The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 15, 1868, Image 6
El "r, • • IRON Wes_ : 7 AND IRON C .Presq, Pi p[rirSBUILGrH FORGi Ba lron; Railroad PC% Bars and Bolton Beilroad Car Ailes Bolled;> sdfiroad.Car Axles hammered; - 'r„,oeotnotlie Primes; ' iiiasonsotive Frame Shapes; sida nods; • *Oki*, titramo r ptflton Ills liteamboat snail* _ liteintboat Cranks; Piston Rods, 'Wrists;v, Pitman inns, Collars, site.. tiltiOto, NO. 177 PENN STREEt BITIBBIJUGH, t 1/ Fr BYERS & CO EANCTPACTURERB OP Bay, Feop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IPOINI, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e. I ALO, IL WELL TUBING. • , lei, 8 Water and 182 First Streets. Mf=lll r 4 EN SIN . TON Eaopr WORKS. & I • IaNITFACTUREIII3 , Rest ComEton, Refin ;Ciarceall '1 • . AND JUNIATA BLOOM'IRON . . LERCE'ANT BAR, ROUND and QUALM IRON. 001',.BAND,T and ANGLE II ON. , TLER PLATE and SHEET IRON. 'jAtONE4. - .AND REAPER OA R AGER IRON. °MALL -s• RAILS,AO and l am bs to the yard. t WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPINES for saute. FLAT RAILS, _Punched and Countersunk. -- COAL SCREEN IRON'. NAILS AND SPIKES. ---- • , I Wiirell 'nee and Offite at the Worts, GREEN. S BEET, (o,OOntintuttion of First street,) dldlnln th Its - Gas Works„,Plt burgh. - VglOlV, 19E,ESTIMIT & c 0,,, fennsylvani'a Iron Worki c• Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET arpnoslte-MoDougabela Rouse, ard4:da '‘ • PITTSMIRIIIII. STEEL - WORKS. - ',QIIIr.. ? I'FIEL)II STEEL I i t'ORILS. IL , 7a - GM, '.N1: . 1111 , & CO., .. , • PITTSEI7I2OII,. . , . . nnfacturera of eve dedescription of CAS E I I A rT ND . ce.Ratik STEEL, „ILLIL AY 13P1111.7013,. ' ' ' I - 1 . IC Alin .ELATIPO 15f 2 5P1111P613,. ' - t i .AKIA24 STEEL TIRE, *c., az. • . . . } 1 , lirarellonse, 88 . Water :; and 'lOO First Si& 5p4:967 BABE & irtnaum rAsrsizas: Tar. j 'sztrmor laritzs, :a, 1* CHAR. PARKIN. PAnnum-f3.IK.',KIKR. ' NT STEEL WORKS, BARR 4kirAMEIN, Office, No. 339 LibOty St, Pi " ftutdia IT2ll4l3tr:Ran' B4CE PUU".ND' STEEL WORKS. PARK, BRorri!Ell & Co., , 71 1,inaniatu r 4 , eseriptions le‘rjra -542 s 4 I , Wa Warebon;44. 120_ gzooND l a ma 1.11 FIRST STREET% Office sad EARDMTARE. NEW HARDWARE HOME. STEjZi & 1:u WZII,. Xs,ap o4 tuar!. ,S 3l4 .PllP"Aerser- - • - I • HAL 3E ! l ' P'W A-11,109 - - ,.i,cumErtx,,,drof, BEET 88 4 7 LI BERTY S TREET , ,mug= OP Nrifklnk e lm lump neuvi 117111011, .11 00 ‘ . PITTSBURGH. "-` ' AResi•Pr.rAntiliNSB+ SCALIII. I I'OB4.COO'AND*CIGARI3. r 4 t :711WICAtLEN , po4motxx Asa Nunn or -t LEAr"TOBACCO BIZ34i'BTSBET, ifttfoltil Bank of Co m i. 1 141 " 1 ",4 1ii f" PITTSBIThiG4 ' argeh of 372 W , 1447112e riki N te . P. teas. EXCELSIOR WORKS.` U. dt w. :71631ICINSON, iitingfiettlAn ind.Degen la ' TOba:CCO,•Snat, &c,, No 6-17.Diatit israsinum6f: FOUNDERS; BI.AOII:I=3TEL Powns, ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments in the West, and arc now prepared tO tarnish Engines, of every dese*ptilon, . . _ . Rollers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Etailroml Castin,tis. ■ Rolling Rill Casting& Engine Castings. Machllse Castings. Generil Citsthigs; = g as ORDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL FOUNDRY j - AND PIPE WORKS.- Corner .Carroll and Smalltime.= Streets, (NINTH WARD,) si PI'T'TSBURGH, WM. SHMI Itlnaaufaolturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WA.TER WORKS. 11,PaSarlirfeegileiZthr-Tlaslatil Pits, In dry tieneraltastinga tor Oas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Sorperintendente of Gus Works to my mate of RETORTS. fele:Oa B". O. LIVINGSTON.W. BUTIT.W. A. ROBINSON. zit. LIVINGSTON #. CO., IRON E r OUNDERS, - MANUFACTURERS OP FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers dad Gas Fitters; Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma thrlleßibWOrkpromptly attended to. Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE,' near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROMNSON, 1LEA...5: CO., Successora to HOsizsSON, Mx. S a 3SIMF-28. WASHINGTON WORKS , • FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam 'En es s Blast Engines Itllll Machinery, Bearing, EbaiTing, Castings of at descrlptlotur, Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheetlron Work. Office, No. 12. corner First and Smithdeld Street.. Agents for OIFGAILD'S FETENT INJEC for feeding Boilers. mosT BLANC' FOUNDRY. Butler 'Street, 'Ninth Ward, and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GE,Nrrisr.T.Y. Orders promptly and careftlly execiitA. Charges reasonable. ' • EBBEliff & MACELIND. 0e15:1223 • BEBLIEN,FOUNDRIG PRICE & SIMS. • Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep colataLtl7 on nand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXIM, DOG-IRONS, SUGAR SETTLES,. HOLLOW WARE, And Caatlngeltenerally. up 7,176 rimouLts cAuLt[N & Co., Fourth Ward Fouudrviand Lachine Works, .B•33IIDUSEY ST.,. AI.L.EGHENT CITY, Pa.., Manufacturers of Steam Itngines, OS Presses, Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and:Saw 31111 Work. ROllll4 Mill and Machine Castings., Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boles, Ic. Sand to order and have on hand 'Engines of ail sizes. • - ml.ifms CIENITRAL F011:111DIllf AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. • BOMIAN, BOY') & BLOALBY. ChM B O IL, Kill Castings, Roll Lathes, be. ELTON MACHINE WOBlift. . . _ . •EBTADLTIMIND.IN 0130. uftetory of STEAM ENGINLIS,' all eizes And of the moettaroved patterna, for stationer/ T and STEAM I n o i nv. s4 A B v T atety it A lO B ,ll2 and 1.6 horse Eprices NG/Nl3, whisk will, bed sold at very reduced . . P. P. GEIS f SE. Wellsvillei 0. Fifty miles below plfteinirgh, on theOhlo river, and line of O. &P. E. , no9:b2 Lll34BERl , Lunutfava LUMBER! Al ANDER PATTERSON YARDS No. So Preble Street formerly , Manchester, and No. 157 Rebecca street. opposteG as Works, orks, ALLEGHENY CI T Y. "z4""': t ay Sough and Planed //amber, WeathertoiriMni, Bash i it l fen ' o g d s ' Loc list Posts, Lath andOlk_ L and Yellow‘Pine. .A2S AL-13112. HEWN. TIL1; and CLAY. MS:VS FORTPATTILV , i ! : COMPANY . . , Capital,,.- - $125,000. ...„,, . - ' PnisatuarT:=EDWAßD DITIMIDGE. . SzeuirrAuir;•.T. Kr WitiGHT. titilltsurrslumprr—ROW# DAVD3O2P. pzascrones Edward Daiilloll, , I o ‘L. V. Duncan, John Mellon. ' "t E. D. Dithrld, 'Gee. W . DithrldAe, '. M. , T.. IpllOlle,- - 11. B“ , Johnston. . ; , . . _ =WHIM YARD—Corner ot_IDITIXBAND,AXO LEGEIENy B TRzETB. Nintb Ward. OFFICE AT lteirt PITT RLAJ3B WOBAB. Wash Moon Street. • 1120:198 13 "BND• S, 11 it 40Int COORIKR JOIN LItyg =mar suss. :JOHN BIG COOPER & co BRASS '-FOITSDEEL:3 GAS AND. STEAM PITT R 8 iianufictarero of PUMPS AND BRASS WORIt eveU•esegption; citialers 9 - 4111 FIXTUgga .421 u TlThurfir Of all klhOgi. corner of Rike and Ifidnut Atm* : pITTSBURGEL If ,1,.,••-...,.-:;:i',:-.;':mo.lf,BRolcznts.1.41:i '124 First iltreatiMittsbnurall, Pa. ient ihi"Cf ia t gb : 2l reim=-i lmi nA rderbgAiormat4siblotkei (14:90? and O. B. 04arcoa1 • Ipte ancip*sit,,.• "- • Consivu4enti and orilerii,Te4ottally solicited. PI'i'Z`BBZ7~H; (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) PITTSBITRGH. ft•Kiiaa)zil Wica.Haswiltti- 1111 PITTSBErRaII GAZETTE; U. r EDNESDAY,- JULY 4, ,4868. ENGINES; BOILERS, &C. FonT pnw BOILER, STILL ABB TAM WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, WANIIPACTUOMS OP TUBULAR, POUBL*PLUED TUBULAR, SIRE BOX AL) CYLINDER STEAM BOILEBO. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASTI PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS` AND OPIT. DENsErts; STEM,' PIPES, GASOMETERS AND UN:IN BRIDGES; - PRISON DOORS AND'COAL SD in ES Office and Warehout corner Sechnd, 'third, Short and ticrty Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa xer-0 rd ern sent to the above address will be promoth attended to. j mh7:169 11711. BA II St Co., v v • BOILER MAXERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20 22 2 AND 26 PENN ST. Raring secured a large yard and famished It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the . est manner, and warranted equal to any made in teamtry Chimneys, Breechin,g, Fire Beds, Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, condensers. Salt Y ans Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators , Settling Paus, oiler Irtm, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann . minters Of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. ilepkiring done bn the shortest notice. tas:c2l JAMES M. NITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PI'ITSBITRGII, PA., itULITI7FACTITICE.V. OF IRON OIL NKS SETTLING ROB, COPFFR SistiM FIRE. BOLLIST4 MILL STACKS. SHEET 'IRON WORK, For Steamboats. JA.KLD M. MD'S • 18M11NDT41313.1713H JARED M. BRUSH & SON, 2C?iNUFAbTUILERS or Steam-Boile rs, Oil Stills, Tanks SUFEiI I IRON 'WORE. &O. 6/ Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK. STOVES. • CET(TNE BEST. BISSELL •dir, CO:'S I TRIUMPH, FOB lIITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store in the Union. (Emu & CO., No. 236 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for Bale. PARLOR STOVES • HEAT G ING krovps, RATE FRONTS, PENDEBB, COOKLIkaI RA-NOICS -1- COLEAPEST PLACE' in the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKINC - STOVE loot No. 146 EiDANT MINT. jet I P. C. DUFFY% OILS. WA RING AND KING, - 1 Camixdaslnn Meratanta and Broken in Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA, ADDRESS, ' WARING, KING & CO., - TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION PIERCIIMTS, A D DEALERS pr • Petroleum and its Products. pui.borgh Oace—D I ALZELL: BUILDING, cor ner of Duoasane Way said Irwin atrlects. Onice7lsl7 WALNUT ST. aplewilo • JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Ott Commisstiskti Jobkra, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAE, will buy and sell Crude and Relined 011 s, Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and Cooperage, Our long experience In the Petroleum trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termised to matte It the interest of buytTe and col lect to give us a call. • Parties having Oils for salt are cordially invited to bring their samples. NI. LONG & CO., 311AVUFACFUREES OF PpBE ivliri.E BURNING ON Brand- "L 17011PE14', Moe, No. 21 Duquesne Way, Pillaborgh. 04 1 )ZiOVikai: 13- 4 118. r*AcTicAL 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS , wHOLTALLE AND DETAIL, • , • LEMON', & 'WEISE. $0:.1.19; rOitiVriit sTivE.V.r. fkm ' etantly on bind every variety of : PARLOR and CTHABIBEIt FITIibIITIME, together with a com plete assortment of common nrwiture at reduced prices. . • ' • novels want of anything in oar line are cordially Invited to call before purchaaing. Work guaranteed.. ' • mlittutte - LEMON & WEISZ. COPPER. L AKE SUPERIOR . ; OOPPER I= AID INELTINGWOIXII, - Privrel3Ull4lll. - • ' PARK, lIcCURDY & CO., . , Mailfacsurers of Bilatbint,:. Brasiers' and Bel copper, Braila Cop r a u:aoms, ttiled i l l itill e a t c 3 l , - torus, Svelter . Bolder. , A 1 1111D0 . " In Metal; Tin Plate, Bbeei fro - 14 4' U Ile Ate. Con. @Stair' on band Tins rs , Machines at. Tools. t erehonee, No. 1 'FIBST BTIIICAT and 120 „ i e ND STBEETlAittaborigh. - • ' eial,Ord,rsa„vaPper. cart to any' deared Dal 1..1,1; - , . , ~ f • , mi)l4.omidw'r .