Fl El II NEW - MWmmBIONERNISI Li '1441/HEAP :GENIC POE THE PEOPLE.... Cie QREAT WESTERN-GUN, WORKS have, been teetotal to No. ITte SMITHFIELD STREET, iehrre aboayr Do und the most complete cureortment 11 Onus, Pis to ls, Ammunition' and Sport. i.mg Material, acc., in tee city: All kinds of Gun* .7414 Pietas • carefully repaired. Coe* paid for KEW Y RIFLES and. ER VOZ,VRES. Smut 'teen., illustrated Circular. Agents ' l Dant..'d "en,' neon fri.the United Mates. addreee, R.'JOBtak Tos. rzy Smittipteld Street. Pit:tett - um/4 . I"JOHN 11T. PMVLINCEI Eerrister in Bankruptcy for 23d District. 1 c °Mee, 116 FEDERAL S'FBEET, ALLEGHENY. 051eU hours-5 A. : 14. to SP. nt ...› 37.- NOTICIE.—The meinabers •of r.._,..2 . , NO SURRF.NDER. LODGE. No. 4 , A. ° A will meet at their , H new Hill. corner of and • • Jgad I .lber4 streets, •on ,TUESDAy EVENING . ; uly 7 th, at 'lli Weida. The tgernbera of other Lenges are respectfully invited to attend. , JYt, ', . - B. BEST, Secretary. GRANT AND COLFAX. IILpEGUENY CITY ~. , _ 'l' A meeting of the citizens will be held in the SEC., )Nl.) WARD SCHOOL HOUSE: for Al: pd a rT n os a e y oj - •? 4 rgatitzing a GRANT CLUB, on T ;IN, .1 4 .:N1N0. July 6th, at 53.6 o'ebock. ,Ttepublicsnx iir the Second ward please attend. - ~. tiy order of City Executive Committee. yti:silt • • - ' J. IiteTIONALD Pres't.. WE FOR SAME, 1: At - No, 64; . Sandusky zStneetirt AILLEGUENV CITY?. .13-c:O7 t • . , T O urit*voLl,Eßs...., LARGE , AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0P LADIES', , JCND GENTLEMEN'S ~RAVFLLINQ - SACKS., D'arxanted GC l l ll l l lCTurkey,Moroeeo.„ For sale* . -- E. "ItZAditß; 3rti: 9 3o NO. 110 Market street.. ,=7 E VUPERIOR . FLOUR, - E"..ROlli. CROP OP iseS:' We - are_now •receirtnit a ehoide hit of Southern • i,Crlieat front Tennessee.and• - •Alabama . from which kwe are uow manufiktniing a.sUperior •quality of Family Elthir. equalto the bestbrands In the United r3tates, to which we invite the attention of - dealers Ond eonsittners. Our sacks are sealed and branded -.•::"Crop of 1868, 'Pearl Steam Mill; Atlegtieny, ,, with • • • . .... T.' KENNEDY. & BED . 7, rjy.:1321; 0 5 .) . FOURTH :1/5, ,; JOIN D. BAILEY St uRq ISTOCK AND . REAL' ; ESTATE' BROKERS £ND Al ctioNzEires; - • 1 i'Are prepared to sell st Aactioa &POCKS; Bolllllkt , 1.. 11o.nd alt kindsolit fiEKIIBITIES,' HEAL EBPiTE4 iHOUSEHO,LD FURNITLIEK. &c.',,' eitlier ott' Via ;premises Orat the Board of Trade Rooma. 11, : '...! ',il Particular attention paid. ii:.heretatOre,; talkie' ,csale ofileal Estate at private Ade. , ' - .'',.'.': 11 Bales of Beal Estate in the oonnttq attended.-i. • -. f.; Office. No. WS FOURTH" 8 • • .D 1 :0;1 '• •* - __., MST OF LETTERS ILERLIINEIG unpaired Mt at BBOILANAN-rOSTOFFICIE.: , lily 6th, 1868: A, _ . 0 ' " ''' '• . '.4,Alion .1.18-...-' ' ' • flood'dolui '' ' • . fiAtken James Oilier David ... .. LBrlgy flea . ' ffeatle7Mary.& ' • Marcroft Annie FrairteiJJ •--• • - 1 ~ . rilluoY Jacob Aanrock Amor% artiet Mary Hensel Lucy • I:Bridges Japes J .1 , aMentie-C,Jcitin -: elißren Michael , . addle Mary Jones James ~ •,, „ ausman Harry lit ~ .', Blaney - Wm Kimbel LLtiii * p • bparrett Wm Hey's° James . .11rBarrattioptda E Help* John •• r. • V -- • Haut& JaCkson . I:licirtPr Bros Kelly John .• I,}Chancelor,Porgy ~ L • , i?Clark Mr It Long John ": • • +Campbell & Co* - llt -- •.. •ColetnasslW H. :MillerJos , Cleaveland FS ,i Milholland Miss 7Croner Abram I.lllilis John M tCurran.A , ne !Knout' oertonD ' iCochranltosa , . Me. « 4 Colwe.e Pred'k ' IdUlKeowa Jas ...,,Cunnlng.bam MAI MODotiald•Bobt :ICleary.Thos I Mc Donald Lizie , 'Cox Mr !McCoy. Gang .1.,1 D 'McCoy Mary .1' tDuffy John , McKibben P.llz i Donald son J B McClurg. TbosJ ir, . McCandless Hag Egli° &Busen Mcßride Ruth H Evans Thos C. . ' ,N . . F • . Heel)* Sarah •*l . 11 Frederick ' ' '• ' 0 ' rreel John O'Belly John s. Pollard Thos Ormsby 611 ' Fegan Martin : 1 115 ~., , i ' ABBUTIiOT I SHANNON t' CO'" IZMM3M WOOD ST. g No. 115 'rood St., Pitt@t►tagiy ;poq _ 1 DRY-‹GOODS AND NOTIONg, NnEtc) AT LOWEST MM BLACK SILK SACQUILS. . • • Lama:Lace !Points, SW lll~er Shawls, .' 1! FOB'SALE AT LOW .paics, ak 3 , WHITE, ORB & 00., 26 Filth` Street,. ` BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, ALLEGHENY' C2TY The Executors at the'laie General Robinson will • Five Valuable Building Lets, Situated on the worth Commons; each lot Silk by 170 feet. "These lots are am ng the most desirable for private residence of any to be bad in•the Also. the IIdiaILY. ,, CARRI.AGE and pair of lino 80118144,.with HARN.I3:IS.S a?mplete. • .- Apply:at, pie orticepr • , 4 , • JOHN D. HOBITISON, No. 14 Federal Etrees,•Ailegheny. }e3o:s2B WALL PAPER, AT REDUCED PRICES..‘ 417.1.:Y1at, • • We will offeiour itreaent stock of Wall. Papers at Greatly Reduced price.' A large asrortmeat of SATIN PAPERS. for halls, rooms, eattlaaph Av., at ic0.107 Market Street,near Filth 11„:14:0GHE§ & BRO; 1 , ; HATS; AN , nEmEN gE STOCK. .All the Novelties of tha,Season, AT Breath) . & co.'s, • 7 . - • I BEiIOYA.Le a• •• "'i .t IiAB 11 .1*Ctir Au tivr , t514,11', JellsolliklOr :I A ll* ac ei a►>•e 011ate.1 7,1 ........................................... rr;" '` `" , k* ' A" . WO-W: -NENIAgehmnamitIONEON • ILA AMERICAN BILLIARD- LES AND"dommaNnor cusztomrs • Eradhiptitably the Vest in use. NEW imtntorx- MENTm. Patented Sod. 26th, 1667. and April 21st, 1868. Everything relating to bililarda of the best quality and loWest prides'always qn.bagn...., Our NEW. - CRC TRIMMER, PatelaWl May 1868, price $2.50-3 great success. liluattated price lists sent on application. Address rinELAlst & COLLENDER. 63 65, 67 and 69 CROSBY Bt. New Yoik City.. A EISTRACT FROM THE • . QUARTERLY REPORT OF TDE • THIRD NATIONAL' SAVE OF' I PITTSBORGII, To the Ccdniillrolfeitif Of the' primp MONDAY - DP 117Lx:, Dlseounts' $ 715,656 78 U. S.33o_nds 502.000 00 Real stattf and.Fßctdral ; 46,146 - 07, EXDC seesaw:l6'll%es '6:698'71 Due by Banks 233. 776 08 Ciu3ll , ltenis, t1,12005. , :0n-,11 , 7 4 4 ; - t vi, • Yl t it y 'Pe i ne S i t •rt i tli & coin ..*=.474 00 National Bank -.Notes and -i - ' • :Fractional Currency 13,775;0= 239,24932 • i.", 81;782,457,, tra r Capital _Stock - • - -- ill 500,00000 Circulation 356,740 00 iStirplub Fund..,-.- -- • , -.... ~. ,86,371 VW , DiViatndlienDaidoj . ' * 1, * ' ' '' , J "1t:.2-0 oo Earnins 14,515 19 ;Due to Banks and .Bankers - .113,700,70 . Due to Dep05it0r5'.: , ...:i.1.4017,7•2. Mt t .1 . ~: • - - • 'Du! to United States 62,12161 709,849 83 . . '— - ' • " ' • .1,7g2,457 53 A Goon AtisoitlVENT SkJh. 180 & 182 Federal St, Allegheny. LACE COLLARS, LACE r TfINDKESCHrEFS, LACE KITTS,. Pea* son Patter`' PhIIIIp Eso., Pnipins A,• ,, liobton Lauri RaLsbeek R'S" . Robson Taos: Reese Rent ' ReLlly MOttheyt Bead Partbene ,S, SteverJas Sweat J And a variett of other Fancy Goods. ; 8 - Ryder &:-Phab • Ston'eiroa.J Bf Salllvaft-Mary Smith Richard' Snyder.Bmery Scilottatin'Jacob Sanderg dos ,Smith Margaret , Smith Lewis Telmer , Jacob Tegtiarser Dh Vaughn D; I Wayle & • ' Ward 3.l.arthal. Weiser - Andrew , woods Marasi G 'Woods " I W iwamc D C • Williams I.evr i s Woods Jennie Ward Thos- Ward. Thsmas, I W, I 1* • HAS, P. 31. lb AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal Mt" Allegheny, lye SUMMER- GOODS 6 Boye'i Youth's and Children's. • . , . 81rIMMER CASSIXERE SUITS, LIVEN SUITS, ' • DUCE sl7l'lB. • FLANNEL Burrs.. .ALPioO4..JAOKET 4 4 'ln Every Style, of the Greatest Variety, SUITABLE : FOR TILE PEESENT 'Gentlemen will lid is line assortment White and Brown Duch.:Sults, •, ' Alpacca aiotd .F.lannei Coate, &c.; Etearnetgizg specially made ter p; hy the best otm. Are. as:'Lcror ass Good Godds can be Sold j , at by any rfrza Eaist or treat. GRAY- iSe . -LOGAN' , . 47 St. (der Street. • Mil =Eli CITY HEADQUARTERS 61 1:UV4 LARiiist axon m wEsz , IfmillraciriWa . tillaml 'complete saiortment of SICILL AND. _L9.10.4t :mums Together :With a littge varlcty , Cif fine Exbibltlon " 317 . 1 / 415 / 1 / e,ocoo of all styles.' iisoo Sroae assorted B A 0 0 NS; 5 TO 25 'PEET 4.1112, !h1 oliACk• BB 500 boios eitis ; :400.000 Dealers are solipited to,ersmtue.otir stock I. S tEYNEER 4 BROCIZECER I , 3 ; waousALE ourzerium • 1241 and 12% Wood Street. POTATocs. - • ••f ti tltty iiu totem tt 'arrtsoi. l ilactoolnki K.* .. hiti)LlN!t 31, Sardine?. MU. /lfrll~ YEA emeaamen. 0441tingi4 ME JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, Cubler FAN9Y - it I • t AT WILLIAk ;SEA[PIa'S, !!!!!! I mAnstiLLES, PLAIN ARD FIGURED, JAIXIKET, BBILLIANTE, LANs, d=ierz, MEE GOODS, LAOS SHAWLS, KID. GLOVES, INFANTB! WA.VECTB, • PANS, BLBiTE BUTTONS, - BILE PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, BONNETS, SITNDOWNS, HATS, RIBBOM, FLOWERS, Ic., A. NICE AJssoirnuir, EXTIENEELT LOW PRICEEIi Wholesalee - ana Retail, ::- i =1 TOSPEINDES, AL' ORDERS PliOlklrtLY:FliiEO: GA4ErF : : MONDAY JTTLY 6 1.565. . . That 11,T tri#4,46c4iieli bach's Stomach Bitters , Blood Purifier and Blood Plila are the best medicines extant. tp,cpfe thedls- Mises for whirgpvi - ?;re .r0e,010,4adg].... ..) OK by. all Drygg r istsErprywheil.„ z pimp% There no, medletne:,in. use so. efficaeous . as Dr. Roback's' , Biobd -Purifier land Blood Pille - for , ihe „permanent cure of Blind or Bleeding. Bliss; they strike at the root of ditienee.lberebit removing the cause. . •- , r!, Sold , by all Druggists Eterywhere. TEMPERANCE. - There sa, pertiapsilto onethlng that has done so' iriiiett to promote. the cause of temperatice as that gentle stimulating tonic, Ritback's Stomach Bitters: they strengthen and Auvletate ; yOthoutcOoducing effects stlxiiulamrs. Sold r by all Drugglsts Eyegyvhere. Pirja r • 'Att Pills that have a direcjao4-pewertul action on the liver, and relleie any any'inacfldiy or congested 'state ofithqt4ll..important organ, upon which de; ,teddS th'etihnie - proiefis of digestion. The lotion ince. then, of procuring a Pill that shall have such direct action without the 11i effects of mercury, is `manifest to . ..eitkry,' , .tint; 'sunii lhaback's, Blood they are warranted purely vegetable, sid can with certainty be relied upon, and are safe ttmes.f ,'" I • ‘' 7 t t T • t. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere .4-, niMIGESTIOIT =aphid anoth'irtiiihi.iorlllit4psnida,lhff'.!thep'a'rent of many, iffs. • liwpsch's...l2iciputetu,,Bittsre• . takemin ',each meal, will effect a persoaamit'etite: - D6 tick hike Cour wind for It, but try them.. , ~ • . . Sold by all Druggists Everywhere,. NIGHT Mglt,E Is one of the many disea lsrpf whiett , Dys the parent. To effect a cure .parsons should' avoid hearty food at,cdght, And,take a< wine. Boback's Stomach Bittirs on retiring to bed. .gold by Druggists Everywhere • • . =MEE RENOVATE. During the Springmonths it Is one of the regular honiehold duties to renovate, and, in th' multipli city of other duties one's own self is, great measure, ,overliiolteSe iheitliands of vildable lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves. by; thoVoilartfiitinoiatini4lie system with Dr. Roback's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood ,r wider. _ Sold by'all Droggis' Etiirywliere. Rini MELANCHOLY Is one of ti•e manidiaordera of the neivoris systeitii itiMing from a low state of the constitutional health er severe prostration after lona continued sickness. and requtita Invigorating remedies like Beinek's Stoinsch Bitters to restore the nerves to their natu ral vitality. Sold by alt t/iogghtfs Everrivile're WHO SELLS THEM? : ; The Agents 11,,irjhe sale ' prADIPA.M.`9:O,IAKID PILLS, STOMA‘CII BITTERS and BLOOD PURI FIER are all Drugglata everywhere. , • . IL S. PROPRIETARY bMEI WINE CO; PROPRIETOR, Jeil'atwrTNCl":4l% SUMNER EXCURSIONS. MIKE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL -A RAILROAD COMPARY have ott sale at their *Mee, Union DepOL Pittsburgh, . - ,• • ROUND" TRIP; EXCURSION PICKETS;' TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAY, Enabling parties to visit these popular bathing re sorts.. ancl.rAtliti(bonte at a acioderatO colt. • CAPE MAY PASSENGER!ei can purchase Tickets to se and return by all Railroad, or they can mange ,to take Steam irl either dieeetititi,'Retiretifi'hita delphia and Cape May. . EXCURSION rteirtit srialAo 'foreitle at the above Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL RE- GioNs, siErxixesUlto.(llo: Atfp?itittui Pennsylvania and "sew York. sir PAMPIILETS, containing fall descriptions arctic various Exonclion Robles by this Road, Can be had on upgllcaMon Abe i Union Depat":" W. Jig BEGE.WIWIt, ; - )+1:828 fiIiECTIC SIMMERIORDIIk An; Infallible reinodr for Buhl tiler Complaint. - Vail. rhea, Dybentery,.ll 'owitlug, sour Stomach arid Cholera Itorbus. i s - DR. HARRIS' : A. specific - I'hr' Cholera, Crate' pa an Pain la'th'e Stomach, for Bale by MiIMM & EWING, er of Liberty and Wail:is Streets, Adv:icirs volt J. soiA Damage: svgs RE n~ WHIT LEAD r , •..., • AND " cCOY'S VERDMMEGIIiEEN, only green paint that will litit'iletitiocitity tire. It will look better, last longer and give e perteet ! ",satisrantlon t4ini anr, mint' 14# , het. EATONI4' • • 7,11 X‘Tp. 17 Firth Street. • Sun Umbrellas and' Paradois;l• IN.GREAT VARIETY .11YDRAULiirtEMENUDRAIN 1111 i:neepeat Ana biwt Pipe in the market.Also,ll9- tiL,Nctikt , E YDRA.ULIC CEMENT 401110 r • m. fiefik /4•1111091FATT • mid, sad ilanabiatory-240.11111C1W00A- Anflattelfir• sr Orden by mall -prmaydlyidttaaird TICKET A or,NT CIIIIE, IMIEN ==MMI FANS, MO MI liMill mnrom - 13;EiMzit. ~~'=4~~P~T~ ~ ._ _ . Ns?AITHBTAIQ /-"i[g Manufacturers' recent advance in . , prices, we will eon ne to offer the Largastitek of B sets, Velvets 1 Anillngrain corpe in the city, at t 3 lowest prices hed this `sea son. Jusi receive a few pieces of new and enq ite patterns of Royal Axraineter. 1 OLIVER - roma &.. N CO., • No.- 2S Fifth' Street: SUMMED STOCK " • CARPETSI !,- Whitr,,lied,Clieeked, Striped and Fancy r r TVAST. int GREAT vaitm•rxr., • • • 011 Cloths; ' rbillow' r SLadeh. Sae. IiOVARD,"ROSE & CO, 21 111711 STREET. je29:d4wF MATTING A very superior,quallty of _ . White Fancy Striped And Cheek MAPTINOS, :Jun rweeerze. ' ALL-WOOL IN BRIGHTEST. COLORS. • Prices 'the Lewes t ifi ital' liar - W . .' IacCILLITI ..8R05.,. 51 TIZTR WREST. - abovetWood. 71 -- - 73. • • „ .i - • -::. ::„...: .._:-:-.-4; :, -.....,..-,-;, NEW -:.CARIrIFIR Si.. IticYMII/AND &' COLLINS HAVE . 111,T,ST RECEIVED THE NEWEST 4NI) , BEST . STfl& OF ENGLISH VELVET CARPET lE•Q1/ARTER8 WIDE; Tae and'Rady~ iisQls,` `._ , 7.437.57.1,11 E SELLING The Lowest Prices Reached this Sewn: • . ~ . ~ •....... •:. :uPtiiiiiii!.:)lii-4.004'...'.0p0.i1t-'..'.... DOWN TO $l.lO AND $1.15‘ PER YARD. kcF.ARLAITD -VCOLLtNS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, , • r , SECOND vi.oore. nir.l.:mwraT STE IM CARPET BEAT.T.Na,. ESTABLISHMENT._ `Wadi TEN YE/LEW TRIAL In New York and er Eastern cities has proved a Complete success. • • Ji ••: ADVABITAGENt. ' ' Lt—Fading and Shrinkage are completely e Ad—No ripping apart necessary. " ' • the freed from dust, moths or their larvae, Ous looks nearly as good, as new, save the natural fa ding from wear. • • 4th-When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter, as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of locks. ALL'OIIDERS LEFT AT' THE' crimor, No. 171) 'Liberty Stteer , Or addressed WI: V. Box 47341,111 receive prompt attention _ GEO. L. MeCLINTOCIE, male- • . -•• ; • • PRuPRIETOR. ••• ICE! ICA IiPPIP!: ; t - • Wlll. KREBS . , 'lce Dealer, _ 04. U DIAR10111111: ALLEY, PitiliDareb: `Ord.:T*s4i nem, or it Hand iftiriee Bitdgewill re D etre prompt attention. Wagons running In Pitts. /ratan Atli AlleghatiV• • • • ingrtonfj AKERY FOR SALE,- -I- , warm nortsrm:. Pr i f o lid nu, to; a wog glean. E ng tit re at • - 13V - 44:173:1'5, speamwlP- No. 4o r , ' , . to Alto Ng, ‘ AlleNtianY Ftol l ll — Sti bble E ttii Vosicy IrAntll7 Winter Wbest, •tore. tot !Wetly y 6 • MAIMS' DIOXIN • CO. VEAT • eilfB' - !. l6 • sattikii tr igniv!.• ford:. Pfr ' Lt.( V BY EIXMIESIXTANnoora r _ anD. , AlucTioN ' ~ DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,, ; • - 'WATCHES, EVERY EVENING, (Saioriara excepted° at Si o'clock. at Masonic Hall Auctlint 1400mf, : cps, p l 3, and 57 Huth aura. • t —' SAtITHSON. VANHOOK k McCLELLAND, . Auctioneers. -ALLEGHENY AVENUE,- Corner: OF 01110 AVENUE, PROPERTY, ALLE tiff ENY CITY. THURSDAY MORNING. July Oth; at lOo'Clock,' will be sold. on the premises, In Allegheny City, that very desirable property situate at Ctljaler of A.l . Ileglienv and Ohio ertnues. (the two Ilnest.arenues In Allegheny City.) Allegheny avenue being that unignitlcent new opening, 60 feetwide, to thaliver:l The corner lot 13 144 lest front on Allegheny avenue, and 140 feet In depth to a 15 „feet alley. The excellent Improvement on this lor Is two-stoit HrJek Double Dwelling, with back building, in comPlete repair. containing 10. rooma,:tuelutling bath room. with gas, and hot and cold water . throughout. Also, wash house;stable and other outbuildings. The grounds are tustendlrlaitl- Out In shrubbery,. and with fruit and shade trees. Early possession given of the premises..., , .• .;z'Also, 6 Immeelately adjoining lots, each 24 feet front on Allegheny avenue, and 140 feet In depth to the all9y. This handsome prop.rty Is one of the most coMre- Meat. elegant gnd destrybio an - nations of Allegheny pity. TytnnS—One- JAN kialture,KL : o, ne„.4!ld.tswo jy3 Yell"' with lot- "e1 P.14 4 15L ' AiNe, uctiMiee' —On Tuesday evening; nil , 'rat. at'S o'clock, wall be sold on second ROM, Ctoz,i l 44"e4 l ` Pa4.os Itoome: No. 100SMIttilleld.streett • 4 shares Merchants t ISlanufacturp-5 National Bank. 10 shares Second 'II. 10 •• Citizens Insurance Company. 30 " 31onougalieds .T • n7l Iva . A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. TrOUSES AND LOTS IN ALLE- Jul. GRIMY CITY At 'AUCTION. vu MONDAY; July Bth. at 2rolclotk P. Its;' - wll . 'll . be sold, on the premises, the property No. 15 ' Lin. den st reeto Third wgrd, Allegheny. Ate 0 1 1 40 by 100. the house Is two-story frame, 9 rooms, hall and cellar. Also, feli•j.lieriater. the Honie and , tat No. 17 James street: lot •90' by '6O; 'house brick, live rooms, hall and cellar. Terms—ywo-,thlrds cash, balance, 1a,, , 0ne and two A. LEG A 5 Auctloneerit • 159 Federal Street. AllelnellY, ErtfAtonati PALMER & -11 * Aut i tloNviß-s ,And CinrOnission Itie:rchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, ..Fittribari*l'a. BOOTS, SHOES, 'CARPETS, Dry Goods and ' AT PRIVATE SALE DAY Aitto IthORTRO. Constinusenta Solielteai prompt Be: TO WHEAT - GROWERS.. Fi 1!!:, EUREKA rAMMONIATED BOSE,. SUPERTHOSPELATE OF . LIME , . • , MAlillYA.Vittrtkill BY The Allegheny FertiliZer Co. • • gEWABD A' CAMPBELL, PROPRIETORS. Office, 856 Penn Street, Pittgurgh, Pa. The best Eertillser In use,. and .recd tied by ~ fanners who have given It trial , to be the stand ard for raising large crops of Wheat, 'Rye, oats, Corn, Pout toes, a c. We have published for gratn- Itous circulation a pamphlet containing interestingg . and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies or which will be 'contrite. to any tending uttter ad dress. SLATE. THE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., manalAccure & superior article of Ti00V,11 1 41431. tarVffice, 48 Seventh St., rittsburgkMes • J. S. NEWMVXNEti -n1.7".(164 utittiff , PApiga- 'MOW torrrsia BACTURI2f 9 ; cOMFANT. Mantfacturera of PRINTING AND WRAPPING , PAPERS , CLINTON MILL-6TEUBENTILLILOOrato. BILIGIITON • MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, ,PA. OFFICE AND WARZHOUSZ/ 110.82 Third Street,Tittshurgh Pa. Oiirlcuiti--;AUGUST HA.R.TJEi President. .1:NO. B. LIVINGSTON, Treawnrer.•- SA3IVEL RIDDLE, Secretary. litutterdritS•=jAiagi•tt'Hart,je, ‘ Johte S. H Hartman, John IL I:Winston.. .- • Cash paid for Pacer Stuck. I ja21:688 =ME . . _. -... • riCO !GLASS MAIIILTFACTIIIRERS.— The undersigned hailing secured the sole Agen cy or the tale of the celebrated 1 , ~ _ ~,,.. .c0rt..7.3- rotinky:: -,.., :.,.. ~. ... Are now prapared to furnish it la any quantity to those wtsh Mg to procure Gila superior article: i D rtng-lifteen year) use of this Clau:'we hate - arrived at Touchproportions as we belleye makes it a better article for pots than ally , in the market, we having secured an auerage stand al SIX, SIGUT IMSI'IIiLN MONTHS. We will tarnish recelpes for.ths piopor [don of the mixture of this Clay to pedal:ma purehas- In !. The Clay is ground and moulded :21 lumps fqr deivery ; ' DITITRIIDittE & SON. ": Fort Pitt Glass Works, - . _Washington Street. Pittsburgh, Fa. . IMEI=I ILL. S. TA YEAR • P LIZIT R . N0.'45 61110 EITILEETicAIIeghInY. Thankful faattiafonnei very liberal patronage ,(hawed upon me, I assure my friends and the pubitc geeegally that, in the future as in, the past , ' I shall endeavor diligently to' merit,* continuance of the same, and will be always at the shop from 7 t 0.9 A. M. and from 1 to 3 r. M. my21:014, WASHINGTON MILLS • . - wesillawfutvil STREET, •. r' - Near Pittsburgh Grata Elevator ' . , • IN'.. A.N3DEREioN i i. manufactures of CORN MEAL 'BYE FLOUR and °HOPPED' - PEED. Orders delivered In either - elty . free of charge. Grain', of all kinds - chopped, and Oorn shelled Cal short notice: • - - - • ST COMMON Machine-Stone •47Voi•ies, Noithwest comer - of West Common, Allegheny • FR.Z.WF ATV4LTE* dr. CO. . il an sie st o e n v b s iui ton d ea O . i_tr i e n tre fo o r o ssehotertwanitoi4tici:o. Brewery Vaults, dm:Ale:lid littPlomh Stones., do. . 0 Ordera promptly executed. ' Prices reasonable. .14FAUCEVAL BECKETT, IXECUANICAL ENGINEER, , . designed. (Late of F. F. W. & C L: .j ut liA N: 9 :: : :n efi kva : L / o . lll , TRAyto.d i iv :i . Office, No. 79 FEDERAL ETICEEYRooni No:4, I I IN( " M B t ta sAs O i r u ff r ;i u N FI P U E . h • R it :Y N ' d . „ .A B o c o f rE x a r a . 1 5 i , : t t i de u o R A L i s e a ro e L 1 1 :0 1 i 0 a is ,-, signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. gatents con" ildenttally sol i cited .; . al- Ant EVEN] U Malt: IND CLASS for mechanics every -WEDNOIDAI TRANSPARENT GREEN _ CLOTH, for Window Shades—suoorinT OlL quality and lower la price 0, 8 4_ puma cture*Annthnr /lager 'aunplj• stui Marina widths Just rewired from factory..J. a PHILLIPS, = • *gs and 2.113 St Clair Woes": lItNDLi RUBBER BELTING AND STICAM PACHINU.—A full stock on hand at all ook.'ooll of the . best ,quitliti. -Pintos wilatialf to. 111. up mills or 'howl where BelOnitla Mildred. lern Ilnd our trims us low as asartm.uou ,to Ike Moot, and trash% saved. J. & 1111.4.011, sitii4l l 4 l l l B obi 4 stmt. _ BY A. WILWAINE. L I= MIE r`-': 1 • 7 1 I=ZE PlTl'StillltOl7 NATIONAL BANN OF C01LV,„ 8 ,./(CE, } • • Jury 241,,418 7‘ 4 ' • DIRECTOI _OF :THIS BANE havOblgile ificatiNti k tett:Toils ; of FIVE (5) PER CENT., out of the profits eef the .1 flast sic months, payable on and after the 6th ILISt, free of Government tax. jy4:s43 4GSEtlirlerthra:4iithiett. PENZ , YLVANIA INSURANCE CO., t Pittsburgh, June 39, 1868. f N -- '11 1 .11E BOARD of DIRECTOR OF THIS CO3IPANY have this day de- ~ -eared a Dividend of FOUR (4) PER CRNIP.4 matt • or the profits of the last. six months, psYayn i.liSt 101 14 of July. fir cash to the stoci litl holders f paid, and to be oredite4Ati the stock note of Mei par: paid stock. jya:sif ITTJGH 16eFLIIE*V. See7etary. UNION 1 ATION:4M BA.IIIB - 'July Isi; 1868; The Direetßrs of tnls !tank ha v e this aay &eared" a Dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT.- • out .of, t.tasa•V profits of the last six months. free of 17nited . States and mate taxes, par able on demand."' 7 .1111:s:13 R. a 13,1f1 . tCavalier- AL LIGII ENT NATIONAL BANS./ . • t i • • • PITTSBUItqII,,JLOY 1 ,- 18G& , ,1. 1 nr'TEFE DIRECTORS .01011110, , 1 DANK have tlilsdav'deciared a semi-alma— at Dividend of • • kx - rEn mitt., ~-'; • , - - ---' Paymble on and after Um 6th Inst. free of. Govern.. went or State tax.. .•• R...W. MACKEY, jy - 2.....41 -- Cashier. ------- 4 . --... e , 11 .}:eirk . iret ' NTION Xi. WANK, } P n - X j' ' rrrsnuttn, July 1,181 W. fgr'A DIVIDEI1(1/ OF_ EIGHT PER CENT., Free or taxes, will be paist on aid aster TUESDAY. ;July 144blavt: t . 3 j3l-9Z3 Cashier. OFrian A t.t.EGIZEZCw, But DGE CO. r'lldiV.liliglVEl.—The President, .MANAGERS and Company for erecting a Bridge over the .Allegheny River,. upposak C1n.21.11.e• Ca - Linty. of - AiteXittqll4 hate f „.„ t • ared a Dividend of SEVEN .Pkitt CENT. on the. Hal Stock of the Company* lehtelfivill be pals to Stockholders or their legal I Lepresentatives, by the Treasurer forthwith. W. RC/SEBMIG. Treasurer. 'CLBVELAND E PITTSBURGH RAILEDAII&OuNPBAT., Me 01thMeteecretary and e rextik, CLEVELAND, June 23d, 1868. 3 ggFA DIVIDEND OF - TWO PER C.E1'!17.. tree,of Government tepc,fteut the OeCearningi, of We Company: i bis behtt ' deClareA; and made payable on the 10th day of July next, to gteekholders remstered ik .New "Xerk,,nt.,thootllce 'of Ahe Farmers , Loin - and t`tutit`CoMptivy; 'end ini - Stockho.ders regLstered In Cleveland at the - office of the ' rceltreefltio,Cllelitigne,4-:-ThlaWatilifitg.ls Books will be closed July Ist and re-opened July . •- 11th. A.42;rdziooLt,T 1e77:138 17° Treisiit4t. Q y - WESTERN - • - SAYINGS' f I . _ PITT!M ' BIGIi/June 3CitbV2B6s:. 'The Direi3terihaili Of; DIVIDEND OF 4 PER tENV4. Payable on and after duly let • J 4 111 . p4 N. BEL 4 CasJiler, jr1:538 IVA • • NOTICES irgrREOPLE'S: SWINGS BANAL 01r -PlT'FdliiiB6l4; dentellfil, - 41€1843: t- &N .'ELECTION for Nine Trustees, to -serve for the neat two years, w ilt he-held at the 'Baal, No. 80 'Fourth street, on TIESDAY, July 7th, 1888. between the hourtg 10 o'clock! A.X.,antl 51) : 1 4 - 6. r:VoN nolcNittansT; • .•• Secretary and Treasurer. ie=:r9.9 _...,- . ... ; .. OFFXCE Ok i lINIO.N,PACIFIO 4CATLWA.I,OO.4I- , 4, -. Eastern Division, PIITLADECPSIX. :IrlitY2isth,,' 1888:: • TILE INTEREST, IN GOLD, _.-- on the FIRST "MORTGAGE. BONDS ON' TIC; TTNION• PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, 8.-ASTERN . .DLYILSION,cdrieJnne 15tf.1.868; will tier , f' --• paid on preseittitfeli Air the Coupons therefor, at- •-- - ',,. C the Banking House of DABNEY, MORGAN & 0., 53 Exchange ?lace, New York, on and after that ate. . - . WM. 'J. ,PALMER, ' • snfra:q6s.WPity - '-' '• - ' • ' Treasurer, [S "'N IMPAPI,E• .1 :I' The Members of the .Clty _ Are requestti niee 1 41 1. : -44-1 At NI o'clock P. at. A toll ettendance M desired, as business 91:Mr . ...1mmtace will Ile brought ! ecof.,, meeting. . . • JOSEPH A. BUTLER, Caen. A -L . PEAM4-. THE C,OVRONS s.: Aar: ..rIBST MORTGAGE BONDS OF-THE:I UNION PiWy4l4oo,#(oo4tli.•••• :3131:TE, JULY Ist, 1868, Wlll be paid on and after that date, IIirGOLD COIN, Fre6tot Go.ye;nmeht''Tal,' At. the CompanT. , . s.,94lce,. No. 0 NASSAU Wr•A- New York. ' ' • Schedule,ll .r. with twenty or more ooupons, now be received , tor - Viambiation; /kola eliicite ter ::!• I C. the none will be , delivered June.3oth. ' JOHN a. CIKO, Treasurer. Jels:rBO _ ' DOLLAR • No. 65,FourIh Street : $2,161,72019. ASSETS Open daily froma to 2 o'clock, _• also on WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY,_,- ValtrENGlS;AVoti.,May Ist to November Ist, frum - V•to"Bo'cloelc, and from No vember Ist to :day Ist, front 6 to S o'clock. Deposits received of all suinsUrnot less thatiONZ •' DOLLAR, and' a dividend Of the Preete d ee/ a mt . twice a year, in June and December. Interest has beett declaretlactal4nmially In June and December , since the.Bastkatraa organized, at the rate of.siEPer cent. a year. ' Interest, if not drawn out. Islacid to the credit of the depositor as princiPth andL"'"''' the same in terest from theist days ofJ nee and Decem b er emir' pounding twice& year without trent:fling the uepces- - • tort tO call, or even to present hie pass book. At • . this rate money will double in less than twelve years. 'Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules ant Regul a ti on ." furnished gratps; on application 'igen °face. 'rLOEOßOE ' • PrinsiDEN VICE ruzst DENTE: John 13. Backofen A. M. Pollock, M. D., Benj. L. Pahnesuick,• •, Robert Robb, James Hardman, John H. Shoenbarger, James McAuley, James Shidle, :James Heeds, Alexander S peer,. • Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Years, TittSTEES: •_ • Wm. J. Anderson, Robert C. Loomis, Calvin Adams, I ilenru J. Lynch, John C. Bindley, .l Peter A. Madeira, 'Cteorsre Black,; 'W alter I'. HUI Burgwin, I 'Walter I'. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, John B. McFadden, , Charles A. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, - ,jbhn Evans ; r - • iraitry_Ll-RingataltOt John J. GilleiPte' ' E.Schmertz; William 8. Alexander Tlndle, Peter H. Hunker, William Van Kirk. Richard Hays , ; Isaac Whittler s -) James D. 'Rely. Wm. D. Weyman. ,ThEmitiEcu-CHAR ES A. COLTON ;lISCRET.Son • r-JABIES 13.. I). MENDS 'F. 'w. C. FELD • • DE AI:ERWIN GrATE, cIuRLEp ELA.IR , _ Tannete - ScillPs) tero9ll:erittlii Ita4): 1 / 41 - BONES, NEAT'S FOOTOLL -86 C, ' (Moe and Warundune;. $33, romratirr ST., do from Wayne. • .e; PITTS airaoll, T• ma EIi 4 R.AV • Cti Li M 4 s 4 , .tt %NKS. • '-t" . 41)1V 'lrcitrivo BOARDING ABU DRY! 76: rj , and 1529 'Mit-Weights, ra... 4 win re- wt. alutii rAY eept .flad'.." , -menett33 . hilltrollirr of - the Popo and •• i s r.,mipt,,, R ui In the IthitttAtet. .' • • ; , •:a lalt+• iltA,i)&hir. • y..ertucipat. ,T EMI 6. . _..c EINI .5' , Chainmin. il5 EINES ~tk. ,_ ME ,-, - ''', c , ••,.. s', A.l.:i. 77. b -,iit..•• • • . •-,t,'-1.4,52.e -