The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 16, 1868, Image 1

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The Tax Bill Finally Passed—
The ding Bill in the Rause
1 —Bill t Remove PoliticalDis
\ ' abilities Finally Passed. •
tßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WAMENGTOhr, July 15, 1868.
Mr. DRAKE called up the House bill to
i amend certain acts relative ta the tavy - and
I marine corps. • ' • —
The amendments of the Committee on
Naval Affairs were agreed to. The bill
passed and goes to the House._
" Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to reduce
' l. the military to a peace establishment. Re
ferred to the Committee on *Unary, At!
.•'-- Airs. • ' ' ;
Mr. COLE offered a joint resolution in
relation to the Southern Central Pacific
Mr. HOWE introduced a bill•logalizink
'Certain locations of agricultural college
scrip therein designated.
Mr. POMEROY celled up the bill for the eistablishment of a line of steamships from
New York to various ports of Europe,
Which was dismayed.
After discussion the bill was amended by
reduciiig the length of the - proposed mail
contract to ten years, when it was laid
'aside. •
The special order, the Indian appropria.
• Con bill, being 'called fbr the Senate insist
-ad on its sunendmentt to ' suppply vacancies
in the Eitecutive departments.
Messrs. Crinkling, Edinurids and Vickera
were appointed a Committee of Oonfeir
mac. • - - j
' The CHAIR subMitted a communication
from the President, enclosing a report from
the Secretary of State,- with the list of
States dc., that hava ratified the fourteenth
amendmenti_,Referred to Judiciary Com
mittee. -;
:1 Mr. CHANDLER introduced a bill to ex
tend the customs laws of the United States
1: over Alaska. and eatablishing a collection
• district therein. Referred to.Oommittee on
'., --- Commemon: . I
The Indian appropriation bill theri came
lisp. A number of trifling amendments
1 from the Committee on Amor i tions and
L t the Committee 'an Indian
slurred in, including five thovßon w lg
'ta far prments to Indiana.
Without final disposition of the bill,
4 - Mr. SHERMAN made a lengthy re 1
t from the Caniniittee of Conference on the
disagreement between the House and Sen
ate on the tax bill, which was to.
The Senate went into ex - ire session, .
4 ., ..-,..gict nftet mow time ajourned. I
g A bill wasnitiesil lbr the 'retie of E. M.
1.1 Ball, of Chiolgo, tsfaraling the tonnage
- . A resolution was 'peeled - Ippointing an
1 _ I h rv i estiga i ti n z a ri or mi t tge , talauir ge e n :nt; the
duringlBB7 and 1888. '
I • Mb, were, punted giving the assent of
Congress to the construction of (pertain
wharves .10 Oswegoharbor, and restoring
Vommanders Cillv and Hughes to the ac
-Cave list-of the Navy.
The Credentials of James H. Goss, mem
ber elect from tha Fourth District, South
Carolina, were referred to the Committee
lon Elections.
_appropriation bill for the District of
Columbia Deaf and Dumb Institute was
takentip. , I
A. motion to reconsider the vote of yes
terday- rejecting the amendment allowing
contracts in one or more States for the in
struction of deaf i and dumb. was tabled-47
to 49. I
Mr. WASHR'B amendment for the
r E
creation of a mininuoner of Charities
was rejected.
The bill th passed. It appropriates
151,000.1 I
.• 1
Underreport by Mr. DA WES, from Co .
mitten on r.pecions, David Heaton, mem
ber elect from the second district of North
Carolina, took the oath and his seat.
Mr. WASHBORNE. from the. Committee
on Commerce, reported a memorial of the
city of Milwaukee for reimbursement of
ozonises in improvament of the harbor,
which has been postponed till next session
end a sub Committee, Messrs. Elliott and
Sawyer, appointed to ascertain the facts.
Unanimous consent was refused for
the return to the Renate of the civil appro
priation bill, the House having already con
curred in the report of the Conference floor- '
Mr. SCHENCK asked that the funding
till be taken !from- the Speaker's table and
referred to the Ways and Means CoMmittee,
stating it would be reported back within
two days. ll 1
'Mr. RANDALL objected. I
A bill passed repealing so much of the
2d Section of the Act of the ?Mb of Febru
ary, as provides it shall apply . only to
claims of drafted men for bounty received
at the War Department prior to itspassage,
It extends the time for presenting such
claims two years..
On motionefUr. BOUTWELL, from the
Committee lap Reconstruction, Senate
amendments to the Rouse bill removing
political disabilities from certain persons
were concurred in-401 to 20.
At Mr. BROOMAL'S suggestion the 140-
lution meetings Select Committee on the
disbursement !of the contingent fund of
the House was reconsidered and the sub ,
ject confided to the Conimittee on
Mr. DONNELLY addressed the Ho
upon the necessity ofreso areas for the deVel.:
aliment of the great Interior plains of the
The Missouri contested election, muse of
Switsler against Anderson was discussed.
At twenty minutes atter four, Mr.
SCHENCK made a report from the Confer
once fkimmittee on the tax hilt, which was
The Conference report having also been
agreed to b y
i the senate, the bill goes talks
President or approval. ,
In reply to inquiries so to the detaili x o g f i
the report, Mr. ISORENCIC explained hat
as to banks the Conference Committee
agreed to strike out all relating to banks;
being entirelysatisfied that 'no bill could
pass this session containteg such ii -- provis.
on. Storekeepers are to be paid by the
'United States- Special-agents are limited
to twenty-five in number. Mineral oil has
been put on the same footing as.other man
ufactures. All Xlistillers and refiners of pit
- are to pay the same as other manufactu
Mr. SOROFI.ELE--Thece is no tax r
gallon on petroleum?
Mr. SCHENCK—No; no tax except on
sales. The removal of spirits in bon is
required to take place in nine monttui,
' compromise between the six months of the
House and twelve monies of the Senste.
The loss of revenue on petroleum he esti-,
Mated at about two millions.- The special
tax on distilleries remains OA before. The
'.' aa'
tax on sales of tiolesale hquors is to be
one per cent.. a mpromiss between the
three per bent. of 'the House and the one
fifth of one per 'pent. of the Senate. By the
-provisions relating to inspectors some six
teen or seventeen hundred officers would
be got rid of, only some one hundred in
spectors bebig left, to inspect tobacco, snuff
and blears.
Mr LDRIDGE--What "reduction will it
akeln revenue officers f
Mr SCHENCK—Certainly more than
••1 Mr. WASIBURNE, 111., inquired as to
the business before the Committee of Ways
and Means, in reference to adjourment.
Mr. SCHENCK replied the principlbusi
ness before the Committee was the Funding
bill, referred to it to day, and whioh the
Committee would report back within eight
hours. '
Mr. BECK suggested the printing of ex
tra copies of tax
. billfor the' informatioh of
the people.
Mr. SCHENCK proposed twenty thous.
and extra copies, to be indexed by the
clerk ofthe Wayaand Means Committee,
which wai referred to the CoMmittee on
Printing . -
The Senate amendment to the House bill
to create the office of Surveyor General of
Utah was concurred in. •
"The bill relating to contracts payable-in
coin was taken from the Speaker's table
and referred to . the Committee on Ways
and Means.
Mr. CHANDLER offered a resolution to
create a standing Committee on Emigra
tion of nine members. Referred to ;the
Committee on Rules. -
Recess till 7:30.
Evening Session.—Before general debate
the thermometer in the Chamber indicated
ninety-one degrees at the hour of meeting,
and ninety-four at recess. ,
Messrs. BUTLER and PIKE editrassed
the Committee on, general politics, when
the Committee rose and the House ad
Heat—Deaths from Sun
, stroke in Various Chico,
By Telegraph to the Plttobargh OrielW.]
Wuunr.nco, July 15.—The weather is op
pressively warm; thermometer 98 in the
shade at 11 a'.. U.
15.—lreaterdsk was
the hottest day of the season. There were
twenty cases of sun - stroke, thirteen of
which were fatal. Eight head of tine cat
,tle, worth from one hundred and dfty to
one hundred and eighty della= each,
dropped dead at the Covington Stock
,Yards to-day. Three valuable hems in
!Covington and five in Cincinnati died, ail
from the effects of the hot weather.
ftr.l.ours, July 15.--The excessive heat
continues unstated, although s ti llbrisk
shower fell this afternoon,' mn] oo ied
with heavy thunder and lightning. Oven
cases of sun stroke oocurred today, Most
of them fatal. The total' number of deaths
in the'aity today was•, tint' a
large proportion were yorthiCehildren. _
Hawrabltri,' artm:, July IL--thelp were
severeicassia of ci V r relos today, and' one
death. Merin t 09098 degrees.
.111".Wrett tbr /latat . -Iteledrnetie the
hostels since 19017.;; . . •
ranADEPTIU4 JuVirg...Thermometer
ninety-eight degrees to-day. There were a
very nu hoer of sun draws, very few
Airomrs:, Ge., ditty U.—To-day wan the
hottest of the *moon. Thermometer 98.
Ar.sawr, July 15.—Mercury 100 to 04.
Twelve eases of =I stroke.
By Telegraph to the Pittsbarat Gazette
COLL - 3011A., S. C., July 15.—1 n the Legit'.
,latime to-day four ballots were taken for
United States Senator for the long term
with no choice. , On the last vote Mackey
had 62, Sawyer 50. French 24, and Campbell,
Democrat, 12. Seventy-six votes are neces
sary for a choice.
The governor has refused, to approve
the bond offered by ithe Republican treas
urer, on the ground bf its being intmflicient.
ATLANTA, July 15..--In the Senate to
day the resolution of enqui7 as to the eli
gibility of officers of the Senate was passed.
Mr. Chandler offered a resolution requ est
ingl,4 the Governor to furnish such nape or.
ddeuments, affecting the eligibility of B
ator; as be may have in eligibili ty
The resolution was strongly opposed . •
Republican members as being awe-
I to the Governor. . The
all73l7lrMedoM7 'dlereapOet, but claimed a
disposition to delay matters was apparent.
The resolution was adopted. •
. , i
ATLANTA, JIB ty 15.—The trial of the Co
lumbus prisoffers was resumed to-day.
Hon. A.H.Stepheiss, having recovered from
his recent inIIONA, was present as- counsel
for defendants. --
iNIK/30N, July 15.—Major Tyler, of Gen.
GUtem'a staff, left shim morning for W lh
ington, taking with him - the official re
turns of the recent, election.
New York City Hatters.
- Brow Yoax, July 15.—There were thirty
nine causes of sunstroke and twelve deaths
to-day. _
The steadier Quaker City, from Bremen,
has. arrived.
Three buildings at Welthwauken, occu
pied by-some twenty or thirty families,
were burnt this morning. Lees 5200.000.
A fire at Scoharle,N. Y.. Tiding in
the stables of the Soharie Hote destroy_ed
the office of the Republican an 'A nnmllbr
of other building's in the business centre of
the place. Lass 0,000; insured for 825,000.
-The British officers comprising the
Knickerbocker Criaket Club oommented a
match gime-this morning against a mixed
eleven of the St. George and Philadelphia.
e r
The mixed el en scored one hundred and
sixty runs in the first,innings agdnst forty
run and fiv w i c kets for the ofters, their
best batters still to go on. The St. George
Pltresedonlll,lforly and Wright, and the
English oatketer, Pearson, played against
The - ollieersandsoored fifty-three runs,land•
following the phfiedelphlanspliyed
finelypLarne mad e eighteen runs, Auger
five, Meade six, Newbolt ' fourteen, and
Welch, not out, twenty-four. -
The New York Cricet Club was b ea ten
thoroughly in their match against, the
Newark Crab. The Newark score in both
innings was 69 and 72, the New York actors
being only 47 and 9 -
Mon , Strike at Pottsville.
tßy Telegraph to the Plttatrargh (casette.]
Ps., July io,—Th e st o kers
arrived In town, marehed to P 011.% Orebro('
works - and stopped. The foundry
rang for the men to go to work,-but they
reflood. A large orowil , of people anh about
one hundred strikers are now forming into
line to march to Palo Alto and Atkins' fur
Mississippi Election Fraudif—Ad
iournment of congress—Reduc
tion of Treasury Department
Employes—Gen. Grant—Nomio ,
'nations—Text of the Funding
Bill as it Passed the Senate—
Army Reduction.
Clty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WASHINGTON, July 15, 1868.
Fifteen Mississippi radicals, Including
Mr. Eggleston, defeated candidate for Gov
ernor, appeared before the Reconstruction
Committee this morning, demanding the
exclusion from count the votes on the Con
stitution of Rankin, Chickasaw, Marshall,
Carrol, De Soto, Lafayette and other coup
ties. By this means they expect to carry
the Constitution and elect Radical State of-"
fibersand Congresamen. The reason they
allege is:that terror reigned In those coun
ties. They ask Congress to declare Missis
sippi reconstructed and entitled to readmis-
Mon to Congress. Among the fifteen sev
eral were northern and western men.
The following- is the funding bill as
paised by the Senate last evening:
Be it enacted &c . , That t h e e- Secretary of
the Treasury is hereby authorizedlo issue
coupons or registered bonds of the United
States in such form and of Such denomina
tions as he may prescribe, , redeemable in
coin, at the pleasure of the United Slates,
after twenty, thirty and forty years respec
tively, and bearing the following rates of
,yearly interest, payable semi-annually in
coin, that is to say, the issue of bonds fall
ing due in twenty years shall bear interest
of five per contum, bonds falling due in
thirty yearn shall bear interest at four per
, cenr , which paid bonds shall be exempt
'from taxation in any form under any State,
municipal or local authority, and the same
and the interest thereon 'and the income
therefrom shall be exempt from the pay
ment of all taxes or duties to the United
States other than such income tax as may
be assessed upon other incomes, and the
said bonds and the • proceeds thereof shall
be exclusively used for the redemption or
payment at the option of the- holder or
purchaser of or exchange for an equal'
amountof the ilresentanterest bearing debt
of the United States, other than the exist
ing five per cent. certificates, and% may be
issued to an amountln the age/emote stun- -
tient to; over the pr%cipal of ill outstand
ing orezhiantobligationctia'limited here
'lgiliod titi - titnewbut nottp atessiits7oo,ooo,-
400 shalLbet,-cit to facto rinbanni in.
— d llllllll =fterther , einsitiat, That there by
hereby appropriatedbitt of the duties de
rived/tem imported - goods one hundred
and thirty-five millions of dollars annually,
which sum during each fiscal year shall be
applied to the payment of the interest and
to the reduction of the principal of the
Public debt. in such a manner as may be
determined by the Secretary of War, or as
Congress may hereafter direct, and such
reduction shall be in lien of the sinking
fund contemplated by the fifth section of
an act entitled "an act to authorize the issue
of United States notes and for the redemp
tion or funding thereof, and for funding
the floating debt of the United States," ap
proved February 26th, 1862.
And be it farther enacted ; That any . con
tract , hereafter made payable specific
ally in coin shall be legal and valid and
may be enforced according to its tartan,
anything in the several acts relating to
United States notes to the contrary not
withstanding.; provided that this section
shall not apply to contracts for , the borrow
ing of currency, the renewal or extension
of indebtedness under a contract already
entered into, unless such contract origin
ally required payment in coin.
And be .3 punier enacted, That from and
after the passage of this act, no per centage,
deduction, commission or compensation of
any amount or kind shall be allowed to any
person for the-sale-or negotiation of any
bonds or securitle, of the United States
disposed of at the Treafiury Department or
e i ii
ewkierei.on account of the United States,
a d all acts or parts of acts authorizing or
permitting by construction or Otherwise
t e Secretary of the 'Treasury , to appoint
a y agent, other than some proper officer
o his Department, to make such sale or
. gotiation of bonds and securities, are
. ereby repealed. • •
'The t3ecretary of the Interior has received
he following dispatch from the Indian
mmission i
Sioux City, July 9.—Sta: That portion
• f the Indian Commission that went to Fort
: ice held aconnell with the Indians on the
2d instant. Five thousand Indians were
preeent and eight thousand Sioux were
represented. The Unpaws,.the most hos
tire Indians, sent in a--large delegation,
which made peace on behalf of their - tribee.
The eounoll - was eminently suocelidul in
all reste.
• (Signed) Joint B. SANIIIOII27,
ant pro tem Indian Com'n.
The bill introduced in the Senate by Mr.
Wilson provides for the reduction of the
number of enlisted men to 20.000„ to be
contained in thirty regiments of intim:dry,
eight of cavalry and four of artillery, and
contemplates the appointMent by that Sao
rotary of War of a board of competent of
whose duty it shall be to prepare a
plan fbr 'carrying into effect its provisions,
this plan to be submitted by the Secretary
of War at the next session, and no action
to be taken upon it until Courtin has given
its approval.
Between now and the Ist of September
over two hundred male and female em-
Ployes will be &amassed from the various
bureaus of the Treasury Department. The
appropriation for - temporary clerks bus
been out down from P 78,000 to 11100,000 tor ;
the present fiscal year. The majority of
those to be dismissed are females.
Mr. White, the new Senator from' Mary
land, called at the Executive Mansion this
morning and paid' his respects to the Pres
ident. - •
•A letter received. 'yeeterday,:statea that
General Grant will probably leave St. Louli
for the plains during the present week.
Thjgenersl understanding today to that
Congress _Adjourn next Monday or
Tt16 . 1.1111.. NOMINATIONS.
The President nominated to the Senate
to-day. Anthony F. Campbell aa Postman
ter at Brooklyn k l3b6rman Dayi as §innrey
or General of Calif.rniai 'end Thomas J.
Bowersaas Chief Jmaiee of the Supreme
'Court of Idaho. •
The President has nominated to the Senate
W. M. Stafford and Hiram Knowles as As
sociate Justices of the Supreme Court of
A. as:
The thermordeter in various localities
about the city ranged from 100 to 100. Sevl
eral deaths from heat have occurred.
The Senate after discussion confirmed the
nomination of W. M. Everts as Attorney
General of the United States.
The Union Soldiers of Mlisouri in Con. ,
• vehtion. \
;By Telegraph to the Pittsburg, Gazette. i
ST. Louts, J,nly 15 —The Union Soldiers'
Convention al Jefferson City to-day was
very largely attended. Colonel William
Grosvenor was temporary and Geo , Jo
31'Neil permanent President. The (ow
ing resolutions were unanimously a opted
and withgreat applause:
Pirat—lhat our soldiers are attached to
the union of the States and the principles
of the CclnstitutiOn of the United States, in
defence of which they perilled their lives
and their all.
Secoad---That we, hold it to be our, duty
in common with all good citizens to up
hold, defend and enforce the laws of the
United States as enacted by the represen
tatives of the people in Congress and the
Constitution and laws of this State, and
that they will do so at all times, under all
circumstances and against all and every
organization of party or individuals who
may attempt to trample them under foot.
. Thsrd—'That we approve and endorse the
deetaration of principles laid down by the
National Union Republican Convention at
Chicago, and pledge to the nominees of that
Conventioneer earnest and hearty support.
Fourth—That we havesbiding con Men -
in the integrity, patriotism and ability o
the great <septet's under whose leadership
we achieved the victory of liberty and
union over , secession and slaveholding
power. As we relied upon:him to put
down the rebellion, so we can trust him to
guard the institutions for the preservation
of whicti he led us to victory.
With the i helm of State in the
hands of Gen. U. S. Grant, we can re.
pose in security that the honor of the
nation will be upheld at home and abroad,
the laws fully ex utrid, the interests of
our dusabled comra es and of the widows
and orphans of our alien brothers be af
fectionately, guarded, and the peace, pros
perity and happiness Sgt the whole people
Pift/4—That, the distinguished civilian
and statesman, Schuyler - Colfax, the sol
diers' friend, who so nobly stood by the
Union and its defenders in the councils of
the nation throughout the great struggle,
•Is entitled to.the confidence arid support of
the men who fought 'under the starry ban-
ner on land, and on sea. ,
Efixth.-That while. we shalknewweease to •
condemn the filed 8 044 subside* widish
erett4Ponnes , wer eilOPerelleled in -atro
city, waged a purpose hostile to eve ry
principle of Republican equality and ohne
ilea philanthrophy, We yet entertain malice
toward* none of those who !Ought against
us In Scree and open` battle. and while
we believe that the forfeiture of all politi
cal rights on the part of thOse who engaged.
in or aided or sympathized with rebellion,
was a legitimate,;, just and proper comae
' quence, we yet s tand ready to - give to the
soldiers who met us in manly fight equal
political privilege s at the earliest moment
consistent with State and National 'safety.
Seventh—That we are unequivocally in
favor of the ratification, at the general tiled . -
tion to be held in November nex', of the
proposed - amendm ent to the State Consti
tution striking ut the word " white"
wherever it occursin that instrument.
Eighth—That we old it to be a measure
of eminent justice that all o ffi cers, State,
county and munici
4 . snould be elective
and not appointive, to the end that the
wonting men shall have an equal chance
with the politician and the soldier or sailor
with the followers find hangers on of the
• Ninth—That reposing implicit faith in
the wisdom and patriotism of the Repub
lican Convention to assemble in Jefferson
City to•marrow, we pledge to the nominees
of that Convention our full and hearty sup
DiUctilgan Democratic Convention.
By Telecesph 4o . the Pttlebturith Gasette.)
DETROIT, July 15. The Democratto Con
vention to t}ominat4 State officers and .
Presidential electors assembled at Merrill
Hall in this city to-day. • Hon. E. H. Thomp.
son was elected President. The following
State ticket liras nominated : Governor,
John Moore,lSaginaw county; Lieutenant
Gkrvernor, R. C. Oqffenberty, St. Joseph;
Secretary of fitite, L. M. Bates, Senemee;
Treasurer, CI F. Miller, Watttenaw; Cam
utissiorter of Land Office, Henry Grinnell,
Kent; Attorney General, A. C. Baldwin,
Oakland; Auditor General, Col. Lewis Dill
man Wayne; Board of , Education,__lsaae
W. inst., Oakland. Peter ;White, of Mar
quette, and F. B. Smith, of, Branch county,
wore chosen Presidential Electors at Lame.
M. J. Mills, of . Detroit, wad chosen Chair
man of the State Central Committee.
The New York nominations anttplatform
were endorseff, and earnest and active sup
port pledged:,
Deniotratic Meeting at Chicsgo. .
Teleiteehh W the rlttebareh Gazette.) .
CRWA OO , XILIY 16.—A meeting of the
Democracy tO ratify, the New:York nomi
nations occurred to.night, , ,and ibis a large
and enthualastio gathering. The,speaking
took place in the Court House square, from
two stands. Addresses were deiivered by
S. S. Hays, John G. Rogers, Gen. Wallace,
Dr. S. N. Davis and Col. McGuire.
A prominent feature of the oaaatdim was
the torch-light rocession composed of va
rious Democrati c clubs of the city accom
panied by sixl bands of music and bearing
many luumeni and mottoes.
Maas Meal* of Bepublicans in Illinois.
CHARLESTON, iLt:;JtilY 16.—A large and
enthusiastic Itepubilcin Mass Meeting was
held hero to-day. Speeches were made by
General Jesse S. Moore; of. Illinois, and
GeneraL-Nathan Kimball; of Indiana. The
Tanners are Out lnifbrce to-night in torch-
light proctowdon, and Colonel - Thomas H.
Hoban is addressing a crowd of two thous
and persons:: Great enthusiasm , prevaila t
and cheer spier ahem' went up for Grant
and Colfax. , -
Angelical wat i , Vessel Wreaked.
y Telegraph to the ttaberghgeseats.3 . ,
(steameran 'Vit aw a iin no ee re i c e ei t
v il in y oris fa.
j tT iy he; t y i .;• ro t3 r .
Alaska. Olt the morning of July 9th she
ran on an anknown track in:Thadwell pas
sage, twenty-five miles north of Fort Rob
erf,and stove a large hole nearly amidships,
causing her to sitar- The vessel Isloonsid
ered a total *reek. A portion of theta° - -
on board ate above waver and WIRY be
saved.. also jprobably her guns. No lives
were lost. •The English war steamer Spar- ,
row Hawk Simko her on the day following
the shipwreck., and‘monld reach the vessel
in a few hours to render assistance,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette:l
DUBLIN, July 15.—A uolluuon occurred
in- Monaghan to-day betwden the Orange
men and Papists, in which four of the latter
'were wounded. ,
Loniinx, July 15—Reports of the politi
cal situation in Spain are obscure and con
tradictory. No reliable accounts of the
conspiracy which ledto the arrest of the
Duke De Montpensier and tither!' ' have
been recel i ved from any source. Stringent
censorship is maintained by the Spanish
Qovernment, which prevente the tiansmis
sten of political news by telegraph.
LoimoN, July 15.--ConsoLs 943 f. Bonds
72g. Illinois 91g. Bonds at Frankfort
LivEnroot., JulYls.—Cottorinnehanged.
Flour dull: , Sugar firm. Tallow 1313 3d.
Petroleum heavy.
—Frank Leslie's divorce snit is on trial
in New York.
—Seven cases of sunstroke in Philadel
phia on Tuesday. ,
—The Chase third party movement is
said to be all bosh. ,
—The Cholera is rapidly disappearing
from the Island of Cuba.
—Gov. Swan (or Maryland) is after a
Congressional nomination: •
—The Preston bone factory at Rochester,
N. J. was burned yesterday.
—Four mem of sun stroke at Rochester
on Tuesday. Two of them fatal.
—The Chase and Ewing movement is said
to, be gaining friends. in Baltimore.
—President Solnave, of Hayti, is likely
to succeed in his oppos ition to the Cacos.
—The cabinet shop. at Sing Sing (N. Y.)
prison was burned on 'Tuesday. Loss
—At Detroit, Michigan, I t uaWay at noon,
the thermometer stood at niMny-nine in
e shade.
—A Convention• of Italian societies is to
be held in Philadelphia next week to form
a National AssociatWu. . ..
—John T. MoDevitt,financial editor of the
Philadelphia ?Am, died on Tuesday after
an illness of some weeks.
rLThere were eight;hundred deaths in
Near York putt week=inereaseeaused by
the heat and filthy streets.
—The thermometer at Baltimore onTuas
day ringed from ninety-six to one hundred
and four degrees ire the shade. •
—Seven hundred more Mormons arrived
in New York on Tuesday from -England,
and lea . 1 0u4,dinteW. ift Salt Lake' •
+Atiitonventiortattortdo yeatex-L.
4*` V VR i r 4 10 010, 1 ,1:4:1 1 1*4iii0 amp-
—The Massachusetts Republican State
Committee L a s called a Convention at Wor
cester, September 9th, to nominate State
-81 x men were arrested Tuesday even
ing for placing a freight cur - on the Dela
ware Railroad for the purpose of causing
an accident.
—A Committee of the English House of
Commons has reported in favor of the pur
chase of a residence in Ireland for the
Prince of Walea.
—Seven of the strikers of the Nashville
and Northwestern Railroad were arrested
yesterday; atNashville, on a writ procured
by Col. Jones, late receiver.
—The Republican, a new semi-weekly
radical paper, will appeal in Nashville,
Tenn. Tenn. this week, under the- auspicea o
of the Stadts Zeitung,
—The Louisville police imbroglio has fi
nally been settled. the Mayor having sur
rendered the station houses to the Board
of Police Commissioners and dilibanded
his force..
—From May ist, 1887, to July 10th, 1888,
seventy-four raids were made on gambling
houses in St. Louis, and property seized
and destroyed to; the amount of thirty-two
thousand dollars:
—ln Brooklyn; N. Y., on Tuesday even
ing, an immense Grant and Colfax ratifica
tion meeting was held. Addresses were
delivered by Lt. Gov. Stewart, L. Wood
ford, Horace Groely, Joshua M. Van Cott
and others. ,
—Capt. Sam Barr, indicted asaccessory to
the murder of Henry Anderson, on the
steamer Great Republic, at St. Louis, was
yesterday admitted to bail in the sum of
$20,000. Captains Dan Able and. W. H.
Thorwegan are sureties.
—Yesterday morning at two o'clock Prof.
Peters, of Litchfield Observatory, Hamil
ton College, Clinton, N. Y. discovered
another asteroid; which makes one hun
dred discovered. It had the appearance of
a star of the eleventh magnitude.
—At Boston, 'Tuesday , night, a Are de
stroyed Palmer, Wade dt Co.'s spring man
ufactory, E. D. Webader's machine shop,
C. E. Austin's melodeon manufactory. and
Pillsbury's reed manufactory. Loss very
heavy and only partiallyinsured.
—lntelligence from Arizona to June 27th
'has been received, which states , that the
Indians had set fire to the woods near Pree•
cott. Great damage was done to cabins.
dto. Indian signs are plenty. The savages
had kindled fires in every mountain, and
are prowling around.
—Chief Justice Chase,(says a Washing
ton telegram to the Ne w 'York Herald,) has
again declared himself in full accord with
the. Democratic party; although he dim
grecs with the plank in the platform rela
tive to Southern ' Constitutions. He be-
Heves these Constitutions should stand un
til changetilby the people of each State, all
—A mass , meeting of Hebrews was held
in Memphis last night td consider General .
Grant's order expelling the Jews. Speeches
were made by Rabbi Tusks and others de:
flouncing the order in lthe severest terms
and calling on the,peop) of that race to re
vefige themselves at th epolls.
—The committee appointed to confer
with the Louisville and Nashville, the
Louisville, Lexington and Cincinnati Rail
road Companies. and the General cloubolls
reported yesterdayt tWat the. right 'of sf,T
through the'oltV Enid' be granted beam
tionally that the Louisville, Leib: l oon and
Cincinnati Mailrbad would restore fol Sono
to Our and a half feet- - •
-The aecommodation train going west of
the) Pacific Railroad; on TeletiSaY, was
thrown from the track a few miles wen of
Hermann. A brakOmannamed Dan . Harly
was instantly' killed and thttumductor ruld
several passengers Joightly injured. The
1:80 passenger trairon the same road col
lided with a freight!train yesterday after
noon; nearly dernolhthing both loolmotivea.
About three hundred delegates and out
eiders to the Republican State COnvention
to be held at Jefterion City7hio., were on
the, train but nobody was hurt. •
::.mss .~~w~~` ~:t;i~~ i
The intense heat Inds an embargo ,on ,
business or political t movements. Every.
body complains and watches the thermord
eter.' • 2
l'he President has determined to nomi
nate Mr. Wisewell for Commisidoner of In
ternal Revenue, and he will be again re
The new Chinese treaty will be prounitly
ratified when it is reported. Mr. Buirg v iz
ame will make an important official ad
to the people.
. Mr. Vallandigham and Montgomery Blair
are still here manipulating members and
arranging for the coming campaign/
The Alaska' appropriation bill/will by
promptly passed in the Senate. All the ap
propriation bills but two have been acted
on, and these will .be passed during the
'present, week..
If the •name of Gen. Burbridge sent in,
for Commissioner of Internal Revenue hd
will be confirmed. •
Congress will not adjourn until the fir
of August, and the President will am
extra session of the Senate soon after.
Mr. Johnson will sign the Freedmen's
Bureau Bill, it is said. The President will
veto the Electoral Collegekbill audit will be
promptly passed over the veto,
President Johnson haadeelined the invi
tation to the Reverdy Johnson liarimnd, He
will be represeted by Mr. Seward. --
The soldiers and sailors are milking prep
arations for a grand / ratification Meeting on
the - nominations 'of Grant and Colfax ron.
Monday evening next. ' .Z
The Committee of Conference on the tax
bill are holding daily - sesslons,*l - expeet
to finish their report today. . The Commit=
tee will recommend. a concurrence _ in a
greater part of the Senate amendments, '
Collector Smythe - . is about the Capital
working to secure :his eordinnation as Min- •
ister to Austrifi, but has very little pros
pect of success, as the Committee on--For
eign Relations have decided against him,
and will not reverse their action.
J. It. Goss, member of Congress from the
Fourth District of South Carolina, has ar
rived, and his credentials, were = refer
red to the House Committee on Elections.
The Military Committee of the House
have been holding daily sessions on the
bill reducing and fixing the peace estab
lishment of the army. Their efforts will
be directed toward securing some consist
ent system of reduction more in harmony
with what appears to be the sense of the
House than the bill as it was first reported.
They agreed,to support the amendments
proposed by General Pile, which will prob
ably be accepted 'by the House. They re
duoe the rank of chiefs of staff of the de
partments one grade, and number of the
staff about one-third.. To awry reduc
tion into effect, a council of officers is to be
convened by the General-in-Chief, consist
ing of two General officers, two officers of
each arm of thew:rale°, and one from each
staff of the department. One-half of the
whole shall be officers appointed from
-civil life, or• velunteer force 'who shall in
quire, i nto the fitness of, offi c ers to remain
in tfie s iervlce.those tat to be dropped,
AOC abilb be-,- ' a list ' or,the
number In excess , w . be honorably
mnaMred onton the S of Zdamtk r lB69.
The Latest ittlattar Vote In Each State.
The vote in each State, as cast at the last
pupal:it election, so far as It can at present
be ascertained, is' given in the following
r$ ti I .
0 9 . .
snarrs. S . et ;1 • a. o •
.... r,- a ZI
i ; - , .
Alabama 1 70,6= I 1.13135 60,897/15 Conn% 1888
Arkansas 17,913 24697 1,3160. Const`n, AM
California 44,531 84669 3,3630- Lt. (tor, 1612 r,
Connecticut .. . 48.779 50,651 1,77211 Goenor, IMO
Delaware ..... ' &MS 9,810 1,112 D liov*nor„1886
Florida ...... :. 14,510 9,491. 6,629R' Const`n, 1888
P loricia 14,170 10,144 4,0350. GoVnor, MS
Georgia 88,1= 081.750 18 =I Const'a, 1868
Georgia .. ..... 83,146 76.099 7,0015 Gor'nor. UM
Illinois 291,045 147.05. 65,91371 Congress 1866
Indiana 169,601 IMMO,' 14,208 R Bec.Btatel666
lowa . : ..... .... 90,739 66,886 31,969 R, IL Judge,lP67
Kansas 19,15 V 8,161' 11.2198. Gov*nor, 18=
Kentucky 33,939 103,3M•109,4669 tiov , nor. 1260
Louisiana • ca.= 44,733 117,41314 Const'n, UM
Louisiana .... 64,901 41.6141 V
211,7 MR flov'uor, 11116
Malan 57,649 44, 6 03 11,614 R Gonor, IBM
Maryland 21,890 83,60'• 41,7110 UoVtior, UM
Massachusetts 98„8116 70,127,945 R °coolies, UV
Michigan 80.519 66. 124,66414 18. Juilge.lBB7
Minnesota .... 34.879 29. 1 6.3 70.. Gor'nor, 1857
..... 61.187 Mi. 10,85v15 811 1 411363 /MN
Nebraska 4.610 4.. 748 R Congress 1866
Nevada 5.047 4.:95 7.728 Confressll3B6
New rjampVe 29,778 37,V0 2,518 R Wm nor. 1868
New Jersey... 6 5 .4= mon 1,4210. Congress MS
New York 325.018 MO= 47,63013 Bes.BtateiBB7
N. Carolina.. 93.081 74.518 19,11119 R t'oast's, lMO
Ohio. 3133,606 740.6311 298316 Gcrenor, 1887
Oregon .. 9.3501 10.3697 1.30911} Congress 1866
renntylran 1 a 286,0.:4 3131,746 9523 G S. Judge,lB67
Rhode Islanid• 10,038 6.731 4.31:98' Gor , nor, 1861
8. Carolina-. 71',753 27,283 43,47111 C C 0115341, 1866
Tennessee .... 74,484 =513 64113614' Elornor, Mg
Texas 4..089 11,440 33.24611 Cour , tn, 1868
Vermont .. .... 31.664 11,510 20,16415' Gov , nor, 18117
Virginia 111,362' 61,867 45,4558 Conv , tn, 190
West Virginia =,802 17,158 ,6,64418: Govinor, 1818
Wisconsin .... 76.610 68,873 4,761 W, goVior, 18R
The vote of Mississippi has not yet been
announced, but the Constitution is believed.
to be defeated by a very large vote. In Al
familia, the Constitution received a majority
of the votes cast, but net a majority of those
regiatered. The Terns Convention is still_
in session. . ,
nuelndio* ecatterisciuld ladeipendent 'rotes
tratimated. . .
A little incident in Beymour's history
which is made public upon good authority,
affords an example of Ids loyalty and pa
triotism. At the outbreak of the rebellion,
he declared, in a public speech, that it was
A question whether "successful coercion"
was not as revolutionary. as ._successful se
cession; and he pronounced the war for the
Union an "infamous 'warfare." A little
later, meeting Judge !Charles 11. Ruggles,
he asked the Judge: "Judge, have you read
the confederate constitution t I have; and
it is better than ours. Then why not obviate
all difficulty, by simpfy attllpting that [rebel]
wastitutios?" Seymour odd that the rebel
constitution was better than the National
constitution. He propos ed to settle the war
by baths the whole orth join the confed_
emy , an d a d o pting the rebel comiltution t
There is nowhere any pripof that he ever
c h ange d his sentiments In this respect.
There ~to nowhere any proof that he ,
differs novf from Fruit Blair and Wade
i t
—The third annual bawd; Fair of the
Cincinnati and' Covin trst Tobacco Trade.
Association was held th unusual attrac
tion on Tuaday, and Wednesday at Pike's
Music Rail, Cincinnati, and was largely
attended by representatives from every
portion of the United States. The annual
address was delivered by Colonel L. S.
Bradford. There were _ twenty-four
valuable premiums offered, among
which the following are the - highest:
first, to Soo.' W. Stone, lATAChburg, Va.,
foe bright wrappers; second, for cutting
tea, to j. N. Walker, Bracken county,
'Hy.; third, for black wrapper_Lto J. E.
county, i Weld • Va.,
fourth, to rs. Ann Ware IlraTen county:
By:, for leaf tobacoo. Ater ' a arding tilts
premiums, the Sale of - all the toixtooo
exhibition etimmenced and, will continuo on.
from day to day. until all i s Bold. It. is bo.
ins sold Much loWer than was aStsbated,
!= M
:•& -
NUM I : ER 169.
Seymour on Rebel Constitution..