The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 28, 1868, Image 7

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- - biddy Prayer 111feetini:Fieni 1Z ai;
12:80 o'clock et the Methodist Church, Fifth ,
street `ne x t door t0pe.226 - rrs_olliee. •
Waer Pipe.—The-work of - Isyrii4 the
water;pipetnn tjoilgreits street is progress
dog rapidly.
Will Meet • This' Eienitig.—The City
Executive bonamittee win meet this even
ing at City Hall; at siVeri and a halfp'elock.
' -
• .
Stribet.—The cobble' atOn.ea have
been removed from a portion . of Peon
street;' Troth Smith tOTayloestivets, pre
paratory to laying the water pipe.
Arm'Broken.—An old lady, residing on
Pennsylvania avenue . , whose name we did
_learn, in deSeending. a 'pair of stairs
yesterday fell and broke her arm
, _
Selling Liquor on illunday.—A` tavern
keeper named Trehish was
. charged before
Mayor Drum yesterday morning with sell
ing Liquor on Sunday. He gave ball for a
hearing. . '
. .
Second Ward Grout Clab.—The Second
ward Giant Club will hold a meeting, at
their rooms, No. 66 r'Smithfield street this
evening at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance
is requested. , ,
Surety of the Peace.--Margard Barrett
made information before Alderman Thomas
yesterday`against John Sullivan' for surety
Of the pest*: Be was; arrested ands held
for a hearing. . . , ; t
. - Ileinenrardf Itaisid.::::•-•"The Editorial Ex
,cursion F,'aTty .arriv,ed at a:drag°, on its
return froM the Rocky Mountains, Sunday
at noon, andtwere• entertained *tithe Ve
mont House. They will arrive i¢ this oity
Open Mr 3lecti"g.7-Anopen Mr Meeting
will be held this evening at seven o'clock
on , Duq (1138110 -Way, above. theliand street
bridge, unde r the anipleels of the Young
Men's Christian Association. A. 11 .1 are in
vite:4lo attend', 1, ' • .
Another Adjokirmnent.—The Conferees of
the Twenty-third Congressional 'District
met again yesterday morning At 'Freeport.
After ballotingheveral tirnes wiiiiotit nom
inating, they tuijotirned to meet at the same
place on Friday,' Tilly 31 •at 9 eclOok N.:
Arlanlt and BatterY.—Sophiti Dfarkle
made information yesterday, ,before Alder
man Taylor, against her husband Attitthew
Markle for. .assault and= battery. She lA 7
legee that'he struck - and ki*estiier. The
wedged wait a`riested c and• committed for al
bearing on- Wednesday. - _
, . .
Blame on Both Sities.—Mrs.Enright made
- , •
information on'" Sunday evening r before:
Mayor Drum againstJahli laity for ;assault
and battery. At the hearing ()tithe ease it
was compromised, by. saph party paying
half the oositsthe Mayor feeling that , both
_parties were somewhat to blame.
Severe'Vall.—Yesterday morning; Martin
CAllahati,: , a labor& • employed -at' Dr.
Sproull' ) s new church, on .Sandusky Sandusk street,
AlleghenY, fell from tho second , to - the first
floor, striking in his descent the joists on
the first floor, and receiyirig:viv!severe
injuridi'of the spine. lie was Conveyed to
his horneand medical aid rendered Dr.
W. R. Thorri. "
Assault and Battery. ": tharine Duncan
znade information before'- Thom
as charging it ,assitult and
battery. The seemed is a cousin,of
the proeentrik, Who, it - appears, Was res
visit to another cousin , in the Sixth ward,
when, she; alleges, Mullin beat and abused
her. The. case was compromised by the de
fendant paying the
A Disorderly Case.-:-Reuben Hope, who :
occupies a room in the Third ward, Alle
gheny, which is the resort of the degraded
or both sexesiwas brought before Mayor
Drum yesterday, who fined hitn i.teen
dollars for dl,,g!rcit 7 rl,-,0 conduct, on oath of
the owper of the ustabilshrnegt.• A. descent
was made on l the Place 'by the pollee and
a couple of unlis captured .
. who, after
becoming pober, were. hued four dollars
each. .
. .
Hoe Handling--A. resident of Allegheny,
Eliza Roberts, alleges that her hnsband,
-Joel Roberts, a
~ colored gentleman; took
some exercise in handhng a hoe yesterday
morning, which': restated ,in leaving her
considerably sorer than when he comtneno
ed. He was arrested but states in comm ence
nation that Eliza is not possessed of all the
virtue of a saint, -and, occasionally needsd
to be hoeowa. A corn preinbie was finally ,
Slight Fire.-t-Yesterday tnorzting s'elight
fire occurred in the rear part of the bond-
AD 4. on Smithfield etreet, near:Fourth, 00-,
- copied as :in gramon by Mr. - Bender.
%%a tire, WAS: i..l)llllned to .a room in the
fourtn story, arid, it qUaritity of wearing air.
p el ' bed clothing, "&e. wasdestroy but
bl a rtheo pt lof
f thefir e the
flumes prompt
extinguished ia '-betbreowAh
demagelted been 'done.: ,Thei liti4otioes has
not beoll'aicert 4ined, but it watt!' sMall.
A. Smasger;—;.lrestardar. evening Ger
man. citizen of the Third ward:Alleghenr,
who' hadiis Oaken a little df that
eXhiliarating beverage,. "lager," amused
himself and gnve yent . „.to'
1 . feelings& by demolishing dip furniture
• his domicil awl playing mune te diti neratly._
His wife liking such . prciceees
ed . .
ill . tile' aid 'oUthe pollee; who conveyed'
him to the lock:up, where,hp,ty).ll.,hoeian
• OPixortiinit, if he'deares,•fo • ufake nee Hof
alMiXing tendencies agsinM stone walls
and iron bars. 3
' recovery
'be'Mr. rHall'at watch hy.. Chief- -of Police
•Oreeil yestnrilay, we statiidgiatPfeil and
Chief of Allegheriy fi turd a aver
sation relative to the' larceny of the atch,
which appitkrato have been ( incorrect; We.
