RE hiallthd Natters in New York. Gold G'losed at 1445, .fr Telegiaph to the rittsbikreta Gazette.l Moir Yottu, July 29, 1868. , MONEY AND GOLD Money extremely easy at 3@4 per cent. call - loans. Sterling is quiet atmg@ 0 3a. Gold is firmer, opening at l;ti• and `:?sing at 1443,. Cash gold less plenty.. • ' GOVERNMENTS. • Government bonds are dull but steady: lupons of 1881, 115;@115%; do. '62, 11431 114 'g; do. !GI, Illg©114 2 r; do. '65, 11*4 . !: 112 g; 'do. new; 100X0, 109 y,; 109% 1 08;4; do, '6B, 109%©109M; do 10-40 s ?. 9 3gt;:, , 1083,5; 7-30 s, 108%@109. Conversions taday, $491,150.' Border State Bonds 'r ~ • ang; Misspuris, 92X; ojd Tennessee, • new do. :03514; old Virginia, 5:1; old artlt Carolina, 723.,; new do. 52. - The railway , market was lower but closed 2 adY. There were free sales of North stern during the day and it touched .51.'s • There was a break in Rock Island, 'aich was subsequently.-recovered, attrib . ed'to the reported passage' of a resqlu- M tcy the Stock Exchange-.declaring' the ttiticates not a good deli Very until duly inspired;at the COrripany's office at Chi-. go• Nn*. finch, resolution , .was cific Mail was strong and higher. Mist llaneotisAndExpress Shares quiet. • Jhe following were the 5:30 - prices: Can -48@)18- Cumberland, ,32@a5; Wells 4 , rpre se, 27%@27%; American EiEpress; 45; Aetna' Express 52%@53; United States, 46%547; Merchants Union Ex - - 24%024,6; Quicksilver, 21%; Pa le Mail, 1045 ®101%; Western Union Tel raph, 135@185,g; New York Central, 135% .135%; " Erie, ' 68%@68%; Rrieprefer -74,Atg75%; ''Hudson,l3B@l3B;4; Har ,:n, '125; ' Reading 94.1@95: • Wabash, 3g; Wabash' . preTerred, 6S; St. Paul, Yog7s;_ St. Paul preferred, 8460 '33; Ohio &Mississippi Certificates, 301 / ;.@ ,g; Michigan Central,' 118%; Michigan utherri, 92%.,@92%*: Illinois Central;l49@ ; Pittsburgh, 89%0589i/0 Toledo, 102% :103; Rock Island;10834@)109; Northwest :A 8:1(4,82%; do. preferred, 82W82 1 , 1 4; rt Wayne, 109 . 145110; Terre Haute, 43@ '%4; do. preferred, 66@,67%; - Chicago and .ton, 136®138; .do. preferred, 40; • ::d Erie, 17%@18. , MINING MARES. , . . , fining Shares null Gregory, 470®465; ns York , I 115. Edge Hi 11,370.. • '..... ' . 8 trxt-TRE43I7Br MATTERS.:' - ' 11, _,, • EteCeilrl o tEi t; at the h:tib-Treasury, $7,090,811; ,;-%ymentEc $539:433; Balance, $83,455,357. ...,:ports, exclinevf.epeoie, for the week, r , 976,58..5. , • , . ___ , - . . ... ; - PITTSBITR H . WOOL MARKET. • OFFIVE oti PITTSBURGH GAZiTTE, WEDIcitSDAY. ;lily 29, 1868. cannot quote any change, in prices :•Lee our,last, and, as a large proportion of Wool is now out of first hands, the mar will continue to be well supplied with Qualities, -and we 4:1O not lookfor any orders in , for some time ';come.. The eastern market still remain without , any.improvement in prices. p onote: • -;joarse, Fleece 7 c..*••• •••• sine - - ,;!'ab-washed - . Chicago Market.' v • r Telegraph to the Pittsburgh't Gazette.; PHicAao, July 29.—FlourAuiet and firm ~: $7,50A11,25 for Spring extras. Wheat in 1f , ...0d speculative and fair milling demand, •,' 4- , ady; sales. of. No. 1 at $1,92 and Ni. 2 at 1,76a1,78, closing at $1,77 cash and $1,61, /......_er, August for No. 2; sales of No. 2 this ?. moon at $1472a1,78. Corn active on p ulative and shipping account at.c. fpi; sales No. 1. at .92Ma93V„ and No. 2 1 a 92 and rejected at 87;i, clesitig quiet r . , . I ,c N a 92% for o. 1; since change sales No. i 4 93-. Oats - quiet; sales at 66Ma67;1 ling at!the inside. Aye more active and 34:!_igher; sales No. 1. , at $1,30, N 0.2 at SI,Z t.s . •: rejected at $1,10.... Barley 4rm;_lsTo. 2 ":::;tore $1,25. sample lots on track and de ,- sred at $14.5a1,35. Whisky firm; hold i',i . asking ° 48150'e. lei bonded and $l.lO for ~ . r e.,..:Frovisions firm; .Mess Pork steady ,i322;50. Lard 17' for steam. Dry. Salted irllders'nomin at 113ic loose. Receipts bbls Refit, 2;434 Jaush*rwbeat,. 83,809 eorri; - '16,636 - busli oats, 3,068 Ihogs. ;Ipment7,4B9 bbls flour, 1,430 bush, 51,13419z,W311 ' , corn, :1,131 bush oats, 'l2 hogs., Freights firmer and yo higher; on corn, to Buffalo. • I • •-• . • _ Cincinnati Market, Terearso to the Pittsburgh Garette.j I , 3rtionssArr, July 29.—Floni in demand prealous prices. Wheat in , demand at p1.5a2,25 for , Nos. 1 and 2, Old;, new $1,90a es.. Corn quiet at 88390 for ear and shelled. J'A - e dull; new not saleable a& better. than , 1 35. Oats, old,firm; 80forNo. 1, new 68a70. ,I 4 Barley of any consequence inthe mar :.=•t. Mess Pork 'held firm at $28,50. Bulk :;cats advanced_ and in demand at 1214 for iloulders and 14y,,a14 for Bides, Bacon der and -held higher; at the close held at • clear rib, , 16Krt16,6 and clear 'l7. Ams are' in good demand at 20A0 1 A. is held firmly at 18c, with alight job ;g demand at 173,fc.' Butter is active at, c. Clieese is in demand fer fair at 1234 Eggs arefirrn at 17a18c. Groceries unchangedand !inlet, Linseed Oil is at $1,06.' - Petroleum, 34a36c. Cotton moderate - demand at 29e for rniddlimr stock on hand to date by actual count 41_,891 bales. Hay is in demand at $16a17 •• ton on' arrival. Tobacc o is active, with ;.les of leaf at $10,75a22,75. Whisky is held -,560. Gold, 144 buying, and 14434 selling. • , St. Zombi Market. ;t e legraph ,to - the Pittetinrgh eazette.l LOUIS, July 28.—Tobsicce; the de % : 7 1 is good and , prices • are well sus ,•d; heavy. sales of undressed at 111,30 a. nd dressed•at $2,40. Flour firm,With super_ at 8,43,715a7,0C;.cheide ex doable extra. at 43,25a8,75, and tra-and fancy at $10812,50. :Wheat d hig r h'er,att2,2sa2,3s for prime to' hiteminter and $2,20a2,80f0r choice , .y - and: red; ltßime spring 'sold' at ,:•75ornlieceipts small; whieh 'caused .• • Iprioes; mixed • and yellow 823,94 c; fOrd42c. Oats heavy;: the - receipts , •, ' »decline; the market closed. at, 48a • • • ; c•ley i ominal, at $1,25a1,50 (dr prime :. Rye highernt 10a1,15. Pro . igniett; and -steady.: Pork- sold at. icon;, shoulders 12301.30- clear rib ' to. sides 'l7e. Sugar Cured Hates ard; ' choice Jobbing 17Walee; • • ‘ B, e. - Whisky unchanged ' et 51,25. A goleAlo Market. aph•tq the Plttabergth•Gatette./ • . 29.—Flour--;repelpta 900 lipments -500 bbls; quiet and firm: • : . , ,aeat---reeeipts 5,600 bn; shipments - • .‘;., 3ass better; sales-white- Michigan whiteg.lllinois $2.35; No. 1 red $2,06; Ylo $1,95; ,amber Illinois $2,1234; am . • qlers for 'August, $1,85a1,90. corn -12,939 bn; sbipments-20,000 bti and u3r; No.l 913a96540, and buyers for k 95340. j .oats_quiet and nominally. Rye receipts 920 bu; sales No. 1 at • Cleveland Market., :degrapb pa,therittabgoth Glue tte.3 2:' , , , cigrasn,.• July , 29,-Flour quiet,. at• '0,50 for double :extra spring and 811 a `ifor doable extra red winter; country, jdo are weak and irregular.", Wheat; s red held , st $2,18a2,19; sales .of four loads of t No: 2 at 2,00. Corn held at F. Oats held at 78c. Rye dull and ings 1 1 lid held at 111,78a1.801f0r 'No. 1. Bar-% : - ', l 2srket nominal. Petroleum firm and ; l asted, at 3111824 for'standard white. ESE Nati York Product Market. EBT.Teleitraph tb the;'Plttaburtih Gazette., NEW Tong, July 29.