> HATS - I) OAPS.: - ,• ' MARTIN urieg.g.Eit, . . HATS,' claws A . wri pimel, . 10, Manaraiinrer lirholeacde and Retail Dealer in t 3.McJi1.,, , VA.LILES, — .Ia., Na. 133 SMITH. IF LD fITREET, Pit aburgh, Fa. - • - Orders grump Kr Ed • d andiattidnotton guarantied. 127 Walnut Street. FINAIWMA.L fORT PIS' BAlifiri COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000-1 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIAI3LE, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTERES ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collection:4 made on all accessible point's in the Milted States and Caziadas. DIRECTORS: I Jno. C. Risher; Robt. H., Andrew James M. Bailey. D. Hoatetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, CLIIBIIIAN,I S 'L: Dle D. LEET KEYSTONE BANK, No. 29;) LIBERTY STREET, P SIBIIEGH, PA. CAPITAL, ( thorized,) :: : $200,000. DIRECTORS. H. J. _Lynch, W. H. Hamilton John urdo h, Jr., B_culca_ot ea.' M William Rap , Henry4 ' 3 l . T. Van DI cren. Barnuel Bare' le , • • A GENER L BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Oollee,tions made on all accessible points in the. United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. LYNCH, President. , GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashior. SirSIOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABI. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor..of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON JOS. U. HILL CA - PITAL, : : $500,000.' .DIRECTORS:. George W. Gass, James MeCandlese,'" Wm. Wm. Ree Doeglas,d. I A. Patterson, Wm. H. Drown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Rtricpatrick, W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIX T, AT. 9 A. M. ap9:022 HART, CAUGHEY & CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood, Streets, rr'raitunQi i #, isticcEssons TO HANNA. ' I:IART DICALKII6 IX' Exchang6, Coin, ConpAntA And particular attention paid to the purchase 14 sale o —GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on 14oution. mn.s2 NHOLMES & 8010, . un : 57 Market Str et, _ prx.x-rgis ii, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Suites and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMXD3SION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and we of UlLited-States Securities. I ivESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CIiAI3,TEnED 1866. -- niterest paid onTimo ileposiES ANY HUM REOELVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWAR . DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Illocounto Daily at 12 o'clock. ) President—TH(olE l BoN BELL. Vice President-4AL MAESHALL. DIR:ZdTOII.I9I THOMPSON BELL, .A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. A-LABE& J. J. GILLESPtE. a_tookbolders to 4hom W 4 Win. Forsythe Caldwell: Willis Dalrell, D. W. O. Bidwell. /C. 1.1. Fulton, MECHANICS' SAVINGS HANK, N 0.14 Smlilktileld Stireot, PITTSBURGH, PA:. INTEREST PAID ON -DEPOSITS. ANY SUR 'RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR II WARD. De' posits reeelyed subject toetteek, 'without Interest" • JAMES BLA6KKORE,t ia veldent. • - GEO. D. TINDLi, Seers and Tresearer. lan dta 110140103,. 801 l tor. , ' TRUSTEES: I James Blackmon, *James B. Hopkins, Alex. Tindle, James Sown, William Deane, .w. W. Bradshaw, A. Q. Cabbage, Robert Wray, Jahn tans. SURF ROUSI ATIANTI .•- " ( This first class 'ttatet will Open for the Eamon on 93 1 / 1 June. Terms, 33.00 per day; 00 per.week." Address It. B. TIIO6IINION Propriethr, Formerly of . Congress Ball, Cape 'lsland, and Me. polities Hotel, washington, D. C,) , M. B.—The mile will be tinder the direction of Mr. CARL BENTZ. ' • . 'e22:7 A NEW SIIBENER RESORT. , TEE LAKE HOME, St&mbar° Pa.; ' (On the line of Jamestown' & Frnnklia Railroad, ono honr s. ride from Franklin.) This bowie to large new and commodious , well furnished, has billtaid rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered mottle. stades. It Is on the banks of he most charming , Fairy Lake In - &Merles, abounding in ash, and ad mirable liar sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul -1.,.. Our syringe, romantic scenery, & . It is the best simmer resort. the State. A,dd se. - 8. T. ILENNIEBDY Proprietpr . . - WASHINGTON MILLS,' W4,SHIRGTON STREET. , • . 'Near Tlitibnigh Grain Elelitar • W. W. ANDERSON, htanntinltorer 0 coml . MEAL; EYE FLOM. and CHOPPIID F D. Orders delivered in either eitp free of ekarge. Grain of Mll kinds chopped, and Corn iltsktod. on short notice. • EMI PH. 2wiEl rrz, BANKER, Corner of =Wood and" Fifth Streets dOLD SILVER AND COUPONS illough on the most favorable terms. Sells LET -ITERS OF CUEDIT and DIIAFTS a ailahle in any , part of Europe. • DEPOSITS received subject t) check, or INTER EST ALLOWED ON TOIL: DEPOSITS. JA3IEgIa BRADY & CO., Omer Fourth and. Wood Sts., 'il3 6.a. IN" MS. 30 _ BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AM) COUPONS, SON. Cashier. ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 1740 ' S CONVERTED iiir'gONED LOANED ON'GOVERNMENT BOND§, and other approved collateral, at lowest market:rates. Ord'ers executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. iburlj 6-kittt. t OFFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i r TIIESD-4Y, July 14,'1868. ' Gola again advanced to-day; the market . 141%, and closed at 142. The advariee WAS rather sudden and unex pected, and those who have bought at near 140 are selling ;:out. The advance of the premium, however, is not due to a desire to speculate on an , advance, but to the con• - tinued heavy exports of about four 1:1111- . lion dollars per week; at that rate it would take every dollar of gold the banks hold now to supply the market to September first, when again some five million dollars will be disbursed for interest. poveiment bonds are rather steady but, dull, with sni . ircely any investment de rnand,ut quotations aro maintained on acccnint of tile rising tendency of gobtand the scar e at the stock exchange about the altered certificates of most of the leading railroads. The price of -governments is now entire dependent on the easy money market here; the quotations from Europe show that there will likely be little de mand from there, and exports of bonds will be limited to small lots on specu lation. Railroad shares are dull and lower. New York Central, Erie, ---( Cleveland .At; Pitts burgh, and nearly all the leading roads are from 1 to 2 per cent. lower. Express shares remain inactive. 1/4 (Money is still easy, but businessis very • dull. ) Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows:, Gold, 142; 1881 bonds. 113%; 5-24c1g2, 113; D , 64 doi----11.0%•1865 do. 111%:, new, 1865 and 1867, low; Ten Forties, 107%;- Seven Thirties, 108% 8 . ' New York Central, 132%; Erie, 67%; Michigan Southern, 9084; Cleveland dr, Pittsburgh, 853; Northwestern, common, 78%; Preferred, 80%; Chicago 6t Rock Is: land, 107%; Pittsburgh k - Fort Wayne, 107%; Ohio dr Mississippi Certificates, 29%; Merchants Union Express, 24%; Teestern Union Telegraph, 34%; Corydon, 30Muick silver, 20%; Quartz Hill, 1,15. 1 —An important feature of the Tax bill as it passed the Senate, is that putting coal oil and its manufacturers on the free list. This, amendment is of much interest to our own State. —The following stocks were sold last evening, on the second floor of Commer cial Sales Rooms, No. 106 - Smithfield street, • by A. Malwaine, Auctioneer; Exchange National Bank $6B 00 M. it M. " " 66 00 —The Philadelphia Ledger, of Mon day, says,i There was a fair demand:for money all last week, and the rate of inter est on call _loans was generally five per cent. on stocks and four per cent. en Gov ernments. The banks are disposed to keep their funds. within easy control, in prepa ration for any demand that may be , forth coming from the West. Discounts range at six per cent. for prime names. —The Chicago Tribune, of M&lday, says: The local Money market, as remarked yes terday, scents, after the little stir and changing Of funds, consequent upon state ment day, to have settled back into its for mer stags nt condition. The banks have not onlyfull supply oflonable funds, but iia the suppl, is thought to be temporarily inoreasin and bankers are beginning to complain t at they have nn use for it at all. All the bankers are just now very ready to discount short time paper, but .none seem. to care to let out funds for sixty days, as they anticipate finding abundant use for 'enable funds before that time. The same paper also say ; Some of our private bankers who make real estate loans a speciality repott money easy in that Ape. Loans in sump of say 11,000 and upwards, are freely made on one to three years' time, On "insidp" businoss property, at eight per cent, and in the same amounts on "out side " or residence property, at ten per cent. Aa the borrower, however, has to pay all the expenses of abstract of title, mortgage, etc. and usually a broker's com mission besides, it generally costs him from twelve to inteen per cent on thelatter class of loans. —Closing quotations received; by James T. Brady &Co.: Gold,- - 1415,f; U. 8. fl's, 1::1'., 113%; 5-20'a, 1862, 113%; 5-20's, 1884, 110%; 5-03 1 % 1865, 111%; 10-40's, 107%; 5,20'5, January and July, '65, 108%; 5-Ui's, January and July, '67 108%;) June 7-30's, 108%; July 7-80's, 108%; May Comp.. 1865, 110:30. . , PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET, OPP/OR OP VTR PITTSBURGH GA:zwrrn I TunsoAY. July 14, 1868. CRUD . pi_Th e crude market was again exceedingly quiet to-day, and while there was but little done, prices , baVe-undergone no quotable change coMpared with yester day. Sals of 1,600 bbl. for July at 124 c; and 500, spot, at same figure. We heard of offers to buy for August and September, at 13e, buYer's option, each month, we presume. !The demand at present is ex ceedingly let, and as an impression pre vails amon refiners that the bottoth has not yet been touched, they are disposed to to buy as glaringly as possible or hold off, so as to be able to take advantage of "a de• - Cline should it 000nr. On the other hand, President . . cashier. i=lil roph st ae ere gilw ii3n o i rt : b, Rev. David Kerr, Hem,* Lanibert, , A. M. Brown, ‘• Th • mas Ewing. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC R. R,OONDS. INTO THE NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. Or Interest Allowed on Deposits. JAMES T.• BRADY & CO ANCE AND TRADE, • • , • - • .717, 4.61.••=.7, lis by no means\ tir r arejsome willing =to there are others who, ack and Walt for An' the disposition io so gent, and while therl accept present prices are disposed to hold advance. i REFINED-The Market for hondecEoll was also exceediugly quiet to-day, and ijle • void of any new or important characteris tiim worthy of special notice. We canie port sales of 500 for List half of SE.ntember, and 500 for last half of October, on private 1 terms; lifioo for first half August at 33k; and 500 for last half of same month at same figure. r Spot oil is reported•as hay ng been sold'' in Philadelphia to-day at 32 and August . to November was quoted at 13 . 4; The .iii Vices from the past report the mar ket very quiet, with lint little disposition to operate, and while the under current of the trade is decidedly bearish, there seem ed to be a steadier feeling than there was 1 , yPsterd • ay. : . ~ ___ \A.BRIVALS—The arrivals of oil re pUrted to-day were - as follows : • 04 B. Jones 960Ge0. Berry 80 MOCreery & 8...320 ID.I M. Edgerton... SO FiBher & Bro 880 Leech & Wood., 80 J. W. McFerran. 501 Total 2450 OIL SHIPMENTa PIMA. V. Lockhart, Frew de Co., 661 bbls ref.Cto Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ;it "Montzheimer, Koekler & C 0.,• 498- d 6 !do to Waring, King & Co.. Philadelphia. ; . _Braun & Wagner,4oo do do to Waxing, King & Co., Philadephia. FOrsytn, Bro. & Co., 150 do do to Nei dent! Frew & Co., Philadelphia. • Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 250 & W. P. Logan Bro., PhiladelPhia.. Clark & Sumner, 168 do do to P.,,Wright & Sons,Philadelphia. / . , E. Jageman, 50 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. . ' / Buffum, Kehew & Co., 200 do d to W. P. Logan (lc Bro, Philadelphia. , Citizens Ref. Co., 52 bbls refined to F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia. .. Nat. Ref. Co., 150 do do to F. ' . Dil worth & Co. Philadelphia. • R. W. Burke, 150 db do to Warden, FrOw 6c•Co.,.Philadelphia. ' T.,. Weisenberger & Co., 200 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphid.---, Clark & Sumner, 168 do beniolo; to . Wright 6:Sons, Philadelphia. ,-.-....---:-/ OIL SHIPMEN4I3 FROM JUUQUESITE =rip'''. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 164 bbls refined to Warden, Frew tic Co., Philadelphia. G. W. Hoidship, 75 do do to Waring. King & Co., Philadelphia. - 1 Brooks.. , Ballentine & Co., 54 do do Wardell, Frew & C 0.,, Philadelphia. A. D. Miller, 51 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. ' • Union Ref. 6:--St. Co., 07 do do to P. Wright & Son, Philadelphia. '' I Hutchinson Oil liefeCo., 132 bbli benzole to Waring, King Sr, eo., Philadelphia. H. H. Long .t, Co., 56 . do tar to l Wallace& Cavitt, Philadelphia. —....._ . WANTED--OIL - STILLS.—Two oil stills in good order, capacily,about one hundred , and fifty barrels each; also, one tank, ca pacity three hundred bairrels. W. P. Lo gan, corner Hancock andi Duquesne Way., PITTSBURGH MARKETS. , 1 _ OFFICE OF THE PITTSEITRGit RAZETTE, TUESDAY. July 14, 1868. The oppressively hot weather, has It to - dency to restrict business, which at best has been and is still very dull; nor islt probable that there will be any improve ment within the next thirty days'-:-not un til the harvest is fairly over, and the move ment of the crops commenced. Flour is dull and weak, with a drooping tendency, and the same is true of Wheat. Proons a shade firmer, and a fraction hig,he , com pared with last week. BUTTER—The supply although not very large, is nevertheless . Considerably in ex cess of the demand, and prices are barely maintained; we continue to quote at 23 to 25e, for prime to choice fresh packed. EGGS—In rather be4tilr demand, ; and prices are teridie,g upw rd; we now quote at 22 for fresh packed. CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged, atl3 to 14c tor:Western Reserve and EamburgT 15 to 16c for Factory, and 18 to 20c,..f0r Sweitzer.,. , 1 • GRAIN-:-We can report sales of 1 new Tennes.see Wheat at $25. and it is. said deliverthat No. 1 Winter Red ( Id) can be deliver / I e d• here from Cincinna i at 52,20. Quota tions, therefore,may be airly given at 52,2 fl to 52.25 for prime old a d new. There is not much inquiry for Ry and little or none in market; the distiller 2 we understand, have stopped buying un it the-Whisky tax is settled. Corn is qui t and difficult to quote correctly; -we ea report two cars mixed at $1,02; prime Yellow would bring 81,05 to $1,06. Oats in rather better de 'nand and a shade firmer; sales on track, and in elevator at 78e, and in store at 80. HAY—Under the influence of the di minished arrivals, has a vanced, Weigh master McNulty, at th Allegteify Dia mond! scales, reports sal s of 19 loads at 519 to $2.3 for new, and 520 t ,$2B for old. SEEDS—There is some little inquiry for Cloverseed on speculation, with $43 to 56,50 offered, without finding) seller,,; but little fu this market. Flaxsed Is in good .de mand at 52,50. .- ' • ~. PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady,. with i ta regular jobbing sales at 13) to 13y,c for Shoulders; 160 to 18 for libed and Clear Sides, and 20 to 20340 for Canvassed &Isar Cured Hams. Lard, 18g,to 1834 c, for prime kettle rendered. \ Dried Beef, 21 to 22c. Mess Pork. 528.50 t 529. POTATOES—Coming n quite freely, and prices are barely intained, 55 to $5,50 per bbl. .; . tl ra LARD OIL—Is firmer' thOngh there is no improVement in the demand; $1,20 for No. 2, and 51,40 fOr No. I.' SALT—To, the trade we, qiiote atsl,7s to 51,89, and from store in small lots at 52 per barrel. ~ FLOUR—Continues dull and weak, though without quotable change. We con tinue to quote at 59,50 to $lO for fair to good Spring Wheat; -$ll to , 511,25 for Winter Wheat, and 512 to $l3 for fancY brands. New Tennessee Flour is being offered by Mesara. Isaiah Dickey &'Co. at 511,50: Rye Flour, 58,75-to 59. New York Dry Goods Market. By Telegraph to theXittaburgh Gazette.) i, ' Nuw OBE July 14.—The Dry Goods market s steiLly and firm. and a falf in quiry f staple cottons and low priced wool lens for the season; demand hoWever, is in no way ctive or general, with the ther mometer at 95 to 101 degrees iu the shade. we quote heavy Brown Sheeting at 1714 c for Appleton A; Pocassett . Canoe; 170; Na shua E,lBc. do. R, 16c; .o. 0, 14%; Sara nac, 18c; Broadway, 150; Atlantic L, 15c.; 1. 6 Pacific 150; Great Falls IS 8,15 c; Holden, N, 150; ntinental C, 1; 4;1 Laconia E. 14c; do. B, 14 1 c; doi. 0, 14mc; Pepperell E, 16c; do. R, 1 ; do. O. 14c; do. N. 13c. Ellerton -0 Canto Flannel, 25c; d ..'N, 29c; Tremont • heavy b leached, 20c. do. i ne, 16; Elierton B, 23c; new styles stand: . prints in fair request, 1334a14r 4 0 foi`f icy; while AMeri eau blue /brings 163;0. v .. : rI Toledo Ma ket. 03 r Telemph to the Plttsbur, Gazette.) TOLEIIO/ July 14.—F1our, nominal. Wheat reoeiptsjl4so bu and steady; sales amber at, $2,20 onithe spot: $1,75 sellers for August.' Corn—receipt*l2,9oo bu and active at 910 for regular, and 92c for fresh: Oats—receipts 2,200 Em and dull at 68Ma09c: Chicago Cattle Market; [sy Telegrlph to the Pittsburgh (if azette.] Cuiboo, Jab? 14,--18edi Cattle are very dull and sales were Made at 88a7,51) for , fair to gtkid and smooth ' , lots. Hogq are dull and 10a15o lower, with sales at $8,35a 8,50 for fair to medium, and $8.55i8,75 for goodto 'choice smooth. St. Louts Cattle [By. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l ST. 111718, July 14.--Ca , tlo; common in large supply, but good to choice not so plenty; prices unchanged. Nip,`,Z7z-77-' l ll =I