N Ii Li E Byron. An. English writer, in the course.of a re= . ~• view `of - a new life of Byron, siva: • His name did not appear pn transcription lists, though his purse was/ alwayS open to 1 1 the needy; he • wrote Hebrew melodies. which a living critic has pronounced to be "fraught with the spirit of Isaiah" butt he - did not subscribe to the "Propagation aVhe :GosPel Society "the abhorred slavery, but • he did not swelltrain of Mr. Wilbdr force., He poured forth profusel descrii- Alone cf the dories of foreign lands, but 1r • indulged in none of the sentiments which. make Englishmen ' , justly proud of their country.' * 1 • In his opinions he was a kind of "Hermit' in London"—not one of the smooth and similar' ,people people whose versei. edify and whose after dier speeches delight an - approVing public , e puzzled people quite as much as he delig tea them, and, ,unluch 'fly for himself; h delighted in puzzling t hem. But the her of a season rides, and will ever ride, with a slalke in his triumph ant chariot. The golden statue has always a foot of clay. Demus b acts. tired of its handsome and accomplished Aleibiades, and next to the pleasure of seating him on the throne, is the pleasure of dragging him off it. \ . Neither consent of credible witnesses nor zeal in his champion is, able,, , to, display By ' ron in a uniform light._ who were admitted to his intimacy Concur in their ac counts of his mutability. He was, at once silent and self-centered, free of speech, and affable of demeanor ; at times sad and spec ulative as Hamlet ; at times as mocking and ad grotesque as Scarron. • Highly gener . •. . P - ' .3.. j 1 _ I f _ _ 1 1 FM LE _ .. . - ins and benevolent, he deemed - no sacrifice for others too great; yet•he delighted to tease his friends, as children delight 'ln teas "ing their pets; and his correspondence shows: him parodying .writers' whom he 'highlyiesteemed, or penning lampoons on i nn those Whom he had praised in verse, and to whom he haddedicated poems. His literary tastes were not more consist t than bin' personal likings. He was - ong the foremost innovators in'Engliah etry, andye a worshiper at the shrine of pe. There s reason for thinking him in fferent te hakspetire ; and thbugh the pOem which made him famonstetween bed ' time and breakfast was written in the Spen serion-meitsPre, he could not endure The .1 _Fairy Que '._ Like Horace Walpole, he reviled kirk, , yet there are few sympathies in his writings for "King Mob ; he often satirized hi own order, and yet he was proud of his i Norman blood. He was con -4 sistent in his lovofor Shelley and Moore, and ;the strokes he/ most severely felt were those .e.autied by / the early deaths - of his school and college friendfi. Shelley, by his ' otholariship by his imaginative power, and metaphysical speculations, inspired him tii with a kind of awe, whichtlid not, however, interfere with true affection. Moore's - so ciety and correspondence afforded him un mixed and un , iling delight. Neither was , there any variableness in his demeanor to dependents. - e knew their worth as well' as he knew tof theparasites who sunned themselves in ,his favor. To Fletcher and Tic he was a kind and equable master; he played with, according to their deserts, the Medwins and Pordoris 01 hi retinue. El .1 " ~. 1 Mark Twain on the Accordeon. Mark was, as many , ather young men are at• some • period sir their lives, anxious to learn music. Lie tried first one instrument, thhn another, till finally he settled down to the accordain.l OrLthat soul-stirring arti cle of music lid learnt to play that melodi •onh and' - popular air "Auld Lang Syne." :For abiiut a week he continued to torture !Ida unwilling hearers, when, being of - in pious turn or mind, he endeavored 7 to improve upon the original melody b ad int - ing some variations of his own. B t who hag ever seen A real genius succe d . yet? Just as Mark had finished his only t e; and. y wound up with an, admirable' flourish, the landlady rushed into his rooip, and said shei "Do you know any other i time but that. Mr. Twain?" I told her, ineekly, that I didnot. Well then," said phe, "stick to, it just "as it is; don't put anyvariations to it, becanie it is rough enough to the board ers the way it is now." % The upshot was, that its "roughness" was soon made manifest, for half the boarders left, and the other half would hive left had not the landlady discharged Marki , Then I like the wanderiag Jew, - Mr. , Twain went from house to house. Norte would under take to keep him after one night's music; so at last, in sheer desperation, he wont to board at an Italian ,lady's --Mrs Murphy byname. lie says, • "The first time I struck up the variations, a haggard, care-worn, cadaverous old man walked into my room and stood beaming upon me a smile of ineffable happiness. Then he placed his hand upon my head, and looking devoutly aloft, he said with feeling unction, 'God bless