J . ANTI 1141031111MANit Daily ; Prayer Meeting.—pkom 12 m. "1t..30 o'clock atf theltietlrodiatgkorobm ft h 1 . 0;04; ties; &for to:OA zittiz office Will Meet, To—Nk , ht.--The Grant and Colfax Club ,f Biri4nghaui hard a meet ing in the l l`coorn Hall this evening, at eight o'clock. feenity at Amhe at. their leaf MOS Ile Muster of :Ohl J A ' Emery: —We mticelhab the , College, Massrehttsette, 1 19 conferred. the , degree It o it tpwrierium, Mr. J. Parttoned.--Mr. rßartiey T. Campb ell, of the , • ../IhNnipg Mail, Imprisoned at hiladel hiatnliliel, on Thursday , received a par dotilfrdni. (ik:oveneor Geary, and vill arrive '.ltotoe to-day. Abandonment. T i Arina Mari Zinune:2r made information yesterday, before Al dead tdcMaste . against her: imsbimd b Monis Zimmer for desertion and abandon anent.- Warrant • .IPiegresslng.---The laying of the double (111$ek on the 'Pit r' burgh and Biriningham yrassenger. Railw y is inogiessing rapidly, isad we presume -ill be completed thrutiglk the Old borong . of Birmingham daring - asext week._ •• •; Cozninitted.---A .ne Webber made infOr station before -- J mice -Efeisal yesterdiy, altarging Elizabe — Elourbein - with disor derly conduct. T• e accused was arrested and aftei a hearin: was WO) bail for her appearance at Cou t. ,likarety of the 'eace.—.Toseph Brnnot =lade information before Justice Helsel ' ..yesterday . against Benjamin Stonely for surety of the , peace. _He alleges that Ben jamin threatened to do him bodily injury. I 'A „warrant was iss ed for his arrest. - 4turglary.—On. Lnraday aftP,rnoon, dnr - ing the absence of e family, the residence of hlr.lrrancia Mums; off Fourth street, Liberty ' diitrict, was entered by slime adroit thief,' and a valuable- lot of clothes - carried off. There is no clue to the thief. Pound..-The discharge of John Gardner, private of Capt. Davis' Co., (I), 21st regiment l'eterari •Reserve Corps: dated: Trenton, New Jersey - , July 3d; 1865, was ' found at the corner of Liberty and Hand streets. Mr. Gardner.canUget it by. calling ,'Fined.—Daniel Jenkins and Wm. Baker, *o* . iticts implicated in the prize fight in *O - Ninth, 'ward; on 'Thursday afternoon, lilt& hearing before Mayor Blacimore Visterday and were each fined five dollars afid 'cOsta, upon payment of which they were discharged. , _ Sunstroke.---A. German laborer, whose -name we could "not ascertain, was pros trated with the heat on Thursday afternoon, in the 'Eighth ward, Allegheny, (Duquesne bbrough). He was conveyed to his resi &Mae ,where he was 1-vine at last accounts in &Very precarious situation. ando Abused.—John Schlegai made Information before Justice Ammon, of East Birmingham, charging George Drake and James McFarland with assault and battery. Hem alleges that tner - accused attacked and beat him in a shameful manner. A . ' warrant was issued - for their jErrest. Threatened, 1111m.--John H. Duff appear- - ed before -Justice Ammon-yesterday and *lade information against John Eckles for atfrety of the ,peace. He alleges that the defendant threatened to throw him into 'a pit at the Birmingham Gas Works. A war rant was issued for the'arrest of Eckles. Trouble About a rence.—.Tantes Fin amide information before Mayor Drum yes terday against Wm.ltil. Gold. It appears that-Finnin was building a fence on a lot of —lground, which seems to be disputed prop erty, when it is alleged- that Gold ordered him to desist, and threatened to stone Inu off the place. A wa r rant was issued. Sunstrolie.---Yesterday afternoon Da . sid Johnston, residing at No. 77 River Avenue. Allegbeny ' city,. was prostrated by_ the intense heat. Being conveTed to *IR borne medlcaVaid was tiumnioned but it, was of no avail. death ensuing in this evening at half-past eight o'clock. Domes= ed via 4 about forty-three , years of age. Thumb Amputated.—Mr.M.` Wil ei3:l3, a brakenutn'on the oil train on the Al legheny Valley Railroad, had the thumb of righs. hand severely crushed wtillw coupling cars, at Buffing, Hehew & Coin 01l refinery. at Johnson's station; He was removed to his home In Lawrence- wile, where the ihurob was amputated by Dr. Covert. - _ Assault and Hattal.--Antone Webber 11 91:**Ted at Justice Heisel's office ,yester... Clay and made inibrmation charging John - Marion with assault and . battery. He al lege* that . Stip ' seedbed 'diming, his' • (the prosecutor's) absence from home „betitand abused his wife. He , also Laude a:charge of disorderly condadt tigainist Marion, who was arrested and . idter a'hestiblg herd - to" bait for,'l,/is i*tiu:Au* at' Court In bot 4 Casa. • - • llehlitsg a Miley Drawer.--john Boffin sonper-negro, was brought - before' litaYor , Blaekmore yesterday morning °Olt Charge" of terms"; preferred itgattnit him,by Geo. Wamhber, bft.'Wgimhofffkeepso ,grocery store on the oorner of Washington: and,WY lie streets, and he states that he , caught Robibison in the act " eftililitg tiro Ikilfirs and—twenty-tire cents from. ' the' Money dravar- / 1 /•dis4u4 or bell the scotssed Wall ooniMitteel for a farther:hearing.' -• • - • DlWWldorly ,CoilduCt.;,:4Nitkir wpw.nrrested yeaterdaYi Ohanrery Lank, nrat ward, on oath of Ma" Woods, ohiV ing - ,witb disorderly. conduct, ; It a p. pears that , Peter was drunk and behave d himself in a very, dieUrtictlyand ntigentle.' manly.:; manner, - for which the: Mayor int prsed a fine upon him of twenty-live dOl ism; and bot having-the. requ.ireld . qqamt Of cash to liquidate Wit indittoduesato the city, was sent to the hilifor, twenty - days, ';! „, • An. Elpleeatien .W l4l o 4l .—if • the B iat" .- went of J. A. Weever le true Innis grist must have otpesierfitl impgisuarion• pr be very reeklege ot.•.theAritth.. Weaver states that Hiegrist obtained - .gOods from • bun to the amount of ,11.0140.,hy.. romment - • ing blmeelf a/ the owner of ilieACivOrth of reel:estate In the Fiftb:ward, .Allegbenyi whiebit la • alielled 19 nOt the carie - ',*ldera. maelifogntese uitoteaintriet knits, • tionla Mena to his Mere tittle earliest oon-' • veniindie and explain Matters. A .Threat 'bv George M s r7 rranois,,re., ealethattleorge., ltriilioins alleges that, be. 40111,hnoolt her; breinatint atthe tint , convenient ;opportu..: Silty; . Botha Onion might ...perhaps look --.- upon this. pleasatit:initirmstion.lri the. light of a compliment, as it pr pi tiniest session of brains by the, threatened !party; inst Mary ' hinke ,ettirliiro.midsrnteroe7 • . madis:AU informol9o.s,!keriqf Molitasters • against vetoorge,7er the peace.. A , warrant • ; iksoide l a Deice The death' of William 4, , Moffitt, ~- -w hielf Occurredter was gene ed, r 4ln4 1,1 0110 MUIPPIVp4O% grettid. bk Ida. ntitnerona ,so.. ;nabitanoes. Mr. Moilittcws leazifitns In 5ani,1014.14€4141- when tie AOC Ms: office. . • rrhursdarlvenintry .14.0 rut, $O.Oll. s n a c u rk ,, tbe .and4eApirealiri& - - • .irpart of , the miming: .Thel - depeneel' • prominenttnemlier:oflhe •le`a:s 10,3sajears since Aside:ant Patriot, At.: r i tcy ~,, Be highl,fFolpfdried ho 'itweethibt; both tkikbissOperiOtte/ent dispoeitibm - '-Tho - farleral *will . .. bake %%ow frourtditlite reidderini thiMitesZ was ILveat, at ten-0:00100k , this ;Venting,. and war*,:.,•littelt4o.4' #te c ilailliS t tke' r ef the bu thc.,muwir 1.1!« • 1., - /- IRopbliesat Committees ea vigliasce for Alley Ca►l The Republican giecntive Committee for Allegheny eonnty,haye selected the follow! ing *Sans' to / act'as Committees of 'Vigi lance for their respective -election districts. These Committees have full power to add to their : nuinher, and are - requested to do so wherever such addition will 'increase their .023.041cY• Each Committee is'urged to organize im mediately, and to put itself at once in coin munleation With tbialtiCeis of the.COUnty Committee, at Republican Headquarters, City Hall. ly x order of the County Committee, RUSSELL Eaarrr, Chairman. Jo S. STIIWA.IiT, SOCrEltiiry,. PITTSBURGH. First Ward—George • W. Coffin, Tames Reese, Frederick Schild , . Thomas Reese, John Seifertir, Benjamin Oppenheimer, Isaac Bierman,Daniel O'Neil. Second - War,--Edward Hama ' Thomas W. Davis, John Wilson, James Gillespie, James Vick, John Paul, Thomas S. Bigelow. Third Ward—David Sims, William Simp son. John V. Brown,John Gripp, John Kaiser, Louis - Duff, aniel Daub, Col. W. B Neeper. Adam Young, John Ochse. _Fourth Ward—William A. Tomlinson, John R. McCune, Dr. Thomas W. Shaw, Dr. Joseph H. Dickson, A. P. Thompson, W. A. liiskadden. Fifth Ward---Joseph Hastings, George Glass, Andrew Sims, A. B. Neetier, Wil liam J. White, Major R. H. Long, Fred Sauer, J. M. Fass, A. J. Kemp, Nicholas Schwartz. ' Birth Ward—JamesMawhinney, John D. Evans, John Richardson, Robert Houston, Henry Meyer, John A. Sargeant, H. J. Thema& . &pewit Ward—Jared M. Brush, Charles Jeremy, Capt. George W. Gillespie, Thomas 0: Wilson ' homas Kerr, John Rebman, Thomass Roberts, R oberts, James Fleming. EWA Ward--John Wallace. Henry Wil son, Jaius Leech, Joseph Moore, William Shore Jr., William H. Glean. Ninth Ward--Chas. Beck, John H. Jones, Robert Graham, Remy Manchester, David Thompson, Andrew Lees, W. H. Rutledge,- William Brown. David Wilson, William J. McCleary. _ _ ' Tenth Word—John W. Taylor, Cot Jos. J. McGowan, 'William J. Friday, Thomas Thompson, John H. Ralston, Wm. Irwin, John Steti, Thomas Harris, Joseph Irwin. • E/eventh lirarellohn Windlass, Stewart Albert A. Moore, Chas. Kehew, George - .Norris, Louis Roll, James ma. Ewan, Robert Sproul, James Sleet'', Harry P. Ford, Capt. A. C. McCallum. Twelfth Ward—J. H. Nobbs, Wm. Clark, W. J. Hammond, David McClelland, Robert Herren. Thirteenth IVard—John Harrison, James M. Hunter, William Moore, Jacob Glosser, Matthew Anderson William C. Barnett. Fourteenth Ward—Henry Lloyd, W. E. Sebniertz, John E. Jones, C. A. Anderson, John Fleming. • Fifteenth Ward—William Hosack, Jo Hoerr, George Garrison, Lewis Winter, George Shade. Sr. Sixteenth Ward—A. B. Boal, Rowland Smith, John Gangwisch, George Nesentha ler, Samuel McKinley. Seventeenth Ward-S. McMahon, Robert Bell Jr., WilHim Obey; George R. Pearson, 'Peter Erage. Eighteenth Ward—David - Kirkeßenjamin Darlington, James Cuddy. J. J. Livingeton. David Jones; Littiefleld, Nicholas Snyder. Nineteenth Ward—John N. Berlin, Frank Ardary, Samuel Crawford, P. H. Lanfman,. Capt. Edward C. Negley, Capt. J. McCon nell, Win. H. Morrison, Henry William.., John R. Negley, Charles Lockhart. Twentieth Ward—David Aiken, J r. George W. Heilman R. N. McClarren, John R. Baum, Alex . Bradley, Isaac G. McKin ley ,Capt. Norman Smith. 2 4 werity-firat Ward-,-George , Finley, Fin ley Torrence, A. P. MoWilliams, Peter Clements, Samuel Chadwick, Richard Thompson. Twenty-second Ward—John Mtirdock, Jr., Win. - Icwin,d J. B. Sneathen, Thomas Wilfer, James Woodrow.- - • Twenty-third Ward—George H. Ander son, Copt: J.' B. Palmer,' James Oliver, - James McKibben, Frank Koehn. ALLEGEtEIWY. • First Ward—AleXander Hanna, William - Thompson, James Calv i irriames Orr, Hugh Lerimer, John Morrow. Timms H. Beatty, George W. Lyon. • • S Ward - William - Tate , Ward—William Tate, Fred. Rid. die, W. P. Price, James Reed, James Hun ter. Third , -Ward-4.*Mef-Matriari B. Bay, Goppert. M. Earner. • Pow* War d __Louis - Mora, John Slagl_,e Brading Dagile, Alex. 'Young, Capt. B. Dairen. Iva Ward. Ward Hear*, George iOrkin, Cyrus Townsend, Samuel Davis, F. Johnssou. Sixth Ward.—James- F.:Stephenson, Jos. Granet, M. 0!1;,/ Baras, ! Lewis ;.Peterson; John Cunningham. - Seventh, Ward. , ::- James Huntelr,• Aug. 'Freund, JohnMlAs, Simla Brehm, George •Bctilatine. • • AtipAth Fischer, George McConnell, John H. &tor= Tilton Lcrabr Schlimer- • • rtoiu3ttoss. 4tezetekieit 2 4t; C. Chrlsty; - Dr. William 'Woods, Samuel Gaeta*. John P. Kramer, adant'Btekinr4', Cbirlotts Apple. to Braddocks---haitio jr., Chris. Few hen, Alex.'MoCauler, Thos. McVay, Geo, Fritz, Wm. itedtMM. , . Jitittvar;—John J. Williams, Edward Cotdes, F. G. Sesbrouck,/John: - Brewer Scott, Decatur Beek, Daniel John .2 .. le - de;au;....ooL John .11tiodgram, , Richard Straw John S. Femeson,"Geo: Wells,_ Col. Thos.,. ilikyrie,, , Toinry William*: -, . . Rh' 'abort-John J. ffaitit, Jamas Baint, Goorai i rawdy, Cipt. R. A. Nesbitt, Wm. . Vi'll "foist* A. T4tylOr. -T.-Mentz. tielniet - acotimiel. .Tarentystsr74. ‘,. MoCall, - Gleorge.ador. risen, JrisAneety, J. C. Minn, •JohnDlak Cy, I TempercateeviThoinas Herehberger„ Sohn tip linater,John Bryant. Sr., N. Bat lentine, Matthew,Greer. _ ' ,_ West Putetnrirt-Ed ward Sprang, John Auti4•Lotilii Aurki,Adam Weaver, Phillip yierheller. . , ___t MeneagaAdc‘4Bieluwd , Perry. . ;George NV.' .Dope , Edward Barrett, Thomas , Revise, • Ntteslßrokaw.' , • • ' •,,... • i 1 tuir Ausbernii-- - Etenry Moorhead, Dr. J.: B . Robert!. Ayres - B. Wlll%, Miles 11. EninPlgeA Jacob Lohr; Jo h n A. Agtag AdVsola "Foster, John B. Halnes, J. N. Mei i_eiaslin Riekardwin, JohnForsay, Mr., lee nfir .7 Yieltenstais,•: Richard Jones,, Ditsld A. Janes. Birminghana-Ist. Product.— William' Doyle, Thomac EI L tner orPenn. and St. Clair Streets, - , - 11 = ME El CI de heny. The .leeted • be., house a goods. full 1 sell trots what ;3's find = MI NEE i • t