The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1868, Image 5
air sornnui-Anta , viwiw-ware,Nristioi; , " Wants, ,* "Amend, "Boarding, not es. efteling FOUR LINES each will be inserted in these co /tonna ono. for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each additionat tine FIVE CENTS. • WANTED-SITUATIONS. ;.• ANTED—SITUATION,is 4, 8008-KEEPER, by a young man who can ;,. asr uce the most satisfactory references as to char ii acter and capacity. Apply to MK. KING, at the ~, O A.YETTE OFFICE. WANTED—SITUATION.—An ex perlenced and competent Farmer and Man ; il age'. with a small family. wants a posltio on some / 4 . stentletaan , a estate. Enquire of J. BMW, at the trAZlrrTit °Mat. WANTED--4EIMiP ANTED-ROLLING MILL • MEN.—At the GLOBE ROLLLNG MILL: Cluclnnatl Oblo. one (hat•class ROLL TURNER; one goon SMALL 311L1: BEATER & ROUGHED, for small iron. - i CVANTED—SALENM A N.—To so hello fcralllt edOrlefha that qseitegp747l:drgs(V.l3. Box tlaltce, r , giving reference and salary 'wanted. t AV A NTED-BLACKSMITH.-A v v good BLACKSMITH, that understands his z•ibusineas, will receive good, wages and steady em- Dto None but a good workman need apply, „to JOHN OBAHAM, ,Temperan eying, ra. i I: WANTED--BOARDERS,A gen tleman and wife,'or two single g entlemen ? ; , stn he accommodated with first class b oarding at 7io. 18 WYLIE STREET. Room is a front one, en second floor, and opens out on balcony. 1 ;',11VITANT111)--110111.1).—Desirable T Ward for a sinall family without children_ pleasant location on Penn street, may be had by ~, , a ddressing M. W. W., Poatofilee Box 570. • i. , :ARTELV—BOALIIDERS;,"-Good T y board, tine front rooms, with ea, can be 'secured at 45.00 per week. Day boarding, 43.50. ,t.For single gentleman. At 40 LIBERTY STREET. ;1,1111 —B 0,4 RDERS.--Gen v tlemen boarders can be accommodated with ;Rood board and lodging at No. 25 FERRY S?. WANTED--,-AGENTS. YTANTE 111—AGENTS-.--For v TIONAL CAMPAIGN GOODS.-Bxlo Steell :Engravings of GRAINY and COLFAX, with or with.. One agent took 60 orders In one day.' [f ' Albo. National Campaign Biographies of both, MI scents. Pins, Badges. Medals and Photos for Dem-, , . ocrats and Republicans. Agents make 100 per ct. rtsample packages sent post-paid for Jill. Send at .I'onee and get the start. Address GOODSPEED it', ?CO.. 37 Park Row. N. Y.. or Chicago. 111. :' „rjrrA.NTED_A GENT B.—Several VII good Agents wanted to sell a patent dis- Szo'rery. Address PATENT, this office, with name, ',residence and references. • ANTED—AGENT.-As Tray- RILING AGENT; a man well acquainted th tae Quceneware and (ilaae.bualnesa. None other need apply. Address P. - 0. Lock Box 197. "F. - Communications confidential.. • • 'WANTS. IVir,! ANTLD-41001118.--On. second door, two unfurnished lodging ROOMS. for is small family, within three squares of the Post +Pince. Address L. J. L., )3ox A, Ciazirra OFFICE. AXTA.NTE D-C OIL LEC TING.- v Haying employed[several experienced men, we want ,parties who wish to have their July bills , ','collected and settled Ina builness way to call on us. l.Alt accounts left with us will receive prompt atten -4.10h. We can give the lest of references as to lability. character and btisiness habits. REED ;11.1 . 8T1N, 87 Grant street. int ANTED-BOARD AT EAST LIBEETY.—A gentleman wants a large Auni•hed chamber, with breakfast and tea, at East :-Llberty, for some months. Address FELIX, at fiGAzarris OFFICE. IP AllifTED—BOAllik—A Gentle man, wife, one child and nurse wants board n a private family. Address BOARD, this office, ,•glving location and price asked: LOST. OST—WATCH—S2S REWARD. .011_,1 —Oh Friday, July 3d, between McKeesport .-saci Pittsburgh, en the Morning Express Train of Cotinellsville Railroad, due in Pittsburgh at 10 p'clock A. M., a LADY'S BOLD HUNTING CASE :WATCH. for which the above reward will be paid o.t.'T HIS OFFICE. J OST-:On the 18th of June, In ISTAllegheny, a pair of GOLD SPECTACLES. •o tinder will confer a great favor and receive the 4 thanks of Vic owner by leaving them at the DIS ,fATOII orGAZETTE OFFICE. ,iya FOR RENT. .fpo LET-110118E.—A new two 411_ rooms , cel4r ralling d. %)ysE. just Anished, 3. CUTHISERT 4V6014, 4 85 tnailiVelf ( is h i Vi t m . St. LET—RESIDENCE.—On the tj Commons, inithe cleanliest, healthiest and T,nost desirable part of Allegheny City, a three- Litory Brick Honk., with all modern Improve 'limas, in first class order; large lot, with stable 4,11 rear. IA part or the entire turniahment of 'she house,l which is new , will be sold If de-fired. ltddress, with fall came,' LUCK BOX 368, Pitts burgh. I , inlo LE'T—STORE-ROOM—No. 112 WYLIE STREET. U now ready for octave- Is forty-eve feet In depth, sky-light back. .i-Prencb plate glass front, deg pavement, and every ithing elegant and convenient. r4TIO LET—STORE ROOM AND DWELLING.—BARE CHANCE."The Store • ,Bom tBO feet deer and Dwelling House at present 20r-cured b_y T. H. Kluges; Jeweller, located at No. , 22.5 H HDERAL STRE ET, Allegheny, will be rented sob favorable terms. There are nine large and well ',arranged rooms—three on sash of second. third and . 2 restrth Poore. Gas and water throughout the house. '4:Plate glass in store windows. Possession will be igen on AtigUbt Ist. Apply to C.. WATTLY. two re below. LMT-110118E.---A two-story ij FRAME HOUSE., of five rooms, on the corner ocuet and Mulberry streets, Sewickley. The :house and premtsqs have been. newly fitted up. - "Also, a large and excellent ,girden. Possegidon • zglven at any time. Inquire of W. M. LAID, Mtoad street, Sewickley. tlllO LET-HOUSE.-A lwo-story Frame Dwelling of eight rooms; Seiss through to4 x ut the house, and large lot; situated In Allegheny ity, near the buspension Bridge. Possession can given immediately. Apply to J. S. FEILDDBON, No. 87 Fifth street. 0 LET7-ROOM. -A large and pleasant second story Front Room, wit ,ardlnx. for rent at No. 95 SIXTH STREET, op .site Trinity Church. Also a limited number of ay boarders will be accommodated with first class • ardlne. gllt 0 LET—THE STORE ROOM, No. 160 Ohio avenue, with dwelling above of rooms, with water, gas and bath. Store room di- , dup in the best manner, with plated glass show dows and iron front. Inquire at office of YEA. . .ti lifil/4 .1 , Ohio avenue and Sedgwlck street, Al tlegimni. • . Fir° LET—HOUSE--In Sewickley, X- nearly new, six rooms, with garden attached, , etetantly located within five minutes. walk of the .`• Station. Enquire of. D:. H. WHITH, or . J., H. 'RA ovum, - No. 118 Diamond street. • LET—HOUSE.-That desira •,, ble Dwelling House s No. 71 Liberty street, i'.l)containlag ten rooms kitchen and wash house. pr4tiquire of JAB. J. DAY. No. 28 Birth street. ' \. FOR SALE IFOR SALE-110u s E.—A coin— ; ~. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE -with *OreV of ground; beautifully situated, is altered for rsuile.. inquire of.i+BORG b. SWA.RTZ, Bp. 104 wrylle street. or 63 Four th street. ,r. SALE-BTEAMBOATS.-The Allegheny_Blier l Nartgatlon Company offer sale steamier - ECHO 'No. a-1513 feet On deck,3o tsfeet ham. lhch cylinder, 5,6._ feet stroke. The "steitater •LDA -ItSBEI No. 150 feet on deck.• 30 • fedt pasta, 15 Inch cylinder. 5 feet stroke, with all thhtt.tiuskle andinitht, in good running order In. AV. of JAL. , REES.; Engine Builder, Duquesne . . _ FOR SALE-1101113 - E B .—A conive , nlent BRlClctuusr., of four — rooms, stone • liar and lot, on Peach alley, scar Pride street. iHouse Is new,- and.prlce only $l,lOO. . Al6O. a MOUSY. on Forbes street, for sale. Apply to. wit. WILTON. corner of Pride and Forbes street. , 1 112 M 1 0 20 11 wr s ! t r L h E e .— ha L ir oT IN MclilEEW rons4l. no t e a d e or whole of a lot• 00 feet near l e # o 4 alrott• For plitl s e l itl u a a r t s e on Markett— ilegar4/41,11:siltore, Fifth, hea7.nareleor '.V. O. t unlit .... dress JOSEPH. FORBYTVI c t, 11 Me i met, rittstrorgh. _ .- wti4 SALE--HO __ USE A___ It AND LOT.-- , ` , onehdluse ant lot of two acres 'of ground in burg, Braver county, Pa. The house is it i ft• ry frame, with seven rooms. The lot his a moralise of fruit trees, and all In good order. There is a cistern on the premises, and stable' and other :outbuildings. Will be sold at a bargain by RAM giINY /SHALL, Beal Estate Agents, No. 91Besvez ottoeti,Allegbeny: i - • •• • • ' • • FOR NALE*-11081E8:--At HOW. AMPS LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. onetime HORSE Mon; - three DAPPLE GREY IRORSZSt one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE•,three BLACK MARES, WO 'GREY ' MARES. If WAIT RTREET, near Monongahela House. • Horses Donsli% and sold on eommtselon. . • F . O R, LE7-11.011118E.-TA • rimcm, BRicK HOUSE, of right rowels, on MOnt,. i romortliventie; near Vederal street: BilquirEcor Din DRUM; corner Montgomery avenue awl Ire& era.' street. Al • linty.. O 111.: 16• 6 •P051M4-*LOCIUVE pcbm, ()tiny Ida e',4 undre4. b7. l 9 ll XtDrirll: r.. m rne re f ..6 44 W 0 441!4 1 :4 1 .4 1 si XittOr l ! 3 ! 't" • - IME M3Vitittil - ffiMW CHEAP' Grans Iron TUE PE0PLF....... The GREAT W.R.S . TERN GUN WORKS haul been, removed to No. 179 i,'IMITH.F7EZD STREET, where wilt always be tomtit the most complete assortment an,quits, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Material, itc, in tee city. Ali kinds of Guns Pistols carefully repaired. Cash paid foe. ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send "Whip for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in town in the United States. Address, J. H. JOW STON. 179 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. ."JOHN N. PI7ItVIANCE Register in Bankruptcy for 23d District. Mice, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHSNY. ajr Office hours-0 A. Y. to 5 SUGARS FOR .PRESERVING.— A large stoaklor Loveringis Sugars, white and yellow, just received and for sale at the lowest mar ket rates, by the barrel or at retail, by 11 JOHN A. KHNSHAW .IY9 . ,Oor. Liberty and Hand streets. FiXTRA PICKLED OYSTERS- For lnnek tea apt plc put tit+ in• quart g ass jars; also, pickled Clams and fresh Cove Oys ters, L obster 'end Salmon for sale by J • JOHN A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Hand streets. 11111 nEIFE AP DWELLING HOUSES 11,—/ FOR BALE.-48 feet front on Duncan street by .100 deep to an a ll 20 feet wide; a brick house of six roonn, attic land' cellar, end a frame house, stable, grape vines etc. B. CUTHBERT a SONS. Etatthfield street. WI S2•OQO FARM OF Mfsii e 'c s . .ClitES! we a I proved, w, th frame house of six rooms. }tame l barn, and- an oreherd of good bearing apple and peach trees, &c.;' 65 acres cleared, the balance in good oak; hickory. Sugar and other timber. Situate tnree miles from the Muskingum river, at Beverly. This is said to be the cheapest farm offered for sale In the Muskingum Valley, and parties desiring to Purchase should call soon. JY9 A GENTS WANTED FOR •`WEARING OF THE GREEN:" emodentertaininiboot published. abounding ,in RPM etch, Hylton and *WIT: Agents say it Is the best selling book out, as pepple are tired of the repetition of dry details and army reports. , • ONE AGENT SOLD 5S IN ONE . - ' " • " 1821 IN TEN DAYS. Liberal Terms to Agents. Send for circular. • Alto, Family QUa , to Bibles. Best edition pub lished. WM. fLthIT, Publisher, 26 South 7th St. Philadelphia, Pa. - - . . . jytns9SF OFFICIC or errs" Errontax AND SURVEYOR, Pittsburgh, July 9th, ISM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS for the following work will be received at the Office of the City Engineer, until THURSDAY,. July 16th, 1868, sir; For 'the . construction of a PUBLIC SEWER on Fourth street, from Cherry alley to Wood street, and one on Miltenberger street, from Locust street to St. Patrick's alley. And for GELDING, PAVING and CURBING the following streets, viz: LIBERTY STREET. from Carson to 'Taylor St. CARROLL STREET, from. !mailman to Butler street. CARSON STREET, from Mulberry alley to the river. WIDF. ALLEY, from Logan to Fulton street. SPRING ALLEY, from Morris to Rush street. HAZLETT ALLEY, (Lawrenceville,) from ros- ter to Swain= street. -And for the partial GRADING of COLWELL street, beyond Dlnwiddie street. Also, for PAVING MARKET STREET WITH NICOLSON PAVEMENT, from Liberty to Fourth street, (excepting the Diamond.) Also, . for constructing a BOARD -WALK ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, from Oakland 'Car Station to Neville street. Specifications and blanks for bidding can be had at tins office. - H. J. 310011 E, 4r A T .wm. 9 AT VERY LOW PRICES, IQ 180 and 182 Federal St., .Allegheny. DOMESTIC GOODS. A LARGE STOCK, AT LOW. PRICES, 180 & 182 Federal St" Alle teeny. ISSOLUTION OF CO - PART=D NERBIII.P.--The Partnership heretofore ax !atfui under the style of . . SAMUEL . ELBSTINOS fit. CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, DAVID' EWING withdrawing from the Arai.'Th ' e business will be carried on'as usual, ;alder the old name of S. HASTINGS- & C 0.,"; Carpenters and Builders, corner of West street and North AVenue.• The busi ness of the old Arm wilt be settled-by the,under signed. SAMUEL HASTINGS, DAVID , HASTINGII. Allegheny, dtily 6th, 1888. ' jy8:01. WTII°IE4IOII FLOUR Vitom ,citop •or , isos.' • We are now receiving a choice lot of Boutt ern Wheat from Tennessee and Alabama, from which we are now )nanufacturing a anperlor quality of . Family Flour, equal to the best brands In the Untied States, to which , we Invite. the attention :of dealers' I ''VrO o p n o s f u l n lgtl, P O . " l B S iet9 1111,11egtig - y b jnw d lte - R. 2; .B.BNBILY BRO. • date. July 2, IPOS. Sy .ls 2 l • WANTED =Agood and efficient 110IISEEEEPER, One who nnderstands cooking. Also, two FEMALE TEACHERS, for one of our Public irititutions.• Beet of references required. ' Application .to be made at 67 FOURTH STREET. Jones`: Building,. RootraNO. 3, on or before Monday,. July .13th. . jys:ssa • ~. • CO - PARTNER BIIII° . • • " We have admitted WILL. T. DMV:iWrn 18 a partner with us tit the wholesale cildeeiy-Ituaineta, an the ist 7 , 8. DILWOMBII.B CO;, 130 and - pa BECONDST;, Pitiatnireh. ' dOLY Wm. 1888. • - • :3780+77, D J. JONES, ..CANCER XORI • -- .renders biiiProfriistiOniii iierviam io lbd ologss Ao r riimlii . or Ttr . =olls . s air it* *l'o4lo Al k e i rli k eny m ai rp. • . , • MEE MEE - U R. ittcLAIN .% CO" No. 56 Smithfield street. City Engineer =3 LACE MANTLES SUMMER DRESS GOODS, WHITE QutLTEL, LIGHT CAGSHAREG: &c., TVlAolesale and Retail, SEIKPLE'S, SHIRTIiiG MUSLIN, PILLOW CABE MUSLIN, SHEETING, TICKING, TOWELS LND TOWELING GINGEL&Mi, PRINTS. DELArNES, ALPACCAS, RISTORI APRONS, KID GLOVES, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, NOTIONS, *c., &a., Wholesale and Retail, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, ~ ..matqvi_...,wg.T. l .4..T T ß...AVWf; 01-rt..-*l.lBO. ~11 :.-..~...._~0 _ ~~~AIIY,ER CLARET, IYHITE AND SPARKLING, - Chateau Lafitte Medoc, uhateau MargaUx.„ Margaux, .Chateau Ls Hose, St. Jacques, St. Julien, Panillae., wrirr.E Ht. Sauternes, Chateau Sauterus MOCK WINES. Nurstein, Hochheim. svAitikr.xivor WINES. Laubenhelmer, • Mosel Musratel4. I Seharzburg. ktochhelinees superior quality. CHAMPAGNE. • Moe: Cbandon, Chamberttne, imperial,. Epernay, - Vernezay, Ha ' " I idsleck. ~' Camblis, l —and other brands. Also, a large assortment of BRANDIES, WHIS KIES and WINES, of all descriptions, constantly Twat. auways, MATE MILLER a RICKETSON,) 221 and 228' Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. ,J31):822 PLEASANT SUMMER READING. KAY It COMPANY,, No. 63 WOOD "STREET, (Lstayetie Banding.) ROSE MATHER. By Mary J. Holmes $1.50 FOLLY AS IT FLIES, By Fanny Fern 1.50 MADEMOISELLE MERQUEM. George Sand 1.75 FAIRFAX. By John , Eaten Cooke 1.75 ON THE HEIGHTS. By B. Auerbach 2.110 A SISTER'S BYE-HOURS. By . Jean Ingeloir 1.25 SAINTE-BEUVE"S Portraits of Celebrated Women c 2 00 MEMOIRS OF MADAME RECAMI ER 2.00 MEMOIRS OF MADAME SWETCHINE.... 2.00 WHERE IS THE CITY. Second Ed 2.00 BOOK OF SUMMER RESORTS. Where to find them, and how to reach them 2.00 CAKES AND ALE AT WOODBINE. By .• Barry Gray 1.7 MATRIMONIAL INFELICITIES. By Barry - ; • Gray 2.00 MARRIED LIFE AT HILLSIDE. By Barry • • Gray 2.00 DAIS •By the . author of the "Wide Wide World." ." . . • 2.00 VULGARISMS. and other Errors of Speech.. ,1.25 ORANDPAPA•S• Mace ARITHMETIC. By Jean • 1.25 LILLIPUT LEVEE. Illustrated 1.00 DIKES AND DITCHES. She Young Amer- • Ica in Holland 4 Belgium. By Oliver Optic 1.50 THE CHIMNEY CORNER.' By Mrs. Stowe 1.75 STEVEN LAWRENCE. Yeoman. IQ Mrs. Edwards • 1.25 SAXE'S POEMS. New edition 2.50 THEe-SPANISH GYPSEY. By Geo. Eliot.: L5O WHAT SHALL WE EAT, A Manual for ' - Housekeepers SO VENETIAN LIFE. By W. D. Howells.... 2.00 HE JUMPING. FROG of Caleveras County. 1.80 NEW POEJAS OF OWEN MEREDITH. volumes 4.00 THE FRIENDSHIPS . OF WOMEN. By W; R. Alger ' • 2:00 THEGUARDIAN ANGEL. By o.W.Holmes 2.00 . WOMEN'S WRONGS. By Gail Hamilton-, 1.50 THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1807, with Continental .Sketches. By IlL•P. Arnold.. 2.25 ECCE .HO3lO. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone 1.50 OLD ENGLAND. Its Scenery, Art and Peo ple. By James M. Hoppin 2.00 HOMESPUN; or. Fire h Twenty Years Ago. By Thomas Luckland 1.78 MY PRISONS. Br Silvio Pellleo 3.50 'EKKOES FROM KENTUCKY. By P., N ashy 1. 73 SYBIL'S SEWND LOVE. By Julia KaYa nagh 2.00 STORMYY Julia Kavanagh 2.00 A LIFE. By Lady Fullerton 2 00 WAITING FOR THE VERDICT. By Mrs. R. H. Davis 2.00 THE LAST CIIIION'ICLES OF BARRET. By A. Trolloppe • ' • 200 COUNT MiItABEAU. An Historical Novel. By Theodor Mundt 2.00 LOUISA .hi HLB &CH 'S HISTORICAL NOVELS.' Per Vol 2 00 Any of the above works sent by mail on receipt of price. 