—Cotton ormod firmer with a fair demand, but closed quiet and drooping; sales 1,800 bales at 29a30c for middling uplands, closing to, buyers at, over 29160. Flour; receipts: - 2;685 bbls; quite, firm, particularly' for fresh grorin with a nioderate detnatid; sales 87,000 bblii at56,65a7,50 for superfine state and Rest ern, $8,15a8,85 'for extra state, -$8,20a10,60 for extra . western, $10,65a13,00 for; white wheat, $8,55a12,90 for round' hoop Ohio, $9, all for extra 'St. Louis, and $llOl4. for good to thole(' do, closing ;steady. California quiet- uiid steadv;,sales 600 sacks. at $10,25a 12,40: RYe ,Flour firm; sales 350-nbls at $7.,.80 aid. Cern meal quiet; sales 250 bbls at $5,85. for western. Whisky firmer and ac tive; sales 720 bbls in bond at , $252 a 2,55. Wheat: receipts 7,330 bin; _quite firm and in`, moderate milling demand; sales 22,500 bus at $1,95 for No. 1 spring; $2,30 for amber winter Canada;. $2,50 for new white Georgia, and $2,30 for new red' Georgia; one,load No. 1 Milwaukee 'choice at $1,98. Rye scarce and firm at $1,75a1,83. Barley noininal.. Barley Malt quiet and steady. Corn; receipts 34,054 bus; opened steady and closed dull; sales 132,000 bus at -$1,05a1,111 for mixed Western afloat; $l,lO for kiln ijdried. Oats; receipts - 13,820 bus; No lower . ; sales 51,000 bus .at 84c for West ern afloat, and 880 to arrive. Rye dull. Coffee quiet and firm. Sugar steady; sides 400 hhds at 113 al2. l Ac for Porto Rico; ' lla 12!.4,c; for Cuba. •Molasses dull and heavy. Hops quiet,...Petrolenm firm iat 17Naltle for crude, and 34c for refined bonded. Leather—Hemlock sole in moderate request at 27a29c forßuenos Ayres heavyweight. Wool steady and les* active; sales 500,000 lbs at 42a53c for domestic fleece.. Coal quiet and very flan; sales by' auction to-day of 30,000 tons of Scranton at $4,15a4,22 for lurap; $4,25a4,40 for. steamboat; 554,65a4,90 for grate; .$4,50a4,95 far. egg; $5a5,10 for stove, and $4,05a4,10 for: chestnut. Pork firmer and in moderate demand; sales 1,300' bbls at $28,25g.8,50 for new mess, ()losing at ; $28,38, 'regif&r;• $.28,0048,50 for, old mess; $450a13,00 for prime; $24,00a24,25 for prime mess; also .1,000 new 'mas t sellers eptember, at $28,50a28,56; 5,000 do, sellers October, at $28,25; 5,000 bbis 'do seller first half August, at $28,50. Beef steady; 175 bbls. Beef Hams quiet. Cut meats.firrn; 400 pkgs at:12)403 1 4c for shoulders; 116 1 / 4 , a1714:c for hams; middles steady; 75 bxs at 17 for Stretford, and log- for long clear. "Lard a Slade firmer;77s tea at 163018% for steam, and .18a18Me- for kettle rendered; also 250 prime 'steam, seller September,,at •180: Butter is• steady at _25a33c for Ohio..' Cheese fiem at 11a16e.. Freights to Liver pool steady; engagements per steamer 60,- 000 bUsh corn at 53441. • LaTE.s . r—Fleur closed firm with a good inquiry fel' medium and low grades fresh ground. *Wheat quiet, steady and in mod-, orate milling demand at $1 1 82a1,86 for No 2, and $1,93.31,96 for, No 1 spring., Rye scarce' and firm at $1,76a1,83. , Oats dull and heavy at 82. c in store;,B33oSic afloat; 85c to ar rive. Corn dull $1,02a1,08 for unsound: $1,10a1,11 for ! sound new mixed western afloat. Pork 'quiet, with buyers of new mess at $28,30, regular, and sellers at $28,37. Beef steady with a moderate deinand. Cut meats firm with a fair inquiry;- sales .50 pkgs bagged hams at 21y,a21c. Bacon quiet and steady' at 14c for Stratford cut. Lard firm at ,17M183-;c for fair to prbne steam. Eggs quiet and steady. 35c '37c . 88@40c 37@40c (By Telegraph to theTittst;tirgh CHICAGO, July 29,—Beef Cattle active for best grades; light steera in large supply and 25a50c lower; $4,00a4,65 for stockers] 54,50a5,75'f0r common to good choice cows; 1E!3,00a0,65 for light shipping, and $7,.25a8,00 for good to choice shipping. Hogs active and 153017140 higher; §8,75a8,90 'ilk light; $9,00a9.25 for fair to medium, and $9,30a 9 75 for fair to good choice smooth. lßy Telegraph to the PlStsburgh Glazette.] • BALTISME, July Fll29.—our rem.sins, active; very firm Mid unchanged. Wheat is firm; receipts are small: sales red at 52,25 a 2,45. Corn is active: sales white at $1,32. Oats ls, firnier at 85a92c. Mess perk is active at $29,50;, bacon active and advancing; rib sides at 169.1(117c ; Clear do. , at , 17a17 1 / 4 c; shoulders at 14 1 4a1410 ; hams at •21a22e. Lard firm at 113, 3 ,4 c. • Neiv York :Dry Gimts Market. Telegraph 10 - the Pittsburgh Gazette; - Thrsir Yong., July 29.--,The market i for staple styles ofCotton Goods is steady, :with a moderate in quiry for . heavy •BrOwlt Street-. ings at 17a18c; ,best Print Cloths fie; - Printed Calicos tor' fancy eO - .lekin•rrnwl-, der. - Wooleii:Goods In' general ImproVed request, at 4450400 per yard for fancy Cassimeres, and .11,50x2;25 for black Doe- • Ne*phip. Market ! • . .4 4 CBy Telegr►Dll i to the, .F.!l tAt!urgh . MEmPins,i r jal'y 20.,--Cotton. quiet; and steady-with no sales; receipts three,bales; exports onehale. Flour ,dull • with Raper-. fine at $7,50. - Wheat $1;75a2,00. Corn 90a 9543. Oats 70a75c. Hay. slBa2o. Bran. 23a. 24c. Corn meal $4i50a4,75., Pork $28,50. Lard 18!.4a19c. . Badon quiet with shoul ders ay.l3c, and clear ?idea at 173 c." • • ' (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. Gazette.] ' • MiLWAVICHIC, July 29r;-Flour firm arid prices , unchanged.. 'Wheat unsettled at #2,10 for No 1, and $1,78 , for No 2. Oats Ethane and - firm at 740 for No 2 - Corn quiet at 910 for No 2... Receipts-500 bbltf. flour, 8000 bush wheat, 5000 bush oats, 2000 bush corn. Shipments-200013131i flOur, 6000 bhs wheat, 108 bush oats, 100 bosh corn. Philadelphia Market. • I , . . Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PHILADELPHIA, July 2.—Petroleum steady crude Wm; refined 340. Clgiyeiseed in good 4ertritrid at 88,76a9. Floirr dull. 'Wheat unsettled •• add higher; choice OeliiWare 52,50 Rye": f 1;60a i. 0,5 for hill and ' fdr new. Corn , scarce; , priins'old *ell° 81,20; mixed western 51,18. Oats steady. Others unchanged. , . r_-' St. Louis Cattle Market., t. [Br l'elemraelitp, ch" Pittsburgh. eispette.i • ST. LOl7lB, July 29.—Cattle eteady t livith a fair tosleesa at unchanged ,pFleee.. Blzeep and Laiths imehanged; , - ti*Oeit . o . 41),„, • PirrattultgiuOrk.:Wspo,„,anxislatoaso R.A.tx.sosa, Jtit1y ( 29,.. 7 - 1 13.oaralmetal, Bevan & Caughey;,l do 40 r fit Efarbaugh & Co; I do do; Moorhead it Co; .4 oars wheat, : Liggett & Gof 1 car ataVeIW.HZ AdaPos . &• - •*9 7 .4 -o °' bbls flour, Thoinsa"& 157'pkgs raga, Christy & CO; ' Vont.; lumber; G It, Proc tor; 30 bxs cheese, Haworth,' McDOnald Co; 28 de do, Wood, Morrell 6(C0f.30' - Watt; Lang 49, Co;'10'. dosddir SIP Shriver Ai Co;_ 30 aka ragtl,l , Pittsi Paw: Co; 29 bait cheese,.Woodworth A 1 tv ie 9n;• 210, 1 474 ,, n .shovel handles,' Kielp.p l A o /PiPi 21 4 1" 1 " 90 Potato/. Nelso4 it go; f r par, t pay. 193 ba It s oats, . Rea Jr; ffe; B'skit 4 7 - 001,;, 1114 1 :leer 4 11, ,643 eke wheat,',Llggett •PO, -3 b 0 eaggs ti Riddle; 27 bxa obtain, 11 4 ttokles 411 , 116; 26' do do, 47 pkga woodenware . ,.,l, .1:011*Orth tit'CO; 4•bble eggs, 8 do, greenit:PPJ,iii•l6ol/34 Mahobd Co; St green liiilka,,m'Deiange; .100 bbls floor , -Wait, t,44fijelit , 'Co; 800 pigs lead, J B,Lybit& 436;100 Mils flo6r, dwner; 40 bzs nails,J - LoginV.&Gfaggj I.; ,Ji 0. • 0 ' 01‘xv$1.aixto.` Prritani:lt'dai! s Poem; ' July ''29.— ears Iron or, 163 " Knight, Porter & Cog2do Ninlinkl• & Co; car stone, , P;;Walfo;-,1 t cio d e 4 1.17, McDonald; 2 /oat* brick Pitts 'Cast Steed, Spring Co; I de rinokit. Jl :MiVarsott;A (a;,1; doltimber, Fali r,. I.4oLigboad At't };Ailey ; ; k, do iron ore, , N.Ctl /taipPi r," So; •4 oopper ore, Hov/in 1{ bt ils., Fli,..)geo t o , basco, 20 bblkis . aft, Te;'• 7. bxs scales, Will4WltivlrotrW4 4 6l; .rye; 11 bbis potatoes, &do eggs, Voist. Ma hood it Co; Ito hams, J B Dilworth & Co; bga ears. Maltase is Aujer; 1 bbl elder Chicago Cattle Market Baltimore Market 3111Wankee Market tITISMIRGIL. GAZETTE illtS DAY, JULY 30, 1868 . J Roth; 50.bbla oil, Wm McCutcheon; 55 do do, I Spear; 10 bas cheese, Danlevy & Bro; 18 bdis ehatitt, 3do rockers, Bedford Chair Co; 10 bills shafts, M McWhinney & Co; 1 bbl eggs, H Rea Jr. • ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. B. July .29. Icor metal, H Woodsides; 2 bbli3 eggs, 5 kegs butter, Vangorder & Shepard; 2 bxs do, 3 bbls eggs, J 11-Graham; 8 bxs butter, 1 bbl eggs. R Crawford; 1 car lime; J Reno; 2 bbls eggs, 3 bgs beans, S Cooper; 2 bbls whisky, Smith & Fryday; 73 ske oats, Scott 61 Gisal; 2 cars limestone Shoenber gor it Blair; 3' aks wool, IV :Barker Jr; 3 bbls eggs, Head & Metzgar; 1. kg whisky; McCullough, Smith & Co g ALLE9IIENY STATION, Jtily bbls oil, H M Henderson; 8 green hides, 1 call skin, J Ltickcamp; 7 cars metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 7 cars limestone, I do imetal, Superior Iron Co; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 1 do do, W McKee & Co; I cask, 1 bbl cheese, J McFarland; 1 car staves; C Lutz; 2 do do. Ralya' & Robert son; 1 bbl eggs, R & A Carson; 1-car lime, Gillespie & Co. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL' 'RAILROAD July 28.-2 sks dried &till, 3 bbls rye 'flour.• Watt, Lang &. Co; 1 car wheat, J Fairley; 1 box eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 65 bbls cement; Litpten & Co; 28 bxs c pow. dors, B L Fahmlstock : & Co; 1 do do, W H Kirkpatrick .& Co. .. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLR RAILROAD, July 28.-16 rolls kiather, Lappe ,Weise; 1 bbl tobacco, John Por• terfield; 37 pkgs rope, Fulton, Bollman Co; 2 rolls leather, N Snyder; 6 sks rags, Pitts Paper'Co. • PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, July 29.-100 bbls flour, owner; 150 sks wheat, D Wallace; 20 sks Oats, Hall et Speer; 27 do corn, Robb & Herron; '5 bbls potatoes ; Meador dr. Harper; 1 bx cheese, S Dilworth & Co. RIVER NEWS. The weather y4terday was cloudy and unsettled with strong indications at times of. rain. The river continues Co recede slowly, with but seventeen inches in the channel by the Monongahela metal mark. We'regret to announce the'death,of the wife of Mr. Geo. B. Kurt; the Well-known, steamboat baker. Mrs. K. was ill for about four weeks previous to her death. Mr. Kurtz has beenpartioularly unfortunate of ,late; he has been seriously ill hitt:melt 'for several months, with an abscess, hutis now in a fair way for recovery, and it Is only a feW weeks since he burieff one of his children. - .—The Camelia went from Cincinnati to Fulton on Monday to lay up. —A Cincinnati papef says: The J. N. McCuliciugh has not not yet been chartered by the Mail Line, as generally supposed. ' —Captain Dan. Maratta has been con fined to his house by sickness, at Roches ter,Pennsylvania, for some time.” We are gla to hear that he is now able to be about again. , I —Will Rays, of the Louisville Deinorat, 'says the Rob Roy got over Portland' bar thus: Lew Morris went back on the stern until they got the bow over; ho then went tb the bow, her stern flew up, and away she went. —LOgan D., Cameron, of — St. Louls, says he is "about engaging in - the barge system of carrying freights,' and therefore adds $llOO to the.preinium of $2OO already offered for the best model of an iron barge, at the 'Agricultural Fair at St. Louis in Oc tober. The Madison Caarier says: Notwith standing the poitponoment ; of the river and harbor bill in the House ofCongress ' work 'will be at, once eotninenced on the Louis ville canal, under General Weitzel, and between ,71,000 and' $2,000 of the amount appropriated expended there. —The Cincinnati C'hrbnicic, of Tuesday. ;Says: Wo learn. Irmo lt kj. , )proe - that we deeni perfectly reliable, that the Newport .4 Cincinnati 'Bridge Company aro about to - contract with parties in Pittsburgh to build a truss bridge connecting