II II H NOTIOS11—••Tb 144" "Pb' Sale," "Lost,' . %11Sessuos .s.jpbundot . 4 Boanetegge,” olke. t , set is. eloolielie POOR LIARS each soi/1 be tneeriedin etiitsinse Mx for rwEsrr-rlvs own; each aditatimat Use ME 0.6 P p3.' ' W wAirrED-ArrvATioN,A sit pation as CLERK, or Assistant in a store. ;by *young matt who is not afraid to make himself useful. Address B, GAZiLTTIC OFFICE. I IM WANTED---HELP. Li WANTED—GIILL.--A good girl, „, iraut gr general housework, In a femby of three, wit be 1. !limit lona and clean In her t, wOre• GOod t r Aellhiatr i &l , ok Apply t*' ditY, at 1.4 A WA” Ird4 Hofleha and a family tree CLIFF STItItET. neat. for general housewort, ls wanted at 30 Tit bring recommendations. WANTED--HELP-,At Employ. tnetitolll4.e. No. W , St. Clair 'Street, BOYS, GANGS and USX, for-different kinds of employ theist. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be SUbplied on short notice. ' 19VrANTED-ROLLING MILL • v v MEN.—At the GLOBE ROLLING MILL, Cincinnati, Ohio, one Orrt-elate , ROLL TURNER; for e on - goodhL eALL MILL HEATER ROUGHER, mall Iron.. WANTED--SALESMAN.—To so llclt orders for a celebrated PICTURE, that Is selling rapidly. Address B. R., Box G, this office, ti ring reference and salary wanted. '11)19r A RTE D-11BLACILSIMITHr-A good BLACES I MITH. that understands b 'business, will receive good wages and steady em „1 5 ployment. None but a good workman need apply to JOHN GRAHAM, Temperanenville, Pa. WANTED---BOAII,DERB. _ NK• AIVTED—BOARDEIIB.;;--.&-gett „, tleman and Wife, or two single gentlemen, , put _ _ accommodated wlth•first class boarding at e. No. 18 WYLIE STREET:: Room is a front one,en .. second door, mad (Vella out On balcony. '‘Np ANTEIN- - BOARD.-- IDestrable - v boani fora small family without children, In 0 a pleasant location on' Penn !Meet, may be had by 7: addressing H. W. W., Postothea Box 570. VNIALPirrEla=- 110ARDERS. , 7 •Good • • - board, _Etta' front rooms, with gat can be r 'Mired at $5.130 per week. Day_boarding: $3.50. rt. - For eingle gentleman. At 45 LTBERTY STREET. Y tj VrANTED-11 OA. - tlemen boarders can be accommodated with 8 g'01) board and lodging at No. 515 FERRY Sr. it/ 43-0 6M!tle)aN4ii= lair ANTE D=AGENTS-Fik %y v Na- TIONAL CAMPAIGN 000DS.—Sx10 Meet Zugravings of GRANT and COL ord e r s ith one ith. pj 4 Vat frames. Ono agent took 00In day. Also, National Campaign Biographies of both. 515 cents. Pins, Badges. Medals and Photos for Dem ocrata and Republicans. Agents make 100 per ci. Olilatuple packages sent post-paid fir $l. Send at . once and get the start.' I Address outiDSPERD & 00.. 37 Park /tow. N. Y.. or Chicago. 111. IarANTED---AGENT S.—Several good Agents wanted to Sell a patent die- Covery. Address PATENT,. thu s office, with name, r „residence and references. r •• . • : 3 FA.NTEp-AGENT. - -As Tray +. . ELING AGN,NT, a man well abfinainted -Z-i th tee Queemsware and Glass business. None other need apply. ; Address PP O. Lock Box 197. t Communications onfidential. Ti WANTS. liIITABITEIII-1100M11.—On second A door, two tinfarnished lodging ROOMS. for a small family, within -three squares of the Post al (Nice. Address L. J. L.. Box A, GAZETTE OFFICE.' 4 'V IVA T 0 L ILiE C T AV. , — Having employed several experlenced men, insyrant parties wbo wish to have their July bids ??, collected and settled in a business way to call on at. ie. All accounts left with us will receive prompt anew , atton. We can give the best of references as to tiz• MAR V, character and beldame! habits. REED A TUSTIN,II37 Grant street. LOST. .-, 1 1 1 1 AAT-WATCII-$25 REWARD. 4: , —Chi Friday, July 3d. between McKeesport . p an Mlttsburgh, on the Morning Express Train of ' .:' theConnellsville Railroad, due In Pittsburgh at 10 i o'itk A. N., a LADY , RUOLD HUNTING CASE W TCH. for which the above rewav4 will be pal 4 ' ... at , 18 OFFICE. . t , .. —, -, 1081 1 .-41 n the iStb.-of.Ji nte, in 1 'Allegheny, a pair of GOLD SPECTAcLES. .. e tinder will confer a great favor and receive the A--Ilutilka of the owner by - leaving them at the Dl§- 4 PATCH or GAZETTE OFFICE. 7--.13*3-- POR RENT. 10! - LET-13.0011113.----Two coot imuiteating 8.001d143,,_ No. Babcock street at No. PM. ta,AIII STK fr.t..T. TLET*IIIIOUSE..---A new' two AL. story brie & dwelling HOUSE, just finished six rooms: mbar and yard, No. 7.7 Chatham pt B. CUTHBERT & BONS, 85 binithdeld street.' ..si MO LET—RESIDENCE.-04 the • 1: COmmOns, in the cleanliest, .healthi4st and . ... most., desirable part of Allegheny City, 'a three , story Brick House, with salt modern improve -2!- meats, in lint class order; large lot. with stable In kear. A part or .the entire lurnishment of ~ the, house, which is new, will be' sold if de•ired. • 0 Address, - with full' came, LUCK BOX 36k, Pitts ' bufkh. iii 1 Ler-L-STORE ROOM j .13111 r DWELLING.