The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 10, 1868, Image 8

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CITY SiiiillßA
Proposed ,Bienoval • of the Vostriffibe44•Pre.
amble and Besolutiens—Messengees Sal
ary Increased.
A special; meeting of t h e City, Councils
was held yesterday afternoon at three
o'clock, for the purpose of taking into .
sideration the' propo sed :erection or a new
PostoffaS building. . -
Select Coun cil. •
_ • _. . -
Members present—Messrs., Brown, A. M.,
-Coffin, Dickson, Gallaher, Gross, Jones,
Laufman, Morrow, McClella nd , MeXwen,
. .
Rafferty, Shipton, Wainwright, White and
itrisident McAuley: - -
' The Chairman *tided the object of the
.meeting, which he, said bad been called by
the Presidents of 'Councils at the request of
- - • . .
several mem ber s . "`- •-• c: -"- • ;
••• Mr. A..liL Brown stated that Much against
liehvill he had, at the urgent request of
several gentlemen, prepared a preamble
anfi resolutions relative to the removal of
the Postoffice from its present lineation,
which he - desired to,submit to Councils :
WECEREAS, We are informed that a pro
position for the removal of the Postoffice
` from its present location, at the corner of
Fifth and Smithfield streeta l ls - pending in
Congress; and, 4
Vrarinses, -maul •,eitizens,... including.
members of the Select-and•Commori Conn- .
cils, of Pittsburgh, signeff petitions setting
forth the necessity, of better accommoda
tions and increased facilities for the trans
action of the business of the dffieri;xvithout
contemplating its removal;therefore
Be it Remitted, by the Oity , of Pittsburgh in
Wort and Common Couneits assembled,
That the report of the Supervising Arbh
itect 'of the Treasury Department to the
effect that the United - States building occu
pied as'a Postoffice, Custom Hems Court'
Room; &C., is`unsuitable and incipAble of
- being remodeled, and should be sold and
another site purchased in' some other part
of the city, is grossly erroneous and con
trary to the facts. ', • .
Resolved, That the presentlocation is cen
and best adapted to the wants and con
venience-of our entlre-Po'pulationt - and' the
proposed sale of the is aantraryto the
wishes of the people gmerally. ' -
Resolved, • That we have certain informa
tion from reliable and distinguished archi
tects that the present building is capable.of
being remodeled and well adapted for the
post office, and we earnestly protest against
any action contemplating a change of loca
tion because,
First, Such a change is altogether unne
'eessery and would involve a useless expen
ditnre of public money.
Second, The remodeling of the present
building so as to - rimuive all objections urg
ed against it, can be readily accomplished I
at small expense to the Government. I
Third,_ The present site is universally 1
acceptable to our citizens. No improve- •
inent in that respect is possible, and any
change of location would meet with very
decided opposition.
Resoltx4 That copies of . these resolu
tions',signed by the President andlittested
- • Iby th Clerks of Councils, to forwarded to
Attempted Arson by a Little Girl. 1 our representative in Congress, the Hon.
' Rachel Jones, a little girl -about:fourteen James K. Moorhead, with the request that
years of aged
was hioaght, into the watc h • the same be presented to the House and ro
tt'ferred to the Committee on Postoffice and
house _list rniKil between; ten and ele ven . Postroads, or otherwise appropriately con
. ,,, • .
o'clock, by Mrs. Nolan, residing on Seventh I sidered.
street, who i states that during the evening i Mr. Shipton moved a second reading of
' the resolutions. The motion. was adopted.
she girl lit a Minch - of matches and placed 1 • Mr. .. . _
, Gallaher moved a third reauung and
them in a drawer of the bureau, evidently I fi na ri nteene . • •
designing to set the house on fire. For- 1 Mr. Gross thought this very hasty action,
tunitely . the smoke issuing fr-erri i - and he was not prepared to vote on the
the drawer revealed the exietcncelineation. He hoped it would lay over one
of the tire before any material dam,: I
month, and if pressed to afinal passage he
age- was done. - Mrs . Nolan says this is, I would call the yeas and nays. •
the fourth time the girl lim • . made on•lak•-.1 Mr. McClelland thought -that Councils
tempt of this kind, and shei,,is at a loss fbrl3 h
1 ouid understand the matter and he would
an explanation of such-conduct. The girl not vote for it. He would ' like to know
saysthat itlcouple of men were on the roof 1 where they proposed to locate the office if
of the house and they told het to do so, t h ey removed it from its present location.
which is all the reason she can give for Mr. Laufmen was opposed to taking any
Action. s h!hearing will Mihail in the wise I hasty action in the matter. He did not
this morning..:`:. '•• • think that the city should attempt to con
fine public buildings to any locality for the
benefit of private individuals who happen
to be property oWhers in the locality.
' • Mr. Gallaher was in favor of pursing the
resolutions. He was informed that a cer
tain Railroad Company was instrumental
in having the office removed and that it
was the intention to locate it in the vicini
of the Union Depot, which he thought
would be very injudiefous.
Mr. Shipton asked for the reading of the
resolutions. . _ , •
The Chair read the resolutions. - •
Mr. Morrow said that lie would have to.I
vote for the resolutions. - He was imposed i
to having the postoffice torn down until 1
they knew was to be located. It
would be injudicious to plats it near the ,
:Union Depot. . •
Mr. McAuley: said he would have to vote
for the resolutions, although he had signed '
the petition for a new postoftice. .He had
no idea.that it was the intention to remove
it from its present location. He thought it
could be remodeled at a very small ex
pense He was opposed to having the office i
removed to some out of the way place.
Mr. Jones said no was sorry that Councils
werermt all of 011 Q opinion - on the matter.
