, , A t ES • ' (Translated for the Cincinnati Chronlote.3 • 'Astrelogy. - _ \Exactly sii hundred years ago, namely, 82,4'aris, in 1268, Thomas Moult, the then celebrated astronomer, prophesied as follows ' , alike year 1868: "The spring will be soft tittd' beautifil; the summer dry ,and 'hot; tbr autumn moderate and very liworable to thp - harveots. " ThefeWill'therefoie be plea-, cir, 1 of . wheat, all . over the earth, and grain eoriseq u ently, will be camp—• After August all the vineyards will be in a proaperous , t condition, and wine will be so cheap that every Christian people will thank: God for it." Thus far the above prediction has been - i more completely verified than many ether ; old predictions At the_elotie of the tenth ' century it was universally foretold that the year 999 would be the consummation of the'. t '. world. The last trumpet was to sound and 0 , the seas and the graveyards to give,u6 their '.. dead, while all things dissolved in the fer ' ' vent beat. 8o firmly, indeed, was this be. -. rkeyed, that the land was untitled, the home ..., stead urirepaired, and litigated rights almost ,-, entirely abandoned. Corn and cattle were ' I _ at length exhausted, famine succeeded., and, huinan - flesh was more than "oxide publicly exposed for sale. - :'Henry of ,Germany: be E came a monk of-the . Abbey of Bt,Nanne, ;'.l. ~. mid.. Robert of Franco a chorister. of , St. ",i Denis. Bat time 'went on '.and: the years i-: 990. and 1,000- are 'Chiefly- remarkable as an t `era of famine and pestilence, - -and rapine, i: 'anarchy and•superetittitiont .In 14,5 g, when : -- the - Turks seized - 'Constantinople,. `it was !"; predicted that their pile would last exactly . 400 years. Thle,lt was expected, would be c - i - fulfilled abed the time of the. Crimean war, ~ --bet the crescent.still glitters over ills cupola 7-- ' of' St. sophia. • About the beginning of the ,:. biesent century another of these Predictions 1.,- came in vogue. - It rat:, "I would net be .a - king in 18481'1 *r,ottittliot be &grave digger. ''',... in -1858; 1 Would not be a - doctor In 1868."_ In 1851, Dr. Cumming; en - Englishman, - I ;.i foretold the end of the world In i853,_ but ' the, year .before. he refused to complete .a ; 'ba rgain for the_ rent of a • newt house, be ' t . -- cause the owner-would not give him a lease foristore than tvtentpliVe yeastli: , 1 A COR#SPOIMBITT of _ the London Altus • 11 8 1- Xft,qhe following account of ::a trip over . l'' the newly . finiahed Mint Certis:Railivay : I • 1 The mountain .tratfi2:was composed , of three first•class 'carriages, 'Capable of con- SI, taining twelve personaeach, a luggage and 4 a guard's van, and- the locomotive. .-Eveil - train is accompanied by three men, a chief Iguard, and twat - Sous chefs de train (brakes' -1 men, ) one being attached to each carriage, h i z" - `: es e the two men on the engine. .. : The 1 carriages are Well built, and about the width of a London omnibus, and the seats are ar -1 xanged in the same manner a:ong the side. 11 The excellent precaution is adopted of hal - 4 - - ing windows which cannot be opened, as in :•ti, many places the masonry of the tunnels, IT, posts, &.c ., are distant so few inches from tr the passing train that a .thoughtlesa traveler j putting his head out of the window would iv most : assuredly. come to grief. Twenty, pas: 1 ,i.:. sengers mall,; half, ladies, we left Bum at N. - 8:30 a: th.: the ascent commencing.immedi -11 1 ately. At 10 : 05--we reached- the summit, 'i 1 _ after several short halts to refresh our thirst .,-, ~.ty engine, and then,sailed eyenly.and with— i ,:' out jolting, at an average rate or. fifteetr -1* : kilortieters an hour; down to Lanalebourg, .11 reaching ; that village at 1115;, .Itkercs . is ; t 4; rather A "sensation" piteh leading_down to: r ',llndane between this. and Ban.. Michel, 4 'which, although short, must try .the ma : 'f' i : : chinery as mucl as any part of the routs„ ~,, and most , beautifully,lt worked , and fultill 7 _ '.. - ,g i" ed every expectation that may have been . 1 11 formed of it. Every one in the train could feel at this point, as, indeed, all throughout,- : that the engine was -like a docile horse f • mounted by'a man Who con d ride him, and li ' obeying the slightest motion of the breaks. liWe ran , into,t3an Michel after five houraand a quarter passage, all well satisfied with our trip. The curves are very sharp, bat in the descent each brakeman loogens the strain on t he inside wheels, the iron bntrers, as 4.1 they turn at angles, give A ..'clinitn.as they, Iti dash, and the carriages swing eailysound 111 , 1 1 without a jolt or any, unpleasant Sensation: *"1 tm n • . iLiKet the :proprietor . of the gambling bell st Homburg, is said to be worth : sixty_ million francs. Thirty.years ago he arrived . at Frankfort -with only twentyfiencrt in his pocket. He is nominallYthe•PrWdeht of a stock company;hatheWaters tha.stockoort stantirind'keep most ef• the iharealf his_ pocket. The other stmittuilderado not coin plain, because they get from sixty.to ninety, per cent. interest ou their caPitel, eithougn: they are entitle& to ',much larger dividend& When, business at the roulette and trellis's!, qua:ante tables isdull, the news is smelt everywheie that eomeboty has won etas moue sums or =mg from the fludgeoni troniall the other ratting places then flock to Hondburg. s. . It was Blanc who first intrOduced Into his gambling.hell the feature of Impale decoy.dueks. ladles gtin• wally shrink _front, gambling there if the sesta at the tables ire all occupied by the lords of creation-= The'shrewd Blat.c. there: fore; employs half a doim Parisian cocottes with somewhat faded charms to sit all day loneat "tbe •tables and 'omble with thuds which he furnishes to them. They are• very richly - drest4 and the croupiers' address theta with ',Duchess" and "Gountess," and the like; but these wretched womenlaVeXo doff their finery at eleven o'clock at night, whe the ktirsaal z ls elopid,-and theuthey return in their herneheinble toilet lathe gar ret where they live. Their expenses are paid by Blanc; who gives ' them 'in addition five or six francs a day. RumnßL, the Prneaian headsman, lives in a very ; ne house in the neigh boyhood. of Havefteii6Ul. hi bit.hisiteigt= bore studiously, ,refrain, from , hulling any Intercourse With* Mtn: says he never et . leek-P, 1 40 - re4riMiloti'. Who . WWl° be headeo but whose courage finally gave way. He thinks banging wOuld beebetlier mode execution, . o, cearly ,eyery, crinlip44, being afraid of-the - ipin phteh they think the ex, in cutting„Ok i tkeirheads.vionld give them. ' Says' the moit`trYing mo ment for hips is filwaYP that eeefronting his victim for the first time for the,ppepose of looking at his neck and milk. iOfflits hair. All the Women whom he beheaded ' he says. faizoittmellog gettOl t .. l leilght.thtt 'of him anillearne wh o be was, and w hat , he wanted or them. He denoun'ces as a wanton cruelly the or ielluing once _ more to the criminal the whole long sen tence4u4puon,h 0 after t he baereacl4 the 1 1 • •", 16: 4 3boigiefoll ty in e head for several minutes oftellt has been severed from the trunk. A woman behmitelfilMoillilribitrifin 4ll 3 66 , had fainted (wilts tcaffuld, and seemed perfeetlYfireliiii **hi she tied to the 'block. After her head was off he pickedlin -tsp. and saw to his horror that the eyes - opened slowly, with an expression of great egehY. j , ■ NEW Z ELPEREION BRIDGIL—The Buffalo hiopreselidfs': ' ierifewiditteiision;britigif which is to spa; the chum ant a short dis lance bolo* the V,4115, of _Mtwara, will be passable'next morn." 'Rninkirs' to the con trary notwithstanding, the, work •on this bride — has — not . - -„,11/ 11 11kadld o igtI L lit work g ing day ibi•Wtbot—trom' workmen being - constantly employed is its Completion." • , ' tr:gP'.l e.".; 1,...;.:•1 ;it .3 EMI . . . . ,1% , ,,,-...,..t=7,4 , a r.m.,, w a,,uzw. r ,, ,m,ls!.7"v?";'ZlZ - , ,- 4 , 77 . - 5 , ,,, , .7.7.7. - ; , , - r,:r,llN'aatf.i. t v.d.Z , vg . 4V4 - , , :,.,• , i.'-....."' . .....-... , ... ,- rof..' ..--' <•,,-",_ 7 0- .-d , r .... .q A'. . : M%.. -, 1. , '-,- . ,-. . ti.,,,. : .. .! . .Vie '0.... r '5ak01i....,1.7"'",;;:a. ":',..' .."... '.."''''.'"'''- ' . Don't sereapiniil*itiln.are) frightened. -- 4 - 1114 7P,1 5 A,!t0r Y"*". "4/91 vii arAl.l79w ness of mind. It is a fine silk that knows no barnbig.; Practite .(on the piano) makes perfect. An old maid is an odd boot—no use*lth ont a fellow. . • The.true test of a man's temper • is: to" keep him waiting ten minutes .for. his din - Der. Never faintwhen you ate alone. Always select some good , opportunity-4br_young man.• The more persona' :Mete are about= you, the more salve:1E101 will be your fit. A woman should not only iiaint well, put be aboVe empicion. - •. -The hand , that 'can make a Melia 's' cim tinual feast to Ihe liusbarid' that marries ' :Dreams are the novels that we readly-hen we are fast asleep.' ' , • - Eye! are the electric telegraph' the heart, and' will . send a message ' any dis tance, in a language only known,to the two souls who oorreepond. Sleight-of-hand -performance-the' 'girl that rejects an offer of marriage, nn Irish language is 'gradually ceasing to betted. According to the censnsof Ire land, takenin 1851, it appeared that in ape - halation of 6,574,278, as many as 28.8 per cent. spoke Irish; but ten years subsequent ly,a decrease of 4.2 per cent hadtaken place since March, 1861,when.theluit ce,nsus,vvas taken, and the total nuintier of inhabitants . was 5,708,967, the entire Irish speaking po pulation amounted to only 1941 per cent Of the 1,105,536 returned in 1861, these who could only speak Irish numbered 168,875, and tbe remainder professed a varnicular knowledge of both. languages. ' ' But few educated persons could either read Or write. Irish. In 1851, more then half of the in habitants of the province of half, could speak their own language; even still the counties , , of r.Galway and Mari afford the greatest number, of Irish speaking pee,- pie. and in 1861 as many as 73.880 therein were returned as unable to speak English. The. Spoken - "Gaelic is dying out;,, and in twenty years More the oldest langurigeln, Northwestern Europe; 'except that of the Lapps and . other extreme Northern tribes, Ivill;bave ceased to be rased. _ . A MAD MAGPID.--Tbe ifteilo 13 .4 v the following story.: "An Afrlcan, living in the Rue Notre Danits,.;ilux bads . tame magpie,, durii%',the day,. was in;the . babit of hoPping about, his Yard aid doorstep at libirty. „, A few days , agu a dpg bit - the bird in the wing. From that ma rant all its gayety left it, and it ceased to whistle and talk. It refused.food and water and crouched in a corner'of the room. On its master approaching to pat it in the cage It became infuriated, and with its ,beak in flicted' several severe wounds upon his hand. These were at once cauterized; and the magpie taken by the polite to the vete rinary hospital, where it exhibited Otheron mistakable signs of hydrophobia. This seems to confirm M. Ileviere's opinion that birds, as well as all mammalia, including whales, are subject to hydrophobia. . Sews, it _is stated, has' for many ages been withdrawn from circulation by the na tives 1 . of the East Indies, who , use that metal 'atone for ornaments of the person. The 148nlation orthe country is nearly 140,000,- , aLd each „inditrititisl, it_ Is reported, ars four or five silver Tinge* bracelets or el urns. The custom is not confined =to the (*tales, and the males:areas profusely dec 'mated as the women.: Extravagint as the *Calculation may appear, it is stated that there are at least one thousand million 'or naments worn by the -natives, and no ap proximate estimate can be made of the moneyvalue,of the debiratilmis. kr A bite sitting , of the 'Swedish Perlis . ment themwas quite a quatrel about the value and stability of the American Consti tution, Some conservative members box ing sneered at it . on account of exposing the Vulci. of the Republic to impeachment and deposition Mr. Religren, one of the extreme liberals, . jumped up and cried, "Yes; so it, does. But , your constitution feign bad rulers forever upon suffering na tions, and - even their eons and grane.sons The President- called him SO or,let`and quite a tumult - nous scene entmed. • Urn OT 011ABCOAL n i TIM PATTaxiat . ,_ rms.—Four turkops were cooped , up and fed with meal, boiled _potatoes and natil roar others of the same, brood, xere i trested in is similar manner In another pert, ibotE with* pint daily. of finely pulverized char ootiri4ded•to , the food, and an abundant ,etapply of, lumps of the coako eight 'weft killed the same; and those tbd With the charcoal were Than& to weigh nenulblullurd and a half each more than the others, and te be of much- better quallty'„, Most. , most Blame of Abe lasses/Tr, day that-are 4 dlfM , 4 rl OrPoSb i -rbe newspapers as having. grolt,nZr arororthwere , yds : 004pteds voworoaltioar cattiela ,, . Ina no 45 14 , 4 4 01 ael *Wes WhsteVery audere reallyvo?' faarlrhirhY•!holrerilgell•- read, Instead O „acting:9B4 stimulant end_tanie;• have to weaken the stomee4 by Imtirelyaetrcodngthemating. Thepublia. should thereforabe very43lllll4oWl mutant., Chase none but Roback's Stomach Maws, which +holm , 8 04 !he 40 14, a 4,11 reurad td spot `: - fot • Oula ci FYaltrat 111 = AP40, 1 Y.)4 11 tneit tiaMa ; In cab" a , bageFf apfl not. a. be.„„ st , They,Coniblas tbe , ,pror. 'ties of the tonlo,„and,a•stireMant. Wad% i an e chins:and ,andrbilloas agent an the beii lit : r l /4 46 hi/owe Wiles wnrid,. andwhen taken:ln cooluaatimt 10114,8 e. bodes Stood able, are the satost and surest treVentive against all bilious derangements, horoughly -regulating 'M8.1%4010: System and giving tone to the digestive organs.. .• They, are. highly recommended as an in. vigersting tonic to mothers while ,utuving, looraveleitthe flow of .milk, and for calm. ieseenta, to restore the prostratiom.which alwaYti , Colima' lougozmtinued ., / sickna% they., ma .unsurpassed. No househol Should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies withenttheMinvtdmible • inedkdnat; ,Trie3r can be °bailee:l'ol'MM, ' It 1 d pkotitii , r ro u op p s, ria AN HOOD AND THE V 14,106 - was - as git ael t il i ptt i r D IP UMW NO. wig - resupiss owe* Power... trove ertt *sever moo azi.li; the re , e p .o d r o e a itri!o, oe r o . r klow. b ob t i ec l4 oolre. M w W O pero i s ate lv r Wr it a rr o eeor& lugnr Ake dir r oooloo which are - pan .IPiple iud ?Nein) 'tic, ri-trolo from. jmilness or wrostiro.) FAT lmpu..lblO. SOW Settltt. St Pat four qua Utlaiii . 4 gat forfflL.e:rate - Ilagl'oulcdstri . iota ePP , lewd ogeot t l9 ihmeries. gleg f p, Aligx.,spo • • 4 , seenOoomeW VOW"' , 1:1114-111' ,c....., ..,Ir , - l ilt eliooll, ' -- - - lAO .4 pg.T.VurAv Or if el*Akt.!/q11420 - ) vexed at me New VDT/. tisarla 0 .itam..owy, us- Draft _kg the ..tibjeellas HOlt, / 4 " 41 r,;. 1 1,..., al wh t r i t ia ik,„ "T4l , for; ,Yoolhadaltaltyal2,ATipatadt.Ma. 'ally aw . oo:' the *wee AP ,- . nime - pw. and kiertkaadtkidlumai • jegibbli lteolliselii Ma oi, sopoyewklere.d. feta' santairsetleen tale ng tip Jeeprept wIAPIII . id IN all. r Ana le hattiakott temps 0 ~ or -: Y. , ...41ag tdizokrrAmY i New Y ...- ' Yor k. - 'y and &kW N*. O isroodesseli.4eTw , ..,,, t , : - le: • , rel: :-,.,. - -,! ~• t+ r ,- - 0c ; -, 1110# IMiItIRGIL I: P4.IrER AIIIANS7 I • ':&" fIPt‘C.T WWI: P140'101,1(.. , , ?HINTING AND WRAPPING- ?MI R A; . ri T..!% its 741,;.'"3 . 10. '' ;4.,-7,44liAN'llillit,orr,us 'l Wiiiii i ii.rizAr - NEI r . . 9 . .. • ~ ra., .• ,=. .;,., ... _., 1 iOl 710 X AND WASUE11001114? , . ~,,.., ~. ,: ,i---.=..'',i.,.-,a., 1 j(!. 82 third Stree42lsbourpi r ~... ~- • - ___..11,01114 ::) .J.i,,, ~'...ii 1,1••::16.4 , WI 07n030/3"..tiVritliTi.vir&FA pzfirptileziro. ir-9 ! ~,,,,_:. warm. itibOlateediereitinn •-- .•'_'_;! .=l. e ' ' 4,l4egt, .tikartj . "!ilolitt , • atyell, .11.. T . pgNr i A l iger„,„ ~.., . 1 . • - , ii. 11.40 , ....,-------„,„.„:„„„ /,', , • witiiiiiiiiiiiAeasunis, o paela , __....„ : iri ~, : ' , . ottimg" 9 INIV 'NIA Rutkilithe— 4,4 , ,,b ~,.....,_,.., „ii„b w .., v ti.'% - ,4 114 0 4:?,:i i'' . 1. ,, i . : m ar e i l fjOn3 p li O ir"" FeirehT elli a e Sl ."..4411111e2° 7 1 ; 3 . ft ate l ig . 01 r it iiia :L192 v , , 4 11 S, tr . 7 ,omit ) ' =} . ll mtlevvy . , , :d 40, ' i irrify L_t '..' . 47. k. ..... sist PlikabOO i 115449111keinelV4iN WM 1%. icitaitti- ' 141rc"hilli nidael Atl ig rui tr i t I n ' .../.( '-4:1111014".124.-11 : . ' "I' " 7" u' l ..;:' - :: : 1 '', ; ,114111411 q.. yr .. i ? 2 -., - ' =', " ,- 1 9, 1:I 4.11.!..,•J . . gratitasupars-:gork.vl l s,', th - e - antromar-viter nr disappointment; no 1141001 00 . 11 ,tints; remedial the effeetirelr bad InFtdnun mina Mid $ eskene'tbe t • Malt Mdt ;atid”betettailit, or v ... s o ia by„ a ll prompter" and p pro applied et , Bate:More r il l‘t u rL i Wii; 1. 3 na lie Tort: - % I +I, ' IiiitiPPIXISENP to an act: requiring the Seiperhi 'Sealant 0/Public Printing to . Advertise for pre; ~poems for supplying the State with printing and bill paper. 'approved April tenth Antic, Domini one thousand eight hundred and siety-aeven. ageriest it. Be it enacted by the . Senate and HOLM of neiresentatiVes or the Cominonivealth of Penn. sylvania; In General Assembly mat, and IS hereby enacted by the auttirity.of the same, That bereaf ter;heyeret:us pOsous Minn/ • for the contract for,farrdshing the Brats with: paper, 'as provided lb the, net 'approved ,April tenth, Anne': Dondal , one. thonsanit eight handred and sixty.seVell.' :be re (mired to exceute a bond to .the Commonwealth.' with at least two sufficient sureties, in itlyi sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithfal performance sit,theleoistraet so allotted, which said bond shall be approved by the Prerident Judie of theCourt of-Cemmon Plea, of thd district or dig trims In which such sureties .rnay reside; or in case of the absence or other inability of such President 'Judge., try the atioetate Judge, of the Loamy in , which such sureties may reside; Provided, That the bonds, with the aurettes of the several bidders, shall be duly, executed, sealed up and delivered with the , firoosals fur furnishing said paper, and in addition. tithe condition above required. shall be condition.' ed that in case the bidder' or .ntliders to whom the. said ciontract shad be awarded shall neglect or re- , fuse.fo accept the same at bhicr • thuirtid,-the said bidder er bidders, with his or, their sureties afore• said, shall be liable to the Commonwealth, for the difference between the amount of the bid of the per san to whoin the said contract shall be arded slier such negiector refusal; And nroiridsdfurthir, That the Superintendent of Public. Printing shall award said contract upon the same day the bids are byhini_epened, EIASHA W:ISAVIS, speakpr of the Mine of ItliprOseniottoet. • • , • JAMAS LO)BAHA2d, • Spealcr.of the &mate. Arrocrnen—The ientit as:* arnpril. A nno one thonearid eight btu:deed' puresanoe. Of the Stove set; the Poperintend ent of•Pablle Printing gliiithe fotlowt g settee: TO PIPER MANUFACTURERS: szAtign PROPOkiltAl -be iecelied at thi olee oftlie tiutialinteadeaa of linpllc. Printing s for Supplying - the' State • Printing Paper. Bald paperto be BOOK PAYEE, meitinrlng 25 by 4O Melte,. add 'to weigh respectively '4o . aini 50 ponndstli thereirn. ' DOUBLE FLAT CAP;. measblieg 17 Im 25 Inehes.'weighing 25 pounds lei,' the Vesta. BirD will he received ter each kind sep. ; arately. Said proposals to be opened: n presenoe of bidders, on SkTUBD A 7, the Lt day of August, 1868, at the office of the Superintendent. Contract to inn Pain December. 1868, to August. DUO: ' The successful bidders will be required rigidly to conform to samples w bleb will he tarnished upon , apilleatlon at the °Eire of the Superliitendent.. N 9 proposal will be eons dered unless *exam ant dby a guarante• that tin bidder or bidders. provided his or their proposal shall be accepted. will enter into an obligation with good and sulticient a , entity; to furnish the arttclea proposed for: and each proposal meat be ace.rManted by satisfactory evidence that the persons making said proposals are toanuthein . rem of or deniers lis the description of paler which be or they propose to tarnish. ZORN 701I1NGIIIIAN, ipperloienaent PublVorrintlng. 16 Market, latroet,liarrlabarg PM pmess OF THE VARIOUS "INDS OF GUNPOWDER; YA3II7TAOTITRI:D BY TUB HAZARD POWDER. COMPANY ARTHUR. KIRR, Agent, Office, No. IRS Liberty Street, `CA.NISTIM xm)wir.vaEt, 11:518trki Nos. 1,2, 3 4 and $ grata; In aquae eardars, I En. each. American te boating, In Oval calthiterb of I.llb. PIA •NboOting, , Nos. I. 1., 3: antl. 4 pada, ha Oval Coniston of I- lb, . . Indian Rifle, In Oval Canisters of I vb. n00n.... 4entacky Me, In Oval Cantatas of 1 lb. each . NentuthYlfris/lkingvolesaterets of )4 Mead" 426 One lb. Om Canisters In • caaa.), (50 bait lb. do do. do.) • zraala...imwziov.is._ Kentaag n'Tch fra. and ..'"Ooa &ado. • • 11111%, In ken. dilda !an and oo ..,Ind" . Id baps 1ba..... ..... 'lleeol.llolly 81111 e, VIPFO, SSG Se* Sheet. • • lag" M. in kegs, 6!4 lb* _ . , kr Powder, Initz ing and. allitypln PROdar, Moils P . , PIF, :and Tyr grata,. saab.. IR kap, IS Oa. Ate. ' • Ibifor# ruse ror BlartAng e enpellor • , Rdadadanaf W Ad% and over. ... .. Delivered drop of expense on board of IloaC es Sailrinul. In Plttaborgb 'or Alltarbref. . • ... • , `A . . . " 6 - s Ir. - 1. • ,•:, 'IIIIIIE , 11%/11111'-ielrw: SLATE" 'CO., , jostilatlirtaVe a 1111PtitiOi 'order* or • - :lEilOwarFlTPilGk , , • • tiirolBoe, 48 tieventhl4t.i',PittrAnnitlY'rii'; • • EW hi ETEEt, Prtison. 4 ToFAuMERM.' • '• • THE 'HAY . BAKE: "YEXAMII" i•Arsirrati Mt AND ' ...-,, ,; ..:....-: .1: !• 'Ts the beat Rake made. It wlet mks heavier hay, eefry I.l,llartker.tond f and inlaid Itseltenaltz Shen 114 'ol , Vele'llbeo....lt , la seltroparetbea) 4,011:1 el years. Ms ealll dtbe - *ors at a rad) band, dundrede al. eattleeatee °meld be given, dne.of 'wider le beim- - •,) ;) • 10,4tk*D. - ip ff rieCo. , 8 1 14 J1111"*.. len, - "I hire dare toe, in i TY . Bake, ‘maniuscr.. lured lilf..r. WaDade,' ri Ulm pa.. - •seid. km.' I.re di to Amu se... Rio gaud in nabs and bfiaja ay: la eaayan WWI aedlmatel Ike imakddete thaw • eif sw etiv and newt ,Is simple In eonstructlan an easily kept In order. • , . JOSEPII - MtB1:11.1E1.,11. 1, . 4 I dll . oglatadlreete4. ea 319: Liberty- arid; , mu* i Irargiqya.. or at Outworks' In Oelnalblanade i ipromply attended VI. 'Sold wholesale and -, ~,,. ~0. - 2 • .;;,_ , •-•.: — IN. IV: Wk 1411114 .-11 INII S ff? e r? 1 4 earl7i.ee eaPPl,,lllehart. . ; • • 1! ' '''' . 1401 "' il ''' - . . 01,....: AT . , KITS URGII. IMPORTING HOUSE SCHMIDT &, 'FRIDAY, 11111FORTERO OF roirzieN WINES AND lAIQUORS _ . b i tteet otop Penn. , ru tsburg Would direct the attention of the public-fo the tact Ow, po sensing upe , sor facilities through several large Wine .and' Liquor pongee in Europe, •and waltintliteir Importation , direct, they Are enabled to otter Sae varnitmgrades of choice WIN 411 Al D .Ligl'OEB at price- Teaa than a.tern rat a,. Ex • araluation. of qu attics'. and comparison .1- prices respectluty s,dicitcd. A choice assortment f pure 01:11.1) EY 5 WNW . KEY conatantiv,on ham. - - • VI" a Ise WHITE HD SPAR T. 't I,lettta‘tte•.;,, life*r ' Chs au . )..4l.afiusa s • ' ‘ lit. xudes, 13t. idles," ' - = 1 Paniliae. I , l4Titoines, Ctiatian santems JOHN.. OEARY Lanfienbelmer, SPAIIKI4IION43- ' . I • Mose' Muscatel, ►" Saar:burg. lioahelasees superior quality 4 . . , I Xoet,#, Clil/i: . tdotl, - Ch.imbortlne, • impanel. • ltpernsy t 'V erne:l4Q -.,. ‘ , • lieldbleck. - • Churl' . , —and ower brands. Alaa. 11, tiggajOssor i tment of BRANDIES, W HIS- El I , 13 awl WiNk.l3, - of all descriptions, conatal.tly. on hand, at ,' • ' • . . WM. MILLER'S, ILILTIC MILLER A EICILET9OI7 ,) and 223 ',amity !Rivet, Plitstrargiu Copper Distilled Pure Rye Whiskey. AIM), dealers in PiIftEIGN WINES and kIOPS. as SECURITY AND COMFO t .THE TRAVELING COMM J. L HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE Par SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, I dispensing with the %We of Stoves , and Fires In or about the Pitasengerer Baggage Car tem per aturettachment tO. - graditate the heat to any that may be desired without the 'possibility of dring the car or ears to which the Jaokot may be attached. - Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for • Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be adplled to It in the poaltlon and HT for which it la Intended. Is It a sure protection limn accidents by Ore origi nating from defective , nee, or where iron tines are used as coridnetel for *make or heat. It spoil. Nimble to all piping that may become overheated, and Is•warranted to give \ perfect satisfaction where wood or ether om mbustibie material may be placed In close proximity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my Inventlrn to storea, dwellings.. facteries, ships, steambouts, railroad cars, Be., wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and securitydebised. I. will sell, on Ap plicatkot. rights to inanufaCture or to Lae the above Invention; also, territorial tVi ts, to *ugh ae :Amy' wish to engage In seining privegea. el .bee by State or county. .J. B. fIAILIIIB. ••Mce at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS 'I corner of Norris street and the gbe ny Vallej Railroad. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1e28:640 111 Wes. Mate 1111er & Itk(ceteeas) Nos. 2il. AND 228 Corner Liberiy. and Irnin Streeti, MEI tr oms, BELL a cO.„ ANCHOR COTTON ILLS, .°: larroreurtitan. onathouparsof . llllAVlTlClEDlUM LIGIIT VrTILL:Ts 1, ; P: A' I N. T E Bleh'4s 011110 STREET All am" Thankful nar the former very tlben Monogr be. stowed upon me. I mourn my friends and the petite generally that, la Ibe futnre so . ln ..last. *all endeavor diligently id) teerttncanalanbe of the Mlinev end will be always at the alto • fvesmiif to 9 M. and from I to S P. . ...m ^ 414 I TO TRAVEII ? IkEIt& ♦ LAsait AND .SPLENDID ARSORTIWENT - Or • ; .44D/W . NP /I - tn . - M/ 01 4= 4 .' 8 ! _ BM , EST ' IChateau Latour Blanche I Chateau Ynuem. HOQK WINES. Nursteln. I Ilocbbelm ..• CLIULACPAGNM. 08EPH 8. FINCH & CO, Nos. 183, 187,189, 191, 193 and 195, IIS3T STREET, PITTSOIIII4II3, 114ANUFACTII BERM OF . Car Heater and Modem, Offal: to Mt tratie at Low Ftsureat Winks'. of tilkW NACKENEL, in lam* havesoluationi and k ts. 100 chests choice TORSO HTSON, JAPAN aud tarn:li RA T TEA, -__ • 60 Al ick.thilldlG(lON ELIOR.. Isil Obis. ..holoo OA/1014NA MIME. ' % B ib1d..,40 , ..0 1 , 4. AND vamp.. - . al*. St RUP, Oudot...brands. • 1 us. N. tr. MOLat•SZS ' - ' 60 bids. tio.loltU lIA u 0 We TB . SOO buts. 10 rIN AD SOO 111.bb, a PORTO RlOO. 0 and TINNA., u ARA tillOalitt. , I ' illpo, up.ll,l9 l ofilf VIOL ' ' - : • DO "VS 4 AN A. and I.AOCIA't " L OOPMS. 100 oases Illiroßtltts 01,A • • • ___ Abe 'aims t liucT it Cti , , 21 , 13 ' ORAN PAO %It .WSNRS. _, ~_ SOOT , ' HI ALI!, and LONDON • olgT/Ln con stantly on band. AW4D11468 *No MIAGINOI#II. iIiERTIIiGS AND BATTING: psucEvAL BODKETT ~1101011411 1 041 , E? 1 osei, Nbi ItYIeraMILAL itmocr , , a pj . ta c tia z g. R if a o rtjegt. Lamm :Mawr MiIeACE Aid RAMO ANUS farnishaLl , Purdeitlasi sAtentto SVIAACOLLIVRY LOOOMOTILVES. aeStially .Melted. Skr An• EVEI , II, tr i u CLASS for gazephirgiosi vier, W sso ~; ut*.* 4l , l *, flies; and speeilleattons Pan be seen on apailak , G " 111 ..„„Atr..1 i i rtil"giailoa,* t r:ne al, 1 al ,035 0111C - PECK4 Arstainseiltaii Bins • • ,:. IVA ualcmit! 4113 1 •PRIIREMSinetNW11.1a 4 , et t qparonaltumgd, rit t m inn e,. ~:,. ,_ ' - Ajytay uti ttac Eitsa morsuitivot Linllasl_ k a 17.....,„nr1tni (-TO.. gi i rAL, , -J.W4, 441 4 u. pak t aisA.G,E . A - WIT , . raClt Ailti. rg otle : evaPlPt 1 Ladles* and aentlemenes - Bair catsina duntd spa nostSasSlasurfarA i ,-, r 11;i .I.s) r.; ,-- ' .mlll/1" litesi`LEAVlceml, • este Cat oils , libeleaille use , rind al id: stool, r .'..f .r.WaTf. 'etift.ql4. ES Fire bnimiw i Contpany, OF PITTSBURGH. Moe, No. 42 Fifth St, Second Floor, OVER Robert C. Elebutertz, Louie Norganstent, —Charles Reran, . Joseph Abel. • . • Win. F. Lang, ' - Adolph Breba, ' ' Win. Carr, / Ch. Siebert, • Peter KelL, I C.J. Schultz, • - A. Stelnmeyer, . . • I Martin Hoyt. BOBERT.C. SCHMERTZ, Presq. , . L. MORGANSTERN, Vice Preeet. CRAB. MEYRAN, Treasurer. 0 ! P. NERROSF,..I3 ‘ Secretary. The above Company is nOw fully organized, and prepared to take FIRE RidKS. Bf .careful atten tion to business, prude:toe and fair dealing, this Company yrill endeavor to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the community. je9:r4l ZEI BEN fRA.NKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, . ' OF ALLEGHENY, FA. Office in Franklin Savihgs Bank Buildings, No. Xl3 Ohio St.. Allegheny , . A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust bylair dealing to merit aahare of your patronage. , . HENRY IitINIH ' • • ' President. OHO. D. RIDDLE • Secretary. - DLELECTOBS: 1 .1 Henry Irwin,' : D. L. Patterson, enry Gering, Geo. R. Eiddle. acobrrans; . Goidelb Faso, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith,. . . Jacob Raab, .. W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whlston, Joseph Craig. Jos. Lautuer, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah Kellen. ITA.TIONAL INSUILINCE cO., 1 . 11 - OP THE MT! OP ALLEGHENY. °Men, inALLEGHENY TWIST • 00.1dPANYI BUILDING, FIRS IN f SIDLINCE ONLY. • W. W. MARTIN, President.' JAB.T. STEVENSON. Secretary. . DutzcTOQa. iylttl i i . , y.s.P,Vfilliame ,in o t Thompson.' inhalle, fiebi, Len; C. 0. Boyle. Iwn. Jr. Geo. Gem., • Jacob Kopp. A. H. End Jno. A, li. Jas. L. 9 : duo. Bra , 'm1325311 WIEISTERN INSURANCE CONI• PA NY OF PITTSBURGH. LEXAN DKR NIMICK, President. • WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, Geueml Agent. Office, 92 Water 'street Spank Co.'s Ware" house, upstairs, Pittsbure.h. . Will in_sure against all tads of Fire and Marint Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directon who are well knows to the community and who are determined by promptness and libera lity to main. taln,the character which they have assumed, as of to ring he De li promotion to those who desire to be Insured. T FOR ACKET, puutoTons: K. , Alexander Mb:nick, Joan K. McCune, B. Wier, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, WUJhun 8. Erar Alexander Speer, Joseph Ifarkpat Andrew Acklen, ' Phillip Be David )1. Lu n g, , Wm. Mor rison. D. Damen. , • . IZZ PENNSYLVANIA • • 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTI : SBORGN OFFICE, No. 113735 WOOD STREET, BANK Or COMMERCE BUILDING. . . This is i Home Company, and Jaime', againel loss by Fire exclusively. LEONABi► WALTER. President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice President. 1 ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. truobi NeELHERY. Secretary. Laniard Walter, C C. Boyle, _ Geo. L. Evan', Robert Patriot, J. C. sopa, Jacob Painter, • J. C. Plelner, Josiah King, • - - John Voestley„ Jae. 11. Hop kins, A. Ammon. . Henry Sproul, pDIERINITY AGAINST LOSS 'BY 'FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE C. OF PNILADELPHIA. orpme, & OILESTAMTI3I%. lizaa brII [ . . . . .. Charles N. Banoker, . Mordecai D. Lards. Walks Wagner, David S. Brown, , Baronet Grant( - ; ..: ' • ' base Jaoob.R. dada, _ ~. Edward 0, Dale, '4 6 eor-W,. glebardisii George Pales. . . CRAM.= 0.• 11 KEE,- Prealdedit. EDW. C. DALE, toe President. ' W. O. ElTEEL,B,Eerxetim, tern. • - _ J. GARDNER COViriN,' Annere'. North Wad OClAM.Thlidand Wood•Streeta. inti2e:wia A LIMIIMENT 116011A11104,03 PAST OF. PITTBBWHOIf. ••' ' • • • r , • ' 071111014 'Nix 82 EIPTH 8111,882; Mori EtLOca - Insures Winn all kladioritisaiialt.arlinkEloki JOHN IBWIN Ja.. Preiddeit, -- -- • JOHN 0.. MAXHID, Vlaii-Orealdent• .0. AL DONNSLL.,Ementoy. ; • • 0/.I"T. WM. DZAI.I. General John liwt t r ia ` John D. ol fa y . ti v = T. J. Soul wl s Midst HIM.' PEOPLES , - nQeTIsARCE PANT. OPTION, N. N. noNNER WbOD snrtEr aTS: Heate,fta2M:l4l, Wlns Fire and 3.1_/,e2"31,, VlMarMi t :l Job! i at " • -*Wan :4 d P Hier Charles wrbuekle, I:iiipt.Annies Wm%• Jaren Brum. - Win. nes D Van Kirk, Wrn..F. • ; Ju. V pre rnierlf. Lsi rRNWINTy_VIe Prealdent, W. @A M. , s , CAPT. JAS. GO WJHRi. genera red; . - `IIIOTTHE BEEPT'ANDX : • . Wl' MGM": Schoniaiker's Pian o,' GOld-11.edsr ANO I ESTEY'S ' COTTAGE ARGAN.'. The 643 numAcx Ea PIANO oomblnea ;al the latest .walstahle lattproessiesta lituastn ta^ She cow Structiou ut lint class tuatrantent. and hasidways, -been -snarled • the Irlshest premieres wherever ex- Wilted. Its tone la fullj sad son orous Tr* wort stanalelp, darabll y boasty, snowy all others. mutes frost; 'to Mlso,tlMofalnt d. style an .11rdsh. nheoner 11111 0 /W .4 fret class Plano. ENTETIS ourrAlks,exaszi. • Magda - at the bead of roar tastethatud4'la . " / mains tha meet nes* pipe ad:Wu of Stellar Instrument In the United Statanx - tlt ti lllben pie and compact In en9stenettstn. is*nk uk sett outut order "