The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1868, Image 2
El ;is littslntrAt Saidtt, 4 ~,, • ="tit, ../.. t , ODE.• -; -•-• 1 . • -,'-. %. The following original odikfor tbititbrirtb! la .July celebrations in n we ir vr itt en ' , . • .. r.... , by Dr. T. W,,,raraorik f ai f• - . Morro.- r. -. .-'-,,.. .--•'',:`'•etiii-' 'i• Puled the io n gene Ira mata. ,, -'-pssr safari°. , r TRANSLITION.—BIett are the passlonless-the - men of peace. Dependent men deelayed, one der. When rebel Freedom ruled the hour, Thatlenoloonarchlrotild obey, ~ i'' 'Y'er ' S _. Save One-the Eternal Soy.' reign • t ' ~, r ~ • , r' • - " Forth fromAtist hour the bsmsn rued , - Not Friedom's chosen tribe alone Have worn more anarrin 'UMW fabe.7" ~, , s , .• , ..--rs - And to more kingly sta ture grown. • v 7 -, 1. A_ ;4 - s What matee r taealnir brinei• Year ...• A i ~ What gives the glow to every ey e. Midsummer's month-to freemen dear, The imperial ilom4P! -11 :ub/PIlquIV:sr ,s •.. i .„ 7i' The Talus are o'er, Nature's drought is blessingmbw-sliscioudspre gone ,. :: -.. i ...,, ~ Antares mildly treads thd South N, nw ; csomes uur,b3PPY harreat Dn.., , e .., , Behold your harvest, minis of might! . . Who to the deserrcadne fotyteiteei .1 Z. ,C •,-.'t Look down from where yon sit in light, Let not in hcaren.your t r i u m p h deaac. . .. , Estherki Out , Fidler still is 'Jung; The hallowe d . name . to.whoin-wc PM; That year's td rfect fruit may bring • s - oor good ed point b e F.lltritim's bay, 7.. 2, , , . , . - ', 11 ,"7", RENERISi' —le. fr....... =I . 40 /11 ,_ ,I PRFP ° A 8 1 B ve,r7 1 . 11 - —Taglionk gone to Lalo 3 Vomo.. .; —Janausciteli.wilkreturolieremitilDaw ison. --"Mirwankee has` entered i+ar• againi her Hugo is about stirt a weekly. - PaPer. —kisprtuna, ttl@ operatic . •baritoTti., , ditd ceittly: ' ' `, • —The season 4. May ; hag ; opepted net cievernment,-_eonacienee. fund is -,• , , —Baker, the' detective; 'left a 'foriane - .of —New Hampshire has' twelve , intowfunx —'Hamsburg, Pa; was laid t out ; town lots in 1784. —Cleveland ia a, second Chicago -in the way of !sensations- " . —Thb police `lelegraph- of Cincinnati .•- - • lisupporters”—the-Ptt, =lees lega.--judy. • . —Soap for t!ia,iinwashecT 7 ,-qto review at, _ - —The drowning season has commenced throughout the ctislltry. ' • —The '''White . .t.Fawit" ig to be taken off the boards in New TrOrk. iriat t and Prussians eat more pots t.oei than any other nation..„ , • . —Ttio'iromen in Clevelatd.- - ivere foiled . . in attempts at sttisideeonfiiin4Y:,.. , • Soldsworth,.a pronunent eiti zen.of Chicago, - dropped • •desd on idonday., =Joe Jefferson, the comedian, is rustiea- ling at his mountain home in Pennsyllanin. - , 4 - 04i' cutting by hot 'air, direCted -by tiny tubes, is toxecessfully practiced in, France. ' • —r. The 2-biladelphi a Age, next to the• Led ger, is th 6 most prosperous tif the jouinali of —A political discussion is announced to take Hairisburg betiveen several. - negro citizens. —A one armed hero in Cleveland rescued a little from drowning by plunging into the, water after her. —At the recentweilding of the danihter of aliew.Tork banker, the 1101 2 / 3 8,Wi18 vocal - with innumerable,canaries. , nrguing the constitutionality of the Legal Tender Adt David Dudley Field. re. celved three thousand dollars. • ' • . . = The Scranton ( Pa) Iron Company ing the past year turned out 35,000 tons-.of rails .rnd other finished iron. - —While Mrs. y,an OrMaxt,'Of 'Cleveland, waireceiving guests at a • tin wedding on Tuesday, she fell dead on the floor." --McCoole