—BANE { CHANCE.—The Store ) Pr m 160 ler t deept and`Dwelling House at present occupied by T. 41. Klages. Jeweller, locited at Nu. 89 VEDERAL STEN ta, Allegheny, will be rented on Savorable terms. There are nine large and well Ih ged rooms— th ree on each of second; third and f doors. Gas and water throughout the house. p glass in store windows. - .Possession will be gi pon August Ist. Apply toC. WATTLY. two dollors below. • LETL-THE • STORE • ROOM, No. 160 Ohio avenue, with dwelling above-of with water, gas and bath. Store room lit- In the Mat manner with plated glass show wi dowa and Iron' front. Inquire at once of FRA BROS., Ohio avenue and Bedgwiek_street. LET—HOUSE.--A three-story BRICK HOUSE, situated in a desirable street In legheny City, together with furniture will be ted on moderate terms. For Dartleulszeiuldress B. ...Box B, ZETTE OFFICE. 0 LET-STORE-ROOD No. 72 WYLIE STREET. Is . now ready for °coups,- ton Is farty-tive feet In depth, sky-light back: French plate glass front, fiarpavement, and every thing elegant and convenient. '" I FOR SALE . _ OU SALE—H 011 S E.-41 com- J fortable SUBURBAN REKDENCE, with 2 acres of ground, beautifully situated, ls offered for sate. Inquire of OEOE UE,I3. SWARTZ, No. 104 W Ile street, or 63 Fourth street. - porion. 'SALE — STEAMBOATS. -The Allegheny Inver Navigation Company offer sale steamer ECHO No. --11311 feet on deck, _• 30 feet beam. 10 inch cylinder, pyi S.-et stroke. The steamer ILA REES No. 21- 150 feet on deck. 30 feet beam 15 inch cylinder; 5 feet stroke. with all their tackiehnd outilt, in good running order In nire of ,155. BEES, Engine Builder, Duquesne VOR SALE— HOUSES. _ ,A conve y nlent MOCK HOUBE, of four roornso stone cellar anti lot, on Peach alley, Tit sr Pride street. House Is' nsw, and price only $l,lOO. Also. a HOUSE on Forbes street. for sale. Apply to WM. WILTON, corner of Pride and Forbes street.. ynou* SALE—LOT IN McKEES PORT.-The half or whole of a lot GO feet t by 140 feet deep. situate on Market, near Second street. For particulars enquire of W. C. HULL,.HuIt , s Store, Fifth, near the dep ot,' Mc- Heesport; or address JOSEPH FORSYTHE, 110 !Mb street, Pittsburgh. . . , KOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT.- . One house lot of two acres of ground in illpsburg, Beaver county, l'a. The house is a tireAstory frame. with seven rooms. The lot WO/ A number of fruit trees, and all in mood order. .There Is a cistern on the premises, and' stable and other outbuildings. Will be sold at a- bargain by RAM SEY & HALL. Real Estate Agents, No. 91 Beaver street, Allegheny. • SOH SALRE-MORSEEL—At HOW- AIM'S LIVEEY 'AND SALE STAB LE, one tine LY HORSE I Bay); three DeWPLE (MET SiORSEBt one , LARGE Tt DR AUGHT+ HROI SRSEthree pptc 'MARES; GREY LLESTaroughtajdeoel i norsear and commtaion.. • WWI S A LE-410U8 -- NICE BRICK IIiATSE, of eight was, on Monti. Komori' avenue., near Federal 'teem. Enquire of Mr. DRUITT, corner Montgome avenue And Fed eral street; 'Allegheny. FOR SA LE-POSTS,LOCOST posTS, orally dad requtredi.by JOHN DYER, corner of Ridge street; and ;Allegheny avenue, AlleAtenV WT. ' ; ICE! ICE ICE . WM. KREBS, Ici Dealer, No. 10 DIAMOND ALLET, fttisbaraii. - . . Orders left here or at Heed Street Bridge will m assive prompt attention. Wagons' running In Pitts burgh arid AllefilienY, -- . ,-- ~.- ►n.,044 SEED POTATOE • ThSri). nuTeli/Jlarrfson. For gala by JOlrN:aun.DocEr, N aree —. "hey, riongtsandt}getisiaggi,l l 2 t mlth&eld itreet •‘ , 4:4 5 .11 - 4,l k r z , ITUATIONS. L—A Protestant NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAPZONNS YON THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have keel removed to No. 119 SMITHFIELD STREET, where mitt atwaye be found the most complete ansortraesu Sienna, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Material, dee.. into city. All kinds of' Guns a Pinola ears/lair ?mitred. Cases" :Kidfor ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS: Send etaUs) for illustrated Circular. Arrntrnanted fn _ : er town in the United States. Addrees, J. H. JOuti. 8T0N.119 Sasithteld Street. Pittsburgh. Igr'JOHN-11;P - OBVIANCE, ' Register hi Bankruptcy for, Rd District. Mice, 116 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY. Aar Mice hours-9 A. 3t: to . 