13 . . I 61 l Luanda ' >Matters in New - York. Fi f , • ' ' ----.• -Gold Closed at 141%. • cir:r.BY Telegraph to tile Pituburstb-Etimette.l NEW YosE. July 11, 1868. If 01111.1 r ANECGOLD. fi Money Continues steady at 4@5 pet cent. on call loans. •terlitig firm at 10V,,®10%, f.".gold, for first class bills. Gold. firmer, PoPening at 144 advancing to, 141 and cies . Ping at 141%,. Exports of specie to-day, - V,4 7 63.768. • ' 00VERNMENTS. EA' shade easier. COupens of 'Bl,. 113y,'@ 113%; do. '62, , 113U,',®113X; tie. '64; 101,€11 101 X; do. '65, 111%®1113x„ do. nev, - ,108,c.(a, /08X; do. 67,• /08%@109; do. '68,:108/®109; 10 7x,@10734;7•30'5, 1083;©i09. • tl • BANK STATEMENT.,, ; Loans, $284;187,708; increase: $ 2 ,201,777- 151:,"Elpecie, 119,235,348; increase, $7,280.618. Cir rculation, (5340,618,202; increase. 1136,75 e . 422,432,014: increase, $3,269,335. ;F Legal Legal Tenders, $68,531,542; decrease, 1 '43,594 397. . STO KS. 5: ' 30 priCQS Cant() 4734®4934.; - Cumbeic land, 3334 X Well's Express, 24,.;@25M; American Express,46®4B3, : Adams I - Express, 6314@)54; U ited States Expmssi 4 -48 %®48X; Merchants 'Union •Espress,'24Y • @2SY;. Quicksilver, =@33; 'Pacific n Iol%@lo,iya Western , Union • •Tele. t graph, 34%®34%; ..New. York Central, /33%©183%; Erie, 79®79 a; do. pfd. 74X; !..t 75 X; Hudson, 137}54@)139; Reading, 95©95%; (Alia and Mississippi, 2 9V05293;; Toledo and Wabash. 484@49;, St. Paul; 674'(0)67;4; ' preferred, 79,14@)7,9%; Michigan Central tr , .117; Mithigan Southern, 903.{,@90%; Illinois `.) 'Central, 157@166; Pittsburgh, 813 X; Toledo, 103@)103y 1 ; Rock Island,' 107X®108; North ' Western, 78V®78%; 'db. preferred, 80M@) 4 SOX; Fort Wayne, 4.oBM©loBya Hartford and Erie; 1516®16. • SEE-TREASERY MATTERS. Receipts at the Sub-Treasmg, $27,257,4 ti 380; payments, $26,781,462; balance, $83,- 1 310,744; receipts of the week, $40,360,380; payments for the week, $40,481,479; imports for the week—dry goods, $1,280,470; gene ral merchandise, $3,082;743. rmarmavos. - The discovery of further frauds in the 13hape of altered ,railway certificates - WWI the chieffeature of the stock ,Exchange. The frauds so far discovered are on the 4 Fort:Wayne, Rock Island, Pittsburgh, New 'York' Central, Erie; Michigan Southern and Pacific Mail Companies, and it is fear •ed the movement exteticfs to other stocks. The extent of these forgeries (=not yet be ;, ascertained, but the aggregate Is likely to be from 1500,000 to 81,000,080. • 'Rumors are -current of the failure of .a Broad street firm through the purchase of spurious certifi -, .eates from the absconded forger. .7 New York Produce Market. '' 18r Telegraph to die Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW - YORK, July 11.--Cotton a shade *.i lower; sales 1800 bales at 32a323i0 for mid tiling uplands. FlourLieicints2,7o2 bbls.; ,f 1 heavy at 10a20c lower; sales 8,506 bba at u,75257,211 for superfine' state, western' at 110,75'112,65 for white Wheat; extra $8,60a R. ii; 0. $8,75a10; extra St. Louis 110,00a14,50; good choice do closing dull and declining; California heavy; sales 800 4,1 sacks at $10,25a12,50; ' Rye Flourquiet; i;sates 200 bbls, at 17,750,80. Corn- meal *quiet. Beceipts Wheat • 82,118 bushels; market very dull and 3asc lower; sales 12,= 1000 bushels at $1,95 for No. 3 Spring, $2;55 for new amber Tennessee' and old white • I; Michigan. Rye - without decided change; sales 4,600 bushels at $1,86 for western and 11,89 fbr Canticle. Barley and Barley Malt nominal: Receipts ' Corn 78,175 bushels. iCorn dull and heavy at lc. lower; sales 69,4 600 bushels at $1,08a1,11 'for new mixed western afloat; closing at $l,lO for prime .1i parcels, $1,12 for very handsome do in i . store; $1,13 for western _yellow, , $1.15 for white 'western. Oats du and lower; .48,000 bus, at 81c western in store; 85, 3 ;a86c for do afloat. Rice unchanged. Coffee; Rio is firm; 2,700 bags on private terms; other ,kinds dull.. Sugar dull and heavy, ' sales of 150 hhds at lly,al2c; Cuba at, 13c. Porto Rico Molasses unchanged. Hops are fl quiet. ' Petroleum, crude is firm at 10c; re tinc3d bonded is heavy at 3434 c. Coal Oil .Unchanged. Leather is qUiet and steady. Wool reflex more active and at about ore vious prices; 825,600 pounds sold at 42 55c for domestic fleece. Pork firmer and a fair demand; 2,200 bbls sold.at $21,37a21,65 for • g new mess; closing at $28.50; regular sales at 13 28 a 28 , 35 ; old do. closing at 42.8,25, regular /y- sales at $22a22,75 for Prime; $24a21,50 prime g mess; also sales .250 barrels of new mess, 4; - receiver July,ats2B,6o. Eteefsteady, sales t 175 bbls. Beef hams quiet. Cut meats steady;:sales - 345'rikrzs 12Xa13c fon shoul ilers; 1634a17c hams; 19a21c bagged hams. 'Middles nominal; sales 50 - boxes long cut 1 cured ice hams' at private terms. Lard ; firmer and closed dull; sales 700 tierces at 4 17a18'0 for steam; 78i 21822 for kettle Tendered; also, 500 tierces steam sellers for September at 173Aa18i , . - Butter steady at 20 a29c for Ohio. Cheese firm at 1.1a1534c. , Freights to Liverpool' quiet and firin; en .ga_gements 20.060 bu corn and wheat at sc. .TEST.—Flour closeddull., and in buy ers* favor. Wheat la2,, lower end very dull. .Rye ,quiet at $1,7821,89. gals dull and heavy at 8334a84e- in store; and'BsNa ...853.0 afloat. Corn strongly in buyers' fa , r of $1,08a1,10 fer new mixed western in ristore. Pork quiet, but firm;. sales 500 bbls • mess at .$28,65 cash - anct regular. Beef steady, with a fair business. Bacon quiet; holders disposed to insist upon.,full prices. Lard rather more active; sales'4soo tierces at 17;ga1835c for good to strictly prime steam. Eggs steady at 25e. Chicago 'market. Mr Telegraph to the littahargh Gazette. 