1:21 6 7 i' 0 1.101011.—••To Let," " /late," "Lbet,? fsWani.:,” • tAnoid, ,, :"Botirditig," .te4 not 3 *i feding 822 MATS eaa teat be inserted irqhese epiumns onet TWENTY-FIVE q.virris reach' 11 1d4yt Lona 10'41'1178 •crEirs."•,' • WANTED -SITUATIONS. . . WAN , TED—SITUALTION.L-A 3 Jung man who has had several years_ ex , Ear n a sI lenm_ i i i i l the a rY goods business would like to ob- Wm where ho can make himself 'useful Can Rive good reference ' Address - BOX •:',- ZETTE CATFIcz , 1 3 , G.A.- WANTED---HELP WAteteWANT A ED—S L ES MEN. -- Four orti we good Salesmen. Art foie sells every.. ,In country and eltv Can make good waget .z! l pply at .11).:i ST. CLAIR - STREET, Room 4. ~..._ N ANTED-PUINTER.-A good _ : , and•experlenced Printer, who can uorl: In the 'Mill 1 4 nguage, can hear of a permanent situ ation byladdressing CRANDALL VI. CO., Scranton, Penn. _;______ W - , A IIiTED—HELP=At Employ . tarot OtTfre..No. 3 'St. Cialr Street, BOYS, GOILS and MEN, for different kinds of employ n,tent: .I . orfrus wanting help of All kinds can be attoplied oti .bort.nwicp. I - AN' E I 9ALESMAN.To -so— la licit- orders for a celebrated PICTURE, that sellIn: raidly. . dre- , is B. R., BOX. G, this 14 1 vIbir r•ifirence and salary 'wanted. - . WANTED-BOARDERi7 ... . . 1 V gon • • 1. 311 1e - t r fan and wife, o lik r i ?wo single ' gentlemen a-- 4 nttll ,e. itte ,, minochtted with Drat class boarding at ICh. 18 fit'Y LIE STILEE7'. Hoorn Ls a frOnkOne, On `secondfluor andwpenz out on balcony.t , WAN'rED-1310ARD.--Desirable board for a small family without children, In a pleasant locafjon on Penn street, may be hall by au dressing "4. W. W. routofflce Box:510.. ANtED - BOARDXAS _ board, fine front rooms,. with .;;; c?n 9d b secured , t ”,_ ., at . .a , 5 . .66 per week . Day boarding, At 46 LIBERTY STREET. . _ WA PEI ie fk A RDERS.—Gen— ' - . time en.boardeys can be accommodated with,- FrOo board end lodging at No. 25 FEltitY ST. VANTgD---AGENTS. ALATTEEI—AGENTS—Who can command a capital of. $l5 to 420 -who Seal y want to snake in uPy -to cell by sample the riatna,ow DASH.A.THOSPFIZRI4: CHURN. Noth ing. eit In use. J. C. TILTON, No. 10. If ST. .CLAIR. Sr. WANTED--AGENT.—As Tray- EI.rNG AGENT, a man won acquainted tne..Quvenslyare and Grass business., None other need .ionik•. Addrwss P;-.'Lock Box 197.' Co____E__nunicatiotis 'confidential.: I • "txr A .10i D— AGENTS —For v • TIONAL CAMPAIGN GOODS.-8210 Steel En„graciags'orGlLANT and COLFAX. with or with •ou t frame,. Ono agent took 60 orders in one da_y, Aldo; National Campaign Biographies of both, 25 rata. Pius. Badges.; Medals and Photos for,Dem ocrats and Republicans. Agents make 100 per et. Sample packages sent post-paid , for $l. send at once and, get the start. Address GOODSPEED CO.. 37 Para: Row. N. T.. or Chicago, 111. • WANTS. ' • ANTED TO PURCHASE-A few ACRES OF LAND, Improved . or unr Improved. within seven miles of the city. Price, from two to tire thoussnd dollar,. Address-W. 8., Mara:re/I traFica, giving location. • —____ ___. WAN TED—H 0 A H. D.A Y o ung • LaftT., whose work will keep her about dui--; - - Ing - the day, destr( a board with a respectable privatei 'no seen tau otherple preferred,) where there.are 'no leen, 'or boarders. IT possible. State ttrins and address A. C. 8., Pittsburgh 'Post Office. W. ANTED—OIL STOCKS-Of the Earlne, Columbia or the . Western Pennsyl at. A. C. PATTERSON'S, 73 Grant street. 1 VAMPED F F .1 C[r.:—Wanted —AI y to rent, a small OFFICE: on the first floor, Ju a business part of the eity.• Adgress J. A. H., GAZILT-TE OFFIPE. WANTED -0 YE ns.—Parties W . baying left worn to be done :it the guild turn Repair ithoms of G. A.. TAYLOR, No. 13 Stnlthneld r.et, since the 10th of April. are re quested to call for Ghe aaine, or It will be disposad of • ' according to law.. • • . . , . Tv A NT reIIIPURCIIASER—Foi v • ' an T e rm s - ian etablished business on Fifth street. ssoo' cash. $5OO In four and .$5OO In t•lx months. - Address BOX . H, this office. MONEY - • PONE TO 4.0AN.—5100,000 to MLoan. on Bo and Mortgage. Apply to or as CROFT d! PHILLIrz, No t . 139 Fourth LOST AST-WATCH-$23 REWARD. On Friday, July 3d. between McKeesport and Pittsburgh, en, the Morning Express Train of the Coutiellsrille Railroad, due.in Pittsburgh at 10 o'clo , lc A. 31;, a LAD_Y , I3 ?OLD ' HUNTING CASE' WATCH. which . therebove rewarcLevill be pild at TIIIS OFFICE. FOR R E NT. .74), tlur-LARAVETTr 'HALL— Will b- to r. t lob '6u . NttAYS, afterintqdl of . . MO - LET—HOUSR—Containing 6 -roonss'and eillir, on Congress sweet. rcent moderate. Apply to E. McKNIGET, No. 98 Con gress street. , . . yallti LETI-ROOMS.-Ifts - o - ni 7 manufwatinz 'ROOMS, 'No. 4 Hanc o ck street*.' ' at No. 4 zT.3.:LAIR-ST,BEET. , • O LET—HOU,SE.--A,lthree+story ; BRICK HOUSE, tituatedin a desirable street In Allegheny City,.togettier withfurniture; will be rented on moderate terms. For particulars addresa B. B.; Box. - B..O,SZJITTE OFFICE. • •• • • • 9'O'LET— ItESIDENCE.—On the 11 Commont, in the blearillest, healthiest and anost -desirable part of - Allegheny , ' City, a - three. 'story. Brick 'Louse, with all ,mo•lern Improve. =tents, in first class Order; large lot.- with stable in renr.- , Apart or the. entire lurnlshment of the house, which la new, will -he sold if de •Ired, Addre'ss, with r.apae, LOCK BUX aqs, Pitts, FOR SALE • . ya.OR SALE---G It 'IST MINL L.-A . tirst , elasi-Mill in New Brighton, Beaver Co Four story Stone Mill, live run of! burrs: .aplendlil water power. Will sell part pr, whole, on ~ .easy terms. -Po: , farther particulars apply to or ad -. - 4ress CROFT St PHILLIPS, Heal Estate Agents, ;139 Fourth street, . , . .. . " SALE--RIARE:r-One Dark iF - Br ritilw - MAME. 15.1 g hands tileti, gentle.' :and can be drove by a child any place. - . Warranted tin trot In S:10-tir ,ess. To,be seen at 153 WYLIE; . WIOI4'.SALE--WAGON4--S.One Ex.- .12 press Wagon; one 2,2torae Peddler Wagosii covered;- one I.horse Bourg Wagon, is: Itb barrel rack:. *Apply to IJYY.R'- Jr.. corner Ridge street and. Allegheny avenue, Allegheny. F"-- SALE - TAVERN.--A Li verified Tayern: tend, doing a good business, to complete order; with two and one-halt years' lease on it, 'wlll - be sold atA bargaln, as the present ownerts. - ngaged in other busines*. Apply at No. TAYLOR AyENIJE, or No. 976 SAllTriiiElla) STREET. • ' ,doable _ Flame }Tonne s suitable for two families. w'th lot 401i$ , 135 feet. elttlated in Ilraddoelstirld, an bebougot fur:: .11000--nr....half -balline' in and 2 .yr,nrs. with bitereat. Inqulkg at. M. tt WArobr 110 Grant utrbet. or 01, NPK 3l 4n i . T!rs: TON. at iort, , Perrr.'• - • - - -• • 'VOW 8A 11 : 1 3 - ;L:110ESEN.A: -. c'oinkiie- - J. nilentlIRICKVOlleA - of •toor rooms,' Stone cellar 'slit Jot; gal s eanni alley, -near Pride street: House le new, ;and - price ouly $1,100., thm * HOUSkon Forbes street. tpr safe. &piny to, IV M. i WILTON, corner of-Peide and Forbes street. • ,FOR; SALE—LOT' IN , ItIcKEE 9 4 . POET, -:The half or'whole of a tot-SO feel front by- 140 feet deep,' situate ou'Market,ille: Secorutr street." Eor particular§ -enquire of 'NY, 1., HULL; 'Hull's' Store, Fifth, near the c-soOt. Ac- Heesport4 -or aidrese JOSEPH "FORSYTHE 110 Fifth street, .Pltteburgh, • . - -- 0 0 , SALE.--HORSES.d—At HOW. Afars LIVERY A.NR SA/,E, STABLE, one fine AMILY ,1101.1 SE (Bay); three DAITLE •GHEY HORSES: one 'LARGE DRAUGHT NORSE`L - three MARES, two .GREY.. MARES: 13T REM' , - near Mon 0 hgthein House, Horses' • ght and N om on conunj FOU 13 • LE --I,QOO poutuds of old . T YPE . Apply at the GAEETTE °rFier.°l :catTutf.'N.ijitl'Nfris°ll.°R . N i nle l • L ' l C h e Aisestqueitt for Gradint, Paving . 11 Curbing Mulber,ry Alley, From elYZnet to Smlnti s treet, to now ready.for ex andnattoa, and oaCheattikiCa,t this .oSce tuall • ' '8i71,11.865, . • When lt;wllt•beziretujiied'to'the' St} Teen:lan:rill Office-to;velleetion:, ji , Z);d7 . DRIEWBEI4 . I7.--A fresh . supply ticar Brozw Busar eared.Drle4 goer. rer_olvad a... for dale by . ' 401121 A....LHANakiAW. jog +'. Car. Liberty and' Rand atTeets. .it 'vi al : CHEAP GUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTAW - GUN , WORKS have been removed to Po.II9.S.NI7IIFIERIG STREET, where IOU! always be found :himort. complete assortment f Guns, Pistols, Atgantnrsitton and Sport ing Meiterial, ade ; eee city: - All kinds of Guns and - Pistols car4fully re A vaired. .Cash paid, for ARMY R !FARS, and RE p. - eq, VERS. Bend irtOnv for illustrated Circular. • •Ayeslts toalard in etery town In the trotted States. -.464.4ree5, J. H. JOHN. !TON. 179 Smtth.det4 Street. pittsbttrvh, r4 , qIOIIN N:PURVLaNCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 13d District, Office, 110,FEDERAL B.l7tEkT, ALLEGHENY. air 001ce 2iOuts l -9 x. Y. to 5 - P. At. fgr_PlTTSßlff#Glii & CONNELLS VILLE U. B. CO. First Nortiage Turtle Creek Division Bonds. Holders aie hereto notified that the Interest Cou pon; a the mbove. Bonds, WIII be paid on and after that date, on nresenta- Gen and delivery at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBTRUIL • . JOIINIL PAGE, Jr., Treasurer. Office Pitts. . & Connellsv'e it. R. ('o., Pittshul-gt. July /.5111, 1868. IyThtS2 igrACADIEMF OF' MUSIC. I t Esszth - , 'II4 Rr313:8 RUSH Lcw The above 'elegant place of Amusement will open for ashortpeplod•. • • ON SATURDAY, AUGUST I. A series Of brilliant light comedies. fairy F.pecta. cies and comic . pantomirrfes, in which a caiefully selected Companyp will ikrfortn. The renowned V(I.STICH I - Mt/TILERS, Er7sm th 9 New York and Philadelphia theatres' s :criti c ism:mar In their great comic characters. NUMBER NIP 1 OH ;TOM-TOM THE PIPER'S SON, . . A wonderful psntozninie, will soon be pr,dused. For fell purlieu/so sue. bills end future advertise .tnents. j3'29 OFFICE OF UNION' PA CIFIC RAILWAY CO., PRIL.ADELPRIZYII r I n y 5 10 - TI4E INTEREST IN, GOLD, - mna . • FIRST' MORTCACE BONDS, OF THE . IIMON; PACIFIC-RAILWAY COMPANY, EASTERN DIVISION, Due August let, 1861, will be paid on pres en tatlon Of the Coupons therefor. at the Banking House of & , . 53 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YOBX, 0n and after that date: • . J. PAMllliElt, irreasnrer. JrZ:t7G.wvx . • • t • - . • A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. :WOMAN'S HEMP 'DUSTER, PATENTED EEL S., 1869. • Equal to the Feather Duster in every respect, and far more durable. Its superior merits sad cheap ness-50 CENTS—will shortly make it an indespen sable article in.every office. store and family. Agents wasted to Utroduc* it on commisilon, or a Doers] salary will be pi.ld to good agents. Ladies and oentlemen warden. No risk. as Dusters can be returned it not sold. Any energetic person can make money, without expense or danger of loss, by Calling on rooßrus,•goon & co., iy.t:t7, • BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., • PATENT LEAD' PIPE, SHEET: AND BAIL - LEAD MANII7FACTIIKERS. Pig Lead, Gaicanised and Plain IroiaPipe; Rubber Rose, Rose Pipe and Screws; .• 011 GloOes, Steam qauges and *Males; Globe Valves. iistretr.Valves ,i ; Steam Cocks: Iron and Copper Mks and 9ath Tabs; •P' L Llft, Forctiand Farm Pumps,'diC.: • • N 0.167 Smithfield St.,rittshurgh. 461-Send for Circular. jyZ:llB L uit m Eß: LUMBER! LIMBER! - • ALEXANDER PATTERSON, . _ Dealer. in all. Hi nds of tumber.' • • ON HAND ANII I . FOR SALE c , . - . 500,000 feet Dry Pine Boards: • r-, 30,000 feet Dry Oak, - ,1 and f Inch': 20,0110 feet Dry Ash, 2,2,4 And a watt: 200,000-fret Hemlock: 1,000,000 No. 1. 18.lnch Shingles, sawed 1011,000 No. 110 loch Shinales.,.sawe.4** • 100,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, a raved; 2,000 Locust Posts, 7, 8 and 12 feet; 300 CedarPioits., ,-,•* -Also. Fife Brick; Tile and Clay, inlarge or small quantities. YARDS No., 86 PREBLII STREW ; formerly Manchester; and 157 , REBECCA STR O EET, oppo site the ny Cl, y. . . . EXCHANGE.' • ~ • 8 000 'Acresn " oatil • .• In Wyoming county., West Virginia, being num hero 115,116;417, 133,,134, 135,131 and 154, fill In one tract, watered by brancbrs' of Tweilve Pole Creett, and part of an original tract of 4,21,000 acres'xranted to iantes Wilson, Charles Wfiling„ Barnard and Michael Graty, Levi Hollings, Wortirand DorsCy Pancust. Ta.xes paid lip to 1867. perfrct. Will be eichanged fOr Pittsburgh Manufactiiros or dry goods, at market prices. Address, r. EXCHANGE IiYZ:I74 GAZLiTE OFYICt. _ . MARSIOALJS SALE. .. 1 . In:- acc9Ftlpiace with an; order of I Henry A. .Wearer. Esq. U..S. Assesser of .22d District or ennsylvauta,! I will expose tfirebite"bale, at the ustom Dom.% . Pittsburgh, Pa.:. oit WEI ‘NEzi • AY, the sth day of August, 1868, at 10 o'clock ,s,.' id.. the folloyling described property, tp, wit; I 1.25 tiltl4.,lUT AND DRY TOBACCO, - contain -__ • I tig about 8,000 los. ' - ix IfiII.S.IFIN ri ILI t. 11%. AND DRY frOBAC6O,, ' . (stripped,, containing about, 7.1f6 lba. . . i Said Tab:it:co - having been seized April Cith,•lB6B, by U.: a. Revenulpsneetor,4leorge Keyser., . . 1 THOS. A. ROWLEY, '1174- S. Marshal: ! arshat's Office,. Jttly.2B, 1868 . . . • TSHE : MATTJELL OF 2 THE visTuN TOWNSIIIIe . INTO :TWO grzorioN YitINOTI3. In the t-, eet of Oom moo Pleusiot,Alleglteny tout ty, Nos 581.; Beptem- Le t t:Term; 1888. • • • 4 1 Notice le hereby given that on battle ay, July 25,i /888, a petttlon.whapreeibuted:przylnit the aivlalon of . ,eald.Towpoblp Into two Eiletdion • Preeinets,•— ediereupottthe Court ordered i tiotice the'reof to be given, and that the same would be finally acted upon , iiiact hour{ 9uBA.XURDAY, Augnit 22 , 2,1808, it which , time all perione Intereetcd will be•heard„ MOREl i iiii,hl4llooßE & KERR, Attonmid for Petitioners. MEM _.oFrics,Orrr. ENCIINESICAND SUILVEYO)), PTTSA)t))IO•7I., Jo r 1.68. . The.VOTICE.-1- Assessment. :for . , Pavlistc.and Curbtstg the East- ern, f!ortion of Second fdreet. anw reafti tor eiamliation and can ba seals at itaa office until - ' r • • lea% 11~ 2 1 2::11, w 41 1 : H i s ed 0 V . 12 rtied to ti . !l : C4y Treasurer's moony., OMEN ooup VARNER EA'nas; ki;u* AND ~~BPHICRBIS9,, 'Belling &Viet) , low prices, at - ' I :GEORGE' 131 11 , 17EAVELP ' • • 21/. ~. 1 /P 7 1 4 4P4 it'rV94 Ai1.004 Cliitiabwere ;1714. .. i1.~..fi~ DUE AUGUST 1st,•180S", .J US ji29:tBo Cu: Zug Weer MTSVIReifi GAZEM NEW ADV.VRTIStMENT S. NOME OF REMOVAL ON THE 'IST DAY OF -AUGI!JST, WE SHALL REMOVE TO THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, No. 45 ' .Wood Street, I, Directly Opposite St. Charles hotel. Also, entrance ou TIIIIID ST„ Nos. 102 and 104. A. E. SELLERS & CO. TIM GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY I KNOWN TO MAN. r_Or 3:3s IMPROVED , BLOOD- SEARCHER, FOlt 'rFIE CURE OF Alt Diseases riding from ati • pure State of the Blood; such as Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, .fanndice, Cancerous- Formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Salt : Rheum, Erysipelas, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility Roils, • Pimples on the Face, Lisr• Complaint; - Sore Eyes, Sc s ald Head, • Tetter Affections, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, • Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, • Female Complaints:, Together - with all other disorders trona an Improper condition of the Clroilatory System. As a general Tonic its effects are Most benignant, and cannot fat! to benefit, when used•perseveriugly and accord ing to dtrectlons. It Is porch- a vegetable prepara tion—not a single - grain of miarral poison enters into Its cornuositicin..so that while ft Invariably af fords relief, and effects the moat woadarful cures, no overdose could itlureltlie most tender Infant.. , - . . . . , . . . • • , • . • CO „ R: E. SELLERS &:C Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF Cough•SyrOp; Sellers' Liver Pllll4 and Verialfuge; ,Johuson's Rheumatic Componndi And:Boerlisve's Holland Bitters. YOB SALE BY ALL' DRIIGGLTYS. jyZ):LBI PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADgIifY, Chester, _Delaware to., Pa. THE FOLLOWING GENTLEr. EN, who devote their time excrusively to the business of the Institution, comprise the ACADEMIC STAFF. Col. TUEOVONE. 17.. A., President, and I'rofessor of Mathematics and In, structort Tactic's. Lieut. Col. JAMES M. MICE, H. A., ' v'ice President and Profess °, of the Tothi Language and Instruct or In Itherorlc.. Col. GEORGE PATTE.N, Graduate U. S. , Military Academy, rrofessor of liatheinatics, elvli and Military - Engineering, and Instructor in Tactics. . Rev. J. J. READ, Jr., N.A., Profeanor of the Latin and Greek Laurnages and, Elocution, and In4tructor In Logic. Rev. A. ARMAGNAc, ffi. A:, Professor of - Chemistry and Natural and 'Experi mental Plalunoptiy, and instructor In 3latkematles. FELIX DE LANNOY. A., Professor or French, German and Bpuul4h, andllu 7 r,tructor In Eng. 11,41 braactics. RICHARD THWGS, Esq., Professor of Vocal art Instrumental Music and In j , structor In Tactics. C. N. FAMNESTQCK, M. E., Professor of Prima , ship, Book-Keeping and Draw - Ing,.and Instructor lu English branches: Dir. WY!. J. HARVEY, 4 Intrpe:Lori In Euillsh • brancpep, Mr. PERltir it. iwisuAtt;itiiiii, Instructor t¢ ltnglleh braniles n. iny77:laWraT STEA 4 . . . , , . CARPET 'BEATING ESTABLISHMENT: • WhiCh TEN Yl3Aft:3' TRIAL In New York and nth r cltleh ha& proved &complete StleiClMM.' IL 41EIVA1TAINE191 • - • .I.tet—liading.,anci Shrinkage elosompletedirleeid. rltipMgripatt loZvetaary. t freed from . duet„ mains or their larvae , Lia• Carpet funi:s nearly a..aqorol, as new, gave th e Carpet [rem Wear. , perrentlk eseam (Jarpit Ms: 1 4 4,.0 Kwatu. .leslrab e matter aa & mere Whit of mn;run••• -a. nnelt!ne .1f hioks. • • ' 4. ifeen i AT THE OleteltZ, ' 1 . • No.' 179 ! - Liberty•Street tic P. 9. Boa 4.13, Wig „receive pirompt 141 , 1 f). L. 3 - Ie,CL,INTME, row: , - • ' • rItOPRIET(Ig. rittilmr BILLIARD TABLES: I ."... TAS D.A111.11 I% • I..4.llElll.C.iititLilli 4' Tißiii; A " coiMlinos otramais.. • riteiarkutahti . the hest Inose. !5;)%17. IMPROVE. stun. .111381' = and ittell vi -t. XBo4:' tvtgiltbfog fi reo..or to hit Innlt or the I. , wt-$t pelree al wayoun nand. 1 44 4 74 ;ri ‘ t 1 41: n r. Tsitg..litEstut, ce ilt i l.rn!.,.lMusx. 514, rAtv•tprli* n llptal6n., ' .Ad dr~al I ' • • - .IV at. C9l.a..t..firirtri. I A r 43. 63. 67 an 69 New York City. •Y(At r :7. • t C• ~.. ~. _L'L .- CARPUS. No. 23 Fifth Street. POLITICAL 211 Al t -OR. F O ll MAYOR. JOSEPH A. BUI'L'R, Of the old he WARD. Is it candidate fot Mayor surdect. to the deelslon 6f the Totere at the Repubit• can erlutaryJr23.ltsSl 11.-Fon MAYOR. JARED M. BRUSH, Of the old FIXTFI WARD, te a candidate for : Najnr, - subject to the decision of the voters at the Republi— can Priinarr Election. Jr!..4:t51 _ _ 1 -- FOR MAYOII, CHARLES JEREMY, Of the old !- - I.XTIT WARD: Is a candidate for 3fayor, subject to iht fleet-lon of the voters at .the Rep,uhll can Primary Eh ctlon. jr.:4154. CITY TIMASIIRER: aFOR CITY TREASURER. SAMUEL ALLINDER s a bandidate for City Treasurer, subyet to lite* de— riAora of the voters at the Recnbilean Primary" Election. jr.M:tsf '- 51 ""FOR CITY THEASYIFEEII. WILLIAM LITTLE, Of the. IFOlntTil WARD, ts a candidate for City treasurer, :subject to the of voters at the Republican Primary Election. jy22:tiA tgErFOR.CITY TREASURER.. ).NTM. A. TOM INSON, Of the 'FOURTH WARD, a candidate for City' Treasurer. sul..lect to the declaim of the voters at. the Republican Primary Election. .13=:t.54 FOR CITY TlletBUltEll. A. J. COCHRAN, Of the olii NINTH heeIWAR. Is a candidat voters itr Tres surer. subject to decision of the at. the Henn bilean Primary Election. jy2-24.t.49, -- CITY CONTEO CLEM 107 FOR CITY CONTKOLLER. T#9IVIAS STEEL, Of the SECOND WATID, is a candidate for Cl Controller, fi cct to the decision of the voters at the Republican PriOrarY Election jy12:t.51 Vg - 'FOII CITY CONTROL*/I. ROI2ERT .1. McGOWAN, Of the old FIFTH(WARD. Is a candidate for Olty Controller. subject to the decision of, the voters at.- the Republican Primary Election. it=l: 1.53 .T.VIDENDS. FOkT WAYNE. & AIL.. WAY COMPANY; Office of the i g4 ererf, Pirrsistmair. ty 11, Mee, I:O7TEFF, BOARD OF -, :DIRBC, TORs of this Company have declared 'the regular quarterly dividend (No. 18) .Of ' CENT. free of Government tax. on thecapltals_Vsck. and semi-annual dividend (No. 1.0..r0f 34 rEft. CENT, Ices li,vernment tax, on the Third Mort gage Ponds, payalile on and after PULDAY, .I.7th day of Jnly proximo. at the office of Winslow, - Lauler & - (_10., No: 27 Pine street, New York, to those reg istered at New York. and at the office of the Treas ttrer to Mo-e registered at Pittsburgh. The transfer books - will close on. Tuesday, the 30. h lust, at 2 P. it., and reopen on Saturday, the 12th.- F. M. lIITTCIIINON, Secret. jy12.4110 110'"WEST,ERN SAVINGS' BANK. PITTSBURGH . , June 30th, 1060. The Dlrectora have thisday declaied al DIVIDEND OF 4 PER CENT. Payable on and after July In. LUIES B. BELL, Cashier. jyi:s3c~ NOTICES NOTICE. To John W. Ilidde J. J. Shiatterly, T. B. Stewart. M. McCullough, Jr., T. It. Sill, E. S. Hanna, A. S. Purviance, W, W. Young, Wm. iteardon, I. C. Pershing, S.. 7. Wainwright, James I. Bennett, B. Poor, I). Dempsey. ll.,Sample, L . bauilt, E. Coats, J. W. Harr, W. 3lcCorinell,.; :John J. WI li , tric'and Reed. Incorporators for the Erection bta Bridge,across the Allegheny foot of Ewalt street 'Lawrene.vllle. A Meeting of _the above ' lncorporators will be field at the 0.M.r., of SILL A SHUTTERLY, Law renceville, on Fall/AY, Aught 7th, at, a P. ar., for orrunlentlon: 7y27:t66 BY OItDp.R.OF COMMITTEE. WNOTICE.--The Annual Meet - = lug of the Stockholders •of THE ATLAS WORKS will be field at:the office of the Company, On Monday, August 3d, at 2 P. M.. By order of the Board. JAS. IttetatliSTHS, 'Secretary. Pittsburgh, gulp AB, - 1868.---- • • jyt2:t49 AUCTION SALES. BY PAldag & Hulas PALMER & PHILLIPS, • ;AuctxotrzEßs And Comnzission 21Tel-chants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOI , ' 4 No. GO Fifih Sheet ! Pittobghi BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry .13,00ds and Notions AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND.EVtNING. COnsigninents Solicited. Prompt Irmo, MERCHANT TAILOR" SV*MI GOUDS. Youthrid all4ren's. =EI lunrifEß ckssrmEßE sum. LINEN st;tl43, • '' DifeK'strrrs FLANNEL SUITS. ALPACCA JACKETS, hi,g?eriatile, of the - Greatest Variety, striTAxp: voAziticynEsPte , jr 8E ON. aentluplen.RlU tin d a &le siwurtment White , and Brown, Duck Suits, Alpacca and Flannel Coats, &c., MYOri ssrmens-belngspeor ,l ^oxide tor' us by the best &Atm bosses: otrxt vitic3us Are ae-lieweeideed Gonda eau be Sold atbr spetyptrur Easter Wee*. GRAY ;Ek. LOGAN, - • 17 St. Clair Street. lIENRY WEYER, Ifth'reCrakNt' TAILOre, 771 -INt IT i i rkt44):itTßEETi Alt - cabana, -• tiald, hill aSsortanertt of cLOTEII I / 2 - I! =I ,