' I PIA= cid' Matteis in New terk. Gala: cusTed—aft4i;y;•. CZy Telegraph to the Pittf) burgh Gazette.l NEW Yonw, July 8, 1868. - , XONEY AND GOLD. Money steady and unchanged. Sterling firm at 110%(0)110 8 ‘ Gold lower, opening at 1.1.0%; and closing at 140%. GOVERNMENTS. govenamenta•are more active and better, Closing steady. Coupons '81,• 1 .13/®113% do. - '62, 113%@)113%; do. '64, 110%®110%; do. do. 'new, 108%@)108%; d0.' , 67, 108%®108%; Ten-Forties, 107y,®107% ; Seven-Thirties, 108%@103%. - - ` Stocks opened rather more active' and 'higher during the day particularly Rock Island, the market closing quiet butsteady. The following were the. CLOSING • CLOSING QUOTATIONS At 5:30 P. ie.: - Canton, 48%®49; Well'sEx press, 25@264; , American Express; 45% 0g,46: Adams Express, 53%@53%; United States Express, , 48,@48% ; Merchants. Union, • Exprcitia, .25@2514 ; • quicksilver, 21%1;4)21%; Mariposa, 4@5; Pacific hien; 100; Atlantic, 30@)33; Cumberland 30@)36; West - ern Union Telegraph, 34%®34%;‘ 13ew York Central,, 134; , .Erie, 69; preferred,-74g; • 47534; Hudson, 138%0138%; Harlem, ,i 2 4; Reading, 96; Ohio and Missifisippi, ;295, 1 i© 2934; Wabash, 48@48%; St. Paul; 66@6634; preferred, 7 8 ,44 78 %: 2 dichlgal. Central, /16E0117; Michigan utherty,. 1; Illinois Central, 157%®/58g; ltsburg , 87%; St To ledo, 10341031‘; , Roe .I.sland,lo9; North western, 78; do.. prefe ed; 81; Fort Wayne, 106; Hartford and. Erie. 15, , Columbus,' 89; Marietta, first preferred, 28; Ashtubla, 99; Missouris, 91%; New , Terins, 69%; N. C., 751(; Virghriaa l 1363'. , t , • .. - v I?&TNING - SHARER. •- - . Mining shares dull; Smith' and Parmlee, "375. 1 • SW:I-TREAURT ,3r/LTTERS. Babnoce in the Sub-Taesstiry, $83,895,195. roOrti, except specie, • for the week, 12,452,598. ' • - New York Produce Market. ... • • _ {EV Telegraph to the Tlttsbuigh Gazette.) _ . NEW YonK, July B.—Cottea less active and drooping; sales of 1,200 bales, at 3234 a 33c for middling uplanda. Fleur; recrupta 1,679 bblS; market more active and'l6a2sc better; demand chiefiY 'speculative arid - per common grades; _sales of 10,400 toble,„ at $6,80a7,25 for superfine, State and Wenteria;. pO,lO for extra State; 68,10 fir,eitra west - ern; 510,75a12,75 for White Wheat . extra; 58,65a12,27 for R. H. 0., 610,50 for common to fair extra St. Louis, and 510,60a11,45 for -2oOd to choice do, closing firm; California ' flour firmer: Rye dour lower; sales of- 350; bbls ;at $7, 9 039,90- Corn. Meal rather more active; sales of. 1.400 bids. - Brandywine 'chiefly 58.25. Wheat; receipts 58,790 bus; market abOut la2s better .and in- mod •erate demand; sales of 54,000 bush No. 2. common Isinuesota spring .at. $2,00a2,02 No. 2 spring; 52,15 for No. 1- do in .the ex treme; 62,22 1 ,4 for choice amber Green Bay; 52,40 for white Wisconsin; $2,50 for. amber State, and $2,60a2,70 for whits California. Rye quiet. -Barley- nominal. Malt, quiet and firm. Receipts ofcorn 55,892 bush and 2a3c better and in moderate demand -for export and home use; sales, 76,000 bush at 51,10111,13 for inferior to prime mixed west ern afloat; $1,15a1,15 2 ,4 for_white western. Receipts of oats none andilo better;, sales 85,000 bush at 850.''6c for western in store; 8738735 c afloat. Rice quiet. Coffee—Prime rio steady and- in fair demand; other kinds dull at 1734 c, gold. dUty paid. Sugar dull and not very firm; sales 100 hhds at IINSI2VO for Cuba, and •14 1 4 c for Demarara. Molasses nominal. Hops quiet. Petroleum firmer at 1 ,8e for crude, and 35c for refined bonded. Coal unchanged. Leath er—Hemlock sole 27a29c for Buenos Ayres heavy weights. Wool quiet and 'unchang ed; sales, 23,600 ponnda nt 48a51c. Pork steady, with moderate demand; sales, 2,450 bbls at $27,80a... 9 7,90; new mess *closing at $27.87; regular at 627,76a28; old do closing at $2B; do regular at 622,50a22,73;:' prime at 524a24,50. 13eorquiet and unchanged. Beef hams dell. Cut - Meats 'steady and un shariged,witti sale's of 156"patitages1 mid dlings nominal, Lard firmer and in better demand, with sales .of-870 tierce's at 15t/,a . 180 for steam, and1.71,4a17%c for kettle ren.l dared; also, 750„ tierces: steam, seller and buyer for August at 17 1 /,a171ic.. .Butter quiet at 27a28c for Ohio, and 30a35c for State. Cheese steady at 10a151/ g c. Freights to Liverpool lower, with the following en gagements: 25,000 bushels esrn,.per stesm:i er, at 4 1 ,1a43;d. LATEST.—Floig.oklei f active and saloc better for low grades, with a good specu- Istive demand f . Wheat very &mat. 62;02a 2,03 for No 2, end 32.13a2:14`fai No lap ring. Rye, steady at 11,784,88. Oats steady, at 85IA'c in store, ,and Katie - afloat: ..Co_rn steady it 51,13 for new . mixed western afloat. Pork dull at $27,t30a28,50 mixed.; mess,. cash and regulak: Beef dull and unchang ed. Cut inputs, SiFsu with ‘a i moderate. de mand. Bacon nominal. Lardl6Xal s 7c'for fair to prime , . steam., Eggs steady at 23a25e. - Cln Market; CBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh &azette.l CINCINNATI, Jllly B.—Flour; the market is dull and prices are nominal, with sales of family at $90,25. Wheat is dull at $1,03 n 2 for Nos. 2 and l'winter. Corn is steady at 84a85c for ear and 87,a88c for hhelled. Oats; the market firm, and sales were made at Tfaidei_ Barley Malt is in good de mand at $2,40a2,50 for. Spring. . Cotton is 'qiiiet but-unchanged, and sales were made of middling Uplands at 31%c. Tobaeco is unchanged. ;Whisky Is 4 firm, at $2,35 in bond. Mess; Pork is nominal at $2B, ,but there.. was no, demand. 13uik moats, arc! held at 11c for shoulders ' and 13c for sideq, but yi,e less would have to be accepted in order to effect sales, and the,demand the close:of the, market was - very light Bawnt; the market is quiet, with only ajobbingdo - at 12c for shoulders,.. and. 10a17c » for char rib and _clear sides.. Sugar ,cured hams are are selling. and the dennind is,mocierate... Lard opened dull, but:under, the, news from New York prices were 'held. Mayes higher, and there were no sellers be low 17e.at .the,close, - but them was not much demand and it could not have been sold at better.tbaul6o. Butter Is , steady at 26 a -30 c-0 Ens are selling . t 170 per dozen, shipper's:count.. Linseed ~011 -is selling r in small lota at $1,02a/,03. .F/ai Seed is at , 52.410. Gold is buying at 140 1 / 4 , '• • • ehtears, Market. IBYTelexraph to the "Pittsburgh thzette:l Crift9kerd, '30.10. - =-Flonr;* the Market: :, firmer; spring extra at $8,50a10:25. - Wh ea t' Is very quiet; Pennsylvania at 4a5c.. higher; sales of No. fat $1,90a1,94, and No.`2 at 11.81 al,BB, closing at $1.8136a182 , for NO. 2,, thiii afternoon sales of No. 2ivere made at $ 1 K a. Corn Is fairly active at iial4c, higher, f or earlV; sales of No. 1 in store at 92 a.93e, it isubsegneutly'declined and 'closed St gixo• ' sales of. No. tat 8834a904, and reject_' ed •atAlaB2; , since a change; nominal at 82:.- Oats - dultand firmer; sales at 68%a69e; 0 1 02 ., brig68: 1 ,41‘68,9( 4 c. Rye dull and 20 lower; sales of No. lat 81;60 in store. Barloyobs neglected - and is entirely nominal. - Mess Pork more active and' firmer; ,salssat Lard remains firm; sales at 10c. 494 shotilders held, at 1.13: - ¢c with' bifyorti at 1.1%a , • .-. Freights tiro more Uatite at' 4d 'oh' corn to Buffalo; .. 7Uo on • , corn and 'We , on , wheat CO Oswego.4 'Receipts antinintio224o" bblir of IIMIr;• 5250 bus wheat; - 114470 bus' .cortfrlB4 l4 Iftworods; 4244 head ofiftegs. ShipMents-of .2959. bbls flottr; 710 bus wheat; 11074. bus•cortl; , ss7oo bus oats;' 2859 hetidnef' bogs; ... Milaratticea 1 market. . . , 1 ~ c o rreiooneesee 6f ale Pftwenrsh adzette., . , , bfirMAcrtrat,'lblv"BP l oUr *dot E tta' tirtnailettid - ittioliabiek s I Witeat '51,6 1 1,e4gei #l .l *1 Bfrlbl. sq-;:liifgt!T9:2;t:Psit P t o atlaa696lbti.-- be nd'• aim th, , : f at o*-181: NO. . iltA :Miis- ,rl ii 4,0001 ms wheat, 2,000 ou - ea %,%, „ . ... corn. Shipments-2,000 bb l e` 44 64, „ , 7 0 . bus wheat, 4,000 bus oata, 20,000 bus mi. . . . • = ' ' 1 St . ..Linde liarket - • •By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh - Gazette.] • • ST. Louts, July B.—The receipts of pro duce were smalT;ca - using - it temporary ad.: vanee in sonle•articles.: Tobacco titichang, ed. ,cotton—nothini doing;no stodk. Hemp; prime undressed sold at ,$1,47a1,50; dressed, 162,40: Flour very quiet :wfth no quotable change,- ,Wheat- stifferi:Ut.l2,loa 2 , 15 for prime to choice fall; $1,60 for choice NO 2 spring. Corn higher . at 77a78 for mixed and yellow: 83a85c for white= Oats, ,73a75c. Rye, $1.3.W. - Pork ,sokr,st $27,75 a 213,25. Bacon; Shoulders 121/0, clear Sides 17,,fc, sugar. cured - Muni , Laid; choice tierce 16;46,17c, keg 1734a18c. Cattle; prices easier at 3a5340 for . gross• common to prime: choice neminal, at 6a6lic. Sheep and Lambe unchanged. Receiptg-500 birds flour, 4,soo'bus Wheat, 1,700 bus' corn,' 2,809 bus oats. r f r ';• . • • ' r Louisville Market. [By Telerraptitcitbe ) titfibtirgti Gazette.] . Lnuthlntaz, , ,Ttak) 8:--The.trobecoo Fair is art immense success; ealeß,4oo hhdEi first premium to 'FiCkeit Warehouse; Ballard county bright wrapper sold at $2;75 per .hundred,' Second - premium; .14,650 hhds Hart county, third premium, to Hart coon- Lonisville house, $2,70; first preinium shipping leaf, Warren t0unty,126,50; sec ond premium, Christian county, $27,00. Flour; supelrfine, $7,00a7.50. Wheat, s lBsa '1,95. Corn, 95a 96 c.78a1306. Rye, $1,75. Mess Pork., .528. •tard,': 159:fano. Bacon; shouldere,-12Na13et clear rib sides, 1 6 / a l6 ~c; clear: 4.oe* /634507 c; bulk shoul ders, 12c; clear sides, 16c. Baltinioie Market': [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette:l BALTIMORE, July 9.—Flour; dull and :der clibed 50e. 'Wheat dull; red at2,40a2.60; white at ;32,40112,70. Corn dull at $1.12a1;15 for.white. Oata unchanged. Rye dull ana unchanged. Mesa Pork firm at $27,75a29. Bacon firm; rib aides at 1634 c; clear, do at 163;c; shbuldera at . 14c.' Hama at 211;V... Lard dull at 17c. San *Fratimisee- Market.' I[By'releerash ttithe Pittsburgh Gaiette.l r - .611Atr .FnascriSco,' • JulY 7.=The Savage Mining Company have declared a dividend of,fifteen dollars, and the Kettnelty Cot:ri p/13y a dividend AV twenty-five dollars, be ing the share for June, both:payable on the 10th inst. Flour . steady at , $6,25a6,50. Wheat dull at $1,92 for new- Legaltenders at 71. M. • , Chicagoteattle Market, (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazett - OH'IPACtO, Jilly'R.—Beef Cattle, ly active at s4,2ikts for lignt steers', $5,75a6,62% for fair tO medium; $ good to choie.e. ' , Hogs are niore a 8,80 for light; $8,50a8;90 for fair'to and $9a9,20 for,good to choice. .Toledo Market. - (BY telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette Tor.sno, July B.—Flour, recei .ts of 500 bhls.. Wheat quiet and firm; a $2,15. Corn; receipts,. 10,840 bust arm t • 930 for fresh receipts; regular held at 01, without buyers. ' Oats; receipts, 1,800 bps; firm and 2c betteri'with sales at 70;4a71c. • • Philadelphia Market. LSI Telegraph to the Pittaburgh Gaze PHILADELPHIA, July B.—Floe , unchanged. Wheat firm and Ohio red $2,35a2,40. Rye $1,85. vanced 2a3m yellow $1;17; mix $1,12a1,15. Oats firm. ==l IMPORTS BY RAILROA a . PITTSBURGH. Pl'. WAYNE; AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, July 8.-scars metal, milk & Co; I do do, Jas Wood 'Son & Co; 5 do dO, Bryan t Caughey; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 1 car staves, 31 P Adams & Bro; 1 bbl melas ses, S P Shriver & Co; 16, bbls pearls, .7 B Canfield & Son; 10 cases tobacco, IMI fleyl; 1 car bulk wheat, Hitchcock. bleCreery dr Co; 25 bbls flour, Tas Gregg; 10 boxesi cheese,l) 0 Daugherty; 8 do do, $ P Shriver &.