1 3 w. Y. ri.wrza; 3. RIMER, Preset irrsr.uaGu FORGE AND IRON: CO., ~xuFectmcr.ns OF Bar Iron; P7ilroad Fish Bars and Solis; Railroad Car Axles Rotted; Railroad. Car dales Rammered; Loco Motive Fenn! es; Locomotive Ftaligle Shapes; Side. Rods; Yokes, Straps; 'Platen Heady, Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Crankll; piston Rods, Wrists; , Pitman Jaws, Collars, &e. °Moe, No. 1:77 PENN STREET, P • .. SVEIrtA & CO., iih,NisrAcTilitrus OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, . - Water, ite. ALSO,, - OIL WELLI'IOBI;LsT4 0010038 Water - and 182 Fiat Streets. PITTSBURGH,; Pa. )1249:effi KENSINGTON EROIII *OWLS. • LLOYD & BLACK, -2iDXIVAOnJid 32I * OI? Zeit Conunon, Refined, Charcoal . • JE[MTA BLOOM .11t0I4 wrath - min Ban, BOUND and squABE mac 11.00 P, BAND, _T and ANGLE IRoN. B)ILER PLATE anti SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. ~_ • - - :, " C MINDER and GUARD or FINGER rmixi• SHALL T RAILS, I_4),and 16 lbs. to the yard. 'WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. _.. ...- 'PLAT RAlLS,_Punehed and Countersunk.. COAL SCREEN IRON. s ANDBPIXES, Wsrehottse arid 'Office at the 19 4 ence, GREEN% 4017E1H STRET, (a continuation of t street, ad)oltilng th E e City thew ke, EVERSON, PRESTON - di , CO., .Fenniylvania Iron,Work s. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167. rimer S T R EET opposite Monongahela Haase, ap24:d6 , aerTmo..2%."'• STEEL WOItIES • prrrsuußGll STEEL WORKS. rzsTAuvisitED u 18,15.1 ANDERSON & WOO S, cIrUCCEssOBS TO ANDERSON, COOK & CO.,k Manufacturers .of every description of STEEL.. • .73. EST REFINED TOOL STEEL, Mill, Malay, Circuiar, Gang and Grose Cut SAW PLATES. • , - • Spring, Cast and German Plow and Blistsi Steel. • Sbovel. Hoe. Fork, 'take and Toe flak. rteel.... It &Dread Spring Steel and Frog Points, Cast Stow eel 'Finger tsars, Ickle Steel. rnring Steel TI re, Pl Wings, 'etc.; 011 Drill bteel . • dace and Worka—Cerner FERSP ROS2B:4IS S EITS., Plttsburgile Pa . Jt SHEFFIELD - STE E L MGM MICK. & CO.; ITITSBURGU• Minufacturen of every deßortiption of , • C(kST.ANDCERMAN STEEL, BiaLWAY SPIONGR,_ ILLLIRTIO AND PLATFORM SPRINOB. • - . • A.YLE,B, -EMEEL,TINE, &c., &c. • Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 . First Sta. _arais:o67 ViLLERs smut & PAR!LIN. GOINIILLT. PAETZCZBEI , . . METCIAII.Y, ' , CI WILLIES, GAO. W . .- 8AR.14 I CHAS. PARICIN.. . , , itkaam 'PARTiax.r.-.13. M. lIIEB. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, astr,i,rat, sAivrs et. PAIVICEDIT, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBUREIR , fel4:d4B BIACIL DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. EARS, , BROTHER & CO., Mannfacturein of all descriptions of lEEPTIM'EaLes • O nee and Warehouse, 120, 15151, 12* SECOND. and Maud INIINTELST STREETS. • • HARDWARE. E W HARDWARE . HOUSE. LINDSEY, StERRIT & EIJWER, Ifsunfacturers and Umorters of IT. R NV ARE; CUTLERY, &C 387 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER Or WAYNE, Oae Square Belau ealon_Depot, ' PITTSBUAGIL M- Agents to! FAIRSAMyr-scALros. SHBETINGS AND BATTING. 110101 E% BELL /14 CO•, ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, -. l.rrrsxa:r l m 3 ixi lihnlfactureniof EEKANT , MEDIImf and , LIGHT AND 31AGNOLLI SHEETINGS, AND BATTING. NDERS, MACHINISTS. TLAS. WORKS, A MORTON. STREET, Ninth Ward; THOMAS :N. IFIEGLUEt. PrOident. - • These Works are among the largest, and most complete establishments in; tho, West, and are now Prepared to furnish': Engines, of evtfry deiwriPtfon. Boilers, 00 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. MEE Balling Mill Castings. Engine Casting's. Illach!ne Castings. Generid Castings. n09:n69 NATIONAL FOIINDRIE . AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sniallman Streets, (NINTH 'WAR%) ..PrrrINEAVETILG-11, PA. Wff. 91117 . , . • . Manufatei r urer of CAST, IRON .BOWL FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. 61 1 1, Vi arliftel l lenturtr itnissrlAggrji GorteralCastingsibr Gas and Water Works. I would also call tbe attention of Superinteadents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fele:Uo LIVINGSTOTT.-W. H. BIIKT.W. A. 8081N80X..111. LIVINGSTON • ' IRON POUTTIVERS• " - MANITFAtTiTGERS OF FINE _LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers - and Gas Fitters; Ag rietilturall.rdpiements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Xit .itAirizaVii;k promptly attended to. .intice and Works--WASEiIIiGTON :AVENGE, near Otter Depot., Allegheny mi. Ps. ROBINSON, RBA bi CO., tanecessOrt to ROSMAN, MNIS BILL S& WASAINT.OX WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTR, Yin:BURGH, Idanfattilrers of -Boit and Stationary Steam Ita. Ci e f i t ' inj ß , l t s :sttrO e f!; ll3 . l-I,l er i j iV,lneMTraiar.lfa Stills, Boiler an. Sheet Iron r. ork. Office, ISt. corner FlestandEngthfleldStreeta. Agentv_fos lIIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTip . lipr feeding MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union lion BUIIB4 Rolling Rill and Bridge Castings, 3Li.CHINERY /M:) CASTDI9S GENERALLY 13 Eit . Luir FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Otlice:and Warehouse, 29 Weed Street: Maiaufaaure and keep eonataLtly. on band Thimble,Skein'and Pipe Boxes, weeox Boyas,.noG moss, imam% BETTLES, HOLLOW WAll, And Castings generally.: pirrssruGH. PI'VTSI3ITAOG -11 . ORDECI..B SOLIbITICD THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, - • Ordempromptly arta camfully executed. Charges reationable. • KBBERT & MACHU:NB. THOMAS CARLIN & Fourth _Ward Foundry and Machine Works, istacotraicyjyr., ALLzatEENT Iltignuttteturers.of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, Pu t . ley!, Shafting, •Grist and Saw Mill Work, _Bolling ]l[ and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wago n Boxes, ice. Build to order and have on hand Engines of alleles. CFANIrItAL -FOUNDRY- AND ROLL WORKS OSO Perm Street. BOLIAMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY chin Roue, 31111 Outings, Roll-Lathes, TLTON MACHINE WORKS. • EaTABLIBIULD IN 1836. . nnfactory or tiTEAM ENGINES., of all sizes and of the most approved patternel, for atationari purpozei ; STEA.W,OATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A variety wil l , soldd 16 horse power ENGINES, which be it very reSueed _... prices. . P. Ft tzEISSE. Wellsville. 0... Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, h and line One of C. .t. P. E. noii: LUMBER. LUMBER! LUMBERt LUMBER! ALE%ANDER PATTFILSON, . . YARDS No. S 6 Preble Street formerly . Manchester. and No. 157 Rebecca street ,opposite Gas Works, ALLEGHENY CITY. • DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP Rough and Planed number, - Flooring, ' Doors. Weatherboarding, bash Shingles, , Mouldings, _ - Saw MIR Lumber,. : Cedar and Locust Posts, Lath and PRIITIg9, Oak and Yellow Pine. AL-6--FIREBRICK, TILE and CLAY. . a15:059 _ . FORT PITT . LUMBER COMPANY Capital, - - $125,000. Passm —T. A. imr—EDWARD Drraumoz BacRETAIIY WRIOHT. 81771.IIINTEISIDEXT-.EDW.DAIiISON. L. U n Edward Davjson. I. 1-'1 D. Diteridge. John Stelion, Nu- L'iGaione, DislCTona;.... gg Geo. W. Diturlde . Johnston. : LUMBER YARD—Comer of BUTLER AND Ale LEGHENY STREETS. Ninth Ward. I 'OFFICE AT BURT PITT GLASS WORKS. ington Street. 420:08 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN H. COOPZII. . HAYS 1132R1N ouN CIiOPER & J. BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS • MAnuficturers of Flinn ARD BRASS WORK every 4 1 inglia t . 141 Il i t gas.in Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. mris:ao SAMUEL RL WICHERSELVII, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , . . _ . Agent,for the Wet of . Cornwall, Dough ore Jo emplane, lesbellsl Doncannon Btashoi)e, (Hendon, and other brards of Anthra cite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Chafooal . _ . PICA; IKONS. CousSiiimente awl orders reepectfally sollelte4, rl SITU RG-11 GAZETTE; FRIDAY, JULY_ 31, 1868. FORT PITT _ DEILER I SIVA AND TANK ®3 KS. CARROLL atSHYDER, ITIBULAJR, POUBLE-FLUED TDISTILAR‘EXBE BOY AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. oth STILLS AND OIL TAKES, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND AsH. PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; ' STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND . IRON BRIDGES; , PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES • OtHee and Warehouse eorner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, .19r Oidera sent to , the above addreee will be romptly attended to. mh7:183 191'. BARNIIILL -.- & CO., - ;BOILER MAKERS AND SKEET IRON WORKERS, . ~ - NOS. MO, 24, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. i l 11 ng secured a large yard and furnished it with the ost approved machinery, We are prepared to ma facture every description of BOILERS in the • Des -Manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Ste Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pan ~Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators,Jiettling Pans, Boit r Iron Bridges, Sugar Pans, and pole mane- fact rers of'Barnhill's Patent Boilers. --- R airing done on the shortest notice. laI:c21 . 1 T ES NI. BITER, . - ~._ J; • ' 'Noe. 55 and 56 Water Street, . prrrsnmas, PA., maltuiscransa or • IRON .. OIL TANKS; • SETTLING PANS COPPER STEAM PIPE, • ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. 1111.3 th M. BRUSH DDYIIND D. DIME. JARED RE BRIAR & SON, • "XANCRACTUILLEB Ot Steata Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. ONEET MON WORN. &O. 1 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' A-STETTLERiONS ;Sr. CO., • MAICUTACTCIMISS or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks, And SHEET IROif WOHk, of an kinds. locust Street, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh. .1719: STOVES, C.ASTINGS, &c COOS STOVES. • ,CET THE BEST. BISSELL et 'CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB, BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove in the Union.. BISV'T.TI & CO 1 N 0.235 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES , BEATING STOVES,_ GRATEI FRONTs, FENDERS. COOKING UANGES, PITTSBURGH V111:1 CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO di - TITRE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, __ Is at No. 148 GB A N T STREET. 'tiADr ING AND l Commission Nerd'sints and Broken In Petroleum and itaProduela, • DALZELL'S BUILDIN6, DUQUESNE WAY, NITTseiDItNIII„ PA. PrHTLADzimae ADDRESS, • WARIZIG, ECIAO•dc CO., TACK BIRIMIENIB, • ; !