f~YTTBBURGS' ~ DsAlt~9. 01710111 OF TUN PirrawrAGEGAssErrz, WEDNESDAy. July 9, 1868. 3 In our markets to-day there was very little doing except in Flour and Bacon. In these articles there is considerable de mand and at stiffening in 4 iirices, -but, as, • yet, no change to note. Old' Red Winter _ Wheat is in moderate request. Nearly all _ other kinds - of grain are :drooping, with only a light deniand. To take the market Over, prices of most articles are but little better than nominal, sales being made `over and under their quotations. We quote wholesale prices as follows: FLOVR—The Flour market' was con siderably excited today, owing to reports from the western markets. There are no stooks of good Flour in the •western mar kete, and none here. It is anticipated that there will be an advance here in prices un less there is'an immediate giving way in prices west. The favorite brands of Flour. called for in this niarket, have now to be ordered ahead, Lndmillers are generally behind their orders consequently they are sinforcing no Flour the markets. We .quote fancy White Wheat Flour at $l2; Jenkins' -Lilly Mills, $11; White River,_ 411,50; good Spring Wheat brands, 510,25 to 410,50; medium, $lO, and cornmon'and low • ades, 18,50 to $9,50. , Rye , Flour, 1575 to - 510 per barrel. - • .. GRAIN--Sales of Oats from first hands ' were made ht as to 75e, and from rib:moat 79 to 80e; in elevator 2 ear toads sold 'at 78e. Rye from first hands is.: selling . at $1,6.5 to ,41,70.' In Corn there is little doing. Sales • repotted of 4 cars bi-' elevatdr, the best , - yellow shelled, at' l$1,06; 2 cars shelled in elevator at 51, and 70 sacks prime Ear at -41,08, . - In depot. ;No Barley offering, and prices are entirely . nominal.., The mills are Tauying old Winter Wheat; at $2,20 to $2,25, but some holders are asking $2,30. It may be remarked that the transactions in grain are so small, and prices so unset tled, that quotations cannot be given cor rectly. . • • s „ - PROVISIONS—Bacon' is quiet and un changed at 13% for snouldets; 15% to 16 for 'Ribbed, and 1734 to 18 for Cloar Sides, and 193 t to 19% for caaves t sucF Sugar Cured Hams. Prime kettle• rendhred Lard 1734 to e 17:. Dried Beef 21 to 22., Mai Pork, $28,50 to 628,75: ' BUTTER—Receipts libOral,„with a.fair demand for choice packed at 23 to 25c; with an occasional sale at a trifle higher of extra packages. , -• EGGS-Steady at 21c. • .. LARD'. OIL—In very fair demand; we now quote at 11,18 for No. 2, and $1,38 t0`1,1,46 for No. L ' DRIED FRUlT—The . 'n3arliet is very dull, and prices nominally ' for Dried Peaches 11 to - 12c, and, for Apples, 534 to 6,34 c. as to quality. SALT—To the trade we quote at $1,75 to *l,BO, and from store in small lots at $2 per barrel. • APPLES—RetaiI dealers are in receipt of new Norfolk Apples at a cost of: $.13 per barrel. • - . POTATOIN--Newcrop Iteady with rag -11. at bbl.' :hoice old Pr ular aalesat $6 per i 1, an tatoes at $1,20 to $1,25. • YIA.YThe reCeipta are light,: with a I good demand, and $2O to $25 for old Tim othy, and $l5 to $2O for new Hay. New To= Produce Market. Telegraph to the Pittsbnigh Gazene.l NEW Yong., July 9.—Cotton dull and a shade lower; sales 700 bales at 32 1 ,4 c for middling uplands. Flow, opened 10a15c better and closed dull, buyers refusing to pay the heavy advance; receipts 3,890 bbls, .safes 9.6oobbis at 56,90a7,35 for superfine State and Western; $8,15a8,80 for extra State; $8,15a10,15 for extra Western; $10,85a. 1.2,75 for white wheat extra; $9,65a12,75 for round hoop Ohio; $0,00a10,50 fox' extra St. Louis; $10,50a14,50 for good choice do.; California opened ", firmer, but closed dull; sales 1,500 sacks at $10,35a12, N 60. Rye flout lower; sales 250, 'bbls - at 37,a9,80. Corn meal quiet. Receipts of wheat 14,888, openedla2o better•and closed' dull with an advance; sales 17,600 buah St 32,10 kr No. 1 sprhig; $2,2734 for very choice amber Green Bay; 32,55 foi new amber Georgia; 52,65 for new White Georgia, and' $2,90 for very choice white Michigan. Rye steady; sales 700 bush Canada atll,BB. 13arle3r and bar ley malt nominal. Canada peas firm; sales ;7,500 bush at 31,49 in bond. Re ceipts of corn 40,448 bush, opened la2o better and closed quiet; advance lost; sales 110,000 bu at 51,12a1,14 for mixed western afloat; closing at i11,12a1,13 • for round pareels; $1,15 for high mixed nearly all yellow; $1,15a1,10 for old mixed western, closinwakthOudde 'price. Oats—receipts 4,350 tin and opened firm, closing dull and drooping; sales 47,000 bu at .1351 Ac for west-, cm in store. Rice nominally Unchanged. .Coffee steady; aales 2,000 bags Rio at private. targ.S. Sugar moderately active and firm er,pcices; sales 490 Wide Cuba at 11 1 „tc. lasses unchanged. Hops quiet. retrOleum Orin; at 18c for crude, 343,1a35 for refined bonded. -Pork a - shade firmer and quiet; sales 2,100 bbls at 327,87a28'f0r new.mm, • closing, at $27,95 regular, 527,75a28 for old do., closing at WS regular, $22,25a22,75 for prune,' .124a24,50 .for rorime mess. Beef steady and unchanged; sales 190 bbls at 415a20,50 for new plain mess, 320,50a24,75 for new extra mess. Beef Hams quiet. Cut meats firm and in fair demand; un changed; middles dull and heavy. Lard a shade firmer, ' with a 'moderate demand; sales 750 tierces at 16a17c for steam, and 17yial8c for kettle rendered; also sales of - 250 tierces steam, .buyer,, July, at 17%c; 'also 2.50 tierces do, buyer, August, at 17,ic. Butter quiet at 20a28c for Ohio, and 23,a35c for State. Cheese firm at 10a15yo. Freights - to Liverpool dull with engagements 200,000 bilsh corn per steamer at 4 y i d. LATEST.—FIour closed quiet, with hold eta rather more disposed to realize on tho common grades. Wheat dull and droop ing at $2,00 for No, 2 and 32,09a2,10 for No; 1 spring. • Rye quiet at„-$1,78a1,87. Oats dad at 35et in store , and 87c' afloat. Corn dull and heavy, at 31,11a1,13itir new mixed we tern afloat. Pork firtiCht $27,95a28;00 for mess, cash and :regular * sales of 500 bbis.mess, Seller August, at' 528,12. Beef 'quiet'. and And: . armed. Cut Meats firm, with a fair demand. Bacon quiet and 'steady. Lard firm at 17,4a17Mc for fair to prinie steam:" : ; E',ggs stead.YA' 23 a2 s c. . ! ' ,eind iummarket • , • (Br Taker:ye to the rittsbarebEWtte.' • . • 4 0mcnisuffsTr., July 9.—Flour .1s a alialle • firmer but mot higher. at $9a9,25 for family. Wheat in better demand and prices higher. • eit for,No. 2 winter, and $2.10 for No: 2 • do. -.Corn firmer at 848850 :for :ear. - -Oats •guletat 760 for No. 1. • Rye dull and prices declining at 11,65a1,60 for No.d. Cotton is and unchanged • st.3oaBo4c for ;Oedi pal: 'No Sales &tobacco; Provisions,firm-• 4 rland holders asking higher prices genet-3 lly though the demand is light. Mess, orlA held firmly at $2B. Bulk Meats at ‘%all3.(o for shoulders, and 14c for sides. eicon held at~ 12Nal8e •for • shoulders nd•ltlyialfiXe for clear rib andclear skies.% and could .not have been .boaght below 7 4 t and not much offering, and' holders tve generally withdrawn from the.mar , A. Mess pork could have been sold at , ;7,75, bulk meats at 1114a13X, bacon at ;3!, for shoulders, and 16a16% for sides * , rard at 17c. Butter : scarce and wanted at 3a3o° ; for, fresh. Eggs dull at ,170. Om; triesunchanged: potatoes scarce end at $3 per barrel: ."051d,140% • .t li • • ta ,-• 141 1 . 3 a • . .1 •—• . • rie • illiEl Chicago cattie'Market. Telegraph to the Ilttstonighderreqe.3 ICSIOAGQ; July CN—Bed Cattle iiioderate , •1 active,. sales,. at ,t5,3733a6,45 for falrle o dium and , 56,110a7,75 for ,good. Hogs . •, less setive_anil•ls4,soloini.i.k4acio 58 1.2 x, 04,251or;lighti 8815 0 88,60 ferlairla i meiilem „sad 118,7 00, 0 1 '4894 ti te • cliolee• repelpte, 46.04eliesd; shipmitaa,B 6 7 4884 EMM Mit , , • 1 .1 o w market. ,r,ri . r . , . I . - . 4 ll!'fs-I.ltETtdestisa x to TVA b ligia 9 11 ittes.,3 . - -:, -:, I WITROITsoitI jairt-iireglt:)4o,4l dii,inakid, at 111,50 for etto ooltaikeq.r 341 i t i lo a llafr •itir. fidr. Wheat firme r, ut' o lir 112,45450 ter Na. 1 white. h b K ?,,. , . f p. ;:'• ,- - - , i , ':. rf 7 '..'. i' 9 7 . i i . :- , ( i `. 7. . 7 'l..' 1-4 - -,- p ; ~. 1 . ..7 .--,,: .... t i t; i .03444„ 4 4 . 8'i 1 -:.F il= - I.:‘ -,- ,..-",Aa. , ,7.164 ,, .ed... - ' x`...,,,z7,--1--:...-...-‘4.,4"....ir,Pe,tat.."4',.....t.74.,;,•,,,,r-a4?-,Z„.....,7'..,-,40 , . • . 1 . .„, - Financial.matt ers \j iL N e w . - yerti -1 . Ball ore Market. - I,Tiy.Telegramktothe rlttsbarAtt Ga.zette.i Gold closed it . l46l,idnog; Jiav-'6.-- - rioui in 'fair de. • ' `truindityesterdaV's 'decline:- Wheat firm [Br Teleiirl.pix to the Plitaintratk Gazette:l: ' end adVanced five cents; new red 52,45 a N33W Tonic, July ".9;13613. ; ,2,65' 'pew white 52,45a2,75. Corn fie= 3fol mir A• trD oorD. • • prime white itfloat `51;12a1,15. Oats dull ,; and unchanged. Rye dull at 51,65. Pork Money' more active 'at 4@s° on' ._ ea " . firm and unclianged: — Bacon more active. Sterling. steady. ';( old, 140 © 1 443"%; ex- changed. Lard diill'at 170. ' ports to-day amounted it:4385;150. oovrrm' . GoveitiMents are niore active and Armer, closing strong. C01103138' '6l; - 1133,(4)1131,.;; do'. '62, 113,4(4)113 . y,a`d0. '64;110g®110%; do. do. new, 108X©1.6830 . deti. 4 67, 108'X©109;, • '6B 108%4 , 7, : Seven-Thirties,:loB4(;®lo9: . . Stocks - ;steady :' A reinarkable forgery was discovered today, viz: A numberof certificates of five shares each were altered to one htuundred"shares of Fort Wayne stock; also 'similar certificates of 'Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Total amount in circulation ,not Yet, atcertained. A man named Hoyt, is supposed to, be the author, he having re cently bought fifty shares of Fort Wayne of Robinson' ef, Cox, with instructions to de liver'in'.ten,Certlficatea of five shares - each, 'andbue hundred' shares of Pittsburgh - of 'fleletpri ,Thissing,"_ divided in a_slmilar way. Itinnoiaays spurious certificates of - Western Union Telegraph Stook are also in ;circulation. The Rock Island Company has declared ten per Tent. dividend,paya. _ble August Ist, interest -bearing scrip to be !redeemed When; the cash .balance Hof tfie I Corapany. is released frbm present" injunc tion. • • C1,09= 4 : VteeI'ATIONS At 5:30 r. ',Canton,. 49; Cumberland, 24; Well's Express, 234@2535; American Fix-' press * -45X®47%; Adams Express, 53%@ 54; United States Express, 4734@48%; Mer chants Union Express, 2434@25; Quicksil ver,2sl,4@2W3 "Mariposa, 4@5; pacific Mall," 100%@100fi Western Union Telegraph. 34%®35; New-York Central, 1345 , 41g13.1x; Er1e,,70,%; preferred, 7436; Hudson, 138.q@ .139; Reading, 96 , 4@96Y,;. Ohio and Missis sip.pi, 2834@ 28 3; 48Y44 9 ; St.' Paul; 66,4©07; preferred, 70,g ®71)54; Michi gan Central, 117%; Michigan Southern, 92%; Central, 158®159; ~, P ittsburgh, 87,%®875; Rock Island, 1095(,©109%; • •Northwestern, 79@7.9%; do. preferred, 81%®81X; Fort Wayne, 107%1117/; Hartford and Erie;ls;; Columbus; 89.4.; Ashtabula;; 100; Harlem, 122; Chicago and Alton, preferred, 139 g; Praire du Chien, 20; do preferred, 13934. Mining shares dull; Quartz Hill, 115; Montana, 47@48; New York; 75. La Crosse: 40. tstru-'frikkatatr SCATTERS. tide in thp - SuTre‘ailiry, $34,455,433 New York Dry Goods . Market. EBT Telegraph tome-Pittsburgh Gazette.] ICSW - Yoarr, - - July 9,--The Dry Goods tharket ia buoyant fbr all staple styles of Cottons, and a good itiquiry is noticeable for the season. All Amoskeagdark prints have been closed (Mt af 12%c, and are held lc 'higher, while , they, job at 13c.- Lowell and Wamsiltta prints have also been' with drawn from sale for higher prices. Spragues prints have advanced to 14%c; :Pacific dq., 14c;. Alaschester new styles have advanCed to 14; American and. Dunnell bring 133 x. A nice line of Arnold's prints has been opened at 11%. - -Heavy brown sheetings steady it 18 for Pegnot A; 17 for Anioskeag A ana Stark A Atlantic P still' job at 14%; I'Mass. A, 15%; Dwight, 15; Agivamm F, 14; Golden Ridge, 16; Treitiont Of, 13%; Kenne bec and International C, 10%; Indian Head, 40 inch, 20; Pacific 11, - Appletaan A, and In.; dian Head, 36 inch, 17%; Lyman C, 15%; Amoskeag Ticks in good request, at 35 for A 0 A, BO for A, 25 for. B," 22. for C and 20 for D brand. Amoskeag Denims sell readily at 30; Stark A two bushel bags, 52%. .Glasgow Gliagbanis, 14%a17; Key stone, 12q; Hartford, IC; Lancaster, 18; RealKarlston 25. Poor style of printed delames, 16. . tuy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Sr. I.Jocris; July 9.—Tobacco firm and un changed. Cotton and Hemp nothing do ing. Plow transactions in the regular way were very small, , at 0,50 for fall su perfine; $1,50 foe extra; $8,50a9,50 for double extra; $10,50a11,75 for treble extra and fan ' cy; also some speculative movement and considerable lots changed hands, but all the particulars: were kept private. Wheat; : not much done; strictly prime to fancy 'ranged at /2,10a2,.?.5. Corn; the demand ex- seeded the supply and prices 'advanced to Waffle; mixed and yellow at . 84a8Nc., Oats ",quiet, Eimer and higher at 74a76c." Rye, small &ilea ht $1,40. Provisions firm for. round lots, but small lots sold at prices favorable ,buyers. ' - ;Pork' 827,75a28,00. Bacon; clear Sides 16%c; rib Sides 15c, and Shorlidetel2xe. 'Sugar Cured Hams 20Ma 21e. Lard in unite inqpiry and , firmer at 18c for keg. "Cattle uncHanged at Bal4 4c for gross, with only butcher'sdemand. Sheep and Lambs :unchanged,'the latter at las per head and the latter at. 51,50a2.75. Re ceipts-650 bar fionr,`l.l,ooo bus wheat, 12,- 600-bus corn, 800 bus oats.: Tehigraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l July-9.—Flour la quiet and steady, with salearof Spring'extra at $7,75a .9,00. Wheat is'dull and unchanged, with sales of No.-1 at $1,94; and No: 2at sl,Bla 1,83, the market closing quiet at $1,82 for N 0.2. Corn is less active and lc lower; sales were made of .No.l at 00a91c, No. 2 at 89a90c, and rejected, at 83c, the market closing steady at 91e for No. 1, in store., Oats; the market is quiet, and lal%c lower, with sales at 67a68c, closing quiet at. the inside figures. Rye is.dull, and sales were made at $1,55a.1,60 for No. 1, and $1,48 for No. 2. Barley is nominal. Provisions are. firmer but quiet. Mess Pork;, Sales are be- I lug made at 428,. Lard is held firmly at I 16%c.,with buyers at 16111.6V0. Dry Salted Shoulders more active at jiy.t. Sugar Cdied;Smoked, arid CanVal3sed Elams.l9c. Receip:s-2,587 , - bbls flour; 9,974 bush wheat; 119.996 bush 'Corn; 20;940 bush mite: Shipment $-3 1318; bbla flour; 28,043 bush wheat; 170,353 bbi3l); torn; 100 bush oats., Freights quiet and easier, at 3%c on corn to Buffaio.andlXO on corn to Oswego. - • ME Cigvela a nd arket. , .13i;ielfsKr , si to, the 1 6 1ttibOrgiO Gazatie;l Ctixwzraxii, Spip V.L'..Flour dull; donblei red anther; aitydrnadd,'SV $1.1,50a11,75; do, country triadeVat"slo,soall;ool'double extra 'spritig t city 'made, at 1110a11,50; do, oontitty• roade,at $9,25a10. 'Wheat; sales,"l ear No: , 1 red winter at $2,23, and 2 cars , Na 2 _do, at f2;10. 'miles; tar at' ,;93e. Oats; sales;l: car at 94e. , ' Ryordull and inactive; held at 11,7,fia1,80 for-No. I.'Barley nomi -Milwaukee Market. • [By:Telegraph to the :Plttebergir Gazette.) ,„ • July 9.—Flout firmer, and melt 'adtivq choice Minnesotal , g9;7salo,oo, do. 'WisConsitt and 10wa58,75a9,25_, medium' $8,2589;75.L Wheat 'irregular and lower at $1,87a1,88 for $1,79a1,80 for No. 2. Oats eteady - at ONC . for No. 2. Corn•active at 900'for 2.'-400 bbls flour, 5,000 brie wheit,il2;o9o bus oats; 1,000 bus Cern. - ShlineittS=6oo bbls. flour: l'oltdO.Market. - - C 1 t , telegraph t? the rittabargh Gazette.] _ , TC'LrtßOliJalr fh4plonkrrecelpts'2i7, bbig_ —4 . plt . and " no m inal. Wheat—re-I%VA; 2,os9l:oCushell „ irs, and s Win better; mass anther at X2,20.10rn-,rtnnelptN 4l lZAttlintn.h ,-rm;, No . h; . -at' 080. raj ac. Oat ratipipta,'2;, 2 inih=4oo3 diall Philadelphia m a rget;',.. . # '4O: 044-t°3l.!ii-lifite.thiskitte.3*6il , J 3 I t D ui:. . . : ' ' t "C. iitg , ..-. 415,,,,w a....:./.' , ..-., iiyett, i r foieritit—:i- !.. .1. -O ther arts' SiocEs M.1512.:43 SHARES Loular , ftlialiet Chicago Market. Memptiis Marke. • CBv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • Mimi.trts, 'Jut* 9.2—Cotton; receipts. 4 bales; I . exports 2 bales.., Flour quiet; superior ..$7Er 50. Wheat sl' (10®1 85. Corn 92 c. - Oats'' , 73c. Hay $15®16. Bran '23. Oorn meal Unchanged. Pork $29, Lard 18®19c. Bacon higher; shoul-' ders 13.t4c; clear sides 17®173. c. c. Louisville Sliaritet. (By Telegraph to the Piiteburgh Gazette.) LetrISVI.LLE t •J,IIIy 9.-9alea - of 308 hhda of premium tobacco, at .§l2. Flour; super fine '57a10,75. 'Wheat; 'prime ' new' $1,95.. Corn 99191 c. Oats 78a790. Rye $1,85. Mess Pork. $23. *con; shoulders 123ia 13c; dear sides 17c. Lard 17c in tierces. Whisky nominal r , IMPORTS 8' RAILROAD. '• PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST.'LOUIS RAILROA.D,JuIy 9. 25 tibia linseed oil, Beymer, Bann:tan & Co; '5 'do do, J P Scott; 25 bbls vinegar; W M Gormley; sdo do, J Kohen.dr, Bro; 47 ska oats T C,MoMasters; 1,910 bloOms iron, Nimlck "d i Co; 1 car staves, F Kober; 3 bbls 'eggs, Graff & Rel terr 21aks feed, Miller & Sou; 10 aka wool, 9do rye, 11 do dry apples, l Meanor dt Har per; 30 bdls spokes, 4 do shafts, J Lautner; 10 hf bbls fish, 16 bxs •soap, Watt; Lang & Co; 23-bbls eggs, W.' , 11, Graff & Cu; 8 sacks wheat,,McHenry& HOod; 17 bdls paper, Pitts Paper Mani Co; ' 1 car, 314 aka oats, Brown : & • Williams; 4 tea hams, Carter, McGrew, &,C43;•6 bales cotton, Eagle Cotton Mills; 2 cases tobacto, Arbuckles & Co; 22 Elks feathers, Wm Cooper' & Co; 108 green hides, G N , Hoffstott; 25 bxs soap,.:J Porter field &Co; 1 car staves, H Haanayer; I* do . do, C Albright; 1 do do, M Benzing; Ido , do; Langkamp & Rentz; 1 do do, .1 Painter & Son; 1 car lumber, ;J dt M Seibert 4.t. Co; 5 bbls cement, J P Smith &Co. PITTSBURGH, PT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, July 9.-10 - cars 'pig iron, Mtn ick & Co; 4 do, Bryan & Caughev; 1 do Moorhead &Co; 1 do, Unrott.Mills; Superior Iron Furnace; 1 car iron ore, F C Jenking; 560 bbls flour, J Knox; 1 car reapers &- mowers, Christy & Burham; 100 bdls paper, L G Weir; 1 dray bag, Knake iSz Co; 1 organ, D Wallace; 19 eke rye, White Bro's dt Co; 3 boss hatchets, J Allen; 1 ease leaftobacco, ,E Hazleton; 1 bbl sugar r H Lenz; 2 bbls eggs, 2 box butter, S Harbaugh & Co; 88 siekswool, Jacob ' Heck; 2 boss sweitzer cheese, W H Kirkpatrick; 15 boxes cheese, Voigt Mahood ace(); 25 do do, L Wood; '49 nests wood bowls; C Ihmsen & Son; 13 boas window glass,l2 bbls clay, HSchure; 1 keg butter, 1 bbl eggs, Wallace ,t Cavit; 1 box lanterns, Beckham & Lang; 1 reaper, E Presse'r; 1 car bones, J F Wrav; 2 boxes crackers, Robert Knox; ,1 ear middlings. • CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH . RAlL nem), July 9.-1 car iron, Bryan & .Caughey; 6 cars blooms, W D McGowan; 4 do do,'S Moorhead; 1 do do,'Hubbert, Bro ati Co; 1 car lumber, W F Richardson; 7 hf bbls tobacco, Chas Keothen;.l car pig iron, A Garrison ,t Co; 2 kegs putter, Head .& Metzgai; 52 sks rags, Christy & Barham; 16 bbls apples, Fetzer & Armstrong; 1 ear stone, , P Wolf; 68 bbls oil, J W McFerran; lffkgs pearl barley, 25 bxs cheese, Watt, Ling &, Co; 40 bbls salt, S P Shrlver; 1 bbl eggs, J J Pettit. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. July 9.-5 cars rails, 1 car stone, Forester .t Me grew; Ido do Garrison k Stiofield; 1 car fire brick, Jo hnson, Taylor tic Co; 2 cars pig iron, .1 Moorhead; 1 do do, II Woodsides; 1 cask hams, F Sellers & Co; 2 bbl eggs, Knox it Son; 2 bxs mace. Patterson & Kil lock; S lambs, J Hoffman; Fp) bbl crude oil, Fisher ,t Bro's; 320 do, E Jageman &Co; 430 do, jGallagher. ALLEGHENY STATION, Tilly 9.-80 eke rags, W.McKinney; 1 ear metal, 3 do lime stone, Superior Iron Co; 89 sks oats, •M Steel & Son; 250 bgs barley, "Smith d: Co; 1 car shingles, A Patterson; 50 bags bran, Stewart &Langenheim; 156 bgs wheat, It T Kennedy :A Bro; 7- bdla dry hids, Papp, Baker.& Co.• • PITTSBURGH , AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, July 9.-433 bxs windoW glass, Michaels, R & Co; 1 ear tan bark, Wm Flacon; & Son; 2 cars pig iron, Youghio gheny Iron A Coal to; 20 bdlspaper, Mar kle &Co; 1 pkg tobacco, E Gleason; 1 box honey, J H Lippincott. MISCELLANEOUS, • ' orricz or Cirr Erteinizzre Alto tit:nenlron. - Pittsburgh. Junc 1869. NOTICE TO 'CONTRACTORS.' • BPALED i1t0P0514,8 for Grading, Paring and Curbing— QIIM STREET , from Webster to Cliff street.. TOW NSE N STRF.ET, froui Wylie to Decatur St. .VINKALLEY: from Federal to Wasnington eft. KIRKPATRICK STREET, from Centre avenue • tot/tint:au street.. _ ' • • FOURTH STREET, from Ross to Try street. THIRD STREET', from Ross to Try street. Will be received at tbls ofUce mint FRI OAT, July 3d. IS6S. Specifications and blanks for bidding can had by calling at ttils office. . • . J . 151001130. je2s:s4 - City Engineer. Srnitirr CommisatorrEn's OFFICE, PlrrS6nnitit. June 26, VE4I)B. • . purimnEns,ATTENTION. s' A Proposalawill be received at thlsoffleuuntli JULY Ist, at 3 o'clock 2.. for the lowering and remov ing of all stop Coe'ks and Water raves that project above the—icrrel'of the curb stoic'. The expense of lowering and removal to be collected from the own ers of the property. Ail proposals to be submitted to the Street Committee.. ' •JOHN T.. HUNTER, • Street Coramiselotier. First District. • ' JOHN D. IicFADEN, yell Street Oommisslocer, Seciosid District. U. a. MARSHAL'S orricE, M 1 • . D.,. of Pennsylvania; . - PtiTenulital. J.Uly 3, 1888. MARSIIALIS SALE.. J. RAWLEY et al.' vs. STEAMBOAT'