evening:, and organized a Grant
Club by electing the followlng officers
pB. Fleming..r
V ;e-Fr.:!ardents---Dav id Davis, and Thos.:
• ~1
;taries—James U. Murdock, and - 1
• • The follOwmg names were added
Vigilanes Committee,:. Geo, Cagghey,Tald
Bider,*''BOwland Jones, Thomas . James,
'Thomas Pyeatto, , L'. Jacob Frtmze, W.
Hewett," David Davis,' Benj., Crowther, ,
• Louis Bilkey, H. M. - - -
On motion,...the Club „ wil Met every
'Thursday evening .st o'clock, t.his
-pima% 'Jams 11..Mrainocu,
sClty Mo
Dr. A. G. I.lfiCandlaes;,ThYsielitte to the
< . .
Board of Health,' reports the following is
- torments inthe city , of Pittsburgb,, from
July 19th to./ul7 26th; 1868 :
, •
Diseases—AnOrEi:, Jaundice, 1; Looked* 1; • Coastimption, . 5; Peritonithh.ll;
DidaSe.of Suptalienal Capsule; 1; Cholera
• 31orbtts, 1;- Remittent Fever, 1; 111 tentery;
1••=-12. CWILDREN--Cholera Infant:urn, 25;
..ItTatural Ctiases,l.; -Disease of Braitr, 4; Con
' mulsious, 2;• Con , blalformktion, 1;
Pneumonia, 2; I.l,a•strunatiotv of Bowels; 2,
liydrecephaltut, 1 ; Accitlent, centhritis,
1; Diszat;mus; 1;.-41. • •• • •
Of the above there :were; Under 1 fear,
22; from Ito 2, at; 2:to -5, 3; 516 10 x "1;'20
30, 5; 30 to 40,`.8, ,4019'30,. 1 ; 50 to 60, • • 'GO
-to 70, 1. , . • • •
Males, 32; females 9).;' White, 49)' , 00/9"ied;
.I—total, 53. • • , • •
Reabatis►g an
'GralO ''
Arthur' 'Graham and William= Sarver
-were brought. beforeMayor'liran;vestel
day morning phorSed,lttil alikirtWtOß'
duct and i'ealsting on, oiliCer. , it urea- al,
I leged by °Elixir Graham, of the Allegheny,
police: that .-'Twhile ' - iiithticitt the' I;4'
l a mps in the Second ward coa' Thaledn. ,
evening he heard a noise Ina tave rn o a r
by. kept by rani* , Byrne,. Going- up to
the tavern: Jo found tirtarn a n Sarver,
engaged in arigilistio en unter and cre
sting considerable disturbance. -He st.
Tempted 4,40 -,arrost J Graham. who- re„
sdsied,..;34ok walslbaloSTOttrPoweied "Nihrcr
i rt,
-, Sarver cam e _ ' to the rescue ' of t
~ Hota, Parties -.XOt.:. upon - 4 1 1 C
*Steer, aided also by several "others in the
- zoom, ligiteotwithstinding all theirafferts,
the officer still held on and ded in
Arresting; both Graham - and Baryons and
:10d,gedtit in the lockup Sera e h e
log the lifarOr litt4thil!rp ..t.*ent,7;•.
vi t ,hil
Jive - dollars 'and-;,cati, t ! ki in paid rtip .
:Ass Sarvethekigotithere.! Orifi#3l,4l.l,A
default for thirty 4?0,0 1 . , `.!, ::ri ,',: I 7, , , L
• - - , 1 -, r IP. : : ! . :::^ 0':: OD In 2) •••-.
Over. One Muldied'lluildings Destroiled—
, ~,.. _ . - . ,
Many Families Rendered Mouseles&—
Loss slso,ooo—lnsurance $50,000.•--
• List'of Principal biterw. -
Special dispatches received yesterday
.aneounced anextensive fire as - having oc-
cursed at Oiltity,-'origintiting at Parker,
Thompson 'Co's. engine house, and de-
stroying twc4kirds of the :west tilde ot-the
town, embracing over one hundred' an d_,
fifty houses. The. fire broke '. out-Abel:lt I
half past di in the 'morning, notemunicate
. t , ,
ing first tthZ five cars of oil' and thence 1
spreading with great rapidity, consuming
. .
everything on both' sides of Main street
from the postoffice to the public school
house near the river bank, and rendering ,
house's about two hundredfanillies. The 1
ation lasted five hours.
The o interests do not appear to have
suffere d greatly. The heaviest losers are:
S. A. hristy, druggist; Dr. Porterfield,
i esidence; Finley . Condi, groceries; Isaac
Blakely, • hardware; +Winsor Bros., hard- I
ware; Hoag do Bro., Jones House; L. D.
Kellogg, paints; _Western Union Telegraph
block; St. Charles Hotel; Chas. Shepherd;
grocery; Boyle „House; ' Stiffe - & Son's' ,
bakerY; Parker &Thompson. Lockhart &
Frew, Pool Bros., and the Lucesco Land
ing were 'burned. '-
(Special Dispatch to th Pittsburgh Gazette.)
OIL CITY, PA. 1 July 31.
- At seven o'cloc k , this morning a fire
broke - out in the storage yard -of Parker, 1
Thompson :St Co., mused by a spark from
tife,,,engine falling into some oil.. The
flames soon communicated to, a number of
tank cars on the railroad siding in the yard,
and to the adjoining buildings, sweeping •
everything before it from the Pastofficeto I
the National 'Hotel, and from the foot of',
the hill to the edge of-the river, burning 1
several boats in the rivei.' The amount of
'the damage cannot now. be correctly esti
mated, but ' it is very heavy. Among
the property . destniyed • wam Christy's ,
drug store, the jonee Hctel, both the
Western Union and the Atlantic & Pa- 1
cific telegraph offices, ancleight or ten new
and - second hand engines in the yard of
Clark & GOodwiri. '..k: great many goods
were removed from burning buildings and
afterward destroyed in the streets, the fire
spreading' so -- saAllk that ;then removal
was impossible. A. portion of the track of
the Atlantic & Great' Western was
destroyed, but a staving _force of -workmen
are engaged in rebuilding it, and will have
it ready in a short time.
The tiniely*arrival of the Tire bepait-,
meat of Franklin,with with, steamer, con
tribated largely 10 the sating of the lower
portion• of the town., The opinion is that
there is not much oil burned, though_ it is
impossible to tell at present the loss in this
line. There were bu "three tanks in - the
fire; only oneofwhich t
VMS full, but as they
are still standing, it is supposed they are
.all right., They cannot be retiched yet on
account-of the burning timbers. •
Among the heaviest losers by the-confia
gration are Pool ?Brothers, Lockhart &
Frew, and J. A. Christy.
lily Associated Press.)
OIL CITY, July 31.—One of the 'most dis
astrone,fires thatTer visited the oil re
,gions occurred he e at seven o'clock this
morning, destroy ing both sides 'of Main
street from the poritoffice to the National
Hotel, including the Jones House, St.
Charles Hotel, Bergh House, Western
"Union and P. & A. Telegraph offices, Dr.
Porterfield's residence, in all two hundred
buildings, rendering homeless nearly as
manyfamilies. The oil interests suffered
but very little., . '
, . .
Om Crry, July M.—The loss by the fire
will prebably . reach 1100,000; insurance
' , out "-OW.'
$5 O l
- ,
Coroner's Inquests in July.
Coroner Wm. Clawson held inquests on
the 5 1iOdies of the following persons,duzing
the:month of July: •
July Ist. Jno. L. Hartwll, Birmingham,
drowned in the Monongahela river near:
Dani Nti. 1. - -
July 2d. Jno. Redman,drowned in Tur
tle Creek ; H. W. Morri so n; boy," drowned
in a pond at East Liberty.
. July 3d. James Hetherington, killed in
a coal mine in Mittlin township; Matthew
Hall, killed in 14th ward, by a runaway
horse. •
E. Pate, drowned in the
July . 4th. Joiepii
Allegheny. •
Jody bth. John Douglass, Allegneny,
found dead in his bed.
7th. W. H. Willoughby, child, died from
natural causes.
9th. Louis" Hoerr, Past Birmingham,
drowned in the Monongahela river; John
Seidle, McHeesPort, suicide by laudsuaunn
Michael Connelly, bionongahela borough,
killed on the Panhandle road by a stone
10th. J. P. McDowell, Peterson station,
West Penn. Rea; struck by mikine.
11th. Jennie Miller, Union Depot,•death
from' suicide by laudanum ; Theophills
Herron boy, drowned hi.the;Alleglierty
river; Craigher, Russ township,
death from sun stroke.. .
12th. Cosies Shaffer,'Allegheny, . 'ape-,
John Luipe, 'Allegheny, found dead in
..... 13th. Jacob Baker - Bast' . Birrninham,
boy drowned ina-welif.- -- - -.- 1 -. - - - • -
15th. Andrew ~ Virrobleckey,:,l2th ward,
died from -sunstroke; LoUis Baikal; boy,
drowned in the Allegheny rive .=William
'Lewis, Nerille tOWnship,death from sun
-stroke. .' ' • ...., i. -:
16th, Fred. Lauer, Scott to h i p, death
:from: sunstroke, ' Janes nigher; :Laugh
'lin'sfurnece, sunstroke; Lawrence Dawes,
'I2W ward, death from sunst roke; John
'Carter, Lawrenceville, aninike..
• 17th. Sarah McAllen, 'Union Depot, apo
plexy, superinduced from beat;,Bli Biverps.
•Bverten &Preston'aMille, - genend debility;
William Luke, killed on the Connallrllle
: Railroad, ' • - ,—r - : ,
lab :David Johnston, Pourth ward, Al-.
legherry. sunstroke. ••- : • .
drowned in the
19th:,Jeseph Rosier, boy,
Allegheny:griver, Fifteentb•ward. ,
• 20th. , Reury Bruee,Robinson towns hip ,
killed 'Oa kiek:from a mule; George Be la,!
i negro Infant, death from natural causes.
:. 2lst. ' John s`Piel, ding, '` Allegheny city,
deathfrodi brims received by, amp explo
21d. James: Dolaii,. a bey;', killed ion the
Panhandle Railroad, '
at Try Station.
24tb;• Peter Ilichiirde,l Reserve township,.
death from natural °apses.- ''
2,6 th. John Itebirfsopi, negro, died iniall
'from dVserieety;- Peter Dean, • Itilled , at
Brown's Station on the pennsylvarda Bail
road .
• ' 28th. James, Oonnigle, .brazted—ta-death
at the Albion Oil at Bennett Stanto n
onWest Penn ' s Railroad. ' " " - -
r 4:
Vatted State. 'District: anuirjudge
- •- ' . ‘ - , s .
lic,catops,l l! , - .. 4 .i. -
__,. , -..... 7
bankruptcybranch of thittecin
e . ' ltoa..Dgeri I es - '', .- . 'for ,0. • -
- Ida)!l'l°ltng a Pedtt°ElWaS
. - - - 1 n a aeason
' ' Al a by ,
' es --"Phls 'excelleM'
Z w eata iiii ii i i Harrison,sking' thst ,, IS4lin' D. ' lade of amtegenieht vl t upon
----- • 'i. lier ont r ir v'th be ; derlarc&a: bank: P . : this ; even i ng under
GreY ~ de, A --.. , - ,11 41 te - , ••• sia , t i t , forth i t a l ic tett, , o f seven nights
eb u erbi l d'fretefiy2,.. l o. ;Pt.
tion , that4; ~—" - 4185, .. •included 1110 three . ,
• ru the Pt ; ' ,oo - 111 1 °' '' 44 :,„ : tne. 61:"Ii---:'' i l t i le b f f : b hgtr l64 a t : :::::111nri Furth 's rni7mlrehs4altidteilr°ghtnlinco
lirmilusrit,,m'J tb s i'''''''' — bit delitcii*, — on,the 14th of •Ps!n.
nen wi ll donbtleoallcheit`tir 6f/ta A e ' re ° m ' em .
the Pe" -- . ns iTh t- ` t. tred to GoonON . - - g at h . citizens ' still retain
entertainment will
a ki cellentaXlMt'
40135 ling., .",i s f WA k eltdate tii ' the :ou r, b eof Mr. FosterOv haile Ave n gc - was a
man two tracts
4 uvt4iirwith the bond of the old Theatre
11: sileln e a t
Lri c tr e llf t. Z e r it 6 r,4 ( 30711 . 1z0 c : t o r: setsk . source o f so yaCtlittUta s Plesi all . ,
ing raill;:tle •:*_,ar,l ll l" in * to i,3 v itb. 'intent to meat.. ' H aut o...jc'droltilititi 43fitertida-
Auld Aber 10 4 3 " 4 ""Ej ..tecovering.' theft' ''' .M e huw e 3117-- u Hall , this
delaii" his , creditera2 l 4 * eu le a of *bl e b in
.... Sti ti i r w li wi e ve y i n ..e'OL lSltalica i fibtr oi
.. amate te u r l
-cfairna., This, tree:odg; _ 4 **" . l ,.,'' ldboijal.4 - Prawns ,
,411 . 1 . m vticipate: ' "The_ 1 2 n .....m
As recorde d in the ..Req o LlP'' -
a. seder th e t performers will,
h.rrA good p i li.!* it byr.
isged as an est of* .
, i , en nick!g-tbe:lo4gle t i e l s ' hiew - iiiotrunts4 ~. .: -,,. 'it
i tc ri • 'fitiernuiltoe.-w4spbars on' t .-,, :at ri i"i
h e t h i.
..' d va dk r3 b o f . t . PCI i nt `
~..1....:;. cos
. . ... i , ' .Op 4 ‘ . ..• . ~.;*c oli , aa i
I, z r ,
... 431
it i . , 4 : v i
I ; to
s * ,
Tilitlpflt, tO shod ;, 0411110 IV ' ; r-4.-1 T.^ lig
Oa " 1141111 ‘ eclllittl.
"the Petieb# 6 * r edlt . ° ' „ ,-,„:, mit in, _ ri. .
trinted• ' -- 71. ~.... ~,A, ~,m9 h
T't ~'Y'_..-~... . _ ..
tvatilt cyAztkitrs 41.1116.b5; 1111:11JS1.
_ ..
... ~.-. 8 fa Handness for i'iilvi
The followingls wsamniary of -
.the busi
neas transacted at -the •Allegheny'county
Register's office, -Joseph H. Gray, Register,
during.Ahe month ending July 2i,1868: .
. ; : i.v... Tiins 6t..kniliNt§'rniiloN 7 GRA - irTED.
Dezeden• - . - ..ttamfa4strator. ; Bond.
Williamm Krueger ..., .
. . Carl Krueger g 2(.13
JaIIICII lierriOtt " Richard Hermon Boo
- • °JO
Andrew Gribben • Catherine Gribben '
David Crawford Martha F. Crawford and
,J ~ !., •
Joseph H., Irwin -- 10 ON
:fohit Glll ' ' ' Charles 8,0111 and E.,A..40,000
:erenitahllilller Francis !Miler 100
Hamilton Beatty Catherine Car 10.. . -. ..;.. • 200
Frederick Rawrie....Chrlstlina Vi , . Rawrie... 300
- John S. Davison ' - Annie .N. D avlsonand _'30,000
_•-.:, :, . • ) . Henry Lloyd
Michael *Harry Mary Hauer - ° 100
'Nathan Porter. Jr....ilias Porter. Jr '14,000
GeorgkD Maud. ....... Joseph Rigby
Mat hew Wr,:;.: .. . .MKria Walker ... .i..."...). 300
Matt Hall ' Eliza Hall and Andrew
ISltZbel McCarthy ' John C.l)lcCarthy, Real, 300
Wm, M. Moffett Jakob Greensyralt. ....
.., °1..013)
George Schnuth ' 0. C. sm it h .. - . ....'. -.....- 1,400
Joseph - Weeks - Chauncey -Weets,
test. - annex° •
• 12,00 u
Henry O'Neill.... ...,". ... ChriStopher O'Neill WO
Prestley McDowell... Rlizabeth McD
ell.:. ownli and ).
, liiram )31e140w .. .. q4OOO
W - m..., Elebbautn, .. . . :14. Biebbaum.. .. -..: .. ..... . 50
Peter Riehart..;,..: . Mary Rlchart . . ...... ...:. 1.000
lia - OW Johnston ha ran Johnston • 6,000
Martha Walker • Ma ry Walter • ' 100
John Culbert :Annie Culbert
t 7 11,060
istliba AnmrTrzn TO PuOnATE. i•-
Testate*. , Late O. .. -. Executors.
Joseph Weeks ...Pittsburgh ...... Ex.'r renounced.
John Gerster. ...PloAburgh C. Reiter.
Jacob F. Stra b..Pltteburgh Margaret Btraub.•
Robert ecott. .... Pittsburgh and
Mary lacott.
,f ' - Dawson.' ~, -
Benj. Bruc.e.......ltobitison tp....Ohas. CuWtn. nialtmipgs
- ' and © alt er
Jane Powell., .... :Shaler tp 'Alfred Jones.
... , 'THAT :HAVE war BEEN
The following willii, - which are 'on - file
have not been admitted of record for the
reason that of %hem have never been
~ .
proven and the fees - on some have never
been , paid: A number of.them were filed
during Registerßicbardson's time of office :
Testator. . :- Residence. • • Eeuor. .-
R. H. O'Comri.. :Franklin Tp.... .. M. A. O'Connor..
Elenry_Rayz... ...Reserve Tp.... :..Margaret Raysz.
Win. Headland ...--- --. ----------..
Cath. caunon...:Plotiburgh • James M6Cribe.
Jane Williams,— Allegheny City... Ben,. Williams.
Susan Dodds ...... Pine Tp- . ' 1.... R. McAboy.
John - Jones Peebles Tp .. :.; ; . .0. 'Jones. - -
Jacob Schultze.-Illmulugham ..'...M. Schulas.
Mary Mitchel: .„ .. Buena N'ista. ..... M.Henderson,Br
Robert Verner....Lawrencevlißs....flarah Venter.
Theft; Pavia. ... . :Birmingham ' Jane Davie. 7..
- , R. MagirtCaldwell.. rittaburgh. •;,.Diar A. Watson
gn McNcil.i
J•Biatgort..l;..ROss Tp. &
Jos. Findley Plum Tp . J Martin and J
.7, Pcterssenn:.-:.:Aileghen City D. Peterssenn
nwriaiyer.Fittisburga 1.6 ....C. ii.Prittiviyer.: ,
Isabella , Cooper. itdoClure Tp..• .. :. W • COOPer a :S.
W. Fastoring birminaham J astorlus &
F. Moerich.
C. Pastoring.,.....Birmingbam ..... Chris.Pastorlus.
Ellzb`h Mitcheli.Blrmingham ......f.ehecca.Dickson
David Smith . „.. Allegheny city...J.& W.J.Smith.
Anulli'Farlan.d..Chartters.-Tp ... ..J.• McFarland.
H. Ilynextamp...Pittstntrgh . . '.; .. .Anns AL-noner
J. F. Wolf Allegheny Oity-M. Mentzer.
J. McCracken. •.. 4 llegheny City..J. K. Graham.
J. M. Graff. ...... McCarulless Tp..Margaret Graf.
Martha Chamb's•McCandiess Tp. - „D. AR. Hay. ,
Real Estate Transfers.
' The follOwdnc deedi were filed of • record,
hefore H. ,Snively, -Esq., Recorder, July.
Slat, 1838 • '----' - -
John 'Javens to Robert Wailes. Joie - 18..1 3 0H lot
No. 11 in Harrison's plan. Twent .. t .third ward.
;7Pittsburgh. on Harrison street. b 142 feet ..$350
Samuel 13. Cieley. Sheriff, to John rtoMarch
IT, UM; interest of Joseph Irwin ln a lot Mt Ohio
street, Second ward, Allegheny by 240 feet.
45.0 4)
Mary Duchy to Wu,. Digby. nr., .3. c 2s, Mc; lot on
Itigh:vm street, Mt. Washington, 101 by 210 feet.
WILD bnlldlngs... 4 l 45:00o
F locs i n to Anthony Kuhl. July 27, 185 s: four
lots in It
township. containing 22 acre5...15,85 8
James McCabe to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati a
is Railroad Compant. May2l, INC lot InChar
-tiers township, on line of Railroad, containing Ti
• perches.
George 1.. she's heirs to Wm. LeBlle,December 33,
18t77; tract of land In West Deer 'township. contain.
Dig 52),4 acres I Vl,OOO
George Leslie's heirs to Elizabeth Gray, December
14, 1867; trait. of land In West liter township, rim
tells:Dg_7oa .'m ' • • • $l,OOO
Thomas Mellon to Francis Ivory, M ay 2./.• , 1E68:
in l o t
en Liberty .street at the corner of r actory, N
Ward, Pittsburgh, 30 by 100 feet 84,060.
John A. MKee ta'Andrew Pitativer. June 25.1866:
lot No. 6. I n John A. Mc:Reels plan. Robinson
township ' - • $476.
Alexander Patterson, et. al., to John Anderson,
December:l, 1865 lot No. I._ Patterson's plan,
Sixth Ward. Allegheny, on Market street, ffi by.-
.„_ 100 feet ' - $l,lOO.
Jacob Rush, et. al., to James , May 27,
1668, two tots on Nixon street, Sixth .Ward. Alle
ght , 40 by 143 feet 05,05.
U. sterson to John An September 3,
1667; tott on Market street, nixsb Ward, Allegheny,
a) by 103 feet4l,9oo.
Dominic Gallaher to Ann G allahe r , Aprll 8. 1967: lot
No.l, Mellon's:plan, Keating ally, Seventh Ward,
Pittsburgh, 'ffi feet front, with building • $l.OOO.
The School District of Lower St. Clair townshreeipt. to
Herman Shuler, July 1, 1868; lot on Ormsby st
Lowert3LClair townablit; 50 by 103 feet ...:—.4=
James McGinnis to Mary Magill, July 21, INS: lot on
Henry street, Foutteenth ward, Pittsburgh. 7 '..' by.
= feet _ ..
'lhomas Bourke to Right Rev, M. Dutnenee. Slane 13,
1365; lot on Arthnra street. Seventh ward. Pitts
burgh. 66 by 1.44 feet 43,000
Nathaniel Allen and Lewis Y. Woodson,,lnly 30,
lis6B; lot on Overbill street, Pittsburgh, - 23 byloo
A. IL Palmer to t o wnSc, Ally 30, 1E68; tract-of
landln Wilkinship. containing 3 aercs..s7so
Wm. John' to' William kicCallorl. •J idir 6 , 5 163 ; lot
No. 72. in:Brown's plan, on May street, Lower l o t
Clair township, = by 100 feet - 4 SAM
James L. Craft to Patrick Devlin, February 15, 1849:
two lots on Pennsylvania Avenue. 43 by 1:4 feet
Joseph Finnn• r to Pittsburgh Female College, July
17, 1868; lot on Hancock street. Fourth ward, Pitts
- burgh. 100 by 960 feet $1
Henry Warner to James l'. Knox, July 15, IBM lot
in Sewickley borough, 100 by 422 feet $1.500
Henry Warner to Eliza J. litiox,iJnly 15. HAS; lot In
Sewickley- 103iby 423 feet I , $1.5(0
David Rowland to Carolina Luban, January IG, 1867,
lot on Foxalley. East Birmingham, 'J3 by 03 feet.
6 1 ,E
i - mo ivro Au ss.
Same day twenty t w o mortgagee ware flied. • •
Murderous Assault.
We clip the following from 'the Clarion
Democrat: "Oa Wednesday, the Bth inst.,
a Ivlllain entered the house of Cdr. B. A.
McClosky, (better known as "Barney-Mo
.Cloaky;") in Farmington township, and
alMost killed 'a young .lady, and tried to'
Miithe house. Mrs.'‘McClosky was absent,
visiting her friends in Philadelphia, r and
ion Anna, a sister of , Mr. McCIOSXJ, was
-keeping 'house. While he was at work in
a field, about nine o'clock, A. as., and Miss'
BibClosky in the house alone, a mat with
ayLaxe in his hand mat a knife bible belt,
'entered; and told her if ihe made any noise
while he was,aearching the house he would
kill her: Sbelmmediately hocked the room
dooi, when the robber, finding he could
not frighten ler, struck at her throat three
tithes with a knife. She' pridected herself
'with her hands, which were badly cut. He
then knocked her down with the axe and
While 'she was
door a n d
open the room door searched the house,
but got no money. i Before he left the room
Miss M. became conscionaosnd ra'ont and
screamed, which brought her, b n rother' to
her aid; but before he got into the house
the villain had escaped, - and no clue to his
whereabouts has since been obtained. Miss
bleClosky was severely irduredand . was
delirious 'several days. She Is rider in a
fair way to recover. The affair caused a
great excitemeht,, 'ands large number -of ;
persona went in search of the criminal.
. ( 'Had they caught him, the nearest tree
would have served for his gallows. About
a week ago three men called at the same
house and compelled Miss McOloaky—whe
was also then alone—to get thorn dinner.
Bherecognized the man who came, ...t be last
time ,as being one of those who had been
there befure. ,l • .-
"This Ia one o f the greatest outrages that
ever occurred in thia county. and we hope
he perpetrator will be brought to, justice.
tile r
, . .._
Railroad Accident ...:, A. 'Passenger' Train
Wreeleed--T- Injured.
:Xesterday morning . , e Pittsburg Fort
Wayne •St Chicagoe4 .ress train which
leavis here at 9:40, wl. e running at the
usual rate of spead, : , thrown from the
• 1
track at Birmingha , ; station, about six
miles below the city. . lie accident is-sup
posed to,have ,111449 n ed •by the placing
[ of some large-spikes ',the' track by seve
ral boys who were eed play i ng in the
, .
" .
ni r
vicinity just before t: tritinica' me along.
The locomotive road" ir4l e against the
hillside and,vras completely ticked.`_ ' The
baggage and i l passengt4ca were thrown
off: on he oppositoi'Occe of , thepack,
' making narrow I ra —from going
over the embarOcin 1,1 nto the river,
and being' damaged ,7ii, considerable ex
tent by the „crushing tpgether The train
was pretty, well' filledavitkpassengers, but
fortunately none werepwand but one or
two injured. , TIM enganger,-Mr. William
Tabor, had his - "righti arm fractured, and
suffered other painful injuries, though none:
of them were of a fatat character. He was, -
conveyed, to his reside ce on Franklin
street,,Sixth Ward, A”eg enY; where he Is
receiving proper medical' ttention. Among
the passengers, one had is hand cut by a
piece of glass in a broke window, and an
other was slightly brni about,the head
e :f.
and ,on other parts of his body,
but Aileither of, then are - dangerous.
The ten o'clock accommodation train from
Allegheny, arrived at the cane of the acci
dent a short time a ft er i , d occurred, and
conveyed the : people and baggage back to
the depot, from whence Most,of them took
jourwo c. T he ai and proceeded on their
ney. , track is temporarily ob
-1 striated by the wreck, but vigorous efforts
• are being made to clear it off, and it will be
ready for use to-day. -
.Dillengei AI Stevenson.
We elsewhere present to our readers in
town and cbnntry the business card of this
. .
Well established, well known and extensive
Commission'and Forwarding House. They
are largely engaged •is the factorage of
flour, grain and other produce. Our coun
try Mends having occasion to try the Pitts
burgh market would do well to avail them=
selves of the oxperience and business tact
of commission merchants wa indulgent, ac
tive and-faithful as Dillencer do Stevenson.
They are constantly advised bytheir oOries 4
pondents of the state androsperity of all
the markets East, West and North.. Their
ample`capital-enables them to make libel'
idvanees on .consignments when reqdlted.
This, firm has also in store a fine stockof
the best brands of brandy, wines and other
liquors, of guaranteed purity.' We adVise
our readers to touch not, taste not, handle
not, these beverages—but as we know some
of them will not heed this advice, the,nelq
best thing is to use only the best qualities,
such as may be found at Dillinger SteVen
son's, No. 87 Second street, Pittsburgh.
The Peoples' Saving Bank. I
• Our readers will be interested with the
official statement of the financial condition
of this recently crganized , tiavings ba k.
The amount of paid-ap capital and of d‘
posits and of accumulated interest and Pre
miums demonstrate clearly that the Msti
tution is not only, a safe depository of the.
savings of the people, but that 'its ninths
are sp managed that every dollar deposited
will surely earn for its owner a liberal in
terest. This bank is further and speciall
commended to popular confidence and favo
in the excellent character, business experi
ence and well-known integrity of its Presi
dent, Vice President, Treasurer 'and Board
of Trustees, any of whom would be a"capa-
I ble and reliable executor of any trust, 00w
ever delicate or extensive.
The iron City College.
recently had; - an , opportunity of
testing the merits of this - institution, we
take pleSsurp in recommending it to all de",
shorts of obtainingn practical business edri
cation. The concluding part of the course
called the Actual ,Bt4B/
the histor 21,65.4 department is
the Crowning effort in y of Busi
ness Colleges ;•it is all and much more than
it has been represented to be, as any-one
will readily learn upon-trial: We advise'
all young men who desire to obtain a busi
ness education to go to Iron City College.
We speak from experience, when we say it
is cheap, thorough and practical—M - ion
Mr. T. T. ,Ewens, Plumber,
Steam Fitter, at No. 165 Wood street, has
on hand at ,his establishment an excellent
assortment of pumps, prominent among
which we observed a patent ale phmp
which readily commends itself. He also
keeps a full assortment of gas fixtures,
which will be Sold at reasonable prices:
Mr. Ewens is a practical workman and
gives special attention to steam- fitting and
we cheerfy the public to his
establishment. r
attention b is ¢I en
to work in the country by Mr. Ewens,
and as Mt employs the most„,comPetent
workmen our !trends, ,everywhere who
entrust work to him will have no cause to
regrit'it:. His prices are reationablei -
lionsskeppers 'generally will find it to
thelVidvantage to Original Dia
mond Front Grocery. No; 1174 Federal street,
Allegheny, where they will find one of the
largest ` and best selected stocks of _pure
teas, coffees, spices, etc., embiacing a coin
plet, ° assortmentMcß r ide .fam.MY gro—
ceries:, liesirs. MBde et George,. the
proprietors, are careful In making the pur
amm toe n b d u , y
a n n o d t " hn wh ..b e u t t e
w el h s a h itheri
city can , , a better selection of ...goods be
found at more reasonable_ prices.-
If the heated term-is over, the deMand
for ice cream and summer refreshments
still'continues as great wi ever Eked go,
wherein the city _will be found a 'better ar
ticle, served up in cleaner -style, than at
the first bless saloon of P,ll. ISl:Gnire, No.
105 Fifth street. Ladies and gentlemen
will alai) find there a, splendid assortment
of confectionery and ( sweet-meats. Meals
are served up at all.houre at the most rea
sonable prices. • ,
. _
Holtzheimerls Dining Saloan, for ladies
and gentleman; is one of then:lost popular
places of its character in the ci y. t Meals
are ; served in' the very . best style at all
hours, and the tables are always filled with
the luxileles of the season, ands competent
corps of. cooks and attendants . always
on hand, who - take -pr ide - and pleasurditi
waiting on customers , . The Continent
stral is
one door below the Pcostofficei Fifth eet,
ice Cream.---Puriag the -okst few.--WeelLs
theamouird of this article consumed in this
city_ 31'001 astonish a New Ye a + dair y
man. .The first ohms trade is 1 ly tno.
nopolized by. &Venire, • NO. 05 Mt.
street, whose icieream-saloon is one of the
coolest and moat . i
at t thehe cityt.j
bleale are served at all hours mos
reasonable prices.
'The Contintatialr-4(oltzhefitteriat•Conti
nental Saloon, Fifth street, one door west of.
the Postoillee i tl3 one of the best Atrniiit aa
lcxms '-fd 'the- eltv. lisaae:Stensive
exPerieneW/a cats rer v aid glyelLthcinast.
ter his enttie attention, and th% result is
that'hiSielctensige and onnfortable rooms
are filledwith enstomersat all times. '
riiiure, there, is some Fonder in this hand.:
lierolueffu-said-Desdemoinc- Vsucittifittilt
B - h ;tad lrthetig.elilarOf Ailkldidet ; 0, t exquisite perfume. for. Ale
handkerchief, msaulithelarelr by O r
Wooliwerth it Sop, itocbelltert A..
. ,
"'it 1 AV. Moortieid; No. 81 MarCet street,
ittoldprlng an xasgant.sto6k4Vtootbi taint
tl s,
mars at alearattce Pdcall *Am=
a11.• , t a :WS liteled;.or.l4o. gOOdliti
1 11 0 2 0*:( 4 4elia" - an d- 'IIPRI aI !TETI -,
'awn of straw goods.
The Weed Idaehine , s'..,
127 Webster street.
.cor.. Webster and
95 Webster street.
,Webster and Rob-
M. Herr
James Jordon
• Mercer streets.
P. Smoker
J. W. Lewis
erts streets, P.N R. R. •
M. Patton 18 Townsend street,
J. O'Brien 46 Union alley.
E. Kelly , -• 96 Washington St.
E R Lotz .. ............ 39 Rand street.
J. E. Wolff • Duquesne and Han
cock streets. 3.
T. 'Craig. . ......... . ...... ~.Craft Av., Oakland.
J. Barton, Esq LI
A. A. Gamble
J. Gray ...... .1 ................Register and Oak
land street.
M. Hamilton .... . ... . ...... 'Wilkinsburg.
W. Hs DeVOre, 'Under
taker . ...... . .............. .164 Grant street and
East Liberty.
D. E. Boma_
J..H. Morris.
J. Beecher..
J. Worniesly
,W. H. Green
S, Hazlett.
J. M.Penks.
8. Wiltiams
J. A.:lTower.,
M. *Gonnigle
T. S.';smith
J. 0x1ey.:..: . ...
W. A. Erb 150 Jackson greet.
-.1. P. McHenry 217 "
Mrs. Hunter 217 "
T. Herd ' .211
J. G.slagher; 126
'D. , Rees 136 Canal , street.
MTS. J. Scott 136 " •
IS. A. Purviance ......... _Washington street
and Cedar avenue.
1 Mrs. - Jamison
T. B. Wilson
' ja,LEGfrENY.
.. ...11 Boyle street.
M. Wentml. 2. doors froin Lee's, I
Church street.
J. M. I.r . win,Preab. Ban
ner • Ewalt street.
L. Wilson -'Butler street.
M. S. Kerr Chmtnut street.
C. Sultzbanghßdtlsr street.
M. J. Reese .Tike street.
E. Trufitt COvington street.
T. M. Thomas Liberty street.
E. G. Adlington Chestnut and .But
ler street.
J. Brown
J.. D. Morrell •
J. Caron:aka
W. Britenstein
J. B.
Capt. J. E. Gordon,,.
1.. 'Courtney
BttrneWs Celebrated Standard Prepare.,
tions.—lt is affirmed by, druggists that
Burnett's Preparations are without a par : :
tdlel for the elegance of their appearance
and the scientific nature of their composi
tion. To our readers we_ would recom
mend them as being fully worthy of their
great reputation. The Cocosine is not only
an elegant article in hair dressing, but a
complete eradicator.of dandruff and cure
for baldness. I Burnett t Co. are also the
manufacturers of a list of flavoring extracts
for culinary purposes which for power,
combined with purity are unequaled.—
Montreal Transcript. T.T.S.W.
The best and Original Tonic oflron, 171013-
phorus and Cans' aya, known :as. Caswell,
Mack at Co's Ferro Phoipborated Elixir of
Calisaya, Bark. "'The Iron restores color to
the blood, the Phosphorus renews waste of.
the nerve tissue; and the Carsaya Fives*
naturall healthful tone to the digestive or.
Bans, thereby curing dyspepsia in its va t
rioukforras, Wakefulqss,Creneral 'Debility
and Depression of Spirits. Manufactured
only by Caswell., Hazard Co., New York.
Sold - by all druggists. I a
A complete stock of stationery, embrac4
ifig all the various styles'of plain and fancy
notepaper, foobmp and letter paper; ask),
every variety of envelopes pens, pencils,
etc., , ore kept at the well known establish
ment of Col. J. •D. Eagan, Sixth street,
near Smithfield, and • will be sold upon
the most liberal terms.
Scientific and Literary books, and works
on art are selling at half price at Col. L. D.
Eagans, as are also Sabbath school litraEy
books. Cash' paid for second hand books,
novels, magazines, dtc. - •
All the late magzaines and illustrated
papers will be found on the counter, of. this
establishment. j
• Livingston & Co. would announce to the
Hardware trs - ile that they are the sole man
ufacturers of he well known Drum's Pat
ent Shutter Hinge and Sash .Palley. The
trade will find this Hinge and Polley the
bestin the market. All orders addressed
to them through Pittsburgh PostofficeDot
226 promptly attended to.
Intelligence Offices are one of trei great
est conveniences of the age, as will be
fully demonstrated by calling on' ColoneL
J. 'D. Egan, Sixth street, near Smithfield,
who has recently embarked in the business.
Persond in search of ernploymeni will do
well to give him a call.
Mcßride" & George atNO the original Federal Grocery,
street, Allegheny, keep a full supply of
family groceries and provisions. Give them•
a call, all you that are keeping house and
claim to econonalse.
Bates ••• . Fifth street, is the
ladies emParluin of fast).- • It is to Pitts
burgh what Stewart's is : to Ne ork. The
quality of, the goodesold at this establish
ment are such as to concunendAhs house to
aII pnrehasers. .
Bosteripf every'deseription is embraced
in the immense stock of goods now opening
at W. W. Mobrhead'a iashionable retail
trimming store, No. 81 Market street.
Sweetmeats and general , oonfedtioneu i n
admirable selection and'astmrtment can PO
where else better be obtained than at P. H.
McGaire'S, No:105 Fifth street.
5,000 Tare and valuahlittts are. 4 "frer .
ed for sale at Eastep pricei at Col. J. D.
Itakan's well known Book andtionery .
store, Sixth stree4near Smithfi.
are. ChaSce.--We would (=lithe a ten
ticirt of parties :- wishing - to engage - hi the
plumbing and gas-titling butnew to an
advertisement in to.dafs paper.
Ne:ti iiihh street is the place where ark
immense - stook of 'dresi Roods, and every
variety of dry goods, is offered to the pub
- at such reasonablepricei. •
lio ai
Mikeness of,Grant.t-Pull-sfsed portrait of.
Grant, on, colored card begird, the beet and;
cheapest likeness . to be had, for twenty-five,
,cents, at Igo. 84 Fifth street. - diNV
-Hair; - 7 - • '
r -fir i
No better place for eith 'U er than at the finely
tarnished apartmenta.of
No. 190 r
Federal steet,..Allegtieul;.; , • s
• Thai. is a splendid sip* of Dross Goodg
just opened at Bates $" Bell's, No. 21 FU a
and see theln.- - •
Th‘e place to get White Lime, ,CalMn 69ll
MC Lime
St !D.''' . IL
Eeker's, 161 First street.
Gothic ,and Flab} OhlmmoTops, brain
Pipe r ullud, at 1);'!t' Eckor '•> 197
briaiclaY -
~lled at : D ' B. Bakens, 167 First,
Say Molar amll3lalr lir Alabama. ,
(By Telegriph to the Plttshura Erazette.l
SELMA, ALA. July 30 The Seynio
and Blair mass meeting of the ,people of
Bibb, Shelly and Jefferson counties at
Montavela to-day was a grand success..l
Able speeches were made by Ex-Governor
A. B. Moore. General John T. Morg,an,
Hon. Samuel F. Rice, Hon. Alex. White,
Hon. G. D. Ilartridge and others. liesolui
tions ratifying the National platformand.
nominations were unanimously adopted.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette...l .
NEW ORLRAVS, July 31.—Cotton -dull;
middlings nominally Sc. 2 'Sterling Ex - ;
change unchanged. New York Sight Bic
change premium. sugar and Mobilises
dull and nominally unchanged. Corn
quiet at 90a91c. Oats drooping at 70c. Nal
scarce at 22c. Pork firm at $3O; asking , ' ')
higher. Bacon quiet; Shoulderni3s.;a l3 } 4o ; ,
clear Sides 17a17y0. Lard nominal at 184
for tierce and 19c for keg; holders asking
higher. _
Buffalo Alarket.
Eurrt`aLo, July 31.—Flour infair demand-4
for spring at $5,75a9,60. Wheat is tam
sales small; No. 1 Milwaukee At $.1,98, and
.at the close at $2. Corn firm ana a good
inquiry for sound, which is scarce;- sales 9f ;
6,000 bus mixed western at $1,01; No. 1
held at $1,02 and over; sales of 20.000 bts
No. 1, seller, part August/At-41,05. Oa*
inactive but higher; sales of oar lots at .q.
Rye is nominal. Barley, sales 160 bus df.
new State at $1,30; old nominal., r
`4 _
tt • i
102 Craig street.
39 Union -Avenue
3 Water alley.
57 Pitt alley.
.near ' Sharpaburg
:Fleming i Station7
LONG,.Agent, -
140..112 , Grant street
New Orleans Market 4
LaMarlite Market. 7 • 1,
LOUISVILLE, July 31.—Sal es-66 hbds toa-
backo lugs at *7,75a9,75, and &Sipping le ft.•
at $1,50a18,75. Corn,f 95e. egg—New, 4.5 it
Eke. Wheat, 51,854. Rye. 1#1,25. Flour---,..di 1
Soperfine 66,25a6,50; family band, 510,5?
Detroit Market.
DETROIT July Sl.—Floui, choice brand s
of new Wheatt were offered at sll,ooa W ll, s t
for white and 110,50 for Amber heat
brands. Wheat steady at 12,25 for whit
and $2,08a2,10 for Amber. , •
St. Louts Cattle Market.
Sr. Lthris, July 30.—Cattle are in $OO4l
supply with a fair demand at $2,75a0,71 , „f 0;
inferior to choice. Sheep and - Lambs aro
unchanged.-. •
Permanent Cure for Catarrh.—DruggbA
sell immense quantities of 'taus valuabr.
medicine. It is prepared by Dr: Kennedy,
of Auburn, N. Y., and gives entire relie'. '
from that distressing disease. Dema
Barnes ct Co., Sole Agents:. DAvt,
Pure Fruit Syrups, YU: Pine Apple.
Orange, Strawberry, ,tlCaspberry,
betty, Sarsaparilla, Lepon and , Rsspberry
Vinegar, at the lowest prices at 112 Federarz
street, Allegheny city.
iy2s:lw ,GEOBGE itnitv.E.N.
ItI'I3DLE-At Toledo, Ohio. on Thursday, Jai:
30 - 4101 S. of concretion. FR4.3ICIS, intent son
Robert Riddle, sge'd Veen months and three dark
The friends of the family are respectfully invitek -
toattend the funeral from ti 0 . 175 South Avery:ail,
Allegheny. on SATHUDAT, August Ist, at 2 r.. W. 4, 7. .
. tiILL.-On eriday, July 31st, 1865. at 9 o'cic4f
A. st., hfrs..MARGARET, wife of James .9..11 .
in the *lst year of her age. • . -P" ~, :( '
The funeral will take place from the residenced,
her husband, on Penn street, in the old 9th Ward'' ~.
on flannAvir, August 21d, at 9 IS"clo:k A. ail, to pri ••''.
teed to Lebanon Grave Yard, in Mifflin toWnshig • '
The friends of the family are all respectfully invite,
es attend: , .
RUSSELL.-On'Priday, Julf__3lst, at 3l • ,
A. 31 , JOHN 11.. bon of W. E. and Rate" :
Russell, In the 3d year of his age.
'' The funeral will take place from the residence ...t.
his parents, No, 130•Sandnakir .streeti , flilleghenil
'idle isouNl:cd, at 10 o'clock. The frieirds of the
~ ,
family are respectfully invited tcrattend.• -- . A
t '
RAINES.-On Thursday evenitig, • Jdly 30th, ...
10 o'clock. CH aRL4S. lcungeaV boa °/. "bn R.
I. and Elizabeth Haines, aged 9 years, 11. months anM.
93 days._
The funeral will take place from ; the residence O , r
his parents, Carson street, South Pittsburgh, atlet •
o'clock THIS-HOUIVING• The friends of the familyi...,• ~.7.
... •
are respectfully invited to attend.
HAUDENSCHIELLO.--012 Friday. July
123 i o'CIOCIV.A.3I.,SdhItiEI... IIAULtEhIe
I.3glKil lst, ,
in the 79th tear of his age '
,_, .
The faneralwlllfake Plate from h is late realdenity , ~.'1
on the new Washington ternpike, in Scott town-.
ship, on scrsDAT, August 'l6‘.llt 3r. x. JfAeu4s. - -,---
of the faintly are invited to attend. r. •• :,„
MeKEE -Friday morning', at '7 e:.elock, FLORA-
1 IeSTELLA, infant daughter of William and Nancy ...1 .
McKee. • 1_ Vl'
Funeral from the residence of its parents;:nesi -
the toll-gate, ate, Frantstown road, THIS Arram.Noos,
at 3 o'clock. Carriages will leave Tatman I 84- ,
eon's at 1% o'cloc k .
-- ","
No. 1t36 FOIIRTHMEET, Pittsburgh, I.
C INS of all, kinds, CHAPE.S, 4ILOPE'S, and e
ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods Ici -
Dished. Rooms open day sud night. Hearse a
Carriages furnished.
• Itsysulscir.e—Rov. Drorid Berr,.D. D., Rev.ii
W. Jacobus, D. p., itiou!sat gq
zwing,(E., Jacob '.
Miller, Rio ..
Allegheny City• where their Cat FIN • ROOl4B I I
Constantly supplied with real and. imitation Rollo
wood, Ma y and Wahmt comas. at noose va-
rying groin Srit to 41.00. Bodies preparefifor inter
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished: also. alk.
Inds et Mourning GoodS, if required. grace ogeX
at all Mount. day and nigh.:
. . _
TAKER AND EMBALMER, lio. 45 , 01 M,
KT, Allegh eny, • and ( No. SW, DLLMONgs
13QUARM, (by John Wilson i• Bros.o keeps aiwszrt „ -:
on hands the best Metal, Rosewood,. Walnut gat
imitation Itosewood•Colans. Walnut Collins Ma t .
wanpwards. Rosewood Coking $2O upwards. a
other comps I proportion. Carriages and Rome(
furnished at low rates. Crape.
_4:Roves Plate kat
Engraving furnished gratis. Mice °air daY rou ..7.
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GE' uFiE
156 ring , wrzErr.
sPEING, Gown,
Aeast..„to s GLASS XLESMELANT Tiara&
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jUST, iiPlCiWs .;
ITENRY G. 11.A.T.X'13;:
I' oilier o Penn and St . streot
P "* . - THE.II-41631Ci Olf 0118
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(firemen's pliiii g
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. &Ye room for PALL GOOPCI
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