The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 15, 1868, Image 5
Eil DI EIN ~k.. • " AD' • 2111:11tEFITS. --------------------------------- 'CHEAP OURS FOR THE PEOPLE... 6. ?he GREAT wzsrmorarm WORSE! have been a in N 0.179 SMITZIFIELDSrREBT, where 1 atways be fc.und the clod complete assortment lane, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Material, .11..0., tn tee city. All kinds of Gun* * 9B a i r Ptem is care/ally repaired. Cash ' paid for AR Y s t itFLAlLand REVOLVERS Send Allay or t (aerated - Circular. .47 ,1 10 Wanted In even , in tfre United States. address, J. H. JOHni le ri. 119 knettheeld Street. Pttlebarah. . ' ---- JOHN N. PUHNLISICE, , IRtu in Bankrtiptty for f3d District. 1.19 FEDERAL STI tEXT, ALLEGHENY. 0 , ea boars-9 A. W. to SP. x. 1 CLE, aING OUT SALE! .: .. , • OF - AT REDUCED PRIM,- / - M'COELp & 09:8, i 91.1 131 WOOD - EDT; N TIIE. DISTRICT COURT OF THE t NITRE, STATES, for the Western Lis. ~iletof Pen nsylvanian ALBERT CONKLE, a bankrnpt under the Act of Congress of March 20. 1867, having applied for a discharge from al , his debts, and other claims Tirol?. _able utal-r sold act, by order of 'the Court, notice M herebVitiv• n to all persons who have proved their debts, bud other persons interested, to appear on the .34 ime .4 August, 1868, at 11 o'clock A. b. , be-... . fore. SAMUEL "HARPER, -Esq.. Register, at his omee No. 93 Diamond street, Pitlsburgh, Pa., to dhow es if any they have, wry' a dischatge Should no;. be granted to , the said bankrupt. And further notice is herepy given that the Second and -Third Aleei WO, of Creators of the said bankrupt.; irequired ty ,t 11el27th and 28th sections of said act, Will be loaf before the said Register, at the same lithe and pisce, S.'C. McCANDLVS, .105:tis , Clerk of said court. , DissoLuTioN OF ; PARTNER- Sli I P.—The Partnership, heretofore existing Isetwedn If ARIES & TRAVERMAN, In the Live Stock Business, has !setts dissolved by mutnat consent, • SOLOMON TEAITERMAN re • - tiring. Those havirghlaima against the old firm urn will preSeut the same for settlement, and those indebted will please make immediate payment. Either of-t be old partners is authorizest to settle up and use the name of the, Atm. • - . • • SIMON NARKS, SOLOMON . TRATTEEMAIs.T. The undersigned will continuo the business under Um - style of 'S. MARKS a 'BRO.; And they hope, by strict attention C o the wants of the trade, to merit eatitinu anvil of the veryßberat patronage hereto fore bestowed upon tbe 61d firm.. SIMON I.f.ARKS, )715:113 - CFIARTAKS MARKS; A . SSIGNEF,YS, NOTICE OF AP .I-AJ rOINTMENT. bt. the District Court of the United, States, for the Western . District of Pennsylvania. In the mat ter o; JAMES. BAXTER, Bankrupt. IN BANKRUPTCY, 'so. 901 To 111103 f IT ErAlr CONCERN: The undarsigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment es Assignee of JAMB BAXTER, of Al teshehy City, in the county of Alleghony . , and State of ,gennsilyania,i within said Dlitriet, who has been adjudged a baakrupt upon till own petition, by - the Metrics Courbof said District. Dated at l'ittiburgh, Benn.tylvania, the 14th day 4f July, A. D.. 1868. ' 3.W ; TURIN., Assignee, Attorney-ot•Lisw, No—ST Filth street, M=. pßoppsAms FOR COAL. ,:erricn OF TTIE DIRECTORS OP VIE POOE, I • L Third Story, City . 'City of Allegheny. Julyl3, 11368. THE DIPECTORS OF THE' POOR OF THE CITY OF ‘I,ILEUHENY will. until FREDA Y, the -17th that . receive proposals for furnishing the CITY HOME. in the borough of Idilivale, with 6,000 Bash. good Merchantable CoaL Bidders will 6tal e the price delivered at Bennett's - Station, and also the price. If delivered in the abed st the licium. yroposals to be se And find left with' BIet;ONNIGLE, Selrehary, 131 story, City Hall, Allegheny 44- E UCItt IDIPEILIULLE.” /MEM Imperial French Copying Ink, .11J87' riEcrE4D AND FOR SALE BY W. -HAVEN: Printer and Stationer. • { Coiner Wood and Third Streets", SUPERIOR :FLOUR, • = I : . . P - 11031 CRO P ("F. 3.8e8. ) , . . .. . We are now , r receiving a i !. choice lot of Southern , Wheat front Tennessee and Alabama, from which we are no redinurseturing a superior quality of :ifamlly Flour. equal to the best brand a In the Un II ed gtates, to which we Invite the attention of dealers and constim..rb. Our sacks are ,sealed and branded • Crop of .1568., Pearl Steam Mill, Allegheny with with elate. • B. T....KENNEDY Cc BRO. Jelj 2, 1629. . jy :s2I 11YDRAUlle CEMENT DRAIN' PIPE, Cheapest and beet Plpe In the market. Also; RO SESDALE I'DRAULIC CEMENT for sale. IL B. & C, A. BROCKETT & CO. ' Office and Manufactory-240 fiEBECOA ST., Allegheny. Lab' Orders by mall promptly j ttend ep.r. d :r93 To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.- The lietVi of lIK.NRY TllOlll AB, 'now deceao an - ,d, forerl a resident of PittoburghOvlll learn oomethlng to their Interest •by addremor O .JoHx•A..we'rsosi - • Admintitrator, jyll: ' liar West, Hamm Coon. CANNED ' • - 19EACIIM9, KAMA 'AND EASPDERRIM . Selling at very low prid4, at GEORGE 1113AVET111.': jyl4 112 Federal street, Allegheiaj. • OTICE —Came to the residence • of the subscriber. on the oth day °llene a BAY ilOndg, sulmosed to h i st twelve ' T ears old; has white orrihe Point onose; *boot one-half of right hind foot to white. ~ The owner can bairn him ny calling on the undersigned, prove • tor PrVertY and paling it cbaritep. • XP/ Y anzpLza; Jefferson Tp., Allegheny Co... Pg . oIt 7 SALE, rhotoOar4 Gauen,' i n Corn late Pittsburghder, in a cotintr town ; g l ues from Thl , •is do Opportunity gio into this business. gor• young man rebating to szat wary low. Apply £t 011ee. to : j'al:tl/ J. bd. mnß.as..N. 00 Market at. . THE NEW FIELD GADIE. MABTE LLB. bean tifil Recreation... Price reduced to. Fifteen 9411“16 . KAY & pAlfXe .: - 05 *food atreet, - (Latayetie BdUdings.).; ,4714:3C - ' D,. ' CANTON GILN 111 GE.--A healihful conserve for the hot weather In tin oas Sy r up . or sale table, ponndl also k Canton Wager la for the for sale st the Iramlly_ttro• o f , SNO: A. ItENSRAW, . 1 7 7 51' , ;earner Unarm and Hand streets. atEPARED.- : COCOA NuT.--A firesksuppty, In neuter - paper boxes . • Just re • or red and fOr sate by the box or dozen at thej'am- Hprocety otore Of , JOHN A. HENBHA, . Oar. Liberty and Band streets. • • - • ice; • • minding, tor sale I r le D ' - - jjls SATATUDMICEY k CO: ej HAT TENNESSEF;VLOUROx- L' 2100 pbis. In store:for Agile 'BAUR DICKEY GOO. PRICES OF TILE VARIOUS KINDS. OF GUNPOWDER, HAZARD POWDI3I. CONPANY, Moe, Nao 289 Liberty Street, CALNIS I I'*R POWDER, 'Electric Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 . grain, In Square Canisters, 1 lb. each American. Sporting. in Oval Canisters of 1;1b. each '' Dusk Shooting, Not. 1,2, 3 Ond_,4 grain,. -in Oval Canisters of 1- lb. each e . [nd An Rifle, imOvalCznisters of 11b.' each..... Ke tuck)* Ride, in Oval Canisters.of 1 lb. each LC tockvlt I die, in Oval Canisters of 34 lb. each (5 onelb. Oval. Canisters in a ease.) (fa half lb. do. do. Kentucky Rifle, Tyro, FFO, and "Sea Shoot ing" Ea, in kegs, 25 lbs Kentucky Mile, FFFO, FFG, and 'Sea Shoot ing" Ed, in kegs. lbs Eentucky mile, rirra, rra, and "Sea Sham,- ing" PG. in Fegq, Deer Powder, in kegs, 2:6 lbs Mining and Shippina Powder, Mining F, FF, and rrr grain„ net cash, in kegs. 25 lbs - Safety Fuse for Blasting, of superior quality, in packages of 50 feet and over Delivered free of expense on board! of Boat or Ballro.att. In Pittsburgh or Allegheny. CARPETS! CARPEVS! 1 ANUFATTRERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD , VANCEDi PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for 1 the present at the very low est can RATES of the past season. Having made all our contract; previous to any ad- Vance, and invariably for_ cash we are enabled to sell lower than they can be pur chased this Fill. _ • r MCCALLUM' ' BROS., - 64, FIFTH STBLET. 33,14: . . , "MOTICE 1 i IF 0 DISSOLUTION: • , r Roetee 18.1 hereby given that the AIM of ] STRICKLER & IIoRLEDGE was dissolved by mu inoi consent on \ the Ist day of July, A. D. 1.888.' Al /debts due to i mild erm will be paid to CHARLES H D MORLEDE by whom - all debts doe by the grm w, II be paid. and lie 18authorired to sign the Arm name In liquidation. J. E. STRICKLER, . / ' , C. H.L . MOULEI:II.BE. 1,.. t... , •Itaving sold nu my Interest in_the abore estab -out. I cheer Hy recommend Mr. 31f1P' *-I , end as An . ho-- - - Pittsburgh, Pa. Ilist/meat, ebeerlalty recommend Mr. MORLEDGE to all my !friend as an *honest. upright bissiness man; and hope that they will continue their kind tarots aod pitronage heretofore bestowed. ' i - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MANUFACTURED BY TMI ARTHUR' KIRK, Agent, Prrr*Btrnon, 0W13E.1 . t. IRON CITY , SPICE MILL, MOR.TEDGEi Pr6prietor Fifth Street Extension; •PITTSBUBGH, P&, Dealer In v t.-- andulterated ROAST COF . FEES. spitzs, and Concentrated rivo -ErritAcors. FLAY. J711:73 BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., MAziprAcrtrracm or LEAD AND BLOCK TIN PIPE, 'Slim! AND BAR LEAD AND ALL KINDS OF GAS AND STEAM ITITEES. mATER.IAL6. ' No. 167 Smithfield St., Pittiburgt i UPON BONDS. S/50 9 000 Eight Per Cent. Coupon Mortgage Bonds FOR BALE. These Bonds l are secured by a Mortgage on the' Valuable Property of the Superior iron Go., in Al legheny and Westmoreland counilez, Pa. lob:rest at the rate of EIGHT TAB. CENT. PElt ANNUM, page le semi-annually. Application f r-these Bonds can be made at the CITIZENS , ' N TIONAL , BANK., or to JOHN' l e SCOTT, Treasu r, at the Ofillai , of the Company, corner Third an Market stmets, Pittsburgh. Pirrenuaan, illy OM. 1668. ,118:681 A it - EAT, EMI No. 17 Viftb. Street. imbroide ies, ' Straw doods, ?Icweis and Parasols. CLOSING OUT AT REDUCEto PRICES '[TALL PArat, Alr REDUCED PRICES. AFTER JULY lIT; We itll.l ores our prese ' nt stock:of . Pall Papers et' Greatly Reduced Prices. A•large U ortmentof SATIN PAPERS, fir halts, rooms, ctilittis, ac.. at e N 0407 Market Ilieet,lleaX . 10 S. R. HUGHES & A*9 illail ICE! ICE! ICE! WM. KREBS, lee Dealer, NO. 55 DLILBIONI) ALLI6I4 Pitt/5 inursita\ . . s Ordere left here or at Hind Street Bridge will re* (*lee prompt affection.. Wagons running - 1u Pitt& burgh amd All ahenr.. ardoot SOFA]) P r ti.TOISS. ' - Thirty Barrels liarrisorki i. _ si t le by JOHN E. & A. MURDOCH, injury.' Moriste az4 Peodeaen, IIA sailtlaselkiareet. BD PITTSBURGH GAZETIT. : WEDNESDAY, - JULY 'l5,- 11365; ADIMRTISF&MENTS. GAD SAIAGAINS • AT .SE.MPLE'S. AT 75c.—GOOD WHITE SHIRTS . . ;lin Ages. LACE MANTLES. cheap; - • SUMNER DRESS GOODS, ' WHITE QUILTS, BONNETS, SUNDOWN°, • HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. 414•, . AT 'EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, wholesale and Retail, AT WM. SEMPLVS, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. tyl4 . . A LARGE STOCK. OF AT VERY LOW PRICES, CM 180 and 182 Federal St, Allegheny, SUMMER GOODS. SMIINER CASSIMEILE SUITS, In Every Style, of ttie Greatest Variety, SUITABLE FOE TILE PRESENT SEASON Gentlemen will find a One saaortweat White and Brown Duck Suits. Every'intrizent being epoololly made tor no by-tbe best ILostern houses. ME= Are as Low as Good Goods can be Meld Je23:r SUMMER I EXCURSIONS. TIRE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL -A- RAILROAD COMPANY have on sale at their °Mee, Union Depot, Pittsburgh. • ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS, - TO ATLANTIC CITY AMC CAPE MAY, Enabling parties to visit these popular bathing re. sorts, and return borne at a moderate test. • CAPE MAT PASSENGERS can purchase Tickets to go and return by all Railroad, or they can arrange tO take Steamer in either, direction, between Phila. delphia and Cape May. EXCURSION TICKETS are also for sale at the above 'Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL RE. (HONK, GETTYBBURG, and namerens points In Pennarlvaula and New York. Jar PAMPHLETS, containing fell descriptions of the various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be bad on application at the Ticket Office, in the Union Depot. - W. H. BECKWITH, Jyuyis TICKET AGENT. 11.5 FOURTH ST. 1 15. JOHN o. BAILEY & BRCI., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER ' WAD AIICTIONEEBS, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOORS, , BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Re, either on the premises orat the Board of Trade Rooms. • Particular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. , Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. • Office. N 11411 FOURTH STREET. Moat BLACK SILK SACQUES. Laina L e Pointe, Summer howls, 2 Fifth Street, jag - f - VEIEGAII.AIIt INSTITUTE kJ ? • ENDLIeIi •AND REARM. • FOR .XOI:7DTGI. ' . BOARDING AND DAY . PUPIj 1521 and 1529 SPRUCE STREET, PlUladelpbla, p a. W ill ro.opon on MON DAY, sent. 22d.Yronch Is the language of the Lamar . and I s co ' nitan uy . apokea lnan vidA e lDnAjazeiltuteD syn. Y. Ps111040111••. jels:ntl•laWY . . .: OFFICE OF OITY ENGINEER, I . ALLitclitimt ern', Ju ly liat taM. raTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to -: n parties interested in the construction of swims lathe Middle., Distrtot that the plans and specifications for the rosin sewer running along "Montgomery avenue, and through. West Corninon, , with' th e laterals tatough the Common groundsit are on ilie at thfirofflge and will be open for !aspen.: Sion until theil3d inst. - , jy14312 . , . CHAS. DAVII3, CltiZnicineak. 47: SHIRTING MUSLIN, PILLOW CASE MUSLIN, - 10-4 SHEETING, CHECK, TICKING, COTTON AND LINEN DIAPER, IRISH LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELING, - lIISTORI APRONS, JEUNDKERWILEYS. HOSIERY, FANS, NOTIONS, "Wholesale and Botail, SEMPLE'S, Boys' Youth's and Childrenla.. LINEN SUITS, • DUCK SVPS FLANNEL SUITS. ALPACCA JACKETS.__ Alpacca and . Flannel Coats, &c., 01711. PRicES .at by any Firm East or West. GRAY & LOGAN, 47 .Sti - Clair Street. YOB SALE AT LOW PRICES; BY WHITE, ORR & CO -• NEW. ADviwrlsEmlrm. WM) • That after repeated trials of other r edles, Ro back's Siemach Bitters, Blood Purifier and Blood PIUS age the best medicines extant to c re the dis eases for which they are recommended. ' Ti ll by all Drug fists Everywhere. S I NE PILES. There is no inedicirm in use so effleacoss as Dr. Boback•e Bload Purifier and Blood Pills for the permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding Piles; they strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the cause. ' Said by all Druggist& Everywhere. • . TEMPERANCE. -- • • There is, perhaps, no one thing that has done so much to promote the c use of tempirance as that gentle stimulating tont Roback' Bitters: they strengthen and in igorate ,wirhout producing the ill effects of alcoholic stimulants. .. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. , LIVER PILLS _ Are Pills that pave a direct a n d powerful action o . the liver, and relieve any inactivity or congeste state of that all Important organ upon which de oed di the whole process of digestion. The import 'ance. then, of proeuri ga Pill that shall have such direct action without be 111 effects of mercury, Is manifest to every* on ; such Pills are Roback's Blood Pins; they are arranted purely vegetable, and Cankilfich certalut be relied noon, and are safe at all tithes. ' , • Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION Is but another name for Dyspepsia, an:e. the parent of many ills. Iloback , s Stomach Dittimtaken in wine-Rims-MD doses, directly after each meal,,Will surely - effect a permanent cure. Do not take.our word for it, but try them. • Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. NIGHT .MARE Is one of the many diseases of whtell Dyspepsia is the parent. To effect a cure perscMs should avoid heirtv food at night. and take wine•glass-full of Robick's Stomach filtters on retiring to bed. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere: IMEN9ITATE: buring the Spring nion the It Is one of the regular household donee to renovate, and, In th, mualoll city of other duties one's own self fa, in a great measure; overlooked; thousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many doUbtless saved from premature graves by thoroughly - renovating ihe system with Dr. Roback's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Ptirther. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere MELANCHOLY la one of the many.disorderb of the nervous system. ariang from a low . state of the constitutional health or severe Drostratien aftetionst continued sickness. and regains invigorathig remedies like Roback's Stomach Bitters to restore the nerves to their into ral vitality. , . Sold by all D w ruggists Every here. WHO SEALS THEM ? The Agents for'-the 4ale of RO BAC K.'S BLOOD riToMACH IttTTEß9and BLOOD '1" U1:1- tillitßare all DruggLita everywhere. D. S. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE CO., P-130PRIETORS, PROPOSALS FOR PAPER. A SUPPLEMENT to an act regut ring the Superin tendent of Public Printing to adrertice for pro ' poaala for supplying the State with nrinting and bill paper. approved ,A.pril tenth. Anno Doinint onethousand eight hundred and oixty-becen. SECTION 1..8e It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tha Comuionwealth of Penn sylvania, in General Assetably met, and It is hereby enacted by the autbority. of the saine, That hereaf ter the person or persons bidillng toi -the contract for furnishing the State with .paper, as provided in the act approved . April tenth, Anna Domini one thousand eight hundred and - sixty-seven, be re quired to execute a bond. to the- Commonwealth, • lily at least two suMcient sureties, In the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditloned for the faithful performance of the contract go allotted, which said bond shall be approved bythe President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. of the distriet or dis tricts In which such sureties may reside; or In case of the absence or other inability of such President Judge, by the Associate Judge of the -county in which such sureties may reside; Protrlded,. That the bonds, with the sureties of the several bidders, shalt be duly cieented, sealed up and delivered with the proposal* for furnishing taid . paper, and In addition to the condition above required, shall be condition ed that in case the bidder or blldeis tohllwhom 'the said contract shall bb awarded shall neglect or re fuse to accept the same at his or their bld.'the said ,bidder or bidders, with his or the* Sureties afore said, Mull be liable to‘ the Commonwealth for the difference between the amount of the -bid of the per son• to whom thi b said contract *hall he warded after such neglec r refusal; And provided further, That the Superintendent of Public Printing shall award said contract upon thq'samd day the bids are byhim °Petted. , MASH A IV. DAVIS, Speaker of the House Of Representatives. , JAMES L. GRAHAM, Speaker of the Senate. Arrnovan--The tenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight husdreki and sixty-eight. In pursuance of the above act, the Eupertntend eat of Public Printing gives the followtr g TO PIPER, NA.I4ITFACTURERS. . . SEALED PROPOSALS will - be received at the office °t i the BuPerintendent of Public Printing, for _ . . Supplying the State with Printing Paper. Said paper to be BOOK PAPER.. measuring 05 by 40 inches, arid to weigh respectiVely 40 and 50 pounds to the ream.. Also, DOUBLE FLAT CAP, measuring 11 by Sle inehes, weighing 518 pounds to the ream. Bids rip be received for each kind sep arately. Said proposals to be opened in presence of bidders, on SATURDAY, the Ist day of August, 1808, at thO office of the Superintendent. Contract to run from December, 1808, to August, 1809.. The suceessful bidderei will be required rigidly to conform to samples which will be furnished upon application at the ogler of the Superintendent. No proposal will be considered unless acorn yank d by a guarantee that the bidder or bidders.: provided his or their proposal shall be accepted, will enter Into Of obligation with good and sufficient security,' to furnish the arthileaproposed for; and each proposal, must be accompanied by latiefactory 'evidence that the persons making said -proposals are manufacto.. rers of or dealers In the description of paper which' he or they propose tofiellsh. ' . • . . , JOHNYourioram Superinte dont Public Printing,' jytt:to ' , 75 .IkLrketStrect, H arri sburg.r pISSOLIITION.-40tiee is hereby t;o gr e e e il that * . the i 1 TA tza t rai l h e i rl %Gr u m h . All DAVID J. A t i lt t 0, tinder thkname and style of J. B. WILLI A S 0 CO.,- has be n th is day dis solved by mutual, intent, and the books of thu said firm have been le with it. J, JiIcCAN OL ISM biter- Mamilause, No.? , St. Clair street. Pittsburgh, for settlement. Th Woofs In future will be carried on by .1 .B. lyne ,, ... S. ' L 11, J. u. WILLTAI_I&_ ri tcpburgs, it 11 30, IS WP O A B I . I.V - LID1 :-', 1711Bil l Inn .- . 8 & waumunk ! 2LITHSON, VAm= AND NITUDE, CARPta FUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, EXTRA LARGE SALE. Thursday, July 16th, at 10 and 2 o'clock, Will he sold. at Masonic Halt Auctioii Booms. Nos.. 55 and 51 Fifth street- a large and superior assort ment of Parlor,. Chamber. Dining ROOM and Kitch en furniture , Carpets and Hou-ehold Goods gener ally—new and second-hand—and worth)} - the atten tion of those wanting anything in that line. At 10 o'clock A. 3r., precisely—Dining ;loom and 'Kitchen Utensils, ,new Mirrors. Clocks, Silver - Plated Spoons, Forks, Castors and Butter I ishts„ Soaps, Seems, Pickles, Teas, s has, Vt inflow Shades, Engravings and Pictures, and Sundries too numer ous to mention. At 31 P. at. precisely New Brussels, Ingrain. Rag, Hemp, Venitian and Stair Carpets, in lengths to suit pu rcintsern: also. second-hand Carpets. At 3r. 31. an, legant assortment of new and sec orid-hand at., embracing Sofas. Chairs and ilockers• Marble-top Bureaus, Wash stands and Tables; eane and Wood Seat Chairs and Mockers; French and Turned Post Bedsteads; sec retary and Office Desks: Extension Card, Centre,. Side, fMnlng and Br, akfasi. Tables; Kitchen Safes, Iron Bedsteads; one complete set Chamber Furni ture; Wa•drobe, Lounges. Hair, Husk and Cotton Mattresses. Bedding, Feather Beds and Pillows, and a Isrgt quantity of household articles. SMITHSON, VANHOOK ,I,IIIcCLELLAND, ' Jyl4 • • . Auctioneers. TTOBOKEN STATION, 0 • TI-lIRD AUCTION ,SALE, Saturday Afternoon, Jtily 18th, I,SIXTY -FIVE BUILDINO LOTS • Of Plan No: 1. 1. Free T rains leiye Western. Penns: Railroad Depot.' Allegheny City. at 1,45 r. This Is the most important and desirable sale held,' as toe reserved • / Will be offered and sold without reserve. Tansis: une•lourth cash. balance In four years. Plans and information bf Capt. R. Robinson, 75 Federal Street, Allegheny City, or to SMITHSON, VANHOOX & McCLELLAMH. ' s 14 ' Auctioneers. 15 ACRES ON PENNSYLVANIA' AVENGE. at Assignee Bale, on TUURSD AY afternoon. July 161 h, at B. o'clock. on the premises. will he sold by order OfJohrt M. Kennedy and John G. :McConnell, Asbignecs in Nankruptcy of Michael U'llara, that valuable property in the city of Pitts- . burgh, formerly Liberty township, fronting on Pennsylvania avenue. oPposite McFarland's Grove, and bounded by lands of George A. Berry, Janies B. Murray, and John McFarland, deceased, containing 14 acres and 150 perches. The beautiful situation of this property, com manding handsome views of the valley and sur rounding villas. cannot be surpassed. Its desirable ness and great value arc too well knbwn to require particular mention. Terms of sale—sold subject to mortgage of $121.-i, 447 92; kalance cash. ivl.3' A. M'ILNYAINE. Auctioneer -Z—./ pALDIER /4, PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, NO. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS/SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING Consignments Solicited. Prompt , turns. GREAT SALE OF BUILDING LOTS, In the 18th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, • (Forsierly Collins Tornsblp,) On THURSDAY, July 16th, 1868, AT io:O'CLOCK A. c, Will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises. that choice and eligible property adjoining the property of Messrs. sawyers and C. P. b.cely. near liaight's Run on the Allegheny Yalley Railroad, about a halt mile from the bharpalatirg Bridge. • - . Ranging In size 48 feet front by . 100 feet in depth. allowing desirable frontage to each and every lot. Those building lots will readily-commend them selves to those looking for good investments, but more cs a pi i .y to persons wishing a pleasant and easily le in home, beyond the ime,dlite con fines of le city. These lots al e now withinlhe limits of Pittsburgh proper. Tit( property is within ten minutes' walk from the Citizens Passenger Railway. Station, at the Sharpsburg Bridge. Stone and brick can be obtained on the ground. TERM- Ug "ALE , -One fourth cash; baltitice (n -one, two and three years, secured. by bond and mortgage, and lull particular* can be had or SAM UEL iJARRISON, on the premises, or at the office of WiLltia3l JANCEY. Real Estate Agent. Butler street, 18tli ward, late Borough of Lawrenceville. An Eat:v.oAm Trsiu will leave the• Allegheny Val. ley Ittilroad Station, City of Pittsburgh, at twenty minutes to nine o'clock A. Si., and return at twen ty. !tree minutes after three o'clock P. Si., from Raight's - Run. P. NeNIMEE, Anctioneer . 1y13:t5 , • ZSTANLIEILIED IV4II 1111I'LAII,GINT IN MUNI/Cllol. Lightning Rod Manufitotort IRON GALVANIZING WORKS, 30,000 FEET ~ •MAFUTA ` bT@EED DAILY JOAN W. GARY LIGHTNING RODS, Manufactured fit these works. and sold to all Alums of the continent ` admitted to be superior teeny Lightning Rod In use. Great Inducements offered to peddlers and all petiole buying at wholesale.. Also, tine rlatins o Pointsoof all kinds and patterns.. together with Insulatord, FasteninF,. Copper and Iron Connection " Burs, Graces., eta stoPiell Tur• phiets and Circulars sent free. • , REYBIJRN, }HINTER & STANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES, tridlsputably the best irk nRe.. NEW IXPROVE ME MENTK Patented Noy. A Gth, 1807.- and April Mat, 18118. Everything relating to bililards of th best quality and lowest prices alwayton hand. Our fi NW I,IJEVRIMMEE, Patentel May ath', .1508, price ssl.Bo—a great auleas. • i! Mlnatrate4priceMatasenton a plleation. Addtta • PHELAN & COLLEINDEIL 03. 05, 03 and OBOE.BY BT., New York City , :www • JOHN IL & A. BiIfiRDOCH, Nnrseryinen, Florists and Seedsinen. Sinn ECt : Onn-112 SMITHFIELD STREET. oppo. Site Post OIIIce, - Pittsourgh, Pa. • Greenhouses, at Oakland. Humerus On Squirrel Inb9 f;-, . . . AUCTION -SALES. AT AUCTION. Of the remaining 'CHOICE LOTS . AND SITES BY A. K'LEVAINE. • BY PALMER & PEILLIPEL AT ,AucrioN. EIGHTY-POUR .LOTS, Nolen .o. ATICERICAN BRASS FOUNDRY • 11.11 D THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED Nos. 488 and 490 4t. John St., pimarizitrinik. SAD OOMMATION'OUSHION&! DIVIDENDS (WIGS. WITH): PITTSBURGH GAB COMPANY, Pittsburgh, July 136 b, 1136E4 f ny - DIViDEND.-:--The Trustees of the Plttgburgh Gas Company have this d4TT declared a Dividend of TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY. CENTS per shard. payable on demand, at the office of the company. M 431 3 NIT• IL idc,ILF.T.I. AND. Treasurer. , PITTSBURGH, Fotur*AYNE St CHICAGO RAIL-). WAY COMPANY, (Ake or the Secretary • PITTSBURGH, July THE BOARD OF ,DIREC• • • TORS of this Company have deUlared the regular quarterly dividend (No. is) or 2'6 Pm, CENT, free of Government tax, on the capital stack and semi-annual • dividend (.1 ., f0. 101 or 34 mit CENT, less Government, tax, on the Third Mort gage Bonds, payable onand after FBIDAY, 17th day of. July pm oximo, at the office of Winslow, Lanier & Co.. No. 27 Plea street.'New York. to those reg istered at New York, and at theoMee of the Tress utvr tq those reglstered Pittgburgh. The transfer Ihmks will elate on .Tuesday, the 30.1 i inst.. at I 4 P. at.. and reopen on. Gaturday, the t?.:(110 OFFICE OF BEN FILANKLIIN INEORANOE CO., / Allegheny, July 7th. IBBS. 10 — DIVIDEND.----The Board ot Dlrectorn or this Company have this day declared a DIVIDEND OF ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, Payable in cash at the office of the Company, on and after July 150, 1864. • Jyp;s9B___ OEO. D. - RIDDLE, Secretary. •OFFICE OF NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., d • Allegheny,lylOth, 1868. 19"*TRE: DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANY have declared a Dividend of TWO DOLLAR* AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, free of government tat, payable in cask on and titer the 15th Inst. jr1:1,3 JAlicS E. STEVENSON. SeceetarY. OFFICE OF MONONG.t:AELA NAVIGATION CO., / Pittsburgh, July SO, 1868. f rgr'THE BOAR of MANAGERS of the Monongahela Navigation Company have this day declared a Dividend on the Stock of said Company of FOUR PER. CENT. for the past siX months. or Two Dollars a share. fr..e fro„ rtevenue Tax, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives on ornfter the 14th inst. ' jyll:t2 W. RAKI , :WELL, Treasurer. ,1 MERCHANTS' & MANUFACTURERS' NAT. HANIC„,I Pittsburgh; Joty 7th, 16S. WTI:IE BOARD of DIRECTORS of this Bank have declaredla DIVIDEND OP FIVE (5) PER CENT.; • out of the profits of the last six months, payable forthwith, free of United States mad State taxes. jy8:690 JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. OFFICE OF PEOPLES' INSURANCE Co., t Pittsburgh, July 6,1868. BIEVID.BND No. 9.---The Board of Dlrectbrs have this day declared a Dlvl-' dend of EIGHT" DOLLARS PER SHARE out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on and af ter the 13th, as follows: Three Dollars per share In • cash. arm Five Doi fare per Share to be credited on. Stuck Notes. WM. F. GARDNER. jyS-s81) Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., / (Late Pittsburgh Trust Company.) I . • 12rQUARTERLY DIVIDEND..-- The Directors of this Bank have this dap declared a Ritinend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital :took, out of the profits of the illst three months. pavabfe forthwith, , free of State amt Gov . ernmeut Mae& t ' J. D. BCIULLY. Cashier. 14 . -t.‘2l" 4 . 24 T 3 R iVA I n C S?tYe l er Y ' A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT.. Free of Government Tax, will be paid on and after, FRIDAY, July 11th. • IY7m7a RORT. J. GRIER, Cashier. P.EorLE's NATIONAL IiANE.! or PITTSBURGH, July 6. 1868. "eV DIVIDEND .NOTICE.--The Directors of this Bank have THIS DKr declare& a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the Earnings of the past Six Months, free of Cov enunent Tax.- Payithie on demand. Jy7:s7ldlw F.M. GORDON. Cashier OFI ICE OF ALLEGHENY INSURANCE PITYSBuItGit July 6, up. EA - D.—The Hoard of Directors of this Company have this day declared a dividend of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per share, free of tax. payable in cash on and after Monday, the 13th Instant. • C. G. DONNELL, jya:sr2. secretary. RAVIE.SIIf RN CS NATIONAL BANG, t PITTSBURGH, July 6, 11.1%5. - aJA Dl' IDEND OF FIVE (5) PER CENT., freof all taxes, payable ow deniaxid,' has this day been declared. - Jy7:. , ;,30 CYRUS CLARKE, Jn., Cashier. PrrxsisviaGit NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCY, July 2d, 1868. f Igr'THE DIRECTORS OF , THIS - DANS have this day Ueelared a Dividend of FIVE. (5) PER . CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payahle on and after the 6th lust, free of Government tax. Jy4ts46 JOSEPH H. HILL, Caahier. rEIITIVSYLVANIA 'NMI 4SCE CO:, Pittsburgh, June' 30.1888. ( THE BOARD of DIRECTORS -- 01 THIS COMPANY have this day de clared a Dividend of FOUR (41 PER CENT., ont-' of the profits of the last six months. payable on the 10:11 of July. In cash to the stockhoiders,,,of full paid, and to be credited on the stock notetrof the part paid stock. • jy3ad4 HVGI3 311 F. LIMEY. Secretary. AL LEGITENT NATIONAL BANK, t Prrrsiwuou, July 1, 19611. W - THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have tills day .JecllLred a semi-annu al Dlrli'ond of _ - - SIX PER CENT., Payable on and after the 6th Inst.= free of Govern• went or State tax. - R. W. MACKEY, .1Y 2 : 631 Cashier. MECHANICS NATIONAL HANK, PITTSBOUGH, Julyl, 1868. lar'A. DIVIDEND OF EIGHT !PER CENT., Free of taxes, will be paid °nand after TUESDAY, July 14th but. OFFICE ALLEGFIENY BRIDGE. PITTBBiIttGB, ,July 1, 1883 ( • DITINIEND.L-The President, MANAGERS and Company for erecting Bridge over the i,tileglieny River, opposite Pitts burgh, in the Comity . of Allegheny, have this Gar declared a Dividend of SEVEN PLit CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, which will be paid to Stockholderaor their legotl representatives, by the Treasurer forthwith. jy2,:532 W. ROSEBURG, Trenenrer. CLiVELAND& PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY, ) ORICC.Of recretary and Treasurer, CLEVELAND, June 513d, - .1.8613.. agrA DIVIDEND OF TWO PER CENT:. free of Oevernment tax, from the net earnings of this Company, has been declared, and made payable on the I ,loth day of July next, to Stockholders reoftered In New York, at the office of the Fern:Mrs' Loan and Trust Company, and to the .Stockho.ders registered Ih Cleveland :at this orice of the Treasure:, in Cleveland. The Trawler. Books will be closed July Ist and *e•opened July 11th. - ' ' T. A. INVEBBOLL, leVisB Treasurer. WESTERN SAVINGS' BANK. •• i - II: • , • PITTSBURGH, Jane 30th, 18611. 2- p ' _ The DliectOra have tide day deelaie# a DIVIDEND OF - 4 PEIVCENT. p I , ray'able on aad sitar July " VAIN - Bait ? Dishier. F C.'. FELD skpo., DEALERS IN GLUE, CURLED Tanners' , Scraps, Ceroons, • Caftle • 'BONES 1 NEAT'S FOOT OIL, &Ca' pica and Watehouse, Ito. 335 LIBERTY tiT„. 3d doo 'from Warm - , • . . • prrTastra srarP on PA U" - ' imam A 13TETTLER SONS & co., xeruroortral as or Steqm Boi l ers, f:l4 Milk Tanks" And STItERT IRON WORN, or all kings. 3719 OMA: Street, Fink Ward, Pittsburgh. J. CANCER DOCTOR, . . . -....- Tenders his Professional Services to the - connnunitt at largo CANCERS ml all kinds or TUALQ anQk CUR, NIC , PLUX: orrRED: . - - 'TEEN RUN NOUSE No. k 14analleld Val-7 , ,c 7, Allegheny county, Pa.' , , : , kat , , . , F. IK. HUTCHINSON, - Secretary JOHN J. MARTIN, Cashier.