la ittsburgt Gap*. Os PtrBLIESED DAILY, BY PENNIMAN, BEED & CO, Proprietor& 3—rimMucel; , JosrArciaii&' T.? gotrwroN, N. 1". ItZEN I =tors and Proprietors. . OTTICM: lIMETTE.BUILpING.IOB.:B4 AND 88 FIFTH BT., “ Qv*rut rksura Of Pittianar's radll „, ** infilAna, .2.t ,:t.".ll34nialty:o ,11.3 - 25oria8—Dii(4.t ifiliiii.:Weetti• ' Waikk• - ''' ~.,;.' t• Tsar. . 18.00 year.B2.Bo inner dotry:J3ll'... - og inisili, •:. IS tx into.. 1• 60 6 00R 1 ,0 1 4.0 0 q. l , Ut:wellirelli TbreeB2 oB '7llO . '- . Lit' i r a u t or ,L . _ ....., siiilolmta 1,141 _ ~ . -- . -, -.. , ---- WEDNESDAY,; JULY 22, 2868 ;? .;du • • , W r r I P IC T. .: an ~ , - t het t .. - Irati; 7:itioclectvit lisdi.ll9;7 G AZ E TT E :. - &Ron d - - we': 0 z ' orb n&1..--Clipyn*Ril' ,fehit4i'i"--0 ••• t uorsh: l ,-; , 'rap hfa;-kftirdpeliiiirk6i. .Ileil`f',1:01;-` .Pitta u7O izi,2,:ictiiiiii*. , 4- , .. p4 : 7,tl ,, ,pgy i e u l, by, ra and , PriPo`i ita t i•Q7- 11 ,4,i 2 l"Cf' fie-. 2746 flu& ;t4;,,,i4t RI ; tl•-`: , ' re l 4,2 i gget T 16 ! 1 J a , rtre" '°}'' all .:^,fhty,,,,.. ~ _ ~,,_ . • —, ~ • ~. , - ,21..,,,i,i. GOLD doffed 148@1.431:.=: Tam atrike - of the olieratlvii in pia- n: thracite region of.,Penrytylv,lalikely to termirate - in an *altani-iiii aatisietctOry to all Parti_ L ras'l l 4: 4 43etat4rea T ,generailireariai -', lag work S in themines and mllls,at•priedil inabatantially the aameraa ,txtforo. TILERS ' IS a verygeue,vildeitire grass 'shall not -adjourn to ;December i , hAt:: take a recess fio.ui.iiitc6 'ealate.day4, -.Anil: I this is tip:g. - : stzeng,Ty,tirged, ,-the , Guew, 4meieliers Ire& the Bohlhern fittedl - C - • judge correctly: possible nature esitenciea ' 4 PEI4I4BYLVAXIA politichiniieem been in fairyt.:*lth7 tliF,President on tlfer / 20th. Her`nolniimteipcitiN p . 4.77spAtiik: be Minister', to . 116:14; wee to the Atiefrliii ntibltiOn. likely tote, contittneA; the eecondp said to be: - .L4,ll:4l'.lh3poblieen . )eitrAr t " or Philadelphiti,"Aiy . l* Obit:l 4 mA by.ibti mccuriNiiii, of Illinois, a bittei•neiUy• of Gen. Gtiier;'UotninatO for the Mission. iinti Gen. Rotuniciarts, whoiet, sine has beer4ent iu as Mutat& to are neither or .=theft likely tO pinut!thtifienate., The only, ,ohjeOtiOn to - the latteSit; , :il4t would supplant Hob joint jupg; 'present unobjectionable representative . at Madrid. 2- 7,5 m. 5 1 -7; . ' I" I Wn regard it ILl4l:(qtunt , ttAt Cqigt*: hesitates to proceed; with the schrx,terfot the reduction of•thti-tinlitary;eitabbahirientl It was clearly IntentiOn of inaiOrlilesin , each Hot*tonecomplish this" redliC;lott, ' and upon .scaie at thir:Present . session, but vaei - *ecti4":Aleiveloptrietita of. re-.' vived rampant Zrebelism, -riot; only ihroughoit.thcSorith, but in Copperhead councils, political and _ : official; in tba',loyal States, rettfle,)ttuanifestly inexpedient -36 disarm thi'it:tit:rig.airthority, of its effective \-v - ‘ power at biro time' "is to the large 6apendi:o . lure which : would ; have been :eared by the reduction;;'3he .people will' 'agree:that ha , continuance is prOperly Chargeable:in the Dernocrattc exidozseinent: Of 13Laiit.r,'Ad PI irin 3 BMC.GIX -GAZET,V tOit 'r #E 1 q , . CA 1111 1 A1014.. : ., -t. TEN I r tiiidiiilial dolt haiininolefaiiii . began, and the ne:iiiiiaiii Praia beiii one or the 1) 04 WiiPerisifer 'Oreetttar ' iiii, , we Prerl*W.Wrilleli iiiiii 4 4.147.1 r7r girfthe Campaign OOP? i.erileei7ete;orWeellti Per eePrtef the. t frOkile, - enit'SClOr 'llka, Da y , roP , . P'crOn*close Pr . thAlisiglit dentili ., e rl i n l •", r - !k ',/ - ... '''“ ..l. it,, The tiaz , iimi btu been an earnest, pp aistent ariaillieliia'fidWOClltetoi4eellilkblitalt principieeXiiii';aa‘iiiiii;and'At is +them fore all the better; qualified to‘__ wand lie:: publicsnificiiihiitti-iiirr„ .. In Ads ;41eclafrii contest, 'Yiihroliuiiigf ' ;settle': : conCiusive y`. whether tlfe titian Vial) it be& 'Wile old iknnination Ofialarfery ilaVe power, or go forward , ir• the fall fruition of ;the re; Bobs tioOloPilshed by war. 4 , . The old , sonthem polidclans; galysalit* Into new . titeDerneeriatic nominntious' . at New liteirjenhes bitingly mow ibtlVail , the_ conriavin ,fougllt fof tor be gigzied, In the election of faznotra and 131,a.te 7 end that Seceedeit,W44 dead, Ltd is tihe and finally ' triumphant in the success of the Democratic candidateit . 