The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 07, 1868, Image 1

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,VOLUME . IXXXIII. - ' '-.- - ---
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i s=t
vorra,'O'CIACIE A. M.
?. tio Seymour, Chairman, Delay
; •
ere an Address--Discussion as to.
Territorial Delegates The
Two -Thirds Rule—Address of
the "Conseriutive” Soldiers'
1 - Convention—NO
•i Connate Yet
— Adjournment till . T ay.
relearapa to the Pittsburgh Gazette./
Nsw Yomr, July 6,.1868. ._
The pollee force on Foluteanth street
•;• 1 - were inadequate this morning to keep'
1 'back the surging crowd, which - so blocked
up the passage to Tammany Hall that dele
.l gates and reporters had much difficulty in
- centering >Owing to ,this cause it was half
- past ten o'clock before the delegates were
4 t
in generally heir seats.
• The Convention was called to order by
•-•.. 'thetemporary Chairman at a quarter be
ll fore 'eleven. v
Prayer was offered by Re.
7- Wm...Q.llhr; of New York. The reacting
of the Journal of Saturday was dispensed
I with
- .
• 0 , General- Morgan, of Ohio, : moved that
the - * delegations from the Workingmen's
Vanventlati be invited to seats on the floor.
Mr.F Clymer, Of Pa., from the Committee
•on Permanent Orgimization, reported as
pllowic For President, Hon. Horatio Say
moue of New York—[Great cheering]—
- and'eneillee-president and Secretary from
each ',The Pennsylvania represents
"lives were, John L. Dawson, Vice-Prod
"(leak, Geo. M. Reilley,' Secretary; F. M.
_Hutchinson, R ecording.Seeretary:, It was
• ,
also : recommended that the rules of 'ho
Democratic Convention of 1884 he, adopted
s thrgovernment of this Convention.
• - Mr. Mackin, of Ohio, moved the adoption
-I••of the report and the discharge of the Com
• 1 mitten. ' •
i A delegate from Florida inquired wheth
er,on the adoption of this report, the two.
thirds rule on balloting for Presidential
- candidates would require for a rumination
two-thirds of the entire Convention or.two
hirds of the votes to ke east hi Electoral
The CludrPut lhe question on the ao
oeptance of the report and discharge of the"
•Conimittee. which was deoided in the af
firmative and the, Committed was Ws-
Mr." Murphy, of New York, from the
Committee on Resolutions, asked permis
sion for said Cotrunittee to sit during the
: sesaioli of the Convention. Agreed to.
The Chair appointed Messrs. River, of
Pennsylvania, and litumuoncl,• ,ot South
Carolina, a Committee to conduct the per
anamnit Preeident to th'e chair.
' Mr. Seymour ;proceeded to the platform.:
amid great entimiam and loud continued
4 theark,Ain4 -, fit, brief, that he returned
tlmalus,• - Moderation, toleration
and; llarlion.Y/‘aald the most important
questions were forced 'upon the considera
tion of this Convention; some of these were
forced - .'upon it by the resolutions ,of the
late C h icago. Convention. He discUssed
briefly the Republican platform, accused
that party of Violating it own declarations
aga- and i nstthen repudiation and unequal taxation,
asserted solicitude for the sailors
and soldiers svidows and orphans. Ile ac
onsed the now dominant party of extmva
_sant wasting of public monies, tainting the
National credit, impeding immigration by
;over-burdening labor with taxation, and
breaking the• guaranties of republicas
•eity. He denied the assertion of the Re
publican Convention that the principles of
the Declaration of Independence are now
..sacred on every inch of American soil. for
in ten States of the Union, military power
suppresses civil law.
The Committee on Rules recommended
that the rules and regulations of the-Demo
cratic Convention of 1864 be adopted by, this
Convention, ngs for thagovernment of its pro
' ceedi. .
Mr.Blgler, of Pentisylvania, submitted a
seriesof rtsolutiortc which were referred
without r*ding,, , ..
' Theimolutions of the State Conventions
of Pennsylvania -„and Michigan were re
ferred without reading. •
' Mr: Nelson, of Tennessee moved the ad
missionof tha delegates fr om 4 the Demo-oratio Convention of that State, who were
s endintedie,Mthetsralize- that body in ref
srentielcosziw the people there
under RadlosTrule. !ed. "L'•tt
Additional resolutions worm received se
referred liithii,cOntraittee ; tliesOlutions,
from California, from New York, by Hon.
Eraatus Amok; apd from Pennsylvania.
Itesultithins fit= lite National Labor Con
vention were sent up and read. favoring
the payment of tke public ind‘Private debt
in, greenbaaks., and received: with great
cheering. as also was one against - further
grants of poublie lands. to private corpora
tions anit , fitvoring their restoration for
distribution, to actual settlers. . , •
Aletter was.esteived with'great laughter
from Susan B. Anthony, of
,the Women'e
Bights urging the claimseir.
women to participate in elections. He
Mr. Tilde; of New York; offered a reso.:
luton admitting delegates•from -the Terri! , '
tdrhirto' honorary seats in ••the Convention;
eed to.
he Chairman of the Committee on 'bre.'
dentials reported that full delegations were
present Dom every State in the Union, and
recommended that three delegates from
each Territory and from the DiStrict of
Columbia be admitted to the floor without
,the privilege of voting. •
Mr. Cox, • New York. moved to a mend: so
as, to admit 'the entire eleven delegates
;from• the Distriet. Lost. •
• A delegate from California moved the
admission -at delegates frem the Territories,
'to rill the privileges of the Coiivention, ex
cept that each Territory shall have but one
• - vote, which was rejected and Committee's
report war then adoPted.
