Minutela Natters in - lie* 'tort. Gold Cloaed at 140%. CIO Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 9azette.l NEW Yonxt,',July 10, IS6B. • MONEY AND GOLD. • • Money easy at 4€o per" cent. on call. Sterling firm at 10y,,®103,4. Gold firmer, oponing at 140% ono closing at 140%. NOO,- 000 is thus far known to be, engaged for Ur morpw. GOVERNMENTS Governments are steady, with good de- Inand. ,Coupons 113 1 4©113%; do. '62, 113 1 8 ®113g; do. '64, 1101A,©1103¢; do. '65, 1.113g@i11%; do. new, 108%®10831; do. '67, 108,4(010w; do. '6B, • 10831@l08 7 8 ; Ten- Forties, 107%®10735; Se*en-Thirties, 10831 . Six per cent currency Pacific R. R. 2,1®3. • ••• , 113311321 • The Stock market ihas been somewhat ,irregular during the day, , but closing firm • and quiet. Discovered to-day some Rhode Island certificates bad been altered. Ru mor says Jayy Gould hap been elected Treas urer of the Erie Road, vice Drew resigned. _ 5:30 prices: Canton, 4734®49 1 4 ; Cumber land, .331335; Well's Expreas, 443®2535;. • American 'Express,46y.,@)4.6% : Adams Express, 53R,'@533,1; United States Express, -47 1 A ®4B; Merchants Union Expreis, 2434 @2534; Quicksilver,. 2534@255%; Marlposa, Sy ®5;• • Pacific Mail, 102®1112341. Western Union Telegraph, mg@B-IN; N. Y. Central; 1e48g134,1; Erie, 70gig7()35; do. pf d. 7.131; 7834; Hudson, •138@l30; Reading, 97®9734; •Ohio , and Mississippi, 24@2034; jWabash, 482.i®.19; St. Pau1,,07,;4©0734; preferred, 79y, igi9 ) )4; Michigan, .Southern, ,:_ 9 2g@P 2 :4; 'Pittsburgh, 87y, (4)7%; Toledo, 103340103%; Seek Island, 108 . 54V109 . NOrth'Weiterti, , 73%; do. preferred, ' , 1 81%@ , 81%; Fore Wayne; 10834108 N; :Hartford and Erie; I.or' I 43;;. Marietta second preferred, 10; Co-, Jumbos, Si;94 -Sioux• City preferred, 7o Ashtabula, paq;. Illinois Central, 158; Mis souris, 91y.1". Tennes.sees, 7134; new, do., 70; 1•1,' SHARES.... Mining . .aharea 431111; Gregory. 460®455 Stn:th & Parmelee, 580. •• • . 1 Stn3-TREASIIRy MATTERS. ' Receipts' the sub -Treasury, 1P1;639,406; balance, 482,834,825. • ' ' New Valli Produce Market. Telegraptiiarthr:Pittsbiirgh'Gazetie.l NEW'Youx, July 10.—Cotton heavy, with asiles of 1,400 'bales' at 32%c for middling 'uplandS; some sales are reported as low as /82cr.L , Flourdull and, drooping; receipts -4,271 bbla.and'saleS-7,800 - bbleat $0,90a745 forisuperfine; State:and western; $8,1508,80' ~for extra State;, $8,15a10,15: for, extra, west era; :$10,85a12,75 for. white wheat .satrap $8,75a12,75 for R. H. 04, 39416,50 for extra, Louis;' $10,50a14,50 for good' to 'choice;. do closing dill% Callfirnia flour --- ,dull and drooping, with.salts of I,ooo . sackg at $10,25 -a12,50.‘ Rye flour steadY,-vilth sales of 200 !Ibbla - tie $7,75a9,80. Corn Meal , 'oblet; with tisales of-100 bbls Brooklynat 4,1,90; .also, 800 bbls . Brandywine at 16,15. Wheat la2c • lower; receipts-7,240 bush; tt sales---3,800 bush ats2a2,ol for No. 2 , spring; $1,97; for _inferior amber; Minnesota at $2,424,52; new amber southern at .amber State at. $2,45; white Michigan at $2,70; 'white California and do. Genesee t at $2,00. .B.Ye quiet. 'Bailey and Barley Malt nomi nal. Canada peas firmer, with sales of .27,500 'bush at $1,481 in'bond. Corn less ac tive and lc' loWer t •with receipts of 71,179 bin sales-64,000 bush., at $1,07a1,14 for mixed western 'afloat; •-t - sales are chiefly mode at $1,11a1,12 for good sound shipping parcels; white western at $l,lO $1,13A for old mixed - western in store. -Coats-dull and lc 'ewer, receipts 27,006 bus; .sales 27,000-bus at 84Mc for Western in 'store, and 86;4c reloat.lßice.dull. - Molasses nominal. Coffee; Rio firm and in fair de mand; other kinds noininal. Sugar very dull'and heavy; sales 100 hhds Cuba at 11 V, :all;Ve. Hops heavy and dull at 10a40e for A nierican. Petroleum dull at 17y,a18e. for -crude, and 3434 e . for: refined bonded. Pork firmer and in fair demand; sales 3,000 bbls at - $28,00a242 for - new mess, closing at *28,25 . f0r regtilar; $27,87a2.8,00 for. old do., -closing at $2B regular, $22,25a22,75 for prime, and $24a24,50 for prime mess. ' Beef -quiet and unchanged; sales 160 bbls. Beef Hams quiet. Cut Meats steady; sales 280 pkgs at 12a18c for Shoulders, and 16a170 -for hams. Middles nominal. lard firmer —Sales• 1,050 tierces at 17318 c forsteam; and 18a18%c for kettle rendered. Butter steady t 20a280 for , Ohio, and 36a35c ' for State. •Cheese firmer at 15a1514c. Freights to Liv erpool quint with engagements peesteam er 25,000 bush - ixiin at 43rd, .and 1,600, bbls lour at ls 634 d.. - . 'llktosit—Fjoni'eloted 'dull 'and 'steady' for low grades, and very heavy and declia- Ing'for mixed and good grades, Wheat ,liearsr and dull at . $ , 1 3842 for No. 2,„and , ' 152,078.2.,09 for No. 1 spring. Rye nominally unchanged. Oats - dull and heavY at 84a. 134;ic in store, and 8634 c afloat. Corn dull. ar.d in the buyeis favor at" $1,10a1,13 for, new mixed.western afloat, and,sl,l2al,l3 l A :for old mixed western in store. Pork ac tive,excite,d andfirmer, sales 1500 blfis mess, at $20,50, closing firm at $2450a28,62 for' mess, cash, and' regular. Beef nominally unchanged. Cut meats Steady with a mod;. •eratelmsiness. Bacon quiet and without „?decided change.: Lard active and firm at 173‘al8c . for fair , to prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged. St. Louis Market. triliTeieltriai to the Pitrimuigh Gaiette.l Sr. Louis, July 10.—Tobacco dull, but. mnolaanged. Cotton and hemp nothing do ing. Flour—There is a better feeling .ands anore demand; some grades are • a little higher, but there is no general advance; -super -sold at 15,500,50; extra. 17.25a7,75; double extoa, $8,50a9.75; double extra and fandv,•lloal2,so. Wheat active for' choice fall, but other grades dull and easier; mites mange at $2,05a2,25. Corn was held higher :at the opening'and buyers stood off; there • -was not much done;•. prices *ranged at 781 q • , 782 c for 'mixed mid yellow,' and 85087 e for •'•'. -white: Oats ate. held' aboVe the views of: ~• [ 'buyers 'and' the : market heavy at • 73a76c. .. 1. 1 - Ityciis better at 11,3.5a1,40. t' Provisions ac ~ 'tire and -higher: Pork sold at $ 4 .2,62?3 ;i 1.; Bulk meats—Heavy" tranttactlOna are - A .detetetad'te have been made, but the Tairti-,.' • • • clars Were Private,: "'Bacon advanced tee -12,(0d3e; clear sides, 183 17c sugar Ortid ~ :•1 ' • theme, 20 , Ati. Lard in better demand higher , ~., . :sit 'TUC foichoicti tierce, and '38,18* for; - • • : -.t • • keg, Cattle i*lsigesuPplyand lcriv,gradesn i,: . . • :eastew;, prices 'hinge'4 $14.3,80%". A .' Sheep j i, : -z - , '750•10b1S; Wheat, 8,000 bush; corn ' '20;000 d ; - .oats 'O7OO de .- ', ' ' '' •., ~ ~-• , . , - Chicago Market.i . ,My Teleitiiiii ichVi ilitiairth:iiedszette.l i ''';' -chgtoAofy, July 10.—Flour quiet and nk • • i „ ;changed. - Wheat. ,duli; No., 2 3a4c lOweri' - • g , ,4zlales Ne. 1 at 11,90, and No. 2 at $1,78a1,82; A - clOsltig altiiost'nominal at '11,78 for No. 2 • , e:I 'this 'afterneen light`Hales Non at51,79a1,8(1: ~., !Corn moderately. active .and steady; sales. ...No. 1. „at 90;091.3. 1 0; ; Ito. 2,9034 c; zejected, 1 . - - .184 e; closing., steady at.. 903‘891c for No. ]. i l'_,::' slifee 'Change small sales Ito. tat 91c. Cate: . - fairly active; 'sales at 88 1 4a88e, , blesing with • i, seller at inside rates:, Rye- quiet and sa7c' , . tower; sales No, I,at. 84,41, and_ No. 2.iit' $ : 451,373,_.. klarib y entirely nominal. Mein i "•-• Pork, 124123028,50 cash; iiitiiiig at iititside prise( ftrretioice brands extra ;` prime, , 122,50, , I.ardt-salealio, I. at: 15. 1 ,ialliel Anil /8a1630 •, 1 , Anrsumtag kettle. ,Dry Salted Shoulders „i 1 heldat .12e; with buyers at 11No: rie!ghts • ° qelet and • steady; 3h on oats; 33 ; etiii corn, , I - ' ''.4 ge en wheatlo 'Mira% and 73r0 on ';corp,, , , , to Oswego. LlLsoeipts--1,989 tibia flew', / 2 / - : ,- .3 1 44.1.5umbeat,..,149,7,10 bps efor,n, 27,1052 bAs . . . 43 4 3 c. It39 4 ti 1 bngs.- manta--1 95.1';bb' 1 , . -0 0 94' 1;00: 1 .11011'Tilieat, 124;504 ,l'AiS corn,, , .S . , 4;s2o,Luige,„ 1 ~ - - <-• , . .. ' .,, . . liil%'.l'9lfryGoods Market, :: 1 .u. 4ll7 Mi3elfsrset;49;W4* 4 44 ll. Wit; ' / • .---traw4roin44PlYs A0...-1:434-tgn goods nn- ' i 410443=iistraimutitbnOTAXAbw411,414;31.44quirYnd. ,Til. - • itnprtrN , ..Tlo--„fan n. Ward bwitlennyar. ... t. .3 rile 1 ' ./..L .., e ... ‘ , l i -;21 Ii • Tel co Market. Elly.teleirraph to the Pittabergh Gazette.] TOLEDO July 10.--Flour: receipts, 347 bbls; dull, with no transactions. U'heat; receipts; 1,053 bus and steady; limber $2,20,' white. Michigan x 2,30, No. 2 red $1,75, No. 2 White Wabash $2,10. Corn; receipts of 14,174 bus, opened strong at 93c for No. 1; closing -with sales of fresh receipts at 92c; seller, last half of July, at 92c; buyer, last half July, at 94%c. Oats; receipts of 4,558 bus; dull, with sales at 69c; closing with more sellers than buyers. Memphis Market. 1.• (Tv Tete.grapa to the Plttebutgh.llazette.) mEmpars. July 10.—Cotton quiet and firm: receipts, 70 bales; week's exports, 15 bales; stock, 508 bales. Flour dull; a lot of new wheat fancy sold at $l3. • Wheat $1,75 a 1,85. Corn 92y,c. , Oats 75c Raj $l7. Bran $23. COrnmeal , $4;50a4,75.., Pork $20,50. bird 18 - aloe. Bacon firmer; should ers Isjc, clearaides 17%C. Philadelphia Market. ati Telegiit h to the Pitteborgh Gazette.] PHlLAnilintre, July I.—Petroleum steady; crude'. 2114a22e; refined, 34e. .Nlour dull; Northwestern 'extra family, s9all. Wheat in limited demand, red, 162,35 a 2,40; white, 2,45a2,50.• Rye sttady, atisl,Boa 1,85. Corn held Mini; medium western, $1,15a1,15 1 4. Oats held firmly; western, 84888 e. Wool unchanged: • , • Lpuisvilie, Market. My Telegraph to the rittsburgh Gazette.). LOUISvILth., July 10.—Tobacco; sales of 290 hhdsat full rates; lugs .46,90a9,00; com mon leaf, 11.10410,50; selections, $25. Cotton 30}0.1 Flour; superfine , 5 747,50. Wheat, $1,85a1,95. mu, 90a95c z Oats, 78a80e. Rve; new, ;1,80. ItiesS P0rk,,28,25a28,50.* Lird, 18c: ' Bacon;' shoulders, 19 c;` bleir rib•sideS 18, , • c 4 Chicago Cattle Market. By. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gotette-3 CHICAGO ' July 10.--'-Beef Cattle dull and depressed; sales at $4,a7 4a4,87% for stock ers; $3,15a5,75. for fair • butchers' steeri. Hogs dull and 10a15C lower; sales at $ 8 , 25 a 8,40 for light; : $8,50a8,05 for fair to medium, and., ( 48,70a8,90 for good to, choice. ) lialtimcwe Market • By l'elegritpliti) the l'lttsbeigb.Gaz`ette.i BALTIMORE, July,, 10.—Flour quiet and firmer but unchanged. Grains dull and unchangn - hitsa pork firm at $29.' Bacon firm and in' good tieinand. Lard firm at 173tal8n. n: • • - IMPORTS 131( RAILROAD. PITTEIBURGS,tIaccINVATI ANDST. LOUIS RAILROAD, July 10.— 24 bales cotton, 'Eagle; Cotton Mills; I car staves, M P Adams & Bre; .1. oar, corn, B Campbell; 1 car inillfeed. H Sohnelbach; .1 bbl eggs, 3 do peaches, ..Volgt, Mahood - & Co; 50 socks ,flear, 2 bbls do, Hipplev Beckert; 1 bbl eggs, Graft &Reiter; 1 do 'do, H Rea Jr. 33. sks oats, M Steel &Son;'3o do do, C BLit:ye; S bbls eggs. W H Graff & Co; 9 bales Wool, Meanor & Harper; 503 bdlii reefing paper, Jinpton evehristyr 25 bas soap, , Lewis & McClure; :2 bbls oil, Kridle & Seidle; 3 bbls white, lead, Beymer, Bauman & Co; 10 cks bacon, 50 tcs lard, J H Parker; 9 pkgs to bacco. Emil Poerstel; 10 bbls oil, Thomas Harris & Cu; 5 tcs beef, B H Myers & Co; 1 oar lumber, J & M Seibert; 100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang & Co; .235 bushs corn, 38 sks rye,Broivn & Williams. , CLLTELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAlL recArt, July 10. 2 cars iron, Chess, Swarth & Co; 96 bbls copper ore, 1 kg do, hi Bowe; 119 bbls oil, J W McFerran; 14 cutters, 1 cider press. Jas F Stevenson; 30 kgs fish, .1 A Mazurie; 156 dos jars, 1 box covers, Bennett & F.aweett; 1 cask ware, J Donaldson &,Co; 20 chimney tops, A Mc- Donald dr, Co; 100 oil bbls,C A Worfneastle; 4 bales bags, 125 bbls fertilizer, Seward & Campbell; 4 safe doors, Burke & Barnes; 3 bbls eggs, 2 kgs butter, 2 bas eggs, Head & Metzger; 6 bbls do, Fetzer & Armstrong; 1 hhd shoulders,D 0 Dougherty; 1 car pig iron, Little, Baird & Patton; 50 bbls oil, %V .McGatcheon; 16 bbls flour. Totton & Co; 5 bbls pearl barley; 5 kegs do, Arbuekles it Co; 1 bbl oatmeal, 1 do pearl barley, J Por terfield. • PITTSBURGH, F. W.A.THE AND CHICAGO_ Ra.u.nooo, July 10.-11 cars metal, Bryan' dr. Caughey; . l do do. 'Union Mills; 300 bbls fluor, owner . 22 bales wool, S Blubaugh t Co; ,1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; 100 bbls flour, Culp dr Shephard; I hhd tobacco, M Heyl; 2 do no, W deD Rinehart; 25 boxes cheese, Arbackles & Co; 20 do do, Kirkpat rick &Herron; 40 do do, E Heazieton; 25 dwdo, L J Blanchard; 2.0 do do,•J: Connor; 20 do do. J B Canfield & Son; 20 do do, Graff a Reiter; 1 car staves, W Hastings; 45 bdis paper, .Hostetter .41r. Smith; 1 car„ wheat, 'Elitcheock, McCreei” , & Co; 1 de do,t ulp & Shepard;-11 ; bids flour, Harrison deCof 3do r do, J Stephen. , • • ALL/mu:NT Erre:rum, Jnly' r 101-2 cars wheat; Wm McKee& Co ; 162 bags oats; .1 B Mcßee; 16 gallowa'stoneware; H Stevens; 6 hides, 2 bdhl calf. skins, J Ltiokcamp; 200 :bbls .flour., Stewart de Langi3nheim; bdl pelts, 10 calf! skins, IRBasley; 4 bgs corn meal, R de A. Carson; 180' bgs. flax. seed, M B Suydam; 5 rolls, leather, S Kunkle; 100 bbls flour; S C MeMasters; J W Gerd's; 646.bgsbarley, Smith &Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY. RA ILROAD. . July 10.-240 bbls Waring King dr, Co; 450 do • do I) M Edgerton; 500' do d6;.1 Mawbinney dtßrol 320 do do. Brooks Bro & Co; 160 do do, Leech & Wood; 960 do do, Breun & Wagner; 480 de'dci 9 0 B Jones; 320'd0 do, E Jagenian & Co; 160 do do, L Reoss & Bro; 7 bbls eggs, 10 pkgs butter, .1 0 Stewart; 4 pkgs butter and eggii,-John Moorhead 12 do do, A. Gallagber;.4.do do, J. Muller; 5 do do, .W Gosege; 8 dodo, J ..I.Clingensmith; do do, John Kimple. MISCiiEcoI;EOUS, OF CITY ENOINZEN. AND SURVEYOR, ' • PittabliSel. July.9th. 186 S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . • SEALED PROPOSALS for the following,:work rill be received at, the Office of the City Ennhteer, . Until THURSDAY,: July. 10 th, viz; ; • i.Fer ,the construction , of a PiJBLIC SEWER on Fourth Street, - trona: Lherry alley to Wood street. and one on M il tenberger street , ' from Locust street rotriok`a, •••• And ror osa.DlNui. PANIBG and CUEBDIO the 1011017 streets,' viz t.• , - .!,• - . • LIB TY.ISTBENT, from Caraon.to Taylor St.i ' CAB OLL:STBEET•,-frontliniallinan to Butler ,••met' • • • - $ ,C Avon STREET M ulberry , alley to the • I•,,WiD.F.c.ALLET, *lnn Logan to, Fulton street. ; • SPRINO,ALLEL from Morris to Bush street. HAZLETT ALLEY/ (Lawreneesille.) drum Poe tar RP, street. .1.1!... —• • • and foi the partial GRAPX,NO of COLWELL street, beyond Dinsilddie street: - • • Also, for PAVINU 3tABKET STREET WITH ft.MURN• •,PAVAMENT,.. from: Liberty .to ' 'Fottrraramkt; (exotprianitneDlaniond.)), Also,. for' toniarneving. - a diOA.IID WALK ON rEN.IIIBXLVAIi A.VBRAIE,, from, Oakland ' — Car Station tolloyillestreet. , ;•-••• ) - , Specifleations . and blanks for bidding can be had Al , °thee.. . ' •• • oi • 3ICHDR.E6. ,•• • .CII: EnSI OPTICS CIXCAT AC Pittsb ur NS gh. 'EN Gl= AND UN:MOJt. t Jove 24. - WS. . NOTICE TO 'CONTRACTORS.. - stump. 'rzorosALti dr ar Pirritig sad Curbins-•- DU hTitEET.i from Webster- to cur street.' !ktiNNifighli STREETA from Wylie to Decatur St. AVLET, from Federal 'to Wastilugtou STAlig.l',. from, pedtre avenbe to Muesli street._ STREET./ frotn licit. to Try street. THIRD STREET, from 800 tO Try street. . Will be received ut this ales' Unt il ' FRIDAY.; July 3d. 1888, Specification; _dud blanks forbidding; Cal to• =NIL g at tan ufiumera • . • , • .: .7 . MOOMEP. , , _ S l4 ': ": , litAttrAL)Eirtg, r: • , , -7 , _ ,:-- 7 , LATuni ‘ kiln% SPiERDID ASSORTMENT OF, ''; ' ' 4 44Di1i4"1 4ND DENTEDNIPS, 4 ' TAAVVJELING ' SACKS, ''' .l l*lrratitiltllicAttine.Turke , Morocao , AT LL , IBA I . (roirsalt by, at -:r , itilerfso -..11: I, ,-- rRE- L i - ADM VlNlBeilkatailr - j tags.•exttiritsrantragter rseisr -tor plokitafg edllo4 1 pulP /14 , 4 1 1tr a Vitt i r9V1 1/11 P! I SPIVL l'. 2', 0.3 arms Wootr ail itionli4.ll.l iII , MMTUZ=LAR I AWA = ME The river continues to. rood° slowly . at this point with only twenty-two linehes in the eluamel by:dm .31onongahela merks. The weather -yesterday was sultry, and cloudy with strong indications at tirnes rain. The steamer Ida Reese left .Fort Benton Saturthiy, June. 20,- at ten -o'clock a. m. Steathers Importer, G,uidon, Andrew Am-. , . ley, Fannie Barker and North Alabaina, ip porL She arrived at SL Louis on ifonday evening, baying been fourteen days out fro Benton. ' The Charmer arrived at St. Louis on Tuesday last. . —The Henry M. Shreve ' - which left St. Louis June .2.oth, for.. Fort Stevenson, hay- ing-two , tundred and lifty tutu, -"Govern ment freiiht, and , two hundred tune way freight, arrived' at Siorix City on the Ist inst., eleven daysland nineteen hours out from St. Louis. -, gentleman tesiding on the Hudson river is endeave'ring to bring out 'a light river boat 'on a new principle connected with displacement of water and resistance. The inventor,claims not only that she will 'be useful for carrying mails and a few pas sengers, but of unparalleled speed. , —A very Important legal question was argued at. St. Joseph, Missouri, on the 3d, in the Coprt of Common Pleas, involving the right of steamboattnen to sue and col lect their wages in State courts. It is con .tended,by the negative that the United' States qourts baste the 'exclusive jurisdic tion in 'such 'eases. Judge Montague re sertied.itis decision.- - • —The Parkersburg •papers say that it is the intention of the BaltiMore and Ohio Railroad Company to put 150 men to work• immediately, to construct a bridge across the Ohio river at that point. As soon as the water gets low enough the river piers will be commenced, and the whole work will be puihed' rapidly toward. It is sup posed that it:will be completed in eighteen months. The St. Louis Democrat, of Thursday, says: The Importer arrived fiom " Benton on Tuesday night. "She made the, quickest trip down and the quickest round trip of the season It is asserted that Captain Hiram K. Hazlett was successful-in secur ing yesterday, the Government contract for the transportation of 220 tons freight to Forts Ride and. Stevenson.! Captain Haz lett secured. quite a numbefof similar con tracts this season. r• ' —We clip the -following Bettis from the Cincinnati Gazette, of Thursday: The America arrived from Pittsburgh with the freight of the Leonidasaboard. The latter boat Will note get off Beaver Silesia until there is a rise in the river. The America had 160 tuna of freiglit,7o tuns of which were for ,Cincinnatt. The Leonidas had re ahipped about 70 tuns on her. - She takes a barge of the Charleston, containing 200 tuns railroad iron. She also hag one of J: Rhodes' barges.for lightening . Captain Muhletnan, of the Potomac, is trying to charter a boat foir the ,Parkersburg and Wheeling trade. -He represents parties at Wheeling, and has- under consideration. `Capt. Poe's A.merlca, and Capt. Laughrey's Be le.> The Lorena has her sign out for New Orleans.- Having -just come otf the docks, she is in splendid order: She will be commanded by Capt. J. M. Chenoweth, and Capt. Sam. Shuman will have charge ot the office. Thbse 'gentlemen are both popular, as well as' competent The Delaware is still here awaiting low water. Parties have been endeavoring to charter her, - but we understand that other parties want to buy. .. ... ....The Lady Grace arrived from. St. Louis yesterday., The following boats are at the wharf this morning: New York, Maggie Hays, Nightingale, Dela ware, Silver Spray, America, Lawrence, Lorena, Sam. J. gale, Potomac, Lady Grace, Golden Era, Chevenne,"Mary Er win, Bostona, Mary Ament, United States, Major Anderson, C. T. Dumont. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.l LOUISVILLE, July 10.—Ibver about. sta tionary; with font feet of water in- the (canal byn2ark. Weather clear and mod erately warm. _ . DOLLAR SAVING'S BANK, Engineer • 7IIIMOMR4 No..llo.lLairket et River and Weather. No, 05 ,rourth Street ciTAR,TERED IN isms. ASSETS Open daily finm.9 to A o'clock; also - .on WEDNES.- - DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May lat to November Ist. from 7 to 9 o'cloek, and from No vember Ist to. May Ist, from_.6 to &O'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less thin ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of the - profits declared' twice a year, In June and December. Interest has .been declared semi-annually In :Hine and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year'. ; , Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the : credit of the depositnetts principtil; - and bears the same In terest from the Ist days ofJuise and December, com pounding-twice a year alt tint troubling the depos , ithel to call,:or even to present- his .pass • book. At this rate money' will double,in less thmt twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws', Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. PntsIDENT---GEORGE: AI.BREE. - YICk. 11;11SIDENTS:__,, John G. BaCkofen, ! A. M. - Polloe.t, M. D., ' Benj. L. Falifiestock, Itobertitobb, , : , James 'Redman, I John ii. Simenberger, ' ' Jambs MeAuley, ' James - Shidle, James B. D. Meeds;: Alexander Speer; Isaac IL. Pennock, Christian Yeager. !'ettCEVITES: ' "Wm.. J. Andersen, . Robert C. Loomis; Calvin Adams, Henru J. Lyneh, • John C. Illndley. • . Peter N. Madeira,: George Black,. , . John Marshall. Iturgwin, Walter P. Marshall, '• Alonzo A. Carrier. John B. McFadden, Charles A. Colton, I Ormsby Phillips, , ~ John Evans, ~ Henry L. Itlngwaltsi • John J. Gillespie, Wm. E.' Sclimerti, ' William S. Haven, Alexander:Tindle, • Peter IL Dunker, , , William Van Kirk, Richard Hays, • Isaac W hittier, James D. Kelly, IVm. P. Weyman. Titgasungfi CU AIL A. COLTON. 13xcuETARYJAMES.11. D.: ?HEEDS ' % 11. W. C. WELD & CO., 6 1k • DEALERS GLUE, CURLED HAIR, Tannqie Serapg r . eroans , Cottle ' Tails .••• • , • ' BONES,NEAT'S 100 T OIL' &C. • . - . „. . . Office' and Wniehouse; 4to.3.7O:LIMICRTT ST.. Od door from WaynC i* , • o ' 4 i •'+r,, • • S. MAII•gIiNt 4 B : OFFIOE? ti: ; • 2 , .17.1), of - i'eunsybrooll4 , ktrrahlittGit, i tlulTi 3,1€1 S. MARBII4IOS .84LE: : 1 O. BA El et at. .1. I tVgDAMDCIAT TDAVDIII,:Eft,, No. 3, Octoher erin, 1k151619.! •Admitalty. • -; ‘.4 By:yirtueof a oenaitfont exponas issued,outpf the District Court of , the Untied litotes, Wilstqu Arica' of •Permsibionia; and to ins darectdd, , i !moose to Public lislei . on TUES,DA,YIhe I , lilL day , .or Job , . A. D; 1868, af ity , olook• at the • Custom Nouser,;: in. • theq Cit • df _Pittsburgh. the STEAMBOAT T 110.81.1. , together .with het ; binary taCkle, - app , ofel,Jce. boats ts . 11a , ! T1i067. A. - BOW IArY, U.B: liforshat. ,•••• tr. )testa : , ,IVestern District or Po. - • • NOTICE. : ' Ail pasbilihawfte ebtinie sgs_tniit and inteiest-, "al IA -Vic STEAMBO A T ; ARMADILLO Arlil take riettee , that X.havefifilzed Ask' ettle!ippbeat t t 143 Butt 013.01108, lISAUCE a Op ' , ''' . ' . ' f ' i. , ''• i Tibtia"A.ltekriatili °''' --: f ' ''' • ' ..:.' '• ' t6,8.1715is haf... -, • Illstrshil s o Office. May- T4l, MIL ~.9 % trtv23:a77 jrA.OKfieIIf,STIFIEET.OTICE; I. ' !lemony- given'that the viewers' apfoltited 4o SOU danliglNl • and behetlo tr i *tdou Avg JACK % SON WrliF...e.T. :fecund tsar Llegheny. from Pas ture 7..atie to Shields •Alley.' 11 'meet on the Prom tics TiillNDAY.,.the .,. 9 a th A dsz o , ;: a ttl umt_ 7l, B t t ' F. M., to attend tp the - duties of_thglf l point:meat. jaair96_, was pdak-'llg '7: At 1 1 y 0114, 1 1 PAM, 111 1 " Ir r. tC • ic y ”.21 • 4.111011'j,-(13 44'444. • •.A.lmmust ESE ESE ==2= BY BIETHBON;;VAIniOO,E & NI=IMMO. BRICK HOUSE AND VACANT L AT, , AUCTIC , SATimpay, .July 11th, at 214 the premises,' will be sold at audio We. FOUR T,20-STORY BRICK F on Reed street. betsveenCrawford I being' Nee. 19, no and 21 roomsßeed' dye earebou 1 , 1 td 0.-2.1, non Also, three vacant lots. frontin Reed street,, and extendingback 101 feet. Thls property being p on Heed street: between: Pennsyl avenues, makes It very , convente portion 'of tlie city, and should e ttou of those desiring to ,parch Auvestment. Sale positive.. No . 13 M1THSON,''iANHOOK & BY I'ALXEB & P PALMER 64 rmita.7. s, AUCTION - And Commission, Merchants, • OPERA . HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS No. 130 Fifth Street, - Pittsburgh, Pa. poo'rs, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY ANtEVENtNe Consignments Solicited. Prompt Ile. , . BANK STATEMENTS Q UARTERLY REPORT EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, Notes and Bills Discounted U. S. liOnds deposited to se cure Circuintion 4940,110 U. 5, Bonds deposited to se cure Deposits • 150409-1,000,000 Specie and other Inwl'ut Money ' 202.540 01 National Currency • 6,833 01 Cash items s 13,167 11 Due bv Banks • 224.407 4! Real Estate - , 56.500 01 Taxes and Expenses - 8,246 8. Capital Stock National Clrenlatton'.. state Clrenlntlon 'lndividual Deposits—. Dotted States Deposrs Due to Banks Eirtaugs cert ify that 'the above Is a true abstract of the statement made to the Com:droller of Currency. . .A. LUIS Assistant Q UARTERLY REPORT CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURCII Notes and 1111 Is Discounted $1,222,553 01 United States 'Securities . - 515'500 00 S.pecie., 1.547 87 Legal Tender Notes and 7-30 Cert. /86.360 00 National Bat.k Notes ' 11.204 00 FractiOnal Currency and Cents '• 6.196 79 Remittances and other cash items... 8,650 56 Due front National Ranks 144,740 53 . Due from other Hanka and Hankers • 15.751 87' Taxes and Expenses 4,512 94 - Heal Estate 32,761 61 Capital Stook' • ;National Circulation State Circulation Depositor* Due National liauk* Due other Banks and thinkers.. Earning* Due Coln tra**louer Internal Her Unpaid Dividends I eertlfr that the above Is a true abstract from the quarterly Report' made to the Comptroller of the Currency. • . _ J. E. BRAD'S% Jr.....Casbler. SECURITY AND :: COMFORT FOR L THE - TRAVELING - tOMMUNITY. - is B. DBMS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater. and Moderator, • • - For SMOKE AND. HOT, AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to grsduatethe heat to any temperature that may be desired without . the possibility .of tiring the , car or can't., which the Jacket mayiie attached. • - Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which Is warranted to resist the must intense bent-that•may be adplied to It in. 'the position and purpose for which It Is intended. it is a snre.protection -fron3 Accidents bylire, °rte.. nating from defective flues. or where iron pipet are used as condnctotc for smoke er heat.. H. le- appli plicable to all piping‘ that. may become Overheated, 11111115 Warnaltbd to give perfect satisfaction where., wood or other' oolnbustibbi material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I. am now ready to ap-. ply my Invention to stores,, dweilings, facteries, . steambouts,'.lntilroad L ears, , '4c4;.wherever" pipes as. conductors, are made dangeroes by being. overheated and Itichrity desised.. I will sell, on sp-. plication. rights , to manufacture or to use the above . invention; also, territorial territorial rights, tosueh AP may Wish to engage , in !wilting priv,7egvs,,either by State orcounty: I. ,H.• HABILIS. Sif - Oflee at the "NE rt.trs ULTRA PAINT WORKS," corner -of Morris street and the Alleglie, ,ny Valley , lialiroad. Ninth Ward, Pittaburgh, Pa. ." 19,161 7 790 19 Mlll ' OFFICE, Or NV EtriniN A I.la 0.11}.:N1 . , 29, 1809. - SEALED PROPOSALS • • Will be rice62:ed at this (Mice for theSollowing 'namecl. • • . i • '• : BUILDING -2LATEFLT A T•S : 403.000 bard, burnt BRICK: • 2,5U0 bushels reesh burnt LIME: • • :050 barrels I.IY.I,IIA.NLIC P,MENT; ' ' •'9.000 buahels sburp clean BAND: • . 0,000 filet SMONE FLAttiING . • , 400 (bet hammer drebsed STONE, Oar range . . All the above, to be of best quality, and. to .be de. li'vercmi within the Prison galls, as required.by the Warden... c Further tiartleulari inn* be had cat thin office, No bids received after July • J; r I II MEM TX. fit.TJIYR; , • • P4A. 1' ER, . , -flll6.4sAnitilribtigEM;Ajtklaiii47. • t ' • thankttit far the: o er very Ilbenit'pa 'win be- Storroi upon me.k tn liel4r.el ll 7 Winds eAd:the_pnblie generally that, In zuture as tbe - giet; I sha/lt OndenTer ditimmAlTt9Fandital , onntinuanee:ot the same, and wlet be always at th e atop frbm 7te fi AL:'ar. and from 1 t01i.Ar. , )1. , i . nw21:414' pESCEVAL , OECILETTov , . ',,-, Ifiliedill: 'IIEGINEIIII,, - , r< l _ l, ';' l rtate4 P:M./W..axi:ltarrwor_.?:):_ • ' , Wage, No. 70,PEDERAL STREET'. Room No. 2, train: I 1 1 . 01 ilox 20 j ALLEOTIENT.CITY. t BNlONTrifatnd l' iratillittai detten :A i imis furnished. Partlonlar,attentlon pald to e signing COLLIERY LOOO OTIV'ES: Patents eo n -. thientially_sollattede. air An EVENING DRAW- Wa ti OLAM,for , mocha every. IYEANEBD.S.I . , t 1 ,llyattwat r DRAIN': PIPE'. . , ' Cheantst'and belt Mein the inerket. '6 Isis, Itf.k. , BENIJALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT'foe bard. , - . 1, r , . .. r ) ' , ICS. at Ao, 1 Awisitocurriiailefe.: , : bike and• - ia:iitiktictorf.L.aao itrilitbek 542' oalogbattyt r AiirgrAens bY.III* lirceAßUP,faltdrk to . .... 'rah Itt - t-. 4-- -, 3 ~; J.,, , , yri , ICE'S'ICE! s, BPD[AMEligriCe hid " ,12002 5 DIAMOND , ALLEY, 'rummage'. ~...., YAW: 12129.2 tr, , 11. a'.. 1 , ru . f / 2 , Orders ten here or al Ibukti Bu lle t Ertl ' iqr..' ,galye promo..M*4a q wmtc l guk rituoog in Mao, Dash slur & anneal ,' -,' ' - - ap7,ta3 ---- a - KtliaiWlL " . tiumfotte= t r riv, p Po ri• an__'rrsr" bi rs.,, A , i ; 14 IA ' alernillMlNWlfialjjA ~ EL' ,11....r q ...)k .1; ti. .. ' . - a a — :,ririuti t b ilaili XII= litsan; big f assaik wow &Pr! r• .oiix •uw't 1 - o Aqr . ~ 112 Reed Street, MI r g clock P, al., on • il n, those eslr - °CS Kitt, locat d nil Vine street , trot. contain' I ming six roo , 22 feet each n along Vine etre t , easantly situated ruin and:Centra t to the business ~. mend the atteu 'se a home, or for 'eserve. 'Terms'at beLELLAND, Auctiont.•ers: OF THE `Pirrsnanoil, :July 6, 186 ....,a,i04,e04 $3.700.499 El • P i l o o.o oo 00 BORT. KNOX ANDREW fcrmi 800,000 00 )cti, KNOX & SON, 'COMMISSIOII. . 30,266 00 612,193 76 oMERGHANTS and dealers Iti FLOUR. GRAD!' - - 77.41 6 77 7 -1 L m TEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY; No -9, DIAMOND, oilte,Clty RalliAllegheny City. 39 . 299 949 29 91 j al7:r3'7 63,700,499 01 OF THE PITPSTIVEGIL July 0, 1868 82, 150, 011 18 & 600,000 00 447,500 00 16.500 00 . 715,033 34 5.045 43 6.954 06 148.580 00 2,326 29 5;770%00 • $2,150,,011 1.8 _ ,04 SHALLENmestszu, AVAitDEtr: ?•0012ringkOrt - Alictriurrs WATT, LXNG, & CO., WUOLESALE. DEALZIN3 IN 'Groceries. Flour,•6leuin, Produce, Pro• visionti,Fish,Cheese,Carbon-Oilidbe, Nos. 172 and .11441T00D 15TRIZET, :tear Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. . . . • rioB:uss STEELE Air • STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, , AND. DZALMRS jN , vi.court, GRAIN, vmmx), ate. No. 95 OHIO STREW' near - Dun Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA, J 411E8 J 3. AIRAI2OII. ' _• • .J 05.. 11411'Sji, MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR; GRAIN AND PRODUCE, COM3SION Nc:ER,C 3p9 LIBERTY ST/LEET, PITTSBIIBA3H/ Con - signnients solicited. • REPERIVRC3IB—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechinics , National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. - ja31:124 TIMM' ' ' IAB. F. ILICILLYns KEIL Air 411[C.H4RT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND D 841,8116 IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SLEDS L MILL TEED, &c., &c,, • 349 Liberty iPittsbeirgb, J. BLANCIWW lay. Wholesa:e and Retail Grocers, d9S. PENN STREET. -1 aplB:xlia? ALEX. ...... McBANE br. MUM, GairiMI.SSION MERCHANTS Jenlers In 'FLOUR., DRAIN an& PRODUCE OKff.. ERALLY; 141 WATER STREET, above' Smithfield, Pittsburgh. , . FMZER & ARMSTRONP , F rouwasanue AND COMICEISION MERCHANT% !For the 'sale of Flour. Paean, Lard; Batter, Seeds, Dried Fruit,. and Produce generally, No. 16' IiLARKETP . TREPT, corner of First. Pittsburgh'. . fe.=:uti JOHN I. 1101i8E.EDW. HOUSE Wit. IL HOTIS2t ,4 - OHN I. HOUSE - & .-Suc cessorsto JOHN I. HOUSE & CO, Wholesale grocers and 'Commission Merchants, Corner of . . Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, ,Pa. TT • RIDDLE,. Country :LIBERti • STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. Commissfon Mar c mut and Wholesale Deilei In Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gnu • artily. 1 , , , .. , , au2l pAv . .CRAWFORD,COMMISSION BIERCHANT PIG -' METAL; ` BLOOMS E, WROUGHT SCRAP. MON. -FIRE,,RRICK AND -CLAY, Sic. Warehouse and Office . Nips. 388 and 388 , PENN STREET. - Storage furnished. Consignments solicited. — ocg LITTLE, 'BAIRD - & PATTON; Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and: mien In Produce, Flour, Bacon .Cheese, Fish, Caztion . and Lard. 01W IrOn; Walls, Glass, Cotton Yans and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,. and - 111 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. ~ I 1 ^ B: ' e "CANFIELII: Ss; SON, COMt- 3IISSIOIi 4 ,PORWARDING MERCHANTS;; and Wholesale DealerS In Western EeserveCheese, Butter, Lard, Pork,. Bacon, Flour, - Fish; Pot and Pearl Ashes, and _olls,. Drjtd:frult and Produce generally, Noe.:11-4 sad 148 ,F ront street, Pitts . JOH!: STITPTON.:4, ' ' ' --- ...A WALLACIC §MPTON & WALLACE , WHOLE SALE G ROCER.S AND PRODUCE DEALERS o. 6 SLICTR STREET. Pittsburab. . I ar2:rsB PROFESSIONAL. JOS. A. BUTLER, • • ALDERMAN AND EQLIOE MAGISTRATE . omce, 120 WYLIE STREBT,.near,Wnshlngton, • PITTSBFRUH, . • Deeds Bonds,Mortgages,Aeknoniedgments. Depositions, Collectiune, and all other _ legitimate business executed promptly. . xnh2o;n9 SAMUEL McMASTERS, . . .ffi .. . Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. OtRce,IIRA.NT STREET, oppositc'lthe Ea.; thedraL.PITTSBURGI I , PA. ' -- Deeds Bonds, . Mortgages, Acknowledgthents, Depositions, and nil Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. ..• .. . - ' . . mhus VITSTACE S. MORROW, Ax.x.-ErtxtAN, Ex-Ciricio jIIBTICP . OP THE' 'PEACE Alit' POLICE-MAGISTRATE. OFFICE NO 73 PERNA AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages; • Ackhowledgnenta;' Deposition!) . and. nil (Legalliastnesa. eT.ehnted !with! promptness and dispatch. Myth'. A' AItIMON, • -Justice of the Xeace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCEAGT, CABBUIQ t3'II.EF.T :EAST • OollectiOncifikents soltolwA siitivrouiptli attend ed to. , „ , . tay3;760,„ . . Wif•t , LlA/ 1 4A l ! ,11;ARIE : :111STICE OF THE PEACE; CONVEVANCER,'&C , r - _ °lnce, 'CA'II4I:OIq STREtI 4 , nearly inipOilte the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTEIBDROB..' ••• : ; 1,1 Business entrusted to his care preniptly attend e'd to: tnyl:y6l.. - snr —.• r P ; . A' c;TicaNP` p-HysIC4A-AI PR .OPFICE ANDBESIDENCE. o. 59 Grtirit St., :tear 81,241:71 ; • , U. S.. EVRGUSOIII, A. TT 0 RN BY-AT-LikUr, 10..87 Fifth Stieeit, SECOIID.Feoon; Vllo.TiPx)bal.: 'TORN RIDDELL, , ktiOßiiit:=ATLAW. -1 Ottieeinfilblainsonoi,ssireet,,., • • , u tgliootiN3 %Ito Court lionte,) %16:t44 W A. i 721 :ris % 4 4 .°J 140. ~,tibti:4B •• , 1;• ,;• t• • A r/TTSRUAGB. [G, RukcauELL, t tr; JH AS t,. , - •.1 • i; I ATTOROPCS I OR: C9 l , 4 gligg kmi , = • - I , lrro;!€lo4arsilitigtire ett:- Binuikp l A. A lieli * 4l46l4;/F, . ATTOINNEW-Arria-u&Wo Na 98 lowa, STREET. , v , • A. writAlN ~ AXiDg 4.llO of •' r 1 -.l ' . mcciupiolo ..nrsigoz otffint , paw , Ai s ti) romc mAtigorRATR.. • :- : ottief 1131 PIFTWaItiIIGT,-rttii ihos:Cithe-, . area, Thstabluelks Pa. Med.., ostw broil' ,Aoluitswbedgments, Dept:WOW:al hati'td Le 8 ! 1 . 1 41' aloft ex.f quto!d Fith promptalousana dial* JOHN - ICJ ItIcCO1ILIBE4••:' , . 1 .1. 1 ATTORNEY AND-COUNSELLOR ATJ.AW4 -"Pt . ' r 64 • - 0 7 utti. treet. ocultbm and al Prop* 7 n . -0611 6.1 .!1,; 10: F r.kvoilt , l wapoie imvizi,l - or . 6 )nirtspa i s t, hVT l mVrg ; a 40 °Iirt latio:=11, • itrtu,& !tilt!" At 'alirriguarir s ' 4 .1i aii.;m, st.ct-..q sea ULU a. - prrrSBVRGH and &WOW CONNELLSVILLO R. IC. On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1860 trains will arrive at and depart from the Pepot, cot ner of Grant arid Water Weans, as follows: Depart, iffyipe. Mall to and from lint , 6:00r. McKeesport Accommodt , n .11:00 A. c. 2:05 p. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00.r. st. 10:00 A. West Newton Accommod'n 41301 P. )1.• 8:35 A. Braddock's Accommodat'n 13:15 P. M. Night Acc. , to McKeesport:lo:3o P. 31. 6:40 A. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newt0n...:.... 1:00 Y. 31. 1 For tickets apply ta J. R. KING, W. )1.1i31'017T.-Superintendent:. /. A. STEELS. AL4EGEFENIC -, VALLEY RAILROAD. r.DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL fIEGIONS. Running through:to. Venango City NV itheint change of cars—Connecting with trains East arid We on the Warre., & Frankllnßallroad, and 6 Atlant c & Greet Western Railways._ Shtirtest add gale - eat route to Oil City and Franklin, and all pOints In the 011 Regions. - • _ • On andlafter Apill2fitt,lll3B, -. PAsse ger Train& Will leave Froth and arrive autherittsbnnit corner Canal and. Pike Sts. as exart. follows: 11 4-triee' I ,1 Mati td andrni Veii: 7:001A. 0:15 - st. Express 6, 6 ' 10:40 P. at.1:25 A. Y. Bradvs•Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. 31. 1 ;201. 3//,. Soda Works Acconen 5:30l. 81. 117; 4 55 .N. First Halton 6Accomodln.., ,8:50 A:Jt. 21 6 1610 A. X. second Hutton AcCotaod`n 12:00 31. 1 3:55 it: N. Sunday Church Train.'leaves Soda-Woiks at 8:09 arriving In Pittsburgh at 9:501A. N. lie turninß leases Pittsburgh at 1:/0 g at. Soda Works at 2:55 P. 31. gH. B en LACIESTO E,^l:6• HOPE..TIcket At. U/B RAILWAY. ‘PAN HANDLE` 10 -CTIANUE OF •TIBIY.4in and after,,BUß, June 21st, 1807, trains will leave and arrive a UniopDepoc,wfollowa. Pittsburgh Uin t a: • - De rte Flitort 2: r 5 a. rn. a2:10.A; , 0:40 a. nt.lL_li7:ls4. ' 111:210 05 p. . _ _ Exprss.s Fast Line Fast Express. .. .... Mixed Way McD unald'a Aco'n,Wo. 1-13 SteubenvilleAccommod'n. :McDonald's Am I in, No; 2:.: "SPiECTIAT.; . Nbitca..-4iitidety p. in. arriving in Cincinnat morning. _ Abe 9;40 a. , sr. Train lea cepted, and makes •glose coin Zanesville and 'points - - on S Newark B. F. sdtrix;oi W. W. CARD, Bice . , sB RGH,FORT W. AND CLEVELAND 4 - From June 7Th, 1865, and arrive:lS the Union, time, aa tollovrs; . - • . Lem*. , • Chicag ' o Ex.... 2:03 a m • Cleveiand 51:03 , a; to Erie &. Yga 311.'1 .7:28 a mj 4-Wh , g4l'l 6:13 am` Chicago 3iati.. B:ssa , mi Chicago Ex.. . .9:43 a in Cl. p nil Chicago Ex.... 4;58 p.m Depart from Al I eg hen N;•Brigt , u Ac. 8:58 a ml A.eetsdale • '• 110:14 a Ali - " "'l4:sti m ,Rochester, ` • - 2:23 p m Wellso`e Ace.. 3:43 p m Leetsdale AF... 4:13 pm N. Brig g . 5:33 p m N. Brigt'n Leetsdale - 10:43 pm Sir I:5Sk . in. Chicago .41:4 a. M. Chica . .st el) " . R. MYERS. N N'S LVANl.taggligNS • .CENTRAL; RAVROAD. n and, after .June.73l,. 16614.- Trains , will ar rive at und-depart from tht. Union' Depbt,' corner of Washington rr andlilbertystreets. as follows: Aive. • • . :Mail Train."... 1.i15 a m Day Express:: 2:25 aus .Fairt Line 1:20 am s•. No. 1.. 6:30 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 ain Mail_so ant Latrobe Ace'n ' 7:50 a-roi•Cinclnuati p.m 11:ri-0 a as -Wail's No. 2... 6:50 mi Wall's 11:51am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10a. miJohnstown A. 3:05 pm Johnstown A. 10:35 a in, Bra ddocks Nol 4:00 pm. Baltimore Ex. 1:00 pm Phila. Exprea. 4:50 p Ect Phila. Express 1:20 pin Wall's N0:2., 5:10 pm Wail's No. 3... '2:15 pm WalPsiNoi in.. 6:05 pm Braddocks N01 . 5:50 p m Fast Line ' 7:30 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm Latrobe Acti'n• S:5O pm . Altoona Amin.-- -- Swissvale Ae.. , n 10150 put and Emigrant . , , - , Train ' 9:30 pm • • ' The:Church Train reach in gWalrk tad= every Sundaynt 9:15a1m.-; Pittsbergh a 10:01 , . a. m.. -Returning * leaves Pittsbu r gh at 12:55 p. m. and irriv-:s at V . all's Station:at 2:00 Y. m. , 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. • All other train. , dally except Sundayi i For farmer information apply. to . • - , - W.: IL BECh wall . ; Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. • ' snmetny risk for Baggage, except fob wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility tel One Unwired Dollars fu value.' All Baggage exceeding that. amount in value willte of the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. I EDWARD R. General Superintendent. 'Altoona, Pa. WESIEVUN/PENNI SYLVANIA RA IIr litUD.-On and after-May 10th,• - 19437, the Pea.- senger Trains on the Western •Penn Sylvania Rail •road arrive at and depart rrotn the Federal . Street Degh t* Allegheny CLty, follaws: • Springclie NoI 5:35 &Malan ;15 amt Freeport No. 'V 3:15 gin:Freeport No. 1 10 am Express AWN la a militlearpb'g No.111:20 mt Sharpirg •No.l 1;25 patlExpress...L.l . 1:50 pm. Freeport Nit 1" 4110 palSpriugel•e • No . l ' 3:50 pm . .5:50 pin Freeport 1fp.,2 pus Springd.eMo 2 5:104m Surtragd`e NO 2 W:3O pm ,Aboye.ushm run d ,except Sunday. ) The ChurcNTralh. le yea A - Bel l i , Turin. every Buuday "7;ao 43 !me reeebirl ickettECOY st 9:so'a. m. Returning; leaves gheny City at WA° P. iii.;Paiteritie `el Allegken7 ,Tunuf.,,zat*-411 p. m. ,-CrodKV*AATzat:Biclarre-rFor eatejli &Ne sot Twenty, Between,A.ilegheny. City, Vhes pt reel. Heretallennett, Fete Creek, .Rtruaand Sharp:burg. and good only on the traßts,stopPhigat Stations spe cified on ticketS: ,The,trains leaving Allegheny ,Cityjat 8:15 a. m. and 1:50 P. IC make direct Conucct on at Freeport 4with Walker:films of Stages lbr But) ,rand Hanhabs town. Through tickets me) be ,purchased at the Ogice, tit, Clair street; nazi:the Suspensiol. li For rldge ßather Pittsbinformatiourgh, and n at t atrorr U. • U. Depot, Allegheny. • • JABIES - LEFFlrri3. Agent, • '.; • • .Federal Depot. The Western _Pennsylvania, liallOad will not as- Mime any risk for Baggage, -exOept lor wearing ap.- ta o r i tg, n a?a i tilmitget. rzeoZb g llit e r , tco x = d ii i i t i l i a nd i t in :d amount in value will be at the rtet or the owner, on. Less taken by special contract. • - :1 EDWARD H. LLIAJES, Den.. -111 Sunerintenden Altoona. Pa. DI OKY RILL t.....7-110VTE. • - UNIONFACEFIC RMELWAY ~ ~ ,Eastern,DiVil3l6ll. : The'SSORTEST AND MOST RE I.LITLE ROUTS from the East to all ;wilds to Colollidli,,, ~Nliiirnila, , ,California, 1 Utah . .. , ~, Aritona, - • Wa s hington, , :. • ; .1' t ' . '. - / New Mexico Idaho, i 1. , .. 1.; Loreton.. .: ~z il. ! ' t`woi Trails* -lays State' Line: sind keavectworti. =Sundays excepted, )co the arrlvat f, t;alos at Rkilroad fred St. ;Imolai+ LOX niisilthal sat St. Jo Railroad frac' Quincy, connerthk. at Law. rouce, ToVed Wamego With stai 3 OS. , far all ~,Steittts In _.. At ,w.Cof A glt__Arest of Ella th, IfsllTEts , wrATE.:S Et.t•REBl3 CoX -r-351i• DAIIIT.ILINE__,_''Or_' OVZIUNN' D MAU. 1D EX.V B' HESS cOAcwilivOßl , kit ' 1i.,.* .)' .I, ' NZ* Wait. , Eialaili T-AlvEt . I ,o4oii i ii Ibimiitivii, the fitirilitOies. 't 3 l':•3'.111 in , ~., Anti anthII4XPEASCPS,TRIt:WEEKLI UWE Of F4O/ 1. -Eillor Fort lion:Meet's Xart., rms. Alba "V, e il O s i irdi d: 4 • 'Poi /te iitt; Allison* at co. i equipment e IMO:. * dant= oVrolling .stack and equipment, and Mae arrangements made with re. eponelble tYrerksll4 ,TransportsiSoot - e iloskr from Its waders termis Ode xnnti new! 01r ra_uneginalle4 telittieillor the italskes of height to One Fat Ayesl.^: 0 , )Liz !,. 9,1,.: • I,: rl, f . ~. 1 Ticker for sale at all the prtoclrf to to Um Mated Wee Mad Canadas. u. 1 .' .. ~r • ... , ..tte sun DIA ask for tickets via THE SMON , Ir lima,. , D el A, uNION :. PA I CRII , 0 l LW Ai. VlS*T:lrli';qt ,)pTo''" A. AIIDEASINNI • • 43011 erg STlVerinteoelt I i, .; 1.,:,.; 1 %. J. ii.lormasFrati, f , i F.:--1. • ,, t: Genbial Treight iilidllckit'Agent. rrrrsinnuiH, PA. El • ~, S TVAIYMAPS, rite-, &IV lIIRP 001L . ANDAtink, TEE A ibliaL tirimaszam , t „ 4 , - IConbeting sixteen and-4W! k =Lag tioni k . ooka r litanatedt ( it 1, or PAP. lair 'I'.44PICOP-Dodzo Itt_zeurnaosie. CITY OP- LO N Paltlngiltlflar N&ZUBDAT.;O=;LPIeyI4S:Nortk, 'We; New York. TOrVellrig 4 orminuele blforalli* , t a3l, 1 1 ..q1,1444 1 12 111 4 6111 L1N a nlSYrirlirinllVlTACßßallataig , 12i_StiCt talititiiollll4C l '.o°4oli. POOL - a arm ircae.a.4o x iy 11 1. , RAILROADS =l. Agent. • -mhIS MI PI i-4t 4 ,% 1 n-iin ax'e I h :08p i m [i:7: , nAc i .c:GriN N. it 'n .ikl.2 evle §t4: ' \ New castle :!'.`40:13 ans L . eelvlaig ~;: _vat ant r i. ..131.igt, , u , t i' .. 2;43 PI Leetsdale ; 6 ' 4:53 pm 11.`.,:. T:513 pia Eltpreas leaves daily. gc:Expresslntrives'dally. 5, General. Ticket Agent. II 00 A. X Ell I~