, . II , ,gww-Iwpw3. ii AB. V murzei,. - Pres's •W. P:, Polaris, Burt.. .1110111.GHTFORGE AND IRON CO., 2LurtiTicrunx . ' OP Bar Iron; . - Ilk* tisk Bars min/ Bonin Railroad Car Axles Rolled; ollanFoidl Car Axles liantmered; Latannotive Frames; • ~POSlniative Milan! Shapes; Slde Ends; :Yokes, Strapir, litearsboat Shafts; - Stessaboat Cranks; piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, ite, Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, riTrainitediE G RAP E , BYERS & CO., XANOFACTIIRERS OF ; 1 1 4 0 i) and SW - Iron, WROUGHT IRON' keg tar dai,:Steam, - ' Water, ite. OIL - WRIJ, TUBING. Me t 98 Water and 182 First Streets. "- PITTSBURGH, Pa. CO:e26 KENSINGTON lIION WOUILS. LLOYD & BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF Rear rennnol, Relined, Charcoal 'JIINLATA BLOOML IRON • YERCILLET EAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP, BAND,T and ANGLE IRON. • BOILER . PLATE. and SHEET IRON. SOWER AND REAPER Bp ,SLINDRE ands: WARD o r GEIVERONI ~e•- ALL T. RAILSZ_ _HO and IL lbs. to the yard. - • OUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES ror same. FLAT RAILS„_ Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN-IRON. • HAII.S.ANI:I SPIKES. ' - • Warehouse sold office at the Wous, GREEN OUGH STREET,. (a c,ontinuation of First street,) adOolislus the City Giu Works, Pittsburgh. . EVERSON; PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. -, , • Warelionse; - "Ros: 166 and 16T FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela Rouse, ap24:0111 • . E . PITTSIIITRGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMIGK go., ETPPSBIJRGH, liisnufsctnrerisof every description of tAwrANDCERMAti STEEL, ILAILWAY SPRINGS„ ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, • AXLES, STEEL TIRE, Ac. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sti3. .th:ost • FHTTSBERGII STEEL WORHS. ANDERSON; COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOi r D 06:,) Manufacturers of the BEST, REDITED CAST STEEL, tErw, IFf3AiTipsiSrazalfii jursliar; OAST STEEL for Aaap~g ;and Machine', - Steel plow Wings, Axles, Cfrculars 9 MAI Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel ofice4;ornes MST AND BOSSfassll4l* - two locks shove the 'Monongahela House: , 0c23:d10 MILLS R, BARR be PARKIN. ?AIfX29I:IP:. 16elirETC.A1F, LER, GM' W. BARB, i cues. PA M R IL KIN. BrirocrAL . _ Citt§CENT STEEL WORKS, .13,6-xuEs . _ . • Office,. Nek,339 Liberty. St, PITTSBURGH, PA. feliad4B STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., 3DOlnfoOttliti-s of all deocrfptlorul of geirXrPrimrr -'• tdtc . i and Warehoa SECOND, *ad 119 and 1 WEST 6 ux-H.114 ‘.cHARDWARE: NEW HARDWARE HOwSE. bA,Sii,...ORIT . i . h'U Wj4, , Manalantonors and Importers of ~ .. rr , rr. j, ~; ';~ w,, HA.RDWAR,E ISM CUTLERY, MMI 887 LIBERTY STREET, conz . lifft!lmr wsawz., One Square Belo* . Vikton Depot, pIITSBUItGIi.. Agents for IFAIRBANNS' FICALL3. TOBACCO'AND CIGARS. t rulisN ALLEN, ,11C 2 , 1 •CALL iitia,or • . 14FAF TOBACCO AND SEGABS, So' Kra iNittotlit-limik of Wm mace Bu ding,) Prrrastrlion, re!.. Branch of 17A irttfig Ni 'Y•_ 144:1177 . D Aran; 1. DINAN. " VORA& Eaci.....4114- . •wr Vir s E N ,*: ll T .T A K: g 4 P Dealer. in Tobacco, Saul!, Clifarsx_f"Pcd, ma • pliiiiiiic,l444626 • Maw j FEn7NMIM, MACHINISTS. ATLAS WORKS lORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. NMI.Mi, President These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments In the West, and axe now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description: Boilers, Oil Tanks. Skeet Iron Work. Ra'levied Castings. SaUkaig 111111 Cos Una's. Marine Castings. MESS bine Ciaitings. eeriesal Castings. IBM ORDERS SOLICITED ATIONAL -FOIIN,DRY ANEVPIPE WORKS. Vorner•Clarrell,snd Ontellman Streets, MIRTH WARD.). prrTsieratias, SMITA. . . . Mani.ioturer of CAST IRO N BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS ' AND WATER WORKS. M sana r , P 2 e l s la r f e eg. l leZhltllia,V;f2g n e ' * d tif General Castingsfor Gas and Water Works. , , I would also call , tbe attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fent:tio • . L. 0. LIVINOSTON.W. H. BIIRT.W. A. ROBINSON, JS. L" ' 'WON & CO., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTI:OHtERS OF • FINE " LIGHT CASTINGS, All descrtp_tions, for Plumbers Ind Gas Fitters; Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma "lAtell.bWOrk promptly attended to. Office and Woritti—WASHINGTON , AVENUE, near Outer Depot,-Allegheny City, Pa; &CO ROBINSON,.II . , • Successors toROBTNSON, STINISA MTtT +R9, WASTIINGTON 'WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, manuticturers of Boat and Stationary Sienni En. Ones, Blest Engines,_,Mlll Vashinery, Nearing, Shafting, Castings of all descMations; OIL Tanks and Stills. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work: • Office. No. 12. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for I:REGARD'S PBTENT INJEC )B for feeding Boilers. jailrafik MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, mAcramina: AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and . eareehl . ly executed. Charges reasonable. - FIBBEBI I at MU:3IMM. 0c15:1Z3 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, .29 Wood. Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on nand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BUST , DOG IRONS, SUGAR REY ALES, HOLLOW WARE, And Csatlisgs' generally.' riteltys T HOMAS CARLIN & CO., FotttiLifard Fogidrragd larking Welts, SANDIISKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, Pk., Manufacturers Of Steain Tnginet.:oll'Pristes, Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Sao' Mill Work. Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &a. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sixes. mavitiqt. • CENTRAL. FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BO N, BOYD & BAGALEL Chill Rolls; Mill Castings, 11011 Lathes, Le. FITLTON MACHINE WORKS. ST ABIL I FIE ID IN 1636. ' anufactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for irtationary - purposes ; STEAOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A variety of 10, 11 and 16 horse power ENGINES, which will\ be sold at very reduced P. P. 01318 SE. Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below . Bittsbfirgh, on the Ohio Myer, and line of C. & P. It. no9:h2 ME LUMBER! LIIIIIIIEUI LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON, YARDS No. 86 Preble Street formerly 3lanekester, and No. ,151Rebedes street:opposite GM Works, ALLECIIIENY CITY. _ DEALER IN ALL KINDS CY Flooring, -• ' - Moore. Weatherboarding, Sash,. Shin tlll. es, Mouldings Saw Lumber, Cedar and 'Locust Posts, Lath and Palings, z Oak and Yellow Pine. ALt 4 O—FIREMBILIC. TILE and CLAY. 4115:69a lE'l'rrlißMU3*. FORT PITT LUMBEILCODIPANT Captes/, - v26,000. PsurnrkiAs—t64MY trktrldaz. BurzaurrsAvalrr—EDW. DA.vimuN.- taiiaiszu YARD—bonier of -BUTLER JaND.A.IO LEGHENY STREETS, Ninth Ward. OVELOZATIWILT PITT GLArislivoium was* tagtonEareet. - • • • - • •16.20:JW OAS `AND STEAM FITTING. 101:111 VA ceoPZE " jOII;ILAT7. 'atINBT BUM jr , QUN 4, COOPER bf. CO., BRASS ractimEßs GAB : AND - STEAM FITTIMIS, Manufacturers of TUMPfir AND BRASSW OMB. o leser dealer ! tqs FIXTuREB 4ND 4 g i mi i m s Corner of Pike and %Int Streeta l PITTSBURGIffp : , ~~=4ii s ..~..r,~-e-3 ~' ~~ a^.r;> c ~ ~F T 's A :?r.a4 -Vi:~'~* vITTSuh RGS. (Opposite Fnlon Iron 3ifls. ) PITTSBIJRGH. THIMBLE SKEINS. AND PIPE BOXES, LUMBER. Bough and Planed Lumber, Edward Davison, L. F. Duncan. John Mellon,' • • , E. V. 'Di th riag!l Geo. W. • M. Alatona, I. K. 'Johnston. IRON. BROKERS SAMUEL M. WICHEBS, SON, BROKE3i4 124 Firm -fitrel, 3 t , PWsbAFACAR, Pa. ST% t fir tiro sale of CorTriak tmna._ Donigissu d v and o ttihnW:f As& Gib, find C. B. Misread • ast•sioremowNAlNNedm. T „ AL s t - - -•- rn catitdit dAztegv Tit - -YU= -94- -1i363 - .4048 k *a. FORT'I , iITT BMW, STILL AND TANK WORXS. CARROLL & SNYDER, .MANITFACTIIICCEB Or Trmmas, POUBLE-PLHED TUBIJLAB, BOX ANJ CYLINDER mum BottaOs. pit. STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • GHPAINEYS, BREECHING AND 'ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSEBS; STEAM IPM' GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGE S:, PRISON DOORS AND COAL sguTzs OfSee and Warehouse eorner Second, Tldrd, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. agr Orders sent to the above addteeei will be promuttv attended to. z. mh7:189 "BJILUEOTHILL & CO., OILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. O. 22, 24 AND 4s . PENN BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country., Chimneys, Breeclihm, - . Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Sal t Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Fans, Boiler Iron; Bridges, Sugar I end , Sole mann- Lecturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers'. .Repairing done on the shortest notice. •las e2l dn JAMES -11. BITER, 55 anti 56 Water Street, PpITSBIIIIOII, PA., IddlittrACTll2.lol OP _ • IRON .- OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM. PIPE. . ROLLING MILL STAGES, And SKEET IRON WORK, - For Steamboats. - JABYD M. 81111811 =MUDD D. BRUSH. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, liAxi4AcT9itsms - ior Steam Boilers, (M Stills, _Tanks SHEET IRON WORK. 40. 62 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTING% &C. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store In the Union. BTSSET T, & 00., No. 235` Lib'erty Street. Also on hand and for sale, . P44MOR STOVES., • ,HEATING 5 GRATE FR4 YI I. I B rENDERS. , COOKING ae. C 131" PEST PLACE in the city . ' TO BUY THE TRWMP.H COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET, 1.0 , OILS. - WARING AND RING,' boilasolselon Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZILL'I DpQUESNE WkY, - ~ PITTSBURGH, PA. PEITLADELPEILi. ADDREss, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, :COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh 001ce—DALZELL' BUILDING, cor ner of Dnqu'aine Way and Irwin streets. • Pltlladelptits Oince--127 WALNUT BT. apt:*3o JACOB -WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Commission Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and Refined 011 s„ Lucati Tar, Benzine and Cooperage. , .Ong. long ex per ien ce In the Petroletnn trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to make It the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially Invited to bring their samples. a• :n94. M. LONG & CO" ' • mArrupAcTunEus or PUBS BURNING 1)114, itrand- 61 LUCIFEILP Oftlise, Nth 2 ikulueinle With Pittsburg& u Q . ^PRACTICAL ..I . IQ FURNITURE- MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . _LEMON & WEISE, NO. 118 you - writ . ' EiST7LIMErr. Constantly on hind every variety of FARLON..and CHAMBER FURNITURE, .together with a com plete assortment' of common 'Furniture at reduced prices. Those in want of anything In our line are cordlalty, invited to can before purchasing,. Work guaranteed. • mh2i:nl4 LISMON & 111 C. LAKE SUPERIOR OOPPEB WiL 811ELTING WOLIS, EirrThistrxtoJEU PARK, MoCtiIIDY , & GO., BO ifittuifseturers of Sheathing, • Braaten' arid RI/ CoPPer.i. Presied (Moir • Bottoms - Raised BUR' Bot, atietterVolder. Mach Itumir re and. Dealers Ip Kfitiliqin Plate, Sheet- 11 , 0114 ¶!e• Ad, - 0011 , statiti7 ou anaTinners , Machines aL. Tools. WfitehitieeUAllo. 440 Pinta BTREAT and 1R1:1 SECOND BTREET, Pittsburgh. Bpliefareriitegoreopper eat to asp desired ps:: e IOtIer::IOC,C::"DSA.LXIt IX 4tlll4llPticlAg__ iviraTuiruw.., „4. Tv* - 4 tamegesciti • ormeippiyin Mid lUNMMsgeaasll, aINT.:;VV , nerg 5.41 N. 'ig,,,WAWA4AystaV,I, .. - 7 7 UFfr .,4 .; UT= . 7 .T 4 % 15- sas Z ,F i QT '', A;4 7 4 ., 4O4I4i , ,TV .A., WAA 4O PW:V49Ot&SO '''''- " ' AW4t-'l4 tek P: C. DIIPPY. FURNITURE. COPPER. = IPrOrATI 10111 - BAKING -COMPANY,. • No 169 W - ood Street' CAPITAL, : : $2®,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERMENT StbintlTlES, AND_ COLD ; . INTERE3 :•ti,bOYiED ON '-Collections mule on all towel United States and Crandon. DIRECTORS: Jno: • ^. ' Jame D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, ISAX , L. X D. "MET KEYSTONE N0..293 TABiaIIT'EET, .PITT!SIMEGH. PA. COITAL, (authorized,) : : $200,000. • DIRECTORS. _ H. J. Lynch, Wm. H. Her s e . Dro. i2lm..llrxdoch, Jr., Henry 111 ric;ei. till= Espy, - , Geo. T . &mod Bareldei, • . ~. • A GENERAL .-- I . 3ANKING BUgINESS TRANSACTED Oollections made on an accessible points Ht the United States and. Canada. • • Interest Allowed On Time Depiiits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD EC J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T: VAN DOREN. Cashber. MloW4:(Ofte):A: , :ll6;ioVaiiliAify*Av.v ) ft . l NATIONAL .BANK OF GOIIgERCE c(r. of Wood and Sixth St& A. PATTERSOM cashier, CAPITAL, : : $500,000# JOB. U. HILL DIRECTORS: . George W. Casa, ' James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A.. Patterson, Wm: H. ,Brow - n Chas. Lockhart: Allen Kteapaarlel., W.s. Haven,. DISCOLDWI DAIL 11AJOT, CAI:WHET CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, -t corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTSBURG - 11, WIICCERSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DZALZIIS IN Exchange, Coin, . Coupons, And particular attentionle ol d to the purcbase and sa GOVERNMENT BONDS. falgentallinfts on LondOn. - myl:o2 ' NHOLMES & SONS, • 13.11-IV-JECMICILEIL, 67 Market Street, przvx-roncatou, Collections made on XII the principal points o United States and Canada'. Stocks, Bonds and other Seenrjties BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of . _ llnited'States Securities. • 1130al , WESTERN SAYLNGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest Paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS BURJECT TO ODEON, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 11 o'clOck. President—THOMPlSON, BKLL. Vice President—A. MARSHALL. ' Dinscroits THOMPSON BELL., A. M. MARSFULL, JOS. DILWOU:CH. I JOB. A.L.A.R.RE. J. J. oir„,trscin4 diocktiolders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, . Wm. Caldwell, Willis Dairen, D. W. C. Bidwell, E..M. Fulton. pITTSBiIItGH . . •.., BANK FOR SAVINGS, FORMERLY THE DIME • . 7: - ' rifir. 67 Fourth Stkiter,.: ' ' NEARLY °Proems TUX BANE or, PIT:I'I3BITEGge ,onArtnii. ust , miss. —t, • - OPEN DAILY from 9to 4 o'clock, and, o WED NESDAY and ShTOILLIAY „EVENINGS, tom May lat to November Ist, from T to 9 o'clock, an l d„from November Ist to May let, 6 to 8 o'clock: . ' Books of By-Laws, ite., fitrulabed. at theoll . This institution especially 4160 , to *base *holm earnings are limited, the opportunity to soonelate, by small depositaieasity staved, a sum which 111 be ; w a resource whenzeeded, - and '. be/rin _k hate at ,ln stead of remaining unproducilve.' .BQAUD OF-ALANA9ERS: •. •• • raEstvENT, • GEOROE.A.'HERAT. • - ART PARK, JB. B.n szonlrmly AND j TtfirM S D. E. IicHINLET.. • . A. 8 1 . 11 11 RA! 4 1 r t j AIiM NI26 n CK .:. JOHN s.IIb.WORAH, HOLES, G. FOLLANHBEE ;011NAC TT,' • JAB. L . Egir. H iu s e m.HTz' sowerruitat.). W. - a• S. BELL. AICI/E. 14 / 1 1 4PiP,PAVPG_S-B §lO N 0.14 Smitbillelet StrO :123 riyrompaa, ENTDREST .rArp'qx: DRPOSITS. ANY 81:111 RECEIVED MAU ONR DOLLAR INWARD,. • De ,peallareeelved enbieet to iheek t wlt.hoap Intitrint. .. . . ; JAMES BLACHMURE, Preddent. ' : Gr , P,.l) TXNDLE fteretatryend Treasurer. JAM B: . M. HOMES, Solielter. t . „ . '. -, ~, e ... • - TRUSTEBS:',' ~ 1 r e.,..k.,..r..• _.„ JemeeM, itectielt 6, ex. Tiudle • .1' jJatelee•MA*li. : 1 Mime Denim, W. W. Sespbsw! 0 _, 1-.V.000 j r , 44? i. ,ortsewiristiviwirkiscat.' • , 441 : 1.:5n - ..ag .1401.0.. git. pErrrari"`" Rai Is Ages% SO easSaidikalrisi. PI" MIMELTZ • " - BANKER, COrner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERMENT AND PACIFIC R. R.BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Boti g ht on the most favorable teims. Sells LET TERS OP CREDIT and DRAFTS- available to any part: of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER- Ei3T'ALLOErEDDN TIME DEPOSITS. gikErai Tilitipy &i . Co., Corner- Fourth . and Wood Sts., 3Er.ALW 32r.. 'M 3a. tiii P BUY AND• SELL ALL IaNDS . OF .. GOMITME.NT3 ',SECURITIES, stou), srpira-m COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. , -7-80!s' :-.10 0N V -IPT EX I, INTO TE - NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. Or Intereid Allowed on Delimits. I e MOWED LOANED ON GOVERN KENT BONDS, sad other approved col feral, at lovfest market rates. . Orders executed for the Purchstfe 'sod Side of. STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD.; ' JAMES, T. BRADT4 CO. DEPOSITS. e : petals in the H. Vr Miller, 2 M. Bailey. w . Ciebier. BA, ntiLio . oo . ,giy..6 . tiitti.. Government bonds although weak, did "'not decline any further to-day, and - at the close of business, a slight imprOvernent was noticeable. The amountsloffered at the present low quotations are very trifiltig, whilst there is a steady demtuid from in vestors in small sums. Speculators keep aloof at present; the indications are that lower quotations will gradually be made, caused by a desire to sell not only by spec ulators but also by banks and business men, who have bought on presumption of making a handsome turn during the pres ent month. ==l It, AT .0 A. N. . ap9:o3 make reference: Joseph Dilworth, Rev. David Kerr, Henry 'Lambert, A. M.- Brown, Thomas Rwint. ESE .f • . FINANCE AND TRADE: Ornaz OF THE PITTSBITRaIi GAZ.E.avz, WEDNESDAY, July 8, 1868. f Gold, - against general expectations de dining to -day, % per cent.,but we reported the market dull at the close last night favoring a decline. So long as the gbv ernment is disbursing large amounts of gold they cannot raise materially especial: ly, when from three to five per cent. is charged for carrying gold and interest on call loans is up to five and six per cent. The nomination of a deniocratic candidate for President of the Pendleton creed will have little to tio with the rise of gold; it is the continued heavy export demand in the absence of any other covering for drafts.' Stocks are Very dull and active; the en tire list is from 34 to -X per cent. lower to day. Fort Wayne has been selling at 10eq;; Cleveland A: Pittsburgh,. 87; North Western common and preferred is off about one per cent. . '- Express shares are a little better, with a very small business. Money is moreac- Ulf° at from Bto 12 per cent. Busineas is Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as folloi . xst Gold, 140%; 1881 bonds. 113%; 5-20 s, 1867+- 113%; 1861 do, 110%; 1865 do, 111%: new, 1865 and 1867, 1083 S- Ten Forties, 107; Seven Thirties, 108%.• New York Central, 13.1%; Erie, 69%; Michigan Southern , 9l%; Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 87; Nisthwestern, common, 78; Preferred, 81%; Chicago & Rock Is land, 107%; Pittsburgh & . Fort Wayne, 106%; Ohio & Mississippi ,C'ertificates, 29%; Merchants Union Express, 24%; Western ,Union Telegraph, 34%; Corydon, 80; Quick 'silver, 20%; quartz Rill, 1,15. . —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady &Co.: / Gold, 140%; U. S. O . 's, 1881's, 113%; 5-20's, 1862, 113%; 5-20's, ,1864, 110%; 6-20's, 1865. 111%; 10-40's,: 107 1 / 4 ; 5-20's, January and July, '65, 108%; 5-20's, January and July, '67 108%; June 7-30's, 108%; July 7-30's, 108%; May Comp., 18415, 119,-30. . prrirsstatrat ItURIMI43. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, July, S, 1868. i The general markets continue dull, the volume of business, in the aggregate, being light, and the 'indications are not encouraging for any Immediate improve ment. July IS usually a very dull month, country people being busily engaged, in looking after their crops, while our mer chants and manufacturers are engaged in making settlements and taking Stook.' We were !shown yesterday by Mr. J. S. Dilworth, of this city, specimens of roast ing corn and - sugar cane fiviiifroin lila . . Magnolia Grove Plantation, in Louisiana. t0 1 11 , 16r Re- The corn stands fresh and healthy, ten feet , high, covering five hundred acres, while ..2....., 15:::rsLoc the cane is eight feet high, covering three hundred and seventy -fi ve acres. It is es-. timated that the . sugar product of Louisi ana this year - will reach 75,000 : hhds. against 07,500 laat . year. - - ' • GROCERIES -- The market , still con tinue&duli for all classes of goods. Sugars are heavy, and we reduce our quotations on refined since our .histrireport. Awe remain unchanged. .. Coffee oniet i kPal'.. l° view of the large ' tenkleld in thike,oe!ej a , cities (187,01X1 bap) it, is riot.prpooOle.l'"," it will advance. Syrups, Tess and Rice quiet. Sunans—Cuba, 1234 e folgoad grocery 12% to 13c for prime; ani for choice; 1 : • Porto Rico--good, 1.13 e; primes /3%.; choice 1414 to 156; Clarifled,Cl ,o % .14 jeir6iyr:s s ,s n i g ; ar s B ilv o e u r se D , :1 p 34: 0 ; _ , flned—Standard Yard. 1734 c; ,Extra e 4 • all the way from 21 to 26c for coornon to strict ' y prime. Coe'SsEl , - , Rio. redges . - Java 37 to 38c. -- l um ßoo b t r h amta , , r4 7 . ( ga to r, Wh s3Boo;yrn it p : c i o r ixic ips en, ,Nk n i ° l ot m o c coo d Ring....sangoo , od, 100; prime to c hoice, al to 1114 e; olina, 12 to .12440, , „,,, Lass New Orleans , 90 to 11; Cuba, a i r,7 7 , 0 0 ; porto Rico, 70 to 85c. t i; 10 , 0 1...-Oaesiai - 80 to t3se; Gloves, 50c; PePer, 38c; ,AllsOeea Me: Nutmegs, V 1,50. era ncit--Maillstai,l3o;43lllver Gloss, 12%e, ,gad oorn.Starch, Milo-.. - ... EsOrro--LaYer Rawlins, 04,75,,per -box; yaletitia;•2oe perlb; Prunes, 17c; Mrianta, j.Se for new. ,;,?..! AiV ..L. .- Rsn LEAD.-:Ms t .Elbolp tpk.,,per.lopg.. .• •-- 1 6 0A p s ...._agatmastris , a o s, ....s.ow e ys er m. 711%c; "A*,,Kstsk,P,s, l alc•Wß's47., l t s cs , , CASii-,111.0414..1(1c5i5ta4 29.3.-,.;‘; , ..,„:, ) o„, i TIE( ,i .1 1uvirt.......,..A,-..wri ... ~ !, s ---.,.; • '. -...- . i . ' Flab, ' 14 , 1 I, taiss ilii-: dais PA -Mackerel No, 1, 5 N. 2 EMS lEEE 118,00; No. 3, $13,50; in half bombs, more. TonAcoo—Black ss, 10s, and; Uni t villa Navy, 72 to 75e; Wm. H. Grant's 10 and,NavY. 80c; C. D. 220,t0 25 Taa.—The market is firm and priceiar higher for new crop. Choice Young son, $1,75; fair, $1,50; common to good, to $1,35; Oolong, 75c, 85c, 90c, $l, 51,25 are $1,35; good Porto Rico, $1 to $1,85, as, quality. , . Imperial, $1 to =5185: "Japan_ Choice. $1,30; fair 81. ' FLOUR—The market is dull and weak while prices are nominally unchanged We continue to ante at 19,50 to 510 for fal to medinin Sprhig Wheit;,Blo.2s to $10,50 for choice do; $ll to 511,50 for Winte Wheat, and.513,t0':5141 . f0r • fancy - brardds Rve Flour $9. Messrs Isaiah Dickey it Cr received 40 bbls of New Tennessee Flow to-day. GRAINS-The Wheat market is unsettled and millers do not seem ditiPcised to tia. very freely in anticipation of a decline; vi; hear of several car loads of new crop ea : r,jute from .Temlessee, but thus far it not been sold. The last sale of new Ten nessee Wheat reported was at $2,35, but is now impossible to give quotations .though ie.isnot.probable - that-that firm could ....be obtained, as buyers are ver3 strong for concessions, and even if nonce" were - ,Made; sve do—not:believe them - would take hold very freely. Oats quie . and'hnehanged at 77 to 78 on track. Re it scarce, and may be quoted at $1,75 to 1,80 Corn is quiet and unchanged... , 13IITTER—IS dull with a "drooping ten dency; good to prime fresh packed 23 t 4 EGGS—DuII. and unchangedfat 20to 21 :} HA'Y—ln - consequnca of diminished aril. vale, is firmer and may be quoted steady le 515 to 520 for new, and 520 to $25 for old. MILL PEED-4-Steauly with lades of *Brat at $1,20 t 011,25, and Middlings Ftt 11,90 t! $1,95. • POTATOES--.New crop steady with ink ular salesnt 18 per bbi—no sales old'-orop it market. r PROVISIONS—Boo:in Is ,quiet and i tal. changed,at la% for snoulders;ls% to 16 for Ribbed, and 17% to is for Clear Sides, and 19% to 10% for canvassed Sugar Cured Hama; Prime kettle rendered Lard 17t. 17%. Dried Beef 21 to 22. Mess Pork, $2B,Vi to 628,75. , LARD OIL—Is quiet and a shade easier; wenow quote at 51,20 f0rN0..2, and SI,3E to 81,40 for No. 1. DRIED FRUIT--Dried apples sold at 5c to 6c and 8 to 11 for Peaches. PITTSBURGH PETROLBUIRIR.itRKE OFFICE QF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTEI . .., . . . _ _ W F.DNESHAT. July 8,, 1868. CRUDF.--The'lliude . market was mor: ttotkve to-day, the reported Sales reachirr l . ten thousand barrels but prices are n better, and to us it seemed that oil was of „ . fered more freely than it 'was yesterday , 1 Sales were:. 1,000 bbls, first half July seller's option, at 15c, delivered ' on tank; cars; 1,000 first'half *August, at 15%c; 4,00 Ci - i spot, in tank , at 15c; 4,000 do at 150, guaged l intank. The -, report •of two new well 4 • each yielding two hundred and fifty bar. ii rels per day, no doubt, inclined hollers tO . I sell, and those - who hesitated about 'ae- , cepting 15e yesterday sold afthat, figure to I day. It is but proper to remark, hown ever, that there is .no disposition mani festeil.to make concessions; thongirthe im- pression is not so strong about wean fur ther advance. - RE,FIIIED—The market for bonded oil, was fairly active though less excited, and upmi the whole, weak. Prices, compared with yesterday, have undergone no quota ble change. The sales were; 1,000 bbls for last half September at WA; 1,000 for last -half August at 3531;.2,500 same deliiiery , at. 35; 500 each for September. October and; Deeernberat 35%; 500 each salts niontbs; at same price; and 500 each July t: Deeem- , bere643s. -July- .Is - quoted at 34M; and all • . the year. buyers option, nominally at 36. ARRIVALS- 1 -The arrivals to-day are as, follows: -- L Roess &Bre 7001 Fisher . dr.13r0.....320 W McCutcheon.....loo I J W McFerran.. 68 Total • - ' llBB OIL SICIPMNNTS 'PER A. V. R.B. _ • Lockhart, Frew ct Co., 659 do do to Warden, Frew dr Co.. Philadelphia. • • B. W. Morgan &.C0.,'165 do do to Was den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth, Bro,,,cit. _Co., 207 do do to War. den, Previa - Co:: Philadelphia. Montzlibiiiser,, Koehler & Co., 500'„ , d0 do , to Waring, - King & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner. 500 do do to Wariug, King & Co., Philadelphia. : - Livingston &8r0.,,250 do do toiWarden- , Frew '& Co., Philadelphia. P. V7eisenbi3rger, 100 do do to Warden,' Frew. & Co., Philadelphia.."' . t. McKeivy dr. Bro., 333 do do to W.1 1 :Lo•-• gan Lt Bro., Philadelphia. ' Nat. Ref. Co., 300 do do 'to F. A. 1111• 2 1 worth & Co. Philadelphia. • ti Fawcett, :r do Stockdale, 200 do do to ; W. P. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia:' 'Citizens Ref. Co., 50 dodo to - Empire Storing Co., Pniladelphia. • P. Weisenberger & Co., 50 do lien Tole to - Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 50 do • do to Warden, Frew Jc Co., Philadelphia. 01/. SHIPMENTS FROM DOQIIMMEI U. M. Long &C0..125 bids refined ttiWar- - den. Frew dr Co., Philadelphia. — G. W. lioldship, 56 do do to'Waring; king ek Co., Philadelphia. Union Ref. & St. Co., 333 do do to:W. P. Logan t Bro., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 283 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Jas. Miller, 70 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro. ' Philadelphia. Brooks. Ballentine Sr Phil. 37 do benzola, Warden, Frew '& Co., adelp Brooks, 13allenline & Co., 90 do tar to. . P.'Logan &Bro., Philadelphia. - • PlMBpilfai WOOL MARKET. Op la PITTEBTIRGE GAZETTE ' - WEDNESDAY, ,Tnly 8, 18803. We have no change to note -in shiCe fair list. In Ohio and.other western gimes a large amount of Woothati already been , sold, at prices ranging:from-83 to 40e, , f w ording. to quality and condition.ln s Beaver, Lawrence and Butler conntieltii considerable, amounts of Wool hitqlleen._ ; soldiat 88e to 40e, fn quality, from common to three-foorths blood. ln sonic other tricks not . mUch Wool has yet been sold,;; owing to the extreme -prices admindedby:. the growers. We quote at 35' to. 87c for., common and• one-fourth blood; V. to 40c.. for one-half to three-fourths blood, and 88; to 40e ibr tub-waslied. New.Tork Dry Ganda Market, By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tliavitte..l Nnw YouS, July 8.-Dry gcad,B quite: firm, and in fair enquiry for ,the season; particularly, for seasonable Prints and heavy brown sheetings. `We ,quote now styles ef Pacific prints, 14; Suragues, 14; Merrimack D, Manchester, Auierican, Ori ental and-Riebmonds, 18 Merrimack, 14;1 light colors, 1316; Amoskeag hive been ao tir3 at 12%; Lowell bring 11; !'Warnsatta 10:, Drown sheetinga, 17%; Lillian Read, 17%; No111(1E3,17%; Amoskeag A and Stark • 'Pocaseet. Canoe, 17; Waebusetla, 17; Amoskeag A, 10%; Lyman o # ' 15%; Wil -liamtreille Bleached , Atuslins,.: • .Roanoke Gingham!, 11. • , , . , wiemphysMarket: • • r Cily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (#aaelte.3 MBDIPBIEV3UIS' 8.-4xidt°l4; s 'Outhunted • ki. n •-4- bhp acid the 'lx# pais. *O - 0 4 -2"weiv.4, riour3ll64o4ing e d: -- Whent4heitiatti47oe.ittNl-I,7eorn 13 - held; , r! ,:at Nano, oagi; salon _weigh:qua& 73411 r agivitigrawboughlitillittNa Br e* 21111944.1 . -Co R or k) *A, Aelitittiig,ilW-LithrikheldittiB494 g 4. con is weak, with sales of shoulders a lees ?...... 1 ; 1 A and doer sides at No. re*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers