El tag. ' -Baleen Asceodon on , the Fourth of July-- :A Thrilling cad ; Perilous Adventure. - ... thane the Menke(Mo.) Ledieraaty 10.1 • i On Saiirribri event fig last the Fair Grounds in this city Wet:, the scene of the most fear ' fill and thrilling sp4tacle ever witnessed in this community. Meiore Redmond and Yard :had adiertised extensively that on:that ,day , one of the,m,avould make iiit*cetision in their mammoth balloon. - from the limPhl theatre of th Fair Grounds, and some, six .1 or seven , pe rso ns inside, and 'perhaps twice i i 3 118 many on e outside, had assembled to witness the ascent. To understand the ca tastrophe that ensued,. it 2is necessary to state that Messrs. Redmond and Yard, in Alated their balloon by means of heatedsir, ' instead_of gas, as is more usual in such cases. To accomplish. ' s they had eon atructed a furnace, the h t of which was .conducted into the ball on by means of a barrel, 'which - served a chimneyto the furnace, and over which the open end of ' the balloon was placed. It was so arranged that when the balloon shbuld be inflated, a board top was_to be placed over the barrel . - to shut off the heat. At four o'clock - ps • an. the balloon was fully inflated, and Mr. Yard stepped into the car, or basket, sus pended by • means of ropes from the balloon, 1 I and gave the order to shut off the heat, and, ; ' cut.the rope by which thiballoonTwas held down. Unfortunately, Mr. Redmond gave the order, almc4 at the same instant. to fire up, and a quart or more °roost oil was thrown into. the furnace, which blew off the top of the barrel; and the' flame ; burned , • fiercely out through thetarrel, and coming :,, • 1 in contact :with the bulletin it. was ignited on one side and at the cud, and the balloon ,• I shot upward with the speed of elite.-- ....; ; Some of the, audience perceived the fire - , and gave;ile alarm instantly, but the bal ,: Aoon had-attained an altitude of a hundred • 4 yardelefore Mr, Yardhecime telly aware • of .his lOrinelle condition.•_At this time the - i4 \ lntease excitement, commotion. and horror of the:andiencebegamdiscription. Women 12; and ehildrenscreamed in an agony' of fear 0. -- for the safety or Mr, Yard, and men looked '•,: on in speechless helplMsness, in raoinentary oxpectation of seeing him-:hurled to certain ' , death and destruction. Mr. ard seems to. preserved his presence Y of mind in a remarkabledegree. He priPpotiea he attain ed" an altitude; of near three-fourths of a mile before the.'ballion ',began to descend. To test the rapidity of his descent, be threw out - first his•pocket handkerchief; and after ward his hat; by which;he found - that his deseentwas quite gradual, and he begin to hope that if the air did_nbt so far escape as toce . liapse the balloon, hethight effect a safe. .landing- As he feared, hOwever, the bal loonpartially collapsed and, fell over, but by swaying the basket and pulling at the ropes, he managed to right her ,up. again, but he found he was now descending with fearful rapidity. Fortunately he landedriii a thicket of small oaks, east of M-.-----Y. Den -can's, and his basket lqdged on the yield ing branches of those Ilttle trees, and i thus his life was saved, and that, too. withoeithe slightest injury'to 14s person. We can im ane but faintly the grateful emotions of lit. Yard at so happy a deliverance from so t a peril.C. -=----- S 1 ME N ). Old A homestead wit folks —"Time's "doting c con tentedly iu the chimney , ~ ;ould hardly be a homestdad at all. If they are in the picture, it is complete. , s ' - There you may find them, day in dud day out, in all sorts of weather, steadfast tq their. places and to one another. When the eaves drip, in the middle of the winter forenhons, the old man with the head of silver, abandons his post and the last Saturday's ne*spaper to make the accustomed tour of the latchen, offices, the sheds, or. the barn ' lingering by the waylci throw down a handful Of grain for the pinched poultry. With what 'Minute netis he is cautioned by grandmOther not to go out insufficiently clad; and With a single-hearted joy she welcomes him when `he comes back to. ~ r . againl 'He would ardly gam warms receptione if kilai ust come home fronts ermine polar expedition. And as soon as he nestled down snugly Xri his cushioned o, r once more, and dealt: out on the glowing forestick a few vigorous raps with the tongs,• he will launch fcirth in. to - such voluble details or the keen air 'out; (,doors --suggesting Artie re Min icences which • i aro listner could very well call in , question . _ —as'will find thewhite-haired old couple topic of earnest talk • till dinner is brought on the table—froin " Mine:pun," published by Hurd .5.• Ifoughton; •. _ • I ",----. .... .1, • ' k•-. 111 A attuaidsttc Mistake. T he . aon ov attenkarist . says : In a Pretty' village near Boston,'a love of a little Epis coPal ehaPet., having, just been finished, it' benevolent parishioner, sent off to a "proper authority" in e'er/ ecclealasttcat eity t an order for a new surplice of whitest; finest; lawn, as a present to the church.' ; : Tht vest.: meat arrived and so did aftelatifferniu later, who dointingthe delicate fabyleittras a little mys tified -at some extra embroidery across the neckband, which, irt his reveren tial mood, he deciphered as containing - the' letters "G. O. D. ' Just what' Might bit t h ,the Symbolism of this did not al, once occur to him ; but thinking that some en th usiastic antiquary had struck a fresh vein of a tithe decorative art, he went compoiedly eugh the service.. Leaving the church p iih the benevolent parishioner afore/aid, this" gen tertian asked the clergyman if he noticed anything unusual about the surplice helia worn. _ 'Yes," said the other_ "1 noticed 1 the name of the Supreme „Tieing embroidered • on the collar, and could not quite under-' stand exactly whatit.4vatt for. ' "Oh," ie.c joined the darer, Mthat-was a blunder of thesaaker. I orde.red him to mark the pat , - csi, when.he Sent it, C. O. D. (cash on de livery); and theleol went aad•putthese let ' tens, which you see, on ths robe itself. _ _ NE MI ESE ME ;. :.., -1 it' ROI , • ME • .Moat Extraordinary Ace.4eitt., On Thursday of last week ;ond -- of tie• anostbert-rending accidents that we have, been ca led upon to record, occurred at the- Carbon ironzLWorks; - at- Thi particulars are as follows:.. ~Some part of like cylinder in the large 'engine tietame, loose, and-the machinery was.„ stopped lit order to fasten awned: Henry. Wehling got inside the cylinder and wail working at the misplace, d . p arts, when sud. denly the engine started ' and the unfortu., nate man was crushed between the end'of she cylinder and. the head of the pistoA-rod,,. "slrhtlgatltiii-iMieetelthe :faitar..thiArhtek , he. was crabbed is only about two inches. The force wail go powerful ; that the piston rod, which Is four inches lidiameter, was bent. This is only the r eecond accident on record' in ' w hi c h a men Was 'crushed in the cylinder of an engine, and is the only fatariceldent that lies ever occurred -at the Carbon Iron " orks. _ _ ,-- 4,1 fq ' l l -------71; . ' ii - Tau -reaction the ta Sof charges for' messages over the Atlantic cable has kad a .t.A very beneficial effect npon the receipts.' ; At 1 1 , 1 • 11 the late meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph • ~:, Company Mr. -Cyrtia,W. Field stated that , 1;;: under the $125 rate the receipts were $2,625 __. 4 . i .p. - Uer da; under the $5O rate they were $2,- -' --- 805 and under the $25 utter :they were $O,- 1 , =.l 465. lie stated that-tlie • company was in v.; position to do six times the amount of bust -,,i it is , now d g without adding a put - 7- ule to the ex . -i• , „,.• ■ .. ,VIIP_PII44IB. AFB ht the•oediteirfaltorripoOdeietr. 914atai ofthedoiereartAnhiisdo4 confirmation •Of -the truth that ;;all Made unions are likely to becomeinst4tioos..fOr the benetlt Poor L Workinef at thetaxppOse of the ,aocid ' ohm' lij} -1 4.1 1 09Pd, the United States Nan ,l 4. Ceß4sAioner e . wilts% to his journal ,from California that the present-high rate Of minere:'xwagean IS the greatest olriele - tolitenAilt not only, but th most "debtdEd 'Alt:acuity fa theway of IndiOtilal -: ,aaVaricetnerit. The , ruiners persisteitlypPpose the cheap Chinese fi t bsr, and daasequently many , Capable American and other experienced miners laboring as COmMOn Workmen, when, if the cheap labor` were permitted to reduce the cost and vitend the number of mlnes, they would advance to be foremen and cap tains. taci, uniting to keep wages up, thby find themselves" at the other'end' of the balance, constantly kept down. •Time and the inevitablellaws of trade will better their condition in , spite of themselves 'howeier; for, capital will seek and find cheap lakor. . - Yrra m irgssAirr says that every newspa per. publisher should Offer . .premiums tor -clubs and new subscribers, if for no other 'purpose at least.o make everybody read the -prospectus of the paper. He says ~he owes a great deal;of his success,as a newspaper man, to the ieflection which he always be stowed on the;piemium department of his ,papers. Be says, one year, oranges were ea: ceedingly scarce and dear n Paris. , Hence, he caused a cargo .of. them to be boughtfor him in Bordeaux, hadthem brought to. Paris by( a special train; raft in neat paper ,boxes holding a dcizen each, and offered them then as premicinis to whosoever would send in a year's subscription to the Figaro. He says he obtainedin this manner about five thou sand new subscribers, very few of whom would have thought of taking the paper but for the oranges,. , Tim feduction of the United States army, as proposed ' by Congress, it is stated, will interfere materially with military operations against the Indians' in the department of the Pacific... Gen. Ord, commanding. 'the De partment Of. California, informs. the Secre tary of Via that if the contemplated redue „tiOn takes place, no recruits-esn be sent to ' California to fill the vacancies already ex- - Wing.c. He states that a large number of men will soon be dlicharged, some . posts in Arizone,and Nevada will be abandoned and _othersweakened; an it will be impossible to send expeditions against the hostile Indians, and the settlements and overland routes will be exposed to attack. As A young woman was walking alone one evening, a man looked at her and fol lowed her. The young woman said, "Why do you follow me ?” He answered, ."Be cause I have fallen in love with, you." The woman said, • "Why are you in love with me ? My sister is muc handsomer; she is I coming after me; go an make love to her." The man turned backand saw ir--woman with an ugly face. Being greatly displeas ed, he tar . ~. .. 1. e first woman and said, '" "-. y - did you tell me a falsehood?" The woman answered, "Neither did von speak the truth, for if yon were really in love with me, why did you leave me , to --- look up my sister ?" Tnn city of London - has 3,000,000 of people and 360,000 houses, the average be ing about 84 persons to a house, the same as in Philadelphia. Oa the other hand, the city of Paris has only 50,000 houses for 2,- 000,000 of inhabitants, an average of forty I to a house. This curious comparison shows that, notwithstanding all the attractions and renown of Paris, its growth is surpassed by that of London, mainly because lof the su perior accommodations for living in the latter. New York has chosenvto imitate the Parisian system, Piladelphia that of London. The average population per house in London and Philadelphia is about the same. , . , BRIGANDAGE in the Southern pro • noes o taly is not only put down with ''a vigorotts and, but the sufferers from these lawless outrages are relievedhy means of a char itable society !elitablished for that purpose. The accounts of the society for the year 1665, just - published; • Shows that in that year about $280,000 were collected, and $124,000- were distributed in aid of the sufferers. • , • TO persecution of the Israelites in. Rou mania has ceased,, in consequence Of the energetic protests of the Government of Austria. The Vienna papers state that the difference between the two Governments on this question has been arranged ' peaceably, Iteumania — ,having yielded to all the de 'minds of Austria.- - r Astrivaertrx, diasolire.d in henzme or pe troleum, is recommended its a.moat_excei; lent substance for marking boxes casks, 'M as It ai*" a fine black,: dries very quickly, and; le 'not 'effected bY water. It may, also be, need to luivantage for coating iron, leather; etc., for protection against the Weather. , (}oil Placers, it le. asserted, were worked in. California five years before the discovery at Suttees milllnrlB4B2 A mine at San Fianoisquito,, om Los A.egeltos, was ) 1846 by Mexicans, wi , $B,OOO Yearly. \ slacitrain for breaking , swami has _been invented in Germany,. in which they are parried around very rapidly one disk, and then - projected by their centrifugal force with such Violence against a steel plate as to sillier them into fregtnents, •• . IRcmanyypartsof Gerniany. "cement tiles" for covering roofs replace the old fashioned tiles to great- advantage,' both on the score of elegance and efficiency: They consist of hydraulic lime mixed with a certain anumnt of fine sand. Gov. ANDREW, three days ' ' before his death, said i "The tendency of the hour is towards Grant; and that is best. Grant is so square and honest a man that I believe he is bound to betight anYwl/erc" WillaliV)11118 :I.; . , c t ,t ;I a , it 2 ‘ts••• - , - ,• ,, 191 t.. 11111ATi11.4303g. yr,raquiN. temevna,t sU la:l29oons. 'Pangaea; llotb,lllMeher. Taa etc.: and Tellers the BUD- icot4r tete einiktoVgming. ladles:in the, N seam si „Inyainsoie. Yeif Gensigenen,letter shaving it hist int enlist:, x•PittlretlAit •Do=osti„. , Is the mils nimble( yestsettLfer diseases an 1.14 ! 9/ . tag -skin, •r, r . , , , PIighiONIS#PAPSUAIc ISOaroi • • WO! the Toilet, lenneslin T 11 3,31 4 , 4; °hap the , • *Ma. Prim, sib cents Per' o •••.• -' • " Man plii10110," ' ': - • • - . It ) t,t. ••• , new rertsole ter ths,Emnikrohlitcy gn•ftuleites etteikte, lastsng fflyfrance SOK W Air DrUlo lol ‘ & sem! ow York. OrnATCIIIFLOWfiIatiO'IVWEI• • • - •-••-c,f b 4 rb e ela ls r..l um enel es d nei lfil vti r efee ,tly t e to ol b ee f la lb . 4 l ro usb it , t ; -Instaatattecros; -no i dissiapointaseuti ha , fidlAhril , =Witt; remedies' the 111 extols of ute • dyes` rstee nod Waves the. liar soft itad,besoamli WO. . 43 * brows. • Bold 01 all Drogil e stt sad PerfoVl UTZ t 1711 Fmahfis ... a il .. pare . to . „...,,....` IgrGuaig, is- Guide llfAsinittlyern'llAWK7,f6i. E. Yol Preuelty: .Ttio huntia•Abuseollineident and Coniallh n i , on tile ZrrPr. se ," is esakod.lettel, *lent PhYs c.. un di manlioaltra, HOWARD B. Youth end - ;if • h 1 bui f Pa: Isintleta enveloot robl' ioz 1%, e p BOCIA:a N, -.k3rlrfgt3itilif .4- ••.••;:eztikiWtiErtit at U o r.. S. •. • --==-• = • -=4", - • • •••-••- LIQUORS' AAIWJNIVAINOV64 XX # ike iiiv 1r ' 1 1)"VIS'• ''• MN . b`lll• , ' UN= TAMFIC.MiIiAIi ISM • Are now, finished and, to operation.ltitstyjnibes of tritelaisve been laid ims sprin F and the work song e who e, e between the Atbuttic and Peale, States mord :rawly than 'esterbetoie Mose thin' twenti theisand' inefrare • filorkdrOd, and it 'tenet Min.:shale that the - entire track, !from - 43malitt tii'lhiciamentb; will finished in 1.880 - insteadef 1870.. The means inorolded are ample; and all that: energy; men and Money can do !if secure the completion of this • CREAT . NATIONAL • WORK At the eatileat poaelble day, will be done The 11331024 PiCIZIC BithROATI • CObLPA,NY GrOTERI'afENT GRAIVI . of the right away, • • and ail nem - gory:timber and other materials found along' the line of Its operations. . .. . 11.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 acres • of land to the tolitei, o taten in, alternate sections on each side of its ad.. This is on absolute d nation, and will a source of large revenue An _ _ GOVERNMENT GRANT of Milted States Thirty-year:Ponds, amounting to from 06,000, to $48,000. per mile, according to the didicul• ties to be surmounted on the various sections to ' be built. The Government takes a second mort gage as security, and it is expected that not only the interest.. but the Principal amount may be Paid in services rendered by the Company in transputting troops malls. &c. interest is iiowmuch' more than paid in this way, besides seenring a great saving in time and money to the , - Government. • IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the richt 'to issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE. BONDS, to aid In building the Toed, to the same amount as • the E. S. -Bonds., leaned for the same pnrpose, and no' more. The Giorernment permits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only as the road is completed, and i nner it has been examin ed by :United States Commissioners and pro - nounced to be In all respects a grst-elass Rail road, laid with a bear,' T rail, and completely supplied with depots,' stations, 'turnouts, car . shops, locomotiVes, ears, Ate. • V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SIIBSCRIPTION from • the steckholaers, of which OVER WIGHT KIL- LION DOLLARS have been pad In' upon !he ' work already done;aln which will be increased - 'as the waxits of the Oompany re-intro. „ , .• , VL.-.-NET CASK ,10.11NE 4 10 1 3 on Its Way Bristisiss, that aimed, amount to MORE TIME THY. IN TEREST-on the .7 irtt Mortgage Bonds. These- earnings are no indication of the vast through business tbatmust follow the opening of the line to the Peak, bat they certainly prove that FIRST MORTCACE BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly three times their amount, ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. The Company bare aonndant means in their treasury, and make s no appeal to the public to pur chase their Bonds, as the daily subscriptions are en tirely satisfactory; but they submit th6L, for entire security and liberal returns, theie is certainly no betterinrestment in the market.. The Union Pacific - Bonds are for $l,OOO each, and bare coupons attached. They have thirty years to ran, and bear annual interest, payable on the first days of JAMMU"' and July, at the Company's Office in the CitY of New York. at the rate of *lx per cent. in gold.. The Principal Is payable in gold at matu rity. The price Is-10A. At the present rate of gold, these bond!' pay an annual income on their cost of NEARLY NINE:PER CENT. The CoMpany reserve the right to advance the price of their bonds too rate above par at any time, l e and will net 011 any orders o /receive any subscrip tions on which the money not been actually paid at the Company's ofEtce fore the time et such advance. PUities subscribing wilt remit the par Value of the bonds and the accrued interest In currency at the rate of six per cent: per annum, from the date on which the last coupon was paid. Subscriptions will be received In Pittsburgh by • JAMBS T. BRADT *. Co., corner of Wood and Fourth Streets; BART, 0&134211EY • Co., cornet' of Wood and Third Streets; , S. hIcCIARAN C 0.,& 75 Fourth Street; PR. R. MERTZ. corner sth and Wood Sta. ; ROBINSON naos., 78 Fourth street; AND IN NEW FORK At {ha Company , . Ornea. O. 20 Naskau Street, sad by . , JOHN J. CISCO Ss-SON. Banker, No. 59 Wall Street, 'and by the Coppany , a adverttsed agents tbroughout tbe United States. • • Remittaneel should be made Is drafts on other funds par In New fork. and. the Bond" will . be sent free . of thazie ,by return .espreSs. runes sub - - sc ribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. " kI'AIISILEVAND max, FOR. WAS his Just been published by the Company, eying fuller in-' formation than ls possible In an advertisement, re liSectik.g• tbe Fro - genes of the Ake*. the Ilesourees of the Oeuntry traversed by the -Road. thb Meth; for Construction; and the Value of the. Bonds. winds' Mill be sent free on - .sppliestiors at the Company . ' Maces. or to any of the advertised agents. . . • S_ I trHE TWIN CITY sLATr. co., ji. rusaufseture S r superior article of ROOFINGS ELATE. ilareglee, 48 Seyeath St., Plttsburgit, Pa. ' \ 1 .:..1.:5. NEWIidEYH.R., Presit. TO FARMERS. TILE' HAT. R ARE ' "WELCANE.‘ " ' 'PATENTED 1885 AND UGC Is the best Bakemade. It will rake heavier hay, carry lr briber.- load And upload , itself master:than 'OW other rake.; It.e selfbarating: a libild 8 wean old can do the work 'of a full band. Hundreds of Certificates Could bestren. one of which ',below: , . , , "GiaAttiff Erie 00..SAAJalY a.' 185 T. "I bare at: l w - Wt , lOWA nay Rake. „nsanullio - tuna bio W. . Wallace, Pittsburgh, Va., and rew ammend It to. erg. , .1t is goad in light and heavy hay is easy on man god borset is a complete Plasm er 4f grant wad itsWl j „ia t alotide lo- construction, and easily gels 'warder. - __-_ • - • • . , JuroZPILARAIICRLA.” : z • - All ifideis direited to 819 Liberty street, rms.: , hurgb,-Pg...orAt.tbe w orks in Oolumbiaus, _Ohba, VOMytlrattentled to, soid wholesale and retall by , •' - ' - , 1• , • ..-- 1 ir. ,-' - 1W W: WALti/414. SeigraOrs itieuhr SS gappt la abort ... - m .• :QAT prritaninGil OP PAPER.: i.lllAri or FAFITTAuIgt CCP I . ,T• likn akoilt.urrn • . PtiOnliatt t ANOMBACAlik'pAptas , : , We • ''&3lg4-4;' B.2l3thil,Street : P tfiilFoll# l lTa• tprinvits—Atrotrwr istrartric Vreslaeit: Jl4O. S. LIVINOBTON,•Trestater. S.A.MUSL.•SIDDIIE. Secretary. - DMICT6I64-MlSrcti Harttrao Jean At w ell, S. H Hartsaaa., , Jobaltleitleolu:.:l , • - • Clash peldlorYa r - _fayteese ' . . 1130,8 - A • \ w t .* , . C.) re , citLET SOAPS.. •••• i raprepareit bbyy oldlloil wo - o-.7 s Mon from. the felt r,N. 4111 kIIOIIIM . 11611 • the torAND. ‘iriv ,rnAati by dealers sad viitomers. sold creeTwhen.' 607:117 • . ' MI! . ~S JOHN J. ORA *Waver, vravr YORK. ofTlmoNt , .gopt. ; ig. ESTABLIWEED,II33O. ' • 1 - : , Saiii l 3 24 r & VRI Ai r , , ; .i • : . ' t miasmal or' mind WINES AND LIV {S,' 2tr0. , 409 Penn Street, Pittanity" Wenld direct the attention of ptiblie to the fact that, po 'easing acme , sor facilities through several large Wine and .Liquor Douses in Europe. and making their importations direct, they are enabled to 'Offer tile pikes I of choice WlNr.* AND LIQUORS at,prices less than Eastern nays. Ex aminations of qualities and comparison/ at prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD 8 E WlitS /KEY constantly on band. OAT, WHITE AB PAINING. CLARET. Chateau Lafftie, Medoe, ChateauMaraux, ' Mmx, Chateau La Bose, , St. Aeon*. lit.lulleu, Faunlike. Nvi-xrrv. NVINMS. • Fit. Eauternes, - Chateau hauterue. Chateau L y a g t o o em uriitan_ eh e HOCK NVI:NMERJ. Laubenbelmer, 1.11F0C.010 Moiel Muscatel, ' I Schakaburg, liochbeliners superior qualltr. • - CIUL3WE'AGNE. :Moot & Cbandon, -Charnberllne,: I pedal. Epernay. Vernezi, lariSsirek. Cbamulls, !dottier brands. Also; a - large _IEIIO ment of SHANDIES. WHIS KIES and ICLNES, of descriptions. bOsatsbillr WEL -'s• (LATE HILLER /A 11101:0V1 ON.) 2sl and Uti. Lifierty Street, Pi ttsbturgh. J19:822 ' • _ , JOSEPHOSEPH`S.NCU & co., 1105.1E91, 187i199, 191, 193 sad 193, 718 ST OTHEET,PITTSBHBOB., MANITFACTIMERIS 07 Copper Distilled Pure Bye Whiskey. Also, dealers in 'POHEIOR WINES and LIQUORS. HOPS. jr. mht3.16511 SECUR l ITY A ND COMFORT FOB .THE TRA VELING COMMUNITY. • J. 'MOW' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, • Car Heater_ and Moderator, Poi' SMOKE AND• ROT 'AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in of about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachmeat JO graduate the heat to auy temperature that may be desired without the possibility of tiring the car or ears to which the Jacket may tie attache .g Having obtained of the United States Liattars Pat ent for a Safety Jacket Which is warranted to resist the most intense beat Dud mmay be adplied to it In the position and- purpose' fou which It is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by fire origi nating from defective Duce, or where Iron pipes are used as conductors for smote or heat. It ls spell rateable to all piping that Em become overheatod, woodyLs warranted to give m at erialis where • other combustible may be placed in close proximity thereto, I 'am now ready to aip ,Eiilimy,sgiveliVattl,, I railroad cars , &c., giteerertet pipes as conductors are made dangerous by bern overheated and security desised. Twill sell, on a plicatioa„ rights to manufacture or Louse the &boy Invention; also, territorial rights, Xo such as ma wish to engage in milling privVeges, either by State or oounsT • 3. 1L KAREL& sarOffice at the '"NE PLUS ULTRA: PAINT WORTIS. ,I (former of Morrie street the Alleghe ny_ Valley Railroad, Ninth Wud, Pittsburgh, pa. le2Sta4o. I IL MILLER, - • . . . (Late Miller & Rlckets: l N) ~. , . . Nos. 221 AND 223, . . . . . . . Corner Liberty. and Irwin Streets, • . Offer : to the trade at Lon Figures: . . _ 150 pk halves gs. o.fquarters NM M and M ACKEREL. In bsirebk • ts. 100 chests chotoe YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN and LUPItRIAI. TEAR. 50 smelts °bolos RANGOON RICE. • ' Rb btds. thetas OAROLINAII.IO2. • 75 obis.. LONG ILlLA.NDloyatrr. , 50 100 boa. N. U . mbiat-eas. g. iSt UP ehcdeetrands. .• • . ao Dhlt. BRMUIsA. - 1401./..00 23 . . ROO boIs..IOtFINED.SUISAR. ', • - • ', 70hhos. , PORTORICO,. 0 URA and . DRILL '._ __ . KARA RUGABAS.: ...• ...„ ~ . • . 51 00 bags RIO (WINE. _ _.. ~.,......... • • , .50 hags , JA.VA. and tiaGuAlt sr.a.ooErs.r.a. 100 eases IMPORTISLR.CIARET. , ... • ' SOO eases - 'MORT A 4 CRANDON'S - CRAM i • .. • PAO A LP, OINES __. 1 - SCOTCH and LON'Otqf roar Er. 000 A -- , IttUttli on band. •'- -- • .. • noIiALES,IPPE* dt COy ' ANCHOR COTTON lIIIILLS, , • - I , rrAv3irintoli. Kann flintily en of ITIC.A.PV., NEDltrld ' and LIGHT . . ANCUOU AND 11161.41FOLIii SHEETINGS AND BATTING. WILL. ti 4 TAYLOR, -' P AIN T E , R - - .. . rio. 45 oialo, STREET, sitieilieily. - Thankful forthe former very liberal patronage be; stowed upon me. I assure my friends and the tnibile generally that, Lai he' foram as' In the 'past, I shall endeavor . diligently to merit a continuance of the same,:and will be always at the shop from 7 to I) A. lg. and from Ito ar. AG • my2l:ql4 porucETAL: BECKETT, . ' SIZOILINICULL ' EXCUSES'S, (Late ofP. 7P,. ,W;&s3. Nalliva,v.)C, Mae, No. leirEDlCßAC'ElTltlill,T,____•Nooffelltd. AI, op Pars. P. O. ; Box 50,./..tball.ilLENy OITY• mACHINSIM, of all, desoriot.lons,deatilled. BLAST URNAID - anll ROLLING - mild. DRAW INGS latals_bed,, Farticalpiattaattos , paltto de. HT. sigulad coLuzirsrix.oiA) kirlilk_flates4 _con llaeatia_lly_isoliolted. - n W. 71n 3 lli r CLAM f:otionaoll1011a ever/ WICDNEI3DAY TRATELLEas. ‘.? Ie,ABGIE AND iltStilYnY AtISOIMEENI` • usoustr- AND :0614.1.111118 11/UV:kat/41Na: , , SACKS , yrananted atntasce !Now c mor;•o4, I*w° N o C. V84111"*. Isaiatroc VOTiCE TO,cownzAc i row Proposias will twkreadveir until JULYIOII4I Ito building' .1 s Dia* . Htatt#n Sehlla HOW*, 13 Plane sud re! i luliPP 110 1:. 00 ° " natal:Anne 27;1888. yeajtsis p$N PEC S ornamental flail. rtAnt' WORN AND rKRIFIrdiSII, No. 11.3. stxpet, ,noto_r_PodittliOdi. Pittsburgh: , • - Always on band • _goner ti 111110M1113tagif Ladies, yu rs i ti r2l L DA- . llBH A Vair r til i elaesit ea rns, A Rood PAS* In, lush beedkven 107 RAW- • Ladtpo' • And Gentlemen's •onning dotal the *eaten 1711.111ter. , s- ecß Pa_ am+ f u e nt a. at, sea= eat, ter sale whe y ` cialrirtrec4, t &S . rumuirs. 1T:1 1 1,!•‘0. t -1111AIFP;PC WiPnajfif privattitiett MEE Mee; Na, 42 Fifth St.,' Elei#nd•Fliew, Robert:C. Schmertz, : Lents Morganstern, i Charles Meyran, Joseph Abel. Wm: F. Lsng, ' ' Adolph il,rehs, Wm. Carr, . ' Ch. Siebert, Peter Ken. , ' 1C d. tzehallm,: A. Eltelnineyers, ' martin/1411, • 11013ERT O. BCIINTE6TIS,IPres 9 t.. I.:lllonciansTiatzr, 4iee Zrekt. (TaitIICKETRAN., Trei‘urer - • - e. l i .. itznicosAm'sitrets=7. . The she ve C CYCI 1:1111t_11 110 1 1 r organised, and prepared to take -BIBB‘BIBEIh petirefhl atten tion to beaineea, prtidesfee and: fair dealing, ,this ompnny will endear or,te.merit,a, liberal, share of t• e patronage of the easunttniti.' • -- Jeetril. • owes In Franklhiriarbigs Bank ; Nuristan, I' lilochheim , dimit EMU • NsTRAN sumps nwziost nom , OVER MITEMICTC , RIS s WAN./ fi EN FRAN KLIN - INSURANCE ' ' or ALtielliadviti. • Pilo. 43 Ohio et.; Allegheny. HOME COXPANY, insna4e4 by Directors well known to - the cosoniunity, who trust by par dealing to ntertt ostutre of your patronage.'• • . • . 1113,1111 N TRAML OEM D. ItlDDias Secretaary‘ .. . • , 1 - DIBIZTOoIt.9: I, L ' ' ' ' 2 ' I lieiumirwity, D.L. Pattersali Weerwig, Geo. Xt. 'Riddle, Jacob Frans,. T. ,. 'Leib/mow . 1 ; OtmonDrmn, • J.-B. Smith, • b Bosh 1 W. M. tit wart , Cb. P. - Whisson; Joseph CI Joe. Laubser.. U. J. linkan4, , , Jertooleir.Ko ism -• • • WATIONAId titStriWlC* co., OP THE. OTTP OP ALIZORPT. blast .is ALLEGHENY TBUBT cencemunt BUIL DIG. . ' , , , , • FIRE • IIitiTIR.A.NCE .01TLY: . , • .W. W. MARTIN. President., JAB. E. STEVENSON . ..Recretary. .. , • • - 'numerous: . . • A. H. Hale -lab: o.H.P.Wifflair alio.. Thompson. `11°: A. Gr a ha m . ler '' ttZ 4ekhatt 'Leh . --. tr._ _6 % _. 24 Ar r te, I /so. Brown; Ir.' Geo. Genir,, t ; ' Jaco b gam, II TTEttic, rNstriterfct. C 022... PANY OP VITTSBUBGII. ExiairDza. tintiois,. president: , ' • WM. P. MENREBT; Secretary.' ' I - .; CAPT-OMORGE. NEELD„Oeneral Agent. .• . Odice, 92 Water street," Spans & .Cu. 's • Ware house.; up stairs, Pittsburgh. • . - Will lc.:ure against all kinds or Fire and Mariam Risks. A home ituitltntlon, managed by Directors who are well known to the community,. and who are detennined by proraptoesa and liberality to.rnake• rola the character whim they have assumed, as of. fering the best protection to those who desire to he insured. niasC'rosB '. Alexander Nitpick, jonn IL. 'McCune, It. faller, Jr. Chas. J. Clarke, dames McA gal, W illiam B. 'Evan 5,_ Alexander Speer, Joeeph Kirkpatri c k, Andrew Ackleu, , Philliplieimer, • Dard M. Long, • Wm. Marldson, naa pENIVSYLVAITRIA 1 INSURANCE COMPANY Of PITITSBURGIi OFFICE, No. 28754 WOOD STREET, BANS OF COMMERCE BUILDING. This is s Rome Company, and insures akaMitt.loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTR., 'President. - C. C. BOYLF, Vice President. 1 , ROBEJIT PATRICK. Treasurer, gooli McELIIENY, Secretary. \ inalteroan: _ Leonard Walter, GeorMWllson. O. C. Boyle. Geo. W. Evans, rt Robe Pattick, J. C. Labor., Jacob Painter, J. C. Plelner, Josiah King, John Veeictley, A. Annnon Sas. H. Hopkins!, . ilekr9 Sp l. J74:- - AGAINST LOSS BY ' FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PIIILADELPIIIA. or - ricz..3 s 6 431 CHESTNUT ST., MGM &211 . • nansFrOßS., . 11 Charles IT. Smelter. Tobias Wagner, • Davul t li t =own, Samuel Grant Isaac Date, Jacob R. Smith, - E. f eore W. Rlr..hards„ George Fslea. CHARLES U. 1114Nn.ai res a, EDW. C. DAVE. vioe D. §T-EICLEA.d D Sec i e ß AGZItT pro J. 6N treoist.- - North West corper.Thirks44,W9o. . , A LLEGAIEIiiir INStria.AStE.C . 0 1 4• PANY tIF PITTSB11114111:' . ' - .... OFFICE. No. 37. MYTH STItitZT; BAIIX Swag Inreires against ail kinds of Tire find Marine Biagi JOSN ERWIN, Ja., .Peestilent. . f.: JOHN D. IdeOQED: Vice Piesident.' C. G. DONNZl.L.fieeltetati. cart; WM. DEAN. Oeteral'Agent. John Istrin, ,, lr. , , . , ,CTPL.Wn I .= . John I). idaCiera.: B. J1....,.1r5th , .. ' C. O. linssey ~ , '. '- W. It Everson, - thint,tutima, , • Robert W. Dasts ' ' ,T. J. 1109alnesn. -- -: Steads Sellessi. ~..; -:. , Charles Hays..,Capt..l. T. award/db. . . 110PEOPILESP Egroatairics MN* it ?ANY. 4 41 - : • E. mitiantWooof)riiii)i* A ilome Oorapiwys %IklEs and Mese Ityks railidinuili ' • • • Cat. .I'oiin Ti. ininads, • Banana?. Shriver ‘ • • ~ Charles .A.rbpaiew . . "Jarsid M- Snob., . • Samuel Ili Lia it i r i' resident, t- ,' -- I President' " ' ' N. general dateniti.. , '-, Win. Phillip!li • JOhn Watt, , John Z. Parkb. Capt. 'sums min .:: eit, Win: Von Hitt. James D. Nnernat3i.4 ' ¶VM. pnua,, JOHN WATT. fee • IIoArT.,J4B. GO:, I i PIANOS. ORGANS; ittO: 110/o_lllf THE BEST: AND CHEAP. .A.," FST ruasto AND ORGialli• • • Seliomacker'i Gold Medal Plano • ItNip ESTEY'S COTTAGE , ORGAN.' The 13t4HOM.AOICSR, PIANO eatables AR the west valuable improvements . known In the eon. struction or a tirst class instrument; end has Always been awarded the h 1 best' prenatal wherever ex tdbited. Its-tone orous and (mein. The workmanship, for at rabll and beauty, Surpass all o th ers. Prim; from to $l5O, (according to. style and duish,) cheaper, all other so.caGesl I:I3TETIS OOTTWIR ORGAN • • Stands at the bead of all reettllatrumenta, !nitro; dosing the most perfect pipe quallW of tone of any instrument in the UMW. Rates, Mm ple'and compact , in, constrnetion, and not liable , to get ont ot order. , • • r , CARPENTER'S' I'ATERT c , ,vOE from Amt. TREMOLO , ' is only .to be:fond In this Organ. E 11438 from $lOO to WO. All guaranteed foritre • , INANE, is BITELTLERY utta , • No. OT. CLAIR STREET. S ID OOII O OII a III4I . II ' • 1 ' YOUDEONti <;: ;kW intatWi•:l:l Ia perteeiVorcieVc• from toslse - '.'" -- . • , •01 :* 1 ; ! W9P Aalf,irg , v4P4MWoo. LITOG fr SiSsointt ontositti _.,,!__. , P i , " SINGER VI . 14'Clar.Witil , n to awd.T. SesSOluilsk 00..- " ':: ' --cI9SACINICAVABITMS4I"„iiiii, , .. giaagii,fititiogimiti. *.tiliegi.;;;l:ltiteLi4 continuo.. Thislaego C latter 4 Bandit LAWkik.(4. l : Val ester Show thi rds. mitionSl4:,_ r or wat._ voiwil,,caluestos of .Dooositik onus-, , tom ORIN '&44 Ifits:' TS awl i44" . 1% s tO at t PS,l4l6lmtb., • -... ~f , t ' -, , ..r - ' - 3 - CARPENTERS lc BUILDERS.: liti l i4lAll j allVllfil k - ' -'-',!, " ; • RPENTER AND BUILDER,' Ro. ''37i,:eranenn6vAilis ANIMA: opost.: Slick , street, putisessi, Ps. Ileslatze, so. 141 grant irtimii *soh restless anti a tt ill rtl 4 \ u 'l si A 8 PromptlS'ittentled want A• Guys?. iarinr • \ • . • ,WriAI4•CRUMUIAKER....,. Yr, r I* t.! - . - t 817 Liberty street. ' , ii ‘,.. -el ,:, , :91:. - .: .. 1.,.., •,....i; . „..._ttlir arers ize7 baked RPOi the '. °WIN Bar-- Timoui -axe' superior to any baked by hot sir or any otherprooeSib -- - . .•:,-.4\rurff ~,,1,L. t . : 7...• , i ,- ': :•' . ' I t l 11.1) . -. .• . . ... . m . AR ~-, .: .., . ~... . . • .. ~.. .. • , _.... 7.;...,-,-4-..,.-.Xi-. , ...,,,!.....,.....,.,:,...4: . • • 1.1 , . ,-• • • -,-E BEM ABE . !MITI110R: TO:' AFT -.Ming OFFERED IN THIS •._ •- • • . W/Nrw, BOSTON:. SODA, WRENCH. ATEB, , tfIITTER, StIG AB. and SODA. aRACSr DNS% SCOTCH and mugs. lusourr. .For Sale by Grocer in: the City. o. 91 LiiiettY St. • !J'lP:qk •-• • : z ir:loi — g&fr.. TN . ERSHIP. • • - WehtVe. iihhitted WILL. P. nruvircirryr as a. virtues - with us in the wholesale Grocery Badness. on ttut Ist - toot. J. S. DILWORTH & CO., .rde soul 1321 SECOND Sr... Plttehurgh. (Pru, von. • - plum _ cltlitAlaTillEßfiiHlP4e--lIIRE -- UN... D lONAD. have this day associated thesis^ se fn together ender the Arm name °l,' '„. ' " e l . 11 gIEERSUPlia rirAos - a, co., Forth' tiritSe of carrsinon ' the *TIOLT,SALIL L005....111 LASS BUSIN Se, al, No,O. Wood At..,,, , -WM. PleSd# , L ,q ; r., ~ ; i ;I . AffEe 'TON - l a W. BACKTTT I • I • U. v. • .P,lttehtirsh.. Only lst; -MIL .- -,-:, . -,.:,1710:807 . , lifigiOtifTlON: OF ; 'COQ t;BT DNERSALP.—Theiartttereblp heretofore ex— isting andei the stile of _ SAIMIL ME&STMGS" & ,00., Is this :aay 'dlssolred by mated consent:DAVlD . ZWlNG•withdraming from the Sm. The Inducer Wilt be curried an as usual, under the old " name of 8. HASTINGS & CO., Carienters and Binders. corner of Weat street and North Avenue: 'The test nese of the old gate. vrtli be settled by the under.. -- 8 &HUM HASTINGS, HAND) HASTINGS. Allegheny July 6th, 1868,. ; p6:44. NOTIPP. , The undersigned has associated with' him tot business, dating from April. let, IS6B NO. AL FRED S. WALL. his son ASA S. 6ILLISIIE altd. LOUIS ENGLERT. The style or .the firm tO be J. 3. GILLESPIE. & CO. J. J. eiLLISPIE. , - :Referring to - the above. the undertigned skis Pleasure in stating that they will continue the LORING GLASS . AND PICTURE Blisuitss, At Sfiliood street, where they intend to offer Iv+ doceroeots to purchasers second to no hotise.in the United States. J. J. GILLESPIE Si CO. 15.kMC:a'0',1"T. NOTICES. DISTRICTCOURT -var. 11./ UNITED STATES; for the westers!D/strict of f'ennsylvania , . ixßAvsnri rcy. - Wettoirt District of Penalryivanta, ss. . A Warrant in-Bankruptcy' JAMSe issued by said Court against tho Eatate of sD s KATO, of tbe county of Allegheny. and Stave of Pennsylva nia, In said -District. adjudged a bankrupt upon. petition of his creditors. and the Payment of any debts and . the delivery of „ any property belonging - to: cad bankrupt ._ to him. or .for. bl.s use, an the of nay: property by him are forbidden by - A. meeting of the creditors of daid bankrupt, 'to prOve their - .debts and choose , one or more As signees of •of= his 'estate, will be at a Court of Bankruntor, to” be holden at Pittsburgh, in said Dietvict, on the fith day of August, A.. 10 11365, as 10 - Wielock A. M.. _st - the onion of SAMLiEIs - EIAR -I'El Esq., No. 93. Dlamond street , one of he Re giste le in Bankruptcy of said District. THOMAS A. BOWL - EY, U. ES..Marshal for. said District. ' - , ., ._ - rN Tll g D ISTRIC T COURT OF' A. .THE AIN LIED STATES, POE, . THE - WEST is rtN 'DriTltler OP PENNSYLVANIA: In the, matter of4AldEl3 JOHNSTON:,. Jr:, , or Ohlolown ship, Allegheny county, ,Bennsylyala,: Bankrupt. - 'NO. 757; In Ilankruptey. • • Waiters , ' Milt-kr of Penney /wink'', SB. . „ , . . •. :: 'At Pittsbtirish, Jiine4th, .to. D. VON. TO ALL Witold it IAY eONCEIIR: , . • . , _ The underslgned , berebt styes notice of Ida lip .pointutent-as Assignee:or JAMEdJOEINBTO , Jr., or Ohio township:la the eounty,otrAllegheny, and State or-Pfinuqtranitt, within said' District:. who 1 het been adjudged a 'bankrupt 'upon Ills own ; pett lien, br thuoistriet Court, of said District. JADIES W. MURRAY. Assignee, `. je6:l33:e :3 : , 'Attortier.at.,Law,lloTiftb street. EsTorlignitomtpxoy!rENN •VT 11YLVANIK,' ' • ' at Pittsburgh.: tbelibtli , day ;tine. D. m 968. The undersignedhereby Make of his appoint 'meat siAssigisee of trs=lll FRIDIE g et "Pitts ' burith,. - ire theed•unty'ot• Allegheny, titate renn sytettnis,,, within: said' Markt. whe' hoe Wet' ad tolalMlbcllaitrrt xr u Ihm OWn Retititolviiy the is urt„ o VA a 15t,r1Ct. • JOHN H. BAIELEY, Assignee, • 4 t. 344,01;11", AttarlVl7Atililkir..B9:6llitir tiTESTERNDJSTBICTiiittiIeNN r r slis g s7A', Bs: . Pittsturr 'the With day of 11.. D irt„ Tberrodershiß hereby gifts notice of his a Int 'merit as Assignee, ept.J.sooß.l). „ Zigavilt Y. or rireeterge,4 l th -the - !aunty of 'Allegheny, State ot Pennsylvania :said...District, .owha ' has :beets adjudged a Bsakrupt,ropon hts owe petition, by the .Dnitrict Genre of slid District. SOHN' ilt.'Asisiguec jai:lllolY Attoeney at 'Law, SlEGranti street. . ?RP N ft OTlCE.—Lette•lNAttemenitirg having been-merited - me on the ESTATE Or teari FANOME , ME,decensed;.all• penons hate ingclalms assenest her emote wlll'spresenttherm to zne: duly euthentleaterli 'and , all terreoneovelng.tal c t estate will make.payment to; me or; ini,ettorneys JOHN W. TA1(1.0. N 0,13 Grant street. • '" OERISTOEi - rAyttIiSTER. duty , -1711( 1011 . • .J -•"1"101I1VIISTI* Irriii6Titir— • . • • • Inieress`, 'Lett :oftiintrilstasitlcie o &w. err o ATE - or , MAJOR R. NARDINPV-dee'd. have been granted to thesis riber,,l4l,pereoths tn debted to sald estate Sire requested to snake --Inunedt ste - payment-, and -those - inn ' tlatnes - tilitnst the h same, ilt present triere,, X,cd atithenttented fort. set -lawmen*, t o .. - . 3..CUTIIBERT, rnyM:errs, . NO: 5 liretthneld Street. • ' - '..- . . N -OTICE, lii , 11EV.Ellit GIVER • , .: th a t , the - •S -limited ' eon rinershle :beretorere r- entattnir between the Undendgried,•nnder the name. •,Of . Pl.ll. SCHALK, ,- i ,„ Xs this , -DAY. b y *IOPA Volse - Pitt s burgh 14 -4. 4 ...:r Phi ladel phia , Et r4a L I k i t ir* 7 1, 1 ; Eu A NA : I4I. ::: I . 1 4 iclis s 1•.. g!rily :: t , . Thtsltest talus , hotel will open" ibillitt'sesSole cos Roth jaw, T e mp es... per asy; Asio, pet week. it s li.iit'lSOls.,,Kropyleto,e. ', ' I l e Fi l y of fl 'Oast , jiguidsi.And ,kie ,, 1 t an riibtai, ashioro . 0,1 1 . ~, - I : llsrie mot rill' 1 , lunder 1 und e r im"krallta er NEW IllipTl*M-larOptiT.l., ~ lag liArg ItOrAttliibtlio;,%, tw ine. ase.ofdainestowal it BrankllkailltOsat,, " 4 "%usara ride , fears. Franklin.% , Misr lhavis la , uati a taiw. and commodious. well `pirabilleaibta rOdallVteMilla idlets.and - Covered %stainer snarl...L.llr ir 4n,•%he F biotwar fint per ovitiat irlitp uate at imerim i • abounding in sh, and - =treble for Mining IditMsees,-eurrounded with nut. libunsigi iss. inmaidid, scenery,. ia. , jt A 1 gia-beat gra?t resort in the IMAM. Addrebs. ~ ' ' ' :" 41 1 : - 7 1 : iimittErnt.' Propel:4'4a Mil VOlGAtilif'lltialirlDrA4M3l.l2iir hndersitned haulnitselland'the We 4443n tivioa cy r,the vale of tie celebrant , ... ' • i • COPliltY PUT CLAY., ~.. Joe nOW yr:spared to tarnish , It lit ling 'plan to ' ll4.oll6 nlng tb pt.:mare thlsSuperior article. i . ring fifteen yvarr 10.58 Of this Cu e, wehllre llrliV at ruch proportions as we l'elicile makes.toi better snide ihr pats than any in the market, we baring secured an anersge stand ar six. 1116/17 late Tlnt INIONTILS. "Ave vin furnish receives for the propor tion of the Mixture gilds Clay to persons wig's''' ta t The Clay Uground and moulded Wimps gisr DITYCRIDOZ 86 eoN. • Tort 'Pitt Glass Works_.; `Washington titinet, Pittaborgrkri. L uLaj,i,=-.,.:a ME =MI I,EGAIL;= HOTELS. , • ' „ . 1 II U II U 11