The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 29, 1868, Image 8

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Daily Prayer Meetiug--From` to
12:30 o'clock at the 'Methodist Church, Fifth
r street, next dcier to',DAzt-rT}: °Mee.
Pi,ke street. ' , is being repaired.
/ In Tewu--The distinguished orator and
divine; Rev. Bishop ,Sinapion.
nevis 'yesterday. Good for
She citizens. • Bad for the magistrates.
An Improvement. —Canal street, which is.
every much out of repair, is being put in or
, 4er once more.
!= Paving.—The paving on Second street,
east' of the Birmingham bridge, 'will be
completed to - day.
New Bell.—The new school house in
Lawrenceville will have : a bell 'connected
with the tire alarm telegraph.
_ •
Am County Republican Executive Com
mittee meet at City Hall; Republican Head
quarters, at three P. m. to-dap.
New Gate--Enclosing the yard" of tho
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Rail
road at the Foderal street station. ,
:The Latest. —A. tonsorial eStablisbnient•
about to be established in our city under.
the proprietorship of iiidPartistea.
i i trnhealthy..---Bathing in the liver during
t e "dog days" is said to be urthealthyi
although it is a very common practice.
Passed Throtigti--Hon. Sclitiyier Colfax,
on hii - way horun frOm Vasbington ,yester
skiy at noon. Took dinner at Union;Hotel.
Foreign Correeponde - nee.—On our first
page of to-day's paper will be found anoth
er very interesting foreign letter from Rev-
King,. of Allegheny.
Assattlt.—John Hughes madei ififorma
tion before the Mayor yesterdsreharoing
Jaines Creaky with assault. A warrant was
issued for his arrest.
Caved In:-.-The attention of the wharf
master is, called'io the fact that the sewer
at the foot of Ross street Is caved Tin for a
distance of:thirty - feet. ,
Rare Chance to Make Moner.—We woulc,t
call attention of, parties wishing to make,
money to an adyertisement to-dars pa-.
per under the above head. • • "
A littleLmore energy in grading the side
walk on thg upper portion of Second street
- will be appreciated by the hundreds of ar
tir.ans who pas - s that.way. daily. •
Arrived.--Hard. ..cucumbers half ripe
melons and. lour,- green apples. Persons
making their acquaintance will also be
introduccd to the. cholera, wheh accompa
mks them.
.To be Graded—The work of grading Lib=
eity street, ,eleven Squares - of which, be
gaming at Carson street thence east
wii,rd, are under contract, was commenced
yesterday, •
False Marm....An alarm of firo was
receiVerr at.the Central Office from. Box 71,
in the Seventeenth ward, about half-past
eleven creloeklast night, but "it proved, to
be a false one. .
Relaying Track.—Tho Pennsvlvania
Railroad Counpany are relaying the track
on a portion of Liberty street, which
would indicate that hey do not expect to
vacate that thoroughfare:
. .
Street Comm4Siimeri 1111 , Fadelt desigth;
'attaching a pipe to ilia; spring on Second
street, in the Sixth ward, so that the Water
can he- more conveniently obtained tly
those living-in the vicinity. '
wt ipped ifcr hit.' ren.—Mary Evans al-,
lege , that Mrs. Benan beat and abused two;
of hOr children without cause or provoca-'
Lion. .A.) Strain issued a warrant
for the arrest of the accused.
Arra gements 4 are in progress for the.
forination of a Central Grant and, Colfax
Club, to be composed of two members from
each of the district clubs. Th'e meet=
ing for organization will be held on Satur
day evening of next week, I
Break Down.—;Yesterday morning.wlaile
returning from the fire at Wood's Run, ,the
truck of the Columbia. Hook and Ladder .
Company broke an axle, nearthe passenger
cai' stables in the Sixth ward, Allegheny.
ThiS will throwlt out of service for afew
days; • '1 .
Alleged F'aist: Pretenee.—Bridget HAugh
made information yemterday before 'Alder.-
. man Strain, arr.ii Mr: Roxbury for false
pretence. The 'proseentriz alleges that the
defendant obtained Uv false representa
tions groceries front her to the amount Of ;
$12.50. A warrAnt , waS isSned.
Arrested.—MattheW Creely and John
Haahis, the boys charged' with the larceny
of a watch and monerfram the store . of W.
H. Ackewsan, on. Wylie street, - several days
since, were arrested yesterday. They ac
k howledged their_gallt, and state that the
money was taken .from them by larger
.boys, and that the watch was thrown hi
the Allegheny river. . They were loaked np
for whearing. • - • '
11 : 11- ork - aded.—Penn street, from 'Smith 'to
Wilson, is for . the present blockaded, and
travel,. except by the street cars, is prohib
ited'in trinsequenee ota portion of the street
being torn up to lay water pipe. Wagons
and othei-willicl6 can go to Lawrenceville'
either by, Small tn sal or :Liberty streets,; as
the Street. Cotntniioner has had a bridge'
placed over the ravine on the latter to 'enable
wagons to cross.
• Attempted Burglary.—At an early hour
yesterday morning some tbieyes endeav
ored to gain' an entrance to the dwelling of
Mr. - .T. Powell, ou Pennsylvailia avenue, by
forcing-open • the shutters; and • hoisting
the window, but they failed in the attempt'
and If id their labor for their pains. They
next commenced, operate on a neighbor
house, but ths °cello:nits-being awake'the
burglars_were frighttmed on: .
Surety or the Peace.—Naney Jane Blair;
a dolored lad', and a native of "OlO:'Vii
gi made iilformzationyesterdaybefore
Alderman • MeNiristers against Julia Reed
for ilittrety, of the peace. i 4 alleged that
Julia.hayithr had , her'ire arensed by some.
thing whieli Nadoy. had s done, threatened
to dig iiie "he`s, Or rather ,to roar (lath indi
vidual limb froin her'hoikyinerompanying
the - threat. with sundry . tierce demonstiot
tions. , Julia' was arrested;and eomwitted
in:default of $3OO hail.
house lief:net ',Clinton,, re;
piditist .oti McGee street,' in the Eighth'ward;
was' kit_steijdliv; clitirgf , d .bofore • Alderman
..ltleArasters with malicious tinsel) On'
oath orPsitrick 'II' is alleged
. 1 A IrWS-9aa:upies it house ,owned by-Bradleife ,
and -an,- evening or two .sincf3 ho came.
hoine'Olightfriinfier the influence' of` tho
, "rrlent,'' a
nd Proer-eiled. to smash -in the
doers, th . a 'establisinrinnt,:
flimagiog it 19: 61 1e .ateount of- fifty .dollars.
Church Reiteration.
Lictt evening t little.. bey.
about : left ye.trS, of ago ,was
. pi eked tiff.. , on , .The First: cumberland presbyteri l in
commons.the Comons. near the Penitentiary, Mbo - i.Church, Sikth 'street, ReV.:Squires, pastor,
cl°sed at Prt'l9lt, and will remain '4° for
t g 1
convoyed iii•o the (:irpikilti:r - vhop .'or Mr. a short time, for the purpose of renovation.
Park, near bv, hr revived somewhat, sod
It, is deigned to_glyp it a new coat of paint,.
said `4.-1. 4 Francis Jl , Mlon find Unit tresene 'the CeilingandiirallS',inside, reStain
.he lust, rui s rr n sl:reet, to the ward,, ginPß iti the windows, replace the old
hut l'art her ii!foritfation asito earpa . with a new one and completely ren
howli, or of bull ding throughout.. When fin
A ..rat he . Was taken s iuhed tho improVenients cannot fail to add
messelig . dr dis- ; its appearance and render it
quest of' fo.rents. , n'iueli more inviting place of worship. '
notructtoo or the Altdott 011 . Warks—.-
LOne Man Killed;.One Bisbing and Anatti-.
er Terribly Burned.
A most terrible accident occurred about
six.o'clock last evening, at the Albion 011
Works of Messrs. Waring & Rafferty; sit
uated at Bennett's Station, on the Wesern
l'etinsylvanta Railroad, about three miles
north of the city, resulting in the destruc
tion of the entire works,'abenit five hundred
barrels of crude oil, and the death of one
man and probably fatal injury of two others.
It appears that a train, consisting of six
( teen tank cars, tilled with crude oil, had
been on the. siding at the. works,
several -of the cars standing in front of the
t furnaces which heated, the stills. " Mr. Laf
erty was engligked in unloading the cars
when a "bung in one of them near the fur. 7
_nace came out, creating so great a pressure
of gas ; as to blow the spigotout of a tank
on the side next the furnace,',:and forcing a
stream of -oil into the fire. The consequence
"E. was the- instantaneous" explosion of the
tank, which was followed by seven or eight
other explosions at short intervals. The
burning oil-from the exploded tanks was
Scattered-in every direction - , causing-death 'I
.and destruction to every perithable object
in the vicinity. . .
In an instant after . the first explosion the
entire. works were in flames, and the
ground for hundreds of feet around was. a'
glaring sheet of fire. Mr. Lafferty, a mem
ber of the firm,- who, as stated above, was
engaged in unloading the cars at the time
the accident occurred, was covered with
the burning oil,' which ignited his cloth
-log, • surrounding hum "-with a "sheet of
flame. In this condition he inadelds way
throughthe firy wall by which he was en
compassed to the river, and plunging in ex
tinguished-the' flames,- not; lioWever, be
foroxeceiving serious and berhapti - fatal in
jury. His sides, breast, hands and arms
were fearfully burned, and it is feared that,
in making his way to the river through the
"suffocating smoke . and fire, he inhaled
the flame 'and received internal injuries,
which may result in his death. His bands
were burned to - such an" extent' that the
flesh fell from them, leaving. the bones ex
posed. Mr. L. was removed to his resi
dence, No. 90 Wylie Street, this city, and
Dr. !Pollock Summoned to attend him.
His family were absent but have been tele
graphed to, and will arrive this re Wing.'
James lionnigle,- a boy about seventeen
years of' age, - an employe at the works,
wasstanding.near the train and: by the first
explosion was blown a distanee of over
thirty feet, and before assistance could
reach him was burned to a &lap. -He was
' the 'only support of a-widowed mothOr and
several small brothers and sisters. Con:
o'ner Clawson has been notified and-will,
hold an ingest on the bOdy this morning.
The stillman, whose name we failed to
learn, was at - works near the scene of the
, explosion a few momenta before - the occur
rence, but has not since been heard of. It
is-presumed that he perished in the flames.
-Theoilin a portion of the tanks was saved
by the cars becoming detached. As the
train Nta.s• standing' on a slight grade they
run back on the main tracksome_distance
frorn'the works and out of reach of the de=
- vouring element.. "
, The conflagration was still raging when
ourreporterleft the ground, and it is prob
able that everything of an inflammable na 7
turo within reach was consumed. We are
unable to make any osfimatoof the amount
of prupert , - , destroyed; but presume it will
not -Mt short of twenty thousand dollars.Ch pr,e
w.l: probably no insurance on either
the i,uflawg or .oil, and' consequently the
Fait solely upon the proprietors,
Grant and Colfax Club Organized in Se's
; mitt and Eighth , Wards. •
Pursuant to adjournment the Republi
c-o,:- i)f he Seventh and Eighth wards met
at the k . ratkkjii, Street Sehotd House, last
. for the purpose of pertnauently or
ganizing a 1 ..; lit Cl - 01). The meeting WaS
larT) 21711 enthiixiastic, there being hun
4..ireiJAuf voters present.
Theineeting, was ,, ealled to order by Mai.
Savant) Kilgore, J t It. Newman ofliciathig
as Secretary: - •
. Mi•Aolin Leech; chairman of the Com
mit:id.; on Permanent Organization, presen
ted the- '
following report
Yourrentiinitted on Permanent Organi
iat-ion • submit- the; /following named per- .
Bobs as officers of the Grant and Colfax
Club bf. the Seventh and Eighth wards:
President—Joseph Elartman.
Viee - PresidentS—Thos. Cluiy, Jae. Reb
man, JIM. Sena, ThOs.Merr, X. S. Rigdon,
Joseph Zeigler,- Jno.
,Moore, James 8.
Fleming, Wtn. Freeman, Alex. Maloy,
Joseph Nlnrshalt and Jno. Patterson. A. M.'Brown, John D.
Treusarer- r -Japeb H. Walters.
Chief Merehol—Mnj. Sam. Kilgore t
Sktionee Conifnittee—Wm.Shore, Jr., Jas.
Owen's, Thos: Roberts, August Jurfghwis.
Contmittee on Speakers—John Leech, Jos.
A. itler,"' J. R. Newman, Dr. J. G. Mc;
Candle4s. .
Com=mittee on Musie—Geo. W. Gillespie,
David L. 'Fleming, V. G-. Elliott, W. H.
Committze nn Banners , cer—K:Seanor,
Maj::Sam. Kilgore, J. W.'deGitripsey,Jno.
L. Ward, • . '
The reportiwaa . aceepted and adopted.
The. Presidera,-oh taking the chair, ad
dressed the Club in a brief and appropriate
speech. . • • .
On rnotjoni, it wl r s resolved to appoint a
'committee - r fru as 'an! Exec tit! ve 'tumult
tetyyith isnsea lti. appoint sub - or block
The b in. it i VO! 10E01141! authorized
/to have.a 1 . C.;511/ at Web
ster and , Fa ou ON.
The; Seereeary wa.s ni•striieted' td 'obtain
the 'necessary, books , and papers for the
Club, and, - obtain:. the signatures of. the
Members. '
A subscription paper was then passed
round the room, when over 5150 was sub
scribed and paid In.
, The.:••meeting was then addiessed by a
number of able speakers.
AdjOurned to meet Tuesday evening,
August 4th .
Second. Ward .Grant and Colfax Clap.
At a meeting of the Second ward Glint
Club held, last evening, John Wilson, Pres
ident,pro tdm. in' the Chair, ,the following
' businem was transacted :'
Ou. motion of Capt. W. B. Cook, the name
of the Club waa ehangi3d to the Grant and
Colfax Club.
'fire following committees were appointed:
Finance-31105.. Ewing, Edward ,Ilouse,-
J. C. Midterm •
Milit«ry Organization`—Capt. W. Ti. Cook,
Thormis W. Phelps, James "Vick. •
' Glee Club—John A. Floyd„,j ose ph
Wilson, James Vick.
•On motical Dr.. JalUeS S. Kitig, watt
:resolved that the President and ono inem
`tier from each Grant and.Ccilfax Club in the
county bo rot - imaged to meet at the rooms
of ;this Ilioty,clCii. GB - Smithfield: street; on
Saturday, August Bth, 1868, at 8 - o'clock, r.
ki. l to organize a Central Grant and Colfax
• ProBident Thomas Steel and Charles m,
GormlY Wore elected delegates to the Cell=
•tral Club. r --
Adjourned to m . 94 Tuesday, Zugust 4th,
..,M,llsll.oltce -•:. O . A ZiIPIT-..t , IWt:tiNtstAY, '',TVI4Y ..';'2oi, I
, city Executive 'Cy'Lmittee:
A meeting of the iter;ablicau City Es ior
tive Cunittee IP - a# held at City 11,
~R e- p ublican- headquarters," last eveni!pg.
The meeting was called to order at half
past seven o'clock, the President, .TosePli
A, Butler, in the chair, and Captain W, B.
CoOk acting as Becretarypro tem. _
The Chairman stated that the meeting
had been called for they purpose of fixing
the places of holding the primary elections
in order that the same might be'pnblished
in the eal for the election. • •
Major - A.. M. Brown moved ,that the elec
tion in 'the Fifth ward be held at the Court-
House, and that the officers who held the
previousprimary election be q6ignated
time election officers.
'Mr. Kaye 'moved to amend by allowing
the Coniniittee from t.hat ward to name the
election officers. •
.The motion was' adopted, and A. G.
Neeper, Robert J. Smith and George Glass
were designatAd as the election of:Risers. ,
Major A. M.lBrown offered the following
resolution. 1
Resolved, Th'at we reconitnend to the offi
cers of the priniary. election the enforce
ment of all legal rules respecting the qtial
itications of voters - sit general electionsj in
addition to the requirements that the voter
shall be a known member of the Utdon
Republican party. • =
The resolution was adopted by a unani
mous vote. • ' • •
Gen. A. L. Pearson, Secretary. presented
a call for the City Convention, and provid
ing for the time and place of holding the
primary elections.. The call was adopted
and,ordered to be published.
On motion of Major A. M. Brown, the
President ,and Secretary were authorized
to insert the names of election officers and
places of ; holding elections in the general
call, when reported to them from the sev
eral members of the Committee for such
wards wherein they are not already desig
On motion adjourned, to meet at thi3 call
of the Chairman.
• Caugl t the
! Wrong Man. •
A fete eVenin since a young man, appa
rently from' th eonntry, judging from the
cut of his clothes and the materialof which
they made, carelessly sauntered Into
a well known gambling house on one of
onr principal streets, and ivalking tip. to
the bar asked for something to drink. The
barkeeper waited upon him, and after
drinking he seated ee in-in easy chair
in a,careleas manner,iwltore ho remained
for a eanolderablo ante without attracting
any notice: Finally, the "stool pigebTa- of
the establishment entered the bar-room.
and his attention was called to the stranger.
by the bar-keetier, who had obseryed a well
filled pocket book in the possession of the
"man from the country" when he settled
! for his drink. Seeing a speculation the
"pigeon'''. invited =the stranger to drink, an
invitation-he accepted, and-in a' short time ,
afterward .a, game of "poker" was Proj),:_ , Nl
and the stranger invited to take adianii,.
which proposition he :weeded to after
pressed to do so. A party 'of four retired..
to an upper room, kept for the purpose,
with the intention, doubtless, of "pluck
ing" their game; but the sequel proved
that they had "reckoned without their
host." • The game progressed smoothly for'
come time, the stranger winning and losing
. alternately, but invarialdylosingmorethan
he won t until lie was about five hundred
dollars short. Thinking they.hati tho great
er portion 9f his money, the party who had
sat down to "fleece" hint began the" bluff
game," with the Intention of "healing"
'hint out of the remainder or' Riming him to
quit the game. This, it appears, was what, he
desired. and his antagoitists being thrown
off their guard by his assumed green
nes.;' allowed themselves to be complete
ly taken in. lie managed toiglip in a "cool
park" upon them, and the first deal not
only won back what he had Previously lost,
but about two thousand dollars additional,
after which he -left: the establishment, re
marking as ho did 'so that he wpuid '"go I
and change clothes, as that country thyme
ry, although profitable, was. not 'comforta
ble:" It was.Msceitained that he was a
sharper from the East and had assumed
the disguise of a countryman; to enable
him the more easily to fleece his victims.
A man named Samuel Burns is said to
have victimized a party of twenty Phila
delphians, by representing himself as the
agent of , the Paciflc Railroad Ceipperly,
authorized to make arrangements. in erg
gaging workmen for.the road.: Ho offered
them one hundred dollars per month and
. :.
board, Which, of course; was A very good
draw, sad he , istroceeded In getting. q,uite a,
number of hands to engage with him.
, ~•
After securing tho' Men, Burns stated
that they would have to pay their
way to , Pittsburgh and ' from that(
place . they . would befurnished with :free.tranaportatioq.
Ifree-tranoportatioq. He had made an ar
rangement with.the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company by , which he could obtain , a. re ,
duction in the rates. Hach of the party
gave him litteen dellarrt, - the amount of the.
- reduced fare, and started on the journey..
At Harrisburg Burns' asked for seven ,doi-,.
' are each, as the amount first paid was in.
iiilieient. 'fhb men accordingly gave him
the additional seven dollars. and , pro
c:,edoil on, their way to Altoona.
Arriving there they had breakfast, :whir i
Burns Wall Liberal enoughtopay for.' Alter
eating broak fan the reputed agent sudden-,
Iy disappriarcri and Was seen no more: For
a long while, the party .waited for:his corn
, inv, but griiiiiiiilly :IN ',,raiec ; after train palls
eil, the truth begat , tri tiaNc I, Niel' them.
IXlten the soil arak at iliac discovered; ignite
a scone of threatening, raving and swearing
ensued, . but gradually - the party , set.;
tied 'down and , triedo make - the
best of it. Sonic of them went.
back to 'Philadelp t ihia, an l , others, hay- .
.ing . friends in IPittsborgh, rune on
through. ' Taken altogether Mils . was
..o; ie.
of the most plausibly contrived arid carried,
Out Benson record. )turns is represented as
a short, linavy, set, men, four. foot six inches
high, dark 'coniplexicmod, fUll whlskers,
long hair and a agar above one eye. He is
certainly. an, adopt at the business and cern
ducts with an amount Of shrewdness Vi;nr
thy of a better cause. ' -
Fire:at Woode Rim
Between nine and ten o'clock Monday,
night a tiro broke out in the shod occtipipf.l
by tho agitatbri of the Adresco oil works
near Wobtis Run, An Warm was struck fri;
,bok . 2, sixtiiAllegheny; wlifkb
brought the' , tiro departinept promptly iAip
the ground. Notwitlistaning idl tueir ox
onions the firocontinnthl-to lArunntil nooD
of the , next dhy; entirely consunting' thb
building and tho oil in two.of the tigitittors,v
each, containing .about 300 barrels itilergo l ,
in};. the, refilling prom's, 'rho 'building:
was valued at $2,500, whleh was fully coy
„ere.(l by i fusureanCe. The loss on' ttid!till
*ill probably remelt $5,000, on whichAerois.
no luaus:ince. The cause of thelire'
known, but it is supposed to hitce orig
from the 'sparks of a passing, loco
uioti vo.
.//' •
• Adrosco Is one,qf the largest werlss
iii this vicinity, and is•ovirned and operated
by Messrs. Joseph Flowing & Co.
The Lowry Eire Plug.—The •antlioritieit'
of Clevp)ancl received from this city •
ono of the tewry Fire Plugs, oflovillohAlp
Hetald - says: Fire Departliniiit has
receiveti'froin Plttalnirgli a 110W•kincl of itro
ping, capable of throwin4: six strefiliA:lit
once. Though similar plugs are in lino In
other large cities, this is plevelanfl's. first.
In ease of lire, the hose of six engleem ciaii
benattached to the,plug ,at the Sallie Lillie.
The plug will be,.phwetl b' the Atwaler' i
United Staten Distr/ei ICourt—i udge
In the bankrUpter„brartch yesterday 'a
final discharge was granted and ,certificate
, .
aWarded to Samuel F. Andrews, of Erie
Petitions for final discharge *ere' filed by
E. W. ,Stevens,,X. A. Stevens, Hugh'D.
McCoinb, John 111cElevey, of Lalvren6
county, John W. Porter, of Warren county.ln the matter of -Elliaa - _Morris, tried at
Erie on E peci tleations against bankrupt's
discharge, and a verdict rendered thatfacts,
set forth i i the specifications yettke not true,
on ,motion of A. B. McCalmont, ,Esq.,. the
Court directed A decree of discharge to is-.
sue upon bankrupt filing oath of conform
it,y and payment of.costs accruing prior to
the filing of said specifications. Y
, On like motion, James E. Steele,, a bank
rupt, waspermitted to amend schedule
attached to his petition. . ', - '
In the case of David - Mann and N. W.
OdelL.the Court granted leave toassignees
to sell m Lain realiestate.
In the Peter Lockwood, bank
rupt. up u petition filed, leave wasgranted
i n
to Hood, Boubright dr. Co. towithdra w their'
pouf of debt.,
Robbery In AllegbenY.
'Monday evening Hippely Beekert's
feed sto e, at . the Troy Hill passenger car
station n Allegheny, was entered by some
thieves ho forced opon the shutter"of a
roar widow.. They first commenced .on
the safe, operating on it with a chisel, but
failed to open it, spoiling the lock, how
ever, w ich could not 'be 'worked neat'
morning without the aid of a locksmith.
Finding he safe a very secure one, they
next turned their attention to other parts.
of the:store, going through a desk which
Contained nothing but a quantity of papers.
Continuing their seaTch, they ciallected a
number of articles consisting of a small
clock, a gold pen, balance scales, micro
scope and silver-headed ptpe,mitich they
caried off, evidently retiring by •the same
way as that through which their entrance
Was effected. There have been noinerests
made as yet, thougn the afficershava their
suspicions. • -
Tobacco Store Robbed
Some tline.ditring Sunday night the to
store of J. T. Lacock, on Federal
street, b few - doors• below.. the :suspension
bridge, was entered and robbed of goods to
the amount of sixty dollari. The thieves :
• gained admission from the rear,,and from
the manner in which the job was manipu-i
lated it was surmised that the robbery had
been done by some persons acnuainted with
the place. The police kept a sharp look
out and yesterday arrested a lad about six
teen' years old, named Charles 'Seely, on
suspicion of being one . of the guilty parties.
Seely on,being conveyed to the lock , up;
it is sad cronfessed to have bade hand in the
affair, and Implicated two of his wmpan
ions, one of whom Gedrge McNamara, was
arrested soon after./ The, officers wore in '
quest of the other chap",last night, and
doubtless ho will be found in the lock up
this morning, when a hearing will be had
in the eas3.
Lumber, LuMbei
There are thousands of persons in the
cities and neighboring borcolghs and in the
outlying districts engaged in building who
are obliged to purchase lumber, and at
times are embarassed to knoW or decide
wherts or of whom to purchase. It will be
seen by an advertisement in this day's GA
' ZETTE that Mr. ( Alexander Patter Son
two exteasiye.yards at 86 Preble street and
157' Rebecca street, Allegheny, in which
several million feet of lumber are kept for
sale. This stock ilitnbraces nearly, all varie
ties of oak, esti, hemlook anl pine boards.
and scantling; much of which ift thoroughly.
seasoned ; also-a large stock of locust and
cedar posts, sawed, and shingles, together
with tire brick tile and clay, in- large Or
small ill'antities. Thk being said it re
mnants for us tsmcertify to parties not ac
quainted with Mr.: Patterson thataie has
had a' largo .experienceirtthe luttiber busi
,ness, is, very prompt in filling orders; and
will ho found reliable, upright,and accom
modating. • '
Young Mei►'e Sodality.
The atmual picnic of the Young !glen's
Sodalitiii whieh'is looked forward' to with
pleasurel by than class of young persons
who enjy a day of unalloyed pleasure with
a select ompany, will take place at. Chen-. 3
wood( ci ove to-morrow , ( Thursday,) the
30th - instant. The manner in:. which the
picnics ,f this society have heretofore been
conducted is of, itself sutlicieut; . toe recom-
Illerolllleni 'to all order and amiuseinerit
lovingpersons.:. The gentlemen haying the
affair n' charge are high minded, honora
.ble mety and baiting the reputation of the
society at stake, the public may rest assur
sUred that the picnic will bo condowedjii a
maaner. Perfectly tuitisfactory. Trains will
‘leav* the . Pittsburizh and Connelhalille De
pot-at 8 and al o'clock a. ii., and 1, 3 and
4:30-r. Mi The last train returning will ar—
rive in the city at 7:30 rat, ; Tickets can
be procured ,lc., of the' members - only, and no
tickets Will bo mold on the (;round. ?r
A Musical Establishment Broken Up:
Some time ago an Italian formed* pars- ,
liershlp't i vith.a crippled ioldiei-to engitgelri
the orgiui grinding business, •'lle business
, I
was earned on in Allegbrny 'fora while
_ .
'until tilt. authorities put a stop to it, wlien .
the, 044 llitilinierit t rAini ov en to c Oittibnigh,
'where it flourished until a day or two since
when thc li pr9prietors were urrestcd. At the
hearing Yesterday inorning it apPearedthat
thy , poor soldier was not only:grinding the.
machine,but was being in turn ground him
self by - hit Itallitwpirtni.i, 'who aliproptia
tell'conslderahly the largest portlons - of the'
. profits to Idinself. Mayor Blaektuere. -in
.consideration of.'thls fact, tined the Italian
fifteen dollars and cornynitted the soldier
for dye days, he apparently having no
abiding place or means of support. .
Open Air Mreting. Last Einning.—Tmst
evening the open air meeting on Duquesne
Wll3, below Hand street, under the anS
-pices of the 'Young Men's Chribtian A.ssoci.
attracted quite a lary.;6 Ciowd to the.
Spot: Mr. it. Porter bad chid:go of the
aliair, and triad° a short address, fbl,
Hlowed by:Messrs. Jennings,:Long. Bell and
enuerson. The % exercises were Inter
spered with‘some fine singing, which. dd
ed consldorahlyto theinterest.
TWO (math 181'1144)1%4a !HI ing.- , ilebocca
Wthieriniarie Ififorimitionsyesterday be
fore Abliirinaii Biddle, against Sarah Drtie-•
done for surety of thupeuoti—.. She alleges
that the defenriiint,threntened to turn 'the
tenants ont of her house by Ibree.. At the
he; the, ease mius-4istniesed. We uti-
ilerstanil that this is tho thirteenth 111181M
betwahn• tifol - pa - rtieiyand the
fourth regarding the present ease.
r The. Centinental..=We ean think of no
better the city toltet-ti good. clean,
square weal thun ytt. Holtziteither'.4 Conti
nental' I)iniitg.'llooina, Fifth ;street, itixtc
door to,the Poste:Bets. Mr.. El. b.a.s had an
extensive experience as a caterer, and in
t his 1inq.J348..n0 , The, din' int.:
C t ape. * Edward Niorgiiii;:lihattl' a °likeliest, ...roonis are'always'lteit• in the ineatfidrniet
inspector at St. Louis, wbo committed sni. onle,r i ondan, aceepettiodating eortssof•ato,
cido on - the •28th inst., was 'a natiVe','V''. tentiono a re always -ready 4 o , laraft-"tthos •
Vownsville, Pa., and horn in.:lBl74.lTaw ;,cuatoixers.
ditinily , Were Quakers.. •In 1836 be kitts "on: 1'
girtecr on the Lady ptladhlutt, rntintur,frorti,...; Pen. No. 2 1. gmy, Ftreqt„lw.vq,
Pittslairuti tt, 4f l uo. , ‘lilillt‘pfttfeN4olll'lo..l)(ll;l4'l.Argest-and..tneat„jutllitiottalk
,he snie- si
attently fh h
ollowou, until witt two -' it‘lll . t k of dress goods ever otrored in
years past, oil the w. 4 l. 4 terlivitteirti; 'Wliero he . this inerkeK which; tei'•4lit. -- fattt. Atm;
Ivat regardett as nun of Ake . yil.ryppst ofen- tht.V were ptkrehased during --the recent We
gineers: ' ; clit.. yt.gontbiof tilht Vitaity,lll!tbdtisnit
'". lOW
• . very low rates, they are enabled to sell
omitted to. state.- in -our-KArpon the'lrimMeLleollibje tern*
, report o f Connell , preeeedinif,' , .vestertl:o-, est:141)00A rePatat;leu °Wile ait the Select eofictirriviriiith Cue COIIMIOII ' Netlini•efec e ltr - nb*toprlnnieridatten:'lltlll'
not mstiplat heToi ieullatititiy.l4l4o;*o ' 06,1 31 . 4 11 ) 1 141.41.4 1 440PA1 iii the.
to provide station, houses irethe-old. NiTlth otiubtry.,, , ,s; , •
zhowrenetwillitt t.last ' '
:•., ”-P li reAnliq ANtrainf; vir t .r t i•
Strawberry, Raapberry,r4/iiatikS>tack
tvoect's. • Ed olgt rg 'lkieglizirie for born'," SqrgalTrlllrt;- fAriefitit IA I nas plierry,
Juts lot) 'wl: h live andinetrue- - 'Vinegar, prices:it. 1121(3(.111ra'
tot c , utnbut in for snit: by W. B. Gil- ptreet, A11(1 , 0)1;11 city: • • I
Fifth 1y25:11.w' ' fironcry,
More Weed Setiln i t l :litsicjilhes Sold than
All otttericesatriarii
It •la now generally
,conee • dea that the
Weed Sewing Ma • chin# is the most reliable
machine in the:market. Of this, the num
ber and variety of other machines brought
in to exchange for the Weed is sufficient
Mrs. J. Greenwalt, Dentist, II Wylie street
Dr. - C. J. Cahill 1 1 6 "
, Dr. Pollock 91 SA As
J. WaChrinack .......... 57 Franklin st.
• and Stein & Bro. •
" M. A.• gay, - - 18
L.lEL'Alris 89
Goo ~ileaatsder . aBB Demtur "
1 ' C.'ShAddle ..... 58 Congress " •
• " J. - D..Buitoii - s -. -70 H "
" M. J. Twaddle.-Btirns'lloW, Cliff ."
,", T. Byrnes,- • , ," "
Hartman" ' " "
" George II: Thurstan, P. and A. Tele
graph • ' 15 Cliff street.
S. B. Mahoney -•' off Centre Av.
14.• Mullens;.... ... .. 62 " s.
W.• Edwards ' ' 66 1 " ss
Pittsburgh,-Ft.- Wayne &,Ohie age Railroad.
T. M. McNally 43 Fultonstreet
D. P. Hoyle.. 45 .. AS
A. Friday • ..67 . •
.1. A. Fackin6r ' ' ' 73' "
and Faekiner Jr. Irwin. -
A. Melllwaine, Auerneer,' 112 I "" "
J. Ferry .. . ... 32 Poplar alley.
• . < ` B. A,gent,
r' • ,
,•N0.112 Grant street.
A First Class Saloon
The saloon,at No. 105•Vifth, street, under
the supervision of Mr. P. H. M'Gnire, is in
every respect ra first class eitablishmert.
The .rooms are admirably .arranged fol. the
purpose, and are, elegantlf'anti tastefully
furnished. The ladies' dining room - is sep
mate and distinct from the other apart..
ments, consequently ladies either alone • or.
attended by gentlemen can visit 'the estab
lighttient with the utmost proPriety. The
tables are supplied at all' times with the
best of-everything to , be obtained in the
market,including ail the delicacies of the:
season:, -The situation of the house is are
commendation, alit is located on the up
per portion of Fifth street, in a quiet, and,
pleasant . IDronaupity. Notaithstanding :
this establisfunent has been opened to, Our
public but a short tithe. It is highly appro. ,
dated, and is 'destined to be -one of the:
leading dinipg, saloons in :the city. 'We
take - pleasure in recommending the stab
lishment to the public generally. • ;'
Novi'is the Time.
Property owners and others .having
plumbing or gas fitting to doi - if they are
wise,Will. of course belie the work done ,
while the weather is plea aant; the reasons
for which are 'so numerons:'and palpable
that' it is useless far us'to recite thorn: In
this connection we would call attention to
the fact that Mr. T. T. Ewens, whesc.eStab t
lishinent• is at No. 165 Wood -aireet,' is e
practical plumber, steam and
‘ gas fitter him
self, employs none but the :best workinen,,
and theireSnit is that work'entensted to him
invariably- renders satisfaetiim. At his
store will be found a full supply of gas and
waterl hitures , which will be furnished it
the most reasonable.- rates, ,He also gives
especial attention to work hi the, country.
All orders executed promptly.. ,
-• ' ' The Place to Purchase.. . .
It is a.settled principle in every branch of
trade, s well as a matter of economy, for
purchasers to buy their goods where they
can'get the beat article for the least money,
and it is upon this principielhat crowds'of
persous daily throng:the book itnirstation
ery star.) -of Colonel. J. D. Eagan. Sixth
street, pear, Smithfield. The _Colonel's
T it)
stock embrac over five thousand volumes
of rare and, v luable: books, which he is
selling at less t an eastern Prices. - All the
magazines for August are already upon
his counter. and the most. , ••••inplete and
best assorted stock of writin.:, paper, olive
lopes, dm., he offers to the public at the
Most:reasonable rates, either wholesale or
retail. Country dealers should give him a
The Original' Diamond Front.
Mcßride a.' GeOrge are the proprietors cif
the nOrigitial Diamend Front° grocery
store, No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny..
This establishment is now one of:the lead
-. ing business houses ilf,the two cities, and
for"quallt - v of golds has no superior in the
; West. Tht.t - nuiat - coznplete assoitinent. of
tea, coffee, sugar and apices to- be found - in
the city is constantly kepVori hand, so
that the purchaser has no difficulty at any
titni , in receiving anythinjzthe may desire
in the grocery, line. ,Tfie firm, also deal ex
tensively in provisions of all kinds, and in
fact keep a ftrat'-olassfamily stdre.
- Remember, the sale Of. Dry Goods, with
out reg. t cost, at the liasonie Hall Auo.
Lion House of Smithson, Vanhook.t& Mc
and. O'7-,Klfth streeti -Tho -
firm hhVii determined to Withdraw entirel,v
front thikdopartinent of their business,.azul
hence no,reepectie the original cost
of goods. Never 'b'el - Ortijit this city' haVe, l
such , unusual bargains An dross goods,
housekeeping goods, sunshades, riarasolf.,l
quilts, spreads; - rugs , triattrasses,
been offer ~ t„cLad those who Rill -to'ilthind'
wilt miss a - glowing opportunity. , ' l, We feel
than ware unable to:impress in strong
'enough terms importance.of our read,'
era, lay ing._in' 'full ; supply of such goods.
during the co tinuance of this great seed , '
flee sale.
The Quti Settled.-=-Xt is a settled fact.
that at the hlgitisi Flatint Gre
eery," NO!' 4 4 ..1 3 `ederar'street,
is to be found one of thii 'largest!and" hest"
selected ;•stocks , of ~ .tea, sagttr,
Canned fruits and provisions lii the tivo
cities.' Itiefisra:: Aleorg4," the
;,gentlemanly piliprieters of the c.stablish
, trictit,iaro both practical hnsinees- men and
fully ant - kr:stand: the •*EMI's of their: ohs
; tomers. Housekeepers and the communi
ty in general canon; tail to be suited at the
Frout,';,-hoth in quality of goods
and the prices,atwhich they are, sold..
~ . .
- The Eniporiumler. fashi onttble goods is at
21 Fifth street: the, 'old ;Land well. known .
.1- firm or 13ates. dißell. The: stock dry
goods now offered - to,the publicat this rep
resentative bomuciitooneef, , theldrgest-and.
.'best seieeteil in the city, arld , •purehasers
will lindiLto_their- advantage u) -e*aniihe
it. The firm have established a reOntation
for keeping ,it iitiperfor . quality of. goods.
and the purchaser has the, Advantage:- of
niak in:t i bia selections from ' the immense
stork, which includes a greater .varietY ,
t than Is'Uslloll-karered in - thia:markot. •
The *lager Stwing Max.hlnei, * - -7 ";
It is perhaps well understood among•th 4 s,
public that there is no better Sewing re*,
chine than the Singer, and ; few which have
attained to 'a higher degree of popularity.
Combiping most of the valuable features of
other it - whines, anti free from their defects
it renders the utmost satisfaction in its
work, and for many reascons is a great
favorite with the operator. The Singeb
Machine is widely used in this vicinity,:t4
business done by Straw c 'Morton, gtnerar
agents; 40 St. Clair 'street, being remartriP
bly large. Messrs.' Straw & Morton !ioa
esteem Its pleasure to show the machine
visitors and let them see how 'it operateit;
Its : execution is neat and rapid, and unlit:.
tended with any of those ineonvenleacesi
Which cause so much trouble in other nu t .
chines. Being undoubtedly one of thet
best, as it is one of the simplest betorOthe)
public, any person about purchasingwill do
well to call at their office,
Among, the latest imtepts granted. -aret
those of:
...John Staneliffe, Pittsbnrgh, improve":
manta in lathes., -
Thomas Brown, Allegheny city, imnrosedi
Roland H. Smith, Pittaburglk, designfers
a street
e i et F; m . Hewitt "and George R. Lynch;.'
furniture castor.
James Bingbarn and Robert CowaTd„l
combined rock crusher and-temperliiit
Beckett;All the above were procured by Perci
lia Solicitor of Patents, Allegheny
Chapped Hands, face and all roughnew
of the skin, - certainly cured by nsing_the
Juniper Tar Soap, made by CasWell, ,
and Co., New York. It surpasses alt .
o,ther remedies as it will prevent roughness,
of the skin if used during cold weather.'
It is easily applied, avoiding all the trouble'
of 'the greasy compounds now in use. Itt
can be nsed by . ladifT with the most tender,
skin, without irritalion or pairr, makingit,
soft and clear. Sold by the druggists .en-,
;At: W.: Moorhead's, 81 Mai•ketstreet,',;
a large and well selected of lace_goodill
. _
and trimmings are: heing sold ' at remark-a
ably lbw prices. ;The goods sold at this ies.. •
,;talbirshinent :are Purchased from first class,
- hotises expressly_ for this market, thus say-
idk the jobber's profit, eonseqriently .Mr.
Moorhead is 'enabled to sell at lower, lUS,
the same quality of gocids, than others are,:',
who do not adopt his system of pur c hasing:
The Trimming Store at 81 Market street~:
Mr. W. W., Mkorhead, proprietor, iss.theq
great emporium for ladies who wan) aiirst A
class article of fashionable goods. ./The,
stock of lace goods and trimmings is one or
the largest' and . best selection ever brought,
to this market. and they are being sold - at .,
unusually low figures. 'The corps of clerks
at this establishment take pleasure in skew—
ing goods to all who favor them with a call.
Holtzhclinees,:on Fifth street, one door,
west of the west of the Postoffice, is the;i
place for the hungry to go. His tables, are,-
always supplied with the best the market'! ;)
affords, which is prepared arid served - In a
style to challenge competition. Remember-'
the place, next door to the Postoffiee, Fifth '
street. . •
Likeness of Grant.—Full-sized rortanit of'
Grant, on colored card board, the beat and.
cheapest likeness to bo had; for twenty-five
cents, at No. 84 Fifth street. • - d.tcy
New Orleans Market -
[Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Qauette.l
NEW ORLEANS, July 28.—CW:ton nom-:
inal; middlings, 27c; sales 18 bales; receipts
'amount to but 59 bales. Sterling exchange
is 157 ,al6O. New York sight . exchange is.
No premium. Gold, 144. • Flour quiet;
superfine at $7,75a8. Corn easy at 9 0a5103-
Oats dull at 75c.. 121*y unchanged. rork
is dull at 829,50. ' Shoulders at 13Ve; clear
sides at 173. c, Lard. tierce' at 18 4 340; keg
at 19;%c.
KIIRTZ.—On Tutsday, 28th Wet., at gx r- x.,,
BABB/111A }KISS, .wifo of Geo. B. Kurtz, to the
y.-arpf her age. .
, .
Funeral from the residence ofher i t tisband,
194 ItiorthAvenue, Allegheny, Tms'AiTsaatoox,
at 4 o'clock. Friends of the family* azd motet ,
fully invited to.attend.
IV.VIN.—Ahi Tuesday, July %Pith,- 3868, , al on&
o'clock A. H., MABEL yotinge.t
of Harry H. and Slargaretta 41. Irvin, aged 8 mud.
and "I 4- " .•
The fuperat will take •pinee hum the.'resitienceot.‘l,
her parents, Woods Rep, McClure township, at 10
o`e .ock ZEUS. moy.,l,:nro,Jny 2992., The friends of
the family are invited to attend.: • - ;
KICLKBR.-012 d'ulY , lllb. at the reildence of his
fatberin.•Forward township, Butler county,Pa
CYRIJs .3.BLKEIL. aged 30 years, Si mouths And.
14 days.
'No. 166 FOURTH STREET,. l'itLubnrith,
3 , r INA of ali - kinde, CRAPES, GLOVES, and ev
ery desariptlon:al , Puneral.Ftrnietting- Goods Attu. ,
Rooms open day and night._ ; HeusP and
Carriages famished: • •
REFERENCES—Rey. David Kerr,
W. Jacciens, D. D., Thamik . s DEAL.,'..304"/".:
' Allegheny City. wliere' their COk PIN ItOOkIS arit:
„constantly supplied . with real and Imitation Rose.
wood, kialtoKauy and Walnut Coffins; at prices itsi4
rying from tt.l to's/00. Bodies prepared for inter—
Hearses and Carriagestarnished; also, all
studs of Itiournlng.tioodS, i f required. Ogles °m
at all home; day and rthrht.
140$EMIT T. i{ODNEY , ft/AitiElt....
• TAKER . ANTI EMBALMER . \' o. - 45 01110
811 EFT, Allegheny,. and To. 80 W1A3103T13^.:1 _
ARE, (by John Wilson & Own!,
hands theen
best Metal, Rcsoo.:.'
Imltatloa Rosewood ,CoMne: „
111.V.1. npwarde. Rosewood vothns •••'.4(i I.l"canh ,
other Collins I. proport Wu. end . H"arse •
*.rnlshs.dist. low • sales. Craps-, GloveF, Pint', ant .t
tograving eras!.. ol , rr OW , an.
.„. .
We date just received iroin the mazinfacture4
, r.rsms trit G
They are. the best yet offered to Our trade
tiuNsEitili t!k.-itiAiLEi•,,'l
-. .
Adapted to a FIRST CtX.S.antucrn4. - Nt
.. • . • •
I •
of ?mini Isk
ttirr - litreati
.; .
Gentlemen'sFurnishing Goods,: f
. . .
AT COST,' tO - ni ake x ; c4ixii foY PATJ GOODS.
Merchant Tailor,
No. 98 AVYLIE'ST., cot. kcderal