you, young man! God bless you! for you have done that forme which is beyond all praise. For years I have suffered fOin an incurable disease, and knowing that my doom was sealed, and .... Ii that I must die, I gave striven with all my poweri to resign myself to my fate, but in vain—the love of lite was too strong within me. But heaven bless you, my, benefactor! for sin ele I heard you play that tune and those variations, I do not want to live any longer-4 am entirely resigned--am willing to'die—ln.fact, lam anxious to- die.' And then the old man fell upon•s neck and wept a flood of happy tears. .ors sur prised at I these things, but could not help giving the old gentleman a parting blast, in the way of sonyi peculiarly o u t lace- rating variations, as beivent of the door. They doubled him up like a jack/ knife, and the next time he left, his bed of, pain and suffering, :lie vas all right in a metallic coffin.", At last stark, gave up-his penchant for the accordeon, and from'.that day gave amateur musicians a wide berth. he Dome or the 'Capitol. t The time has come when our wealthy cf6..' izens need not go abroad ,to ace the finearl, specimen of architecture of the kindin the world. Visitors to the shrines of st Pauli and St. Peter's-return westward and award the palm of superiority to 'the dome of this nation's Capitol. !Powering threehundred feet from the base c te the summit, its Superb proportions, unschpassed !in the world of art, at once attraei the. attention elan be: holders, and, as the king of the lan wive, , reigns supreme! ; But to see it in ail' its regal beauty it Should be aflame of a night; with innumerable gas jets;. then it` be comes, irt_every sense of the word. "a moun t tarn of light,' and 'ahares the honors of the evening with the "Pleiades," "Orion," and the' Milky Way." The Pharoah whi) built the mightrpYra mid of Egypt simply constructed his own monument, and in !the 'same Way, the archl tectof the dome, a citizen of good old Phila . elphia, has woven his name into a frag ment of the web ot' Time. Thomas ti. Wal ter—do you know him ? the man Ivho'l held this mighty tower in his brain, in all its perfection, long, lon g before it ever saw the light or day ; When yon and t, dear reader, are not so 'much as a pinch of dust— when the 'names of Washington and 'Lin . coin are as remote iis!the sages who lived before !Christ—the great architects- of the' r. i ERN .. thworld will live, whether they sprung from i zinsexm a " ‘ „,._ __ e tawny Rind of theNlle, the soil of classic ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... • ...............x..,.......... Greece or the rich vegetable mould of the _ western hemisphere.: 640 MILES •. Previous to 1856, a dome had been con..' - il structed of brick, stone, and wood, sheathed 01 , TEE with copper. Its height was one hundred and forty : five feet from the ground. This was torn away to give place to the present - structure, which is composed entirely of iron and glass. The chief engineers employed were Gen. M. C. lifeigs ' and • Gen. Wm. B. Franklin. These Eagmeers were detailed from the War Department because it'is Government property. Everything pertaining to this work is under the special 41 , e of the engi-. neer, and for its faithful execution i he is responsible: t As we have already said, the deme is composed of;iron and glass, whilst the , . PURIM ACIPIC Rana_ OAD image which crowns it is made of 'bronze, t'Cladesigned by Drawford,' and executed by Mills.,, The weight of this goddess is rk about sevienteen thousand pounds. Every ( thing lecluded, the dome Weighs-ten 7 mil lions of pounds, which, if turned into gold the n n he t i e , o n n eha d n e t b er t ' — w V a a n s d . , C w or o , u P ld h PAIL s Prpay f, ' seaa, that flies singing its little Bong of mo- ' , work already done, and which will be increased ..lfenkinirAhroad. A recent gorgeous article on "Sensation. alism" in_the London Telegraph gives cheering evidence that - the peculiar style of literary genius which shone so brilliantly in some of the accounts of General Scott's funeral la not confined to this country. The writer valiently,comes to. the defense of the sensational, in a Manner entitling- him to ,the thanks of Charles Reade, Mrs. Braddon and Mr. Daly. The; spirit of the titneslis aensational. "The pace of the age is tre mendous! Breast.high lies the scent' of new times, new life, new, thoughts, new socie ties and new forms of governments." AD.: rq.--A. GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to tonelli and hi 'cardinals say that the world issue Its own FIRST ItIORTGAGE BONDS, to is drumtling; but no, "there is nothing the aid In building the road, to the same amount as matter with the brave old planet!--it is as ur u. s.- Bontle,v issued for the same purpose. sound and round And strong as ever, and . and no more. The Government permit's the keeps a capitaltplace in the great astrono- ~ Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondbolders to mical steeplechase through the , infinities." deliver" the Bonds to tho Comnany only as the H e goes f ia er, and says: ~, We have road is completed. and after it haelmen examin ed by - United States Commissioner, and pro given a nam to' this new rapture and flounced to. be In all respects a and Rail sweep ofhnm existence; we call it and its . mad , WA Iv* It heart , Trail, and nom le phenomena 'se setional.' The wo4I is a . supplied oris t ti depots, stations, turnouts, earl' good word, too, like all that ever" ow pop- shops, locOutouves, can, ao. Eii uliir and stand' public wear and tea. Row o men exist otl l this whirling ball of won der, this pellet of brown earth and silver ,- LION DOLLARS I ~ 3 —.A. CAFITAL STOCK SUBSCRYPTION from V. th'e stockholders. of which OVER EIGHT am - have been Paid I nn pon the lion anion 'the great diapasons of blazing -as the wants of the Con/patty require. . suns and systems? They exist by the senses, of course, and all life is sensational." The gifted writer reaches his climax in the follolving sublime outbuist: "In a rattling bnrst of humanity, such as we see on all sides of us, worthy persons and landable things will and must come - no t w, and then to grief. 'As we ride, as we ride,' let us deplore it by all means, and trust Mit they will soon get into the saddle again and take the next historical fence, or the next but one, alongside of us.. A n d' if, alas ! in literature fintsly and solid work have can- . noned almost obt of the hunt by picturesque vice and paroxysmal, spasmodic, feminhe fietionism,\look at the vitality under it all; see hOw, it yearits, this new school of mad writing, to getritt the moral secret of man, and have the mystery of mortal life--divine or devlish--out - into the light ut a shilling a number !" Will not •thejpirit of Pogram stiMulate someAmericanizJeukins to rival or suerpass this sublime effusion ? , _ --_- ..she Works for a Liiing.” We don't know who wrote the following lines, nor how often they have been pub lished and republished, but they contain so many good points that they are worthy to bo started anew uh the sea of literature once or twice a year : 5 • . I Commend us to the girl of whoth it is sneeringly said, S'she works for a living;" in her, we are alwais sure to find the ele ments of a true*iiman--IL real lady. True, we are not prepared to see a mincing step, a haughty lip, a fashionable dreA!, or hear a stringof splendid'nonsense about the balls 'and young men, the new novels and the next party—no ' no, but we are prepared to hear the sound words of good sense, lan guage becoming women, a neat dress, mild brow, and to witness movements that would not disgrace an angel. You who are poking for wives and com panions, turn kom the fashionable. lazy and haughty girls, and select one from those who work for a living, and never—our word for Mend, it—will you r ent your choice. You want a substantial fend, and not a doll; a help mate,juid not help-eat; a counselor, and not a simplettii. You may not be able to , carry'a piano into your house, but you can buy a spinning wheel or a set of knitting needles. If you cannot purchase every new novel, 'you may be able to take some valuable paper. If you cannot buy a ticket for the bail, ' you .can visit some afflicted 1 neighbor. IBe careful , then, when yOu look for corn panions, and when you choose. We know many a foolish 'man, who, instead of choos ing an industrious and prudent woman for a wife, took one from the fashionable stock, and is now lamenting his lolly in dust and ashes. He raninto the fire with his eyes wide open, and who bat himself is to blame. The time was ;when the ladies went visit ing and took their work with them. This is the'keason '.wiry wo had such excellent mothers How singular would agay woman look in a/' fashionable circ o darning her father's stockings,' or carding wool to spin I Would not her atmpanions laugh at her? And yet such woman would ba a prize to somebody. esied is the' man who, chooses for his icife from despised girls "who workfoithoir living-" sP.EclazT - Nolubbs. PHA LON'S "Amar _ .«P AP L OTION," . uar .. _ Fan BEAUTIFYING THE BEIM AND COM PLEXION. lionoves all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches.*Tan, etc., and tenders the .Skin sort, lair and 'dooming. For Ladles in the Nursery It Is Invaluable. For Gentlemen, atter , ilhaving, It has no equal "YAPtiIAN LOTION,' i'lli the only reliable remedy for illseases and blem 'BMus of the skin. ! 1 P I ZALON'S "PAIMILIN SOAP" •• h For the Toilet. Wursery suet Hat ; will not cbsp the akin. Price, *5 cents per cats. • firLOR nu MAYO," A new Perfultio for the FlandkerChle f Exquiite, qaUcato, lusting fr agrunce. Bold byail Druggists. .rrit\a. - PiNALON .itlsol , l,New York. //4TCII . ELOWS D ligtsplerild Nair Dye is the best world!' u d t r tr e and perfect Dye* hartaleiles,liree Int.; r a ein ne ed u l e; no dlsszpointinent; no ridiculous runs and ivv es the en tt ects Of bad dytetraq.nbriLl 776/00°T 6 . 44 1 : 1 1:411 H i 1r D a , r0 l o' ll a n u d tl Y e e a rf u u: n e zm rs . tra •ad . 16 R and a e at ilatcheior's Wiz Facto ry : - rligr G li f iDE TO MARRIAGE, m - Yrpic Melva Outdo to Hippy Marriage sun ConJo at velum,. The humane views of benev. okra phys Mans, on the Errors and Abuses Incident gye2lto Youth and Early Manhood sent In sealed letter 476 Cejllllmrirm Address HOWARD A. _-- .. . •• I b n hulelutda, ra. mylBm3OT -- HOUSES - D WE T,E.- 48 fenltu strr,et e n F E oli t irk by .Idt/deep to an alley MO feet Nide: a brick house of six rooms, Etle and hel/ar, and a frame house, iltable"'P''vee' V.C.CUTIftEIVP & NON'S. li MA Unithild.l meeet, !DAY FOR. ALL--wkiifly,; i:TOOL Samphei, free. Ad..ss ..r.• ~,{ neid.Art. - - jy7.:itT . .. . $lO ' Cl ' U SA_ i'msßußGil r, - . Are now finished and in operation. Sixty miles of 1 track have been laid this spring, and the work along • the whole ling between the Atlantic and Pacific States is being pushed forward more rapidly than ever before. More than twenty thouaand men are employed, and it is not impossible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sacramento, wlll be finished In 1809 instead of MO. The means provided are ample, and all that energy, men and money can tlo to secure the completion of this ,' • • CREAT NATIONAL WORK, ,- . • At the earliest possible day, 1011 be done The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY receive• . . , X.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way, and all , neceseal7 timber and other materials found , along the line of its operatlone. IL—A GOVERNhfENT GRANT of 1511, SOO ( acres 1 oftland to the mile, taken In alternate sections --- on each side of 'lts road. This is on absolute do nation, and will be a source of large revenue In the hiture. $.-A-GOVERYMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to $45,000 per "mile,.according to the Mama. ties to be surmounted on the variouti c sectiotui to Abe built. The Government takes a alskond nort ge as security, and It is expected that not only the interest, but the" principal. amount may be Paid in services rendered ,by the Company In transporting troops, malls. Le. The interist is now much more than paid in this way, besides securing a great saving In time and money to the Government. VT.—NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Business; thakalready amount to MORE THAN THE IN; TEREST-on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings -are no ifidlcation of the vast through business that must follow the opening of the Brie to the Pacific, but!thcy certainly prove that , FIRST NIORTCACE BONDS upon such a property:costing nearly three times their' amount. ARE SECURE lI.EYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. _ • The Company have abundant means hi their treasury, and mate no' apPeel to the public to pur ' chase their Bonds, as tini daily subscriptions are en- Urals' satisfactory; but they submit that, for entire security and liberal returns, .hcre• Is certainly no better investment In the mark .• Tha Caton Pacific liarsls are 'for $l,OOO each, and - have ooupolln attached- They have thirty years to run'. and bear •aannal /merest, payable on the first days of January And Jaly, at the Company's pence In the City of-New Tort, at the rate of six per cent. In gold. The Principal is payable! in 'gbhd at matu rity .- The price . II 1011. At t*present rate et Rota, these bonds' pay an as come on their cost of .7,r • NEARLY NINE PER CENT. The Company reserve' the right to advance the price of their bonds to a rate above par at any time, and will not fill, any orders or receive any subscrip tions cy2 which the motet , has not been actually paid at the Company's taste before the time of such advance. Parties subscribing will remit the par value of the beads and the alarmed interest In currency at the rate Of six per Cent. per annum, from the date on which the last coupon was paid. Subscriptions will be tyccived in Pittsburgh b 7 JAM T. BRADT dt Co., corner of Wood and Fottrtb Streets• • BART, CAUGHEY it. Co.. corner of...AV.:ad . and Third Streets:. S. ReCILBAN & CO., 75 Fourth Street: PEI. R. MERTZ. corner sth and Wood tits.; ROBINSON BROS., 79 Fourth street; AND IN NEW YORK Alt OM Company's Ofike, No. 20 Nimmons Street., and by JOHN J. CISCO SON, Bankers, No, 59 Wall Street, and by the • Company's advertised agents throughout the United States. - Readtta,uces litiould be made In drafts or other funds par In New . York, and the Bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties sub scribing through local agenti4 will look to them for their safe delfSery... • A PAMPHLET Ally BLTP FOR 18613 has Just been published by We Company, giving fuller In formation than is possible In on advertisement, re. specting the Progless of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the /goad, the Means for Constrdetion; and the Value otihe Bonds, Which will be sent free on application at the Company's f l offices, or to any of the advertised agents; JOHN L CISCO Treasurer NEW YORK. BLECTIC SUIDIDER CORDIAL, An infallibtromedy_for_Spmmer Complaint, Dler eihterritiortitlZY' V o miting, Wur Stomach and i • • DII., RARE'S' V111311' 4 CURE iA specific for Cholera, Cramps and Pain in the Stomach, for salo by HALaters SWING, of Liberty and liVayrAe,Streata, G : T.N'rs POR J. SCHOONALVORIz SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, AND .IffeCOIPS *EIiDITEICIGREEN, . . The only green ppaint that will not deteriorate more perfect satisfaction than any paint In the market . • . . •trinE TWIN ciiir SLATE - CO., manufacture a superior article of. HOOFING 5.T.4.A."1""M: - • garoilloe, 411 Seventh St., Pittsbiirgh, Pa. NEWMEYER, Preen. A. II tb " — Another New AtEDIOAD PAMPITIItp, 'rum the nen of DR. uoirris. The ...leakat Time says of this wolit: ••This,valunblu tre2ifith.:on the Rhihe and cure of premature aiIOWS how ,health Impaired throw4h easily et abuses of youth and manhood, end how easily recaleocl4%.lt gives a clear synopth• of .thelloptcfnuents to Marriage, the rause and effects - of nervbas neulllty, end the remedies therefor. .• A pocket edltiou of the above will. be , o warded on r s, celpt to sixttamPs. by addressing 'Doctor DUB TIK, No. BS North cbafies Street, Baltimore, 211 d. 111131 - • I -1 i ran ME AZETT' -WDNEs • • -.3. ' vr u. . k F 133 morainal:BED 0. Ir SCH IDT & RIDAY, ) • ISIVOUTERS OF REIGN No. 409 Petan*Street f Pittsburgh, Would direct the attention of the/ public to the fact that, po teasing super sor facilities through several large Wine and Liquor Houses In Europe, ,and magiturtheir Importations direct.. 'they_are enabled to offer the varions grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices loss than E.tstern rates. Ex ruminations of qualities and comparison of prices /respectfully solicited. A. choice assortment of pure OLD RYE WHIS KEY constantly on hand. • N 7 IiT3INT.MII3. CLARET, 'WHITE AND SPARKLING, Chateau Lafitte, ' ffedoco I Ilaalrizti:VilWez. Se M argaux; St. Julien, ' Pantlute. Ht. Sautern es,- Chateau Latour Blanche Chatuau Sau terns. I Chateau Yquem. Laubenbelmer, Mosel Muscatel, ! Sebareburg, Mochhelater's superior quailtY• • Nnet At Chaudon, Chambertlne, • Imperial, ~ Eperny. •Verneray • lleldsleek, Chamblls, 1 i —and other brands. and -large anartment •of BRANDIES, Wins /CIES NI INES, of all descriptions, eonsttunly on hand, at • WM. MILLER'S, - (LATE KILLER. & RICKETSON.) 221 :b and 223 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Iroan JOSEPH S. FINCH & os. leo, In, 189, Du, 193 and 193 . FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH, mANurAgrottras Copper Distilled Pure Bye Whiskey. HOPS, Also, dealers In FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS, sEcii . rtrdtTir 211.1%'D 0051111KIRT Fll/1 . J. B 1 ILIBRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater and. Moderator, _ . , e For SMOKE AND ROT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires to or about the Passenger or Il.sgaage Okra, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any 'temperature that maybe ' desired without the ptwodbility of thug the car or ears to which the Jacket may be attached, Having obtained of the United State, Letters Pat ent for a in t enseaeket which is be writt the mostheat that tnav adpiled in ithe position and purpose for 'Aden it is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by lire. origi nating from defective Suer. or where Iron pipes are used as conductor 5 for smoke or heat. It is appli. plicable to ail piping [bat may become overheated, t and In warranted to girt. perfect satlifaction where iwnocociol,rrorporothzeirmeict;nthhiseart.t.bitoe: Miaatemrianicwmarey2bdeyptolaez.d ply toy invention to stores, dwellings, ft:etches, ahlps,i, steatnhce.ts, railroad era, ,Le.. wizerever pipes sh conductors are magic angerotts by being ,luverheated and Security desist. . I will sell, on air l vtlicallt.n. richis to manufamure er to cse the above ueonhon ; also, iota:mut rights, to seen es :na or wish id engage In stilling nriv:leges, either tc4litate y • countY. . - J. IL 1 / 4 1.11111PL grawirllce at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT -'n -i,•• Sky • corner of Morris nireet and the Alleghe ny Valley RaLlroadiNinth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. fells wee) i WII. MILLER, 11111 , 1er & Ricketttono Nos. 221 AND 223, Corner. Liberty and Irwin" Streets, . Qtrer 'GO the trade at Low Figures: • . 160 pkgs. of NEW 11 AUXERRE., In hostels, noires, quarters and kits. 100 chests e . holce YOUNG lITSON, JAPAN echo IRIIIAL TEAS. 50 tns ice RANGOON RICE. btile. chotto CAROLINA RICE. 75 bble. LONG IoLAND SYRIJC. 50 bblo. RUP. choice brand& 100 Ends. N. O. MOLArSES. 50 Was. HERNI II OA: MOLASSES. 200 Ws. RICBINED STRIA R. 15 PORTO RICO. CUBA. and DE3fA RA RA SUGARS. ROO bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bags JAVA and I,AGUAY.RA COFFEES. 100 casesl3lPorrucu CLARET. 950 casco' MORT -1 CHANDON'S CRAM. PAUOM WINES. SCOTCH. ALE and LONDON POUTER' don.. I stoutly en hand. • HOLIIIEB, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, rixTrrentnion. Mimi'law era of KHAN?, =DI= and LIGHT ANGHOM AND MAGNOLIA SHEETINGS AND BATTING Virj ............ 'ILLi S. TAYLOR, 9 . P.ILINTER . - , f - , No 9 4 5 OHIO STREET, Allechefty, Thankful (or the former very liberal patronage be stewed upon me, I assure my fricrids and the public generally that, In the future as' In the past, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of the salllo, and win bo always at the shop from 7 to 0 A. M. and froml. to 31•. it. m3,-21:04 -- 1-- pEnCE*AL BECKETT, MEORICATIMIL .EBOINBEB, (Late or P. r. w. L - 0. Ral Office, No. 10 FEDERAL STREET Room No. 0, LEGILEk-Y CI TT. dppisn/ 1 1... BLAST FURNACE and ROLLIN G MILL DRAW INGS tarnished. Particular attention pnld to de signing COLLIERY.LOCOMOTIWEB.. patents con fidentially solielted. 3 4- An EVE NING DRAW - LNG CLASS ibr mechanics every 'WEDNESDAY NIGHT. aminas TO TitA'OELLEIBII. A LARGE AND IiPLENDI7) ASSORTMENT OP LADIAIit AND GENTLEILE'N '8 TRAVELLING SACKS, •• Warranted . Genuine Turkey Morocco. Poi sale by C. 'YEAGER, , No. 110 Market street. NOT/CE CONTKACToBS. Proposals will be received 4;411 JULY lore , `tor building ,irtvin.Strition School House. Plans land apeelndations Can' leo. seen :on applies ion 4 sw*Puts R A n ts,ciEn.,./r. ' Irwin Station, .tune 27. / 8 00.. .*- ' Je30:213 4 - 0110 PECK., .01rHantental Eiaii HAIR Vi r OttG ER AND - PE'RPGMER, No. 133 Ittrd street. near.Smltheettl, Flttsbargh. Alvan en Innul, a:lamer:Ll assortment pf Ladles' WIGS. -HANDS; CliitLS: Gentlemen's WIGS, TO 'YEEd SCALPS, GUARD CHAINS, BRACELETS, lAiV ißiml'da°n°64neenrliiiir loe,ln Cash will - tttlig be given s ACE LeATHER, Page's Pat dt.et, for sale Wlzotesale and at 20 tad Clair street. dF 122 pQtroßs , innS AND LiQtrORS, CLARET. wmatp. WINES. Ozocs. FINES. 1 unteln, Hochhella sib.ikltivr_arrG CIiAItrEIAGNE. (THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY'. F 1 Fire Insurance CleinPanY, OP PITTSBURGH. Moe, No. 42 Fifth St., Seoond ;•' OVER REINEALUL DYLAN A SIEDLE'S JEWELRY STOILE. Robert C. Schmertz, Charles kleyran. Wm. P. Lane - Wm, Carr, Peter Ken, Bteharneyer, BOBEZLT C. SCHMERTZ, Preen. lIORGANSTEEN, 'Vice Preen. CHAS. 3.I:EYBAN, Treaenre f C. F. HERROSEE, Secretary; • The above Company le now full i f organized, and prepare business, prudenceKS. dealing,tten tion to and fair this' Company will endeavor to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the community, Je9:rel BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALIXORENY, PA. Moe In Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 40 Ohlo St.. Alleglien7. A HOME CONIPAIfY, managed by Directorswell known to the comm nutty, who trust by falr dealing .to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN,. GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: 1 Henry Irwin. D. L. Patterson„l Henry Gerwig, Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottleib Fans, Simon Drum, S. B. Smith, Jacob Rush W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. whiaton, Joseph Craig, b Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah Ho ' en. Sp10:05 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., GP TEE CITY OP ALLEGHENY. Office. Sn ALLEGHENY TRUST 00.11P..9.1`iT1i BUILDING. FIRE INSITEANCE ONLY. • W. W. MARTIN, President. JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. Dutherons: A. H. English, 1 0 .H.P.Williams Jno. Thompson, Jno. A. Myler, l•falit Lockhart, Jos. Myers, Jas. L. Graham,litobt. Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. !Geo. Gerd, ' Jacob Ropy. mhZ:n3i • WESTERN ENSURANCE CORK., L PANY OP PITTSBURGH. EXANDER NI3IICK, President. WM. HRBEP.. Secretary. CAPT. G O REEG NEELD, General Agent. °Moe, 02 Water street, tipang & Co.'a Ware. • house. upatairs, Pittsburgh Will itzure against all kinds of 'Elie and Marine -Risks. A home Institution, : managed by Directors who are well known to the tommunity, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. i.i.Sl • DIRECTORS: Alexander Nincitk, ;ono R.3feCnne, • B. Mier , llJr ts, Chae. J." Clarke, rn Mtileir . ' WfillaMS. Eratis, Alexander Speer, . Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Aekleu, Dayld M. Long, W Phillip Reimer, m. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. '-- pENNsyr,ii INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSSURGH OFFICE, No. 167% WOOD STREET, BANK OF COM3IERCE BUILDING. This Ise Home Campton and insures against loss by Fire exclustrel7. LEONARD WALTER. Free,Wen:- C. C. Romr.. vie. President. ROBERT PATRICK., Treasurer. - HUGH IIcELIIENT. Secretary. _ z Leona raurcions:rd Walter, 1 Goo. Witson, • 0. C. Rorie i Goo. W. ES•na, Robert Patric:: J. C. taupe. Jacob Painter, J. O. Fietuer, Josiah Ring. - John Voegtley, Jas. 6. lion'al=3, A. Haury Sprspl„ Anautob. INDEILVITJ.74: ___ IT , 1 . AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 435 437 CIIESTIMT ST., IczAn sTic DI IMCTORR. Cturrieg .V.• BaAcker t I Mordecai H. Lotus, Teblis Wagner, Darld S. Drown, Samuel Grant Edward Jacob it.,:inilth. i Edward C Dale, Feorre W. Richards„' George F2llOB. CH A REES G. HNCKER, resident. ED W. C. DAL E, A %lee PresiPdent. . W. C. STEELE. Seeretary,pro tem. N J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGRITT, rehZws Korth West corner Third and Wood Streeta. ..___ A LLEGAIENT INSURANCE CORI PANT OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STREET, B.uta. BtAxtit Insures against all kinds of Fire and iktarine B.Lsks. JOHN IRWIN, Jn., President. . JOHN D. IicCORD, Vice President, ' C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. _ CAPT. WIS, DEAS, General Agent. Dir.kctons: Crpt. Wnt. Dealt. R. L. Fahnestock, W. H. Fverson Robert it . Dash, Francis Sellers, Capt. J.. T. Stockdale.. John !min., Jr.. John D. Sic Cord, Ha r G ve H Ch ey s. T. J. Husktrson, Charles Hare. pIErNI;.LES7 INSURANCE COMA OFF/OE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH ..vrs. 'A Hone ton:Tann Wang Piro and linrine Risks • Diancrons: • Wm. Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt:, . Samuel P. Shrlver, John E. Parks, • Charles Arbneklt, Capt. James Jared IC Brush, Wta. Van Kirk, Wm. P. Lane. James C. Verner, • Samuel IScCnoItIUT Wlll. PHILLIPS. President. JOHN WATT. Vice President. W. P. GARDNER. Secretary. • CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Aire,nt. PIANOS. OttGARS, &C BUT THE HEST AND CIIIEAP, MST PIANO AND ORGAN.' Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGI N.* This SCROMACKEIt PIANO combines all - the latest. valuable Improventents known in the co struction of a first class instrument, and has always been award the highest premium wherever ex hibited. l ietone is full, s iorous and sweet. The workmanshio, for darablll and beauty. surpass all others. Prices from ',s3 to fillso, (according to I style end finish) cheaper ran all other so-armed first class Plan o _ ESTEVS OOTTIVIE ODGAN Stands at the head of all reed i nstruments, in pro clueing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It is alm pie and compact in construction; and not liable to got out ot order. • CARPENTER'S PATENT HIJMANA TREMOLO" from fIUO to is only to be foetid 'in this organ. years. Price 4580. AU guaranteed for are BARE, MULE & No. 1A ST. CLAIR STREET. 1131a9 SECOND HAND MELODEONS AND OSSA" In perfect order, from e 35 to 5130' oIiARLOTTE manure, alba - Fifth et., Ad door above W 9041. LITHOGRAPHERS. turaraAXlN 11111OXIILY .... . ......... . SINGEELY & CLEIS, Successors to oso. F. lioutroilataN PRACTICAL , The only Steam Lithographic Establialunent West, , of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter treads, Bonds, [Abele, Circulars, kihow (lards, Diplomas Portraits,- Cettlitenteti of Deposita, Invite; Don Canis ao., Nos. TA and Iffk Third street, pittsburith: ' NTTERS & BUILDERS. ..........„. ..,„k............._ WILLILAIT JiIDiCK, L ' RP.ENTER EA kND BUILDER, RP ENTER , , No. 32 I.ENNsyi.vticrA AvsbruE, ppposite tflgli street, Pittsburgh, Ps, Ittsideneet N0."143 Grant street. Jobbing done Flinn Leatness and aspateb. . All orders promptly attended\to, and Satisiootion -war ranted, 1 '.. ' 1 . statelirannr • . I ~(mEnLiv. l !;rltiL DIRECTORS' : Louis Morganstern. Joseph Abel. - Adolph Krebs, Ch. Kiebert, C. J. Schultz, Martin Heyl. • President. Secretary. non OFFICE AND WARICHODSE,I No. 82 Third Street, Pittsbur4b., 1%. OrrinEne—AtiGHST HA:RTJR, President. JNO. R. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE, Secretary. DlRlcToßs—Au&nst HirtJe, John Atwell, S. R Hartman, John B. Livlngton. • Cash pald , forPaner Stoat. '- Ja29•019 ___ 0 GLASS MANITIFACTUREILL.„- T o The undersigned -Mining secured the sole Agets• [ty r the sato of the celebrated . . COPLEY POT CLAY. • ' Are now propared to furnish It In any quantl4 makes it a better those wishing to procure this superior cle. ring fifteen years use of thls Clau 'web e arrir in the market, we having =GUT and Taw at Fuell proportions as we belleye B a ec rt u ic t l e e d iro a r n po an t mw s tha e n s a ta ny nd sar lux. KOMI'S. We wl itirnish recelpes for the prc x = . tion of the mixtu ginthis Clay to pe*ou lamp ing. The Clay ts nd and moulded :ns he delivery. ~ . DITITRIDOE /t SON. Wasa lnalo F S r r t ePeittt Ohms Works ______Pittabjmh. P i. OrLGATE 64.00.91E1 41 .) , - . •_ .1 - N : 11, i( 4 P42... y ... - 1 LI &C 0 rli 1 TO f ,L!r. SOAPS .z ' Are re by' skilled:ll9*k. re cored . ' < ^ k, ,;. ,(), ( k• ntranli dealers Irtl ,l l , 7• l 'B' 1 ` gyp by and ensto AM).* Elpld*,eyerywhere.. delqvirs. _ _._ -- QIUNDRIES. p , j loo ezmike S Padea ra l Salt Ash: ; 25 " Pot Asbi 1,00(bolgs Lead; ..2 200 bbis. 'White late: 1 50 " Hydra le Cement; 1 500 " Pot as Piro otav; • 100 boxes Facto °bee ... \ . 50 " Harattp•ig 0tkee,.. 841 : : . Hstoirt Chettle•e• 4 store aril for - , -- • t f o sale br " • Joarr , B C .N.VIELD & BON. . rst Atreer. i per IL LYON., ' ,1 1 . * 4l Fi :. - 77 - !,seater of weights od, Mengares 1 • B tOITRTH-STR.aT, 'L, No .l ttetwecn Lloerty and. P err, atreets. 0111.2 rs nr9 . ni 00 ntiv at to 00TO LO . - tplaw4 81 , . • -ONGOND AND I.IORTGAGE • , - • I:4EO* thYl3 teal Estate Agent, GO Etalthiletd street', i - _ ; •~~---__. - s STEAM CRACKEiIIipaRT, 317 ]Liberty Sti•e)t: Our Crackeresuarepenboarkteoduiupyonbl ake4 the O by vz h o N t ai ß r 7 o ; TaziOyMolh"erdprareocess. c =_ . . : t • /f ARE SUPERIOR TONY OT.a./Z OFFERED,IN CITV. WINE., BOSTO'S, SODA, CREAM, FRENCM WATER., BUTTER. SUGAR and. SODA CRAc.v EBS: SCOTCH and MILE BISCUIT, For Sale by Every Grocer la the City. Bakery, No. 9 1• Liberty St. jes:r36 . - - BUSINESS CHANGES CO7PARTNERSHIP. We hive admitted WILL. P. DILWORTII as a partner witnsth us in the wholesale Grocery Business, on th ist I. . . . J. S. DILWORTH & CO., I . 130 and 132 SECOND ST., Pittsburgh. JULY 6•TR, IS6S. ' . • 488077 O—PAILTN RS11.11).---THE UN..DERSIGNED j have this day associated theta se yea together under the Arm name of , PIOIRRSOILL, LYONS & CO., - For the purpose of carrying on the WHOLESALE LOOKING GLASS BUSINESS, ati No. 6 Wood St. war. PIORERSGILL, Jr., JAMES LYONS: ' H. W. SACKETT, pittsburh, :July OLIVER IifcGRA6L. D Ist, IS6S. • • ..,, . jy10:60 g ISSOLUTION OF. • CO-PA:B.T -NEItSiIIP.--qhe Partnership lieetofore ex. !sting undei the style of SAMITEL HASTINGS A. CO., ,Is this day dissolved by, mutual consent, DAVID EW.TNG withdrawing from the firm. The.businesa Will be carried on as usual, under itie old name of S. HASTINGS tr. CO., Carpenters and Builders, corner of West street and North Avenue. The bad. nest of the , old firm wilt be settled ;by the under. signed. SAMITELtHASTINGS, DAVID FHASTLNGS. Allegheny. July 6tb. 11368. jy8:1391 NOT/CE. .1 • , The undersign'ed has 114380Cii d with him in, lißbusiness,' dating Rom April Ist; S6B, Mr. AL.. D EI ILS ENGLERT.' The style of t firm to be .1. J. GILLESPIE & CO. J; J. GILLEFIE. c l e , 1 1 Referring to the above. the Undersigned aka pleasure in stating that they will continue the LOOSING GLASS . AND . PICTUBE BUSINESS, . . , . -- ---- At SO Wood street, where theyAntend to orer in ducements to purchasers second to nd house In the United States. J. J. GELLESPLEI tIIF. CO Iny9:p93 BANKRUPT _ - DISTRICT COURTIb . JP TUE UNITED STATES, for the Western District or Pennsylvania. IBBANtuturycy. • Western District of Penney it• ftn ia, as. A. Warrant In Bankruptcy bas beets Issued by said Court against the Estate ot JA.MEs D. MCA VO, of the county 01 Allegheny, lncl State of Penusylva-' Ida, in said District. adjudged bankrupt -upon petition of his creditors. and th e• payment of nay to and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him. or fur his use. anrltbe transfer of any property by him are forbidden-by law. A xneetlng of the. creditors °Could bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one. or more An- - slyeee s of his estate, will be held Int a ort of Bankruutcy, to be holden at, Pittsbliargh, L inn said • Dstrict, on the Sth day of August, .4. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the °Mee ASILIEL 114Bs. TER, Seq., No. 93 Diamond st reet one of the Re gis te r in Bankruptcy of said District. THOMAS A. itowt.Ey, 11, S. 3larsnal for said Distil:lt.. TEEM WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVAN/IA., ss: , At I .`ittsbu rgit, th e 6th day of - July A. D. MS. • The undersigned hereby gives notice cif bi :Appoint. meta as Assignee of MELCHIOR, IiASLEY, r,fAte.. ghcny City, in the County of All and Siwe ot renn,3-Irania„ within said District, who adjudged a Bankrupt been t. upon his own petitionl, District Court of said District. by the- SAMUEL I'AL3D:IL Assignee, Att'y at Law, No. iii'Ulftit streot. Jy 7 :6,l6:Tt: ... _ AR.N.OTICE.—Letters Testa rmentay baring been granted me on the E 6 TATS OP It V FANG3tEllat, deceased, all perscns hay ina claims against her estate will prrseut them to me, duly authenticated, and all persons owing, saki JOHN will TAYLORayment to Grantr my attorneys JOHN W. No. 73 street. 'OHEISTOF FANGIIx.YER. jyaasal July 2d, MB MERCHANT TAILO RS. ~ENIii Bi ii ; DIERMLINT TAILOR, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittabargb, Constantly on band, a Intl assortment of CLOTS, CA SdrirERRS. VESTTNGS, de. ap2o:oldi DITTEIRURC,R PAPER, MANE .a. FACTORING COMPANY, Idanuthqurero of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON IkITLIr-STEIIIIENVELLR, iNOO. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON; FA. 11 iff!!! =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers