The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1868, Image 7
II II ~, , ~4.....-„-,, •44,,, .., 4 . ..,... I , 115' "fail - , •.' • •-0 . . ... SERVANTUALISM. omen's WaY of Emancipating our Housekeepers from Slavery. • rout the Springfield, (Maas.) Republican.) Servantgalistn is a word coined' to supply Izileeded term applicable to the Present day. • is a horrid day-mare, which many ladies forced . to ride: Never was there a time ,'hen the evils of domestielife were so hard •:•• • • endure,We pitied ithe' slaved forced to , •:,,n1 unpaid for their Southern mistresses; et many of our 'Northern housekeepers . • -aye harder task-mistresses over i them than ,•• le slaves. A • yeung married Southern ~,dy assured me that "no negro slave on the ,lantations among which she passed her cirlhood suffered such slavery as she en . . . 'otred at the:hands of her Irish nursery 'irl." I fully believe the truth of her as , 3rtion. An i&iorant girl soon learns her ;.tower, and'is not slow to use it. ^ Where the trouble? What -is is the panacea' yhich ,can sbothe the woes of •Northdrn ;:ousekeepers and break the chains of "tier.: • fontgalism?" There is strength in union. f , Ve all, ny , • experience, learn the Cor. ..'ectitess ~ of the fable of "The ' Bun saeof Sticks." Bound ' together,' the Ire:4e:tit. pin could not . break, *cm. - ;• ?ingly, a child could snap. theni in twain. with, our. woessingly, .-we could': not • outlast them. Joined in hands, .the power :2.i ours, and we can - hold it. • "A•Sbrogis," • woman's league, shduld_ be formed in Very sociable circle , rules should be adop ::sd and enforced;' barriers - erected to resist : - ncroachments, . and victory' Is ours. Our !semen pride themselves 'to a great extent rpon this independence of each other. •)ne says, "My girls go and come *hen they 'lease. It saves ,my dull • and es to have A " '`hem out. I have no Children in need of %heir attendance, and prefer my girls to isit rather than be visited." Her next i.,toor neighbor ,requires the attendance of der girl% evenings. - Hence trouble - arises, • Tow, if there could be uniform rules in a. •Lommunity, how much.tronble would be - „voided, If all hiring a 'Rick and second a girl of all work, require that cerlain r - ules should be observed, how much easier ltousehold• wheels would run. One eyen=, tig,,or One. afternoon in a week, besidea' .liunday at Chtirph, and Sunday evening ,;Jternately,if there.are two girls in a family, '... - r ‘ ives abundant liberty to • a servant girl. • 1, , ew,mothers of families, who do their own _!,vork, have as 'much- leisure,' and many , ;;roman has not the ' freedom she Nivea her errant. • • - • ;•-' One crying evil' of the times is the reedi .• faess with which' housekeepers will engage • - '",hose who hive been sent .awayhy another ''or impudence or bad betiiior, They rea !on in this manner: "This girl has lived Inonths or years - with Mni. —, has been trained, and is now sent away , for mis yonduct. She' will behave better with me ind I will take her." Is this right Ser. Ikatit girls soon learn that if sent away ' fcir ;mpildenee from one lady, another stands „,;.ftteady to engage them, because they have • c,ived with Mrs. --. There •is unreason ~,vhy they should. 'restrain their passions; are easily found. If they are good ;.rooks, well trained cluunbennaids and wait . .ors, being sent away-is no disgrace. So I• , lthey continue in their evil courses, give .7aseir tongues full sway, and their employers • • :4inffer bitterly. Every lady should make it 14 rule not to employ girls discharged for im :pertinence or any misconduct. Then they svill soon learn that they must control their itempers or there is no home for them. 1: A wife and mother must control her tem , per, orshe loses all power over young and .491 d. She must restrain the 'hasty word, !must check the bitter reply. Patience soon :I.;.secomes her watchword, and she often si gtently repeats. the: word, hoping thereby to ain thevirtue. If; in her girlhood shales ,'* - ;not learnt self,control, the lesson of after s-ears teaches it to her; not so with unedu cated, unrestrained servant girls. They do the lesson heaven-eyed patience . ' z."would teach them. Wages are their chief .;;consideration. If one house doesnot desire heir aid, another stands ready to welcome • !gum: - So the evi! grows itrour midst. - And Cohere does the , blame rest? Not with the ignorant, misguided girls, but with their •• :employer. .Ourashould be thatask to guide ':thetr ill-trained tempers into better ways; ?but as long as our next door neighbor stands :[,ready to employ them if we turn them sway, we have no hold upon them. `'' Will ladies awaken to the emergenCies of he case ? All over the North we hear the ...; 7 ))itter coniplaints`of the honiewlves, and no lone suggests a remedy. And, the evil grows '• , ta.s rapidly as the snowball that( is rolled • ,aover the field. 'lt would melt away as rap .. " . idly as that same snowball does' when ex-. )›osed to the sun's rays, if we would only • expose it, bring it to the -light, see our • •, , ,,:power and learn to -use it. Take. for. our '-motto "union is" strength," and go 'boldly L ?, I forward in the good cause. We hold the -Oreins and are cruelly driven, beside being forced to pay most heavily for the prig!, -Allege; I The Late Ilote-tn-the-Dgy. A An exchange says of the famous Indian 4clueftain fs "Hole-iii-the-Day, was one of the weal ; thi est men; irL.MilineSota, PrOPeit:y.being estimated 0, about $2,000,000. His duties ~,%as Chief frequently called Washing . 4ton, and Upon one of his visits to that city iabout two years ego.., while stopping at Wil l/lard's Hotel, h 6 became fascinated with one of the pretty waiter gnis _thot,estahliaht, riment, and "atearige' to sailiiircitsgort W ll5 reciprocated. -To make a long stdty short, a gay wedding. was the result, and when ha ;1; returned toltiarlifinnelotd horde,"' she went with him ss his.bride. They Wok up their, residence at Crew Wing, where they have since lived - in.:l4estylepattrreunded.i by all the . comforts and luxhries which money could proctum . . , "The death of, Hole-in-the-Day is not only a callus:illy tout& own lieople;bitt tO • those of the whole State. His influence has v, always been for good, and like thitfr. ot'Lo .gan, the famous chief of the Mingoes, it wilt t live long:ofterrig# love 'returned S dust. "His wife, the waiter-girl of two years ; ago, and who inherits' one-half of • her hus band 's vast property, will now be worth looking for.' knuol73ei; S Ps • ,An English - writer remarks The first thing that strireiiiniEno,lish'lndy in all for - 1 eign conntries is the . absence of neatness, and of'that denteiticjnivic3# which some of ri carry to excess. It is nothing to us Wit foreigners do not feel the want as we do; that there is nothing incongruous to the 9. Spaniard in thernixture of pomp and equal ler, which the English resident finds so re pulsive. It may seem strange to ns that the ; courtyard of the Palace at. Madrid should be worse paved than any stableyarti in aditsli; idated house in England, and that heaps of rubbish should be left 7 ,111 w of the Queen's windows. So, too, when we hear of the family ,wash hanging w ont dry over drawing sniAaftidatilei 14114114.104 houses la Madrid, we are struck , by a oil sense sense of the scandal such a sight would suliattikioliftek) cfel ;1,12 ZZA/0 1.5 M ' 101 , 101kM' VArlinsvros, July s.—Senator Sherman intends, if posaible to hay° Ina funding bill take precedence of the tax bill, both, ; hav ing . , , been mane sperial orders .for Monday. Opposition to it will be upon the ground that any such legislation is unnecessary, many Senators holding that McCulloch has ample powers already, sincehe can convert become any ontslanding bonds, as , they ..,„ due, into almost any kind of security,lo run any length of time Up . to forty years: When financial legislation Orthe•lSEOliof 1866 was:Pending, McCulloch Vas 'esairtin ed by the Waysand Means Committee,and, represented that lie felt, ,restricted, •by the, word “convert " in marling statutes, which he thought might be ,held that -hexnuet, exchange securities, but could not buy one kind and sell another under that authority. A hill was.therefore passed relieving. him such, constmtion; and someof those. most . Conversant With previous , legislation hold that. no funding bills can be framed of the slightest: utility, since ;secretary Mc- Culloch cam buy in the present bonds, and issue others at lower rates and for longer timei whenever snob funding can be accom plished to advantage. •' ' . July 6,1868.—The most interesting fee ture to-day in Congress was the. tactics by , which Moorhead's attempt to get the tariff 1- bill up was defeated. Having a clear me. jbrity he carried.his motion. for the House to go into Committee of the Whole. The next motion necessary to get at the tariff - bill was to set aside the calendar. On this several votes by tellers failed to. get a quorum, but a call of the House showed .ono hundred and one members, one more than' required. As it seemed certain that' the bill would be taken Ep—the vote stand ing sixty-one to thirty-tlve--several op posed to the tariff bill avoided' Viking, and the committee was compelled to rise. The votes showed that about Uwe-thirds of those present were in favor of a •revision - of the tariff this session, but this proposition may be materially changed in a full House, as the Democrats certainly will generally be. opposed to - Moorbead's bill. Duri couldrter the afternoon but one Democratbe seen on the floor of the House.`- . The Senate: Committee on Postoffices - and Postroads•will probably anbstitute for theiongspan bridge bill Which.passed the • House Monday. - Their view' is to have the length of span of each bridge fixed by a Board of Engineers from the War Department. A number of railroad men are looking , - after their interests in this matter. A letter to the Congressional Executive C,ommittee from the Chairman of the Re- Vublican Committee.of Mississippi, dated icksburg, July 3d, says: The indications are that the rebel party have carried the State. •• He says enormous frauds have • been pert - ,ietrated, and.many loyal men and negroes have been kept from , the polls by violence. ` He deplores the removal of Gen. McDowell, who, he saya, was the only good , military man they ever had. The river counties, \ where most of the soldiers are, and where the voters were protected, give fifteen, thousand majority for thetonstitu tion. ' Other letters give some hope. They say the telegraph is under the control of the rebels, and the Associated Press reports are unreliable. The Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions, at ir meeting yesterday, decided to report against the confirmation of Mr. H. A. Smythe as Miniater to . Austria. It was determined to take no action on the nomi nation of• Mr. Stillwell'as Minister to Yen enzuela. The Republican Senators held a caucus on Mr. Edmund's bill for the next meeting of Congress on'thetthird Monday of No vember, but determined nothing. The following is a correct list of the Con gressmen froni North Carolina, three of whom have been sworn in: First District, John R. French; Second District, D. Hea ton; Third District, Oliver IL Dockery; Fourth District, John T. Defrees; Fifth Dis trict, Israel G. Lash; Sixth District, Na thaniel Boyden; Seventh District, Alex. H. Jones, The rest of the delegation will ar rive in the city in a day or two, and will at once take their seats. Mr. Boyden is over seventy years old, and next to Mr. Ste vens, will be the oldest member in the House. He was a prominent member of the Thirtieth Congress: The Senators from North Carolina will arrive in a day. or , two. General; Irwin McDowel, commanding the Friarth Military District, has issued an i s order announcing that the State .of Arkan sas having been admitted to representation in Congr , the acts providing for mili tary - governments in certain Southern States have become inoperative as to the State of Arkansas, and everything in the hands of the military authorities concern ing its civil affairs is .turned over to the duly elected officers of the State. Brevet Brigadier General C. IL Smith is charged with the execution of this order. The ap 1; onriation billeare to be comple ted this w ek. It is expected that the Sen ate will complete the Tax bill and send it to the House to-day. This body ::will nbt concur in the amendments, and the bill, will go bile Conference Committee before the end ofithe week and be passed finally about - Tuesday. There isome probability now that Mr. Moorhead'snow tariff bill will be passed, and if so Congress may remain in session until . the lat of August. .There are mem .bera who areurging a recess until Septem her, but this measure will probably fail. The HOnse will not act this session on the bill to tax the interest on the'llnited States bonds. The measure will be defeated in the Senate'anyhow. , A most intense, interest is manifested in the action of the New York Conyention, and every item otnewe is sought for. With avidity. President Johnson,,,Judge Chase, Senator Hendrieks;, and General:Hancock are receiving. a copious stream of, telegrams /from their friends, each one of whom has - the most positive assurances that he lathe only man on whoaktlie discordant elements can possiblyunite, and each one thinks he is sure to heriorotriated. • The Bresident.-hnving failed to act. upon the FreedmenN Bureau bill, iris a law by limitatiom • • • . . • It is barely possible that Mr. LynelVii bill for the resumptlokOf Alpecie. payments next July will pass., , , There was but midi Dnmooratiel Congrilss man present in the llouscroyestcirday. 'Most Bitters of the present day that are :loudly , puffed' through lhe.newspapers as baying great curative properties , are vile !compounds and base impositions, contain.: ing no medicinal virtues•whatever, and are really. ,very . poor , whisky beverages, and, instead of acting asA stimulant• and_tonic, have a tendency to weaken the stomach by. entirely L ,destroyingtheboating ,Tbopnblia should therefore be very caution's:and pur-.: 'abase,none but Boback's'B4nnach which have steed . ' the 'test as a remedial wen( fof ihany.Years, and are really eir their nein& indinedeS; a stemach'Zieters'and• not a bevergge. They oombinethe . proper-' ties oftthe boat tonic. and-a • st imulitnt—st; laxative' an efficient and antibillottsagent and tbd ' best stoinaohic known to the•world, and when taken in conjunction:with .120- back's/flood Path are the safest. and sure* preventive against all bilious derartgements„ thoroughly regulating the 'whole SkyldOln and giving tone to the digestive organs., • They are highly reaantmended, as an in vigorating tonic 'to mothers tiursing,` inpreatiing the Bow of , inilkiandflii conVik: 1= scents, to restore, theprotttratkihshich Palwaye long continued sie`kness,' they'are ' unsurpassed: Ne-boustbold should ' consider' themselves safe - from UM' ordinary maladies without theseitivelnable medicines. - They can be obtained of any `' • ; 1 4 1.0 1 3 e IWITICE 'Tr toxritAeroim -„E //i,i 1 , ..f y •itolo? ~ ;;I, . o 1041 _,_—,E IS , for ii n tra ls . ,e lFtli 1111/14074 "41,471441,49311, issuAtItUIABEIRAZ 04 INIX4iO,, A r tfiiit:44 - '4sAp i lv onT - 521tiAM si 4449- a 14.0 1 ripariattailsenahAsimma".lo4loolo44- , . 11 ' I P utasp.iFf t!ti ' ' akapin %Tail t•-;,..,1 14'1 a' • lib ' - 11"4' 4, .j ir aiiiiiiiii:x - .. 4 ` , mit) syibk.ionz 1.., t.a.o.4alLa i rk r - . ' •• ta 1 ° 4 11 .4t4:7 -A -( sit - orwop - 41/11 THE Xi GOR Oir YOUTH' reito - red in four weeks: Bac 'cess _guaranteed. DR. RICORD'S FASICRCKEPOP stOreentanly. pswere g .from wbaterer, cause annuli t tile effects of eariy • pernicious habits, ielf abuse, impoteneyud climate wire .1119% /kV atiCe to this wOnderitti tnecilcine,' If taken regularly actor& ing io•tbe directione, (erblon ..very shawl% and require no 'restrahtt. from business or pleassre.) ,FMlure taizaposinble. , .noldln:toottles 113,;or ibtcr quantities in ono for 69. To be had only of the sole appointed agent in America, H. GEBITZEN, 808. Second AarentlC. NeW.Nork. _ Je13:164-rrs . • • 4 •li 11 • gy•ILOSOP OF,:msk- RIAGE, a new Course of Lectures, as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, eM bracing the subjects: How. to,live• and what to Li/fu ror; Youth, Maturity andetd Ade; Manbdodgelier. ally reviewed; the : cause or M estion, latalence and nervous diseasei accounted or; 'Marriage Nal mopblCally considered; :del .Pocket. vole:nes con- • - Mining these lectures will be torwarded to parties unable to attend, °precept °flour stsmps, by•ad-: dressingSBONETANY,New York Museum °tame omy and Scierice, elf Broadway, New York: e13:165-Tre IigrEATVRELOWS HAIR -DYE.. _ . , Thfe' - IlYe la the best' In the World; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, ;Instantaneous 1 , no dlsamolutment; no :sidlonlous tints; -remedies the 111 effects or lad dyes; Invigo rates and leaves the Hair , soft and 'beautiful; black on brown.. hold by all Dregglata and Perfumers; and pproperlyapplied al 16 Bond street New York. P &lL:glf° . • itar6lln.lloE • .TO • MARRL4.O-E,-, , Toting Men's. Guide to Happy, Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. , The humane views of benev olent Physlcians, on the:Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envelopes, freeof charge, Address HOWARD AB socueriox, Box P.. Philadelphia, Pa.. myiSuBBT fts, H, „ • p.EAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE METROPOLITAN GIFT . COMPANY. Cash G to the amount of $950000. Every ticket draws a prize. 5 Cash Gifts Each $lO,OOO 10. •• • • 5,000 SO " " 1 50,0000 200" :1.00 . 300 • 50 450 • 000 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each $3OO to $5OO 35- - " " • Melodeonis,.• 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines each 60 to .175 950 Musical " 25 to 94W 300 Fine Gold ' " 75 to 300 750 Flue Sliver Watches—. ~ " 30 to Fine •Olt: Paintings, Framed,-Engravings, Silver Ware, 'Photogra_ph Albums, and a large as sortment of Fine Gold Jewidn.,in el' • valued at $1,000,000. A cluseee to orate any of'the above Pita* by - pur chasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents. Tickets de scribing each Prise are seated In Envelopes and thor oughly mixed. On receipt of 25 eta. a !sealed Ticket will be drawn without; eboisie and delivered )at our office, or „sent by mall to any address. The prize waned upon It will be delivered to the ticket holder' on the payment *fosse dollar: 'Frites will be lime thately sent to any address, as,requeeted, by exprese or return mall. Youtoill knot/iv:kat hour Fere fe yore hots FM/ for Lt. Assy ortse easy be exedausred or another qt the same valets 190 ATMS. • • lllKhir patrons can depend on falr deallnh. Rxhirsurstozes.- We select the few following names • from the litany who have, lately drawn vainahle prises and kindly permitted us _to publish - them: , S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo N. 1 1. SIMS; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago...lLL, piano: valued a t $0s0; Jackson, Dubuque. lowa, Gold Watch, $250; Philip McCarthy, Louisville; Ky.. „Diamond Cluster Ring,. WO: R. A. Patterson. New Bedford, Masa. ffilver Tea Set. sl7sl:4ffilSl ,10111141 WAIWOrtb, Mlltvaakeq WU., Plano, 000; Rev. T. W. Fitt, Cleveland. 0., Melodeon, sffis. tlM Fltgro l li ; " "" Tuicike.4 e ar ' .--41ty are doing the largest bash:Least the firm is reliable. and deserve their 'nee:sm."- Weekly Tribtens, Ad.- 8, •• We have examined their system, and know them to be a fair dealing tirm."-Neut York Reread,• Fib.2B, less "Last week a Mend of ours drew a $5OO prize, which was promptly retelved.-.Dally New*. March 3, - Sead for circular airing many more references and favorable notions from the press. Liberal Induce ments to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of - Sealed Envelopes contains . tex Cult GIFT. Six tickets for ell/3 fur for irrixt All letters should be addressed to WILSON I CO.. 173 BFL/O.&DW/LY, N. IN jult:r37 MO WHEAT GIEHEMBEtS. 1 EUREKA ANDIONIATFJ) BONA SUPER-PHOSPHITE OF LikE, I!GUTUJTAMaMDBY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SEWARD & CAMPBELL, r'ItCOPItLIETOIVEt, Office, B_sB Penn Streeti Pluourgh, The best Eertilizer In use, and recognized by Farmers who have given it a trial, to b e the stand. and for raising large crops of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Pota tots, ac. We have published for grain lions circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of this Fertiliser, copies of which will be sent free to any sending as their ad dress. 11DITTSBURGR PAPER MANU. ii FACTURING COMPANY, Malittructuralw of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. BRIGHT eLINToNON MI MILL—NEW LL—STEUBEBRIGHTON, NVILLS, OtG PA.. O OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh,. a. Griming—AUGUST HARTJE, President.-JNO. B. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE, Secretary. DIRECTORO—A:ogrot Hattie, John Atwell, B. B Hartman, John B. lAirington. . Cash paid for Paper Stock. )ateaS9 mAdvuoom HOW LOST ! ROW .Ly.a.: RESTORED I Just publishes! in sea/ed env/1/- ov. Pries, sin cants. ' A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and' Radical • Cure •ot Spermatorrbma, or Seminal Weakness, involuntary iselofts, Sexual Debility and impediments to Mar riage generally,. _* Nemeousnen, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits; Mental and Physibal Incapacity, re sulting from Self Atmse,te. by Robt.Culver.' well. AL 11.,_untlior of the "Green Book„" to: "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addressrpost paid, on receipt of Mx cents, or two postage stamps, • to CHAS._ C. KLINE & Co., IST • BOWERY, . NEW YORX, POSTOFFICE HOE 4380. Also Dt. Culyerwell , a "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. INSTITUTE, ENDLVH AND !MEND% FOR' vcrcrrca : BOARDING AND DAY PUPILS,' 1527 and 129 dPittruE STHEXT, Philsdelpida, Ps., will re. Open StoNitAY,:eept 22d. French is the tongues° or the .tamtly and cozostantly spoken In the institute. MADAME D'EtERM Y, Prithdpel. jeL5:lll6 laser . • . - SUNDRIES. • 400 boil Prime Yelloir Ear Corn.' - 300 bits - do • -do dttelled do. , • 50 bus Prime Barley. .„ 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 500 lbe. Dried Peaches. • • ' 34 Mils. 'Sorghum Biolaslies . 10- bbls. Sweet Cider. 50 doz. Corn Brooms, Iti storvant for sato by - FETZER it ARBRITROL. jt4 ' Market' street. corner' QUNDIIAILES, , . k„7 • 100 exike Soda ash; go Pearl Ash; " Potash; LOOP ; hes Lead • , , • 200 Pbls. White Mint:. ' • •.' Hydrauno oemen!„ • ,300 - Pot and Viretilay. 1 Factory Cheese: ViS "Y cel Hamburg.oheese; 51115 Wash= tansies; . In store and for sale JOHN B. CANI*IELO a . Jerti • 141 First street, ISEPH FINCH:Ith (306, - • , Btos.Vild; I£l7, 11411,191, sea sins lea. STREET, 11'1fillitflt(Ift, ' xszttnrev - civeXab oil- • Pepper Distilled Pure Rye - Whiskey. Also, desists is 791036 N WIN Xib and LIQUORS. ROM. etc. . 11., 14! ofk• AI R I PPATIgr ;•:.': . . 1.• I'. : , Nurserymen; Florists amtleleed• met.. • Sum 1579iN—Wa ralt , u/ac , SWITITIELD.I.I32IIIM'coppo,,, Sitl3 , P;4P,t O, • erieenbenario At • ovitlstit, artnwides puloarret! azy,A r . auߧp4.., fJL ' 0, --1. • : V.t iis` 1= it - g_V - -. .. k.: - ATV' . .. 0. ACERB 431 1 'WRITE PINE AND sHICRI-% LOCK TIMISER LAND„ situated on Black Lick t emelt:Buffington township, Indiana county, ra., s6Miles from Nineveh Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Restireed. and about GO acres , of cleared land, under good fencing. On the premises. are erected one Grist Mill. with 9 run of burra and X ...... ....rOne Saw• Mill, in run of stones, all complete and in good running or de.. 5, woo feet per day. comple order, muting One dwoli u r house, two stork high. with 12 zooms, 40x X feet. -.One dwe , 98x40 feet, 8 roo 'On e e . ' e " "I 18x28 .• 2 ! 183[28 ' ,6 ' 6 4 - - ' • One "1 18x2fi " 2 One -. "/ 24:28 " 5 ' ' One Stable.. slo.lll* di ng s . fee high:Blacksmith Shop and Other ontbn T s s land is under laid with stone coal and iron ore and it has plenty of never - felting springs of wide , besides Me emelt; running through the -entire premises, and will be, sold cheap on 'easy terms, Loa geed nuurwith a ' s, money. • — s, • sss, „ .s. •;:s a s 10 LOTS ON BEDFORD AVENBE. eioli lot mfl by 100 'feet,' on which is erected four 'two+story frame dwelling houses, of 8 rooms and: halt earn. These lots embrace a fall square of ground, front ing 200 feet on Bedford avenue, and bounded on each end by a wide street, with an 18 feet , ,alley in the' rear. On the premises is a pump - of lasting and excellent water. and the surface of the lots is - level an.i needs neither idling nor grading to prepare them for building purposes, and being ran sectton of the city where property is increasing very rapidly in value, make them desirable for an investment, asPb• daily as the present uses rent for enough w h o l e a ,good interest on - t he ' Atm asked for the properly. Call soon on the undersigned and secure a cheap, safe and paving investment. ' • s. Also, A YARN( OF MO ACHES of good land, situated in East Whaatileld township. Indiana Co., Pa., 90 acres of which is cleared land, in good cul tivation, 90 acres being in excellent meadow. The improvements are a two-story frame dwelling house of 4 rooms, a frame bank barn, 36030 feet, with stabling underneatn, and other outbuildings, all in good repair. It le in a good neighborhood, conve nient to schools, churches, stores. &C.. and will be sold yens low for cash or aourcved securities. I Also, a- RIVER BOTTOM FAUX of:WV acres, 19 miles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle. gbeny county, Pa., °lathe Youghiogheny river, one. half mile from Eiroirs Station, on the Vonnelleville railroad; near thurcluls, schools. stores, de., In the flourishing villages 6f Boston and Green Oak. The improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, holland cellar, a good frame bank barn with 'stablinngg underneath, and other outbulkilngs; a well of good standing water at the door , and several ' standing _v_rings of water on the farm, and an Or chard of TU9 trees of selected fruits orapples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces andgrapes. This prop erty being located near the line of the railroad, within one hours ride of the city, makesit Very de sirable for gardening or I% dairy;farm; It, Is Mao a good and beautiful location for cOttntry• hoMes near the city, lying imniediately on the' river, en the op- "Accommodation side from the ,ralireado The west 'Newton, Accommodation and other trains on the railroad at , Sorel certain and frequent opportunities of daily communication to:and troy:Ma eity. • Will - :be. sold Oas a whole or in lots of one acre or more, : to snit mar- a mer' Also, A FARM OP, Mr ADRES. situated In St. Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa. near the line of the Pennsylva ni a Raffroad at H ouston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house 4 0 with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bang . barn by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. There Is on the place a young apple and .peach orchard; 120 acres cleared ld. divided into fields of CODIre• !dent size, a large po rtion of which are well set in .clover and rimoth ; the residue of said tract eov ered with good, timber. It la well wuteredand un derlaid 'with coal arid Umeatone, and is convenient to churches, schools, stores,' mills and blacksmith shops. A real good barman is offered in this excel lent farm; and with It will be sold all the personal property oh the premises, consisting 'of horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs /1114 poultry, harness, gears, Wagon, plows, farming implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together ,will be sold very low and on easy terms to a responsible purchaser. Also: a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, in Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Remptield railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con= nelleville railroad at Suters Station. On thu fannl ate 40 acres of superior white oak Umber, which alone !snow worth one-half the price asked for th e whole tract. 'The• improvements are a log house, frame barn, good fencing, and an lipple.orohard o good fruit. Istone stared and underlaid with limestone and flag of a superior vudity, wit • stone coal for the use of the farm.... Also, The best. FA.ltat in Raltsold towrishi • Westmoreland county, Pa., of 260 - ACRES, &bon six. tuner south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The Ismnorententa are tw large hewed log dwellings; one of, the largest an • best frame barns in the townehip; two apple or chards. in good bearing oondition; corn crib, wagon shed and otter ontbtaldlnga. The whole farm I under a high state of cultivation: fencing all In first rate order, and the land of the beat gelidity of lime . stone soil, about 200 acres • of which Is cleared and the residue of the tract in good. timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut:anti beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on good terms, as the owner wishes to engage la other WM tress. For particulars enquire of G. H. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street. Jr2knC FOB SALE. TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party Is about leaving the city, and wishes tddispoce of the proymrty before removing'. SAW HILL. TWO DWELLING EQCSES. - TWO BARNS, with This FARE, and. about 800 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash 500—balance m to suit buyer. FAUX OF 180AC ES, R will be sold for. twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRM, near the tine of railroad; very well located for raising stock; " improv-emnt stV Z""."l4"U .""^igaZT T. CITY PROPERTY.—WIIIseII a good Mick house, Containing eve rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the amount In six years. ' • A LARGE LOT OF GROUND. having river front, and very convenient of access. TANN Erri, convenient to the city, and having a well established custom - or 'local tra4e oonneettat therewith; a good dwelling and forty acres efland: FOUR LOTS In Sharpsburg, near the satin/ad; would Make a coal yard. . • • - HOTEL FOR SALE...Mk/at line Hotel Property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary otdbuildigta, , with three acres of garden and fruit trees. 'AD, well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. I One large House, for Boarding House. One new Brick House, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. -• One new Brick House of 3 rooms. • One House of b rooms and lot 66 by 140. - One House of IPA:Kilns and lot 150 by 180. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new` Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms eac.h. • One new Frame Rouse in Wilkitudinig,, laating six rooms and large lot, well suited rug gar9en. T acres that eau be divided into sere iota. IS Lots In Oakland. Power and a large Room and Yard ror.renL Ina ood location. Will be rented for short, or lOag FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Luta on Horton street, Ninth, Ward, • th WANTED-3,000 fest of Flagging 1314 *ladies ck. • TO iomat—sso,ooo„%i. ft , • SONS or 0 ,000 Ahall'l37WAßT). D P. HART'S REAL ESTATE MEI • No. 91 Grant St, Pittsburgh. '29o() ' 0 000 A • -R F. ' CES O • .OHOICE . LANDS•FOR:III4 • THE Union Pacific Railroad Coniziany; - NisTron DIVISION. • , Lying pltireheitthe ot,thofiroad, $ l , OO TO 0 5 , 001 1,* ARE ".. • • Allid oh itIEEDIT TEARS, F L' Tor • 241 - RnEtrx, Land Ohnualmiphor, Topeka r lwkw. or' a Us - .1 ME pWINTRY , • RESIDENCE ' FOR: . RAZE OR' tRENT.,A larrytwo , atory double: onse, contAltdng,lo roan*. Including double par lor, wlsb marble mantles, , and all 'the modern bn krententr; 1 , acre of ground. , IllledF Atitb - Omit, pes. Writs,' , &e. ,- Situated near lfinexasllle s at e tendilliak/13 tthe WAIIS street Passenger ears. This 1$ One °Yale landiolnest location/IA All e reny Amway; 'and In +a !good millghborbyods :;*IL 7' at W. A in iiR,$,AOll , l5 Real,Eathth 941014- 8 rAErsAt, attest. . . ....,--- - - 'MnIS ' atil Lotalor Bale Inn!' ,jsatta-of SIM slitAs: : or bs, , AWN, several Pktiasln _good 1 nm. Also, altdill VlOoLlCN'rAurunicorttit , angina, and good impttrolalnenti.l waxenintillialb chean load on reasonable terms. Business Houses tote, on good streets. PrivotellwelllnLgouses for rent In both cities. IrerAlstvittftevlars Inquire ..4,,zr , • 3 .110 Orem Street. copulate. atlbarit' s . • FOR RENT. APPLY AT SALE k LETomil BM I!'AS. Fire Insiranee Company, OF PITTSBURGH. Moe, No. 42 ,Fifth St., Second Floor • OVKR. BZENIVAX, ISTKYRAR t 811CTILS11 J8W13411,Y BTOIIX. • .1D trimc,rcinei: Robert C. Schmertz, I Charles Mepran, Wm. P. Lang. Wm.. Carr, - Peter Kell, 1 A. Steinmeyer, ROBERT C. seurcurras. Preen. minesaisTEßN, Viee Preisq. CRAB. ACEYEAN, Treasurer. C. P. HILICROOKE, Sftretary. The above Company is now-luily ormnalzed, and prepared to take FIRE RIMS. By careful atten tion to busineas, prudence - and' fair dealing, thla Company will endeavor rto merit a liberal share of the patronace of the community. 1OI:r11 BEN VRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEORENY, I% • •:. • Office in Franklin Savings Think Bnildingiy No. 43 0 . 1310 Si., Allegheiry.i • A. HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors wen known to the community, who tnult by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage.. HENRY IRWIN President. GEO. D. RIDDLE Secretary. • Hearryy Irwin • ' DiRZCTORS: • 2 " 1,1 ). L eat""°. "' Henry 6erwig Simon Dram,. IJ.N. Smith,' [Jacob Stem, " W. H. Stewart , ' Ch. P. Whleton, Joseph Crafg, Joe. Latatner, FL J. ;takand.. ,jeretulall Roken. apitcoN NATIONAL, INSURANCE CO., OP THE CITY OP AELEGEZET. • Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST 0031 P .ANTIS atriLDnia. FEECE INSURANCE ONI,YE , . Vt.' W. MiltTni; Free'dent. JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. ,p . MICTOBEI : A. H. En_sllsh, 1 0./4 1 .P.W1Illatallno. Thompson, Jno. A. Sayler. pLockhart, ' (Jos. .M, Jas. L. Graham, Itobt, Lea, C. C Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. ;Geo. Gent, , " {Jacob Kollto. li , rSTERN. INsuRASCE *VON.' PANT OF PITTSBURGH. • . LIMA:EWER NDRICK, President. ' HERBERT. Secretary. • CAPT. GEORGE NEELD,Eleneral Agent. 951 Water street, bperni Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsbars h • • Will ir..:nre against ail kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution. managed by Directors who are well known to the , community, and: who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they have assumed, as ofe tering the hest protection to those who desire to be Alexander Nlsaick, Joan R. McCune, K. hillier, Jr.. Ches. J. Clarke . . James McAuley . S. Eva', Alexander ppoer, • • Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Acme.% Phillip_Reyiner, David M. Long, Wm. Morrisou; pENIVIIIELVANLI. INSURANCE COMPANY OF • PITTTSSURGH OFFICE, No. 107 t; WOOD STREET. BANK. OF COMMERCE BUILDING. This Is a Home Company. and . Insnrea against 10.1 by Fire exelnblvelr. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. : BYLE, Vice Preslden ROBERT PATRICK: Treasure t. r. HUGEI McELIIENY. Secretary. Leonard Walter, G PlunCronsi: • C. 0. Boyle. Ge e e o . W. Evansrge Wilson, , Robert Patrick, - Jacob Painter, J. 0. Fl ner, Joalatiming, ',John Vosoler. Jas. Hopktrus. A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, - • pDEXILNITE AGAINST LOSS BY FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 438 t 437 OHHBTNUT 37., Nr.Aa DIRZCTOBS. ' • Charier Banker, Mordocal R. Louis, Toblza Wagner, • I David B. Brown,. Samuel Grant. Jacob R. !RORY, Edwakl e t. Dale, • • re°lllTAltirl RER,rlreeldent. Ewa ! : C. DALE, Vine President. - W. O. STEELE,_Secrets ry,prs tens. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AG North West corner Third and Wood Strzets. itha4:wls _ . ALLEGPIEN't INSURANCE COM- For or PITTSBURA3H. OFFICE. No. 37 RUTH STREET, BANE BLOCK Insures against all kinds ante and Marine Itiska. JOHN IRWIN, Ja., President. _ JOHN 13. .111e0ORO, Vloe President. C. G.,DONNELL, Seeretait. ' • CAPT. Wkl. DEAN. General Agent. na: ,tohn Irwin.; ..'' D Cept. Wes. Dean, John G, IlicOOrt . .,- - B. ,L. •Fabneetack s C. G. Buser, 1 W. H.. Everson, ' Harvey_Clilds, Robert H.'llarls, • Hoskinson. , Francis Seller:4.. ca arik , H s " , Capt. a t T. Stoekdale. PEOPLES'Drsnwicz OFFICe, H. E. COMER WOOD *, FISTS ilomerAmpany, taring Fire and Marixte Maks - • • SolnEKTOnsi • WM. Oapt.'doluxi., Rheada, John, W • ' &mud P. tlluiver, John E. Puk e _, Charles Arbuckle, Capt.. James Jared k t• Brus / 4 • • • W. Van Kitki Wm. P.' Lang, James D. Verner Samuel McCrlekart WM.. PHILL'ipl President. JOHN WATT. • ice Presidetrti'" • ' '• W. F. OARDRIM Secretary.. , „ OAPT. JAS. 'OOHDON. General'Aisent: 'll_4* 1/.11.0ez: P . iNcAIIELDLE; : - ','• NrEIf.,CII.ANT 43L'AEL.40R. ; So. 9.335 8id:1711147E14Y STR*/* riTi*griGlC lleepssoartsatly on bond • floe ampoitweitt of CLOTIIti ': CASSIMERES VEStINGS Moo; GENTsB impirrmattre GOOD& mss` CLOTHING MADE TEiOßlDlfft:thef latest style: titan' nuctrrt,,. . Pn4tanANT'l'4ltokt; . • 18 13117711/171iD,13TESET:Pittbbargh;-Pa: .Consisal* . on lumd t CASSIMERES. VESTINGII, aP20:080 Di l o:A" ,4 7o4:Mo4l4****4(:', No. 841ederal StiiAlleghow • - Hive Joni Tic: aired soliOted aok of • XTNE ArPink4ua ti , obbs; flultablelbis thifelisiciistotti . tritile. et loira stock of etZIIVELVITENIEHENG 900D8. ' so* ". • LITECOGRA.Piain, _ , _ "Ilitiarol46l; 11 I =GERM , : - /it'ilDLEll4olliiipeetori sciezo:graweirolow , . " pitAcrtittaziaritoulummilbsz - 1163.01111 eta= itha 11c7Ert4:bitibmeab-West• of thalami:alas: :Busiaalivearilso.Lotter ,Headao Portraits - views, lion Oart Mit Ntsa , " e fir am& taratMl lUirm Pittsburg (.fr ' • 51.% : :Ar:r:., Al,3**lle,tiktrO 0404*, 4 trig i ftrit; . "V ri 4r Idt wain() !At Yrr k. 4.4 11. I I --- tarNEWOPERAVitOI6€III - - CARNCROSS & DIXEY MINSTRIILS WILL REMAIN ONE WEEK MORE. BEING POSITIOELY THE LAST, PRESENTING New Btirles.piel, Dances,' Bongs, dk i e, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, eon cluing niGhts of the great new burlesque of UNDER THE G.AisiadErr, -The startling RAILROAD SCENE; and - TRUBSDA.Y, PRIDAY ind tigltEpA.r247l3llE • NEw RUBLESQuE, A. performed at their Otersilonie, PhiladelpW Admission, 50 cents and 5/5 cents. • jre ormniziEcvs . , • . MUSEUM : EXHIBCTIONi Comptislng WORKS OP ARTsusd ORRAT NAT. 'URAL LIVIKO,CUXOIRTIRIN . AT FRANKLIN ' TIALT.,I t. • - /MP street, opposite Pittsbpgh Theatre: • Cards of Admission, *S oomph • poprii..Open Ibols 8 o'clock A. M. to 3.0 r. 11. iroB.o/8 Lolls liorgazaterz / Jdoloshep uh Abe rfllbei: • • 1 h , E • Ch. Sieber C. J. Schultz, Marthi Heyl. • • GROVE. . - LINDEN )) GROVE having been fitted In the most superb ,with a largo and eisr o t • form, beautifu ll y shagled, largo. Dining m ant , two excellent bars, is now ready to ren to PIO.. . ,NICS PARTIES, SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRA•i TIONS, &c., on the most reasonable tennsi TParties holding Plehloc &c., will dud it to their= he to is the Grove. • I The Grove is easily acc essible ' being but a few' steps from the Oakland Railway Station, whose card run regularly every fifteen minutes. . •, ail - For terms, g.c., apply at the • OFFICE OF TEE OAKLAND CO. OAKLAND STATION. • , „ COAL - AND COKE. OSCALIL F. lAMBI & CO. _ - - o. P. - Li - m:n ' nsirui ' r COAL AND COKE: Office, Sandusky Street and P. P. W. & C. R. It., dtleglienY City. 4. . . .', .B.I7PEPSOB j . Toughloghniy 'Coal and .Conelliville :Cole, i .S M 2 143WEST_MAIIKET SATES. .„ air orders prompt) - ottoilooti to. , - ' 2lll/9 ('IOAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ' `DICKSON, STEWART ti CO • Haug removed their tiMee to NO, Um zazithlimm. wrxtiawr. (Limy 'city Floni36l) BitpOND r,OOR. • . . V- UM?", NUT l&ci p SLACK, at morket price. All orders - left at their office, or addebbied eo them through the mall, will be attended to pitaaptly. C HALBILES ARMSTBONGIII, YOUGHIOGLEff AND,OO3M4aVILLE lAtly And Nanntactureno of - mkt, nem AND rontaxaihunw dims. Office and - Yard--CORNER 'OF BUTLER iAND MORTON - , STREETS. First yard on Liberty and. Clymer streets, Ninth - Ward, and on Second street. near Lock No. 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. • Fiunillee and Manufacturerir supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest. cash pitect, - Orders left 'at any.of their cams will teeth's prompt attention: A RIMSTRONG & HIUTCHIII 9 -. l4ln.AinuTtra AYILIVOnGYK eeso riLSlfif COAL:4*. MINERS,VAC AND DEALERS, BY BAIL.' ROAD AND , of superior Youghiogheny CAS - AND FAMILY COAL. Mee init lest —FOOT OP YRT SYRBriT,I nes; the Or Wcrrks. • SUPERIOR COAL: , C. et. CO. _Miners and Shippers of PITTS33IMGH GAS, TOADY; and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK: • • Coal delivered promptly to,. all parts of the•Mtieti . at the lowest market rates. Ocoee and Yard — CORNIMITOURTII AND WAT SON (for."merly.Canal) StKENFS, Pittsburgh,. SURF ROUSE, ATLANTIC. CITY, N. J. This first class Hotel will open fbr the season on 251 h June. Terms, $3.50 per day; *2O per Week. Address It. R. THOMPSON. Proprietor, (Formerly of Congress Hall, Cape Island; and M etropolitan Betel, Washington, L, C. N'. B.—The music will 'be under the direction of Mr. CARL SENTZ. - 'er.irs7 A NEW SUMMER RESORT. t THE LAKE 'HOUSE Stoneboro, (On the line of Jamestown Franklin one hour's ride from - FranAlin.) This house la large. new dud commodiona, well furnished,l has billiard rooms, ten-pin' alleys and covered prOme nades. It is on the banks of the most Fairy Lake in America, abounding in fish, and - mirable for sailing purposes, surrounded _with; Sul. phur innings, romantic scenery, &c. It Is tiusi best summer resort in the State. ~ A dilress. S. T. RENNEDY. - Proprietiir. --- , ESTATE of liErii6 NANCY MAMIE% DECEASED. Letters Testamentary upon late estate of said codent, late of McCandless township, Allegheny county,. Pc, hate been dilly , granted to -the sub= scribers, who reside in .411egheny,,City. 0 Aid tee., sobs indebted to said decedent are notified to make payment to me, and these haring Maims or demands against" her; estate are required, to main the ilame - known without delay. • JelB:r7BarB';' N'OTlCE.—Letters Tegitunentary.. „ having been_granted Iliesni the 'ESTATE or' MARY FAN WHEY EH", deceased, all persons, hi- . Lug cialltni. against her estate" wilt 'prrsent theta te , me, duly.anthentjasted, an d all' persons,owintaiddi estate will make pvment . me or Mr attp,all,. i; JOHN W; , TAYLOrt; Ho; 7is Orant street'. • , OHALSTOF raitzemisriaw I 1, AYar.*44 July*d;iBBi, NOTICE:".." • The:intilerelivied•tes euukieuted . with bl iY c ibestneeei datina nem April. i5h.2. 1 368, Mr. FEEDB. WALL. his li - on ABA a. cilLLlsrp,tail. LOUIS' MGLERT. the ale of %herrn to J. EiLLLF,MPLIZ & 00. i J. J. LE:SPM' - . Iteftrring; ithaire. the undeestieolt:akai, Pleteore in *toting that they will eouttntut the LOOKING 'ULU ANDLPII3II/111 , BUSIN*Iik . - 'At 86 Wood street, where .ther intoud to,offee ihreements to , purchasers second to ne beast It Villtect States.enakestml 1-- -if J. J i. • V/79:1)9 3 S. TA:IIOLORy. . . 'l, No. 4 OHIO mix= Anero4ray. ' • Thankful ter the termer very libera Patronr , be.. stowed loon nit, Verniers niy frle'rr u lta.,,,,d the' .... n tgiaL -, generally, hat, Apolhe..futuivt-X ''.l ° a"'"' "U"' 97 ' endeavor:olllrentty to 3Perit a. 16 4= 1 mm of': A 'Ealneiand - winl be always at 7!'nf .1114 T. from " 0 l'''' f '- A. af—and_fnam Ito 31v If. '.' • ''' ' ' ntrianilt .•, .- . --- WASHEIGTOrMOLSP - .„ ''i ' ' . , . . .. wAsar irroN sissar s ' 1 p arri , ttiaxtrin'andu m em W. . we. AzrimitsoN; 'i irr or OORNINITIAT% Writ -FLOUR and linnoNs,D ah ril delivered lasithar HOP , 'Gra 'of sit klada Chopped, .fria • on harlot. Oars ' Wetko,'` Norinnossddradr9r Wdldt'OdtaaidrkAOdOdar*, PRZUP A' 4I, MVATEI I IIIII,pcch;,,., gaol' on load orreposti c e . eon aottee Hearth and' Step Stones. IV blilaw&uut, Brewery VlBUitit ,Relkd Mosourva4. .11 Ord ' ei . • Aftlasala. .* Pi " , e11111.1.1 I ;;Loilli,A 9:14.` MOW otrlfelsigiimmilliessamt li g* ; ; vjltudl t ovt vr:ist , stulio` nriort 6.011111 N tld ',lasi. ' ' • 4111;i.b ioit• ••idt 441$ HOTELS. El=23 BUSINESS CHANGES. IN II Fi II Nfil 1111 =ME