The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 01, 1868, Image 1

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• Prorogation of he British' Par
liament--The tueen's Speech—
• Ministerial in Spain-L
Russia and 14.1tara-Cereals
• Piee in Pirenct Ports—ConaprO- ,
' ntise Betweez the 'Tycoon and
Mikado in Jaian.
[By Telegrapbtoi le Flistdrga - Gazette.l
LONDON, Jnl y 31*,:,The session of Parlia
rnent ,was,prprognet. to-day. : The Queen
was s not43 , l2lierit att4r
iby te speech Avid- made
the Royal Counnssion and read as usual
hystlin.LoidVhanoacri:' the
joreign relations of rest Britafti,tnost'
friendiyinif satiataVoryi and days thifie Js to fear a iar in„Europe. No ref
, -,drenee is made to= tie Mdtedl3tates. - I The'
_ _
.Abyselniatt oxPe Mien:fate:+llol4,t4
'Miner of thecrow, The 'Cessation of.the
attempts at rebelibn in.,Treland renders
: . the fmilibiquie poiver
granted by the tw,oHoneee
IhilQueeiithatifq ihe Co mmons for.sup-
esVOted , unkcen tes them .on.lhe
passage of the h and Scotch reform
bills, tile public scibol the bill for the
purchase of telegra?h ~wires and others of
44, a l , less important inafacterl 7 .lThe'speech
also announces tint the' ail:Solution of
- Parliament will soin, take , place, in : , order
• that the people mayreap the advantages of
thennore extended apttem of representation
zeently. provided. :
• In the Commons, insviotisi to prorogation;
the Spea ker .s4.ol ;he had received through
ethe United States - legation a
_' letter from
, Hon ". 4 William', H. ward, accompanying
which was[aefagnall copy of a book enti.
tied,"A•l t ribute‘oli the Nation to the
Memory of Abrithprt Lincoln,"—a predent
from the etifigfek.Ofthe Vrtuted, States to
the :House of 'Comitons. Lord 'Stanley
; , 4 moved the, thanks ofthe . House he sent to
• Congress thiongli Xr._
_Seward, and that
the hook he placed in the library of the
• - 47 ,4 - Hc.2P..."-..f i ThO motion tas .Carried nem. con.
' Tmes-in a leading editorial says of
the session that time only will. show if lead.
era shall retain their status in 4 .the change
from the old to the new body. Mr., Bright
I - will find the new Muse of Cominons a
more: congenial audience: than in the day
- of Palmerston or of-Gladstone, whose pop
ularity may yet reach on tele house elected
by one constituency and doomed to satisfy'
' the requirements of another. The House
may be satisfied in spite of all shortcom
• "Inge with ueh a : Work .ss the abolition of
' church. istei, the punishment for elec-
L l' torarcorruption and the condemnation of
• pilitic:al and chnrch abuses;
DUBLIN. July- 31.—A1l prisoners who
were arrested under the suspension Of _the
writ of habeas corpus in Ireland; and
• tained without hmal l kave been 'discharged
from custody. •
.JlOl 31.-,-The Imperial deciee
saspendi • for thieek• months from October
tat the collection - of tonnage dttes frbm all
vessels entering tbb Frettch ports 'with
Pews, July .
31.-;-The Senate was today
- prorogued by the:Emperor.
The Patric has an editorial tii-day strong
ly urging the joint intervention of France,
Great ,Britain and the United _States r for
the restoration of peace between Paraguay
and the allied-South Americaupowers.l
• • i •I3PAIN." • "-
Dowttprc July 41.—The Pettding political
troubles in 'Spain have resulted iria minis
terial drisis. It is understood the ,
tingttislied Lii;eval statesman, Espartero,
has been - summoned to form .a new
Cabinet, and bas.. goneto Madrid fotthat
• puzitofte. Discontent- continues to prevail
and break out - into - armed in-1-
' surrection at any moment. The disaffection
Js also apparent among - the officers-of the
. .
;- ; 111FI9SIA. , • •
Sr. PR:rum:Bono, Julyt 3.k.,1".1nder the
preliminary arrangements for peace made
'II :with tOkliara, the Russian troOps are to leave
theicouittry,st once, the Khan paying to the
Russian government _half a million silver.
- roubles as indemnity; for exPtinseg of,
• JAPAN, •
SHANaIIiI. July 4.—News from , Japan .
sayi a compromise has ,been effected be
tween the DainiosOf the North' and South i
• which will probably lead_ to U:speed,y ter- ,
minition of hostilities between the MileadO
14 'and ttlfo Tycoon: No particulars.' . :
ARRIVED our. • , -
Asoiriv, July steamer Europe;
fronitgesx- York, has arrived. _
Jtil9 31 ..7-P9troletiip Arm;
standard 'white. - 52f.
PARIS, July al.—According to the- state
";:" , alent of the Bank of France :the bullion
'r•'has increased 7i600,000 !ranee. • r
L0xn614,,, July ,31,-*.Nvenow,copris,
Y... NM for minify: and'14,6'@9431, foi account. :
Bonds,, 72, 1 4; Illinois Penfrake'..94%; Me,
t 43,eitlautic and Great. Western, 4214. •-•
bitve declined to M. - '
Pint*, July 31 . 4-4312 0.4 1 , 1 .4 4-I !"P 3 E . arc )
held at 701'. 50e. ,
Hbrse eves Lyieheit jn TenßClsee.
[By ieleicraph to the Plttsborgk ( ~aseite.l
- .
July 81.-List ,
evening Con
, stable Day with ac guard of three' men,
bring,ing two_horse thieves, named-GM-BM
oher N. Render and _Bert Whit-154d, froE 6
Raleigh to this city - Ali' commitallent to jail,'
jthey - having been found Tiding sto)qp ,
:horses, was suddenly Surrotmtfed abbut
: forty masked horsemen, who took'the pris
oners, (..trdering _the guard not to fol=
low, left in thedicection ot,Raleigh. This
morning the meif were found near MeCal
,lum,s IlLhanging to a tree t 'with a paper
, ' pinnek ~upon them insoribed,:.""Horse'
hiCIVOIppg bY an outrageil eomialty .7 ol ,,
South 'Vero ua Legislators, '
- _
reteint,Ph to the rittisbargh (140tie:3 . , • -
- 101411431 i; the iitgialatttre
it dayek proposition to pay , the. viva of a, -
Intine_supposed to have been- -, rourdered
• 'the ICa-KtoriEtatt - fitte,tiandred dolbtra,
cvoted.down. The cal9red :leaders NW,
`r 40;4Wermined tar resent ther
not part Three 0144 T o e Ida*
will,favot the educational qu'a del;
' shouldtha proposition be made. Mod
- on seems to bathe order of the day.
• The Georgia Legislature ,
CFiy l'eiegraoli to the Pitteberßh Gazette.]
AxLA 'T ~July SO.—The Senate passed a
bill to.4ay concerning the offices ofSecre.
tart' I, of State , and SurveyOr 'General. A
motion logo into exeCntive session
agreed to, and the 'Chair decided Qui
chamber cloaed. An appeal from the de
cision of the Chair Was suatained. , 'A ines.l
sage waareceived from the Governor re.
quest:ing the priFiltige to -withdraw the
communication to the Senate making •cer•
tain nominations Padding 'its Comildera.
tion. adjotirned. •
The : following was intrOduced- in 'the
House ' and passed by a large majority :,
Inasmuch as the vital question heretofore
dividing the members composing. this'
branch of the General Asselubly has been
settled, • ' '
-Besotted, -We like men hating tne inter
est of the State at heart, _who bury party
prejudices, and go . forward,,to the perfect
- enactment - of such' laws 'Bl3 - *lll . fl estalklishi
peace and -harmony- among the people
the State. .
The: Committee,of the.
case , of - Bradley; the 'cblored Senator ac-.
_cased of felony. is in session. " -- •
Two colored men are contesting the seats
or RePreseinativea Lumlittand Goff.-
ATLANTA, GA. - , July 81.-The Senata,re.
solved , Voclaytotet in' , secret session,. The;
atituse proceeditigs: to=day Were of a, lopai
nature: ; •" '
Gov: Balilook% 'grand inauguration .14d1
'came: off last2night 'at tlief!". l Nationsil' Hotel.
A large crowd of whites and neg roefOrnm
boring some 3011; gathered in front of the
botel and , cheered for Grant and Coltak-At
ReptddiCat(lidalllosinta 11.1111nade a speech
in favor of Want and :.Colfax as the only
,bope for tho , country. - • •
,„Anonsztidts. ~ Joly Bd.—Some two tbot -
sand &them; Were assembled ; at the City
Hall tfOay, to petition the Legislature for
a`city liovernment of laivarld order. Res°.
lntions were unammously adopted protest-
itlg`altang 'the preSent military appointees,
indasklitgimrtkediSte,relier, A committee
was appointed to present the memorial to
tide Legislature.,
-• r
• • _ _ .
-C1081? 'of the,Bdralo Races.
(By Teleitisoh to the llttstrith 9alietto.l
.13tincia,o, July '§l - .-The _Buffalo Park As
sociation-elosed-their st.mmer's Trotting
Fair to-clay with three. races . for purses
ankituiting to $3.700. The weather has been.
delightful, the track in tine Condition, and
the attendance has been. good. The at
tendance to-day wss larger than., on any'
proviotterday. - . , •
The 'first race , wee ,
for purae:of2s2,oooi
free to - all horses-41,400 to - first, $4•00 to
second, and WO to third—miles heats, best
three in five to harness. Only three horses
entered. Lucy won in, three straight heats
'easily, Silas Rich second , and Rolla and
Gold inet third. lime-.-2;26%.2:31;•p47.
The second race wee for apurse.'of
for double teams, free for all teas owned'
and driven together as teanasthree months
previous to • the - IMF . to . the
,first, $3OO to the second, and $l5O to
the third—ndle heats r -best three in five.
Contrary td all ,expectations,.. the double
team race was a one-sided affair, lirobock
leish and Medoc winningin l - two heats with
the greatest - ease; sbit , tVng all but Mollie
Oewton and White Bird on the first heat
find s cing that. tearn,,,on the-i4cond.
The third race was for: a purse `Of WO;
free for all horses four years or under 50
to first,
.1100 to second d.
an:sso .
mile heats, best three in five in hermss.
Only, three horses started in the race: , Ca
yuga Chief won in threbstraightheats; Gold
Dust second; Stiverl'Cletel Time
251, 246'and 242%. - ! - I
To-morrow will be extra - between LuovJ
Billy Boyers, Rolla and Gold Dust to
saddle. •
Application for Mandamus
BY Teiegraph to the PltteburghGazettej
ST. Louis, July pl.—Hudson E; Bridge
Director:of the Missouri Pacific Railroad
and who a short time ago enjoined the
company froth paying ••any money on ado-
count of certain b3gislationlast winter in
cohnection with the purchase of the road
from-the State, will to-morrow apply for a
mandamus to„finable,hinr to examine the
hooks and general affairs , of the company.
The petition states that fraudulent and fic
titions youchers to a large amount had re
cently; been paid' ,
out of the moniespf
the company 'la QUO the.;dlrectors
tho I road; . that the' President of- the
company some weeks . since , issued
'orde '; toofficers , not to al
low he, inspection of books, records, or
papers iCif - the company by anybody with
-written :-:permissiott - Hence .
the application tfor a -..mangatrats... The.
vouchers referied to purport to be for
_Sod and ties alleged ta.b6 delivered at'
paints along the road, and are properly
certified by Mr. Moore,,Ruperintendent of
the road.
;Another. ,eon of the- Kansas,. Pacific
R4ilway*an ..epted to-day. 'The ;road 34
now completed to Sheridan, twelVe miles
.this - Side of For' Wallace. \ •
George . 4l4 enctletton th rouisville
la t. Telegraph to the Plitabergh Gazette.)
LoUTSWZdas only
.. - r-H4 l l. - George H.
:Pendleton-arrived .:at one. o'clock to:day,
and took a carriage to the Louisville Hotel,
A band of music was soon there. and sere
. naded him.' He was calledon by, many of
the citizens. Gen.--1C: Morris' introduced
him to the citizens from tiler balcony. He
made but a few renutrics, thanking , ',the ,
citizens:for the reception. - was' urged
to remain over and speak here to-night.
Ho left, the hotel at two o'clock in an open.
carriage with Governor stevensotrand two
'of bur citizens, ' - and was 'escorted_ to .
Franktbrt depdt - by, a band bf music
-au. -
citizens. His reception' , here. was a ery
cordial one Indeed. ;:Ho speaks. at; Frank-.
Tort to4norrow eleven'teclock:
W ,
Y Telegraph to the Ottehtureh Gazette. 3
l'44.lttmit4U/1111.—an the StateLegli
lature to - day; a.b wasdutrodqced to ap
point an agent to fund 'the 13tate debt, prin
cipal and interest due and to.he due in Ave
years: 'A iresolution passed 'the' House 'to
investigaie the issuattes'of fraudulent State
bonds In cirouraticin said to hays ,been
signed in New. York: Teri, Millions of bonds
are said necessary to pay for the mill;
Stokes : wade a Grant and •Clolfax
speech at the Capitol to-night: "
Tatra In
tG7 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.")
Rrenmoun r July Bl.—The Re üblleano
of the Stateare Partlelly; eclat thel
failure of Oen: rtitehemen to* the
Withers disqualified underthe fourteenth
article, and, an ,appqat, b ee 4 th a d c ,
Gm, Grant for his ettlediti the nuitter.
S '
peathe!lA.ightning 14chMro. li ,
tirT., • Ki‘lil6 the i b ilisstindi bustie.l
7 ;' , 43 - nic le ioo; July 111. —Dtudng .During;, storm
lot 'evening threw-Venn:ski "iri 2 differeo ,
p ar ti o f the city were killed by lightning.
Beyond buildings were struck but none
seriously damaged.
. .
ILx; At
votrar. oiczoCac. M.
Hinckley Again in Otfice,—Alco
holic Spirits and Vapors—Geo
logical Survey of , Wyoming—,
The Tice Meter Adopted.
(By Telegraph to the l!lttaburghGazette.3
WAszincorotr, Tuly 29, 1868.
Binckley, late 'Assistant At
torney General, has be* appointed to the.
office of Solicitor of internal Revenue Bu
reau. '
Baron Stoeckel, Russian Minister, accom
partied by Assistant Secretary Hunter,
called at the Executive Mansion this morn
ing before Cabiriet meeting and had an in
terview with the Prettidetit.
.TheCorilmissioner of Internal Revenue
has issued instructions to suppress the un
-authorized pr6ductioia of alcoholic spirits
and vapoks._ ;He Bays and& lieetion four of
•the act of July 20th, which he quotes, no
article in .which alcoholic spirits or alco-
Iloilo vapors enter as ingredients can be
, manufactured, except suelkspirits
or alcoholic va rs haverbeetrprOddced in
an authorizeddistillery and have paid tax.
The largest class of cases affected by this
section is the manufacuturers of vinegar
by various processes.
, z-a t , AsoungrAi'scrst'*Ey. : ' ' -
The COITtiIIiSSIORET of the Land Office has
orgabized, with the did of the Secretary of
the Interior, a corps for the geological ex
ploration of Wyotning, antli;orized by
the sixth section of the act of Congress
passed July 20th. -
The, Commissioner:_of Internal Revenue
has decided in favor of the adoption of the
tice 'meter for the -prevention of frduds -In
liquor distilleries. - • ' ' '
• Geneial StoteMan - nuthorizes a contra
diotiou(-7TI thektatement that he intends to=
remove the State officers of Virginia. He
thinks that the Old Dominion will be 'in
the Union before the fall elections.
Thaddeus Stecens_is detained at the
capital from illness, but hopes to get home
next week. • z
i Mr. Rollins claims the right to lame the
Supervisors under the new `Pei bill, but
Secretary M'Culloch and President - John
son differ with him, and there - will be a
difficulty .Moll will _result in= the suspen
sion of Mr. Rollins, and the appoinment of
Mr. Cooper Cortunisslonek 4)l•lnternal
Revenue ad interim. There are at least one
hundred - 'applications Rh- - Supervisors on
A. Urge number of naval Oilloan will , be
thrown out of,service by the proposed re
dilution of the Navy.
.1. The large amount of Whisky taken out of,
pond ander the new MI: eaused.tha
revettue receipts to - run up-on maw'
day to knailMonanda half.
• Nearly one thOusand clerks have been
distuissed from the departments during
the last two months forwantbfWork.
' Ppstrnastet General Raiidall will spend
several weeks at his new home in Elmira,
New York. • •
Reports of a terrible state of- affairs in
Texas continue to reach Washington, but
the President believes they have a political
coloring. The weatfier is still very warm.
Southern papers just received I at Wash
ington coxzratulate their people on the
fact tbatlbe orders from President John
son, substituting military departments for
districts, restores the old regime and make
him really as well as nominally Command
' er-in-Chief of the army. Southern men
betray uneasiness at the fact that the extra-
Ordinary powers vested in the 'military
commanders by the reconstruction acts are
at an end, and that the President's hands
are no longer fettered; that he can now issue
such orders as . he chooses. to department
The Co M missiorier of the .General Land
Office" in ' ropi/to inquiries, states that
homestead entries can — only be ,made
moon surveyed land after, a return to the
proper Abstriqt land office ~ of the
plot of the survey; also that the right of a
settler under the homestead entry attaches
only from the date of entry. Settlers peon
tiasurveyed, land "desiring' to secure their
lniprovements made prior to the return of
the p surveys, may obtain Driorityf of right
as against subsequent chili:riff made , the pro
visions of the preemption laws laws, by
filing a declaratory statement thereo44e.
the expiration' of , three' Months after the
date of the return of the Einii , ey folhe dis
trict officer.
Judge Blatchford • has,, decildfixtthat a
mortgagerupon idistillery given prior to a
seizure of the premises for violation of tho‘
revenue laws does not exempt them from
seizure., .. .• .....
The divers are 'at work with a new sub-'
marine exploring .appltratas :at- the spot
here the English frigate Hussar is sup
, .sed to have sunk - 161780.' The ' . nien re
mained under water nearly an hour, and
sunceeded in finding, as they believe, traces_
- of the sunken vessel.
Charles Hartman and Ferdinalid" Buis
berger, convicted • of conspiracy to defraud
the revenue, and sentenced to an itnPrison
meht of ten days, And to pay a fine of five
thousand dollars each, have had their tines
remitted by the President.
The President has officially, pro°!aline d
the:ratification of both parts of the treaty,
concerning ; citizenship ;.-with Prussia.
Reception of Carl Scher:: lit,indiana,
Eflysrelegraph to the PlttaburghtGazette.3
litoin.srArous; , July - al.—General Carl
Schurz bad a vox) , warm reception ,this;
.evening by hinperman friends. -IL torch ,
light procession t amid, the xoar of artillery
anditireworks,'escorted him from hie hotel
to the hall where he was' to speak. The
meeting was loge and enthusiastic ..
1 - Letdiali Legitlatire,
(By tile/crape tathe rittOurati Plizettf44 4
Maw, Onunaw4,'-lisfy',.Bl.eltice Was
given in the Muse: to-day,pf apm t,9 ;
the LegialatuietealecePresidential
electors. ' • • ,• 4
—Accolits i'rom the interior of Alab ama
and ;Miaelaaippl,"are , utitovorabbk, HOW;
rains have AineoJ, 41 0 ... ,(4441 19 1 ar 5, Mr4 1 1
ported in ditibrentireeentOM l itiih comm.
arable damage. iit ke - yer
risen thirtyleetli iroisda (ather'
by the rise in the Tombigbatt:atirrAla
elvers , '''-eartir. *tan) overtloWibl(tlitr laW
laude are entertained t
I -` :•••
• a•-4. Moneigilimarnai festival:. iry the
Northeast Saeugerbund takeS , Mittee next .
Monday at , Jones Wood, New York.
Twenty-seven societies will Pelleheekg
lotids_- —lts ...
Scone - Lines of Travel
''Tide of Immigration _The Weather—St.
Angustipe t , , .
tSpebla/ Correspondence PI tsburgh Gazette.]
TALLArtessEu, F •., July 24, 1868.
The Peninsula State rum her capital city,
in an ,unofficial .way, c aendeth greeting' to
the Old, Keystone:, and to the Iron Chi.
Perhaps you wouldcal e,spen
, , _ your corr
dent t,o account for Lett g so far off the
'beaten track of summer' travel, and may
suspect that in - a
fit of abstraction he entered
the wrong train, and instead of finding hint
self aniong the lakes of the frontier or the
White - Hills of New England; suddenly
awoke" - to' .consciousness` tho pinesi
hammocks' and savannahs of the. Sunny
South. iliokquitti so bad, as that, howevef.
I 'crventiteilo it," 'as they say here.' The
weather was sranmeny enough on the sea
board iiihera. arrived. East. —The .sun hid
Come North. What was there, to -do butt to
- t
try toab:s'lllM in the rear,' and to seek
whatever of cooler weather' he might have
e i
left behind him ? So, finding 'that ' the
atilariMr.t•lF/ag" was going to sail cm-th ant
itirmtant of mar,National Ifidependan fri
the riort of Fernandina, Florida, at which
pqrki knew I should find sea breezilcOol
and friends warm, I paid the fare thereof,
and was agreeably to contract put ashore on_
Floridasoil , on' the Thursday following.
Fernandina, tin Amelia Island, is the At
lantic terminus of the- Florida Railroad, the
other terminus being at Cedar Keys, on the
Gulf. _ , Steamers from ' these two points
make in with the railroad, a rapid
and economical !means of - communication
between New York and Mobile. Other
Gulf ports are soon. to be - brought into the
From Fernandina, the fine steamer Lizzie
Baker brought me around to the St. Johns
River, up which we steamed our way along
the splendid scenery of that noble River to
MI at ka,whie as far as Savannah steamers
run Southward. Smaller steamers, how
ever in the handshf enterprssing men are
opening up unheard-of lines of communica
ticentnong.thelakea, lagoon& and winding
watercourses of ,lowser Florida. The
"country Is perfectly alive with new projects
of internal improvement, and:what Is still
better,-with 'substantial, steady.going men
; who have found or are seeking exactly Cher
'place for the sphere of their own peculiar,
genius. Many of the new comers' go
blunderingly to work. Many of them come
hero-With a larger endowment of wisdom
'than any seven. men that can give a reason,
and can argue the old settlers out of coun
tenance in all matters pertaining to Florida
agriculture and horticulture, from the oedat
to the hyssop. "Slichgerterally have their
own story to tell, spiced, up largely with
mosquitoes, bears,;alligatoni tenet' other in
,sects".-as a south Florida herdsman classi
fied Ihe„annonaitces his- cattle . met with—
chills, Aver, &Ought, flood, and other en
-livening feature,. of a tale of adventures.
Otherti,?dre "nilbre reasonable in both their
measures and their expectations of what an
immigrant's life are to -beohey immediately
adjust all their arrangements ton Floridian
#ole,A44,Son you. mud not PIP them ;out-
-, 44.a.04d-or I It feinfirlaki
fact that-when a roan once falls in hive vii
Florida, he can resist all the seductions of
all climes from the arctic circles to the
But this is not travelling. From Pilatka
we go over to St. Augustine. Everybody,
knows something about this ancient city,
but nobodyiknows exactly how queer it is
until he sees it with hie eyes, nor hour good
the good people there really are until he feels
it in his own heArt. But there is no denying
that that particular Friday did happen to be
hot'. The sea breeze Proved false for once
and left the faithful old city ta pantings,
perspiration:and blank :vonderment at. the
high-flying ways of the thermometer. Still
it is a satisfaction t - know that the
mercury kept even there within more
reasonable 1 bounds than in inany of
our more northern cities,. It seems
to have gods considerably "abOve par" a
good manylegreea to the north of this lati
tdde. Ido incerely luipe that the friendly
:cloud that overshadows! the twin cities, did
faithful duty about that time. The fine
showers of the rainy season have since, re
miVed my ,recollections of the normal Flor
ida summer.,
, „.
wanteeta write at some length about
Florida resources . and attractions, but .I
must ' put my quill and plume my wings
foianotller,llight.:' . -
• —Judge Samuel D. Bell; ex-Chief Justice
Of the Judicial Supreme Court, died at his
realdence in Boston - yesterday,-aged 71:
-LAbout one hundred workmen will be
discharged' at, the New York Nary Yard
to-pay, chiefly' , in the Engineers' Depart
—Miss Mattheson, dadghter of Dr. Mathe
son, an_ eminent Presbyterian mitdater at
Montreal, was drowned on Wednesday
while bathing. •
It is annorineed at iie; York that Sec
retory Seward will support Grant and Col
fax, and considerable excitement exists in
political circles in. consetigence.
UR to Thpraday. the individual snb-'
'ascriptions 'for the relief of the sufferers by
the flood • •reeeived at Baltimore,' at the
Anieri,sgik office, amounted to $3,800. -
—Theßepublican Convention yesterdaY.
at CiAle, •Chio;' noininated Gen. W. H.
Gilt% of Seneca.county,.as the candidate
forngress'from the ninth district ofGhio.
At: Indiana, yesterday,
Upited:States. Detective-QuintOn arrested
W. IL Rogers and James. Walker, also the
mother hnd'albter of Walket, all for coun
terfpitin dies and paper•of
sftx eon " one•eattefioy was` round iu
their possession and captured., : , ,
-Charlesst 2 itedker iateoe of g ta l ler
- beet saloon in PhliatiNpnlaotpd in mimeo,
tio witil .1 - Wageri e, - died. frni .
rattle snake Vile Thursday,. ;
. teptllete. some friends it would
not rattle, and. Becker put his hard , in the
ibl'el te takeiVont, when he:weshttten in
--Benjathiti T :' cnshipY. . and _ Thomas
,Brorni:rtett - res - plie4velY, , seyerdlien and
slat en years; are under- arrester Boston
for robbing-the- elatle — cif wupn k a l
icent d : Co.; metebirits; - o
in Gpvernment itpadnnipil Ow securities.
They coutbssed 4he-ronbekr i t ti parih e
=Mrs. Lineoln, accompanied be,r,ssu4 ,
"Taxi, 4 •antnwttliil 4ll o 3 #o:47llll4litiaS t l
'ti lu tchilirlette4 3o4 o-Aii:RitrOPO, , SOOOUI
t iPiteVer4r;o l3 .4 o l l ;':lgtikidnlitectOj
'ROO t#,* ll l l9 WWbOrCest "
some U01611E4110 country - seat of a Scotch
clergyman, an old friend of the family.
She will spend the- winter in the , south of
;lam `?4G7
Scnmun's physician says he:is likely to
become crazy within a , year. Beware of
NEW rendering by Grant—"l propose to
fight it oufon this 11,1 e if it takes all* Sey
lir the Democrats love the Union and the
Constitution. .So well, how is it that they
waged war onlboth for four years?
THE Democrats are so deficient ip arith
metic that in adding tip Northern. States
they don't know how , to "curry one."
A WESTERN paper Says : Mr: Seyreotir is,
said to be strong with the Democratic party;
'but unluckily the party is not strong with
FRANK Burn was nomjnated ' by the
Democrats to draw Republican votes. You'
might as well use a shadow_ to draw. a
Trai Hon. T. W. Green, a prominent In
dianapolis Democrat, repudiates Seymour
and Blair, and comes out for Grant and
TALE Ku-Klux go for Seymour and Blair
man, With as much avidity as they go
for a defenceless negro or Union-man at
midnight. •
. .
THE, Zanesville Courier offers a reward
for a Democrat in Muskingum county,
Ohio, who has yet giveria hurrah for Tans:
many Ralltieketd....
"GRApr has :got to work , early if he 'ex-'
pects to get a victory," . quoth • Democrat.
"Re 'worked' Early once in the Shenturdoah
and got one," quoted a Ripublican.,
'''A rrr NAVE for those Pendletonians who
sorrowfully 'support the Democratic nomi
nees—"Seymourners." The - entire party
will adopt it after the 3d of November.
"PcIUCK POssannv positively declares that
frhrii4lre Ist to the sth of July, Belmont at,
Co.- - paid out one hundred thousand dolhira
to buy delegates away from Pendleton.
WUAT is the difference between thelllem
ocratic candidates for' President and Vicee-
President ? One is a "bloated bond-holder" ,
—the other is a bloated whisky-holder.
Bufalo Eaprese. -
- An admirer • of 'Seymour defends hiand
`dressing;She July. rioters of 1863,`,as "My;
friends;"' r . by saying he. "merely Wanted' to
fool the mob into obeying him." ;Ile fooled'
the mob into obeying him again thisjuly.
A artless's. telegram tO'., the Cincinnati
Conimereial; ' from Louisville, 'dated. July
27th,"is as folloirs: “Pive barrels . Of. old
Robinson county 'whisky ' consigned to
President Johnson, passed hirough here bi-;
day." • ' •
Tny. SouthernsDetnociatie papers. hoist
the "Stars'and Bars" over the. Democratic
nominations. This -is : proper. Seymour
will see stars before he , gets through, and
Blair knows : already all the. bars in the
ONE of the OAPs that talks big and makes
a great fuss about heavy taxation is Dan W.
Vciorhces. Somebody has been examining
Dan's heavy tax, burdens, and it was dis
covered that, they aggregate the heavy sum •
of 87f centain fivitt years. '
.Tamar Fortswirt, of the Mobile
Ettliv delegate to-the New York'Deniocratic
• onVintitntlayar 4 4.lLbtitatfitiektdregitery
°oxidic administration only agree to keep
its,hands off, and we will soon show which
and what are the de facto "-grrierriments in
the Southern States."
THERE may be a pungent' political lesson
for soldiers in the ranks in the following.
Grant's Supporters. , Soymour's Supporters.
TROMAi, 5 -11AmPron,
Is October, 1.861, in a public speech, de
livered at Utica, New York, Horatio Sep
momt, Democratic candidate for President
of the United'States, said: "If it is true
that slavery must be abolished to save the
Union, then the people
„of the South should
allowed to withdraw themselves from the
government which cannot give the guaran
tees in its'terms."
In me speech at the. Democratic ratifica
tion meeting; held on , the 18thAnstatit, in
Washington, Gen. Thomas-I:Ewing,- Jr.,
speaking 9f the threatenedpreyolutionOised
this sentence : "Gen. Blair at the head of
the militia will be a match for Gen. Grant
at the head_pf the regular. army." In the ,
report of kW speech published in the Intelli
gencer and . vised by him before publica
tion, t his tentence doet not appear.
Holz. Ge.o. H. Piton, (Dent.,)of Ohh?,
said in his speech at the Democratic rattflea
don meeting at Cincinnati, 24th inst. ' "If
any man has come hither to-night expecting '
to hear, me abuse General Grant, I tell him
that he is mistaken in the persorw I don't
abuse him, • l shall give him the h onor, and
great honor. it is which he deserves; and if it
Were a question of giving him honor, the
most devoted Of his political supporters
should not be ahead of me."
Trrz cooks of the Demoeratic party ought
to be employed in the country tavern where
the celebrated colloquy occurred : , . .
Waiter—Tea or coffee. sir
Guest- If that last you gave me, was tea,
then give me ecffee;' but if it was coffee,
then give ine tea.
If you try the platforui you ask for the
candldates,,and when you get the .flavor
from Them you are 'driven back on the plat
form. The best thing is to leave the tavern,
Frtmsz Burn, in . a speech 1860;de
dared that "the Democratic Tarty watt the
most miserable and- cot rapt , ptirty•in exists.
Novi,' in his letter accepting, thd
rebeVoopperhead namination for VieeTrea
`ident; he declares Illat the opposition to the
Democratic Patty. has elwaya Peen 8,-“strug
gle of a few, men to abserlYthe: Oblides].
honors of the, nation. In' his new-born
segl 'far, the • reitoration:to , power. of the'
Southern rebels and-the ,t.!few, men": in the
North who ; aided in, the rebelliorti Flank
ought,not,to lose sight of. his, record, %theft'
he was, or pretended to be, a rampant
a b oilthMist."; 44 t,
Fort; Wayne •Oriette' t W,
Babes:the following: "Annoerilest. l a.,-70A
regas: the • National pebtf. tw
In gold, Ifertido.-' my. the
p itiThftlew
pen Ina greenbacks, ijortdin-let t ile b t
in r eenbacks.i', ger.' quite a rigek:
greenbacksiviiv,lmic °/ " 44116- MM4 124 1 6 -:
Son! duet, the thing. 4 o l 9 lll lahmieigtri4
eldy gotta& <abh2i): 4 •llll4shis
'Twits tt aaßittiatitiChertbe
,T en
slave to thommiids•Lbitt" he that taleb my
7ionor from Ins, :obi me of that which
naught egielielatzli s elid melee me Peer
NtrIA)3EII 183.-
S.Evisuar. pronrinent Democrats have cnn- e
versed with Pireaident Johnson about" the I
office Of Commissioner of-Internal Revenue. i
He is uncertain ki lifeown mind 'what to,
do. Eminent lawyers. have advised both -;
Waya. ' '•• _ - ,
"Hu. Jour:B,v said Mrs. J., with an air
of triumph, "don't you thinkmarriage hi a
means of grace ?" yes," growled
Jones-, !`.l suppose anything is a means of •
grace that breaks down pride and -leads to
repentance:" • ,
Illihhi c ,oun, "recently,, thirty.-flee men
w ent into a harvest field to cut grain. About
ten •no less than sixteen of theni had
been sun-stricken,', the MaleritY eflvhelh
died under.:theexpogure. Such; an instance '
of wholesale casualty has hardly a parallel
in the history of thiircOuntry. '
Aix eight.hour-in-the=da,y man, on going
home the other bvening for his supper, found
his wife sitting in her best clothes 'on the' .
front stoup, reading a volume -..0f travels..
" And how is this ? " exclaimed.
Where'i inisirpper ?" dont know,
replied the wife; "I began to get breakilist
at six o'clock this morning, and my eight
hours endedat 2"P.: .M." •
THE Southern Planters, it is stated, are
fast learning how to make as must profit
out of the blacks as free laborers as they
made 'ant of them when , slaves: A leiter
Mini" Louisiana the' freedmen :realize
their ohligations. THey have muted to
hope for the donation. °eland and
They have , ceased to apprehend any atteript - -
to reduce them again; to bondage., - Thai
labor . with more regularity, and although
the product of their labor is not 'so great as
forinerly,' it can be relied : pn as a fi xed
A T ..ttatucal Senator from the
West sent, through a third party,owarning
'to President' Johnson, last night; - . that if:
Congrepii-assembles in September it will _'
be for the, purpose of impeaching him..: He. -
added. that if Mr. Johnson behaved himself,
in a manner acceptable to ;the Hepublicana
or both Honks, there wont be no danger
of a meeting of either., Ho before the
next regulaxfiession. • ITO ident is said.
to belie received• thik messa e with an ac-1
knoWledgemeut of gratitude - to the sender,
and - a promise to, heed it
A mrreop. of refining sugar, without the
-use albuminous substances or 'animal _
charcoal, has recently been Submitted'tolhe -
French Academy. -consists =merely: in '
adding milk of lime 'to the syrup, miring
intimately with quantities dependent on
degree of:impurity ' . The lime is after
wards separated. by a current of carbonic
acid (passed. 'as long •as the liquid 'alka="
line,) followed by boiling for a short time -
to decompose the resulting bicarbonate. The
filtered and decanted liquid yields pare
white sugar. 'The quantity of lime 'varies
fronf,4,per cent. upwards.-
,"according to Gen, Napier,.
must be .a t"
rather pleasant way out the
world. TheGenerattfied it in &hide once,
and wrote of it to'lie daughter, as follows:.
"The sun-stroke was a staggerer; yet
hepe is to die; for never can .death.
coma in an easier shape. I waajust deadly
sleepyrit Was deadlytad I been left atone
butitie only feOing of tliottahsition would
ha-fe been a' tiredness - like that experlenced
at being suddenly waked up before time.
This was to a degree almost to be "
painful; then tame a pleasant drowsiness;
with anger that the doctors would not let
Pie sleep. Were it not for' others, would
that 'my horn had sounded; so. A e.,Lsy,. so de
lightful, I may say, was the approach of
death." ; _
under this %erne is now manufactured in
considerable quantity in England, 'and is
prepared by first cleaning shoemaker's
Waste and cuttings, from dust and foivign
matters, and reducing to fine filiaments. , -
The cutting of ox or other hides are also re- 7 ;
duced to a fibrous mass. These combined.:
together, in certain proportions, are miied,
with water to which has been added one per.
cent.' of sulphuric acid, until the whole be-, : I '
comes a plastic mass, which is then pressed
into moulds of the desired shape and size. --
After drying. by steam, - they are passed-
through Toilers glazed on one ; aide *!(l . „,'
:roughened on the oilier; tcrptoduce the graut
and flesh`aides of the leather. About ,
pound_ of glycerine to the hi:MOO weight- • • -
Is added to renderihe_leitbei,titbre flexible.;
For many pfirPoses, as - for soles and, heels
of shoes, etc., - it Is equarto natnr leather
and can be sold at one-half the dest.'
Tim Pine Bluff,.(Ark.',);,l 7 indie‘'ilcui*p . :=
staunch supporter of Seymour.,azu)
• We are new in the banding from which -11
" 4:
fluttered the first Confederale flag ,441 . -
kansatt, The glory of thardaY
ed outwardly. Changes hate _been'
, but the memory of that morning
we unfarled the Stirs and Bin,
of Arkansas defending her bent
ceding, will never die. • Not'even '
ages made by the despoiler's band
icate, one' glorious remembrance
past. •We , live as of yore, - and
chained and down-trodden: by fail'
„know the time is fast approaciait
"right end justice will sing a reiini
the , grave of Radical - witmg. "
'of our 'office still , stands: tht,l
storm-beaten shaft that • buoyed
of liberty, and although that
to be-kissed by the sun (it freeasajtei. -
remains to remind xis' , orWait...'Wo
and we hope when it 1s klittr:tv
grove gamin lies itveltlOde.afiti
•t r i i , • •:‘
r.t,Tnia-,ipi:uxemsra - -JeadlniiiDL
member °P ll ;teee'iral o Nalautio
1 fievi iihoOlict(4 , "..:. ' I.( .
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", : 0 . ctte t once ,Its'
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A' : -...., , 1 4 1 4 e toe) "-
to 'rill ilr --
1 WM ; . 2%
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and that;*For
`Thal )1...etul
Old} oiler
I.l 4 slidoßicei P
13411pAenly V
•_._ ,Xi . - 7 - ""
lir 64 itie 1
`o l; of Cle',
Backus left .
four yare a
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