KBE IRON WORKS. " ♦D. V sass. pITTSBIALGR FORGE AND IRON CO., Y1.3171 . /CTIIItEaS or Bar Ironf • • ,liallr.edTisk Bars and }kilts; Railroad Car Axles Soiled; Railroad Car Aires Hammered; .- ILOesinotive irralr.es; Frame shapes; Side Rods; , yoke/hot:raps; `Piston Heads; • Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; • 1 ;Piston Rods,_ Wrists; Pitman , Jitirs,tollars; Rh. Orrice, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, P'.. MO aII.AFF, BYERS & XAXIIFACTUREIif3 OF Bit s p und Shget Iron; i..!“.1`" ,w •.< itou t dwr , IPON, Iron Welded Ties ' for Gas, Steam, Water Ite • ..ALsp• OIL WELL TUBING. Inike, US Water and 132 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, •Pa. .saves KENSINGTON IKON WORKS. LLOYD ok BLACK, gANUY&OTITRICES OF Best Coinmon, Refined, Charcoal SIMLA TA BLOOM IRON. infitCriftherßA noirkti d sQue*, recei HOOP_,_BANDT and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLA TE and SHEET IRON." MOWER AND' EAPER - . CYLINDER an GUARD or FINGER IRON. *MALL T RAIL_ ;_g_l3 snake lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. YLAT RAILSIPuncIRON'hed and Countersunk. ' COAL SCREE • . • e NAILS AND LKES.- Warehouse and; Gains at the Wont', GREEN OTIGII STREET, (a continuation of First street, adjotaing the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. • - EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron- Works. _ . Irazeti°use 'rah ". la House - d 167 FIRST STREET site !Sexton_ e ' PITTSBURGH. atiSO:d6 ,STEEL WO SHEFFIELD STEEL WOltliS. SINGER,NIMIOK & CO. inTrintrreGil re. Idiumfactlire of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, ItAI itL AT B FC B M4TFORBISPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ft., Ike. 'Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sta. svni:oe pITTSBURGH -SWEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK & CO., , arucagsscilts l TO Mims, 3301 - D C 0.,) Manufacturers of the BEST BEFpIED. CAST OCTAGONTJ E, FLAT and li • GASTSTEEL ?or' •.• _ - 1480131 steel ;awf low u l ' Naratues, I . . Asbestfaildijuri,&o., CaEit and Common Plow & Spring SteeL - . omee—corner FIRST AND BOSS STREETS, two locks above the Monongahela House. 0c21:439, - . • • - BARR & PAI!.11L11,1. 1~1. • ezznar..u. rAirrszas: WK. iurrrildr,••••• ...xtEtrszx MILLER, R, ORO. W. BAR " I CR.A.K. PARKIN. Bpx•cLAl, PAnviira - 5. M. KIK& - CRRSORNT STEEL WORKS, 1114:MadMit, iBAJEM &PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, • PITTEIREIEGH, t*l4gd4s BLACK DVM4WP STEEL WORKS. BROTHIR & CO., - Osatifsctniers of ail descriptions of 113111=WALN. *Mee and Warehouse - , 'l2O, 122, 124-13/CCONA and 1192.nd 121 YIEST'EXBEETI3, 1 , ' . . w rs t ikv c. HOUSE. LINDSEY, MERIT & WEB, ManadUbsrers and Importers of 'ELA.re,i)NvA.. It El ~ • , CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY . STREET,' I liquogio _Below Baton Depot, -7 inTTSBURMEL I=ll • 7 'Ee-AWtir far IiAIIIBANKS , SCALES. 176) M.w•corA '7 11- OLtLEN , imr air; =am Or( Awn-- gEGAIISir "nL,, 4tosicco --- - of 041311 too,ap. .• ' lt.iistioaiii *llk i. . , .•-iii,B,r,,,T, ~ , iiii.nair4 P ..., ! . • ...-,.1;%! No. - 8 vt9r i f IE4J ' - iiree N.. ..4, VINAPG ' • • .'• ' morte - Ie,WW-.• D : • ' ~,y risrdn J -4 , ii ;•-•' r WORIM{' JiENKn~Pßdl~fy -14 114 -ri ifiatiacturen sac! Dealeitiin Tobacco, Snuff, Com, Pipes, &as INO ,411113)1211L 13.Z.,,Afalegern , . . , l . -1?-7-ga,-wriir,:-,:-:.-!:.,7 7:7- : -. T.:.- r:,---..-!=;.!--;.:.-----..-F---,,- ...,-„,.., I. ..... ti •& ; - ,i':: , f , r,I.0:;-'.,414.'Il:_t-'',.