The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 15, 1868, Image 1

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'he Fundin g i MI Passed the
,q Senate --Alaska Appropriation
Bill: Passed by the House. ,
MY Telegraph to t h.:I - Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WA ttnverote, July 14,1868.
; r . t ENAT.E: ;
The credentials f Wm.'Pinckney White,
• .
eppointed to succeed Senator Johnson as
enator from Maryland, werepresented by
_ 11r. VICKERS, and he. was sworssin and
ra goats .• ' I 4
Mr. TRUMBULL called
_up the bill to
• itithorize dhe temporary supplying ;of
jacancies in Executive' Departments, and
eyed to amend by adding ,at the end of
e tbira section a proviso} that in case of,
eath, resignation, absence. or sickness of
e Commissioner of Patentsethe'duties of
id Commissioner, until'a successor shall
ti appointed, orstiele absence or sickness
~ ,
~ all cease, shall devolve upon one of toe
pcaminers t in chief of said office, to be re
iotnmended by the President. The amend
, ent was agreed to. .
The bill mikes further amended on motion
• f Mr. EDMUNDS, by - adding. the words, _
and no appointment or desiguation, other- .
s elect than as herein provided in the cases
7 pentioniad in the first and second sections,
ell be made to till vacancies happening
+ .uring the recess of the Senate ," and as
mended the bill passed and goes• to the
b louse for concurrence.
. 1 Mr. CATTELL called up the bill! to au
piorize the issue of throe per cent.,tempo
, eery loan certificates to redeem the corn
ebound interest notes. The question was on '
~ Trumbull's amendment;providing for
s s . onthly sales of gold. by the Treasury De
, paqinent, • not 'exceeding ten millions a
; ll:tenth, commencing on the first of August
oistauall the amount in the Treasury does
1 tot exceed e 40,400,000..
Along, debate ensued, ; Messrs. Trumbull
nd Cant ron supporting the amendinept,
. Ond Mr. “ICattell opposing it. The latter
• 'read a coMmunication.from; the 4ecretary
• • tif the Treasury to show thatthe Leilance in
ethe Treasury will soon be reduced by pay
•enents of interest and for AlilSica to about ;
137,000,000. - . ' ;._ • '
; Mr., MORTON offered an amendment
.plat the supplies now in the Treasury, or
rcruing next year. shall be used for the
edeniptiots of legal tender notes.
l et Mr. CONKLITeIG opposeckeit, , calling at
ention to the fact that Congress had decid
sVd no more greenbacks shall be retired.
Fe The amendment was:rejected—eight to
, - '; - hirty. •
: • Mr. TRUMBULL then withdrew his mo- ;
ion to make his amendment a substitute ;
or the bill, and °tiered it as aft additimial ,i
cecina- . .
Mr. HOWE' spoke against the bill, and
, . r. WILLIAMS in its favor, ,
..., Further , . - debite sprung up, and Mr. t HOUSE-OF' REPRESENTATIVES.
'ERNIAN insisting on the regular-.order, I
Mr, L OGAN, from the Committee on
, s • lies funding bill was taken up. - WaVa and Locus, reported a tell providing
• 1 Mr e ,,,. HE . DRICKS took_ _tbeeflper, e and sesie
~.a at after the first of June li3eiS, the wholp
eillfriTleie6 TrSiThlk ll l . spec b, " reply tom}, coemensation "of United States designated
• 4thers mad recently: . ' ; Ddoositories at Chicago shall nOt eXceed
1 : 4: Mr. lIENDRIC/CS, in the course of his 6 2 s ee. . .
41arCznarks, declered hitnself unreservedl,..y i}itelio'use went into Committee of the
11 favor of the platfortn of the New York wh o l e, m r. e-j ar n e i d in the, ch a i r . , e n the
; : , :conventioni and espeCially, in reply to _
I..lneka bill. the question being on the, giueetions, supporters the plault whieh do- peal taken when tho subject wag ;last isee)re
maresee for the payment of 5-20 s id IMMO. the Committee hy Mr. Boiler, of Misss.echn
, s• sioneet.' Heals() aulogized Mr, Seymour'• sests, from the decision of the chair ruling
iand expressed the. opinion he ! out of Ordei an amondinent propoeed by
este tested end command the confidence of the I Me. Butica.. to reserve from the sum to be
..e . e , iountry as not a sectional but a national, aid - to Russia S5OOOOO for satistiction of
• : Imam He also spoke highly of Blair as claims of American citizens ..aguinst that
. • „sonorous, talented and brave. His fame goivern (-lent -
tould be guarded hr his late associates in. rllO decision of the Chair was sustained
rms. He• ncludod by expressing the
111bcps that n xt March will see a restoration , The question recurred on the sulastitnto
:.quof the county to that peace which rests not '
02 to 0 7.
I Offered by Mr. Leughridse, declaring, after
ipon subjugation to despotie power hut. - many piallibles, that the assent of Con
.stitipod the restored supremacy of the Consti- gross is given to this stipulations of. the
•e.4utaon and the rightful authority of the de- treaty, but declaring tbe extension of citi
;e4eartmente of the gpvernnient to a prosperi- zenship and nppropriation• of money are
- ,I y as endurink as that .0f pe ace .
rsu It teas 'submitted by the Constithtion to
e ' The consid ration of the bill its inter- This was agreed to-71 to 34.
opted by th report of the Committee of I C ”
Mr. ELECT moved to add to the bill a
Conference o the civil appropriation bill,
I proviso thal tiO purchase-in behalf of the
which was concurred's'. ; .4; Tufted Stiese of foreign territory shall be
Mr.' STEWB:RT then replied to Mr. Li n- hereafter mulfo until provision is made by
•• ' ricts. criticising the records of the Dim- law for its payment, and declaring that the
se , ratio party and its nominees, anti pre- powers vested by the Constitution to the
• feting tbe triumphant vindication of the
• .
_President and Senate to 'enter into treatiee;
riticiples and policy of the Republican
party at the.polls -in November. with foreign powers do incluele the power
The question meson Mr. Wilson's amend
to complete the pnrchaseof foreign torrie
;; •
slut .proposing the %sue of fifty year .1,
tory before the necessary appropriations
-I"have been made therefor by act of Con
... bonds for the consolidation of the debt. to be taxed one-half of one per cent. It Wile sir.
gress. Agreed to.
ejected ‘
BUTLER Made another attempt to
, - . • ,
Mr.HOWARD mpved to add to the sec
insert a condition for the settlement of
chips eleUnited States citizens against litui •
e. tion legalizing gold, contracts h proviso , The autendment was ruled out of
. ' that it shall pot .apply to the removaler ' si
extension of an indebtedness, under a con, Ti' Committee rose and reported the bill
, tract already eptered'into, unless such con- t „ tile H
:: tract originallt reqUired payment in min, The House agreed to Mr.dLoughritige's
e• Mr. BHERMAN suggested a substitute atnehiltnent-98 to 48 and rejected that of
:.• for Mr. Howard's} amendment, providing Mr. Eliot-18 against 80a
e that when the stipulatiod to pay interest in, The bill then Paseed—lle to l 42. );
coin is a device to obtain illegalor usurious The report of the Cemmittee of Confer
"... interest, it shall not be enforced. • ence pn sundry • civil exbenses appropria-
After some discussion between Messrs. Bon 5111, making appropriatioes for service
te . Conkling, Williams and Corbett on the of Celumbia Institute for deaf and dumb,
amendment, •
was considered, without final action.
Mr.e COLE delivered a prepared speech, The Senate amendments to the, bill to
•• arguing that -the legalization of gold con- authorize teneporary supplying of vacan
'l,:, tracts will gradually- ausegold to reappear cies in Executive Departments were non
s';' in circulation, and any other than this or concurred ~
a similar plan would create general dig . ' Recess until 7:30.
*. tree
; - Ere:ning 'ASCBslolL—Thermomoter in the
- At 4:35-Mr.'TRUMBULL moved an ere- Chan' ber ninety-two deeerees.
e: foutive session, which preiatied-20 to 17.-___ • Thi 6 SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Bout
s After Executive session a recess *as well;_Vilsoe, (lowa,) and Marshall a Corn
' taken. - ,
; , s mitten of Conference on some disagreeing
~. At the evening session the House amend
votes on the bill authorizing the temporary
0 ments to the bill for the discontinuence of supplyieg or vacancies in the ExecutiveDe
• the. Freedmen's ;Bureau were concurred in..
The following bills were pence: ,
, partment.
_ Appropriating $20,000 for money expend_ The liaise wont into Committee of the
•, s 3 ed by, Mrs. L. D. Potter, of Charleston, for Whole for :• general debate, and was nd..
dressed by Mr. VAN TRUMP on the sub
" relief of Union prisoners during the war •
fromertalit political dis- tect of the . ' , visible admixture"- law 'of
ethics) by Mr. SCHOFIELD in defense of
,: abilities peregns earned.
' Mr. CAMER4l l l47ntrodgeed a bill to re- the polley of the Republic in party, and by
111 r. BUTLER, of Mastinchusetts, in favor
* e wit the dutieL On the, stdtuo intended" to
offs} ing United States bonds.
.- aunty ant thesoldiers' monument at Har- .
A plumed.
•„, elsburg. Referred. 1 .
.• •
The funding Lill etas taken up. a'
: .111 r. WILLIAUS offered a modification
Mr. flowrlrdts amendment, which was
: -
acce otpd by the latter and adopted. ' It is
follows: Prettied, That time section shall
ot Apply to co trams for the borrowing of
' . currency on the renewal or eictension under
; e contract already entered into, unless such
i co - ntract originally required. payment in .
• - nolo. - '
• ' lir. RAMSEY; moved to.strike out in the
° plisse legalizing gold contracts hereafter
I'de the word }'hereinafter,", and insert
~„ i t u grefor , sfanuary Ist, 1837." Afterdiscus
;so the amendment was rejected,
' - " FERRY moved to insert in'the clans°,
I ' . 1
pro M :;ding that said bonds and their pro,'
be used to the, interest
eee s shall u "at the optioi
on '
laymoved4p the bill the
' • r.PAYIS ' • .• -
table. Rdected by the followingvno,,... ,
- • • 1 ' camerou Davis,Pease/L.
I sci
Yeat—lk ess ,
! be:r h in o g id d e e r b , t , , the words,L
v.. 47 •
deg, Fowler, Harlan, McOrnery, McDonald,
Patterson(Tennessee), Wade.
Nays—Messrs. Anthony, Cole, Conkling,
Conneas, Cragin, Drake, Peru, Freling
huvsen, Howard, MOrgan, Morrill (Ver
mont), Osborn, Patterson (Nev - Hemp
shire);- Pomeroy, Ramsey, Rice, Sherman,
Stewart, Tipton,:Welch, Willea, Williams
and Wilson.
• Mr. FESSENDEN suggested to strike
out the we/pis, ",for: the redemption, pay
mentor pe r ch:lse, or exchange for" inithe
clausejust pro,s)sed to be annulled, and
insert words 4 in exchange." - -
Mr.'.FESSEN DEN supportedbis amend
ent. ' ,
-Air. SHERMAN replied, saying in re.
onse te d expressed that any
takers will a
he foilbt
und the new bonds,
donsidering tho low Tato of interest, that
Many Persons at home and In Europe have
already made a proposition to take these
Bonds at par foil the rive-Twenties.
Mir. FERRY explained his arnendmant
as prompted - by a-fear that the bill might
bee ConStrued to authorize compulsory pay-
Mont in greenbacks--a fear quiti natural,
he thought, considering the - Views recently
expressed by Senators' Sherman and Mor
ton, and of the possibility of a future_ Secre
tary.of the Treasury holding the semi
opinion, which hil (Mr. Ferry) contended
wasoppossd to an inviolable principle of
the Republican party.
Mr, SHERMAN denied that any such
-construction could be . pleaded, lie bed,.
however, no objection to the amendment.
Mr. -. CAMERON offered an additional
sectiqn forbidding, after the passage of this
act, payment - of any commission, per cent
age or compensation to any person for the
sale or negotiation of any bond or seeari
ties of the United States. -
- Mi. SHERMAN stated a similar provis
ion-had been inserted-in an appropriation
bill, passed recently, by both houses.--
Ad that even if it Should prove a superflu
ity, theainendment would do no harm. It
was then agreed to: . .
A question asked by Mr. PATTER.
SON, of New Hampshire, in regard to tho
effect of the third section, to 'which Mr.
SHERNIAN replied; ve - rise to considera
able debate, --- Messrs. Feeuden and Conk
_ling strenulouslv opposing the •proyision,
and Messrs. Sherman and Sumner as tena
ciously defending it.
Mr. CONKLING moved strike out tile
third`. section. - -
Mr. MORRILL ; gave notice- he would:
move toltriko out; of the section the von
lion kiving,rise to the principal objection,'
leaving simply the provisionallowing the
conversion of lawful limey into - bonds,
and to add the words "aijil the lawful
money so received Shall - be cancelled and
not again re-is Sued."
Mr. Morrill's amendment was rejected.
1 - Mr. COINIKLING'S motion to strike out
was agreed to.
Yeas —.Cameron, ' Chandler,Conk ling,
Corbett, Dialce,'Ferry, Fessenen, Freling
liuysen, Harlan, Hendricks, Howe, Mc
' Donald, Morrill, (Me.,) Morrill, , (Vt.,)
Patterson, (N. H.,) . Patterson, (Tenn.,)
Pomeroy, Rice, 'Wilrn —l9. '
Nays—Messrs. -- Ca tell, • Cole, Conness,
Henderson, ,Morgan, Nve, Osborne,- Ram
say. Ross, Sherman, Stuart,. Sumner, Tip
ton, Wade, -- -Wiley, Williams.
• The bill then passed.
Adjourned. L '
Orphan Asylum Dedicated.
tB Telegraph o the Pittsburgh Gaiette.l
Ct.nvELastb, 0., July 14.—The Jewish
Orphan Asylum fuss dedicated to-da).
Governor Hayes and staff acid a large,ntini
her of citizens and st - rangers wempresent.
The procession was largo and-the cs.rcruo
nies interesting. Addresses were.delivere, d
by Rev. Dr. Kleeberg, of Louisville, DIA
Peixotle, Now York, nun. Dr. Wise, Cin
cinnati, and others.
v , ---.....---:- ---,1
- Ilancittet to keverdy Johnson.
(Be Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (+harm - .
' BALTI310111; July 14.—The banquet by
tho citizens of Baltimore to ifon. I:evenly
Johnson, •to.morrow evenin', will hein
most - interesting occasion. The. Presidai t
and.Cabi et. all the Foreign Ministers anr.l
members of the United States Senate have
been inti, ed - , and runny arc - expected to he
present.: •• • " • 1
pnireafu '`GH, WEDN
[By Telegraph to the PittatiaremOazette.l
Restoration of Civil Law lu Louisiana.
Nxw OnLBANS, July 14.—After his in
auguration yesterday, Gov. Warmonth sent
a communicate to Gen. Buchanan, officially
notifying the latter of the adoption of the
fourteenth amendment and the inaugura
tion of the Governer. On the receipt of
this communication Gen. Buchanan issued
an order, of which the following is the
substance: The Commanding General
having been officially notified of the ratifi
cation of the fourteenth amendment of the
Constitution of, the United States by
the • Legislature of Louisiana, on the
ninth instant, it becomes his duty,
under the abt of Congress, which' became a
law June 25; 1868, and the order of the
General 'of the Army to announce to the
people of the State and 1 the troops under
his command that the provisions of the re
construction acts of Congress cease to orie-'
rate in Louisiana. From this date military
authority will no longer be exercised under
the reconstruction actsiu said State, and hu,
officers commanding posts Or detachments
are forbidlion to' interfere in civil
affairs, unless on proper application,
by the civil authorities to preserve
the peace,, or 'under instructions
duly- received from /the commanding
General of the district. Military law no
longer exists. The civil law is the supreme
-order of the. State. All civil officers acting
undqr military appointment Will transfer
their offices and everything pertaining
thereto to their successors, who have been
dui's', elected and who have been qualified
under.; the laws of the State.. The order
concludes with congratulations to the peo
ple of Louisiana - upon the return (.1* the
State to the Union and, expresses good
wishes for the future. ,
RALRMII, July 14.—According to a reso
lution adopted in the caucus last night the
General Assembly to-day. eleCted . John
Pool, of.Pasquatauk, United States Sea=
tor for the long term, until the 4th of
:March. 1873, and General J. C. Abbott,
formerly of New Hampshire', and now -of
New Hanover. 'for the short term which
elcppires March 4th, 1871. I
Governor Holden : .yesterday s without.
'-notice, appointed a new Board'of Commis
sioners .for this pity, thus supplanting
municipal authority. They believed the
Governor had transcended his powers and
referred the case to the Council, who were
of the opinion that the Governor was acting
without law or authority and so advised
the city authorities, whereupon the latter
notified the new Board :that they would
not give place to them until legally elected
or appointed. I is rumored the Governor
has called on General-Canby to allow him
Military support to enforce his order.
MONTGOMERY, July =The Legislature,
which' niet, yesterday, c-ontains about thirty
colored. members. The Bonate Doorlieeper
is a' olored and the Doordcerper, Stir
geaut-at.A.rnte and Chaplain of the liou.Ne
are also colored.
To-day Governor Smith was iiptizgurated
in the presence' of the. two Hod-les.' ,1145
'sent in g message which is in the main
more conservative than waa evected. lie
recommends in strong Language the re-'
moval of all disabilities from the people of
Alabama and bitterly cifiliosea:ituty dial-ran;
CorailitmA, July 14.—The Legislature
to-day elected Tlita. tl. Itotiert, n 17111ted
States - Senator for the short term, curl-,i
ing in IRi L The Senate, on the MTh ballot,
eleiited.F. A. Sawyer, who IS Colleetoref In
ternal- Revenue for. Charleston, United
States Senator for the long term.
-regarding the latter's- eleetion 1 t the
Ilouse is yet undeelied. , The Lieut. Gov
ernor WAS Inaugurated: to-dar.
JAcuudri, Miss.,. July 14...--13ov. Tiumph
roy's faniliS were - yesterday a Jed from
till Executive Afausiou by the military
"—The New York briekiaferspersevere in
their strike.
order has been issued to stop print.
ing in the New York penitentiary ,
—_-,The investigation of the sessesination
of Prinee - Michttel qt Servia still txartinueit.
—Private advices..from Florida state that
the worm is doing great Manage to cotton,.
,--At New York, on lkiondAy,the heat was
said to be the most Intense Mt there for
—A . living giraffe from Central Africa,for
Van Amburg, arrived,- at New York on
—ln Philadelphia, on Monday, the ther
mometer went up to one hundred and two
degrees in the shade.
- -D. Aldrich, of the United States Se
cret Service, died of sunstroke on Monday
wnile en:route front / New York t 6 Phliadel
-Forty Itklrstion families, from England
and Wales, left New York on Monday for
Utah, under the guidance of a brother of
Brigham Young.
—A Nevi York policeman, on Monday,
while endeavoring to rescue a little girl,
who fell oil's ferry boat at one of the piers,
was drowned with her.
—A herd of twelve hundred cattle; worth
thirty thousand dollars, w stolen a.few
weeks since from a Mr. Gary, living'im the
Rio Pecos, near Newildexico, by the A*che
—TWo - Fenian'', named Blake i)nd Cook,
on iyhose premises a largejfaantity of arms
and ammunition•was founKhave been of
rested in London, Engilmd, and remanded
for trial.
—Two colored women were found dead
in the woods, in Worcester county, Md , a
few days since; bearing indisputable evl
- of having been shot down while
—The Unien itepriblibUn Exbeutlie C,,om
mittee of Now Xork adopted resolutions
enclorsink Wm. M. ' Everts for Attorney
GeneEni and"thanking the Democratic Con
vention for its nominations.
—Collector Bailey, of New York,,ltgainst
whom cbarges'offraud bad been preferred,
was; after altearing.on Monday, honorubly
discharged. Major llelknajl, special agent /
wimeivas a leading spirit in the prosecution,
has been charged-with suborpution if por-
.Gen. Buchanan;
.. cornniandor of tboflfth
. . . .
ditto- di - "
, _
military district; (Louisiana and 're.fas,)
has issued an order notifying all Officers
that civil law is now supreine in Louisiana,
and instructing civil officers under
tary appointment to hand'over their qffices
to their succesrgots.
—The St. Josepliffetraid has learned from
gentlemen Just from „Port Hays, that 'tho
Indians are on the war path in that section.
It Is also reported. that there are ;over six
thousand Indiens within twenty-five mites
'of Fort Lamed. ,They have already killed
ten or twelVO •
iv • -
Detroit Mar et.-
:fly Teteiratat to the Pittsburgh nazotteo
DsTaarr,.Tulie 1 4.-Flour in fair demand
at $ll ..
75 for choice. Wheat; 901113 In
the magic*
_NO. 1 white was (mg ired for
The Mississippi
da Reconstructed—Gen. Graut
-- Freedmen 9 EC bureau.,
(By Teiegraph to the Pittsburgh Hazetteil
VlTAsnmurrer.r, Julyii, 1868,
A meeting of the House Reconstruiction
Committee is called .for to-morrow at the
request of a number of reconstrne.tionists
who have &Ist arrived hsire frcina Mississip.
pi, and whOrepresent and propose to show
,that the result of the, veting in that State
'in favor of the DemotaeratsWaS a l ccom i plished
by fraud.
. .
, -
t . 1
A communication was feceived at the
headquarters of the army &Cm General
Meade, comanding that District, an=
nouncing that m on the:receipt of official fiki
formation from His Excellency Governorl
Harrison, head of the Provisional Govern
ment of Florida, plat the Legislature of
that State had adopted the fourteenth.
amendment and otherwise complied with ,
the requirements of the act, of Congress of
June fib, 1888,.he had issued,a general order.
to the military commanders of Florida to
turn - over to the civil authorities tire goy
eminent of the State and desist from any
further interferene on any pretex , what
ever. with 'eiVil a airs so soon as_ they
should receive inf rmation - that the civil
government had- eett-duly . inaugurated.
Accompanying the letter of Gen-' Meade
i ! .
is a letter from Governor Reed, announcing
that the State govern:tient has , been duly
inaugurated, and all: conditions precedent
to the adihiasion of the State into the Fed
eral Union had been complied ' with and
RopresentatiVea admitted to Congress.,
A letter from Colonel ~ J oht, T. Sprague,
commanding the District of Florida,. is
also transmitted, bearing date July, 4th, in
whickhe States he had on that diy turned,
over all the public property,archives,
books, records, etc., belonging to the State
of Florida, and everything appertaining to
tha government of that State to the proper
civil Meets, and had relinquished all con
trol Veil the civil aflitirs of the State. -
T e force of the Freedmen's Bureau in
all t e Stat P e P s :E i l v : h o : R ::: s is it i tl n i-M o ' p uj er . ation will
be much reduced in'a short time. Orders
have already been issued for redueing the
expenses In RentUcky on the loth inst.,
and by that time the Bureau will be op- , 1
crated, in that State with lees than half
the expense of last "year. It is- also in
tended to phiee the other Stateson the saute
footing as soon Zl9 Practicable. •
I .
GPZI. Grant, with his family, is new se,- !
;mulling. on his farm pear St. ,Louie, lvt.ttro
he wilt remain several' Weeks prior to his;
departure 'further West. He is not ex
pected to return td WaiMington before the
middle of September.
•Ifaj. (ion. R. W...) dohnson U. R. -
?bred : - tout-1xt).23,. -ttetaoh,:al:-.34- Profesor of
`l4llVary'Sedoaco at tlioAtisouri StatO
Ver..tity at Colo fll t.): :\ I i*F l ou ri. )
ti'liire itousu kt.t.f; us. •
A zrzonir, the callers on the PreEitlont
(thy were Senator, Davis ancLlZeprt)senta=l
tine CairuY.' The cabinet tzosslon was funs .
:atter,ndect. Titormoruoter IUI deg.
.65. Telegrilhh to the
J •
LoNnos, July 14.—The sae of the late
Allyisisia has arrived in lcr,land
atid•gotte to Osaerne One visit to the Queen:
`ln the Ilona° of . I:ortla last night it was
announced that Royal assent had been
given .to the Irash said Scotch Reform bill
and to the Boundary bill. -
Loruot,lnly4— 1
ed that the Spanish government :1714 do
slaredintartial law in the Priarinee of Cale- ' 1
Advicee froin iChinit say the rebels have
finally retired *ow the vicinity of,. Tin
having abandoned all kapes , crf taking
the place.
LoNoost, July 14.--Dipatches
ILadrid state that at it'review of the troopit ,
h and apewid 'Mat city yesterday,. the'
Cennuanding General made a speech to
tite soldiers. tviuziag them aralnst making'
any: detneustnttion of sympathy frith the
late movement against the Queen's Gov
enzment. The country is reported trail/
CARLSRUHE, July .14,---AnnericaraMinis
ter Bancroft has arrived, and•ha.B , opened
negotiations with the Grarxi Ducal Govern
ment for the ratification of the, naturaliza
tion treaty.
LoNnox, July' 14.—C0rumi5594;4494,-.
Erie 44
Money 44; 1 1. Account Bonds 72. 1 /®7 o i
I‘. „ •
Livtuvoor.,, July 14.--Cettorfi Bales 8,060
baies uelands at IPid; Orleans llf‘d. Pork
dull at as 6d. Cheese firm at 68s. Bacon
firmid 488 Od. Sugar firmer at 268.'= Pe
tndeum heavy. Weather favbrable 6ar
Lormon, July 14.—The steamer Atlanta,
from New York, hug arrived.
.guanzorrOww, ,Tilly 14.—Theiteamer ,
myro; from New York, has arrived.
- - •
The ,ea
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh, Gazette.
ST. Lour, , July 14.—ero-tlay has been the
hottest Of the season, the 'mercury stand
ing at over 100 degrees in the shade for
several , hours. .
Lrottrto n capost of sun stroke are reported!
since Sunday, most of then fotal. •
Cnresti s o, July - I.4.r—Six cases ofsunstrolie .
are reported to-day, two of which resulted,
fatally. The highlast range of the That'
mometer was 95 d g. . -
Steath Tug Burned.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh oit7ette..l
TRENTON, Canada, June 14.—The screw
pug Lima wa• burned almost to the water's
ode this Inc /ruing. She was scuttled and
sank in Cen feet of water.
an oet,
~ 1 r'
7-(1...., \.:,,
. . . .
, .
. . .
~.. . ,
.. 4
5. 18€ 8.
wAsimuroN ToiPiesLND'uossre.
Hon. Robert J. Walker ' has returned
.froro New York, wh re he attended the
kational 'Convention n hope of securing
the nomination of •Ge 'eral Hancock, lintl
does not conceal his 'dipappointment atthe
result, and especially ivith the repudiating.
resolution. ' l i
, Seymour is .reporm to say thai the
reason which prevent d his accepting the
nomination was his Pei, °nal promise,to Mr.
Chase that he would/ hot •be a candidate.
After the nomination iwas-made - Chase's
friends absolved him frem his promise and ,
left him free maceept. ; ChaSe sustains the
uction of his friends, an expresses himself
satisfied with the result of the Convention.
In answer to the - que bop, "How do the
New York nomination take?" Andrew
Johnson is reported to ave replied ; "Like
the small pox; d—ed get rid pf."
The, third party Movement receives but
little encduragement, except from the fol
lowers of Johnson, who, having committed
themselves against Grant and,Colfax, and
not being able to 'swallow Blair's revolu
tionary schemes, find themselves Without
1 a- representative iq the pending contest.
They say they would have been satisfied
With Chase and Hancock, or JOhnson and
some one else, but at present - they are
afloat. Quite. a number of this class have
given in their adherence to Grant, among
them it is rumored several members of the
present Cabinet, including' Seward and
Wm. P. White, who was appointed by
Gov. Swan, to the vacancy made in , the
Senate by Reverdy Johnson's resignation,
isot lawyer of Baltinnire. - ,
Some Western Democrats declare that
Seyniour had made a positive promise to
decline - afterreceiving a unanimous'. vote,
and enable them to make 4 speedy nomina
tion of another candidate; with the dele
gations united. . .
The National Convention .of the new
party will be held in 'Cincinnati in Sep
er, it is said, when Chase will be nom
inated fcr President and Gen. Tom Ewing, -
of Kansas, for Vice President. The move
ment is said to meet with the favor of the
President and.many distinguished and in-.'
Bnential persons throughout the coml.
' try. There is air 134 , some alarm evident
I among the Demo rats in consequence of
this move. . . ~ •
Mr. Burbridge, of 'Kentucky, is pushing
his claims for app intment as Commissioner
. .
of Internal Revenue. The President, will
not he likely te,appoint him. . •
About twelve hundred banks have sent
in their reports for the qtiarter ending Inet
month to' , the Comptroller of Currency.
They ail seem to be in a healthy condition.
The Conference Coinmittee on the tax bill
'expected to get through with their work
yesterday. The bank tax will be stricken
ant. but , the license tax on liquor dealers
will be retained.
The atimisszon of two more members of
the Dense, from North Carolina, makes
one hundred a quorum., It is barely possi
ble now. that 'wail the aid of the new mem
,hers. who are anxious to do,soinething, the
t iror may be considered In the House at
this .9UBstion, but the, Senate is opposed to.
I any further important legislation for; the
I present. ' 4 •
The new Louisiana Senators arrived yes
- . -
The Special Comutittee Gm Ordnance ex
pect to submit only a partial report .. of
their investigationa„ at this session, and
this will probably not be presented until
r:1M1.Wt , 4:,. ..- !.i • , t,. . .
' The 'Committee to investigate treaty
matters is also preparing its moon, which
will tie submitted at an early day. ,
The Senate
tions had under consideration :the new
Chinese treaty. negotiated by the'Burling
, ante Embassy. They will complete and
[ probably report it for action -at the Execu-,
dye session to-day., The treaty contains no
commervial 'provisions and contains no
'nil pulatione of consequence a& (affecting
cur "relations with Chinn. It is a re
lwarsal of truisms, generally recognized as
existing by virtue of International law,
without treaty stipulations between first
class framers. An instance of this is the
section that the United States allay not
build railroads in 'Chinese territory with
out their consent, nor they in the United
- States. The significance of this treaty lies
in the fact that - it recognizes the Chinese
Empire us being Within the' community of
treaty powers under the protection of the
laws laf nations, and it is Valuable to them
rather from its et% , ct, upon their future ne
gotiations with European powers, .80.6113 of,
which have been in the habit of acting as if
Chins ' hind
,no 'rights which they were'
boundla respect. This treaty affirms the
inalienable right ofimmigration between
the two countriee, guarantee , ' religious tol
eration, and etipulates that reciprocal edu
mtietal - privileges shall, be accorded the
citizens-of the two countries in each others'
' , schools. - -
„Win. Pinckney White, was sworn ,in 'as
- -e:o for Itarsiand, to; fill the unexpired
term of Reveray Johnson.
- • —.oar— --
New York City !natters.
(By Telegnkot, to tho Plttehargit Gazette.)
NEw YORK, r July 14.--The heat to-day
was again Intense, the thermometer being
at' Pt:. Forty-seven eases of,
,annstroke were
reported during the last two..days, many
The steamer Cuba, from I Liverpool, has
r Diepatches from all paits of the East
state that' the thermometer to-day varied
from 96 to 106 In many Oleos, the hottest
of the coastal. i
Four deaths from aunt ke occurred at
Providence. There many cases iin Bur
lington, Vt., and'9ltrrounai ig towns. Two
deaths occurred. I
The cricket match futtwoon the officers of
the British army and St. George's club
terminated,- in favor of the officers
with four wickets to spare. Total score,
St:George, tirst innings, 109; second in
nings, 63; KniekOrbockers, hitt innings,
10; second innings, 05.
_ —Seven young girls went in to - bathe on
'Monday , :3 f4 vening at the foot of Forty.stath
Street, lz t river, i - ew York , fine of them
got beyond herde th, and in her struggles
to escape drownin dragged three others
Into like danger. ' boy, fourteen years
old, named Frank Beck, hearing the
screams of the girlit, came to their assis
tance, and succeeded, by persistent diving,
In rescuing three of the four. The other,
named Powers, was drowned. . .
—The Master Masons of New York held
another Meeting otOlonday, when it was
stated that the owners of buildings in the
citYhad, many of them, agreed to wait for
the end of the strike., It was also stated
that the German strikers had become dis- ;
'satisfied, and had broken up, their Old or- '
ganization and wrt) returning to labor un- 1
dor the ton hour rule, . ,
r 1
„...—:Thirty directors of thd 'Pennsylvania
Contras Railroad,' Chief Justleo Thompson,.
of Porwaylvania, und,a number of eastern
capitalists, arrived at Omaha' yesterday on
roulo'ibr thillook3r Mountains on ina3x-,
lidnwrimm J,nly 14.—=The hottimit day , of
Therwomet - er ninety-eight de
grees. Several Baths frum sun atiolae..
,-.^+^•"o" ; P^
_ /
Real Estate TraIIIIIVIR.
`The following deeds were tiled c re L:
before H. &rarely, Esq., Reearcler, .t.__• : y
14, 1868. ,
John Whelan to Edward Whelan; OctOber. 15. IEOI.
lot in Reserve township, on the North slie of
Fountai., street, 40 by 155 i feet . . 4600
William Coleman to Jo%eph Woodwell, July il law;
tract of land In Liberty s ownshlp. adjoining mids
of Samuel Keller, containing eight acre s,,and
eighty-one perches, with lantloings, &c.. .. .. *17,0M
John udenwald to John, Thomas and Campbell
Bartley, north 12, 18t 3p, lot M Maneuester on: the
east side of Bowyer street, 20 by 140 feet, being lot
No. 27 In the .plan of the isub-dlYbdon of out-Jots
No. :n2 and =ln the Reserve tract
M lil&2srs. B. A. Negley's executors to John L. Brown,
July 7. 1808; lot No. 4lrin Barbara Negley's plan,
in tiollins township, on Broad street, :4 by 1541e.4.
to Centre street
I 600
Mary Pardee et al. to Win. J. Morrow Julyia, lbw;
lot In Collins township, on Me sou thern side of
the Sharpsburg and Lawrenceville Plankroad,roll
talnlng three acres, strict measure, with buildings
. ,
11 :.. P 11
iemixig to John 13. Rowan. February '33 18 076
lot In the Third ward, Allegheny. lot No. ,
4 6, In
Hugh r Flemlng'atilan, on the west side of Pali
Mr street, 21 by 907cet'•
Weed plil of Sheriff S. B. Cluley to Wm, BoStoni
July 11, •Spi: Interest or !Ileums ileKees , .7 f n 11ot
In the. Sixth ward, Pittsburgh. 1.:,,.. 7.: ;r1 Sii:..;; i
' Clarke &Townsenii*.i plan. on Tr ,,,. . , ....v.d-, ..I.'`
14 by 101 feet, to Carpenter's all( .. . -•. • .1 . 3.•:4,.
Charles A. Keller to IL C. C. nilro” I. ~.. .' 1.' , ', 3 '.
lot INCollins Dlstilet, b inr . hat. 3 t •
Lorimer's plan, on th e Pranksto r. -
feet, with hulld w. 7. lows
~. .... ...
UKrgell.FinWersTo Henry Dick.. :4 ,iidy;,,
lots 11, LI. 13 and 14 in Zeorge It. ioe j*iT
lots at Hazelwood, Peebles township, to,:,•; 1•4;
by 180 feet •
Wm alcconnell to Augustus Bane. June I lads: ty,•
lots In the Sub-division of McFarland's'G rove, biFj
log lot N0.',10, having a front of 30 feet and a 'IA
oft® feet. on East Liberty street
. George. George . E. Long to Edward Buck, June '.55, 1843: lo
In East Birmingham Borough, on the north side of .•
Jane street, W hy =feet lot
Wm. Jamey to John DoVer, Uctober 28, 1867: lot No.
: 19 In.Jancey`s plan In .Liberty. District.) on au al l i a3
20 by 84 feet
James U. Sampson to Margaret Craighead, Mayj W -
MG; lot In Elizabeth Borough at the cornen of •
Millbfrry alley and Fifth htreet. bytiO feet..sloo
James I. Bennett to . Priscilla Rogers., quit clatm
deed, July 13,1508; lot at the corner oft South 'axe- •
nue and School street, Allegheny, 25 by 191 feet.
Deed of Trust of John D. Grey to Heolge W. • Hall
mau. July 14. 1668; two lots In Peebles tenvitship,
-on the Braddock's . Fields plank road, with. build
ings - nominal
Quit claim deed of. Joseph Rigby to Christopher
Strie ,f June 30, 1t438.1 two lots in Shafer's plan,- on
-the Alleghenyand'Butler_plank road, being part
of lots Nos. 8 and 9, in Butlinston's estate $llOO
Brace B. Dickinson to. Thomas L. '4Voods. July 8,
1868; the one-fourth part of a tract • of land in East
Deer township, containing one hundred acres Moro
or less 41;n3
Mary Morley to Isaaellorley, July 2., 1863. lot on the
north side of Diamond street, littsburgh, 20 by 72
Mary Morley.4o Isaac Motley, Trustee. November
12, 1887; lots Nos. 38, Stand 40. to Mrs. W. W. Yet-.
tennan'a plan, on the south aide of - .Dlamend
street, Pittsburgh, each 20 by 72feet ' IMO
William Colema n to Framesw
B. Carson. ife. of
Joseph• Carson, July 10, 1868: , parcel of land in Lib
erty townthip, on the north side of the Pittsburgh
and'Grcensbarg turnpike. dentaln'ing use act - es -'
strict measure, with buildings .
A rude' Thompson to Joseph Mellen. July 11: 18•434 lot
in East Deer township, containing Ilftp,eyert.
acres dud fifty-two perches, with buildings, lke.
1 3454
Nancy Thomptm to Annie Thompson. July 1,
1, 1958; quit claim de 41 to the above described preper.ty.
John Seeger to Peter Aulbacb, June '27, 18tie: Man
borough of Ifirmlnghlm, un the west side of Cen
ter street, by SO feet
' I
Same day ten mortgages
filed of record.
Trkll of aNew Organ.
. .
The trial of the new organ built 1.),y
A. Pomplit of Baltimore, for the FArst . •
German Evkbgelical Lutheran' Ohtirck
High street, attracted to the place y;ester
day afternoon quite a large number of the
music-loving portion of the eavAmunity.
The organ, which is placed in 1 .- Ac
built across the frontof i pth chtArch, side 9
to be a very superior instrranent. It a
thirty-four feet in. height'
,Sourtoep . feet
wide and twelve feet deep.' built la the
Gothic style of architectur.e and has Thirty
full stops. The so' t o stoTos are very natu
ral' especially tHe drionht The feuto •
and violin atom seethe d N'Ciy si:)ft and me
lodious, and blpude , li in perfect hariscmy •
with the 'Oen; Pow'irful tones of tilt i ':pa
sous. The exterth l vork lrians bi p ci.::4 ;43 , 7
ea great care oil no part of tho hairdo;
and reflected err/tit on.his taste and ab
The instruluen' t , was manipulated Ly
H.' Kleber ant% several other experts us ri t g_
the fiat, wlf elh lasted about three;.;:( tths,
and seemed
.to meet the bignest cta
d •
ons of th purobotsersi We unders and
that this '.s the. twentv-seventb instrm ent
built by Mr. Pomplitz, and fudging rot
the law
/rabic opinion exptessed or . , it, AO
censir • ]y has made a reputation m th
vicinity in that / line of business.
.A.IThrST BF:121,10NT has beell again ri , setod
'to .he chairmanship of the National .}.::Es
tive Committee. It is with sincere pleasnici
teat we, announce the fact. In 181-1 Mi.
Belmont gave tis McClellan and the 'sin*,
render platform—last week he served Sey
mour and a , repudiation platform; ' and
should he be spared in 1872 will doubtless
present something equally offensiv6, and
'open for us an easy road to victory.
'This selectibn k however, secure, for another
teriii,to the Rothschilds the manipulation of,
the Detnocratic party. This does not con-'
cern us partiqularly, but it must be a
acing reflection• to Democrats who once vo- ,
ted under the leadership of .7ackson, and
,Benton, apd Douglas, to know that their
whole political organization is now, the
puppet of a bailltlng, house-:-an outside
peculation of the great house of the Roth
schildt, held inthe pocket t...f and managed
by their New. York correspondent, August •
Belmont, formerly of Europe, and now'resi.
dent in the United States.--Phit. Press. ,
HERE is but one way to acount for the
nominition of Frank P. Blair. c He was the
tublossed to the Southern whale. His name
was proposed by the Confederate General
Preston, seconded,.by land-pirate Hampton, i
and indorsed by Fort Pillow Forrest. ..A.
rebel soldier of, Alabama took pleasure" jn. • : '
cas roughting' the votet
'w of that State for him- ,
oig, it decidedlya Confederate 1
bloviation. The South, 418 per agreement,
had contributed its strength to swell the
chorus for Seymour; then it demanded: the ,
right' of naming the second place on the
ticket. This could not be denied, and the
consequence was "unfortunate" Blar.
Wilma the Democratic Convention was
cheering for Clirwe !tuft Johnston, the, cream
of tha party, 'WC martyrA who were, iinpri- r
soned during "'the war fOr treason, ivere
holding a side meeting, and, denouncing in
unmeasured language, "the President, who,
executes military law after declaring it uzi.
constitutional and the Chief ;intim who
drives victims of military usurpation away.
from his court." -- -
• '' Mullhlo Market. '''
littrrALQ, Ittly• 14.--Plotitquiet at 1.0,25
a 11,50 for western bakers. • t,Wheat,kiegleetr
ed. -- Torn quiet" and closed firm er;. sales
B,ooo' Inish whiteat 1 $ 1,01 S 1 , 0 9: - 46.•000 bud!
No. Ifivestern at 90197 e, and 8,000 bush No -
1 do. at 98e. Oats dulk.sal ( 3 3.23,500 bush at
74,340. • Other articles Unchanged'. Reeeip
—wheat, 10,000 btiali: mina. 95,000 bush:
oats, 13,000 bush. , Shi,Dments— T eorn i 70,000
bush; oats, 20,00 Q, bLudi. F'rgights, 14 ,4
on wheat, 11% - c on corn, 'and 7y,,0 on oats t,
New• York: -. ' A
St ~
, . ew ,
it?rfeans Blarket. ,
NetsPOrtriliwss, July 14.—Cotton quiet; ~
middling 3te; sales 50 bales; receipts 600
balos. Plthar steady;
,aoperfine 87,50a7,64
Corn 95e asl. •Oats - lfrin at 80e. hay teak
at $21a22. ' Pork.loN firm at $30,50. Buo
easy; shoulders 13,V y;
~alle; clear ,sides 17;
Ifor Be. Lard held at 18310 for tierce, and. At
kpg.- u !