\ 4. ( \ ,- P ,....- """ • 1 -r• L,.., 11 by ite expression in the text of a formal I. t 51111 , l ii s lEUL I !gri , e t aept 7 1 ille t!ga. *Wake tgA,..1.,/A DA 1 . ~... ~.. ,___ unreasonable concord of two Feitt.natio,zis, ' upon a point So intimately affecting the tra- PIM ' I'Mlas zr ditional idea of sovereign rights and-tikeoh -- . . pEntriAlt - & • co, rs prop r i e t o. ligation'. , of the subject, bas Ch ri s ^removed a .b. . - question heretofore of great difficulty from nannicur,_ , ! acisian Nog% _ T . r . nor i s Tott , , - t N . 1 ., zizo . - any contingency of future dispute, it affords Editors yProprietors. a gratifying proof of the entire -harmony OFFICE: _ which controls the intercourse of two'isow , I - GA erful empires, and illustrates how effective ly GAZETTE. the progress of a wiser intelligence is •----, ---- • ORIFIt PAPER --. disenchanting, one - after another , the illn - efPletilbuirlh, All o . heny and Allegheny sions of antiquated prejudice. t x 0 2 t' 3 ''' • , I Tinne-Datte ' .t-INAty. I *Way. 7.-, 4 eneyear. *Col ne year.s2.so#Blngle copy. 41.50 _.I_i_IE.PUBLICANI NEIGHBORS: C n en r e the m w on ee it . .. nu, ,"'" 14°1 5WP,1,e 4 . 1.25 Your Executive Committee, for Alle -1 eta°l Va d toA 9 5 WI) carrier ) ',, + h One gen . / - l4 • gheny -county, has specially designated a I 7 j_. SATURDAY, JU I LY 18, 1868. full list Of Vigilance Committee-men insaohl - . \-- wardd~ , and township; ___ ___ whose names are given( ......._______ in another ,11 nce. Ton will also observe ('f -0! : - :$ ?„4: 1 WE T on the ineicre pages of ura ". • 0 s I that t hese. Committees ate empowered to 0 .: sa 4' §borning's exams : Second page: Eghern. " -,.. ..* .make , atiy additions to their number, with at 4' .0 s' • I; ' iris, The aunted .Monde in Ludlow, Mass.' . • .ItlF. ' , ll view to greater efficiency if desired. You . 4 - ED. .Third }3age:s Hew York Roanda/ Market' and other TelegrapkAfarkets, Imports at ealso entreated to note that these appoint- ; 4, 3 a ; • bi) ' _Rat ad. iver cetera. Biz:Zi \. 33: ,,.. menta do not relieve each and every other I. 1.5 x 21! 3!) pogo 46 " 4-1 he - publican voter from his primary oblige- l'. La g i l " ml I * 39 urgh Fiin nee and Trade, Metal, Produce. • a __ tion, ass goo Republican and good, citi- ~,l• 11111 ••,:, , tine Petroleum Jfarkets Seventhpage •il 4 -I' ic , u ,,,,,,- fyi • r i. • • ' . - zen, tp omit no reasonable amount of labor, 4 * 2'BX a ' 1 . 38 ----.--- ... 1 " ...g.. ♦ '' - or to spare no effcrts, in season or out of Kea°. GOLD closed yesterday in New York at season, to promote the goodcanse which we . 2 1 ___l- . 21 all hare at heart. We, all of us, expect our 3. 1.59: V.l .29 14W1431. ---- 4 1.531 - Ni .39 ._...., . _ - good,old county to make a good report of . 1. 1.. 2e 1 .39 I ' Orn petroleum - market exhibited ei t raor _ herself this fall; and the way to do this is for 7: - 1 . ...55: Z' • A1r . ... \ 5.- 1.5 X 27 .44)5 Binary activity yesterday, ' t h e sa l es of t h e i 'est , ' h man to remember that bs must not only 9. ''• 1.5 X :a _ .45 but see that all his friends vote, day 'reaching the very larg e figure of 46,700 v 6 telthrigelf, ..-,..... ......... ._ I barrels. c V and vote right. You cannot ensure this re ' • suit more eertainly_than by beginning now. I \ TAP. Union Pabific hallway has Fits rail Canvass your own neighborhoods, talk to laid for full seven) hundred miles west or the man next door , find out what the Omaha, and by Norember it will reach • Salti Democrats are doing round the corner, Lake City, three huridred and twenty miles watch the resorts where men congregate, as farther. , certain the names of the doubtful-if there _____.„-•• -....--r-A,-7------- b z ii, e any doubtful, in these days of Southern 'Tim House Conimittee Of Investigation •0 0 g ' into alleged Ordnance frauds, have exploded- d:4)enis'.m once more rampant-and take all 1 4 ' 11 F- - ti . 'an "Amsterdam" bomb-shell under Gen. such ases at -7 Rice-in hand; answer,ques- plum e ?! the , ' 4:, ,;;;• DYER, the Chief of the Ordnance Depart- ' . -:' lions, furnish inform tton and documents, ri . ti on and do all yon can to waken the interest of '7 meat They report very' serious charges the careless and =retie ing. Don't destroy - i i . - 1 . 5x 0 7 - as to his pecuniary interest in certain con- the IleAsu7lng. by I 3 . 11Xi tracts, and have submitted a joint resolution Republican newspapers, ut, after you have .cut.' , of . " emit 2. 1.49 read them, save them to p into other hands. desiring the to remove him from office. • • , Spread the light of yo own intelligent I -1-1 121-71 1 4 i'sxx • Paz Democrats demand a reductionpithe opinions all about youauLl °let let Octo- 71 • I 8 ' ' . ' , bar come without being able t say that you l ' s ' 1.5X27 army- I o years it has been reduced have saved or gained at least one vote, each Charcoal 8. i ' 4%X27 from ami ion of men to fifty thousand, and, r man of you, for the , court ' s i tv s e use. 'lust r‘ I,_ puddles . • ' r . 