The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 14, 1868, Image 1
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It 'duthorizes the sale 9 i!,-tof twenty acres to the Leavenworth Coal '-' company. " " Mr. T k REMBELL, from the Judiciary i t e ni C to i acou te : m t p o indictme ntsr also no i errab t ate t ir y a o n ss , t asreported r eported u m.t7emdrlysup p lying ebgacti a . .1 obisfi favorably b trrv i te l a.a l ese, m at i i n ovacerite a u thorizingr l bt a is t: i iiini on. find ing xtt t o ee. eoutive Departm en ts ,!' with amendmenta. reg • - allatku; the times and places of holding . • 11 . District and Circuit Comte in the Northern Pistrict of Florida. .•- •', Mr; - OSBORN introduced a bill author ' izing the Commissioners of refugees and 1 freedmen and abandoned lands. to sell f.. certain abandoned lands in Pensacola, ' li Fla., which vas referred to the Committee Lt. on Public; Lands. - .- . Mr. McDONALD introdneed a bill for the relief of loyal - citizens of Arkansas and for ,4,„; taking the census. " The amendments to the tax bill (tame over tiand a COmmittee of •conference ordered, t consisting of Messrs. Sherman, Morrill, of • it Maine, and Iftickaleiv. - 4i Mr. HENDERSON called up the bill .to tl. amend the act of 1866 to authorize the con- . • • s .struction of bridges across the Mississippi . 2 l i i i rivet. Passed. It, authorizes the couskruo .l),A tion of a bridge of five hundred feet spans Iri at St. Louis:• , -rights, '•• ' • 1., - The bill far the rotection of 1 . 1 of American citizens abroad was the madelhe •1 special ordee for Thursday siert. '•• The Senate resumed' the consideration of , ..,;••.' the _i furtding,bilL Mr. HENDERSON moved to amend by • making the interest on twenty year bonds •'• l• four and a half per cent., on thirty Year bonds four per cent., and on , forty _year, bonds three and a hgar percent Rejected— .. I Bto 24. 1 1 . - , Mr. FESSENDEN moved to amend kJ . ' „,,. Making the authorized bonds redeemable •••`•l 4- t in ten years and payable after twenty, 4 thirty ,or forty years. • • The bill was discussed at length by .4:1 Messrs. Morton, Edmunds, Fessenden, and . 'fri others. • During thediactimion.Mr. MORTON de f 7 !) liVersl a prepared speech, the - burden of" 1 Which was that according to the atatutes ,_ ;•a the . Five-Twenties 'shordd be paid in cur ..,,ruti.T..•-• He, however, favoredth.t.hill. . -‘-, • Mr". OOLEMlettas same view:~'• • -- --.-_ .• ' Mr. FESSENDEN expressed theicantrary r tionviction, and advocated adherence to the 1 . i platform. • ij Mr. HOWARD . coincided with Mr. Fes 1. sendert. - ..,,,••. -." • - - .! Mr. CAMERON 'favored deferring the : - subject till after the election. Mr. CONHESS thought the Democratic '• • platform should be met now, au the faith . '•';' in the Government vindicat e d. F - •-• ,' i Mr ESSENDEN'S amen t was re .' i Jected without division. Mr. RAMSEY moved to at e out the last section of the Committee's• amend . ... .p, meat, legalizing contracts. made specif y paid in coin... Rejected-6 to ,20 - . 1.. Messrs. Cameron, Harlan, Osborn, Howe t RamseLand Wade voting yea. , 0 '''t • Mr. WILSON offered &substitute for the `-• •'. II third section, looking to the issue of fifty year five per cent. bonds, the bondholders ..` 't to pav orie-half of one per cent. taxes, and .:, ' 4 l that a certain increasing amount of the '• ''''public debt shall be paid each ten years, 1 !‘ , ,',., beginning with ten millions at the end of .•. ''. the first ten years. :.. About five o'clock the Senate went into ''''' A 'Executive Session and soon after adjourned. •.;i , . HOLISE OF RF.RSENTAITVES. . • Messrs. Schenck; Hooper, and Niblock were appointed a Committee on Conference on the tax bill. i' - j - ` The following bills and joint reaofutiOns were introduced: To authorize soldiers to select homestaads from nubile lands; Appropriating postoffice for Court Room at Paducah, Ky. • , ~ . To provide for bringing cases into courts of the United States against railroad com paTo their line in several States, amendte a hct making a grant oflands forthe extension of the Iron Mountain Rail road from Pilot ,Knob to Helena. Mr. CLEVER introduced a joint resolu tion for the protection of settlers on Cher°. ... kee neutral lands of Kansas, which passed: Mr. -, LAME offered a resolution re- - questing the President to furnish copies of all instructions records and correspondence 1 - connoted wit h commission to regulate the late treaty with the Osage Indians, and all propositions made to Commis‘ioners by :, railroad corporations or individuals.. Adop ted. • Mr. DONNELLY introduced a joint re, . . solution to protect existifrg land grants in Minneaota )(alley Railroad, allowing a plot of a location through unsnrveyed lands t .within the State of Minnesota 'to be filed .i . , and withdrawing such lands from - settle -12: anent. He moved the- previous question, R• which the House refused to second, and t. the resolution went over. Li Mr..DELA.NO iutoduced l a joint resolu t', son providing that - ..Dnited States mints ki and branches. shall continue to refine gold; ti silver and Bullion, and that no contract to' .eichange crude or imported - bullion for re -2 lined bars shall be made until authorized tky law, and repealing section five of act of 1.1 - March 3d,'1853, and section three of act of February.2 o th, 1801. He moved .the pre vious question, which was seconded, and . the joint resolution passed-14 0.34. 11 Mr. HIGBEE offered a resolution to pay to John D. Young $2,8:10 foi expenses in= i by him in the contested - election. ,ease between himself and Siunuel McKee. A debate arising it went over.J. mr.seIIENCK, from the Conimittee on , • - Ways and Means, reported back the Senate 1 : =bill legalizing acts' of two of the three tax -'4oommissioners for Arkansas. Passed. ' - Mr. FARNSWORTH. from , the Post Of . .. - doe Committee,reported a supplementlto the postoffice bill. Passed. - --lir. PIKE presentod a Witte* of the ' National Board of . Trade,', with referee(*) to. the navigation of the Tilis , issippi. Referred to the Committee on commerce. :- ' Mr. STEVENS, of Pa., introduced,,a bill to amend the .act .of April 14, 14102restati . .., listing a Uniform rule of natifililization. - ' 'Referred to thil' SndiciaryDommittee. Mr. BUTLER offered resolution in ref -' - °renal to, disposing of property of.the Ifni : tad Statei in cer ta in canal and fumigation c ompanies not paying dividends. Refer= i.- ~ rod to the Cbuimitteo on Naval Affairs. gr. ELLIOT asked to take from the - -I, Speaker's table the Senate bill felating - to et - she Freedmen'ti Bureau and providintg for ' 1 1 tinuanco. • -. , (..... - ts eon r - mr.BANPALL objeotPd. , ttil ---Mr. AfiNELL asked leave to offer *rasa. ri lolibn rears:4ll l g the prevalenee of -Outrages INE : ISEI • sr; ' • - _ at the South, declaring it was the duty of the Gbvemment to extend protection to all its faithful loyal citizens, white and color ed, and providing for a Select Committee of three to investigate the Matter. l Messrs. RANDALL and BROOKS, ob- 'ected. Sessions for debate only were ordered for every evening this week. The House refused-8 to 62, not two-thirds voting in the affirmative—to suspend the rules in order to allow Mr. Schenck tooffer a resolution making the Civil Service bill a special order. The Senate bill relating to the Freed men's Bureau and providing for its discon tinuance was debated. An amendment warkoffered providing for the discontinuance of the Bureau in ( all States immediately on hemming represent ed in Congetiss. Rejected. Mr. ALLISON moved to amend the bill by making the discontinuance absolute on the Ist of January . next. Adopted na the bill passed. - Mr. D.k.WW3, from the Conimittee on Elections, reported the credentials - of Na thaniel I Boyden and Oliver S. Dock ry, members elect from North Carolina, lad been examined and found in due forms but these gentlemen were unable to take the test oath, Mr. Boyden having been a mem ber of the North Carolina Legislature un der the Confederate Government, and Mr. Dockery having served three months in the Confederate army in 1861. The politi _cal disabilities thus incurred had been Ee- Bowed lby act of Congress, and the F-' mitte*recommended the oath prescribed for persona whose disabilities had been re moved should be administered. I The motion was agreed to, and Messrs. Boyden and Dockery had the oath admin istered;and took seats as members. Mr. .TUDD asked leave to offer a resolu tion making the - -Nlagara Ship Canal bill the special orddr for the 10th of December next. - Mr. KELSEY' objected. Mi. SCHENCK introduced a.bill t abol ish the office of Solicitor and Naval ndge Advocate: Referred to Committee qn Na val Affairs. \ Mr. ASHLEY; Nevada, asked leave to in troduce a bill taxing the interest on United States bonds at ten per cent. Mr. MILLER objected. Mr. MOORHEAD moved to close, general debate on the Tariff bill in thirty in nutes. Mr. WASHBURNE, Illinois, moved to amend by making it two hours. Agreed to. ..- The House, by a vote of 84 to 57, agreed to gosinto Committee of the Whole on the . Tariff bill. • i Mr:MOORHEAD, opened the debate in favor of the bill, and in the course of bis remarks spoke of the special •agent of in rternal revenue, Mr. Wells, as the guardian of the interess cif the toreign mann licturer and foreign agents in New York. Mr. GMSWOLD, in replysaid, Mr. Wells was'in favor bta - prOper tariff. 1• . After speeches , ,by ...Messrs.. avnard, Daggs, Garlieldf:and Pike, the , Co C o mmittee nul l , arose and op goose t9ok. &recess. Et:citing es - aicia`-:=Tifti House ni t again atepastarAneolocke-inCo ,of the Whole. and was addressed I,by Mr. WABEIBIJRNE on the financial end tariff questions, in favorof paying the debt as de nominated, in boq'ils, and api=t such a tang: system as impoverishes the West for the-benefit of the Eastern manuflteturerse Mr. BLAB'?" of Michigan, also addressed 1 the House on the Presidential election, n justification of the Republican partY and in denu:nciation of the Democratic party. Mr. ELA; Qf New Hampshire, spoke in favor of taxing the interest on United Sta bonds. . 1 • Mr tes . JULIAN, of Indiana, spoke against the policy of land bounties to soldiers, and in defence of the present homeatead sys tem.: Mi. ARCIIER spoke in defen , Democracy- and in condemnatic Republican party. At a quarter before ten o'clock I adjourned, TENNESSEE. Railroad—Difficulty Adjusted-1 Negroes--Lynch Law—Mond Memphis. [By Telegraph to the Plttahnratpasette. l Motimmix, July 13.—The Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Co. have leased the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. Trains will conitnefice running on Wednes day. The State bonds due the N. 4; N. W. Railroad, amounting to 52 5 40,000, will be issued to Receiver Cliffe. , The striking employes of the road had a parade to -day, in honor of the difficulty and the, prospect of speedy pay. A young man named Fireland was mur dered by three negroes on Saturday night. They entered his room, cut his throat and hacked him to Aces. A negro was subse quently arrested, suspected of being one of the murderers, and taken to. Columbia,; where he was seized by a paty of white men who took him off and it is supposed killed him. Two _ other 'whites were murdered in Maury on Saturday by negreea. , The Convention of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity assembles in this city at the . State Capitol to-morrow at 9A. M. A num ber of delegates have arrived. MEments, July 13.--Charies Peeples, a notorious negro thief, while attempting to escape from policeman Bowman last night, was shot and mortally wounded. A negro named Ben String while cros sing Bayou bridge =on Jackson street was shot and killed. Being mistaken for a notorious horsy thief, he was ordered to halt and failing to do do so was shot down. A negro, named Henry Jones was shot and instantly killed in Fort Piel4ring S•tt urday aftetnooni by another negro, named Henry TarMOrl. whp Made his'escape. Charles Oldridge, an overseer for P. N. Burgett, opposite Cat Island, on ntlythe Arkan- sas shore, wasshot and inst ,by the latter Sunday morning, a while atkilledtempt ing to shoot Burgett. Burgett passed 'through here to-day on his way to Marion to surrender himself for trial.- Gov. Seymour at Albany. ter Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (*stew"; ITT/ClAilf. Y., July 13.--Gov. Seymour . Arrived nome this afternoon and was wel comed with great enthusiasm by his friends. Bells were rung, cannon fired. tire coin _ponies turned out, bands played, ,ttc. The crowd was immense and enthuaiastleally cheered the 'ooir.ernpr, to whom a formal. greeting wits extended by Judge Davis. Gov. Seymour, from the hotel steps, made a brief but feeling acknowledgment of the kindness of his friends and neighbors. lie. icon after retired to his residence ,amid re newed denionstrattons of the PeoPle. ,Op Ihe route from Albany to Utica a re , stir' rounded the Governor's oar at the princi pal stationtt.and called him out. , NO came upon the platform at various places, but dill not gpeakr , -- -_-_, . t International, Cricket klatch. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh U+Zef• _ Naw Yonic,,July 13.—Tite cricket match of the,Htdokerbooker Club, of Canada, vs. St. Gecrge, of. New Youndland, ooransentald to.di3r. St. Georges' ant innings, 109; Canadians' first innings, 79. The St. Georges went in again and lost their wick ets for thirtreighkruni. Atkindsneelargs. - -ry .e SBURG SECOIII EDITION. pcitra, cpc - x,oos. A. M. THE CAPITAL i ..... Nomination by the President— _ Land 011ie Discharge of Treas. - nry Emp oyes-- Appointment Contirmed—Attorney General ship. . [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ' WASHINGTON, July 13, 1868. NOMINATIONS. BY THE PRESIDENT. The to-day sent to the Senate . -, the following nominations :I Benjamin F. Brundage, Redder of Land Office, Frisalia, Cala; Charles E. Rgemus, of Kansas, Con sulate of Honolulu ; Lorenzo'P. Willeston, Associate 'Justice of Supreme Court of-Mon tana ; Silas IL. Oxtell, Assessor of Internal Revenue, 3d - Sistrict California; Henry L. Warren, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Montana; Adam Rose, Assessor In ternal Revenue, 10th District, Pennsylva nia ; James H. Wilbur, of Oregon, Agent for Takain# Indiana; Felix M. Dominglie, of New Illtrk, Consulate of Tobasco La fayette Head, of New . Mexico, Agent of Indians in that Territory; Edward S. Mc. 'Cook, Collector of Internal Revenue, Bth District, Illinois; Belden Connor, Assessor Internal Revenue; 3d District, Maine.- • LAND OFFICE. Commissioner Wilson,• of the General Land Office, has caused to be examined and' adjusted the accounts between the United States and the States of Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Oregon for the live per cent. find accruing to those States upon the net proceeds of sales of public lands within their limits during 1867. The balances due to said States qp,the Slat of December, 1867,are: Minnesota,s2 7 L Iro 0791 E 5 , 41 1 8, $ _ 1 . 5 971 Oregon, 0,2,525; Wisconsio,s6lo,o6 B ; Mich igan, $1,055,281; Nebraska, 161,090,649. • - nEnucriort or EMPLOYES. . • • Twenkv-five messengers and laborers, male and female, will be discharged from thelPreasury Department during the com ing ,week on account of a lack of ,appropri otter's.' ' " ' _ NECALI. OF MEXICAN MINISTER. Senor Romero to-day:delivered to the Plenipotentiary is the recall as Minister of Mexicantßepublic to this country. The usual complimentary and diplomatiespeechea were l made. NOMINATION . O 0011V1RMED.. The,Sonete this afternoon oonfirtned_The =midst:tomtit' Edwin IdeCobt as Colleetor of Internallievenne for the Bth Dietriotail. ._ ,A'rtontir.T onwouttatur. • ~. s ' M At in' tnYortiPlifi - rneottne of Repfiblicain Senators to-day it was decided to confirm Mr. Everts as Attorney General. . , - mmuuminni TOPICS AND GOMM. It is thought the President will allow the . Ellectoial college bill to become a law with out-- his approval. • Mr. Johnson will probably take his resi dence in one of the Southern States next spring, as he - is said to be destrious of ob taining a seat in the United States Senate. Congress will no doubt endeavor to e ff ect 'adjo next Week, lia all the Southern Representatives will be admitted within ten days. 0 The Conference Committee will report the fax bill on Wednesday. There is little posibility of the passage of the army bill this session. Randall, !McCulloch and Seward oppose e Democratic platform, while Weller and k, r wg are pleased with it and the ticket. isreported that Senator Hendricks, who is to run for overnor of Indiana, will not speak for Sey lour and Blair. There is no dou . t that a movement is on foot among the J hnson men to nominate Chase and twin' -.fora third party Presi dential ticket. A Committee .f Virginia Republicana, headed by the L euteuant Governor and the State Treasnr : r, are urging Congress to make immediate 'revision for th an Er oding in that State. T ey oPPee Pending House bill becau. : it re-inns reg istration, and a great nu # ber of ex-rebels will at tempt to register nder the amnesty proc lamation. A bill authorizing an election in accordance wi h the views of these gen tlemen will be in reduced in the Senate, Judge Fisher, . prominent Republican, arrive 3 from Ja lason, Miss. He reports that the official c nvasa is nearly complete,. and shows a De ' ocratic majority of 7,000. Republican nornittee is enaged in investigating th , election retu g rns, and claim to have 'roof of frauds to the amount of over lfteen thousand votes. A reign of terror p avails in all the interior counties, and th assassination of. several' capitalists is re) rted. Ccl. M'Kuy, o •Georgia, arrived from At lanta to ask Congress for the re moval of all dis bilitibs front a number of Union member ofvthe State Legislature, in order to enab a that body to get into working order. United States District At torney Fitch, of Georgia, Democratic dele gate to Nei' Yo k, la' the candidate of his party for Unite States Senator. it Weald that twenty-five thousandiloilars have been raised itirNew ork to enable 'him to buy up enough Vote to secure his election. The Congress onal Executive Committee are actively en aged in preparing for the campaign. Th ' • have assurances that am ple funds }will • : at their disposal, and have made nrra # genaente for the publica tion and distribution of campaign docu ments. r • • The Reconstruction Committee do not expect to have any more measures of im portance to bring up before the House.., ce of the .n o the he House order by bides In SOUTH CAROLINA. Military Domination at an End—Leglalw tive. Proceedings. (Dc Telegr a ph to the Plttebmgh Gliette.] CAABLESTdDt, July 1.3. 7 -Gen. Canby (llis sued an order , o-day that military, °dicers in the St•tte (Taws exercising ahy . civil authority w li u thy' President procbitms ttie ad option l' the i,;(3ll.lll.Wtional ,uneud ment, strwinc• alio the , prisoners under chargeis I will be turned over to the civil . nutisoritii.s, 'tied all prisoners serving out sPotenees_ by military onnimisalous will he. field: Writs of habeas eorinisfrom the Untlid States Courts are - reiporided to, bat to writs from State Vaults reply is to be made that.the prison er is held under the authority of the laps of the United States, and that jurisdiction ts exelueively in the United' Statei tlotrts.l Coupons, July. 13,—1n the Legislatlifid to:day, a bill passed a salved reading yid- , Mating the Provisional Government or the mate, A hill was introduced for the pro. ,servation of Homesteads. • The election' for Senator takes plum to- Morro!. A abarp mutest will °nine es there ht said to boosnsiderable division in the Republican ranks. ...-- ,h ..gym ~„«.-x :~ ST. LOUIS Arrest of a Postoffice Merit— tork Seized-The Great Re clde—Gen. Grant Visits an i.m. tslte ,By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ga .1 Sr. Louis, July 13.—Gen. M n , formerly registering clerk of thu New rleans Post office, was arrested hare yesterday charged with robbing letters in that office of a large sum of money. • Malik lel% here to-day in custody of a governnient detectiveJ • The tobacco factory of George E." Hutch inson was seized to-day for non-compliance with the revenue law, and Hutchinson held to bail in three thousand dollars. The Grand Jury to-day reported a bill against Capt. Donaldism for murder in the first degree for shooting Henry Andereton on the steamer Great Republic. They also reported a bill against Capt. Barr for being aecessory to the act. 1 General Grant, accompanied by General Dent, visited the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Webster, ten miles west of here, to-day, and spent several hours with the children, all of , whom were intro duced to him. The party were ‘ mot by Gene. Edwards, , Chipman, 51 'Neil and Shepherd, and Ans. C. Yeatinan, and other geottemen interested In the home. The General expressed much gratification •at the visit, and the orphans gave him three hearty cheers at parting. To-day in.s been one of the hottest of the season, the m ercury ranging from 95 to 100 in the shade, according to the locality. i LOUISIANA. , Inauguration of Gov. Warmouth. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. j` linc7 ORLUANS, July 13.—tir. W. - mouth; Governor , elect, was inangniat today is the hall of the House of Rep sentatives. There were preaentike me hers of both houses. The lobbies were den ly tswked. The oath of offiee was admin toted by the Chief Justice of the Supra e CoUrt. A number of nfitgoing and ineom. ing officials were present on the ,platfoyM,, Ggyernor Warmouth's inaugural addretis was veri,hrief and well , written, but net' very explicit as 'to the future coterse • of his administration. He says : that . he refrains, at thie time, from entering into. any discussion of the -memores deemed of huportanee. He urges, however, iminedi.: ate measures for the repression of tliclaw- Imsness and disorder now .existing in the State, and says that "we want peace and ordbr, and without it we canhave no pve.-- parity." AL ' ABANIA Organization of Ibis Leghlatore,-Ratthca tolOO Of COOStiO-alonai Aavendatest---Sa; st. laus tired. • CDs PeteXrsPSrto ate Pinafore' nastkte. - I Eintrrommitsv, ALA., July 15.---Governor Stniktf4iguLtitfift4Wo4oHGavitrPor APPIaP .t•e• were sworn laiir days ProVlaio n alofficere. " The Senate Met at noon and elected all . The fourteenth amendment was rat ed, and then the Senate adjourned nut.' to morrow. • lit the House officers , were electe and the fourteenth amendment was ratified: About five o'oloolt, pursuant to orders of Gen. Shepard, two pieces of artillery were brought to Capitol Hill and salutes fired in honor of the ratification of the fourteenth article amendment. • GEORGIA Georgia Legislature—lnvesttgation as to Et lathy of Members.; • ATLANTA, July 13.—Mr. O'Neil's resolu tion to investigate the - eligibility of each member is the only business before the House. Tile inv,estigating committee was' in session- the entire afternoon. The questions asked were : Did you hold office prior to the war, :taking the oath to support the Constitution or the United States? Did you give aid and com ' fort to tbe i rebellion? Have your disabili ties been removed? No Senators have yet been excluded The Wegtheir. (By Telegraph to the Plttetetrtkiialette.] , Cumacto, July 13.--During yesterday and to-day five cases of ,sun stroke were re ported. The mercury reached 91 this af ternoon. ALBANY, July 13.—The weather contin ues extremely hot. The mercury this af ternoon ranged from 97 to 101 in the shade. Numerous eases of sun" stroke are reported, several of whicu have proved fatal. NASHVILLE, July, 13.—River •swelling, with twenty-two *inches on Rarpeth Shoals. Weather very warm. The Coal Miners' Strike . (By Tolegiaph to the Vittmonreh Gasotte,l HARIUMBLIUQ, Pe.i July 18.—A tel gram received by the Governor from Pot vide shows that the reports of outrages n the ng regions are all false. It seems al most positive that the reports were all cir culated by interested parties to raise the rice of coal. Cholera at Illavanna—Submarine Cable.. (By 'reirgreph to the Pittsburgh 911.110143.. LIANANics, July 13.—Cholera in , this nity is decreasing in violence and extent. The Nara succeeded in raising a mile of the new telegraph cable, but the machinery subsequently lost hold on the cable and it sunk to %Whetter'. c i —An International Commercial ) • nven- 1 tion is to be held in Portiand,;Me., t e 4th of August, to consider the various projects now 'before pile country for lucre ing the facilities of intercourse between th interior mer of un and Atlantic seaboard, to urge the doption of measnres to relieve c en - necessary. burden, and to secure u I restrict ed freedom of trade throughout North America.. Delegates are expected from all sections of the country. —At a Democratic ratification meeting . held at Melam - ond, Va., on Saturday night,. Governor Vance declared that what- the Confederacy fought for would be won by the electiOn of Seymour and Blair. Gen. Wise, while supporting the nomination, de noences aa a falsehood:the first Tammany, resolution, which alleged secession to be dead, and ,declared that it was more aliie thifn ever. He especially supported Blair, because he had promified'revolution, &c. , • • —A planet, hitherto unknown, Wa s dfs (layered by Prof. James C Watson, of the'. Detroit Observatery,,lat Ann Arbor Mich., on the night of the 'eleveitth inst., ' in the constellation of CanrisX4ntui: , 'lt shines iikejt-star of the eleventh magnitude, and is situated in, the right ascension, three 4Mudred and seventeen degrees and forty : threw minutes,. and . in declination fifteen • degreei and forlpeight minntestouth. Dispateheairom the mining miens' is the eastern part of the State 'indicate that she strike will be , settled this week, as the proprietors are inelined to adopt the sight hour law. . . t; --- BRIM' NEWS ITEMS —St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, was formally dedicated on Sunday. —The steamship Ottawa, from Europe, arrived at Farther Point yesterday. —The New Yoric Herald is said to be backing up the new Chase movement. —The Democratic ratification meeting in 'Philadelphia, on Saturday evening, was a , !tame affair. . °Niece Fa üblic I Iphail ------ -At New York yesterday the thaimom eter reached 97. Many cases of sun stroke were reported. —The banquet to Hon. ReverdyJohnson, Minister to England, will take'place at l3al timore tomorrow. • E —The machine shops of the Milwaukee and St. Paul. Railroad were burned on Sun day. Loss $50,000. • i , —Gen. Frank Blair, Jr., arrived in Chi cago yesterday, and left on a trip to .the Rocky Mountains. —Another registration before the August election takes place in Virginia is being prepared for at military headquarters. —General Stoneman has appointed Jas. S. Tipton Judge of the Fifteenth Circuit Court or Virginia, vice Fulton, resigned. • —Wharton's nickel factOry, near Camden, N. J., was totally destroyed by fire Sunday night, involving a loss estimated at 1160,000. —At fluffalo.within fort Y-eight hours end ing Sunday afternoon, there were ten cases of sun stroke, seven of which proved fatal. —A. W. Griswold, cashier of - a - Burling ton, Vermont, bank, was robbed ou a Hud son River train of $60,000 in Governinent bonds. —Hon. Wm. Pinkney White has been appointed by Gov. Swann, of Maryland, 'United States Senator to fill the unexpired term of Reverdy Johnson. • —At Bridgeport, Connecticut, yester day morning, Tomlinson and Barlow's lumber N'ard was destroyed by fire. Loss, $20,000L Insured for $9,000. —FeltonLassociated with cashier Martin, of the Hide and Leather bank, Boston, in 'defrauding that iruitituthin, has been held for trial in default of #35,000 bail. —About one hu ndred of the Ku- S lut- Klan made their appearance , on; Sunday Mont midnight -at Memphis, marched throngh the principal streets ancl suddenly disappeared without speaking to any one.- . . , T Y in ork o eh t t rian of - Elder —Frre Perry , hundred arriv e d Mo at Ti s o e n v ; I'dily from Europe, and-left - yesterday for Utah. Ten thousand other "believers!' aro' lofollow, as soon as they can be shipped at ' Liverpool. i —A Washington special I states that Sec retary Seward.has. purchased Sonora and, Sinaloa from hielico; also,lhat Minister Burlingame has negotiated with Secretary Seward a treaty of commerce between the United State S mul Chhut. . • - 2 . —Mallet*NA, Atelatitedl)yßiShapii DOlll. ' OlllXk- of l'ittsbiarg le - h; LYneh , qharleston, - and Elder ontleilainimdi consecrated Rey. zPli - Cr Hanky ISW3o2,44 o l ls po T w A ri g is maftstmillushOrom , ofent.oaL iidel= phis, on 'Sunday, with ini -cereins.- A Fearfal Story of "larder and Revenge • • la' the Far West. A shocking story of brutal murder, and swift, lawless punishment among a party of miners travelling on foot over that Rocky 'lleitintains to the Sweetwatir mines, is ported in one of onr- Western • exchanges. - Hess, a Frenchman, and Armstrong, a 'Nova Scotian, had quarreled, but apparently be. came reconciled, when Armstrong re-opened the disagreement, and threatened Hess for taking some of his tobacco. During that day the party entered a dangerous and diffi cult canon, through 'which- they: wound along a narrow ledge of rock, several hun dred feet above the bed of the stream, which ran along at the foot of that fearful preci pice. At the point of the greatest danger, where the party had to travel in single file, and several yards apart, Armstrong watched his opportunity to dodge behind a ledge of rack unobserved, and thus fall behind the others. Hess was the last man in the file. As he drew near to the place where Armstrong was secreted, the latter stepped forth and I fellowed his companions without seeming to " notice him. Presently he knelt down as if ' to tie his shoe, and Hess, unable to pass, stopped within a few feet of him: The next moment, turning about to pick up his ,bun dle, 'which had been thrown aside upon the ground, by a sudden change of movement, he seized the unsuspecting Frenchman and hurled him over the edge of the terrible abyss. 'Some twenty or thirty feet down from the face of the precipice the wretched man lodged in the branches of ascraggy hemlock tree, which grew out of a crevice in the rocky wall, and might from thence have been rescued if assistance bad been nigh. But there was none. How the murderer could summon the hardihood to stoop down and watch the fall of his victim from that dizzy height, we cannot imag- - Ina. Yet Armstrong did look down the cliff, perhaps to assure himself that his murderous work was Well done, and saw. poor Hess still desperatelY maintaining his hold upon life, instead of lying a shapeless mass at the bottom ,of the canon. The fiendish spirit manifested itself still futther. He got fragments of rock and cast them down upon the poor man, until his lifeless body toppled over the yawning abyss be ; then Armstrong arose and pursued his tourney. ' The whole act was seen from a diatimee by another of the party, who was -apart hunting for game; and after they had got into camp at night he told the story, when Armstrong was seized and Charged with the murder, and he did not deny it. A pint of the company were in favor of taking him with theni through to the settlements, to4t be tried by the civil authorities; but the major'. ty were determined •to allow the murderer no chance for escape; and so, about an hour before midtught, Arrostrong was oonducted to the top of a cliff which rose like a wall to the height of 180 or 200 feet, half a mile in the rear of the camp. Having bound his hinds and feet, they cast him over into the black abyss, out of 'phi& no crYreturned. IRE H . oTst KBErrate,•ftecorOing to a recent. published opinion of Commissioner 11.01- flu, are liable to special tax from the first day of the month in which they engage la business as such, without taking into con sideration the amount of theirros.-pective. gross receipts, imiese the Assessor all be satisfied beyond any reasonable doubt ' that the gross receipts of any_p_roPrietor ef , a hotel will het exceed $l, annually, annually, la *hick case no• asseeKaent used be made. When the special tax NIS been paid, end it : shall sppear to -the satisfaction of the As sessor at the end of the special tar year that no liability lies been inured, he will sae* the taxpayer to prepare a claim for the 7fundiag of the taxpidd. A Bubmarine RaCe—A Novel coated— Three Divers Walking Under Water for a Prize. ' 1 1 Among the most attractive and novel fea tures of the ' day's (July 4th) programme was the submarine exhibition given in the harbor under the immediate direction of • i Mr. G. W. Townsend, the gentleman who . , is engaged in blasting out in the channel. ..] This being an entertainment entirely new to all, it naturally attracted a very, large concourse of both sexes, and was probably witnessed by 10,000 people, win? usembled ~ in multitudes upon the piers, on bot h /Aden 'r of the harbor, on the decks of shipi,-,;stisani ,.. I boats and tugs, while hundreds Di : entailer ] , craft, gaily decked with bunting, were drift ing about in the vicinity of the submarine; track, all of which were densely crowded with men and women, anxiousto see "what they should see." While engaged in, watch ing the preparations that were being made to get the submarine "walkists ' in readi nessfor their tramp, the entire party seemed to have forgotten that part of the programme was to be an explosion under water, and, as if glad of the opportunity to startle and surprise those of the company who were afloat, Mr.Bmith, the electrician, without any warning, communicated the lelectric spark to. he twenty kegs of powder he had previously !wink in the channel, when a ter rific explosion took place, throwing a large volume of water from ninety to one hun dred feet into the air, while the whole sur face of the Water within the radius of an hundred feet of Where the explosion oc curred, , was moat fearfully agitated. This • was a grand debut 'for the performers, and aided largely to the interest that silk were manifesting in a most impatient manner in the othergrand feature of the entertainment, the walking match. I The, divers being duly . equipped in their armor, lay quietly hanging over ] the gun wales of their attending boats, looking more like submarine monsters the,. they Old like "walkista" contending for a prize, Pre cisely at eleven o'clock' and tWenty-five 'minutes their heads disappearrina the floating stage, which was anchoreed f dza short distance from the need of .Long Wharf, and the men started on their perilous ;tramp of '2,100 feet to a like stage, whit 111 was as- chored off the Cunard docks, on 1 the East Boston Side. There were three entries in this.race; viz: George Phillips, Of,iMarsh field, who has been five 'years in the busi ness; William Lloyd, of Boston,, Who has been ten years a diver, and Jae& Palmer. 1 of Boston, who•has also had an experience -of flew. ,years.: Each - MBA wan- provided with ngniding line to direct him on his course, and each diver , was alio` Provided with a email boat provided - with Or' AninPat whiell , sivere kept constantly et Welk to sup plytkem with air...*Exdinelfram each boakto tint:divot:was ,a. life line, •Istilehis always% charge dilioma 'partici:du person, who acts as "tender' for the diver whenev 'or he is tinder water: ' Directly ...After benut ; lowered. they set out on their tempi and, at ] the outset, Mr. Palmer seemed .1,42 be mak ing the best progress: Directly,„ bpweber. he began to fall behind, and was soon a long distance in the rear, which was: mined, as 'was subsequently ascertained, 1)7 hisguid* ing line getting foul upOn a rack.- Lleyd made good headway, but could not keiti up with phillips, who proved to be the cham pion submarine -"walkist," • Phillips com pleting his journey in 17 minutes, while Lloyd was 18 1-2, and Palmer 21. • On the , arrival of each'diver at the floating stage, he was provided with . a ladder, up_ which he climbed till near : the stirface, when he was assisted out and immediately dis mantled, all three appearing to be as fresh as when they first entered the pater,' The crowd cheered, the divers Nvaved ; their flags, the guns boomed from every quarter of the harbor, and thus terminated a novel and exceedingly interesting feature of the ' day'a programme. ..... To Mr. Phillips was awarded a prize-of, • . $75, to Mn->Llovd a prise ofsso, and to -Mr. Palmer'a prize , of $25, all• of which were fairlylearned, their walk_ under water proving to have been a much 'greater success than any (Of the cham pion.' walkists", of the city have made -in this -vicinity on-dry land. What lhey un dertook to do they accomplished: and the public was neither deceived ner disappoint ed.--Boaton Evening Gazette. '~ Abyssinian Treasures and' Trophies. The stolen treasures .and trophies of this Tower of London will receive a considera ble addition from the Abyrisiniail spoils. Among Theodore's jewels are two -crowns, one for State and the other foi.ordinary pur poses. The ttate crown is of gold, rising to a height.of about eighteen-inches in three tiers; it is inlaid either with precious stones or tidmirable imitations. Th. 3 work is very fine, and the weight such tv4 only the head .of a could beer. The com mon crown is of dark silk Velvet.and 3V89, no doubt, at one time very_ fine, but age has dimmed its brightness. The robes are gor geous, the State robe being i : made' of gold tassel, worked in floss, and lined-with a rich brown satin. The pattern is !gag chaste and the workmanship can scantly be -excelled in any civilized countrj. The second robe is one which Theodore expressly ordered to be .made for her Majesty. Queen Vietoria, but "unavoidable circumstiftices” interven intf, the black monarch kept himself for some time, and finally , gave it'one of the -Clerimin artisans - at'lliagdals, who gave it up to Sir Robert Napier. • The materials of this robe are not; so zieh, nor are the ornaments as chnete and val uable as those of the State robe; but the Ma area wqk of Indian pattern is exquisitely done. The seal of the sing is one of an or dinary character, and bears the name and title of Theodore. It is supposed to bays been ma de in London. There are also the royal slippers of a shape somewhat after the J a p ane se; they are coveredwith goldscales, and a ppear to have been frequently worn. Eros .11. Anne WELKERi member of Pon gregi from Ohio, is said to;haye bad his am bition aroused for the first time When at tending court at WOOStel'i twenty or thirty years ago. Judge Dean Wm on the bench. Young Welker heard the proceedings of the court with delight, Going out he said to Is boy friend, "I mean to.i be a judge, if I live!" And twenty years after he ran against the same Judge Dean ind beat him. • As 'Amnon dropped from the car o f balloon has it cut loose atliew Bedford, on Baturday,and striking a Taunton b named Naltran, fractured his skull. It Omuta ut the clothing of two other boys ,and carried them shout forty feet, 'when the Aeronaut caught the line. They fell in some trees, and though taken up insensible, will prober , bly recover. I' 111 -1 ' ENE "' id's