1 -- has alsorbeenVlainly "given ont,hy the Democratic candidate for Vice Prilildent„ that the Democracy, if ittmeainl- this fall, intend to overturn by fcusat s t?e State, spy-,, ernments established by the people of the South, thutettairig notice In advance !0? other war, and the-DtmocintioDouventloil: renominating hlm for the Toe Presidency, gave the emphatic of the party to the incendh andrrevolutiontathosat z shavartiat the ConfeciericY' t?niAit Foq and failed . to : attsdn, - .be ,sow , attainedthrough skiitoun'alettiteesit don, overturned and defeated' in the field,_ be allowed to:l3.3luhpb it the polls 1114 D emc 9,l.ll 44 Y_FP 9,lead - 9rI PPR ° Ff; slid BLextt? pertnWeid' to inaugurate a R ebellio A l ::. TJ If not,' it tbintooves the - Republican, ,or . Western Peututylsontla •; to; labor _with- an earnestnecii and zeal befitting the perils . of the hourOtint-orie 'of the surest 'ways" 'of meeting the enemy. successfully:lltrydreu±: late Republican papers freelyiund•puttherg, Into the hinds of all AO aie willing to lea them. To this 9cl we. offer the Aezarre at a VeXY low ratel„„6l ' llie nikuweagn. There are very few mereNdllo 'carinet alibrd to give forty cents to aid the `good cabby Urea , biting a good I epnblk Try IL, friends; try itfor. paruelgb.bont , Thc , re iijrcictia rieighborboi3d - the country in which,,frbui torte tweuty.thoA4 weekly pama,cannot : he disttibuted toad , vantitge; and a fewltettsand weekly papas read otret'allY fruin now to the election wilt tick more good itian%tens" of•thousands of . Congressional speeches. ~.~ n RESTORATION OF THE UNION. Two proclamations by the President ap . our colnyms a ,43 , _ . or two ago, _ . =2 SiatO of South: Caroline And_ Louisiana. ,oconiteitlitioilicisinotification, Ode obh dhowll dud& rau ftahroh; bout Iti taanaet and substance, is 'contrary to his wishes and alien to the y . . ~, a ggins of the Democititfc party, with which 'l4o lutis been acting tor the last four:yea. / 4 17;fpr Iddgetlitilictiftitid %dole Is' of delleino thitatliai'tctiricattic - Partklend ad= I. VI cattcpiiied to liavd the SotttifersfiEltates* r , veil t'd c tla Union, io to mate bare, il'' l igiaile:•itiailh'e` i'est(7pt i tep gitikko4" f i oi n igi ht.," on such a intsi4,ta to give tlint '( ) • MeiiiaFfk- reiatr ,04 . l e pohn e 4 A e ess 1 It'Li)l§ tgosc.4.*,q,eig;,iiiVolio iniits,,v, . _ tfifi verutnent, ) 404m:wren r his - tdittulf vie tp rtisiolgeildinVer nethose States, el I ' ev ery aXll a..t.,. _ ..„ ,:, 1 „,, 1 , 1 , ouvielovlssn APeß(l,ltleel stemsbir of the #ina k te a 00.11,01 1 114 of , Reine r/all; T%liat-Mi rd s 3 )l4 l t , TO°. Agq ll .o Tefc .„+,4o, • It'ox9B3 Democrat c ;. , could ItsiTtia availe d, the restored States. would OK Pellkder t .rl'ovilibinEd go'reiloketits anti ..spitlect tottnilitary. supervision. The Dem. locai'lj Prefer it -should be. thus rather than incur the chances of having the tleitorul Collegtis of•one or all of those States chst ,their supages,for i fins,yr :uul Pol.lrAl. rdsy. or kat , a'11)1f NMI = ',`,• There are cartaiuly o . twn viewsof.. the question of Reconstruction; one, _ that of 4iblitrac4 right; the other', ll lliat- Prie,tleal Niiil4.l The Democrats stand now where tlity . .'stood all thrbuell the `rebellion'' and long'''anterior thereto,.tipon-the ground of - Inherent and inalienable State Rights; main.' tamingthat the southernC°Dmon*Nadia not, exceed their.jeserved ppwers or tit ti thi 430 US preroga v i ceinany ng th ey .did7or latlempted :to do, 'and hence, when • forced hack into the Union by a will We" -44uld not farthet *ere at' ftilliihnify allpinaltleiand precatit • icnqx• coadltiptipw The. Rcpubli. cane, on tub othert hind, in approaching r. the pf, reconstruction,, retained the whole :1 : ;a4.- - of ._Pretiedentaz:- - establi . shed. wring ; the war, 'that ' ,':the Confedcrata, ',Stiles; by the reagnitude and of ' 'their. rerit:'iiiiittired . Ade treated rn' many prims rtrOcti - . lant as 'an: inde p endent power' with which: .„ :Ilitoveriment of the 'United States was at war and being-, conquered•Swsii autijnt thT:7 5ll i • toting to the ; tranquilizing of the country, the Permanence,of peace „betweem the d' s odiffer 'ini.'sectin, an t h e r ecog nitio n of the Just • Itighteofldl classes of citizens: It was to be matted that each of the political parties *child hold ( abatractly, to the interpretation "ofgoVettnirental authority which had guided iteactlon during-the war. • ; But it is not -feasible to determine this question wholly In-View of abstract princi ples:- As Soon as • the war approached an tnd, President'.Lizacciitt lguored the goy. ernbients of the revolted : Commonwealth& appointed Provisional Governors, therein, 'brdere:d Constitutiontil Conv : entions, thuii ,adding to the confusion of political rela • tions which the rebellion and the setting up otthe Confederate government had inaugu : •rated.: President Joincsoi followed up • this policy vigorously, till Congress at length interposed by pos!tiv,lgialationand • undertook to bring order oul'of the eihding thcic* . _.`-'•,:.'., In , deoling practicall y with',lhe; seal.ora. tiot of the,! Benthern Btates;' ilie. Di:craw . em . .lave ,cenatantiv overlooked a,fundamental ditiiCqty lying aihWiri the application of `iaiiiihoori.Thhaiiiltiiahiiglit up t 0 PA M a'aige'whitititk6l i 4 iiilf fOt ilaatNlCitltlbq rest o red. Witikthe dwila n .tal!9kll4.W 4 T hens b".. wen 7 ,9l 4" _9f tho`-;tinloni< or the: Co:.etitution - she f lad wlipitOe war close& The Conatitaxion she W l ' l _ *I LRE a ~ 4 F 3 PreCl x tund 4C f 9 F; the!Fortene of the ifedeiacy: 'NO loyal ,cl* Cala eat' foi 1 4)1Oriukithiirthe itmOlon to- bring het , back withithat in .sticanOtt to iniee'. The' dOneiltutian tinder' which ohe went ont-if the Nininn,-recogniss. , ing alitliery„.had ,ceased to _be in harmany, 'irlatite Fedeltil diiiiiiiiik6rt: • The Meier keifring ft was insiliulasible. '- ''': " "' ',"../iesides...all the nffics,ra of the State' laid been changed by elections held during the war, lid President,lonnaba% Provisional iilotkinmCnt ppheiße still Jurtherperplesed the case. Which set. of officers should a re cognizedrestored? ' TheD e mocratsd and id not pretend to &itye this 'practical Prolileei. but kept on clamoring that the_status should he restiored as it was before the outbreak. The Republicans proposed to 'Make short work, by remitting the task of reconstruc tion to ;the loyal citizens of the respective . Rates, making it incumbent on them to con ' form their new constitutions to the National Constitittion u it'SOW ill. , Thls was a quick and effectual cut out of, all emburammenta. In one Way or anothei this requirement had 'riti RePublican plan his taken effect, end 'the ,labor of reconstruction hi abOut 4vei 'Mu* 4. Practical men fail tar sea what is to be gained by goingback and commeno lnithntash b,ier' igidn. t viii c,it.teii; lif . .go ok err l nt, what mistrbances might arise ? What dtsleYs occur I What , disturbances be iiiiiiiidered ? What fresh revolt incited f The 'O6 atty iieds T iepete.- ticei, 0 All > Wens, 'pro ' agreed Am this :point.: a l b`ey . neut. n Alit , pr, silent Words of "ChLut'x', l "Let us Wii. WWI." MEM .:liiiik iIITTILU CIINaTITUTIONAL mi., F4T •..' i . 11C LE. Th e o I I nsgttilleitel Antettilment known as, Article V baring been ittifitli by the rO quisite umber (two.thirdsj 'of ti l;'• St ' sfe r s, Oongre yoster day pintied it Johit'llishlu- AlenitanttorY to that effect, and 111,itking it the d Tuftbe.prOper Executive depart ! meat t c s il tiounir .officlally thd !neorOuri tliin of the new provisions into 'the Consii.' Mutton of the Republic. - - - . , ,The kilt of the %Nth article wasprlnted in the Ilizspris fe l vi iiityi since: It win !bt lentenabere3 that its - first. section, proms claim the citizenship, thrcushout the Re., pi*l4 4au perdons born or, naturalized ..• , . , ' , • • . .. • • ~- -, ,,,,,,,,,; .0, ,,,R i- ,.,1 , -t qiw, w n', ,g :., , , . -.17, - - 0 ..,7, , J,,,, ,- ,f, , ,,, , , , ,•,, ; ',., : ,..,, , -,,,,, , r,,,,2., , ,,,, 5 tz,:•.-,), , ,,, --- ,,,, — ,,,,,,,,,, ... ,,,,,,, • ,,, % ,,,,,, . , 5 , “ , . ,,,, q ,,,,,,,,,,- .. ,,, k.,,,:„,, ,, —,,w,,,,,",,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A4,-„,,,,,,,,,,,, T ,,, e ,p,,;.,,-.Ap,, t ,,,.,,,,,,,,- A ,,,,,,,,,-- i ,,,,,,,,,„, 1 —,-- ~,,,—, 1-..., ...4- " , , s , , ... f • -.. , . . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY,* JULY 22, 1868. within - its limits, which citizenship, with its etintd p;iyilekep n immp ti ltlytand pr i ptectr . , shgliiiit i fitiztged 44 tit apportions repro ~ • boa iti•-tongiesi' ii corning to numbers,-but" - provides Ant Any !exclusion from ther - itiffritie l niliii. State laitviy shall to the same ex t teat ,diminish the Wahl Tepresentation. _The effect of this wl ll 1 31 4, 1 1 1 q 21 4.itbd t:41. 3 0 accomplish their threats to strip • right of 'stAttgft.,frem., the„eolpred race, .to reduce, their representation in. Congress the ratfo. The third section' excludes - froth die,Vitiejiti, tl.ll , rebels :oho shall , have violated"their ctli icifirOk4tot: qunitit4l°n;r"l4oi, "tlilH 4 !`e3iclusietn-cmay be- raw oyod“ by,ig two, talk 4ote of Congress. 'The-Whit edetieii 1 declares n taxiyiabiiilyl4,ttbe.A9ideritiq .sleht e sna that the rebtl debt! shill be forever held illhgal ' 11 - This s ii tity in the way of o4 the new Democratic- ' + 1 **,03 ) .0 00 a . t. : i ivbf-liio l 7 c stry4olence, Foitesto Will 05411 the Cc ustitution aka wimle, of in any of,tta, with ettUal, /mimeos, 'andatt additional' sectinn,linotwer leas, will make lea ditreiei66 'with iketi* Plain • Witit,theability_of the loyal.pepp4,to cpn rote , •i :As the Crittstitntion tidti stands; the greet' itcpublictM ddetrine, appears in no part of, it, more conspicuous, than' iu' this' last addithin to . ' Its text. • •Thci. etratiti , of Cit'iziqi*ip, and the,ettual right of rWpresetitation; throughout the itepublic, 'are herein for 'the first tiiiiiqrbeiainied and made unalterable. THE rRESIMENDIICONFILE4IOII. In'hia message to the SenateL detailing, his objectfons to ,the'Ele*ir,4l: littion, President Sonsisoi maintains that, the revolted States have 'at'all timeit been in' thirli,nion in such sense as fa ; entitle , t ip to' Participate in elections 'for Praddett and . Vice-President. What if the ,i3tites' had insisted upon ;enjoying this right '1864, in gicl of thCii'syMPlithigeis tirOuglif, out, the loyal States ? • At that time noi cid/ FenWhe here tine allegialiCe te'diegoveta: meat - would have listened to the suggesti on:, fort 013. instant: The: <6li/thongs? of ,thO: tiManinent out' of 'which it Is - possible for sucgistion" to ap*,"lyis"#o' basis;:ln' fact, and tends la incalculable mischief.'::: !lug they:resident, con,;i4dicp SORIA anct ovenitroilitin ovht do - Anne: 4 tiFftitladi. "When the rebellion tertntmtned the seriral..tittea that attempted to se•vda eontlou• d to be ~tatel,in, be-1"nioo. awl II that wee r• quieted eu DI them ettoolme their relationa to tho r, ul wa tAof 1 *sr, *holt d cvlopt - 4 "tore. 14Ty to thirfr peetet - azirdeto 0 ion 02 •• - `So"there are m-i4ures neCestitY to he taken to accomplish practiol restoration , ? 'l'hatadmission covers the ',whole ground. Conceding so much, the question ne,cessar . ily comes up, What power.shall decide up on the nature rind extent - Of these easential measures ? The President says, the delinquent States * that is, the offenders iball'decide -what con donement they will make_ to the laws, and ishen and how they - will render it. - l i tiat confounds all the elementary ideasof pablk. luatiee. The President Was once of a different opinion, and he crushed the goir ernments of, all the revolted States , under the heel of military despotism . A.coording to his present showing, he was a monstrous 'irturper, tales:l4W to hero been:thrust , headlong from the sent of power !ze; die._ graced Asegainst -- the present position - of.the PrOblent the Republicans , affirm that :the. national goiertlFieniT isisliO4: t4:::0. rebels, sad having ounquered:them -:. 'neves.. saritypts the right of deciding :what hems- Pres tire 4rAeAlO- 1 7P PAO* P; 3 4 1 .r0t 101 4. 1 -t --.:Viritilit, then, we .regard the President's message ?fur hristling , lwitiVryesolathiriarY tettenties; and tao - ,•ooiti. A cc.oo ilth lb. menaces of k fresh outifre# kroceeding from iliaitii and P.wiso,and meit, If ,not 31W the Southern Demberatio journals, we wet. eli.roe hiroimfeeittinthai it develvi‘ie On • rebel,States, saaprelitninnry to any lawful: pettleipation in the' govel'entent,t6 adopt the meititires "neceautry to their pittetleal restoration at States." , The loyal-citizens of the repuitlie'dri' not mean 'they shall 10. out when they wilt, And'eetne hiltless they plum ;VIIIAttITURri VALLEY RAILW ►Y, The negotiations; finvinglretvrencir to completion of this importgnt festfer-fer tipsiness of Pittsburgh told ot the rtil•Allys connecting to the Eastward, have. to- tor progressed towards a tarot - 011C Consonant tien that we are aide artneones: f iltet work-Of construction will be rtorin, t4ten f i In band. Tho'proposittoo from the Pehrotyl-' Tanis ! Central Conipany to‘ complete slid equip the mad after o,lll).oriptitio of 000 should have been olitolned, with i:uit ablereleases of the right of why • front `the' people along the line, having Let rt so DeiTfir oompleledlhat the sum of 070,C00 mut been pledged, *ad Sipe requisite r. haste bettered; chnforence Was bad yeaterday, between the President or the Ottnipany.Mr. J. BilitOldr ,00s, aid a committee of the cltisens sated, resulting In a !eremitic:to j3iiiiph, tor or the Company, to' evemtne thesob-• IQ Opp u*P rut Ivlestwa, yrith clew sod, definite', understanding that his divorabie report should be tollowedbian immediate oionmencentent t f the work. ills Cow mutes are out Tre,l,l aware,that ,the f lions are respouellile, en d the releases ialid anditrittolent, that nano ritilerto, l 2: 4 fitYor* able reiport can be anticipated, and they look upon the objeMt of theirlaboriiiihni T6lO i1t05,1910116 _.19 6111 1 .our 14 eitogrottil'utions to. `car coutory f atilt (Alit, trif'srhosa sla 4t ';tied pptlent efferitilltil 'resell ill WhiglY.ddeL• BEI ott 1 VOptilarlty" , of Seymour iu shown f by Alio tiket -that, wbpni3vei be mint; bertirn tbetkanplu for oftloe' On invorialay ran ilw: blitdfilkt tleki4 . loam_ Ittl.wat 8,600 Iw. .1004 T. to 1852 ho was !tom 1,000 to 2,000 babied,; 10 - 1854 tholleket was out to piewu , ) 0 , 04' Of viglons tifitho'2Doiiiaiiiitits Irarty, - —...,• , : nod :no tcotoputit ii pail i 1,4 . y nitiliV ‘ in 1802 43 ' ; ; Plitituftra o y etnor l on o r 101 1 0). 4 . d, 11 ogioo fit k,114 to Litt I lit , liCkt t in hl ht. o Pe e ch *t _the DeintiOi#itid• iitlllo4.lOo / 864 " • '' v(ti 11 ':' , ! ttl ,'VVi ll ', l Y , .V . Ki• tl if,, t i l N, 1 t h it th •II ' 1 ' ttalillt. • .tl, , , , ~, e ,, , , ..4 meet tog ! 0 rr tiny.' fitiOttli A i .00 ,Rufrt‘.„. '.. ,-----------.00.-6--4=—,,--; 7 --, (ie ili t I yturrarti til , Lis H wy opol f. o ,ir iot i , , It i v. 4 i t , lcly orlt ti ..4,1, yi•,irpe to , N 1 liio 1 lip* ,redit, tyben• be rairli ~- ", (41 ".'r 11 '0.! , .' '''..i.‘ l .:le ,dr',ll kt . lng .ti , 1, , ~ , g . t . y : G if b'' n 1 1 4,4 4 ) c;'•tm..t 1 , t'a fwr u m 4, at nu; ' .4‘410,1V441q!'41 -V(' t4Tltlliiiik fl , -11 i, t + ,• , ,..if , ,-;,,, , r o, .. uoi o t .i.oi•ii , h .' In, .i . , L lt rd..iii, ,1 0 1 {; . 41 4:, 4 , 0,1,1 i v , t 104 ,,L . 1,,, 4 ~ ~, 1 , ~ , 1 ,, ~ , , e. , .. t ... ~,,, unirry on to must Vi . Ow Y '. o,' , , i ,, t ,-;,,, e , i 1 ,,,,;, ) , ..TAL vor ,„ 1 ,4' . '" ^ ' i.• 'T ~., ' i. l 111 1,,,:,1, UM) .{ 110 :I: I-, t• cott t` t , • ••• , "t h, t , „ y: i ; 0 /0 ,0007 i 7 , itid .. 41 , lit •N; 1 . t'Ptit 110' -4 ' 4 ' , ',i ;., • , • t s •• ( r ..• ,•, - ,t, Iltfsi t i rt oh l i Vrii`a l is,Vgigo,!:t"„ , ,'"'`'"''' ' 4 'l ' , ( , 1 , 1 . 1 i! t'i 4o .i IIArA ( .i f A' 'r 4r r V . l 7'" '' '‘'' 4 ' 4 • IliAlkiiit 01rp04,911 , 11114„. . 1 1 *t 1 ‘" 1 " 4 Y " i . ' ~ , ~1, , 1.`:.` ' ..L: , , , THE SECOND DEMOCRATIC REBEL. LION. * /.7.10V1 - 0 1 . ;r: ili " iiiiir6ll) itAt or , r. o • laird Of . ticadici and tlvil war aPpearinnote clearly prominent theft:Bier Ruth - yid go. At Baltimore, Baia-row appealed to the rebel soldibin v iii riVeii 'Onee 'Dna' %elide.' votion . to 'the': ""lost - .cense," by . l4,liii,i..*". SEYMOL4i and' - ft4 nt: .4 ,I*,'lmankd,„giA'• '•Vtpstos "ratifies, with i the declaration tipit, , 1 11 ihesen°P4n,les - N , 47 7 ,e)to , ,t.he).99 32 fedirKVJ all it fought for. At Nashville, the •Demo'. oralic Batissittla ,11thitthe election Ainitifeik Ali ttUitiidear'fottini Solih'iii tlietrAli.jeit 1 and gOsermen terelationsX mud .tilat..f 4 tri• 1 . the !tunes!' of th Democra c pominees,.ol4 7 l TtOtie :' : 0 . ', 1 0 1 ... ,4 ? ) .•04: r t0.'4'. -' : T :densttiO . ' T Slierophfs Post stigmatizes A KAT kiIIZITIC ;Ilitior es ngapreviouslyi isttyinsatt ) eite ) o 't hat - city, • I t s proof ' bribe; etYstente qE.,.... a `1 g *T iii !g . 1 4, Prillbi °TSP. I ? - <. ited and:kiithi :iitlie, ilt doid..; ; ; The Inv Aileations of another De ocratic rebellion in TChniri!liPtille iiioeVi iltikrzep :), 4:419:i. ~DemticratWilOitat(iiii ' - eiiiii,,fn,Wriiiit, Wton; op, the.dath,„ ; (ken. , Essisto, declared that ' 4 tuilestothe .' white *inflation ( of the. , t , 'tS,autii 'l.coirer l ikistsesetort Orti;eiegOsly*: ments at then t. l ttlectioss,_ . there .wil). ;he an; Upheaval Of al 11. wet ." We quote his speech. ip'igioth4.,ol4thlrial4"*Orqted iii 40 . trekl y , 446 jourior; ,tiaisasfppi, thersibele are • calling ripen •Mussrannstis, the rebel Gov , ' error under the late rill4:d6iiititaitbi; to'l 'Order electiiiiiti l io beheld wider ticiiiliastrii. . • meta, and, they declare thernselves ready to . 4, Lt, relyintl , it'pisti' the' 1110 , and. „Bsiing'i Democra4, o'c i 'die.,Nql,ll JO iPlii; theni,! 'Thp New Orleans :Crescent declares that the! 'SOUth moat's eal.'s:4s, iiiitiroVia tit , ' Blair' Prcigftulgte.alltl. cterniVAS, 1, pnA pent : trtat, for` State rights."' The Mobile Registq says 'the Sonthein'ttetitieerack , Woulit 1i0 c .4 , -tit 4.`8 g°v'o'rP4_it..ti?:44' , tgeii 4 iti i Elh4el. .by:.the Federat adminiettatiate:stWsen, of Virginia, 'atipPetta tie ticketbeetsini?Bi4s who hadtusid,wliat he dittafiaut,settlitg:isi, military bvefolvilauthotity, had been' , pat on' it. 711blif' 6 1 )1 * - liigieer ,- 4F+ 1,1 1. ' , , P1V jx!its sirdiouß "because he is,in- favor.. of .Overtirowing. -ithe , &Instruction Anew cures," it thstaliksjitaults, tidisting itia. - lec ter; "because hii; occupied ;a ..i05,144,-fe'. which the South can have': no t possible ;oh: I / iaa°n ' n "iI4I-its‘4dlioCtl'6'Fto'o7'4 1 o • . —rsir.Pwss, the . rea l awl only : issue .in ., 'the' tiontest.mi , :Said the i •Gieergti' rebel; . ' • ~ ..,.. ~. Toossna,34 ti - ,spetlb - ratryinvttio nominal ' ,d9 n s„at Atlanta, tle! ',, .. : • -', ate-Adieu ?cm n rimatefta„ -vo Web I 4 enough a* thla time., Ova ~i Oa late war ;wail ppella,el by ,ho derama-I Di parts 'ln 18tle. we -ball never [ blurtl , pelee untlll. Is reot or. .1 lo IBM." BEE ritiglit flit columns - v.lth; tliese ',quota tiont frqtn,i,the ,PerhosFattc; joitrnels and spenchee;i4ine rampant, spirit of - rehplion,; ncrk!rkPi viql nude'!" !he tug agency;tho,New \ ', yoik :denventiori t , bitt w e mustintspend: them . for the 'present, - 'fitosing this ertiple' with the stantfietiny, words in ,wliecit the Si. toulS Diimnora< hringi the senie of , tuntedinto danger bottle to the convictiftotertif fts loyol,roulera. , It ""Men of tire 'And North. yentin nit lank this thing , tlie fors., pas p.,, V ./ti Uriiuwt. ,udjgo ; type iivn- • of queurro. yq t,ulglo r 1111/ Or years o blood - ti.ti rut.. Mt. sr , yon st• e sti or: .A.l bar do routoi, Is not iuntigh. • Fnr btte rn %it bty - oar ht. Wat of yi or wsti ctle.l wr: putt eroll ' pro ,peri y. 1110,,drit,r1Solluo wi .30 tICIII•i141 , 4 YdArill of rebut) it:iii'brogers-...iitt ert: stling ut tv. tioro-s for world. 1 utl4 win iocit h.-."gr..' •or I. tirwpt., - awl be le .tu thr e.strrinity Llaiurkta.; Wld you deserve. yoUr dlehonuc:" , • \ .1 , IBILAELETA votti in this country are not , inclined swayed Ate.= app :pia of tsiti `ticiiin, to give titeliattaisittaiktspeOple ES elusively Ap \ pile party or the other. , hone of Ahem, Swltif,wet at firk disktieoo with 'tire eelebqitedorderissuell'.bs dtiring the .vrai, have come to retleet, as th — le' brit suggest e , ,sr r Aidutli, of ts truly technically: triof responsible for an :whieb; Molt others emanatiog from the y Oenerals tict!re ft in can Fuilitk : Prepared bYitls suttordinateiv,in wiwnt 116. :Usually WitSslgnell by: lieshout cn‘i Aimee.; thesecitizeisacquit GeW.. GRA.terilierabutqW cash 1 d'ifilic: l l 4 :l l 4 4*- A : upon people.. Other butuklttes'sgsiweliargis Itie - Newyork, , Oent ipakilting ,:t l )n Jews sad y u inneani n hypiwriey hy' caning' 'upttti;ti ;Inittietet.': to viten thkir Cfbniiin4nn Pra) cry in art lett ilia, blessing °fat& through jurist Was inyoke t ki urn' , The Rama., a.;j9W4a,LiAour,nal of itiluoing to tilts, and to,. Onitters order, Citi3t; . ; . . •'e,nt the i , r tninn - n tb!s, end, if they Plltt, flitter titruito.ty#k lOW b tit p rt. n 1,, I n,on new sod no i•n n—non, ;putiv 4 arritttfirp r Taprer lla.tletaCY-11 4 3+er i" ninong that 'people,' will: havtilittit% poneinding, that, their mitring' e be given neat ifoveniber hatreto‘fore, rather according ti, their Ittihit eat p.efereuee.c`titasentimetita 'wtiya, emit - rolled their politica action, then ' 01)eilienoti suggeatione of env tvat• ,porary andjirtibably tiniest electioneering :Iwo:shit) n a. 'TIIP.. D , ninZl . l,4 tg 1,11 .1 1 V jilt . ; KY., rut -1-3,-ytooer dliit Blair on•Tuesslitsy even. logltyls torchlight prottettision mot *poi elleB. The on isi;ipe r;160 CI sterol II tire iliriiy 141 IM. ern rßr.rri- !Me. ilarriliel . .vaVlll 1 , ftrA epuquil. iineti.l,. the &tweets!! of far., coot - rte.: racy. .o'But.lere tint; tti tlie'6l6l' liernoctutie .9101,1341 $11(ip,A10,0fill,0)14 I never ally whie4 couree, io Hoch Ik'premott ' lion prwt ruins el Jo ft. roots 'ostld.BtoneWall Joetisssre figure esstoilticnoes ly, so asylasith6-oeurisr, , het irk-Makers:ll(i mention of the Shire Knit Btripos -front •lihigti we infer tlsat our nntlonel, leton6;x: lent co place I>i the Procesiltsn. ' • - " THE ' , FIGHTING BOYS IN BLUE." , , it r .peet4 g o of this organization in Indiana Iliatiriei, 'aopted among others the follow iiiiiiiiimiejiorreArf,-.,,r..-,:,;_, -..- ~,..-.1...,! . ..., , ,,3.] "That we can nerd . " toilet 'that constant and malignant r. hatred' Manifested - by othlS nine Copperhead • , -party'. r_iighinst ~the,Union 'cause and' ie"fightini;noys in bliin;',' w4 4 ii X . 151.6 .404 g[l . o thls Wise In the, Ilel4 --,Vie : party: that. ;0011%164, ~ thrOugh . ,lis teadirs that :*ithern.'defaat &re gkeni,nq - 30,i 'arl4'Xiift4eir - i tilesaiera:.ito,lONTOW.'l7":. V,FP' P,k!r;Y:ituit attOmpVuLto dkagrace_us7 with. st PProbriolls.namet oil ‘hlrelingse4Hes.: sians,' and 'LinColn doge'--the party that 01kippnraged enlistments; entmifigad-lYeser 'gyp, opposed the] enforcement crf the-draft;, an by its,infamOusAeachinp,- , _tansed I the" Anurdet. 01'1 entolltd: off Writ, Ihn ~. deetruetion • ...o,,ilte prOPetty*floyaleitistne'-an4r*eited all'Aff! 'of -t t,ersfr! at 'itc t'thieclicid'' . of font" hpnes-the ••Rart-lba distredita - tieent 4041, cired . dijii i nt .t l O ,60c 1 14 fic,d endear cirl .d;to deb }' 3116 11**14 , orOdie: . ,pf the, , tlon,the party flUif orginized litrea:soia : Ita I , tejathleet, by , the mOsti &Mutable Ifieans ,t f lown; in the annals ixofAriuse; the :, oter-L -brow Of !the GeternmentAf our State, and' the !dr et net ion of theltatiOnalraqthoriir in 4be _ Nurthwent=i-thiqartfiaintlitnerainited, ,; ; Ifol. another - I:funk ild'ahothifilhllif 'tiivicrd,' sluppressiiiithil'Olikillht:''lnd *Mg.* Whole titriigiltijorld4g:lfaelftipn ,NOlthhok.. ,Ing-contillititintialrora'out'aiek arid' , Woujiii: 'tid soldiers and sailors, and-raftuaing to re -Have, ! the sufferingikof Abair. . *rives r And children." I r:,•, _ , , , , , '1r 741 !Vila i littiltuta , ITeravera.ey E110it.:.... . - . 1 _ ' , t The Tinton : . Times=" 'the. inoit 'influelitial,l Pemocrille paper lie the Eighth - Cohgres , 'llo=lDistrict of Indiana, contsins the fig- 1,...t ? .....e lowing: "li,re` Adome. . tiaNew Yorkinfpqy . . has eon Alined. ifs of Aber necessity of taking., ourstand,WAttithe workingmen's- party; the frie-Bildint , .) iirii; stk. ,Our , =faithful hirid' I in faitittiisod elegatee i to . the iNew , iiiii.k• Ceti , 'Vanillin koldttalor Wallistreet , gcla, sled wit' :iitnpi* krwitkilititicifr trittekilivei'liroiiiitti thdiving*ltat4ilite limn o . eieilr,tiiii,l.,l4 6 ' mark alietien'iteeillt':;el our •40e g at4,, were thitlirktielgpq. ,tiiipt:: • 'The, others 1 , 10..41/20'84 . 1 , 11 ,,t4400 .3 4_, latnnea for ill; , 1 4E4Rzif )4 :1 ) 1 2 e.,--4 1 it)eireTY4lnte_wh en ,Indt aim, -it'll ! , litinTireuteitted,Arutt,lecniki have run up Pi ndleton's vntrtn seven inorelhan`-: .1 triajority, t egie4lit , Fitch:4if fieguitspOrt," taplie:the delegation awl took off nine and" • one-halt vofra of theistiiiiteemir ffirianciallil i Ise; can 'noterldurchl , but i litillallyhe is • dead and damned; ,' e 'ft eiii•to yew, :the r 1 1), ifiesit,kitiie l';'p '-''_ who do -riot, ' rolioite timittyniitsplirt Mid . fo*iimiteiqx,; - tp . OW I stii)rt !iiiiihittibri, shall tia tile', d'apea , awl' Otyoe'dr, the i lion"dholdera:to:riilly With, ~us timinatt 'the_ tiverkiiiiirnen`it eattner,anci ie • - ,Pudiate and MA; ilivi . all iitlVll;rascality.” • isintelietween the Deteoenttle and the' Ri 4 poblican parties, .to be deternifeed - by, 'the People next Ntivembei, IS Olds distinet- I and graPliilly)fset.' Thhn A.; Griswold, the Rephblican ciindrdate - for' Crovernor - of NevrY qth, ott - tatteA.forrepne or-hitt recent speeches: war, has erast**; bet tlioie who- Op osid us - en the told Ifti.n . aje tryingin l areAtier Arena to achleVe by artificp whit. al, •tlicY tid to atetireby'y9irs env/Hr.' ; Iris trw, wo ak , e ; nn Icolgei. fighting rebel s ;in the butAtika none the less true, that no. pe :rind in the history of onr.conntry has been , .more'tnonu tioin is. the present. question trinreika •whetherthe fruits of Victory won by ;Amu 'rids Arhom we, had rsenetes the war, and - . who hiwronne - down' lb their graves, be' lhat ';•now, - or wlrtber to., et 'Jennie. illsee to it that they are made secure for the iniute." ''" ' • =I uu Nin : ai RucE.tvtw. %Men the avencnn 1s once Miceli/3 it will, riot rally of lea own aocuid.:. it needil bolp nicer ::ti* ItrOirOrned anil iniieeceeiully tlig y ttiViltYs t JILLAXIII33 .1111.1 NARY Oi adecte4: rot: 1211111e1 relict *Ad' prmanent idaii9Nßerailif 1 ~.....1. , ; , • itaretie-er-Badettelte - Pille ---- ,-,!. 2 - ;5, .f.i..:1 1 :01..,LJ, I f::: 11 ::::1 Artea,pertsculy sate and rittilible specific. This well ~,,,iiiir. i i. . remedy rail eff«ctail a I,rce nuiiiisireitit , iniknulsokstas cures, and have never failed to give relict when taken arcerding tee dills:Mons. .4 7, 4 4 'E A 5 1 ,4 .;!. "! .4 i ilf. `,;,1:.1 Sargetats !,Backirche Pins •- • s • Viv`-46.117 ver;patilAld sJk nik!nSanoury. or adt7thel. They do not eehanst the system bat on tailtlu i ttry they set u! tonne, Impart ing . new tone " 4 .•th. 4 / 4 0 1 14 5: „. fit t iP t ri: DOMRlntitic s eij o ir e I,ocl,4;Wheitel'lllll navestocHt the Lea llitrty=llve itier4llnd are still galattneln e popularity. • • • aairox oALit QX AgogGlors AN[ DELL6IISAN MEDIOIVIS ICNILItltWkilly.F. • • •, • ' • ‘i Price 50 4.lieuir ier Boz D/9114TER F()Z1:4/4'1,1liEGLECT. Wauerrer (4 el pit ownipt . 7 eyes iltetbili4f.eleb, juses «bee o retermlyer I batit,ayft! thi,sisouyercelf.' roponito to flu- pangs of et t f eese,tu.rulaitieban ; etfght acne sten p ovestpd. • ' ` ' •'1 • detollts cook,lesr ,ayielis' are (dice .the pr:cunurs tent le d-sorbers.t Th." au 'mimed' 11inity for t indAhnbest tonic in at faience la HthgErtit itler Ai'H TARS. gist hea.hcebe, palnlin the right tide. and yellowne.s of the whites of the eyes are unini. take., bin si'l3lPintne of an approaching bh kola cot:Wog. s'ild' 1/i r j.1.'?7`4r4 COTI4 Or ild r 4e 4‘l di cP4 e r th 7 e propnetyorrrsonenettitbe eat:melons of -all unit- 4l•ons p oparntione-TtlinyfiATZWn 670-. -111Allif Hi `-clattlienee . names. oppression: after : eatlfß, irregnOnty of,tbs . bowebyand si dictate for exec. test: Alenoti i dleardered state of the- stomach, Which; if neglected, tenure-to culminate in chronic dp.pcp- , 1% bat which maybe relieved ie • fro non rs, and entirriy cured In a fest days, by -inking hall a wineglass ntiiel 11100STT1SItli tfrilltd.l7ll - BIT. ,Txiosit re.gtiisi intones: Ald phYtlelani admit that Aline ..erable liege. are saterideaci every rear Ilint Might bsi•ot been roved - b 7 peraiotOor47 , _ ..... Iltrosoottoribil OW of tOo ptisiolp 11 Iwo of isTrTfritivo otter Is to jpot. ap,tesn ta.o Oita WWI to a 14. p. 1:1611Ail., 1 feerttlti Sod IV ont.thr oslig tiougt anti to r thttetoro r esp.- .44.47 ttoWt . .,l ~ 1 101111 the lototoo onto Ititeueo beat 1 . - 1 , ties 7 au4 ottOottola_dfolio op Mo n ona! - I.fttle o• 7. r _ .• • • CURE *W FISTULA. •' " L. Kim- ss t I write to thank Ton ter your kind. neee 41111 00rilt1130 11111gO4Ptaiont , firilli 411ecansito' w mot i exited to roUs4lk:7olt near Ulna in #ntuann win. Yon will renitnitheiVinit !had i OnillipaCialki '11! 1 1 , ...4...4 W4 l4 h,' llll6 4 l ;.egidfd tit A.tenlkle !V`tulr. 'Atli I knit wen , istheen to t.i;si aroma " Oa liw , oenot If s kirlieslini cough, whieh tit ra4 reared ' • h" t th might ts.ten It on my inugs. I knew t, a O peen , Vair itio!ie or treating distissew, IR .. * ollOe ?two bp . i , ilOll tut uperntion: Y ;illtott; tt iftietlegdrgi ilt 141;w0ilid nein nitty, throw the memo e poe the itingtoor rosoe Other ikai (organ, on amount or , the rw.l , lennees ' Oi the cure irol the Immtstiste eilook' io iltedliWils4t, • , f wbtobii "lowed was s woJntnrrprovlelowor wow.. f WAY . 'd or ootoo Wa rt * e93 ! . 1 9 41 ' 11 ? t i , Vic , 404:up, t 643 t ee eetteen tteloP - tkat• Reburhstokti.4,ir t ri. - ,A..i ma. 4,1._ 111,ntr) t , i y„ ....1: 1 , ..11 , 1., 4111 . .1 1111.3! If Mt, iil.llitollif to the lbolUlTll,,mirm, ..4,,,,,:tr,i1t 1 .,. 4 dintlt. , Pot, W i ?'4''rtt '''. "-*,:". 'Si' . lA.) : .. f.i . :till I ,, , i k , wit,- . tKI• aw , . , ,-, ,‘ -1 'h ;I. ‘,, 1 it i ..",,gt 141 ;.,..iii*: 1, ~,,,.., .1 1::'I , ,"1 Ir# l, . ,1 1, 4 - E4.l' k 11l ,;,#.^ )o‘ , blade. , r , ~ 4, ~1 , I S • , 11 4 Sa lit , • 11' , I VA.* ut.v.nOtill. • tiricli),,...9 ' 1 .. , t,i' l ' ,?.. ,,.; .. .i! t i. , 4 , y, , 134,1d - r 4 Vot .. I llllith. 1 ', - ,•..:, .., 1.44,'* I.`“,t if. i.. V ~ , tIZ, CI.N t xTurkTII.:N V0(110; VAN n 1 , •},t !II ~' 1 0 .1 , 41 7 ItieS, 61.1. liio th ni fliniiter': .. n,.ti iis +,. 'JD:TIT. SI r. st. June 2 the motta k . •I. V. , .., . ~:. i A Picture fbr Patriots to Ponder. The Chairman of the Tammany Convert. Lion at the time Horatio Seymour was nom. -hutted wassstberebellieneraleflitlis whosftfitate never- pretended ; toe ; cede frordsthelTdOif: N-GOvernots Vallee- a. -the leader of the North Carolina-delegk tion, whicti 7 cast'lte - first . fote Sejinour, -and hastening to follo . Ohio ' s lead,; turned:to itS firnsiove--declared during , war Anhat ht was going-,to- - nght .the,Yan: kees'tntil hell was ; frozen over, -and tlipnC u lte Would fight then on the Ice." se subsess -qUently addreSiteds the rebil'soidiern thits' trendies, and urged- them to • "pile he1110....:_. full of Yankees that their feet would stick out of tlle,wi,utleves. -I e 4