Mr. Kerr, of Pennsylvania, offered a res.
elution that it is tha"duty of every friend'
of constitutional govesnment to sustain the
President in his efforts to steMtide Of .
Radical usurpation , and commending him
rloorterridesd.aour!e. [ ' Cheers.] Resolutions
Fenton. of Hansm,Offered a resolu
tion reciting that the National, flag shOuld
protectsame adopted = citizens everywhere-the
as it does the native born. Illffieers.l
mr. ;Wright , of. Del aware,,offered a
one providing for •,a ?-00 vullittEie of one
from each State t 0; constitute, onal Nati
Executive.Commiltee•AdOpt,w; . ,
Hall, of New York, offered •ft-rOolutioti
declaring that the thanks of the-uation are
due to. Chief Juitkle Chase fee hie
*Partiality and fidelity' to ,coitstitutional,
14:. •
4:.• 4
6 "1.4.71;
~ i
- i
~, quit. .? i> •.
duty in presiding over the Court of Im
peachment. [Prolonged shouts.] Referred.
- Mr., Randall, of - .Penrs'a.,,,-, trtiered , reso
lution In favor of increasing, -the pensions
to soldiers and sailors by paying them the
gold equivalent. [Great applause.] Re r
ferreii. _ . 2.
Mr. Heed, of Pennsylvania, offered a
redrew solution recognizing the fidelity of An
tion and laws. Johnson in upholding the • Constitu-
On motion of Mr. Richardson, -oflllinols,
it was ordered that each State reyort its
, member of the Executive Committee by
tomorrow morning. • '
Mr. Harley, of Pennsylvania, offer a
resolution directing that the President's
amnesty proclamation be read by theBec
retary. • .
A vote was taken and the resolution ap.
peered to be lost.
The Chairman was about to put the ques
tion again, when Mr. Brooks, of New York,
moved to amend the proposition so as to
simply declare that that this 'Convention
approves the Amnesty Proclamation,which
was carried.- ' '
Mr. Cox offered a resnlution app rov
ing the doctrine of Marcy .in the Koszta
case, by which a declaration of intention to
become a citizen of the United, States se
cures to the incohate citizen the same na
tional protection as- if - naturalization were
already completed.
Mr. Bile moved to proceed to nominate
a candida g te r
foro President f the United
States. [Cheers.] - - ,
Mr. Brewer, of Pennsylvania,- offered a
resolution of thanks to the temporary
Chairman, Mr.: Palmer, • of Wisconsin.
Adopted. (Applause.]
_Phil/ips, of Alissortri, offered .the fel
lowing Reaolved, That lhe delegates to
this Convention pledge themselves in ad
vance to support its nominees. The. ques
tion was tabled by the Chair on Mr.Bigler's
resolution. , *
Mr. Hutchings, of Mo., moved to amend
by substituting a resolution that no steps
be taken towards the nomination of a can
didate for President until after the platform
shall have been presented and adopted.
A vote on this amendment was ordered
to be taken by a cell of the States.
Mr. Bigler explained that his proposition
was not to proceed now to balloting for a
candidate, but simply looking to put
candidates before the Convention. He was
himself in favor of adopting the platform
prior to any balloting.
The vote by States was then taken on the
amendment. At the conclusion of the call,
New York asked leave to retire for Consul
tation, but -the Chair declared that one hun-'
died and fifty-nine and one-half votes had
been cast in the affirmative,. and that the
.amendment had been adopted,
Mr. Belmont, of New York, offered a res
olution. of thanks to the andociey
for the use of their new hall, their
courtesy and assistance so the Convention.
Mr. Garretson, of Pennsylvania, offered a
resolution declaring that it is the sense of the
yonvention that in future Democratic Con
ventions a majority vote should effect a
nomination. ISlight applanse.] Referred.
Mr. Spaulding, of Kentucky, offered a
resolution that _partiesput in nomination
'befbre this Convention shall be Pledged by
their friends to support its ticket and plot--
form. Referred.
A delegate from. Kentucky mevect a reso
lution requesting the President of the
United States to issue a proclamation of
u'Mr. niversairunnestv. - -
Diemood Pinnsylvanla, asked an
immediate vote on this reselntion and it
was adopted, with but votes . a few dis'senting
Mr. Schwartz, of Missouri, offered a reso- -
iution on finances and taxation. Referred.
,Mr. Reed, of Indiana, offered a resolution
"Prviding -that Yew - minutes recess be
in every CUSS before the roll Is called
on any questien, the vote upon which, by
States, is ordered. -
Mr. Crawford, of Nebraska; offered a res
olution condemning, the:reconstruction acts
of Congress.
Mr. Emerson, of Missouri, offered a ratio:
Intion callingpp e n the Committee on Res- -
olutions tooport the platform at the earli
est moment possible. '
Mr. Stewed, of Michigan, from the Com
mittee on Platform, hoped this would/not_
be adopted. The Committee were industri
ousty at work, and would report as soon as
- practical.
Mr. Preston of Kentucky, also from - the
same Committee, said they hoped to be able
to report to the Convention to-night. . •
Mr. Vallandigharn, of Ohio, as a privi
leged motion, moved that -when the Con
vention adjourn it be to meet again -at
three o'clock, which was modified by sub
stituting four o'clock, and, In , that form,
was adopted.• -
Mr. Boyce, oressingf Pennsylvanational nia, offered a
resolution exp ,atitude
to Andrew Johnson for his patrioticgr ootU'ile
and asked its immediate consideration.,
Objection was made, and the resolution was
- Mr. - Richardson, of Illinois, moved that
all the resolutions now on the President's
table, bereferred without reading. Adopted.
Adjourned to four; s'. m. •
.0n the -.President-tappearini - upon the
platform, he was greeted with three cheers
by the audience. -
The President---Tite Secretary will read
to the Convention a letter just received by
the Chair. -
The Secretar • y
read the following:
MY Nrw onx, July 6th, 1868.
DPEAR -Y Committe eofCo mer-
Vative - soldiers , and stailens from the Con
vention now in yoution-atthis place, desire
to present itself to the Cotiyention of which
youerto a- President with an address, in an
swre the invitation to iheprivileges of the
neer, and it will glad to 'know at what
time you wilily:6We We will be glad
to be received soen aslt Is convenient to
the Convention. - • '
Very respectfully yours,
W. B. FaszterAir, President.
To Hon. HonArro SEYMOUR, President Na
tional Dem:erotic o:invention.
Mr. Woodward, of. Pa-4 move a Corn
' mittee of five be appointed to wait upon
the Committee 'of the Soldiers' and'Sallors'
Convention_ and invite. them to come upon
the Boer. Adopted.
The Soldiers and Sailors' Committee
headed bythe flag borne py Sergeant Bates,
was i received with loud cheers, the dole
gates rising
- Mr; Brewer, of Pa,, offered the following
resolution: •
Resolved, Thatmo gentleman shall bo
Oared the nomutee of this Convention for
„President of the. United States unless he
ehall receive' two-thirds - of all the votes
Mr. Vallandighar to a Paint of
order, that this Convention brut already
adopted the two-thirds: 'tale, and that this
motion is only superfluous. , The resolu
'ion passed by the Omvention adopts the
rules of 1884.
Mr. firewer—l do not dearre, to debate,
but simnly to say--
Mr. Villandigham—T rise '`to a - Point .13 f
order, that a point of order is not ; - ,
At the iuggesiicin orthe President the
resolution was withdrawn to allowthe chair
to infbrm himself nitott the'polut.
Mr. Woodward, or , pe„..,pr e i er ited the
catrunit4efrozo the,COßrutionvf Soldier"-
- ;
..t2 . V, ~...;',1("zT,:•,w.i.:::1,,,-;i.
and Sailors. .
They were requested to take
positions upon the platform. .
t'. The President --The Ohair has the honor
present to the tkinventiOn' 'Gent ,Frank
lin as one who represents here now the
Conservative soldiers and sailors t f our.
country, who desire peace, union and fra
ternal reprd. . - ,-.- ". •.. .. i
Gen.'FranklinLLThaVe been deputed by
the Conservative &Mimi' and Sailors'
Convention, sittingin this place, to present
you the Committee. This Committee has
for its Chairman Gen. E. W. Slocum; of
this State, and it has • prepared an address
which it. desires now to makoknown to the
members of this Convention. ,
Colonel cYßierne read the address as fol.
Mr. Preaident (tad Gentlemen of the n
vention: We are instructed by a u ani
mous vote of this Convention of Union
Soldiers and Sailors now.. in session, at
Cooper Institute, to return to you Our
thanks for extending to us the yrivilege
of the floor of your Convention. The Ob
jects for which we are assembled are clear
ly set forth in the.addrese of our presiding
officer. Our Conventicm is composed of
1 two thousand delegates, elected to repro
sent every State and Territory in the
Union, who have served in theUnim army
or navy. Every one of whom believes that
operating at this time with The Conser
i narty of the conntry,'he is still en
gaged the same cause for which he risked
his life during the war. viz; To preserve the
Union and maintain the supremacy of the
Constitution., - We believe that the crimes
now being 'perpetrated in:the name of repub
l icanisin and loyalty aro not less alarming
than thoeo committed by armed foes) of
the Government daring the war. The
party now in power has destroyed the
equality of States, has forced the Southern
- States to submit to.have their Oonaltitutions
and Laws framed by ignorant negroes just
relieved from Servitude, while at the North
lt has denied the negro althOugh compara
tively educated, the right - of suffrage. It
has attempted to influence the highest tri
bunal of the laws, by calling a meeting of
excited partisans to condemn all members
of the `court who might refuse to
act in accordance with their dicta
tion, ' while all the leading journalists
of the perky since the , dosser the Impeach
ment trial have denounced and • villitled in
unmeasured terms the once chosen loaders
of their own party, going so far in some
instances as to threaten personal violence,
and for no other reason than that they were
unwilling to perjure ,the mselves , at the
behest of party.- It has frooly remov.!