It waanot a new thing. It had been sprung
upon Councils some weeks since,and he had
;signed' a petition, riot to have the office
removed to some other locality, but, as he
understood, to have it remodeled. He
onought that Connell% should take action
the Matter . Immediately. The present
location- was - the most central one. -If the
Pennsylvania Railnial Company, as had
''been intimated, wanted to have the office
removed to the localltY of the depot, he
[ thought they were meddling with the pri
, vate affairs of• the city, and he : thought"
4-Councils' . - should - -take' a - decided - stand- ,
against such interfere:Me by theltionopoljr.
Mr. Brown said he had also signed the
tion referred to; but it,wwkwiththe tin:. I
derstanding that It was. to have the Post-
office remodeled and not removed. If
Councils did not take 'a' stand against thel
removal of the office, it would
. perhaps i
be tacklers rit - ,theheit; ineetingr , •• , . •-- 1
The Chair announced that Mr. Kerr,
architect, was present, and on motion he
wrisrequested to glee his opinion relative 1
to the matter. •
Mr. Kerr took the floor , and gave a state
comparing - the Postoffice.building in
this, with those of other cities, from which
it appears that it is one of the !argent post
, office buildings in the-west. He stated the
present 4 building could_ be remodeled to
answer all purposes, to afford ample room
for the business of the, postoffleo - , - • ' C.
The res o l u tion s were thin adopted. - C.u;
nolikiimourred. .• . . - , -
Mr. Gallaher attlaridited ' t he following
resolution: ' 1 ' , ,;• •_ . t ,2.
Rirsoived,' That - Congress be requested to
appropriate the sum of $100,900 to rebuild,
remodel or improve the present •-
budding lathe pity of Pittsburgh:-
Mr. Gross moved to amend by striking
i out the words “surn of $100,000" and insert
ing "a sufficient 81:10 The amendment
was adepteiL ' . - • ' • -
The resolution as amended was passed
finally. Co pon conmirepd- _irr ,
Mr. W,hite
:ch ,
frorif "the 'Combalttee on
Streets,presented an ordinance providing
for the change of grade on•Crawiord street,.
from Clark to Reed street. , I_ , . (-.
The ordinancepaesed to athirstt leaaing ,
and Mr. MeEwentrioved •, that it lay over.
until' the next meeting. The motion to lay
over,was defeated. ,
The ordinance was then finally pained. ,
Mr. Merrowpresented ii,petition. asiting.',
the repair:of:4n ordinance . .prAVldink lor
thaeonstrnotion of a sewer on '„htiltentier 3 I
ger street, in - the Eighth. ward. ; . , 424, ... 4 , 1?
The petition was - accepted a W
Lion ,tinstrtioting the Street. Committee , tit
postpone the otoistrtiMoii bethe - seler - for
the:presepti lima adopted-v,i . ? ,t, - /. '., - d- t.-:
i .oA.,sbiir.riirewni presented &petit*,
itgin 4.otinloobrigil ,.
loaberamonin o e
VoldliWillifieng, the lilting Road gents
missloner of PeePles district, asking that
provision, be made far the payment of the
Daily Prayer Meeting 7 Front t?
12 50 o' c l oc k at the kethodiit • Chtifott,Plitli -•
street, next door 0 9 § t zE,TTE office.
The road to East Liberty and Ho
is in excellent o'ciridttfon for driviing
There•are brit few men idle hi thi
present, all of, our mills and wor
eing in operation. • I
Astaudt and Batteo.• , *Alir ed
made information yesterday again • loltn
'Barnhill, tor assault aid battery an surety
of the peace. I.A. warrant Was las by
Alderman Tho Pass•
Pardoned.--4,At land, Esq.,
of libel in the Philadelphia Court
'oeived roll parleii from Oo'Q e
hope the Eseentliterillpay'due
to the mpeettul request of the
fraternity of this city, and pardo
T. Campbell, *Om iwyot in saran
End of a 'Aelcide.r. T .lennie Miller, the
young wo . An who attempted to commit
suicide at he Union Depot on Mon last,
died y • rday at the Union Depo 001 2
She . .1 : • to sink 'orMednesday i. enitig '
and expir .. shortly after . ten o' pelt yes-,
terday. , mg:
in . The ' Coroner an --nett
iled and after, unpanneling a iad
journed the inquest until Saturday se_ two
‘ o'cloc,k, p. m.,1. The remains were taken, in
charge by the friends and removed to East
Liberty in the 'Afternoon. She was about
ju l
twenty years Jo • age. I -
, eged Larceny.
Edward Smith, a stranger in the city.
Came to the Mayor's office yesterday and
stated that he had `been robbed of hie
pocket book , containing one hundred and
ninety-three dollars, and of a watch and.
chain. He came to the "city on Wednesday
evening andjput up for the night at No.
170 Llberty street, and when he awoke in
the morning the property was missing.
He dOes not know who took the money, but
the police are working the case:up.
Assaults and Batteries.
M. A. Pendegrast made information be- .
fore the, Mayor. yesterday, charging Barney
. —
O'Donnell with felonious - assault' and bat. 1
tery. Ile alleges that the accused struck.
him on theead witirsome heavy weapon.,
A warrant as Issued.
hiliate e le Wm Made: inforrnation t at the
same time and place, charging Mollie 0111-
Ter with assault and battery. The "parties
are “nymphs," and it appears had a diffi
culty on the street Wednesday nfght. MCOI
- was arrested, and when brought to the
Mayor's office made hifermation 'against
Sate for surety of the peace, and, also,
against the parties who :kept . the house
where they boarded charging them with
maintaining a bawdy . house. The cases
were 'compromised and the parties dis
charged upon payMent"of 'costs.
Another Suicide.
Ohs more victim was added to the list of
suicides yesterday morning. John &idle,
a saloon keeper in McKeesport, who, it ap- I
ptrara has been isibad, health for some time
past, put an end to his existence in this
world by shooting himself in the head ,
abort one o'clock yesterday morning. Cor
oner ClaWson was notified, but in come
guano° of ;other„profeasional en,gagements
was unable to attend' to the case and Alder
mactiuyaftkfaxwin, otAllegheny, held an
inquest oa the body:, ::WiVeral witnesses
were examined, "and' from the testimony it
wasapparea c that the demased bad been la
boring. under temporary mental aberration.
The pry .found that tite deceased came to
his.deathlrom the effects of a wound from
a pistol shot inflicted by his own hands
while laboring.under temporary . insanity.
Meeting of the Cowressional Conferees of
BRIM District.
The Coterees
,of the 23d Congressional
_Distiici, et yesterday morning at ten
o'clock, at Freeport, to place in nomination
a Republican candidate to succeed Hon. I
Thotaawrillianis it:Congiress: There werd
present the following delegates': -
Allegheny—Dr. T. F. Dale, Stephen . H.
Geyer, Hegh Fleming. • •
Anzationg—E Templeton, G. R. Sloan,
H. Hell. _
Butler-4aMes,T. M . Dont
ler. C. E. Anderion.
The:Convention organized •by -selecting
James T. McJunkin, Esq., of Butler, Chair
man and H. S. Fleming, 'Esq., of Alleghe.
my, tiecretary.
Sixty-one ballots 'werg taken without ef
eating any result, and the Convention then
adjourned to Meet on`Monday next, when
a choice will probably be made.
Another Sad Caseof ,Etttle
' ' ' Boy the • V
Another sad case of drowning occurred
few"- and five o'clock yesterdiw
evening, the victimlieing a little boy about
..,„iirteen years of age, named Theophilue
Kerman, son of Henry Herman, residing
in the Fourth ward; Allegheny and late a
member.of the Allegheny ; police.
appears that the boy, In cOmpany with a"
number of comrades, wentiteAbeAlleghe
river to bathe, and procuring a skiff,
rowed nut: -.10 the socxnur pelf , of the
Milehanics street bridge from' . .:_the
Allegheny side. - After playing in the water:
- ficr,a time theyStaTted back to the .shore,
when young Herman , who was the last
one coining out of Ike meter, endeavored to
- jump into the skiff, and in doing se missed
bin mark and felLinto_theliver in, deep
water. Being ninible' he_.wYs
drowned before- aisistance could reach
him. The body has not been recovered.
Aceideiitally Drowned.
Louie Hoerr, aged ' seventeen yam, was
accidentally divined about halfpast
twelviro'clock yesterday , afternoon' in the
lifonong . a.hela river; at the - foot 'Or
street; East - Eleininghtun . Thi'inthrtu-
Data boy was employed,* „Phillips.* Mit
tenswi's saw mill,'and at noon went down
to the river for some purpose. On pasaing*
ever a raft , he slipped upon a lbose
which turned with him, precipitating him
into the wate which was about ' feet
deep. S ever al`bort were standing a short
distance off but were unable w render him
any`suisistanoe •
The body weir recovered very seoli
after thp.-aecideit' , occurred, and every ef
f9rt. toArecusAgiii./I"4 o, MONlP i l kul t h o n t
."Xha,body was removedlo""the
residence ,of the, parents of the deceased,
4) :Gregg streek• BiratingbemeObereian
itiquest was held by Alderman 0. Mnitcdfri
A verdict , of accidental drownin g was refl.
. .
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ITS.DAY 3131,
. , . ~...1021 1 _ ~ • ---,,-". - " .. - . . - -- ' ...:r - .
city at
has re
Mr. B.
= , I
- '
• •••
-4144 e 1.1 eg-ROVZ - M- : lt'-`,. 74- ;k> 44 `Aal ;l4
- .
aft couNcrig. -•
bill. Referred to gm Mance Committee
in' conjunction with this My' Attorney. '
Mr. White presented a petition from the
Rescue Hook anitlitdder Coriipdtfyi asking
an apiropriation of $l,OOO. Referred to
Committee on Engines.
The chair read an - orainance relitive r to
the rules of business. Laid on the table.
Mr. Mcirrow called pp "an ordinance in
creasing-. the salary of the messenger to
Council" passed in Common Council on
the 25th 'ofllay,lB6B. I =-'• ; f' I.
Several amendments were_proposed and
defeated, after which the ordinance passed
finally under a anspensionotthe rules. ,
All other business not otherwise noticed
was concurred in by. Common Council.
Council then adjourned.
Commen Connell:
Council was_called to order at half-past
three o'clock:- -lirthe absence of theCierki-
Mr. Will M. Hartzellqf
Mr. Rebman chosen Clerk pro tem.
The following:member% answered on the
call of the 'roll: Ahlborn;
bill, Batchelor. - Berger, ,Boggs, Brush.
Caakey, Daub. Davis, Fitzirenione, Pride*,
Gerner, Hare, Horror:, HUlerman,H.ouse,
Jeremy, - Kremer, Mawhinney, Moorhead,
Palmer, Rebman, Robb, Rosewell,..A. Scott,
,Sims, • Torley, Verner, Welsh, and Presi
dent Tomllnson.
The reading of - the Mint:tea_ was did .
,pensed with. -
'The President stated' the . : object of the
meeting was to take action concerning the
proposed removal of the Postoffiee:
Mr. Brush offered the following:
Resolved, That a committee of three from
the Commcin and two ftiem the Select Coun
cil be appointed, in accerdancelvithseelien
,fourth of the "act supplementary to acts
consolidating -the City of; pitighargb,:: sp.
provetl4CPril Ist, 1868, to examine returns
of resident taxables, will:: a view of deter
mining the ratio of representation, in ac
-cordance with said act.- • •
•Read three times and passed. -
Messrs. Brush, Palmer and Verner ap
pointed in C. C.; in S. C. Messrs. LaUfillall
and Phillips were appointed.
Mr. Robb offered the tbllowing: •
Resolved, That a committee of one from
each ward be appointed whose duty it shall
.be to see that the Assessor of hisresnective
ward shall make a proper return of resi
dent taxabies to the 'President of Common
Councils, as •required by act of consolida
tion, on or before the 20th of •July. ,
Read three tirnettland passed. -
Mr. Herron offered the following; .
Resolved, That the Road Committee , are
hereby authorized to divide the first road
district into two districts, appoint an addi
tional commissioner, and divide the ap
propriation between said districts.
Mr. Herron moved the adoption of' the
After some discussion, Mr. , Rebman
=owed to refer to the. Road Committee to
report at next .meeting. -Carried.
Mr. Daub presented a remonstrance from
property holders against the Grant street
sewer,(from Sixth street to Strawberry al
ley.) Referred to Street Committee. •
Also, a remonstrance against the widen
ing of Aiken's Lane. Referred to Street
Committee. ' •
The Clerk of the Select Council appeared
and presented the action of that body rela
tive to the removal of the postoffice.
Mr. Kerr, architect, by request,' read a
comparison of the. Pittsburgh Custom
House with like buildings in other cities.
He said he was the architect of the present
building;and that it could be readily re
modeled so as to give .the desired- addi
tional t,m..
Mr. Hare moved to concur to the action
of Common Council. • - • •
Mr.. Robb opposed cencurrenee. He
was unwilling to stultify himself,referring
to a petition which he had signed for the
removal of the post office and-which had
resulted in the proposition now before Con
gress. When it was proposed .to remove
the post 'office from Third street,there was
protest made, and to satisfy all parties a
C01111:1118/111011 was appointed—Messrs
Ilowe,ldomisand Roseburg—who reported
in favor of the present location. and the
change was made in accordance with the
report. As: the people were satisfied
then, they could be satisfied again, in like
manner. He objected most decidedly to ,
concurring in the paper presented from
Belect Council; ,
A number of members stated they had
signed the petition (circulated some weeks
ago by Postmaster McClelland) for the re
moval of the Postoffice under a misappre
hension. They did not understand the ob
ject to be to remove the. Postoffice, but to
remodel-it; Boas totnake it conform to pres
ent necessities, which, there could be no
question, it - now did not.
! Mr; A.. Scott Was surprised to hear mem
' bent state they had signed' the; petition
without knowing its nature.. The. Post
master, atthe time he presiented totkittn-,
oils, made no concealment of the fact that
the object was the removal of the Post
Mr. Brush said he bad been differently
informed. The Postmaster informed him
it was not deeigned to have the Postoffice
removed:from Fifth street. •
After further discussion, on motion of
Mr. Moorhead, seconded by Mr. Batchelor,
the action of Select Council was non-con
curred in. j • -
Mr. Batchelor offered a resolution that
!- the 'Committee on City Property be and
they are hereby empowered to build a po
lice station house at , East Liberty, at the
earliest possible - moment. . _
Adopted, after wing amended so as to
authorize the constructicm, of stations in
Oakland, Lawrenceville and the old - Ninth
ward. Not acted on in Select Council.
In all of which action,' not otherwise
noted, the Select Connell concurred..
On motion adjourned. - ,
St j. *
Meeting: —
_ • ,
Regular., _____..,ssg—Petltleii jinet-ltetnolP•
otrances—Reporti r of Connaltteesii
trellVf:ROPtrt•-•4 1 le Efissi4l o 2! GitiNxn4g-- -- ,
Reissitiubtif, Sm.: — ' ~ -- .r,
„.., • - ''- „:,
A regular semi-monthly in46*a All' ti-'''
gheny Councils was held last nveliiiiiit. - : .-: ,
• Select Council. - 1; '•-• • --,., - --,• '
Members present : Messrs. Kliteitiltroint;
Faulkner, Gang, °winner, Hall s -Ilarta. nano
Jahn, Krebs, Mothers's Patterson, J C.i_
Patterson, A., Phillips, Riddle;- Jtel er,
Smith, A. D., Weise and President'. Mo- 1
Brier. Members absent : Kessre. Callery,
English Myler Reed - fimith - Wm. • and 1
•Wettach. .. -
,On motion of Mr. Gang the rea ding of the
_Minutes was dispensed With ' •
Mr. Krebs presented a petittonlo t aking
' , for night police in the•.Eightlic•ward. .Re‹.
ferred to Consmitteeon Polide. - __
Mr. Weise a petition for groing Angle
s treet, Seventh ward. Referred t,e the Street
Committee: , , • ' _., . ,` • '
Mr. Riddle, a remeiiitrance ag ainst the
paving of Union 41ventui. He as ked that it
be laid over until the ordinaneo providing
fcr the same same up. So Oidered.
Mr. Reiter,' a etition from property
owners on Belmon t street asking, for water!
pipe on said • street. Beferred to Water Coin- ,
mittee. S.
Mr. Motherill Presented An otdinance es
tablishing the width of sidewalks on Juni
ata Alien et tlftsen feet,: ftoril Sedgwlei
street tic Heaver .avenue. '•Referred to
Street Committee. v,
Mr. Hall, of the Finance Committee, pre
sented the report of the Cantroller tif:the!
monthly expenditures Ifbr,..ltine, of which
the following is a recapitulation:
No. 3. Engines , ' 4444414 : -::
No. 4. Mains .. . ~......-..... 488, 64
1 1 0, sitestiss. , . ~,,, , • • lialtl4
No, 6. Woortos 160
No kil.f Coollo*l4 Son ~c .. 283 le , t . -,.
Ko's,'.ll. Waist , rke- :••,..Psak 7. 1 t: , .„......
! it tr. I t t , .$ t-•
,* ,g, -41._ ...i.,4•4 ...4..v.• „Ir _ , . 11 :2;
Vide:Gigiiilol4Yoiii. ' 4..:;:.;4;:: „,, t rilt i
CIWO.IL:411: Ore i ' V ewer s ill
la i .
oteroOlaaatMdowlP 1101Ytitl•••••••••••: a
renamawOow. , 4l44 l .•Etoo ail • .. .n . 1 .... 1 .....
Total., Paul f.
The report. Was accepte d and thA uontr9
'• . .....,
. .
ler authorized to certify warrants for the
payment.of the bills.
Mr. Harlin= offered a resolution author
izing the Water Committee'to inquire, into
the matter of laying water pipe on Balk
man street. Adopted.
The Chair, in place, read a resolution au--
thorizing the erection of a fire=plug at the
corner of Federal and lacock streets.
Adopted. -
Mr. Black offered a resolution - requesting
the contractor on Fayette street to proceed
with the work or give up the contract. Re
ferred to the Street C ommittee.
1 •• -•-•
t } ,
Mr. Riddle, frOm the Committee on
S rests, presented the following report '.,.;:,
Gentlemen: Your Committee on Streets,
i rr ts.
whom was refe the following commu
nications, resoluti -&c.i liegjeave,after
•clue consideratld '-' t heme -to -Make the
following report: , • ; .
Resolution relating to the grade of . Ham
lin stint,. We Would offer the following
resolution to reduce the grade: ,
,_ 1
ltesolved, That the City ,
,Engineer he and '
'is hereby instructed to estab li sh the grade
of Hamlin street so that it shall two feet'
lower at the intersection of said street,'
with Fulton street, than represented on
the profile of th e saiffstreet even
ly. Adopted. • ••••• - ''- • -.-
,' The object of the • petition for drainage
..ean be accomplished only by the construc
tion of a sewer, and your Committee have
c t
therefore ordered that plans and specifica
tions for a sewer prepared. ' They will
probably be comp eteilby the next meeting'
, of councils, when hey will be submitted
'Or your considers on.
r -We would report , adversely-to the remon
strance of property owners on Evans Alley'
to the collection of the assessment for gra
din g,t he same, believing that Councils have
no authority to exhonorate them.
We also report adversely to the petition
to open Beaver , street, as large , ma
of Abe property owners are op to it.
Relative to the change of gra de of South
tlimalstreet, we would submit the follow
ing resolution:._
_Resolved, That the City Engineer, be and
he is hereby instructed to raise the grade
of. South Canal street, as already adopted,
at• the intersection of said street with Wal
nut street, eight inches.
! • Relative to the grading of Fairview street,
we would submit the following resolution:
.Resolved, That the consent of the Coen-
cils of , this city is hereby given to the va
cation of the following described portion of
said street, viz: twenty feet in width on
its northern side, extending throughout its
entire length.
We would submit an ordinance relative
to the construction of the Montgomery ave
nue sewer: also, an ordinance authorizing
the grading of FolllltdO - Atreet.
The report was accepted.
Mr. Black moved to amend the resolu
tion relative to Hamlin Street, as follows:
Provided that the grading shall not affect
any improved property east of Fulton street.
The resolution as amended was adopted.
An ordinance and remonstrance relative
to the grading of 'Union avenue were re
ferred back to the Committee.
Tho _report 'and resolutions were then
adopted. • • • -
The ordinance relating to the construc
tion of the Montgomery evenue sewer was
then taken up and idopted, A second and
third reading was dispensed with and the
ordinance passed finally.
Mr. English presented a petition from
the Park Commission asking for the vaca
tion of that portion of Sandusky street
corsaing North Commons. The petition
was accompanied by the following resolu-
Resolved, That the Park Commissioners
are hereby authorized to carry out the, plan
as adopted by Councils,' by entering:npan
and making the improvements on that por
tion of North Commons now occupied by
Sandusky street.
Resolved, That the City Solicitor take the
necessary stepi to have Sandusky street,
between North avenue and Montgomery
avenue, vacated, that is that portion of San
dusky street which crosses the North Com
Mr. Brown moved that the matter be
postponed until next meeting.
Mr. Motheral moved that the resolutiona
be laid on the table.
The motion was withdrawn, an d on mo
tion of Mr. Riddle the resol u tion relatiVe
to the vacation of Sandusky street was
aid over until next meeting. •
Mr. Brown, Chairman of the Water Com
mittee. submitted the following report:
Germanism—Your Committee on Water
would respectfully report that they had .
under consideration the petition for water,
on Main street, Eighth ward. As much
the larger number of the petitioners can be
supplied by a pipe on Saw Mill alley, and
at. same time many others they would re
commend the laying of:-t he pipe , on said
Ov also had under consideration the
petition for a water pipe on Franklin street,
from Market to Ohio street, and would re
commend the laving of the pipe only him
Market to Preble street. ,
They would report favorably to the peti
tition for a pipe on. Church avenue.
To carry out the foregoing recommenda
tions they offer the following:
Ruse/toed, That the Superintendent of the
Water Works be and he is hereby authori
sed to ley a four inch water pipe on .Saw
Mill alley, Eighth , ward, from the present
terminus of the pipe to the old city , line; a
six inch pipe on Franklin street, from. Mar
ket to Preble street, and '
,four inch , pipe
on Church avenue, tram Sandusky street
to Union avenue.
It is generally the cue that plumbers put
in service pipe between the water main and
stop cock, which is too light, thus often
bursting, destroying the street and other
wise occasioning much danger, and incon
venience, and we would, therefore, offer the
,following resolution to provide for putting
" J in stronger material. •
BMW, That after am lfith 44st—pil
•‘plximberiflie and they are hereby regnired'
to put extra strong pipe from ferrule ,to
stopoovk ditch.thesameto bo put in a depth `
• of tour feet,and that the Superintendent be
instructed not to drive any ferrule until
the terms of this resolution be.eoniplied
The repor t was received and the resolu
tions lido ted: 2
Mr. Ha I o ff ered a iesolution authorizing
the Street Commissioner to have one hun
dred copies of,the Act of Assembly relative
to sewers printed for the use (of
Adopted. •
MroßlddlO ifted that vounodis•recbro
odder their act ion relative to thii vacation
of Sandesky street, in order that Mr. Park,
Presidents•at the ParleCtiunnindoi; night
ee,heard. This motion was adopted.
Mr. Park _was pitroduceli,,apd mid that
if the Coannlsidoti Vote dot allawed to ,
proceed with the plan as adopted by Coup
chain atseeptadiftbe.seport of thelleottomig
lion, that it would disairange the entire
plan as contemplated by the Commission,
and he 'hoped that Councils would give
their consent to the ' improVetnetik that
was through his" - neglect that .the matter
earldot been brought hefore,Connefie arson
ier day. He knew of but' few pe,
who had any objection to, thomatter.
On rncotion•of Mr. "Brown, the matteitiorda
laid over,. - ; ,
Mr. A:If:S. - midi submitteda Asioliition
authorising - the Wster Committee' to take.
into cotuoidedgion the 'propriety of laying ,
water pipe:on Park 'street, - ,an4 report to
Councils. f Referzeitto Water Committee.'
Mr. Riddle,oftered theiollowlng resolu
tibia; , , •
Basolusi, That the Street Codimitteo•be
and areiklye bye directed have ath°,l6t)'_i
gructiont the` Stree along the'ltne
the Pleasant Valley Passenger aellwaYore
moved, and the streets put in passable or
der, iriptthitekperuie, left aGY ocunpany.
' 7 "
raftgall)‘lllatheektOninitinnit tee'alie
Townonna to reporting Oil nest Asertiver
count*, Whether the track, of the Plow
*An Taller /1411:00 laid in gonfOrmlty
with the , grade of the etracts,it tritverlies.
Adopt,ed.,. - •
On motion adjotirrted. ••
• ,
Councils came to order at a quarter , past.
eight o'clock, and in. the absence of the.
~ •
President, on 'Motion 'of Mr. Hanna, Mr.
McNeil, of the Foutt4 'ward; took the,
At the call of the roll the fello*lilgiPenk
bus w,ere present:
_Messrs..Comley. Hth4I,WILET II ,, t fer. ;
411rutzinger, Hanna, Eluting!. ktocnlu.79.'
Rennedv,,,Riankle, Lindsay, 31.egraiv
Neil, I Oberc„ -- : Reed, s si dle,
Tate, Voeghtly, White; Wareef." ' -
On motion of Mr. - Wainer the readifift of
the mlnit t see elf the preceding meeting was
dispel:l:Ad ' , • -
Mr. V,Ughtly pretented a petition, from
residents of,Ohlo Artist,' in the Th ird , +hard,
fOr water 'pipe en said' street from' Hat
- Lane to Chestnut street. Referred to the
Water Committee. ' •
Mr: - Retid, 'apetition from standr owners'
in the Market , House, asking for the pas-
r %....
sage of an oidimance Changing the day of 1
holding market from Priday , Thursday.
Referred to the Market 4.lrillt i ee. .
Mr. - Lindsay , a petition - ft property -1
owners on ' Page street,. Fon ? ward, for
water pipe on said street. Re rred to the
Water _Committee. , ' - --• . • - ?
Mr. Clark offered a resolution instructing .
the Street Conimissioner to lave ?Chartiers
street: repaired from Rebecca? street to the
Ohio river. Adopted. - f .'
Mr. Megraw, a remonstrance , from prop= l
erty holders on South. Canal street against
the proposed"ralaing of the grade on said
street between Eatiti n e and. Cherry street. ,
Referred to Street Committee,+ . 'i
Mr.' Hanna, a' resolution direbting the
Sewerage Committee to inquire into and
report - on the propriety .of constructing a
sewer on' Federal street, from CltyHall tb
the Canal sewer; for the drainage - of the
City Hall water closets and the advantage
ofproperty on said street. In S.C. amend
ed by striking out- “Canal sewer'? arid in
serting the words giany sewer practicable."
Mr. Hanna, Chairmaxt the Market
Committee, preseutedthe following report:
Your Committee on. Markets beg, leave
to submit the following statement of the.
receipts of the Clerk of the !Markets and
Weighmaster at the Diamond Balm for the
month of June, and of the Weigel:master:of .
the Becpod ward Scales foir the month:of
May and June, as folloWin
Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Markets..
Bee. B". McNulty, Diamond Vcales
-J. B. lucAllister. Becond 4 wardneab
J. B. McAllister, betend ward
Total • I
Mr. Megraw moved that
accepted and Sled. ~Cared,)
Mr. lifegraw, from Oho,
gines, presented the followL
Your Committee on En
was referred the resolutio
procuring tire apparatus
ward, would respectfully‘ r
hose carriage has been in
earned= for some time pas
be completed, and we -wo
offer the following resole
a horse; harness and hose C
Fire Company in said war
the entire completion of th'
can go into active service :
ItesOvpedar,tment That the Chief Engineer of the
Fire De be and ho Is hereby an : .
. zia
thorized to purchase a horse, a set of suita
ble harness and five, hundi d feet of,three
ply combination hose for the use. of the
Good Will Hose .Compan ef the. Sixth
ward. ,‘ . . ..
It has coma to the knowledge of your
Committee that certain ; 0 the Are compa
niesof•the city have, onseveral occasions
rently, demanded money or ritizens.
whose property was end gored 'by fire,
and we therefore offer and k the adoption
of the following resolution to prevent such
demands in the future : ,
Resolced, That the Chief Engineer be and
is hereby authorized todisband any fire
company of this city whenever he shall
ascertain that such company has demanded
money from any citizen , for services render
ed at tire.
At the late fire in the Second `Ward the
`fire department acted nob y. : No fire could
have been more skil ly managed or
I ra
could firemen do more th is cur's toward its
suppression. Threatenin at one time to
'be terribly destructive, It was Suppressed
without any considerable loss. - And we
therefore take this opportunity to commend
them, Chief Engineer and oiliciers and - men
of the various companies, for their cosidnet
on that occasion.
'H a"i i
'Having had refer,, to use resolution to
report upon the p riety of extending the
Fire Alarm Telegraph to he Seventh ward,
along S pring Garden Ave ue and report the
cost of the same, we Would lecommend the
erection of:ttie Telegraph not only in this
ward, but also in the Eighth ward•, where
it is likewise needed. .. The length of the
line on "jSpring Garden Avenue is • about ,
1 feet, and in , the Eighth ward, via
Math and Pine streets and Bank Lane is
I .aboat .....-...„ feet, the whole costink"about
sl,6sl. In order te.carry out the foregoing :
1 recommendations; - we would offer tlie ' tel
-1 lowing': -- . ' - -
Reidvat, That the - Controller be and he.
la hereby 'authorized to advertise and .re
ceive proposals for the extensionef•the Fire:
l'Alartit Telegraphic:to the, Seventh ward, a .
distance of --feet via, of- Spring, Garden
Avenne and for•the extension of said , tele
graph into the Eighth ward a distance. of,
1 —feet via Win and Fine streets and Bank Lane. -
Thb'FePert'iiits received and, on niotioti.
the resolutiens Were taken . up
. separatolk,''
- On motion of Mr. -Tate,-the resolution
relative to the purchase of ahouset (Szoittc.,'
for the Good Will Company was adopted. -,
The reSolution to prevent the demanding,
of money by fireman for aorvices rendered
was next taken ; up _and after considerable
discutilob,'Mr. Tate moved ,to' lay thel'esse '
- olutioti on the table. Motion .need..
The third feeol
• itionwaitaken up, end'
'on' inotion 'of Mr.. Megrew, It was adepte&J
Mr. ' White, from the Committee' . ort
• Wharves and Landings,; presented the. Da
r lowing: . . • . , i,i -- . 1;
.. _, ~: .. ..."- • ,
Your Committee oa.. , WharVes and Lana
i ings,would respectfetSY txPport. that they
duly conlidered,the resolution rreferred-tt,
thsm zelatlette: ths ythaff, as - to 'extend'
, the authorjt _of the.ftharfruestel:br the'
western sectron of the wharf ever st-tr'eater
length thereof, and they submit an e r n
'l -
ance providing for said &Wed:eV ..-'4 - .'-
' On motion the report was accepted. the
rules , suspended•suid. -the' ordinanoe,read
three times and 'finally "pfiseed.- 4ir'Select
Connell the ordlnancti:wae,laid over. ~
Mr+ Hindi" a protest'against the. ewe- I
ingot Sandusky street; from Montgomery
t to, Xfirth' avenue . ti3+ the Parleimproye,;
meat. ' Referred. to CoMinittee onCemmon
, . .
'Ortitinds." . '-'•-• `-, - •••• '' ' '', ' • ' -,. .
! Mr. Tate moved that Connell adjonin un
der tiiiiitiles, wain vlasfitgrelid tci.111.7
As the hour had not arrived, action on
Seidel - *Connell' -bnsmesa: *.iiif , proceeded`..
with. --- . •
• The resolutietatedadpinylesat the report
of the Committee on the Poor Farm, w Loh
was adopted brmixav a forrnettneethag;
was referred back Lathe Committee,.
• C. Cs adhered•tiv its _.ftemer *lion and
• asked for a Committee on Conference:" 7 -
Tike;. o hair.M9inted^ AteMrs•Vftee corn ,
lev and Warner, said COrninittee. .
!fen o'clock ' having arrived, :in - accord
ance with Mr. Tale's motion, Council adourned
. In all business not other wise noted C. C.
aiiicarocU,l * id, :,, , . , - .'4' 1 - • - - - -
•-• Silituer lo 7•Ya l 7.
1048/? *fog Alietmeit
=i v ;
AuFtswq.ut zler
employe ..
son, for surety dike petush.S. warnut mut,
~ •
Ars'Olff Fashioned 110oseihinevidng
Dr. E. S. Abort'', whose name , must be as
fami9str as a household ,vaprd to, all of,our
readers, yesterda y' took poidesslon of -his- , ,
beautiful and enticing ',sdmmer resort,
which is iniriedidieed in one of the roost'
witching sites in the. romantic'
hood of HOmewood. The hatiatkiltrWhigs
Wait obseived in old' fashioned eityle,-
_Doctor bringing with into 11141 . = staid
locality, the refined and.. l hmpitable ideas
which are so OUrarietic of the f3cnithers,
'attics end themetropoli of „fashionable- •
; Europe.,:There Wer,einvited and Presenta
large number of` of guests; 'numbering our
first citizens and representatives of the
ferent professiOne • Indeed, ,wo have
„never seen assembled , a gathering more ,
conspicuous . `ford.. learning - and.. gentle:, 1
breeding, ,1 rivaling the select assem-,,l
biases which the literary clubs of
more -asstditing cities Occasionally entice
to enjoyment and pleasuis fromtho cares ,
of a busy world. The guestsatntised then
selves-in_walking through- the.eharcning -
lawns, , the shaded - paths and romantic
roundingssbont the - superb residence ,1
ceutly erected b.v the ,Doctor to stand
a monument to his good taste,'Snd.which I
which will compare favorably with any of t
the prineely-rtsidencesfiabout our city. ,
An elegant-dinner..wati spread, and b•e
tween mirth , and • music the, party had,-
_ 1
splendid enjoyment, arid were 'fully con 7, , 1
yawed, that the successful physician was,
likewise up in the art ofiliesPitalitV'
Aborn has concluded totnaltetinehli
final home and resting place," He. has ,
mesticated here andwill not suffer, the bril-. 5
limit and tempting ,offersi grottier localities,,,
to withdraw his services from Pittsburgh,
in ministering to,the wants,of afflicted and
diseased humanity. He is worthy, ,of his
success and may he live long to enjoy it..
,The Fourth U. 1 1. `• stival, now being f
held at the Fifth ';war School House, is
drawing largely, and everybody is
pleased With the enjo - yMent afforded. The
contest for the first dais Easy Organ from
the well known estab lishment of Barr,
.Kaake dr, Buettler, Ho. 112 St. Clair , street, -
isbeing Spiritedly carried on by the Mends
of the" various Sunday 10Chool Ihrperiaten-,
,dents, to the most popular Of whom it ie to
be 'awarded. , The princifial competitors
are'Meseta. H amilton, ,of -.Wesley Chapel,
Babe, of the Tenth watd Mission, and . Ar
bnthnot, of the Fourth U. P. Sabbath
'School.' To-Mght the Festival Will close;
. •
11,9 a 1•
, Seale!, .
• - •i • - :• • . •
Rare - Birds.—Theire i :are .on e xhibiti o n
and for sale at 13 . 0.17 - ,Diamcind street; the;
finest collection ,'cif Bird.a". ever. brought to ' ''l
this city, embracing Muting, • others ..tfocit.
in e g Birds, Red ,Birds, ',Blue Linnets, Non-. - .1
pnile . , ,ite. The yhmiage - of 'Some of these 7'l
Is of surpassing beaut i the Colors brilliant'
Mid lustrous . The. atiooti of bird - fan- ''''
'piers is ,invited to this e collection, ;which',
e i n
will remain, but"for a' w. days.
, ~,.. . ,
be zeport,
ENGINM , . •
ttee on 'En-.
'ic report:
.; nee, to 'Whom
1 relative to
or. the Sixth
Tort: • That, a
; of wit
and•will ,co
I d ieapectfully
ion to purchase
4.: •:e tor, the
1 1 ; ,so ;at Upon.
; carriage they
"Spring cheery.,
Winter Is drearyL ' • • • -
Green leaves hang, bil,the brawn meet tly;
When be la shaken.
Lone and foraakOn, "
What can'an Old man deli:mains:A m '
Why; take PlantatiOn Bitters, to be sure,- J'
and With them . a new lease of lizte. The old
are made young again!, the iniddloegedrre-
Joice, and ;the young I become doubly bril.-'
liant by using this • epTendid Tonic. •• Dye-
pepsia, Heartburn, Liver • Complaint, Pain:
in the • Side, “ericlein the Back," end all =
symptoms Of StoMactio Derangement yield
at once to the health giving influence of
Plantation Bitters.' They 'add strength to •
.the spstion and ixmythicy to the mind.
HAUT:owe. WATsit.=A. delightful
articiperier to Cologne, and athiff the
p rice. 3tWilrF
1' ' prkifi
.. .
THOMPSON .--, .. n
Tho6dav July 9th ,.,
• . . , 1618, at
10 o'clock A. 11.,1 Mrs. MARGAIIkT TMO.iireOlf, •
in the 71st year f her age. - "; ~
The Diners% wil take Once from the residence of" t
her son, S. 8.1). hompOn. on Locust street, 1 fifth.
ward, Allegheny (formerly Manchester,) on SAY-.* 1
URDAS 11101CNIR , July 111t14 - at 10 O'clock. Thee 1
friends of the ly are respectfully invited to- -
attend. •••• , I :. •• • . ..- ~ 1
JAMRS.—On trtsdliy.morning. July_ 9. 1868, ~ 1
at half-pest th o'clock. Mu. MAIIY JAMES,„., i
wife of Mr. Ph 0 James, aged, 50 years.
1 .1
The ' fu.eral 'lll take place from 'her late net ''•
(fence, No. 5161 1 SeconA , street.. on Ila cilltDAT Al
TER NOO.S", July, th`. A t osclock.' The frieridifer •
.the family are re pectfulivinvited to' attend
GILL"—On We nesdat; julY Bth, JOHN GILL ; Ili -
the 68th year o his ag ;., ,•.. - - .: . •• ~.: ,:t1
The landfall w I take it . leenfrotn his late realdence,:: , l
No. 113 'Second s treet ; ' on ••FSIDAT AFTICitS 0054. :ii.
Services at Ms" 'clock s The . Itrienda Of the . fauiti. ..::
are invited to aJttend.q: . ....... •-- ,1 ..,,...,;,- ~..=.
• No. 180 OLTETiI STEN_ET, Pitt&
L• 113 of all: kinds, jCICA.:,,LOVES, an d eY
ery description Funeral' Furnishing Goode for.."'
nielard. orn open ;clay nut/ night. Hearse' and+.
Carriages fa e4l. ••
Atiersanstorfs Revavid Kerr, E. D. •
.W. Jaootrds,•D.l D., Tomas Eating, Esq.; Jacob E.
- Killer. ti [Of. •.. "
gititit' L :m= • Sr; . MERLES,' UNDER+ ' ,
Allegheny City, whet* their COI.I.'LN. BOOMS arei , t
constantly supplied wltli real and imltatlon'Roso•
wood, Mahoga ill ny and Walnut Loglas, at prices yr
',lug from IA to s. Bottles prepared for tutor.
Mont. Hearses and arrtilges furntsbodi.also, , a 2
'ands of Mourning GoodS, If required. OPOS, 0 1; 11 -.)
at all hours, daty and night..
-------.--- ~ 7
A sm
• QUAR/f,'Shl j
1311 kande-me
Imitation Boa .
OAS upyrarde.
other coffins I
harnlahed ait at 1.
A I`E'w
We nave,
The/ qf! , tb
IFir 1
AND itAIDALMER, N 9. 45'01110
eatteni, and NP. SO 0.1-d-IXOND
Jam Wilson d - Brow,Oreeps always
best Metal, Itcaeurooat- Walnut' and
erwood Oodlaa, Walnut Cotatus from
a .t
Rose* ood coffins SAO pwarda, all
plopOrtlan. Carriages and Hearted •
ow. si .• • , OW • N,. Plate and
. , day, rza .
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