The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 14, 1868, Image 4
iiM;M=Cm=i!in In El tta#hviGaptts. IRDIUSIEBD DAILY, BY - ITINEM, REED & 00, Proprietor& p. s. MINIMAX, rep .. Z. mirg. • To to TOIIIIITOT o - Zet . ors sal Proptidon. oniczi • - 11. 1 41 : 11* NUILDINS, NOS; 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL. PAPER Of Plitalbursa, AllsghirAY and AillsilkilaY , . EV, ilone,t Bt eirr.52.111113ng1itre.47,...1.50 monta:. 75 81x mos. - . 1.50 5ooop s es, nen. 1.25 the week,'. li Three mos 75 10 • • •• 'loo camisr. ) . ' and one to Agent. TVEBDAY, JULY 14, 1888. THE WEEKLY Gezrrrs, tutted on Wed— thesdays and Saturdays, is the but and cheap remits • oil fa !Is) newspaper in Pennsylvania It , each week forty-eight columns of algid 'ng matter. It gives the fullest as moll as most reitabk markerrepOrts of any paper in the State. Its gm are used =du . sleek bythe Civil Courts'of Allegheny county Or reference in important issues to determine Ike ruling prkes in the marksti - it the time of ' - 44 business transaction in disvute. - Terms: ' - ' -- iiilingle oopy, one year, $1.50 ; in clubs offive, $1,25; in dubs of-ten,. 51,15, and one free Or the getter up of the club. Specimen copies sent fres to any address. .;e3. Ws PRINT on the Ina s pages of this 'looming's Gszrrrs: Second page: Pietry, /rphenseris, Seskations. Third page: Pats -intrgh Markets, Financiai Affairs' in New York, /nsports, River News. Sixth page: .Firnance and Trade, Home Markets. See enth page: Rim, Garden cind Houselwid, • -Miscelianeoue. • GOLD closed yesterday In -New York at "141{: Tzni mole politic Democrats would with it w BLATR i but they dare not so affront iheii Southern friends. FORREST, WADE row, Wrsz and VANCE want BLAIR sight where he s is, and they will keep I biza there.' •-• Gov. WisE, of Virginia, that notoriously ltureconatructedi rebel, denounced the Tam manyresolution, that secession is a failure, is a falsehood, at a:-Democratic (1) ratiOca :%r dun meeting in Richmond the other night. Ms dodged that isccessipin was mere than ever liming. :Wien was undoubtedly, right, .and that is why Southern Derucierats-ratay , the nominations and the platfinm of SEX . moult and Brad Wien supports : Biers because he has promised revolution. So he told the ratify lug Deinottracy of Riehniond last Saturday . night. These Southern Democrat's speak ly the book,, ' They know what the Demo cratic notnhsees and platform mean, and the 'North will know it, too, and repent it in suffering and brtiodshed, if she surrenders the government to the party which is ihyth pledged to another rebellion. Down go the public .finds, down -goes the public coedit under Democratic ihreata of revqlithin and Democratic _pledges to the rebels of the. South. Read. the Money -artich4 of , the New. York, London and Con tinental journals, and see the depressing effect of these disloyal - proceedings. Demo cratic sieeches, platforms and candidates have damaged our credit so seriously al ' ready, that it is a question if, lurked of any sort of redemption, they have-not rather . purgimied 'tier titter destruction of our. Na,- -gond debt. , 1 • . • • Mn.' ClienLas H. Ciamoix, in a power _,.: lal article on the Currency Question, c0n .1...' .: : 'iebiuid to the Merchants' Magazine, makes •i . ',-. this obseiVation ..., _ ~ .... .' . iii" b elievethatcapital has increased so much that. .... . icap bat-for the repulsive power or, the debt e currencylt d lP:g 2En r t 7 e_ ltt -- W4ttWrtg e:rteOniiittl fgArg silver in', - circulation, instead of which we have a - "--- '- inixture4ehletiv of poverty and embarrassmeni. , '.- ' amounting to fourteen hun red m il lions, maintain ing " - average prices at 75 per cent. &Wye monerralo e,, r , rral.atalf b lag now 1.., *he veva est fere, f wit'- . t . ' lion, o her things having subsided a little Urinate 1 _ ._, rocortifor it.''' _, Every student of political economy fore r -• _ 'saw that-real estate would be the last to feel the effects of inflating the currency, that ite appreciation would be higher than that of ... any other artiele, but that it would Inevite- . ~. 1 Ily recede in price about in _proportion as the carrencx should be restored to a nor mal and healthful condition. - . Waltz; we predicted, last week, that a movement for the organization of a third party would follow the defeat of Yudge °mass as an 'aspirtut in the Democratic Convention, - some of our readers could hardly credit it as a likely or even a possi._ ble event. But the rumors and foreshad °Wings in that direction are rapidly gather ing shape, and a public demonstration of the Parties to this movement may appear at . any moment It canjustlly be deferred for many, days. These parties are,'ist. The - . Chief Justice. 2d. The Conservative poll.. Volans, a class of old fogies who are the fos ' ail remains of • teveral foriner gen ' ovations. 3d. Mr. k JonisioN. Mr. tA. ,P. C.usan- These ge n tl emen • Will mai up a party painfully respectable for its lira - led numbers and exalted Belt' ap., preciatio;n, and will conduct the canvass, until November, with the same high . prineivet- disregard of 'all the prob. • abilities I' against their success, which the same manifested in• their more . restricted conivoiss before the - Deniocratic Convention. •The popular vote—tor the 7 Chief Justice will hardly,,equal that given him try the delegates, while the people will rutin the „President at exactly 'the figure - with which the delegates , leit him off, that is to say, nothing: As the regular Demo '. envie candidates: a ABE andBWING would . : have run vastly better than Elzystoon . and Bi.s.ra; but, as the choice or a third r party, they can makel-no ,impression _whatever. The citizen wholoeinot vote for Son:lona. • . this year will vote for X:lltANT—and there will be an _astonishing -ntimher of citizens of this chess. • - - • MENEM - - • „ . •••••Etz—lxl , -.•cion.m. Comity. ..., - '- • . - - = ;.`.. . . . .., . . . ' ',.. 1" - * -- ; S Y-t-F:-?.. '' ( 1.1 ' •, . - ... . _ ,1 _,,,•-.,._,,-,-,.-.., - „-+., , ,,--- , --1,7, ~ .....- ...„,•-.,_ _ 4 . ~ • . 1 _ ~, • • .. . , ' - ' .' . - ---.'2llMtgli7t,=,---- .•-,... .._... , ____:_ ~ .- -;• --,,,,-,,- •,•:,. ~...,_:,,,,.,•_, , .:•__ • „, : ,.-:-.4 , - • - , ...., 7 ,,..-pip t wee , ,, ~,5 , ,„„w „ ,_. _ -. 7 , .„..,..„,,,,•• . 4 .,....„ 1.11151"nr413221" .... !.., -.• , .. ~,. _ ..., - . ..___ _ . r ,, ,-- _ __±. l7.-4.4.`-e-,;•,"":..-------.';;'''''''' THE ISSUE. The Democrats, by the selection of their candidates for President and Vice President, no less than by their declaration of prin ciples, avow the purpose to -enter upon an era of fresh agitations, and, if need be, to resort to brute force for the accomplishment of their designs. While the. Republican members of Congress, in full accord with the 'convictions and sentiments of their sup porters throughout the country, are restor ing the revolted States to all the rights and privileges they formerly enjoyed in the Union, and in the'course of a few weeks will succeed in that-obiect, the Democrats avow that if theishaU be enfiladed with the con trol. of the national government they will undo this settlement, incur all the perils that would inevitably come by 'wresting from the blacks their newly acquired politi cal rights, and restore, as far as possible, the condition — of &fairs that existed before the rebellion. - Looking at the matter calmly, and in view of all that has transpired during the last four years, it is difficult to what the Democrats really could or would, do, if they should be entrusted with the adminis tration. If they should discard, as they declare they would, the reconstructed gov ernments existing, or soon to exist, in the Southern States, what governments would they recognize, and attempt to restore? Would they set up the old Constitutions of those States, and re-establish, so far as they may be living or .accessible, the men who held offices under those instruments? If so, those Constitutions would conflict with the amendment to the, Federal Constitution abolishing slavery, as well as with other cheitiee made in that organic law. The terms Of the old office-holders have fully expired,. - Multitudes of them are Ili - their graves t and many more scattea . abroad, so u not Pi be gathered together again. To attempt re-Organization on this hasle t would be absurd, and involve hazards from which the country may.well shrink. If this ,plan should be adopted, after incalculable tur moil and trouhle, Constitutional Conven tions would have to be held la the Southerr 'States and fresh elections be held under them. That we may not be' fairly. charged with censoriousness in imputing rev,olntiohary deiigns to the Demoiiiits, we beg to call at tention to certain facts attending the nomi nation of their candidates. • There is no room to doubt but the nomi nation of Mr 13Eirmorn to the Presidency was "set up" beforehand. The elaborate speech he made just prior' o the assembling of the National Convention. was ins bid for the favor ofids party. Els repeated decli nations of the honor he coveted, deceive no one. What was intended by , the managers has been accomplisLed. Why Was Mr. Saviebtrn nominated.? •Neither for pni-eminent abilities nor un- Common services. 'Re was never in either blanch, of the Legislature of his State, nor in the Senate or House of Representatives of the United States. Nor yet has be had experience in any diplomatic position. He has simply served as Governor' of. New York. Neither in performing the functions of that'office nor in the conduct of his per sona affairs, has he disclosed executive abilities of a superior order. A. man Of common powers, fluent, polished, graceful, he was nominated in part for his address, but more for the peculier type of his politi cal opinions. An ardent disciple of Mr. CLl.noult, he stood by the South through all the heatal discussions 'that preceded the rebellion, and through the four years of the great conflict. Mr. BLexa's revolutionary letter, which we published yesterday, procured his nomt nation to the Vico Presidency. The equal ly" extravagant and incendiary speech he made subsequently, was greeted with the wildest approval, and is now waking re sponsive echoes from one end of the coun try to•theaother. The fact is manifest that the Democrats are . dissatinfied with the settlement made and ' making of the rebellion. Believing the' gisurrectionists to have been in the right, they mean to release them from all penaltiee and infelicities resulting from theh defeat; and this they mean to do at the Wizard of plunging the republic back again Into the horrors of civil war. On the other band; the Republicans, through their National Convention, and by the declarations of their 'candidates, stand pledged to peace, progreas and prosperity, for all the States and for all classes of in habitants therein; They want no more in ternal strife and bloodshed t but desire as speedily as possible to close all the wounds. Made by the war,:thal the new career of the nation may illustrate the excellence of uni ty, liberty and fraternity. .9ELUSIONS VANISHING' Upon the emancipation of the blacks in the Southern States, a large part of them rushed to the conclusion that liberty found its best expression in exemption 'from work. That was the exemplification of liberty _with which "they-Juid been famillarized / fronfthe first dawn of intelligence upon them.• Their owners, bad Dracticed Idleness, regarding • productive labor alf - menial and degrading. They had themselvea-been-conlitantly over ..taipked-"lo make up for the inefficiency and generid worthlessness of the dominant caste. Consequently they longed for rest----for the cessation of eons ant muscular strain---more than for anything else. Repose epitomized to them all that is must`desirable In the nature of the case, this was a dela ._ Sion that could not. last. Work was pre. ordained for manV as essential not only to his physical development and wellbeing, - but as contributing most leffectually to his moral soundness andOintelleetual training. It is a homely'line, but as- true as homely, that "Satan finds some mischlff still for idle hands to do." If the men, who fill the jails and penitentiaries had been brought up' to regular and systematic employments, so as to make work , pleasant and congenial, conwaratively few of them would have alien from.the rank of virtuous and honored members of society. As a mental instruc tor2l moreover, work has no superior. The 2111Z;2=ZE2 =EMI PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY, JULY 14, RM.' minds of most men have been trained and exp*u4ed thrciligh their fingers more than in all other ways put together. What ideas they have wile to them chiefly through their manual employments; and this train ing ranks next in value to that physical subsistence which, in general, depends mostly, if not exclusively, on muscular ex ertion. The blacks are coming to understand that nothing is so hard or unprofltable as idle ness. During the present season they have worked with mme regularity and persis tence than at any former period sincitheir enfranchisement. Henceforward they may reasonably be expected to settle down more and- more perfectly to industrial pursuits, contraniting their full proportion to the pro duction of the nation. In like manner the whites, when their slaves were taken from them, did not know which ,way , to= turn or what to do. To work, they knew not how, and to beg they were ashamed. But necessity was in exorable. They began to feel the pressure of that general law—sometimes interfered with through abnormal arrangements, such as Slavery and. other forms of monopoly— that he who will not work shall not eat. At first they did not comprehend this pri- Dial decree, sad would not fall into harmony with it. Such contumacy brought • npon them fearful retribution. Recently we read the report of an Episcopal disocese, which showed how the aristocracy in moat of the parishes had been peeled and riven. In many of them, formerly famous for wealth, culture and 'refinement, not a white parish ioner was left. If spared by the scythe of : war, they were too proud to work in th e , localities that had Witnessed their opulence:- and arrogance, and had emigrated to the South, West, or to the midland Territories, , or to the Pacific Coast. Wherever they have gone, the law of labor will find thim out, and make them do their shaies in the regular on-goings of the human race. But, this is not the point we had specially in view. The Southern whites have found out, as well as the Southern blacks, that they must work or starve; and they are working, both men and women. Never before 'were there as few drones in the Southern States as this year, and the num ber will be diminished still farther. This newly acquired industry on the part of the •witites is of great valeit in the general esti mate of the future progress of the country. It stands foremost among the indications that all the natural advantages of the South ern States will be brought into play and be vitalized, putting an ,and to the jealousies formerty existing there, thus placing the two sections fen the first time in harmony tato the revenue systems to. be enforced, and preparing the way for enduring unity and concord. CROP PROSPECTS. Harvesting- goes on rapidly in Central Ohio and South-western Pennsylvania, and L about to : commence in the northerly tracts bordering along Lake "Erie. Wheat is considered a finer crop than for five years, past,-the heads being large and well-filled and the grain very sound, plump and bright. The crop is not so remarkable for its yield pei; acre, :but rather for its uni formity, oovvng the ground evenly, and being everywhere about bp to the same standard. The breadth of ground cut over is rather in excenr_of the pest three years, and the yield is, as we hay* said, better than in the five years since '63. The belt of country on the,parallel between this point and ColuMbus, Ohio, Will Probably thrash out at leak sixty-sir per - cent more grain than last year. Oats are filling fast and promise an extra Fro. . p r the stand being even, and the grow ing grain has that • dark luxuriant color which, no bad weather intervening, will in three weeks carry the best harvest for years into 'shock. Barley is doing via, but is much mere than usually light. We hear an universal complaint that a good share of the seed fail ed apparently to germinate. We 7zik. the crop will fall one-third short of last year's, in the district specially reterred - to, the grain will be full, and, with fa orable weather, bright and of the heist merclumta- ble quality. Corn, every one remarks, has cl3Me for wardeunder the extremely favorable weather of the past few woks, faster than at <auy time before remembered. The look Of this importantetaple, as late as June 20t b; was i very unpromising, the plants having 1 poor color, the stand being very uneven a d the replant seeming to struggle for a iiu y ',ex istence. rat 'since that date, we hate had something even better than the old fashioned corn weather ; the hot days, the eventlultrier nights, .and the seasonable showers which' have been equally distributed along through this distriet,have made the corn entirely a dtffermt thing. The fields are evened up, the growth has been most" lulturianf a , nd healthy, and, to day, not only the cFopron the alluvial soil is good, but the Ipland coniwas never more promising, and many farmers are of opinion that, twhite three weeks since it was ten days behind, It is to-day fully up to the average for the twiddle of July. The , breadth of ground pleated is quite as much as in any previous you', and, with a good July and August, the. l result will be everywhere satisfactory: _ " Ciraq.a is the least satisfactory of an crop that we have noticed. Clover has been verys, unequal, and none of It as ran : and lu*oriant as in former years. This grass Is generally cut and. taken care of th ough the district noticed: Timothy has 4 very even stand, but it is unifortaly thifi, bottom and lop, and very few farmers will cut as much as two-thirds. the hay from the I same land as last year. We observe a more gen eralinclination to put ;this grassearlie, be fore the head turns birown, and ; we Think the Farmers, who havi(aiready comm'.nced. its care, will find their account in It by next spring,- in the improved COndition of their stock. Reports from the districts betweei tnethe Alleghenies on the East, any Lake on the North, coincide with, whol hair() stated of other sections. WO ~~-s~i,~ s'. MBE a this the A we may EtZ77 therefore congratulate, not only our agricul tural friends, but the entire community, which sa equally, if not quite as 'directly, interested, upon the unusually promising prospects of the season for breadetuffs and feed. With no serious backsets, the crops of .'6B will go far towards making the country again independent. Sistmouniin - -13ziin are to revive and relatifs tie "lost cause." SO said hill au thority,li, the high in fact, among the Na tional Democrat , an ex - rebel Governor, at a Democratic cation meeting, last Sat urday night, in chmond; It was a just and true thing din the most appropriate place. Thew of Libby, vocal no longer with the wail f starving prisoners, the em brasured win ows of Castle Thunder, no longer haunted with the skeleton faces of the loyal victims aff rebel cruelty, the sandy strand of Belle \ Isle, no longer ringing with the crack o the rebel ; rifle aimed at some_poor Unio soldier already near per ishing from despair, as he hovered near the dead-line, the halls of the old Capitol now no longer graced y rebel oratory and dig; nifled by a rebi _ President, the street's and squares of Richmond made his torically infamous in the annals i of treason against flie best government on earth, and of inhuman brutalities which the laws of hono, able warfare denounce as ex ecrably-vile—that was the 'spot fur the re inspiied spirit of \ rebellion to uplift its voice and glorify the advent of new hopes from the action of the National Democracy. BEirmoun .90.- - I_irrin are yet to redeem the lost cause-Luall the Confederacy fought fOr"—so said Gov, Verfon. All the shed blood of the loyal People; the three hundred thousand dead, the maimed Mill living, many of whom often wish to die, those three ihi:Msand millions of treasure spent, and that assassinated President, all these are . to go for naught. Szymorn and BL AM are to give up all that the Union won; in restoring to tne Confederacy what it lost. Well, these things may have been true enough to say in Richmond, but the time has hardly come yet to say them in Pennsylvania or Ohio, with impunity. What say you, Dem ocratic reader? '' WIIO 18 VALLANDIGHAII ? The chief of Northern apperheads,a secessionist so ultra, violent and disloyal, that the Republic ex pelled him from its borders during the war. Let it be remembered that he turned the current in 13EntOun's favor in the New York Convention. - Who l i WADE HAAITTON ? The most violent of South Carolina traitors, the most arrogant of her old Democratic aristocracy, and the most brutal of Confederate 'officers towards loyal prisoners. Remember that he and such as he effected the nomination, for the sebond place, of the revolutionary Jacobin, *Laza. Men .are ,judged by •the company they keep 1 • Trim Pen Indulged.f esterday. on an evensfve scale, In the /usury of poul.ry. The repast was prepared for P..ndYeton. but was, unwillingly, used fur Seymour.—Pi iY urga o'-setts. Leaving out the word 9 4=w:111:lily. 9 ' the. abov e I. a fair nit and We Intatefally acknowledge the corn. Tha Gas. say,: "This ewertalning unwelcome elects. ts disagree able, hut minuet be helped be yuclticeany more than elsewhere." 0' course this last paragraph alludes to the Dood lion of the ••oldest" at the tune n ndrew G. Curtin Brae e nominated for Goyernor.—Po t. As the editor of the GlAutrra did all he could to secure the nomination of Mr. CURTIN both times be was up for Governor; falls,:to see the wit or honesty of the -fling in the last paragraph above.' Seymour and BM '•FrtendaM Five years ago this month, on Tuesday only 14, 1863, Horatio lie valour addressed the rioters in New York city in these hon ied phrases: "My Friends—l have come down here from the quiet of the country to see what was the difficulty; to learn what all this trouble was concerning the draft. Let me assure you that lam your friend. (Uproar louicheering.) 'You have been my friends, [cries of "Yes, yes;" "That's sot" "We are, and will be again!"]; and now, I as sure you, my fellow-citizens, that I am here to show you a test of my friendship. [Cheers.] I wish to inform you that I have seat my Adjutant General to Wash ington to confer with the authorities, and to have this dratt suspended and stoppul. [Vo-r deems cheers.] " I ask you as good citizens to wait for his return; and I assure you that I will do all that I canto see that there is no inequal ity and no wrong done to any one. I wish yoa to take good care ol all property as good citizensi and see that every person is AMC. - The safe keeping of persons and property rests with you, and I charge .you to disturb neither. It is your duty to main tain'the good order of the city, and I know you will do it, •. I wish you now to separate -as good citizens and: you, ean.assemble twill whenever you wish ,to do so: I ask you'to leave all'to me now, and Lwlil see to your rights. Wait until thy Adjutant r•- turnt+h'rom Washington, and you shall be !added. Listen to me, and see that there is no harm done to persons or property, but retire peaceably. " This is an excellent campaign document It needs no comment. The New CYtl►oUc Dioceses The following is an accurate designation or the boundaries in: the new dioceses and Vicariate erected in 'the Province of Ba more • ' I. The See of Wilmington comprises the State Of Delaware, the counties of Cecil. Kent, Queen.. Anne, Caioline, Talbot, Dor -Chester, .Somerset, Worcester and Wiconiicn. 1p the State of Maryland ; and the counties of Accomao and Ntirthampton, in' the State of Virginia, being the entire peninsula' he : tween the Chesapeake and Delaware Baye. . 11. The See of Scranton compilers the counties of Bradford, Luzerne, Lycotuing. 'Mnuroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tin ge, Wayne and Wyfflning, in the State of Pennsylvania. The See of 111111911111 T Comprises t! - e counties of Clinton, Centre, Muffin. Frank lin, Cumherland. Adams. York, D.mphiti, No Mt ufflliprland, ~Coi um hi a, . Lebanon, Lancaster, .Montour, Union, Snyder,' Ju- fflata, Perry and Fulton, in the State of Penns:. I yank. IV. Tee Vicariate AP istolic of North Carolina .emnraces the entire State of the mine Dame. —Letters from Sliate.h a dated May 26, state t4iq the trig tte. She h.tereth had rn turnHd:fro►n ber search of facts relative to the dearth:the, of the Amoral aehooner General :Sherman It appears that the Sherman had hoe., attank-d ee the etheit Cerea,..tiel returned the tire, t. h n she was assailed and ealitur, d, after which she wa.s blown up. All on board perished. tr • - • - - FOREIGNiNOTES. A PARIS correspondeht writes: Let me note a tendency to revert to the surprises of the eighteenth century, which has begun to appear. 'Koerner { remember there was not a garden ifi tfose days with out its machinery borrowed from the stage. If you walked in one direction you set a fountain to play-which drowned you, or you made a sedate statue rise, or you fell into some pit. The Dutch especially were con spicuous fox the laborions ingenuity of these arrangements, and I believe they have never ceased to be popular i Holland. Gardens of this sort seem to be coming into vogue here. - Electricity isde to play a consid erable part in them. There are artificial flowers mixed with natural flowers; you cull one of the former, it immediately opens and a bird escapes from it; or you attempt to cull it, a giant appears. It would seem the fairy plays have not been without influence in reviving the old taste. M. JuLits Simo n , one of the deputies for the department of the Seine, has just prin ted, In a volume of nearly . four hundred . pages, five elaborate diseoursea delivered during the present session of the Chamber, on the following subjects : Separation of Church and State; liberty of the press; abo lition of standing armieet schools, and right of meeting and. associaation. To these he his added a preface of thirty-eight pages besides preliminary no. A HIINGARIA2i noble an named Michael owitch is going on foo from Pesth to Paris. The long walk is u nde rtaken in conse quence of a bet regard in g the hospitality of r fi the Hungarians, Ge .. . a and french Ba ton Michaelowitch did ,ot take a cent along, but relied exclusively o . the hospitality of the people by the ways de. At the latest accounts he had already . ,ed the French frontier RxcENTLY, at Leipsic, the young musical phenomenon who was horn without arms, played on hie violin an andante of Beriot's and a "Romance sans Paroles" of Myer beer's. He holds the bow with the two first toes of his left foot, and operates on the strings with the right toes. The instrument of this extraordinary performer is placed on a little bench in front of him. SOME of tbe Gtrman railroad companies employ good-laoking and respectable young ladies at their ticket and freight offices, and the railroad management say that the change is a most pleasant and profitable one. The young ladies are most conscientious; and quarrels which, as long as men employed, occurred very frequently at the ticket al- , ces, havenow entirely ceased. . TEE ludependenes Beige believes there is no example of such excessive and long con tinued heat in the month of May as that which has just 'visited ns: According tolhe bulletin of the Brussels observatory the maximum temperature of the month has been thirty degrees cent. (86 Fah:)-and the Minimum thirteen degree (55 2 5 Fah.) Tux Crown Princess of Prussia, respond ing to the sympathies evinced by the Berlin public on the attempt made upon her brother's life, has caused a letter from Mr. Arthur B. Gaig to be printed in the Spanerseh4 &thing. , It is dated Sydney, March 27, and contains details of the deplorable event. , THE sovereign Prince of Lichrenstein has decided- on disbanding his army. In the old German Confederation he was bound to keep together a body of ninety men as a contingent, which was a•heavy charge on his treasury. At present he is determined to be freed from it, and so he disarms. Tax Independence Eel Unique says that a young Cretan girl has just arrived in Athens dressed in military costume, in which she has for a loug time taken part (without her sex being known) in the insurrectionary war. DO. NOT BE DECEIVED. When the steSem Is once affected it wall not calls or its own word ft needs help it tenet be strengthened and invigoratedrihls Is e enoolatly the ease when the • • • KIDSZYB, BLADDER OR URINARY ORGANS Are &reefed. For Immediate relief and permanent _DR IMNDEJIT'S Distrait, or Backache Pius Are a perfectly sate and reliable specidc. This well known remedy kaa effected a laiwebumber otapeedy and remarkable cure*, and have never failed to girt relict when taken according to directions.. • 1. Dr. Sargent's Backache Pine Are , purely vegetably, and contain ho mercury or calomel. They do not exhaust the system, but on the contrary they act as a tonic. impariincifew tone ind vig..r to the organs and strengthening the whole body. These Mils have stood the test of thirty-live lean, and are villa gaining in popularity. S.- FOR SALE BY DRUNITSTS AND DEAL ERS IN MEDICINE ENERYWHEBIL • Pyle. 60 . Coatis tier Box. STRENGTHEN THE D FENCES Malaria, the must. deadly enemy of health, is everywhere warn in Jul; and t twist. The blazing run is deeum posing and fermenting every species of vegetable and animal abomination,'and poisonous gases that depresr and infect the system are active' , Nally present. On the prairies, in the swamps, In the woods, anti in the midst of crowded cfties, this development of the elements of disease is now going on. inlithltt the human uouy is in a state of siege, and reauen and common erode suggest that its DE CAS.III: STRYN TM EN ED. A etlmnlaut, a tunic, a corrective, an.ran alterative are required to put it iu per& t trim. and there f .ar gland requisites a e comulued in_oOSTE TER'S STOMACH By TEES. A wan must he made at steel not to be ad. ted bl the .i.orbid mailer set afloat in the atmosphere oy 'he rav4 of n almost ventral son, h ite..—tenths of ern:mount' y are ptemonished at this brasurD by .li,biltly, Ind'. poA lon .or exertion, hervousners &M. that the% used rumetitlng to build them up ani eiplate their 'Mint 1 .. achinery. Do they want • • tight it out o' , .bat Het all summer," or to achieve in intuietinae via over their apples ut sYnIP4I toto „..‘d that arrt 01 H rveri's bless nab ' •", utund mind in a 50u...1 hod, ? ll' the latter Is their or sin , tel them resort to the RIT I ER4 with: out de 4y hat 4greeaule and potent vegetable n. retia a tee will so n restore th a stem to its balance —re.. listing the leer, stria. thening the etumaeh, ntly r• keying the bowel, and riving ig .r, else !city nhil energy 14 the Whole team., I belie are pruven fa ts. Nu who reads the testimony on which, tiles e founded can fur a moment doubt time. • CthRE Ole IMISTULA JUT- kit : I write to thank , you for your kind. nose and scientific management of my htsease, fol which I called to eonsult you some time in January (,tst. You will I member that I had a complication or diseases. *hien itnalty ended Ina terrible &Mule, which I had seen advised to "let atone." on 11 (7- aount 01 It rnodna cough, which It was feared might fasten 11 on my lungs. I knew that the peen air uncle or treating diseases like mine was by a .ntrinm twerathin. which. If successful at all, would .satterally throw the diseane nnon the longs or smut ddier vital ors An. nn account or the auddennotis.ol •he p re and tie Intinetttate check to the tihmharipli which I hiro•veti was s steolaky provision or nature to get rd' or comemortdd condition or the system. fee, Ilerreet y ottedied that your method or [reat• t nt, d) mg the system, and, local application. s to the as , Ii tri lolls' core, It anything could, . I and it did, and lam buoy* to toloor , litytleir we , i In every particular, with on.n.ter and le Ater health than I have had ror veers. wee d tv , d that the applications you made. w..ce almost p.diale.w. 411.1 have Left we a new Wan. vith the tlit•rtrivel Alltl VIEW' of restored health. Yoe rs,, grate ruiiy. . ,iti...h r. 6 • ,.. ia . ;..1 LTATIt ROOMS -FOB 1)141 AMEN 1.)10 PENN eTEZET, 'rum p A. tY TT I. a - 4utie 17th. Ilifir. . •••-• • .f.:_,-.17•2 Vi c. ',=,r . .c-c. Ws- xorrozs—.• La, *.Po;•Seggc..**.L4.l "Ward.," "'Wad," "Boordisiio At. set r. emoting POUR Ll3lllloachatill be heterie itr ibm. solissinairmes for TWIIIITY-Plra 0.711f78; oast additioaal Una PIPE 011Nrff. "ViiirANTED--111TVATIONA. nation la CLERK, or /militant. ha a_atore.' by a young man who ia not afraid 'to Matte mama ,- useful. Address B, GAZILITZ OFFICE. , ANTED— GIRL. :: —A good lan, • W On general housework,. In n'tateihy of thro e . is wanted.. Must be Indust , lona and clean labs = work. Good wa lla s and. steady situation. .11pprjr today, at GAZETTe. COUNTING-ROOM. . WARPrED--GIRL—A Pretegiukt Girl, clean and neat, Ibr general-housework, Ina Ihrolly, of three persons, is wanted at ask Mast bring recommendations.. WANTED-HELP=At Employ.' went 0121 , e. No. 3 Sc. r Street, atrfa,,,- 130,18 and MEN, for, different kinds- of employ. ment. Persons wanting help, of all kinds can be supplied on short notice, • TAT.ANTED--R OLIIIN CI . L L VT MEN —At the'•GLOBE ROLLING MILL; Cincinnati; Ohio., one grrt-elaSs ROLL TURNER; one good SMALL MILL HEATER & ROUGHER, for small Iron. IVANTED—SALESMAN.—To` 807- licit - orders fora celebritted.PlCTllßE, that Is se ling rapidly. Address B. 11.. Box G, this once. airing reference and s4lary wanted. WA 1N T E D-BLACKSMITH . BLACKSMITH that understood businessovili receive good wiges and steady s I" ni ployment. None but a good workman , need app ly to JOHN GRAHAM, Temperanceville, Pa. 1-717-4-m-nrrryri„ • Z ANTED-BOAR 1 ERB.-A gen tleman and wife, or twlo' single gentlemen,, can accommodated with firit class boarding at can a 18 WYLIE STREET. ,Room is a front one, en second floor, and opens out on balcony. - WANTRIBOARI).-, Desirable board for a small family; without obildr la l' _ed, pleasant location oa Pena stteet, may be h a d by i l iddresslag M. W. W. Postoffits Box 57e. WANTED —BOARDEIRS,Good board tine front rooms, with gas, can be secured at $5 . 00 per week. Day boardingoo. For single gentleman. At . , 50 LIBERTY ST , _ S3. KEZT.r wANTED=B o A 14DER8.—Gen— tlemen boarders can,illeatenornpodated with Rood board and lodging at En .1511 FERRY Sr. WANTED- 7 A9•ENTS. . WANT ED—AGENTS—For Na- TIONAL CAMPAIGN sdouLS.-13x10 :steel Engravings of GRANT and CO ;FAX, with or with out frame.. • On. agent. took GO orders In one day._ Also, National Campaign Biographies of both, Sib D cents. Pins, Badges. Medals and-Photos forezt ocrats and Republicans.. Agenta make 100 per ct. • bismplepackages sent post-paid fur 1.1._ Send at once and_ get the start. AddCess GOODSPEED CO.. 37 Park Row. N. Y or Chicaga,Ml. • IIVANTED—A GENII' S.—Several vv - go.dt Agents wanted to sell s patent Ms covery. Address PATENT, this dfaceovith name, residence and references. VVANTEI)-.,-AGENIN—As' &LING AGENT, a Man well'acquainted with tee Quecnsware and Glass business. None, , 4 other need apply. A P. ;0. Lock Box '197. Communications confidential.' '-' WANTS . s I WANTMD—PURCHASER—For IrYliTistA u et tu . tgentlnsll6*llisbußb ed business oh illisoo in six months. AddresSiltritThlos"otlice! WANTED-1100Mfil.--,ori second . T v floor twomnfarni , hed lodging 1100.11 n. for a small family, Within three ie.:mires of the Post, Mos. Address L. Box A, GAZICTTY OFFICZ: WANTED . -;;COLLECTING, Having - employed softie experienced men, we want parties who wish to have their July bulls collected anti settled in a bovine. a way to call on se. - Ali accounts left with n. will receive prompt atten tion. W e can give the best of references as to ability character and-business' habits. FEED TUBTIN.'B7 i-itant street. wANTED-TO EXCHANGE,sev= eral hnddred acres goad lowa land , roc any property. Address r, 13AZILT . T% OFFICE. ' l I OST-WATCH--$25 REWARD. —tin Friday, July' 3d between hielE2,tesport an Pittsburgh, en the 'Morning Express Tra of the Connrilsylile Railroad, duo In Pittsbnigh at 10 o'clock A. It., a LADY'S 1/01.41.111INTING CASK WATCH. (~r which the above , reward will be paid atTillS OFFICE, • l, OST•=zoo the- 1104 of Jun e " in Allegheny, a pair , of GOLD EPECTAULIDL t: ender will confer a great favor and receive the thanks of the owner by leavlitg them at the MB, PATCH or GAZETTE OFFICE. IY3 - O LET— ROOMS .ETIis o cont innolcatinz BOOMS, Nd. 4 Hancock atred. at No. 4-T. LAIR STdt... r. all YcO LET—HOUSE.-4 new two.. story brick dwelling( B6USE gust En shed, rooms, cel ar- and yard, • tt: 77 Chat's= Bs. e. I UTIIBI4IIT & BONS, 85 :. Itbdeld e.reet. MO LET—RESIDENCE —On . th e Commons, In the , eleanitest, healthiest and meat desirable part uf Allegheny City, a three. story - Brick Mouse, with all - modern Improve. nients, in drat elms order; blrge lot, with stable In rear , A part or the en Ire iurnishment or the house, welch Is new, will: be sold If de Ired. Address, with full came, LOOK 808 388, Pitts. burgh, 1 TO LET-STORE ROOM AND DWELLING -BARE CIIANCL.—The Rtore Room OU le t deep and Dwelling Roust at present occupied by T. H. Alleges. Jelteller, located at No. 89 FEW RAL ISTREaT, Alieeheny, will be rested o favorable terms. There aro nine large and well arranged room —three on'esuiß of second, third -nd fourth. Sours. Das and water throughout the house, • Plate gooks In .tore windowst Pue•oession will be iv en on August Lt. - Apply to C. WATTLY. two doors below. . . 0 LET-THE STORE .11,00 M, No. 160 watervenue, with dwelltng above of rooms, with gas and tisth. Store room et... ted up In the brat manner With plated glass show windows and iron front. Inquire at face of FRA ZIER R05.,.01d0 avenue and, liedgwiek Street, Al legheny. . TO LET— H 110 USE.--A thre desirable e-stostreet ry HELVE ul ISE, Heated In a in Allesbeny City, together with -furniture, will be rented on moderate terms. Fur particulars address B. 8., Box B, UAZI,TTE OPI. TO LET--STORE-DOOM—No. 72 WYLIE aTitEET. Ils 11 ready for ocenpa lion. is forty-dye feet In depth, sky-light back. French plate glass front, ling pavement, and every. thing elegant and convenient' FOR SALE--HOUNIE.-- A double Pram.. House, suitable f r two families: with tut 40 by 135 fei.t Alturte'drin' Braddoeksfleld, an be bong.* f.r 000—on—hail rash, balance ,m 1 amt St le re. with interest., Inquire at W. K. WAN. 11.0 Grant street. oircit ,NORMAN TON, at Port Perry. OR 8 4 LE—n OVS E.-- _ coin— fortable SUBURBAN NtißtilliENl 'E. with 'A aeresnt ground, taauti fully situated, is offered tor sale. inquire 'of • ROUGE 8. ISWA.RTZ, No. 104 Wylie street:or 03 Fourth street : _i L FBA LE—STE 81 BOATS.. The I . Allegheny River Nat igition Company offer for sale nte.inter ECU° .50 iSb feet on deck 30 feel b. am. 10 th en Made , 5,4 fet btruke. The steatsur - Tr - AREEB No, 2 Oa feet on deck, 30 rept beam. 15 .neli (whinier, 5 ri•et striike. with all their tackle and outfit, in gno6 running order In ern of JAS. REF.S. Engine; Builder, Duquesne • „ FOR BALE -HOUSES.-A conve nlent SULU'S HotTSE, qt , due rooms, atone • . and Int, on Peach ailey, n. ar Pride as House Is IF vs, and ..rice anqy .1.100. Als_,o 110USI. on Forbes street. for dak. Atipty to WK. • WILTON, corner of Pride au k' Forbpastreet. FOR SALE LOT ' IN McREES-- PVItT The half ur whittle of a lut 80 feet front II 140 feet deep, shuttle on Blarket, Second street. For partleutsirs enquire of W U. HULL, Hull's Store, Fifth. hear the 4.t pot, do— ff. espurt; ur address JOSEPH reitsrnour Ile Fifth *rivet, Pittsburgh. - i rOR SALE -HOUSE AND urr, tine butide and let of twO acres' of .rooad la Illipshurg. B. aver eeenty.l Pa. Tbe douse is a tw0..4. 17 .raree, with seven rerns. The lot has a. numoer of fruit trees, and all in Aohdi order, There Is a cistern on the prentheN and stable andLother euthulldlugn• . Will be sold a a bargain ty' RAM— SEY' & HAW.. Real Estate Agents. No. 91 Beaver street, Allegheny. • . ___. _ ...._._..._.______4lllt .. .. --11.1 OR SA LE.ORBEB. HOW. rARD , B LIVERY AN I) SALE STABLE, one dna MILT HORSE Br' B Wee DAPPLE DUEY HORSES: one LAUB El DRAfRitIT Fit/RSELthree BIACH MARES; two GREY MARES. FIII2IT iTREET, near Mououglthelu Douse. Hosea bought and soIYI on eilloodhelon. ... --r- i , ---- i —' lal 0R S A LJB--HO NU-- NIC E .1.• BRICK RDUE, of tight rooms, En qu ireagoinen avenue, Federdl etreet. ol Mr. DIIIIITT, corner Montgotinery avenue and Fed eral a treot. Alieguen3. ' Ipo R SA LE-TOR TS.--LOCUST Pt sl'B.. a,.y slice requlred,"l4,lol-1N Y I r., corner of Ridge street and Allegheny avenue, Allegheny tiltY• • t - "*" _ --, .;! vs.-':. Ell ITUATIONS. ff LOST.: FOR RENT. FOR S II EiZi