I / - I 1 : lIIME w 0 d EN CITY COI.TNCILS. Adjourned Meeting—Report of the Appor. tionmenf;committee—Other Itustneam. An adjourned meeting .ofiCity Counci:s was held at wop m., 'yesterdtty, for the purpose of takipg action on the report of the 'rnitfeeappointed-to make the, appor -;-j:„/-tionment. erapresentation in Common P 4 Council. ' - • • .• - ; - serr.cr couricm. Imesent: Mesers. Cochrane, Coffin, Coyle,- - IMckson,. Dunn, Gallaher, Gross; Jones, Keliew., I,;aufretan. ...Morrow, I SP,EWen,ltafferty, t . ." . " • Re, 'FihiptAni; On motion of` M MorroW, Mr. Gross wile tothirekair: , - _ N''' On motion of Mr. Morrow, the reading of the minutes of tke preceeding meeting was _ 4lsPensed with. The Chairman stated that. Councils had • met for the milk* of takiiig actiop,Onthe 'f,p report of the .ii•pptortionment'Committee., - but as that'relaVt•Would first be presented . in: Common Munoil, Council was there -1 fore ready to take 'up any othet , - • ness that Might be breiught 'before it. - • • mr. Gialaheerneved that ' 'seen eider its action oittlie ordinaries regtlating afielgaughig Of oil, and •stibtaitting.tietate _ showingthat the isceipts of the-of/tee :.at the ratew , aliciwed• by the oidinande would not pay the eaienses of the ganger.' A, Aftr considerable di scussion the motion ) was adopted. .• Mr. Shipton moved to' recommit the ordi-„ ,xiarice r with instructions to report a general tirdinanoe relating to the matter.' TheiarßendMent.wasadopted. -7 , M. Jones presented/ a-petition:from the Citizens of the Thirteenthward asking tbr cinder. walk on Centre avenue, in said ward, acesmpanted t• by; aii`ordithince pro- vlding ferhhecxem,trtietipq of the same. .„,.• _ , ......; . -, 4 aa Jammu was •'received and the ordia •-ininct:fradoPOdi and on motion the Miles Were suapendect end the : ordinance Passed anallY. - '.• ... •• ;1' ... ,• , ~- ..-•:....... The report of th e- portionment Com mittee havloe, l opteit in:Common Council W:iiii t 'en Mk _up,- and.recid; and ni tiOtiori; . 1 4dIalkdr, 1 3- U Concurred idtili ., Porninor'' Council. ' The" , ordi n ance iLting- the •ntiitibei`lif" Cottnellinen in Rat* ward, which was passed finally in CoMmen 17oundl, was, • next tak -- eii7up and,.Select . :Newell: eonanired• in ;the action "of "COm-, '. • .ten Conned: ` - -- • - - • • :' , , • .• On motion of Mi.' tialleher, the' tenirol.! l er waS tuitheilied'ta certify a 'warriint On • ' be treasurin for the of the: asses ,. bra kir•extra labor and•expense in making die assessment. - - • ' - - •• ' • AKA 'Gallaher: moved "that . Councils re ionsider ihiectlon on -a resolution author. . ' Ming the I omistrudtion of itatiiin shetses6: The Motion was adopted. n - ' ~..• ....' _. : : • • Mr. Shipton moved that the resoletionbe * ' wended so :that: the Coitimittee on City • ''Voperty be required to - report plena and • - ' .• oecitications, and:cost: of construction of • • 7 0d,station houses at the next meeting of enncils. • The notion Was-adopted.- • T M*. McKibben, submitted a • 'resolution ,• : kith risiti,g. • s he construction of a station • Lite i n the Ttverity-third ward. Referred '•to . mitteebn erty PronertY. • • .liir.• Kehew• - "lninititted, a remonstrance 1 4 • irdist the grading end-paving of Duncan •./..., irreet. Referred to the Street, Committee. • ' , ,03. r. MeClinteck, e ;petition . for the gra-. ~ • -: ng anCipayinor Harrison street. • Re - , , • - "I• red to _Street Committee...• ••• : •-• • ! : ,nuaterims peon-common COUNCIL. ' .•,., •.• -!. -.The following intsiness acted upon in C. • •-:,` :i ; at a Pr.evjoturVeatingi Was then' token 1 ,' '•'.: An ordinanceibr opening Ewalt street; ..-' • : C. C. referred back to Committee. S. S.C. • Oneurinci.:;7, 1. - :',.. -,,-. “: - ,- s • , n ordinance ;fixing place of holding .. -I e on _ inthe Twentieth ward, adopted ni • - '•'.:l C. C.- Jci1y27,41 ht; C.:Concurred. - itesi : 1 t Ordinancegietiling priVileges to Western *-: ••,, Union -Telegraph-,tooPassed in •C. C. - "I 0 July 27. S. C . oenciur . ed. • J • • ' -• • '4 Clrdinmioe".•provtding for the opening of •-.; Davidson street. , Passed in C. O. July 27. •••:.8 0 4"yonentredv - .=q:•-, • • • " .L. :' • •• • • i 1 - - Resoltitlon - - velative to a city park the • i Point. In C. C. referred to Park Comonia % skin, July 27. • - S.' C. concurred.' . • '.. :I Ordinance providing for macedatniting, ilarliglitir avenue. Adopted in C.C. July 27..; • in U. 0. amended so as to require the ex-,- •:' pongee • to.he esSessed upon the property , , butting._ • • -. • Council adjourned. , • • " 1•• --, .• . ~. ,Venunou Council.; •-• ' • . , .. , Present: Messrs. All1h;-...,,rn, Barton; Fide l : -, -• • • •lor - , - Berger, - Beggs;Priish, cakby, Carroll,' :: • • • ••mith, Dravo; -Davis, Nitzlinttione, ...Friday, . ••?Lettiphill, Keiron, Ilillerman, Jeremy, ' seiner,, Mawhieney,- Myer,• McClean& .' mer; Rebtoan, . Reed, :Reynolds, Rose.' 1, Scott, A.;; Sims, Torley;"Torrens,-, Vert , .. ' : Tick, Weldon, Welsh, 'Earn,: Tomlin.' Wail , • • ' ". • - ,•-,, :,, •fa reading of theQtainutes was : dhi- •: ..,ied with,-otr motion ‘llii: Rebinatt.• -• • -.:• Mr. Brush„ Chairman of the" Comtutittee , • - iorredeive returns of the 'Assessor; .dr:j42i 3 .ifferent wards of; be resident. tarsi:nes, • •.;...- kid thereon., Make iipportionment - of morn ' , ; •ers -• of Coin Men ~ pmticil,,: presented . te r :•r.ort_ ,of Whiekgiks following is a summary:,- 1-:•: - fr. i -., t-- , ~.7....64, , ,...0 TA. . , . :,-..... .... ... , ..4::.-.......„:„. ',LOS ..' .., ~,', 3 ...,: , ?Zi11 ...... . ..,._....... ... ~ ..' .1,m2 , . ...th. , .... - : , .. , .....,..,:.4.. - ..::.: , :.:: sw i ,--,- J.7,-.3 .. i '' .. d .31 .; 4 " . .. 4. ;---••• .. to. - . ~ 6,428 :B', ....-; at' 4.;..... , .. ... .... .. 4087 - '-a 5. Foremb• i 638. ' •• • 5 .. lurt teenibOutb ...... .... ......". . ... 1.120 V 5 - 4 . ~ 2. ~,S tt.r ~.. I,mo SSA oi _venteenth 816,. .i ..: a>d fghteenth WO . 7 .' 10eteenth .. 422 ut ' 2 '. wentieth '4lO 1 . , :Nty-treat - 8 , 5 r.,Wesity-seoond , - V 6-,•• ..* *...? ,freaty.42114........, ' • ' 234. - 2` , 4' 1 --.—. • 01 19 , 6 e 4 .ese The report was accepted: • In connection with ttafrepOrrg.W:Bnish nted an l oidifiticirlixffg - the repro . titation in Council in accordance with the PP , Ttisrlinebt.r , c": 12.: '.•-• ..eu?..mawhintiey,"of mini ward, said - the ' Minor of hid district,,owing to al miann •:‘erstanding, had not - made-a ..proper re .3rhof taxables, having omitted miens and ^;' 'matte taxables. He, therefore! moved, oh as the„number 'of -,; tax:Mice; and ficm tlie'Sixth ward*ds but four . .• e bort of thaterequired to entitle it to lee nrraPtl:laevr,: la edettuPtl:44=dl'l gthe district an additional member.: • .„,.Iy., A. Scott, from the Seventeenth ward,' - -:- roitheir Assessor had made a like milt .;i,lte,and inpved-an additional member be ... , of them: .-- , ,-, -•--- '- ----- -- ':7J. , • Mr:Herrom Crt Thirteenth ward; moved - at la additional member be allowed his. • .for-theleatne:tesigne4l,tot -, rmembers of the Sixth and Seventeenth. . The 'motions were not I entertained, not ing iteconded. mid the Intlinatide as re . Xteit was adopted, the rules .having;been N*t:ded._ i , m.2:fist' offenxt_ther following: • .'- , -4 - .'lleagued; - That the-City Cnittiolleitidetird ? is hereby authorized to issue hisirtifi ts on the Mayor fora warrant in or. of •...rti#64lerfkMAS:Co..for litia fake ' A e same to appropriation No. 18, ... ngent Pand. - - - - - resolution itaitedll 0 ,)4!.ri r. Zernpreseuivia,Pet4lNlNAkluffthat Ma for holding elecilons in the Teeth Li bugq4AptiltYalging 114elthilli ° , u N S tftivi r b a of n mcOatabridg, Xertatied/ 4 J 9 o nAtioß4 ‘• a^ ociba , ""°' Alia ~„., ~, t 4. ff- --- 2 IKIII- the t Yl tr e• 1 QC r.,' 3 :1 1 r din.l kr , . 4 At; LI,,L! . - P• Jeremy and Hemphill obje c t a d.. 4rdinanclaisdthaver. , --T - ' , l‘ , ' r —, s7f 7,Cleane offered the follow , fjoßy.' , liheliSeiticitalid .I.Weit ,• ,dl.. 'c As?: PM 3E32 stoneien - oil:111 , 4,TO 0. the propeity of Alex.; H. Miller, - Esq ., on Ventre avenue, Thir teenth ward,. be permitted to remain as now - located •until such • time as - public" ne cessity And Convenience shall • require said wall or stone fence to be removed. , Mr. Reed moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost. • ' • - The resolution was then adopted.. S. C. non -concurred. ' Mr. Weldon offered a petition. for. water - .:pipe on Kirkpatrick street. Referred to Water Committee. .) ..i Also,- a petition • for sewer on Diamond alley from fEimithfield to Wood street. Re ferred to. Street CoMmittee. • - _ Also, bills of J. -T. 'Kincaid for '44,67, Fackiner ti , Irwin for $l2 and Sam u e l Cooper for ' 11l A resolution ordering, warrants was adopted. • .. • Mr..,zAtilborn offered a resolution from nutnerons citizens against the widening of Grsburg turnpike. Referred to Street • COm Ittee. . Eat I Mr Turley .prettented . a petition for the opening of• Liberty .Avenue from •Wilacin street to Centre Avenue, to the Vidth.sOf ' eighty feet, with an, ordinance authorizing the opening and grading of the same. .'• The ordinance was read three-times and passed, the rules having been suspended. S. C. concurred. _ . Mr. Caskey presenteda petition for water pipe on Vickroy and Chestnut streets. - Re ferred to Water COlnthittee. • " - Mr. Herron presented petitions for water pipe On Reedand Miner streeti3.• :Referred to Water Committee.' ~ •„ _. ' . '' Mr. Ciripli, a -petition for th e grading and paving of Denny's alley, from Tnnnell to. Chatham.street. Referred to the Street Committee. ; ••.• : • • Mr: Torley, the following; : , •';. ,; . • Resolv4d, That the Controllerlae ,Isreby authorized to certifyi . for warrants •on ap propriation .No. 13, Contingent Fund.) in favor of the Inrsons who have ,made the enrollment of resident taxables in each Werd, the smother of days each, person.was employed 'in rnakini -P,ad enumeration, to be certified underpa h. - . . " • Read three times and Passed. - 5..C...00n. , carrell. Mr. Terleyeffered the folloWing ::•'-` , • - Regoived; ;That • the Superintendent of Water Works be instructed, to have a fire ping placed ; on _ the - corner" of WYllsi,and Fifth streets. . • • Referred to Water Committee. Not acted on in-B.C. - . • „" - —ln all busineas not otherwise notedtka' S. C. concurred. • ._, : The_following- from Select Council was concurred in:`„..• .. ' -- -'oidinatice &flawing an” iron clad build ing for Hussey, Wells & Co. - Referred' to Committee' on WOOdan Buildings with'pow er: tO alit: :t ' 1 - • I Report of Committee . on Gass' Lighting ordering erection of gas lamps. • Adopted ,- . Remonstranee against ordinatioe, for: Fourth' Street se wer. Referred to Street Committee., '• - ' - . 1, • Petition for gTading aridpiVinic an alley in the Seventh ward. Referred to Com mittee on. Streets: • ' • , ,• - Report from Committee on Roads fixing salary of clerk at $1;20(1 - per annum. Ap proved .- - - Remonstrance against:noel:king orWasii iltrou • street. Referred' to Street Com ee. Resolution requesting • correspondence - with' the Secretary .Of War relative to re moval of Allegheny Arsenal*: Riferied to Co,mmittee on City Park. - - Remonstrance against Ordinance ler the grading and Paving of. Enoth'street, Re ferred to Street Committee,: Petition for water' pipe on 'Gist' street: Referred to Water Cemmittee. , • Petition for grading. of Spring alley from Morton Clymer. Referred to Street Com mittee Ordinance locating the Greensbikrg pike. Adopted finally. - Remonstrance against the construction of a sewer on Pennsylvania avenue. Re , ferred to Street Committee. Ordinande appropria tion for a Hook and ladder Company., Referred to Ordinidice Committed. • . Ordimmoe foi l. cinder Walk on ' Centre avenue, from kpatrick street to !diners. _vine." Adopted. - Communication from t h e Board of Health relative to the establishing of a City ,Hoe. RcAlrie4 I,9 : o4 o:wialttPe on City Property Ordineeei3 relative toganging oill'rePOrteti • 'by Ordinance Counitittee. Recommitted with instructions US report a general ,ordi nance Petition l'rcim:Pituditirgli and. Allegheny ;Bridge Company relative to enlargement of side walk. Referred to Committee ,on Stieetsivitfi'power td act: Resolution. directing - the sewer on Mil. tenbei.,rer street not to be contracted for. - Adopted. Petition for rePeal of ordinance, pa:ssed June 27th,, 1 8 68, authorizing the construe. tion-of sewer - on Miltenberger :drat,.:Ac. , .eepted. - Ordloanee for grading 'and macadarnizing` Laritiler'ivvenue. ,Amended and;adopted: ' Petitibn for.Statienlioriieln the Twenty* thitd'Avard. . Referred to Committee on- itY Propertyocith instrtiotions to report - theprobable cost of,. anct plans and speuifi- , .. iuttippe for bealliega and timber necea• Petition for Opening ibirrisoit streei. Re ferred,Ao Committee on Streets. :fn.. !-. Reirtsuistittaceligiliist;grading Huncan Street.' -Referred tp StreetCottuaisttee. ,•;.A Boitßitttoncof tbe.,prelient day that are "pu • ~ niftyffed through .the newspapers as having great,. curative - propertits are compounds and baae traposittone, somata. l ink no Otedietnid Virtues - whatever. and area , really *Of/sol7o''Whia,kflbever I nstlad L Oraatiak aa.te Wean/wit, Un4 'tave a tendefitytoivealcen3hastornaeb rirely destroying the coatfriUhepublic • oulcl therefore be verrciaiti4s pus age none but Robaekeet -irgter which! hat% stood the' - test 'all it 2 ,terdedial agent' T9 l- 6311 w,Y: /..ararakd, Oa" really as namer bittersarat, nog beljentoe: They c comtilne the PrOix3r7 flea of the best tonic and a stirnalant—it' itutativean eftleienttuffhitti-bilidna agent and the best gonoselde ki3oW4 to thatverld, and ;when l akerCia,Ooijinnetiati,With BO*. batetNtodd ,Pilts'ai'ettie,Safestend surest •finventive against MI deranginnents, thoroughly regulating - thi..whole, twat° La and giving tone tO the digestNe[o,„[Mana• • They tire high)); I.oo ° ollll .4lday' a n , VigOratiagttnire to tnotheris whffe',4ursing,, increasing the flow ofinilti,_and for Conva- Jescents, to: restore ttucProaooll9W,Witkoh• always: llbileweleng-orintintled".!slokaaaal they. : : are.. [ tikunottlassedi,: 'No hOusehold should 'consider". th'enutblveli lafe:fjpitt the ordinary natitidhirlithbat thetiottivilitlabhf rey, eau be 'bpi : Anti, otallr l essuggist.— I I 4 1:-!", • ii3OPEOIAL . P/OTIO*B - :" ' ' ' I ',,,' - . e. v • "MANHOOD AND HETwo'', ~ Q 7 •rtill'ffilhe yetedfotrbneekiCi Hoc— Ames gearanteed. Dn. nIDD . 13.7bnifla PE ii 7) ignrr reentry* Mindy ptrwerti No m whatever °pun, Arbiggi b lbe olletx Of milt 'Perololonithatits..seltu &bus , peten.7 on cinema ,ititnar w,iltir ;Wanes 10 • this wonderful rued Mine, ' if telienjegttlany accord ing tit the directions, (which, Are very simple. nod,: _requ,yecpitt frenralur front! inteinsie or o njoita?reo Jraigurt witioiviiktil" tkiVf o ottiei ell garor four' quanthies Thiene mirk &argil:al' 1014 , aPP OI SOI. arm itt J.Citie .0* TZENOII93. occiniu 46 Yeietlie. New York, 1 , - . ,. . :1.: s tittliti•TTlV % " 11;3 1- Tilarsexta n vysiot fOi .-OredArtbe 21 .11/4/10 . iett,. At" tram:tit afil- -er ' . r b ee ra cAlit a lle . itta ti l: Welt 14 dlorinula _ .Wbit- irre reviewed: the . 0) 11,4 0 11, ri t on e ph ec 6 i t rr .i ws diseases ammo telt4rt MtuTll:4-. talnioa thi:r RnalapArilleasi t ocreeelli =it% p 4o . .1 1 2! ;0 01 ra tim .rura r i. g14 !1. tkrreECienkceEfeArsYß,raiwNei m ir Ycitk asm ida4ll ,w yortakgef. ... . .............—...... 0 Itaicummunitne plow . A% splemlid flair liyo Is dia,lialit lis the . orid; 1 Olio anfl Ma Dyektkas roriable.:, instabtansama; awais s a i olistittont"lio rblicalOtts . ..r il ; ' ram A4ctille 11/7 eta on bah! dras:Plaolgo , tes Mal mares tue' a r sort to beautiful. bkiat. or aroma. Bold by all Doug ist sp „ WPstumersiaad ' Au_rogied....at 111.11159111741 g i li Wka l r ~ ;a! Lio .` at rtili. -t el i . 4r,c,}11, , ,, 1,-1,:•1 7:31 ,h'7'.l;:bfl ; A / ..C. i 7.1 1 Ct I= :1 G • 011 0 A €4l;iTiti*lr.",' F;11111 taThiac WATERS I)RITG STORE Na tba - Piftilcgtr' Da t alythi.-4'norsunsa: Aperient. Alteralive add TolliC, serviteable In • almost all Cbronid.Derangements of Wle Liver and pleeseeli Connected therewith: . . 910/IY-On Dr atilyht. L- PEOPEihrtai Strong ly Alkallneodforditig immediate rellefln &Cid. Sty } oc he i • • • _ , VONGRESS-:Plat , Thit , •tlei.-41tiiranTnes : de nUterackve, Diuretic and mon • iicsapint. Same oue thingress.. EMPIRE -Pint Bottles. — PaoPzaTlEß: Same as Congress. GETTYSBURG—quart' Bottleik—Pnorirn 'TlPS: Remedy In 'Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, hiout,. Gravel, Diabetes, and other . Kidney and Vein d,lales. (Call for a . Ckculanl . : 4, 110.1141. , i, or ~CARBOPIi/(1 ACID: WAT ER drauthey Made trona from materials and ;eve/Atrial Syripsmiade uom nem. . . SIPIEIONf noirTitis- • " - • • • I+ean * furnish-Siphon 'Bettina .to_perscoui desiring either Klatingen4 Nicht •or gods Wateron draught at thetr. homes.. Watere, retaining lame. strength and piwitras at the store.'jelft Feel :ItVol ai :11 1.11 ,TA 4 _A s,~: STEAM Ccfßa fIA R! 13i7 Liberty Street Ooi Tom and are e ak upon the OVEN BUN s uperlor to any baked by hut alete any other preee L T A t k,i4L l ,,An 1., ! . .:.::-.' - '...7., 1 .: ' .. k !. -"f ~,,, -) '4 , . „, ...!.. -...: ...:; $-,. : ,I.: i f ' 1 . -: . t•..... '- lR .'• - - '.. ......•..,.• :..i. . - 4: , 4,1.,,,-.41-403.1.:- - • • ~,• . .. ::. ~.,,,,.. Ai... 4- t-4; • "..., f , , m ~.., .. .. ~.. . .. „.., F is . . . ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS OFFEEZD IN - TIM CITY. Mille, BOSTON, SODA, CRE AM _ irRENCH, r i t s pi e W C UREJ., Sllttit, and NOD . A CRACK for Sale by Every Grocer in the City. uis Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. jes 11•11111111M11.1 REAL • ESTATE -AGENTS. 115• FOURTH ST:I 115 JOH D. BAILEY & BRO: i f R. STOCK A i 0 SEAL ESTATE , BROKERS mai AttrioNKT4s, Are preoated.to seri at. AmnonBTOCES,RONDB, and all kinds of SECURITIES, -REAL ESTATE, ,HOUBEROL. PURNIT BRE. Ac., either on the Premises or t the. Board of Trade' Booms. • Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the We of Real Estate at neleate.aale.• Sales of Heal Estate lh the . eountre attended. ' Office. V. 1 115 ,Fl STREEV. ..176:164 1 00 11.4? IL°AN" O. litt* BOND.A ND MORTGAGE. I f GrMia.` 31. /*MY. enTIS 1 1 :atale.Arent: no Hinttlzffeld ittreet 1111MSE Ai• Tr.. TWIN - CITY SIMILTE "CO n A. umontactans. a superior ankle of ; • ~. . l • • ZIAZKIWINGi itiiiIAAPIMI. tiretnee, 48 Seventh 04 Pittontro, f% . ' J. S."IIiC.W Li WEER. Pres't. mrcw!mi,.cA pERCEVAI I - VEOLETT iiillOllANthAL zwartrinErt i . Solhiltor _cot Pationtek (Lso3 of e. P. W. C. Raltwev4-• • , °Moe. No 19 TEDEUAL STREET, :ftom No. 11,' Atiorre., U. Sox MI., ALLEGHENY OITY. (THIN EY, or all de serietionsdesigned. ' • LAST PITH NAGE sett ROLLING MILL DRAW. IEOB fernisised. Particular attentizild to COLLIEEt LOCOMOTIVE& atents 11 ent solicitee. var. Aa EYE PR/M -il:Q(34es Ibr . .lneasules every WEIWESDAY INHINI7„,, • ; • agitate STONE COMMON — vr • • • • Niatie:. , Eorica • -• • • ,xforttkieiteerner.of•W ei t Commove. Allegheny. •/. ~,1 1, 71 , 1 0r iE- A ,TVATER,dII3O. Have on .taul or Etepere •etrometotite Hear th Zrititiols.llll a r rd ir l i oglBMrs v At U it B!" .. . 11 YderlipnnaptIreie.n..eu: Prune reasonan.e, 411 - - +: I . ,-,,•. 1 ~; ...s . - 17! ~, P 1 . 1 .4)X74. 7 girigentoir W~NM now receiving lot' of Bout w :Th . OM Tonuossee and . Alsbama. !froti',ls ch. MAI; Irore . . ll 4:llCl u lie r Ait VI sTe 4S eill retizeN:Somblobrweinvos • the , i*OtnittbrPor en Mull comma). ru, .Oursaaka **alai , and hooded 3 *(frop of 1E16E4 peirl town Lave ..; tuer. ILEz424Ettr. IS LI July *, 11118*. )•:/ Ay toll*" .:iLLTROG/Uoi_2l' MUM • ivAi iitilitiicli;' , '''..'„'. .„ .niii.u , N4lllll. 1 ilioreerrita , , SO e rkltimiii . kolemeaum, lles.lV V Ergililollloor a C 0.,; ; .f• • , i t. x rownewatitiktairAii***., it sig n ' u tritsi g r a lr l uoia nii a l .ii a .b u i % 1 4 w r i 0 g 0 s en . ''. i a nay 'Bustle C s. t r.we %, &kWh L•be l 4.otroollerre : Show, , coreac Discalui*.. Pormits,.+Allewiii, Certificates okejpoinis. Invnap ijon 4.1114., • ie., Nos. •VA ius • Tbird , atreei,, 4l ittlitnlcilatt, , f 1; - 1 LI: ''. '* ' , '' JAW- .11,1RirTiir.L017 ' ftoy. Wall& ax mat + . a i• ;1? Near !IttabtiraittOla:strr,Tiktor: r s • . .. • I C ( li Fri" ^W. n .IkriplapreN:Ori 31,40/ nHorpar - Order. tleirre ValuT,Artin AziAd • OE • ~ 11111,190 t al/44AL alLikiagt 'mopped. sio -1- """ aull uguo 4l4, : .., ~. AT r SUIIMEER STOCK CARPETS I Whitey Bed, Checked, Striped and Fancy IN 4.3,1?.M.A.'1' VAILEF.Yrir, 011 Cloths, Window Shades. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 t Hag STREET. itag:d&-wF JUST ILECEIVED. - NIIMNIMAZ CURTAINS. SWISS LACE CURTAINS. I -'-- Bra ss and Wood Cornices May of which cannot be had elsewhece,) ZEi NeFIELAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Firth street,. (SECOND FLOOR:) = - CARPET BEATING • V ' • • I ll : ESTABLISHM Whtci TEN YEARS , TRIAL in Nevi York and oth er Eaatern cities has proved a corm:date anaceas. 1,. • ITS ADVANTA6ESI lat-4aeling and Hbrinkage areiimilietely avoid ed. • .11:4111:InPgVbil adtuf:tlsVAlai',&i their ' e Cnirnlaagoid "Te th e Zitnitht. fitbr-Whea ye:4'4laq etearwa Clarpee will wear air I c atilajt t t AM:AII/I t = :1,1 mere PG!" °l ' . ' • t ' ALAUDieIiN L 74; I I 'THE eirgicz, NO.. 1;79 .laberty Street" or addressed to P. o. Box 443. will reodn iiroinot • ' - • GEO.• 14 lie 1!5 SUS ELEJIi4 'Youth); and Gllkbrenls. strminut ctsirienaur, stun, ' , LINEN Burrs. Epary fltAe, of,the Greatest 'Variety, 8171' 4 13 " Y °11771/ 4/16ENT ‘• .! ~• !ant/a:neer willind acie . assorilitest " •!, Whiteand .Browti Dicky Alp4Boaf atid: akal.;' f I 0 tier): garnient =Op ~tr*the Isist ikisf.lna *swum. ; • r. 01711.*."1'RICIEI8 isavlowsks Anus' be Sad at !Ay an,rFt Etas or “;. - 7 , 7 :7 . 7 ES 141EAVS. aAg, - 7. -,, - ;. HEN R I.. kfmrat4; , ,-, .': • —7-77-7 . - r : 411,1. iii;ieiroidiaii*4 'iriti7i6'-iiiael i.i. 14;14 1 i -' ' , ; .;,,,,, ~:.,, ~,, ~ , . .. . 1 , -, .., .., ~1 . NeaveorAitimi,Alojts . fAstesstr .0f Ind litilteCt . a .• -, •••' MIIIWRISIOr ?MOM ' l ''' ''' •' ' " glein t etAi l liVifirsr Y A ..,zir " l.Ph g MU: . . el .....n.,..... . DAY, thA &to nig n Atigulailmllk . + l , /0 . n'elna,‘ &o. • tF l °Filf.!,R4 lll 4l l frtagET•-aflnatifikr p aw £. W. i the folloydun clnacrlbe nrugertwtnivittN4 1 ' tiOnatinify 61' Vivid, ii 4iliiieiffrfiiilifi k t jii (: ,iiiii . •Mrt BRFL thi f TT n i Ie A DILY 2`ol!&o9o,.*ir s j o r. 1 .._.. .." %, •.- 1 •' - ' ,' " 7 7 , •i LI illifig.' 4 - Fl D'ltf liot4e l"l ‘ .; '' AAS6IIIERICII. firtrTilfali. ae . .. , ." - 1. , f I nonitter ~:, l- .II , (itrlppediiiontustnlng *boot flu ,Bald Teenwealortog Neil 'tiled Atill) gig , i any wiNtifi* , ,44llrAioihii :of :!..zo• b.. fieription....tqn tieurge4ir m a r , I!II, any color and bin requirem with border and por..‘'n .1 , *.i.idpik'ti',lif •14;4. -4 " - ult; ii.' 1 , .! In el 3 ornil Moo tfle ir i r o 2 l3lntifornune , ? Ulm* A . iN,Flnanitt Ns "114 114141444 . , as slava-4mA* t i• , .. - r'l ,• , , , ,_ , , , ,c , ilattiarfiturj sortl.4le ritsk int a do , -. Ili ,:-...*.at. maribmv-ggic T , July Re s Igoe . _ .1). '• , . . VOllO . 1 • , V GXST ,Ai,.-1868 .. _ 1 - ! I:;CARPET . CARPETS AviurAcTrmaits HERE • and In Europe HAVE NOW AD -1 VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kindslof CARPETS for the present at the very low -31 est CASH RAT of the past Beason. Havin gmade all Our f contracts prevl us to any ad.. srlli:me, and • in arlablY for cash, We are .e abled to• sell lOwer than tl4y can be pur ' chased this F . MCCALLU] iyin 51 FIFTH CAR : EtTS. NDING THE Manufacturers' - recent advance in priccak we will continue to offer the Largeet stock of Brussels, Velvete and Ingrain Carpets in tlie city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. (Twit received, a few piews of a new and exquisite patterns' of Royal AiraThster. OLIVER 117CLINTOCR & CO., ' .- No. : Fifth Street NEWEST AND MT PATTERN% TEE . LOWEST PRICES. TEAM IrgoPatzToi. 14423i*): 401611122.a51 DUCK - rtAltszvetras. ALI'AMA JILaMM3, MI MEI IREIRIBIE 47 ffireetik'' miriEc ., LlQuorts,,-447 PITTSBURGH APORTINt 110 USE, J ESTAIr II I7 I IIB3O. SC.I - IMIDT & FRIDAY, I!INES AND !LD/IJORS, No. 40:9 • .irenn Street, Pittsburgh, , Weald direct the attention of the public to the fact that, po • seeming super ear facilities through several large Wine and Liquor Houses In Europe, and making taeir hnportationa direct, they are enabled to offer the various grades , of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less thsn'Eastern rates. Ex aminations:of qualities and , comparison of prices respectfully solicited. • A. choice assortment of pare OLD EYE WEB HEY constantly o hand • BROS., YEZESSI CLARET, WHITE AND SPARKLING, Chateau Lautte,: Chateau Margaux ' Chateau La now, Bt. J ullen,. . lit. San - terries. Chateau Latour Blanche Chateau Sauterna. Chateau Yquem. nocn. wirram - si. LiLubenbeimer. • Mosel Muscatel, I Scharsbu.rg , Mocllbeltue.r , s superles "Most & chand9n, ...,; ,t7hambentlile, •• , .linperlal, . . Flwrnar kinds • vernetay, ~ , • - 'dammed - , Cbatninlis. : . , • --add other : Also, s laigq_issartment of-BRANDIES, WEIRS. KIEB and maNES, or all detiariptlo% , constantly (LATE MILLER, RICEETSON) 221 and 223 I 'Llberty Street, Pittsburgh. JOSEPH S. FINCH & co., son. IS 187,189,194 193 and 193, PlitBT imicirr„ pirripußGti, wr • ,in*ACTnnkng, 07 Copper Diguliet Pure Eye Whiskey. Also. dealers In riBEIG.IS( WI E 8 and LIQUORS. HUM tn. mbn.nsa CO4ll AND COKE. _ OSCAR_L4BIIII & CO. a F. LAXlit COAL AND COKE. Otate,:Salidsteky Street and P. F. W. & C. K. Et, Allegheny City. SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal aid CoUudliville DAO, iIIIP.-Orders promptly attended to COAL: COAL!! COAL!!! 1. DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their ()thee to 1 ' No; 567 MATEIEltant STREET,. • _ (Lately City Flour 3111.1)g1LCOlip ELOWL Are now weltered to turniaXgood YOUGHIOGRIZ NT LIMP, 111 IT COAL OR IILd.CIC, at the lowest aiorket price. sAll enders lett at their Mike, or addressed to them through the mall, wilif be attended to promptly. • CHARLES H. M;OUTRONG, TOUGRIOGLERY JEW COAL, SLACK' AIN - D r Dn'utamirß virmi• COKE Ottlce: and Tani-CORNER 0P• MrrLER AM) MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty:and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward,: and on Second streei; near Lock No. I, Pittsburgh; Pa. • Families and :Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or,Colce lithe lowest cash rates. Orders left at' any of their °dices will receive prompt attention. .41ittatsur,diNG.& titorclurNsolv, • • • Successors to 'IIIL.A.DELPIDA AND TOUG7OGII*T cper.. co., . , MINERS, SIIIPPDRE AND DEALEns. BY RAIL. 110 AD AND RIVER, of superior Youghiogheny . CAS AND CO AL. .r:AnniLy' ~ . °dice- and Yard—POOTbF TRZEITRErr, neat the , Oss Works . . . streEnion COAL. -•-• - - ' - ' - • C. CHE R R3t & CO.. Mtwara and nippers of PITTFOSURGH GAS, TORRE and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and BLACK. Coal delivered Promptly t:05 1 441 ,42 :t. 8 9 , 13k 1e Cit 4 er at thalcoreatrnarket rattli • Office and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND WAT 1110N iformerly Canal) ETkurarav,T)),tabar g o;, R 0 8 ,12911. _ • , . . BAFEITYMIUD`JILC/MT; ECUBITY:4NI) COMFORT FOR kTNE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. • . 1 B 04110:SiiiiitiltA..litgir .. ......, :.f Car Heater and Moderator, • • or' ili -- ''''' ForamEr Arm u 41. .PL117.8; d i s p e nsin g .with.the use of Stotts zatid- Tires` in or about the passenger or Baggage Osursovitbthe.attaalussent to graduate the beano any temperature that may be desired without 'the possibility of aring the car or . cars to wldch the JaeitettnaTbe attache_ .4 ',' - . Having obtained of the United litates Lettere Pay , 1 ant for a Safety Jacket which te rianißte4, to Tell ' the molt lineage' beet Chat; may be - aupded to it' 0 the position and .prirposelbr which it 11 .Intead ' ' IS is a atirepro.teetiori fro= aceldentaby s te !elle:. rutting Horn flereettve tans, lir whetsiron, ipes.are , used as cal:Wm:toss far '411201.11 Oth i belt.. 'W anti. V licab ia- 1 .9 - Idialp ins &hot! , may , becomtek leverbeauol;- 'and is warren uto give perfect iatmntctitut where wood or other ochubastible material' mayb e placed In close pronfiniq thereto.,•..l arc nOW. d'I•to)11/ 4 ' 'ply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories,. ship', steambot.ta. railroad ears, . ass., wherever pipes NS tenths:daft Awe' made dangerous by being. overheated and ,imentity desised,l , twill sell, we ap. gicalleu: righte.to manufacture or,t4 ; use.tlm above, velltlenValett, taTitorial es' to such as mat ' wish to engage in swilling alither by lllity 7 dounty.. i i L. r, N'CoMt i 'et;; l -O'i l li sN o sji rds f / Va tz l in i a l Tit t tAileget• rt Valleillailroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. *Him ... , ODS: IMMO milltsEAVB7Pr ( U. B. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, . 1 • .W.. H., of:Pannavlvann.. .: t, '' ' '' " -- Fi l tTaAnlid/1. - _,July .ga 1808 NicAIiSHAVS EilLE:' .. ,1 , 04 ,- )_, n, -..,,') 4.-rn:^r - '; - .•;.,::; - .7111'.•' ; r h accordance w'th sal order:Of tit.lClfevill Ell leaq - 4 Cr:AL - AgapeWY or Red - 'Diatelel Or renna.; l exposeln I rtthlpp Sale,,t the Orna House, 'l"lttaburvlg va.;_on etl kat/ - Y. thk th 4aator Au stuo, /SW at loo•olock , a,0 .. , the IlOvrthAde, ev iso rnw n d aV,Y74l I. liTilliiii*).iini4iii) - ,l:p.' ~ :::iii.., r t,,, ab.vs.froo le r :. salt irozers inkviniiti4ee° 'cited Ain* Oth, 1 1 / 4 88.: b 7 11. I vector- ~ E . " I '-' ' ''''" MOS- A."ROWzr.r, - ,-- • A l , - , - -,„ • , .17.. la. karsbalt . ---.4—;..--_:___.___ MOH IMPORTERS OF IFORRION CLARET. Itedee, 31argana, .St. Jacquee, 1 Panlime.' wrxrrm I Nurateln, 1 1 Hoenelm istt.A.untorivo WI Es. + CYJA29;PA.GI-NE. WM. AT LOWEST MARKET RATEKT' DZALES IX And Micaufactureri of 'U arACADEZIY OF MUSIC. '4' fin. I ---- . ilts s 7. lug ' t J QS E I RI TI C. B. I II Oa 173 ff • xEg FOR SEVEN NIGHTS ONLY, GRAND OPENTSG Nieat f on wrh whlop p si r on . o l d F n r dne p w pa nd aindcaet e o a ff or th P e u re nowned FOSTER BltoThEito. Oa S.A.TITRDAY, August 1. will be r Preseng•ud the laughable pantomime of ROBERT 11ACAIIIE; OR, , THE ROGUES 41F PARIS, In which the Foster Brothers will appear, to be fbl lowed by , the comedy,of 64 . A. REGULAR ims.„"la which the entire company *III appear. To conclude with the Comic Pantomime of THE ' • 31A61C TETIMPE - ri OR, THE sOitcziairS SPELL. . • - , Harlequin. ..... ...7 ... :.: .. ...,.. ... ~ . —Frank Foster.. CIOIVII ' . ' .. ElernandezToster. Cashmere - 3. M. swap., Yn. active prenaruticn the great trick pantonthhe Of NUMBER .NIP. - pSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE GUARDIAIor 311ITIJAI LIFE INSURANCE T 7 OP NEW YORK. No 102 BOA.Ii)*AY. Issris RAPIDLY INCIMAIN% OUR ' - • $1 0 000 0 * Os • . . . This provid e the W ido w a Ba ther -und which Is to for theand theless, with the least possible burden to the Insured. , All Approve:ll:on:le - of Policies Issued. .. .... .. . Liberal modes , for the payment 'of Preium& Policies Non-forfeltlng by their terms. The 'Entire Profits of the Company divicmi equitably among the insured.. Last Return At Premium, .I , IIPTY : PER Hon. John A. Dix iB. V. Ilaughassout, ' Hon. James Harper, William Wilkins, John J. Crane, Julius H. Pratt. William T. Hooker,. - AV Lillam W. Wright. Wm.. X..Vermilye, Charles' J. Starr, Chas. G. Rockwood. William Alien, • lion. Geo. Opdyke, .'• - Geo. W. Onyler, Minot O. Morgan, • Geo. T. Hope,' , Thomas Blaney, JOhn H. Shenidad, Benj. B. S - hermaii.'l Edward ll... Wright, Airon - Arnolv, :' ' Firlee, Richrd Bowne,l Win. L. Coßßsweli. 'WALTON H. PECKHAM, President. HENRYT. GAHA..Bearetal7:' LUCIUS !iicAD GAN AM, Actuary. ' J. ILITES L ai,ratr4inz, .- - • GENERAL AGENT FOE WESTERN PEN2fA.. , , . Robin Pio. 2 ,'ltank, of Commerce* Build. lag, corner of SLtth and Wood streets, • prrrspvitola, airlig!nts wanted. Apply as B EN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. Olen in FninkiinSaTings Bank %Ilan% 'C. DAPI4 No. 413 Ohio St., Ailefehen7. A SO3LE.OO3iPANY, managed by Directors welt known to the community, who trust byfair dealing• to merit a share of your patinage. Enr,Nuir mwrs. CEO. n. RIDDLE: Irwin --- ' DIRECTORSi Henry /, .- D. L. Patterson, !Henry DerwlB. Go. ft. Riddle, ',Jacob Franz, Gottielb Pain, 1 81mon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, - . W. M. Stewart, !ch. P. whision, Joseph emit, Joe. Lantner, H• J. ZOnkann., Jeremiah .K..en. aPlilleaS - Inra STATEMENT OF THE Ben Franklin Insurance Company , • For the year ending Jt E 30113, 1868: Capl • .1400,000 00 Privilege of increasing to.. . ... 300.000 00 Pr. mituns and Discount.— ... . ..... /3,473 Paid Return Premiums • , 55 80 Expense, includ'g Taxes .1 ermmis's 3.461 7 . 1.: 'Lows - paid • 5,673 38 , - Amount of Untaianding Risks • 731,936 33' Cash on hand Premium Accounts.... Bonds at d Mortgages . Bills Receivable Stock Notes, payable tin Demand oom, . I ccrtlty that thetorego Ipg is correct. REES ,_„__ ; GEO. D.; RIDDLE.; Beery:NAlL • XTATIOIIiISUAIALIICE Cob, • - .•- OF.TH.B OITY OF LTAXIMMt.. • ' , btaCe, In ALLEGHENY.. TRUST ' COMPANTII BUILDI-NTI.I-- ! FLEE INSURANCE( ONLY. VT. Pr.' MARTIN", President' • JAB. E. STEVF.3.4BON. b'ecretar3 - . • . , ' DI/LECTORS: A. H. English !0.8. P. Williams %In°. Thompson. Jno. A. llyter ins, Lockhart, ( Jacob 3 /Terg. Jae: L. Graham, 80b.,i Lea C. C. Boyle, Job.. Brown, Jr. IGeo. Berst, Jacob Kopp.- mhZ:nal WESTERN..X :INSURANCE , CONI•• • PANT DV TITTSBURGIL ANDER. NEKICE,' President. '',, .. • . - . WM. P. ElERBERT,Seeretary. , , .. ,„, oAgTe.tIEORGE NEELD, General Agenk '' ; .- ' h - Office, 02 Water atreet, Spang ,tit • Co,. l o-_,Wara. I , _ ,* up etairs, , Pittatnirgtt. ' . Will le against all kinds of.. Eire 'and' Marina*, :' Slake. A home Instltntlon, managed, by Dlreetorx : Who are well known to the .. community; and who are- determined byPromptness and. liberality arkAnatia.„. tainabe eb which They have' assented, aeon. fering the best protection to those who deaire to be 1EL " Ix F 11. • (• ' nnuei-ro' ` _* ..as: Alexander Nimick, aonn R. Meunne, .' . B. Miller, Jr., ~ , . .1 - Chaa.s.r. Clarke, Jarack MeAuleY,, , , : :Winters 8. ETINE4k Alexander Speert _*. Joseph Wkpatrick, Andrew Acklety ., L• ~ Phillip_mer,., - David 31, Long, - . - ,Wra. Morrison.: D. Ihmsen. . Pr /ENIVISYLVANLA - " INSURAN kE:: COMPANY -OF PITI7SOUGH - • _ OFFICE, No. 487 X woo)) 1 31 7 0 47..8ANX Op - .C" cOliim 7 /41,CE BUILDINDI - ''.' b, This is a Home Company, snit - Insure:l against INS y Fire exclusively. ,____LL,,_, ~- - ,• •,. - LEONARD WALw.R, Vlee'Ermliden, , , - ' •; " ROBERT PATRlCK . Treasuretir. nuoli.megazzNT, BeeretatT. • ' - - ..._,2„ ._,_ • Sqltz.terrutk"' ' —•... Leotard: muss, !George_ w mull,. ,C. C. Boyle, • • ' Deo.. W":,Evans. .., ~ gobert Patrick, J. C. Lappe„ Jacob Painter; .—: : ".".7i; C. }seiner, — Josiah klng, r John Vongthay,', Jae, 11.• Hoptams; .-• A. Ammon. ~.._ , .'lleurr Spr o t t ', ...-, , , . ..... INII 13Y EINNIT1( - •,,, . ' . AGAINST , LOSS . ' PIRA:. - „ ... ... , . • FRANKLIN INSURANCE Co PHILADLIIIIA: • ,'" S i -- 3777a7., 435 & 43 7CitESTNIIT St, Nan g On& ' ' ; i . - - . . .., : `,' •L' 1 1 .. Dxsicrrons. • • - • . . Chailes R. , L Banexer, , .3fordecat n. , Losdi Tobias Wagner , , . . ~. . pavld S. 13tvwn, , , , -„ i i l ' Samuel Gran . - , . Isaac Les ' ' . Jacob R. Suitt , Edward C. Dale, , • Feorge W. itichard4__, George-Flies. , ~. •' ; . ' CHARLES U .. BA N B BEE, Prealdent; , - • 7 . ' EDW. 'C. DALE, Vice President. . •1' - ' • W. C. STEELE Secretamelf. tevi, • J. G&ADN7II 0. 1 7.F.11ir , &Awe . North West corner Third and Wood 4 §treele. , , ... ..LLEamENTlNsvitAiveE4xors• P4.l4l( ' ,o7 _,PrrT l 4 l ,_____VlKM• • •• • '•.• - ..;;•4•1- .1 , • -is ...olniucc.bro.Wl •A isTill3TßElCA: . lll,oo‘ ,' • . iisures &taut 62 itaitiiiiirth andlitiiiiz t! 3 &as. . ''''''' 1 • ' JOIPC UMW, JIL, ?re.ldent. ' 'i ' ' - A t ' "..: i .701 IN V. 11 41:210BIN r Vpui Pread,ent. v. •2: e. .• , r r nonzu;;Ateititarp. ..,.. '••... ~ - i : - .1 , t 1 c.itleflnclipitat,roortiga;Aint •:, -.. :,. .-:-, mwx.,..., ~ olvt. it *iii'.'„lfeltbK:.... . ' ... I,,l74l7e?!:Lritoe.mstolulliusb.,,,...---_Viikl'at:zi, :,,',l:::inThL az .. mincia ll'3.vr.bett ... ii , - . 11111: efin ~, ;71 ). 140. 0 kita 1a.:411:4::,,i,:-:::.41 . ~...1: 4,8'• 1+) •!•:1' ),,, •" , ) '•!ti; 1 f..4 . 1!/...`i • 1...._t. t!' r -• +f , 'Pepr 143 7nn 0 11( 1 .Nt i g.litaiNtaW000pp17#41*— .-1 1:1 , ,O , nal If t - I'. :: JI 4.1 . ' ; , ,•,,. ~ . .i',:At;.(3/4, . . 1 Af.ll°l.D4 94112ASYstisabst-.lgo sidififitii.liakii,n,c.'"( „ ... hi S. j-,..,-.)T,,,•„ 4° L . ... 40 j0,+,1 ttili "r•lit,'. , tni t ' t. , lirmi. Ipluub ilk * -i•rit. 4:,,....,.11";'•",1,‘,4t .• ite . .., rbll 1 .: t. 11 f. c! utriraVo r -L, , iptlig .1. 4t ° ..1 , itiiiiii.‘ 411,11, ,1 ipYll° II IAAIII` OWTIOIKAtai:kte L::101) 3711 1 P. t: , l AP WATT _ n .de . • t -‘ - • • . r 01,111:: ricarrattelitb - 1- . 1 _1L....4 •Li;. Jtry„Th..A.k. :Y. GARDniaollectetary. • , . ~ . JAS. so vi- Lt.-- M - • SURANCE. President... MEM 3.?19 00 • • 976 ea • 14.634 85 1.935 00 80 000 00 $ 48 ? ncir IES 1 - . II