--••-4.'3,.."-Iig-a-I.:ZI175:7.,,,,.._<:7,,J'71-7:, i.--,',-.7,7;-,75,;.,i-r.,,,,-7„,..,5---kf;.-7,-,...,„,,,,,„.‘...,.. .... _ *•,46-i...%4;!,4--&-.-,•-•;-,,-1".-41,4;••==g11:VP5;424.4'4.V.,-V741-70V,W-WYAgt411%-%1-4-VArlga,--4-6. >,-*..4-,,i,-7tit,>'.,St-,,.,',..Z5.1F,Tig5,--..,7,-.,,,::;_----,-.1-..-,43?N.:,-, .-,,.. eO,--,.**lll.:oWiii,,Mr..l*--07,t45----,-,.."---A'-g. 'e ,,, .!--,,. -,-' -' - ' • . , •- - " '.'w- .--A&IM--4-1-*4;&-hlt,-.•k.A-tiaiaWli: 14.0.704&41: -'0:.-1"..-4F ~, , • . ! . . , . - . . . .. - _ _ _ - -r ENE AV. P. PORTZ% .P/ITSBITRO4.. HARDWARE. cams or wexinc, 1;7;2,, ^3-2, FOUNDER; ATLAS WRIEISCS, _ MORTON STREET, Ninth Warifv.' PIT SSIUTROFL. THOMAS N._ MILLER, Presi4ent . ' These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments In the West, and.are now prepqed tofamish Mmrilies, of every dewription. Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Cast:hies. 111111 Ca's Una's. Engine Castings. Maehine Genera Castings. ORDRES SOLICITED n09=09 ATION-AL FOVNDBT-- - .1. 1 ( A fk PIPE WORKS. porirr Curren awl Smallman Streeilh • (NINTH prrersix . trxct;tr, PA. - • -- ,WAL : SMITH 31.finuftiotiirer of CAST IRON : B(IWPWE, poi!. 04.94,ND WATER WORKS. dr of %net* Castingiforthts land -Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. felS:tiO , L. 0. LIVINGISLON.W. BIIIIT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR. ITINGSTON Sit CO., IRON 'FOUNDERS, • MANIJFACTORERS OF FE E.: , L.roirr.-04..sTLATGB r e-^ All lt r a °rs ' flu gi er :l; l ?27 l gugtpi , Ootto T11:.1111l: Chistrptb&C. Woprprumg tl7 attended to. Once and Werke—WASHINGTON AVF2.11:11., near Outer Depot, Allegheny , City. Fa. RomartsorifolEA co;,. i Successors , to ROBINSON. NUM & MILLESS, WASHIN i GTONWORKS * FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3UFIGH, ItartufacjnYern 'of Boat and Stationary Stearn Bit =Slant Enfrinet i llill ?.fachin . ersi i Genring, suns, ItizglgrAget Tax" ana ,Oaks, No 6 12 k eorner First and SmithfieldStreeph feedingn ii 3 fg e la GAUD'S PETKNT MoNT BLAIW FOVNDIIIf. Butler Street, • Ninths Ward, (Opposite union Iron 311115,) PITTSBURGH. Bolling Mil and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS. AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orderspromtitly and =niftily executed. Charges reasonatde. • KBBKKC & MACKLIN& 0c15:1Z3 BERLIN FOUNDRY. . PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood. Street. . Manufacture and keep eunatautly on nand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, we(iON BGXZe, DOG MOM, 131JGAB. NETTLES. HOLLOW WARM, ,And Castlnge generally. apM:yg THOMAS CABLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and lachine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, P.i.., Manufacturara of Steam 'Engines, 011 'Presses, Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work,_ltolling Mill •nd Machine Castings, Grate Bare, Weights, Wagon Boats, &e. Build to order and hare on • filen •01 sit edges: , = .. rarl4:4s CENTUAit VOIIRDRI AND ROLL : WORKS • 889 Penn !Street. BOLLIAIc BOYD & MALEY. chinuottß, mm Castings, Roll Lathes, *a. rnILTON MACHINE WORKS. . . ESTABLISHED IN 1836. ufactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes end of the most approved patterns, for Statioruni purposes • STICAIMOATS and STEAM FERRY BOA.TS. 'A. variety af 10, 111 and 16 horse power ENGINES, whis k will be sold at very reduced P. F. GEISSE. Welbsvl.l3eo 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio zlver, and line of C. 2,-E. no9:112, LUMBER. 1 - .4 - UMBERS LUMBEIU LUMBERS ALEXANDER PAITERSON, TAROS No. 88 Preble Street formerly Manchester and No.lBl Rebecca street opposite Gas Works, ALLIZOIIENY CITY. DEALER IN ALL BINDS CY Bottec taut .I"laned Lumber, - • • Mooring Doors. , • Neeerimardlng, , Sub irlari.rtal Lumber, Cedar and Locust Posts, Lath and Pallnn, Oak and Yellow Pine. • ALoO—PINE DEICE. TILE and CLAY. a15:651/ FORT PITT 1.173111 ER COMPANY , z I Capital, .',. -., .".4.. sizer,ooo. puir.iii4F,"7-46wAiDDITHEIDGE. 8r....1..T-T. A. WRIGHT. ',- • Suratalligiuspagg..EDW. DAVISON. DiagOTOES: - - • ' 1 'Edward Davison,.- ••-I L. Y. an ,- John Mellon, E. D. Dlthrldge, Geo. W. Dithrldge, • M. L. Malone, i 1 8. R. Johnston. • • iiillTLitti' .: IgkIIMISEE, TATlDi7orner o AND AL. :MEGHENE STREETS, Ninth Ward. , • ' i tOEFICE, ATIFORTEITT GLASS Wash ington Street. , ..,-•—„. ,- • ~ , : , IaUM M:Vl '..''' Mi ' 7 " nr ' T,r .' ; ' ,l .' 7ll. C JOBS K. COOPIII.. ... :109. KATZ EMMY Ma; JOHN He CO OPER ~ COot Baasev FOUNDERS, GAB AND. -; STEAM FiTTERS, ManufActurers of PUMPS AND BRAM' WORN A _o o 4 vE.4lM i tirw i lfal lu wini . ft/11:5 PELTUDZA Corner Of PIM and Walnut Strbets - pirrsnunG 0 7/ 5,46 q%!: t . v ; IRON „BROKERS. vflefi!utsi,W o4 - • -MN 3IIbITU2‘, 124 rirsettaiiitiVittibiti*Piii' atalriiDbtl =ol7% D°l tane e t ilt ' 001 iloadiummamilgrilwnereelearadieisis ,PUTatTAterg i . : 1 - GAZETIE • VisT- -r.r.l, ! OE Eitiatea, itiltEßS; &C. FORT PITT 110 TILL ~TgPiK • WORKS: , CARROLL & 811YDER, TuBtrLAB, DOUBLE-FLUED Timuteß, BOX AN.) CYLINDER. STEAM BOILERS. on. STILLS. AND.. OIL CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PARS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DESSXRS;,,, STEAM PIPES, GASUMETEES AND IRON BRIDGES .; - • , , PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHII T E S °ince and Warehons_ ,et eoAil s r ileOond, Third.!M ortara Liberty `Orden sent to the • above address wilt be preen:4lv attended to. - 7 . mh7:199 M BARNHILL CO., - • . BOILER MAKERS - amp SKEET IRON 'WORKERS; NOS. 510.-22. fiiiiAND.*e rings ST. . Esping secured' a large Yard find furnished it with the most apprrred machinery, we aft prepared to . manufacture every description of. BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys; Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers Salt Pana, Tanks, Oil E-Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron Bridg es, S ugar Pane , and sole menu ' teatimes ofßarnhilPs Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. JAMES M. BITER; Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, MANI;PAOTITILin OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, BOLLING MTIA, STACKS, JABZD n. BEUSH ZDIIIIND D. saves, JARED It BRUSH & SON, Steam *den, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittiburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C, 000K-FrovitS. - ' CET .THE - BEST. BISSELL air, CO.'S .TRIUMPH, "- FOR BITIIIIMVOILS COAL; • Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other StoTe hi the Union. • BTBsPLTE 00., No. 235 'Liberty Street. Also on hand and lbr sale, PARLOR STOVES.' HEATING ',TUVE& GRA' ISO7M2 P /O lo E i rat i l . . . OHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 148 GRANTSTREET. ' ' P. C..DITYIPT. ANN./ WARING' AND - HING, MMnX Commieslon lierebents and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, mirrrsstrium, PA. PHELADELPHLL ADDRESS. WARING, KING & , - 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - . :AND DEALERS IN - . Petroleutn and its Product& Pittsburgh Gince—DALZELL , BUILDING, cor ner or Duquesne Way and, Irwin streets. Philadelphia Ottice-421 WALNUT BT. ,apiorao JACOB.WKAVER, Jr. & CO., OiJ Commission Jobbers, , . No. 3 DtptelEgNir wAy, will buy and sell Crade and Refined Oils, Lubricating, Tar, Benzlne mid Cooperage. Onr long experience In the Petroleum trade enables us to. oiler, unusual facilities and In ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to Make It the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially Invited to bring their samples., aptimin m. LorsG & CO., atastriacalnutics 01" PURE WiLtrii, 131110 PG 014 .Brafgar:FiClFE.B." = Office, No. r 2 Daquosne Way, Pittoburgh;% • PRACTICAL 118 118. . • • FURNITURE . MANUFACTURERS; r --INUOLESAVEALVD arrattht LEMON & iNEIS,E f Constantly onand every variety of PARLOR and. CHAMBER FURNITURE, tilgetber with a _coin.: PITA alleorturnt of common Furniture at reduced. pricer, • • •"` 'Shemin want of anything In our line are Cordially Invited to call before purchasing.' Work guaranteed, minima LEMON it WEISE. LAKE 1411.E111011 • • --, , -130112114111 i Alb SMELTING .W 01.1.13, PITTS131:1143FII: PARK; McCURDY & CO lianuflettireal:ot;Wileatidng, Bruton , and 80l Copper. • reeled Copper Bottoms, Raised Still not- , tom.t23rlter Bolder. Also, Inkrrsandl Dealers At tlr Vei e .0. Oon- Starlraeatf ' Ctrdaeh nes it. - - ToOls. 180 SECOND Warehouse. No. 140 1111113 T writzer snd p... , SECOND BTREET,lnttsburgh. . ...!:%7: SPlldpkgrOri qfpapw. , out to any desired icm. ""' • . mvl4.o,o4:dver , ,4 voi l egoi 'ju" vA p s . , . L ALIESLEI4 ; . , 1,, i ‘ .., , , .t.: ~....,.,.. 13 . . , ~ AI I trilrj DUSAN ie r ''‘ '" 4 ..' 4 ., „ idiftailigi6 CAMPO AMID . Meautimstanr_iffkoteseis MI RellaiMg 1 .... g: A s i i hkLIBMG• =Xi plinailMili IU.2ItrrAMRU= OP PITTSBURGH, 'Pa. PITTSBURGH, PA.; And SHEET IRON. WORN, . . For Steamboats. atsavrecxvskns'OF FURNITURE. COPPER. • vr, Meer/W.OVVRANW.P.I.O; EMT BTU BARING --- EMPar - . N0...169 Wood Street. CAPITAL,• •• • • svio . . STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS 2( GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, .AND COLD. INTERCES :*._LbOVED ON VIE DEPOSITS. Collexittona made on 'Flatted State* and C D. Froatittei, James Gordon, D. Wallace, , E. Fawcett, , . . . -D.LEET lan sociesitblo Dol*s In.the 4 G'TOltil,:. E Liizi . 11:1:141 . , 4 . • "Andrew er, " Janteild. alley. . . , oCLITE : L.7.:INAINiii, ... ...... „ my, STREET, ~„.1,..z.... ::, lIIIGH. PA:- S;EYMZO No. 293 Prrrsk APITAL; (autiun Djj, ;H. J. I.yuch, -- _ Jobb Murdoch, Jr., Wiltiam Espy, Samuel Burckley, A GENERAL titf SEWN:MX ., OTORS. Win. H. Hamilton, Henry_Hockstoce, : . Geo. T. Van Doren. TANKING' BUSINESS TRANSACTED Oollectlons made on all socesslble points I tn the Milted dtates and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD, is. J. LYNCH; President. GEO. T. VAN DOGES. Cashier. 0101:4;034 i+J II Itl fverytA:ON NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and S th . Sta. , A. PATTERSON President. aroti. 7 . Cashier. CAPITAL, : : : 4400,000; DIRECTORS: ___ A. Patterson.:.. George W. Cass, . Wm, EL Brown. .James McCandless. Chas. Lockhart, Wm. D ugh's, Allen Kirkpatrick, d. W. 13. Haven, DIFKOUNTII DAILT, AT A. X. 1 ip9:ord HART, CAUGHET &, CO., • BANKERS - AND . 'BROKERS, • Corner Third and IVfroci Streets, PITTEMITILGFEC, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, LIMIT a C 0..) DIALER'S IR Exchange, , Cohi, 'Coupons, And particular attention patd to the purchase and , sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on Londonlnyi.sea No HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, '''PrX"X"riiil33l:TlLC4lEri PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Mates sad Canedas. 6 I Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CONXIi3GION, Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of. • - United States Securities. . - . WESTERN SAYINGS BANS, No. 59 Faurth" Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on 'rime Deposits ANY SIIM REMY= FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at IS o'clock. Rrin!dent—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A.ll. MARSHALL. _ DiszcTOtts: THOMPSON' BELL, A. 31.. MARSHALL„ JOS. DILWORTH. JOS MABEE. J. J. GILLESPIE. . 1 Stockholders to whom we make risference: - 4m. Forsythe, . Joseph Dilworth. .m. Caldwell, ' . Rev. Da,103 Herr. Willis Mason, Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, A. M. Brown, Z. M. rune°. . , 111 Thema. Ewing. pITTS — BURGH • : • BANk r FOR SAVINGS,, FORMERLY THEDINEiBAVINOWINFITITUTION. •07 •SPourth Siaret, Oirosirx, THE BARK o? CHARTERED IN 1882. raj& DAILY' Shirt. tif ik_i_loikaind on W DAT - and SATURDAY EvENINGS, from May lst l i Fember Ist s ,from I to 0 o'clock, and from A'ov r .11110 Mitsy-I, l lt, ata 410,110ck.:= •• • 'Boot of Lawn ; o. furnished aVtlid odloe. This lastltutlon attain) offer to th ose whose earsilaks ate Bridted.-• eMmortunlty to &commutate, by small deposits, easily saved, a sum which will be a rosouroo when needed, and bearing Interest In stead of fontilniug,Unproducevo. BOARD. OF• * MANAGERS: •.• -PRIBODIST, OHORDE.A. BERRY. • ' VIOL P21111D10111„ • B. oAldtli rills, Jac iiitcarreits AND TRltAllUnzza, A. 11BiTILF11 4 ? JOHN. AMYL RAn _ • &DILWORTH; JOSHUA RHODES, O. FOLLANSBEE, • ,_I.OHN SCOTT' - JAB. L. GRAHAM • • 11. 0. SCHMERTZ, CHRInTOFHBR ZUG. •' • BOLIMTO W.& As 5 ,BELL. Mutt: • 1211 mEcuArfics , , Wimps RANK, • 24 SnaltialflobiStreet, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. DiTZUEBT: PAID :.ON , DEPOSITS. ; ANY Eitnif RECEMLIEFItOteMPOLLAIIIJPITABD. poattsmetlred liaison* cheek; itittniat biterest. .T.6.JmystAtx.MOßE, President. .4 1 ',IWZONcif I r ria 1"3"61424*. TlttrblTMEli " . diiiibeltlielloineieo;' A '1111114111. 1 -Ropi!uosi Alex. es j 'l3,eaa,l . 1 Wr. °411.11" ' - t r CAVI &In?* W"a! ilalea ( istatif.l; • t a BOND AND moavuos. I .o'3 Al CODO. M. PETTY. Betio hews, 00 WaidOcailliek ik .4 . : ttT • --- _ , • IPELEt: MZIE.IIEVIL`Z; - BANISZE4 - - - - Corner of Wood and Filth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PiCIFIC R. IL BONDS, • GOLD SILVER AND - COUPONS Bought on the most favorable, terms. , Bells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS available in any part of:Europe. - . • - ' • DEPOSITS received subject to cheek, or TNTRIV. EST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. 41 1 A3fEs'' irRAM - C o: , Corner Fourth and' Wood 321 A. BUY AND spa, ALL icisrks.int - 1 GOVERNMENT SEOITRITEES UQLD, SIPTER AND -c,ouPONS , ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 0 7-30's - t N V E R.RE t L L. .I NTO THF.:I‘, t • NEV 5-20 CO TIP . ON or Interest Allowed on Deposits. 1:11 - MONED LOANED ON GoVERNISMNO I BPNDS ,i tud other P.F.PrPtred Cel..4ttaral. at lowest, market rates., Orders executed for the Perehasie and• Sale of STOORS, BONDS and, OLD. . JAMES T. BRADY & CO: ON. tiaider. ... - .l;i.'o' . ii:*'•,;:.' - 'll..fr - 'a,t-tt.,.... FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, VIEESSDAY, July 9, 1868. Gold wasi rattier weak find to-day at , , 140 X to 14034, With only 4 :limited busi ness doing; The disposition in the gold room is for the present: to keep down - the' Premium on gold, and if possible to depress it below - 140, in order to force thilid holf 4irs to sellout. Ultimately higher . .quOtitz• tions are expected,' since - ;the• 03ritinned heavy export demand for presentgoldiwill 490_14 _ eibaust the supply on the market: . A. close inquiry in the quantity of . oar ex portable produce and their relative markets values abroad must. convince us that the export of the balance of the season will be varylight until the soteon crep iEI .reached, of whfch but a limited quantity can come On the market before the.beginning of • De cember. Bonds seem to have „touched bottom so soon and advanced with the decline of Pendleton's chances for. 'the ,PresidencY: , Quotations in Enrope were well sustained, and the whole movement of the Deme 7. cratic Convention was no doubt fully an ticipated Mere. Operations in bondscould be bought at the low quotations, and these who held on to their securities Icse . nothing bid the interest on their money.; '•`,- Stocks were very *dull early in *the'daY,' but at the close there was a better feeling, and - prices were froni IA to M per centhet- - tor. Fort Wayne advanced 'rs; and the eastern roads remained unchanged. Ex press stocks are just firm enough to in duce parties who have bought at higher rates to-day now to equalize, but the cliques and large owners of the stock are so treacherons, that investors have, lost all confidence in the stock. Mining are drlll;*thiff&. is easier, although; there is a general 'complaint of scarcity. i Business very quiet. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. E2l Mertz, were as follows: - Gold, 140%; 1881 bonds, 113%; 5-208,1* 113%; 1884 do, 110%; 1865 - do. 111 1 40 new, 1865 and 1867, 108%; Ten Forties, 107%;, Seven Wiliest 108%. 3, New York Central, -1843,: -Brie, 70%; Michigan Southern, 91%; Cleveland do Pittsburgh, 87; Northwestern,,, common, 78%; Preferred, '81%; Chicago &Book - Is land, 109%; Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne, 107%; Ohio .& Mississippi Certificates, 29%; Mer Chants Union Express, 24%;' W esierm. Union Telegraph, 84%; Corydon, 80; Wok silver, 2Q%; Quartz Bill, 1,15. • There was a very full supply of cattle on ,Sale this week, but with an unusual num , ber of buyers, and agood demand, themar ket was active, and a much larger number , changed handsthan last week. The quali- , ty of the cattle was . not very, , the great proportion being light steere suitable only for patting on grass, while the de-. mend was Mainly far 'good shipping stock, suitable-for retailing, in the eastern , mar kets. Prices compared with last Week have undeigilite but little change, though buyersas's general thing, are still clamni,,,, ing for concessions. , Primo fat . cattle may be quoted at 7 to LA and, extrikat - 7,75 to 8; as will be seen by reference to" , the rellSOrt' sales, llerii Wait not o - ob4llo sale at 8 dints; but, we havp no doubt that a drovoof extra, let steers, had.: there - baVe ank . inich here, would have brought that flgure.t;.Medium. butchers stock sold.' at 6,5036.6,75, ,and, stock cattle m!y t ta quoted' at '4,5 , 0 t0.6;p0-' oetditig qo yaindfoonintlifiti. • Some dealers' are now inclinedt6 belleVe r that as the , •teise:fit. trains Will "start up the grass again,;' farmers