3y9 • BATES & BELL'S SUMMER STOCK AT LOW PRICE-SI TO CLOSE, OUT. Iv7;rre&T GAS FIXTURES AND CHANDELIERS! IiLO SHOiE DELIA L NIGHT S HADES, - PORCELAIN SHADES, MICA SHADES, TIN SHADES, PORTABLE STANDS, , -- DROP LIGHTS, &c A Full Line of all the Above Goods, ON HAND AT REDVCED PRICES:. t JQIEN . AL TATE, Pltunber 987 IJ bertySt., Pittsburgh; and 69 Federal St., Allegheny. 0011.POut*BoNion. . . . . 150'000 - • • Eight Per Cent. Coupon Mortgagee Bonds FOR osAt.m. These Bonds are .secured by a Mortgage oh the Valuable Property of the BUtterlor Iron Co., 1p Al legheny and Westmoreland counties, ra. Interest at the rate of EIGHT prat' CENT. PER ANNUM, payable semi-annually. , Application for these Bonds can be' made at the CITIZENS , . NATIONAL BANK, -or -to , JOHN SCOTT. Treasurer, at the Office of the Company, Corner Third and Market sweets, Pittsburgh,. . '•PITTBIII7ItGIi, July Oth, Vos. tystai BUILDING MOTS FOR SALE, IN, A.Z.I.V.GIFIFuNX" The Executors of the late General Robinson will sell Fire Vain Able Building' Lots ' , Situated on the North Gore - mons, each lot WI by 170 feet. These lots aro am: ng the most desirnble for private residence of any to be had In the city, Also, the FAMILY CARRIA G E and pair otiltos HORSES, with HARNEHS`complete. Apply a the office of No. 141federil Street, Allegheny. JeilOWS .110 TRA,II7OLIGEIRSI • : , 41 LAIMIR AND SPLENDID AttSpitTNENT Dr' LADLES' AND 'U Nmsamtva -.TRAVFitraVa gApAI4,, WansP4Xikulvt,TONMlKMaley Por We Of a. TlSMallai. 451sIllsttrr'ra,a i1e...1/.llCOrtst 'met. 4.,4 jJC:C-'oi*VetgAi4Ve-t Chateau Latnur Blanche I. Chateau Yquem., ' JOHN , D. BOBINSONY MEE lUMr. BTAil'Alhi3WT*l QVARTERLY STAL'FF N IIINT OF THE Pittsburg! Nationalliank of Commerce. Prrrsntrium, July 6, 1868 ASSETS, Loans aid Discounts Real Estate. Furniture. &e.. Cash I t emsp nd Premiums.— Due from Banks United States Bonds deposited.with U. S. Treat'''. to secure eirculat'n. U. S. Bonds on hand Specie, Legal Tender. National and state Bank Notes, &c Capital Stdck Surplus Fund and Profits Circulation Individual Deposits $363,254 46 Banks and Bankers 64.4 U 7/ Dividends Unpaid • I certify the above to be a correct abstract from my report to the Comptroller of the Currency. ,lymattS • JOSEPH IL HILL, Cashier. Q UARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BAH OF PITthURGII. B.ESOURCES: t . Loans and Discounts • $1,235,099 71 Dotted States Bonds 550,500 00 State Bonds .12,812150 Duo from Banks and Bankers.— 340,985 50 Specie and Legal Tender Notes.... 394,763 10 National Currency r 13,876 41 Cash tams and Remittances 43,095 26 Real Estate' 37,000 00 Expense - 7,800 55 LIAIIII6ITIEM. 92 ' 694, 793 93 Capital Stork II . 500,000.00 Due Individual Depositors 1.174,461 52 Due Banks and Bankers 191,093 20 Due Treasurer of U. S 118.923 99 Circulation 360;000 00 Coutingrt road and pr0t1t5.,....,,_ 210.314'39 -$2,604,703 03 eby certify that the foregoing is a true ab . ct from the Quarterly4teport to the Comptroller ll:Currency. f' jy7:853 J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. OUARTERLY REPORT . "TO OF THE ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBURGH, JrLY 6, 1868 ASSETS Notes and Bills Discounted $ 579.340 88 Bonds and Mortgages 60.358 00 Lulled States Bonds - deposited to—' • ' secure Circulation • 500,000 00 Specie alla other lawful money 139,118 85 Cimulatlng Notes of other National Banks 5, 096 00 Circulating Notes of other State Banks 751 00 Cash Items. Clearing House Checks • 68.758 18 Due by Banks and Bankers . 193,581 65 Real Estate • 71.898 78 $1,611.752' 12 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock • $ 500 000 00 National Circulation • 432.746 00 State Circulation 15,967 00 Individual. Deposits 474,499 99 Dividends Unpaid, 39,676 44 Surplus Fund 147.146 55 Due to Banks and Bankers • 8,791 84 ----- - $1,611,757 TA The above is a true abstract from Ilteport made to the Comptroller of the Currenc y: isl:ols It. W. MACKEY, Cashier'. QUARTERLY STATEMENT ' OP THE TIUDESKEPS NATIONAL BANK. rvrisauncii:July 6; 1888 RESIAJRCES.. Loans and Discontitt ' • 539.222 i 40 11. - S. Bonds to secure OtreulatiOn.. 400.000 00 U. S. Bonds ou band 15.650 00 Premiums .0.000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 4.500 00 . . Legal Tender, Dank Notes, Cash Items, he 143,071 43 EMM!MM LIABILITIES Capital Stock - ' Circulation issued foliilieic;fatOr4 ' SoCiiiiik Al Surplus Fund and Earnings 46.645 16 i . • 11,304,165 37 • The above statement Is correct, to - the best of my knowledge and belief. .1y7:336 CYRUS CLARKE. Jr" Calqkler QuAßTEiiiiiiiiktikriftitt . ~ Or THE Merchants' and Manufacturers' National Ptrrehrnott, July 8th;1868 LIABILITIES Capital Stock li 800.000 00 M. &M. Bank State Circulation , - 34,624 00 31, .1 M. National Bank Circulation. 633.984 00 Due. Depositors 473,029 90 Due other Banks 43,053 51 Dividends Unpaid 1.533 50 Fronts and Earnings 349 . 093 GA .t.Ht3ETB. , Notes and Mils Discounted 848;500 75 Banking Douse 28,335 45 Sp le and Legal Tender N te.s $5,31377 1.41 = 375,139 14 National Currency 41,702 00 ' Due by other,Bants 173,838 19 U. S. Government Securities 800,000 00 42,295,810 53 Jy7m74 JOHN - SCOTT, .19., Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMENT . - . OF THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, At3BETS Notes and Bills DiscOnnted U. L. Securities. at coot 9214,806 31 Hankins tlonse, Pit:Mare, do 39.381 10 Legal Tender Notes, Checks. $197410 82 • • . 3 per eent. Certificates.. 15,000 OD— 21%,at0 82 Due by Banks and Bankers '131,5121 31 Expenses and Taxesi • 14,500 90 $51,330,027 33 L4BILITIE#B.I: Cap , ital Stock $1,000,000 00 Circulation • . 7 -,oo Due Depositoia , - ' - 411;050 RS Due to mantis and Banker.- 1.740 SS Burplull - Fund and Profits - 110,586 17 Dividend. unpaid 650 00 • 42030,027 33 I certlfitbit the hbove correct nbat i rtiet Ciom the report to tue Comptroller of the Currency. yr:nB4 • F. 12.. CORDON, enabler. QUARTERLY REPOT • .or Tat • . EXCHANGE NANONAL BANK. Pirrentrnon,-31117•0, 1860 Notes n4lllll, Discounted 1 1011,3(04;804: 82 U. 8. Bonds d , valted to se cure Omni ion - ~....11010,000 - 11. 8, Bonds de osited to se cure Deposits 00,000-1,090,000.00 Specie and other lawful money 2102',640 00 National Cnrrenc' 6,833 00 Cash Items 13,1431 lo .......„ t r an k a ; . •,...,' 22 4 .401:1116 IMil' . tme„,,, , , ' ' ' , 66,600 00 Taxes and Expenses A... ‘, 8 . 9,-- -- su. • ' '' ' -4 P 815 • ' 'l—s34o 6,499 01 Capitol Stock otroalotton N a ti o l t ai, - $1,700;000'00 Suite Circulation ' ' tP30,000.00 Individual Deposits. T•••••• 36.906 00 United States Vepositil 6_1441_ 3 _7B Duo to Banks : :..• ........ - : 1-eikuv 7 141111". tIo comfy 'the i J e AI NA • e a ¢ ff, wercrir w r e:.i • t t:;! IZIII=EIM -BANK 'STATEMENTS. QUARTERLY IMPORT OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANE OF PITTSBURGH. Notes . . . . . . . and BilisDiscounted 0,222,555 01 United States Securities ....... ...... 018'500 00 Specie ' 1,047 87 Legal Tender Notes and 7.30 Cert. 186.860 00 National Bank Notes 11,204 00 Fractional Currency and Cents 6,196 79 Remittancesand other cash Items... 8,680 56 Due from National Banks 144,740 53 Due from other Banks and Bankers 15.701 87 Taxes and Expenses 4,81194 Real Estate , 32,761 61 Capital . Stock -1p 800,000 00 ational Circulation.. 447,30000 St:OA:Circulation 16,500 00 Depositors '710,033 34 Due National Banks 5,045 43 Due other Banks and Bankers _8.951 06 , Earnings 48,880 06 Due Commissioner Internal Rev.... 9,328 29 Unpaid Dividends IX 770 00 I certify that the above Is a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to the Comptroller of the Currency. jy7:575 J. Z. BRADT, Jr, Cashier. AUCTION' SALES. BY BITTEN% VANE= ANKILELLEHI. - --... AUCTION SALES. DRY OOOES, NOTIONS, WATCHES, Cuw.L.Eltlr, Aka*, EVERY EVENING, (Saturdays excepted) at 8 o clock. at Masonic Hall Auction Beano, NOG. 55 and 51 VIM street. . . SMITHSON, VANHOOK & MeCLELLAND, jeTS Auctioneere. JULY. 6th, 1868 BRICK MOUSE AND VACANT LOTS Reed Street, AT, AUCTION. SATURDAY, July 11th, at SIM o'clock Y., N., on the premises will be sold at auction, those desira ble FOUR TIN 0-81ORY BRICK HOUSES, 11;pc'ated on Reed street, between Crawford and Vine streets, being Nes. 10, 20 and 21 Reed stret, containing Jive rooms each, and No. 21, containin six rooms. Also, three vacant lots , fronting 22 feet each on Reed street. and extending back along Vine street 101 feet. This property being pleasantly situated on Reed street, between Pennsylvania and Centre avenues, makes it very convenient to the 'business portion of the city, and should command the atten tion of those dealt ing to purchase a home, or for investment. Sale positive. No reserve. Terms at salt. SMITHSON, VANHOOK h McCLELLAND, .Iv 7 • Auctioneers. ALLEGHENY AVENUE Corner OF OHIO AVENUE, PROPERTY. ALLA NT CITY. - THURSDAY MORNING, July at 10 o'clock, will be sold. or the premises, In Allegheny City, that very desirable property situate at corner of Al legheny and Ohio avenues, (the two finest avenues in Allegheny City.) Allegheny avenue being that magnificent new%nening, 60 feet wide, to the river. The corner lot is 144 feet front on Allegheny Etienne, and 140 feet in depth to a 18 feet alley. The excellent Improvement on this lot is a two-story Brick Double Dwelling, with back building, In complete repair, containing 10 rooms. Including bath room, with gas, and hot and cold water .throughout. Also, wash house, stable and other outbuildings. The grounds are tastefully laid out in shrubbery, and with fruit and shade trees. Early possession given of the premises. Also, 0 immeciately adjoining lots, each 24 feet front on Allegheny avenue, and 140 feet in depth to the alley. • This handsome property is one of the most conve nient, elegant and desirable situations of Allegheny City. TEUMS—One-third cash; balance In one and two years, with intereet. - jus A. AINE, Auctioneer. . BY PAINE& do mums. PALMER & PHILLIPS, AITCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, CONo. Firth Street. PittsbuTch• Pa. BOOTS, SOES, CARPETS, Dry Goo 4 and Notions, AT PRIVATE. SAO: DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Nolletted. Prompt Ro. turns. 14.069 19 188,052 49 51,304,105 37 400,000 00 , 330,200 00 SU.AIDIER GOODS. s Boys', Youth's and Children's. BURIES csea*zna SUITS, LINEN surils, DOOR T ITS, I . 4. , , I' ANNEL SUITS. • • , ALPAOCA. JACKETS; In Every Style, Of the Greatest Variety, .>. SUITABLE FORTRE PRESENT SEASON. . , Gentlemea will timia floe amortmeat White and Br wn Duck Suits, 6 .!! Alpacca aid Flannel Coats, Az., Every garment being Spe cLally made tor nt by the Meat •-.- . 0171 t. PRICMS Are as Low as Good Geods can be Sold • at by any Firm East or West. GRAY & LOGAN, . 47 St. Clair Street. Je23:r. . -.. 52,2215,810.53 JULY Bth, 1888 'WALL -PAPER, - - • .. , . • . • .AT REDUCED PRICES. . . ARTER JULY 18T. ' We will offer our present stock of Wall Papers at Greatly Reduced Prices.' A large assortment of SATIN PAPERS, for halls, rooms, °Wimp, ite., at • - Maiket StrCel,nettirilth. ,•„., .19S. R.,II.U,GKES Oc.RRO. 067,515 SO • ,Iif!TR.T.,IIt:ST! 1 15. JOHN D.,BAILEY & BRO. • • STOCK .AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS. MID AIICTIONEEItS, . , • • - Are premed to sell at Auction STOCRS,___HONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL EsTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. either on . th e premisoa or at the Road of Trade Rooms. • • Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the . Bale ofilleal Estate at private sale. Sales of Heal Estate In the country attended. Office. No. 118 FOURTH STREET. jyo:set _ . . `IDPLACK SILL ELA.CQUEL. `BLACK , StuniiiierShawls,' _ - 'FM Sii*Aq.ONiireid‘ Pistil' 23 wistii•otneti , .$3,708.499 01 PITTSBURGH; July 0..1868 $2,150,01118 *3,150,04118 BY A. MTGWLIBE. Lama Lace Points, • , • • a*•340••• c..,•;•":•4• • • • ''''44V*Af-at—' DIVID *D$. I; & NANUFACTICIIILIIS' NAT. 'BANK; .lI.S/ _ • ilttaborrrh,JhO, 7th,lW :grTHE BOARIiotIIIitECTIBIS of this Bank have declared a DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5) MB CENT., out of the profits of the last six montian, payable forthwith, free of United States and State taxes. 1y8:990 JOHN SCOTT. Jr.. Cashier. OFF/CZ OF PEOPLES' Issunsycit CO.. i Pittsburgh,- July 6, 1868. 11467 DIVIDEND No. 9.-•-•l'lke Board of Directors have this dor deelared ii Divi dend of EIGHT DOLLARS PER SHAER out of the earnings of the last six months, payable; on and af ter the 13th. sa followt: Three Dollars per share in . cash, and Five Dollars .per share to be credited on Stock Notes. , WM. F. OARDNER, PLUST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH', PA., ) (Late PI ttsburghgrast Company.) ; rfg"QUARTERLY The Directors of this Bank tow hl, day, declared a Divinend or TERRE PER GENT.. on the Capital Stock, out of the prodts of the last three months. payable forthwith, free of State and Gov ernment taxes. .197:A54 • T. D. 80131.T.7; esifisier. - - I"7"tiligstleirlieerr' raff — A. /DIVIDEND Or FIVE EKE CENT.. Free of Oneorroment Tax, will be Usk' on and eta - FRIDAY, July jy7:e7i ROBT. J. DRIER, Caahler. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK OF PITtSIII7BO/1, July G. 1861 S. f nr DIVIDEND NOTICE.--The T c : of l i f :1 llHlB i Ar deelarbd rgidnd oFII4IETZENT. oat of the Earnings of the past Six Months, tree of Gov— ernment Tax. Payable on demand. JYT:sluityr__..T i . M. GORDON. Cashier. 0111 . ICE OF AttnoitarrY.l NBtin ca'Co, Pirrssulibil„ July 0, 1868. !grDIVIDEND. -,The Board of . Directors of this Company bare this day declared a dividend of Two Dollars and Fifty Centw per share free of tax. payable In cash on and after Monday, . the 13th instant. Jy6:972 TRADESMEN'S 'NATIONAL BANN, - • PlTll3ll6ttolli July 6, 11168. 12g:rA DIVIDEND OF FIVE (5) PER CENT, fteeOf all. taxes. payable on demand, has this day been declared. - CYRUS CLARK E. Jlt.. Cashier jy7:ss2o PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK OF COMMY X. RO, July Ad, 1888. f nr"THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE. (N) PER CENT.; out of.the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 6th inst., free of Government tax. - .61:846 .. JOSEPH. H. HILL, Cashier. PENNSTLVANIA INSURANCE Co., t NM Pittsburgh, June 30. 11168. f 'THE BOARD of DIRECTORS, OF THIS COMPANY have this day de clared a Dividend of FOUR (4) PER CENT:, out of the profits of the last six mouths, payable on the 10 thof ' , half,: in cash to the stockholders of hill paid, and to be credited on the stock notes of the part paid stock. jya:811 HUGH McILTIENY. Secretary. . ALLICOMMY NATIONAL BANE, t Prrrenuniali, July 1,186.9. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS DANK have this day declared a semi,annu al Dividend of • . . • SIX PER CENT., • , Payable on and aftcr the 6th hiet. free. of Govern ment or Slate tax. It. W. MACKEY, 1y2:534 Cashier. MucriAzric.s NATIONAL BANK,/ Prrrssuruan, July 1, 11168. ezl A DIVIDEND OP • ' • EIGHT E'ER CENT., Free of taxes, 'wilt bepald on and after TUESDAY, July 14th inst. JOHN J . KAETIN, Cashier °Tries. ALLEGHENY BRIDGE CO. tt r/TTSBURGH, July 1, 113118 IF"'DIVIDEND.-The President, MANAGERS and Company for erecting a Bridge over the Allegheny River, opposite Pitts burgh, in the County of Allegheny. have this der; declared a Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, which will be paid to Stockholdereor their legal representatives, by the Treasure forthwith. - • - Jy2:s.l9 W. ROSEBURG, Treasurer. • CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY, } (Mice of Secretary and Treasurcr, CLEVELAND. June 23d, .11168. - rgrA DIVIDEND OF TWO PER - - CEIIT.. free of Government tax, from the net earnings of this Company, has been declared. and made payable on the 10th day of July next, to Stockholders registered in New York, at the office of tie Farmers.- Loon end Trust Company, and to. the Stookho.ders registered • In - Cleveland- at the oince of the Treasurer, in Cleveland. The Transfer! Books will be closed July Ist and re=opened July 11th. T. A. nwacusora., . Treasurer. . MrWESTERN SAVINGFS' .- BANK. PITTSBURGH, Ju 30th, 18813. The Directors have tale day - declared a . DIVIDEND OF 4 PER . CENT., _ Payable on and after July let. ' JAMES L BELL, Cashier. J/1:636 SUMMER EXCURSIONS. THE PENNSYL V ANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD OOMPAWKIntre on sale at their °Mee, Union Depot, Pittsburgh, ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS! TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPEAM Enabling parties to visit these popular bathlig re— sorts, and return home at a moderate cost. CAPE MAY PASSENGERS caapurchase 'rickets to go and return by all Railroad, or they can arrange to take Steamer in either. direction, betweeit Phila delphia and Cape May. ItiOURSION TICKETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL RE GIONS, GETTYSBURG, and numeris; points , la Pennsylvalsikand New Tort: Ras PAMPHLETS, containing Hill descriptioaa or the various Excursion Routes hi this Road, cut be had 'on'appitcation . at 'the Ticket Office, In the Entail Depot. _ W. IL BECKWITH ivl:s2B AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Street. . . - SILK, LINES, PAYER AND I'LLit LEA! FANS,' Sun Umbrellas Aful Psunsols, GRE AT VARIETY STRAW MIATS, AN . 1 0$ 1 i4 1 : 8 14 0 jr; • •1' ... • .• • ...,.-...,_...,. ~•, •v: ;....,,,,g.1.7, . r „hj.lthe Noveltiesof the Seasoni.' ... ,::,,,,Y.;, - ,? . .,i, , , ,;P'..,' , . •,..,..,..... ,. ;,' a . iyi.;.,...? . AT_ BTIPORD ,&,:cOank , ~...,.;,' 131 wooD &Masi. 4". WM ICE EQ* . SALE - , A t elro;:i-gi': 06:547 A-249121M,"-MSI KAP4I4 ". ~. .. O. G. DONNELL, Secretary TIONICT'AGICNT. ES