ed political disabilities from men of the
South who before and during the war
were the most violent and malignant rebels,
but have since become the sycophants
Of the party in power, Whilelt persecutes
those in the stone - localities who hive al
ways been true to the Union, but are un
willing to be ruled by.their recently eman
cipated slaves. -'At the North it has denied
official positions to hundreds of the veter
ans of the war, most of whom are disabled
by wounds received in battle, while it has
foisted into olace partizans ' of its own
having no claims on the Government,
many of whom, fortunately for the country,
, have during the past few months become
, inmates of 'oo.i. Penitentiariest. It has
r placed the General of th e armies beyond eon
' trol of the President of the United States, to
whom the Federal Constitution makes him
subordinate; has nominated - hint for tbo
Presidency, and the events of the last four
months indicate that by the use of the
army under his supreme control; there is a muse the eledoral votes
of the Southern States to be cast for him
self through force and fraud. We aolemn
ly declare our conviction that the free in
atitutionsorthe iteumminave never been
in greater jeopardy than at this iiime. and
we look to the deliberations of the Demo
.eratie party now assembled Convention
with deepest Anxiety, feeling that on its
action depends the future prosperity of
our country. We earnestly trust and be
lieve that no devotion to men, oradherence
to past issues, will bit:permitted to endan-
I gar
enccess of the great party which
now looks withananxious eye
for permanent peace and the perpetuity of
our institutions. Wellere that there are
living nearly half a' million of men who
served in the Union army and navy who
are in sympathy and in judgment
opposed to the acts of the party
in .power, and at least , another
half million who have heretofore acted with
the rtepubllcan party, Out who, viewing
with alarm the recent acts of that party,
are now anxious for a change of, adminis
tration, with a platform of principles re
viving no dead issues and looking only to
the arrest , of ecieting evils ' and with candi
dates whose fi delity to the Constitution and
devotion to the oountry cannot be question
ed. We shall cooperate with you in this
campaign _with an enthusiaein and confi
dence that Will bring victory and salvation
to the country.
At the conclusion of the reading Of the
address, three cheers were given for the
soldiers and sailors, end calls .were Made
for Thothas Ewing, Jr'.; 'of Ohlo, who was
introduced to the Convention and was
Egreeted by' a round of applause. Mr.
whig delivered• an,address,, whidi was
vvartely" applauded.
W. D. Turner, of Illinois, proposed throe
cheers fop jhesolcliers And sailors of the
army and navy represented by the Con
vention at Cooper Institute. The cheers
rem given. -.4 .- f* , - •
W.D. Deirdle, Of .—
Valiforida, Offered tho
following resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the address of the. Sol
dierisland ill e i lors'Venvention, just read
boredb eir Secretary be received and en
upon the minutes of our 'proceed
ings, and become a part of the prooeedings
of this Convention.
._,i r; ~ 1
Mr:Brewer, Pa.-4WiLt it be in order for
me to ask for information of the Chair
whistherindiVidtralldeles of this Con
vention may not be at liberty from this
time-mirth:4oWe' adjonrh Wale resolinions
with the Secretary of the Oortvellthm
making thenfapareof the prOOd , edilige -
Mr. Miller, e f r e e n smfela--Ifilikl any
pnipoie in making that nwffoij 4tt was to
endeavor to ace some end of the introduc
tion of reiefothmely the bombers or this
Convention. Every delegate seems to feel
thatli will not' have faltllrerhis mleibM,
unless he has spread noon theL:Mecird" a'
resolution, and - to such an, extent *swill
not in rayjudgmentAd
..ssery mash te the'
strength o f our when Otiblish='
ed to the world, and therefore, Ilmove the
pfurther hatroduction Of Teholutiona be atm.' ,
endectfrom thializne,, , , at , - ;. 1 r ; ',1 .---= t =
The,- President— Thu, gentleman; from
Pennsylvania Mus t:iedlice Ws , &Isolation
to writing
. Mr. Mill.
~. ,
.. er—l withdraw it: „a‘ogliter.,l
...Mr. Eaten, of tr kninectiout—There was a
resblution passed' this''morning that the
platform should first be - determined on be-.
fore any ballot should be. taketi for ?Presi
dent. I understand, however, the Coin
mittee on
,Platforrn will not be able to re
port ''before to-morrow', Morning. There
[ fore I move to reconsider the vote on the
• , ,
! ..liii.'Btlen, of'NetradiLl move '
to lay it
on the table.
Several delegates called for a Vote by
ay es and nays en the motionbus lay on the
Mr. Vallandigham—Nill not the ellbet of
the Motion'be 'to lay the resolution the
ismitinmpoldng ittcr bevirried? '
-- 17 , 1T.i 7 .1 5. 4 .::'•:17 A
r :
,i-^ , .
c - 5...