the two •cities with azspan of 400 feet over the main channel, and that the work on the pier 1011 be commenced immediately,. • • —We clip the following from the Cincin2 nati Commercial ; of Tuesday: The Monitor Furnace, located at Pittsburgh, opposite Ashland, Kentucky, together with its con tents, was totally consumed by tire, on Fridayanornhig last. `The ,fire. originated :from the 'bursting of a. tank filled, with 'Melted'pre: The furnace was owned, by. Mosirti;lohn'Peterwat C 0.,. and the loss is estimated at between Sixty and seventy .five.thOtisand dollars. The amount of in snnancb en-the building we'were,unable to ascertain. L'Morgan,Cates th • Pant' - communi e following, which 4 a:dahlia Itself, tcithO St. Louis Repubtican: In the'report of the fortunate death: of 'my father you state there was wine. unpleattantness existing,; &a Will you please :correct that state ment? ,Hts • famlly_rolations never were more pleasant thati,en tbo day previous to his death. Owing hisillness, Another de sired him to remain in the house with her during the day trained,-and he did so, anti they event the do ideasantly together ! ' In the evepina he. was, - to all appearaneea, as well as ever and perfectly 'sane. Mother then told him she would visit some lady friends,:to which he made no objection. She did so And remained at the' house of her friend the night: These; Ii be lieve, in , fact, know, to be the facts; and I feel that yob will appreciate my motives in desiring to have the circumstances of this sad occurrence set, properly befere the Public. Respectfully, Paut...l, MORGAIf. MIES N THE MATTER . . OF THE HI -A- VISION OR ScOTT TOWNSHIP INTO TWO ELECI'ION PRECINCTS. In the Court of Com , mon Pleas of K4ghbtly . coat itPt.e.:lß" her Term, ; 18081. ' • • ••• Notice le heiebyislvea'Ait ,:c; ~:1 ,1%; tßetween Liberty ead Perry streets. Ober proaiptly attended to: salSad IDITTSBURGH indangwil CONNELLSVILLE On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1861- trains will arrive at and depart from the Depok. COI, ner of Grant.and Water streets, as follows: eport. Arrive. _- Mall to and from Uniont`n: 7 D :00 A.R. 6:00 P. Y . McKeesport A CCOMM t. .11 : 00 A. m . 2:05 p . Ex: to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 P. 24.10:00 A. Y. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30m. as. 8:35 A. Y. Braddock's Accommotlat'n 6:15 P. Y. 7:50 P. Y. Night Ace. to McKeesport-10:30 P. Y. 6:40 Banday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 r. mt. 10:00 A. le Tor tickets apply t 3 • KING, Agent. W.. - 11:-STOUT, Superintendent. A L mhs :LLEGHENY &M. VALLEY RAILROAD. DIRECT ROUTE TO TrrE OIL REGIONS, Running through to Venango City without change of cars-Connecting with trains past - and West of the Wurre.. & Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points In tto Oil Regions. • On and after April 26th. IS6S. Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike tits. at p follows: , .Ifra A. , Mall to and rim Ven. City. 7:00 A. at. 6:15 P. Y. Express " " 10:40 r. in.12:25 A. 311.. itrailv's Bend A ecommod'n 3:00 r. at. 10:20 A. N. Soda \Vorks Accom'n....... 5:30r. at. 7:55A. X. First Halton Accomod'ii... S:5O A. n. 11:40 A. Y. Second ilulton AccornoWn Si. 3:55 P.:11.. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at S:O5 , arriving In Pittsburgh at '9:50 A. Y. , B. • Atirning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:101•. arriving at Soda Works at 2:55 r. x. - • 131=1333 D. BLACKSTONE, Sup't. - W. F. II(WF Tl.ket 1 • 'g2 - !..'!:_ - ,_ ap2S ITTSIIIIRGH,Egtagms CINCINNATI AND ST. .R - g• uas AILwAy. CHANGE OP 7131E.—0n and after SUNDAY . . June 21St, 1887, trains will leave and arrive at tie Union Depot, as follokva,lPlttsburgh time: Lr.part. Arrilat. Mall Express 2:15 a.•m. 12:10 a. Fast Line In. 7:15 p. Fast Express ' 2:10 p. m. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way r 6:10 a.m. 7;05 p. m. McDonald's Acc`n, No. I.; 11:40 a.m. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville AccomMod'n. 3:55 p:m.- 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc'n,tliiv..%.. 5:25 p. m. S:2O a. m, Si.Beim. NoTtCX.--Smiday Express leaves at 2:10 p. m. arriving in Cinciimatiat 6:00 a. in: , the next. morning. 4 he - 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays ex cepted, and makes closefionnections so Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky. Mansfield & Newark It. It. - . • • S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W.CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. 1,er,„8 U6s, ... BURGH F.ll'l' W. AND CLEVELAND From June 7th, 1888 and arrive at the Hawn time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex—. 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m Erie. Ygn 3PI 7:28 am Cl. & Wh:g.ll9. 6:13 a m Chicago 31 - all.. 6:38 a m. Chicago Ex.... 9:43 am' Cl. & Wirg Ex. 1:43 p m Chicago Ex—. 1:58 p m Wh. & Erie Ex. Depart from Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:56a in, Leetsdale " 10:13a >a " 6 11:58 atn Rochester " 2:23 pm Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43pm Leetsdale Ac , c. 4:13 pm N.,..Brigt'n • . 5:33 pm Brigt'n " . 6:28 pm Leetsdale " 10:43p m, egg -1:38 p, m. Chicago Sir 11:23a. in. Chlcag Jeg F. R. MYERS E NINS LVA 'CENTRAL RAILRO On and after June 7th rive at and depart from th Washington and Liberty s Arrive. Mail Train—. 1:15 a m .Fast Line.. .. .. 1:40 am i Wall's No. 1.. 0:20 am! Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 am; Wall's No:'"‘.. 8:50 am, CineinnatlEx.. '0:10 aml Johnstown Ae.10:35 a m: Baltimore .Ex. 1:00 pml Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 2.15 pm Braddocks Nol 5:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant • - Train 9:30 prr.l ' • The- Church Train leaves Wallis _Statical. everr Sunday at 9:15 a. m., retching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. in. Retort:ans., leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 and aryls r_s at R all's Station at 2:00 p. m. Cincinnati Express leaves - 4101r, All other trains dally except Sunday. - - For further litformation apply to 2 • - W.-11. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad - . Company will net as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage. exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, up less taken by special contract._. EDWARD H. WILLIA3IS . • jeB • General Stmerintendrut, Altoona, Pa... li ESTERN PENN SYLVANIA RAIL Rt., D.—On and after- May 10t14 '1267; thii -Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania' Rail road will arrive at and depart from the.l"edenl Street Depot, Allegheny City. - as follows Arrive. -__ -1 ,_ • :•./telxo2. _ Snringd 9 e. Not 6:5e a mr - Sfalf 6:15 ant Freeport No. 1 -6:15 am , Freeport lict. 2 9:10 a m Express -• 10:15'a niSharpbl No.111:90 ale Sharpb`g No. 1 4:25 pin Express ... ...... 1:50 pm re Fep9ri No. 2 4::150 p m Springd , e I 3:50 pm in 1 Nall 5 p m Free Yo No. 2. 6:05 p Springd'e No 2 1:10 pin StaingtPe No 2 ' 1:30 trm Aboye trains run dilly except Sunday. . The Church Trail s leaves ' Allegheny Jnnct. ever/ Sunday at 1:40 e. m.,reaching Alleg_heny City at 9:50 a., M. -- ,--Iteturnln. leaves- Allegheny; Cit y at 1:H0 p.M. and arrive at Allegheny Junot.-At 9:45 . p.m. - • 00/ofttrAywn Tiett:' sale-in pac kage, of Twenty•Lbetween, Allegheny , City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, ' Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg„ and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe ciSed on tickets: • : .: - • • ' The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6 Free p ort and 1:50 P. g. make direct connection at with Walker', line ofStages for Butler and Hannah.- town. Through tickets may be' purchased at the Office, No. 3 St. Clan street..near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at' the Depot, Allegheny.. For further information L E to _ • JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent; Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Italiroad,witl not as sume any risk for'Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit they responsibility to One Hunched Dollars In •value. • All baggage exceeding this amount In value will be at the risk of tir owner, un teas taken by special contract: . _. • . EDWARD H. ttILI.: tnyll i tten--al Sunerintendent, Altoon a . a, ------ 3 QMOKlElliLangEgin iv ROUTE. UNION•PACIFIC RAILWAY, The SHORTEST ANAMOST RELLLRLR HOUTZ from the East 'M i en whits in Colorado, ` Nevada, California, Utah, / Arizona, New Mexico, Matto, ; Oregon. Two Trahad • ieiyW !Rite Line and Leaven °rile daily, (Sittidayffaxeeptedion the arrival of tKelie c Et. Jo Eallroad from t tolig l , s, egt d ieeltrie d aV/41 3 4 ; eenee, TOkeka and fFamego with , sta e as- fot r all. pante Ili Kamm. lAt end of track west 'of Ens- FOrthWtth the DIZITEIIf STATES ExpuFns COM FILET'S DAILY LINE OP oviltilLAND MAIL, AND EXPRESS COACHES FOE : - DErifv:En t ,zaeakilig /•• . • . • : And all / 114 / 1 11,131 in the Territories, And with &ANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLk LINE eV' eascial for Fort Union; Bent's Fort, Pave, Alhn lineewrqz,xils.%ntat Fe , . and all paint, to Arizona and. With 'thZ, mien. 'additioni of stuck and. equipment, "and. the arrangements made'with - rt. , sponalble 'Overland 'Transportation Lines, from its westortt tervittein, thli road now .olers unequalled facilities for the transmhudon of freight to tee. Fse Tickets for aile at all the. VorlAnitia,l Odcea. n taut ratted tastes And pa:Lad:as. , • Be sure and ask for tickets via . THE B IIL DIY/MO 'BOUTtL___ONI N ON • PACIVIe IiAILwAY. El Ifenenni Ind . "iicket Agent. ME MEE T° LIVE RPOO L AkNOsnib QUEENTOWN. TM . • !NM4N MALL ..A . ElikaiSMPl i NeMbertpdaliteme arst-bhao i•eollele:eldotlF,tldm the celebrated . . , 1 0 1,T„FOr (lITY•OF ANT'AirEP_,_P ; . 0 :OF TtOSTO , .oITY OF RALTIKORX., • Or LONDON. ettlitne•RYEßY SATURDAY, from tier 411, North. altar, NOwl'ork.' giro! passage 'Or farther Intones— tloh ooly , to BIBOILCM, Jr% 40 PITH BTRRRT, (Chronicle SI1S41114) Neu!remelts Pest :Mee, Pittabur RAILROADS. PA.N HANDLE ROUTE, AYNE k 'CHICAGO PITTSBURGH B. R. " trains win leave Trent Depot, north side; clti Arrive. 1 Chicago Ex... 2:08 a m Cleveland Ex. 2:08 a m (Chicago - Ex.— 11:23 a as 'Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a m ;St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm C 1 .4 & Wleg Ex 4:38 p ni lErie.t.Yru Ex 8:13 p sa Chicago Ex.'.. 3 p Cl..tiVh'g Ex 7 4: : 2 08 p ni Arrive in Allegheny. ,N. Brlgt , n Ac. 7:03 a m N. Brlgt'n " 8:28 a m Wells - v file " 8:53 a m New Castle " 10:13 a m I Leetits dale 9:13 a m __. " " 1:08 p.m N. Brigt'si " 2:43 p m. Lelf dale " 4 : 53 p m " 7:28 pm Express leaves daily. c Express arrives daily. , General Ticket Agent. ; I . 1868, . Trains will ar t Union Depot, corner of streets, as follows: . ' Depart. ,• Day Express.. 2:515 a m I Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 a m Train 7:50 a m ,''Cluclunatl Ex 11:40 a m Wall's 11:51 am 'Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Bradducke Nol 4100 pm I Phila. Expree. 4:50 p Wall's N 0.3.: 5:10 p Wall's No. 4 6:15 pm Fast Line 7:30p at Latrobe Acc'n 8:50 p,m Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 pm Eastern DiVsion. Washiiigton, A.:ANDERSON. General Bujiertntendent. ' 111.AVE*WIIER. 831MIKSHIPS. 9