( COMMISSION MEMANTS, 4.1.7 D DEALERS IN Petrolelim and its Products.' Pittsburgh CidIee—DALZELL, BUILDING. oor nor or Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. llblleidelphia WALNUT' BT. aDi:w2° TACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., t j Oil Commission Jobbers, _ No. 3 DUQUESNE V4AY, wlll buy and sell Crude and Refined 01Is, Lubricating, Cooperage. Our long experience In the Petroleum - trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are'de termlned to make It the interest of buyers andliel lers to give us a call. Parties having 011 s for sale are cordially- invited to bring their samples. ap5:11.41 ----------------- TS . M. LONG & CO., • MANUFACTURERS Or PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, °Moe, No. 2 Duqufisue .Way, Pittsburgh. 118. PRACTICAL 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL. LEMON & WEISE NO. 118 FOURTH RT./War:l% Constantly on band every_ variety of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE., together with a com plete assortment of common 'Furniture at reduced crises. Those in want of anything In our Une are cordially Into ed to call before purchasing. work guaranteed. lAcsioN a WEISE. ~- EISWI ILaNtrrAcTurtros or P. C. DUFFY. Walnut street. Brand,-- 6, LUC E. 8." FURNITURE• LAKE WISP ERIOII OOPPEN KILL AND BKELTINd WOUB, PrlnCesilVit,oll. PARK, MCCURDY & Co.. Manufacturers of She Braziers' and • 11.1 t Copper, Prettied Copper Bottoins,.Kaised till Bot toms, Spotter Solder. Mao, Imp.. -4 and Dea r lers n• to Metal, Ttn Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. n Stant!, on hand Tinnors• Maoltines d roots. Warehouse, No. 140 le lIIBT 4vrtrv.....1 and IMO BY.COND ET, Pit t rgh. . Firteelal orders of copper wicui *ay dvnirt4 t torn. akylee,unw'r =BIM 1 FA N 0.1.69 Food Street. CAPITAL, :: : : $200,000. STaKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE.. EALERS IN GOVERN i T SECURITIES, A D COLD. r : INTEREST. ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS., Coll ed ections m and Canaas. • DIRECTORS: IJno. 0. Risher, Robt. H. Bing, Andrew Miler, James M. Salley. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, IIeCLURIL&N, Pres't. D. LEE* WILSON. Cashier, KIEV TONE BANE, No. 3 LIBERTY STRUT, PITTSBIJEGH, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized') : •: : $200,000 DDIEOTORS. • Lm 7. enrlcktoce, or..ere H. J. Lynch, o • John Murdoch, Jr., Valltsto Espy, Samuel Ilarckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. • Interest Allowed on Time Depiiits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ill. J. LYNCH, President. _ OEO. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier .TOCKEOLDERS MDViIDIIALLY LIABLE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Con of Wood and Sixth St& A. PA.TTERSON JOS. H. HILL CAPITAL, I': $500,000. DEFLECTORS: _ George W. Cass, ./ dames McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm.• H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. p. Haven, DVICOInM DAIL ---- - HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, rrx-rismstriten; • / (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA. !WIT & C 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, ~/ and particular attention patirto the purchase and sale 01 - GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on Maw:Lc:ion. • moan NUM:ALES` & SONS, • 57 Market Street, 'PIT'I Tf3BUR(H, P. Collections made °mall the principal polnts of the United !States and Caned's. Stocks; Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 003DU9SION. . particular attention paid to the 2archase and sale of " United. States Securities. Ja.9o:al . • - - WESTERN SAVINGS BANS, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest pald on Time DepositS ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Disconkts Dilly it 11.2 o'clock. President—THOMPSON. BELL. Wee Prestdeut—A. M. MARSHALL. THOMPSON DTSc""; • J A. O . l r. MARSHALL. JOS (lILLESPI E E, J. J. GILLESPIE, * ALBILEX** Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, W I Ca Dldetrell,wel, W m.l D. M. F W. Culton.. 