4 ' (71 - ti 'llll(tttt' . - nuedisisir smoms . . -. . ~ :' 'Oil _ of the .Commlttee on Inspection . te Condition of the School Buildings he Improvement& Necessare---The At , <, . % ';?/ 1, 11 ce and Government of Schools ' 11 33 PertiPit 8 - OggIeSHOILII... ... - ' ' • C opy.: hefialiONVlDg is the reportof . the u .• tee' of 'lnspection appointed-. by the ; ;; Lrtt Of Cottrellers of the Ali city :1 311 4 Scheele atfi l piestittiillo the Board i . . - heir last meeting : ; • • th tee Board .of Zbntrollere- of Allegheny : ''The Committee of ' , lnspection pro.- 'ed for by resolution adopted at themeet -4 of June 2d, 1888,, wonid respectffilly.re .Vil - understand the design of our arr T. point , •":lat to be to inspect huildings, the condi -41 of the;schools, the evidences of impact !and efficiency on the part of the teachers progress by the pupils, and to make : k atever suggestions may strike us main :•:•tant to the educational interests of Abe , ' , i''''. 'All the schools 'hare been visited by liir Committee, except those in finvder's •Ilow, and the colored schools on Welm; ‘. i. street. ;Our appointment has' been so 1 _, , ; :ent, and so . near the close of the; school, - T;in. that is order to' teach all, we :were' - inpelled to pass through the schools in ••,...te. Unfortunately in the , Firati Seciond d Third Ward Schools' we • found large • , .ambers of the nupils absent, owing to an " , inetise concert conducted for SOMe'f•WO • . - sthree days by Prof. Slit*. and inwhich 3 children were . performer es. •= This sewn id have rather • demoralized; • these iools and ought not to be allowed , to trWpriricipals and teachers in every in :t-i7eived us kindly: - I n the primary is** 8 did riot stop to, hear any recite il:!: '" „the. Medium , Grammar and • 1.! 'bola generally, we heard the pu t . t er ito lei re?ffinig and nientar arithmetic. But ' • i t . .-. - detalled statement of our observations -present as follows: , - - - -. . r :1 ' • : tnetrinites. -. 2 „The rooms in the Pint ward building are irn *fortable and'coittitioilious,,and some re ' trd:htte been ;: ' ; ; eanlinessipl_llos,..._re, tilings and wal f.:. . :":•','. "e would surrx"st at 'measures eh. ";; 4,-, adopted to "have . • , - ,sbecca' Street :;5."-, ':' - - , ef the • bulidlig,, o ,ld-*lth Nice - . F‘'. , : • • ment.' ' At present ',le schools are ;-; I' ; disturbed' with the : • ' iise of that thoron.ghfare. • • ;The house in' the Second - Witrd is in excel , tnt condition; and• is "delightfifily . shaded ;.• ilith trees on the south . and westside* `The Third ward huildingillarge and in • , it Condition. 'Your Committee were min .:illy impressed with %he' crowded condi- . - ',on Of the primary rooms. Itseems to - Os fiat the health '- and progress of the pupils, . • ,I'D less thanth'e comfort teachers; tillfie --,ianil an' immediate enlargement of the ~-prise, and we submit whether it would not • • ; - " - a -wise for the Directoralo - secure the pri ... late property fronting on ' James street, • ; :!..pmediately adjoining the house, so that it :pay be suitably enlarged. , ;' Building 4, in ward. No. 4in our judg , . , :bent is scarcely- fit fol school purposes. s structure and arrangement are bad. Its .. :, alb 3 and ceilings are so . dingy and un-, :-., ghtly as to be, disheartening to teachers 11 . ... iid.demondizing to pupils . It Is dadto 1 'jail-that it be speeffily,usade . more Cheer ial and commodious . ; Also .the present ,I.l' rniture is rathereinferbrin quality. .i.,. '.;',' Building . No. Sin this ward, which stands ( ..:‘ ..‘ pon, a lot 4.00 feet hy 290 feet, is new and ;.. • 4"legett, manifestly ;he finest school build.! :-. ;,- lug in the city. It contains a flue hall in . t:; - .4its third : story capable of seating MiCatun ',,,,, -fired persons, while an the arrangements . , I , eem well.. adapted to the purposes for -- 'l4:uch it has been erected. . •.4 Thelma-Lb ward house stands'On a bean -'• '4l - ful site, and contains" coMfortable rooms. ^,;. part of the first story is occupied by the • janitor, from whence the unpleasant odors, ~i f cooking are !distributed .through.the . , ::nilding. We suggest that this portion of •,-. .The house be tittteedd up for school purposes, .. • Zio that the First Primary, now taught in a •:,.. n.oom separated, from the main building by 4 '- street, can be brought into it. The furni- L - ure is- not first -class, and we. think the 14chciolti are rendered somewhat noisy, by ': ••;;;•. he movable chairs with which theuilding b its seated. , , there are also four schools taught, in ' • ;..„.tonziection with - those in the ward Moreie, in an. old dilapidated house in the' - :‘..4rounds of the Fi ft h ward. But as the , .;:directors of thisnew: ward • are engaged in .:;•=thaereetien of a first dosshouse, we deem : 'i;it imprudent, to say more at present. ,- . - - *li; As already hinted we did not find time : ::..,to visit the house in SnyderW'Hollow... , -It. ', ids new, and in, it two scheols have been Ili - ivell conducted under the care of tie Direo .; tore orthe Sixth ward; • • 48 the colored Wheels on Webster street.' -- f are nireadY under the supervision of e ' 1:"specolal committee of this Board,- we did 4 not regard it as important, for us to visit 4+ them. The building, as you all know, is' 'J new and commodious, capable of accom. • Amodating all the colored children of the .".- city. • - • : : , • • _AI Daring the past year ;there have been il employed 7 Principles and 84 Teacher* T • • 1,1 Good order seems to be maintained gen .'. et ally in the sehools of the city. Perhapti the nearest approximation to -_rfection in - . this respect is to tiefentd in nsti:Ndg 2 1 • and* 5.. Your committee were delighted with the order whit% seemed to, prevail•le b almost every room -; in -these buildings. And it is hoped that, without' any resort to e i severe measures, perfect government Will, q Soon be eitablished in every- buildin In .ti order to - do this it is important that c hanges .., in both Principal% and Teachers -when competent-should be seldom made. •• i. III: PRIMARY SCHOOLS. . ~ r. There is not a ward intbe ;11it.7.- ill which * 1: these schooleare" is* toce-mucte'-crowded. ; . - -.‘: This crowdingis damaging to the health of . 11 the children and makes it quite impossible ~ tl for the teacher to do her duty to them. We „;,: feel that thUtmatter should claim the earn ,, est attention of direitors. "ICU all itnpor --.S sant thatsualls have a fair op rtunity of .bi learningU:the , then , :thore4- •, 1 "ncation.• They should have first-class *1 teachers placed "itirerlhematit distribu tedbe*, in such nurnberi as will allow all to be : If. faithfully attended to: -.'• It the iiiii& the necessity for reorganization in the prk. i', may scheola is most obvious, W hile fn the i,,,. First and Second, wards theta is .also: ' intioh croWding: There are Toni 2 fel • rooms in the Third ward, each having two teachers. In oneorthese -we 'fliund two hundred 41 114 1 forty PaPill‘and.were -.f eld h, that a - few daYit before Mir iiiiiiVfortihad_ ii, been promoted. We believe1111011*.tot ;;; first or second primary school n the cite - L$ which the enrolment is not considerably 1 over n Inirlditidf. 'ls no's titit istatittam i t of !; things manifestly wrong. „and should not , something be done at oncelpt.xemedy it if possible? If beildingecangtithe enlarged ..-; 13 might it not be well for director% to consid er whether orpot more rooms in the pros 4.- e ntfioe,B64stiodld be oecatilefWith primer r: ' se - lipele j amt;theiSropriett , of-. , eiriplilltg two teachers in the same room , in the grain '' mar departments,. rather than, follow the i present prdeliee?'•"This , itirglit , give some i liefl while,it would more certainly insure a re fai r start to beinners. However this ma y. be, we earnes tly hope that this mi will receive your earnest consider ate ' Might not rooms be.rented for the acconi ° medation of...Pr/lfierY eeill eeigr - '---..-„, - ' tv.---IticeiraiThris: '' ---• During out v i s it eye garkeur„ attention c hiefly to Aid things: ittratiteadlWinil'ip, general, we are constrained to say that Feeding in our Public, Schools is not excel lent.,We are tOrsiiideittliitliitifileient at ' teThitn hal not teen besto of wed :fon this ver y important lenient , ; ow n to: 1 1041 64111 °1 i ifire tle i gn=fin are uthaft lame /11 * ' Zr - peruse. DE' Nowa - thataaraa -; 1 90 71: 4 5 . Can 'Ol4 I) i r is gr0'57.11191170,", - _ • . we foundlhat readin • is not a daily exer- ..... . . . . •was the pleasure of the .difectoni to lafa itso. But however this may be, while we found a stray specimen of fair reading in' all the schools, it is geneially not good.' .Perhaps we ought to except' two schools in the First ward and 'three in house No. 5 of the FOurth *yard. in these the reading. "wad very good. , , As we esteem good read- Initakwmean accomplishment. we. would , respectfully urge Its importance tipoiftli.., rector's, Principals and Teachers." ~* With. the exercises in Mental Arithmetic • we weiamnch"gratified. ' Th - ough - bi Ifmnii • instances the examples analyze were diffi cult, yet the pipits were Chrivup Mut . Yet ilia feWSthoele we detented's.• &sloes of a lack ' i.f thoroughness ;I*: training,. which hope may sons " _reined led: - Am this broach , et. htUdY MoStlntimitely. connected with and strength of cOntfibittiiig to "ttheli' - accuracy and quichness in, cal hope that'. thur,e;w4l. rmt.be the : ieast nntion !lithe a;tentiOn new bestowedmpon' ,3 _ • • : • ' V. TEACEDERS: - • . Your "Klotnnlit* feel-that in moral char ,acter,-ammtat. latitare, solid aisquirebtenta and earnest, application to thelr,work, the leachers:mf this city will compare favore with any in other schools - similar. in ,grade:.• -Of.course there are a few in this profession, as in others, who are not first ',,,tlass. But while we were pained b3 , notice ln", 'a very few cases, the manifest want of some ;.elements;requisite to,, a profitable teacher, yet :with the teachers -8.8;whole we were , most favorably impressed. And as• they are engaged in one of .the greatest and grandest works which it is the privilege of men and women to pursue--a work Which nifty largely contribute to-the well-being Mf' public morality, and which . certainly - does help to make,a nation wise and strong, we feel • that they should receive every en • couragement, Directors should - see that they are: liberally compensated and fur nished with such text books mall branches of study as will best, id them in the mental, and literary, culture mf, the children. , The visits- paid by Directors, are by far tmo•tm unrrequent,,while -parents are seldom found in the :schools, e x cept 'to reveal their dis pleasure at some penalties that have been !billeted on their children. Visiting is of tittich ., nse to both teachers and pupils, and. each :Ward in' the selection': of Directors should men who have, moth cepa°. ity and leisure for the duties-of such an important trust.', The grade in our schools seems to besuf fitiently high. The highest grade of study in the city, Is found iii house 4, inWerd No. 4. Her* we found the only, school in which Ray's Algebra, second part, is taught. We are of the opinion that the schools in Wards 2 and ere not quite up to grade. How ever, no ldame is to be attached to the Principat, for this . - It ' grows tut of the' crowded condition of the primary Schools; 'compelling frequent promotions, and when the pupils are not properly prepared. It is impossible to keep up the =ado, unless pi pile are thoroughl3r qualified as they pass from ahool to school. 'BIIGGEBT/lIML I. While the present system of school makkag,ement continues we suggest= that no Principal he required' to hear more than en e class in the High School during the 'morning and afternoon sessions, that ho mey devbte his attention , to . other parts of the sehooll. : • - ' • - • II:' We suggeW that section 23, page, 18, c s of the printed rui • and regulations, be hereafter more ri My enforoedi and that if the committee ' Vie 'same deem it ad- Nimble they ph in` - fi - . , e ". an Additional rule forbiddhqt• • , l A u, • , dovment of pupils by the Professedir ; . , :, . in concerts, which are of ncivalue to • ::',lllshools, but-rather tend to mentsl=L in III: - We sug ' e committee be requested -to ccinsider the propriety of chaiieng section 4; page 8, of the printed 'Rules and Regulations. It Is hereby rec ommended that permits to the primary schools be only given during the first week *leach Month, and that pitis to the A It C classes be given_ only Miring the first weekof each quarter.c •• ' W. We suggest that - hereafter the vaca tions ht the holidays and April, be each one week - Itead of two as . heretofote. V:. We aid° suggest 'that declamation, which seems to be almost entirely neglect ed in our se:1001s, shall be required once a week Ifinti the Gramma. and High schools. VI. Weysuggest the appointment of an- other Coilimittee on School Inspection, who shall be fully instructed-by this Boar d as to all' matters on which they shall:report 'and who shall visit all the schools of the city take a Year and report as often *in • - , 'Respectfully submitted. i Joni H. CLARK, Chairman. lii LL E. Sw.trr, J. B. GROTJARD, . R. RoLeocic, • ‘ 4, 18e.s. THE "Revue Intenualossle" calls Gad liamilkm "a • woman, making np for bar lack of an impertinent pen; , and, just, that sort of character who, when married; gives the poor intibaidra foretaste of•hell." Gail ,had inveighed againtit one of the special hobbies - of the Revue. The s torms Revue thinks that the dissimilarity between Hrs. Harriet Beecher 'Btowe'S 4 llncle Cabin'? : iind her later ; works is so great as to give •rise to the suspicion that she did. not write'Unclo Tom at all, or was assisted in its !composition,:; y a vastly. abler Pen.. 'Miss :Cummings' Umplighter and Mabel Vaughn, the same writer says, - are dreadful trash,` and ' Mrs: Holmes' • noV els are prig tively unbearable; "Orr . the whole,"' he ,says, ,"the female : novelists of Ame r ica shoWn very little ability; they eitheipjnider to the;meanesi snnsationalhuni,ori:*4te , an,eccentrie, horribly , airectoditole; *tog to say •Einaft .things, and hiding elack of ideas minder grotesqueness of diWon." , • 11 W 1;0 , kci iniacit;arthoillicoa‘tho;.in eonseetteneaPf : the suteeiss of. the recent British explOratiene..ablint •Jerusaleri, similar-enterprise: for NV Einar, had been plattned:hy, the Rev, Mice Butler.:„ re gret to learn , by recent adviees fro 'Eng land, that this gentleman,-said to have beep Well qualified Ao•superintend.the,labor f had died just as he was about sailing for his field of Operations. The work =however, , it is 4141;,1ie eontlitneWinder other auspices,. Aia r AW hoped interesting, results. :-` z,ll)4lLiza`Ocnapag, , -. 5 . 18 . , . 41 3 ° 41 / IIIi&N I LOTION " " . , ion BISIITS D °tat. PL - EXIONIA NOMOVeill • all • IL"ruptiorM, - Freckles, Phaplert , Moth Biossbes. Tail, eta. 9 X0_4144 lyiodenp, the Okla aots. - fair. jaild,point .For . 1 44a1011kni iirshlrfr is Twort e. or ' trenttemen: hag 1121- , 1!t. , : LoTiows Is the only reliable remedy for diseases and: libel of the Akin. •-•:} ; pimearLYrarraisAw mis.: 7 7 For •i 4 " e o et, tuserfatoillo ; w rigkelotp the skin. 'Price, sis Gent. Der ceite." "' j - • ' .ArLon , Ditsurp, , --: A new?eilsiilti delta e, t r h u e Dru Jezra-mwv. , , '11911,11.0/1 a. sox affe*frOifk. l • e HATCIIELOWS 11AIR40•M Thies sPiendid lisle Dye is tin. _ , belit anoint' true and perfect Dye; uszudelikflut,'",.....y, initantaneonsv no d iaappolistrsent; - no' nag tints: remedies the sgeets ITTSBUItGIii GAZETTE : • " - POTTlaki ' arkl, repestea otha r renetliee, l Bo. back's litaßacli:liitters. Bleed Punier an 4 lljtaai . Pills are the inedleinei eitant'ie cure tb r e ears for which they are riconisended:. told by ill Driggilfs Everywhert.' 'Th'ere is no medicine inase so Oar-aeons as Dr: Itaback.s Blood lharillor 'and Blood Pllls for tite Pen*suent cure.of.B4l4 or Bleeding, riles; they • strike at the root of disesuie, theriby removing the •-• • • .- ..;.• . . Sold all Druggists,Evorywhere. • There if, ikerhaps, no one thing that ',tumid - one so inueh to promote the - e - anati cietaigniranne 'as that gentle itimidating tonic. Rehtici*iiitinnath• Bitten: they strengthen and invigorate iritbout trodneing the µl arneta (ifulc•ohouc etbrialAnte. : • , , Sold by - all Druggists Everywhere: • PXMS Are Pills that have it' illicit and potierfnl action o the llver;' and relieve any Inactivity or congeste state of that all Important Orin's' titan which de pends the Whole process of digestion; The Import &nee, then; of procurini tirPill that shall have such direct action' Wittient the l in 'effects or mercury, Is manifest to every one; melt Itebsok's Blood PlIls; they are w,rranted poreiv vegetable, and can with' certainty be relled'upen4nd -are safe at all times. • • - ' Is but another tame tar Dyspepala..and the parent of many ills. B,oback , s Stomach Bitters taken in , witie-glass-full doses, directly after each meal, will surely effect• a permanent cttre. Do hot take our word for it, but try them: gold by all Druggists Eveowhere. • .NIGHT MARE . • Is one of' the many diseases of which Dyspepsia is the peent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine.glass-full of Boback's Stomach Bitters on retiring to bed. , • - Sold by. all Druggists Everywhere. : r . lUMNOVATE.. . . , During the Spring months it is one of the regniu household duties to renovate, and, in no multipli city of other dutits one's osyn self is, In a great measure, ovUlookedohancands of valuable ilires might be prolonged, and many doubtless eared from pnextuitnre graves by, thoroughly renovating the . syitem _with Dr. itqbacili Blood Pills, Stomach' Bitteriand Blood Purifier: . ',Sold by - Druggists Everywhere. . _ Is one of arising or severe and renn Stomach vltall, The ITLLS, 8 PIER are U. S. P ME ItsgIREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE . METROPOLITAN' GIFT COMPANY. Cash .43i to the amount of ssao,ooo.. Every ticket draws a prize. Gifts Each - $lO, , ...• .. Calif; 000 10 - " • - ". . • .5,000 aO.:, " 1 , - ~,1,000 40 I* ' . " 500 SOO "" ,; u :. 300 's • `. 50 450 • " '. ' - - ". . 25' 800 " _ .... , 4 • 5411 30' Elegant Roaewood Planes , each 8300 to $5OO a 5 .-- .., Melodeons," . 75 to 150 -.150 Sewing Machines each 80 l7s' 250 Musical Boxes '- ' - ." -25 to 200: 300 Fine (told Watches ". 71Sto 300 750 - Flue Sliver Watches. ' '. .` " ' 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, !Riven , • Ware, •Photogra_ph Albums, and a largess-.: sortment of Fine Gold.lewriry, in - all .. valued' at '51,000,000. • A Aomori° orals oott qr ttie 12600. PP Lem by. our chasing a Sealed Ticket. for 25 cents. Tickets. de= . scribing each Prise are seated in Envelopes and tiler : mighty mixed:- On recelptof Mete. a ttedied nekst will be drawn without choice and delivered at our , 'office., or sent -by mall to any Addrees. The prise. :named upon it will badeliveredlo the ticket bolder' on the payment oftwardottar.*- Prises will - be ltame-* - diately seat to antaddresa,As requeated i ty nxilress -or return moil. 1 ~ . . • . Fantail haw/DV/Act roar Mae gibefOresibes.pap•-' ~ for it. duo prise mu/ be erntengsd for anothir • qt . . the eons Darns.. ,I 0 a L AZIES, ~.. : . - AISIPOstr patrons can depend op fair dealing. • ' - RinalimsciB.--Waselect the few following names from% 4he• 1 many , who : have lately ; drawn %valuable, penes and klndly_pertedtto:_us kistdish them: 8. T. Wilkins,- Bu ff alo, N:lr.:, oak KIM Annla Monroe, Obleago, EL plano.-valo .at,ooBolritobert, • Jackson, Dubuque, lowa, Gold Irately =0; Philip McCarthy. Louisville, 211. ~'Dianiond Muster ' Ring,' PX10:11. - A; Patterson * -, new Bedford c Maas:. Silver . Tea, Set, - $175 . Kiss . Waliwortb, Mtwara ' Wis., Piano, $600; Bey.. T. W. pg., Cleveland, , 0., . 11elodon, am.. ' - ' • ' - • • • • • Air t r a hrs MOP no =heel iwithotit 111:141401:-,-, •',.. 0 ONS OP THEL-PIIH„ 'They .: — `,,_ are , cioing the largest batiMeaa,_..* toe Um . te..aby4 6 . , and deserve their success . "-i-wsektg - tag, - . 8 0 , UM .. , , . i 'WO have examined their systeM, and knovrthela to be te g fair dealing knno , —Ato York Herald,Feb. 2Bl 'isuit, week a Mend . of oursLgkeirrs..3o6 P.S.,ite which was promptly reoeivll.—motl, ,IVe to norm . Bend ibi cirenlargiving man? mote references and'. Invorable notkes;.from: the press. , Liberal Andtmer inept} to Agebta. - Satisfaction gnats:need: " Even , .paenge of Sealed • Envelopes • contains 'xlra :pa 811-. 'oxr ticketa for el ;18 for= githr la 0 - , liensAr should be _addressed •tn, H , ,WILSON* CO.. nanuo4rAwsy; : , •- - ,i1durv ,, ,. , ,••,..1 ••„-,...-,;.,-, , . ,:i 5. 1 ,... - .: litli; qc., tAl•milzi;l - , ,--.. i ~ ~. „ I . : .1 .,. ; ~7 ,. , friCIT-114T GROwigns,c -":. '• . --,1 struIk.PIIO&PHATE OP'. LINE The Allegheny. Fertilizer Co. =SIB - • • sE Ftwiz• sesrLiareakit, , I, 0m".856 Penn Streeti.Pa. ••-s ;cm: „ The best Zertillser in Oh and toeenlied by : reztorere vrtSu i :ve glyesnito trial, tobe too it.aid. ard ; for_rals largo crops or Wheat, - lire, 'Dail, COrn,' FOS& aa: VOliaviepublished' for kraut. lions simulation s piospbletoon toll atm g and .yaluablaitateukautt or t h is FerttHter, copies of whilst' wilt be sent nee to - onyselidlox thole ad dress. ` - . GAL ENGINEER; Jute or r-ir. W. & o.leompor.),* r'thno 0.--10•TEDIEUAL STREET Room FM 9, , IRLtlaiW P.O. Br 80 4" e &taiNfiliZ/IT CITY. , : t 2.70 it , 11.1 RIATIVOLIVIT'D*Aw; MOS: tarnished. 3 Portfoulor !o ft en ay paid to olgaluiCOLUEßYl#ooohimArgs, p a u nch , gloeatiolly__Bolicitod. lErrAn ICIFEN.IIOI DE C*N IN CLAW for wechonleo every wEDNEBDA, „. 'l,: c i 1,-2041nit. ltitiPOOrite r dWelac i llil • t-.7faleposaii.wlll:lo feeeleitilita` JULY laraf. -11-nt rrf 9j *" . :I mossemi 'LLP%_;! i N 4'Asehtma::' p it A lig ris ti o....o 6 t 0.. ( tull e . _ •—••mww. , J. ow of the beet lut , " um ...: ita k r oolus sbor,..„ . wheroa.eitthe balk= . „i111 7 97,,i0 wrrioesits., tit 144' 707rfg'4.1ttlitlatIMPIUMUNIMUNIVIlkOMS,. Yege— t. - 7 14" "4'"" , verrimniuw „ to laos' SIM jilligal!;• • . Illrerdifei -M,lll - .30 IQ tidS ,T) a ;•.• .... CN 11/ bfrif.ial 'rf.4,147 - '4.oevi." 14Y tsierr -4,,a arm ”otfot ).1 14, " Z "~"eiYY '<.y.~. ;~. t` +C.~-f;.,t~,A,:'wG,~"y - •x.S'a-~- _....:.:tc': Bed PILEI3.I nm'E;e4PrcE• Sold by all Druggists Everywhere, CHOLY dliwders of the nervous System, state of the constitutional health ion - after long continued sickness, gorating remedies like Itoback.s restore the nerves tO their natn- Druggists Zver7wtiere. Sold SELLS . TIM'"? the sale Of 110BACIVS BLOOD H BITTERS and BLOOD PURl ggists everywhere:.• 1: ABY NEDICINt sonuirsons. NIWA.TT, O. EiAu3n jartiox s n: sum,, ~ ILLNIFFAMn= BY k*.pritlETOXitihi. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 186 ilickrs:f MT rx A d diumf a ,. , littibdtre" CEIIN4P "AP3I Alint) QUE!NSWARE, SILVER AMAMI/ WARE. mzir Br.) tams, '4 1g .3 LE AND FAINT . 100 D 01 , 8017. RICHARD BREED & CO. mh27 h , ' , • ..... • • - G]aCi' S s 9 aney Cake- er & Confectioner, •41 , col . .EALta FOREIGN /CDO ' F RU I TS NII,TaI $ o. 40, earner Vedas! • d•Robinbon streets,Alle ghtray. $4l/Fr Conitantly on, hand, ICS CEE.A.II, of silos's flavors. HENRY. W. HORBACH, Confeetioner7 and Bakery No. AOO SMITEIFIELD 114 ween SeTepth and Libert7. wrLAD .0 B' SALOON sttaaked. • GEORGE HEAVEN, . • • , tandy Manufacturer, . . And dealer in FOREIGNAMMBICAN PEWITS. PICKLES, NIITB &et ' • I.lil &della Street, Second door from the dint National Bank. Alle gheny City. . • ff'.U.ICES! T. St! - • • • The Tax Payers of the cOnsolidated Cittyy of Pitts burgh, are her, by notified that the Tax Books are now in the hands of the City Treasurer, ready for Collection. . Taxes and Water Rents_ paid between the lit of JUNE and the ' st •AIJOUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT, OF FIVE PER GENT. And between Ault usrl lst, and the 76th of .sze- TEM#ER., at a • DISCOIINT 'OF TWO PER CENT.. From the Ifith et SEPTEMBER to the lst of OC TOR, all taxes will berwableas assessed. After the let of OCTOBEWFWE per cent. will beidded; and on the Ist of NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put into the bands of Collectors WITH THE FURTHER, ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., making 4 'difference of FIFTEEN PER' OENT, between- those paying In July and lam paying in ' IIIPre r, 3TATE MERCANTILE. LICENSES are now due, and should be paid on or before the Ist of July, to save coat and expense of suit. _• 1- • S. ALLINDEIL jeltbres • City Treasurer. .. . NOTICE.. . 1e .31 - ACCORDANCE -: wrrit THE Act of lneurporitiOn, books'for subscription to Capital stock of the Company to erect a Bridge over the Ohio River. - from'near the - mouth of Saw . Mill Run. (Temperance flied to Allegheny, will be opened aafollows. At nrnce of & H. E. DAVIS, Allegheny, Jul Al etb arid 1113. _ • - At HARE'S HOTEL Pittsburgh, July Bth and 9th. At oMorr of D. L. PA PERSON, Allegheny. Hate Manchester,) July iOth' And at °nice of JOHN nat.'. a CO., Borough of Temperanceville; July lth. - • 'The Books will.be ke open from 10 o'clock*. U. tor. m.- By order of the gramissioners._ . JeS:r9S HEN NE. DAVllLtliecretarv, - - CO'N -ROLLER'S OFFICE, I SEALE D OY ALHENY, July 3d..1888. PROPOSALS will. , be received at this OE until WEDNESDAY, Sib !natant, at 3 o'cloe„.k .e. for a GRADINEI Ep PAVING The following streets d alleys, vii: . _ SHIELDS'STRSILT,- Mtn 'Allegheny avenue to Walker street. PEACH ALLEY. Mi Virgin alley to Liberty at. , , t: Also, for Grading BNA VISTA STREET, /co= Carroll street to T lor avenue. - • -n, Protil es, sant:ideation sad esibnalplkeitn be seen tn. the office of the.Cltr, Gglneer. . — Blank forms for blddt n tan be had at my Matz. GRADING: - ;AR Proposals will be on Monongahela Wharf MONII/.,2kr k JULY 18th, .For the _partial GIIADING AND , PAVING OF SAID WHARF, from Smithfield to . Grant's treats. Bidders will state the price they will allow,per yard for the stone riewin the wharf. - Proposals may be left at No. S MARKET ST. ty3:841) T) . ITTSBURGR PAPER MALNII• PAC/WILING COMPANY. Manufacturers of PRINTING' AND WRAPPING - PAPERS.' CILIN TO It M ILL - 4TztrßElrnmt, °m.o. BRIGHTON Drlrjr-NEW BRIGHTON. PA. • on/Dux. A.NID WAREHOUSE, , 14.82 Tfiird Strieekrittiliiirgh, 16 '' N '''"? 7 .t.118.3171,Y ART ATNr!g la eh' SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary. :: • UntscTolia - Augi , st-Efirtja; John 'Atwell; B' Blirtman, John B. Livington. Cast& paldfoa PDS! Stock. ia2l#:6BB A &MOOD: - HOW LOST HOW AL ItZSTOREDI gust Hs eawta: irablishestin scared sena. .172;117%14 LE CTURE d Reilkal a t*W 'r f operreetorrinea, or Seminal Weakness, Ismail:tar' o f ~s iswes; pexual Debility and Impediments to Mar. rime generallyk _Nervousness, Rcanumption, • Epl, lepiY and. Mental and Phystital Incapacity,' re. saltit x iitfroni-SelYAtinV; ka._. int Donk- J. Claveri well. author *Yale ; green Book, I _l dpc. • .•.4 ADO TO .11:101:18AND3 3tt BIDIVBXEW sent -ender sea; Ina plain envelope; ininy addreis, , post paid, en receipt - or ascents, ortwopostai: estam_m. COLLIN & Co., 4.sl7A,payricu, ea A:ppg t 'intibittMgettel MAU"; is kt d ,t o . l . :l4 . 4= 4 •• In !Wee and for eal e • IeaTZEIR AItKEITRONG, 10 Market street. corner Ftrat. 0 minium •,. 0:1 =jloo auks Nods Ash:: 25 Pearl Mast , , j , .5' ' 1.2.&5h; ' " WAlle.Limet b 0 Hydraulic Cemetts; Pot and Fire Mtg. s L. ; - 'IRO NM& PootOry Choosey 44 50 t4'4 : Ustobora Uheeso; l. • 25 " Ottelteti ohmse• In - stilt*, Mid tor > JOHN B. OASPLELD , & SON. 7elo - • • 141 First street. ADAMS' , yol• SUPERIOR ARTICLE. OW • 1 , ;;g;..,, , - -= DR ATN , PIPE All Shah from olio to twenty that DON & IC ELl:7 9 s,"&genta rot mamtirs,ettirersq IST, Wood street; -betwempltlftbmid eltiths "treas. jals , . BIM l Ailatilat. of lifetFlita No. a itommila*laar. Ornihrs twnmotliiatt4iii‘d W PARIAN STATUETTES,' @OODB other g! r CONFEg ONERIIM3. D. FRANCIS, My Controller PAVING. ', B=i= S. MORROW, Chairman of Comuiltiee. =I it.r.i' , ..7 .11tenare4i :',l 'n.)3l l l ' , ili fix:;:01 •.;% ( '-' : 7 4' 1 *.filr'2 (1,1114)/14.g: 1 i , . .... - isfA • • ; INSITRANCE. M=M Fire Insurance 'Company, OF PITTSBURGH. 01Roe, No. 42 Fifth St, Second Floor, OVER inliNl==.B 813:"E'S • • • lIEREVTV,TtE3 i -- • Robert C. Schmertz', I Louis Morgaustern. Charles hieyrao, . Joseph'Abel. - Wm. F. Lang.. , Adolph,Rrebs, Wm. Carr, • Ch. Slebert, Peter, Kent J. Schultz, . , • A. Stelzmmyer, • Martin : Reyl. i ROBERT C. SCHMERTZ, Pres% 1 L. MSBOABSTERPIf, Viee Pirein, CRAB. lifintakti, `'l"reasurer. C. F. REEBOSEE, The above Coiripany le now-'ltaly organized, and prepared to take ME.RISSIL. Pr careful atten tion to. lansinesa,. prudence. and .I , mi . ..dealing. this Company w il l endeavor to l - lltieral• Mare of the patronage/ the community.-:• Jeibrit • B EN FiIANIEW INSURANCE : COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PL. . Office in Franklin vizigs Bank Buildingi, No. 48 Ohio SU, RiIeRDeIISNI . . A ROME CO MP , managed by Directorswe/1 known to the commn ty, who trust by fair dealing to merits share of ye patronage, . . . . , ... „ . _ . . , .. HENRYIRWIN. President. GEO. D. RIDD ' Secretary. .1 Henry, IrWin, D. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwlg , Geo. B. Riddle, Jacob Prams. . Gottleib Peas, Simon Drum, 'J. B. Smith, • Jacob Ruth, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Jeserdi Cralto Joe. LautrieT, -, H. J. Zialumd,, Jeremiah f.s!nett. • , splezoSS . • . NATIONAL INSURANCE tir THE CM OP Auranary' Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING. , FIRE .7:NSURA.NCE" ON LY, w.w. MARTIN, President. JAB. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. DMECTOII.B: A. H. English, 10.H.P.Williams 'Jno. Thompson, Jno. A. Myler, Jos, Lockhart, IJos. Myers, Jas. L. Graham, Ron:, Lea, U. O. Boyle, - Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gerst, Jacob Rolm. mhZ:nts . IeSTERN INSITRANCE CONi• ,ANY Ole PITTSBURGH. • LEXANDER NI3IICS ,. President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. • • CAPT. GEORGE NEE'LD General Agent. °dice, 92t Water • street, S'pang 4 Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will inzure &gained all kinds of , letre and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed ty Directors who are well known to the community and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main. taln the character which they haye•assumed, as of fbrins the beat to *lion who d esire to, to Insured. DENCECTO7I: • - Alexander Nimick, Joo B n D. ) Meanie, IL Diller, Jr.. Chu. J. Clarke James McAuley, William B. Eva Alexander gpeer, Jos Kirk Andrew Ackleu, Phi l Reymer, David M. Long, Wm .mordeon, Thmsen. • - n 022 - • pENESIKINAPiLL . INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH • OFFICE, No. 1675 WOOD STREET, BANK. OF COMMERCE BUILDING. . • Thf a is a Home Company, and insures - against loss by Fire exclusively. - - LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice President. • . ROBF,RT PATRICK, Treasurer. • ' HUGH , McELIIENY. Secretary. • - DIZZCZORB: - - • Leonard Walter, George C. C. Boyle, .• • Geo. IV__. 'WU Kinct k3 t . Robert Patrick,— __J. C.. Lange. :Jacob Painter,. J. C, Flemer Josiah King • John Voegtlei,- •- - Jas. H. H opk ins , A.. Ann ba. - Henry . , • pDERENTIrt, • AGAINST LOSS BY. FIRE. . . FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILDELPHIA. OFFICE, 4 3S 4 437 CHIO?3`.ISITT St, Nnan 5m ‘ .T 1 DIRSCIOREI Charles A. Bancke,r, Mordecai N. Louts, Tobitu3 Wagner, David 8. Brown, Simnel Grant, Isaac Lea, , •,- - i Jacotikll. Smith, - Edward e. Dale, - I , f eorgt W. Ric' George Fates. • CHARLES BA N KEIL,L President. ED W. C. DALE, . Aloe President. c : , W. O. STEELE,_Seeretary,pro te. J, 0,4 onNER. COESIN, Atrinrr, North 'That Omer Thini and Wood Street'. jMEGMEitit INIninANCE COM PANT' OF'rinwitraou. OFFICE;. 3ro. ar iii rat wrang., -. wont 111.0C$ Inattreiagainrs all kln6nt Fire and Marine Risks, JOHN IRWIN, an... President. JOHN D. MoCORD, Floe President. ' " C. 6. DONNZI.L. egotetarr: , ' CAPT. WH. FbaNi-tianeral Asent., ziattagyzois: _ _ Jahn Irptek. Jr. , CrFt. with Desna_ • John D. hicCora. ;.' E. .., _Fahneirtsce, C. O. Hussey, .... - -,';' W. H.N. Everson,' TNerve Childs.' -„, , 7 ,. ,,,,. N0nerk El R.m... ..Davls , .J. ,t ' , Charles Hera. , -birlir7s.Y.TECtoeidaie. EOPLES 2 ' SIIIILARCE ;CORI chnrick. N. E. •xlmipilrooo4.Tit's* A Home Company, taking Fire and Marineitiska zota*crans:. . Cap...iohL.•lthesidih Samuel Pulver. Charles l_ared Brusp. 'Lank, • • Samuel liteOrtak,Ft resident. I =lent• • ' - PN,i General Agent., . Wm. Phlll4* W ~ John att.. • John L. Parka, Capt. Jameahroler, Wra«,Vaniiirk, anneal): Verner___ • , Wll. - -PITELLIPS • ,jOHN WA_ZT,NIoet e-- CAPT. JAAJ. GOB t .P141!T1X1.,.0RG44; , 1)3, ippur BEST -AND:CIEFEAP• .11.0 PIANO AND ORGAN. : ; t;i.. schomacker'e Auld ` Medal ' Plano, AND ESTEVIS -COTTAGE.ORGAI - soRRIWTEER PIANO , e o mbir all ` the • latest valuable Improvements known the con struo aw a rd ed t hest ttrten and has always 'been the hig premium wherever ex-, .hildte4l4 Its tone te orana.and sweet+ The woritmansblp, tar darabll and beauty , turrhat • all °theta. Prices from to' 1150, taceOrding to' .style Ind' finish.) cheaper: 41- other sloTCOLled: arse class Plano: • • .ESTEY•S oO4rA4E (Ruler. • Stands at the bead or all -reed= Instruniendi, Inpro;;" duoing th e most Potful Pile quid/Z ( lf time o f a w ay similar Instrument in the united /motes; It Is sim ple and compact In oonetruotioni- Led riot:liable to get out, at order:. ' o CARPENTER'S PATENT I n TREMOLO O6 ' Is only to ' be - fo und' ln this Organ. Price from, gm* to 4654). All guaranteed for Art yeatu.:io „ RUM, SAKE BlTErnam t : , irtha - -No: is ST: CLAM STREET. oitansv •,, • In perlixt 04484 bons isgB louse. • cr i•i t i c • u4i4 42, rift st.. lid door 1114kre otod. 4TSOGRAP .` Disieurs br4ortuor• • inuttretatiti. QINGERLY, SC'CLElSi),ol,loCeiltiOn to GEO. P;l3antrlt ,1 00;rt 3. PIIACITCAL' I 4 I WOORAIPaIetei i Theofrt Llthagraptiloritititathatirent ;west ortho Motratalruh. fitioilnol• Fords, /atter, Reads, BottdALobe i lD* 904 Lipalolf,Vo,o3l:4. Port 4WII. C 4 tion,:atrft, de... , of. 1914042. Virrbh•Ntreett Plit'ablirghP' erA e, &BUILD • ' . -411141444 . M r ill'4l l , 3 , ::: t. , ,•••:!!.• ••• -- - ,- 1 , - . L , pelt %AV ISIMICRA' ' 1 , • c.l q t) lie, ;..410. :41.4 ..1,4.,, , 0:. lit tlinoi V - ahT.:... /N alla l l l MMirsett, ,, ii ... 4.,lirz,:•itaitrailtihk XS lei • ...411Wir • ' bt.Ori. ,Ija.llllWi,4t Cni,r 40 1 .11114,11*W4,01., tad") Vl' 4?a PiiVAih :•tll^e'l 10 lotiokiliv. 1 0 1 51 lo :,:•_%.:-.1./.,%fi it: %4.t 92:1'.1X - .4-ii, gi liitsi .3 _ ~~~ ME EZA larlegipir CARNClttigSfiliD f. : • WI.LL _ • ONES -31 CORM• BEING POSITIOELY T :1. LAST, PRESEWNG New Burlesques , murices, Songs, " MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, con di:ling niGhts orthe Ctrs new burleenue of— - UNDER VrAEOLIGLIEr, , The startling RULED • senc E. „ to TirußsDAY,ifflittDAY edIi4STR.DAY NICHEITS B. As s A Pe dmis rr el na at Admission, cents and ° and - Bleen a ta lle :' P ' h ' 1744 ' 111 , 1114 yO4- - , i • - • ' OO 4 l B 'l ool ca OSCAN. F. VO, • DAM!. LAXM COAL.. AN D ,400 ICE: OJ c., thumb's/crassest 1P- WI 4g! C. Um. allegheay City. • • - SVPEBIO Yough;-'CoglteniCoa COip,;:t. AT LiCAPIT MARKET Ordernpromptly attend Cd to. ,m • -• . . 0. . ) AL! COAL!! COAL!!! , • -'-''. :'. .- CO ..7- DICKSON, STEW' RT &CO;', ' ~ Haring ?colored tli ir Office to .NO,' 587 X4l433arcnrlt s'rztammay,. • .. (Litely , City Flour Mill)13 COiD ELOOft...t n , -. n rziPp-, aced to sLAJlD,u.rxecnizt L .ztlAreg. left at their' oti)ee, or addressed to them through the Mail. will be tided to promptly. my25:b25 , . . • 011.411V1r 4 .A.BMI3IpRONG ;'' • Y0170111001213NT /114) CO 00Alsi . , . . COAL SLACK AND D CORE: Deice and , Yard--CORNER BurtNii AND MORTON STREETS. First yard ou 7,lbeity and Clymer streets; Ninth Ward; Jim' on Second strbeti near Lock No. 1, _Pittsburgh Families and sianefacture lk supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. _ Orders left at.':any.of their oflives Will receive prompt attention. . ILMSTRONG- ittrivnirisoN, ABiccessors • rHILLIXEMpIiLt AtilabuelllGHXlllc COAL, C 0.4 ,iITITEII2,2IIIIPMRB ern DiALEBS, BY BAIL. IBOAD BIWR, of wipe or Youghiollitly CAS' AND" FARA' Y . COAL Office .and- 4-roor . the Gas Wo r k.. • Qtrp,NttigitcoAL. C. cmcorriEr3e hitneisand Shippers or PITTSBGBGH GAS, TOBRE and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK. Caeldellvered promptly to , Nl Parts; of the titles at the lowest market rates. Office and Yard7coßNT,_ tr PvitTlf.AND wkr. 80N Gormerly_Catral) , BPS.ZETS, Pittsburgh. P. O. BOX L*o*. . , - 042 t: • CRACKER BAICIRMEI, Ss._ , STEAD CRACKEI BAKERY 817 I.lberty Street. , . _ . Onr.Ciaekera are biked "nport:the OVEN BOIC TOM, and are anperloy to any baked by hot aLr or TILT Arins.x.lol. . ... .. . ~.,, ... .. -....... u . IN. ..„ 7 .,• v I r.: ~,,,,i , „ '-.llnAtcivANb' R c[3:Ai.-,.:.::.Kp,..7:...,5i 4.....;,..:,..:'. ARE = SUPERIOR fifflc - ANY• :OTHERS OFFERED ' TWA CITY s • ~p WIN BOBTON SoacHzikEdi EB9R4s SOD Eettst" oi9Lce For Sale ,by Every Groper in the City: Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. .. . ----•-• . , r9r ~. %go, - . I:• THE DISTRICT COIIRT - DF-, -: ; THE UNITED STATES, Oft.r. , TH.R. ;WEST- A N: DISTRICT- or . PENNS Iriaibt. -In the .7.-. matter of JANES JOHNSTON,.Jr., Of Ohio town- . . shinAlleghe.ny vounty.,Peinsylyanis,-Dankrtipt. No. 7 57 , in Bankruptcy .. - ' f ' :-'') ' Westsro:Dtaislet kr Pennivivalia, BS. . :, ~ 1 , . 7: At Pittsburgh, June 4th, A. D. 18438. `TO ALL:WHOM IT 3E &T CONOltalti; ''- • , - . ~.-.- . 1 1 The undersigned hereby, give notice of hla ap pointment as Assignee of J.niE JOHNSTON, Jr., of Ohio township, in the county of Allegheny* and. State of Pennsylvania, within aid District, who brut bebn: adjudged a "bankrupt Don Ida Own,:peti. • i Don, by the District Court of - raid District. , . -• • - • JAIIIES Ar.IIIIIRRAY; AtsigneC 4 ..' . • jeStratr • Attorne • -st-Law, Ile Firth street. . lESTERINDISTBICT,OIfirENN., SYLVAMA, as: t Pittsburgh, tthe Sitifth darof TWIN A. 1868.; - : 'The mudersigned hereto gives notice of his appoint, •ineirt as Assignee of JOSEPH - FBIOKE tti or Pitbs , burgh, in the County of Allegheuy, Agate. of -sylyania,' , *KOWA said :Pistrict, q who has peen ad,6 ,bulged a Bankrupt; Upon his own petition; brthis District of said District. , Court .l JOHN 11.11141,117: Aeeltoke. .le.MeHa , Attorney at Law.. yite Omit stiget;' . WESTERNDISTRI 410FPFAIN. SYLVANIA,: ss: . . •T. ' t ; t Ittsburgb, the Stith day o4June. ti;lB6S: The undersigned t he givetnottee of' his app4ogit , " • meet as Assignee of JACOB C: NORTP . ." - Plttabtirgb.,' in the - County , of:Allegheny, StalM Of Penntylvania.mithln t old - District,. who has - I:teen adjudged a Bankrupt, upen his own petirlori, - hr.the Distritt Court of sald.Distrlct: ' JOHN: XI, Dellar, , Astdgnee, • . • jeM:sitey Attorney at Law, - 119 Grant - street.. tril "i r i- , - Letteralifitamen.tart• ... having beenismated moon, the ; ESTATE 0 .., ART PANOMETER, 'desesso, - all persons hiv ing claims against her:estate 'nu- .present(thesulto me, du * i,' authenticated, and alt. rsons owing said i loe estatelll , nake , partnent . to in or . . my•attornay, , 1 . 1 9/R:1, Nr.T.f.rx„on, xo. 73 Q at street. ''• " •- • ' tamisTo irAmointrarza:• - ' ,,, dultad, 1868.1) -;••.4,== ,-- • 1.+4) •••••-• •.,,y,35.01,i.„,;_/- 'SUB* /lOUS • ATLAN'IIO CITT 3 frit (2441, Hotel IdEl open Ibr rho coif** la 251 h Jum, Tents„pa:6o per dOy;120 Pel;_wrs!! r Addrea • " It. u.•TßON.Ps3o2.'rrortio...o*-- froluterly ot (Warren Rani ond,oyoz , imouson hotels - W* 3OI OPN. I. 1.4)0 inuolvol2 oo Mr., reculef, Went. tazwrz..lri THE LAU HOBSStio i nebore, Pa.; -• • aka • •oy. asnieitteint , ' Franklin reamoid. ' one honk , * ride front. ltranklin.y bOnse. la large, new and commodious, we iiindshed, ham billiard rooms. ten-pin alleys and covered prone,- nades. It Is -Milky' banks Of the meet elisrinin/ Falry•LakelpAnieline, abewittna in sub , and uctz mixabletbr imung Piirliesesi'llnrrtninded with sta. run% l a w * rtTeratig_iitaltlenealPss. 4. • Dent Alt E 3 , : .11 1 " :411: s ‘ ,.srQ ass " .1101K1,101 . 4: ' —Whereas, Letters 'of Almintstratton. Ms' li*e been 0/(44,ll.vatit.geA4ll,xii,ovi*l": debted to mad estate ere requetteittomaa'-tzetaedA-:,!. Ate paymeut,„ and those 'having Claims *Mon the same will present , theSovdely ottheutteatsid for, sot:, * ttessentetov.;,- r itITHBEItTs Allot , „ . 140. 85•13.• thiteld, street. ," ICTOTICE in IS HERE ISAARIIrEEr. titedderala'4lAterateXere a • ' t . s.:s .o %cisALlQUlNlgyat 1 i' Atßsigviiielk 3444- 1 nAtTn'alti A'd 1)10 .4en Blift IF/ • .» MrlF9Pm LmGALti xtp,Tll.l - • - lIMIE