.learn .that Mr: Bowden -had not been,
forded:that Mr. Hall had lost a watch, and
4 knew' nothing, bflt,tintii after the Watch .
.• had been recovered. In our iepoit of the.
." affair wei- - veltitdd' the ':circumstalicii
'received 44•andliaVingiiinit apiiearsj dime
Mr. Bowden' ant ininstibe; we willingly
make the , cortecticm. "
• The Apportionment:;'-The corbmittee'af),;
, :pointed by :.Co u ncils to-male the apportion
. xnent oc members of Common Council
from the Bey al wards,: Wore'. Unable. to
"• - xnelrzo , ;tbeir re l k rt:to Co undies yesterd ay,for
-the reascintivet the assessors have not yet
ade OciAt ratans to - theControllef. ' The
" m
law requires the apportionment to lie knade
d'arPgi.49 preieut,.. month, and , cm:molls
•" 7 - 7 ' adjoierneir ter meet on'Friday,
to receivelnd take action on the report.'
Assessors should endeavor to have 'tbeir
.retpreabijprevions ,to,,tbat,time, as ,their
neglect iciZo so may cause considerable ,
• ;trouble) andP inconvenieneeto.. the oom
unittee. ;.• •
' •
„Teskgll#l,.',ll:l*tinfl*.Nle, the track of
-:l4o9;4leititte•-Hook—and--;Ledder Onttpany
was on itg totisie cif the fires, 1.4:11C;
teniflitg - to bird WT,,,:Wylip , Arefito at the
coer of Tune' , theldrivhr, Wnt. - .lCnoor,
and alongside„: were
fro gO.,:,.throwictPaAnclaunoier. ',Wm. , Ithot‘t• was,
:a&•••• ,, , ;€4,5014bah1t, 'Andhaelif's
,ittitittioken the elbow: It , itisci bad
ly injured t!Pir,t,to3,',Pocgmlbtri*Oviiiriputa
..f Thh mak:phased'
0freFt...404-rh...4,iq„,i?0 r f .,,.Celtroma, but it is
beilhvc4 'tr.; e3ties 'are brdken. "tie! men
~were r. Ito Mr., /l apel s. drug store.
, 00ititoi4frt ~ %i•cd•Wanittl'eaV4'iviierethely
~...frtended. to by Dr.
ter'owhieu , ; tut, were conveyed, to itheir
17.:,;ca-rlivadhpSteYensa'and cat,
honn.on , •
ommn eat ons,
• tioay and ..TICT/MLlgnataig- Reports of
A tegglitr • monthly wetting: of City
CottnciLs was 'lield"ModdaY .114 27, 1868 ,
at two o'clock r. nt _
'Select Council.
In the absence of President McAuley, on
motion of Xr.Tt•:)ese, Mr. -pr Own
to-the .chair ' -:‘ .
Members present—Messrs. Brown,
Cochrane, Coffin, Coyle, Dickson, Gallaher,
Gremir,tHerdinan.'Jcities, KEffiew, Lstufman,
Morrow', McClelland, McClintock; McEwen,
McKibben, Ogden. Phillips, Rafferty, Rees,
Shiptoni Nfainwright and-White.
The =minutes of the preeeding meeting
were read and approved.
Mr. Dickson pfebented apetition from the
Committee on Repairs of the Pittsburgh
and Allegheny, Bridge Company, asking
for the , Of moving the toll house
two-and-arhalf feet on Duquesne Way. The
petition was accepted and referred to the
Street Conunittee with power to act. -
• Mr. Morrow presented a petition. from
property owners on Gist street asking for
water pipe on said street. Referred to
Water Committee. - •
The Chair presented a communication
from the Gaartlians of the Poor, asking for
; an appropriation •forAhaerection of a hos
pital,' R i eforred
,the Committee on City
Property. • '
Mr. Shiphgn presented a communication
from the Controller stating that the Finance
•Committeo had fixed : . the salary of the
clerk to Street, Survey and Road Commit
tem- at /1,20 i) pet . annmh subject to the ap.
proval of Councils,and t hey direct that the
clerk. altar giVe ,opo hail for the faithful
. perfonnance of his duties. The .communi.
I r egion, witii :reosived and the action of the
COmmittee approved.'
-Tile Chair read a tikhonstrance against
the construction of the Fourth street sewer:
Referred to Committee on Sfreets.
Mr. McEweni a,remOnstrance against the
gindirtiof-ttiochStrtieti • Referred to Com
mittee on. Streets. , ,
The 'Chair, in• place, a communication
from Mr._Flinn, late, Street Cominissioner,
relative 'to the Ordinance relieving the
Oakland Passenger Railway Company from
cleaning the streets over which its cars pass.
Received. ' r ;
. .Mr. MoClintock, a petition for the grading
of _Center street, and objecting to, the open.
ing of Washington street. " Referred to the
Street Committee.
Mr, Wainwright; "a petition from i resi
dents on' Chestnut street; asking" the pas.
, page of an, ordinance. Alling the width of
said street. • - -
On motion of Mr. McClintock, it, was
laid on the table. ' ;
The Chair, a petition for the grading.and
paving of Spring alley. Referred to Street
Committee. ' '
Mr. A. M. Brown (Mr. Gross in the chair)
presented - a:remonstrance from property
owners {)n Pennsylvania avenue against
the construction of a sewer on said avenue
Referred to Commit ee on Streets:
Also, a petition for the grading and pav
ing of an alley in the Seventh ward, from
Allinder's'court to Vine stkeet. Refecred
to Street Committee.
. . .
'MipriVw presented a remonstrance
frepVresitlents oq TAYlor. street- against the
grading and paving of said street. Laid on
:the tabl untilthe.ordinance for paving the
street shontd be' bbfore,Councils.
• •
Alio, the report : pf,-tbe Committee On
'Ordinances, accompanied - 13 y an ordinance
'providing fot the guaging, of oil in the city
lirnits. The' 'Ordinance provided that the
Guager aboidd , roceive tive-eighttfof the re
ceipts as his fees.
Mr: Morrow moved to tuchend by reducing
the fees,tO one-half.
• Mr.'McClintock moved as anamen4ment
that the Guager receive one-third.
' After Considerable discussion ' Mr. Ship
ton moved that the ordinance be re-com
mitted. _ • • .
Mr....A. M. BrOwn•said he would have to
object:to the re-committal of the ordinance,
as the Committee had given to Councils all
the information they had or could obtain
relating to the matter.
. The motion to re-commit was lost:
Cemtvon Council. •
The following members answered at roll
call • Mears. Barnhill, Barton,
Batcheig. BerVFo 3o lk6 l6 .' Brush , Caskey,
'Carroll, ;Daub, DravO, ritzimnioni, Friday,
Gerner, H are, Hem phill,Herriwolillerznan,
House, Kremer, Palmer,ri Rebulau. n ee d.
Reynolds,' Robb, Busmen; :Beett; Sims,
Torley, Torrens, Vick, Weldon, Welsh r
Zern,.Tornlinum, Pre'st.
The minutes of two proceeding meetings
Were "read and approvhi.
• • l'irrnAollo, 4a. •
1 -14'r Mobile, of Bkond.Wara, presinted a
petition from citizens relative to regulating
4 4,e buSt34lol.43f,nll3l4'opileze.., Referred to
Street .C6mcnittee.
Mr. °Weldon, a petition for Rh:Olson
pavementrAbi l Diamond, Alley, betvreen.
Wood street and Diamond. Referredto
Street Cornmittee. y-
`' , "Mr." - Rateutlbrild tfiefollOwing resolution,
which was passed
" Apsefeed„Thot the Fire :Alarm Commit.
tee aze.,hereby .authoriaed to put up ,the
CITY COUNCILS, .7-7,-e43;i
; The question thegrecarred (Mate amend.
Meta to the amendment giving one-third
of the receipts to the Guager as fees, which
was, adopted. , •
The ordinance is amended :was then
adopted., • '
Mr. A. M. Brown moved that it , lay over
until next meeting. The motion.wr,de-
On motion of Mr; Morrcw, the rules ware
rgurpertried the ordinancepassed &tally.
'McClintock submitted a resolution
instructing the Committee on City Park to
:open oorrespondenge with the Secretary
of War, relative to the removal 6f the AT
sena out of the cityilimfts and purchase of
the ground for a'park. ; Referred to Park
IComiiiittae. • • •
• ..
Mi. D i c kson it presented an ordinance sup
plemental to the ordinance re-districting
the city, transposing the. numbers of the
Ninth and Tenth wards. Action was post
. Mr. White called:up the ordinance pro
•viding for the construction of a sewer on
Penn :Overlie avenue; passed: In Common
Council at a prOrions meeting, and asked
that Beleet• Council concur in this stettkin:
The motion was lost. ' ~1
t ~.Mr. Bhlpfon..Chairman of the Committee
6iftii.s, eubthitted - the following report:
YoueConamitte3Lom Gas Lighting wo
respectfully recommend the erection of
lamps' at the following litints: On Small
man street, between Wilkins and Baldwin
- street: berhbr of Green street and Beatty's
alley; on the. north , side of Decatur 'street;
opposite the mouth of Carpenters alley; on
14,11°1r street . : corner of.,lloveler's ( court ;
on'tbe corns 1 4- of Locuqt and Magee streets;
:on the, east , side of Righ street, ,between
Wylie street and Pennsylvania avenue; on
Mg: street at aqui distant from Decatur;
on the ,corner of Miller street and Centre
avenue, to be erected when mains are laid.,
Read and approved. ' '
• • oesinfentneu TURNPIKE.
The.: ordinance Locating ' the Greensburg
turnpike end fixing the width of the same
it sixty feet, was then taken 'up, and the
names; of three persons as-viewers inserted,
ention motion of Mr. boss, the rules were
'impended and the ordinance passed finally.
. -
Ogden Rubmicted a resolution pro
viding that when Councils adjourn it to
to meet on Zriday next, at-two . P.
at., to heas*he report otthe Apportionment
Cominit.oe. Adopted. C. C. concurrcd.
None of the above business, except -the,
resolution relative to adjournment,. was
reached in c ommo „ . c in i nci i.
On Motion adjourned. _ - •
UeetesitalipPqatn a t Villillgil*al ms4W
therachiloVhousdi in Ekventeern ward'
(late — lisiorteliferolll6) -- " - iMd ' 1116-lAthe
Church at East Liberty, and that the sum
of $5OO - be appropriated tb pay for the in
creased size of - the bell fol. the. Lawzaace!,
- - - -
villesehool houie. I •
Mr. Hemphill, a petition froth Hus.sey,
Wells & Co., lbr privilege to erect an iron
clad blinding, to take the place of an old
one; on Columbia street, running toward
Harrison, in the old Fifth ward, with an
ordinance granting the privilege.
Objection being made thcordinance was
laid over. ' • -
Mr. Zern, a petition far the opening of
Mulberry alley between Adams anti:-Me
ehanles street; Referred to Street Commit- .
tee. - .
Mr. Brush presented a- petition, signed'
by one hundred citizens, fOr a change in
the place of holding elections in the Eighth
ward (2d precinct old Sixth,) to the tavern
of Henry Wilson, corner of Franklin and
Fulton streets,with an ordinance authori
zing the desired change. f
The rules being suspended, the ordinance
passed. ' i
Mr. Rebman presented the report of the
Board of yiewers for opening ' Roberts
street from Center avenue to Reed, with
plan: Report approved.
• Mr. Reed offered the following :
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and
is her by instructed to, ascertain by what
auth rity A. H. killer, Esq., has erected a'
i f
ston . wall on Center avenue, said wall be
ing ton the street three feet, and if no
authority has been given by Councils, that
he e instructed to have the sane removed'.
ferrad to Road Committee in conjuna
tio with the City . Engineer. - •
' . Mawhlimey presented a petition
fro prOpeity holders on Forbes street
S ' h ward, (late Eighth ). for the open-,
ing f said Street' from / Try to Boyd, to in-
ter et with Diamond street. Reterred to
, I
Street Committee. ; , . - • , -
Mr. Rosewell presented a remonstrance
against the Proposed change of the grade
of Penn street east of Clymer, as it would
deteriorate the vane of many buildings
now erected to present grade. Referred to
Street Committee.
Mr. Ahllx)rn, a remonstrance against the
widening of Greensburg turnpike ten feet
on the south side. The 'petitioners are of
the opinion that if thel. street must be' v2i.
dened, an equaL proportion should-be taken
frotuvaoh aide.t Referred' to Stteet Com
mittee. ; ,
Mr, Ahlborn Inquired as to what disposi
tion had been made of the bill of Peter
Wortzel, of Lawrenceville, which had been
referred to Cominittee on Claims and Ac
counts. It appeared that the Committee
had not considered the bill.
Mi. Batchelor offered a petitiod l eovering
an ordinante fixing a place for holding eleo
tionsin the Sixteenth ward at a Wigwam,
corner of Main and Pearl streets, and des
ignating officers, as follows: Judge, Noah
G. Craiw, Inspectors, John Woolslayer and
Henry Stork; Return Inspectors, Samuel
M'Elroy and Thos. Markle.
The rules were suspended and the ordi
nance passed, :
Mr. Batchelqr presented'the report deli()
viewers to assess damages for the opening
of Larimer avenue, from Station to - Spring
street, with a' diagram showing the loca
tion of tbe street. The report was approved.
Mr. Batchelor offered an ordinance for
the grading and macadamizing of Larimor
avenue, to the width of forty-live feet, in
accordance with a plan iq City Engineer's
office, and moved that the lulus be sus
pended in order that the 'ordinance might
bcffinally passed.
r. Davis objected, and the ordinance
was laid over.'
Mr. Barton 'presented a remonstrance
against the opening of - Boundary street in
the Twentieth - and TwentY-second wards,
for several reasons, and praying that the-,
ordinance passed to second reading at last
meeting) be amended and limited in its
provisions to the part of said street be
tween Neville and the Monongahela river.
Referred to the Survey' Committee in con
junction•with City Engineer.
Mr. Barton, a p4tition , from. Lewis
Warnock for priifte to erect an iron
clad building on Liberty street, opposite
the enter Depot, to be used for foundry
and amitbing purposes. Referred 'to
Wooden Building Committee with power
to act. S. C. non-concurred and referred
to Committee on City Property.
• Mr. Bartonpresented the claim of James
English for 1251,55, for;stone furnished.
Referred to Road Committee and City So
Defter. ' •
Mr. Barton presented a petition for a
board walk on Centre" street, each aide.
Referred tollOad Cdmmittee. •
Mr. Hemphill called up the ordinance
granting Hussey, Wells et Co. privilege to
erect an iron-clad building, and ,objeetion
being withdrawn, the ordinance was read a
third time and passed. Select Council non
concurred and .referred it to Committee
on City Property. 1
Mr. Hare, froth Police-esuithi tiee, offered
a resolution increasing the salary of May
or's clerk IMO for the year 186tt ,
Mr. Ahlborn moved OS amend
creasing the salary 8250.
Mr. Reed moved to lay the resolution on
the table. Lost
The amendment of Mr. Ahlbern pritvalled.
The chairman suggested that the object.
‘ could sot be accomplished by resolution.
It must be p.nt kith° shape of an ordinance.
• Mr. Robb moved' that -the matter be re-'
ferred back , to the Folic4;coutnaittfe 3 , with
instractiefts to report an &Nitrides ancreas
mu the salary (1 the Mayor's. Clerk $5OO.
Mr. Weldon moved toamend by making
the increase 5250. ' •
Mr. Hare offered an ordinance making
the salary of the Mayor's clerk ,11,500 for
the year 1868. ,
Mr. Weldon moved to lay the ordinance
on the table. Carrie 4. •
Mr. Rommel], from the Comm,Use on
Fare Engines and Hose; presented a report
covering the following, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the - Cothinittee on Fire
Engines and Hose be and they are hereby
authorized to, purchase.a hook and ladder
truck, to take the plane of oncrOf the steam
fire engines now is use.'
Mr. Hare offered an ordinance appropri
ating the sum of $2,000 for a Ilookfand Lad
Company, the same to be located in one
of the,present steam fire engine houses.-
The rules Were suspended and, the ordi
nance adopted. S. C. coon-coneurred and
.referred the 'matter- to' the Committeo.oll
Ordinances to report a proper ordinance.
Mr. Weldon, Chairman of the Street
CoMmittee, made a report concerning car
taln matters which b ad beerreonsidered,
viz: ,
In accordance with an ordinance passed
June 9th, 1868, for the appointment of a
clerk to the Street Committee, the Commit
tee selected Richard Moore, to serve until
February Ist, 1869, subject to the approval,
.of Councils.
Ordinances were presented as follows ;
For paving , Second street, from Smithfield:
to Wood, with Nloolson pavement; for
grading, paving and curbing Taylor street,
from Penn to the river, Duncan or Wylie
street extension; from Crawford to KirkpaU
rick, and Smillman alley from Decatur
Clark•street ; for opening Charlotte street,
Lawrenceville, from Wainwright street to
Hazlett Alley, and St. Mary's Avenue from
t .t
its 'prise terminus to the G reensb u r
pike; for changing grade of gentre Avenun .
Erin s rest to Kirkpatrick, and Pawl
street' from Clymer to Taylor also,
an ordinance relieving ,the Pittsburgh and
Oakland Passenger Railway front keeping,
Streets in rope's - , and an ordinance chang
ing the lumen of variousStreats., - ,
In the matterof the petition for the grad:.
.ing ,and roving Of Greensburg tiirnpike,
the Committee report that as the street is
still in ths powssion of , the turnpike curl- ..
spin the i,i-neliti"have no jdrlediotion.
The reptirt was accepted. , '
The. election of Mr. Moore:is Clerk of
Road Committee was approved.
. The erdlnance for Nicolson pavement
bif fleonndltreeit 7 Intl- actnptad t t4q, 'gales
. • •
.. .„.._
The :•ith icidlianc apeoded. tscluMging the :bding -
'grade CT
Penn streetifromelymerlx) Taylor, to con
form with the grade of '6l, win; laid over
.under, the rules. - - -
',The ordinance fixing grade of Centre
Avenue was adopted, the rules being sus
.The ordin)lnce for the opening of Charlotte
street, Lawrenceville, was laid over under
the rules.
The ordinance for the survey, and open
ing of St. Maiy's avenue (Lawrencyllle,)
to (4reensburg turnpike, - was laid oyer nn
der the rules. .
The ordinance'lbi the' grading; paving
and aiming of Wylie street from Craw
ford to-Kirkpatrick street was adopted, the
rules toeing suspen ed. . '
The ordinance a thori
zing the grading,
paving and curbin of Smallman alley was
laid over. ) . ..
The ordinance for the grading and pay.'
bag of Taylor str't from Penn street to
the Allegheny ri ve r, was laid oyer under
the rules;'a mots n bYMr.'Ahlborri to lay
on the table bavi been voted down.
' 'The ordinance changing the names of
- various streets was laid over under the
rules. Following are the changes, pro-,
posed ;
- Present Name. Changed To.
Point street First street.
Duquesne street Second street."
Marbury street Third street.
Hay street Fourth street.
Pitt street Fifth Street.
St. Clair street Sixth street.
Irwin street ..:. .... Sevepth street.
Hancock 5treet......... ... .F.lghth street.
Hand street t Ninth street.
Wayne street • Tenth street.
Canal street Eleventh street.
.10• Hart. street Twelfth street.
Walnut street Thirteenth street,
Yactorystreet,..... .Fourteenth ourteenth street.
Adams street - .
Fifteenth street. '
Mechanics street... ..... .Sixteeuth street.
Harrison street - Seventeenth street.
fine street. re ..... ..' . . .i. J ...El lei i . ea nth street. .
Locust'stet ' Nineteenth street.
Carson street 1. Twentieth street.
Allegheny street TV/duty-first. ateeet.
Lumber street ..' .... . ..!. . Twenty-seeond street. ,
Carroll street Twenty-third street.
Wilkins street Twenty-fourth street..
Baldwin street Twenty-fifth street. ,
Morrie. street' Twenty-sixth strmt. •
Rush street Twenty-eeventh street.
Morton street Twenty-cis hth street.
Clymer street Twenty-ninth street.
Smith street Thirtieth street.
Taylor street...., Thirty-first street.
Wilson street Thirty-second street.
lionndary street. Thirty-third street. .
Joh ratan street Thirty- ourth street.
Lawrence street Thirty-fifth street. -
Wainwrightstreet.... e...i.Thirty-xth street.
Dravo street ' ..Thirty-seventh lareet.
Allen street Thirty-eighth street.--
Pike street. Thirty-ninth street.
Covington street Fortieth street.
Fisk street ~Forty-first street.
Don - nigh ttreet.. .. .... 6 . .S.Forty-seeond street.
Cnest nut street Forty-third street;
Ewalt street' Forty-fourth street.
•Bellefontatne street Forty-fifth street. ,
St. Mary's avenue Forty-sixth street.
Church street Forty-seventh street.
Shoenberger street Forty-eighth street. _
Miltstreet Vorty-ninth street. S
Lotbeop street, ' Fiftieth • treet. -
Jackson street Fifty-first' street. s'
First street First avenue.
Second street.. Second avenne.
Third street - Third avenue. r• .
'Fourth street ' ;.Fourth avenue.
Fifth,t including ext'on).Flith avenue.
Sixth street Sixth avenue. .
Seventh street, Seventh avenue.
Butler, (9th ward). Rai t road street.o
Beech alley. ad ward )....Hickory alley. ,
Cherry alley, (10th ward )..Almond alley.
• Decatur street,(lst ward).liazel streets
-Fisk street. (7,h ward).— Areh street. .
Mulberry alley, itaw. )....Blackberry alley.
Plum alley, ad ward) ( lak alley:
Peach a , ley, (Bth ward ince alley. ,' -
Reed street, ( Law.)....... }face street. . .
Spruce alley, I Law.) Hemlock alley. s
Union alley, (Ist ward) ash alley.
Union alley, toils ward)...Crab alley.
Webster street Webster avenue.
Wasltlngton street, (Law.'
west end) Willow street. ,
Washington st vet, (Law.
east end) - Het It Id street.
end Pennsylvania' avenue,from Try , street to
Fifth avenue, to be called • •Uld avenue. •
I, The ordinance relieving the Pittsburgh,
and Oakland Patrenger Railway from re
pairing streets was taken up.
Mr. Hare moved to lay it on the table.
Lost—yeas 14, nays 14.
The ordinance, under the roles, lays over
for one month. ~ . ,
The ordlnance-provides "that the Flag
burgh and - Oakland Passenger Railway be
and they are hereby released from keeping
the streets on which their track is laid in
repair (except that portion; between the
rails and one foot outside of ;the 'rails) for
a period of live years from January lst,
18.09." ; ~
The report of the Street Committee, and
the ordinances presented with it, did not
reach Select Council.
Mr. Zern offered an ordinance providing
that tbe Ninth ward be named the Tenth
ward, and that the Tenth ward be the
Ninth ward. Adopted. S. concurred.
Mr. Hare offered a paper signed by tbir
ty•sia firemen setting forth that they are
desirous of forming a hook and ladder
company, and requesting?, that Councils
award'to their care the hook and ladder
truck recently recommended by the Com
mittee on Fire Engines and Hose. Refer
red to Committee on Fire Engines 'and
Hose. Not acted on in S. C.
Mr. Vick presented a petition for a sewer
on High street to Wylie and down Wylieto
Fifth. Referred to Street Confinittee. S. C.
-tion-conouired. ,
• - . -
Mr. Davis withdrew his objection to the
ordinance for the grading and macadamiz
ing Or Latimer avenue, whereupon the or
dinance was read three times and passed.
Not sated in Select Council.
morilin OF .80F.K,OTRAET. , „
, . ,
Mr. Weldon called up the ordinance for,
the opening of Rose street, in the Eighth
:ward, from Overbill to Fulton street.
Mr... Brush presented, a remonstrance,
signed by oithundred and five persona in-'
fermted, sir st Opening Of said street.
. Also, the bllowing: • ,- .
Resolved, That the ordinance now undOr
consideration to open Rose street from
Dinwiddie to Fulton,street, be and fa
hereby indefinite , / postponed.
The resolution was lost.,
- Welddnthen 'Moved the ordinance
be read a third time and passed—
Mr. Brush called the yeas andmays. '
The'President said under • the rules the
call must.:be, bY 'One-tenth 'the Member:Li
present. .
That number responded. 2,
The yeas and ,nays resulted: , r .
Yeas—Messrs. Ahlborn, Rogge . Daub,
Fitzsimmons, Herron, ' douse,' krenier,
Mawhinney, Meyer, Palmer, Rosewell,
°A. Scott, Torley, Vick, Weldon,' President.
Totrillnson:=lo. x -- •
Nava—Messrs. 13arnhill, Barton, l3atehe
lor, Berger, Brush, Caskey, Carroll,Dravo,
Davis'.Garner' Hemphill, -Moorhedd, Rott
man, Heed, Robb, Verner,, Welsh Zern.—•
The'brdinance wtui lost.
. . ,
Mr. Fitzsimmons Offered the following: •-•
WWknks i The Committee of Councils
'now engaged, in selecting, site for a Park
have-beer offered for their. acceptance
uedbiads in the eastern part, of the city, too
far frOm the residence of the great mass of
paithanies and laboring clOs, fbrlwhose
"ostensible benefit 'tie mainly tobe created,.
be it therefore' •
Reserved, That' the Park Cciminittee ,be
requested ,to inqi , aire into and at report .to
I ,Councils at as ear , a day as• le the
isign o
feasibility micro:PS 'Of establ lint a Park
on the,. grounds between Tenn and ,Mar
_bury streete and the River. ' , . ' l.
Refereed to' Park Committee. • ~, .
, Nut aided on in S.O. ~ . • , 'i ..
• onzawaisoza xiasintn. •
The ordinance, granting the Western
littienlrelegrapil CoMpanz.the'prltlegp of
erecting poles in Lawronceillie (laid over
at last meeting)-was takanup,sn4 . passed.'
NotAteted on in B. C. •
Arraidinance thtt b a rthilV
Davison street,'Lawrencei to (1 'over at
last °meeting). Was read , three
. times ands
passed.• Not acted on'itt'R . O. L . • '
° An ordinance • for the opening of Ewalt
street, Lawrenceville, fro Wilts prosend
minas M Davison street, was, oft'. motto& Of
Mr. Reynolds, referred back to:Committee
to report an. ordinance open ing,tho Aqeot to •
Greensburg turnpike. Not acted , en in s.C.
Mr. Batchelor offered an ordinanco'fixing..
tbe place of holding elections in the Tritm-
tieth ward at the old place, School house
2io-4.-TAberti,t9wratli.l4and-.44 ha 9
Tiers be: 'Judge, Win. H. Denniston; In
spectors. John R. Baum and George Rthau
ser; Return Inspectors,• Edward Aiken and
Orren Newton. ,--- -
Rules suspended and the ordinance adopt
ed. Not acted on'l in S. C.
3fr..Wialdon offered the &Rowing:
Reablved; That the City Engineer be and
he is hereby authorized to proceed with the
construction of a- sewer on Miltenberger
street. AdoPted. Not acted on in S. C.
On motion, Connell adjourned (without
taking up business from Select. Council)
until Friday, at two o'clock P. 55.
A PTogressisil Tenth. A
Yesterday evening about six o'clock,
Moses Moritz, a boy twelve, or fourteen
years of age, was passing along Second
street between toss ind Grttnt;where sever
al,. ,
little kirlig were engaged at play,and being
an' evil dispoied youth, interfered with the
girls, and attempted to drive them,away
by throwing atones at them. Johnny Best /
h lad about Moritz's age, and a smaller boy
*to were playing in an alley near by, were
balled npon by . the girls to protect them
from Moritz, and did so, by coming out and
attempting to drive Moritz away. He re
fused to go, however, and after quarreling,
the boys got Into a scums. They separated
again, and while Beat was standing with
his aide toward Moritz,- looking in an oppci
site direetion, the latter drew a knife and
stabbed him,-the blade of which penetrated
the abdominal wall, nflicting a severe and
"serious wound. Dr. R. S. Sutton was called
upon' 'and dressed the . wound. He states
that so far as he could ascertain the intes
tines were not injured,' and if inflammation
of the t?ovrols doos not set in the boy will
recover. The young scrtpe grace who per
petrated the act was arrested and taken to
tlielock up. Ito g ill pr bably cornmit
ted!to jail this zooraing to await the result
9f the injuries to Best,
Comfort at Home:
.We know of no one of the twenty-four'
hours of toe day in which we find go much
real.physibal - pleasure in the hour spent
in the bath room or 'barber shop. .Who
that dOeS not shave 11' self will not travel
over a Mile of stye e p and Tess a dozen of
indifferent barber shops to find one where
the operators are skillful, the razors alvitive
in order, the towels clean, the seatsluxu
rious, the room fragrant with sweet odors,
the fountains of limpid water flowing from
marble basins, and everything fitted up and
arranged with good -. taste and kept bright
and clean? And who would not also travel
out of his way to find a perfect bath with
all the needful concomitants of hot and cold
water for shower and plunge, soap, flash
brush and every convenience, all kept
temptingly clean? From all wtioae taste
is for the best of these essentials, from'all
who delight in easy and perfect shaving,
'elegant hair dressing or shampooning,
from all especially who care for their health
by frequent bathing and are scrupulous
about cleanliness and comfort, from all
such we claim thanks for informing them
that no better place can be found in either
city than has been provided and kept up
by Mr. S. B. Williainson, at :No. 190 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. If the reader doubts
let hial visit his barber shop with its corps
of professional jouis, or hissuite of bathing
rooms, with their obliging ,and attentive
W,aiters, he will doubt no ionizer.
Anderson, Cook di; Co,'
It will be seen by reference to our adver
tising columns that Jacob W. Cook, Esq.,
hitherto a prominent and active business:
man of thislirm, has Withdrawnjand.that
the very extensive usiness of the house
will be continued l:l 7 , Mr. 8.. J. Anderson
and Mr: WoodS, u er the firm of Ander
son & Woods. Mr. Cook retains the Presi
dency of the . Allr.ghexiy. National Bank,
and toe a time at least will restrict himself
to the duties of this,important trust, for
which he is pre-eminently qualified, The
steel manufactory of Anderson At Woods
is one of the finest in the country.' They
make every variety of steel by th 9 most
approved process."Sucli is their repidation
for the qnaliry of their ,products that they
are constantly pressed with orders fully
up to and frequently In . excess of tbe ca
pacity of•their works. Mr. Woods has had
a large experience and is thoroughly skilled
in the; business of the firm, while
mr. Aaiderson last home In the cotomercial
and financial side of their, business, so that
the numerous correspondents of the old
tirnaivilllind that under the new name the
high' standing of the house will be .vrell
maintained. • - 1 7
Fire on .FlOll Street.
About seven o'clock last evening a slight
fire was discovered in the cynting-rooni of
the • Conimereicil office, th sittoke, from
which rushed out of the do6r at such a rate
astoCreate theimpreasionthat '-the entire
rooky dire in:flames. The.alarta was given
and in it'short time the entire . lire depart
ment ivire'oll the ground, bat not until the
flames bad been extinguished . ; The fire
originateskin some mysterious manner a
•laile of waste paper,under the c w ounter. The
data - slid "was, but alight. It 'as a' very
narrow esaape, - hotirever;tis the' books were
in close proximity to the fire, and bid the
fire continued a faernicimerite leagcx before
being , i,diseovered, they would,,deubtiess
have been destroyed. • ' -
' 'Alleged grorslble' Entry, . ,
Feu Made ;information on,
. •
day before Aidermappanalen,,aga"Anst Hen
ri Snider, Sr., Ilenry Bnyol'er,Jr,,Tho - mas
Smith, James Blonden and , Isaac prestebtt:
foF i
forcible entry and detainer., The ee
, . •
last are police officers, while the, cornier
two it is ptatedare.joint owners with Mr,
cif thd' biloinespe Brewery in the'
'Eighth 'wird', AliegheriV.' It is alleged
that somelliffitinityaxisted in isigard tothe
business, when the parties against whom
thelqfprrnation, was made closed the brew
ery and took violent possession ,of Abe
samg. The officers • waived a bearing and
gaveibill for trial, the Snyders 'giving bail
for a further , hearing. •
Coiner Loafing In Allegheny.
On Sunday.evening the Allegheny police
modes raid on 8 pady q'4xirrier ;loam,
who bad - established' tlienistdves' at the in
ten3ection of ' the 'East Cotrimens with
Ohio street.' They succeeded in securing
about a dozen of-tfieler6tVd and conveyed
themlo the lactli.-up. , 'Yesterday evening
the Mayor imposed.-on each of,them a
salgbt ilne,, ay! it was.their first,otience. and
Warned them that noleniency , would be
accorded them in the future for a likeof
Yernoe: Til e iladayor is' I distithilleed that thin
disreputable I practice 'shall -be stopped,
and we would advise•all who have hereto:
fore indulged'in it:to mend their ways. •
• • ' •
, Mont. Blanc. Fottndt7.- I °, our.. rambles
yesterday'we *is) ted, t h Is duo Sitabil slime rd
on Batter street , in the old Ninth 'ward,'
contiguous 'to-the Union Iron Bb
bert tic Maolind, the outorttrisiu:X. PmPlt
.tors : are.kpown for their skill : and.pronip
*nude in executing:RAl ortlerw..for-rolling
sll4- - 'bridall ofigAltiga t .titlMble 'ohoitia
atla Woe boxes afitt,milobtpuyandestatinits
such works ab Welrs,j. suOh:
men as= they, are a oredil 'to' the Orgy and
contribute to ate widdth and fame'. I ,
iff .:I,llll*-
a -Ittinfryantl
shave, or .have your haw Cut or druseed a t
the elemmt;tent qf SU... it. William-,
' ser4 No, M"Fetfortl istrcml; . ?.ll,og r liony,
• •
Likestead of Grsot.4:—Ftilltolied pOrtrait, of
Oran*, colorodboard' •board, rite host ond
cheapest li4ongmtrt bp bad, for tlrimtv-dve!
oentit at SMfth strgtit' • day
.:1 • •,, , „.
Most Bitters of the present day that i s :
loudly- puffed -through the newspapers
having great curative properties are -st
ccntipotuids and base impositiona, contat
ing no thedicinal virtues whatever, and r
really very poor whisky beverages, ar ;
instead of acting as a stimulant and tos—
have a tendency to,weaken the stomach
entirely destroyink the coating. t The pad
should therefore be very cautious and p n
chase none but Boback's Stomach Bir kr
which have stood r_thertest as .. a remelt
agent fom . many yeiars, and are really
-theirriarne indicates, a atcnnacia bitters ai
wet a beverage. Theyoombine the mo or
ties of - the best tonic and a stimula n t:
laxative, an.ell3cient and anti-bilions ag e
and the best stomachic) known to tho
and when taken in conjunction with
back's Blood Pills, are the safest and sure
preventive against all bilious derangement
thoroughly regulating the whole ayst e
and giving tone to the digestive, organ&
They are highly recommended as an iv
vigorating tonic to mothers while tnirai n
increasing tho now of milk, and far done
lesoents, to restore the prostration wbk
always follows long-continued skittles
they are unsurpassed. No hbuseho:
should consider themselves safe from d
ordinary maladies without these invaltud,
medicines. They can be obtained of sr
Burnett's! Celebrated Standard Prep
Mos.—lt is affirmed by druggists lb_
BUrneWs Preparations are without a pa
aliel for the elegance of their appearan,
and the scientifio nature of theirtompot
tion. To our readers we would recon
mend them as being fully worthyjof the
.great reputation. The Cocaaine Is not onl ,
an elegant article In hair dressing, but
complete eradicator of dandruff and cui
for baldness. Burnett tt Co. are also ti
manufaAnrers of a list of tiavoringextrac
for culinary purposes w'sich for pow.
combined with purity are unequaled,-
..Montreat Transcript.
relru t SyriM, ,vlz S Pare, Appl
Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry,, Bhie"
berry, Sarsaparilla, Lemon and Rsispbers
Vinegar, at the lowest prices at 112 Feder
street, Allegheny city.
jy26:lw - GEORGE BEAM
• inakirliWOOD. — Tri Alletbeny t City, on Sun&
morning.' July Mb. Mrs. MARY A...'IINDICI
WOOS), aged 32 years. . •
The funeral will take place TUN YOUNING, at
o'clock, from the realdence of bir hipbsad. Mr..
Wesl6 , Underwood, No. 106 Ohio' avenue. TI
friends of the family ari.respeettilly; t
168 POURTKSTREIST,' Pittsburgh, P
'0 FLNB of all kinds,,DRAPEJ3, GLOVE& and sr,
ery description of Funeral Furnishing-Gorda in
Welled. Rooms open ' day and sight. Rearm at
Carrlagerfarnished. ,
Rarautraidae—Rev: David Kerr, D. D.;Rer. 3
W. Jacobite, D. D.,:Thomsa 76sq,,ydregb
Miller, Esa.
%Heal:may CRT. where their R OMS
constantly supplied salad real . and Imitatfbn Roo
wood, Italsog.any and Walton Coffins., at prices It
tying from 111* to *lOO. BOdles prepared for bats:
mein. • Hearses and .11sztlagesifuruishedti also, a
sands of Mourning Goods% I/ required., :Oqice ope
at all hours, day and night.
TAKER. AND- E)IIiALSI.E.I.I, Icq:, 45 Ofil
LENT; Allegheny, 4 .11,1 Nu. SO DLLIION:
SQUARE, (by John - Wileou g. - Bros., fkeeps aiwa)
on bands the be re ge.taL, •licsowood, ,Wainut an
i m ie l tiowytosewo,o (mane. Walnut Coigns !col
425 upwards. lioseyrood .Cotins g9o.nytwards, a
other Ccflins 1 prunurtlon. Carriages and Hearst
Punished at low rates. Crape, Gloves,' Plate- WI-
Engraming furnished gratis. Moe open day at
C.- A. BOUCHF4t,
(Late with BRIELDS & B ,venitc,)
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Cb.oice Suptaies,
Satisfaction in all cues guara nteed. - Please sal
at Store fort rice List. and examine onr_atock be
fore pnrcdrasing. Goods delivereu free of charge. _
. - . ,
A ''BO'Cro-1-IER.
IntiabFgh, July 21st, 1868
We nave Jlist received from the mennf aett
r i rriT t S II II Ito s
They the best yet offered to our trade:
fittp=Muurr &ma XERC II 4 7 V ita-
JUST 019L:tla).
/3Zlsrillt G. HALE'S, '
Coraor firPPnii and Rt.
mum, maw= nem , * UD
fttlemen's rtra3hing
AT COST, to'r9 ate room ion; PALL 'Gtot9:*
H: SMITH , Merchant Taller.
No. 48 WYLIF. ST., ,effr. Telloll;
ir 7171