and Coburn were discharged from prison on Mpuday., They will have to Make a hit souleiiliere to makeup for lost time. • -On the 4th of July six thousand :three hundred and twenty-one excitridonists passed over the' 3litrietta and Cincinnati Railroad. • • - ' ' _ h as , ft —it is 'slid that l!righittn , .Y.p.en coniractl I or lading ,on‘ the lnion , Pacific !Hailroatl,l which is expected' by:its f4entlS:tb, reach Salt . fie s.7'"Onlittma§- —Hon. W. H. Logan, a brother of gen. John . ' died -14 1 MiFihrisbc&O, • r -jacii;OU county, ra.,',ort,SiindaThlst..., Gen. Logan was present at his death. • - • " Nyfelpith;:ibe noyellit, i rn'net Inwc::,bept sutd,une, 'Myer. was .perfectly conic vinced that love, is kora' Ntltb, the _trio sigh;' . 2 ila - .44 l res tiegree With 14;1.flr,it —A Perolttn";in 9 nutnna4 ate ilentifully of ice `Cretiin' and afterwards' took a long stand in the sun: He Went - era* from sun stroke and'enOat , ored, l- *;slto,d son in his .way.. : • Eta :died.:;: ;, —One pound of ham started from, No* York"lbritte' r 'fildians '.,WeW ' , One thousand poundswhen it reaches destV 'AU"' if ihe•-rrti44-rA"K‘96.ti*nigoil;:, trat ; ttit'S VilM4tt relied upon, ~ - ll'he ' society 1013 Abe,;iforri*fic;ene 'at as ExeCUtien in Neitb gOOd , :1 1 -„ ..; Carolina. = work.- Fifty clerkarenynged at faro I were gm4ant 2471111dwe2c1,11C1c11;1;trAti rePotrld 1 9 PI /oiet4'7. i . /P4' ' .;-N-1:1" , the fall. term .nf ;the RoWan ••Superior Conti AlthonghAlieoblectitsnreditsbie..theLtansam , far, thi murder , or wire, paid tie ex= employed seem mean and disreputable, ' "''tretne penalty ofthe Itive._ The Oki Itorth ". • '7el 'State says of his conduct on the scaffold: Fre r ich ig un t an o t •wrhoLthe . 'famr - 'Viso the viiy"thireAbl4 Of 'eternity, in the, g geogrnplitellßaNtttph: thutfms , i, ,widst of. a terve& :and ehiquent* 3111 40 „Ailkits, :prayer offered UP tiOttlf b,i,,Mrattnn prays, , Lyous works,:latipsig ritadtcrifadtici , large PagrZadthe' smokes, Mwiebeistek' P k t o/11 000 e V• ." 4 9 r • r u s i tlVl7it;en s 4 e Xd.-fihn for a chew of Edinbitrgh dreamt in :Constantinople toionct. ~ A fi,erwards,-,while .hynin , was. Lothar" - .• - -)t i• %Sing sung for his edification, ho endeavor -Governor Pease, of' P reiii)l, opposes eq. e 4 to engage in a very tryviaL _conversation won. to ts • -., •-- 'with those around'irlicriiere nesiltitn. At.. VBe re PPP • Ll4o.picee2tpa length the Sheriff inti**Clo the :culprit' says the P ° P tihul°4 tittuOtiKey' ;that tlikilthejhaot•Onke:`.Attnisitetificattoir. and that 'pitst.nt not ; ` r ts r .sitP,t9!ente (I.,hY. the, jetted to the expense df maintaining' skew -04enn-a -94 A II II I I I I O I AlMilont governments. 10 10. . ow": ,It.;sev. -:ahs; if ( PM ; 11° P4 10 . 1 , kligOarn“' Praia° -.Another wl4,Atiten be I.PBIi9,IMA* Noll while intleaniAmingt ilintortodvandl thw th ae ft5tit4,4 1 44011.4 1 ,410/1., Aftek., Jo Pe adjusted about-hisaialt. -Then he re. l g an ' ; tight, feet illlp)dcriella ;Ned to'llotassinstpl indtbirmag krikothatfa' hair,:hikroga r a ~ • rg, half-olginippaltnsnimbststnAttl , 3 I,44ii&WW, .rwa:l4; irkfi , k.) . : , ozdaraco 11A. .10i9 -ty? xYr /01 slooru : 13:12i4 Lula aroo4i sitt aaoithbobaneue =;• s • ' • "71-e;i-N . story that some twenty years ago a woman lost a child of four years on the island, and this is supposed to be the 13py_grown up. —The Paris artist, Lefebrehialitfd tkpor tra4 (wan AinOcala bell hl id root _plane her ladYialp. Shogifirete-lt onAis handslind list had his revenge, latinleringinitlpitler the jarviiithe otheidty, she tinumieiably shocked to recognize in the , - I;i:famed "Etude de Femme" her own face. Scandal is busy, and those who know her ask,_ "did she pose?" The lady is jtts'Jy inffignailt and her friends propose buying the picture itt p grestensiptosesnanninartufganap-.:_rr ,, irr — . 