3 Crlionao, July 11....,-Flour is viet'at $7,25 $19,75 for spring extra. Wheat is dull with sales .of No. 1 at SIAS, and No. 2 at $1,78a 1,80, the market closing dull and nominal, at $1,78a1,79 for No. Z. Corn is In good speculative and shipping detnand, and xc .higher, with. sales of No. r at 91a92c, and No. 2at 9014 c, and rejected at 83a84c, the market closing at 91a92c for No.- 1. Oats;_ the Market is quiet and . 1 ,4 c lower, with sales at 66%a67,c, the market closing 'quiet with sellers at the inside figures. ,Bye is active and nominal at $1,40 for No, I, and *1,35 for No. 2.- Barley; nothing doing- Fxovisions are stronger.. Mess Pak; sales were made at $28,50. the market' closing steady. Lard is Xa34t; higher with "sales being made at 173,017 Ne for ,irime steam rendered. Freights are quiet and steady at 3r 4 c on corn toßuffalo; and 70 do. to.Osave. go. The reoelpts for the past tvrenty.four 4tours amounted to 2,545 barrels flour, 7,734 bushels wheat, 182,115 bushels corn,. 99,732 bushels oats, and 4,868 head of hogs. The shipments for the same period amounted , to 3,206 barrels flour, 16,694 bushels wheat,. .346,452 bushels corn, 113,445 bushels oats, and 6,036 head of hogs. St. Louis Market. CDT Telegraph to the Plttsburah Gazette.] ST. Louis, July 11.—Tobaeco dull - and zeavy, without'any quotable changes. Cot ton—more offering, PUMP dull, with sales d re ssed at $2,20. Flour isin good local de mand; superfine at #5,50a6,80; -extra at $7,25 a 7,75;• double extra at $9,50a10,25; -fancy at• 402512,50, alineat—choice lots sold at an advance of sc,'but other 'grades. are dull; .chbice new red • and white -at $2,20a2,25; strictly prime at 1212,20; in spring •-wheat there is nothing doing. Corn ia In goo ,enqtdry for &oleo white and yellow; mixed -western dull; sales—choice white at 80a⪼ yellow at 80a82o; mixed at 80e: Oats irtac idvd, with sales-.of choice at 7 4 76 c. Rye lower , at $1,40a1,41. •Provizions are, firm, higher and somewhat excited. Pork sold 75a29. Babon—clear sides at 17e, and city rib aides at 16,t‘c; shoulders- at 13%c. "lard firm at 174518 c. Cattle in good sup ply. At yesterday's quotations extra sheep and choice lambs were in fair demand at, s3as for the former, and s2a3 for the latter. •Reccipta—flour 559 bbls, 8,900, bush wheat, 5r 23 7 basil corn, 2 , 64 4 01 1 4 040. • ' .. r „„ P.. - • Chieinnall Mirket [By Telegraph to thOPlttsblirgtr Gosette.l CINCINNATI; July 11.—Flour and Wheat unchanged and dull; red winter wheat $2. worn in large supply' and firm; ear 86a; shelled 90a90 c. .Oats dull at 71c. :Rye dull at $1,59. Cotton in fair demand 'at 3136 c ,for middling. No sales of Tobacco. Extensive arrangements are now being made for the annual fair, which takes place next Tuesday. Provisions' buoy -ant and prices are general y firmer. , Mess pork advanced to $28,50 with sales of 3,400 bbla, and no sellers belo - 149 at the close. Bulk , meats , advanced to 'l2 and 14c, Mid were held V, higher at the close., Bacon in de mand, at 13c for shoulders, and 1614a17c for clear rib and clear sidisS, but all were held' butteigher ate close.. Lard sold at 17xe, could not have been had bblow 18e at the close;; generally speaking holders were not' offering 'to'L sell, ' anticipating' higher Prices..r:Buttet,Acarce and_ in demand, at 26a290. I gggs dull, at 17c for trash iu good eider. `Potatoes'scarce and in demand, at 1 , 3a3,25‘-pet. bbl. , Linseed oil dull at $1,02a 1,054 t;Lard•oll advanced to $1,30a1,35. Pe troleum firm at ,35c; in demand at 38a40c; reCelPts large.'.' Gold 149 1 4 buying and 141 selling:: , Idoney market unchanged and quiet at Sale; per cent. Buffalo Market. - tßYTelegrapb to tbe Pltttiburgh Gazette.] • BUFFALO, July 11.—Flour nominally un changed. Wheat nominal. Corn dull and drooping, at 97c for No. 2. Oats lower at 74 a79c. Mesa pork advariCed to $25. Lard 18c. Recelpts--none. Shipments—oora, 118,000 bu; oats, 25,000 bu; afloat for tide waters. from Buffalo and Oswego wheat 220,000 bu, corn 100,000 bu, oats 230,0 0 0 bu. Freights lower; corn to New York 11c. • . , Louisville Market. [Bp Telegraph t he ,to: Pittsburgh Gazette .1 . . ~ LotylsvlLLEc, Suly 11.—Tobaeco; sales of 410 hhdsr lugs - lowerjat s7,ooa9,oo;' , leaf firm at 811,00a11,30, latter for Virginia. Flour; superfine, 87,00a7,50. Wheat, $1,85a1,95. Cern, 90a95c; Oats, 78a80c. Rye 'scarce at 81,80. Mess Pork, 8,28,75a29.60.- Bacon; shpulders,, 1334 q -., clear rib sides, 18./c; bulk shoulders,,,l2c; clear sides, 163,c. Cotton, 28a30c. • Memphis Market. CB, Telegraph to, the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' 111.iormis, July 11.—Cotton is quiet and firm; receipts 8, exports 5 bales. Flour is weak at $l3 for new treble extra. Wheat at $1,50a1,60.C0rn at 95c. Oats at 75c. Hay at $l7. Bean at 23c. Corn kfeal firm at $4,60. Pork at $29. Lard at 18t119c. Bacon firm at 1334 c for shoulders, - and 173‘c for clear sides. Milwaukee Market. a, (By lielegraph to the Vittebuigh Gazette.) lkitt.w.o.urEEp, July 11.—Flour quiet and prices unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower at . $1,83 for No. 1, and $1,75 for No. 2. Oats dull and lower at 66a67c for No. 2. Re ceipts—flour, 400 bbls; wheat, 6,000; oats. 1,000; cora, 2,000 bosh. Shipments—flour, 2,000 bbls; wheat, 37,009; cora 1,000 bush. Toledo Market {By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette,/ TOLEL,IO, July 11.—Flour; receipts 634 bbls; nonunal. Wheat; receipts 2,500 bush; dull with small sales amber at $.2,20. Corn —receipts 13,880 bush; operiedat 9234c,c105mg mg at Ole for regular, and 92c for fresh. Oats; receipts 1,400 bush; steady at 69c. Philadelphia Market. (By Telegraph ro the Pittsburgh Gazette.] PHILADELPHIA. July 11. --- Petroleum steady; crude 22a22%c; refined 34a343,5e. Flour dull. Wheat firm. Corn higher; mixed western ,51,16. Oats firm. PrONlS ionsquiet., Detroit Market .Cl3y telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] - DETROIT, July 11;—Flour dull and now inalut $11a11,50 for superiors.. Wheat dull 'and weak; No. 2 white held at $2,30, but s without buyers. • - • San Francisco Market. [BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette. I SalsrFnatansco, July 11. Flour steady at $6,25a7,50. Wheat weak at $1,80a1,8.5. Legal tenders 713;. , • IMPORTR:II4 RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND PITTSI3I7ROiI RAIL- EcAD, July -- 3 cars iron, Zug & Co; 6 do pig fron t Nimick & Co; 1 car lima- ber, Slack & wholes; 1 car oil, Win' Mc •Cuecheoni 1 car brick, A• Garrison & Co; 16 bbls. copper„ore,.T •M Howe; 10 bbls oat meal, Rinehart &SteVens; 2 bbls tobacco, 5 bxs do ' J M Grane; ' 1 car stone J L L Knox;ls bxs cheese, Vangorder& Shep ard; 10 do do, T C Jenkins; 2 casks ware, .DunLavey. 6E. ,Bro; 2do do, J K Smith & Co; 10 bbls knobs,Adams. McKee & Co; 9 do do, Jones, Nirnick & Co; 20 bxs cheese, J Pettit; 35 do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 4 kegs butter; r bbl eggs, W Harrison; 7 bbls 'glassware, WelOon dr, Kelly; 1 car staves, J J Bender; 121 sks oats, McHenry & Hood; 20 bxs potatoes, 8 bbls do, Voigt, Mahood '& Co; 4- cars fertilizers, Seward - & Camp bell; 36 bdls chairs, 3 do Tockers, Hammer &, Dauler—.4. • • _ PITTSBURGH. FT. WAYNE AND CEHOAGO RAiraman,' July 11.-3 can metal, Bryan & Caughey; 2 do do, Nitnick & Cori do do. Union Mills; 5 bbls flour W I) Lang; 14 tes lard, F Sellers . & Co; 5 bbls' sizing, G A Kelly; 500 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, Kirkpatrick Herron & Co; 100 do do,Watt & Wilson 100 obis ~ flour, Dillenger tc Ste venson; 98 bdls paper, Hostetter & Smith; 30 boxes cheese,Head & Metzgar; 10 do ;to, B Heizleton; 4do do, Arbucklea dc Co; 20 do do, Smith, Johnson it C0;,25 do, do, J ; Dilworth &Co; 100 bbls flour, Thothas & Bro; 325 3 boxes window glass, C Johnson Son; 10 boxes cheese, S Ewart &' Co; 20 do do, M W Rankin, 10 doz brooms, H Gerwig; 5 bbls vinegar, S P Shriver & Co; 5 do do, S Cooper & Co; 2 bbls eggs, W J Steel & Bro; 5 bbla vinegar, McCullough, Smith & Co; 2 dO do, J J Pettit. PITTSBURGH, CINOIRHATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, July 11.— 20 bales wool, Meanor &Harper; 170,sks.corn,.T W Simp eon; 20 bbls barytes, 'Berner, Baumart_it 'Co; 240 eke wheat, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 1 car staves, J Painter & ,Son; 100 tibia flour, Seghmver Vbekamp; /0 bbls vinegar, J K,Smith it Co; 10 do do, J H Lippincott; 10, bbls tobacco, E Hear.letim; 8 tcs hams, J A I ReUshaw; 4 bbls eggs, `W H Grate & Co; 6 bbls ••oil, Davis,, Chambers dr. Co; 19• aka - corn, 4 do wheat, McHenry & Hood; 29 Mils flour, J Schleline; 14 aka rye, C H Love;; 41 she rye, 21 do oats, H Rea Jr; 25 bbls oil, T H Nevin & Co; 10 do do," R E Sellers & Co; 25 tee hams, 2 hlids . do, J H Parker; 10 bales cotton, Eagle Cotton Mills; 191 sacks oats, 43 do rye, Brown &. Williams; -750 blooms, Nimbok & Co. ' . .• ALLEGmorr VALLEY, RAILROAD. July 11.--240 bbls oil, ,Fisher & Bro; 160 do do, 14'Creery & Beanniont; 240 do • do, L Reoss it Brof 880 do de, D M Edgerton; 960 do do,, Jas Wilkins; ,480 do,oo, Leech & Wood; 1 box butter, 13 C Murdoch; 9 cars railroad iron, Pittsburgh it Cincinnati & St Louid R. Co; ,1 car :lumber, McKee &Douglass. Aramearsit STAT/ON, July 11.-2 cars *heat , Wm McKee & CO; 7, cars limestone, .Superior lion Co; 100 . bbls flour z R Knox & Son; 9b :ti flaxseed, M B SVOSIii; 8 bait cheese, Hahn it iladley;'7'-pkgs pearl bar-, ley, C Roess; 30 bbis flour, Stewart it Lang enheim; 1 car lumber, Taggart & Wilson; 7 kge lead, MeCowan & Snyder;. , 2 pkgs to bacco,R &JR Elton; 1 car lumber, SMithi Criswell & Co; 1 car wheat, Kendedy it • • , • Prrrsinarsow. earn Cozermaissmr,rat RAILROAD, .I'nlylo-12 rolls leather, Lappo, Weise:ft Co; 10 do do, Geo II Andeison; 1 car metal, Ycrughiogheny Iron .:dr Coal Co; 250 sks oats, Binglmm. Tatting; 99 bdls straw paper, t' Schilling. PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD, July 10.—H aka rye. D Wallace; 189 bag axes, Mcßane & Anjer; 3 de do, Whit wiei Wog@ 991 13;8 =ME . . The Belle has been chartered fol. the Parkersburg and Wheeling trade. The, America left Cincinnati for St. Louis otahuraitlay evening. Pilots, Adam Poe and 'James Clark. - —Vogel,a German Radical eandidate,was elected harbor master, at St. Louis the• other day. The, vote cast was very. small. —The lobal inspectors have Suspened the license of pilot John N. Littrell for thirty' days, for violation of rule No. :8 for the government of pilots, causing the collision between the steamers Falls City and Not.: man 'at the• foot of the Louisville and Port land canal, July,7, 18684 .•, . • _ —A. St. Louis . , dispatch, Ander date of, Thursday, saye:, The 'Yorictenii" left' for Cinci n nati last night. - The Charmer leaves to-day' and , lda Reee 1ad1e:4745w lor the Ohio.:- The Importer ,made the trip_ to,Fort Benton and return in siAtyrone , days, the quickest trip this eeaSon. - -The People of Three 'Forks;-Texas;' seem to be in earnest in regard to navigat ing the Trinity. Two boats are being built at that place intended for the fall' trade. , The.timbers of one are tiearlyready tO placed in position ; to ',frame a boat 80 get long, 20 feet wide, capable of carrying 250 ,bales of cotton, and with steam p,ovrer'suffi 'centto run'her ten miles an honr.-L Four boats will ply petween Galveston and Dal las this winter, if the freights - will . justify. —The Scigniflic Anie rican . says The fastest tune, to the best of our knowledge, ever made by a steamboat, was the late run of the Daniel Drew. from Yonkers to this city (New York.) a distance of ' fourteen and a half miles, in thirty-four minrites and forty-five seconds, or at a rate of over twenty-five miles per hour. , —The United States snagboat General Deßussv is in the Missouri still, near Port. land. Tennyson, herVilot, wrote last Sun: day, as follows: - People era are very much troubled about the long continued dry weather; it will shorten thegrape crop considerably., The Del:Nosy has not been rep.ulsedyeti.the snags seem to understand that she is irresistable and -succumb cheer fully to the inevitable fate awaiting tnern. An enterprising individual might make .a fortune by ~following in the Deßussy's *ake and 'gather up the saw logs as we cut them adrift, We have set some beautiful timber afloat in that way. The stumps we drop out of reach of all passing steamers. River and W eather. :By Telegraph to the Plttabgarh Gazette., LOUISVILLE, July 11.--River about sta tionery. with four feet in canal. Weather very hot. - - ST. Lours, July 11.—Weather cloudy; in dications of rain. • MISCELLANEOUS, DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 85 Fourth Street. CIIAIi,TERED IN 1955. ASSETS kipen daily from 9 to 2Pb`clock: also on WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November lot, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from No vember lot to May lot, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits' received lof all sums of not less than ONE DOLLAR, and .a dividend of the profits declared twice a' year,' in June and December. Interest has been declared setniannually. in June and December since the Bank was brit:mired. at the rate of six per cent. a year. . Interest, if net dr wn out, Is placed to the credit of the depositor asprincipal, and bears the same in terest from the Ist days of June and December. com pounding twice a year without troubling the depos- Ito:Ito call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate moneemilfdouble In less than twelve years: Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Boles and' Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the (Mee. Pliant) ENT—GEORGE A I.BREE. • VICE John G. Ihtekofen, 1 A. M. Pollock, M. D.', Beni. 1.. Falinestoek, Itoliert Rohn, James Herdman, John 11. Shoenberger, James McAulev, James Shidle, James 8.. D. Meetts,i Alexander Speer,. Isaac M. Pennock, I—Christian Yeager. TAWS:ILES: Wm. J. Anderson,, Robert C. Loomis, •Calvln Adams, 'learn J. Lynch, 'John C. Bindle*, Peter_ .A.• Madeira, George . Black, John Marshall, Hill Bitrgwin , Walter P. Marshall, , Alonzo A.• Carrier, i John B. McFadden. Charlts A. Colton, i OrnisbY Phillips, John Evans, 1 Henry L. Ilingwalt,! John J. Gillespie, I Win. E. Schmertz, illlantS. novelle: , Alexander Tlndle, ,Peter H. Hunker, I William Van Kirk, Rieliard Hays. • j Isaac Whittler, James D. Kelly,. i Wm. P. Weyman. , TurrovnEn--CHAILLES A. COLTON. BECII.ETAILT — JAISIES-B. D. 3IKEDS • • ". ' rritne TWIN CITY SLATE - CO:, 1-'manotaeture a superior article of : • ROOFING -SLATE: 11970Mee, 43 Seventh St., Pittsburgk, ra J. S. NEWMEYER, Pres% myziwisi j~ITTSBURGH PAPER MANU- A. FACTURpTG.COMPASY, Mounfacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL—STEDBENViLLE, BRIODTON ILILL—NEW BRIORTON, OFFICE AND WARM:IO47SE, No. 82,,Third Street,,, Pittsbnigh, Pa. Or; icg" 7- g usP Y RTr 'resttii.L#lNo;oN, Ir. . , SA3IIJEF BLIJDLE, Setretnry. ; _ptintOTOsts!—AugoSt Harije , Joins Atwell, s. n tiartman, John B. Llvlngton _Cash. pall for Paper Stock:, , 3 i ple 1100 D: HOW LOST I :HOW RESTORED! Agit publiehed in astacd THE E s. Pric 8121 cents. A LEDTITRE ON THE . ATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical CUM et Spermatorrhres,' or SeminatWeakness, Involuntary y Emlaslons, Sexual Debility andlmpedlments to Mar riage 'generalln_Nervonsnes:., Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits; Mental and Phystbal Incapacity, re sulting from Self Abuse, ',lc., by Robt. J. Culver well. M . author of the "Green Book," &c. BOON TO ' THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," . liftt under seal, In aplain envelope, to any address, post- Dalt!, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, to CHAS: J. Ot KLINE & Co., IX7 BOWERY, NEW YORK, POSTOFFICE BOX 4 300. Also Dr. OulverwelPs "Marriage Guide," MUCUS cents. anyIS:D&P,T GRADING AND PAVING. Proposals will be received by, the Committee on Monongahela Wharf until . - • • MONDAY". ..71:riir 13th, For the twilit GRADING .AND PAYING 9r gArD WHARp,i from Southfield to Grant streets. Bidders-will state the price they will allow per yard for the Atone n leftn tbewharf.- • Proposals may be at No. S MARKET ST. , S. MORROW, Chairman of Committee. = Ir GLASS DIANIIFACTUBEINS.-- .- The undervigned.hanlng secured the sole Ann - oy or the sale of the celebrated , COPLitY POT "CLAY. ~ - .' ' 4re now prepared to furnish, it in say quantity td those wishing to prorate this superior article. Dui .ringlifteen years use.of this Clay, we have arrived at such proportions as - we belleye 'makes it a better article for pots than any In the market, we having secured an courage stand of six, smut tad INN MONTHS.- We will flattish recelpes Martha ProPor- Don of the mixture af this Clay to 'persons Turmas ing. The Clay Is ground and moulded M lumps tor delivery. • . •,, •• - • - - DITHiIIDE &SO Port:Pitt G Glass Wo rks, " L 'Washington Street. Pittsburgh, Pi. 610•000 TO LOAN/ ON BOND AND NOREGIAGE. M. l o NITICY. vryls L Beat Estate Agent. 00 Elinlttniete street. r LTOI , I, §Aitier of Weightg and ilelli ntred , 'Nos , 6 FOIIETR STRAMT. tßetweett Liberty and Ferry streets. rnntlit Offended to Orders pro LA ACE LEATHER, Page's Pat lost. crtt street. J 46 nowt% eat, tor Gala wholesale and retail, at AO and • • . RMLtt- NENCt 92,161,720 19 =1 an13:312 BAITS STAT EIVIBDTTa ~•, • Q UARTERLY REPORT t OF THE MCHUGH NATIONAL Bat Prnsuuncar; July 6,,.11868 Ncrtea and Rills Diacounted • 82,104,80488, U. S. Bonds deposited to se cure . Circulation ' ' 111940, • S.. Bonds deposited to se •curen Depobiti 150. - 1,090,000 00, Specie,and other lawful money 202.540 00 . .... • 6,883.00 Cash Items . 13,167:10 Due n7l/finks .. . 7... -... 224,407 , 24' Real Estate , 50,500 00: lases and Expeu.wa. .... . . ; 8 4 246 85 . • , Canitai Stock • 11,700,003.0 - 0 National ..... . . 800.000.00 State Circulation .. 36;266 00 Individual . aissma 76 Illatte4 States Deposr4 " 77.467 77 Due to Ban,iza . . .. . .; . 38.283'67 Earnings 445,395.81 113, 7b6, 409 01 I certify, that the above Is a r tru , abstract of the statement made to the Comutrolle of Currency , : jy7:as2-d&T . .A. LoUNtk letun Cobbler. ()UAILTEIGLIE , RErO t i • r THU CITIZENS;NATIONAI; BANK OF rirrancatair July 6, 1868. Rotes and 11 111sDhecainted I 91,222;555 01 United StatesSeeuritles ~ 515'500 00 Specie •• • • ' ' • 1 87 Legal Tender Notes and 7.30 Cert. • 185 .560 00 National Bahk Notes ' • 11,204 00 Fractious! Currency:and Cents 6,19679 Remittances and other east" Items... 8,680 56 Due from Nationakilanks.. 4 14440 53 Due from other Banks andrßankers • '15,751 87 Taxes and Expensen• • • ~. 4,514.94 Beal Estate 32,761 01 _ . .. Capital StOck ...:,... ........... - ....,9 scio,ooo so National Circulation 447;500''00 Stitteeireinsuon,... . , 16;500 00 Depositors . 715 Due , National Banks - - ,t , . .. 5.040,033 34 43 Due other Banks and Bankers 8.954 06 Earning • - ' • ' . 148,880 00 Due Commissioner Internal Rev.... 2,328 20 Unpaid Dividends • ' ' '.5,770 00 I certify that the above to a true abstract from the 9uarterly Report made- to the Comptroller of the Currency. • - jyi:s7s , J. R. BRADY. Jr., Cashier. I ")~~~~4~L~~f:~ VITTBBUBGIL AN ORDINANCE Changing' the Grade of Crawford Street from Clark - to Reed Street: Szo.i. Be it ordained:nut enacted City of Pitteburgh, in Select and Common assem bled,: and it te 'hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the grade , of Crawfo:d street ue so changed as to lihre, a fall from'Clark..to Rued of 7.07 feet one, hundred feet, or a uniform Dill be tween thous two Streets. - . . S.W. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting the passage of this ordinance at the pres ent time, be ond.theisame is heratiy repealed's° fa as the same affects thla ordinance. Ordained and enacto:. into a law In Councils, this 9th day of . July, A. 1). Mg. J A MF.S .31cATILEY. . President of Select Council. Attest: 13,hiannow. Clerk of Select A. TOsit.INSON", piesident of Common Council. Attest: WILL M. HARTZELL. 1111:8100 Cle.ru, pro tem ,of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE • „ • -. Increasing the Salary of the Messenger of Councils. • SF.CTtON 1.•. 13e it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in &Oct and Common Councils av eenibleet, and ft is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the sane, That the annuni salary of the Mehseuser of Councils he .and the same is here by increased from seven hundred doilard ( 4 400) to nine hundred 0 . 900. said "increase to ta t s place from Febrtntry Ist. 1865. • PF.c. 2. '1 hat any ordinance or, part of ordinance conflicting srab,the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the gamete+ hereby repealed so tar as the same enactedis ordinance. Ordilliined and lnto a !sail' Councils,' this 9th cli - y of J ulf, A. D. 1809. . • ' JAMES ItIcATILEY. • President of select Council. AttectrE.-8. • Clerk of lielect Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: Wtt.t.Mr. ILturzrad:, (.4rlt, pro tem., of Common Council. . • OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND SOUVEYOII, !-• Plttaburitlt. July 9111. 1668, - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED .PROPOSALS for the following work will be received at the Office of the City Engineer, tintll-TIfURSDAY, July IClib, 1.868. viz; F F ur r t h the rments tu m i C n or a lleya mi W EW d ERim street, and one on Miltenberger streeS, from Locust street . to bt. Patrick's alley. And for GRADING, PAVING ind CURBING the following streets, via: ' LIBERTY •STItEET..from Camon to Taylor St. , CARROLL .STREET. from Mnallinan to Butler • • street." ;CARSON STREET, from Mulberry alley, to the river. WIDE ALLEY, from Logan to Fulton street. SPRING ALLEY, from Morris to Rush street. HAZLETT ALLEY, (Lawrenceville,' from Fos 'ter to Smallman street.'. And for .the partial GRADING of COLWELL street, beyond Dino-Mlle street. • Aldo, for PAVING MARKET STREET. WITR Is !COLSON PAVEMENT, from Liberty' to Fourth street, (excepting the Diamond.) Also, for constructing a BOARD WALE' (TN - . PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, from Oakland Car Station to Neville street. Specifications indt blanks for bidding can be hail at ztils °Mee. , IL J. moortib, MED . . OFFICE •VF WEIiTERN FIVITENTIARY, ALLEGHENY. Pa., Junis 110, 11308: SEALED PROPOSALS r • Wnt be received at this °eke for the following named BUILDING BIATErt,LILLSI 465.000 hard burile rtftloß: . . 11, 5 80 , buslielarresh burnt LIME: 1150 barrels HYDRAULIC CitlifENT: 0.006 bushels sharp clean SAND; - 5,000 feet STONE YLA00IN0:. 400,feet hammer dressed STOSt, fur range Work.. All the above to be of best quality, and to be de+ livered within tae Prisott ' wails, as, required by the Warden. Further particulars may be had at this office. No bids received after July 6th, 1808. 131 7, 'A. SUALLENIGER, Je10:323 Orrtoo or CITY Enamour. AND SUILVEYO/1. • Pittsburgh.. June 24. IS U.. r .5 NOTICE; TO 'CONTRACTORS. . 4- 7 SEALED PROPOSALS for Grading, Paving and Curbing— . GUM STREET ` from Webster to'Clig street. TOWNSENRSTREET, from Wylie to Decatur St. PINE-ALL Wif,_ - from Federal to Wasbington tit. • :KIRKPATRICK STREET, . from "Centre avenue to Duncan street. • • FOURTH, STREET, from Boss to Try street. THIRD STREET, from Ross to Try street.. . Now ha received at this office until FRIDAuIy X, J 3d, 1116 S. Speoldcations and blanks for Ridding San 'be had by calling at this Mars. IL a.'mZiort-p... City Engineer. Je2s: 14 •LI. B. MARISHAVIS ► W. ' f OFFICEJ Pirre D ti o tt, July 3,18 68."),' MA.RSIL&L'S SALE. J. C. HAWLEY et al. vs. STEAMBOAT 'TRAVELLER,. No. 3 October Term, 1505. In Admiralty/ ' . • . By virtue of a estultttont exponas issued out of the District_Cburt of the United States, Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale, on TUESDAY, the 14th day, of July,, A. D,, 1000; at 10 o'clock A. m., at the Odetdm , . House, in -the - City of Pittsburih. the STEAMBOAT TRAVELLER, together w ith' het •boatil, , lnaahine, tackle, apparel: &a. • TROIS ry . A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, 1y3:543 Western District of Pa, CITY OF ALLEOHIGNY, ET 811 A MIER'S OFF/CZ, Jl3llO /8. 1808.5 vriCE WHEREBY' GATES N TO THE HOLDERS OF THE sin-Ber Cent. !Welost Bonds of the 01t7 of Allegh . . • That the Coupons on aid Tondo s -qv:deg dee July 'it s 186& will be paid oh eald day, the State tau_a at the BANK' Or P;lTTSBUttkirin the City of Plttebutsh..Pa. D. BIACUPEBso NI. , .. Tresiniret of the city of Allegheny, P. - t§TORE W1111)0W SHADES,. qt any color and size reedlred. with border &ES ters In plain orgiltt. alio the plain:Bine, for same purpose, from 3 to 7 feet wide, at the 011 cloth NVarer oolo3 , 96 enti SIS St. Olalr street. u. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WATT, LANG & Groceries. Flour. Grain, lihroderee,' Pro. visions, Fist', Cheese, Carbon OIL &c.. Nos. 172 and. 1744•00 D STREET; near Liberty street. Pittsburgb,Pa. n08:n55 M= :TEEL • M . STE - IF:VR.4 SON, Cornmistiion 3ferciaants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FF;D, aro No. 95 OHIO STREET. near EdefiCommon; - . - : , ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. ALIIES H. 31z/ozon JOV.,,TAA!tritil 3/141% . .9R Si, 11.10111 1 .1 ER, ” F/.01 ://4 G #AIN A3' l 4 PR . o Rc re ,.. l Cl- * • CICOXIVOSX.CODF AT.MTOCI:E.ILDITS ..pw4 LIBERTY !ITREYIT, PlTTBBnteg. - • epaehritritents 'solicited. , b."3lartlW Caeliler.ifeelinetles4 National Baal; J. B. Dilworth & Co., R. I'. Ken nedy & Bro. • J0a1.:124 '83,706;496 01 PRIME' ILBIL. ' ..JAB. P. RICHAR IJ TrEiL & BICHART, 4) —"T.— COMMISSION MERGE:TANTS, Dred.6l3 FLOUR, GRAIN; SEEDS; leflLL' TLED, &0., • InY2-1:b37 3411 'Liberty, iit.,Piateborgb, ; PITTSBURGH J. ap7B:xB 8 No. 396 PENN SPREE% • ALEX. IVBANE ...... CBANE & AN . JERi M . , , COMM ISSION I.IERCI - lANTSi k Dialers In FLOUR,'GRAIN and PRODIICE GEN ERALLY, No: - 141 WATER STREET, . above Smithfield, Plitabur • s2,iso,on 18 FETZER 6rr:ARNSTRONG, PORWARDERG AND OQICKIBBION KERCIRANTB, For the 'ale of Flour: Grain:, BaCon, , bard, Batter B.eeds, Dried Fnilt. and Produce generally, Tfo. , MARKET STREBToaatuer.of First, Pittaburgh. feZ:uB . , . 162,150,011 18 JOHN I. norsz.....EDW. HOUSE WELII. HOURS. TORN I. HOUSE' - Sucw censors to MOUSE :& CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commisslen Merchants, Corner of timlthileld and Water streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. • RIDDLE, -No. 1843 LIBERTY 11. STREET, Pittsburgh, fa.,Contudsslon Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer ht"Cauntry.Praduce. Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactur vanced - oil Conslgntnentsoind paid for Produce gen . . 1101{T. KNOX ANDREW KNOX 4IKNOX & SON, COMMISSIOIt • • *MERCHANTS and deileys In FLOUR, GRAD! _ 1., FEED and PRODUCE G•ENERALLY, Nn 71W:DIAMOND, opposite Oily Eall, Allegheny City, Jal.:r37 . PAT. CIL! syr IVIED, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG SERVAL,' BLOOMS, WIIQUGHT SCR.A.P IRON; _FIRE BRICE( AND CLAY, &c. Warehousennd °Mee, Noe. 368 and 368' VENN STREET. iSorage, furnished. Consignments solicited. ' • LITTLE, BAIRD & PATI'ON, W h olesale Grocers, Cothinialdon Merchants and lers in Produce, Flour; Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard OIL Iron. Nails, Glass, Cotton Tarn t andmil. Pittsburgh , Manufactures generally, 11.2 and la* SECOND STT:EET, Plttsluirgh. JOHN S ll{ PIO N. -. ..... i 7 ' " ...A WA L LACE. §IEIIPICON & WALLACE, WHOLE.. SALE G ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, . 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh: • • lal2 :r5B JOS. A. BUTLER.. ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. office: 190 WT LIE Fi'llEET, 'near Washington. PITTSIIFIUM, PA. Deeds. Bonds, Jrrtgaies, Acinorrledgments, DepositiOns, Collect ons. and all other legitimate bulness executed pr o triptly. • rah2):n9 SAMUELIIIcMASTERS, - Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Atagis trate. Office, GRANT. kaREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PlTTSBUittlit, PA. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and alt Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch.' . ' mini; VITSTACE S. MORROW, -444 Ar,romnavrA.-Dr EX-OFFICIO JIISTICF OF TEE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. . . OFFICE. N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bowls, Mortgages; Acknowledgments, Dellitudtime and all 1 Degal'Business executed with promptness sad 4ilepatch. my9l A , A. Justice of the Peace, - • CONVEYANCER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON I3'I'REET ~RAST BIRMING - fad. Colleetion of Rentrsoltelted and proniptli attend -04 to. • ' • - • my3:yt3o 'W 1111 ILLL4 H.BARKER' - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER; orrice, Cmisolf. Stitg,ET, nearly oppoattle the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTEIBITRtkri. - I Buslnega entrusted to - bla care promptly attend ed to t . - _ inyt:yel • DANIEL . ,IGIOLEAL, M. D., PR ACTICING PHYSICIAN, City Engineer No. 59 Grraint Igt.,-near ILlgh. ay2O: x7l J . S. ,Fpftqrlo4olli, ATTORNEY-AT-lAW, • ' Wo. 87 Fifth Streei, 81T2ND FLOOR, FRONT Room. joHN unknicg,L, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: Wilco, 116 Dlameqd Street, . (OppoSlte the Court House;) fe16:04 A. LEWIS, • WAIIDEST. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,- • No. 99 Diamond Street, mhs:na - - PITTSBURGH, PA H .. b. it!ACKaitEtip, ATTORNEY' AN D . • COUNSELOR: AT LAW No. 89,0ra i nt Street, stiy2l:b2s ARCHIBALD •BLAKFLEY, 45-.l" rOPtrrirfta..Z.l...a."VV; aPitn 9 ot.da._') • rrrTssunea. JOHN A. STRAIN "41,..T.1YER4A1V, , • itrs'fiQt. OP THE rtiteir,, POLICE xamsreATE. `ofitceu.si.FlFTH STREET, opposite the Oahe drat, pittsburgh. Pa. Deeds,-handsi Mopagee Acknowie,i t onents, Depositions and sJILe Xi,usi ness executed with promptness and dispat ; JOHN :C. )11CIC01S, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Plith taiitrect. • pensions, Bounties and Arrears or Pal E somptiy couected. COLON • Maehineltione Works, Northwest corner of We* &maws, Allegheny. El I W ATv*TEO,7*. Have's* hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step atones, irlsv. tot.;. Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, ie. Head and Tomb Stones, its Orders vat:aptly executed. -Prices reasonable T LATHER BELTING,'• the best quality Oak Tanned, I whYs on hand at the 9Tyco; rtitePs LkEr#4444lrift 1= WHOLESALE. DEALERS-Jai.•r Wholesale and Bet,Z6 • 'veers? PROFESSIONAL OFFICE AIkiDRESInENCE, PITTSBURGH, PA .P1TT1381111,43A, PA. EV= .7. • - ... -: ' •RAILROADS..i . 4 , _ ......-.. ... -....—_,..„,:—......,,,„,..........,—,-...n* P I C O NII i g iI I j, SVILLERVaMPSIIi On and after TFITOISDAI, Mitre th, 18011 tratns will arrive at and depart from the 1 1 epot, cot . nerufAlramt and Water streets, as follols: - • Depart. "lelrrtive. - Mall to and p'ODI Uniont'n. 7:00 A. M.; 8:00 P. 34, McKeesport Accommodt' n .11:00 A. M. : 'f : • 05 P. ht. Ex. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 P. al. /0:00 A. M., . West Newton Accommodli 4:30.P.:3C, :8:35 A. N. Braddock 's Accommodat'n 6:15 r. M. ',7:50 r. 24 I.4lght. Ace. to Mclieesport.lo:3o P. It. 15:40 A. Mr • Sunday. Church Train to andi from West Newton .1:00 P. x.10 :00 A. 5( irOr4l4.M.s'Appljt 63' ' ;.- . Li , 1:-Ft.'1[INA Agent::: W. B. STOUT, SuPerlatUlideln• ALLEGUE:III I I 'Mksamiggin,. 2 - WALLEY :RAILROAD. ' T DIRECT ROUTE TO T.IIE OIL REGIONS* Running through to Viinatigtf City witimiut change of cars—Connecting with trains East and West ma. the Warre.. 5 Franklin Railroad, and 'Atlantic & Great Western Railway:. 'She:test' end quickest, routeto Oil Cit . " and Franklin., and all pd t pths In the ' Oil Eag lets. . • ' • On andlafter April Rifith, 11300,' Passenger Tain. will learn froin and arrive Si the Pittsburgh Depot corner Canal and Pike Sts. as follows: I. Dart. Arrfoe. "- Mall to and Pm Ven. ty.7.27:u ep o A. X.' t.s a 5 It• Express '‘ . • , x0:40 X.l :Sl5 A. et. Brady's Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. X. / :20 A. X. Soda Works AcconVu 5:30 P. M. 7:55 A. M. Pirst, Milton AccomocPn.. 0:50 A. X...11:40 A. X• Second Hutton Accomodle . lo:oo )I. 3:55 P.= N. Church Train leaves So d& _Works at B:lMik A. twriVing .. lllPittsbnetth 'at 0:50's1. M. taming, leaves Pittsburgh at AL., iirrivilw firw Soda Works' at'2:ss • ' • • . w. P. ROPE a. LA., , Ticket Agent.'cksToszoup;t • I TT"^" ----- ' . emOINNATE AND ST! UM RAILWAY. . • , . . PAN ILINDLE toUTFNI' .' • ''. ,i• • _,, .4171 MANGE. OF Tl3lll. -'-On and after, 31UDAF.L. June 21st, 188'7, trains will leave and armq at thst Union Depot , an f ollows , Pittsburgh time: i' ' • • ' . , Depart 2ritv e . Mail Expreas .r... 51:15a , nt. 4240 a. raa Fast Line ' • 0:40 n. In. - 7 : 13 p. ht. Fast Express , ...:.4... 2:10 p. m.,11010 soma, Mixed Wary ' ' 610 a. in. MG p, In: 11cDonald's Acc'n, N. 0.1.. 1140 at0m:1.1 . 3105 5.h.: liteubenidlieAccommotPn. 3:55 p.'IZI. 9;30.a. rn. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2... 5:515 lynx. BMP a: zw.: MI B. 11/Mi. SPECIAL NOTlCE:—filinday Express leaves at 2:10 g. m. / rri aving in, Cincinnati, at 0:00 a. ra. the next - The 9:40 a. ni. Train leaves daily, Snsidays cepted, 'and makes 'close ronneetions al .Ne:wark for Zanesville and points on S . lnidusky. ligansfield Newark .It.'li. - g. SCULL, General Ticket ent. W. It r .sE.A.RD. Snp't., Steubenville: • I BEEG___ll POET W. AND•CLEVELAND • From ,Tune 7th, •1868 and arrive at. the Union , time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex..:. 2:03 a m Cleveland Ex. ,• 2:03 am } Erie & Tga 31'1 7:2B'a ml Cl. & Wh`g3l , l 0:11a m, Chicago Nati.. 0:58 a m' Chicago Ex.— 9:43 a mi Cl. & WWI:Ex. /F 4 31? Chicago Ex.... 1:08pm Wh..& Erie Ex, 4:48,p u. :Depart /ram. :llegheny. N. Brlgt'n AG. B:sBam, Leqsdale " 10:13 a mi " :58 a Rochester ," 2 11 :23 . pin te /teat ." .3:43pm Leetsdale „&c . c.• A:l3 pm N. Brlgtizt. ' 5t33 pin N. Brigt , rl " . 6:28p in Leetsdale . 10:43pm air 1:58 P. m. Chigago -01 11:23 a. at. Chicast F. R. lerfEßB, EFNSYLPAi cEBTRA_L'RAILRO A ei and after 'June 7th, rive at and depart from tin Washington and Liberty a Arrive. "• Mall Train.... 1:/5 WM , Fast Line 1:40 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 am; Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 aln Wall"s No. 2.. 8:50 a int Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 am' Johnstown Ac .10:35 a mi Baltimore Ex. 1:00 pm' Phila. Express 1:20 p m Wall's No. 3-, 215 No pm l Braddocks 1 5:50 p m Wall% No. 4. 7:15 pm Altoona Acc'n • and Emigrant • Train..... . . 9:30 pml • • • 1 • The- Church Train - leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. an., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:0111. a. m. Returning . , leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m . and snit at "6 all's Station at 2:00 p, nx.ll Cincinnati Express leaves 'daily. All other train& daily except Sunday. , Forftrther information anpty.to , BECKWITH, agent. The Pennsylvania.Raliroad Company wt.!*eta.. same any risk. for Baggage, - eicept for wearing ap. parel, and limit their responeiblitttto One Hundred. amllar Id value. beataggag exceediPg that. odnt in value will the•rßk'of the ow . her, =- less taken by special contract. ": • EDWAAID• Wa.j.Liid:lll4 jeB General Superintendent, Altootta, Pa. WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA Kgs", _SYINIA BAIL 'It• .- VDI end ;after •May• 1001, 4807.. the •Pas.. senger Trainee the Western PennsylvanlAltall road will arrive at 'end , depart from• the' !Federal . StFeet Depot, Allegheny City; sat follows: . t.. , , . Depart. ,j ; • • SprlngtVe No 1 6;35 icm !Mali 6:15 am Freeport Noll 14;15 a m Freeport No. I ' 9:10 ale Express 10:15a m harpb , g. Igo. 1-11:20 a m Sluorpb`g No,l 1:25 p,m Exress • • /:52 pea. Freeport No.'2 4:10 p m tipr ngd'e No 1 2:50 .Mail - 5;50 p m 'Freeport No. 2 .111;05 pat Springd'e N 62 7:10:p tn SmingtVe No 2 7:30 pa, / .Aboye trains.rnn daily excepSunday.: 1••. • , ..' The Church Traih 'leaves Allegheny 'Janet._ every Sunday et 2:40 a. M., reaching -AlleghenylCityat '9:50 a. rd. - Returning, leaves Allegheny •IClty at 1446 pcm. and arrive ,at Allegheny, Juncti '412:415 'p. m. .. ,__ _,J COMMIrrATION TICKETS—For sale In paein,es;ol, Twenty., between,4llegheny. City, Chestnut street. iferr'_ ,e - Bennett; Tine Creek, -- Ettia and 'Sharpsburg.. and //Ood only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. Filled on tickets. ... The trains leaving. Allegheny City at 0:15;a. - 4. anti4.:so p. It. make direct conneetion at F reeport witalkeels line ofStages for Butler and liiinnaa town, Through' tickets may .be purchasedi at the Office; No. a - sc. , Clair stieet,' neat' •the Sued/enact& //ridge , Pittsburgh, and •at the Depot., Allegheny, • For farther information apply to '. . ~, - •• • JAMES. LEFFEicgs, Agent; . - Fele ra I. Street Oepot.; The Western Pennsylvaule Railroad will:loot mi. same any risk for Baggage, except for weaeing ap. parel, and limit the: responsibility to One litindm2 Dollars In value. All .ba,ggage . exceeding tiltamount in salve will be at the risk of the owner, ne. teas taken I/Tepee/al contract. • - --. ~, .- . •ErriNVARD.III. WILLL42II '''' f, 4e»--al Panerintendent. Altoona. Pa, • ..._. ...... , .... . • Ena ... . . . S' Q MOK IC HlLLamigis ROUTE. - - 1111TION PACIFIC RAILWAY . ~ . , Eastern 'Diviiion.. - 1 The SHORTEST AND BiOST RELIABLE itOTJTS from the East to all palliteln ' Colorailo, ' N evada, , i ' .: . Ca lifornia,i Ut a h , -.. ' Arizona; WashingtOn"? New Mexico, IdahO, ,`1 Oregon. Twe Trans leaye. State, Line and Leavenworth ,d liintidaye excepted,l on the arrive' attains elf Fidg ly e - nalroad from St. Louie, and Hannibal aM St. Jo'ltailroad from quiney, connectinej at Law. retie% Topeka and 'Weinego mith• age's /or au. ;points in Kansas. At end of track west of Ella .worth with`the lINI-TED STATESEXPEitha COM PANT'S DAILY LINE or OYKILLANDi YALU, AND EXTEEKS COACHES FOR' DEN V=l.l ELA.r.trIN And all Paints in . the TereitOries s And with eamotesows Tet-wrsicr t y LINE at COACHES for. Fort Union, Bent's Fort, rasa; Alba. W ie ryie , -Santa Fe,and all points In Arieolle mut With the recen, addition' of rolling stock and equipment, and te arrangements made with • re. eponsible Overland Transportation Lines from Int western, terminus, this road now offer* nneghalled facilities for the transmission of freight to Ale sec West. Tickets for sale at all the principal, offices in um IndtedStatea Canadaa. , Be sure Ink! ask for tickets vii THE obloar HILL nor...A UNION PACIFIC, RAILWAY • gAspERN trirSION. J . 'ffinciiirritii i Freight and Tpket tkep • STEAMSHIPS, TO L i4TE4P.O4PL ANDAgalk QUEENSTOWN. Tiretrinfurc MAIL immeuttrik . ' Numbertni a first-clau the'eelbbrated weuels., thaw ' ' ' 9121 O P% N. OIPP OP eirtwzi_lo' %wry erg k : 2 VITYI OP BALT/NOwas... , oi •11,0NDON. g - Ballin EVERY SATURDAY Pier-46, HA River New Fart. , tor passagelo Anther Werra. wiLiant w HO FIFTH BTHEET,,(Chrontole P 1 AVV67 91N901fril . %co, kityobti MEZIEM! II 6: - , . AISNE & CHICAGO R. PITTSBURGH B. B. trains 'wtU leave .heap. Depot, north side, city }Chicago Ex... :08 ala Cleveland Ex.. :08 aat I CrileagoEx.; :23 a as Wheetink Ex. 1 :08 aat St. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pia Cl, Ex -'4:38 pm Erie & Tg•tiEx :13pin Chicago Ex 4.23-p to Cl. &Wh'g Ex ?:OS pa Arrive in Al leiNien_v. N. Brigt'n Ac. 4:08 auk N. Brigtin " ' :28.a is Wellsville " 8:53a at New Castle_ " 11:13 a la Leetsdale- " • :13a at N. Bilgefi .. at43 pit Leetsdale "- 4:53 pat 7:28 pit Express leaves dilly. Express arrlves , dally General Ticket A vent . fLiailuMs IAD. • I. 1368, Train's *in arL. /6 Union Vepot, :corner of streets. ' aerfollows t i . Depart . !Day Express.. 0:25A m Wall's No. 1.. 5::30 ant ;Mall Train. . . . I 7:50 ant , •Clnelnnati:exlll:4o a nt I Wall's No. 2:: liail am !Johnstown Ae. 3:ospm I Bracidoda Nol f:00 pin iPhila. Expres. 41:50 p m Wall's No. 3.. itlo Pin . tYet i s leg .l e • 4 ~:gil pa - Latrobe Ace tr: 8:50p in Swistivole Ac'p.lo:l3o,p la =1 J. ANDESSONi,r. General Superinienilent MIIMM