13,1 dwell, F. pITTSBUItGIi • . BANK, FOR SAVINGS, FORMERLY TIIE I)L3tif. A A VINOS INSTITUTION No. 67 Fourth. Street, NEARLY OrrOSITZVIE BANN OF PIITEIBURGII. CIIAEZTKREW IN, 1802. , OPEN DAILY heti 9-to .1 o'Cluck, and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, froth May lat to November lst,; from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from - November Lit to May Ist, 6 to-B o' ock. Books of ity,Lawa, furnished at the offloc. invtitutten especially offer to those whose earnings are'llmlted, - the opportunity to accumulate, by small de,poslta, easily saved, a cum which. will be a resource when needed, and bearing interest In stead of remaining unproductive. BOARD OF MANAGERS: PRESIDENT. ' GEORGE. A. DERRY. Viet PRESIDENTS, S. H. 'HARTMAN. I JAMES PARK, Jtt. SECRETARY AND TimAmUlticit, U. E. McKINLEY. A. BRA I LEY, WM. K. N IMIOK, BELL. F. RAI'S', JOAN S. DILWORTH, JOSHUA itl oDES, O. FoLLANsitr,E, •otts suorr , JAS. I.; ORA II AM, R. Oi SC UlillisTOl HER. ZOO. SoLtcrrons-1). .ft A. S. BELL. inhi4;v:2l? =IMM3aISMI 115 . FpURTit ST. 1 15• JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS •• AND AVICICIONEENS, Are prepared to sell at Aileidue tITOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, BEI6I. ESTATE, NOUSEROLD FURNITURE, • du., either on the premises or at Board of Trade Bourne. Particular attention paid. an heretofore. to the sale of Real Estate at private dale. Sales of Beal Rotate In tile country agusuded. mace. No. 110,- rt ittli 4Tlt ICYT. iyege64 $1()0000 'TO LOAN, lOW litertSlM Alke.ll4 4 tiVilthtteid attest. It. jiiniitTZ, President. Cashier T. AT 11A.11. ap9:o'D DILAIMIS Uff Eal make reference: Joseph Dlworth, Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, A. in. Brown, Thomas Ewtnc. ON BOND AND htniatiAult. GiE.O. M. PETTY. BANKER, - • Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT D PACIFIC It. R. BONDS, ( - GOLD; SILVER AND COUPONS • Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS a ailable in any part' of Europe. • • DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWED 'ON TIME DEPOSITS. • Jas To BRADY & S O., Corner Fourth and - Wood Sts:;- _ 321 .a. Da . - JEL ES . 7 BUY AND SELL ALL BINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, slim AND comiNs, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 7-30's CONVERTED INTO THE NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. Qom -- InteTei3t Allowed on Deposits. * MONEY LOANED ON GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCIDL*ONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Ett IlittzbutO Gmitt. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE lirrr8BM:1011 GAZETTE, 7 3.4 DAY, July 30, 1868. Gold opened tive and strong this mor ning at . 144%,a advance of %per cent.of the closing quotations of last night, rose to 145, but closed strong at 144%. The market is firm with indications for a further ( steady rise, with the usual fluctuations in order to give the brokers all the commission that can be made out of tne importers or specu lating public. Although gold may go back to 144 and fraction, it does not follow that the tendency is downward. What keeps the market from advancing more rapidly is the large amount of bills drawn against shipments of bonds; the proceeds o f which are immediately sold and the disposition of the German Exchange house to sell on future delivery. Again,thePraipect of early shipment of cotton keeps importers from remitting now, but should—the present stock of gold in the market ,be reduced, the