111 19 4 14/.. 4 l t t gti cit 4 P l '. l .t h ,f TrfasurY„ . partment develop the fauttuat tuiusual fees , of laNsrt retainesl.4lllo,goverpfnent on importapt cases range Aunt three to. seven. thduinadollaie." &relied iiie'rigreitties or fees iitita ' '1866 , 'and 1867 i - $ 8 1 5 0k37. , 2&-Tivitrta,, , NeW I'ork, .1.864 -to 18 0 7 .,,,13,900i.0tdeb . ,quabiug,, )YashiPfiftogc 186649 . 186; $18,c1,00; -W9w. YOrk, 1'46 to 1)367; $16,500;' Hugles, 'Den: Ver Peel igiis AO' 1'867,_ $45,000. tr. t :1; it —The New York correspondent' el the Cincinnati Enquirer thus writes: Hoye you any interest in knowing the prices that the daily and weekly papers here for outside matter? • The rates vary much' on :account ' ' of the writirigs and thelatigth of the column's; but are as TrOuna ' (the columns pontaifftatire Ada thitii those of any other journal j' to 10, 'Whether ' leaded bre'yier or selid'loniarit; s6' aio ; . Times $6 , .$Q s' ; trininsi 1:$81, $lO .; , 9'un, $5; Erem:4 36 1ttly.t.i 00 4nier - - cfo/ Advekieer, $7 to 8. • Of• the weeklies, the .tOgifriPais sl9' • Independent; $5 to 10 BouiicilMAleyiss3ol; ,Nation, $6 to 0 ; iieni.fs: to 6; Ifarper's:Weeklyirslo;•Bdtar, • 4 10 iq.l* fo 3 , and ittc! , other weeklies as nearly nothing \as they:can cal- aulate. • Both the dailies. and weeklies have muchimre matter. than, they can asp, mid the onlyiway any one 'can' live by his pen in Ms* r kork is to write for Of the -pub lications that pay tor Outside matter. imolotit,everal writers who contribute regn larlY to fifteen or'twenty publications, Aid do notryioiliiiery 'hard, nor ,I might add, make' any last amouht of money, either. Look in your heart. and write I.,May be very good counsel. But looking in stand and doing the same thing,'ls not ad visable, ' ' • lIM The Convention Committee appointed to , draft a platform and resolutions, embrace , . , .the ;following: Wade _Hampton, • ex-rebel Generil , South 'Carolina, who was sa secessionist, raised " .one of the first 'Palmetto regiments, devoted his large for 'tinie•to'the "sacred cause,"..ftred the South ern beart . onaumerons occasions •by public ly declaringthat the-Yankees were, simply endeavoring to maktralaves of the chivalry, and who, after fighting through the war, re fined-to submit,'aftei.RieJohnfon, his supe rior, bad surrendeied,,but ran away' with a troop of horse to South Carolina; William Preston, rebel ;General; 031.entucky, who had not so much of :an, excuse, for treason as State secession; E. Barksdale, rebel Gen eral of Mississippi; Charles C. Landon, who, through the columns of the Mobile Advertiser, did very much to precipitate the revolution in. Alabamic and T. A. Bocock,. Speaker of the Virginia rehel House of Rep resentatives. The Committee, likewise, in cludes such notorious Copperheads as Jas. A. Bayard, Of Delaware; Stephen Archer, of Maryland, and J. E. McDonald, of In- Loyamen - of the country, how do you enjoy -the, spectacle? Those oflyou who are now disposed to act with the Democra- Fy, how do you relish the prospect of hav ing such oharacters as the above draw up a platform and declaration of principles for you? WarDermicrabi, who abandoned the peace organization 'duripg the rebelliOn, can you now believe that the organization sym pathizea any Tess with the rebellion than .it did 'four years ago?--.Y... Y. Commerciai Ad- The Sub-Treasury in Wall street is now engaged in 'paying off the July gold interest on the five-twenty bonds;: and the New York 'Times thinks the lines of Men and 'Women who - may be:seen wilting for theif Interest 'forme an instinctive 'spectacle for the reptdiating, t rendletonlans. They will observe how small a proportion of the, bondholdefs, after all,look any ways bloat,; .ed, and hoW,fewof them drive after their interest. - .in: gorgeous carriages. and how' .very few need a cart to convey their gold to their homes: They, will observe, what a very large ifuhiber ofibein havehut cipe,or . ,two - ctitipoos froni' bends df a sinalt detiom-, inatibiL:saY from $5OO or $l,OOO bonds; and 'they will discover how many . or them re t:eive from 4qolo fno as their half Yearly .ineolnii front their sheen_ investments. They, , notice hAvi plainly attired mosttif them' are, and how promptly' they depart after 'getting the small sums to attend to the pressing duties of life. If the repudiating Pendletonian shonlil-'take the trouble to 'got I 'acquainted' With' a feW 'of them, he would 'obably', 'find that - they happened to'he, ,tradets;,qi, michatilis, or clerks, ; Or ,Workingnien v or professional, people, PAYAs ,hj.d their .. ;-scantYi savings the ,utoverament 'tunas at •a time.; when,: the , country was in pressing. need of their ail.. siataneepfiAfterikuch a view of the 'bloated 'bondholders, and suelitin !adapt pecipleivho . hidd`thegreitter . Part of tke',Natienal 'semi -rftieS,lfhe,Denilletoniati' Democracy would" perhaps PAK? to wifiefandlionester cerichi- PY9II?-. ;.• Who Made the liemoceaUelPlatform .The '‘‘.l3l4)Eited PITTSIAIRGH GAZIATIt THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1868. DEZPIISTR7 . A 'MI . IisrATHOUT-, 'Wags •••• • • are minas acilne wax Alftgetty - TEETH ABE oaDF.RAD. • A 7IILL'fiETSO.It VI; ' . ;AMTIR. ,- .13007113 : _ _ - - on rranuannottaptaott,Asovialuip ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND RE AMINE BYECIKKNEI_IJE EarawnurormADA.N. - zarkdAT - GAS GAS . Fl'. a 33: Imo 1 tiasris, FOB GAS - JOID OIL _ Jest reoeWedtAte npeet-dnetilerFeetqiu4orprkent ever opened In =Gear. , . . _WELDON, & KELLY, 147 wool) g/TBEE CRat )74 0 4g. ALLEY, zeb2finld ' CEIONT 5c,•AP,13.7.9,Dg., op. Rpm,4.truc , SOAP STONE. • rLysrsapc*lewr SOPS. • WATER PIPES. • =Bier /IL ixiLials, '.916:070 - 25-oro6d itreet: DRY G00D3.. CLOSING . OUT ;•• - , DRESS :GOODS,. AT 1L.111.111/IHOITIELIVek' CO's No; 52• St. ClairStreef.: LAWNS for SISC. worth'37;o: • LAWNS for 37c.. worth ask. • ' • I:§ N EW f ii r orh 7111.4. worth e illtE l l sCCA US ) , r. PoltsiTc " .Z.24s. . z THE EEST.A.EEOETZE.INT OF - I DRESS GOODS IN THE 'CITY, ALL ENTIRELY. SEW, AND G'llildkivEST CITY. 'REMEMBER THE PLAA: No.' 44 St. Clair. Street.* , 87 MAR K ET 9TAEET. Bf 7, • GREAT REDUCTION IN PRZOEB TO ca.oisp. srrocK..OF ni=tss Gooi 87 MARKET STREET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. MARKET STREET....ST 115 WOOD ST. ARBUTH.NOT I SHANNON at CO., So. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., IOVIXOLEJSALLE [DRY GOODS AND : NOTIONS, AT LOIVEST nMM. I=E6l j 6B. „ , • . 168. • NEW' GOODS. it• • • NEW AEIPICCAS... • • • NEWIIOIIAIII. ' • istsciat . HOSIERY and GLOVES .5... 1.88 - iltreeis- • -168. 168. I • • "Exp30:4)403 .•: ••. • 9 MCCAN LOPI D CO., WSOGSBATiE DE ST. O U T' maul Wilson; Carr& Ceti) RA rfl Foreign and Domeptio-Dry Good, .N..:o4`crooD sfitloo, Third door alxvie niamond aliet , ' • ' iT#Outoft.p4. - „ )111 I all frtTi" mut ottzvt'AtiroticArt: coo n , BnIA " ' ."': SOIVON•HOLE " ‘ ; OMISRAWNO ,Eimirmasuonam . . . , • , IT UAW 310! 164411.111 k . ji.i 3 XlMELlV ic iild ZEST s' IlistCHlNto • ix Mfg Avri, ..Tltl.2lBlQ/4,LY, CHZ A.I9r.ST.• *fr Aguas wanted to toil tbliidsettioe. ;;;' • • • --' 14 srilitioiWedieTO,PedurOtivaellt.` , . AND MARKgrtggnirlßTA " er ttetrardsten•eJeweltylltere.', , re seed ZFEIR AND 'SO • MAX' H 11 , 'LANCE 'l' DYER :AND SCOURER, No. a s - D. . . .., The SCHOMAOIKER - PIANO oomidnear,,„l4ll 'the latest 'minable ) iniprovements• known' In:- the'; ocal• • struetlon of a first class Instrument, and haaalways Doan awarded the highest tionniuto wreereat labile& 'lts tole hi MU, omits and meet''' The' • workmanship.; for derabz 'nand beauty.. sipass. all others., rteealronk XX $l5O. style and:Altdoll.Y ebefille t t: ltli Otllt7=o ,dpiit alai pi ano ., ,41 J,. , 1: 1: , :i : : J , •11 ',', I t • t e. Igtile X MU/0U :, ,Iltandi a ape . Instrument*.• Muting 1 moat De finalltY bf tone ofAny . ' Urt elt IV loffiartaltrust In Unlend Eitates , Itils atm-- i . ,pie and eomoaet In 40M ftqliOlp osiml not Ltalde,to , . I get out ot o er.. . . , , , • ' cARPXX ER% • TATICIrr l'"l,6l'.lllllld'AtlA` .1111049L0L _ 1 - Is'enly,tAnlobe :band! Itc , tlmortian., 1 ~._ Paw ~1 14. u t ichnonv.l All Knaquateed ‘ foa les • t , ",.,--,-...;!" , :xliyerAT., 5!,,,, _ ,-,. Thum AKE I; mnitim i Awn,: : 0 , , pu i liOUßL*B o cutibm*lntattioti,lioi' : '''iiito', l " 7:77-2 - ci. islip 7 ------ Waiti • • wee. ciodyloravav ifitt o biliX:hj '. 080016:14 ' = ~ ,, r...../ A,. . -,.:11.t i I 1..i.7 r, • . c"^ - =' , •• ''.. ' SARA" AMID -. A , 'it ' VOL [Ulf litlillo it! deightow fowilke:'deadigullitt ilberlinbutisof . . +. . . ~ I vommiLad.Pl7lmtaalltallarek 7 90; : .1.; , • ..?17.4 ,, Iiiiigir-,••;',,:i - ••• ...._ 't 41:3Tigew , ' '' ' , t!"-. I ,-,,, libumsrj a tr-th Kil icia, i 3 1MArniani 941909$1,11101.; t i t iClphios•AMWlifi t OiC . . i 4 l ogysibe,wkdkag s l op aula w st. *sm. 1 i I.J. tk/ :J: , , • ; ~ 1 t .1 /7 - -f: 0e . ..a wo V I i MVlV.7 o o,ys,telift 1444 Aggr e igua o . l,Voltitatteetyi Ila it 7 t ii , IL .0 ;u11:. 0 blefrei "tfOri m t elnfeet u llr 4 .Wfwbell c i *Pe ;la um ver ba.a 1 .10.41.1143 ,in ugal 1 • -- And If& 186'1161'187 'MN:Stied, " PrillanlißMA*-4 •!, ARC : aCTS: • " ak.atessam, - • • • -Ipolutix ntAlowt, ii()!silirr „... ~A T' •-' • ''' ''" . 1' ' --- -.. .. 1 --.--- • ' ..i• . , .'',. -..,,-'.(•,"... - ',.." . I EtA.Cll:l7lkl - SitCAILLZEILE'S t ' ~. . • lliii.l9 NifilkOtriiet. , ,• ,'" - ' i ''''-'-.- -•-: --'....,-' - AU. ' GOODS GREATLY REDUCED-I -_ :, ON AND - - AFTEIL'arLY IST. - 11ii, i -‘'"': 1 T . I :__ _ ,i'l IT .)!•'f '‘: - i'' , -.'i*i'f . l ....., .0 .--.. -...41. bx,,_............... - .., •CORSETS, (Real Fre= ).( ' " " " ',' !so; LINEN RANDE.Y.ECH FS. 3fer..,, ~.. ,25` RID ,GLOVES,' twitiran ed,') • ' ' " LOCI-. PAPER COLLARk ' ''. - ::. ;1 9 1,," 200 Yds. SPOOL COTTON; ig00d) : ..":.:...: , 1 3 .. rociiti iiii90,;Epr0.'4,0,:..::.....:..... D 63, NEWS SUMMER UNDERSIIIItTS.:..! ''" '." 50 MEN'S JEAN .DRANitißfi ... . .... ....'....!.... ~15 All kinds, Bonnets and Hata at Half Goat. GREAT B RCAINS!'- i.rir , Amaz KIN s ox , ' o,c)ons; pee's)! Rates to sirehants dt , Deslerg. [. ' • ''' , MAc r a 41 4, CARIPI4I9 , . , , -iyinal , ' l9 PIPTH.STREET. bo AT JOSEPH II 11/1EIi:00.11,' ;.. DAILY ARRIVAL OP - ,•"! ", 1, . . . . INT - V-AW . • 4 :i - O4:3]ikig NAIIIIIURfiEGINGS'AND IPLOUNCUNCia;`: ' I Wi d ell u xigilii ' lli T N l lllZlEßTlNGE: . .... '-. " _ LACE CAPES, COIFFEURS. AND PA RA SO L LINER v OOLI;AIt3 AND CUFFS. ' ' '' ii(o l l3rEirie. SUPER STOUT - AND SUPER, MIND COTTON AND MERINOI-2 ROSE: ._.., LADIES. A...ND MISSES , ROSE, In Lace; Lisle, tll:Oa Co l t on, of Lest ILnglisa' awl Ger ke. DONESTIVate3IERY at*ryl "" ratel.' ALEXANDRE'S' DU C HES S E_L GL OVES, a • new Ulm just (waived. • .', . ...-. , • A WI "assyrtnient 'of BULLION AND SILK i ~ .;I ( felGE r li iits BEAD FRIIIGES AND TRIMMING, GIMP HEADINGS: TRIMMING RIBBONS AND SATINS:- PARASOLS A.NDAITIN UMBRELLAS.., : : " ' STRAW. .crociaxe. ',' • At greatly re4need rates, ' ,' ; New style HATS-Ladies , and M 1 .es.. ORAPW, MALINES, DOTTED NETTI 3.. „ • itittfithcinvet. - BONNET SILKS, PRAMES, SLINDOW.NS AND BRAKER 1100INL. Wholesale and .Retail. 4.AL Is IA A. N I)3F. X. A.lll li rr .E., , . , 77 and 'l9 alarket.Streat. jelmwr NEW GOODL ', LARGEIO,', AND BEST ;STOCK IN THE,pity; WWI PINE ADM GAKNIIETS, .. With =Mary Cale, taDnib, Buff and Tao. HOSIERY, .. Anal line of irenab„ German a n d Esglielt. .lE` A "N SI , ' fr p lii r hlprAlua . d Palm Leaf. 1, full line of White FBINGIN, SEWING SILK AND BULLION, .... • , Ia all colors and shades. •. PARASOLS, ‘ PBTSGED, BEADED, LINED ANDLAM. A FULL LINE OF HOOP . TS. i aa Also, come new 'Wee DROr 810 . , . . or C e 2r l ll- di t i c i o u r ci ejli t te Ta . riety, In . *hits mid cot 7 Ralesook, . .4, Verret Ribbons; . Pavel' Collars,. Wel Linen, - , Nil " . Moves . ar d :ga.. tll2: * i 11 1 1 ti v a r lBleogi, I Emderle Cambric,, „ , Colima Gloves, i - Itlabons, etc.., , AlsOit THE NEW . . SAILITODA COLLAR. 1414 All9:13 these are ' to be had at the LOWEBIII BLlCRotrar, 'GtIME , lir. CO. ; NB and SO Market Street. ~ ------ :Cidiailll BAIIIIRIES..;.:„ ::, 115 S • • jowl( .: . 2. • . • • STE/IDI CHACKYEB BAKERY . . 817. Liberty:, Street& • Ottr CrobltOis aee 'baked . oton the - b 97. 1. BOT TOM, and. are• oupertar to &a 7 'baked by ho 'air or an Y ° 4 lt FP r°oo ?" 6 ,l.. • • • ' Ofir TRY orrizmr.-ge '*- •••:• cRA Rs. :: • _/14itit ._2 - ' P •,':ln . ).) . ,_4..frii : AiBE 815FIRIOR qA'o,.lff .., . ,-. )1,,,, i,i T ., .--,,,,, -OPlrrairo ni...Trits,carz., 4 y• ,: : i .., ~ win, 110ST0_N, INADA,„tiltAll.. KIIIIK4jEI, HATzle lIUTTKitI4I3O&R and '5013.11. 14141.0/f'• nus: SCbTCH atidlLK. BL9CUIT.- `r ' 't' , . 4 , 4 ,'.. .; , .! , ..:: - •:1-1.7,1 , , a -. 11 ',..! . l`r f-i ForAiler•W.EviltrGiNer. in :the 010 1 . . . .. . . .... , .. -,, Bakery, No. 91-Liberty fit. .1e6:128 04 , - ~ ,) hq, , , ,-.!;.44,i, 4 v ;,..:ti.:, .14±I ' .•• PIAZIOILbIIG:A.NI3; ac....:. ..:::: _ _ 137eimmixteti MAO. i;A RhonAckW4 .43 l ol #' lied4:Panol AND ESTErG COTTAGE' ORGAN:. Mi2B=E MEM ORM rrnNtl::MIV3 AND NOTIONS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTF CARPETS. gfst 141:: 6 0viiiiT4 6 iiil N I G 14* Manufacttoraii ' recent: advice 'in acqifireato offer the tigieketoci of irassels, Velvets anstingraiieCarpets in the city at .the lowest prices reached this sea --mpea.w.iftvitaseeiveit-sletrideeet iiittol4+'`of Rapt .01:001:1'tLINTiltl - k..00 .1 1 •,, - • aro. 23 Fifth Street S.UMMEIt:',STOCK • . : t• •.:' White, Bed, hided; Siff* tiny . . . Ax A_ al:fr'tlV' GI IN ortaia.A?r vszwery. .4;111 „Clothi, .W.indow.ctillumleB;:-441:' .43ovAppi.ROSE& ; CO; ; • .21; Silent STRUT C IIINAIL MOG ; - Mil , 7, ez i:,,‘, l ,P e , ' nor 6iatty ' White; - f Oncy, Striped , MAM;NGS, 4: , f • , =MOOL IVGIW:ffS, IBBIOHTEBT COLORS .Prices the 'Lose:vat thia Market. 1110011,41T1. , BROS., -T. murra BUIE — ET.: &tome W-00d. JUST RECEIVED. ' NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. SWISS 140 E CURTAINS. Brass and Wood , Cornices, E NEWEST AND BEST PATTEENI3, y of whim cazu:tot be bad elsewhere.) THE LOWEST PRICES iiieFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 'Fifth Street. =IS CA.IWETBEATING 'ISTABLISHMENT -Which TEN TICA.E.T.TRULin• New Tort and oth er Eastern cities has proved nomplete 'mores& • ' /ITS ASTASTASSI9r , - ' Ist—Fading and ithrinkage are completely avoid lid—No ripping apart necessary: the freed .&oni dust, moths or their larvae, the Carpet looks nearly Is #rosti_as new, save , the nitturallading from•wear: , - • • 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter u stheze point of 'economy, to luiy nOthnagottheks. ..1 .. • 4 ALL oiLDKrus. purr .A.T Tnic No. '179 'Liberty Street"' Or addressed to P: 0. - Nom 473, will mats prompt atteutiinu • • ." • „ . . . . GEQ.I4 X . CCLINTOO4,.. . • ~130NrEctoommiaps,,. 1! El ' GEO ~SCH4LKIWttir,". anti Cake 114er it i Coidectipur, ' P° 4 l , 6 # 4Pix?dEr q 4?T,VTEI 244 44koonte.r.redetal vuid eirdiUksAlle• Shen,.air• ChglitaziOy 911; baud,./.45X Wok*, a rex oils aavars. - - • Trait . • *). 11;tio , onerytaneunageru " ,‘. . , ' 24 P. 09. : o*.RiEiTAß±gli; • 71fi rii.7 l *t7F.ezkfiC l r.:auiLlbArti• I* sa-t , E BEATEN; ,; !I 1",. Candy Nan rer,, 4nd der FoitilliN 411149SICEICAN PEUITB, nte PI ES, FITTS Ate., • 1 " No. YAM Pedeinel Street, SecoaCiksitehivintlie'ArOt *itt.rmuil 11104 JAW" itbenY City- cz "i rs• OffifiILCUTLERT: 100 woin) sT INAJ , GLASS - AND' • • QUEENS— • WARE 811,1VISC. PLATED WA ; PAritIAN. STAE77ES * i Lt.) t ht. • ' ' -,rIOI4 O MYA, - 1604016.; .I_, . r t. 1,11 • r;And'erehistriTAPEß Al,lol4.licry'' ODOM iogriatf Witty: ; . , •:.1 1 1 ' 0 1: I,loo' OVUM • .cf...p.1;"•#.• 'o tticti.O.tviv aßzArai,qo: 7 , ' , 11 ,11 11 , 11.1"1 , ..; _ll 11..1,•1 ... 4 ,,,, r . ti rcirr4:zT -- 7 -- T ---- 7,-, ~:,.;,,,,.,';', 'I- OM PEclk, Ornamental, AtatfiNtiatV - 'Mare ,„„slrecgleg=.ll9ll. attirs, ti,, fia 411 an . lokm itra g wi..,..,nclit/tr) :.,I! argesatuwannw 46704---vm 90. , i nt 0 La u X • WIGS,•• Al' , . . as •i‘ ~, •.'e.• : ,. • ^ 11 ,%;.: ifttIiA, , APPINM3 I • •117 0 . 1 4 6 14terii1 l rV IILA " - . 4 41 1 1 . 0104::411 ' 11 •:}41101 •' 4. 4r= . ‘;')• tt 4 ;llo '4 uflz..s.m4"--' ‘ - --* •Il 14114e—Cistik"111.4424"vmallari ° "''"l'''' res k-ei , 04a .beillir.) saiw Luaa . titeat>rY tigkilylllll.l<:L Attb -lUicot i . t.1 . 4 t 'io x i vi tt ; 5 4 ,04 ,„ 0 , 1 ,11,, E , A , —.. . -: ' 1 au L'°'''" o 119 / 1 3 F l MieWir, - .', . ~~i66%'1 MACHO SEMERlo!'llib, Aninfrallbleiemedrfor Siiminer Coultaslnt, Vs:- rbea , ±..Ditenter7•2 - Tongaingi boar Eitemach and Cholers orbna. o ARlllll,lllSlinimr - tifig 9 A specific for Cholera, Cramps ukfilitln is The Stomach, for sale by • .- - _ ,• r r I ' .?' • 'AG O ' . . 4Orner ell Libeitifiiiitt es;• ~.. . • .N. ;..; i;, . l' . ''•;, .t -,: . ilf, „ili •.-.3 ." f'•• s ..i'El•f&'l4 'V oii,, : ' -'..-',-...-1.: J. SOHOONNAKER & SON'S PURE WiIITE - LEAD , McCOIPIPITIWITEILGREEN;- 7 Tbe4; ll l4'irlikni 'not - deteriorate try - erpfnure. It rill Int* better. last longer and git,e more Zperinat, -attistactitti -Rum "any- paint - In tint • market. 4• ~! ' ep .• . • :Thghtzung. Rod ‘ldanufacton. WON GAINANIKENG WORKS. LXIGIIIEIMLN . AA Vativlseture'd at the.e works, and sold to all-IMrte of the continent, are admitted to be superior to as Idgtrtinag Ittkt In use. Great inducements Offered , to peddlers and all persons, buying at *wholesale. Also ,line Pietism Points., of all kinds and patterns., together with 'lnsulators, Fastenings, Copper an d Iroa Connection Bura, Braces, etc:= Hamplea, Pam. SaletSUnd CUO l . l , l ses Wit tree. EMI REVATO ' , IEUNTEBi & And Check NOS. 488 and 490 St...Tolul St., ar10:03-41&F ' InitE4g, JUT COlllOX' Liberty and Irivin Streets,, , Otter to the trade at Low F igur es:g: , • 150 pkgs. of NEW MACKEREL, in _ barrels,_ DRITIPS. (Marten; and kite. • 100. chests *bole° YOUNG DYSON, JAPAS and IMPhatIAL TEAS.. _ . 5U sacks choke RANGOON RICE," • 25 bbis. choice CAROLINA RICE. .75 btds. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. • .• 50 bbls. SYRUP, choice brands. 100 bbis. N. O. MOLAbSES. • ' • • 50 bbls. BERMUILA,MOLASBES. •, • • 200 bbls. REIINXD SUGAR.- 75 hhdi. PORTO - RICO, CUBA' and DENA— RABA SUGARS. 200 bags RIO COFFEE. • 50 bags JAVA and LAGUAVRA. COFF EES:, 100 cases IMPORTED CLARET, • • 250 eases . MON:T.,/ :CRANDON'S., CRAM PADRE WI.NES.• • • • SCOTCH? ALE and LONDON. PORTER' cor... -stantlg on band. • • MI AL ALE SEit, Dried Beef and.l3oef Ton gues, . A LARGE. STOCK OF BEST 'BRANDS AND C/ISICBST CUBE. A large stock of strictly SU9AR-CURKD Ham } AND BEEF TOGITS, The largest L sioch In the market,' of STRICTLY - , .711EOLD RELIABLE L EAGLE 'BRAND , , . SUGAII-CITRED RAMS. • Good ?AM ILT HAMS, leairrassod S r ow, to 111117g1t:(iadr.;Btrcht" xe s d l it r ile ..D d r i; In tierces, kegs and buckets; all of whi chwe are offering•to the ttladens low as the' lowest., at awl. 329 midIISL corner PENN and WAYNE. , • F . ..s.go..Eß,sag- co.. (SECOND FLOOR.) APA.RDILEREL, TICE 'RAY' BAELE . "WEICOME." • , PATENTED 11369 - AND MT. ' the bestilialoninade. It:wi ll rake heavies hen/ carry it fartherOtad and *inkload itself easier than an, caberrake4 rlt is self-operadng; a cblld.B veers • ,014' raw do the w,ork . banfl Hundreds of 'nertilles / 11.6conld be given ' of which is below: ,• I . •* '1 have . "G d n. he ErkCto H Paay., R j a e k lY , a l mu T t - tared by W. W. Wallace. aro omMend it to farmer/I: ' 'lt is goodin light and heavy ' hay: is easy on man and hope; a,-complete glean er c i f grain and stosecl is, simple in construction and easily kept in order.' /. • 4JOSEPH ARBIIDELE.2:I, /. AU -orders directed, te 319 Liberty* street, Pitts.. , burgh, Pa.. or at -tilt, workw in . Columbiana, Ohio, • punnptirattended to.: :Sold wholesale end retail by, • W. Bentl orders in early, sle'suPp bi s WALLACE. ly short • , myiStd/ST ' " , !, :-.1; • WEE ITYNE • Virlir'SLATE 904 snontfacture s.anoerlor Juliele of - • • f.itADinwpirtr, • 0r1114041/20"*TO)th Stii.'rittsbur"Al4. OiNEE99 , SELL . It cal • 1' ApicHoli 6Oriori ' • 'llazinfiletußersof 11 XILVT,:?dEttliElt and L 16112, sHzciaxrrGs-irrn, BATTING, M IVIL •IKO GLANS 1114LUPAcT--------- g 11:111 k... i :Th e undersigned hattingeoceredOwsole•Aine.:" sty , r the sale of the celebrated , •.• .. _. , ~.. , . .:...... , 4 46 ' r ,4" : QOPAE.T. POT Pit•PiTs•. 1.11r,2_ -.-. ./ noirprdpitret to mania It in any quarittlin now wishing t i pirocare this superler arthile• i ‘, •Aling tilliesnye teicmy.t,ltinstnuisre?rurazile ( ~ 0, pacli)martiohaaaNa , heileya anal' t a better, ~ attiale urrpotoiaart tar la tha mute ivp trine 4 ascurediusaneregs stood lat•enn, tem g. en fiegnr• - • Ammo. • Net. will•hualatvreeellbealce,tha.prom.R..• Sieln•of the 'mixture hf this Olayotoi lourcc...• la i The Oily Is ground itll'Uletn It •tizapa psi : ' • 0 ) - -,,, t; .-_, .:11, , -,i•.• "e S.. ..zi : 16::. N Wilidildistiegt a pit tot • h e •. •_:_______,__________ .k MISCELLANEOUS. OEM MEI =I BRASS FOUNDRY 30,000 =ET,MINUFACTIMW) DAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED (tate Miller & Itteketson,) No;s. 221. AND 2dB; 4 . 1 4 4 1641 . 11::t Jammu, AND MAGNICiILik"' . . , . t 7 ~j