6P. it. PITTSBURGII, FORTWAYNID & CHIeAGO RAIL- • !K AT COMPANY, Office of the Secretary, ; a - • ' PITTBBVItIaII, July 11, M. L4rTHE HOARD OF DIREC• TOM; of this Company have declared the refuTar quarterly dividend (No. Mil of 14.1§, PCB CLNT, free of Government tax, on the capital stoft and semi-annual dividend (No. 101 of 34 PER CENT, less Government tax, on the Third Mon gage Bond., payable on and after FRIDAY; 17th day of July proximo, at the office Of Winslow, Lanier Co., No. 517 Pine street, New York, to these reg-, istered at New York, and at the °Mee of the Treas urer to thme registered at Pittsburgh. The transfer books will close on Tuesday, the 30 , h bat., at Si P. xi., and reopen on Saturday, the 111t13. F. M. HUTCHINSON, 'Secretary J 712410 J. D. 6ANTIELDT. CANFIELD. B. csicritiv_._4ii. SON, COM = JTJ • MISSION MENCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealerein Dos - hen, ,Factory. Hamburg and W. It. Cheese,- Butter, Lerd, Pork, Bacon, Flour, .Fish, Dried Tit, Grain; rig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, bite Lime. Linseed, Lard. Coal and Car bon Ms, No. , l4l.llirst street, Pittsburgh. .4 - onc'E.—Came to the residence of the subscriber, on the 9th day of ;fine; ast, a BAY HORSE, supposed to be about twelve years old; has white on the point of hia nose; *WO'S one-half of right hind foot he white. The: owner can have him by calling on the undersigned, prov iny property and paying charges. , qIENRY S IMPLER - .)yn:te Jefferson.Tp., Allegheny Co.. Pa. 66 EUCRE UMPERIALEJ , . Imperial Fiend' Copying Ink , JUST RECEIVED FOR SALE BY - . .--- W. S. HIAVEN• c .--- • Printer and Statienisr, Corner' Woo d and Third; Streets. ijyl3:ta • . CARPETS! CARPETS! M_ ANOFACTIYREDS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICEM, but/we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for , the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past • Beason. Having "tulle/ill our contracts previoneti to any ad- vance, and invariably for we are enabled to sell loiier than they can be pm'. !Chased this Fall McCALLUM: 'I3ROS., jou 51 FXrl' .. STI/EHET_ -- GREAT BALE, OF BUIgraDDIG LOTS, - AIIFTION. In the 18th Ward, City of Pittsburgh, crocineri7 Collitui , Township, ) THURSDAY" July-16th, 186% t , I AT 10 O'CLOCK A. IL, Will be Offered at,Pnblie Sale, on the premisei, that aite:x4,d. urprr.pgreßalgTg.2:fitivg Rua • on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, about a half from the Sharipaburg Bridge. - EIGIITY;FOIM LOTS, Ranghig in size 48 feet - front by 100 feet in depth, allowing desirable frontage:to each Slid every lot. These building lots will• readily commend them selves to those looking for good investments, but more especially to persons , wlshing a pleasant and easily accessible home beyond the immediate con linesof the city. These lota ate now within the limits of Pittsburgh proper. The property Is within ten minutes' walk fromlbe Citizens Passengerjtallway Station, at the Sharpsburg Bridge Stone and brick can be obtained on thsground. , , TERM'. OF MALE -One fourth cash.: balance in one, two and - three years, secured by bond and mortgage, and full particulars can be had or SAM -1 lIEL GARRIBON,on the premises. Or at t e o ffi ce of-WILLIAM JANCEY,_IIeaI Estate Agen Butler street, 15th ward, late Borough of Lawren eville. An Excursion Tra inwillleave the Allegb y Val ley Railroad Station, Oity of Pittsburgh, at twenty minutes to nine o'clock 4. M., and return t twen ty.. byte minutes afteS three o'clock .P. ~ from Balght's Run.' 1 P. IieNANEE, Anittopeer. jyl2:ts . '-' i UDINANCE defining thefman liter of giving notice of the preparation of the. P ens and epecifications of the Montgomery Avenue hewer and its laterals, extending through the Cspu, -mon Ground. Sith.l. Be it lordained and enacted by the Select and Common Ornenctle of the City qf Alkeheny, and U to heretal enalged by the authority_ of the same. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed - to give notice to all parties interested by publics— tion in the official papers of the city for ten days succeeding the passage of this ordinance, that the plans and specifications of the Montgotriery Avenue, Sewer, and the laterals therefrom,' extending through the Common Ground, are completed, and that the same can be inspected at his once. Ordained/ and enacted Into a law th is the Oth". day otJuly, A. D. 18. _ • ' _JAMES McERIEE, President of Select Council. . HUGH. Me , MIL, Presidentyrofem,, of Commok - Council. Attest: D. MAcrzartozr, Clerk of Select Connell. It. DILWORTH. Clerk of Common Connell. jyl3 WALL PAPER, - AT REDUCED PRICES., AFTER auLt . I$T, WeirUl offer our present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Redueed Prices. A large assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for halls, rooms, ceilings, Sc., Sc N'0.107 Market Street,near Fifth. 41 . .105. R. HUGHES & BITILDAI!EG LOTS FOB SALE, II AI_ILEGFELEN'Y The r.xecutors of the ' l ate General 'Robinson will sell • - Flee Valuable Building Lots, • Situated on the North Commons, each lot 24try 170 feet. These lots are am,ng the moat desirable forzrlval i e rvidefff r oair c y n t i o A bula i vii the city. HORSES, t h e FAMILY HARNESS complete. p air Apply a the once of JOHN M . ROBINSON, JeFO:O2O No. l4 Federal Ftreet, Allegheny._ - - SUPERIOR FLOM PROM CROP OP 18038. We are now receiving a choice lot of Southern Wheat from Terme...arm and Alabama, from which we are now manufaeturing a superior quality of ;Family Flour, equals° the best brands In the United States, to which we invite the attention of. dealers and consumers. Our sacks ar. , sealed anti branded "Crop or nos, pawl Steam Mill, Allegheni,"'"/Lh dine. • • KENNEDY be SRO: JulyS, MS. IY :821 To WHOM - iir MAY - CONCERN - _ , of HENRY' THOMAS. 'no* deceas d, formerlpn resident of Pittsburgh, lost% some r thing to their Interest by addressing'' JOHN A. WATSON, Administrator, • - • Far West; Kansas • TE3B ESSEE FLouno , -- P 1. car Ivu "Broadway," now landing, tor rah:. 5y - EL InCE,Y ; &CO. • ' • --- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : MONDAY, ..TULY 13, 1868. NEIW Jun4]anstuaxkL pßoposALs FOR PAPER. A SUPPLEMENT to an aet requiring the Superin tendent of Publio Printing to adiartise for pro posals for supplying the State with printing and bill paper, approved April tenth; Anno DOTEIIIII one thousand tight hundred and sixty-seven. SICTION I. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representative's, of the Commonwealth of Penn- s sylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That hereaf ter the person or persons bidding tor the contract for furnishing the State with paper, as provided in the set approved April tenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred-and sixty-seven, be re• quired to execute a bond to the Commonwealth, with at least two sufficient sureties. In the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract so allotted, which said bond shall be approved by the President Judge of the Conti of Common Pleas of the district or dis tricts le which such sureties may reside; or In case of the absence or other inability of such president Judge, by the Associate Judge of the county In which, such sureties may reside; Provided. That the bonds, with the sureties of the several bidders, shall be duly executed, sealed up and delivered with the proposals for furnishing said paper, and in addition to the condition above required, shall be condition ed that in case the bidder or bidderd to whom the said contract shall be awarded shall neglect or re f Use to accept the same at his or their bid, the said bidder or bidders, with his or their sureties afore said, shalt be liable to the Commonwealth - for the difference between the amount of the bid of the per son to whom the said contract shall "be an arded after such neglect or refusal; And provided further, That the Superintendent of Patina Printing shall award said contract upon the same day the bids are by him 'opened. ELIEHA W. DAVIS, I I • Speaker of the Housi. of Representatives. JAMES L. GRAHAM, ' Speaker of the Senate. ArrnOVlD—The tenth day of April. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. JOHN W. GEARY. In pursuance of the above act, the Puperinteu'd ent oftPubllc printing gives the folloirtsg notice: TO riPER ILiNITFA.CTURERS. SEALRO PROPOSALS will be received at the once ()tithe Superintendent of Public . Printing, for Supplying the State wit Printing Paper. Said paper to be BOOR PAPER, measuring BS by 40 inches, and to weigh respectively 40 and 50 pounds tnthe ream. Also, DOUBLE FLAT 1C AP, measuring 17 byll6 inches, welghltigAll pounds to the ream. Bids wilt be received for each kind sep arately: Said proposals to be opine4'ln presence of bidden, on SATURDAY, the lit day of August, 18013; at the °Mee of the Superintendent. Contract to inn from December, 1118111, to August, 11369. The successful bidders will be required rigidly to ,confotm 'o ,samples which will be furnished upon application at the office of the Superintendent. .'No pieposal will be considered unless accompaultd by a guarantee that the bidder or bidders, provided his or their pioposal shall be accepted, will enter Into an obligation with good and sumcieut security, to furnish the articles proposed for; and each proposal muit be accompanied by satisfactorj evidence that the persons making said proposals are manufactu rers of or dealers In the description of paper which he or they propose to furnish. JOHN YOUNGNIAN, Superintendent Public Printing, 75 Market Street, Harrisburg IME ETTEns REMAINING at BUCHANAN •POSTOFFICE, jueAST O F , L uncalled for y 13th, 1888: A. • Adams. Alice Authoes James Arbogast lugen I Ackman Wm G 1 P Illasitell W" Park Mary E fOnldthorp_J P !Powerse •Elenj 1 : I GLUesple Nell I II I tieorge,Jaeoh {Ragan John Ortmleitivid . 'Neese Evan IRaible John W Hopkins David , Roberts Henry ilianey Nate (Reid CB' Hutchinson J.E I Riggs Lewis I Henry Owen i Rees .1 Williams !Rale John - , J 4lnyder Aunt. )H ',Jones Jonah IStteppard Slagle 'Jones Jane 'Sheppard R 1 • H i Babe Mathew Kelly Joltn C Shersould Inch Keenan Phil ntent:l.l . X;berry T Algeo Thee Baldwin Dave Blighner Lizzie Brhyor.Oliver Brown Hannah Beerer Marla Bradley B Balteroft A Baldwin Frank Brown• Jae A Benhnp__J T Beebe Wm C Coon Mr Kearns Pat ISmitldey Ann E L iSuillvan Lowry L Sweeny ban Lister David ,ShietCsThos Ludy W !Stall h Lorenz Lang Mathew iSmith William ~LarimerrJM Smith Leslie I 4 - !Smith Tho& Miller Prank T Michael Thompson Jos Taylor Martha 'McKee H W jTaylorlCU McKee James iTaylorZlia 3lcKissock K Tomer Martha-- Mclntosh M E I V • llctiuinty E H Van Dotson D McCormick K 'Verner John 'McManus MeGarey A Valentine Isaac ass h Ilitbert Cosgrove P L . Charming Phnbe Chambers Idarth Chambers T Canlngham M Conley Godfrey Cahoon Moil Cuntneham D Cready D Thos J Davis John Dodds Thos Doyle Ed Dorsey _M Daybi M J McHugh it Daly Williams Lewis Me , ay Mary J I White Mary J McKeown Jis Watt Robt Mel lonald Lizzie Watt Sarah G Mclntyre Jo's Ward Hannan McCandless 1, !Waverl T ^ 0 :Wald'Emma O'Neil Jai !Wallace ham illimmennan W EtEHAN, P. , M. Eike,' Loaf ea Edwards Chas Feese E Finn Bridget Fairdeld runnel Finch W E ERNEST G. K NOTICE OF • DISSOLUTION. • Noelell is hereby given that the firm of STRICKLER & MORLEDGE was dissolved hymn. teal consent on the Ist day of July, A. D. 1888. All debts - due to said arm will be paid to CHAELES H. MORLEDGE, by whom all debts due by the Arm will be paid, and he le authorized to sign the Arm name in liquidation.. J. E. STRICKLER, Having sold out my Interest in the above estab lishment. I cheerfully recommend Mr. MORGEDGE to aLl_my friends as an honest,, upright business _man, and' hope that they , will continue their kind favors and patronage heretofore bestowed. , IRON CITY SPICE MILL, C. H. MOWDGE, Proprietor Fifth Street Extension, PITTOBURGH, Dealer In troadullorated ROAST COF . FEES, !SPICES, and Concentrated vi..A.voNtrrna- mxurriA.c-rs. jy11:73 Sallit..ALW I=lArrg, AN IMUNSN STOOL All the Novelties of the Season. AT .111.'CORD & CO.'S, Je24 , l3l WOOD STIOCET. AT EATOWM, No. 17 rlfth Street. Embroideries, ' Straw Goods, -V,t, Flowers and Parasols, CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED PRICES. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE • cheapest and best Pipe in the market. Also, BO' BENDALE HYDRAULIC CRMRNT tor male. • B. B. & 417. A. BIOCKETT & CO. ofilen and Mannfactary-240' REBECCA EIT. Alleibeny. Jfir Orders by mall promptly attendo to. - Je=:rbll INDIA ROBBER BELTING AND IfrEAM rA(IKING.—.A. full stork on hand at all t en, and or the beat quality. Parties wishing to fit up mills or shops whore _Belting is required, will find our.prlces as low as can hoLad In the East. and relight saved. , - & ff. 19111.L1P$, Al e 20 and :48 tit. Clair street. NM 7 7!AIMERTISEOWENTS. G OOD itiiii.GAlNS! AT 75c.—GCIOD WHITE IBTS, all sizes LAC*7IfAIITLES. cheap; - SIDIMME DBESS GOODS,! *BM. QUILTS, BONiZeTS, sum:town, HATS, AIBBONS, PLOWERS, , AT KiTR,KIELY HOW PRICES, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. A LARGE. STOCK Or • - . SHIRTING MUSLIN, , nLY.o* CASE MUSLIN, 10-4 S+ETING, crtao*,. TICKING, r COTToit AND LINEN DIAPER, IRISH ) WENS, • TOWELS AND TOWELING, 1 ..-. .• RISTORI APRONS, ~, 'HAND `I . - ‘ , /tosnr.ll: PANit, T ...... NOTIONS, - itc.; Ad,. AT VERYX.OW PRICES, • iii Wholesaleand 'Retail _ , i 1 • AT inittrAM SiEMPLES, 180 and 182 Federal Bt., Allegheny. jylB . . . ... , SUMMER GOODS. Boys', Youth's and Children's. 'mom oust:tam strrrs, LINEN SUITS. " DUCK SUITS, FLANNEL 6riTs. ALPACCA JACKETS. `ln Every Style, of the Greatest Variety, SUITABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. ! I . Geitlspien will Sad a line assorttneat White and Brown Duck Sults, Alpecca and Flannel Coats, like., r es e i rL i ef te inge h t o: eing specially made for as try the 1:11:7‘ PRICEIS Are as Low as Good Gooda eau be gold' at al' any Firm East or West. GRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair. Street. Se2t:r SUMMER 'EXCURSIONS. MILE PENNSYLVANIA:CENTRAL 1. RAiLitOAD COMPANY have on sale at their °thee, ni o n Depot, Pittsburgh. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS 3. TO ITUNTIC CITY AND CAPE NAY,' • Enabling parties to visit these popular bathing raw sorts, and return home at a moderate cost. C. H. MOBLEDUE CAPE MAY PASSENGERS can purchase Tickets togo and return by all Railroad; or they Can arrange to take Steamer in either direction, between PALM. delphia and Cape May. EXCURSION TWEETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NIAGARA, PALLS, THE OIL RE GIONS, GETTYSBURG, and numernwl Points la Pennsylvania and liewTork. J. E. STRICKLER air PAMPHLETS; containing full descriptions of the various Excursion Routes by this Road, can be had on application at the Ticket bfilee, in the Union Depot. jv1:828 115 . FOURTH ST. - 115. JOHN D. BAlLEirik BRO., - . STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS BONDS. and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. &e.,_ either on the premises or at the Board of Trade BOOMS.- the sale attention paid. as heretefone, to the sale of Real Estate at private tale.. Sales of Real Estate in the country_ attended. Otlice.Ro. 115 FOURTH .STREET. BLACK SILK illACt/VES. t • Lama Lace Points, Snminer Shawls, WHITE, ORR & CO., 2 Fifth Street, Je2l COUPON BONDS. .) $150,000 Eight Per Cent. Coupon. Mortgage Bonds' FOR • These Bonds are secured by syldortgageon,the Valuable Property of the Superior Iron Cu., In Al- . legheny and Westmoreland counties, Pa. / I Interest at the.rate of EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM, sayable metni-annuttily„ ApralcatFon for these Blonds - can be made at the CITIZENS' NATIONAL 'BANK, or to JOHN SCOTT, Treasurer, at the Mice of the corupsur, earner Third and Market Almelo, Pittsburgh, :_priverathatt, July Bth. MISS. SUGARS i'QR. pit S jCz V IN . QA large etook of Loved ne E s Sigars, Vnd 11,11 , 7t • el, u b t y r ig i ;fligrrar re ia JOHN A. ItessuAw,• Cur. Liberty padßand btreets., OR. , - _ AT VIM. SEMPLE'S. winticesde anti WA AT, WM. SEMPLE'S, W. H. BECKWITH, TICKET AGENT. AND ADCTIONEEBS, FOB SALE AT LOW PRIOEI3, BY NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POUND. That after repeated trials of other remedies, Ito back's Stomach Bitters, Bloodskoriller Mid Blood Pllla ate the beat! medicines extant to mire the db. eases for which they are recommended. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • . • PrtES. • There is no medicine in nse so effiescons u Dr. Itoback`a Blood Purifier and Blood Pills for the permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding Piles; they strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the C411.11e. • Sold by all Druggistalvarymhere. TEMPERANCE: , There is, perhaps, no one thing That has done so much to promote the cause of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic, Bobacrs Stomach Bitters: they strengthen and invigorate Without producing the ill effects of alcoholic stimulants. Dold by all Druggists Everywhere. LIVER PILLS Are Pills that have a direct and pasierfal action o • the liver, and relieve any inacUvity or congeste state of that all important organ upon which de nedds the whole proms of digestion. The import ance. then, of procuring a. Pill that shall have such direct action without the ill effects of mercury, is manifest to every one; such Pills are Roback , s Bleed Pills; they are Warranted purely vegetable, and can with certainty be relied upon, and ire safe at all times. i Bold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION. Is but another name for Dyspepsia, and the parent of many ills. Iloback , s Stomach Bitters taken in wine -Ow-fail doses, directlr l after each meal, will 'surely effect a permanent cure. Do not take our wordier it, but try them. Bold by all Draggiets Everywhere. NIGHT DAR= Is one of the many disnaes of which DysTogpsia is the parent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, andtake a wirm•glasi-full of Bobacra Stomach Bitten on retiring to bed. Sold by all Druggists &Olden. RENOVATE. u • ' During the Spriiig months It is one of the regular household duties to renovate, and, in th± multipli city of othes duties one's own self is, In a great measure, overlooked;lhousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many donbtles sssss d from, premature graves by thoroughly renovating the system irttli Dr. Boback's Blood PLUS; !Banked' Bitters and Blood Purifier. • Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. MELANCHOLY Is one of the tinny disorders of the nervous sistem, arising frail a low state of the constitutional health or severe prostration alter long continued sickness. and requires Invigorating remedies like Itobackis Stomach Bitters to restore the nerves to their natu ralyitality. . sold bye all Drusiglets Everywhere. • WIIO STMLS TECE.III2 The Agents for the sale of ROBACK'S BLOOD BTOKACII BITTERS and BLOOD PURI FIER are all Druggists 6erywhere. . D. Si PROPRIETARY MEDICINE 00.; 1 ) . PROPRIETORS. CINCINNATI, 0. jert:mwr-lr asTAnzaszei) Itilk9 Tat LAEGMTI7IA3CMIC4. 4.):Ji D 4 :a (q-V1 Lightning Rod jilanlnfactorv, I : 7 /.l:!Zi I[llll4 11: Al IKON GALVANIZING WORKS. 