MI RI 1 11 I :tpli-45(itqt....0a5M1,',".i mow it Peels to be Blown Up—A Mehl tt .• gan Local Editor's Expertence I! Most of. our readers will_ doubtless re 2,member the explosion of the steamer lilag ,`.e nolia on the Ohio river , some ten miles above . Viljtcinnati, in March last. Mention was , g mad atthe time of the supposed fatal in' juries, received by Charlea_B. Lewis, ("Em ,i_quad"); ex-local editor of tie Lansing q emocrat, who was on his *ay to accept a 2 sitnation'on the Maysville, (Ky.) Bulletin. Being now, after a lapse 'of more than three months, partially able to resume his duties, he thus writes up an account of his accident for the Jacksonian: d , -.4 Wyken I bought . my ticket I asked the 1 7- . clerk if the Magnolia was considered, a safe , boat. He looked at me with a half-sneering, half-pitying expression, and replied by - in -1 quiring if I had ever traveled much. "'Well, no—not above the average. . Zi, "'Then you'll learn something by-and -Ij'. by,' he continued. 'I - '! "I did. Was seated in the cabin, between an ex-Colonel of a Georgia regiment and a Cincinnati pork dealer, and we were all talking over the impeachment matter. My ./, fellow passengers soon became heated and angry. They were cursing Congress and the President across my head—each one as - he felt—and I was looking for a muss. ' Their angry talk soon collected a crowd. I i had just got up from my_chair to keep clear , of the coming fracas; when I heard a yell of 4 ' agony, and before you could have counted I three, up through the cabin, and almost un der our feet, came a huge, 'jagged mass of on. - . • "For an instant thereafter Iwas conscious \ . of erything going on.. I BE4 the cabin', roof . fted up, hard the angry hiss of steam, thek king of timbers, and a crf'rom the injure and 'frightened passenger that Will never forgotten. Then I was lifted frOm my, feet I felt an intense pain in the luic. - Of my head, and a biting, stinging sensation, over my entire belly. Sixteen days after wards I awoke in the Commercial hospi tal at Oil:mina:lad. I knew thatl was badly htirt - , -- but could not remember how or - when I ivas injured.i"As atterw ascertained, I was blown out of the cabin nto the' river. When the ' eXplosion occurred, the steamer was just rdlinding -the bend above California, hug giri,g pretty close the Ohio shore to avoid the heavy current. I must have taken a jump of at least two hundred feet, as I was pickedmirrelose to the shore. The sandy -, ors Were conveyed dottn to the city on a tug, and here comes the only joke' can dis cover in the whole affair. "From some cause or other, my face was turned to as deep . a black , as negro ever 'wore, and I was accordingly treated as one. A dead cart was, sent down from the hos jpital, and aide 'by side with two vvounded'• darkeys, lying on'a mattress, I was carried slip.. The mistake was not discovered until, the:surgeons_ commenced shaving the hair off to get at my broken skill. I. was sup ,k.posed, for the first two days, to be a deck ~ hand, but the telegrtun from my wife to the editor of the Enquirer, who came and hunt-, 't Od me up, soon set the matter' ight. ' ' 1 "On awakening in the hospital, I inquir= . el how badly I washurt. The only answer I received was to 'keep still.' Co iderhig. is that . I could move neither hand or foot, -I -" regarded this advice as entirely thrown away. But it did not take me long to find out that, first, there was an uncomf9rtble *air.hole' in the back . , of my head; second' the sight entirely gone from the_left optic and the skin peeled off my : face and ears; third that I had been 'steamed,' or rather cooked, from head to heels, including both v arms; and lastly that the doctors had just pulled me through a severe attack of pneu monia. Remained in the hospital twenty ; - nine days, and then concluded to go home: I Had not yet been able to leave my bed, but, t accompanied by my brother-in-law, C. H. Rulisob, Fig., who had nursed me ,from the third day, I made the journey. '* ; "Getting home—my friends had been looking to see me come in a coffin—my, wounds had all filled uto with 'proud flesh. This, of course, had to be burned out, driv ing me crazy:4er a night and a day, and compelling me to use a solution of blue vit riol twice a day for forty days. So you can - form a slight idea of the pain and suffering, and how much 'ye local' can endure' with out becoming 'dead matter.' "Now, after a lapse of almost one hun, dred daye, I find myself once • more about, lint condemned to wear the ; savage marki of the steam,-filind to my grave. A bald spot where the iron inisille crushed m skull, a 'piebald' eye, a face that resemblea' beet, and over my arias, body and-limbs are scars tkat resemblei great slices of fresh beef laid upon the skint, But after all, I am, yet , alive and getting ready to once more pur sue the 'ltemizing business ' which you know is - vastly better than being fished out of the Ohio some torpid day, - with no Coro ner. handy for an inquest.' . Fruit. We give the following extracts from an article • about: fruit in , a recent number of Chamber' a Journal' , I am not quite sure whether fruit is always .rought to us as it should be. Pears and apples no doubt bear careful carriage, and, however suddenly they may ripen at last, ,are often a long tame reaching theperfection of maturity,' even after they have been gath ered; but there is ffill essence which belongs to most fruit, and which begins to vanish the moment It is plucked. _Even the short transfer ',from the garden wall to the dish at dessert cannot be made without the loss of , some of that subtle flavor which is conveyed by the living stalk from the sun-fed tree. Fruit-should be eaten alive, like oysters. Thereis anedge to the taste of a fresh-open ed oyster, which comes,' I suppose, from the , surprise . he feels at-,being-suddenly scooped out of his shell. In a few minutes this gives • place, to a feeling of alarm, and then, in an hour or two, to one of despair.. When te Is laid out - with his brethren in .a dish, the whole fruit is toneless and sad. They inay:still taste of life. but it - is of in disappointed. -But the-fresh opened oyster has no time to grow feverish or melancholy. While a plumb, for example, hangs upon Its stalk, it is in some kind of magnetic cor reSpondeZce with all the powers of nature. Cut it ott, and in time it 'dies, -corrupt, un wholeiome; and every movement in its pro- , gress from life to death is marked by a de- , cadence of that essence which makes fruit delicious. Therefore, supposing that you pluck it ripe, the sooner a plum is , eaten the better for:you. • This of course applieritiost to tender, thin-skinned fruit. A firm apple dies' lowly.-, A nut holds out long against the 'debasing. influence of separation from its soured of liter But plumbs, figs, peaches, apricots, and strawberries begin to suffer directly after they are gathered:. This istha, case even with pines, which are susceptible , of bruises, but they contain such an appar ent surplusage Of 'flavor that the first stage's of therrilecay are not perceived except by :a cunning palate. I think the morning Is the best' time for fruit; lam not quite sure; though. The afternoonls good. But:I don't recommead, fruit with the dew on it. Let the fruit 'get its own breakfast beforey ou it yourself. It breakfasts on early,su shlneand dew. It takes these thingi in, an smiles upon itself and, the world, just'as you'do just ''t half an i'f MI EMT hour after a pleasant breakfast. Eat it ivlille it is in ` thls ` 2tamor, ' by no ' means in the raw and early morning; . thus you hai7e the young freshness and virgin flavor of the fruit. It has another character later in the day, when it ,is filled with sunshine; then I think it is sweeter. The Little iVoman. - Asa rule, the little women are brave. 'When the lymphatic giantess falls into a 4aint, or goes off into hysterics she storms,- or bustles about, or bolas on like a game terrier, according to the work on hand. She will fly at any man who annoys her, and bears herself as equal to the biggest and stronges t l fellow „of her acquaintance. In general i ji e does it all by sheer pluck, and is not notorious for subtlety or craft. Had Delilah peen a little woman, she would nev er have fundertiten to shear Samson's locks. She wonld have defied him with all his strength untouched on his head ; • and she would have overcome him, too. Judith and Jael wereboth probably large women. The work they went about; silemaniled a certain strengt , of muscle and toughness of sinew; bu 6 ' , • say that ;',Yezebel was not a 8.. , f.• A ed, auburn haired Lady Audley of, her hue, full of the consecrated fire, the electri force, the passionate recklessness of her typ • ? Regan and - Goneril might have been beautiful demons of the same pattern; we have the example of the Marchioness de Brinvillers as to what amount of spiritual (deviltry can exist with the face and manner of an angel direct from heaven; and per haps Cordelia was a tall,f dark haired girl, with a pair of brown eyes, and a long nose sloping downward. On the whole, then, the little women have the best of it. More petted than their bigger sisters, and infinitely more power ful, they have their own way, in part, be. cause it really does not seem worth while to contest a point with such little creatures. There is nothing that wounds a man's sell~. respect in any victory they may get or claim. Where there is absolute inequality •f--strength, there can be no hu miliation in the self-impesed defeat of the stronger; and, as- it is alWays \more pleasant to lame peace than war, and a s s big men for the most part rather like than 0 - to put their necks ender the tread of tin4feet, the little woman goes onlier way triumphant to the end, breaking all the laws she does not like, and throwing down all the barriers that impede her progress per. irresistible and irrepressible in all cir cumstances and under any conditions.— Beerday Review. Willow Ware. - - t. It is a surprising fact that upward of five thousand different articles in common use are manufactured of the ordinary willow. The American ivillow is probably as good as the - German and French varieties for all practical purposes, but an insufficient quan tity of it is grown, and hence we depend chiefly on the foreign supply. The French are famous for the production of "fancy" articles in willow ware, but the Germans,. and especially the Bavariana, excel in the general excellence of the work of this kind. They devise allsorts of useful contrivances and display nitiqlr ingenuity in inventing cu rious articles which, are, of no particular utility, but serve to adorn spare corners of apartments, or to pique curioatty as to the purposes for which they are intended. '' In Bavaria, fathers hand down their know ledge of this art to their sons, mid when the sons becoine fathers, their progeny follow the same line of business. Willow work ing is 'a family affair, and , long practice makes perfect. Expert and nimble fingers are required, to split and weave the little willow wands into so many shapes as these faeile people produce. , From the tiny toy basket, scarcely bigger than a lady's thim ble, but complete in all its parts, which is, to go to the child's nursury, up to the pon derous hamper with the capacity of bushels there is a wide leap—but the Bavarian worker knows how and :v hen 'and Nihere to stick his awl, and thread in the willow in and 'out. Some of his work is so fairy that m:.breath blows them:away; another piece is strong enough to hold a heavy - man, with no danger that he will break the plaited straws. In this country heavy wil low-work is chiefly produced—such as clothes-baskets, children's chairs and wagons, market baskets and the like, and the blind excel in *his industry. Some very neat and pretty patterns are made in the Shaker - settlements.. On the banks of the Connecticut river large supplies of willow are obtained, of, a quality unsurpassed by those of any- other pan of the globe., BISMARCK'S disease is riot inflammation of the epigastriumots was reported by all the German papers and correspondents, but consumption of the spinal chord. He can live yet a good many years, but must no longer indulge in long-continued mental work. IT is bellevedin Berlin that if Bismarck's health should not improve very, soon, the Bing of Prussia will accept his resignation, find appoint old General Moltke Mintster of Foreign Affairs. The old General, it is be lieved, - would be perfectly equal to the diffi cult task. SPECIAL NOTICES faS"PHALONiS "PAPEELAR LOT/01% FOR. BEAIITIFYING . THE SKIN AND eO3l - Removes all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, - Moth Blotches. Tan, , etc., and rendetelthe Skin soit fair and blooming. For Ladles in hb Nursery It is invaluable. For Gentlemen. r shaving, It has no equal. "PAFIILAN LOTIO is the only reliable remedy.for diseases and ble - Miles of tke akin. . . • rizeLows ..nuratear SOAP", For the Toilet,. Nursery and /loth; wi ll not chap the skin. Free, NIS cents per cake. . • “FLAB' DD suyo,” A new Perfnme.for the Handkerchief. Excl. delicate; lasttug fragrance. ' Sold by all Drugs PHALOX dr,SON New To; 'jetrfkliwr IGF`IIATCHELOWS` HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye Is the beat in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the effects of bad dyes, invigo rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. bksek or brow*. Sold by all Druggists and Perfuntere; and properly applied 'at. Batchelor's Wig Factory, No. 18 Bond street. New York. ittas:pm TO KiIiBILA44E.-- oung Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Con jug al Felicity. The humane views of benev olent l'l4s clans, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early-Manhood, sent In sealed letter epv_elopes, free of charge. A ddvess HOWARD As thootAnolsr. Box P.. Phlladella. Pa.* inylB:436T FELD fit. CO., • I DEAL IN • 43LUE, ctrraxico - TATR, Tanners' Scraps, * Cartons, Cattle BONES, NEAT'S FOOT OIL' &C. . • • °dice and Wanalionse, id . 333 LIBERTY ST, ad doof frau:Mayne,' r xwr PITTSBURGH, PA. . ib A N II 0 0 D.”—Another , New i..a XELPiCA.L I front the pen oqf -11 n, young. The Ales feat Times sayA of thismots: ! nal valuable treatise on the cause and cure of .- prematnro,wolinv, shows :how health Is Impaired tbronab secret atases'of youth and manhood. and -how easily mealned: It , skived a' clear synopsla of the impediments to marriage, the rause and effects of nervous debility,e nd the remedies therefor. A rocket editloo of the above will:be to warded on. map' of Ma •..,tamps by addressing , Doctor CUB, MO; No. 58 North C harles ntreete Baltimore, Md. riyuai . - PITTSIIURGII GAZETTE : IMSCELLANEOUS. 640 MILES UNION PACIFIC lIAILROAD Are now finished and in operation. Sixty miles of track hive been laid this spring, and the work along the whole line between the. Atlantic and Pacific States is being pushed' forw& more rapidly than ev . 93 before. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and It is not impossible that the entire track, from Omaha to Sae - ramento, will be finished In 1868 Instead of 1879. .The means provided are ample,. and ail that energy, men and money can do to sectire the completion of thia . CREAT NATIONAL WORK, At the earliert p:cable day, will be done. The 'UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY receive: /.—"A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right of way. and all necessary timber and other materials • found along the line of Its operations. • GOVERNMENT GRANT of 12,800 sires of land to the mlle,•'taken In alternate sections on each side of its road. This la on'absolute do nation, and will be a source of large revenue in the future. . Ill.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of United States Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from $16,000 to $48,000 per mile, according to the difficul ties to be sirrmixtued on the various sections to be built. The Government takes a second mort gage u security, and it la expected that not only the interest. but the principal amount may..be paid in services rendered by the Company in transporting troops, malls, ac. The interest is now much more than paid In this way, besides securing a great saving in tide and money to the Government. IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to . aid in budding the road, to the same amount as the U. S. Bonds, Issued for the same purpose, and no more. The Government permits the Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only as the road is completed, and after It has been examin ed by United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be in all respects a first-class Rail , road, laid with a heavv VT rail, and completely supplied with' depots, stations; turnouts, car shops, locomotives; cars, &c. V.-A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from -the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT LION DOLLARS have been paid upon the = work already done, and Which will be Increased as tke wants of the Company require. VI.--NET CASH EARNINGS en its Way Ihmthese, that, already amount to MORE THAN THE IN TEREST' on the First Mortgage }hinds. These ,earninge are no indication of the vast , through_ business that must follow the opening of the line to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that FIRST -MORTGAGE -BONDS • . upon such a pioperty, costitig nearly three times their amount, ARE SECIIRE'REYtiND ANY CONTINGENCY: The* Company have, aonndant means their treasury, and make no appeal to the Public to pur chase their Bonds, as the daily suhsirlpthins are en tirely satisfactory; but they 'submit that, for entire secuiltyand liberal returns, there is certainly -tie better investment in the market. The Union Peellic &Ede are for $l,OOO each, and have coupons attached: They have thirty years to run. and, bear annhal interest, payable on.the first days of January and July, at the CompanY's Unice in the City of New York, at the rate of „Aix. per cent. in gold. The Principal, is payable - In gbld at matu rity. The price is 102. At the present rate of gold, these bonds pay an annual' income en their cost of NEARLY NINE PERiCENT. The Company reserve the right to advance the price of their bonds to a rate above par at any time, and will not 1111 any orders or receive any/subscrip tions on which the money has not been ac unity paid at the Company's ofece before 'the tin e of such advance. • Parties subscribing will remit the par value of the bonds. and the accrued Interest ID currency at - ' the rate orsln per cent. 'pet = annum, from the date on which the last coupon waS‘paid..Subscaptiona be received In Pittsburgh-by JAMBS Y. BRADY & Co., conker of Wood - and Fourth Streets; HART, CAIIGHEY & Co., corner of Wood and Third tatreeta; S. McCLEAN & CO., 75 Fotirth Street; MERTZ, corner sth and Wood Sts ROBINSON BROS., IS Fourth street; AND IN NCIV YORE , • At the Company's °Mee, No. 20 Nassnats Street, and by JOHN J. CISCO 5r,. SON, Rankers, No. 50 Wall ,Street, and by, the Company's advertised agents throughout the United States. . . . HamittanFes ishoula be made In drafts or other Hinds par In New. York, and the Bonds will be sent tree of charge by return exprest. Parties sub scribing throUgh local agents, will look to them for te %bele safe delivery. i _ ( A PAMPHLET AND M.' —AP FOR ISGS has past been publibhed by,the Company, giving fuller in formation than lepossible in an advertisement, re .specting the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices, or to any of the advertised agents. 4 JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, IMP • IiEW YORK BIAECTIC SIMMER CORDING, An infallible rOmedfor Sundaes Complaint, Diar rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour Stomach and Cholera ➢iorbua. 1111.:11111BIS' tRIMP. CRIE, , . A specific for,Cholera, Cramps and Pain in the Stomach.. for sale by HARRIS & Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR J. - SOHOONNAKIIt & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, _ - . DIFCOIPS VERDITER GREEN , •i, . . The only green paint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It wlii look better,.last longer and give 120 re perfect satisfaction , than any paint In the market. T 1 FARMER* THE BAY RAKE' 6 IIrELCONE. ” PATENTED 1888 AND 11587. Isthe best Rake made. It will rake heavier hay, tarry it farther, load and unload itself easier than inylother rake. it Is self-operating; a child 8 sears old' can do the work of a full hand. Hundreds of certificates conldim given, one of which is below: •r' '.liinelin, - Erle CO., Pa. July 5. 1867. have Used the Welcome 'Hay 'Hake. manufac tured by W. W. Wallace, Pittsburgh Pa.,and rec ommend It to farmers. It Is good. In light nd heavy bayt is eas} on man and horse; lea ,complete glean zof gram and atubol.; is si mple,' in construction d easily kept In order. _ . OSE JPH ARBUCKLE. n : All orders directed to 319 Liberty street, Pitts burgh, Pa.. or at 'the worka In Columbian,' Ohio promptly attended to. Bold wholesale and retail t 4 , W. W. WALLACE . Send orders In early, as supply Is abort. • BAKERY you MILE, . WITH OR WITHOUT THE pIickPEETY; Or would rent for a term of your,. x nq ' t di e . at , N 0.40 Palo .A r itc• iit., AU9glieni .spzo-rwir OF THE - NONDAY, JULY 13, 1868 'LIQUORS, &C PITTSBURGII.-111PORTING: HOUSE.. . • EST I A.2IIBIIED 1830. • • •- . . SCHMIDT & FRIDAY ; • • - • IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN • . WINES AND LIQUORS, • No. 409 Penn Street, Pittsbur g h, Would direct the atte Mon of the public to the fact that, po Begging supe sor fucilitles,through several large Wine and Lig or Houses in Europe, and imaklust their impor tions direct, they are enabled Ito offeethe various rades of choiceIWINES AND LIQUORS at prices else than Eastern rites. Ez aminations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD EYE WHIR- HEY constantly on hand. .vvrivmos. CLARET,. WHITE AND SPARKLING, CLARET. Chateau Latltte, I Medoc. Inhateau Margaux, I Margaux, Chateau La Hose, st. Jacques, St. Julien, Panillne. • . WIIITM WINES ' 1 At. Sauternes, I Chateau Laterßlanche 1 Chateau Suuterns. } Chateau Yqu l m. I I - 10C1C NINES. Laubenheimer, 1 Nursteln, i 'lodine tm. SPARKLING WINES. Mo'nel Muse - Mel, I Scharzburg, Hochheimees superior quality. I CHA3fI'AGNE, • 3ioet & Chandon, Ohamt;ertine, Imperial,'Epernay. Vernezay, • —and other-brands. Also, a large assortment 2f BRANDIES, WHIS KIES and WINES, of all descriptions, constantly on hand, at •• • • • WM. MILLER'S , (LATE MILLER & RICKETESON,) 221 and 228 Liberty 'Street, :Pittaburgh. )01:02 JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO, so.. 185, 187,199, 191, 193 and 195, rMST STREET, PITTSBUR.GH, areiTurecTuusas OF Copper Distilled Pure Eye Whiskey. ' Also, dealers In FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS, HOPS, do. mh.2B.nsa SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR . JOE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. Jt B. BARRIS' SAFETYFIBE J ACKET, Car Heater and. Modeniter ) For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger or BaggageVare, with the attachment to. graduate the heat to any temperature That may be desired without the possibility of 'firing the car or oars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which Is warranted to resist the most Intense heat that may be- aslpiled to it in the position and purpose for which it is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by Ore, origi wiling from defective dues, or where iron pipes are need, as conduct-me for smoke or heat. It is appil plicable to all piping that may become overheated, and is warranted to glee perfect satisfaction where, wood or other cembustible material may be placed in eiose.proxtmity thereto. I am now ready to ap-, ply my invention to stores, dwellings, facterles, slaps, stvambo:.(q, railroad ears, &c., wherever pipes it. conductors ~ e re made dangerous . by being overheated and security desised. !will sell, on ap plication, rights to lanufacture or to use the above invention; also, te itortr.l rights, to such as may wish to engage In g priveges, either by State or county. J. B. HARRIS. garonice at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS.," corner Of Morris StMe.t and the Alleghe ny Valley Itallroad,,Ninth Wardi,Pitteburgh, Pa. feftS:alti Willi. MILLER, Elute Miner & Ricketson, Nos. .221 AND 223, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Low Figures: 130 pits. of NEW MACKEREL. In . barrels, ha yes, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HYSON,I JAPAN - and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. - 2 5 hbls. cholte CAROLINA RICE. , 75 Ws. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bbis. Sk RCP, choice brands. 100 buts. N. 0. M OLASSES. • 30 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 200 Ws. REFINED SUGAR. 73 hhda. MIT° RICO. CUBA and DEItA.- ItARA. SUGARS. MOO bags RIO COFFEE. 10 0 cbaasges J MAVORTEDAGUAYE.ACOFFEES. 250 eases MOIST C CHARDON'S CRAM + PAG NE WINES. SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER con stantiy pn hand. • HOLMIES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, Rxr , rsin:rl a. Manufaatut en of 13MAVY, EEDIVM and LIGHT ANCHOR AND ALAGNOLIA SHEETINGS AND BATTING WILL. S. TAYLOR., • • PAINTER No.. 45 OHIO. STREET' Ailegllen3r. Thankitd for the former very liberal Patronage be stowed upon me, I assure my friends and the public generally that, In the lutare as in the past, I shall endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of the same, and will be always at the shop from 7-to 9 a.. Is. and from 1 to 3 my2l:ql4 pERCEVAL BECKETT, , IGEONANIOAL ENGINEER. (Latent P. F. W. 10. Railway.) - Office, No. 70 FEDERAL STREET Room No. 0, up stairs. P. O. /lox 50, ALLEGHENY CITY. iiACHINERY, of all descriptions,designed. BLAST FURNACE amtROLLINGHILL DRAW INGS furnished. Partieular attention paid to de signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES.. Patents eon- Ildentii_dly_ solicited. Sir An EVENING DRA.W. ING CLASS Ibr mechanics every WEDNESDAY NIGHT. - apl:naa TO TRAVELLERS. • • A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TRAVELLING SACKS; • Warranted Genuine Turkey Morocco. For sale by C. YEAGER, jyaisSO • No. 110 Market street.: N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS' • Proposals will be received until JULY MITE; for building Irwin Station Scheid, Soo, 0. Plans and specilicatiOns can be seen o applica• Hon to STEPUEBT RIDINORR; Jr: Irwin Station, June 27, IgBB. Lje30:615, 1 TOHN PECS, ' Ornamental Halt HAIR WORKER` AND PERFUMER, No. 133 hlrd street. near Smithfield, -Pittsburgh.; Always on hand,aeneral assortment of Ladle's' WIRS.NANDR, BlM&S;Atintlemaros.WlGlAos PEES SCALPS, igIARD cliAINd, BRACE &a. BAS t A good Price LA mum wci be Wen re Ladles` , And; eentletneut. JIM: :Otatind ‘ donel•I i the neatest manner. , • lntagn°‘ ItE CIDER VINEGAR —lO ~ b blo. eztra,nriality Cider Vinegar, for trickling and table use, Just retelved and ' for sale. whdltnale and retail, RENSHAW, gig •t 1 ruitier - Litrerty And Limulll:reets,, ME Fire insuranc e Ompany, OF. PITTSBURGH. _ Office, No. 42 .Fifth St, Second poor, OVER REINEILLN, METRAN & SEEDLE'S . JEWELRY STORE. Robert C. Behntertz,. Charles Meyran, • Win. F.. Lang, Wm. Carr, Peter Kell, A. Stelnmuyer, CRAB. METRAN, Trqnsttrer C. F. HERHOSEE, Secretary The above Company is now fully organized, and prepared.ta take FIRE RIt3KB. Rf careful atten tion to business, prudence and fair dealing., this Company will endeavor to merit a liberal share of the patronage ofthe community. Roue BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OP ALLEGHENY, PA. Office In Frank'lit Sayings Bank Buildings, No. 4.3 Ohio St., Alielialen'S'• HOMEA COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN GEO. D. RIDDLE 11 ' DIRECTOR& 1 Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwig, Geo. B. Riddle. Jacob Franz, Gottleib Pass, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. H. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston , Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zlnkand, Jeremiah Kohen. aplihoM N ATIONAL INSURANCE CO 01' THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. Office. in ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BIJLLUING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President. JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. L ' DIRWT0118: A. H. EnAllah, o.H.P.Williams Jno. Thompson, duo. A. Myler,,fas, Lockhart, Jos. Myers, Jas. L. Grahan,Robt, Lea, C. C. Boyle, I Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, Jacob KODP. mhZ: . lyti - ERN INSURANCE COM- P NY OF PITTSBURGH. ' L ' . ANDER NIMICH, President. WM. I P. HERBERT, Secretary. 1:4 CAP . GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 2 Water street, Sliming £ Co.'s Ware. house, IL stairs, Pittsburgh. Will ih_ure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, ancL.who are determined by promptness and liberality to maim lain the character which they have assumed, as of. lering the best-lirhteetion to those who desire to be insured.- - - - Dim:crone: A4exander Ninitek, Joan B. McCune; B. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke,. James MeAuleY. William S. Drams: . Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpahrior. Andrew Acklen, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D Ihmsen. not! pENNSYLVAPJU. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, No. 167,4 WOOD STREET, BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING. This Is a Rome Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELHENT. Secretary. DLICECTORI3: George Wlllloll, Geo. - W. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Fleiner • • John Voegtley, A. Ammon. REHM Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah Sing Jas. H. Hopi:las; Henry proal, ..11T AGAINST LOSS BY, FIRE. I" FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, ' OFFICE, L-35 & , 137 CHESTNUT ST., NEAR 5Tn. . DIII=TORS. Charles Boucher, Mordecai H. Zonis; ZAMA Wagner, • • Dsvid S. Brown,. Samuel ran t, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, 'Edward O. Dale, Feorge W. Richards, George roles. CHARLES G. BAN 'KER, President. EDW. C. DALE,I . Vice President. STELE.becretary,pro tern. J. GARDNER COFFTN, Anus?, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mhZ:wls, ALLEGMENY INSURANCE.COMm PANT OF P/TTSIIIIRCHI. OFFICE. No. 37 EIFTH STREET, SANE BLocot Insures igtd.nst all kinds of Fire and Marine Basks, JOHN I.BWEV, Jr.., President. JOHN D. MOOED, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary." OAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. D.In.LCTOES: Crpt. Win. Dean, B. L. Pihnesteclt, W. H. Everson. . Robert M. Davis, • Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, Jr., Johri D. McCord, C. G. Hassey, Harvoy_Chtlds, T. J. Floskinsan, Charles Hays, PEOPLES' INSURANCEcom. OFFICE, N. E.+ MILNER WOOD ai MTH M. A Home Ooaimiy, taking Fire end Marine Blake Wm. PhiLtip.s, Jan Watt,. John E. Parks. Capt . James Mkt, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner WM. PHILLiPS. JOB - 14 WATT. Vise W.F. CrARDNER. I Cfrr. JAS. DODD( PIANOS. OROANSAO. BTHE BEST AND',; CHEAP. .A., EB2PIANO'AND ORGAN. / , SsehOnikekeefi. Gold. jlkdal , Piano, AND, COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCEOMACKER 'PIANO cOnitithell all the latest valuable Improvements known In-the con: struction of a.ilist class instrument, and has always been awarded _the ,highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone Is fiat,orous and sweet. The workmanship, for darabil and beauty , surpass all others. Prices from ItS o $l5O, (according to style and dnish,l cheaper an all. other 80-Red I first class Plano. - ESTEDEVOOTT - AriE ORGAN - Stands at the head of all reed instrumettte, In_Prir ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It is elm,. pie and compact in comitruction, and 'riot liable to get out at order. CARPENTER'S* PATENT "'VOX HUMANE' TREMOLO". Is only to be found in this Organ. Price from 8/99 to g 559. All, guaranteed for lye BARR, I:RA.IM & turrnin, mno - :No. 19 ST. CLAIR STREET/ sECOPii)11411111) MitODEONS AND ORGANS, he perflzetorder, from 333 to 3130. • - , OHAILLOTTZ 43 Finn at.. 2d door above Wood. BZILTAWN SINGEBLY ' PEULIP CLEM SINGERLY & CLEIS, Successors , tooxo. F. Bcatrouum% & Co.. PRACTICAL . LITHOOB.A.PILEREL The only Steam Lithographic Establishicent West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labeit,'Circulars;. Show Cards, -Diplomas, -,Portraits. Vlows,Ceraticates of Depodts t . Invita tion Cards, Am., NOG, 7A and 74 Ulm street. •Plttsbutah., •'• • • CARPENTERS :& BtTILDERS. .44AA.1 1 .• 13 ./C* , . ' CARPENTERAI4'D BUILDER , lqb. 4 371rPzmislimAins. AvENrE, pypwite Hight street, lutoburgh,. P&, _ Usaldeace, .do, Mg ginan.t,"street. • " Jobbing Aono twlth •neatness and=h.' All Arden promptly attended to, and Brie hnuinwory. ME INSURANCE. Ma=EMM DIRECTORS Louis Morgenstern, Joseph Abel. " Adolph Krebs, Ch. blebert • C. J. Schultz, Martin Keyl. ROBERT C. SCHMERTZ; Preen. MOROANSTERN, Vice. Preen. DIELECFORI3: . Capt. John. L. Pleads, Samuell'..Shriver, • Charles Arbuckle, • Tared M.,Brush, •Wm. Lang, Samuel idcOrickart resident. e President. Secretary. • 'IN. General Agent. LITHOGRAPHERS. - , AAc. , - * 4 - _ _ "' Azigrit'4l',.X.kl,P4,4:lo-,-T4n CRACKER BAKERIES. 'STtADI CIIACKIi• BAKERY, Fniil Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT TOM, and are superior to any baked by hot air or any other process.. MA: Art D ARE SUPERIOR TO • ANY OTHERS 'OFFERED IN TIS CITY. WINE, BOSTON, SODA,_ CREAM, FRENCH. WAT NGM'Ergri&IL SUGAR and °BACA. For -Sale by Every Grocer in the GUY. . Bakery, 110. 91 Liberty St. Jeb:ral BUSINESS CHANGES. O .-P A R TNERSHIP. _ We have admitted WILL. P. 'DILWORTH as a partner with us in the wholesale Grocery „Business, on the Ist Inst. • J: - S. DlLWOlerli & CO., 130 and 132 SECOND ST., Pittsburgii. JULY OTH, 1868. M:877 CO -PARTNERSHIP .- THE UN. DERSIGNED have this day associated them selves together under the firm name of PICILEILSOICt, LYONS & For the purpose of earlng on the WHOLESALE LOOKING GLASS BU SINESS, at No- 6 Wood St. W PICKERSOILL,' Jr., JAMES LYONS, H. W. SACKETT, OLIVER WU-BAIL. Ist, 1868. jylo:s97 -.Preshiema., Pittsbur. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PART NERSHIP.—The Partnerthip heretofore ex isting under the style of SAMUEVELASTINGS & CO, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent,: DAVID EWING withdrawlng from the firm. The:business will be carried on as usual; under the old name of S. HASTINGS & CO., Carpenters and Builders, corner of--West street and North Avenue. The busi ness of jlie old firm wilt be settled by_ghe under signed. SAMUEL HASTINGS,. DAVID HASTINGS. ;lliny, July 6th, 1668._ I jyB:s9l EMI , . IVOILICE. The u g from has a o Late d r. in business, dndersi tin April ss ls e t, 1468, M AL FRED S. WALL. his son ASA S. GILLISPIE mud LOUIS ENGLERT. The style of the tirm ta be J. J. GILLESPIE & CO. J. J. GILLESPIE. Referring to the above. Ate 'undersigned ake pleasure in stating that they will continue the LOOKING GLASS AND. PICTURE BUSINESS, At 66 Wood street, w.here they intend to offer in ducements to purchisers - second to no house in the United States. . J. J. MLLE SPEC & CO. my9:p9B II :ii •:4 OM ;11 [Co VCO of=tni DISTRICT COURT •OF THE lINIZED SPATES.'for the 'Western District or Pennsylvania. Dr Balvanuprar. West4rn District of Pennalacanics, ss _ . A Warrant in Bankruptcy' has been Wind by Said Court against the Estate of JAMES D. DRAW, of :the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva nia, In said District, adjudged a bankrupt upon petition of his creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property beronging to ssid bankrupt, to hini. or fur his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law.. A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more As signees of, his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Pittsburgh, in said i , District, on the 6th day of Ang st, A. U. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. at., at the oftr,ce f SAMUEL, HA R PER, Esq., No. 93 Diamond s eet, one of the Re gisters inf•Bankruptey of said 'strict. _. 5 : . THOM,AS.A. ROWLEY,: 11. S. Marshal for said District. . jy10:05 • NVESTERN - DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA.,:SS. . . At Pittsburgh. the 22d day of, June. A. D.. 1.262. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his- ap pointment as Assignee of JOSEPH It; MEEK, of Pittsburgh, in the county of Ailegneny and State of-Pon nsylcaoia, within said district; who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said di - strict. JOHN H. BAILEY Assignee, jirS42 Attorney-at-law, 89 Grant street. IN THE COURT OF . COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pa. At • No. --, June Tenn, 1868. In the matter of the ap plication for a'l Charter Of Incorporation of the "German Catholic St. Franciscus Beneficial Society (Hospital) of Pittsburgh." '• And now to wit, May 23, 1868, the petition of the donors of said Hospital, the Articles of Assoelatlon and Instrument of writing, &c., under which they bropose to be incorpomted,• being presented to the Court, and the objects, articles and conditions there 'ln set forth appearing to be lawful, &c., on motion of JOEIN-BARTo:sf, Attorney for the Petitioners, it is ordered that said Instrument 'of 'writing be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of said• Court, and that notice of said appliCation be inserted An the Pittebtirgh Gazette for ht least three weeks, setting forth that Said *application has been 'made to said Coast to grant said Charter, and that the same wlli Desranted at the next term of said. Court, unless exceptions are filed In proper time. Certifiedltom the Record. • • , • VA:e6O-st JACOB H. WALTER, Prettify. ' , - N'O'rlCE.—Lefters,Testamentary having been granted me. n the. ESTATE or , MARY ,F.A.NCiId_EYER, deceased, an persons hay ing claims againat her estate will prtaent them - to Me, duly authenticated, and all persons owing - aald estate will make.payment to me or my attorney, k JOHN W. TAYWE., No. 73 Grant street.. - ' ' • • _ " .CWRISTOF FANGIdtuYER. July Ed,18813.' . • • -jyanat GLASS, 9.111 NA, OUTLERVtr A GLASS AND • C HIN QUEENSWARE, Ei sum= PLATED WARE, 4 PARIAN STATTIRTTES, 8 BOHEMIAN GELABs t end f ot egTA r lZ ie A t l y i . D FANCY • 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD R. BREED & CO DYER AND SCOURER, li e J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. rro. a BT. G r.stsa suriix. And Nos. 136 and 137: Oda ,E3reet, MTSBUEGH, re. = MIRCHANT TAILORI3. ~~xa~r`'u~~s=': 1 • ,-/KAIWUANT VAPOORt No:to miff EL4ELti ptitEßT, Pittebuitt, Ps. coziit'intarau band,-s talliumortaseAti!63:*23. "simarrsol3TENClN ';` • - apace 317 Liberty Street:Z.-- sir ,TRY VMS LEGAL. 100 WOOD BT' 100 WOOD BTREIM. Ei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers