El , ri t • lif , 10 $ ttsfyittgi - " alai; BM GNI #Ol3/0536D. DAILY, BY PENNIMAN & CO.; Proprietors. 1. B. TITTEICAIT. I JOMMI anva, 'T. T. HOIII3TON. N. P. BBXD, Editors and Proprietors: •OFFQZ: ":13AZETTE 81111.81,41 i. tiOS. 84 Nis 86 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER - _ Of Piittsbvirgiq'Aßeighenf and AliciaLenY lsewt-D_ tAixOW Treettn.l Weekly, •• One Tear) One year.P.sollngle . month . . 75 Six mos.. 1.50 5 copies. each. 1.25 , B 4 t %be week, 75 Three mos 75 10 e' 1.15 WM carrier.) : and one to Agent.. THIIRSDAYT ..TULY 9, .1869. I WE PRINT 07/ 'fife inside pages of this . morning's"'ET G " fietond page: Podirill Table Talk. Miseellaneons„ Third page : `.F Handal /litters in I New ' York, Markets .by Telegraph, Itnports, River News. Sixth page: Anance and Trade, HOMO Markel IP. t Xeiraeutn Matters.'.. Setentli - kigeY Iteadifif Maur. • • GOLD 4oseal.lii 7 .A . ew •ti)rii:ireaterclay at BOYS nt BLvE l Don'.t fail to' read the address: just bitted by the Republican Sol diers' State Central Committee. It tells the story, both of peril and of duty, in wards of triith and force which could not well be stronger. • • fiscal . Tuai year ending June 30th has made larger returns to the Treasury than *ere anticipated 'on the estimates of last Atittnnt. The excess is $2,000,0000n cus toms, $3,060,000 from internal taxes, and about the same from miscellaneous sources. --Ws learn, fro.. the State Guard, that the toininissioners who have beencharged with the duty of selecting a site for the Northern" Insane Asylum, have fixed on a location in the .vicinity of Danville. It is to be pre sumed that the choice has been wisely made and that it will be generally approved. . - Tuz 'Nevr York Tif73o of the 6th - pro.' 1 19. 1 . 1 agea the nomination of Cnest impossi ble, upon a platform mouble4 to suit the financial opinions of Puito4Tozr or the subversi've 'and revolutiOntuy, sentiments of Bratu.. The platform is before the people; it is moulded precisely in that direction, and Mr: Quint has found no difficulty in ac writing it THE nomination of Hon. •JOHN COTODE for re-election to Congress in the XCE'st District meets with the hearty endorsement of the constituents -he has -so faithfully served for several terms. Mr: COVODE is a man ',of strict integrity, shrewd judgment and indomitable energy' and perseverance. Itis return to -Congress will be marked by .a larger•majority than sup he has yet re ceivedin his district: , selecting lion. GsLusedt. A. Gnow to conduct campaign in. Pennsylvania, no mistake-was made. Thus far that gentle mlin has labored diligently, and to-day, as the result of his efforts, the political machinery of the State is in smoother working order thim it has been for many years past. Un-, der- r: Gnaw's: management an, over._ wheltning vote will be obtained for• C seat and CeiNex in,,Pennsylvania. 1 • Tam 4 1 ,rth Constitutional Axitendment has been ratified by ,tvrenty-five States, includ big GhiCtand New Jersey, which since claim the right, denied by Congress, to withdraw their wriest, and also including , the me:Om uta-acted States ofkarma, Florida aid North.. : Carolina. uisiama, South Caro-! lima and Georgia ' ratify it this week, it w k.r ) is believed , and th en will complete the re quisite , number of twenty-eight, or three. fourths, of tl 'At States, to give tlie Arnindmt to Talidity. Ti Presi moved Gen , command in entirely too men in that I to 'MOD °WEL led to believ would be jut. icy Pi:sYmPai simply : on McDowEL, 'neither Democrat-. is nor pliant , emergency came, did not heal Htntrima-ys and other rebel! of State affairs. The Presid , ..._ e`mt. ..f. turned about Ire more and restore Grtharai to the command. This gaituVbini n thing except the gratifi cation of Ads vin dip; spirit l since therebel State officers cannot be restored without General GRANT'S consent: ' ty.ity smorio representations have been forwarded to the matins from Pennsylva, iiiis' , vithin the day or/two, from influ ential parties in this quarter of the State, 1 t; 3 earnestly, entre g, .the go Rd. ogices s of Messrs. dilizno a nd tUCKALiNv in pro moting the puss _of thelliinsebill regu .., lating, the erects , 4 ,bridges as:Fess the Ohio. , The Semi, re ` • hive -been advised that provisions Of die bill, precisely as it stands, are acceptable. to the boating in:. terest, and that any .11mendments changing its general riurport . shoulil 'lie disapproved. 'tie not only 'pr per ;that Senators - should thus , be informed bf the sentiments of their ... constituents, but, upon new questio ns such as this, broached since the opening of the - session, they wolld otherwise have no cor rect itiforimition as to . the tendency of pub lic sentiment at home. The representations now made .cannot fail therefore- to have great weight..r:, I ZEDS Agna .4: GILEBBIONAL Dis , inpm, -Beaver, t tiehAave been the peat two 1 2Y instil:lg a Candid Tsr:l•Awarzicii, term will =1 • •-• : • -1 •C" - ::"•77. 7 F , Ua.„,7,-,..-41 - .z.......-. - . • ;!.4 ! • • • adjOurnment yesterday, without any choice: '-, county ; firm:int:l.lbn name oflst WALLAcE;'_ Beaver, AND; Greene, J. B. iltcagrtELLX, and:Wash ington, GEORGE? V. tawimic:i. r NOfpOai tive objection is being made to any of these gentlemen, all -of Whorn lard justly - 10:dg nized as able and worthy party leaders; but the, question of locality • has thus far prevent. ed - n choice, the . delegates voting solidly each' ballot for the candidate, of the county they represent. The fr iends of .Mr. L a w- RENEE tote, and `withh - Considerable force, that he should be returned to his - seat, bay ing so long and faithfully represented his district;.. and moreover, that he should be. permitted to:participate in the. final Consum mation of the : reconstruction measures of Congress with which behas Veen so. closely Identified, - and 'that inauspicious , time put i n t o "effect the rotation system which will withdraw any loyal member of tie Congress who is tOliy usinted with all that ; has ;transpired,. the past few ev'entftil years. 'Probably a *Clioiie will be mid° to.doy. '• No matter' which 'Candidate may be put forward, a hearty support will be! arcerded him by the delegates as well as the constituencies they represent. - ,v-t, months since re- from the military because he gave :don to the Union unwind wasgiven ent having been a Democrat, and carry out his poi .el:)els. That was sores blunders OF TILE MCIVTIL CON : cir, - composed 'of Wash ' r em), And Lawrence cowl' session i 4 t# 3 e4tyfivadng . t 0,4 1 ' for the PurPC":orAbln ,•', t 'n.--tgazi: Gronzlis . :Lnt !ilioPrfont 113 ezitA ii i tiailt i efPlii• ' T6i3a . 4, iiiiicifirM thaw •t ale 151:3 , ..,1* A I;in, i,.t; BEi== THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The °BABB intrigue has not yet ripened at New York. Its bud was, first discerned. on the twelfth ballot yesterday, but it was not suffered to expand in an unpropitious atmosphere. We look for the deielopment of its full-blovirn beautf to-day. • "TiVelye bidlotings, being the yseventh to the sightemith, both inclusive, 'consumed the entire day, and the Convention then ad journed to this morning, in such a state of confused excitement as could be checked in no ether way but by separation. This ex citement, which had more than once before, during the day, been exhibited to a less extent, was immediately attrib utable to the •bad feeling which, the betrayal of PENDLETON• caused among his friends and to the apprehensions of the wiser and, cooler heads, that the ex-rebel element might succeed in forcing HANCOCK upon, the Convention, in spite of the deep laiiiplans which Intend the nomination for, 'another. The ten rebel States voted solid' for HANcocx, and the border States divided, giving hini, each, about half their - votes. Df cinirse, it is not the intention to encounter the disastrons results ''to the party which would follow such a nomination, effect ed in such a way.' HANcocs, placed in the Democratic lead by the votes of FORREST, WADE HAMIPTON & CO., would be fatal to any lingermg hopes of success in the canvass. This illustrates the hollow insincerity of the movement which, run ning his vote up to 14Th on the last ballot, • would seem to indicate his great popularity. It is all a sham' on the part,of the Northern politicians,lwho are playing a deep and, as they think, a sure game. They dare -tot nominate HANCOCK in that way, and do not intend his nomination at all. New York and Penniylvania united, will. select the limn. The - y - will keeP carefully apart until the proper moment arrives, which may be looked for to-day. The PEN DLETON game is thoroughly played out. The shrinkage, carefUlly manipulated by BELMONT and his coadjutors, has brought the Repudiator dOwn to a meagre 56, and the delegates who havel supported him throughout, feeling that everythingis lost but their ponor, are now ready to avenge their wrongs. They will make an example of Mr. Hpactrinicss first; he has been the tool of their enemies,-and mcrreover his lo cality is prejudicial to Mr. Pendleton's pros- Peet!. in 'U. The hour for the Chief Justice comes te dayif at all. The plot is near ita intended de noument; if not, it will be prematurely exploded. His strength must be fully de veloped in this morning'ii billOtings, or he will finally disappear from the field. In the latter contingency, a candidate not yet named will sweep away the honors, and the likeliest man for that is Cntuuts FnAncis ADAMS, late our English Minister, and. who luisjust landed at New York. But--we still believe that the CEASE movement is to have a victorious culmination, if the plans of Wall -street can be earned out. Delegates,will be governed• more and more, as this heated controversy progresses, by= the personal feelings, the jealousies, rivalries and spites engendered by the con test. While Mr. Criasg. has thus far stood in no man's way, he is the only one yet named of all the candidates' in the back, ground, for whom ability and experience in statesmanship may be claimed. We think, therefore, that he will ultimately be accepted by those who have no cause to hate him as well as by those who have always desired his nomination. _ This morning's session will tell the story. THE REPNBLlCAZijOttrilalif of this State, with few =options, concur in expressing the opinion - that the Governor should con-, Yoke a special session of the Legislature; for the purpose of supplying ttroiti amendments to the Registry Law, of which the recent decision of the Supreme Court has made the necessity manifest. It ie also stated that pe titions requesting the dovernCor to call that body together, are in circulation and signed by such members as favor the coniplete pro tection of the suffrage from frauds• such as have made past elections a mere farce in more than one section of the Commonwealth. , session convened for the purpose expressed, and discrectli Confined to that business enly, would occasion a small expense, not wor thy of regard when , the gravity of the in terests at stake is considered;,and.the nee d int amendatory legislation. could be l ied within four or five days - . are satisfied that the Governor, recogniz.ing,inlihidisere tion the justice of the 'public exppettttipno In Os particular, with special' referenceit! the dangers"which 'past experience has shown to be really 'forritidablelivillllMl himself heariAly, sustained by the people of Pennsylvanis i 'ln enlivening the Legislature without delay. ,1- - Audwe bare the4mmU coal Worm Quist thek,M*?er.B,,, seMbled, will be ruled by To preprie4'of' Contlniugthelrliellbttratiorit to tiosopecitio, go 44 tAuref#ol4 l o oll th o o l t 4o944 ': C L .rtt: 1,, at., =ME IMMME Q4er' , 7170 , 2 - 7,V77 - 1-' Y-.. .;, , r4A1,,,:,„ 1,4,, ,, R, ,, Yr.; - ...r- - S7:V -,,,,,'' e. ~ ~,,,,,,c,---„...;•',,r,..,- ~:•,-,,,::-.,_vi;,,,-..;.'ssv:',u'r---4Vica-of?.- 2 4;twl- k utirkligr- -N I-ii:.4 - " e :i. . -,'" ..., ----:7-':-:-1.',..14,,,::,'-;".:?:.-c4V7-:ri?„,.'.'„;;,,,,-,,,,-,-4„,„' ,:.,:- N . t ., ` . .i ,' ""' ,,,,, V - F - ' ga,‘ "4.1... t.. 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PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : 'THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1868. rywvnw ' Among la menwits4:uiq'o studied Politics as a Ei,CtencO if hu'beo!lnietoi axiom that Rights enjoyed by each pitizen under &par- ticular government are the exact measure-of h 4 real *ales and responsibilities thereto. 'Renee; if all citizens are made equab'as they necessarily are, ina republic so constituted as to comport with modern ideas, equality of duties to be performed, involves An equality of pii;4legeSto be Used. 'Phis' is the bisis of the sentiment that widely prevails, though variously modified, that as taxes for the support of government are not imposed horizontally - on persons, nor yet upon them or any ascertained or approximated value, cruisidered'as knowing or producing ma chines, but upon real and personal estate, that property instead of persons, ought to be chiefly represented in the government, and the owners thereof have the exclusive or preponderating control of political con cerns. They who 'would press this deduc- downs far as the logic apparently involved in it will bear, overlook the important fact that property is not alone held to perform duties for the government; but only such du ties as are peculiar and essential to it; while persons have duties laid upon them, from which they are not allowed to shrink, and which often involve the most serio hazards and exposures, as - was sternly illustrated during the war when the Draft laid the commands of the government equally upon all men , of proper ages, obliging them to in cur,the dangers of the camp and battle-field. This superior liability of persons is the form twin of thS instinct or sentiment that all cit itiens should share Oqually, in the direction of public affairs. 'The adjustment of this conflict between Persons and Property for the possession of political power, has been Pretty nearly accomplished in favor of Per sons, though traces remain in the laws of most of the States, of the thought that P,roperty is the genuine ground of participa lion in governmental authority. This general idea of Equality in Rights and Duties is the foundation of the . popular requirement that taxes upon property' should be ratable to values; that is, that while each citizen shall be left at liberty to invest the accumulations resulting from his imowledge and industry in whatever forms of property may suit his convenience or gratify his tastes, he shall be compelled to pay in proportion to what he has , towards defraying the expenses a the government. Only one exception to : the rigid application of this rule seems to 'be commonly acqui esced in; which is, that "articles of luxury shall be chargeable with higher taxes than articles of necessity, and in ratio to their in trinsic uselessness or ostentation. Consid ering the exception abstractly there SUMS to be no room for reasonable ob jection to it; but when an attempt is made to, determine what articles shall be reputed and adjudged to be arti cles of luxury or display, the solution be comes perplexed and difficult—so much de pends upon habit, education, fashion, the degree of civilization, 'and the financial and social position of different individuals. Take the appointments and appurtenances of a modern city or suburban residence, and sUbjectlhein to the test of absolute - necessi ty, and the residence will speedily be re duced to the primitive model of a hole in the side of a hill, and the edibles• to wheat in the sheaf and game captured from the forest;or stream. A sharp analysis of this sort is foreign to the immediate object in view, which is to consider not the excep tion, but the rule itself, which asserts equal ity in bearing public burdens. ' The recognition of this rule as just and wholesome, is what occasions the clamor against the exemption of property invested in national secarities from the &one measure of taxation to which other kinds of prop erty are subjected. It is idle to censure this clamor, for inequalineweither in Duties or Rights will produce that result whe.rever people are free to express their Wads. Withhold from a man any of his natural rights and he will grumble if free speech is left to him. Lay upon him more- responsi bilities than are laid upon his fellows and he will break out into fault-finding, unless restrained by fear of arbitxary punishment., , it is precisely so with masses of men. - 'As ,a general proposition it , is safe and proper to affirm that property invested in l i Government bonds shall pay as full a share of taxes for all purposes as property held 1 in any other form. In the long run this proposition is certain to be enforced. But to rest here would be to take a superficial and mialeadingtiew of the ease. Duringthe dark days of the Rebellion the Government had pressing need for laxge sums of money. Its vast necessities - and the uncertainty in which the final issue of the contest was enveloped, shook the public credit, and Treasury bends were sad 6t 6 heavy discount and upon other hard ,eoritb tions. Shall the Government now 'repudlifts any part of its engagements 4 We Say, ,ty no ;means:` Private intliltidUaleostvingi* losses or CompliCations in their businessoi to general derangement - in commercial af fairs, sometimes find themselvea constraiiied; to raise money at. unusual. rates or upon vexatious conditions. It is , not held .4 bo honorable for them, when the pinch is= put, to refuse to fulfill, or to interpose techr* impedimenta to the carrying out, in - good faith, of their contracts. A merchant or manufacturer who should resort to such' t ex-, pedients to ease kis case would be,hopeless ly discredited; and richly'deserves' to . There are,' however, two questions luxe spect to , gevernment.. securities ; whiph , inay well be asked, and ought to' he authorita tively answered. These are--1. Row see they payable? ar.d, 2, To what, kinds and degrees of taxation are they liable? If there is real doubt anduncertaintran either of these heads, it is well that Congreskby the enactment of supplemental laws,shopld, declare the true intent and meanin g 'ex; fisting -WO and , that isnp. , nieff by that taierpretatlon should, seelvand of; tatn`suchitidicial exposition as woelci'llerne 14;:(114Pu, .the-,goveratnenticredlt has Improved , daring thelist fottiYealsic ' ireqaubffiet It bae l Vtd t• eu** ifignitt *itll can now , . 1 ' 1, t '0...r - - ' • t- ' t , • . .. 1 eg a P i g e , 4311134 -P! L g 1 0 1 :1 4 4 ; MB A all f ozik4k-- ty ,it ought,to avail i tself legitimately of its bettered position-by o k . iiii,g' new loons for the _cancellation of old ones; and it ought to terminate controversies on several annoy ing, points by bringing about specie pay ments at the earliest practicable day. • The true path to the preservation of the national faith, runs in this direction. Meanwhile the taxes should he equalized, the taxes on bonds' being made no higher than taxes on, income ` from other sources, say from moneys at nterest on bond and mortgage. In the eof bonds held by banks an equation f taxes ought to be made so as to make e amounts levied on them equal, and no ore, to the sums levied on corresponding a mints, of capital diff,er ently invested. W t the people Alemand, and the laws, ought to accord, is equality of burdens as well as of rights. . . SPECIE PAYMENTS. The very important bill reported, by Mr I.aliCH, of Maine, f-om the House Commit tee on Finance, provides for the gradual re sumption of specie payments asfollows ; The first section requires •the Secretary, receiving the legal' tender notes now 'out standing, in the course of ordinary transac tions at, the Treasury, to cancel the same and substitute therefor new notes, the same in denomination and' amount, payable in coin one year after date. National Bank notes, received in thesanie way, to be re deemed by the banks in legal tenders and the latter to lie destroyed with the same sub stitution of coin-notes at twelve months therefor. The second section makes these coin-notes a legal tender for all purposes except to pay debts expressly requiring - coin, and author izes the Secretary to re-issue them when received The third section empowers the Secretary, after the coin-redemption of •these notes shall have commenced, to make there-issues payable at any shorter period, not less than three months, in his' discretion. He may purchase the coin requite for their redemp tion by the sale of not more than, fifty mil lions of five-forty bonds, at not less than par, the interest thereon payable in coin at six per cent. or lawful money at seven and three-tenths per cent. The fourth section prescribes the accounts to be kept "of legal tenders destroyed and of coin-notes issued, and directs how the latter shall bp prepared and authenticated. Tho fifth section prohibits any &Alter sale or payment of coin froin the Treasury, except to pay coin -debts, including therein "the public debt:where the same is accord ing to law payible in _coin." .., The enactment of thisj)lll, and of the bill which has already passed the Senate, to le galize contracts payable in coin, would de cisively contribute to anTarly reform of the currency, and of the business of the coun try, upon the basis of solid and universally recognized values. It is gratifying to learn that there are godd reasons for anticipating these enactments` before the present session. closes. , RsnEL prints, North and South, have steadily claimed a Democratic victory in Mississippi. In this, they have been sup ported by the ex-rebel agents of the Asso ciated Press in that State, who have con stantly given to their report. an aspect as un favorable to the Republicans as inconsistent with the facts. The latest dispatch claims some 7,000 majority in that interest, with all but two, counties heard from. So far Tare. we from crediting this news, that we con cur in the opinion of the Nashville Less of the 6th, which says: The rebel papers - of the 33th ult. still talk about having won the election by a majority of from 104330 to I&,ooo—while the Union papers are claiming the victory by a majority ranging from 3 SOU to 100001. We are encouraged to hope that the election has been carried, but by a ret7 small majority., Upon general considerations, we should regret to find that the people of any of the late rebel States have been so unwise as to listen to the mischievious counsels of party spirit, and to be led thereby to reject the generous and equitable terms of restoration which have so soon followed the conquest of their armed , rebellion. Each and all of, those communities have certainly reason to feel that they have had enough of the wretched conseqnences which have followed the infernal heresy of 1861. For their own higher interests, as well as for those of the Republic at large, we weuld far rather con. gratulate them upon their return to more rational sentiments, and to a more patriotic conception of their duty towards a govern ment which is, and ever will be, their gov ernment as much as ours. But if any one of those ten &eta shall continue , to be fatally bent ' ,upon maintaining its misguided and disastrous opposition 14 the Federal authorities, and to the huMane" enlightened and liberal policy of the , ovev whehning majority of loyal citizens of, this 'Republic; We are very wellnentenithat Misdeal* ihoulalie eiceptierk Site.ante the State• of ,‘Trunr :and, _although not; perhaps Ibttlet P 3el fhl ais 4 . beenob4o, day when secession was diet Xeineeti, con.' spicuous for her' interi4 'of tie" ViOn. If 8110 , 8011 Preferaltielingi,&thilphttilet he enjoy it as she cent If she hail successfully protested e 8 1404 the reeellfireeileepegeY of . Congress, we are tifsposed to See - her ''grati.: fled in-the: continued blessingi Ore Military' . • government ) and in the disinterestedcontem plation of the auspicious results which fol low upon restoration in hor sister 'eta* She can make that comparison at her leisure,, and when, a .second time, She shall be invited to .resume "the. relatiens of a loyal State, her' siber second thought will - be , more creditablo to - the good sense end the good temper of her "people. Until then, the Republican party: remains indebted to ,Mississippi for ViOrding,: haps, the Mostpoeitivo pivot that , be' re constractien policy' is ;'neither inconsistent with s thehneet uteellere ef free agelteX Pet the part of the'lete, ~repele, nor does it ; de serve, in other ltrtienhu* , the censure wPe: ' Whieh' N e r'o 6ll 9 6 iPi4ieedehWteditteee9 - , edit anint I: 4 4 ltiltridesikstiiM."'ln"aknik- Reconstructlo i ntjuittiled in other Southern: States, is not the leskTinsligatedlitt t h ef A ll MitKiPietketl,l )1 4 , 1 ille t wise 11106114611 "by tliiiiiroz*-4111,1,10, EOM nn"- gerice r ivhile,thelattertgivea.•the .most -conl wincing proof thnt-tiie policy has been con ceived in the true spirit of Republican free dom. - ' Tea Pittsburgh . Post asserts, on the au thority of an Indiana journal, that Mr. COLFAX was initiated into a Snow 'Nothing Ledge in 1854, and took the regular oath. Our neighbor can scarcely fail to be aware that the friends of COLFAX have flatly de nied that this charge has a particle of fotrn dation, and that, although the proof has been challenged, ,not a particle - of eV - Hence has ever, or anywhere, been brought to sustain it. Upon the vague authority of the Indianapolis Sentinel, or some more ob scure sheet, this slander is nevertheless reiterated by Democratic,editors, who either know that it has been authoritatively brand ed as a falsehood, or else are so ignorant that they should retire from journalism. , • • CoLP,sx was never .initiated as a Know Nothing; never took the oath of thatorder, and never was accused, at home, where he is best kitown, of unfriendly or proscrip tive sentiments towards foreign-born citi zens. And.be who asserts to the contrary is'either ignorant or reckless of the truth. BOYS.IN BLUE The following stirring' address has been issued by the Soldiers' Republican organi zation of this State, which has already com menced its labors, and will be heard from in due time HEADIVARTERS SOLDIERS' AND, SAILORS' STATE CENTRAL CONIIITTRE, 105 CHESTNUT STREET., PHILADELPIPA, July 6,1868. COSIIIADES : When the rebel armies were overthrown and the rebel leaders forgiven by our magnanimous Chief, the whole world wonderednt the generosity which pardon( d men guilty of so great a crime. The least we expected was that the Government for which we had fought, and for which so many had given up theirlives, was secured against the possibility of another conspira cy. Bat, warned by history and taught by our own experience among the misguided people of the South, we maintained our or ganizations, and now, in the forefront of another peril, congratulate ourselves upon the wisdom of that decision. So thoroughly have our military brothers re-united themselves, that only a few who wore the Union blue can be induced to join the ranks of the rebel De mocracy. Our camps extend east and west, from the Atlahtic to'the Pacific; and there is not a veteran who does not re alize that the public danger may Once more call him to the field. The alarming spectacle of a for mal combination between the two great col umns of treason—the rebel army of the South and the rebel sympathizers of the North - is the living proof of great impend ing calamities. These desperate men—the one side still vaunting their treason against the country, and the other still boasting of the aid and comfort extended to them— profess to be confident of success in the ap proaching election. The animosity they bore to our beloved Commander-in Chief - the candidate of the great Republican party—survives the hollow gratitude with which they hailed his liberal terms of peace; and now, remembering only that he struck them in the field, and coldly forgetting how he forgave their great offence, they are toil ing with superhuman energy to defeat him for the Presidency, and to place in that high office a tit successor of its pre sent guilty occupant. Their hatred of Grant extends to all our heroio leaders, with one or two exceptions. The only offence of these accomplished soldiers is their fidelity to the country for which they fought. Gen. George H. Thomas in Tennessee,Gen. Ir win McDowell in Mississippi, en. George G. Meade in Georgia, Gen. Canby in South i Carolina, and General Reynolds in Texas, with their predecessors, Sheridan, Sickles, Pope, Swayne and Mower, are proacribed and slandered like common felons, while every Union man in the South, black and white, issubjected to inconceivable cruelty and opprftMon. This wholesale makryo lence, looking_directly to the restoration of the rebel government, teaches us not only the wisdom and justice of our organization, but invokes us to renewed efforts in fiivor of Grant and Colfax, tile standard bearers of the Republican party, and tor slur gallant comrades, Rartranft and Campbell, our standard bearers in the State contest. • The fundamental ideas of this rebel com bination are that nothing, has been gained bythe success of our arms, but that every thing has been lost. * To forget the sancti fied dead, to ignore and outrage the'gallant living, and to remember 'and rawer& those.' only whose crimes in any other nail= would have been punished:by death or con fiscation, is the inspiring motive of our ad.: Tertiaries. What American soldier does not feel the insult? What' American citizen does not burrito resent it/ instead of cnr dirtily submitting to the laws passed by over whelming Congressional majorities, and:car ried into effect for the , grand purpose of re organizing the South uporithe basis of equal justice and equal rights, our ?vent adversa ries openly threaten a new resort to arms. At, no period in the rebellion have they been at once so - deflant and so cruel. United in antagenitin to the laws, to tie national credit, to the national currency, to the pub lic peace, and to' those great principles for which we contended, and succeeded in maintaining, they Coolly appeal to the peo ple and ask a verdict in favor of their in credible crimes. Speaking now for the re turned, volunteers of Pdnnsylvania, who Were disfranchised by the De.nocracy, we solemnly renew our devotion tc.Otarbeloyed country, And assert, not simply, our readi-, ness to support our candidates the ballot be; but deter pination,,at all times, to march to oar,oyernreeptia defence against herenetales- • . • Aly order of.tne bommittee. •.• Coaa. - 11, T.;.Comas, Chairman. .4.'Ruesaw..,lleeretary. • ••• , 1 1,11tamw , fromTiirmiaay. '- - Public talk in a•publie assemblage is le•S' Sititettely property when it serves is traw s to' shelve Um' Oriente of feeling , •-• Northertdir ismt Seititherner,',Nith mialPela of the Couyenbon,. met in' one of tile eislci" The, Northerner had fallen under the sus. Pielei of tho Government durblgihe war, and the Southerner had °opt*" a canti eNsh,o.rildrdtohiebnit n er h i s ai his er to; dentbd position , the , rebel, Government. These ;O twp_theeting4lhe Tsl'ertherner hasten eti, to assure the other: Oat the' South , bad his sympathy during' the b wa een ri a u w nu ari r o e r i ° t th a er nd liil ha s d w f e o r ih l l l n o i g ,r w th ed a tsed it t t wi t l e th t e .a i ra e l n ed i s ii t 4- o eal u .V su i c:ee te gua l : v inLe l l z e - ed eti ' 74 o ll o v a " th e e d ir: etirackeyet,()irtichweout,jaibeicathestatm of America, id live,— ar. v. • p aper. which we vpn ,Nso Yogi dispatch of the Eith, to the' Philadelphia Leaver' sayty:'""Wall street is', nan ifi l ting an extraordinary interest tithe p ro oeedings. Many ofMoat *raintrit -bsekers,.,4 o oZ i r Om on -the bound, urging thli - ' s eandidate, or ghow)ll46oW4hWinekopuld , not , btrelectedp . 'This masa of ootabiyi k v, , 10 4 fin l i t .41K04WMay,- on ',OW question. that wafteiilmy to brear 1 0400 8 .90/ 1 11011",440 • .ni,Luivi . ,•• ••• :-x.,-Maine.Republleast Cimrentlon. -> • alv, Telegraph to the Pltteburati Gazette.: • - tkutTLArtp,July thd afternOmt session of the Republican State Convention George L. Beal and S. P. Strickland were nominated for electors at large. Joshua 3. Chamberlain was re-nominated for Governor by acclamation, • Resolution were adopted approving th e Chicago platform, endorsing Grant and Colfax, complimenting Ginernor Cham. berlaia, expressing gratitude and homan e • to the loyal dead, declaring the Democrnili. State Convention resolution relative to taxing bonds is a fraud onithepeople, , th a t the Democratic National , Convention i n New York an attempt to revive rebel lion, its first aim being to destroy the pub. lie credit, and its second to revive the rebel governments in the rebellious State s . The Convention.wtm addressed by_ John L. Bingham and General Sickles. • The lat ter was escorted to the hall by the Soldiers' and Ballots' ponvention. There was great enthusiasm,and the Convention adjecirned with three heers for Grant and Chamber lain. .A main meeting to-night Was addressed by Bingham, Sickles, Pleasanton, Blaine and others. Killed by Lightning-011 Accident. o3r Telei t imph to ttorPfttaburgli Gazette ST PAUL, Minn:,uly 8.-trunng the` thunder s to rm yest erday -- rday afternoon at Hen— derson, a man named Jacob Yenn ing was struck by lightnimeand killed. • - On Tuesday night Tait the foremarrof the Staples Mill, named €.%as. Robertei.at Still water, this State, attempted to Eft a kera. sane lamp with oil while it WasSarning i when the lamp exploded, setting fire to the oil can, hich contained a gallon said a' half of kerosene. The fiery hguid - enveloped Roberts, burning him terribly. • Hede still alive. • St. Louis Tobageo Fair. Telegraph to the Plttabtuithi Gatette.l ST. Louis, July B.—The• annual tobacco fair was held to-day at the warehouse of ChristiaaPeper, corner Market and Twelfth streets. The entries were numerous and competition spirited. The quality of to bacco displayed was, however, inferior to the former fair. —The rebels in Northern China are again, reported to have obtained of late severar successes and to menace once more the. capital, Pekin. While there can be no) doubt that the rebellion in Northern China, is still imitubdned, the reports which have , been received during the past two years about the appearance of rebel armies in the neighborhood of Pekin have always been exaggerations, and are likely, to prove so again. —A party of soldiers belonging to the 25th infantry, at Memphis went to the house of Ed. O'Neil, who had shot a com rade the day before and.battered down the doors. O'Neil fled to the county jail for safety, was pursued and fired at by the soldiers. O'NeiPs friends hearing the Bring soon collected and but for the arrival of the officers of the day with a gtiftrd a bloody - riot would have ensued. —Gen. Canby has issued an order that the functions of military officers in South Carolina shall cease upon the proclamation by the President of the ratification of the Constitutional Amendment. The prisoners in custody under charges of violating the reconstruction, acts will be discharged, and those held for other offenses will be turned over to the civil officers. —Three persons were drowned while crossing the Connecticut River at the ferry at Holyoke, Massachusetts, Monday after noon. They are supposed to' have been Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Davis and their little son, of Springfield. —Hon. Reverdy Johnson has accepted a, complimentary entertainment, to take place at Annapolis, his birthplace, on the 21st. He has also accepted the banquet proffered hllll by Balthnorealis. —The Horse Fair ti! - Ituffalo 1011 com 7 mence on the 28th inst. DO NOT BE, DECEIVED. When the 'lntern is: once &L•ected not rallif, of nits own. accord it .needs , heiP" , lt met ,- he strengthened and invigornted; this Is especially the case's/hen the' =DIMS, BLADDEB on lIRINAZY. mewls Are atrectec4 For,immediate, r &let mid moue* care, DR. 19411,0101111"10 ptinvoc oi. . /Agacciche 11/41 , • , • Are aiierrealLiafe and reliable known remade has effected it Isyste !mintier of -1 end remarkable cares, andlteve never seem_ relief when takenaocoidteg to dttectlosui.' Dr. Sargent's Backache Piail Are purely Vegetal:de, and - contan no Mercury, Or calomel. They do not exhaust the system, butler' the contrary thepact, as a tonic. imparting new tone and vigor to the organs and streagthening the whole body. These Pills bays stood the test of thirty-11re years, and are still galiking in popularity. Aft" FOR BALE BY , DRLIGOISTB AND pm- EN.4.1.31 . MEDICINE ENRRYWNERE. Price 50 Cents rel. BOK. SECURE HEALTH' IN ADVANCE. It is difficult to extinguish a raging fever'as rusting .fire; but you can prevent' a conflagratiOn by rendering your dwelling fire-rroof, and Yqu'lati prevent an attack o fever by invigorating and Purl tying your "house of clay." • The outside pressure" upon the, constitution and the vital powers at this season is tremendous. Every pore of the millions which cover 'the surface of the body is a drain upon Its substance 'and lbs. strength. To meet this clevletton; to keeri np the - stamina under such a constant outflow of dissorving flesh; a tonic and itivlgorarit is absolutely necessary, and time, that tries all things: has proved that 1108- TETTER , I3 STOMACH BITTERS Impart a ?ism of Strength , and resistant porrerto 'the over=taxed ' vital forces, is 'unattainable 'by ' any: other known means. Tbeeffect of this lnestltnable vige tablepreparation is to thcresse the apPetlte, soca crate di geti ttdu, , : sone the secretive organs, give ' firninesi to thaqierves, purl l the blood, cheer the opiriti4 by thus rallying all the forcia of the body, enable it to defy the enervating infitience of the heat; gins pass triumphantly through the trying ordeal of the summer months. - Aa it safeguard m a n se epidemics. and a preventive of the feeble oess, lassitude and prostration, of which so many twx , san cs complain et this season, it has A national re petition founded on twenty-live yeari of uninter - • ra ptand unequalled success: ' • •t7URE OF IFISTUL/L , Dn. .garszy. I write to thank you for your kkid-': neasimd aelentifie !management of myittinfese, ftfil which I eidiot to consult you some tlme; inJanuary, .. last. ' You will remember that. I hall a cotnitlicagion of _diseases, which+fin . Wy ended Ina terrible fletela, ,Whieh' I had , been 'Advised to "let • alone, on 7so. cobra of o harassing ocnigh; which It few. mtghtThetnit on my lungs.. line* that . t . bonSon. lair Tootle of treating diseases like mine waa by „a .• , l iottniiropinnioyblehr if successful at all, would naturfillylbrbiqibldlsease upon the lenge or some , • other Sltaforgs,n4 account of the suddenness of, the cure and the immediate check. to the clisehaire, whtel/I believed , was a salutary provision of;nature to get. rld'of Some morbid-condition of tangyslein. , • I feel, Iterfecti7 41 stSsa 0 4 that Vogt method Otireat-', ment,-harrifYlnlUthe gatenn, and 'local applheatlinss - :, so•ponstolous part, must cure,' If anything:couln. without cutting, which I !Wei it did, and I am happy:; : to report myself well In every particular, with sounder and better health thanthsve lied for yeah'. I would also, add ..that applloa.ttone you Amide . wernOcKkiipitini",% 7/4• 6 4.4"A er *Mi a3 / 1 1 v 4!", l 4* 4 4fed, l llniltit,, iYourr. Iristetailf.% 4; ,1 •/ - 7',V777 ; r7.- .fililileripit*fii)llolsLTAVlCl/k, ROWAN* ; '',0111t9_44. ./4 04161 .!°! - , 74 9 / * l . O- 4 12 14M1Tt.€: -41 0 1 t..3,":10 121214 ,. . r ` • 110.;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers