LITTLE THINGS • BY ;IL11..:17: CARA.. ( . Shalt lye striko A bargain, PAV..I. 1 AIId SV Lt. thol to lllii arre , l? TEA,. whatt.v..r thine, ern great. the little ;binge to toe. ~ Tate th" eagle. pond and dark, ltroati of i houldera, i trona , or wing; Leaer the robin, !0., the lurk ;' , Ti. !he little birds [Litt aft,g. ( j _, t 'Take ;he oak-growl, teivre , itm en. With iLi t.,h agalhat the sr.o..i; 7.6ftee !,,ot !Ittle_ce.,in,liv, 1 herein al_: the tbreia il" , • "T ; k , ' Ulna:ger - fonatnin-heads' "l'orn the river Bat abont al* garden tett P Leave t he dale-drop, mall and low. 7v/bulimic . ..ayes are due to view, SWP.A fAintalos sliver mall; But th- d-op of dew , Holds the after all., Take the sea, the irre"-id, wide sea, White with many a swelling Sall; • Leal'« the little el rearn'to me. Gilding silent throhch the vale. Poesy will find her th.dne to till grandee ponlou, still '2ls my little, upnit.nd 1.)1 the meadow that turns the mill • Take'the palace, all ashine, %t ith u,. lofty baits and towers; Let .he lit le butts,. be mine, With its dour-yard, grass and flowers.{ Ta%c the lands, the royal lands Alt with parks and urchare s b iright; Leave to me the little hands, 'Clinging muse.y morn and night. J,h, for once be kindly, Fale, To my bartuteoa plan agree: Take yr . hatever %Mugs are u rest,: Leave the ilttle Wings to met . ' ENcto York Ledger EPHEIIERI.I4. -263 deaths in Chicago last week. —Jersey City is to have public baths. —llari Kari has been practiced in Now - York. —Pink and'blue lace curtains for country vase are the jatest novelty. , —The son of this Sultan is going to serve two years in the Prmisian army, •—Prince Allred is to publish a narrative • of, his voyage around the world. lager beer-saloon, exclu4ively for la dies, has been ,opened in New Orleans. —Gen. Logan, 'is the only Illinois mem ' her of Congress who was born in Illinois. —Parbsiansare making fun of L'Abime, which is the French dramatisation: of No Thoroughfare. has a great joke on Offenbach; he plays one of his operas entirely through with two fingers. - • -;:-1During the year 1867 there were in Italy 3,157 murders, 5.88 suicides and nine deaths by duelling.' year ago there were five Young Men's Christian .Associations in • 'Vermont. Now there are thirty-seven. —T.ite Grand Trunk Railroad of North _ ern Ihdiafia is , about. to inert ase its capital fr:om *700,000 to _57,000,000. —Lord A.bercorit' spends $250,000 a year. Ire is Vice Roy of4reland, and the lislrquis of Bute is to - marry one of his daughters. —The Pri net es Tour &Auvergne has pre senttd to France the spot of ground where Christ delivered the "Sermon on the liount." —Fortunate Cincinnati has fifty-two milk men who sell pure milk, but then;,-on the contrary, there one hundred and eleven don't. —The fat men of Utica, N. Y. aro to have a picnic next month; no man is' o be allowed to be preeent who does not weigh at least 250 pounds. —The young Prince of Abyssinia, now in England, wears a Knickerbocker suit and a straw hat, and coniequently looks anything but savage. • —What once were frocks became dresses in the okra retinen:ent of American- Eng lish, and are now spoken of as { toillettes by all fashionable writers. —Four negto children were burnt to death in a cabin, in which they had been left alone by thilir parentr th other day, in Choctaw conntA Alabanip. - -The widowed ex-Queen of Greece says that King George will be expelled from. his throne within tivo years. The wish is prointbly mother to the prediction. s —We ace in a Democritic paper a state ment that Grant and Colfax, if elected, will be assassinated, before March, and that, therefore, no humane persbn - will vote for them, - —The harvest reports from Russia are un favorable„ The grain Crops in the, northern and middle sections of the empire have turned-:oat inidly, the yield being unusually small and poor! ,-tiltarlis Kent, uditoi. of the London, /Ale, h fote tile welcome to LOngfellow In the L InCein Times. 'l'ne similarity of the t• /Md.l iou,6e many' - persons think it was Clash Kiuesley, —beanekier, the Grande Duchess, hs's a set of diamonds more•magniticent than the gala' regalia of the queen. of Pnissfa, besides having a hide Tontine of about ;140,1.11.0put by fur rainy days. --The members of the Irish Legion hold a meeting in New York to-day to - raise money to pay toga, monument whicti they mean to erect to the memory of thuse of their cumradva who tell during the war. —Tie Crown Prince 'of pentnark has fallen in love with an English Cog/Innis, and therefore objects to marrying die §vie dial Princess. The royalpapa bus forbid den the royal rebel from any inure of his liule excursions to Englimd. - • —rifty-lour hours in a luxurious car will - take one, from the shore of Lake Michigan, , and it temperatifre up in the nineties, to the snow-capped motuttains of Colorado, where overcoats are in demand. A year or two ago, as malty days were, ()Wm consumed in thetrip. _ • - - --Berthold Auerbach is Klylog, his physk, clans have told him he cannot live many. weeks: His lomat; will live forever in 'the memories of s tlitTse whohave read his charm ing- books, Lut •most: especially '"On the Ileight l ," bean which no sweeter novel ever was ritten.' • --LGen. C,, ry, aiika the. Apostate, hasras ceptui the nomination of the workingmen i in Cincinu>iri for a - re - election to Coogreott. Gvneral Cary Las hail but one term in'Atte ": I - Lose of Ri . prea , ntstivos, sind-71/ft.y years front noly thi• same 13tatement probitily milt bed !mt. y'Pny river, , - eateretiky, cviorn- iut-, hc wager', qv: filthiest, dirtiest, greasiest and most varie gated river on the , globe's lace. Although we have had many years' experience of this river, we never saw it (when it seemed po much to want a good waiidus as it didyes _ terday. —During the past week 'five barks; four ships and two, brigs, carrying In all f,873,- 975 gallons of petroleum, 'cleared from the port of Philadelphia for Hamburg, Bremen, Cork, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Gibralter. Since the first of 'January 19,45.1,100 gal lons of petroleum have been exported from Philadelphia alone: - —Cite of the Vienna papers which thinks . , itself well informed but le not; says that General Grant owes his nomination to the fact that he is the handsomest man in the army. We -never heard this before, al though we have heard that General Hancock thinks himself the handsomest man in the army(, but .then he did not get any nomi . nation. L - - • —An old woman livint on the Rue d ri :la Paix, in Paris, has made a large fortune in a singular and disreputable manner. She advertises for pretty little - girls, whom she adopts. i She then educates them for the ballet arid receives fifteen per sent. of their various earnings. She hag at preserit quite an army of these singular and well-paying investments. - 1 —The old Archduchess Sophie of Aug. tria still rules with h'eriron sceptre all of Austria that Von Beust has not usurped. At present she is espedally down on the French Emperor, and lets her old tongue wag, to tho most scandalous stories about the family of France, whom she cannot forgive for the murder of her son Maximilian. ,) —Tiie' new volume' of the Lenormand Prophecies predicts another war in Germany and . North America in the summer' of 1869, a revolutionary outbreak in France and Russia, the death of two powerful monarchs and the entire destruction 'of one of the great' military powers on the continent Shoit crops and a, subs6quent famine are also predicted for 1869. ' —A large number of photographs, pur porting to ,be 'likenesses of President John son, were' old in the various European cap hale during the impeachment trial; some of them were really What they purported to be; but others were , likenesses of McClellan, Fremont, Sumner, or any other old Ameri can photographs which the publishers could lay their hands on; and thus some obscure German print sellers have handed down the faces of some of the most eminent Ameri cans to ` future infamy. —Of all the ridiculous freaks of fashion surely the Grecian bend is the most absurd. Every time we see a .young woman walk ing in the street bent• at the waist as if in agony we feel like whispering to her that a dose of pepper-mint would probably relieve her. s But When men, or those creatures, who call themaelvei men, put on corsets and assume thiy frightfully - ungraceful crook_ as they mince along the • streets, we really feel as if the brand of cane or cow hide would be the best thing for them, but I probably the disastrous effects on figure and constitution, whibli are sure to result . from such unnatural contortion, will be punish ment Tarr* severe enough for them. —The City Councils are at present show ingh a spirit of energeticlprogress,' not often shown by that bridy heretofore, probaly because the old city was too small.. Now while thy are about the task of radically improving the city, it would be an excellent thing if they would turn their attention to public baths. No city in the world prob. • ably, needs them more; for in no other city are the people so exposed to .dirt.. Nearly all of the'eastern cities have provided these comforts for their people, and when we are waking up so thoroughly on other subjects, why should we not also on this? With 'public ballet lind drinking iount..ins estab lished, and an ordinance passed rendering the consumption of smoke obligatory with all manufactories, within the city limits, the 'city fath.ers could retire from their present position 4 when the'4ime comes, with the certain assurance that they had done more for the causes of cleanliness temperance and humanity, than any other eiody,of men over assembled within out limits. • - -, Titi sauo* AT SABATOGA_ is now In full blast, and balls and parties sneered each other rapidly. The grand hall of the sea son came off at Congress Hell on .Tuesday night. 'rho toilettes are described as .unn 'sexily elegant. A .Corresporidpnt pays that Miss Daniels, of Baltimore ' attracted , more attention than any other. lady in the - ball- room for'her beauty, stylish figure, dashing eyes, sad, above 'all, tier the elegance and extreme fashion - of her dress. She wore a rich black skirt with a very long- train find an amber tunic, with puffs over it a black lace shawl dnivrzi rather tight over the ishotildere sad aeht. and brought behind under the arms, wliereit was tied in a care less sort of knot. She wore her light col ored hair-louse and straight tit the hack of 'the heed, something atter , the manner that I fair-haired young girls' are in the habit of wearing their hair now. Imaaine such a dresi standing well out over the hips and behind by the aid of large panniers, with a it slender waist, a . most flexible figure the Grecian,itend• to p•rleCtion, and a dainty, tripping and lithe carriage, -and an idea may he form,d of t , .is Baltimore is lie in the ball room. I M;45 Wall, cf New York, attract, d a great deal of attention. Her fine form was well set off by it close fitting, rich pink dress, with White lace trimmings round the neck, which was 'moderately low, though not ev re iji my so, and in good taste. , The train was very long. Miss Alexander, of, New York, the ch.trining niece of Speaker .Colfax, wore an elegant pink dress of silk, 'with . a moderate train and of the latest Paris ' make - and style , Though not so showy as souse othersire,see, nothing could be in net ter lame orheiter stilted:to the small and pretty figure and , to We- coMplexion,- of the fair wearer. ( Trains. Were much worn, ex. ' cept by the very young ladles, The toilettes generally were remarkablelortheir richness and elegauce, gilt one wail most struck by the variety, beatify and splendor of thttool I ors. The first bath at the Clarendon took place last sight, and waits gay affair. The .races will commeneo next, colt. Polhill* ie are entirely ignored . and-__lp Cale seem bent hams 4 giiixi ;Iwo. —Offleer John Amidlc*, of the—Tseecity. Arc Prsoinet - ,"Ntin York. lana'ahrot and in stantly killed us, Thursday night; by. John vir64 war nrrrart..rt. lie damns:stele: l y kiltirtyfidatta wit rn rr.+.uon tiir It hie thssirs• us s - st'ftnie l • il 1M r rissidiek. for PITTEMIRGH 'OTEDICEADAY; JITLY 29, 1888: T Emu EXTRACTED • VF/ME/COl:Yr PAW HO (!BARGE MADE waltz( eannoisa. TEETH ARE ORDERED. A FI7LL BET FOR $B, AT _DR. scorn. ITS FERN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVERAED. ALL WORE WARRANTim. - OALLyTcEE AMIHR isr.Fam ) rars OF OENRINE AR. ITE. in :dAT GAS . FIXTURES . GAM P.l.X.Ttrititis 4 D.laztriG9lellers y FolvtiMi AND. OIL. JasL receitved,_ finest and Mrtreat assortment ever opened to t h is cgtv., WELDON & KELLY, ?" 14• Y t m 22 WOOD STREET, 00R. VIROpy ALLEY: nth 2 . CEBENNT, SOAP STONE, &c. tcYDRAI4NIC CERIENT. STONE, £LABTEB, OBIIIEttEY TO_ ,Pl 3. • • WATEB PIM& SDI8:070 HYDDIULIC CEMENT DIIAIN PIPE, (Meanest and hest Pipe in the market. Also, 1 / 4 5- EiIENDALE EYDRAMLIC CEMENT for sale. E.. B. & C, 41-snoc4ETT a CO. °Mae and Manufactory -240 REB2OCA ST., Allegheny. lir Orders Py mall promptly attended to. Jeatt TRUKNINUS:AND NOTIONS. NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE . MOSQUITO BAR LADIES' AND GENT'S SUMMER UNDER,- 'WEAR; PALM PANS, LINEN PANS, SILK PANS; HEAD NETS; LINEN HAND KIRCHIEPS, LACE HANDEER ' EMBEOIDREED HAND. 'RERCII PS;M COTTON MO , SIERT; L ADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S ME RING HOSE.' SILK 61.0VES, LACE , DOLLARS, `' , LINEN AND PAPER' - COLLARS. CORSETS, opleindld assortmcnt. for Ladles aid Maga. BULLION FRINGES, SEWING SILY FRINGES, Also, a fall line of BULLION, to Match We have now afull line of the new DROP ' SKIBTS ON HdXD JOCKEY COI,LAR, PICKENS COLLAR, DERBY COLLAR, EXPOSITION COLLAR. We would especially in ' ilte the attention of Job.. ben to our W holes .io Department, as we sell our goods at lowest eastern market prices. MACR,I73I, CLYDE ds CO.,' IS and SO _Market Street. • ins AT JOSEPH - HORNE &, C0.,111, ARRIVAL OP NEW 43-043330 S • HAMBURG EDGINGS AND IrLODROINGS; HAMBURG INSERTINGS; SWISS. EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. LACE CAPES, CO/PFZURS AND PARASOL COVERS; LINEN COLLARS AND 0137.11. nostour - r. SUPER STOUT AND arTPHR rrw OOTTON AND MKKft t>a HOSE; LADIES'. AND M HOSE, Llala, Sitk and cotton. of to at lulls' and des` man &masa: • DONEATIC 111rt11r..t:Y, it vr ry low rates,. ALEYABIDDE'S iilre,nics.‘ , 1W) GLOVES. new line lust reee.latal. • A tall aasyrtmeat of BULLION AND SILK TASSEL N FRI IRL NGES. BEAD PHINGEs AND TRIMMINGS; GUMS' HEADING .S• TRIMMING RIBBONS AND SATINS; ?Axel:lots AND SUN UMBRELLAS; Erx.rtA.l* a cxxoes. ( At (rosily redaeed rates. sir al3,4 °''Pa HATS—Ladles' al ra yreas. AtIILION FLOWTEB, n. MILLINE Y,_ Lemma, • • BONNET 84.1.14 ?NAVAS, lIINDOWNE AND bIIAEBB ROODS. H744esal e and Retail. CALL A.1 4 13:1 -371 X A.llf 21 4 _ 17 and 19 !Market Street. - PRIDES !NARKED DOWN! NACRI7BI & CARWME'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL . GOODS GREATLY REDUCED ON AND MU JULY IST. HOOP SEIRTPI. (Ladies%) hr... 0011BETB. (Beal French, ) HANpRZRCIIIRYS, for ...... (XS KID GLOVE,Ei (warrazted,) PAPER COLLARS NINOTds. SPOOL COTTON, - (good) POONET INONES, worth . MIN'S #131111761 ITN DERSHIRTB MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS. All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT BARCAINBI A-1424 MENDS OP GOODS. Ovoidal Bales to nereltaada 411 k Della Oft awn= a aaausaa, FM= PAINTERS. LL. S. TA TLOR, PAINTER, Nik. 411 MIRO Mum% Allesillignqr. Th sakfus sic ging formic very WOW rieszur t s Stewed ape■ Ise, I amass* ay Maids sad e gssdradfdhst, II Ohl Min MI la dos past, ` mai2: ii r d 1I g r iv, ,tt .. watt ~,,.. uri.„4.l.= •P il Ai. sad bed Ibod r. 111. • 1•TilU1 HENRY IL COLLINS. 28 Wood street. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, -168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALIPACCAB. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and eLOIVES. F. SOUCY', rir 6 Na,N 168 Wylie Street. jaki 8. 168. fapalmilol SO OM ...... na OARR, CCANOL lESS hi CO., Mate t'arr EIEMMEEI WHOLTSALIC DILUTES 'DI Foleign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 04 WOOD STUMM, Third dew above Diamond Whin a MIRY W. iIIORILICH, OnActienetry slid Bakery XL SOU KIILITHIPICELD Mart Suwon! &mai& aoll Mort,. no sirs% STAMP 41s►wD d. UT*Tilt IiALUON sit/abet. aEo. BomEtau rl Pansy Cake Baker & Confettioaer, AX WILLEY IX FOinlinr • DONTATTO /Mink k NOVO, - No. 411, eakesce_ redeng kik ask katke.sou solcf,As, Ans.. (1 Jlllrttollsinsatly no Nvtd. Ikrveft, AT WIE. PREDIPLEAts Will be Found ( a Large Stock o 303EL1E" arC)Co7oEiti. BLEACHED MBLEACNED MUSLIM'. /PILLOW CASE attnimir. HIBTING CriEct TICKING, ITINTEI, DELAINZS. ALPACCA/3. COTTON TABLE 'DL!LPE..TL, LINEN TABLE DIAPER, TOWELS , TOWELING; OdI3BLitERES, JEANS, R P N ET COMB QUILTS. VALVORAL AND HOOP BEIV.TII,, WEITZ AND OOLORND OORSZTA, GENT'S WHITE SHIRTS, HOSIERY, HiNDISEIWILLEYS, BONNETS, SIINDOWNB. EATS, BaBBONS. FLOWERS. at.. J ECIREIMY LOW PRIORS, Whiles& and Estill; AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny I .4 INEN FOR PANTS. J. N. BURCHFIELD & CO., No. 52 St. Omit. St., HATE A PULL ABSOBTAIICNT CRP WHITE LINEN DRILLS, for Pant COL'D & STRIPED " for Pants. LLIEN DUCES BLOUSE LINENS. ritaxcu tixaxe . ( BTkIPED nennuti) BE= LINZ2fB. WRIT= MARSE ILLRS. BUT) MAIUBEILLES took all new and CHEAPEST IN THE CITY 62 . SiL_Cl".lz street. Si RED, WAITS Ati.p BLUE FRONT::nEE k... 7 illitr7 MARKET STREET. 87 , • .• GREAT. REDUCTION ZN PRICES ! To cri.oew. Erocs. DRESS 431.€001)5. 87 MARKBT STREET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. irr.:..stAluurr 8TERET....87. Jeah - u 5 • WOOD ST. AILHUTIENOT, SHANNON CO, 116 Wood St, Pittsburgh, Paq W/30 AT LOWINT FAMTEBIf PRICES. 68 err:worsen. PA. aox~ozxorn~u~s. - ~ :t : 5 4- ;I: a Efizsiors L is kal'L U TUVV;--The PA'. tater shlp theretofore existing. betwestl the sub seabird, under the firm of • EIDIDELISON, dims & r I la title day dissolved - by mutual eattaent." The hr Lessor lb.. late err will be gettl.. , l by our ,imcnii ziore. Messrs. A NPF.8.: 4 034 & NlFlXini,'At the olice of tea r ittabargklitee/ Works. • .li. J. Al 4/34 J.. w. ).K. W3l. WCY.II)S. -`' The eaderblitter, ; having dispos , Aar his laterost In the late aria of A.ICDSESti N. COOK At CO, SO Mead% A N kt•ON a W wODS. bet.lenr, t. rec ommendr hismiecessora to the patronage' o2' the towers .4 the former Crm. . J. %I'. COW.. Pittsburgh, July 515th, isei. .lya DssoLunOx OF COmPAIIT- Nklt SHlP: — The . Partsueraktp Uinta:ad *E lating und•r the sIAD mum= adumwa s it op, . . Is ibis day disaelsadi by mutual oonse•s;:liATlD EWINU witadrawlag tram the Am. Tits bustsma will be carried Cu as usual. slider the 014 name et pASTIMIS & 00., Carpenters and itullderia. corner Of West street sad Nprib Aeolian. The busi ness of the 'old firm wilt Le settled by the ,under. signed. , SA.IIUEL DAVID 11, 1 iSTINGS Allegheny, Jnly 111611. • Taisin XTOTICEte The undersigned hea associated with him la business, dosin,t from April Ist, ISSIS, Mr. AL FRED U. WALL. his sou ASA S. GILL PIE and LOUTS EtifiLERT. The ;style of the firm to be J. J. GLLLESPLE CO. • J. J.1311.* Furl 2.. Referring to. the above, the undersigaed aft pleasure la eating that they will continue the LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE BUSINESS, Atitft Wood street, where they intend to offer In. docements to purchasers seoond to no house in the United 14141.66. mytkpos J. J. GELLEBPLEI & CO. 111 f : kit BLECI'Ic 1111111E1 CORDIAL, • ( An Inlklllble remedy for Sumner ocniaplaint, Diar pheet D era ontery, 'Vomit! tic Sour Stomach sad rbu I .• • DR. lifilßlS' CRIMP CURE, specille for Cholera, Cramps and Pain In the Stomach. far sale by AARRXS ar• ' COrner et Liberty and Wayne Streets. I A.GIEDIT'S FOR. r, J. SOH.OONMAK:ga & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, AND •McCOTPI3 YERDITER GREEN, Tbe only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It r will look better, last longer and give more perfect) satisfaction than any paint In the market. / GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. (MINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, E .; sILVER, PLATED WARE, 4T I .lt. :PARIAN !STATUETTES, 31 c; BOHEMIAN GLASS, All Aad other STAPLE AND PANIC': ni ciOODS, a great variety. • •I r . ROO WOOD DrazzT. RICHARD B. BREED A CO. mh..17 100 WOOD STRZET. HATS AND CAPS CLOSING OUT SALE! Of STRAW _STRAW AT REDUCED PRIMA AT DTCORD & C0.'8,, int 1.1111 WOOD STREW': MARTIN MELLEN., . . XL& • DIAL.I2I IN • CIA.P'S AL.PrI3 / 4 9:1114%. 414 Also, Ai vunficsiver,, Wbolassie . 21 . d Retail Wale: In TWIN R.b. VALIEMS, ke, laSt SWITR. MELD STIAZZT. Pit tatmarytb, • nivincrir flllort and satioalininu allaransmAA. 115. SEWING MACHINES TELE GREAT ANIMuCAN Cam BINAT/ON. BUTTON -HOLE OTERSRAitt AND SEINING Bte.c.anvz. .IT MAI 10 114111 AL, MIND I .3BOLIITEL7 THN. RESTII IP&J111.1' MACHINE lii THILWOIO.I . ), AND IN TRINSIC&L.Lr CEI&APNBT. - WS-A.omm wanted ta thla Machine. •CH AJg. C. ESAI.A3IM3I, Agent ter Western Peaasvlvaata.• Corner FIFTH AND MARKET INTBEETN, over Richards°, Jewelry Store. atria:eel AND SCOURER, H. J. LANCE, ' • DYER AND SCOURER, No. 8 EIT. C7,11-TR 13718E.V.:r And Boa. 14 and 187 Third Street, prrnmulioa. PA, WALL PAPE WALL PAPER, AT REDIJOEW PRICES. APTlCll:;trid'i lire. we w1:11 air our present stank et Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prlero. A lug* aasimuiest of lIATI N PAP t .} iy, t r ... Na , let market Street, neat Fifth. joS, R. iftIGH.ES & Ft:'( 0 usun AL Vi. U, mote .- 4111' '1 C!..:CoN MIZE IBM= 100 WOOD STD BET . 11A.LIE & TO LET.—n•iases I L. tt kb, el gad aU. .1110. r Nhc., lorAments.. • .41., imcal 3.r0 it ertssr, AtiLpswe et Ik.eut. /a.), laciAtv.rmoortia win sell • 'f bear to ^:t .*•:••=1•..•13tp•1%,,ap, lignites ;• n coo.) tireop.. 1"N •N , Lb 1 t ~I,` - 31;trxet re.. 41 1' s.. ni , Lf • t y„ • . -• ,•`; 1-; ..kla Isom's.' street orot••.•: ,- .8 ". 4 , 411&44 • 011 MS FOR SALE--REAL ESTATjt von SALE. - LO CK T IMBE Rr WHITE PINE. on mac LOCK LAND, allotted on Black Liek Creek. Itellingsoon township, Indiana county, g a.. ... - .9 smihis from Nthoevan :station, on the Pennryisiegi Ceu ro traf, Eel!ad.. and :daunt 00 acres of clea t . hal, 'tinder gond fencing. On the premises are eiiiited one Min MM. with 9 min of burrs and.* ran of stainer, all oomplete and in geed running eg. .e. One raw Mill,--ha cont./tete Order. cu( % 3,000 feet per day. One dwelling h‘mete, -two stories high., 9 11111111 room.. 40142 feet. • eine dweisine, 9b140 feet, brooms. One •• . INitoll •• 9 " i • One ,•• PONS •• 4. ' " IN:Ndi " 9 " One •• 2-1•213." _ 5 " ' . ...." one Stable- 20x24. feet. 16 ;bet blip: Bineknuegb !theorist , . o th sr outbuilding*. This and to tta laid with stone coat and iron ore, and it has .1' or ver-faLitag springy of water, be-slaw, tee. rout:leg through the eattre ivy:mimes, and will be SOW cheap eud on ear . tersa4 to a good DWI Wilk t little naaley. - 16 LOTS ON BRDPoRD AYRNITE. each be NO by 109 feet, on artilea id( erected !bur two stay / frame dwelling- hoita.-a, of 6 rooms and ball 1 1 / 1 106 Tbeee iota (embrace a full square of groud from. ing 900 feet on lhalford avenue. and bo u n ded en each end by a wide street, with an 11.6 feet alley b. the rear. On the greuthes la a pump oi !slating gad excellent water, ti lli n g e surface ef time lots is level an. , needs nei th e norgratilugio prepare - for building purpo•ea, and being In a seetion o ff city where property Is increasing very rapidly ge value, mike them desirable for an investment, eve. Melly as the present houses rent for enough to pal . • good interest on the - um .. asked for the 'whole - pi oper y. Call soon on the - end.. signed and sedate &cheap, safe and pacing invest= nt. - Also, A FARM 01' 150 ACtiES of good leek situated in Bast Whwattield township. IndianaCO 3 . 'Pa.-, 90 acres of which is cleared laud, in good oil. ' Ovation, 20 acres being in excellent meadow. 1•16 improvements are a two-story frame dwelling bona& of 4 room a frame L a nk barn, 31400 t.-et, ;ebb stabling un derneath, erneatn, and other outbuildings, Id/in good repair.. It is in a good neighborhood. eolitee. West to Knouts, churches, stores. itc.. and win,,,b a. sold very low foe c.asb or aeon:yeti seenrities. ; Also, a RIVES noTTOIi Pallid of 70 aciar, miles from the fifty, in Elizabeth township. b. gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny rlveroane.. half tulle from Elrod's Station, on the LonnellavHie _railroad; near ehurches, schools, stores. 1.0. lathe flourishing villages of Boston and Omen 001. --'rte improvements are a twcietorr brick house of six rooms, hail and cellar, ii ood frame bank here wi th stabling underneath, an other outbulkiiiiira: a well ! of. good standing water at the . dyer, and several. ' standine - -- - _eprings of water on the farm, and an chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples. ekes.- ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes, rhis prot emy - being located near the Hoe or the nitro* wit hht one hour's ride of the city, it very de. /arable for 'gardening or a dairy farm, ft Is also 0, rood and beautlfhl location for country homes near the city, lying Immediately on the river. on theop, posite side from the railroad.. The Weit Newt** Accommodation and other Mini on the railroad athi ford certain and frequent opportunities of dna, communication to and from the sold as a whole or In iota of one acre or more, to salt par. shears Also, A YARN OR 173 ACRES, attuned 12 31. tuwushlP. Westmoreland comity, Pa., nesse the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The hilprovemente area two-story frame house, with aix rooms and good cellar, a frame_twout barn 40 by 60 feet. and other outhuillints: T ier, is on the place a young apple and peac hDreher* 120 acres c/eared land. divided into fields °lnure nieet size, a large portion of which are well set-12 clover and timothy; the residue of said tract eoV cred with good timber. It is well Watered and: annt duriald with coal and limestone, and Is oonvettlenlk to churches, schools, stos, mills and blacksmhda shops. A real good b arga in Is offered in this excel: lent farm; and with It will Se sold all the person* property on the premise.% consisting •of hone% cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gearo.. wagon, plows, fanning implements and household . and kitchen furniture. Together will he sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser •• Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land Irk 151/1 ACRES AND Ala PERCHES. in Elisaboth Allegheny county, Pa. the mul e sf the Henliebd railroad. and 011 P and onehalf from th. nellsvllle railroad at Suter's Station. On tal i farts are 40,acres of superior white oak timber. which alone fs now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The Improvements are a lug house, frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard gond fruit. It Is well v atered and underlaid limestwlthc one and nag sr.:Me of a superior quality, wit /itstone coal for the use of the fern'. Also, The' beet FARM in Fairfield township) Westmorelend county, Pa., of 260 ACRES, atanill altmiles south of the-Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns In the township; two apple or da, In good bearing condition,- corn crib, wagon shed and otner outbuilding.. 'The whole tannin under a high state of cultivation; ferinng all 1,, AM' rate order...and th 4 land of the best qua) ivy of lime @toucan% about 00 metes of which 13 cleared gad the residue of the tract in good timber,, suck as , white oak, rook oak, " hickory, walnut and beech. This-property will be solo very cheap and on good' as the owner wishes to engage in other For particulars enquire of • E=! G. H. TOWER. IS4 Fourth Street. cao:os FOR BALE. Two . HOUSEB &ICH LOT an 'Ca:roll street, Allegheny. This property will be mold -low, as UM pariyis about leaving the city, and wishes to IMMO. or theproperty before removing. BAWTWO Ott ELLI - MG HOMES, TWO BARNS with2good‘FAß3l, and About 1900 acres, ti and. This property will be sold low. Cash a11,500--balanee on time to suit buyer, • FARM Or 1.90 ACHES, will be:sold for twent; dollars per sore. Improvements cohifortable frame house and gond barn: 50 acres of the land clear. ?ARM Of 150 ACRES. near the tine of railroad; very well located for raising stock truprovernentre are good and subdantlal; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROP EILTY.—W Ili sell a good brick hone, containing eve rooms, at ritxteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the auto/int In six years. A LARGE, LOT II OF t./ROUND, having a river front, and very convenient of access, TANN ERI, convenient to the city, and haling a well established custom or local trade ..:onneeted therewith., agood forty m.trea land. FOUR Lt/TS In Sharp:A/MT, pea* the railroad: would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That One , Flde' property, situated at the Blairsville dunctitlin eoutaluinte; fourteen rooms and the outbuildirm with three sines of garden and fruit trees. well located hotel will be sold low, ea the - - for wishes to retire from Mosinee'. proprisw RENT. • roa One large Honor, for Boaraing Uwe. One new Brick House, month. One new Itriok Hoare of rooms. One new Brien House or a rooms. . Que of 5 r..oms tor 55 by 140. One House of 7 rooms and lot 150 el m" Two new Brick House s 11 room• One new Frame House, 4 rooms. • Two new Brick Houses, 3 roams sack. One new Frame House in Wllklnsburg, haying sir, rooms and large lot. well suited for gazdash,:: . 5 Lulu acres in that can be Into acre lois. Oakland. Power and a large lioorn and Yard for ratt, a I aniocl location. Will be rented for short or hang C. POR LEABE OR BALE-4 Lute on Morton street, Nana Ward.- • • AITTED-3.000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 iisehes thick. - TO LOALl'ir--$50,000. • - rar sum or ta,ooo AND . UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. !LITCHI REAL ESTATE OM% 'lla. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. atinvis 290009000 ACII , "1 polo LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE qtaion fraciiii, Railroad Company, aairriratai DrirszoN, ', T i ng wo n: thviie of Melt : rnd. at 61900 10 1114.0 e Piic ACRE, ti.nd on a tIIit , INTIOV WIVE Ykftlftt. for farther partioulort, =ST*, no., adginno jogiN P. DETERS Lind Coaualadioner, Topeka, KITX.i ansaa. Or CHAS. B. ULABORN. Hee'Yi IMO IUILDING LOTS FOR SALMI L Axa...-EGIARE CITY,! • The Zneentoro of the late Getters' ROMs:moo WU Five Valuable Building !Ate, • filtustrit on ti: Nor!' Coacunona, earn lot Mlik Nig 170 het. •• Thean lotm are mu' ng I h+. mom, demlrabto for p, (vole e-tdence o: any to nu had to the elty Imo. the •if Aid lI.Y Hitt AO% aunt pair •r ear Bouere. with HARN.IO2IL4 eomoplmto. A pply onleo of - • JOHN U. 1108114304 - 3emoias mmm2lmE!!! coluilitnir itEsIDENcE von SALE tilt atialitT.—A large tees-story datallifia 1 mew, eontalialag 10 moat% 1 1101,41as' doalgergare - lot.. ”liii "marble itiatitiati, in all tge. 'modem has permeateatei I *ere ttt geoaaill. :lieed with prey, beretea. &a. situated wear Afiaorsenf i r l a the teritiltiatlan et the et ytta street Pateeu r au* This is use of the haaCeaseet lueatiotte la • eeertt7, 'ad la a awed nalghbarla.eri. frtre.t 7 W., .i. HEHRO7ttg gest Anaut.nlit s . a mok : • MN rrr ME