The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1868, Image 1

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Prwmx,rivw. O'CLOCK: ax.
English, Press on the Rights of
Naturalized Citizens—Confed-•
• erate War Vessels and France
• Case Decided Adversely to the
' tfaited States—The War in South
[ 13 7 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
' LONDON,r 29:=-The" act 'passed by
• Congress for the proteation ofAmerican
citizens abroad is unfavorably criticized by
the English:press, though its passagedoes
not appear ,to excite surprise or anger.
...The journals affect to consider the bill as a
partisan measure for effect:- on the 'failee.
thins, but they think it: will not'promOte
• the success of 'American negotiations with
::foreign powers to secure the establiihinent
of principles of nationality.
LONDON July a—The Timms says the
r...4<the gunerloanr(itiaen act will
aurpr was to be expected:
that the majority of the United States Con
gress would nuke, through such% mess
- • z ure as this; a direct bid for the Irish vote
in the coming election. There is nothing
in the general principle of the bill for„.Eag
:, land- to 'deny - or , oppoie. Iristuien who
have • taken out their naturalize
Lion papers
r ill, the United States may
properly use'" - American passports while
• traveling in Europe or serve in the
armies of the Uniied . States, even
against Great Britain. So - long es their
new citizenship is a bona fiderqualification,
made in accordance with the Airteridan'
• naturalization laws, nothing can be said.
I The real purpose of the Fenian is protected
's by the new citizenship thus conferred on
- him to make war upon the Queen of Eng
land in her realm. But here, they Must be
treated as subjects guilty of treason. Aliens
and natives are on the same footing in such a
case. The denialof ajury mecliatate lingua
: in the trial 'Of thopecruer packet prisoners
was right, because the trial of such a case
: as that deperided:•en internal, not interim
tional ifiws.t The evidence obtained in the
,; United States'against these , prisoners, to
prove that they were members of the
• Fenian Brotherhood,_ was merely collateral.
The real crime,Charged against these men
•• was committed on British territory. , 1
The Times even accepts the rule that a
.•naturalized citizen of_ the United States
'Amity come to England with impunity; after
Plotting agifinst the Queen in America, if
he conies peaceably. "
The Morning Post sags the addption of
"'the bill by Congress ,anticipates and'conse
a.quently delays the settlement of the ques
tion of rights of naturalized citizens toe
tween tho United_ States and 'European
powers. The lattermay jitstly resent such
• action,-even .while making allowance for
• ''.'the exigencies of the approaching Presi
' 7dential election. - • ' -
f -4 LoriDON, July 2—Midnight—The usual
l'=,banquet given at the conclusion of the seer
of Parliament to Ministers came off at
:the Mansion House thhievening. Mr.
radii, in the course of his speech, touched
• ' , Upon the relations existing between
treat Britain and the United States.
He •said with regard to the subjects
of misunderstanding which haYe : been
co..' much dwelt on by the United
qtates, every day leads , rto better feelin
!•lu4pon them, and he expressed the opinion g
'A hat their solution linear at hand through:
the mutual good sense and feeling of two
r great and-kindred nations. . •
t,), Dunr,rx, July. 29.—The Marquis of Aber-
Acorn; iLoidPeutenaut of Ireland, is to be
, !madea Duke.: n •
- - •
g 9.--The Corps LegiaLstif
closed its session yesterday.
PAsip, July 29.—1 n the case of the United
States versus Armin and others, judgment
wasto-tlikyrendered against the - plaintiff,
with costs. its'decision the -Conti says
2 the evidence adduced was immtileient
• supfort the case, made by the Milted'
States; that the plaintiffs failed to prove
441kat the Messrs. Armans had contracted to
t7build*Vesaele of- war - for the Southern Con_. lifederacy, or that said:Armen had received
• viipy monies belonging .. to the government'
iof the .UnityclStates. •
, Lprinort, 'July 29.—The mail steamer
ir from Sotith America las arrived- out.. Li,
ttte/ligence has , Imn - received from Brazilian
sources that' the - President of Paraguay,
General Lopez, had seut tpropesitions for
Peabe to the allied powers through the me
dium ofthe Arnarican ; Miiiister to Paraguay,
Mr. Wasialmtn.7 •
Dispatctuas bad reached Rickjanerio from
;-,3uenos Ayibt, Montevideo, announcing
0831 tor Domingo F. Farmlento, formerly
- .1
-Ambassador to the .States,. has
' elbcted President of the .Argentine
:•,-f.Afederatinn,, •
Pirrzesetrita July 21) E a Ai
-.,.. - ~,f. p -. Lap ror -
't"der has called a conference of thirteen
o .,ers ,to meet on the 10th, of August
at St. Petersburg; far the purpose ofar
ing the details of an international eon
, ~.r i on, pledging allgreat Rimers to aban
ihe use of explosive billets in time of
. .
; •
WON, .1111,
' 7 l at , 94% for both. Bonds steady
.. lilinols, •- 94 M; 48%; Atlantic
`.lreat Western, Aa34. - Tallow , ideoHntid
EL Refined Petroleum ls. 541. ,calettt
' !Jinseed adianced to 61s. Rl:war , to
're gdoted at 255. pd. , •
'lvan:Poor... July 22—CottonCloied heaiy;
,k 1,001) Uplands,: 'itt 9,q; Orleans, .9U. ,
• adtanced to , 35a. Bd. Rosin. es. pa:.
wzatr, July 2 9 . Petroleum 51. ,
fitssitrren•r; July 29.—Xitonds 7634. - . , •-
iygc‘ !1A . ..". •1 13124° 7 1 41.490.4.00ej
Veleirraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
• )iToN, i111.9i.29.-*-Abottt eight - .4i'dleigk,
evening a fire occurred in the large
`,Ole front building, N0:42 'Bummer
it,;•which destroyed property to the
of a l xl l o..fßo.W. . I sagereze are
wilt Brown &, Co., $25,450 ; Leavy, Fog
a, Bowman, $30,000f Porter Bros ., 18,000`
Lewis & cotloot 1 2 5,000,
fully inatized. • . •
—Fires;4kAttm'agie - couul4.
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l
ItON'f9! July 2g=lt - 'ivpotted : !hat
jle fire art.'idgfrig thentirtif Shore or
superior. Tbe*opiherip,PtijiTheiSh
lhOrid contititietcdry and warm. e
4phere is so hathat steamers tiff& nay.;
';'-lfon exceedingly
difficult: • A dieptitelf
,2•Montreal states that navigation ;ti,the
Laiirenee is'almost 'suspended - fro& the
te cause.
!7' 7 -Lows.
• .•
Saw Mill Barned—Gens, Grant, Sherman
and Sheridan—L.ll)er. Suit.—Serions
ttirbaiice at a Democratic Meeting, In
Which Three Men were Killed.
CBv •,
Telegiph to .the Pittaburth
Loins, - July.29.theliirge saw mill
of Hill, Lemmon Co, Second street, be
tween. •
Bremen street and Angelica Streets,
was burned °Loss on mill and ma
machinery , $45,000, on which. therg is the
following insurance: Liverpool, Lon on and
Globe $5,000; Excelsior and Security, New
Yor each. $2,500; Merchants and Enter-
prise;;. Cincinnati, each '52,500: Maryland,
Baltimore, $2,500; Phcenix, St. "Louis, $2.500.
Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridan
'arrived at Maoon,_ Mo. at 2:30 P. M., and
were received in an ent husiastic manner by
nearly all the People of the town. The
party were introduced , to the crowd and re
`turned thanks, after which they left on' a
special train for St. Louis, and will reach
' , Francisßodman, Secietary of State, has
sued the, Republican of this city for the
publication of a libelous article on the 19th
instant, in which it is stated that Rodman
and-some associate went through the mock
ceretriony of the Loid's Supper in a saloon
in Jefferson City, Rodman performing the
ministerial functions, and the emblems be
ing lager beer' and crackers. • Rodin - an
claims $50,000 damages. -
The Tinier publishes an account of a Dem
ocratic meeting at Elk Lick, , Saline county,
last , SatardaY, being disturbed and finally
broken up byliadicals. TwO or three fights
occurred during the:early part of the meet
ing, in which Bei eral heads, were.. broken
and other injuries inflicted . ; but subse
quently, while Col. Phillips was speaking,
he was interrupted. by a mon named How-
ard, who shot another named Chatham. Pis
tols were freely used and a general battle
ensued. Three mon;Radicabi, were killed
outright and sevenothers badly wounded.
Five or six Democrats were also seriously- .
Georgia Legislature—Election of U. 'S.
Senators. -
lßy Telegraph ta-the Plttaburigh °sierra.]
ATLANTA ' , July 29.—Joshua Hill and H.
V. M. Miller were to-day elected U. S.Sen
atom on joint ballot of the 'Senate and
House.- For ittie long term Hill received
116 votes, Brown - 94; for the' abort term
Miller.received 119, Blodgett 73; scattering
20. The announcement of the election of
received Mille r — w ve i
' st h che general erLw.
u c satisfac tioncon=
fusion was manifested, on the announce
ment and the galleries and lobbies were
ordered eleared...- . ~ % -.. . '
A.ri...iarr4,;./tily , 2o.—'A. grand_ demonstra-•
tion - Was had totnight shy the Democratic
paxty over theelection of -Hill and Miller
to the United States Senate. The City Was
splendidly illuminated. There was an IIII.•
mense gathering in front of the United
States Hotel, and the concoorse were 'ad.
.drhssed .by several Speakers. Mr.-Miller
csnae out in a fine Speech for Seymour
and Blair, constitutional liberty and
the Union. General Gordon delivered
a splendid. oration, appealing to tho
people to stand by their country, the
Union and the Catistitutualft - as handed
dOwn by Washington and the heroes 'of
Valley Forge. Yorktown, and Monmouth.
He paid at splendid tribute to Seymour as
• one of the most pure and ! ] gifted statesman,
of the country, and Blair .as the - people's
sojdier, who, at thri.:close of the war, laid
' hia
law.swHe o a sacrifice on the altar of civil
lauded the Democratie platform
adopted at.New-york. as - broadly Catholic
in principle Mid Chrhitimi in_ spirit. It is
understood Mr. Hill will steer clear of par
ties using his•intinenoe for the best inter
est; of the COuntry.
Auouizr.a,...taa.r4uly 2 a.—k-beavy rain
has -been falling several days.
The'reirtalnaof Cornelius Redd; who was
killed by thepcdicelastnight, wereinterred
this afternoon and wore followed to the
grate by a laro . proceasion of citizens and
firemen. It is understood that the Coro
ner's jury Ita*e.rtititicli.4.: fierdiat of guilty
of murder against the police '
An indignatiorkmeeting will be, held to
morrow to protest against the 'municipal
The election-of ;Joshua Hill and Mr. Mil
ler to the United States Senate is the cause
of much congratulation among the citizens.
The National Temperance Conventkin.
CDT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette./
CLEVELAND, July 29.—The National Tern
perance Convention. met this morning at
the First Presbyterian Church, and
ten o'clockealled to order-by J. N. Stearns,
of New York, whantnslnated John Cetsna,
of Pennsylvania, as temjaorary Chairrnan.
Prayer was then offered lay Rev. John Pal
ton, 0r Penland-1....0n...M0ti0n, Rev.-J.
Dunn, of New. yark; J. A. iSipenee of Ohio;
Rev. , C. Dennis•, a - Maryland; Rev. J. A.
Farr, of Albany, i , New - ;York; ROY, ; R.
Clark, of Allegheny Pennsylvania, and
Rev. E. H. Pratt,
,of Annecticut, were ap
pointed as temporary Secretaries. A com
mittee was apppipted examine the cre
clOntli slate C4nisittee retwa:
nent Organiiation. While the Committee
were deliberating, the Convention was,ad
dressed by General -Neal•Dow and others.
The Committee'lonl-Pertitatientt- Organiza
tion-reported the following: President,
A. E. Dodge, of New, York, and quite a
number officer . P i residisnts. eta Secretaries.
The Convention adjaiirned until 2:30 P. R.
• NewlYerk . eitY Item&
B Telegraph to mienttsberitiaiszettet -
Naw YORK, 1n1y'29.--Chief.ftuftice Chew
will be here t
to.morroW, sopping the
Metropolitan naafis ;
Thy Chinese-Embassy arrived tonight.
'They wilt remain a day or two before pro
' seeding to Auburn and Niagara.
.Threeprofessional burglars, named Aker, _
Wilson ' - aufl - - - Burnett, - were - atireeteit . a
liquorsffiffenor ill fame, on=llarieit street,
whereta quantity of stolen , property had .
been .retoveted: ThEr4otocre halle,belmiden,
Several pqmomt were elightl7:injuted at
a Gerinilfr-ball attltillsoti Oily, list nfght,
the...fidl Ai w a bandolier, eootaipinit font
large. fripkivitibleativeliped the
place in flames ) , ;building .was saved.
A fire occurred' in- the eigartstore of Leon
&whelk' 489 : 'llrea4Welt this ' thoruitig•
L c 'Eurmu.. ( l o o; partlY Ihsattld.
An unsuceessfuLattempt- was made this
, to,ineendiarize,Np, fi:cokumbia
street : Brereklyn. •
. .
• • More-'or the 141,ii i W itnhhcirs. •
air Taivip:iah toss-Pittstunv.assette:)-•-
Ll3tilsvnizali ttlYi*•••=illte'stiiimerraen.
al - Adel! left - Ohis evt•n_ , *having OR
,board the two brothera:RaV o t •ifinfhaxe
the past few days7been : : incarcerated in the
New Albauy jail'. They are charged with
.00roplici$3,4149regentrt `x•PrABVbtraL
Their destination - bete ng ,n jail, Si
county; Indian • -
term a !t;Variaali, Ca. •..
CST Telegraptito the.,Pittabtirei Gazette.]
,SAvVlAtif t`4 ls " C r•' 7 l l /44fAssriStst.tilut1-
`der sttirtaqintrw& for years passed over this
_city this' morning. Ode- child wax ,
some buildings sixty:4o_4nd' ssth* damage
done. Light rains continued throughbut
the-day. ‘ • •
Fora; crel..ocri.4.. M.
Uncalled for Interest on Govern
ment Bonds—Bush for Appoint
ments• under the Spirits and To
bacco Bill—Bank Securities In
creased-7-Freedmenls Bureau in
Maryland—Quarterly Bank Re
ports. •
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
; WASHINGTON, July 29, 1868.
The amount of uncalled for interest owed
by the Government on United States muds
amounts to over $65,000, which is payable
in coin at the office of the, Treasurer of the
United States. Arrangements will be made
to acquaint the parties interested of the fact,
in order.tO;effect a discharge of this-public
obligation. •
' Only twenty-fiie Supervisors are author
ized to be appointed under the Spirits and
Tobacco bill, but already over one hundred
applications been filed for these of
fices. Nominations kir Guagers under the
same-law are beinginade by Collectors in
large nurnbers. The Commissioner of In
ternal fbevenue is preparing general instruc
tions under the act.
,Several of the western National banks
'liave recently been called on for an increase
of their securities, which has become re
quisite on account of an increased amount
of public deposits. In all instances these
banks have complied with the order.. The
First National Bank of Charleston, Illi
nois, has voluntarily ceased to be a GO
General Howard. Commissioner of the
Freedmen's Bureau; has written a letter to
Brevet Brigadier General Brooks, Assistant
Commissionerfor Maryland, directing the
operations of the Bureau in that State, ex
.cepting the educational work and payment
of bounties, as , provided by law, to be dis
continued on and after the 10th of August.
'The following was issued this afternoon:
Treasury Department, July, 29th, 1868,-,
Holders of Seven-Thirty Treasury notes'
falling due July 15, 1888, are notified that
the time for conversion of these notes into
Five-Twenty bonds will cease on the first
day of August next.. Those desiring,to have
their notes converted 'should address them.
to the Secretary of the Treasuryand deliver
them to the express or malls on or before
that day.
pignedi ~ E, ,m eertrYmbtit Seeretary.
Deputy and Acting Comptroller Rnox
has published an abstract of the quarterly
; reports of all National banks, in lieu of the
abstract dated July 23d, from which the
reports of fcirty,four banks Were inadvert
ently admitted. The resources in the ag
gregate are stated at $1,571,317,186, imiltid- -
ingAbe"-following items: United States
bonds to secure circulation about three'
hundred and thirty-nine and one-third mil
lions; United:States bonds' Mid securities
deposited 'to secure deposit's, 838,000,000;
United States bondsand securities on hand,
$20,000,000; specie, upwards of V 1,600,000;
iximpoundluterest $19,741,0001 three
per cent. certificates, $55,000,000.
, The Light House Board has la mime Of
.construCtlon two ranges of lighhi for Grand
Island Harbor, Lake Superior, which will
be ready for exhibition on the' 15th of
The Borse Fair and Races at Buffalo-,
- Trot for 810,000.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.)
- Bur-ra.i '
.o July 29.--An immense
a, least twenty thousand people, were in
attendance at the iDriving Park this after
noon to witness the trot for the greatest
parse even offered on this continent. The
first race was for a purse of $lO,OOO, free for
all horses that have never beaten 2.30 in
harness, previous to June ist. 1852-25,00 p
teothe first,s2,, to the second; 81,600 to the
third, abd $1; II to the fourth—mite heats,
.best three in five, in harness.- The follow
ing is.the summary : •
Fearnaught • 1 4 1 1
George Palmer 4 1 2 7
Col. Maynard • 2 3 3 2
Ainerlcan'Girl...—, - - 2 55 3
Myron Perry 3 2 4 . 4
J. J. Bradley • • 5 6 7 5
Victor H} (distanced) .. . ...7 7'6 :0 •
Eiolli(dWtanCfiitne ed ) ;8 , 8 8. 8
2.28, 2.2414, 2.24 N.
The second prize was awarded to George
Palmer, fits third to Gel.' Maynard,t and the •
fourth to American Girl.
The second race was a tame affai r and
was won by Lady Pickard.
Tennessee Legislature.
[By Telegraph to tine Pittsburgh Gasette.l
NasavuLa,..July 2.9. .—A bill- passed the
State Senate to=day. unanimously express.
Jug the inability of the Stab:fib meet its in
terest and providing for the funding of the
State debt, principal and infereit due and
to become due in three years, in thirty year
bonds at."4.7tper ;cent: interest, pa*able
Nash villa:
• • -
Tho abolish the Finalichtl
Board assiiii udimitnousl•
tln the :Senate* resolut ion was offered to
raise a Joint' Committee to wait•
Governor and ask him to recommend the
removal of political disabilities from clis,
franchised citlsenstoVrenntruseo; • -
Ohio Congreiudehal ;Nominations.
illy Telegram' totes Pittlearat,oaretts./ •
12.1 4 441:16 'Republican
Convention Newark to•day nominated
Charles Cooptit 'as the Workingmen's can',
didate to represent the Thirteenth 'Ohio
District tin. Wrigress. The name of Hon.
ColumbtarDelanoivaswpoet?tpd, bt4iyith;
'drawn '
At Marietta the Democratic Convention
nominated Hon.Alarthuf Fidlott;illll66-.
mentativo of the Fifteenth Congrpsaional
';The Deirineratio4 *
Convention at' cam.
bridge nominated Josiah' M. l E:4tessi;
Harrtrom county; as s!atididate from the Six
teenth Ohio Congressional Dlatrict, ...ITC.
P •
;Rum atonn,july W.lOO. Bt9nprtan but
are W
cog to his ret urn fate Solution of the gumo
t ion, wigmber, allroflicos .in the' State? are' to
be cleared of the incujuklenta who,.eanopt
talce!thmtf l h 'wider the neW Pofirteenth,
in Vi 7The'dateof the dg:eleetions.
rginia Is also expected to decided
when he asturns.
Entnualastic Reception of .aviator Morton
of Indiana.
;By Telegraphto the Pittsburgh etzette.l
.I NDIATZAPOLTS, July -! —The demon
stration to-night by, the • publicans in
honor of the return of SenatorAforton`was
the largest and finest that has ever occur
red in this city. A dele'gation of forty
prominent Reponneans, including State
and city otildalg i 'went to Centerville, the
Senator's former home, this morninr, and
escorted him to, this city. At all points
along the route where the ..train stopped
large crowds weroassernbled, who greeted
him with enthusiastic cheer*. EIo made
short speeches at Cambridge, Dublin and
Rnightstown. OR' his arrival in 'this city
a torchlight procession of the “Fighting
Boysin Blue," over a mile in length, was
firmed and escorted him through theprin
cipal streets to the Court House Square,
where the reception speech was made by
the Hon. A. G. Porter; ex -member of Con
- Senator Morton said, in reply am
wholly unable to-night to attempt a re
sponse. I can only thank von from my
heart for this kindness. I. cannot find
words to express my feelingpLc I Must not,
dare not, attempt referring to the.position
of things to-day, and the duties that now
press upon ua all. Without attempting to
bring to . yourcomprebeffsion the vast sac.
rificea that have been made, it is enough for
us to understand that all we have suffered;
And lost will be in • Vain if we shall-at' the.
forthcoming election place the power of
this , nation in the hands of its enemies,,
against whom we have been contending .
since the beginning of the rebellion. It is
still the same contest. ' •
Schuyler Colfax, at Chicago.
MY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette-3
Cinceoo,. July 29.—Speaker Colfax ar
rived in Ude city at,eight O'clock this even
ing. lie WaS met, at the depot by a number
of citizens, and escorted to the residence of
Lieutenant,Governor Bross. At ten o'clock,
in response to a serenade, he appeared, on
the balcony, where he was welcomed thy
Mayor Rice in a brief speech. Mr. Colfax
spoke about twenty minutes, and was- fre
quently interrupteu by apphiuse.
leavell here to-morrow morning' for South -
Alabama Legislature.
Teleirrinh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
• MOIVTGOMERY, July 29.—1 n the Senate
yesterday and to-day was consumed in the
discnssicni of a bill to punish and prevent
Hu-Klux-ism. •
In the House the extreme men are try
ing to , :bring up the comnaon carrier bill.
The matter is before a caucus and will be
acted 'on. in. a day or two. The disability
question 'and-the selection of electors by
the Statelegislature will likely be acted on
in caucus tonight. The legislation is al
.entirely of a local character.
South. Carolina Legislature.
[By Telt%Tavb to the Pittsburgh Gazette. i
COLOMBIA, July 29.—Franklin J. Moses;
fa her of the Speaker of the House, was
elected ChiefJustipcio-day,ovAr
bity—graltriT 'States District Attorney at
Charleston. The election of four Associ
ate Justices will'take place to.marrow.
, —The caulkers' strike at Boston hap end
ed,tho skip-owners acceding tdtheir wishes.
—At New York.. Pen. Butler 'was served
with additional notices of sults, entered
against him. ' •
—Twelve hundred eri l kigrants arriled at
New York on Tuesday in a single stearner,'
all bound West.
—Mr. Rhind, manager 'of the Quebec,
bank, . Canada, his leen 'arrested 1311'a
charge of perjury.
—The Republicans of the Plitt' District
of Michigan have nominated 0. D. Congeri
of Port Hudson, for Corigress.
. _
titan named Mashen committed mil:.
cide yesterday in Chillicothe, Ohio, by
taking poison. He leaves a wife and eleven
—Three bridges on the Boston, Hartford
and Erie Railroad - were burned on Tues
day night, suPposed to' be, the work ot,in
cendiarles. ( •
—The five spans of—the Pennsylvania
Railroad bridge, at Harrisburg, burned a
short time since, have been rebuilt and
trains are passing regulady;
—Some surprise is occasioned at the kepi ,
talatthe certification, without qualification,
by Secretary Seward• of the ratification of
the Constitutional Amendment. , •
--Parktes 011 Refinery , at Cleveland, ex
ploded on Taesday,night, killing one man
and injuring two others. 'The Diamond
Oil wo , km autfered slight 'damage.
rnpany have
traced for. B,QOO C
s o te el rails, somecon-
which ititecturrii , ed , dud the ken:winder JU'e
to be deLlv,ered during the s u mmer. •
—Reverdy Tohnson; Minister to England,
took leave _of the. President op Tuesday.
'evening, receiving his - .lasts instructions.
He sails from Baltimore on Saturday.
—The Merchants Exchange of St. Louis
lave adopted a' resolntion that after Au
gust first thirty-two instbad of thirty-five
pounds of oats shall oonstitutp a bushel ,in
that market. ' ' • • '
-Ale - suicide mania continues unabated
in Now York. On Tuesday Catharine
Youschani, cut her ;throat with razor,
•Deniel Miller hung himself in his cell in
prison, and an unknown man at Coney Is
land blew his brains out with a pistol. ' —Gene. Grant, Sherman and Sheridan ar
rived at St. •Joseph, Mo., Tuesday night;
were met at (tie railroad depot by a very
,urge crowd Of 'citizens, and escorted • to the
Pacific'rouge -atizidirt enthusiastic eke rs,
Ithor m i r rthy lo wee a .r r eepi fl i 4 bl3 ,l l4 .ri te
!hied' cannon, ;
eitirrimtard which
citizens generally;
Llke , demonstratio4o,,were made wen the'
arrival of the Generals at Omaha.
-The Chinese Embasidy" left • Washing
ton yesterday for New York, where thewill
remain for some days. Next week
they will visit. Auburn is the:gueetabf See
Tetary Seward.' Maori Falls will also be
visited. Theywill,then so to Ilmiton,Jeav
. Eng for Europe;abetalhe sth'itrAtigust.
The expenses of the F.mbassyAre defrayed
bylthe , the , ChibeAe Governor' ent,'Snd - not bY
the United States, aahae-boon reported.
Tim Milwaukee Wisconsin tells a story of
a German in that lit', w.kictconlined his wife
at bomb lijAiieking her up in a crockery
orate, which stood mbend in one corner`of
diet-bed-room; mit-witteh'itiartfiell`
Prison cell. He filtic&Ffiliivifi-in this with
her sewing. Two small caritas wlth.pad,.
locks kept the doortitittinitd, and ftfrolithe, ,
poor woman. must t gib ond /Jew and inirait.the
return and plettaut* or htr !brit and master
!bcfore, oho comtroUte MA husband !
in palliation of his offeuze, acknowledged
that did' lock -MS Wif6 up in a crate,. but
awes done to keep her tabbing. 4, She htt;i a
haditishit Ofgettingdrunk'when , away.' The
Judge said he must sympathize witti"thif
husband, but tined him $5; and put him
under $BOO bonda.
The Way to Co Into the Country—On the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad—The Out
er Depot ../..awreneeillle— Around the
Curve. at Denny's—Shady Side—Roups—
East Idberty and its Improvements—The
Stock Yards--Wilkinsburg and Its Sur
roundiugs—llomewood--A Female Rolle
mian—FropertY About Wllkinsburg—A
Suburban Residence--EdgWood—Turtle
Creek—Wail's Station.
Pittsburgh in itself, dirty, dingy, disa
greeable, yet withal the heart of the ireat="
est' manufacturing distract in • the world,
where capital and labor thrive, and where
idleness is almost unknown, has its garden
spots in the suburbs which surround it.
The ci y proper, overgrown, crowded,
while it is a good place for the brain to
thrive, is a peer place for the weary body
to oltain recreation from toil. It is a place
kir work, but no place fox recreation. TheT
garden spots referred to may be reached in,
almost every direction by the Iron
ways, which chain the mountains to the
,aeaboard, and it is one of these highways
with its' surroundings that demands our
~ present attention.
.7. The great• Union Depot,i ! located nearly In
'the heart of the city, with the huge Eleva
tor froWning down upon it, sends froni-its
portals daily over twenty accommodation
,trainst'bearing as a living freight hundreds
"of our merchants and busy' mechanics to,
the fresh air of the country, now teeming'
with the odor of new-mown hay, the
breath Of fragrant flowers, with the accom
paniment' of warbling birds and gurgling
brooks, atriong which the cares of the-day
vanish,rapidly infusing new life and vigor
into the veins, and better fitting one for
the returnAof labor of each successive
. ,
SuppOse we take the early morning train
of the Pennsylvania Central - Railway,
yclept Routh's No. 1. Wall's Accommcida
tion. The luxurious cars fitted up express
ly for the local travel—fitted up alike for
'the rich hnd the poor, -- for, "the Lord is
Maker of them all, —fi - surpass for .ease
and comfort anytither train leaving the Cen
tral Station. Slowly we leave the Depot,
erawlin'g along in a serpentine manner over
the numerous switches carefully watched
over by the vigilant switchmen. As we
near the German Catholic Church on Fac
tory street r the index on the clock In the
tall iron spire points to 6:45. In ,three min
utes more we reach the outer depot, where
a number of brawny, iron -fisted! workmen,
by whose labor the motive power of this
great iron highway is accelerated, step Out,
and away the train starts for Lawrence
-vile. At this point 115evler's immense
Brewery at'the foot of Iron City Park,
looms up , in gigantic proportions, and
as we ,wind around the curve at Den
ney's, new houses of mushroom growth dot
the' hillsides, look, for all the world
like the_ r l l / a 8 in thh Swiss cantons,
only waiting jhe broad roofs, herds of goats
and sndw-capped bills. to complete thitpic...
tuje. As wernesr—the-statiotr at-MIT/Vale,
passing the'lprofane improvement" to the
left,-'s charming ravine opens up to the
right, with its race, woolen mill, and vine
cottage, the latter 'soon to be super
ceded by a villa of more modern construc
but the ravine, with its grand.i old
woods Its hillside, its murmuring brook,
and the picturesque rocks scattered around
remind one of Nature and of Nature's God.
Away we 'start again, and three minutes
.brings us to -
'with its beautiful suburban residences, for
the wealth of the city commences here to
beautify the country.' A. fine design for a
fountain, at the foot of Dr. Hussey s prop
erty, looking like a wayside fountain of
sunny Italy, Stands boldly out to view
near the station. For more than two years
it has been silent—no gushing stream
having made its weleome appearance.
Elegant mansions are seen through the
trees in all directions, with Sowers, gravel
walks and fish ponds; denoting the home
of taste and wealth.
nour's STATION, ,
with its new station house, is next reached,
and here are evidences or wealth and lux
ury on every 'side. Here, too, is
land's Grove, a picnic ground, buttoo often
for stald'Pittsburgh the scene of rampant
rowdyism. 'More suburban residences are
passed, and at five minutes past seven we
reach '
EAST. LID Torr. -
At this point,-nearly tiro -thirds of our
passengersleave and but few remain upon
the train. With' all this distance from the
Union Depot, we are still in the city, al
though five miles - from the Court house,
for reader we are now consolidated ; and
East Liberty is but one of the wards of the
great city. Two policemen, in, all the dig
nity of blue coats and brass buttons, Pana
ma hator.and ratan canes, make us forget
the country. Ten `years ago, and this was:
a village; town lots were not then in de.
mand, and attempts at selling property in•
• prospective werelooked upon with suspi
cion. Behold the change ! To-day, East
Liberty numbers a population of over 5,000
inhabitants and 800 new buildings have
been erected during the past year. An City Hanle now being built, a
new Lutheran _church added to the six
places of public worship, and anew Episco
pal Academy and Parsonage is being rapids
1y completed. . Many of our, leading mer
chants reside Imre, and it is one the most
prominent passenger points oothe accom
modation line of trains., _ • .
Half a mile beyond East Liberty we
reach's new suburb, as above named. here
are the immense stock yards of the Penn
sylvania Central F,a.ilroail, with their ample
sheds, stablesand pens, their adeoMmoda
tions for droves,and three telegraphic Of
fices. A stook exchange is needed here,
like, that of Brighton or Bull's Head. This
, however, come in time. Near the
stock yards is the depot i around which
many new buildings are-clustering. With
in a few rods are five brick yards, which
give employment many people. Anoth
er half mile and we reach •
Passing the elegant new residence ofCoun
sailor Hopkins, with its Mansard roof and
modern - Improvements, costing .a large sum
of money. Just back from the station
stands the residence of B." L., Falmeatock.
whodorhouse and grounds are a'model of
. beanty: -"The narrow highivey leading by
this residence Is to be widened 'one' bun-'
dred feet. and while it wiltfornfaiipacions-.
event:melt will cut off many: feet from the
tine grounds skirting its borders. "
Along a beautiful /*keel: ;bordered bY•p•
grove, the tibrilt whittle blows, and cross: -
fug the Greensburg pike we, roach
• Wlnungsmato. .• •
liiii)bidoN.ontside the oity•limitai'and
w l lo l _,lVPw.tair/y in the suburbs. A large
propousop, of ttip property, hero is owned
bYJaminrlCelly,"an old and ‘ Aheral
As you' neat' the' depot you peas :the; -resi
lient** of Minsrs; Woodwell, 1 3noWde4and
Mills, while to the right, half hfdden in
the trees, stands the .residence of Judge
Hampton, and between him and the station
may be seen the quaint old homestead of
!grapy tin*;
the Kelley& IJpthe plank road towards
the village, a tasteful brick church is being
erected for the Presbyterian& Farther be
yond the church, on a side street, stands a
small one story white frame cottage sur
rounded by shrubbery and flowers. In its
garden may be seen daily a bright, blue
eyed, wirey-looking woman, plain as a
Quakeress in apparel—lndependent In
manner, yet courteous, agreeable to
tlnse u approach her, (providing she
likes them.) This is Jane G. Swisshelm,
shrewd!. '.yet peculiar—a female Boheraian
of sorne literary notoriety,who is now com
pleting:her volume of what she saw in
Washington while connected with the
Treashry Department.
Further up •in the village, the . elegant
private residence of Mr. Singer,' built of
hewn stone, its interior carved in.polished
oak and walnut. meets the bye. It is-more
of ,a palace than a private residenee in
ch4racter, and yet t I certain gloom seems
to' hang areund it, perhaps from the fact
that it cost the lives of three valuable men
in its construction. It stands grand,
gloomy ,and PecUliar, like some ancient
Castle, ybt sunshine is said to shine within
its portals.' Its elegant surroundings render
it a place of much attraction, and it Is said
t'o be the most costly residence in Western
o Testy about Wilkinsburg is being
_rap .y - bought up, its healthy location, its .
.go Water and good its, society render it a
desirable point of. location. Efforts are
being made to locate the Western Univers
ity and the State 'Normal Soh ' I at this
point, large, grants of land and oney hay
g io
been offered for the pose. It is
certainly a very prominent int.
A neww - village 11411 irmile distant is being
rapidly built up, and hnuls are being taken,
up daily for private residences. Swissvale
holds its own and extensive coal mines are
being wortedin itsvicinity. An accommo•
dation train runs to this , latter point from
the Union Depot nightly, - about eleven
Braddocks Fields is irnproving rapidly
and a large number of buildings are being
erected. Its well known historic associa
tions render it a place of no common inter
est. From Braddocks Fields to Turtle.
Creek. the coal business preddminates;
Turtle, Creek is growing fast, and the West
moreland coal mines, one mile this side of
Wall's Station, are doing an immense busi
ness.. Welastly arrive at Wall's Smtion,
where conductor Routh stops for breakfast,
after which the train returns to the city.
The excellent accommodations of this
route . , the obliging courtesies of conductors
Routh, Kirkpatrick and Hopkins render it
an attractive road for the public. Our next
will give the reader a brief sketch of an
other suburban route from the 'city to the
country. R.
Tun Railways in Minnesota are stated to
be69l miles long, upon the following cal:
eultition : Estimated construction for 1888,
160 miles. Built in 1867, 116 miles, irth.
*eilotts years, m,
use in England by which the labor of dress
ing is reduced to one-sixth of that by the
old method. The cutting apparatus con
sists of a black diamond fixed in a spindle
about one inch in diameter.
IN A RECENT memoir on the bleaching of
linen thread, Mr. Kolb states, as the result
of much experiment, that carbonate of soda,
even in large propoitien, does not weaken
the thread, but that the use of lime or of
caustic soda has this effect in a great degree.
IT Is s.Axo that by glneing together vege
table fibres laid longitudinally side by aide,
And then examining a very thin transverse
section. under the microscope, the difference
between the various kinds can be Intel bet
ter appreciated than by the usual :wa'y of
subjecting a few longitudinal fibres to ex
am ninon.
Tun Congress-of the American Assocta
tion for the Advancement of Science, to be
held in Chicago, commencing Augyst sth,
promises to be an occashon 'of interest,
With the view of securing a large attend
ance, special attention has been paid to the
routes of travel by which those attending
will be furnished with return tickets free.
A NEW method of manufacturing steel
oonsists in• grinding pig iron to powder by
a rapidly moving cutter, the extreme fric
tion producing a heat so intense that the
iron is, burned and falls down fa a reddish
brown dust. The superfluous carbon being
thus got rid of, the iron dust is melted in a
oracible, and when cooled is found. to be
converted into excellent steel.
THE first prize for declamation at Harvard
College this year was •taken by a colored
'youth, named Richard Theodore Greener;
and the second by Godfrey 3lorsei• a Jew.'
Young Greener is the son of a poor 'woman
in Boston, who fitted for college at Oberlin
and Andover, and one of his coinpetitors
was Robert McLeod, ofalaryland, formerly
of the Confederate armie ' • - •
. .
Perils ofthe Pendleton Escort.
The Cincinnati Times says : "The 'Es..
cert.,' who started for New Yoriewith clean
linendusters i span new hats,stlier badges,
and bright little ilags with greenbacke 'onto'
them, and who entered' the Empire City in
a solid phalanx, with music and much ban-,
ners, have been dropping ,by live; and
threes for a week or mote. Badges and
gags haddisappeared ;, they had exchanged
their, hats or bought others—one man had
hts dolore&-and their linen dusters needed ,
washing badly. They are all home now,, ; .
with the exception of perhaps three or four.
As they are known to have yawned their
railroad tickets, and to be out of money,
it is supposed that they pre endeavoring to,
make their w.ay home 'on foot. Owing to
the heat of the weather and ,their enfeebled.
condition from want of food,
,they are not
able to , make over five Or sik miles a day-,
With the cooler weather totitutumnthey
will probably make better' time, and rw...h.
home'by the time tharwinter sets Id They
are reported as wearing linen dusters, worn,
away as - far up as the middle of, the back,.
and the lints oftheir Pendleton are en
drely gone. Their' shoeii are worn out and.
Aber - feet 'been& titi'in rags. ;Boma relief
should be sent tothern
One of the sufferers' has written letterto
a sympathizer in aziainnati, in,whicb :be
,says `Ware miming slowly but steadily
on Cincinnati, where we expect to arrive
before the ciutnot;telLt. He
We waiild get along if it wasn't for
the tunneli. We are afraid to walk rough • .
then-afraid some thundering trainwould
knock us to thitrider 7 -tiowe have to climb . :-
the 'meant/tire. - 'The branches' have :wont
'our coat tails away. ' One, in descending:D.:.
the mountain, John thee sliding down the
the bottom in a sitting posture. His face
had a worn look at the bottom, and so had
his pante."