01 . • It litttolll4 etaitttt. • *\P Fl ir94noc• - •'_ 'HIM I haria it --- ewit&ce, Calls. ”ritrow'doWhaull, • and pen. lar a hluti in the btry forest halls, Afar from the ha tits of men. / • Below a mossy earpe spread. And a bough-inwoven roof o'erhead ! "From the dust and din of v. hrels --- ""'r TO the-greenwood!' leafy gloom, •-•• . • • Where naught a trsee•of man reveals, • • Away fromvh is living tomb! Arad thine wlll be right royal fare i „ -Along alone with Nature the . -••• An old: familiar tone 1,2„. ,_ - 113 in OW voice - More - met • • a. 7,.- ...-4 Y Than chiming flutes by moonlight blown On ice-u-ka's mere sheet; •• .. AEn usJc that has' inspired'me long,' - . Invites my Arlel of song. • ' Bimkadert shelvi: far weir! _ flon -l g foraweeter s. lore e • •-•-. , 'ln the flowery glade. of shadoWy dell Than - I ever learned before: . • To feel one more that lam free. Blest spirit' in the woods with thee. ' EPHEMERIS. ; - 7 -TaleCollege is a . , t>;.....filoseip say that Napoleon is getting re, /312:1 .;iJohn. Brougham is to play next week in cipcago. • , - •: : - —hlntrikey backs Seymour two to; one lagainitt Grant: . . 1 ' , —Mitzzini and revolution are agai talk ed of in. Italy. - ' lAlastralia itt , attempting to rais cane td beet sugar. - .. ,:rgt _ —Tom Hughes is going to write all about ovenaor Eyre. - • - - . , —Brigham Young has thirty five mar ' geable daughters. \ - _ By .changing - g letter, .K.sraro spel 1 : ' - :brandy-al" chats. i The English newspapers predict a n victory in November. ''''' • - - ;r 4.nnaßlpkensorilas a new lecture "Ohildren and Marriage." - - . ; -=An exc.hange thinks the solar - iliebiet star company out. • , 5 ' -..... BOnth's new theatre will open fo *itsittan . .ii In january next. • - -- ' -Eiwniburne is crier worked and his cal advisers must travel , , .Barkeillific is to ; be the next Offe opera brought out ire New York. .. ' Z It l itlY has ' cindritsited 9000 pers ns to he foreign population of Chicago. ' 4 --- - I hertt are 100,000 inhabitants' liohit'and,but one daily new4ap —T -- , - ,heinilitia force of .63g,ltua : land consists of about 134,000 I . . • . Aboilt and Dumas, Jr., are go ,Sng to start a banking house in Paris. .:Cholera; yellow feysi, and small pox ' Are , the commonest luxuries of Cuba just —Geo. Wool:10'41th; a Phila.&lphia, artist of Some rereown, died last week,'Laged 42 Jean' -La Crosse,' Missouri, has a man r seeking for work, -who was once a - valet of Lord . 'has settled down -t? being a - poetess, -,and is a regular- contributor of .I..omfen _weekly. -- --Some' philosopher has discovered thht Andrew JobriSon is not the merry-Andre; .known .toe. I fam ,rofessor Goldwin Smith is to have a ) .tfangit?i, given to him by the Union Learrue . of,NeWXork. . .-••• —Walt Whitman has a volume of prose t inprint. Walt is huge in poetry, hut ids . prose ifin little silly. _ \-1 —Max 3laretiek intends to bring out, next seaaon, Apber's latest opera "Premier Jour de Bonheur." Sultan has invited_ Nalrolebn to '-nonfrie and see him, and Napoleon -has not as yet sent his regrets. . _ . , —Lord. Napier, of , Magdala, is the new -1 I 1 ~"title which General Napier assumess - when .::he enters the peerage: - - • —Train's great~l2ot lat Omaha wants to be leased.. The great - 71711n himself always:l : objects.tO being least. —ttn American cooking stove is en route •;. ,:to Siam, -where it is to form part= of the ,;dower of a Simese princess. ~ —The execution of Maximilian, and its 'lntnise;.the Mexican expedition, cost France, lnitthousand millions of francs. • --Some one is endeavoring to make.. out that the late Hole-in-the-Day was a Celt • 'with the patronimic of O'Halli ay,. -Admiral Fanacut is taking, :advantsge of his prolonged tonr abroad to make fine 4collectioit of paintings and statuary. " • ( . .—The band at the Democratic ratification meeting in Philadelphia; very properly played "My Maryland'' and "Dixie." - -The clerk ot , the . iieather seem to be influenced by the prerabiur on gold. at :east - heated terauf are very high this year. , —The Pendleton, headquarters,at Cincin= matiiire:lbr rent, • and a • larger quantityf Pendia* badges can be had cheap tor cash.' lteerris that Patti is tot married to De 'Can , 4 an[( stubbornly reinsns to do so, and. 41he .lEnipreitii• is down -4 on. : Pulti 'on tb a t, - ...Ateconnt. • - • • I • • Ytirk • TV6rttf thinks, or jthat 84moiir aita'Blair are inneelied. This In s trile_ l 9 l d,lit November they wlllbe check ::-Adariet mated. : • ' • „ • , * lll2 — 7 The Democrats fisted fora soldier :to , • gleivi grant aitti they got. Blair . have';, 4 1. er of ,those people who Qiingfor '4lshreceived aatitrpion. a, - *" ' 1 affected by young jadicis it the edi2,sict6, says an exchange. 1 1. ;;ainglidies at the sea aide are also soda -7 times aflecied by milk-punch.. Count' Oustave:Cho rinslty, the liushirid „ " of the - Of Baroness 'von Eber genYit has-been -sentenced, as an accom plice, to twenty years hard labor To k ,haie a Demodratic •.lekss Convention in October, Of the ~P rls. oners'ot fate." This a:delicate deniol sal Rug State Prisoners. • ~—Tecttessee has prodLced- a Snake forty feet Joni It le suPpost:d to be a distant Iconnection ,of the great anaconda. Wilich • always 'intended 'to 'crush. Italy bas been fortunate Sneug,b-to get - a feeling of inch gratitude,to both France sndPrnash4 that in tha,eyerit'of a warlie: . .swOo Wein countries nentralitY:wouhl he the only proper Italian cotu)te. Victor, the send } trained paisener keibe e,,Lof,amin4c. Being a condemned mirderesr, a l wa y s brings a charge of ihkarin its train. Grinder was said to be - 14*eizo. 061414. 1 jivorkis Decein: ber, the Mere nie)Atisn: iht it ittialmostikg . . oplingfik.tliik - hot4esibits • • nctir t ,or *pair Oigcates. .'\ Saiatogit, but the rnost beautiful woman there is said to be a new arrival, a married woman froM Western Pennsylvania. , • - - -The Pendleton Democrats are said to be consoling , theinselves with the reflection that Seyrooif*.)iofil* elected • / • —The Hon. E. .M. Stanton has declined to accept ' dinner."' tendered him by the Union Lerighe - titib of New York. He is deterinined to his perfect freedom Troth ptiiiliciy; no* that he has so well earn ed Lis rest • • =Democratic 'Papers are beginning al ready to talk of "the bone and sinew of the party—the noble workingmen." Very lit tle nobility Whnld these same workingmen show if they suffered themselves to be caught by such chaff. —Twenty years ago Theophil'4 Gautier dared to tell the_ truth and say that Mr. Charles Dickens was overrated. When in Paris the other day,' Dicken's remettibered this, and refused' to be introduced to his El great literary superior. iew honest people doubt that women qtave - lust as much •right to ilieir rights sai l men have, - tint such specimens as Anna \ Dickenson and Gail Hamilton fill these lion est'folk with so tench disgust that have no . - . room lett for aympathy. —A sold coin has been dug'bp near Oma ha, which is dated 'ISM.' On the, strength of this Omaha is going' to- lay claims to an-, tiquity, antlher old families, will probably look down upon those of Boston a'ntl Phila delphia as mere upstarts. 1.1 --Icebergs• are met by almost .• every ' steamer going- to or from kurope now. a ays.. If those corning this way, knew ' whaCthey,have to expect, •we think they oub. get up a' picnic party on one .of the ergs and wait for , the next steamer. - - I —A man in Lowell, Washington county, hio, was almost frozen to death last week; be crawled into en ice house to try and keep cool, andl was discovered a few hours . I afterwards frozen quite stiff andinsensible. 'filcuit l Ile was, with the greatest dt 5 , , restor ed to life, and will probably never get ever 1 .the effects of his imprudence, yet still we ' swelteringly envy him. ' t • 1-- ais of E MI 'bach Stock. EMI i and- Ire- Inauguration f'the Luther Monument at Worms—lmpobing Ceremonies. , . The inauguratio n orthe Maher mpntt- mem attracted to the small town of Worms sufilelentnrisitors to fill a large capital. As manygs 90,000 people were present, who, of courke,"cnuld'nothe lodged in the WWII, and had to sees; shelter as well as they.conld. 1- in the villages of. tim neighborhood. Be. sides the:Kings of Prussia and Wurtemburg, and several of the minor German Protestant Prinees about 2,000 clergymen had arrived 311 parts of Germany and Switzerli , nd, I and,A'm from France, Engl , tml and A! oer- :ica.l The festivities were rather of a serious 1 thari agay character: The groat services of_( Latter, and; the A retb-ners Whr) precetted_or tilldWed him a'Cre extolled in sermons and ' '..pecClica - An_ English chrgyman spoke , taielnently; against, Etisttyiiin, _attd Charged 1 the Bishop of Gxford with het raying the cause Of tht Ref° rinatfon. The -most' remarkable .speech was that of the Mayor of the, to wn, it Cathelie. as are three-fourths of the popnia- ' tion. When themonuMent was made over to the care of the municipality of Worms, he rteeepted it'ai-a national gitt i .and praised 'the Meaty spirit shown 'by Luther at- the Diet When he declared: "I. have notAeen convinced ; I cannot retract ; here I am ; I ,cannot change ; may God :assist me 1" This 'historical fact which has changed the aspec of Europe;- deserved to be commemorated by a 'national Monument. - Even those, ria. liens -Who have 'not adopted his religious tenets enjoy their blessing; for he has put dotin• the despotism which forbade .free thoeght, and gave back to every nation the right to bring, common sense to hear on, re. ligioni matters. Ilis translation.of the Bible indiced.people to learn to read, (schools. and academies came, into existence, and in his own time he--Was considered the German (,Cicero. - The monument : itself is a, great Isucr,eis. - The statue of Luther is ten feet ,high; by his side arc his two .protectors— -1 the Electorof ,Saxony and the Lindgrave or Hesse. The next group .shows Huss, Savanorale, Wickliffe, Waldus, Melancthon and. Reuchlin, and ;the symbolic statues of - the towns,, in which the leading events took place. Soiree where the protest was ; made which gave the name toProtestantism : 1 .kug,slintg, where the first peaCeable settle ,went was arrived'' at, and Magdeburg, the ;lust sufferer and victim of theeague. ,The festivities closed in the best h rmony, and, 1 1 ,thouglititere Were neither poi ce nor mili tary, nOt,tbe least disorder occurred.—Cor. London Tinies, Dr. Sears ? the agent, has, since he was ap -pointed, visited ten of the Southern States. The plan which he adopts is to •visit the city government of the various cities, and communicate to them, his mission; "and if they establish the systemof free schools, be offvss from his fund to bear a portion of the burden forttlii currentlyear, generally about , two:fifthit or the amount required for instruc tion.\ 'ln•- seven of 'the Statesfree schools hove thus beeti\eipiblished - hi the - principal cities.'. and 'the-`!plan an has everywhere. raet with the earnest i o-opertition and eVnifially of the, intelligent portion of the (31.ititern Ptvpie , In only one lilac° 'haS'Dr. Sears met with a decided rebuff, and in hat place the [ city ho Majority. of: whoni, were , baelielprs—ththight -that every man (ingot to educate ins own chil dren, The ,provisions. of the fund do not extend in . Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri has Mils far been and 'Texas. Attention given to the largest towns and ai d es. and it has, ffencraily been found thatonly about one-lard of, 06 white :chiltirfltv- in those' Vaces - I were ' 'attending sehools7genc rally trona -the 'wealthier families---in private schools at greitt expense; :and • that in tho San te places alfOut two-thirds of the enlorcct children we in sonic' way provide& with re4ns s efiiication and were actually at schOols. ' TIM hl nzing hot weather evei ybOdy wants .a cure tor laydrdphobia anda Pi r eircn". titiVe for sanivti.4o. mor, le us Vor the, fOr sax that it has lately been discovered , ,dia, that a:cure, may. promptly be eifected‘bY salivating the victim. = Tie the patient hi., chair, give him fifteen grains of calomel at once,' and at the same time administwa tnercurial'vapor bath. For preventing sun- streke, - 'we should think that everybody might know by th(stiatittiat a cabbage Tref or a dadip handkernhief . ihtke hht Is a grilityl Pms -- immt GAZRTISi THURSDAY,. JULY 16, 1968, The Peabody Pend. `~~; — ~;~n O DENTISTRY • f6fiiiir,ll6,ii A l t Waaa .I . , , r _pw. - 11:4t1PN AT DR . , • 8001 4::W. m i e , n ' -„-. • wig nrani . smairwr. 3D DOOR dsov aal D. sAm - Au g.. -w ß o r iar cat wiiitß ENß AlTTEn o.F. efiNtr - - GAS FIXTURES;"` - GAS 111:11CTIIIIESI• Chaxid ellers, FOR GAS AND OIL '• • - Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. WELDON & KELLY, r 147 WOOD STREET r COR.. VIRGIN ALLEY.' • CEMENT, SOAP STONE, igzc. YDRAULIC CEMENT. sorlp STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY ' WATER PIPES. _ • HENRY*. COLLINS. So16:070 I 5 Wood street. DRY GOODS. CLOSING OUT OF SI:T=IMR DRESS GOODS, JAL BIIRCIFFICLII 81 CO'S, No. 52 St. Clair Street. LAWNS for 256. worth 37 tic. LAWNS for 37c. worth 62e. OREN ALIN NS, for 25 eente worth 40c PIQUES for 75c. worth 11.12. ALPACCAS for 31c. worth 40e- GREY ,tiOODS, for 500. worth 75c. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF DRESS, COCIDS iF TRE 'CITY,. ALL -ENTIRELY NEW, ANT,. CriE36I7kTvEST TN rJEUT. CITY. REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 52' St. Clair Street. ITIARRET STREET. 87, 87. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ' TO CLOSE STOCK. OF Gr-CtoODS. S 7 MAREEI' STREET. THEoriortE E. PHI/12S. $7 •'• 87 115 " ' OOD ST. AIIBUTIINOT, & CO., No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., WfiULE~dI.E DRY GOODS AND. NOTIONS, AT LOIi'EST:EASTERN PRICES. MEM 168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. IEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and :GLOVE. F. SQUCY, • tir No. 168 11'311e Street. 1,03 ' ' - 168 rtl'infl4o] CARRMcCANDLESS &CO., ' (Late Wilson, Carr B C 0..) WH9LESALE DEALERO 12{, Foreign and Domestic DrY,00(&) - , No. 94 WOOD STIINET. \ Third door abore Diazaond ' . •'PITTBI UNOTi, PA. SEWING MACHINES... muE T .4.I,IPPWCAN COM . . . . lIIITTON-119LE ',OVERSEAMING AND SEWING , . IT ,lIAN NO,E4IItAL, Brif4a AugotuTßLii. lIEST'FAMILT MACHIN 11. IN !I'DE VOitliD, AND IN., IAINSIOLI4Y TILE. C•RE.ArEtff'•; 4621gPtits - wanl:e4 to iell:thleitaohlue Qli . ' . . rut Western Petintylrantri. OoTnit'NllrTH. AND' IsIAMMET 'FirßEE'r:it' over Ittebardeun , sJeivetryto tre... . „Anyzon364 •VONF'ECTIONERIES. - GEO. SOHLELEIN, Fancy Cake Baker & C confectiOner, AND DDAT:Nrzy ••' FOREltibt &DOMEEMO Plllll'2B NO. UN coruer,Yetlnrannil liobtneon styrOte.; "clfi nostampy. on nand. 11.3“31CNA.M;Of various Onvore.l ' • ' '• ' irgyßx w. uonuswEir • Corkfectionery and-Bakery. Ro• atw intrrimnn:sTijitz newton Beyeuth 'nul Liberty. M 3.I " A D OY4TIDII-8-AL6O.DI'-attttebedf. j •,iVtIsIRC3HgNT~BI3~ORB. H Erimr RimyEa, MEROBAriTT, i rlitlo64 No. 131WITIOULD STlttlDT,:•t:ltiobutgb• P. Conotantly on tutnd, a(nil asoorttnint of 0 MUS, C11541/2dEIi,I43,;ViSTAIG,9, itc„ , ter. ',41r. , • ' • • • • I • • ' •"`--ligr'%'l4.'s:VA•l•• TRIMV,INGS AND. NOTIONS. ' iti — opotunicEp.- 1 P 4 0 9711 , , 11 1 - MACRtrid & CAXILIBLES, _ MI No.l9•Fifth Street.- ALL GOODS GREA LY REDUCED! - I ON AND: AMR; JULY IST. (Ladies',) for HOOP SHIH'II3 coisErs, ate LINEN BAN I (warranted,) KID GLOVES, !TM PAPER COL J9L cDTTON, (gOpd , .• :POCKET BO ).TiSouirtli 506.,........ ...... 31 - El.l:'S Str 4 .MilEß UNDERSDIR. 13 : . 78 lIEN , JEA DRAWERS.... ........ - 70 All kinds Ponneta andlats at Half Co3t. 200 Yds: 51. CREAT BAROAINO - . ITT ' AI.L 3..C.intY/ 1 0 -' GOO D 6. gpeclai litotes to Merchants dc Dealers. 1 1 • ' raacrtum & CAP.LISLE, -- jyl :1331 AT JOSEPIEVORNE & DAILY ARRIVAL' OF ,0,-oo]cbs -1 ! HAMBURG EDGINGS AND BLOT LACINGS; HAMBURG INSERTINGSL _ SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGs' LACE CAPES, COIFFEURS AND PARASOL COVERS; LINEN. COLLARS AND CUFFS. . MIOSTJEII,Ir. SUPER STOUT AND SUPER FINE COTTON - AND MN:RINI, 1-2 notiEl LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSE, in Lace, - -Liele, 'ntilik and Cotten, of beet Junglish,a d Ger man makes; • DOMESTIC HOSIERY, at rerylow rates; ALEXANDRE'S DUCii&SS HID GLOVES, a new line must received. A-fall aseyrtment of B ULLION AND BILK ERINOESL TASSEL; FRINGES.. • ; BEAD FRINGE'S AND, TRIMMINGS; GIMP HEADINGS: TRIMMING RIBBON'S AND SATINS; , ; PARASOLS AND SUN 'UMBRELLAS. el - azAw Goobr. / At greatly reduced rates) Nnw 4.Tle FIATS— Ltatent and lilt , •ges. CHATrEs, DOTTED NETTS; IDBDONS. FI.OWE.g.S 4 MILLINEMI' LACES. 'SONNET SILES. FRAMES, SU.N.DOWNS AND SHAHErt DODDS, Betai, \ W7tol c.A.X.X... AND EXA.IVIC I ENA. - „ 77 sand 19 Market Street. )claswr sTEA.Bir • - CARPET BEATING • !Jams , was BUM emnrrisra, • ESTABLISHMENT. WILLI 'DaNary Cud's. In Drab, Bur and - Tan. Which TEN YEAP.S' lUtAL In 'New York and oth er Eastern cities bas proved a complete succese. HOSIERY,'ITB ADVANTAGES:" • 111,1 . of Frtmcb , 'Gcniutn and ' Eng ll2 h•• . Ist—Fading and .ihrinkagc . are completely avoid , cipl,lrie sp , krt nece49ary. 3i--14 henl'reed rrein swot 4 moths or their larvae. , A full 11-tc or White t_ , :e ;.:i (5t i vi,:1 4 1 , ,, ,,,, up . , 4,n 0:v r.: t...g..),,c1 .,. as new, f.. - ave tae at—When peris•ttiy a Carpet will wear a- FRiifoia4;.SEIFINO SILA D DULLW\, lor,lg agai, le , olraue matter 8-i a mere point of tO WV; nothing oil! . °kn. / 1 / 4 1 eaters and !lades. ALL 01114.10 tE,1 4 7 T THE 'OFtICE, PARA S- LS, No. 179- Lib .rty StreeV .. FNINGED, Df.ADED, LINED AND.PLAIN. L, Box 4173, will receive prompt A .PULL LINE 'ol'l HOOP SKIRTS. • GEO. L. MeCLINTOCIi,, Alto, sora,knew styles DROP 8101tTli.f mill?: ,' 'PROP Pa ETON. NEW GOODS. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY 115. CPI:SETS—A coMple:e 'variety, fa white and col orod, fur Ladles and Nalmof,ol, f Ve:ret Ribbons -Pallor Collar., I:.h I.laca, I K - 1,1 °fovea, Papei Cud, ' awn, sllc love Strllred shirts? I,loc. Glares. I•:ruholderice, 4.lambrlc, „ Cotton ti loves. Itlbuon>, etc. THE 'IIIIY SARATOGA. COLLAR. All tbeie goods are to be had at the LOWES.V PRICES., or' 3mm - cry:rat, GLYDE and SO itlarket Street. - Jel3: 168. COAL' AND CORE. (SCAB &CO. LAwa COAL AND COKE. 12!,Mce, tilaudasky'Stimet: and P. P. 1 1 1, • & R. n., Allegheny City.' 81JPEMOR Youghiogheny Coral and Conuellsville Coke, AT Lowtsr MARKET RATES Sir Orders promptly *tended to, COALIVCOA.I.32 CtieLtil - 7 DICKSON,:. STEWART. & cp., Harinit removed Iheir Odive NO. 1567 I.+7o3lElltrlTY STICIZIET, Mindy City Flour MIIII O.ECOND *1.,001t. . . . NYyusw-prepared to rtirntele ttoott . YOUGHI.OOAP.• NY LUMP, N UT COAL OR. oLAOK, at the lowea •morloet price. : • „ All order. left et their °race; or addrerseil to them throoglittte will 1k at tended to protoptty. iny2s:lnt eI,IIII4IIILES A4llS9ll2tl).Nti l , 'kJ TOTICHTIOGLERY .NSD 001110.0VITIE WAIN lIM 00AL, SIAM lon),,pzstr pvirtntruto COKE . . t)t11~9 and ward-4N)RNNI-1 '67 ItUTLEii AND MORTON: 13TRED.Ird, - tFirst rani. on Liberty and Clymer streets, Nlltt ward and on tieoeud street.. near Leek No. 1, - 1 Litmnurkh,' ' FamilieS and •Nleuutueturers supplied with its bort *tide of Doal.or uolm at thu.lowest sash rates.. Orders left nt nny4r theft. oklees will 'recelei prompt utteetlotx. 4 liffigii*ONG . a LiStiTtaillVOTVi duel:velure , y/LAVALrFILA AND youoinoopfcy etui. Co:i. ntiNRRs; SDIPPItitB A ND DEAI;ER3, ROAD AND , )r supOrlor.Xoughlogheny, CAS, AND COAL: . Office a 1 d Viill:-- - POOT OF TAY BT.II*ET: aCaI the Gas• Works: • ••-• . 4 clx_lnttir'er, co. ,c Miners audt4hlpiert*of t•ITTa ttC/ It tiAti co., CDAI,INDFCQAL altd.tiLA(ll3. ? Cool dellTerett promptly to all Oarta' of Nit, olr at tho lowest market rait;a. • FOUIITII AND 19' tION (primly Citnol.,,gil.ttl!)urgia. • P. 11.'BoxitlItril - • • Natt ''ARCHITECTFiti; FRUIT wArar, .AAtit.)epolort nint,Diritta t iga, Ind Bt,Optir,Btkeet, Stif)iital gtvoi- to the *designing 'Mal bniltiiti co 71005E8 wad tUliLta PITIPDIV:I3." 0p7A058: . 'z. .. . ; 80 Frpich,) CHIEFB 3 . . 25 1.00 MEI 19 FIFTH ST/MET Effl Do ESEESE! Aid tgonotoottirees ot CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPLTS, NISTIWI'iIItiTANDING Tur f likurufacturers' 'recent advance in prices, we Wiletiontioe to'ofthr the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea son. rust received; a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Anuinster. OLIYER TCLINTOCK & CO., No. 23 Fifth Stre,et SITIMMER STOCK _OF CARPETS! White, Red, Cheated, Striped and Raney 24 9[ l rir N 40- S, GRV.A."I" NA—lttErrY. Oil Cloths, Windo4 Shades, &re. BOARD, ROSE & CO., 21 i Ina STREET. JeZa:d&wF JUST RECEIVED. NOTTINGHADI CURTAINS. SWISS LACE CURTAINS: Biass and Wood Cornices, THE NEWEST AND BEST IPATTEENA Ofany of which cannot be \ had elaewberes ) AT THE ; ! LOWEST PnIcES. IticFARLAINTD COLLDIS, 71. - ancl 73 Fifth Street. •• SeavrrS&T (SECOND FL0911.) GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY no WOOD 6TUEET. {CHINA, (LAS, AND QUEENSARE, SILVER PLATED WARE;, FABIAN. STAtITETTES, BOIIMAN GLASS, And other BTAE'LIt AND FANCY GOODS. a groat variety. 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO mh27 100 'WOOD STREET: DYER AND SCOURER, H. J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOUR, my No. Et evr. szatmmrie And Nos. 185 and 137 Third Street, PITTSBTIRGH. PA. my 19064 UORD111), an,Laraintaa remedy for burauter, ouknlatnt, Mar rhea, Irysentery, ' - Voakttlag,",'4our titoinich and Cltcaura Murbaa. 141,.114111115' CRIMP CBE, epeottle fbr Lehi:dem, Crampt *ma Pan in. the ;.St 4 nimeak..(or dale bY ,, • - awurs EWE G, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets A.GMNT* POIII, 1. saIIOONT F di SON' priELE:WRITE" LEAD, I McpOrg,YEltipiTElt GriIEEN; . . The only green pnlnt . that mill' hot 4lete. , Wrote by. e kbubure. It will look hotter, I not IoTT awl give m orr t ll:Seek sat.l4 an4ctlon, All atry atilt In the 111TAISTE110-4 good and - efaciekt ~ ''';• - -. '!t- , i , ITCHISEdiEIEIPER, ' •.- . • . flnewlio rinderatana cooking, Also. two FF.StAI.r. TICACIiEIec, for th u or our Public In.titutions. Vest of raterenros rtlutretl. A pulication to be ramie at-,67 1 0 0,U ItT It r. rit r.F.T.••,1 ones , oom No. 3, oit yr-ounce Aloutlay, _July 13t1); , 'l79:ss3 NE _ . .44 . ;VS.' FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR,SALE: • z . - O .A , Ut,E9 N917117.,:;.11.1k8 AND it LOCK - TOIBER LiLlill, situated on Black 1.1 Creek, Buffington township, Indiana county, p ; 9 talks froth Idlnerahritatton, - on the BeattaNtam Central illatiroaAl. and abouteo — aires of rtes, lend, under good !enclitic. On the premiees r erretettotte Grist MM. with 2 run of burrs and run of stones, all complete and In good runnitte,l der. Otte Saw Mill, lu complete, order. 3,000 feet per day. - - • . One dwelitney hottse, two )slidies high. with rooms. 40x43 feet. One - : Rabic. 20x214 - Teet,. - 1.6 feet high: Blackout). Shop and 'other- out balld Inge. This - laud is und laid with atone coal and Iron ore, and it ..h.aa at t l of never-felling springs of water, besides - theees running through the entire premises, and will sold cheap:ant:lnn easy ,terms, to a:good/OPE' will little money, , . /0 LOTS ON BEDFORD •AVENITE, each lot: by /00 feet, On which is *meted 'Tour .two.au frame dwelling houses, of 6 rooms' and halt eno. Toe-e lots embrace a full square of ground, fre t lag 200 feet on Redford avenue, and boon err 1 • each end by a wide' street. with an' /Brett A ley Bait' the rear. Un tat: premises is a pump of laAl .g a excellent water, and the serface of the 2.,!..i &i e .. . ant needs neither tilting no rAradiug t o prepare th. for building parr:Macs, and being in a seatroa oft , city Where property is Increasing very rapidly value, make them desirable for an itive,tment, sit ciall•yas the present houses rent for enuegatue a good interest on the .sum :Liked for the ilogi. proper y. Call soon on the undersigned and - sect' , acbeap, safe and paling Investment. Also, A .EARIII - OF 160 ACltErs of gond,. lat satiated In East Wh.ratairld township. Indiana 0. , Pa:, - 90 acres of which is cleared land, in gborle . tivation, 140 acres being in excellent toes oliiv, 1 improvements are a two-story frame (twenty): hot - T of 4 rooms, a frame b ink barn,. 35x.60 .r... n, is 1", stabling undernentoi, and other etabeilldinps, - all .' i good repair. It 13 lii a good neighborhood .boo •• lent to aohools. churl:heti. 'stores...to.. and Arilj sold very low for.cash or approved securitiv.... • \ Also. a RIVER. isorrom YAItAt of 16 Tres, 1 miles from the city, in Elizabeth townsh p. Al -, Iheny county, Pa.; on the Youghiogheny ri er, ok 'half mile from Elrod•sstatlon.sin the Comieliski railroad; near churches, school /Y, stores, .t c.,•ln I ' flourishing villages of Boston nd Green Oak: 1 i improvements area two-sto , brick hotter: it t rooms, hall :tad cellar, a goodfrante bank barn si' stabling untie rr.erdli, and other outbui hangs; A Sr of good standing water ati t itte door, mud seval . standing springs of water o ' the farm, and an chard of 1110 trees of lect o fruits of apples - ch i ries, per.rs, peaches, q limes a ol grapes. Tilts iirc , erty being located 1 ear the line of the rallros within one hour's rid of the ity, makes it very strable for gardenia or a d ry farm; I t is al good and beautiful location fo country homes n the city, lying 1111111C4 immediately on the river, oa the posite side from the • atiroad The \Vest Newl ic r Accommodation and other tre as on the railroad ford certain and frequent opportunities of da, communication to and from the city., Will be ,/t.d as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suitip4 Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated in 'Clair township, Westmoreland county, 1.5.1 n - the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Roust! Station. The improvements are s two-story frog • house, with six roortis and good cellar, a frame bss barn 40 by 60 feet, and other Outbuildings. - .frh4 is on the place a yottng apple and peach orchal 120 acres cleared land, divided into fields of eo.n. nient size, a urgeportion of Which are winfrsett ---, clover and. timothy: the residue of said tract et , ered with good timber: It lel ell wateredand t • derlaid with coal and limeston ,• • and is • cunt' euit. . . _ . to churches, schools, , tares, till's and blaeksm • shops. • A real good ba gain Is tiered In this sac lent Linn; and-with it ill be -', old all . the pers... property on the prel.aes, c.usisting of hers cows. stock cattle, bog and p.t !try, harness, .ge wagon, plows,.farinbil Imple tints and . h4a4ch anti kltc.len fern:tare. Together will he sold r low and on easy terms, torsponsible purchaser . Also, a desirable an d ..e fertile Tract of Earn •I , 15 ACRES AND 25 ES AC LCIIES. in Elizalo.th T Allegheny county, Pa.; en the line of the Hong railroad. and one and o to-half milealrorn the C nellsville railroad at Sit er's Stanton..On this f are 44) acres - of superit r white oak, timber, wit alone is now orth out half the price asked for whole tract. The lint rovernents are a Mg hou frame barn, good rant- rig. and V II apple orchard' good fruit. It Is writ V atered and underlaid wg limestone :aid flog stop . of a superior quality, wi stone coal fur the use u' the farn..l Also. The best. FA .i..5l in Fairfield toWns . , Weatnioreland county, Pt.„ Of '250 ACIIES. abll six miles south of the l'ennny'vunlaVentral road at Bolivar Station. The improvetheuts we l l huge hewed, log dwellings; one of the largest r best framcobarns in the township.; two apple elia , ds, In good ocarina condition; corn crib, wag shed and other outbuildings. The whole fare under a -high state of cultivation; feueing all Intl rate order, and the land of the best quality aril stone soil, about 200 ames of whit ., is cleared the residue of the tract in good . Itimber, ;such white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and 'bee This, property will be sold very cheap and on I 3 terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other uess. For ,partioulars enquire of • . - • p; • . G. H. TOWEJ;EL,-3.64 Fourth Streit - ' ' . . -- •., 1 AND , 8 rooms 2 •• 4 .. 2 5 " One dweDing, 211x40 feet One •• IgxJ46 •• One. " 1815:6 OnelB'l26 `• " One 24x26 " FOR SALE. TWO HOUSE'S A 1) LOT on Carroll Mr. Allegheny. This property kill be sold low as purl vas aliiint leaving the city. and wishes to liar or the property before removing . . .1_ SAW • MILL, TWO. iIV ELLINU 11.012141 , 1., iy: R v. BANS, with gehil•P PLI-ZM, and P about SO -CZ thniu.r land. This.pro wily will be soul IoW. CI 4,2.so9—h:dance oi, 1,..1 w. to suit buyer.' • • FARM ilie• lISO ACRES, will be sold,. for'tive) dui tars per acre. hour, - :erneuts conifortoit.lje frl., house and ,tcud bars; 5 acres of the hind c, le 1 t.. 5 FARM O•ISO ACE :3'. near the line of 1-,.;irox 'very well located for I:sing &Lock; Improvotka are good and' Substuntia'7:lo.3 aures of I.lti lan,N on and 'train. • , g 1 CIT y put , i , ER.TY.-=1; ill sell a ood brie& linti3 containingtive rooms. a Sixteen Hundred ImileS and would rent for,the : count in six y ears. .. .1 LAlltiE .1..0T OF CROON-11, havinl.i a I* , front, and very ecinvnie tof access.' , - . TAN NEItl., n covetnel t' to the city, and hay!' • well established eu.,ton or local trade eonne therewith; ol a good dwell% g *nd forty acres of tan FOUR LOTS In Sharpsuurg,. near the tailr would make a good coal VAN. HOTEL FOII SALE.—:That fine. Hotel firoltelt situated at the-Blairsville Junction; - ,ntha ins fourteen rooms and the necessary outhitildls with three acres .of garden and fruit trees. '1 well located hotel will be sold low, as the pronit for Wishes - to retire from business. . • 1 -, . 1 1 161:1 . PET. oic , large.gouge, , for Boarding House. Otin new Brick House , S rooms. One ne Brief; lionse of 4 rooms. ' • . One new Brick Nous of a rooms. ' ' - -' , • One iloo-c of 5 r,,on and tot 55 by 1 , 113,1 One Rouse of 7-roon and lot 150 hy 150, TWo new Brick hails .a, 11 rooms each. One new Frame tlou e, -.1 rooms. , Two nevrßrick Holt .s, 3 rOoms eachc ~ One new Frame 11 use in iWilkinshurg, i has • : six rooms and la .e lot. well suited for ga 7 acres that can be divided into acre total. • S Lots in Oakland. rower auica, large Room and Yard for rein, 4 goodloeation. Will be ' rented for shorcor 1 NOR LEASE ' Oil SALE-3 Lots on 3.l'orton atm) Ninth. Ward, _ . . ' . Nr A.NTE.I.3, 000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4MO . 1 1 0-1.01.01.--$5 O 000 r...4' SUMS OF $5,000 AND UPWARDL i . 4 • APPLY" AT D ILITCII'S REAL ESTATE OF '1 No. 91 Grant St., PittsbuiVii., jeMplB ACRES OF 2,000,000 CHOICELA S FOR SAT s : I k J5l' THE ' • lYnk ItaUrfKui Cowlitz 133:13 XIEVD3ION, .ttlite,iraset, at Lying alona . the line 5,00 I'M ACREI w riVET.BA.Ft9. And on a 911.1ii)IT 0 For farther partial' ars, maps, addssaa. lux ,nimittEinr, miss tOriei, , Topeka. R.21/53'''' Land-C , Or CHAS. ;Amax, s ec'y, ' St. LoutsMissour . 41 0 J: I Q() .4VITAta pApm. 103i 6 Itoprore4. •th frame btme,e f r‘,01113 fra., - UtiW. an. ornirml of good 'bearing apple peach trona. /i.e.% 65 goys ..ic a r v it. ne int.aat. gond all:. Itlckory.....fn gar and other timbal'. ;!!'t a a-r , tnree tulles front the .3lutkingum ~itt Bert y This is 6310 to be tl.tu -cheapest farm n.lrertifl r, In the SI otkinghro VI ley, .and parties d;alrt? ' rourebase should Luta s' on.; • • I loci. • -moo. fiGitodtlitleld P°“OUNTItit I ESIMIENCE'i . _ HALE On KEN large two-5144 - dou *. 4 : lo . 2 Llning .10 0111E4 Inoludlng dputtOP tor. With aroarhto man les, and all. the, modern Prov'elnen,tr: N Y mere f ground; tilled with ' qrapes, berries,.Situated near 311n.5r5v111t... - • the termination\ fa the Vytle. street s rnstenFer,, This Is one of 014, hand unest loratlona lit A. 1 . 1174 tonnty, and In -it g neighborhoi.l. t. eal , .Eut-ate .011Ine..!.Pw etree' • -1 - . . . urbyott SALE and Lots fur silo I s. AISo, seleral Also, a small' W )02. Of land, ond go a lin , them) and , onevbssn In let on gdottertrvets rent (Abut!' cities. "To LET,.-110 Olt 1• M 2ualvo PAVTO#Ig, ua wi d tli 14 0 ,Iwihemerkts svillgir 141 'tertns.*!,itosinilAs Sou partio:l•Arip WILLI ti street..opposti4?"CALb : • .• ,:-; .L /2i) era Ja22 I , tk l iiV244: l l.% 44 Vtit ; t ; Ittar, , , 4 i* 1.74 • ••-1 ;, II II