'Cm; nanatsl .!Mattets.in. New •Y • 'Closed st 1433i@i43%, ,:,Bl , Tegraph to the Pittsburgh ,„ - • `NEw - Veng. July 17, 1868. • • MONET AND GOLD: Money easy and•steady at 6 per cent. nail. Sterling drift at 1103, 11*. dad. aluer, pnening at 1423 i reaching 14314, at Vlach a million was taken, anti closed at ii 43 3i4143M. Government exports one nail-, -`'on for the payment of salaries Fa Europe. -• GOVERNMENTS Governmonta active iblid higher, closing i,rm. Co apons '81004014104qt do: '62, 1141/, -.',4114M: do. '64, 111% ®lily; do. '65, 11214 J 11254; do. new,10934®1091/0 do. '67, 109,% 9/ 1 09%4 '68, - •109344e109%; 16-4Qs, 10814 i43'.:; 7-30 s, 10P%®109k,. Considerable . . onunta of. - bends are being shipped to En: Border State bonds are stronger: STOCKS higher, closing fi In although rct thet_3x ree quotations are hardly sustained. At ".:30 the prima were: Canton, 47@50; Cum -3314Q)34%; Well's Express, 2434W' ' XiiroticanExpress 44%®'46. Adams :-.lspress 513‘W2; United States Express, r3VJ ,®46ly; Merchants, Union Express, r 023%; Quicksilver,r/212234; Pacific -Mail, 01%@102: Weatern Uhion Telegraph, 35% 4 '435 K; Now York Cent Id, 132%40133; Erie, i 3 %@68%; Hudson, 140; Reading, 96:4® Ohio and • Mississippi, • 2931114 . 1 3:f; _Wabash, _ 49(g)49; St. Paul, • I Prbferred, 82W,@8./,;„l4lchigan Central, . 1 :,16%®117; Michigan Southern, 91%a92; tois Central, 148%101150%; Pittsburgh, 86% ---___0136 4 ,4; Toledo, 10234@103; Rock Island, :97./,11:0107%; -North Western,•79®79%; do. Ireferrod, 8131®82;TPort Wayne, 108%® ;2834; Ilartford and Erie, 163.; Marietta, ;; fit preferred, 29; Prairie du Chien Ist pre 'orred, 105% ; Burlington and Quincy, 164; . trahtabula, 99%; Ciilnmbus, 90; Missonris, knew Tonnessees, 68%; old 69; North Car . ines, 73%. Car lines, = • • MIN/NCk SHARES. • • fi Mining shares dull; Smith & Parmelee, 1.30, Gregory, 46g. SUB-TREAstrur. ' Balance, 132.960,94.9. • , _ • , • ki :New 'York Produce Market. • v Telegratitt to the Pittsburgh Gazeue.l r , r • • r Nam-lons, July 16.—Cotton Is , a shade zrmer, bat less active ,, with sales of 906 ales at 313a32e for middling uplands. . dull and declining; receipts-464 bis; _sales —6,900 at $6,402.6,90 for _super., ne, Btato and western; 57,8048,35 for extra • Rate; 57;84a9,fi0 for extra western; 510,40 a I:440 for white wheat extra; 58,25a12,65.f0r tt. 11. O.; $9,75310 for extra St. Louis; sloa • 14,50 for good to choice; do. - olosing dull rad heavy; California' flour heavy, with tlesOf 900 sacks at 59,00a12,25. Rye flour ruiet, with sales 0f,200 bbls at 57,50a9,85. • • t , i'prn meal quiet. Wheat; receipts--7,300 u; the Market opened a shade firmer 4 . fad More active; but closed quiet with the •• 7,livance lost; holders are more disposed to • ialize higher prices; sales-41,000 bush at 0,80 for inferior No. 2 Chicago; $1,85 for • o. , 2"Milwaukee; 51,95 for No. 1 do; $2,25a _ "1t35 for new red Georgia and Tennessee; 11:,35 for amber—Michigan; $2,'150.,40 for ••• bito,State; 52;40 for white Michigan and shits Canada on private terms; 52,55 for •rchite Georgia, and $2,50x2,65 for white ralifcria. Rye °Wet. Barley and Barley :! , t.". 1 :45, aft nominal. Peas; sales of 7,500 bush of ixna.da at $1,47. Corn; receipts 30,594 bus; ilarket heady and la2c lower; 'sales of i l l,ooo bus, at $1,01a1,09 for miffed western peat 'and 51;10a1,10% for very choice do. Sacs; receipts 1;590 bus; market heavy and 3:••1 , 52c lower; sales 'of 61,000 bush, at 81a82c ittr western in store, closing at - the inside ' lkice, and 831/0 for do afloat. Rice dull. • ' I,ffee firm and quiet. Sugar steady sales ' t 350 b !Ids Cuba at 1 i1.,4a1‘430. Molasses ' . 11. Hops quiet. Petroleum quiet; 15%a f i o for crude; 3fic for refined bonded. fork is quiet and heavy; 1;250 bbls sold at ; • f-8,20a28,25 for new mess, closing at 828,25; •,•:gnlar at $28a28,50; old do closing at $28,25; ~, ...,I%gular at. $'22,25a2.5 for prime; $24a21,50 for .. . True mess. Beef-steady; wiles 150 bbls. •:-.::.•ef hams r quiet. Cut' Meats steady; 350 ' • gs at 12. 1 4a13v,c for shoulders; 16 , x, al7 V i c , '..r tams; -. irt ddlingsAulet and steady. ,•, ia rd quiet and nominal: 100-tierces sold at. • : . :al7yie for steamed; 1018!‘e for kettle bndered. - Butter is steady at 20a2843 for ~ .... 'filo. - Please firm. Freights to Liverpool .--- • Ails less active;, engagements per steamer '.. ft 40,000 bus grain at 7d.'for corn; 7j4i. for 41heat; 700 bbls flour at 3s. Larasr--Floar cloded dull and declining, .1 Wheat 'rather quiet at .61,80a1,85f0r4N0. 2,,, ' —Utt,., d 51,90a1,05 for No: 1 Spring. ' Rye dull ..t, i,t $1,75a1,83. Oats dull and heavy at 80 , 4 a \lll In stOre and 83 afloat. Corn rather easier •''' '- ""'ILO7aI,IO for new mixed western afloat. - .... ; ~ ork quiet and-steady. at 821,18y 4 a28,25 for • less cash and regular. Beef steady with .. koerate demand. Cat.. meats in firm re k,. test and at steady-:prioes. Bacon nomi : . ' Lard dull at 17,018 for fair to prime iii ii i Eggs in fair request at 25a27. , Chicago plarket. , _ 1, ty Tel9crimb to the Pittsburgh Gazetie.i Curosoo July 17.—Flour dull and tame; ssa than 1200 bbls all grades were reported. $9,502,10,00 for Spring extris. and $6;80 ir spring superfine brands. I, Wheat dull nd a shade firmer, closing with buyers at 1,76 for No. 2 spring; about 91,0013 bushels banged hands at $1,92 for No. 1, and $1,73 1,73 y. for No. 2; this afternoon sales No. 2 ;$1,74: Coro less active awl demand prin pally •speculative, ly 4 all4c lower; sales to. 1 at 914a92c; No. 2 at 90a91e, and re- toted 5t,433% - ,elosing with sellers of No. 91%o; slime Change sales - were tado of No. 1 at 90,0. _Oats dull , ads firmer, with sall3B Ikt 63a640 for. Nos. nd 2, tho market closing with buyers at ,I Rye is in better demand and irregu 'with sales of new in EltOli) at $1,20 for t andll for No. 2 and rejected. Bar:. ~, to dull; sales were made of 1 car load:of - , ew by sample, to arrive at $1,25. -Provis . 9 700-are dull . MOSS Pork is nominal and 'i4s, ees are unchanged. Lard is held at 17c. ;, , ,s nights are dull at So on'tsorn to Buffalo, t i : heights 70 on corn to - Oswego. The receipts for 1 1'he past twenty-four hours' amounted to _ .' • 7491 barrels flour, 2,281: bushels.wheat, ': -, : } 1 : 34,270 -bushels -corn, 17,077 onshels oata, 1, kr 3,552 • head of live hogs. Th e s hipment* r the, same length of time amounted to 'klifi. barrels fionr,s97l bushels what; 1.08;- . ' .". 'f-103 bushels' corn, 2,500 bushels ,eats, ligid • 1 '.;.! sao bead of live hogs. . . ~. El , • ililwaukee rket. j .. • , ____ . •,. . : 13 i - 1%1410:Q1h to the Pittahnigh Geet,q,e.] 311.14WATIZEIC, July 17.-7 Flour dull and ~‘ ,' •• , .'' „, -'-'' •,N'H . ..leesdy, and the , prioes 'ere " unchanged. '• '--- 7 , . • •:. t,:' '-, pibeat higher-at. J 1,85 for N0.,L1; ;11,7a}0, i . • • - ,'• •L - ,84 for'No. 2. Oats lower at 00a06%0 for _ '• ..4 1 0. 2. Corn dull and , weak at 90 34 c for No. - ' ' ' ;! - ,,,i , • Itectopts-50 0 1:obls - four. 4,000.bn wheat, ,- , • ' -:- - --: 14,600. bu oats. 2,000 bit-corn. Shipments-. 7 ; •- • ', 1.."•• , pep bbls flour, /2,000 bu wheat, 500 Puede. - I ', '', ' ' - .. • ''; 'k 3 bu Dorn. 0: ' el" • , Chicago Cattle Market. i ‘' ' - - - i - • 4 ' ga --- to the Pittsburgh Gazette.' ' • .. 'Y.P3Y ICo reabo, July 17. A-Beef cattle more so. •-: ' • i ive at $4,30a5 25 for cowf and _light steers; l', 6036,80 for fair to Median:l, an i0,,87 1 ,fa . . , iWO for geadA o choice steers. Hogs active d teai 5o higher; _sales at $8,80a8;60 for '46- to - medium, and ;8,7E69,00 for choice ''sxlcootk lots. 1 ' . ' • - ' Philadelphia Market. '...... •gy T R ellers , ' ph to the Pitteoureb Gasette.l ;35 . il porteli-grratt, July 17.-- - Petroleum •, ' • ' • , - i, tan do Flour dull but steady. Wheat in ''''''""" ... 1 • ' demand; sales red at $2.40a2,45. • - j i„.„,.. ,7 ca c oe rce• sales mixed western at $1,17. ' , --3)rd . ' '''-jeta in fair demand. Provisions Unchanged. ._,,,,--', ' 1 • -,;•-1 - 1 - -_ '' ' ' - ' 5. • - iMPORTs BY RAILI4OAD. • -1. . • . 1 4:'," 4 , I tacit) *IW PirreMoitu e Rail, •* 4 lJ u ly .17. 8 oars iron. Chem, I..nsrA 1 ! . "eith dt,-kiel- 1 car :atone, .0 Ha , worth; 64 • . ,-'.phis oil, Hackett, McKee it Co; eat shin..., i - ' - "`" • A., A Barker; • 1 car litnibervAtatek • • . r , blooms. John Moorhead dc .._!.. A.-. vr ie, 4 oars - ' • r •,..7 : 430; $6 , obis oppper, T !II Howe; Zro boxes : NINOMME MEM ME MBE _starch, Will Cooper - & Co; 25 v do do, J .0 2 .Dilworth .& Co. 5 do ito,ll crates do, Lewis '&Clore:" 2trhys dodo , J It Smith; 25d0 do, Smith, Johnston & Co; 10 do 'do, 'E Sellers & Cs; 50 do do, 1 orate do, Watt, Lang & Co; 9 bbla 'glass, Wm McCully & Co; 1 ear pipes, H Oats; 4 . do rye, McHenry do Hood; 10. bblwknribs, , Adams, McKee & Co; 9 do do, Jones, Nirn , ick & Co; 1 cask Ware, R E Breed; rdoiCii ,chairs; A Milliken & Co; 4 bbis eggt - 2 bier do, 5 kegs butter, 1 bag feathers, - Head Metzgar2s aka oats, Brown yirmiam K g bbis apples, H Riddle; 50 tills oil, J Spear, Z 2 bbls, potatoes, T McCoy; •1. bbl dry apples, Varigorder & Shepard. PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, - July 17.-25 tea hams, "E H Myers & Co; 10 do do, J H Lippincott; 2 , pkgs tobacco, R W Jenkinson; SO bbls ce ment, J Dunlap; 27 bales cotton, Eagle :Cotton•Mills; 1 car Oats, Adams &Thursby; 3 bgs coffee, Arbuckles & Co; 14 sks grain, W Rankin; 4 bbls eggs ' S Cooper. 4hf bbls fish, Head & Metzgar: 15 bbla eggs, W H Graff & Co; i 4 sks oats, `C; H Love; 1 pkg tobacco, J 'S Dilworth & Co: 3 bbls DO. tatoes.Meanor, & Harper; 2 pkgs tobacco°. T Blaolimore; 12 sks rve, 12 do oats, Robb & Herron; 2 cars bulk meat,' E H Myers & Co; 55 tas hams, Jas El Parker; 6 bbls oil, F W C Feld; 33 bales cotton, A. H Childs & Co; 1 car staves, H Guyer. • PITTSBURGH, .EPT: WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, July 17.-2 cars metal, Bryan & Cangbey; 6 do do r Nimick & Co; 6 do do'. Jas Wood Son & Co; 169 sks oats, Bricker, dc Co; • 1 car lumber,- J M Seibert. 13 boxes cheese, NJ Braden; 50 do •do, Arbuckle & Co; 25 do do, J S ,Dilworth & Co; 13 Elks rags. Christy &Benham; 2 bbls eggs, W J Steel & Bro; 8 bgs rye, H Rea Jr; 1 car mid dlings, R Knox Jr. 36 boxes cheese, N J Braden. 1 pkg tobacco, J Murphy; 275 bgs oats, Keil &-Ritoliart; 40 bdls broom corn, McClellan & Co;100 bbls flour ) Watt Lang dr.Ccr; 300 do do, dwner; 100 do do. Dan Wallace. Attaxasionr STATION, July 16.-74 , bbls flour, Stewart Langenhein; 2 cars metal, 6 do limestone, Superior Iron Co; 5 cars metal, Lewis. Bailey & Dalzell; 1 car wheat, W McKee; 1 car shingles, R H King; 21 bides, 9 pkgs calf skins, J Luokeamp; 136 sks oats, 17 bblsilour;.SC M'Mast era; 2 bbls eggs, R & A Carson; 100 bbls flour', Robert Knox & Son; 100 do do, 1 car bran, A Mil let.; 300 green hides, A & J Groetzinger & Co; 32 sks oats, Stewart dr Langenhoina; 1 car shingles, Taggart & Wilson; 16 bbls green apples, Owens & Harper; 10 bbls flour, Hippley & B. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, .Tuly 17.-10 bbl eggs, Graff & Reiter; 2 de do, 1) Stevens; 1 do do; 3do butter, John Moor head; 6 firkins butter, 1 box eggs, Arbuth not & Co; 50 sks oats, Adams & Austin; 4 do wool, R Ellett; 4 pkgs eggs, 4 do butter, J W Beer; 14 sks rye, Keil & Ritehart; 27 sks wool, H Woodsides; 8 do do, S Bradley & Son. ' PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL' RAILROAD, July 16.—L bbl eggs, Megraw & Co; 320 flour bbls, Vangorder & Shepard; 2 bbls eggs, J & & Deitz; I ease cigars R& W Jetikinson;,2 sks rags, M W Rankin & Bro. Prrrssunew AND Cotorsrzsvir,LE RAILROAD, July 16. rolls leather, J Schulz; 14 coils rope, Fulton, 13ollman Qt Co; 212 bdls sheet iron, W F Armstrong. • AUCTION SALES. BY SMITHSON, VANHOSIE & 'I4OIIOIiIEN STATION, , • THIRD'AUCTION SALE, `Sattirday Afternoon, July 18th, . . , . Of the 'remaining SIXTT•FIVE BUILDINC LOTS 'Of Plait No. 1. Free Trains leave Western Penna. 'Railroad Depot. Allegheny City, at LA-r• P. at. Thid is the most important and desirable sale held, as the reserved ff --- CHOICE 'LOTS AND SITES V . 11.1 be offered and sold without reserve.. Tan - tia: unc- fourth cash. balance in four years. Flans and-information of Capt. It. Robinson, 75 Federal Street, Allegheny City, or to . SMITHSON, 17A.NHOOK t BIeCLELLAND, 3.14 Auctioneers. L- BY A. WILWAISE, lM ACRES ON PE NO( LVANIA • ur • AVE tar F. 'at Assignee ice.on THUIISDAT afternoon, - Jaly • l6th, at Id o'clur • on the premises, will be sold by order of John 11. - Kennedy att. John G. Maceonneil, Assignees In Banktuptcy of Idiehael O'Hara, that valtisbie properly In-the city of Pitts burgh, formerly Liberty townshitt, fronting.on\ Penn sylvasilitavenue. opposite Iderarland's Grove, and bounded by lands of George A. Berry. Jams B. Murray, and John McFarland, deceased, containing 14 aetes and 110 perches. • - • The beatitiful situation of this property,-com manding band Some , viens of the valley and sur rounding villa., cannot oe surpassed.- Its desirable testi and' great value arc too well known to require particular mention,' - • • Wrms of sale- , sold subject to mortgage of : 447 92; balance cash. jail • A. M'FLIV AIME. Auetioneer. ' BY Luang & mums matign. & PHILLIPS, , ,LIT.CTIOITZERS And Connnfssion itterchantse OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, to. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt lte• tarns. • ADJOURNED • ORPHANS' COURTSALE. On' Tuesday, July. "21st,•: 1868, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. AL, AT: THE MET HOWL Pr 118131724111, , lie undeislg e d will again offer-at kWh) Elate the 'lratsa Balduln towni.talp known as the , JACOB LINI4ART ;FARM. The attention of epalreen labelled to the sale of thiasery ffe.traale piece of CO4L PROPERTY. The =Attained. °rids .attorney :. . S. MUGU BUN. No. el With, street, will be pleased to also say infortetasionin regard to iti . • ausixfroAusi vaimurr, jowl s > - Adininlstrator of ;Isis:Sito Llnliort. DISSOLVTION• OF 'PAATNER, SHIP:The Partnership heretofore - 6;141ns between , , • MAR' TRALITERNAL In the Live Stook Balinese. has • been dissolved hY =tonal consent, SOLOMON TRA.UXIIMAN .re • Meg. Those heel' g 'Whitt the old film dna will Present the same for-settlement, and those indst " e° WLU Pisaso make Immediate payment. Z ither Of the old partnere Is authorized to settle up and use name Of the Arm. • , - • bIMON KLUB& • SOLOMON TBAUBBMAN: The and reigned edit continue the boateeee ender -the style 8 NARKS 81t0 , end the hope, by strict attention to the !tents of the ttede, to mgrl t l settattnnenoeOf die very Abend patronage hereto* 'fore beetowed upon tho old Ann. NED fagrPER.OO. rit.out!., .rxtuat CROP . OE , ISO& We are war; receiving a choke Jot of segth e i n Wheat from Tesitiesire and, Minola. bow which we are Dew. aseaufectertow-a 'Opener manly of ramliy Plour. aqua' to the Wit bntnds in tai United, spates: to *bleb we Invite the etteettoa ordealeri exoyenceem•re. Oar raduiegitadfandA taaded; 1 3rop orleelt, Pearl Stem Alleithea7,2m na Ith dale A,asoir. T. NIADT 4 Aso. Jaw • I - • . _ . . Bintort. 43iAZBTTIg:3.13ATIIIIDACY „ . .. - 18 7 1 ' 8 . .88 = The isreathei altheugh still very het,was TcOlniaratlyely , pleasant yesterdaY, and imadinihniinn wasitbout as strong as ever, tbern was tepretty goixt breeze most of ihe diy.; The rival fe about stationary with ten inehea in the' channel, aceording to 'the :metal mark, though it is claimed that there As ilouble that on Glass House. It is a matter ,of no great importance whether 'there are ten or twenty inches, as steamers condo nothing on even twenty incheS, but it is important to have the marks correct. There are two or three small steamers navigating the Monongahela. —Sharp Hemphill writes that the time or the Andy Ackley, St. Louis to Benton, dis tance 3,175 miles, was sixty-three days and eighteen hours. —Since 1828, the Chattahoochee river, Ga., has been navigated by 134 steamboats. Of these B—half of watch are tied up—ere now upon it. Of the remainder, during these forty Years, 45 have been worn out, 6 blown up accidentally, 2 by the Fedora's, 3 blown away in a gale. 2 lost by high water, 9 burned and 29-sunk—in ail 96 casnalties— and 80 have left the river. —The '-systorri of reshipping over the Rapids at Keokuk, has been fairly inanau rated, and we have no doubt witnessed the departure of the last through boat of the season: Both the Upper Mississippi lines are thoroughly prepared for that sort of work, each having a full complement of boats both above and below, and very little delay :will be caused to passengers or freight in consequence of the change. —The St. Louis Democrat, of Thursday, says: The robbing of passengers in the night time on steamboats is almost of daily occurrence up tip river, during this hot weather. Passengers are obliged to leave the doors of their staterooms open or else smother, and the thieves have no difficulty in reaching their victims. The thieves are snarp. Ono of them the other night at tempted to take a watch fromia gentleman who was awake, in an u pper berth. When asked t , who's this?" the thief responded, "excuse'ine, sir, I guess 'Pm in the wrong room." On the steamer Milwaukee, last week, we are told, money to the amount of 81,300 was taken from passengers in one night:. Parties were arrested at McGregor, but no evidence was adduced against them. People traveling on the river had better leave their valuables with the elerlES—the office safe cannot be entered very well. Wit. Lords dispatehes of Wednesday; re port as follows: The decline still oontin nes in the Illinois and Mississipp. The Missouri is falling slowly at Omaha, and rising at St. Joseph. • The Kate Kinny passed the latter place ,vesterday, with 10,- 000 sacks corn for St. lons. The Peoria City comes mit of the Missouri to-day with the largest freight trip evi:r brought from that river. The Camelia left for Pittsburgh yesterday, with about fifteen tons; she has no barge, and takes no ore. The Silver Cloud, for Pittsburgh, took no freight; having no fanny for 1214 c. per 100 pounds., She has a barge, and takes 400 tons ore at Carondelet for Ironton. The Common wealth, for New Orleans, took 500 tuns, and gets 1,000 tuna at Cairo. The City of Alton leaves to-day for Memphis with a fair' trip. The Welcome is loading for Omaha The water on the lower rapids being insufficient to enable Northern line packets to erOss, they now reship (at Keo kuk Captain Joe Brown has purchased the ram Vindicator from the Government, and will have her fitted for the purpose of keeping the harbor free from lee during the winter. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J This first class Hotel will open for the season oh 251h.Jure., , Terms. $3.50-per day: *2O per week. Address, It. Tlio %11.',a0 N. Proprietor, • (forme k•rof Congress Hall, Cape Island. and Me tropolitan hotel, Waahlogfon„ D. C.) . N. B.—The motile will be under the direction of Mr. CARL RENTZ. 'eXars7 A NEWSUDIDIER RESORT. THE LIM, HOUS&' Storieboro, Pa., (On the tine of Jamestown do Franklin Railroad, one hones ride from Franklin.) This house is large, new and connuudiutb, well throbbed, has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered orome• nades, It Is on the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake In America , abounding in ChM, and ad• mirable for galling purposes, surrounded with 2MI - springs, romantic scenery, ac. it is the best gtunmerresort. In the State. Address. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAM EXTENSION. *HEALED PRoPHPALIit will be received et tills ogler until 3 O'plweic P. at., on FRII.AY.24•hIu t. for extending 'me ttE ALAKII Tr.l:2,4tA PH into the ceventh ward, a diatanee °tabard 4,500 feet, via caring (JAN.-it Avenue. . Also. for extending the - I.mPa Into the tlljtnthry ward, a Pistancc of about 3.000 feet, via. MAIM street. Pipe ctreet and hank Lane. Oder half - of the contrmh prier to be paid after the lines have been thprouguiy leafed and approved: Iry th , Chit ror the rime Departu, nt apd the 4 OM mince on Itnsines, the balance payable three months [Acres,* er. The right la reserved to reject any and all at du. jy17:f.17 WALL PAPER, AT EfEDUCED PRICES. . H errEn Joby ter, - We wlll oZer oar present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices. A large assortment of KAT IN PAPr.II.B, [or - halla, room, Ceilings, Az.. at. . No.lo7'llarkpt Street,near JOS. R. HUGHES* BRO. Jvi iptumprotti 'Ants FOR SALE, IN AzismaumNir CITY. 1445,t