The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1868, Image 8

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Daily Prayer Meeting From 12 N. to
2210 o'clock at the Methodist Church, Fifth
street, next door to Gazers's pie,
Quiet.—troy Hill was quiet -yesterday.
Mayor Drum having placed two policemen
on duty there during the day.
Painted.—The boxes of the Alleghonv
Fire Alarm Telegraph have been painted a
dark yellow color to - prevent thetrt from
-There were five cases of drunkertimas at
the;Allegheny lock up on Saturday night;
.Most of thern_paid their -fines on ifiunday
morning and were discharged. r
Slim Attendance.—Owing to the great
heat yesterday the various churches is the
two cities were rather slimly attended.
Several of them dispensed with the even
ing service.
Abandoned.:=The Home for the' Destitute
which accomplished so_mach good) in this
vicinity, has been abandoned for the pres
ent. When circumstances require; it is the
intention to establish it again.
; , -A.Bevere Fall—Yesterday afternoon a
lady in the Seventh ward tripped - and fell,
breaking her leg '_and otherwlse injuring
herself. She was conveyed to Psiasavant's
Hospital and her injuries attended to.
. Broke Down.-A wagon loaded with bar
101s broke down on Penn street, Saturday,
in front of the Office of the Citisens' Passen
ger.ROilway. After obstructing the stre,et l
.for a gouple of hours the owner finally had
it unloaded and removed.
Almost. Completed.—The new North Ave
nue M. B. Church, in'Allegheny, is nearly
ready for occupancs, When finished it
will be one of the finest church edifices in
western Pennsylvania. Bishop Simpson
is expected to take part in the dedicatory
services, which will, take place in a few
Personal.---The many friends of Mr. E.
T. Cook;.-- Superintend-ent of the Young
Dieted Christian Association,. will be pained
to learri that he has been lying at his resi
dence, on Liberty street. for the past weeic,
seriously ill from an attack of fever. He
was somewhat improved yesterday, bat his
physician does not yet considefbim out of
danger. •
Inquest—Coroner Clawson held an in
quest on Saturday on the body of Tlieophi
lusHerman, the ooy who was drowned on
Thursday afternoon in , the - Allegheny
rival% Several witnesses were examined,
but no additional facts were elicited fur
ther than what we have - before published.
A verdict ofreaccidental drowning rasren-,.•
dared. • • \ ,
- -
On a Touro,—Wm. Semlie, Esq., the well
Inown dry goods merchant of Allegheny,
sailed for Europe_ oxi Saturday In the
steamship City of-Baltimore, of the
line. He expectsliste away about aincuith.
We wish him a speedy and prosperous Voy
age over, a pleasant and enjoyable, dine
while there, and a safe-return, with renew
ed health and vigor.
- A Pugnacious James ? —Ames Mehan, of
No. 3 Milligan's Row, m the Fifth ward,
must - have been in a bad huinor, or spoiling
for a fight the other day; if he acted as
Mary Flynn, . a neighbor, alleges he did.
She states that he came into her house on
Saturday, and after insulting, her endeav
ored to pick a quarrel with her husband,
by bantering him to come out to tight "and
making divers other hostile demonstrations.
Alderntm Taylor issued a warrant for - the
arrest of James, on an informaticin for
surety of the peace.
Committee Appointed.--At a meeting of
the Stockholders \ Of the Chartiers Valley
Railroad held at Canonsburg, Washington ,
county, Pa, on Saturday. Messrs. J. H.
Ewing, Wm. M. Daniels and wm. Reed of
Wlishingtunleounty and George Neil and
James Murray of Allegheny county were
appointed a iftmmittee to wait upon J.
Thompson, of the Pennsylvania Cen
E' ar
and report to him that $250,000 had
-been subscribed toward the building of the
Moeftwe of Conferees,
The Republican Conferees of the Twenty
third Congressional'district will me et again
to-day at Freeport, for the pur posee of
nominating a candidate :115 - r - Congress.
They held's meeting on Thursday last, but,
after balloting sixty-one times without
coming - to any decigloo, adjourned to meet
-to-day to try again.
The Republican Conferees of the Twenty
fourth Congressional district will also
convene for a -similar purpose this after
noon at three o'clock in the Monongahela
House. They were in conference several
days last week, and balloted nearly. two
hundred times without nominating. Per
• haps they will have better luck to-day. _
', Sad Case of Drowning. -
, Yesterday evening about half-past five
o'clock a sad case of. drowsing occuireck
the victim being a little boy, five years
age, :named Peter Biker, son of Jacob
Baler, of Birmingham. It appears that
the little' elloUr went to the well connected
with hil'" father's house, on - Jane street,
. between John and Joseph to get a drink.
While there by some accident he fell in
andivas immediately drowned. The body
was recovered soon afterwards and the
head found to be very much binised,
caused, no doubt, by striking .against the
sides of the well in the descent. The Coro
, ner has been notified and will hold an in
-4 quest to-day.
Railroad Accident.
On Saturday night, about eleven o'clock,
William,Luke. in the employ of the Mo
nongahela Mitigation_ Company, met with
a severe accident, which may perhaps re.
watt fatally. It seems that he was walk- ,
ing along the track• of the Connellsville
Railroad, slighly intoxicated, when a pas
senger train came along. and he, not hear
ing or heeding the alarm, was knocked
down and had his right arm kun over by
the cars. mangling and mutilating it in - a
terrible manner. Drs. Sutton and M'Cook
yesterday amputated the arm at the
shoulder, and the Injured .man was then
conveyed to Passavant's Hospital,where he
is doing as well as could be expected. He
is about thirty years of age, unmarried
and boarded at Port Perry, Pa.
Supposed Lareeuy_or Silver" Ware
On Saturday a man came to the fruit stand
orMr. Pulpress , in the 'Allegheny market,
__. .
and sold to the son of - the proprietor a sil
ver napkin 'ring for-twenty-five cents. The
young man suspecting that all was not
right, informed the police of the transac
tion and gave a discriptionef the man. Yes
terday afternoon about 2 o'clock one of the
police arrested the man in the First ward,
aillegheny. When broughrto the office and
searched, a quantity of goods was found
about him, all of which no doubt have
been stolen. The goods- consisted of a
linen table cloth, three new unhemmed
linen handkerchiefs, half dozen silver tea
spoons, half dozen tablespoons, five silver
- forks, a call bell, and a mail nail brush.
The spoons were stamped with the initials
HE R. " and the nap rin g-was marked
HE. M:B.--from Broths ." The owner of
the articles can have them by calling at the
Mayor's office. The prisoner gave hit name
as Patrick McCloskey, and gave several
accounts in regard to ,the" none none of
which are very plausible. He was locked
up and will have a hearing this morning.
_ .~
On motion, the Court allowed officer
Bowden, Chiefof Police of Allegheny City,
the sum of $W for arresting a horse thief
named John Christig, convicted and sen
tenced to the Penitentiary some time ago.
On motion of John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq.,
Norval Marchand, of East Lifierty, was
qualified and duly admitted to practice in
the several courts of Allegheny county.
Mr. Marchand has for a long time been a
student in the law office of Messrs. Kirk
ptrick 4t Mellon, of this city, and finished
hi studiea, graduating high in his class,
in the well. known law school at Albany,
N w York , ! over which ex-Senator Harris
pr sides. We feel justified in predicting
fo him a sucesstulcareer in the laborious
pr fesaion upon which he has just entered.
I - • ,1 , 1
he' Argument List will be taken up
o . Monday, ‘ I
CW111;11:1011 Pleas--Fall B e n c h.
• urt met atten o'clock on Saturday and
th - following business was transacted:
fter the usual proclaMation Sheriff Mu
le •appeared and acknowledged a number
o eds. ' I
• the case of Nicholas Link vs. Morri
s() , Koegler & Co.. a motion was made to
• e off the:non-suit:
. Roedelheim vs C. A. Boucher. AM
da • t filed a n d rule granted to quash pro
ce dings. ,
. e report.of the sale of the Union Cem
et :ry of the; Methodist Episcopal Church
• • - presented and approved. •
essrs. Bier, Foster & Kier resented a
: ition for the extension of their Lateral
1 Railroad at Negley's Run,
;on the Al
lel bony Valley. Railroad, in Penn town
eh p. The petition was received and or
de ed to be tiled: I -
Court then adjourned until? Saturday,
Jtily 18th. , -
._ii.., Aggrarated•Aseault and Battery.
_,l enry Keyser, residing on Frii3hington
ateet, Sixth ward, Allegheny, made infer
tion on Saturdaievenlng before Mayor
Drum, againk Wm. Hollinger, proprietor
oi an eating saloon In the southeast corner
l ofthe l i Allegheny Market House, for aggra
v ted assault and battery. Keyser alleges
that he went into the saloon about half,
pest six o'clock in the evening and asked
for something to eat, when Holliger, with
ont any provocation, pitched upon and
abused him in a terrible manner. Hollln
ger's'Statement of the case is that Keyser
came into his establishment in an intoxica
ted state and began handling the things
°tithe tableand.otherwise annoying 'him
considerably, and In endeavorlin to put
him out they got into a scuffle., Hollinger
was hold In the sum of $3OO to answer the
charge at Court.
Sudden Deatk.
Alderman Guyan M. Irwin held an in
quest on Saturday on ttie body of a German
named Gotilelb - -, who dleci suddenly
ofithe farm of Louis French, in Rosa town
ship. 'lt seems that the .man i had helm
working in the hay field all day, and abou t . Ep - o'Clock in tlio evening he le ft And went
the house to get a drink. After drinki6l7
he Complained that he felt unwell and laid.
down in the barn to rest. He had lain
there but a very short time when it was
dvered that he was dead.. A physician
w called in who, a ft er an examination of
the corpse, said he thought the man died
fr!apoplexy, and the jury rendered a
veillet accordingly, He was about thirty
five years of age and unmarried:
Iristries Court—Judge
In th&Court on Saturday, the following
business was done :
B. B. MeQuiston tt Co., vs. the Mononga
hela Navigation Company. The motion to
set aside the judgment Was overruled, and
the same made absolute.
Judge Williams 'delivered an opinion
overruling the motion for anew trial in the
case of Charles Gearing vs. James Millin
g:tried some timo This it will
be recollected was the great cotton case, in
regard to which so much interest was man
ifested, before, during and a ft er the trial.
The jury found a verdict in favor of Gear
ing for .40,000, and the defendant's coun
sel immediately moved for a new trial.
The motion wad subsequently argued before
Judge Williams, who overruled it as stated.
• James Rees vs. 'John Morrow. Judge
Hampton filed an opinion setting aside the
judgment of non-suit, and awarded a new
In the matter of re-petition of Jos. Keel
ing for a lateral railroad in Lower St. Clair
township, the Court appointed Reuben
Miller and John Brown as viewers, instead
of Wm. Holmes and Isaac Jones.
The balance of the session was taken up
by the usual motions, 'special returns and
acknowledgement of deeds by the Sheriff.
Quarter Sessions—SW Bench.
In this Court on Saturday the business
of the June term was nearly all finished
up. Following were the sentences passed:
Frederick Baum, tried and convicted
Of , fornication and bastardy, preferred
byMargaret Walters, of East Lib
erty, was sentenced to'pay a fine of twenty.
five - dollars for the use of the•guardlans of
the poor, seventy dollars -to the prosecu
trix for expenses incurred by the birth of
the child, the sum of eight dollars per
week fur five years for its maintenance,
and to give bail in the sum of IsBoo for the
faithful obserVance and performance of the
sentence. The defendant was tried twice,
the first jury 'failing tol agree.. The second
jury convicted and he was sentenced as
stated. - I -
The following disposition was made of
severs 1 liquor cases: Henry Alles plead
guilty to selling liquor without license in
Oakland township. He was sentenced to
pay a fine of fifty dollars' and costs.
Arthur Ehrenburg, of McKeesport, plead
guilty to selling liquor to minors. The
Court sentenced him to pay a fine of thirty
dollars and costs and under go thirty days
imprisonment in the county jail. -
Boaz Mars plead guilty to selling liquO - i
without license and was sentenced to pay a
fine of fifty dollars and costs. -
Some time ago John Melarky had a,hean
mg-on a charge of wife desertion. In view
of the fact that he did not have steady
employmenctherCeurt sentenced-him to
pay only two dollars a week for the support
of his wife. On Saturday District Attor
ney buff moved the Court to grant a rule
to show cause why - the defendant should
not pay more: money tots wife, it appear
ing that he had steady employment and
was making full wages. The Court
creased the amount from_ two to four dol
lars per week.
George W. Keagle;_found guilty of the.
robbery 0f=16770 from R. - Buck 'ln Novem
ber last, was next broughtf - into Court for
sentence. - His counsel: Messrs.o,Morrison
and Cochran, made an effort 'to have the
young • man sentenced to the House of
Refuge, but the Court refused to comply
with their request. The prisoner, too,
made a statement in which he strenuously
denied his guilt. The Court then sentenced
him to pay a fine of six cents and to under
go one year's imprisonment in the Western
Penitentiary. After the sentence had been
named, Beagle said, addressing the Judge,
"Before God, your Honor, I am innocent."
A nolle prosequi was entered in the case
of Arthur Kirk, charged with storing gun
powder within specified limits, the defend
ant to pay the costs.
Suicide of - Jessie Mlle ..COren g r ig illim
The facts connected with this singular
affair are still fresh in the minds of our
readers, and we need not rehearse them
here./. On Wednesday,ihe day on which
she died, the Coroner I pannelled a jury
to investigate the case, knd after viewing
the body the inquest was adjourned until
Saturday at two P. 31. ! - .i Saturday,the
inquest was held, at which the following
testimony was elicited: 1
Dr.. TV. K. Hamilton. sworn—On Monday
morning, shortly after nine o'clock,,PWlP3
called t o : see Jennie Miller at the Union
1 1
found her laboring under the effect
apparently of an overdose ,of opium; as
soon as 'possible I administered emetics,
the effects of the poison having affected her
constitutionally; we endeavored to keep
her awake by having her walk over the
floor, parties assisting her until'She was
entirely powerless; water was -dashed
in her face, and , she was rubbed; we kept'
her breathing by this andnther means; at 1
times it was with great difficulty we could '
keep her breathing; from ?,‘ to 7Velock
in the evening we could raise her without
much trouble; about 9. o'clock she was able
to speak, reaotion having come on; I then
had hopes of her reaove ; she vomited
incessantly through the fight and during,
the next day; on Thurs ay morning the 1
powers of life failed an she sank rapidly.
and died about 10 o'cloox the poison seem
ed to kill her by poison s g her blood, and
she had congestion of the brain, liver and
nngs; the amount taken was about two
birds of an ounce. ,
Examination resumed—Do not think she
adpiny other disease; did not ask her if
she ad improPer. connections with per
sons,( do not think she was In the family
way; did not examine her before or after
her death.
James:Bacon, one of the young then who
had been keeping company, with the de
ceased, testified that the last time ho saw
her was on Sunday evening, at Mr. Low-.
rie's house in East Libeity, She was well
at that time, and told him that she wanted
to. get rid of Mr. Quinn, and thought he
would go home. I heard that - she was
poisoned, and came to the depot totsee her;
she — said she had her lessons for.:
herself, and that she did not want'anybody
punished for what she had done. :Quinn
said they were engaged to be married, but
she denied it; she was with him in Pitts
burgh ,on the Fourth of July. Her state
ment to me was that she procured the
laudanum in East Liberty, by sending a
little girl to a drug store, giving her
twenty-five cents, and requesting her to
purchase that amount. Her companion,
Mr. Quinn, was with her when the pack
age was given her by the little gill; he
asked her what was in it; she said, cordial,
and she was going to take it when she got
home; she took the laudanum at the sta
tion, when be was not seeing her, and he
did not know she had taken it; she handed
me [the witness] the bottle. [lt was here
produced by the w and aut
one-fourth full. Ititness
conained the wa label
R. lki'Clarran, Druggist, East Liberty, and
a printed direction as to the doses required
to be taken by persons of various ages.] I
visited her on the evening of that day.
John Cardiff; a cousin of the deceased,
was examined and testified that' he »kw
Miss Miller on Monday morning about two
o'clock. She got him his breakfast, and
he came to Pittsburgh. Quinn and Miss
Miller were together the same morning at
seven o'clock, when-he 'returned from
Pittsburgh; saw them at Mr. Bown's gro
cery store in East Liberty; I heard about
one o'clock that she was poisoned; she said
about half an hour before she died that she
was tired of being knocked around, and
that Quinn had nothing to do with it; Mr.
Quinn stopped at the same house, and al
ways boarded there when be was in East
Liberty; Mr. Bacon appeared to be liked
by her bettor than Quinn was. •
'James Lowrie, thegentleinan with whom
the girl lived; was sworn, and said that on
Monday Morning, about two o'clock, the
came to his bind and told him not to wake
her as usual, as Brie did not rant to see
Quinn; she slept i the same room' with
'witness. About six o'clock Quinn came
into her room and took .her by the hand
and pulled her up, and asked her to go to
the station with him. She had lain clown
with her clothes on.. It was reported that
she had taken poison some time ago at
Mr. Cardiff was re-called and testified
that he never knew of her taking poison
before, but she was sick last winter, and
her brother-in-law found in her pocket a
lozenge, which was said to be a love pow
der, or love lozenge, and that they had 'bet
ter have it examined. was shown to
Miss Miller, and she said she would attend
to that.
This closed the evidence and the jury
rendered the following verdict:
-That Jennie Miller came to her death
by an overdose of laudanum, administered
by her own bands, on the 6th ofJulv, death
resulting therefrom on the 9th of
the Union Depot, Pittsburgh.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were tiled of record
before H. &lively, Esq., Recorder, July
11th, 1868:
Stephen Fischer et ux to Joseph treylet. May 12
Mr,a; one-fourth part of two acres tie hater town
*hip Vl7
Peter Hanna to Metzger. Hyler & Co., May 15. IRK
another fourth of same two acres 1110 0
Henry C. Saunders to Frederick Laurence. Jr.. Sep
tember 3. 1867( four lots of ground in Allegheny,
(late ltesersetownshlp,) viz: lots 11, 40, 71 and 72.
J. J. tihutterly, trustee, to Margaret Jessup, 0ct0.741-
her 26. 18G7; slot of ground 40 by 100 feet in Indiana
township - .
Samuel McCann to John July 6, 18119; an Ir
regular lot of ground in Franklin township... $3,0
Robert Arthur et ax. :to Thorns's C. Durkin. July
6th, 1868; a lot of ground 160 by feet, in the
Ninth mow Eleventh) ward, city of Pittsburgh,
Hugh Roberts et al. to Lucy Reese, uctober St 9oo
186.44. a farm of 11. '
acres and 4= perches, In,Char
*tiers township C 250
Henry Ziegler to Conrad Schiplor, June Mb, 1868:
two lots of ground lot No. %land part of 06 , Hart's
plan. to Sixth ward. Pittsburgh., .. . . ....$3,500
Rich .rti ?Antall to David Jones, ay 16, 1888; au 1 , -
regular lot , of ground. Second ward, Allegheny-
Roberts Bo o
Green to Andrew 4" . Williams, November
12, 1850; lot of ground in Ohlo township 4887
George W. -Irwin et al. to Adella Layman, October
In, 1865; - lot of ground In the borough of Lawrence
ville, in Allegheny county, 100 by 34 feet 1600
George-N. Irwin and wife to Wm. Layman, lots 49
and 50, and ad,Hnidg the above $1,200
John C. Shaler. to James Scott, June 57, 18024 two
lots of ground Nos; 2 and 4in Chartlers township,
Allegheny county . *350
Andrew McCartney Alt us. to Win. Barnes, Fe hru.
any 10, - 1868; a lot of ground in Chartiers township,
Allegheny county, 4o by IC feet 4 inches $lOO
A. H. Gross et ux. to Asbun Bender, June 0, 1868; an
irregular lot of ground in the city of Pittsburgh.
late Liberty township, containing 3 acres and 13
4-46 perches - $15;391 25
Andreas Lang et us. Co Wilhelm ilishel, et six. June
lA, 1868; lot of ground in Lower St. Clair townli j h j e, 4
Allegheny county, liSby f 9 feet .00
Heirs of Joseph Allen to Andreas Lang, July 27, •
same lot ' 1
Jacob Cresols lu.
.messier et ux to Thomas Thomas et ux, Au
gust 6, 1668; lot of ground In EWA Birmingham, GO
by 16 feet' $1,200
Daniels to John Brander, July 1, 1868; lots
us. 38 and 39 in Phillip 's plan, Lower St. Clair
nahlp. each GO by 130 feet VOW
Dlcken to Elizabeth Ilatcg May 12, 186 S: a lot
and buildings,' in the Ninth ward, city of Pitts
burgh, 100 by HO feet
Hugh Roberts, trustee, to Sarah Obey and others,
to Catharine Reese. October 10, 1865. a lot In Char
tiers township, Allegheny county, on the Nobles
town Plank Road, containing ten acres and one
hundred and eighteen perches, for an annual pay
ment of taxes
Matthew Scott to Elizabeth hatch, June 16, 1868•
same lot and buildings 183,704
Great Bargains at WM. Semple's.
At The. good:White Maris, all sizes.
Lace Mantles, cheap.
Summer Dress Goods.
, White Quilts,
Bonnets, Rundowns,
:Rate '
Ribbons,,Flowers, dtc.,
At extremely low prices, -
• • Wholesale and. Retail,
At Wri !Semple's, 180 and 182 Federal St.,
The Purest and sweetest Sod Liver Oil
in the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is per
feetly pure and sweet. Patienta who have
once taken it can take none other. Ask
for “Hazard and Caswell's COd Liver 011,”
manufactured by •Caawell, Hazard & Co.,
New York. Sold by all druggists.' X
It is said that there is a time to laugh
and a time to cry. Patrick ( Leonard must
have realized the truth of this old pro'Verb
on Saturday, for It seems that both occa
sions occurred in one shoe, 'day of his life.
Patrick having been discharged from
jail, where he had been serving a term for
larceny, thought he at least ought to smile
to express his joy at release, and he ac-'
cordingly did so. Strange Ito say, how
ever, the smiling was just the - reverse of
making him good humored; in fact it made
him quite bad huinored and caused him to
commence an onslaught on officer J. H.
Behsen, which resulted in his arrest on an
information for assault and battery pre
ferred by the officer before Alderman
Lippert. A hearing was had in the case,
, ;and Patrick was compelled to take up his
-.old quarters', hich he was exceedingly
loth to do. Po r Patrick.
Manchester Reading Room.
This institution, for some reason, has
1 1
not been very well sustai ed thus far.
We cannot account for this s to of affairs,
as it has a central location, is a large, pleas
ant, airy room, and on its tables natty be
found daily quite a number f the leading
journals from all parts of th oountry, be
sides all the best weekly p Lineations, il
lustrated, literary and politiTl, and all the
i f
popular maga nes of the d y. Our Man
chester frien s should wa k e up and see
that such a n oble institution is not allowed
to languish. It is worth the hearty sup
port of all, and we hope tllat before long
we may be able to chronicle) it in a liottrish
ing condition. _
"Onw rd, right onward,
intoi he valley of dean..
/t o the Six Hundred."
But larger, y hundreds multiplied into
millions, than the doomed band whoorode
to swift destruction, in Tennyson's poem,
is the_ rreat cavalcade of unhappy men who
are rushing to• untimely graves, followed -
. by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia. This is
' all wrong, and should cease. Plantation
Bitters, the great Stomachic Pain Killer,
cures Dyspepsia,
lieartbutn, Hdadache, - .
Vertigo, Dullness, and all symptoms of
kindred character as if by magic. For
Langnor, Lassitude, Great Weakness and
Mental Depression, they have a most won
derful effect.
MAGNOLIA WATER.-A delightful toilet
artiole—euperior to Cologne, and at half the
price. wwpdr.F
Burnett's Standard Preparations.—We
learn from the first confectioner in this city,
that Burnett's Extracts of Fruits and Flow
ers-for flavoring Cakes, Pies, dcc. are worthy
of the high reputation which Amy enjoy,
being equal to the English articles of the
same kind of the highest celebrity. The
Toilet Preparations of the same house stand,
we are assured, equally high.—Montreal
Wanted to Borrow, 1585,000, for two or
three years; security, first bond and mort
gage on Allegneny county property, worth
over double the amount. Address, giving
real name and where an Interview can be
had. nikloaey," GAZETTE Office.
Balmoral Skirts.—Full sizeSnmmer Bal
moral Skirts, at 7.5 cents, ny
J. W. BARtthl tt Co.'s,
59 Market street.
ByJean Mace, author of "Home Yalu
Tales," etc. Translated by Mrs. Alfred
Gatty. Published by Brothers,
Piew York. For sale by Fleury Miner,
. _
We hail the advent of a new era in com
municating knowledge to the young people,
in the beautiful style of such works as
Mace's. creations. By this Mode children
are educated.more rapidly a d 'obtain a more
intelligent knowledge of d fferent studies,
thip by the old way. Dry a d pven difficult
studies are rendered please t ad are also
More easily mastered. Mace' name is a tower
of strength, and is sufftcie t to command
success, ThiS biiokis of ahi er order of this
class of works, in which we have presented
in a charming style of lan ge, the organi
zation of Men and Animals 'lt is divided
in two parts—first- part,• , and second,
Animals. It reads like romance, and young
folks cannot fail to be charmed as well as
instructed. The translation is excellently
well done.
Jean Mace, author of "The History of a
Mouthful of Bread," etc. Published by
Harper & Brothers, New York. Tor sale
by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh.
This volume is of the same character of
"The History of a Mouthful of Bread." The
distinguished author in the latter has shown
the-vronderful movements of certain' func
tions o: the human system, but this work
discusses a leis mysterious subject, the walk
ing machine. Mere we have portrayed in
the writer's enchanting style, the relations of
the arms, muscles, brain, etc. We look for
a large sale of both these publications, as
they combine popular- elements, as well as
valuable instruction.
it has done, what is doing, and what it
will do. By Ransom H. Gillet, formerly
Registrar and Solicitor of the United
States Treasury Department, - etc. Pub.
fished by D. Appleton, & Co., New York.'
Jor sale by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh.
The publication of this work at this time,
especially as the National Democratic Con
vention is balloting for President and Vice-
President at the time this notiee is written,
is significant. By Democracy, of course,
Mr. Gillet means the principles of the Denin
cmtic party, and his book is a defence of
that .party and an outline of its history.
The fact that Mr. Gillet was for along time
a prominent and active politician, he has
had ample opportunities to fit himself for
the duty of writing such a book: Demo
crats will: find this a valuable work for ref
erence, and others can see the principles of
that party well set forth.,
LIFE OF JESUS. By Dr. Gerhard Uhihorn,
First Preacher to the Court. Published
by Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass.
It is rarely that so much thought and ar
gument is embrace in the compass of such
a small volume, as the one before us.
Everylover of evangelical truth will hail
its timely publication, not only for the suc
cessful' refutation of the teachings of He
nan, Siienkel and Strauss, but for the valua
ble arguments ft rnfshed to hand to resist
such views as were taught by them. The
first Oicourse is a review of Ileum's Life of
Jesus. The second attacks and exposes in
a very Isatifactory manner .the heresies of
Eihenkel and Strauss. The third vindicates
the truth of the Gospel. The last discourse
is upon mericales. We hope the work will
have a Iwide circulation.
IN nin Smoot, ROOM. Chapters in the
Philosophy of Education. By John S.
Hart, IX. D., Principal of the New Jersey
State Normal School. Published by
Eldridge & Brothers, Philadelphia.
The' Career of Dr. Hart, as a successful
educator, is so generally known, that but
E mv
Oat of Jail sad In.
little need be said as to his qualfficatio s for
the preparation of the work. His impress, as
a teacher, has been felt by thousands of
young:men and women, who have been nn-.
der his direction. This experience alone is
sufficient Ao warrant his ability as a writer,
but his sphere of useful toil embracied more
than this. The chipters, thirty in' number,
are mainly devoted to practical topics, pre
senting all the varied forms of teaching.
Each of these chapters are complete initself,
and yet form an interesting thread of narra
lite. The work abounds with vigorous
th nett, and it cannot fail to be popular.
MbRTE DARTHIIR. Sir Thomas Malory's
Book of . King Aithur and of his Noble
Knights of the hound Table. By Sir
Edward Strachey, Bart. Published by J.
B. Lippincott dc Co., Philadelphia. For
Sale by Davis, Clarke it Co., Pittsburgh.
This is a singularly interesting work, and
written in such a quaint style that gives
novelty and interest to the bOok. The
events of olden time are pictured in agraph
ic manner, and furnish the reader an excel
lent representation of the chivalry of that
age. The elaborate contents of each chap
ter, notes and glossary at the end, serve a
useful purpose to the reader. 'The volume
is printed in elegant style in every respect.
W. J. Rolp and J. A. Gillett, Teachers in
the High School, Cambridge, Mass.
Published by Woolworth, Ainsworth &
Co., 117 Washington street, Boston. For
sale by Davis, Clarke do Co., No. 93 Wood
street, Pittsburgh. Mr. Amos Stevens,
General Agent, office, 03 Wood street.
This series of text-books were prepared
by the , authors to supply the want of an ele
mentary view of the preient state of the
Physical Sciences. The professed text-
books on Science now in use are behind the
'times, and. lack a systematic development
of leading principles. The progress in
these Sciences have been so rapid o; late
years that teachers have felt the need of
just such books as are embraced ,in this
series. The common sense method of deal
ing with the topics discussed,, freshness,
vigor, and clearness of style, are highly
spoken of by experienced' educators. The
admirabliS arrangement, simple and har
monious, of the books, is also greatly coin
'Mended by professional men..whose judg
merit is par excellence.. These testimonials
too come from different parts of the country.
The first of the series treats 'of the Mo
ments of Natural • Philosophy, designed to
be usedin Grammar and District Schools.
It consists of three sections: the first-treat
ing of pressure; the second, of motion; and
the third, of machines and sources of
mechanical power. It contains nearly one
hundred illustrations: price 80 cents.
The Cambridge Course of Elementary
Physic comprises three volumes; namely :
Chemistry and Electricity; Bound, Light
and Heat, aid Astronomy. The work on.
Chemistry and Electricity treats of Cohe
sion, Adhesion, Chemical Affinity and Elec
tricity. These topics are thoroughly elabo
tilted, and elegantly illustrated with one
hundred and twenty-two cuts.
The Elements of Bound, Light and Heat
forms the second volume in which the na
ture and propagation of, sound and musical
instruments; nature and propagation' of
light and optical instruments; nature and
propagation of heat, effects of heat on bod
ies, and therial instruments, arc treated ful
ly. Nearly two hundred illustrations are
given: •
The third volume is on the Elements of
Astronomy. The contents embrace motions
and distances of the heavenly bodies; phys
ical features of the heavenly bodies, gravity
of force by which the heavenlg bodies act
upon one another, and origin, traniimilla-
Sons, and conservation of energy. Like
the others this volume" i 3 handsomely Mu's=
trated. Price $1,75 per - volume.
The last of these excellent text-books, t
Hand-book of the Stars, for School. and
Home use, contains an account of the fixed
stars, number, magnitudes, distances, and
motions, of their changes in brightness and
color, and of their groupings into constella
tions and smaller clusters. Also - a fall ac
count of the solar system. This is an ex
cellent work.
Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Published by J. B.
'Lippencott & Co., Philadelphia.
'his is a•sequel of " Earnest Maltravers;
or the Elousinia," and forms one of the late
issues of the unrivalled "Globe Edition"
of Buliver's Novels and Romance. I For
neatnese, accuracy and low price, the edi
tion is without a rival.
Edited by Rev. Robert Avis Wilimott.
'Published by J. B. Lippencott
Numerous edittons orthe great Scotch
poet hive been published, such is the world
wide fame of Burns. ' This is entitled the
:'` - Diamond Edition." It hastnpy excel
lencies which commend it to tie . notice of
book huyers, among which we name that
the text has been carefully examined, and
difficult Scottish terms explained at thefoot
of the page, to which is added, in addition
to a comprehensive list .of contents, a full
glossary, and copious indexes, alphabetical
ly arranged. The edition is neat and corn
WORKS OF Cadman Maxims. Publish
ed by D. Appleton & co., New York.
For sale by Henry Miner. Pittsburgh.
a ll
Thi elegant edition of the great novelist
will co prise six volume/cat the low price of
one do llar and seventy-five cents per vol
ume. Ifis a marvel of cheapness ad com
bines so • many excellencies, each as - clear
fype, good ,'paper, head.iines of contents,
binding Adelaide blue cloth, ' showy, and
six medallion portraits on'each; lid. There
Is a good, portrait of Dickens. on steel, as a
frontispiece. Bach volume will contain de
signs by CrulkshankyLeech and Browne.
The contents of the first volume are Pick
wick Papers, Barnaby Budge. Sketches by
Boa. The edition will doubtless have a
wide sale.
It 1 .
GRAND PAPA'S Aitivaramo. A story of
two Apple merchants. By Jean Mace:
Published by P.S. Wynkoop& Son, New
York. For sale -by. Henryiner, Pitts
burgh. t .
Children will welcome this creation for
their espetial benefit. Under the guise of
this delightful little story, the principles of
arithmetic are set forth with such clearness
that very young minds can grasp the ideas.
It'is written in Mae;e's best mood. Parente
will do well to buy it for their "wee folks"
MARIETTA. By M. T. A. Trollops. Pub
lished by •T. It, Peterson t Brothers,
_ Philadelphia. FOr sale by W. A. °Udell.
\fenny, Pittsburgh.
This is a story of Atalian life and manners.
llt has the merit ofgiving lively and acclimate
'sketches of the manners, habits and morals
'of life in Sunny Italy, and of photographi ng
cettain portions nf society lin Flo*nen t .
about half a century ago, with remarkable
fidelity. The heroine, Marietta, is presented
in glowing terms. jThe volume will most
likely be more poingar than any previous
Work of the author.l
TIM 'GALAXY.—This highly illustrated
and high toned magazine is worthy of the
praise so universal* bestowed by" the pressk
The July number bifore us contains a rum
ba. of excellent artieles, among which are
some 'of substantill merit, namely: The
Chuvch of the Future; The National Pros.
pects and Finsinces;lA few Thoughts about
the Nerves, and oOur Great Diamond&
Messrs. Sheldon & Co., the publishers, have
reason to congratulige themselves for the
success crowning t4ir efforts.
ceived through H Miner, this publics- .
tion, No. 317 of arper's Select Novels.
en ;
The author, M. E. Braddon, has achieved
quite a reputation from "Birds of`,Prey,"
and other publicatio , s.
distinguished visitors who honored Potts
ville with their presence this week, on the
occasion of the semi-annual State Conven
tion of the Grand Ai.rmy of the Republic,
Was the honored sotdier wbose'name heads
this paragraph—th hero of Stone River.
His manly firesence, and affable, courteous
demeanor, won 'din (hosts of warm friends
in this Community, ivho will ever remember
his visit here with pleasure, while his for- i
mer who served with
him in.the West, mairy of whom liye here,
were delighted to mebt their old commander
and take him by the Band. It was an event
of more than ordinary interest to see on the
same platforms here, ;addressing the people,
Gen. Negley, Gen. Geary, the hero of Look
out Mountain, and (Fen. Hartranft, the hero
of Fort Steadman. j Gen. Negley is the
Congressional nominee of the Republican
party in the Twentr , second District of this
State, and that distriCt will, in our opinion,
do itself, infinite hondr if it should elect him
by an unprecedentedly heavy majority.—
Pottsville Journal.
Wnnw a French *man quits Paris lor
her chateau in the country she signs the
death warrant of all gayety. It is despair
to her to replace the Spenes of the
the endless monotony of country life. She
yawns over her tapestry work all day, and
at nightfall, When the phantom ennui rises
up before her, she goes to bed, to escape its
ravages, at such undue hours as she would
be ashaLed to confese. But then everybody
goes to his chateau; the must go to. hers.
And echo comes from every quarter of in
supportable dullness tproving bow incom
patible the French na ture is with country
life. _ A Frenchmalii is full of social re
sources, bale depends upon his sun'ound
ings to bring them out; fallink in these; he
falls at once a prey to ennui—to him the
worst of sll human ills.—Parie Letter.
TER Federal Council of Berne have Offi
cially denied the report that many Poles
had lately proceeded to Galicia ftEnished
with Austrian passports.
EGGERS.— On flaturday evening, 11th inst., at
the residence of her father, Eighth ward, Alleghe
ny City. ELLIE, infant daughter of li.nry Y. and
Allemeua Egger., age4lB months and 7 days. --
;Funeral will take place THIS ♦rrltßNOoN, at 3
o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully, in
vited to attend. . .
EOETREN.—On Saturday evening. July Uth.'
1865. ANNA, Infant daughter of Charles and Anna
Koethen. 3
The funeral will take (lace this morning at 10
o'cloek. The friends and acquaintances of the
family are respectfully liivited to attend. ,
No. 166 FOURTH STREET Pittsburgh, Pa.
INS of all kinds, lc RAPES,GLOVES, and ev ,
ery description of Funerki Furnishing Goods tar
nished. Rooms open day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished. 1
REFIBENCES—Rey. David Kerr, I). D., Rev. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., oMas Ewing, Esq., Jacob R.
Miller, Eau.
Allegheny City, where their CO? PIN ROOMS are
constantly supplied with !real and Imitation Bose
wood, Mahogany and Walnut Coigns, at prices ear
rying from SS to 0.100.1 , Bodies prepared for Inter
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished; also, all
dada of Mourning tioodSj, l f required. Dillee !Pen
at all hours, day and Mehl.
TA No. 45 OHIO
ET, Allegheny, and No. 80 DIAMOND
SQUARE, (by Jahn Wilscin Bros., keeps always
on hands the beat Metal( Ec.sewood, Walnut and
imitation Rosewood Collins. Walnut Coffins Crum
otherpwards. Rosewood] Coffins 10 upwards, all
Coffins I proporticel. Carriages and Hearses
furnished at low rates. Crape, Gloves, Plate and-
Ellgrarug furnished gratis. Office open day and
We nave just received Yrom.the utannfacturet.
- I - I - • ,
Pyrrrs l igicriticum STEEL. ' \ -
They are the best yet tired to our trade. •
Gentlemen's Punishing Goods,
SP th' 4 GOOPS,
opted to o
z fritn (34 anuicamsrvratur*
Jon orF:rED. AT
Corner of Penn Anita. Oar Street&