speculative clique for a rise would have it their own way and an advance of 6 to 10 per cent. might cause heavy lossea on those who thought gold could not advance be cause it was down twice two and three years ago to near 125. Government bonds for, which there is a moderate investment dernand,have declin ed towards the close of business in sympa thy with gold. This is the more surprising since the dealers hai:e bat a scanty supply on hand and the . investment demand for temporarily earning interest has materil ally increased with larger cities on ac count of the general dullness of business and the inability to make capital produc tive for the time-being. . Stocks arc fumer,not so much_im their im proved valuation, but for the want ofsnita ble investinants;it is, however, only the dividend paying companies - that arewanted. Lome of the Westeni shares are less firm, but Cleveland, Fort Wayne New York Central, ,te.,are all higher and in demand. Express shares are dull and Inactive.. Money very easy but only for first class houses. —Closing quotations as roomed by Ph.R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 144%; 1881 bonds, 115}; 5-209,1862, 114%; 1864 do,111%; 1865 do, 112%: new, 1865 and 187, 109; Ten Forties, 100%; Seven ;Thirties, 108%. New' York Central, 136%: Erie. 68%; Michigan Southern, 92%; Cleveland et Pittsburgh, 89%; Northwestern, common , 82%; Preferred, 82%;"Chicago dt Rock land, 109%; Pittsburgh tit (Fort Wayne, 110; Ohio Az Mississippi Certificates, 30%; Merchants Union Express, 24%; Western Union Telegraph, 35%; Corydon, 30 4 Quick silver, 22%; Quartz Hill, 1.10. , --Closing quotations received by James T. Brady et Co.: Gold, 144%; U. B.:6's,lBBl's, 115%; 5-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20's, 186, 111%; 5-20'8, 1865. 112%; 10-40's, 108%; 5-20's, January and -Judy, '65, 109%; 5-20's, January and July, '67 109%; June 7-30's, 108%; July 7-30's, 100%; May Comp., 1865, 119,-30. CENTRAL 'LIVE-STOCK MARKET•' C4InCIE OFTHRPITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, jilly 3q,1.865. I The market has again been fairly active at these yards during the past week, the volume of business having been fully up if not a little in excess, of the week Pre vious, and a botterlfeeling seems to prevail, while pAces, although pretty well sus tained, have undergone but little change. There was a full attendance of eastern buy ers, mainly from Philadelphia. although several droves.were taken for New York, and about all the cattle Offered found buy ers. The reeelpts were not quite up to those of last week in point of numbers, though fully equal in regard to quality; prime fat cattle sold at tram 7y, to 8, and we heard of 8%, having been offered and refused for a drove of prime Licking Co. (Ohio) steers. Medium grade cattle may be quoted at 6% to 7 and stockers at 4 to 5 :41 as to quality. James. Martin (an ea-Fenian)BlM 61 head prime Southern Ohio steers, averag ing about 1275, at tiO4 par head. Smith & Taltnage, 17 for Carnahan to Me- Garvey, at 5,85; 2orstock steers, for- Wilson to J Pearce at bets. W. A.. Taylor, S 7 head to Bell & Morris, Weighing 8,250 at 7,35. Knapp to H. hillier, 18 - head weighing 19,8 )0 at 7c. Feirrall to MeArdle, 19 head weighing 21,575 at 7c. a• W A Taylor to Young, 15 bead good butchers stock weighing 17,800 at 740. Montgomery to id Miller, 31 weighing 39,225 at 6,50 to 7,75. S McClain to Marks & Co., 17 weighing 18,350 at 6,15. L Sh.sruburg 'to John MoArdle, 47, bulls private terms. Clark to Mavnes i 16 weighing 16650 at 6; same to seine 21 at 4,75. Kelly to M.usselimart,37 weighing at MO. Carter to Deitrich, 18, head weighing 21,400 at 5% to 7%. Forbes to Poteger 23head weighing 15,55{- at Sc. Doolittle to Planti., 18,335 at 5,65. Hardly to Gen. Marks, 22 head very 'com mon at'4,So c Patterson to Ilertby, 21 head. same bind-at 4.10. Il C Crum, sold for Dolan to Shelley, 23 bead common at sc. Patterson to W Hedges 4; Co„ 36 head TexaS steers or stags, weighing 37,800 at 5,50. Shepard to Croft, 19 head weighing 16025. at 5,25._ Shields teMiller, 46 bead prime fat cat tle, weighing 63,125 at 8; same to W Hedges Co., 51:weighing 61,650 at 7%. Shields to Hillegas, 18 head weighing 20,300 at 7c. Horst to Rotn, 32 head weighing 30600 at 6; same to Ilertzberger, 17 at 7,so—prime. Crum to Styer, 9 head at 460. Humes to McCall, 18 weighing 20775'a 6,75. Montgomery to Miller, 34 weighing 33,82 at 7to 7%. • Holmes Lafferty & Co., sold 7 head of scalawags, for Wick to Moses & Co.. at 4; 46 head of , Western stockers, for Logan to McGarvery at 5; 31 same kind for Doud to Slyer at 4.75; 5 for Hudson to same buyer at 4,75; 34 for Logan to Aull at 5,50; and 2 for same to same at 4,75; ; 9,..f0r J 11 Glass to Steers at 4,60; 19 for Whittlesy to Hilder ga:'s at 7. Fleece & Croce, to Hedges & Kase, 50 head of good cattle weighing 57,400 at 7,35. A Musser to Hedges - Sr. Kase, 53 head of prime fat cattle, weighing 62,500 7,75. Talbert to liddges C0.,32 head of prime fat steers weighing 40,875 at 8. Hedges Taylor sold 18 head for Keenan to McCall, weighing 22,250 at 7; 18 for Mid dleworth to Landis weighing 20,575 at 590; 39 for Booth to McCutcheon & B. weighing 38975 at 6; 16 for Sheaves to Por teger at 5,75; 4 heifers for. Many to Hower at 5,50; and 4 bulls for same to same at 3,75; 18 for Scott to McCormack at 6,75; 17 for Kelly to Maynes at 6,75, at 5; and S to same at 6. . -SHEEP. The arrivals of Sheep were considerably larger than lastl week. though mostly,cena mon and inferior in regard to quality, and as a consequence prime fat sheep sold read ily at full prices, while common and. infe rior were dull aneslow of sale. As will be seen by reference to sales, five cents ; is. the highest price reported, and we quote at 4 to 5 for good to strictly prime. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. sold 170 bead ,of common to Dimler at $2 per head; a150,:12. head, to same buyer, very oommon, at #2 • per, head. Hedges A. Taylor sold 106 for Vanforsen to Pidcock A Co. at 4 ots; 198 for Keenan. to Pearce fdr cts. Richey sold 250 to Hedges it Watson at 43,05 per head. Smith and Talmage to Aull do Myers, av— erage 82 pounds, at Hull A, Co. to Aull and Myers, 205 head weighed off the cars, averaging 80 lbs, at. 44,60 per cwt. J. Lloyd bout 183 from Shanper at $3,0.5• per head; 465 from McDonald, averaging 86, at 4 cts; '224 from Brainard at $2,50. Per head; 98 from Rodeheimer, averaging 84, at 4g; Is 9 from Geo. Davis, averaging 95, at 5 cts; 213 from Zeigler, .avdraging 88, at 434; 207 from Smith ez.Talinage, at 41,75; 200' from same at $ 2,70. IBrugh to Pancoast 145. averaging 80 lbs, at $3,25 per cwt. Smith and Talmage sold 207 for Entriken to Pearce at 84,10; 196 for Brook to Deltrich at $4; 128 for Rickenbiad to Podcock at $4,70. isms. The market for this class ,of stock con tinues very stiff, which is owing to con tinued light receipts, and prices compared , with last week have still further advanced. We give 934 to 1034 as the ruling figures for fair to prime heavy averages. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. sold 97 for Blue anilTucker to Keys at 10,20; 91 1 for Holmes- , • & Bro -to Keys at 9,55; 119 for Quick to Keys. at '.9,90; 49 for Knowles to Crouse, Euaarick & Co at 9,75. W. Hedges sold 150 bead to Singer & Imhoff at 10,30; 100 to same buyers at 40,60.- Bought 112 from Gillespie at 9,45; 58 from Knowles at 9,35; 63 from McClain •at 9,25; 19 from Crawford at 9; 37 from Crouse E & Co. at 9; 10 from some at 8,75; 65 from Mar tin at at 9,25; • 58 from Morgan at 9,30; 11 from Pollock at 7,25; 270 from Conklin at 9,50; 122 from Combs at 9,20; 59 from Ma thoney at 9,25; 6 from Munn at 9,75; 32 from Waring at 9,40. - Martin sold 88 head to Singer & Imhoir at 10,50; 83 to same buyers at 10,50. Singer S., Imhoff bought 5 from Stafford - at 9,50; 49 from Friend at 7 9,45; 150 from, same at 10; 'l5 from Hedges at 9,25; , 46 from, Smith at 10; 49 from Voter at 10,20; 98 from Tilden at 10,25;._ 100 from W. Hedges at 10,60; 93 from Conklin at 10,55; 52 from W Hedges at 10,70, extra. Crouse, EMerielf. & Co. bought 160. from Moss at 10,30; 44 from Rodeheimer at 9,50; 396 from Carniduin & Co. at 10; • 103 from Blair at 10,35; 48 from Green at 10; 200 froM Tilden at 10,50. CATTLE. +. "1 heaA weighing PITP3BIURGH PETROLEUM MARKET• OFFICE pl• THE.PITTSBErICGTI GAZETTE, TIIIIESHAY, July 30, 1868. $ CRUDE—The crude market continues exceedingly quiet and devoid of any new or important characteristics worthy of no- tics. - There seems to be -little or no - de• wand for either present or future delivery though it is equally true that there is but little offering, and Prices, although weak, are without quotable change. We can quote bnethousand barrels on spot at 14; and two lots of one thousand each for Au gust, seller's option, at the same .figures. The purchasei l for one of the above lots of oil was an Oil City party; this is reversing the wheels of trade, as heretofore we have been accustomed to hear of oil having been bought at Oil City for Pittsburgh. We pre sume, however, that this -party had an ob ject in view;-may have had a contract which he was anxious to cover. • REFINED--The market for refined oil • was also exceedangly q uiet to-day, not a single sale reported, and prices are a frac tion off and tending downward. We quote on'spot 33%; August at 34X, and , Sep tember at WI. As will be seen froth the above, spot oil is off fully half a cent; Au gust a quarter, end September about the same. OIL BPWPM).EAST PER A. T. R. R. Citizens Oil Ref. Co., 767 bbls to Waring, King & Co, Philadelphia. 7,,L, Koehler & Co, 300 bbls to Waring, King & Co, Philadelphia. E. Jagetnan 200 bbls to Waring, King & co, Philadelphia. National_ Ref. Co, 250 .bbls to F. A. Dil worth & Co, Philadelphia P. Weisenberger & CO, 250 bbls to War den, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Butfam, Kehew & Co, 50 bbls tar to Vi r / P. Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. • OILNHIPPED EAST ,FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. G.W. Eioldship & Co, 168 bbls ref. to War ing, King & Co, P.hiladelphia. Brooks .1:1 &. Co, 102 bbl benzoic, Wallace, Curtis & Co, Philadelphia. Duncan & Williams, 51 bbl ref. to Lo- gan, Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyons, 92 bbl ref. to Logan, Philadelphia. Warden & Batchelder, 130 bbl ref. to Warden F dr, Co, Philadelphia. Hutchinson 011 Ref. Co, 12 bbl ref. t. Warden F &.Co. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co, 200 bbl r,ef. t • Waring K & Co. Chicago Cattle Marhiet. ,(111 Telegraph to the IrlUebargh Cntamao, July 30.—Beef cattle; r choice, firm, and common and ( grades declined 15a25c; sales at for Texas and Cherokee steers, for fair to good cows, $5,02!ia6,5 1 medium steers, and $6,87,,a7,70 choice. Hogs active and 100 119,00a9,35 for light, $9,30a9,60 medium, and 48,7810.0,66 for g