The President=The Chair understands
such will -be the effect._
I fr. va nandikliain—The n 1 •hope it will
not inevail.
Mt. 'Soott; Pa —Do I understand' it the
,motion to lay on the table . is carried, it car
tries th e orig.inal resolution with it ?
The Pr,isident---No•' the gentleman from
Connectinnt-mores to. reconsider-the vote
on the reij, l uti outhis - horning. The gen
tleman front Nevada (Mr. Edell) moves to
laythatiniation - on.-the tablek -The Chair
understands, the' ef f ect= will simply be tt, -
carry with it the motion of the gentleman
tl l
from Conn Went, - leaving the rule stand
-.that -lio--ne "nations -shall } " made until
after the pltiatrof a platform.
Mr. S nrof Kentunky.—l nnderstand
the rule ark, tad this morning to be that
when a vote by States was to be taken, del."
°gates ' shoe d first have five minutes for
consultation nd deliberation.
The Fred nt-rYes; a vote by States is
now called fOr and in' five minutes from
this time it Will be taken. - '
After five niinutes for 'consultation, the
mute was taken-t3r-Statas on - laying on the
table 'the motion to . ;reconsider, amt. the
motion was rejected by the foll Owing vote :
yeas, 14 2;.nayit. /72. . •
The Chair said the question was now upon
the adoption of the resolution of the gen
tleman from Connecticut, (Mr. Eaten)
that the Convention now reconsider the
resolution adopted this morning..
Cries of “question;" “question.".
The question was„put viva voce . .and the
Chair was unable to-deUide.
A vote of States was called jfor and the
Chair a:wow:wed:a recess- of live minutes
to-enable delegation to - costatdt.
,During recess Mr. Slack, of Maryland;
moVed.toadjohrUnntil ten- o'clock to-mor
row morning, bet it was declared out of
Upon the eXpkation of recess„Mr. Slack
renewed his nicition.
The Chair --The motion to adjourn until
to-mGrrow morning is a debatable question.
Mr. Slack - -4 just moved' to adjourn.
The. President—The hourin fixed - by your
motion and it is therefore debatable.
Mr. Miller, of Penrisylyania.—Mr. Chair
weer if there be no other motion pending,.
I wish to state I have reason to believe
there is a misunderstanding as to the na
ture of the proposition- before the Conven
tion, as to what would be the effect °fit, and
I stig,gest that
she Chair , from the best.
lights he hasuld make a statement of
the question.
The President—The first vote is upon the
motion to adjourn.
The motion to adjourn being put was de
-dared lost.
Brewer. Pa.--I move that when this
Convention adjourn it adjourn till tomor
row at tan o'clock, and that hereafter the
Convention, on adjournment, will fix that
The President—The Clerk will now call
the States in their ulterior the purpose of
taking their votes upon the resolution be
fore the Convention. -
Me. Pinch, • lowa--I more this, Conven
tion now adjourn.
The motion to adjourn was put and de
clared lost.
The Secretary again read the resolution
to reconsider the vote on the resolution
that there be no balloting for candidates
for President and Viee President until after
the report.of the Committee on Resolutions
be received and adopted. The vote
States was then taken, with the following by
result: Ayes, 17934; nays. 137.
The President put the question upon - the
adoption of the resolution offered by the
gentleman from Pennsylvania this morn
ing. -
Mr. Eaton -- I move the resolution lie on
the table—the original resolution, which Ims
ken reconsidered.
BigLer, Ba.- r -Mr. Presi
dent, If the gentleman Anna Connectient
(Mr. Eaton) will permit me, t desire to
modify the resolution.
Mr. Eaton—lf the gentleman will give
way I will withdraw my motion and move
that this Convention now proceed to vote
fer a candidate for President of the United
The President—The question before the
Convention is the resolutionof the gentle
men from Pennsylvania: A . delegate from
California has moved an amendment to
that resolution, which is first in order. It
will be read by the Clerk. It was in the
hands of the Chair before the other reso
The Clerk read the resolution of Mr.
Hammond, of California, a substitute for
that of Mr. Eaton, as follows:
Resolved, That candidates for President
may now be put in nomination, but that no
ballot be had until a platfcrin of principles
is adopted.
Mr. Win. Bigler, Pa.—l claim to have
occupied the iloor from the beginning. The
gentleman from Connecticut said if I
would give way he would offer another
proposition. I heard it, but I did not give
way, I am, as I take it, in possession of
the floor.
The President --The gentleman does not
understand the course of events. Before
lie had taken the Boer the gentleman from
Colorado (Mr. , Hammond) offered the res
olution just read. T h ere fo r e equested to
send it to the Chair. his resolu
tion is first in order. It was strictly before
the. Convention when offered by:. the gen
tleman. se resol are read om
.the Chair bThe ythe Clerkutions
for the oonventefrnee
'of the 'Convention, so they may understand
the question before them. It is the opinion
of the Chair the_question comes upon ,the.
amendment offered by the gentleman from
Colorado to the resolution of the gentle.
••man from Feu/viva/11a, (Mr, Bigler.)
Mr. Bigler—Then I maire'a' point of or
der upon the amendment. It is precisely
in , eubstence what this body has voted
down repeatedlY, therefore is not in order.
The President—The 'notion of the gen
tleman Con v entionvive was this, not
thaetheshould proceed to bal
lot, but that,the Convention should proceed
to nominate candidates. The gentleman.
,frOm .9difeenia' proposes by his amend
ment so to modify that resolution that no
vote shall be taken tosominate until= after
the adoption of a platform. The Chair
jthinktrthal irresolution different from any
1 - offered and a modification of the resalu;
lion of the gentleman from Pennsylvatiiii;
mr:Biglers-lt would be in order, -pro
'Med It was diVided. •
The Preiddent---It is in the power of the
gentleman to call a division of thequestion.
Bo far as it regards excluding a ballot un
til a platform ii, Adopted is one division,
and all that; whickprecedes it la ,another.,
Mr. Vallandigharni--What became or the
motion of the' gentietnan 'front Missouri?
If I understand it is still indisposed of.
This preposition can only , Come in as
Amendment tej_the:'-atnendinent,.- further
amendment being in order. - •
The Preiddent—Thegentleman frombhio
le right..l , Tlie_qttbstion before the Ckinven
don is on the adoption of the resolution of
lhegentlentiliffrom Missouri, which has es
caped the attention of the Chair.
The Clerk - readas follows:
Besolvext, That Atiballetliaglir candidates
far ...Prteddent_or pe President belied un
idler the - .re of the COminittee on
Resellitlons,e/utl jtitee Won received and
adoPted. - •• - _
Tne _ reseln . tion iuwlng;beenzaad, a -dele
gate from Missouri said , that motion, With
Ul P:P e rin.._. _ b alm! of the delegate wheinitstdid•-
ed 11•18 OiertU/einfe now witluirastr.
Mr. Bhr?er t pf Pennsylvania-Thence-
JULY 't, 18e8.
Naw Yonn, July 6.—The various dele
gations having paraded in procession as an
nounced from their headquarters at Moffet
Mansion, passed New Tammany Hall to
Cooper Institute, andwarrived at the great
hal of the Cooper Union ate quarter to
twelve. Torn and tattered beetle flags,from
nearly every field of strife of the late war,
were present, prefacing the entrance of
delegations, and hr their rear arrived va
rious delegations,, rapidly filling up the
Hall. During filing in of the delegation
and the taking of seats of the officers of the
Convention. the various bands, by concer4
ed arrange ment, played a pot pourri
music, conaisting of "Hail Columbia."
"Rally Round the Flag," and cheers we
given, flags dipped, shouts of applause ren
the air, and bedlam was epitomized. Stil
there was unanimity even in confusion, an
such names as MeClellan,Hancook, Packer
Slocum and Franklin were greeted wit
invariable applause.
Precisely at noon, the Chairman, Major
General Wrn. R. Franklin, of Connecticut,)
called the Convezition to order by ,vigorouci
raps upon the Speaker's stand.
read t
The he ru Seoretarv, Colonel O'Brien, then
les cif order, as reported by the,
Committee on Resolutions. They provide
that the resolutiona offered by delegates ,
shall be read and referred without debate
to the . Committee on Resolutions; that the
votes shall be by States and announced by
the Chairman of each delegation and the
votes to which it is entitled in the Electo
ral College.
9 e n. Pr att then offered "a resolution tq
the effect that a committee of one from
each State shall be pointed to decide
upon the expediency t heenting a Presi
dential candidate for consideration of
the National Convention. Referred.
A resolution was offered that all
speeches, motions, cr.c., shall be made from
,tho floor, so as to avoid the undue prorni
nence gained by the members upon . the
platform,. which, after being amended to
allow the officers of ,the Convention to
speak from the platform, was carried.
General Slocum, of New York, from th e
Committee on resolutions reported tha t
that Committee was not yet prepared to re- I
port its draft of a platform and reported,
an address to the National Democratic Coo- ,
vention in , response .to the invitation to the
floor of that body, declaring the object.of
the Soldiers and Sailors' Convention to be
the same' asti those which animated them
during the war; deploring Radical legisla
tion; denouncing the apostasy of men who
were once Democrats; censuring the pro
scription'af loVal nien at. the South, and
deelaringGeneral Grant a renegade.
A motion . was Made that the report 'Just
read abiladd'be accepted, and ri.,Committee
of twakv-me be, appointed to, present the
same tp the Nations& Convention.
AMotion to reconsider iost, andthe 'ap
pointing of the ,entirmittee left
_with the
Chali;wbo,named.Slootn, Granger, Pratt,
Mitchell, Avnriit.' Brown, Kilby, IffeCier-
Reimnandtilker,RingsleY, Bradbury, Drake,
e r s:bid Parke.
'''A reltoltittoro endorsing the Amnesty
Proclamation t arsl=•the , general policy Of
P2.681(16131 Jo h nson: referred to the Corn.
Ilfittelkien .Beenititians; also, a resolution
reonminendisig General Hancock and Hon.
T homas A. 'Hendricks for candidates for
President and Vice President of the United
states; but pledging their support to what
ever 'nominees the National Convention
A resolution expressing sympathy for
Americana confined in foreign prison; and
demanding a speedy settlement of the
Alabama claims, was sent to the Com
, This resolution was folloared by a scoo
of much confusion, and cries of ' motion,"
sgorder," ',Mr. Chairman," &a., followed
each °other in riotous disregard of parlia..
manta rules, amid which a motion to
adjourn Was offered, upon which a vote of
States Was taken, which resulted m the
.motion being lost: ~
> A motion that the chairman of each del
egation appoint a sergeant44-Arne to as.
sire to modify that resolution to move that
the Sltatee'be called in their regular order
and timit candidates be presented, and there
be conceded to each State five minutes to
present the eliding and character of' the
candidate whose name they desire to sub
mit to the Convention.
The President—The gentleman from Penn
sylvania now niodifies the resolution so
'that it shall read as follows.: 1
,Resolved, That the call of the States be
called in their regular order, and that each
State have the right to present the name br
anY candidate for the Presidenek, ancrtbat
delegates haver five minutes allowed Vieth
to present their views upon their canchdate.
[Applanse.3 = , 1
Mr. Brewer—l second the resolution of
the gentleman from Peurisylvania.
Mr. Bigler—lt occurred to tricrthis teem
ing when the motion was made by thegen
tleman from Pennsylvania -to put in nomi
nation candidates to be voted for the Mike
of President and Vice President, that it was
'oat of order, and out of the- usual custom
and beyondthe land marke:of the Dome.-
cratic party. Heretofore in all National,
Conventions there have been no nomina
tions made by the Conventionuntil every
State has had the right and been permitted)
tovote for any gentleman in this country
whonfever they might feel disposed tovete
for. If we place in nomination some j
candidates, and should they conclude that
the nominations should close, there would
be no power by which. the Convention
ceuld afterwards go for a man whose name
had - not already been presented to the Con
vention. li second this resolution, because
I considetrit correct and the other resolu
tion incorrect and, contrary to the usages,
and practices of the Democratic party. We 1 1
desire 'that every State shall present and
vote for thetandfdato of -her choice.
Mr. Hammoed California—Now I apps
trend that it will be in order ibr Inc to offer,
m 7 my resolution, as there is no. original rise-
Intim pending. I offer the following reso:
lution as *substitute for the whole matter:
Resolved; That candidates for the Presi
dency may now be placed in nomination,
but that no balloting be had until *plat
form of principles is adopted. [..kpplausera
Mr. Buell, Nevada— not my desire
to occupy the time. of this Convention; but
I desire that the opinion of delegates on
this' part of the resolution, resolved,
that candidatesfor President be now Plated`
in nomination,. and sewed that no ballot
ing be had until the platform is adopted.
Mr. Bigler proposes now to vote upon the
first branch, after which a vote- be
taken upon the latter.
Mr. Bugler, Pa.—Mr. President, r
now withdraw my call for a division.
The question recurred on the resolution
of Mr. Bigler. It was adopted, and the
Convention took a short recess.
Before the five minutes bad elapsed, Jas.
Ponder, of Delaware, moved that the Con
vention do now adjourn. The vote was
taken by States, with. the following result:
ayes, 209,1 nays, 10.
Norn--The names of the delegates from
Territories admitted to seats on the door in
pursuance of a resolution adopted, were
Thomas W. Belts, of Idaho, Thos. E. Ever
shed, of Arizona, .
. -
• , .1.21..... ii
slat the Chair in keeping order carded
under a suspension of the rules.
Gen. McQuade addressed the Convention,
advocating' order, deliberation and de
rum, stating there were ,doubtfess men
present who had beensent byorganizations
representing the opposite perty, and whose
sole 'object was to make ditturbarice. He
therefore moved that a call of the States be
made and resolutions tlmr;front be' read
by their respective cintirine in their order
and referred at 'onee to the Committee.
which' motion was' rmatilraimsly adopted
undera suspension of the reales.
The call of the States was then ca ll ed for
the purpose of nominating-a Sergeinit-at-
Arms ibr each delegation and their mums
announced. .
Then *Cowed, a call of the - Skitea for res
olutionsOn accordance with General Mc-
Ctnade's motion: '
Maine, Vermont andi New Efamhiro
had none to offer.. hfassachusetts offered a
resolution that nemore than bee member
from each delegation be allbwed tespeak
111:K.41 any subject until some other State
had• been heard from. - From New York
resolution one was offered, dectarims the- .
right of natoraliseacitizens of ) the United
States abroad to • the protection of the
American Government; anotbei• protesting
against the conform , negleot with whicirthe
soldiers and• sailers had been treated-in the
distribution of. civil offices, and ap
pointing a committee to correspond
with the Democrago- nominee ;to re=
quest for soldiers and 'sailors a- share in
the government patronage._ Prom New Jer
sey a resolution was read prorviding that the'
Chairman designate aplace-upon the- floor
foreach delegation r and4 hat eachSergeant
at.Arms shall control his own delegation-
The rules were suspended and that resolu
tion paseed. .New Jersey „also offered a
resolution making theadjoisrument, of the
Convention to 3 r: 0x.,.0f same day. - Mary
land reported --a resolution • that it
greenbaoks ware goad 0110tLgir for sol
diers' and saliorst: : orphans,_ they
were good enough ror pain red bond
holders. Deleware offere d tr solatlon de
claring the 7 apostaoy of the Republican
party and the censeqnnut adherence of the and sailors - to' the 1 Democratic
nomination. Ohio declared- its wish" that
peace might speedily- be restored by a_
changein the dominant party.. , Indiana
through, the Chairman- of its,delegation,
stated that it had had a. surfeit of resolu
tions and bad none to offer. 11141018 alfilert•-
ed the wrongfulness of taxation' without •
representation. as imposed oh the Southern
States by the present Congresa -
Then a resolution was offered , out of or
der that no more resolutionS be' dinned,.
and a suspension of the ruleato .allow ita
passage proposed,. but it was.. voted, down.
A resolution] from lificomari nam in g :fen_
Butler was received with -hibis -- When.
read it proved to ' he. .. a': d oa
that he should never. , be allewed
to join the Democratic 'party. Another
was offered advocating the Speedy with
drawal of the national currency and the
substitution of greenbacks. Rent* repor
ted a resolution favoring a mass meeting
of soldiers and sailors for- Triads* even
ing, and that the soldieus of the bite' Con
federacy be invited to
.attend. -
A resolution dire the . iariercui Ser,
geants-at-Armsto re after the olive of
the Convention to li Mn. Eugene Dunning.
Sergeant-at-Anns of the • ConVentiOn, was
carried under a suspension ofthtiris.
It was announced 'that the . Committee
to present an address of the Convention to
the National Democratic Convention would
meet at Moffatt?s Mansion'at 3:30 n. - se., and
the Executive Commi tee at the same,
place at 5 - t% st.
The call of States thencontinued and
lowa offered a resolation moving ii. tote of
thanks to General John A. MeClernand
and three cheers given fdr him; Michigan
recommended a mititery, "' nominee for
-President, but agreed toerulQrse Whatever
patriotic statesman may bonen:dented, and
affirming the linen/K. kty ofticUnion. Maine
offered a -resolution denying its vote to
any man who declared-441ring its progress
that the war was wrong. Another de-
flouncing the prostitutioh of publici-flands
to electioneering purrniseg.' Anotigir en
dorsing Gen. Hancock. -,1
At this ' . the band struck up a inilltaty •
air, and cheers weregiven fer General Han
A. resolution was, offered nomparing the
extra allowanoe tci the soldiers of thirty
three dollars per month and two-thousand
dollars to the members; of Congress as
showing the Radical appreciation of the
military service. - • '
The District of Columiffil offered a rase )
lution declaring that the southern
.electlon - f
returns had been manipulated to suit the .
.necossities of the Radicals and derionnoing 1
such manipulation, rind one declaring
against inflicting fin them by Congress 1
against their will negro suffrage.
Alaska was called, brit if Its delegates 1
were nresent they were speechless, and the
call otStates was then concluded. I
- A motion that When the Convention ad- '.
j )
onrned, that it adjourn until ten a. m.
Tuesday was carried. -
A resolution of ( thanks to the National
Executive Committee for the ample act-- I
cornodations furnished the Cbnvention was
carried under a suspension of the rules.
Adjourned at quarter past three. 1
- • The Convention. ' f
We present on our fourth page an inter- "i
eating . dispatch from• New York-regarding
the Convention, together with a letter from
President Johnson. . t
. - •
The In dians—Removal of Troops.
[ByTelegraph to the Pittsburgh Gluotte'l
ST. Loins, July 4.—An 'Omaha dispatch
says a large body of Indians crossed to the
south side of the Platte rlyer on Thursday,
drover off a number of wood choppers and
\ compelled the mail carrier to return to the
Tort. A detachment of troops was :sent to
Phil /Kearney and Reno is . proceeding
rapidly... The troops - from Reno under
Major .an Vorsh, reached Fort ' Russell
- i Fort Bridger disnatches say about two
thousand Shawnees and Bannock Indiana
h Id a count
al with Gen. Augur On the 2d. e result 'is unknown. A
o Snake Indians left before Pell. Augur
re urnedfrom Salt Lake.
he shipments of gold from Central City
during June amounted to over ti 200,000.
Church Burned—Arrest for. Arson,
LBY Telegraph:to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
BUFFALO, June s. —St. John's Episcopal
Church was entirely consumed by fire last
night, caused by the explosion - of a rocket.
Lo ss 150,000; insured for 130,000,,
A German named Godfried Selgfried was
arrested to-day, charged with arson in
firing his own barn, which resulted in the.
destruction of the residence of Dr. J. Hone_
stein. Loss 110,000; Insured.
t Springfield, Maas., on the Fourth,
river. A waa
t a regatta on , the Connecticut
hree mile race tvsni won by the
L. Parsons and R. IL liawkinkthe
mer rowed by the Union Boat Cliah. , Time
twenty.three minutes -and, eight 880(1,11,4
and , twardy.four , minutes and forty-eignt.
Seconds. The Flttratitr'stood I.o2degrees.