90,000 PUT MANUIPACTIII7 DAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING RODS, Manufactured at these works, and sold to all parts of the continent, are admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod in use. Great inducements offered to peddlers and all persons buying at wholesale. Also, fine Platina Points, of all kinds and patterns, together with Insulators, Fastenings, Copper and Iron Connection Burs, Braces, etc. amides, Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. . Eff=3R & CO., Nos. 488 and 490 St. John St, PRILADELPEILL 10:0154a7 STANDARD AIIERICA? BUJ I ED TABLES, AND 00103DZATION CUSHIONS. Undisputably the best In use. NEW IMPROVE MENTo, Patented Nov. Seth, 1867.. and April Slat: 1888. Everything relating to billiards of tho best quality and lowest prices always outland. Our NEW CUE TRIMMER, Patented May 1868, pricel,B .50—a great success. Illustrated price lists sent on application. Address PHELAN & COLLENDER. 83. 83. 81 and 89 CROSBY ST. Z. New York City. jytke.sl:FWM OHEGARAYTtr_rE, . 745. Klitf 4 ll : o4D yRz ? nie s si o . ri, FOR BOARDING AND DAY BURLS, 1827 and .1899 SPEUOE STREET. Philadelphia. Pa., will re•open on AioNDAY, dept.,92d. trench is the language of the family and is constantly spoken in the Institute. MADAIIE D'HERVIP Y. Princdpal. jels:rag.stwir : • • • AA STETTLER SONS & .1 kANUI P ACTUAZIIB OP - Steam Boilers, Stills _Tanks, And SHEET IRON WORK; of all.ktnds. Locust Streit, Fifth Ward, Fittebtligh, , D. J. JONES, CANCER DOCTOR, s to or th l e u c Az om oits o mn im lt a y a , T t e i n it d r e g r s e b A P itt r o t CHRONIC FLUX CURED. ifTEEN RUN ROUSE No. 1, Mansfield Val rieEstiS7 81° n al d Se a l rv l k l i e n P d a tlYi Allegheny county, Pa. - , , - A4TRD—A good and emciepit. HOUSEKEEPER, - One wbo understands cooking. Also, two 'FEMALE - TEACHERS, -for one otiour Public Institutions. Beet of references required. Application to be made at 07 FOURTH STREET. Jones , Minding, Room No. 3, on or betbre Monday,- July 13th. ,Iy8:s&9 TniANSPARENT GREEN I IL CLOTH, for Window. Slitulea—superlo In quality and lower In price than the Eastern ri nn farture. Another large &cooly, of ' the &LI1:, ent widths Just received trout fectory, ._/ J. 4 li.. PITIT.LIPS, - . .le4Ull and ,5S St. iClair atm.+. _____ L - ------ LEATHERS.. -1O L--1.0 sacks Feathers to zs rriv e, , tor oak: by jytt LsAlAli DICKY & CO. DIVIDENDS. OFFICE OF BEN IMANKLTIr INSURANCE (30.,:i Allegheny, July 7th, MS. rjrDIVIDEND.—The Board' of declared a Directors of this Company have this day DIVIDEND OP ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, Payable In cash at the office of the Company, on and afterduly 150, 1868. jyllndfl • 0E0.1). RIDDLEO Secretary. OYFICZ for NATIONAL IssuaaNcx Allegheny, July 10th, 1868. f THE DIRECTORS OF THIS 11°S.r COMPANY have declared a Dividend of 1 TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, free ofgovernment tax, payable in cash - on and after the 16th lust. jy11:11 JAMES E. STEVENSON. Seceetary. OPTION ON 310NONGAA ELL NAVIGATION CO., Pittsburgh. July Bth, 186 g. f lar'THE BOARD of MANAGERS of the Momingahela Navigation Company have this day declared a Dividend on the Steck of said Company of FOUR PER CENT. - for the past six months. or Two Dollars a share, free (roe U.B. Revenue Tax, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives on or alter the 14th inst. jytt:t2 W. BAKEWELL, Treasurer. MTRCHAFTB' & MANTIFACTITII.IIIB , NAT: BANK, t Pittsburgh, July 7th, 1.568. [GrTHE BOARD of DIRECTORS of this Bank have declared a DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5) PER CENT.; out of the pots of the last six months, payable forthwith, free of United States and State taxes. lY8:990 JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. OFFICE OF PIMPLES , INEWITANCE CO, Pittsburgh, July 6, 1668. IarBIVIBEND No. 9,-The Board of Directors have:this day deelared a Divi dend of EIGHT DOLLARS PER SHARE out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on and af ter the lath, as follows: Three Dollars per share in cash and Five Dollars per share to be credited on stock Notes. WM. F. HARDNER, • .13'8489 Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., (Late Pittsburgh Trust Company.) QUARTERLY DIVIDEND. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Divinend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last 'three months. payable forthwith, free of State and G , (toy- ernment Uses. 1y7:161 J. D. SCULLY, Cashier NATIONAL TRUST COMPANT, 423 Penn Street. WA DIVIDEND '1 • OP FIVE PER .CENT.. Free of Government Tax;wlll be raid on and after FRIDAY, July 11th. jy7:1711 ROST. J. GRIER, budder., PROPLR'S NATIONAL BANK OF. PITTSBURGH, July 1868. ggr DIVIDEND NOTICE.--The Directers of this Bank ham THIS DAY .declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the Earnings of the past Six Months,- free of Gov- IP m einent Tax. Payable on demand.' v .Iy7vaidiw F. M. GORDON.-Cashier. Onbra 9F ALLEGHENY INSURANCE Co., PITTSBURGH, July 03,1808. 5 IarDIVIDEND.—The Board 'of Directoof this Company have this day declared a divide nd of Two Dollars and Fitly Cents per share, free of tax, payable in cash on and after Monday, the 13th Instant. C. G. DONELL,: 331:572 - N secretary. TRADZEMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, t, Pwrununan, July 6,1868. • 1 - -- . larA DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5)7 PER CERT.', free of all - taxes, payable on demand, has this day been declared. - Jy7:1183 CYRUS CLARKE, Jn., Casblerla- 1 . /Trani:MOH NATIONAL BANK OF COMDIKKCE,I: July Sid, 1808. *W"THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have this day deelared a Dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT., out of the preiltaig the last stz months, payable on and after the,(lthl free of Government tax. _ - Iy4met JOSEPH H. HILL, Casier. PIIIMSYLVANIA Ixsonaircs, C . Pittsburgh, June 30.18651 f ligr'THE BOARD of DIRECTORS OF THIS,COMPANY have this ditY de clared a Dividend of FOUR (4) PEE CENI',., out of the profits of the last six months, payable On the 10th of July, In cash to the stockholders dr fall paid, and to be credited on the stock noses' f the part paid Stock. • ' J311:814 HUGH 31c1LHENY. Secre ALLEGIERSZY,NATIONAL PITTSBUItOkI, July 1, 1868 it it i a 1 ,111 F. . DIRECTORS OF S BANK have this day declared a semi nnu at Dividend of _ Bt% PER CENT., 11 • Payable on and after the Bth Inst. free of 64vern• spent or State tax. R. W. MACKEY, jy2:63.1 Can tier. MECIIAN CS 'NATIONAL B PITTSBURGH, July 1,-186 tom- A DIVIDEND OF . . . - EIGHT PER' CENT., Free of taxes, will be paid on and after bast, Jr 2.41313 01/7/IcB ALLEGHENY BRIDGE Co '4 t PITTSBURGH, July 1,1, .1 IgrDIVIDENIM—The PresidOnt, MANAGERS and Company for erecting a. Bridge over the Allegheny River, opposite !Plus burgh, in the County of Allegheny,., hare thi m, day it declared 'plvidend of SEVEN PER CENT. O n the Capital Stock of the Company, which will be ' id to Stockholders or their legal representatives, y the Treasurer forthwith. jy2:330 W. ROSEBITBG, Tress ter. CLaMILAND & PITTSBIIIIGII RAILROAD ROMP/NY, ) Mice of Secretary anCTreasure_rif - • examsLeyo. Junta Sad, ) flarA DIVIDEND OF TWO ITER CENT.. free of Government tax, from the net earnings of this CoMpany, has been deCiaredo .and made payable on the 10th - day of July mix, to . Stockholders registered it New York, at thii once of the Farmers' Loin and Trust' Compiny, knd to the Stockho.ders registered in Cleveland Slt the once ok the Trsainrer, in Cleieland. ThiTihnsfet Books will be 'Weed Jo,ly Ist and re-opener July 11th. T. A. INGERSOLL, . le.21:88 ' . Treasurer. igy-wiesTEBN •[1 SAVINGS' BANK •. PITTSBURGH, June .30th, The Directors have this day declared a DMD&D OF 4 PER CENT., _ • Payable on and a ft er Jpty JAIIEDI M. BELL, Quill j71:06 AUCTION SALES. 1 v ...eve.ene.ree,re.evere.ro-eelee,ee.i.rwn. _ BY A. WILWAIIin - , ' . ..__ BANK & IN'' SIIHANCE - STOIOKS, JONES' FERRY CO. I, I. TUESDAY, EVENING. July 14th. at S olelock. will be sold, on second floor, or Commercial Sales Booms. 106 Smlthileld Street: ' ~,..,IL, 40 share., IderChants , .1 Man'ts Na... c. L. 12 shares Second National Bank. , ~-1 AO shares Citizens' insurance Co. ~ 1 . 40 shires National Insurance Co. 20 shares Jones Ferry Company. 1 _jyl3 A. IdcILNY SANE, Anctio eer. ACItES ON PENNSYLVANIA 1~ a~tem oon , July 16th ; ai R"c cluck : on thop fees, will be sold by order of John M. Kennedranifohn G. MacCooneU, A.hignees Inßankruptcy ofMic hael O'Hara, that vs/liable property In.the city of, Ins- - burgh, formerly Liberty - township; trontlbg on Yennsylvaniaavenne. opposite McFarland's Grove, and bounded by lands of George A. Berry. JaMea B. Murray; and John Merarlaud,,deceased, conplaning blaeresundlsoiperehb_s;, - • • 1 • The, beautiful situation of this property. emu. maudlng handsolmu *lows of th e valley antisur rounding villas, cannot be surptuv oled. Its desirable nees angreat Mine:aro too well known tv rdquire particular Mention, - - Trrma of sale—sold subject CO mortgage 0t412,.. 44703; balance cash. 'bp A. -31! .. 1LWA1NF . ,. Auctioneer. BY PALMER & ICIALNIER AUCTIONEERS Ana Commis.4ian, /frercha OPERA HOUSE AUCTION Ito No. 60 Fifth Wed, Pittsburikh, BOOTS, SHOES, CAOpErirci., Dry 'Goods and , Notiniag f if 44' PRIVATE SALE; DAY AND E.V.l4Lik Consignments Solicited. Protopic /to; torus. eIHEAP,' DWELLING II j Fog' sALE.- 4 S feet by 100 deep to eu a sy f azt, , 01,41 x rooms, attic, and , stable, gr-4pe vlues, , • S. CUTT .r -s, . ss elnittkoat _ . •:. 5. MI JOHN J. MAR • C. MI , Isgs • tree. vi 5.3 vt. •r, ' `K~~~~~4;~r~I ~• ... •