1.5x 27 Chen On. T says it will be reduced to sev- / I try that plan, and old Allegheny will fill the I is. .1.5x27 , enteen thousand by July 1, 1869. Is not bill, and more too, at the polls. Tare is ' Til iTii TV! that a reduction ? The Republica - fie, it lanai- plenty of time to do this, provided you begin --- ►mean ••!....... ~ be observed;have not tho spite against the MOM' of this II a ~,. or. rl now. Don't put it off to next week ! • , The •- 11 1 , 4 3 1/g 4111 kiny, whichsared the Union, that the Dem- - • 1 ocrats have, who wanted the Union des- THE SAFETY OF LIFE ON STEAM t roye d . , , I VESSELS. ... 3 • 's . THE Democrats demand the "subordin Ttnelle strength ~.. tion of the military tcr,the civil power." In J 4 per eq. inch. North and South Carolina, Florida,Georgia, 1 - - Arkansas and Louisiana, Gen. GRANT, in No. of specimens 4 conformity with the laws, brought the mill-___ ... - -_ tary force in subordination to the civil au- i 1 , I" 1= thoritics. ln all the other seceding States . I , :1 ,, 1 he will do the same thing, as soon as i I ' their \ Ir citizens duly subordinate themselves to thei l -: - ere . .• , Nationall,Government. El 1 . -Qk ts, __ ___ _ - 5 - i - -- "Inc, Tensile strength 54 ei .. . . nro. _pc:s q . inch. . $ e, "”Av.,_ No. of Specimen. 4 . A 1 %U._ Tai * new ., State - Lunatic Hospital, with - the approbation of the Governor, has, been located at Danville, which is very near the -centre of the district it is intended to serve, both in respect to tprritor3- and population. This detision will - enable Ilr. MANN, of Potter county, to see how big a foo he made of himself by deelarini is the onse, at. the , last session, that it was dete lied in advance to place it near a o n other town. MB. KUM and Mr. HAZLEIrMerT, have both_Withdrawn from the contest , for" the office of biatrict 4ttorney at Philadelphia Mr. Cw.almas Grrxxx has beery placed in. nomination irithir stead. Pie was former— ly-Mayor of the city, and is a gentleman of fine abilities and attainments, and .of the highest reputation. These arrangeniattta re move all dissatisfaction from the Re üblican ranks 'in ‘ that city, and ensure a lendid l triumph'at the polls. ' . i ', Tun Democratic masses should not de. ceive themselve.s.. They think they 'vote BILT3IOI7Ii into the Presidency, but they may dpPend upon it that this high office is intended by their ex-rebel leaders for 'BLAIR, who nominally runs for the second place. Be has evidently been selected, tint) for his revolutionary opinions anti pledges, and, second, with an, express`view to the palpa. ble certainty, in the case of Democratic oaccesi, that Sgvuoun will prove'iffiysical ly or Mentally incapable of e,oznpletfiag the full term of office. Whatever may , be said of the New Yorker's soundness in other re opects, his' bodily health is of the moStfrail and uncertain nature. His physician, it s is said, urges his immediate departure for EU, rope. At his ovn home, in Utica, the other' when publicly received on his return from the Conyention, he did riot appea r t o address the Multitude, having been forbid den to do.. so by his' physician. ,This very doubtfulif he canlear the excitethent and fatigue cir.uy3 canvas, and therewn'o doubt that the Convention has designed ifiain's : tiaminatieß-tv_meetlhat eoutingesit:-. - -ReV member, therefore t Democrats, ,that,,yonr, ticket rniii" , rOher Bizant ami mother wae ; ( 2 • . Waite our Minister at Berlin, Mr. BAN CRAFT concluded the Expatriation treaty l o th the N ort h . Gemar, Confederation,. it waaverygenerally anticipated that the im portant principle which `this: instrument established; Would 'be adopted; at`some not far distant day, — into similar negotiations with other European poiers: This expecta tion is already realized-so far that several of the (lerman States, .including the leading Kingdom ofßavaria, havedassented to treaties of the same character; And, ;only two days since, Lord SiAxLiCir announced, in the English COMMOne t that Great Britain accepts the, 4;Mlican . proposition that the citizen of any power may j x p a t r i a td lumselt.aad'adopt another nationality: - treaty is fyet made to that end betweedthe two goierzunents,but it isevident, from . thi s nti , formal a .declaiation by • the cleeen's •'Ministry," that' iha reeiiinitioa of • th e p rbael p le ?YAW: PlOYff*lP,OPtdill'iis* ;I:l:i..Tr: EMS SY 1 sed that a large proportion of de fatal disasters occurring ers occ annually by , • ex plosions or fire, on :steamers navigating the inland waters of this country, might-be pre vented by the adoption of precautionore • stringently devised and more faithfully en forced, to ensure the reliability of the ma terialsls employed. the constru6tion or pro-- ,Iylsion of such ft, the competency of the officers in charge f them, and to reduce the fire-risk to its practicable minimum. A bill for this purpe e, very elaborately min ute in its details, w -proposed some months since by Special Agent CRAWFORD of the Treasury Department, and was laid_before the House Committee on Commerce. Re cognizing the very 'evident fact that the Only effective legislation to the ends desired must proceed from(ogress, a letter to the Committee, achcompying the bill, dwells ' very forcibly upon timperfections of ex ' isting laws, even the act of 18521eaving 'much yet to be desired. Mr. Cutworm's letter exhibits:n thorough acquaintance with the subject, and the bill (H. R. No. 1872) is - believed' to supply the reedful regulations which would ensure as complete a protection for life and property, in transit by water, as can be afforded by the use of the best mi terials. in construction, and by establishing the highest standards for the skill and pru deuce of the officers in charge of the vessels. Very naturally,'-the topic of fatal steam boat disasters leads the mind first to that class of accidents 'reiulting from boiler 6x plosions. A very large fatality has occa sionally resulted &Tim collisions, from fire and the various other method's of destruc tion "known to steamboat experience, but explo4ions, although seldom occasioning any greater loss of life, suggest to every mind ideas pecoliarlyrstnrtltnk and painful. The suddenness of i their occurrence, the complete helplessne; of those who are ex posed to become ,vi Ms, the fact that death is, in a majority of ,Orses, preceded by pro tracted and intense `auffering, and that dis asters of 'this sort alWays leave some survi vors maimed and pitiable wretches for life these explain why we are all' inclined to regard an explosion of a steam-boiler as the most deplorable !Alt:unity that can endtmger the traveller. ! It is clearly established that a considerable tier, centageof these Oa - plosions results Ist, frcini imperfections M "the metals employed; 2d, from inexperience, linoraneetor feck lessness on the part of mighoseras i the first being the most aiumerous — clasi. It follows that the use of materlitliso prepared=as' to' be absolutely : safe v ,iod this to be ascer tideediby a competent and thoroaitheyateal, of, inspection, would secure peifect Munn otitY from what is itow the source. of such danger and destruction. The bill in.ques tion seems to be' izieisely 'ackpte.d to that ohject.i It - prescribes standee& for the strength of irortttod steel plates. used in boilers, requires them, to be inspeetea and. branded, regulates Ike:Manufacture - of the steam tipparatus, ant onposes severe p4ial. ties upon the iron miniffiscturer or the boil-1 er-maker who shall disregard. these provi sions.. The bill tidtes:it for: granted that iron and steel can. he made Of sufficient tensile strength, and ' therefore :enacts that only irhn and steel of such strength may b e ink* Carry this filed faithfully into practice, and the dangers of explosion from, defectiVe materials will be completely obvi ated. •.t • _ Tablas are sub mi tted , , la the &port before which ' leav es no room for dotibt that Iron'and steel holler-plates of 'ample streng*Are readily' procurable Samples were iiikbiauted:pitlgoonstiiiisautimitoreili • ) I , `" ' ~. ei:.t . , tIA • -Ai: ~...,,,, . , •'''.....113ii.i'11.t . 4". 113 0N.,e4,31p! irtu,3t;: NEE E= WM PITTSBURGH GAZETTE SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1868, forat igit rlidantiiaill* *W. , w4toliolhoir ,thotribeialiso 2 g the rtOtt . relte.444 F,lt#lt,-,llstexassts - a cgis„.6,,:aiieftio" , plates exhibited a Meat! temille: strength of 64,180 pounds 'id -the 'Squire- inch ;'ltstows; & iron plates 'a mean of 81,857 pounds ; Simms £ Co's., plates. 158,114 - Pciunds ; iihrOstnisatosn & plates, 47 , 283 pounds. The result in each test shows a strength which places an *lesion from' steam practiollly out of the question. As better illustrating the character of the tests to which these plates were submitted, and as exhibiting more detail . the precise results of experiments, Iv. copy the tabular, state ment from the official document before us : Tensile strength of east-reel boiler ptatee from the weeks of Park, Brother lb Co., Pitiaincrgh. P.,. , , as . determined Bay 23. 1863 at the. Nary Yard, Wash ington, D. C.. for the Treasury Department. OP 1 a la a : n 4. .1:, 8, 2 Cr . 0 •-•••• CI '7 r r g .a ' E - • tt: 04 • w 25,870 .68,333 25.8265,2 M 53,653 24000 ' 452, 24. , 00 01,5 7 33 45 25,450 65,258 81,130 84.000 - 37,050 495, --87-:171 000 15,010 91,050 35,030 • •89,743 `35,000 89,743 38,250 91,194 1 35,340 89,259 35,780 - 90,814 38,600 90,370 Mean. , ...... .1 01,21 'This sheet was rolled from the ingot without being , hammered,. tithe flanging qualities of this sheet were tested and they provecl.to be very au perlor. IMe ingot from which this sheet well rolled was harumeren. Its flanging qualities seemed to be fully equal to the unhammeredaheet. Tensile strength of iron boiler piatefromihe works of Brown Lt. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa:, as determined Nay Viikt. at the Nary Yard. Wa.thington, D. (1., for the Treaourtf Department. Tensile strength of two plates of boi/er iron front toe toocits nj Siloenberger it Pittabuyvh. Pa., ti'lenined Mail 13. 18g3, at Me Navy "Yard, Washington!, _for Me Treasury Department. .1 - rtfi 1- ;A N C I - 1 I" I 1 t7l ct Vie! Iti • • • e; O 7" !.; • H " - 1 tql• H 7 Xl's7. Tesaas strength of a piens of Loiter iron /rant the. Works of Liam, tihstbe Pitteliurgh Pa., as eeterrninea ApritZ", IMS, a 2 At Navy ar , l, Wash ington, D: eh. for the Treasury Department. nithwtse of sheet 11 Across the sheet MN • e I 173 ' '4',l l i i 17. I 51 I 4'.ldArTifiCiaifiliii.;ll ---- '" Ed,609 , + hammered , 57,451 59,059: f,I. do 1 5` 505- 00,069 Z.: do I .64074 ' 59.0 U, -4 . : do % 57,75760,7Cel 5: , '...... do i .57.342 E Mean We'do not write this artielkto puff Pitts burgh mapufactures. Our purpose is rath er to...she* that a very fat*, class of casual ties can be prevented by the „tfse r olif suitable materials; that such materiali are entirely. accessible; and Oa - tit - is the duty of the leg islative authority'to require their nso. The bill now before the Howie, if enacted lutes law, would Oily meet this duty. Its sixty. sit sections itie carefully drawn up and sup- Ply all the deficienCies in the existing laws, touching the Em/terizil and personal require= merits necessary to the safety of lives and. ptoperty. We sincerely hope lhat the bill may become a law' at the Vast - - Session, 're gretting that its very recent submission has excluded'. it from consideration before the impending adjournment. TtraouonouT the five'anthracite counties the miner are reported to be on a strike, Ai rininding ten hours pay for eight home work , there is a formidable atrike--: indeed, a strike of unexampled preportioni seems clotti eliongh, - but thire ... niust'be some qQDRISiOII ofetatement as to the demur making itoft. the pnneit which It blade.; The Miner inoPer, - as we n der stand, work . not by the day brit" by t ton, and hence,could not consistently proilote a strike for eight hours of labor instead of ten as a day's - work. The helpers are em ployed by the day, not by the own* but' by the miners. Hence, the strike Would' seem to be on the part Of one class of:work. men against another class. The f effect would be the same, however; in suspending °Aerations. It would, besides, natnrally follow, that if the miners were comPelleci to Pay, to the - helpers increased wage# they would require larger compensation per ton, It bp Mae, reported that the iron workers in these countim have joined the strige and dust all:the mills are closed. Oar exchanges froM that' region, are, of course,la - oorr late date as the telegrapWo dispatches; butjudgiaigfrom them We infer the telegraphic &coolants are exaggerated: - . Trutrul were, mere rebel than Union eol= ; : dhnf is tiie ea ; ,„ ft-i. ~,- ".). r . . . . . „r .r. ..7r-' , :r , ... , 17,F'.,r,t'r , '.-7'..7; , ' -1 , .,1:,_, ~..,7.&, -.. 4, ` ”" 4k , -r , - ,,,- -,- - 411104 . 1,,ZV0C, . 1,, , (.. ..t. tril i. gi.h,4l ,4 Wl. - I=t./c $4.04 , 0 . C.,. .40 , .....i . :.1.t. 3.1*, , i4 - 4, 4 . ,. . 1t7f , t21T1 , 17 4 7.7Cr,...f7 4, ,,,, .7 . 4L2,,, ~, ;„4,tr .' rr '4. l:-a'Pt7.-"Y7'rlrl ., :.'trA -. '',4. , '!• 1 ,77 .,, , , n , .. --"-- Z. '-'..--., , .1 .. - .47. ' ' '' . - . 44 ' . '''' '444' ''' f-:r'''-a--."n.R...:::i.-},rVA-Viiiito,l,,,44:plegiAV,,,,. ;:1,4..d...e5.0p0tit1/4,,,.41,A,c,-,-.V,5.,4101k,iwt.....0. . . -., !!...,,.• , =4.-- , .,,,t-,- , ..,4--..: •1..a , ....,,, - ',.. - - , -- , ,,,;.1..:'-'0.,. • ' - ' ' -, " .'` • ..!,-w-.4,,,,..-.--....,..4.--„y41 , - , : w te4o. ~.- v , it .- •,,, ...... 0 , ..:..,_.,,,r , -,e, ip..,-,.- . 4,0.4. -,-,,., .- • • , .- , • . . laf3Aw A >imo ao 8 Ei ' I' "I l roiltitreitifur DenintratiCiefuldrii al slat that white lltielf ehtill;rule;America, we commend the following resolution .which, their candidate for Vice President, Mr 'Brune, endorsed on the 7th of June; 4§63; at thc.Cooper Institute in New. York. lie made a speech which cainAded - with the sentiment of the audienee, after which - this resolution was unanimously, adopted: - I ...Resolved, Thafwe hd this truth to be Calf-evi dent, that he with whom e can trust the bullet to save the life of the t w ustlo ' e can likewise entrust • the ballot to preserve.li;And we invoke the eu-oper- I atlon of the federal and state governmental and the Dimple throughout th Union, to use all lawful a means to erab/Laa ay em of #uffrag , which shall be eflassl and Jua.sto al . btlek as well as whlcii, . American politi ans have a remarkable facility for abando , ing one set of opinions in order to take up another, but we have never seen anything more remarkable in this line, than Mr. BLAIR exhibits 'when, is three short years, he wheels about from advocating negro suffrage into its denuncia tion as a polidcal wrong, justifying revolu tion. , ' A distinguished Baptist minister in Eng land, at a pablic meeting, recently- made a defense of the distinct existence of the Bap tist Church. The sentiments having been heartily endorsed by the , Examiner and" Chronicle of New York, it giies in connec tion with that approval also its estimate of other denominations, arguing, that if the Baptist denomination is not subs tially the reproduction of Apostolic - Chi alike as to faith, and as to order, thex good reason for its existence. If i reproduction of stick Churches, that reason enough. A Baptist needs I tense of a Church or denomina Churches, which is a mere human ment, like the Papal, .he Anglican, Presbyterian, or a more human dev the Methodist. We give the exact „ in the Tast four lines. :5I 17 n ". C am • 1 ! o gg gym. 0 7 °l .4 124,775' 1 81.172, .40265'23, 00_ F 56,980 .403 24,DG041000 .4u3 • U.000!61,740 .405 ". 26 ,80 ' 65,679 .40:ir0;25,050' 1 62,059 • .405- 25;350:8:,059 •403 25,75063,530 I The Western Advocate says Rev. Ammi Nichols is the patriarch of Vermont I ongre gationalism He is eighty : seven ye. rs 01(4 and has preached the Gospel, withou inter ruption, for sixty-four years. Bishop Marvin, of the Southern Method* Church, thus lovingly (?) speaks of the Meth odist Episcopal Church: When Moloch himself was satisfied with blood and plan'', tier, there was yet an insatiable maw to be appeased only by the franchises and prop-, erty of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.' The Northern .Methodist Church, with a conscience seared by the crimes of the war; with warm, bloody flesh of martyrs sttil quivering upon its tusks, and an appe-j tite for plunder which four years of ravin e could not glut, but only whetted to super. 61.587 sups- 1T53 demon eagerness, plead with the conqueror is services, as a reason why it should be mid loose upon the domain and the prop- erty of the Southern Church. This coali- tion of a mlli'ary despotism And an apostate Church against Southern Methodism was well calculated to throw them strongly upon helxiselves The Congregational Convention of Ver mont passed 'a resolution denouncing the tendency of certain professedShrist* ns to participate in popular forms of emus eat, such as card-playing, billiards, the t eat'er, the dance, as being dangerous and cious in their influence. The Presbyterians are fully , aroused; at some places to the necessity of aggressive movements, -by the erection of houses of worship in destitute places in and near large cities. The right spirit Is seen in the re marks of Rev. Dr. Homblower, of Pater son, New Jersey, who, in urging his people to form a new church in the outskirts of that txmgregatlon,•said : "All of yon who live beyond street, go out there and be organized into a church ; If it leaves half of the pews vacant, we will see them ell filled again in a few years." This is the right spirit. . 11 ,5 1 1/2.• i - • I 5.7 I• ; F-J• 1 re; One of, the largest, most active and benev olent churches in St. Louis is that of which Dr. Nichols is pastor. Rev. S. M. Morton is pastor of the North Presbyterian Church, New School, at St. Louis. Both these min i isters are natives of Western - pennsylvaniai and were•students of the Wesitern Theologi cal Seminary, Allegheny . . A. correspondent of e Presbyterian Banner, writing from Kansas in regard to - ministerial work in that cpuntry, repre sents, first, that the minister must do a little of everything ; second,, another peculiarity of the work is hunting hip stray sheep, and also another is receiving less funds for min isterial labor than Is necessary for the min . ister's support. Rev. Thomas J, Morgan, formerly a General in -- the array, ' a member of this year's grachiatlng Oise in Rochester Theci logical Seminary, has been elected. Corres ponding Secretary Of the New York . Bap tist Union for Minbiterial Education. MEI EEO Rey. Otis Gibson, who has been preach ing for some time in western New York, foonerly of the Methedist Mission in China; has just been appointed by Bishop Thom. sou to go to Sap. Francisco : to undertake to form a mission, mot* the Chinese, in that State. His experience of several 'yew le China; and knowledge of the peeple and language, eminently lit him for the work. Applications havti been made. from over `one hundred students for admission into untvr Theological Ifieminary New Jersey, ,er the •Control the: M ChurChi doring the next terni. The institution has 'recently been opened under the Presidency of Rev Dr.- McClinOck. The General Conv'ention of the New Jeru aalum (Eiwederthergian) Church for the United States, held it! annual session at Portland, Miiine, some days since. 'Rei. Dr. `Worcester presi4d . . Delegates were present from nearly every State in the Unton It it It Is stat e Bishop Quintard (Protes tant Episcop al ) of, the South, on his late visit, to Brgiamt - collected . i-about eight thousand poungiOterlingforthe University of the Sottlh.,. the two ministein, Revs. George - StOrra and Samuel Norris, whom, tho Methodist parietal Confeienne of 1886 solemnly ; gen ,rre(t for iteendiag an antislavery ninetinir, !JAW ce4Wirt:the lea" General ,•Goniereiggs _ % • • , •r! . • - { • ~, RIME RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Er 4, if; 7 ..k --, ... dairared exchirled, are living in Brooklyn, 4'elt nuiftelnunlLtedee4 1 _,`• and' Genezal *.Tetst f ee Hale Moore, PresidiniEhler of Decatur District, Illinois, and late' delegate to, the General Conference, hag,been.nerniziatea to the House of Con gress in the Seventh Illinois District. ' , Professor Pendleton, of I;ktiguky. College, denies the rumor that a grand4laughter of the late Doctor Alexander Campbell lies been baptized by Aichbiahop Plircell into the 11Cmarl Catholic Church. The feeling seems to be growing in the New England States, particularly among the .. Congregaftonahsts, to have _but one sermon per Sabbath, and kold Sunday 'School in the afternoon and soCialmeetings in the evening for prayer and speaking exercises. The Erie MelhOdist Episcopal Conference,' gi body of ministers numbering two hundred strong, is now holding its annual session at Warren, Ohio. Bishop Kingsley presides. The Pittsburgh Ohristian Advocate says „ the weather is hot enough to make the session ',dusty" and somewhat of an advance,on "comfortable." Dr. Gilbert Haven,,the talenteff editor of Zionlt'llorald, Boston, his declined the offered chair in,the editorial department of the independent, at a salary of six thousand a yeah The Wesleyan General Conference took action on the!woman smit!age question, and • decide& they should have the privilege to vote. Churches that tolerate members con nectea with. Masonry, or other secret socie ties, are to be excluded from the body. Since the secession of a large number of ministers and members from•this body, who have mostly united with the Methodist Epis copal Church, and Methodist (PrOtestaut) Church, the denomination is not N -I ;ery nu merous. ches, I : is no fa the fact is o de- 'on of velop d the ce, like works CITY AND SUBURBAN. Tribute of Respect. On the announcement of the death of William M. Moffett, Esq., in Court, yester day, 011 motion of John,M. Kirkpatrick. Esq., Court adjourned as a tribute of re spect-j,o the meniory of the deceased, and ordered the announcement of the death to be placed upon the minute. A meeting of the members of the bar was then organized by calling Hon. Edwin M. Stowe to the chair u and appointing W. T. Haines and William C. Moreland, Esqs., Secretaries. On motion of Jacob H. Miller, Esq., 'a committee was appointed to prepare reso lutions relative to the death of Mr. Moffett. The following gentlemen constituted the committee: Jacob H. Miller, John M. Kirkpatrick, Marcus Acheson, A. M. Brown and T. B. Hamilton, Esqs. The committee reported the following , series of resolutions, which were adopted unani mously: . Resolved, That we have heard with feel ings of heartfelt sorrow, of tho sudden de mise of oar friend and brother of the Bar, William 11 . Moffett. Rewired That whilst we humbly bow to the will o an All Wise Providence in this sad dispensation, we deeply feel that the Bar has lost an able and high-toned mem ber, an honorable, genial and kindly spirit —the community a benevolent and good citizen, and'-his family a having and faith ful protector. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Court, and a copy transmitted to his family; that we attend hisTuneral in a body, and these proceed ings be published in the city papers. Real Estate Transfer/4. The following deeds were filed of record before H. Snive Esq., Recorder, 17th, 1868: Wm. Veehter et ux. to Peter Auberger, June So,. PAS: lot in the Sixth ward. Allegheny, beginning on the easterly aide of Beaver avenue, 80 feet south from Brady street, - 40 by 100 feet $1,200 Emory Ulemsomet ax to Charles A. Carbos, June 1, 11369: lot No. 71n Dilworth'splan, Boss tnwnship, the Beaver road, containing 92 and 4.10 perches Robert Anderson to Robert J. Whitehead, Feb. 1867; lot on Franklin street, Second ward, Alle gheny. E 0 by 50 feet $ l 3O Joseph Set tit Otto tiernhase. November 29,1887; Latin McClpraTownsldp. in Joseph Seiffert's plan. Wood's Run, 10 by 140 feet $B,O Dr. T. Vent to ,Mrs. ElizAbeth W. Hare, April Bs. 1668:-. lot on south side of 1.140 BenNer , rued, Ohio Township. 40 by 2241 feet 0400 Peter Diets to Otto Hartung , December I, 1867; a triangulae piece' of land in Ohio township, con tainlng about.ime quarter of an acre, laying on the north side of the private road Jeading.from Glen dale Mallon to Jacob Keller's. farm *B9 ilenjam n F. FOX to Sarah Mackey, April V 2, 1868. lota.N s 50, 60, 61 and 03 In Fox's plan,-Chartiers towns ip, 6u by 100 feet $l,OOO John M Ter to Ivory Cole, ApriL-tat, L 968; lot in the Sixth ward, Allegheny,begliining on the east side ,of Be. ver street, 'a by 140 feet with buildin gs, . . Will • m P. Hunter to Thos. Mackreli. Jan. I, 1 81 8e7 0EI ; I. s Nos. 15Land 153 Roberts street, Seventh;ward, ittsburgh, 4 0 rby 100 feet , - OB5O Adam Mohler et ux. to SLI Fanny Wallace and Bliss Mary Hughes, June 20th, 1866: lots NoS. 16 and 16 In Collins township. 60 by 76 feet - ' 170; Mrs. Elisabeth Beak to Elltiest (1. Krehan. July 20 1869; lot No. 13 In - McKee A Lorey's plan of lots. Washington street, Btrailngtusui. B 3 by 85 feet, 9.00 s 31ary - S..Kelley to John,Myrick. July 6, 1963; lot No. , -fa In Dr Fredetick .Itauimanls plan. Frederick Street, Itirmiugham, 25 by 70 feet $l,OOO James Roberta et us. toH. ( . 3 . - Andrews...A OIL 200 1.4.6; a portion of lot No. ea ire Wm. ti..Brown'. Plan, Lower St, C/alr township, V) by &I feet..sloo • i City Illortallty. Dr. A. G. McCandless, Physician -to the Board of Health, reports the following in terments in the city of Pittsburgh, from July sth to July 12th, 1868: Prom consumption, 3; Pneumonia, 2; puerperal fever, 2; sunstroke, 4-paralysis, 1; cholera infaututn, 16; ,convulsions, 5; inanition. 1; bronchitis; 1; disease - of the brain, inflamatioh of the bowels, 2; ma-. rasmns, 2 ; hydr Thalus,' 1 ; typhoid . fever,,l. Of the shayse the were under 1 year of ages 2 8; from to 2 8; from 2t05, 1; from sto 10, 2; f m I .. • I • • torn 30 to 40, 3; from 60 to 1,1; fr... 70 to 80,.1. Of these 20 were males 21 females; ` white, 39; colored, 2; total in3mt/rpfl4eatii.4 ft, • Abfted,lier Sat; Mary Dailey, a resident • -of Weaverts• „ Court; off Thant' street;lnadeltiformntion before the Xayor _yester,day., rig James MoTlerriati with assatiltAnd battery. It appearsthat a son of the prosecutrix , a bey about tWelie yeaes old, who IS a boot blaok,i was .Ongageti at the, corner of _Grant. andlbirlistreets blacking a gentleman's boots, when the aCcused, who was beastly drunk came staggering along the street, and Without the slighteit provocation struck the boy with •his fist and knocked him down. Hewes arrested and taken los the lock-up until; sufficiently sober to have a hearing. " Such• unfeeling, drunken bra: tishness should be - punisho9 to the ' fullest • extent of the law. • ' • • ' Sudden Death. Coroner'Clawaot held an in4nest yester day morning on the body of - a Man named , Elias Illyen, who' died suddenly at 'the rolling mill of Everson;Pieiten & Co: - It, 'seems that'he had been employed as Anight watahmau, and sbeut term) o'clock In the Morning, while,pas.sing. a - furnace, he and denly dropped the ground, Being eon veyelt to the outside of the. mill , every effort Was made tq respire hun,,but Iwithout.. 'effect; ,and after lingering. In a Mate sof :stupor for l aboxt two, hours _he expired. The deceated boarded In Pipetown endives about sixtrilveypara of age. HIS has. been ditialfieliono time, but tie leaVesitWo oldldivirtiitnoura a i:ttper!ii kat, .i:4; BIM , A eltolnplE!onv,9 , RA.Xlpi t4/1,, gieriiiiilTa since *e . noticed A iti .''''r ' 7 Stealing; opera ion, in wVcii Cifir. =Wok.:, : . , Wilson, of New Alexandria, was .the. Vic., tim. The animal Iwas recover after' ar• 1 long and perseve • g sear& by °Direr Morl . Cieady, f the Mayor's police., , The fbl lowing ar ethe particulars in regard to the ease: It ist alleged that on the 15th: of Juno, last Dr. Al 3. Duncan, formerly Of Alleghe,. , ny, caned { at Mr. Wilson' houae And Ow cured froit son - of that geutlethan the' horse aria saddle and bridle. He stated, t at'iii) wi bed to _visit a patiant, and would- . T n retu n the animal. The Doctor carne; 1 Pittbrirgh, and it is alleged tharhe not,' t l o y forgot to_return the horse, but po ll .. ceived' the idea that he owned it. A gen. , tleman named Rebman residing in lit., mingham; purchased the horse, which in-,' worth at least about two hundred dollars, 'from Duncan; paying.hini seventy-five dol-',, lard for it. Mr. Rahman subsequently:lo34, the horse to A. Detrick, of MO Liberty, • < and it afterwards passed from Detrich's, , hands to a livery stable keeper, of Law-1 , rencevill \ , It was sold again, a',feed store ~ keeper of Lawrenceville purchasing him; for a wa n horse. Thursday , as stated,.' f I; : . 'officer Mcentscly found him lb the posam:' sion of the feed store keeper who, upon be- - ',- ing informed that the horse had been stolen,:: promptly turned him over to the officer... 'Mr. Robnian, • who was with the offieer j f., . identified him as tha horse he purchased from Duncan and the'same 'which be sold, -.., to Detrich. Mr. Wilson was 'in 'the ,city., yeaterdaY, andbeing shown , the horse,rit . 1 onee identified it as his property. Search is still being made for the atieged thief, but as yet no traces of him has been discovergd. °.` , The Heated Term. • . During the present extremely hot weatb, er cases of cholera morbus, cholera: in.- - fant UM, and all other diseases of that char.' actor are prevailing to an alarming extent, • and every man, woman and child in the community is liable at any time to an attack of some one of them,,unle ss pre cautionary means are adopte d prevent it. , Every family should be provided with a specific for cholera' and a preventive to all summer diseases. Dr. Harris' Electric ci.. Summer Cordial is a most excel ent pre ventive and an infallible retie for all diseases of the stomach and bo els, and his cramp cure a reliable specific for cholera. Both these artioles are for sale by Harris & Ewing, druggists, corner of Wayne and Liberty streets, who are also agents for Schoonmaker's pure white lead and Mc- Coy's Verditer Green. Give them a call. —The War Department at Washington has ordered the immediate removal of the bodies of the two hundred Confederate officers who died and were buried =John son's Island, while prisoners of war, to the Catholic cemetery of Sandusky, 0., the re= moval to be commenced on Monday next, under the direction of a Government agenk sent for that purpose. —The number of deaths in St. ottis for the week endingyesterday numbered two, hundred and three, of which thirty-three' were from cholera infantum, eleven from' sun-stroke, twelve from apoplexy apd elev en from softening of the bram, the two lat-, ter stiperinauced by 'the heat. —A London special dated 16th says: The Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred visited Admiral Farragut's fleet on Tuesday. Far.' ragut returned the visit to the _British frig:ate Galatia, with Prince ,Alfred,'on the 16tb, and by invitation then visited - Queen Victoria at Osborne House. . ' —At Cincinnati,.on Thursday, there were twenty-five oases of sunstroke, ten of 'them fatal. Nine cases were reported up to five 13. in. yesterday, eight of which were fatal. The total number, of case cominencing last Monday, have been silt • -one, of which thirty-eight proved fat.. —At Toronto, N. Y.,11, Wednesday,' a block of wooden stores `as destroyea by fire, involving a loss of $50,000. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. When the system Is once affected it will' not of its own accord; it needs help-tt &wit 'bit . , strengthened and Invigorated; this is especial', case when the KIDNEYS, BLADDER OR 'URINARY . ORGANS' Are affected. . For Immediate relief and permanent DR. SABGEBT'S Diuretic or Backache Pi lch Are a perfectly safe and reliable sperldi. This well known reseed: , has effected a large number or timely and reinarkable cures, and have never failed ;anise. relief when takenaccording. Lo directions, - Dr. Sargetit's 13fliketChe Pills , . Are purely vegetable, and militate. no mercury or calomel. They do not exhaist the ayatem, ` but on the contrary they act as a tonic. iniparting new tone and vigor to the organs andstrengthening the whole body. These Phis have stood the test of thirti-dvi years. and are 14111 gaining In popularity. ". Ara- FOR BALE lIY DRUGGISTS AND DEALT ER.S IN MEDICINE ENERYWHER,E. Price 50 ertillin Per. BOX STRENGTHEN, THE DEVENCES.:.. the ...moat deadly, enemy of health,, 4. everywhere active In July and August: The blastuN sun Is decomposing and fermenting every species of vegetable anti animal abomination, and poisonous gases that depress and infect the system are univer sally present. On the prairies, In the 'manilla in the woods, and in the midst of crowded cities. this: development of the elements of disease is now going on,, In short the unman body Is Ina Mate of stem and reason and nonillion senseauggest that Its DE. FIANCES BC STNIAN3THENED.:, :A: stimulant, a eordo, cor,rectlye and int alteratire reqUired. to put it, , in perfect trlin, and. these four grand requisites rue, combined in tiOTEITER , S STOMACH - BI TTEDI3., • • , , A man must be • Made ofateel not to be affected by .-. the morbid, mitter`set afloat In the atmosphereby• ' the rays of an almost vertical sun. Dane-tenths of the community. are eremonished at this scum' by • 5 ,-1 debility, Indisposition -roeexertion, nerrousnem . • de.. tha t . they.need something to Wild them up and,. • i t * regulate their atilm:d - machinery. De they wane to" It out oa all•stitnmer," or tow:him ••• an numediAte victory over, their ,unpleroant toms, and secure that first orHeaven's blessings— . "a sound mind in sound: body?" ;if the latter As • Li- , their desire let them resort 7 10 , 14 e DffffiCffeselth•.,•,;; out detay. 'that agreeebleXudlpotent'vegetablere--„it gir o . z. „geM re e i ra ul ti st v i e ng ern ib l e soo li n ve re r, sto. stre re u thi xt i he 3 aw itemt th ora atz 'hill mmth aart i ';i l.• ••4 gently relieving the bowels, and giving vigor, else. -2• 'Betty and energy to the whole frame. These are proven theta. AU man Jebel reads the testimony on which they are founded can top a moment deals ••• ,- "i 4 Du. • _, DR. Mirrenili:44l4,tp to cußt 00. „ A . 4. . some %hie 112 , You will remember that , IbM a occaniditattew'''` of dioilaseti, whiCh'finally ended in itterrlble .r 4 which I had been advised to "lakitlone, , ` on acv mrii a iierassintr cough, which It wee ...feared ht fasten it on inyiungs. • knew that. the Ifirk:Mode or treating' 'diseases like Mine" Was ties'''. cutting oPerailoitiviiiph; encom(sibi et all, wotird' , ' naturally, throw the dteetwe epottthe !nap or aoralt other vital organ; account or the ',suddennage the cure and - thelmmedlate cheek - tothe dlicharge; - which I bcliftvettwat a salutary Provision, or nature ho sea. rld dr - soine morbld.condition or slie" systeM. 'reed .nerrectly satlefled that Tour method of ment, , Purtrihtit the•argent. aa4rloSil.opPutlittool,,,.'.=-:1, to the tittitl°l4m K part. =let cu, altrihltitt .040. without cutting, whieh I end It dtgiand mu WWI ..r..- ,, " 0 ;* .4 to: port , myself'. well : in every particular, with sounder and bette r hfr , a;th thaul ! ; have bl4.4 l 4 . veatii - , r *egad also wld that the applicattima you wade were almost iniinteas, and have lent me &near, invar_ with a the energies and vigor of restored health. .. 4 - , "Yetire,„Rratefuuy 'ElrltriPdthi CONSULTATION 110011111 voit, - ougoxic , iiratrASlSS,l iso gir,tr,zr sTF I 94T.!'" trout lit A. 18 1 ,914.1114 - o.to„tg,. i..,hokrirmidegy4- " • nin , c y NZ El IMIS