• C; 6 do do, R - Robison it _Co; 40 do do, Haworth aworth McDonald & Co; 24 do do. Arbuitles Co; 100 bbls (flour, Davis -& Rocklin r; 41 sks rags, McCullough,' Smith -.I Co; 2 Pkgs to bacco,. :Boyle &co; 10 bbls flour Mid . & Ritchart. 45 doz brooms , Arbuckle; & Co; 5 bbls vinegar,•Henderson &Bro; bdoz pails, 5 do tuba A C Whitehead; 2 bble eggs, S B. Floyd, 3 ' bills. eggs, W J Steel ct.13r0;376 bbls ' flour, Watt ,Lang .& Co; - .„93,410 do, owner; a Us hams, S Cooper At Co; 2. bales . broom corn; Win Mardorf; 1 roll leather. W Flaceus &Son; 15. boxes tobaceo; 'Means k Coffin; `5O bbls flour, E H 31yeis'& - Co. • ,(ILEvit,:twn Awn pxT , rtuttrualt ' .11An; ItcAfi; July 9.L 4 l4'eari' piglran, Nimick & Co; 2 de: - do,Brvitn: & .C:1110051, 2 dada, Chess, Smyth - & Co; 1 'oar lumber, A J Griggs;;Ldo stone P Wolfe; l'do 46,41; L Knox; 1 do . do,' liastings: er.- O'Neil: 1 do lumber, J Benz; I,car• r blooms, , Hobertson, Davison &Co; 1 do do,Singer, Nitnialt. & Co;104 lolOoms t .l 'Moorhead; 147 do, Park, • Brett CM' 25 bxs , starch, E Reazloton; .111 do do, McCullongh, Smith ',& Co;10 do,do, II Riddle; 15 do do,,J K Stnith )1c...C0; 50 & sks'Oats, McHenry Hood; 16 gkg rye, Hitahrock;`MeCreery & Co; 65 lot wheat,, Culp & Shepard; 80 do oats; 6 do ye, EIN:Itt & Gisal; 81 do corn, Head & Metz ar; 88 'mks oats, Brown & Williams; 20 •bet s berm), Fulton,,lßollman & Co; 22 bbls ur, T 0 Jenkins; 100 bbls oil, Win 31cOn heon; 68 do:d6, T • W McFerran; 74 sks ye, J W I Meek. ' ' ALinn• •., , , umit arAnost, July —.l car metal, Bdo limestone, Superior I on. Co; 5 bgs buckwheat.. Jos Craig; 50,1 bblflour, R iit`A Carson;t 400' sks do, 1 car m ddlings, i Stewart 41k , Langenheirm ' 6 kgs tter, • A Danner; 1 car wheat, wm McK e & Co; i 2 cars metal ' , Lewis, Bailey It Da zell; 249 bgstiats.:M Well; 250 pigs . lead; eymer. Batunan (lc Co; 202 bgs oats, J.B IVIOKee; 650 • bge barley, Smith & Co;•1: bbl oatmeal, J Lockhart; 2 ears iron are, Spans, Chalfant dr.Co; 30- busbs lime; T C, Steel;2sl• bags oats,lCKnes & CO. _. . PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI ANDST, Lents. RAILROAD, , July, 8: la bales . ootton, A H; Childs & Co; '4O bbl's flour, 151 ,sks wheat,. I Dickey & Co: 17 billa rags,Christy &Ben ltm;'101 sks oats, 56, dp ry e, 8• do barley, W J Meek; 5' - MIA ,egies, & ' Graff , ` Reiter,2 .carsivOod, E . AUJOhnston; 21 fles'reatheks;, G A Marti:l;l' ear blOinnsitNittildle&lCo. , ' An/dank:qv viiiiiif " - ftii:o4,:7 July 8.-320 bbls oil, Fisher &. 8r0;.3 cars - metal, Joh n_Moorb ead r 2 bble" :eggs, +loll if ' l Hoeir; 47 sas.oatit, Scott & Gist:lolP bbls flour, J B McKee; 17 sks wooL,A. El-Copeland29i sks oats, Moreland 6r-Iditchallt..9 doo ' 1 bbl eggs, Graff &; Relter;as !skis woo 3 bbls eggs, .rp Shoemaker _ ..,,, ; ,- , fir I , _ Piininiiitiia , 4 ND ~ „,6olrarn wit, ItklutoAnk,.7uly 8.-85 boxes win wg,lass, I l usvi R V Schmertz ; 7 bdls hides, _G HAnderson; • 1 ear: tan bark 3 0 Lappe;' I do do, A „1:Prolq- Wine; 82 Oil tibls, Johnstorr:& Nine; 2 bbls flaxseed; 6 pkgs tobscc,o, Watt & Wilson, 1 car metal, Yough Irou'dt• Coal Co; 4 Sks glue,•l3. Straus.' -. •- , . • - , _ PONNStLVANIA' CENTRAL ' RAILROAD; July 8..44 sks rye, D Wallace; 1 pkg to . hum, W M Gormley; I box cigars, Little, Baird It Patton;•2:Colls leather; I) Chestnift & Co; 8a sks tanner; scraps, 'A, Efooveler & , , . 1! . T : p,4A..1.0:1gU.Nfi.!-111 . 11 ; IN:',PIP . - „.•• ' . . ebeatiesti add teat PipeliThe mt . ritk.• Al so; 110- MONDALE Et ItDammle ;AAA.S3IOO4y.Tr is: co. ""' Lifaillikit et 0.240 Allegheny.. firtOrders bypiau grwripprattende9, 1 -11 9 4/ ' /4 • so - - .7: 7 egurtia t If l' t( >l,l:s YR% Z;110 'astot , str toraiknelkituarair i ppri t i. ge. Uriathii-o out Vi 21 110 1 torgarVAl" oSlNlggteett ;Wit VA XgATEER BELThklitiValglyal Awned. .70 ak .At e t .1lr&. 253; • - ' • • In PIE , Dirt low , . c • • • • • . . ~ ~~. ; z .. .. spa .r ,C~sa 1~ ~IIA.B. ..Vonsiderable rain fell again yesterday r 'andifall the :rain that'has fallen within the last fewdays does not produce a swell of seme magnitude, - we; will be: somewhat sarprised. And what,makes ;the case still stronger, lies in the fact that.it is not I con fined to this Immediate vicinity; -sdvices from k nearl^ every quarter report rain, and we e pect to see a rise, i n . both the -• • Alle gheny and Monongahela rivere.. The D'elaware has arrived Cincinnati, and he America has doubtless reached there before this. The Cornelia passed Louisville en route far St: Louis on Mon ., : • Die river,was rising lasts evening, ; with tientY-eight incheti in the channel, by the .Monongahela MarkS.? " • ' ' —The St. Louis Denioerat 'bays: A good deal of sicknecs is prevailing-on, Missouri river boats among the officers. Three offi cers of two Offialaa c honc:which arrived since Saturday night,elid shveie attacks of a complaint closely resembling cholera. if it was not the fell disease, and one of them was so severly visited -that he considered himself about gone up, but didn't, go up. LCleveland, Ohlo, Is building an iron steamer for lake navigation. Her dimen sions are as Tenon's: Length. over all 81 feet; breadth of beam 15 feet; depth of hold 5 feet. She will have side wheels, and her . propelling power 'will consist of two engmes , of 25 horse power each. They will bo provided with Holloway's patent me talk packing ,rings. She.., have one tubular boiler. ' Her frames are of two inch angle iron, and her plating Is three six teentha of an inch thick. , The;St. Joe Vaionlearns from a gentle men 'who came dowri on the Yorktown, that the boat rim into an immense herd of buffalees that were swimmingthe , river about miles above the mouth .of the Yellowstone, two of which were killed. They made no attempt to 'avoid: the sleam er, frequently running against it. ~ T he Benton also killed two buffaloes on the down trip and captured a couple of calves, which:she brought down with her. Most of the mountain boats have reported a great scarcity of buffaloes this season. —;The Cincinnati Commercial of Tuesday says : The Edinburgh will *only go to Pom eroy during the present low water The Maggie Hays and Delaware will remain here for the present Capt. Lew Kates left for - Louisville on mallbeat last eve ning Thq Charleston, with two barges of iroh in tow, "arrived - froth. Parkesrburg last' vening:— .Ctipt. Meagan has chartered the Lawrence to taitn.the place of , the St. James In the Afaysville trade ~during•low water James Maguire, 'a striker on the snag -boat S. He Long, died on the boat on' the 27th of June, of conjestion of the heart. It is supposed that ho p lived In Albany The Wild Duck has shipped the" bulk 'of her. • freight' for Pittsburgh -150 tuns—by rail to that point. The Wild Dock will, of course, remain"'here until there is more water. - • oderate, pm) coca; T7 . ,50 ' for 'ye at fga mediun3; —A- SG:Louis telegram 'under date of Monday says: Business dull. •River . about stationary, with feet - to Keokuk. Ida Rees and-Ben Johnson - are - in from tipper Missouri. An Omaha- dispatch of yester day-says the river is rising slowly: porter, from Fort. Benton, had arrived; Miner, • from St. Louis for Fort Benton, passed up., The arrivals at. this port. Sat • urday and Sunday comprise three from the Mississippi, three from the Missouri, and threefrorn thelitinots Rivers. Departures Saturday, four for Upper Mississippi, two for Missouri and one for Illinois Rivera. The Henry Adkins leaves for Omaha to-day. The Ruth is loading for New Orleans; Phil. Sheridan leaves for St. Paul, and Marble City for Memphis, this afternoon. French man's Bar, in sight of St. Paid. has become a Vwninlable obstacle. Tho Illinois is steadily drying up, but not yet down to the famous dEttfisit stage. The Olive Branch, Lady Gav, Great 'Republic 'and fig Horn have laid up en the opposite side of the river.. dull and dvanced; !Corn :al -1 Western River and VP rather My Telegraph to the Ph,Lthturrh Gaaette.l Lout:P.ll4s, „July B.—Weather cloudy. River failing. , • , Sr. Loth; Slily S.—Weather alternately clear and cloudy, and cooler. hot. July S.—Weather cloudy and hot. nascE!..LANEcros OFFICE OF CITY EN orNaMi AND talil - 1.:1 - 01t. Plt tAburel •Joao I • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • SEALED PROPOSALS for Grading, Paving and Curbing— • - crcru STREET.,_,frOm Web:Stec to cur .bulb, TOW NSE STREF.T. from Wylie to Decatur St. TINE ALGEr,:from Federal to Washington st. HIfiKPATRICK STGEL7, from Centre oscine • tto Duntan street. • • F - ••• F() , II STU from . ET, fm lion to Try etrocL. TI D STREET. front Doss to Try street. b•• received at this oftlee until kliliSAY, July. 3d. IIiGS.• Speellieations and blanks far bidding cask be had by calling at this Miler. - II , J:. 3.tooxim, Je5.:41 ;cum }:twiner: , • 4 lintitgr CoxstisStolegn's °Fritz, s PlTTSbiattill. June 26..1868. . tritiBEIRS, ATICEI TION. I'ryosals will be received at this omen until JULY Ist, at 3 o'clock P. it.: for the lowering and remov ing of all, Stop . Cocks and Water Pares that project above the level of the curb stone. The expense of lovreiing and removal * to be colimted froM the own ers Ol'the prOperty.. All proposals to' be submitted to trie Street committee. • JOIIN T. , . • NTER, ' Street Commissioner. ?fret District. ; •• • • • JOLLY D. 3tcPADEN, jc . . Street Fommisalouer. Sccond:,Dlstrict. tJ., ItAIOIIIAL'SOFFICE . ' "') • '' " W.lO. of PeOnsylvanfa, I . _Tirrtigtuttal, July B, 1808.. mARSHAVS SALE. 1 4, C.' ItAWLEY-et T RA V... STEAMBOAT ; TVELLEI4 - No; 3:' October Terut 1808 In y virtue of A vinittitiptzt exueinitaiSstied out Orlin) District Court or, the Div tog otater s Norterri trict' or Pennsylvania, And to we (tweeted, I will expevto 40 PSI bile R. 4.4 011 TfieSDAY,.tllerlWthilsy _or July, A. 0, at 10 o'clock A. M. .st ,the custom •frOttee,i , hi the ' City of ' :Pittsbarill,: - the eTICIOADOAT ItAVELI.F;It, :together ,wlth, ; het bOats;itisetttnery: TllOB. A. HOWLEY.„O, B.llsrshal, l'..'`';- Western . Distrlet Of En. oITVOF •ArLtiliciHENY:'P:AL'.' TIIZA PITUR,N, or nos, ',Nue NOTICE' IS HEREBY OVEN TO THE gOLpEpB or THE, . , _ lift TOT teat. Bond* of !the City or Allegheny re., , - Tbatibfs ivotipott. on bald. Bonn*: 4,Anst.tine.juir Ist, /BAB, *DI be 'paid on sold Att i tateize 'the State tax 4 _, at the BANK OF PITTOBJU 011;itt.the Vitp of Pittsburgh, Ps. . . Treasuretlof the Cltir .of Alleghetty,' Pa. • NOTIPE.: . • • • • All persons having el/o=l44lllst inirintereat. ed in the STEAMBOAT - AIiMADILLO will take notice that i have salted laid• Steamboat At the suit or BAX.EIt, 'PEARCE I t CO. ' TIIOS. A. ROWLE i Y, ET. tl. Marshal. Maiehal'a tyke. MeY 47. 1848.. , • • mcF44.DIDEN I STREET,N .16 OTIC _ te herehy given - that the viewers appobited lo.aseeeedainagva and tametlialbr moldPnhig uf FALLEN ertEET. Eighth mard,.Allegh, uy, will meet Oath') premlies, do the l oth day Of • July, at 4 Welock C. )I,t o attend to the duties or their appellatmenk,,' • “i d OMA• 11ClitKPAT IC,'••11: • • *WHEW' yor,trriatar, NiktICON :ret CKSOWNITREETiI=-NEITIOI6 IS giv.en•thic thellorono.Oppoigtei toAkt-,. erasastAtiges and teuettti for wldentak of JAME. MfiNAikini...fekAtigAkitti.,4lkt.tmijirege pow ) rtter Line to obteldit _pleat op the etelk• lk m al lll l4 t ,I{4lfettYanidlkVikthintL a e U ekl B II9VTd ,- e l w m ß rCut UA4 t .iietstriguoPl,43 W. .IVANtf`Am potAmititsi ..11 PI " ' Upeis Itt_uml to y - 17fri.otoio for by JOHN N. is A. m 7 ITILDoCriI, Nozserp 7 •4 1 11. Florists awl Seedsaes. 112 tluithleld streets 71.7 . .1 i ;liiii ;k!:!it§cm:E.ii.ormyo-s, OF * THE . VARIOUS - KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, • XANEFFACTURED BY THE HAZARD. POWDER ONPANT, • ARTHUR KIRK, ent, Office. 173 and 174 FEDERAL $ BEET. •4 . CANISTER POWT) Electric er Nsl s. lbl, 2, Bach 4 and S gra , in Square Canipt. e American Sporting, in Oval Canisters of 11b. _each Duak Shooting, Nos. 1,2, 8 and 4 gnarl, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each • Indian Rife, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each.:. . Kentucky Rifle, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb . eak- Kentuckyßlfile t In Oval Canlatera of 341 b. each • (2S one lb. Oval Canbilerkehi. a case.) .. • (SO hair lb. do. - do. do.) EEG POWDER Kentucky Ride, SFr°, PTO. and "yea Shoot ing`, so,'ln kegs, Mlbs Kentucky Hine, girsu,' PPG, and "Sea Shout ' 7`0,117 kegs, 12 , 4' lbs Kettlucky Rifle, rryci,. PIM, and "Sea Shoot ingttlfa.ln keg s, 634 'be Deer Powder in kegs Ibs Mlnhtg and Shippink, 2.5 Powder, Mining IN 1 , 7; sad FPF graln,net cash, in egs, 25 lbs Safety Fuse for - Blasting, of superior quality, In Packages of BO feet , and over •" Delivered free of expense on board of moat or Railroad, lu ritiabufgh or Allegheny. QECURITY AND COMFORT TO .THE TRAVELING• COMMUNITY, J, IABBIS' SAFETY FIRE Car Heater and' Moderator • " For SMOKE AND ROT AIR FLUES, dhrPelisi with the use of Stoves and Fires in .or about the ng. Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without the possibility. of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat- Clit'fOr a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat than may 1w &tinned to It in thepasition and "purpose for which it Is Intended. It Is a surd protection from accidents by tire. origi nating from defective Auer, or where Iron pipes ars used as lionductoi s for smoke or heat.' It is spelt parable to all Dinin g that may become overheated,.. and Is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other .eembustible ' material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my Invention to stores, dwellings, facteriesi ships ateambouts,'• railroad cars, &c., wherever overheated ' ductors are made dangerous by being and security deslsed. I will sell, oh ap. plleathia, -fish ts to - manufacture or to use the above invention; also, territorial rights, to such as ma y wish to engage in sealing privVeges, either by State or county. HARIS. . Mice at the "NE PL R. US ULTRA R PAI NT,. WOILEB," corner of Morris street and the-Alleghe; ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. Pa. feitS34lo NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HARKS, &c. Notice. Is hereby siren to all owners of Dram B Carts. Carriages, uggies, .tc.. whether resident or non-resident In the City of Pittsburgh, to pas their . Licenses at the - Treasurer's Ottlce of the City of Pittsburgh ronviwirn, In accordance' with an Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, isoe, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed Aprll 16, Ail Licenses not paid on or before MAT 15;1808. will be. placed In the bands of the Chief of Polite for Collection, subject to his fee of 50 rents for the collection thereof, and all persons who uegivet or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a pen alty. to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal plates of preylons years most be re turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay 25 cents therefor. ItATES LICENI 4 I:: Each One Horse Vehicle. $ 7 SO Each Two Horse • • 13 00 Rods Four Horse 15 00 Each Two Hoeft Hack 15 00 ()motto:ars and Tanner lVhseie drawn by Two tioratek. Eighteen Dollars each. For each addi tional horse used In any of the abov e L vehicles. One - SA.MUEL LANIMIL City Treasurer. Pirrunanon, February , OPTICS Or WZISTLIIN PENITENTIARY. • it LL4aiizxr, l'a.. June Id% SEALED PROPOSALS win be rieeelseil ut this OfElec for the followitta• . O BUILDING XATERLIVEIi 403.000 hard burnt. unICE: 511.500buphrls tre*h burnt, LIME: 450. barrels t,ItA ULF; (0.- HEST; '9l.oooboshels 511arp clean SARI); LUDO feet VLAB4.thOl 108 tart hammer drea•ed ST9rlE,' for rakigi , All the alone to be. of best quality, and to be de livered width& the rllBO/1 required by• the Warden. • Pert he ehaittioliira ben at this °Mee: No bids A•ccelved Itfter,o Ply_ Bth. /SOIL 43. A. SOJLALLEMBERGIER. T ~SES! TAXES t 1 The Tax Payers ort he consolidated Cite of. Pitt sburgh, Are hereby notitled that the Tax - Books are now In the hands of the City Treasurer, ready , for. eollectiOn. ' ! ' 1 a x es-and Water Rents paid between the Ist of J UNE and the la of AUGUST, will be recedred at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PElt CENT, And between AtODUST let, and the 15th o f SEP TEMBER, at a DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. From the 10th of SEPTEII.I.IEIt to the Ist of-OC• Tt/Il ER. ait fusee will be payable as assesred. • After the lit of 01.1 TO BEIC, Fl V E per ca:nt.. will be added; and' on the• - lst of NI :VE3I OF-It; all unpaid Taxes will Iv put Into the hands of Collectors %VITO TtIE FURTIIER ADDITION _Ol O FIVE PFIt CENT., making a difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying to July and those paying in November. tar The VATE If MCA NTIEE LICEI:NEN are now nue. and a-ould be pal on or before the Ist of July, to save cost and esp - .tom of suit. • ' • • . S. ALLINDER, City Trcattrer. _ . _ NOT CL'. ' TN ACCORDAN E WITH A: Act of Inierporatlon, books for su hscilpthin to the Capital steak - of the Companglo. erect a Bridge over the Ohio River, from. near th e mouth of Saw Mill !Um. (Temperancovale,) to Allegheny; wilt be opened as follows, rlz: At mince of It. 11. &E.ll. E. DAVIS,' .AllOgbeny, July 6th and 7th. At-11A1111 , 13 .110TEI,; • ttsburgh, iJhly Bth and 9th. At o.loe of D: Ia . PATT .r.RSON, (late M.Anclunder,) July 10t , And istll oco Of JoHN h: II'ALL BorOugli of Temperancevilla,,July • • TholloOks will be kept open from 10 0 , c10e.1%.11. - , 'thy ordt. drthe Rkinitaßstohere: HENDERSOE, Et DAVIS: bleoretts,rt. ..7 -- ' . CtSNTROI.LEtt 7 ti °FPI. V t '"'A'l ,‘ Tit!, or ALtikalltlXV.- slnlY ad. , 1100: , r n Q4EALD. PIRIPrOSA.Ii.II•I W.4/1, -(040 10 reetrived at thrs'arnoe iihtil WED2 , IE3DAY, lith instant, al 3 oleleek r, mri, ton ~ ~' , ;o • .' 01 GRADING Alin PAlrirS6 , ' '', , • Tlio fotioviiig itreet , s acid' alleys, vizir ' '`•"' , 8111M1.38 STRE e ET, from Allegheny avenue to _ rteAcn, ALL)b Y, from Virgin aligy to f.iberty st. i f also, Dm tiratiigg li! EN vialfA tiTILEKT, Irma I. arroll etre t to Tayl r avenue, Prollles, , ipetsilleations Sul en.imatee Minim Seen la the °Mee of the cti v F.e ho er. Blank forms f4r bidding csuli had at my office - IL 11.4 e RANCIS, ,JY3:e ' *City 'Oontroller. GRADINQ AND A'CING. Proposals will ho ree ived by the Committee on Monongahela Wharf tintil DXDr A3r, Jui.. - ir 13th, , , . .. For the partial GIIADING AND, PAVING Or • SAIlt Mum?, from .nntlinold to Grant streets. • Bidders will at,,ate the prior they wilt Allow per yard for the stone no* In the wharf. • - - proposals' may he left at No. N MARKET IT. 8. MORROW, -•,, • '. / ..: 1 m21 .,,,.. 2 ._7_,... .._„..... r.. ......9mirman of btiramlttee. VitICE: "' ," i• . , • 1 ..y. . ^=----: 3 pi .10 , , nft I‘rd.: ~ ..111; , L'l: , ii; ,ri Apiliting et, Gibbon StMet ..:' . r. Nift4eathirebt "Wert , to thcleAtutetiiitc4l ill'at the' RaAbiltßot vi, gyre% 4.r419441e,d by •tilatc. 4 lo ll .• MY been placed in my bands. The assessment," will . rt,.. main to my olilce, No. 108 Fifth street, PfttibuiNh, InilOLYaleat; eatil Ilia.alfth , das.a4 tlttlypdithhit 1 / 4 0 4'10,P9Y 1 -T r isil be 6 !" 1 P/1 s ikA i r n ! k ) .."'%. . ~ t CU ar) Zi. J. Al 47111P10 041.411arialaprka City Attorney. Jane fN3ti, 1111111. legisla COIkM3SION IBEMtCHANTS. CO;, - Groceries; Flour, Groin,' Produeed 'Pr** visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011: dtewi Nos. 172 and .174 ROOD STREET, near Llbeity ertreet. Plttaburgb,,Pa.. n08:450_ . . X. STNELN 31 'STEELE & SON, Commission ilerchants AND DIIA,LDIRE4 -IN rmorat, Vie. Ne.. 1911 OHIO STICEIVI neat Eaß4 Common, : • : .-ALLEGIIENYSITY, PA. JAMESmasziou. . • .. ii.tat?Bar NIEANOR IPLOIrft, GRAIN AND mtommi, ccvNrenossic>.l44: ramp.4O.FLANTS 349 LIBERTY S'IMEET, 11.TTSBIFBERI., dotisigiimenta solicited. • ' • '• ' EmosTurNcits—J: Orpdfartizi: Cashier Iffecbanles , National Bar 4; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken __ : JAN. F. RICHARIs KEIL. & ,COMIO/ISSIONi MERCHANTS, • AND. pitemr4tp-pi ,• • . rtotra, GICATX,.I3hDi3, FEED'Atc., .tc-., 349 Ll9erty.l4i.,Vittlibr4h; L J. VPholesale and Retail Grocers,: MEGia=g ALEX. )I'I:MEE J. - : B. McBANE & ANJEIR,. COMMI.SSTP,N :ME4CHANriSi Dealers Irt FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY; 'No. 141 WATER - STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh.. - • • . • leS. FETZER & ARMISTRANG I ', FONWARDEdfG AID MidlitatONlool,olEANT8 1 . For the ealent'Floni, Grath, ' 'Bacon, Lard,'Butter' Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce.generally, Nti, 4 MARKET STREET, earner °Mild. Pittsburgh. JOHN I. HOUSE...• • r.DW. 1T010311..... .WM. H. BOOB& JOHN 'I. HOUSE '& 'llllOB. Sue censors to "JOHN 1.. HOUSE t CO., Wholesale: roams and Commission Merchants, Corner or .Smithileld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh.. Pa. ' . . H RIDDLE, 'No. 183 LIBERTY chantSTREET, Pittsburgh,.ra., nsiod idev. and Wholesale Dottier in C ou n try Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures, ,Calaf' ad vaneed od Consignments, and paid for Producelan erallY• .- .. - -.-- --. ;-. '-:. . : ... an2l _____. ROBT.: KNOX ' ' ..t.NDTIKW KNOB • KNOX & SON, COMIIISSIOr aMERCIIANTS and dtMlers in FLOUR GRAD I D I A MO ND ,, nd PRODUCE GENERALLY,- No 79 opposite City Hall, Allegheny City ' V.CRAWFORII, COMMISSION btERCIIANT IN PIG METAL; - BLOOMS, - UXE, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON , FIRE BRICK' AND CLAY, &c' Warehouse and °Moe, Nos. 388 and 388 PENN STREET: Storage furnished. Consignments solicited. oc3 1 .4 ITT CIE, BAIRD PA.T I WON, na Wholesale Grocers, Con - Its/low Merchants and eiders In Produce, Flour, flacon. Cheese,. Fish. Carbon and Lard OIL Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,. 112 and 114 SECOND STREET; Pittsburgh. _I - IL CANFIELD & SON COM t , MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesalc Dealers_in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork. - Bacon, Flour, Fish,- Pot and Pearl Ashes, -and. Oils. Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Not. 144 and -148 'Front street. Pitts burgh.. JOHN 9111 PT( Ks'. , .., - -- -- ---___ .A W ALL ACK. §IIIPTON &WALLACE. W HO LE -13 6 ALE ItOCKII.:, AN D PROD t:iE, Mt: ALP:HS, n. 6 SIXTH STHEKT. Pltt,humh. Ia12:1-58 PROFESSIONAL. JOS. A. BUTI:Ett, AIDED/lAN AND FOLIOS VAGIATRATE. 0111ce, IMO :WYLIE e'TILEET, near Waatangton. • PITPSTIFRGII. PA. Deeds, Ronde - • Mortgagee Aeknowlidgmenti , t l , t , rt e l s t . h e r cz, u lio t t p e l l . . , l:: l .4 ty a . tuf• all other . 1 e i z i lgt : k n lte SAMILTEIL. 1141DIAST!ERS, ALDERMAN... Ex:ollletoJnetlee of the Peace-and Pollee Slagle! trate. Office. GRANT STREET, opposlte the Ca thedral, PIMBGRGII, r.A. • • , 114. , it5, Bonds, Mortgages, - Acknondedguienti, Depooltione. Ind nit Legal Itustneas excented with proltiptneba and diteateh. lnlll6 .. . „ EusTecip soßnow, • 7 7", - • ' ES-OFFICIO JINTICY ' THE PEACE. AND, POLICE MAG 16 - T It ATE. - OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, Dekda..itunda, 'ldottetgen: .figk'nowledginenti. Ilepotltlons and all Legal IR6nnesa, excepted with protnputesa and dispatch... • --:mpg: A ..ANIIIIIO 11 4 *- - • • Justioe Peace , CONVEYANCER, READ ESTATE &INSURANCE AGT, • CARBON STREET -EA.s . a.BLIGIIINGII/1.11. Collection or Relate solicited and promptly attend ed to. - • inv3:r3o' AV Ail tiILNI IVILLIAMR. BARKER, JUSTICEOF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, Orrice, CARSON STItEET4 nearly opposite the .hallway Depot, SOUTH PITTSIILIMH. flushuess entrusted to bfs care 'prohnitly attend ed to. ' - inyl:y6l DANIEL DIcIIEAL, M. D., . PRACTICING PITYST CIA DI, OiRICE JLND RESIDENCE, o. 59 Grant et., noarliigh. 9p3):201 - - - , T S. FERGUSON, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. No. 67 Fit Gh Bare©L, Bxcora) FLOOR, 1 0 }toNalp)911., jspingn JOHN W. :RiPpIELL, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Orilee;118 .14 d . • (OPPoPktet 1 !° Cour"QPo4o r re!'63t4C tt. LEWIS; 1- • s •, • " 44,i- E vals r.T.: -&T- w Ar . lisyntitiAloittr ;.1; !,• mlis:ua l , „,,,...„. 4 .pITTS/1111t(pri, pA. EL illF4PlatuWa,ii i • t 4 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW' NO. SO Grant street., ,<r; 5ny2.41:1)25_ - :-• PITTSIVOUGTI, Attain'Atli li-TPoll,lvlil - Y- AT-LA BILTAKELET,'-' No. 98 FIFTH STREE'ri ai4:nbo:it& :rO/11N 'A. STRAIN, " "-°"143/PrilafASiatiTTßunifhPA" AND . einci34lllll. FIFTH' STRKET, oppositethe liatko• Plttoborgh,, Pa. Dekle, Bonds, dlortglie° Admwlestglizent Depotiltiuns and :all LeloO"us•" nags oxecuted with inNipiptpea, and dispatc . t . f . , .• JAW!. , c l-. 9`00p,L9p" 4 T, i •rrt erosol, mown* tiniknEsia I 241 7 4teleeteFAIIVAMIrtic Wrre'no, lie s arl me Ilit t ctiPit" t i b e. b u 4 ' l o o ' 384 • J. R. min jam = :' , ;,`)7l• • ••:tilr:thir:ZY 159111 vritoz.zeaLs. D*.R.LIIII4 IN =I • • rI7I4II3ITRUFf i PA PITTSBURGH. PA.' 0 , - &I - Mr:MT:4 • :',.....,. 2. 4 . .:„,..- :-- It - IaILROADS. 101dIPTIIIIMIGH and cONNELLBVILLE-11. k. On and after March - - trains Will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cop ner of Grant and Water streets, As fellows: , Airfee. Mail to and from Unlont'n. 7:00 A. A. m."6:00 p, McKeesport Accommodt'n.:ll:ooAl N. 2:05 P. N. Ex. to and from ilnionvn. 3:00 P. M. 10:00 A. N. West Newton Accommod'n 4:3IXr. x. 8:35 A. N. Braddock's Accominodattn • '6:15 P. N. 7:50 P. N. NightAn.Alle.K.eesport.ls:3o P.M. 0:40 Sunday' Train to and • • • front West Newton /:00 s.. N.10:00A.-st „ For ticketv,ipzix.,r, , Agent . " w.B. STOUT, 3n .erintendent. ittll t iLLEGHtNir- & I m mo. VALLEY- RAILROAD. Y, DIRECT ROU TE. To.THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Vesting° City without change ;ercara—Cantietting with, East - and - Weston the 'Warre.:-& Franklla. - Ralli'miti and Atlantis' , la Great Western. Railways. Short e 4 and. ovations& 'tette to Cc City and Franklin, and all points in the Oil Regions. On andfatter April 26th, 18613 ,PasstgerUninil will leave from and arrive-at _ rgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike sirs: - as follows: • Depart: -- Amts.". Mail to and Pm Veit . City. 7:00 A. Id. - 0:15 P. 14 Express " • •10 40 N. /0:054. Bradk,B ACeolninod'n 7:00 P. 10:00 A. M. Soda Works Accom'n.... • Pint Halton Acconuarn...' 19:80'a. at. 11:40 Sec.pnd Eulton Accomcarn't7:oo NI. 3:55z, • SuUday Church Train leaves Soda' Works at 8:00 arrlvlglf In l'ittsburgth at 1715 , 0• sti.l. , :ite.• tun:MA.; leaves Plttsburgh'at 1:10 P.M.. arriving Or Sodii,worts Ai 2:05 . p. Bt. • • . • . W. F BLX.EES79NE, Su 't:. O TOPE: 7'lcket Agent.. TTS MIR G " CINCINNATI AND BT. MS RAILWAY. . PAN . CHANGE OF TIME.—On and a ft er SUNDAY. Sane 21st,_ 1 . 867, Iratne vim-Mare and arrive at tlaa ftniqn Lepel, as follows, Pittsburgh time: , • - .„ • , . • • , Depart. Mail Exprilos . ;' 2:15 a. ruin Line . —9: 40. Past Xxpresa - Mixed Way,.• • 2:10p. 6;104. - IcoDonald'a Acalft, No. l'.. 11:40 a. Steubenville AccommoWn: "3:55-p, liepoutld'U'Acc'u, No. 2.. 5:23 p. SritcrAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves at R:10 p. ak.fi l arriving illinacialtatrats:oo a. in. the next The 9:40 a. al. Traii leavee daily, Sundays ex— cepted, and ;flakes , close connections 'at - Newark for. Zanesville and points on Sandusky... Mansfield & Newark R., . • S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Afent. • W. W. CARD. Sup , t..- Stenbonvilliii. • - .. 'IT'I II AGE. FORT WAYNE A - CHICAGO - L W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. From .June 7th, 1868, trains *DI-leave 11Polot and at the Union Depot; north" aide, city_ time, as fellows:. . ; , . • ~....s/ . _; Chicago Ex......2:03 a M .., .Chicage,Es., 2:08 111 . 5 Cleveland E x ..; 2:113 a tn!'CleVeland Ex. 2:08 a rt. Erie& Y_ga.3l`l- 7:28 a to lOWA:ago Ext../ 11:23axla Cl. le - WWgICI 613 a m•Wtreeling; 11:68 a la. Chicago'ld - all.. 6;58 a mil% Louis Ex.. 3:.T.1 Pair ChieagoEx... - 0:43 a m'Cl. & Wh'g Ex I-:38 poi Cl. 41Vtricg4 A:4opm Brie .7,7101E1' ' 6:13 pref. Chicago Lx.... 1:58.p m Chicagß 4:23 11l Wh. a Erie EX4 , 11146.pir. CI. & 'A'g 'Ex 7:08 prig- I Depart frost Allegheny. ,_ Arrive In ditetthelp. ;N. Brlgtio Ac. 8:55 a =IN. Brigt.'n Ac. 7:03 421 Leatedaie ' •`, ' 10:13 a m N. Brigt'n .."/ - 8:28 a 111 11:56 a m Wellsville " 8:53. a rah Rochester `•; 2:113pm New Castle '•' 10:121a xar Wellsv'e Air... 3:43p m Leepulale. " ~9:.L3 ono Leetsdale , .,Al.e. .4:13 pRI : .' ' • , 1 . 1:08 pNC N. Brigt`n ' . 5:33 pm N. Brigt"zi ; ,", 2:43 pat N._Brigt'n :'... - 6:2Bpm Leetsdale .'." 4:53 pm Leetsdale " . 10:43pm. ," • 7:28 pi Allth'l:sll.'or: Chicago EXpreas lesiee daily. 4Er 11:23s: m.-Chicace.E.x.pfess arrives daily: l Jell' . - P. R. 'MYERS. General-Ticket Meat. PE NAT S CENTRAL: RAILROAD. On 'and after:June 7th. 1664, Trains will oz. rive at and depart from the 1 I)epot,- corner of Washington and Liberty streets', as follows: \tail Train Arrive. DePart. "1:15 a in,Lay Express.. 2:25 alit Fast Lin:e 1:40 ami Wail's No. 1.. 6:30 ani Wall's No. L. 6:20 a miAtall Train.. ..:-7:50 a ' I.atrobe Acc'n 7:50 m ;•Cincitinatiex. 11:40 a la , '•• Wail's No. 2.. 8:50 a m ;Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 tei • Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a 111 Johnstovati Ac. 3:05 pm , ., Johnstown Ac.11.0:35 a miliratidocis No I •4:00 pm 'Baltimore Ex. 1:00 pm I Phila. Expres. _4150 pMi Express 1:20 p Witirs . 5:10 p ' Wail's No. 3... 2:15 pm Wall'a N0..4..- 6:05 pig Braddocks Igo 1 5:50 p mile:tat Line ' 7:30 pm ' - Wall's No. 4. 7:15 p m Latrobe.Ace`n B:SOpm A.ltobni. Acc'n SwissValefAe'il 10:50 pia and Emigrant - 1- • • Train 9:30 p tr. • The.. church • Train leaves Wall's Station. ererp , Sundae at 9:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:01 a. in. - Returning, learns Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and aril: .s at NI all's Station at 2:00 p. na. *Cincinnati Ex press *Aar es dolly. ' All other train* daily except Stiptl43. For further Juin:mil:tat:on apply to" • Agent. - The 'Pennsylvania Railroad - Company will not IS. sumo any risk for baggage, except • for wearing pard. and limit their responsibilitv,o exceeding dred Loihtrs in .19tIne;-:•Ali • Baggage ' , :Flat., '• .amount value will be at the risk of the owner, me... leantaken•byispeclal contract.: . .- • . , . • EDWARO 11. WILLIAMS, Jeff .• • nitleneral Superintotilhlit, Altoona, Fa. "' _ IyESTERNIPENN-aggsmt • _ _. SYLVANIA RAIL, R 13'."4.ht and after: Elar 10th, 11367, the Taw.' senger - . Trains on the Western , Pennaylvania Rails. road will arrive at and depart trout the 'Talent Street Depot, Allegheny . City,, , , p d piglicnru , - Arrive. I Depart. Snringd'e Nol 13:35Witi; Ka irr."!:. .. . . . . 8:15 a. ult Freeport,Nn: 1.,.8 arra mFteepurtNb,;l',9:lo 31311 Express' ' 10:15 a nl . Sharpleg NO. 1.11.:90 a m sharply' 80. 1.4:315p wn EXPrese.t.,%.... 1:50 pat :- Freeport No: 2 - -1:110 pm,Sprtngd'e No 1 3:50 pit Mail.. ...; -' , 15:511pmtFreeport N0. , t..8:05 p a n Sprhid,re Wet 7:10 p m;Snring,d7e No 2 7:30 p Aboye Mies enn , daio except Sunday. U • The. Church Trath leaVes Allegheny Janet. every Sundayat 7.140 a. - m:, - rateldbg• Ailpetty , City Mk 9:30 a. m. itetnntlng, Waves Alle eny City at. 1,:so p. Miami arrive- arAlleßhelly . (Met at WE. . , , - I.lol , tatirtArolt Ticitivi—Per sale - in' packages Twenty, between, Allegheny, City, Cheatnut at Hering ( Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbn and good onlyon the traina.stonpinic at &allows / eitlett on 'tickets. • - • ' ' The trains leaving. Allegheny City-qt ' -0:15 a. Es.., n and 1:50 P. at: Make direct' eoneetionat Freeport' with WalkeetlineofStages for Butierendliannaha• ~ town. - Thningh. tickets ma) , be purchased at .the Office, No.- 3 St. ,Olair street, near, the Sturpenaloat : Bridge Pittsburgh. and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to - . - , ,? - JAMES L ie k. d F t- F ra .R l ß S TS, free A t te tte ll po ti. t. • The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will 'not ass . same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel,- and limit MM. responsibility to One Hundaed. • Dollani in value. All baggage exceeding tlallt atnountln value will be at the risk of the owner, tubs teas taken by special contract, . • • , . EDWARD If.' VirILLIAMI ,- myll. Gen--al Sunerlntendent. Altoona. Pa. QIIIOKIE S'ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC Eastern IDivision., The 511611 TEST AND hiOST BLE 4tOtrill (Irn all plaints ..; Colorado, lite*adai • fralifOrnia '' ,‘ • • Arizona, • •• • New Mexico , ldaho ,-•-• Oregon. • Two Train's leaye Staie - .Line, and LeavenWorßa datlyy (Sundays exogpted;) tnettteitYitval of t{ainatzt pawma. Raßroaa.flum St.. Louis: anCtilltnnlual ant St. Jo Itairoul from, Quincy, conneetlut at Law... rent% • 'remind andliVamEgo AiltkeaLtj,ix the Ali pointa In Kansas.. At end or, track west AF trottlilwith VW UNITED STATES - F.xpuEss.oom FANYIif DAILY LINE: OF .OVERLANTO.-IWIII.. ANTI BMPRESS COAOHIpi FOR TC; kimx.rir - I_4.TrorL 4 AndallTPointa Ite the Territorhinifl. Ana witficiNDRXEHOISLIIT B R ,w I- - „ Vir.. i E/ ot t/A itw iat'llt , Aibia, er , COACHigi v ior... 7o t Union , F.,l nts In Arizona and gyertUre, au... Fe, and- • , ~A . t / ,: New nes. . - , ~ ~i rollini t etVek lad With the menu. additions with 1.....„ equipment,. and the arrangements IRat4 s r.O ite, 'pourable Overland Transtertauon I +l now utter% uneeuelltet western toVitzklus, thi t,g r aint of Itelicht. to the Val thellltles for, the transr . - W u ti te :li d et ei s a io te r " , e . a n l adia e gdiyahes. Frisc iP al- PP e e 4 ,ia thit!, d for tickets via THE SMOKA" 4e sure a t.",t UNION PACIFIC', temr.w.sy. ttit.t. ' itor 1 0N.., EAtiTERN lis, ' 1 ... , A. ANDErefir, ' Ge,ne6it Sti. rintendellf 1 NO*ll9vri7lii . , iilliterakirefg:hi. and tbitielkfritit: STEABISHIPS, , ; .; rpo - LIVETelke6rANDAgat 1 ,.. ) ITT •,!, bvcttitENSTOWN.. ~ tun-) utinmst Ilea= 3 * struilakinfikt, iiiiiiii4iiiii:jiitiiiiilliiitZ'iii 3elz4i'Dili,4l4-1 .11 b e1A 0 . 04, .ir , :t., ~......11 p i 4 + ,,-1 _ , 2 1 ~i I .43.720 r. E1L.&. ,, taw I' OF , NOV , .,_PP , \ R - tiSICNI)-memmardillit AtTud u.. . mo. a , .4.014, 71 , :n, Y'99(5:411 1i ' 41 79/ 4 17iiariiitrisrtTl r t mil :4 b3do _ nitgli&443llll4 Ire rirni STRlSET.lebriminte Building • Newly extvosiVii Arrive.'; , m. 12:10 it. M. M• • 7:15 v. xi. M. 11:30 a. M. am. „ 7:05 p, 10. in. 3:05 p. m. 9130 m. 8:20 c , L, :' _~~~~,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers